RNS Number : 9222O

Rare Earths Global Limited

26 September 2013

26 September 2013

Rare Earths Global Limited

("REG" or the "Company")

Interim Results

For the period ended 30 June 2013

Rare Earths Global Limited (AIM: REG), a leading mining services group focused on the extraction, separation, refinement and trading of rare earth elements, oxides and other related products, is pleased to announce its interim results for the period ended 30 June 2013.


   -     Production on hold with revenue limited to RMB0.24million (H1 2012: RMB52.8million ); 
   -     Net loss RMB3.4million (H1 2012: 29.4million) 
   -     Significant slowdown in the Chinese rare earth market due to the impact of new legislation; 
   -     No production / export quota granted for 2013 but expected in late 2013/early 2014. 

Commenting on the results, Simon Ong, Chief Executive of REG said, "Trading for H1 2013 was exceptionally difficult as increased regulation by the Chinese Government has restricted production and created much uncertainty among all market participants. The Board's prime focus is now to consider a number of options to help secure the appropriate production licences and quotas as soon as possible so we might return to normal trading."

* All amounts are in RMB unless otherwise stated

- Ends -

For further information:

 Rare Earths Global Limited 
 Simon Ong, Chief Executive          Tel: +86 755 8633 
  Officer                                         6388 
 Brian Ho, Finance Director   www.rareearthsglobal.com 
 Charles Stanley Securities 
 Nominated Adviser & Broker 
 Dugald J. Carlean / Carl           Tel: +44 (0) 20 
  Holmes                                  7149 6000 

Business Review

Trading in the rare earth industry in China continues to be extremely difficult. As set out in the statement of our Annual Results announced on 1 July 2013, the Board appointed consultants to work with local and national government in order to secure ongoing production quota's and provide guidance on the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ("MIIT") requirements. We further announced that this would result in a material reduction in revenues as the Sanxie plant would cease production. As expected, our revenues are materially down as the rare earth industry in China has slowed considerably whilst the Chinese Government begins to implement its White Paper on Rare Earth and follow up on statements made by MIIT. Furthermore, as previously announced, in August 2012 the MIIT released a statement which recommended that mixed rare earth mines in China will have to produce a minimum of 20,000 metric tonnes a year and smelters will have to ensure annual output of 2,000 tonnes. In doing this the Chinese Government is seeking to limit the number of market participants, prevent illegal smuggling and help underpin falling rare earth prices.The Companies rare earth smelting and separation plant has a maximum production capacity of circa 800 tonnes and therefore does not met these new criteria. In addition to the above, the new Chinese Government took office in April creating even more uncertainty among market participants as they await the appointment of the officials responsible for the rare earth industry and ultimately what their policy will entail.

The Board continues to focus on securing compliance with the White Paper (i.e. increase production capacity at Sanxie to 3,000 tonnes+). In achieving this, as mentioned above, we have employed third party consultants to assist expedite securing production and export quotas for the separation plant at Sanxie In addition the Board continue their dialogue with state owned businesses and Chinese nationals who are well placed within the mining and resources industry to assist the Board in achieving this strategy. The Board also continues to monitor the international landscape as aggressive pricing presents corporate opportunities in the global rare earth market. We hope to update shareholders on our progress with these discussions in due course.

Separation & Smelting

As further explained in our Annual Results and above, it has become increasingly difficult to secure meaningful production quotas in the rare earth industry in China. There continue to be delays from the Government in providing production quotas for a number of separation and smelting plants including REG despite our plant at Sanxie being fully operational and all relevant documentation having been filed with the authorities. As the production quota has still yet to be granted for 2013 this has meant that although the plant is operational no production is taking place as we await the regulatory approval which is expected in late 2013/early 2014.

Mining Services and Trading Divisions

As a result of the above many of the operating rare earth mines in China have ceased production until official quota's have been released. This has meant that although the Company's mining services division retains its agreements with its ongoing partners these have been put on hold as many asset owners are experiencing similar issues to the Company in achieving production quota's. In addition, as no export quota has been granted in 2013 the Company has been unable to make use of its trading licence during the period under review.


