RNS Number : 0892E

TClarke PLC

09 March 2022

TClarke plc

Results for the year ended 31 December 2021

TClarke delivers in the First Year of GBP500m Revenue Growth Plan

TClarke plc ("the Group" or "TClarke"), the Building Services Group, announces its preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2021.

Financial Highlights

 RESULTS FOR THE FULL YEARED 31      2021        2020      Change 
 Revenue                               GBP327.1m   GBP231.9m    +41% 
                                      ----------  ----------  ------- 
 Operating profit - adjusted            GBP8.8m     GBP6.0m     +47% 
                                      ----------  ----------  ------- 
 Profit before tax-adjusted             GBP7.8m     GBP5.1m     +53% 
                                      ----------  ----------  ------- 
 Earnings per share-adjusted            14.99p      10.29p      +46% 
                                      ----------  ----------  ------- 
 Net cash at year end                   GBP5.3m    GBP10.2m     -48% 
                                      ----------  ----------  ------- 
 Total dividend per share                4.85p       4.4p       +10% 
                                      ----------  ----------  ------- 
 Operating profit-reported              GBP8.8m     GBP2.1m    +319% 
                                      ----------  ----------  ------- 
 Profit before tax-reported             GBP7.8m     GBP1.2m    +550% 
                                      ----------  ----------  ------- 
 Basic earnings per share-reported      14.99p       2.87p     +422% 
                                      ----------  ----------  ------- 

2020 adjusted operating profit, profit before tax and earnings per share are stated before amortisation of intangible assets and restructuring costs. There were no such costs in 2021.

Operational Highlights

   --      Performance accelerated into the second half of 2021 
   --      Forward Order Book reaches record level of GBP534m 
   --      Successfully positioned winning larger projects outside of London 
   --      Data Centre business expanding 
   --      Further progress made in broadening healthcare and smart building offering 
   --      The Group remains on track to achieve its growth plan to reach GBP500m annual revenue 

Mark Lawrence, CEO commented

"The business is in excellent shape having finished 2021 on a high and delivering the first year of our GBP500m revenue growth plan, winning a wide range of work across our chosen market sectors. This is clearly reflected in the strength of our order book which again has reached a new record high.

We offer our clients the widest possible range of services from a single contractor, complemented by the depth of our resources.

It is this quality and commitment of our people that gives us real confidence for the future performance of TClarke."


Date: 9(th) March 2022

For further information contact:

TClarke plc

Mark Lawrence Group Chief Executive

Trevor Mitchell Finance Director

Tel: 020 7997 7400


Cenkos Securities plc (Corporate Broker)

Ben Jeynes (Corporate Finance)

Alex Pollen (Sales)