In the short term the Company has no option but to continue to aggressively pursue its objectives in the methods as set out above and whilst managing its cost base as prudently as possible. The second half of 2013 will see trading on the same level as the first half until production quotas and licences are secured. The Board remain optimistic for the long term outlook for the rare earth industry, especially for heavy rare earths, as demand continues to rise both in China and internationally. We look forward to updating shareholders on our progress in securing the relevant licences and quota's and any third party agreements in due course.

Financial Review

Revenues for the six months ended 30 June 2013 were RMB0.24 million, as compared to RMB52.8 million for the six months ended 30 June 2012, reflecting a decrease of 99.5%. Gross losses amounted to RMB1.02 million (H1 2012: gross profit of RMB11.3 million). The decrease reflected the deteriorating operating environment in the rare earth industry as outlined above. Net loss for the six months ended 30 June 2013 improved 88.3% to RMB3.4 million (H1 2012: Net loss of RMB29.4 million).

Total operating expenses for the six months ended 30 June 2013 decreased to RMB8.7 million (H1 2012: RMB36 million). Administrative expenses decreased to RMB3.9 million as compared to RMB12.1million for the period ended 30 June 2012. Share based payment expenses were RMB4.7million for current period as compared to RMB23.1 million for the same comparative period last year.

In period under review, Mr. Tong Man Tak, a shareholder of the Company granted an extension to the interest- free amount due to him to 31 March 2015. As a result of the modification of the agreement, RMB7.2million was recoginsed as interest income for the period ended 30 June 2013.

Decrease in the Company's net basic and diluted losses per share for the six months ended 30 June 2013 of RMB5.1 cents as compared to RMB49 cents basic and diluted losses per share for the six months ended 30 June 2012.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Simon Ong, Chief Executive Officer

26 September 2013



                                          Six months     Six months 
                                             ended          ended 
                                 NOTES    30-Jun-13       30-Jun-12 
                                             RMB             RMB 
                                         (unaudited)     (unaudited) 
 Revenue                           4          247,573      52,883,571 
 Cost of sales                            (1,277,121)    (41,520,165) 
                                        -------------  -------------- 
 Gross (loss)/profit                      (1,029,548)      11,363,406 
 Other operating income                    10,115,718         332,044 
 Selling and distribution 
  costs                                             -       (735,614) 
 Administrative expenses                  (3,966,580)    (12,173,136) 
 Share based payment 
  expenses                                (4,767,408)    (23,117,745) 
 Finance costs                            (4,101,109)     (3,383,487) 
                                        -------------  -------------- 
 Loss before tax                          (3,748,927)    (27,698,787) 
 Income tax credit/(expense)       5          311,482     (1,724,541) 
                                        -------------  -------------- 
 Loss for the period                      (3,437,445)    (29,423,328) 
                                        -------------  -------------- 
 Other comprehensive 
 Exchange differences 
  arising on translation                  (1,016,750)               - 
                                        -------------  -------------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  expense for the period                  (4,454,195)    (29,423,328) 
 Loss for the period 
  attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the 
  Company                                 (3,428,101)    (30,524,207) 
 Non-controlling interests                    (9,344)       1,100,879 
                                        -------------  -------------- 
                                          (3,437,445)    (29,423,328) 
                                        -------------  -------------- 
 Loss and total comprehensive 
  for the period attributable 
 Equity holders of the 
  Company                                 (4,444,851)    (30,524,207) 
 Non-controlling interests                    (9,344)       1,100,879 
                                          (4,454,195)    (29,423,328) 
                                        -------------  -------------- 
                                              RMB 5.1 
   - BASIC AND DILUTED             7            cents    RMB 49 cents 
                                        -------------  -------------- 