Tel: 020 7397 8900


RMS Partners

Simon Courtenay

Tel: 020 3735 551

 Chairman's Statement 
  TClarke has continued to grow and deliver outstanding performance 
  and results in 2021. Our revenue of GBP327m has exceeded the 
  target of GBP300m that we set at the start of 2021. Our operating 
  profit is GBP8.8m; over GBP6.5m of which was delivered in 
  the last 6 months of the year at a margin of 3.3% as our revenues 
  The success of our strategies and deliveries, the quality 
  of our products, services and methods, and the strength and 
  depth of our client relationships have enabled significant 
  progress to be made in the achievement of our medium term 
  revenue target of GBP500m. 
  While we continue to grow and deliver in our core Engineering 
  Services markets, we are also delivering significant growth 
  and performance in our strategic growth sectors, particularly 
  Technology, in which we have developed capabilities, leadership 
  and new client relationships. These are making a significant 
  and growing contribution to our revenue growth and target. 
  This growth and performance is supported by strong financial, 
  management and delivery disciplines which are constantly and 
  consistently applied across the Group. The forward order book 
  stands at a record level of GBP534m, an increase of 17% on 
  the year, of which GBP379m represents committed revenue for 
  2022. The proportion of the order book represented by Technology 
  has risen to 25% from 10% in 2020. 
  We know that our shareholders and investors value our progressive 
  dividend stream. We continue to be fully committed to a progressive 
  dividend policy while at the same time balancing the needs 
  and interests of all stakeholders. We are proposing a 2021 
  final dividend of 4.1p per share, which together with the 
  interim dividend paid in October 2021 brings the full 2021 
  dividend to 4.85p per share - an increase of 10%. 
  TClarke is committed to becoming a more sustainable business, 
  delivering improved environmental and sustainability targets 
  and performance. It is TClarke's ambition to be a Business 
  Champion with Build UK demonstrating our commitment to the 
  Construction Leadership Council's zero carbon change programme 
  CO(2) nstruct Zero. 
  Our growth and success is delivered through the skills, experiences, 
  focus and commitment of our people, subcontractors and suppliers 
  in all areas of the business. We continue to invest heavily 
  in our resources to ensure we have the capacity to deliver 
  our growth ambitions. We are strongly committed to developing 
  and adding to the skills and experience of our people through 
  our national apprenticeship schemes and our personal and management 
  development frameworks, and to be the employer of choice in 
  our markets. For example, we currently have 195 apprentices 
  representing 16% of our people whilst the industry norm is 
  just 5%. This is a significant investment made with the long 
  term belief in TClarke. 
  I look forward to 2022 and beyond, confident in our ability 
  to deliver our growth strategy. We have the capacity, a healthy 
  order book and many opportunities. The TClarke brand is very 
  strong, built upon our reputation for high quality engineering, 
  reliability, and delivery on time. This is made possible through 
  the collective efforts of all our people. It is their outstanding 
  effort that has allowed us to be so optimistic for the future 
  and I want to thank them all for their hard work and dedication. 
  Iain McCusker 
  8th March 2022 
  Chief Executive's Report 
  Ready to Deliver 
  TClarke is a trusted engineering partner to blue chip clients 
  and principal contractors. Within this report I set out our 
  strategic plans and achievements for the past year but more 
  importantly describe with confidence how the business is achieving 
  its goals. 
  Last year we committed to a strategy of moving TClarke to 
  the next level and we described very clearly and concisely 
  our ambitions, whilst adapting quickly and decisively to the 
  continually changing circumstances that the country faced. 
  TClarke aims to be a GBP500m revenue business with sustainable 
  margins of 3% supporting a progressive dividend policy. Our 
  business is underpinned by strict financial and operational 
  controls and strong governance. Our growth ambitions are supported 
  and financed without the need for often risky and distracting 
  New Revenue Streams 
  Within our business model we target five market sectors. Our 
  established annual revenues for the business are around GBP330m 
  and our strategy to reach revenues of GBP500m is based upon 
  these five established sectors and the new revenue streams 
  described below which should easily generate an additional 
  GBP170m of annual revenues. 
   *    Securing larger projects outside of London with 
        typical project values of GBP5m - GBP10m and GBP10m+. 
   *    Securing data centres particularly in the UK, with 
        typical project values of GBP25m - GBP50m with the 
        European data centre market remaining an aspiration. 
   *    Securing healthcare projects across the UK with 
        typical project values ranging from GBP200k to 
   *    Developing innovative smart building solutions which 
        bring recurring revenue streams. 
  I am confident that our GBP500m revenue target can be achieved 