AT 30 JUNE 2013

                                            As at 30       As at 31 
                                  NOTES      Jun-13         Dec-12 
                                              RMB            RMB 
                                          (unaudited)     (audited) 
 Non-current Assets 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                         9       19,781,439     21,438,148 
 Prepaid lease payments                      3,416,610      3,456,770 
 Deposit paid for acquisition 
   property, plant and 
    equipment                               11,200,000     11,000,000 
                                         -------------  ------------- 
 Total non-current assets                   34,398,049     35,894,918 
 Current Assets 
 Inventories                                50,247,109     47,477,468 
 Prepaid lease payments                         80,320         80,320 
 Trade and other receivables 
  and prepayments                   8       65,932,154     73,504,836 
 Bank balances and cash                        931,292      8,400,314 
                                         -------------  ------------- 
 Total current assets                      117,190,875    129,462,938 
 Total assets                              151,588,924    165,357,856 
                                         -------------  ------------- 
 Capital and Reserves 
 Share capital                     12          426,985        426,985 
 Reserves                                 (39,522,390)   (39,844,947) 
                                         -------------  ------------- 
 Equity attributable 
  to owners of the Company                (39,095,405)   (39,417,962) 
 Non-controlling interests                     703,600        712,944 
                                         -------------  ------------- 
 Total Deficit                            (38,391,805)   (38,705,018) 
 Non-current Liabilities 
 Deferred taxation liabilities               2,576,810      2,888,292 
 Amount due to related 
  parties                          11      158,607,747    100,074,846 
                                         -------------  ------------- 
 Total non-current liabilities             161,184,557    102,963,138 
 Current Liabilities 
 Trade and other payables 
  and accruals                     10       13,785,850     22,231,758 
 Amounts due to related 
  parties                          11        6,875,747     68,071,568 
 Bank borrowing                              7,000,000      8,450,000 
 Taxation payable                            1,134,575      2,346,410 
                                         -------------  ------------- 
                                            28,796,172    101,099,736 
 Total Equity and liabilities              151,588,924    165,357,856 
                                         -------------  ------------- 



Attributable to equity holders of the Company

                                            Share                                                                      Non- 
                               Share       options        Other        Accumulated    Translation                   controlling 
                  capital     premium      reserves      reserves        losses        reserves       Sub-total      interests       Total 
                    RMB         RMB          RMB           RMB             RMB            RMB            RMB            RMB           RMB 
 At 1 
  (audited)       426,985   134,513,713   27,824,313   (60,727,845)   (141,365,470)      (89,658)    (39,417,962)       712,944   (38,705,018) 
                 --------  ------------  -----------  -------------  --------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ------------- 
  period                -             -    4,767,408              -     (3,428,101)             -       1,339,307       (9,344)      1,329,963 
  expense               -             -            -              -               -   (1,016,750)     (1,016,750)             -    (1,016,750) 
                 --------  ------------  -----------  -------------  --------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ------------- 
  period                -             -    4,767,408              -     (3,428,101)   (1,016,750)         322,557       (9,344)        313,213 
                 --------  ------------  -----------  -------------  --------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ------------- 
 At 30 
  (unaudited)     426,985   134,513,713   32,591,721   (60,727,845)   (144,793,571)   (1,106,408)    (39,095,405)       703,600   (38,391,805) 
                 --------  ------------  -----------  -------------  --------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ------------- 

Attributable to equity holders of the Company

                      Share         Share       options       Other        Retained                    Non-controlling 
                     capital       Premium      reserves     reserves       (loss)       Sub-total        interests         Total 
                       RMB           RMB          RMB          RMB           RMB            RMB              RMB             RMB 
 At 1 January 
  2012 (audited)     29,500,430            -            -   12,399,000     26,854,111     68,753,541        35,089,922    103,843,463 
                  -------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ----------------  ------------- 
  of shares             401,517   63,362,134            -            -              -     63,763,651                 -     63,763,651 
  on the 
  Reorganization   (29,500,430)            -            -   29,115,296              -      (385,134)                 -      (385,134) 
  share based 
  payments                    -            -   23,117,745            -              -     23,117,745                 -     23,117,745 
 Profit and 
  income for 
  the period                  -            -            -            -   (30,524,207)   (30,524,207)         1,110,879   (29,423,328) 
                  -------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 At 30 June, 
  (unaudited)           401,517   63,362,134   23,117,745   41,514,296    (3,670,096)    124,725,596        36,190,801    160,916,397 
                  -------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -------------  -------------  ----------------  ------------- 



                                      Six months     Six months 
                                         ended          ended 
                                       30-Jun-13     30-Jun-12 
                                          RMB           RMB 
                                      (unaudited)   (unaudited) 
 Losses before tax                    (3,748,927)   (27,698,787) 
 Adjustments for: 
  Depreciation of property, 
   plant and equipment                  1,898,432      2,059,504 
  Amortisation of prepaid 
   lease payments                          40,160         40,160 
  Amortisation of other intangible 
   assets                                       -        717,078 
  Share based payment expenses          4,767,408     23,117,745 
  Finance costs recognised 
   in profit and loss                   4,101,109      3,383,487 
  Interest income                     (7,272,306)       (24,068) 
  Loss on disposal of property, 
   plant and equipment                          -        410,580 
                                     ------------  ------------- 
 Operating cash flows before 
  movements in working capital          (214,124)      2,005,699 
 Increase in inventories              (2,769,641)    (1,937,396) 
 Decrease/(increase) in trade 
  and other receivables and 
  prepayments                           7,472,283   (34,806,982) 
 Decrease in trade and other 
  payables and accruals               (8,445,908)   (10,033,271) 
                                     ------------  ------------- 
 Cash used in operations              (3,957,390)   (44,771,950) 
 Interest received                            591         24,068 
 Income tax paid                      (1,211,835)    (3,398,382) 
                                     ------------  ------------- 
  ACTIVITIES                          (5,168,634)   (48,416,264) 
 Purchase of property, plant 
  and equipment                         (241,723)      (167,656) 
 Deposit paid for acquisition 
  of property, plant and equipment      (200,000)              - 
                                     ------------  ------------- 
  ACTIVITIES                            (441,723)      (167,656) 
 Repayment of bank borrowing          (1,500,000)      (375,000) 
 Interest paid                          (274,603)    (1,722,088) 
 Advance from (repayment to) 
  related parties                          78,004   (30,405,423) 
                                     ------------  ------------- 
  ACTIVITY                              1,696,599     30,876,006 
  CASH EQUIVALENTS                    (7,306,956)   (17,473,914) 
  AT 1 JANUARY                          8,400,314     23,892,468 
 Effect of foreign exchange 
  rate changes                          (162,066)              - 
                                     ------------  ------------- 
  AT 30 JUNE 
  represented by bank balances 
   and cash                               931,292      6,454,554 
                                     ------------  ------------- 


For the SIX months ended 30 JUNE 2013

   1.            GENERAL INFORMATION 

Rare Earths Global Limited (the "Company") is an exempted company incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability on 8 February 2012. The Company's registered address is Cricket Square, Hutchins Drive, P.O. Box 2681, Grand Cayman KY1-1111, Cayman Island. The Company's shares were traded on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange Plc.

The Company together with its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the "Group") is principally engaged in the production, separation and refining of rare earth products and provisions of mining management services.

This condensed consolidated interim financial information has not been audited.


The reorganisation

Rare Earths Global Limited (the "Company") was incorporated in the Cayman Islands on 8 February 2012. In preparation for the listing of the Company's shares on the London Stock Exchange's market for smaller and growing companies ("AIM") in March 2012, the Group executed the following restructuring transaction (the "Restructuring"). The Company became the holding company of Dressport Limited ("Dressport") and its subsidiaries pursuant to a share exchange agreement relating to the sale and purchase of shares in Dressport dated 7 March 2012 (the "Share Exchange Agreement"). The Company acquired the entire equity interest in Dressport from its shareholders by means of share exchange whereby 60,994,790 ordinary shares of the Company were issued to the shareholders of Dressport, at par credited as fully paid, in exchange for all the outstanding ordinary shares (50,829) of Dressport. The share exchange was conducted with a ratio of 1,200 shares of the Company to one share of Dressport on a pro-rata basis. Thereafter, the Company has become the holding company of Dressport and its subsidiaries.