  by organic growth whilst remaining true to the established 
  engineering strengths of the business. 
  This strategy is evidenced by the continuous growth of our 
  forward order book; our order book stood at a record GBP534m 
  as at 31st December 2021 (GBP456m 31st December 2020). The 
  order book growth has been achieved whilst continuing to follow 
  our selective tendering approach. 
  Investing in the Best People 
  Differentiated by the quality of our people and their relentless 
  drive to deliver the most successful projects, the ability 
  to grow our business and meet our ambitions could not be achieved 
  without the dedication of our great teams. Our careful attention 
  to resource planning will ensure we always match our capacity 
  to our available teams. 
  Being one of the few industry trainers of apprentices across 
  the UK leads to a wealth of future talent, designed to deliver 
  both engineering operatives and future leaders in volume and 
  quality to meet our needs. The ability to deliver projects 
  primarily with a trusted reliable workforce ensures that our 
  reputation for quality and delivery on time is more secure 
  compared to that of our competitors whose models are dependent 
  upon the use of sub-contractors. 
  Scale and Resource Across the UK 
  TClarke is very well established in its London heartland and 
  2021 has seen significant progress in ensuring that we can 
  offer our clients the same scale and breadth of services across 
  the UK. During 2021 we expanded our capacity in our Engineering 
  Services Divisions in Falkirk, Peterborough and Newcastle; 
  the increased opportunities are now translating into additional 
  revenues for these locations. 
  Our teams in Manchester and Peterborough have been successful 
  in securing four projects valued in excess of GBP25m for an 
  international financial institution at several locations including 
  two solar farm projects covering 1,800 m(2) and our new Oxford 
  office celebrated its successful opening by securing a project 
  at the prestigious Oxford Saïd Business School. 
  We continue to invest in our own purpose-built facility at 
  Stansted, that supports Modern Methods of Construction (MMC). 
  The use of offsite prefabrication benefits our clients and 
  can bring programme certainty and factory standard quality, 
  and by utilising less on-site resources gives us more capacity 
  to deliver additional revenues as a part of our strategy to 
  achieve GBP500m revenue. 
  Previously our regional teams would have focused on the smaller 
  to medium sized projects, often teaming up with local partners. 
  Today from our three operating divisions that serve 20 UK 
  locations, we offer the full range of Engineering Services, 
  alongside all the complementary technology and smart building 
  solutions, backed up by technical expertise. 
  TClarke is proud to be based in the communities it serves 
  and wants to ensure that we offer our teams the best environments 
  to collaborate, share knowledge and build exciting careers. 
  In October our team in Manchester moved to larger premises 
  in Salford Quays, in early 2022 our teams in Falkirk will 
  be moving to new offices in Eurocentral, Scotland and our 
  London Head Office will relocate to 30 St Mary Axe whereby 
  our teams will operate from a single productive floor space. 
  Exponential Growth in Data Centre Opportunities 
  The growth in the demand for data centres has been fuelled 
  by the needs of cloud storage, more devices being connected 
  to the internet (IoT), gaming, streaming services, e-commerce, 
  the arrival of 5G and the working from home revolution. 
  The UK data centre market is the largest in Western Europe. 
  Brexit and the switch to new UK specific data protection legislation 
  has led many organisations to open or expand data centre facilities. 
  Several large-scale developers have entered the data centre 
  market in the last 12 months. Arizton Advisory and Intelligence 
  predict the UK data centre market size to reach GBP6bn by 
  At the end of 2021 TClarke were active on 5 data centre projects 
  with a collective value of GBP150m with further opportunities 
  of additional phases. Depending on the pace of our clients' 
  expansion plans this value could grow by negotiation by an 
  additional GBP75m. Through 2022 we are aware of and tracking 
  bidding opportunities of circa GBP900m and a further pipeline 
  of project opportunities that will build out well into 2026. 
  The strength of the TClarke balance sheet and the depth of 
  our engineering resources means we expect to see strong growth 
  within our revenues in the technologies sector. This could 
  represent at least 30% of our expanded annual revenues in 
  2022 and beyond. 
  Healthcare, Healthcare, Healthcare 
  The 2021 UK Government Spending Review confirmed a total of 
  GBP100bn of investment in economic infrastructure up to 2024-25. 
  The Chancellor of the Exchequer announced that this includes 
  a GBP5.9bn capital investment in the National Health Service 
  (NHS) in addition to the GBP12bn per year that was promised 
  in September 2021. The NHS has launched a six year National 
  Framework Agreement for the provision of Smart Building Solutions, 
  TClarke has successfully secured a place on this framework 
  Secured orders in healthcare schemes now stand at GBP42m. 
  In addition, we have preferred bidder status for a further 
  GBP63m of projects. Whilst it takes longer to convert a tender 
  to a secured order in this sector there are tremendous opportunities 
  both as a participant in one of the seven frameworks we are 
  on, but also from standalone capital projects. 
  Example of secured projects within the Group include: 
   *    Modernising Medicine - Kings College Hospital NHS 
        Foundation Trust 
   *    Emergency Department Refurbishment - Royal Devon and 
        Exeter Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 
   *    New MRI and Oncology Unit - Royal Cornwall Hospitals 
   *    Infrastructure Upgrade - University Hospitals Bristol 
        and Weston NHS Foundation Trust 
   *    Emergency Department Refurbishment - Luton and 
        Dunstable University Hospital 
  A Smart New World 
  Our clients are setting ambitious decarbonisation plans. Smart 
  Buildings - new or retrofits - will be integral to UK plans 
  to reduce its carbon footprint and control energy consumption. 
  The global smart building market is projected to triple in 
  the next decade. The increasing costs of energy and legislation 
  related to the environment in areas such as carbon emission 
  and pollution are all driving building owners towards smart 
  building solutions. 
  Our technologies business recently secured the Smart Buildings 
  contract for the European Bank of Redevelopment at One Bank 
  Street, including the role of Master Systems Integrator. 
  Taking part in the smart buildings revolution involves the 
  design and installation of the building's mechanical, electrical, 
  security and safety systems - all existing TClarke strengths. 
  As we move forward each project opportunity that we bid has 
  the ability to lead to a Smart Building Opportunity for our 
  Technologies Division. Furthermore, by utilising our shared 
  workforce and project teams, the more of our services from 
  our Mechanical, Electrical and Technologies teams that are 
  selected, the more compelling the value engineering solutions 
  we can offer to our clients. 
  The Specialist Contractor of Choice 
  Risks and rewards are highest for larger, more complex projects 
  such as commercial offices, luxury hotel and leisure complexes, 
  hospitals and major education or research facilities. This 
  drives clients and principal contractors towards engineering 
  services providers such as TClarke which have the necessary 
  skills, governance and financial strength required to mitigate 
  those risks. 
  In London the excellent performance of our engineering services 
  teams has not only completed significant schemes such as Project 
  Green and 1 Newman Street, but has also been rewarded with 
  landmark wins such as the Apple fit out at Battersea Power 
  Station, Plot A2 at Canada Water and Building S4 at the International 
  Quarter London, our 4th successive project win at this development 
  in Stratford. 
  TClarke has experienced a mini boom in luxury and high-end 
  hotels. We successfully completed the Pan Pacific Hotel, and 
  the Hilton City Canopy Hotel in London and work continues 
  on the Peninsular Hotel at Hyde Park Corner. This is another 
  major market sector where the quality of our work and collaborative 
  approach is highly valued and has led to TClarke becoming 
  the preferred contractor on significant hotel schemes in London's 
  West End. 
  Our UK North and UK South teams both won significant major 
  residential projects as part of our targeted tendering approach. 
  Building our order book with these quality residential projects 
  and quality relationships is key to sustainable long-term 
  growth and repeat business. The trend towards more complex, 
  high value residential developments featuring a range of luxury 
  facilities has substantially increased the complexity and 
  value of package of works in those projects. 
  Our Infrastructure teams remain focused on the major areas 
  of public sector infrastructure where complexity and new technologies 
  play to our skill and quality advantages. During the year 
  we enjoyed ongoing success in education, delivering 63 education 
  projects and adding 36 new education projects in the forward 
  order book. 
  Educational projects that were completed last year include: 
   *    Foxgrove School, Leatherhead 
   *    Nanksar Primary School, Hillingdon 
   *    Pinner High School, Harrow 
   *    Tring School, Hertfordshire 
   *    Turing House, Richmond 
   *    Uckfield College, East Sussex 
  In summer 2021, a further 50 new schools were announced within 
  the second round of the UK government's School Rebuilding 
  Programme which is due to deliver 500 rebuilding projects 
  over the next decade we are confident that this sector will 
  continue to be a good revenue stream. 
  Summary and Outlook 
  Our people share our vision for the future of TClarke. We 
  are a business with people on the ground delivering our projects. 
  Their innovation, commitment and dedication is something that 
  this business is rightly proud of. 
  Our order book will translate to record revenues; TClarke 
  can offer our clients the widest possible solutions from a 
  single contractor, utilising our resources so that they are 
  assured we have the ability to deliver. That's why we believe 
  TClarke remains the contractor of choice for so many and we 
  remain focused on maintaining our market leading position. 