The consolidated financial statements of the Group have been prepared using the principles of the merger accounting involving Dressport and its subsidiaries, as if the group structure under the Restructuring have been in existence since their respective dates of incorporation.

The shares of the Company were listed on AIM with effect from 30 March 2012.

Basis of Preparation

This interim report, which incorporates the financial information of the Company has been prepared on the historical cost basis except for certain financial instruments that are measured at fair values, as appropriate; using accounting policies which are consistent with those set out in the Company's consolidated financial statement for the year ended 31 December 2012 except for adoption of new standards and interpretations effective 1 January 2013 as described in note 3 below

The unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements are presented on a condensed basis as permitted by IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' and therefore do not include all disclosures that would otherwise be required in a full set of financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the 2012 annual consolidated financial statements .

This interim financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2013, was prepared in accordance with IAS 34 and thereby International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"), as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB"); and was approved by the Board of Directors on 25 September 2013.

          IFRS 1 Amendments       Amendments to IFRS 1 First-time 
                                   adoption of International 
                                   Financial Reporting Standards 
                                   - Government Loans 
          IFRS 7 Amendments        Amendments to IFRS 7 Financial 
                                    Instruments: Disclosures 
                                    - Offsetting Financial 
                                    Assets and Financial Liabilities 
          IFRS 10                 Consolidated Financial 
          IFRS 11                  Joint Arrangements 
          IFRS 12                  Disclosure of Interests 
                                    in Other Entities 
          IFRS 10, IFRS 11 and    Amendments to IFRS 10, 
           IFRS 12 Amendments      IFRS 11 and IFRS 12 - Transition 
          IFRS 13                 Fair Value Measurement 
          IAS 1 Amendments        Amendments to IAS 1 Presentation 
                                   of Financial Statements 
                                   - Presentation of Items 
                                   of Other Comprehensive 
          IAS 19 (2011)           Employee Benefits 
          IAS 27 (2011)           Separate Financial Statements 
          IAS 28 (2011)           Investments in Associates 
                                   and Joint Ventures 
          IFRIC-Int 20             Stripping Costs in the 
                                    Production Phase of a Surface 
          Improvements to IFRSs   Amendments to a number 
           2009-2011 Cycle         of IFRSs issued in June 

The adoption of these new and revised IFRSs had no significant financial effect on the interim result of the Group.


IFRS 8 requires operating segments to be identified on the basis of internal reports about components of the Group that are regularly reviewed by the Chief Operating Decision Maker ("CODM") of the Group to allocate resources to the segments to assess their performance.

The Group determines its operating segments based on the report reviewed by the directors of the Group, who are also the CODM, to make strategic decisions.

Information reported to the Group's CODM for the purposes of resource allocation and performance assessment focuses specifically on the separation and sales rare earth products, the mining management services, and the trading of rare earth products. Accordingly, the Group categorizes its business into three operating segments, namely (i) separation and sales of rare earth products; (ii) mining management services; and (iii) trading of rare earth product

Separation of rare earth products - production and sales of rare earth products .

Mining management services - provides mining management servicesand technical supportto PRC rare earth mining companies and factories in the PRC.

Trading of rare earths products - trading of rare earth products in the PRC and overseas.

The Group's CODM make decisions according to the operating results of each segment.

Information of segment assets and liabilities is not part of the regular reports provided to the Group's CODM for the purpose of resources allocation and performance assessment. Accordingly, only segment results are presented.

Segment result represents the gross profit earned by each segment based on internal management reports prepared in accordance with accounting policies similar to the accounting rules and financial regulations applicable to enterprises in the PRC, without allocation of other income, changes in fair values of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, selling and distribution costs, administrative expenses and finance costs. This is the measure reported to the chief operating decision makers for the purposes of resource allocation and assessment of segment performance.