  We start 2022 in excellent shape and well placed to deliver 
  a strong future performance. 
  Mark Lawrence 
  Group Chief Executive Officer 
  8th March 2022 
  Group Financial review 
  The Group has delivered a very strong set of results for the 
  year, with revenue returned to 2019 levels and a record run 
  rate in quarter 4 of GBP100m revenue providing confidence 
  for our prospects for 2022 and beyond. We end 2021 with a 
  record order book of GBP534m (2020: GBP456m), with GBP379m 
  of this due for delivery in 2022 alone (2020: GBP257m due 
  for delivery in 2021). The rate of growth is particularly 
  strong within the Technologies sector where we are currently 
  working on five large data centre schemes totalling GBP150m. 
  Technologies are forecast to represent a third of the Group's 
  turnover for 2022, up from c.15% at present. We reported at 
  the outset that revenue and profit for 2021 would be slanted 
  towards the last six months of the year and this has proved 
  to be the case, with revenue and profit both accelerating 
  rapidly during the period. The operating margin of 3.3% for 
  the second half of the year restores profit margin. Our growth 
  has not been driven by acquisitions and this will remain our 
  policy going forward. 
  Underlying operating profit was GBP8.8m (2020: GBP6.0m) on 
  revenue of GBP327.1m (2020: GBP231.9m). There have been no 
  non-underlying items in 2021 (2020: GBP3.9m) and therefore 
  underlying and reported numbers are the same for 2021. Earnings 
  per share were 14.99p for the year (2020: 2.87p) on an operating 
  margin of 2.7% (2020: 2.6%). TClarke remains financially secure, 
  ending the year with net cash of GBP5.3m with GBP25m of bank 
  facilities at its disposal. 
  Finance costs were GBP1.0m (2020: GBP0.9m), comprising: a 
  GBP0.2m increase in bank interest and facility fees to GBP0.5m 
  (2020: GBP0.3m); the Group's defined benefit pension scheme 
  interest charge of GBP0.4m (2020: GBP0.5m); and an interest 
  charge of GBP0.1m arising from IFRS 16 (2020: GBP0.1m). 
  The tax charge for the year was GBP1.5m (2020: nil), reflecting 
  a more representative effective rate of tax for the Group, 
  with the 2020 charge having been heavily impacted by prior 
  year tax adjustments. TClarke maintains an open and collaborative 
  working relationship in all interactions with HMRC. 
  The Group paid its 2020 final dividend in full in May 2021 
  and has maintained its interim dividend. The Board is proposing 
  a final dividend of 4.1p (2020: 3.65p) which if approved at 
  the AGM will be recorded and paid on 20 May 2022. Total proposed 
  dividend therefore rises to 4.85p (2020: 4.4p), an increase 
  of 10%. The dividend is covered 3 times by underlying earnings. 
  TClarke recognises that many of its shareholders invest for 
  Summary of financial performance                        2021    2020 
                          GBPm    GBPm 
  --------------------  ------  ------ 
  Revenue                327.1   231.9 
  --------------------  ------  ------ 
  Operating profit 
  - Underlying(1)          8.8     6.0 
  - Reported               8.8     2.1 
  --------------------  ------  ------ 
  Profit before tax 
  - Underlying(1)          7.8     5.1 
  - Reported               7.8     1.2 
  --------------------  ------  ------ 
  Profit after tax 
  - Underlying(1)          6.3     4.3 
  - Reported               6.3     1.2 
  --------------------  ------  ------ 
  Profit for the year      6.3     1.2 
  --------------------  ------  ------ 
  Earnings per share 
  - Underlying(2)       14.99p  10.29p 
  - Reported            14.99p   2.87p 
  --------------------  ------  ------ 
  Dividend per share     4.85p    4.4p 
  --------------------  ------  ------ 
  1. Underlying operating profit, profit before tax and operating 
  margin are stated before amortisation of intangible assets 
  and restructuring costs. 
  2. Underlying earnings per share is calculated by dividing 
  underlying profit after tax by the weighted average number 
  of shares in issue. 
  3. Dividend per share represents the interim and final dividend 
  proposed or paid for the year in question. 
  Forward Order Book                         2021   2020       % 
  Market sector            GBPm   GBPm  change 
  ----------------------  -----  -----  ------ 
  Infrastructure          104.6   99.9      5% 
  Residential & Hotels    102.7  115.1   (11%) 
  Technologies            134.8   46.8    188% 
  Engineering Services    174.0  175.2    (1%) 
  Facilities Management    18.1   19.0    (5%) 
  ----------------------  -----  -----  ------ 
  Total                   534.2  456.0     17% 
  ----------------------  -----  -----  ------ 
  Forward Order Book comprises jobs which are secured through 
  contracts or letters of intent. 
  Revenue from our London operations rose to GBP189.4m (2020: 
  GBP134.6m), generating an underlying operating profit of GBP6.2m 
  (2020: GBP4.9m). Underlying operating margin was 3.3% (2020: 
  3.6%). The growth in revenue has been primarily driven by 
  the success of our data centre offering where in addition 
  to our current five live projects the tendering pipeline identifies 
  many further opportunities. Our core Engineering Services 
  have also continued to deliver strongly, with work on a number 
  of high-profile shell and core commercial and hotel developments, 
  with many of which offering future fit-out opportunities. 