For the six months ended 30 June 2013

              Separation      Mining 
                  and        Management 
                Sales         service       Trading     Aggregated 
                 RMB            RMB           RMB           RMB 
             (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
  revenue               -       247,573             -       247,573 
  result                -       206,272             -       206,272 
            -------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 

For the six months ended 30 June 2012

             Separation      Mining 
                 and        Management 
                Sales        service       Trading     Aggregated 
                 RMB           RMB           RMB           RMB 
             (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
  revenue     36,745,468     4,962,500    11,175,603    52,883,571 
  result       8,594,256     2,300,217     1,704,753    12,599,226 
            ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 

For the six months ended 30 June 2013

Reconciliation of segment revenue and segment results of the Group

 Total segment and 
  group revenue                  247,573 
 Total segment results:          206,272 
  Adjustment for 
   depreciation              (1,235,820) 
 Total Group gross 
  losses                     (1,029,548) 
 Other operating 
  income                      10,115,718 
 Administrative expenses     (3,966,580) 
 Share based payment 
  expenses                   (4,767,408) 
 Finance cost                (4,101,109) 
 Loss before taxation        (3,748,927) 

Other segment information

                    Separation      Mining 
                        and        Management                   Segment                      Group 
                       Sales        service       Trading        total      Unallocated      total 
                        RMB           RMB           RMB           RMB           RMB           RMB 
                    (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
 Amount included 
  in the measure 
  of segment 
  of property, 
  plant and 
  equipment             570,040        92,572             -       662,612     1,235,820     1,898,432 

For the six months ended 30 June 2012

 Total segment and 
  group revenue                52,883,571 
 Total segment results:        12,599,226 
  Adjustment for 
   depreciation               (1,235,820) 
 Total Group gross 
  profit                       11,363,406 
 Other operating 
  income                          332,044 
 Selling and distribution 
  costs                         (717,079) 
 Administrative expenses     (12,173,136) 
 Share based payment 
  expenses                   (23,117,745) 
 Finance cost                 (3,383,487) 
 Profit before taxation        27,698,787 

Other segment information

                           and       Management                    Segment                      Group 
                          Sales        service       Trading        total      Unallocated      total 
                           RMB           RMB           RMB           RMB           RMB           RMB 
                       (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
 Amount included 
  in the measure of 
  segment result 
 Depreciation of 
  property, plant 
  and equipment            772,211        43,947             -       816,158     1,243,346     2,059,504 
   5.            INCOME TAX EXPENSE 
                             Six months    Six months 
                                ended         ended 
                              30-Jun-13     30-Jun-12 
                                 RMB           RMB 
                             (unaudited)   (unaudited) 
 Current tax: 
    PRC Enterprise Income 
     Tax ("EIT")                       -   (1,965,346) 
    Deferred tax                 311,482       240,805 
                                 311,482   (1,724,541) 
                            ------------  ------------ 

The provision for PRC current income tax is based on a statutory rate of 25% (six months ended 30 June 2012: 25%) of the assessable profit of the entities comprising the Group as determined in accordance with the relevant income tax rules and regulations of the PRC.

   6.            DIVIDENDS 

No dividend was paid or proposed during the period presented, nor has any dividend has been proposed since the end of the reporting period.

   7.            EARNINGS PER SHARE 

The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share attributable to the owners of the Company is based on the following data:

                                       Six months     Six months 
                                          ended          ended 
                                        30-Jun-13     30-Jun-12 
                                           RMB           RMB 
                                       (unaudited)   (unaudited) 
 Losses for the period attributable 
   owners of the Company               (4,337,066)   (30,524,207) 
 Number of shares 
 Weighted average number 
  of ordinary shares for the 
  of calculating losses per 
   share                                67,587,681     62,291,236 

At the end of the period, the Company had in issue 2,861,442 (2012: 2,861,442) share options which have not been included in the calculation of the diluted loss per share because their effects are anti-dilutive although these share options could be dilutive in the future.

                             At 30 June 
                                 2013      At 31 Dec-12 
                                 RMB           RMB 
                             (unaudited)    (audited) 
 Trade receivables             7,203,095     19,617,631 
                            ------------  ------------- 
 Prepayments to suppliers     54,840,719     52,281,522 
 Other receivables (note)      3,888,340        605,683 
                            ------------  ------------- 
                              58,729,059     53,887,205 
                            ------------  ------------- 
                              65,932,154     73,504,836 
                            ------------  ------------- 

Note: In April 2012, Huangshan (Quansheng) Mineral Products Sales Co., Ltd ("Quansheng"), a subsidiary of the Company, entered into a contract with an inventory supplier to purchase mineral products with a fixed quantities, prices and types of goods for an aggregated amount of RMB 40,000,000, of which prepayment with the gross amount of RMB 20,000,000 was paid. On 25 April 2013, Quansheng and the supplier entered into a supplemental agreement, under which the quantities and units of mineral products were re-negotiated for lower fixed prices and the total purchase amount was changed to RMB 17,000,000. As of the date of this report, the supplier returned RMB 1,000,000 to Quansheng. Another RMB 2,000,000 is past due. The Group management is closely monitoring the situation and considers the past due amounts are collectable. The Company made no provision on the contract (2012: RMB3,895,000) in current period.

The Group allows an average credit period of 60 days to its trade customers. The following is an aged analysis of trade receivables presented based on the invoice dates at the end of the reporting period, which approximated the respective revenue recognition dates:

                  At 30 June 
                      2013      At 31 Dec-12 
                      RMB           RMB 
                  (unaudited)    (audited) 
 0 - 60 days                -      5,244,816 
 61-120 days                -     11,169,797 
 Over 120 days      7,203,095      3,203,018 
                    7,203,095     19,617,631 
                 ------------  ------------- 

During the six months ended 30 June 2013, the Group spent approximately RMB241,723 on acquisition of property, plant and equipment in order to upgrade its operating capacities.

                               At 30 June 
                                   2013      At 31 Dec-12 
                                   RMB           RMB 
                               (unaudited)    (audited) 
 Trade payables                  8,227,722     14,487,951 
 Advance from customers                  -              - 
 Other payable and accruals      5,558,128      7,743,807 
                                13,785,850     22,231,758 
                              ------------  ------------- 

In general, the Group is required to make full advance payments to suppliers for the purchases of its major raw materials, rare earth. Suppliers of raw materials other than rare earth generally allow the Group a credit period of 60 to 90 days.

                                         At 30 June 
                                             2013       At 31 Dec-12 
                                             RMB             RMB 
                                         (unaudited)      (audited) 
 Purchase consideration 
  of Sanxie due to a non-controlling 
  shareholder of Long Era, 
  Mr. Tong: 
  - within one year                                 -      66,104,358 
   - within the second to 
    fifth years                            55,699,256               - 
                                       --------------  -------------- 
                                           55,699,256      66,104,358 
 Other amounts due to: 
  - a director and controlling 
   shareholder of the Company, 
    Mr.Ong                                109,784,238     102,042,056 
                                       --------------  -------------- 
 Total                                    165,483,494     168,146,414 
 Less: amount due within 
  the second to fifth years             (158,607,747)   (100,074,846) 
                                       --------------  -------------- 
 Amount due within one year                 6,875,747      68,071,568 
                                       --------------  -------------- 

The balance at 1 January 2012 represented the amount of share capital of Dressport contributed by its equity holders. The share capital of Dressport does not have any par value.

The balance at 30 June 2013 represented the issued and fully paid capital of the Company.

                                         Number of      Share 
                                          shares       capital 
  Ordinary shares of US$0.01 
   each at date of incorporation          10,000,000   100,000 
  Shares subdivision in the period 
   (note (b))                            990,000,000         - 
                                      --------------  -------- 
  Ordinary shares of US$0.001 
   each as at 
     30 June 2012, 31 December 2012 
      and 30 June 2013                 1,000,000,000   100,000 
                                      --------------  -------- 
 Issued and fully paid: 
  Ordinary shares of US$0.01 
   each at date of incorporation 
    (note (a))                                     1      0.01 
  Repurchase of share (note (c))                 (1)    (0.01) 
  Issue of shares on 7 March 
   2012 (note (d))                        60,994,790    60,995 
  Issue of shares on by placing 
   (note (e))                              2,592,891     2,593 
                                      --------------  -------- 
  Ordinary shares of US$0.001 
   each at 30 June 2012                   63,587,681    63,588 
  Issue of shares on 14 July 
   2012 (note (f))                         4,000,000     4,000 
                                      --------------  -------- 
  Ordinary shares of US$0.001 
   each as at 31 December 2012 
     and 30 June 2013                     67,587,681    67,588 
                                      ==============  ======== 
 Presented as RMB 
 Ordinary shares of US$0.001 
  each as at 30 June 2012                 63,587,681   401,517 
 Ordinary shares of US$0.001 
  each as at 31 December 2012 
   And 30 June 2013                       67,587,681   426,985 
                                      ==============  ======== 


(a) Upon incorporation, the authorised capital of the Company was US$100,000 divided into 10,000,000 ordinary shares of US$0.01 each, of which one subscriber share was allotted and issued at par to Citywell Group Limited, a company wholly owned by Mr. Ong.

(b) Pursuant to an ordinary resolution passed by the sole member of the Company on 20 February 2012, each of the authorised and issued shares of the Company were subdivided into 10 shares of US$0.001 each.

(c) On 7 March 2012, the Company repurchased all issued share capital for a consideration of US$0.01.

(d) Pursuant to a share exchange agreement dated 7 March 2012, the Company acquired the entire equity interest in Dressport from its shareholders by means of share exchange whereby 60,994,790 ordinary shares of the Company were issued to the shareholders of Dressport at par credited as fully paid, in exchange for all the outstanding ordinary shares of Dressport.

(e) On 29 March 2012, 2,592,891 ordinary shares of US$0.001 each were issued at a price of GBP247 pence per share under the placement on AIM, 2,541,448 of these shares were issued to three individual investors and the rest to other public investors. The proceeds of GBP1,625 (equivalent to US$2,587 and RMB16,372) representing the par value, were credited to the Company's share capital. The remaining proceeds of GBP6,278,650 (equivalent to RMB63,420,959), after the issuing expenses, were credited to the share premium account. The new shares rank pari passu with the existing shares in all respect.

(f) On 14 July 2012, 4,000,000 ordinary shares of US$0.001 each were issued as part of the consideration for the acquisition of the remaining 39% equity interest in Sanxie. The par value of US$4,000 (equivalent to RMB25,480) was credited to the Company's share capital. The new shares rank pari passu with the existing shares in all respect.

There were no movements in share capital during the six months period ended 30 June 2013.


(a) Except for transactions and balances disclosed elsewhere in the condensed consolidated financial statements, the Group has no other significant transactions and balances with its related parties during the six months ended 30 June 2013.

(b) During the period, the Group granted share options of nil (30 June 2012: 2,861,462) to Directors and advisors of the Group with exercise price of GBP 247 pence.

   (c)          Compensation of key management personnel of the Group 
                                Six months    Six months 
                                   ended         ended 
                                 30-Jun-13     30-Jun-12 
                                    RMB           RMB 
                                (unaudited)   (unaudited) 
 Salaries and fee (include 
  retirement benefit scheme 
  contributions)                    769,027       372,230 
 Equity settled share option 
  expense                         4,767,408     1,587,397 
                               ------------  ------------ 
                                  5,536,435     1,959,627 
                               ------------  ------------ 
   14.          CAPITAL COMMITMENTS 
                                      At 30 June 
                                          2013      At 31 Dec-12 
                                          RMB           RMB 
                                      (unaudited)   (unaudited) 
 Capital expenditure in respect 
  of property, Plant and equipment 
  contracted for but not provided 
  in the consolidated financial 
  statements                            3,558,400      3,758,400 
                                     ------------  ------------- 

There were no significant events after the reporting period.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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