  UK South 
  Revenue from UK South rose to GBP67.1m (2020: GBP55.1m), with 
  the region delivering an underlying operating profit of GBP2.6m 
  (2020: GBP2.7m) and giving rise to an underlying operating 
  margin of 3.9% (2020: 4.9%). The region has developed a high-quality 
  customer base providing a significant quantity of repeat business 
  and is particularly strong in infrastructure with many projects 
  being undertaken in defence, education and healthcare. 
  UK North 
  Revenue rose to GBP70.6m (2020: GBP42.2m) with the region 
  delivering an underlying operating profit of GBP3.0m (2020: 
  GBP0.7m) and giving rise to an underlying operating margin 
  of 4.2% (2020: 1.7%). This strong performance has been driven 
  by the completion of our first major engineering services 
  project in Liverpool, our continued success in winning and 
  delivering a number of educational projects through our Leeds 
  office and Scotland's residential work. In addition our Manchester 
  office has recently started work on a significant engineering 
  services project for a major financial institution. 
  Forward Order Book 
  The closing Forward Order Book of GBP534m represents a 17% 
  increase compared to last year's, with the largest increase 
  being in respect of Technologies (up 188%), driven by the 
  success of our data centre business. 
  Cash Flow and Funding 
  Cash balances totalled GBP20.3m at 31 December 2021 (2020: 
  GBP25.2m). The GBP15m RCF was drawn down at both 31 December 
  2021 and 2020, resulting in net cash of GBP5.3m at the 2021 
  balance sheet date (2020: GBP10.2m). The movement in cash 
  can be largely attributed to VAT following the introduction 
  of the Construction Industry reverse charge VAT regime on 
  1 March 2021 and repayment of deferred amounts. The Group 
  has also self-funded the increase in turnover, with working 
  capital increasing by GBP6.5m over the year. 
  The Group has a GBP15.0m revolving credit facility, which 
  is committed until 31st August 2024, and a GBP10.0m overdraft 
  facility which is repayable on demand. Interest on overdrawn 
  balances is charged at 2.0% above base rate, and interest 
  on balances drawn down under the revolving credit facility 
  is charged at a margin above SONIA, fixed for the duration 
  of each drawdown. The Group was compliant with the terms of 
  the facilities throughout the year ended 31st December 2021 
  and the Board's detailed projections demonstrate that the 
  Group will continue to meet its obligations in the future. 
  The Board's projections show that TClarke is expected to maintain 
  a healthy cash position throughout the next three-year period, 
  and we do not anticipate seeking any additional facilities 
  during this time. 
  The Group also has in place GBP50.1m of bonding facilities 
  (2020: GBP40.1m), of which GBP24.3m were unutilised at 31st 
  December 2021 (2020: GBP27.0m). 
  Net Assets and Capital Structure 
  The Group is funded by equity capital, retained reserves and 
  bank facilities, and there are no plans to change this structure 
  or to raise new capital. Shareholders' equity is GBP26.5m 
  (2020: GBP15.7m). 
  Goodwill stood at GBP25.3m at the year-end (2020: GBP25.3m). 
  The Board has undertaken an impairment review in respect of 
  goodwill and has concluded that no impairment is necessary. 
  Defined Benefit Pension Scheme Obligations 
  The most-recent formal actuarial valuation of the Group's 
  defined benefit pension scheme at 31st December 2018 showed 
  a deficit of GBP24.9m, representing a funding level of 59%. 
  Following the valuation the Group committed to a deficit reduction 
  plan to eliminate the deficit over a 12 year period, and throughout 
  2021 it continued to make additional contributions at the 
  agreed rate of GBP1.5m per annum. The Group also continues 
  to provide security to the pension scheme in the form of a 
  charge over property assets up to a combined market value 
  of GBP3.1m. A new formal funding valuation is being carried 
  out as at 31 December 2021 and the results will be reported 
  in next year's Annual Report & Financial Statements. 
  The methodology underlying the formal valuation differs from 
  that used for the annual IAS 19 valuation included in these 
  financial statements, particularly in respect of the calculation 
  of financial assumptions. When calculated in accordance with 
  IAS 19 the deficit stood at GBP23.9m at 31st December 2021, 
  representing a reduction of GBP6.3m over the year, recognised 
  primarily through the Statement of Comprehensive Income. The 
  reduction was predominantly driven by an increase in the discount 
  rate applied. 
  Financial Risk Management 
  The Group's main financial assets are contract and other trade 
  receivables, and bank balances. These assets represent the 
  Group's main exposure to credit risk, which is the risk that 
  a counterparty will fail to discharge its obligations, resulting 
  in financial loss to the Group. The Group may also be exposed 
  to financial and reputational risk through the failure of 
  a subcontractor or supplier. 
  The financial strength of counterparties is considered prior 
  to signing contracts and reviewed as contracts progress where 
  there are indications that a counterparty may be experiencing 
  financial difficulty. Procedures include the use of credit 
  agencies to check the creditworthiness of existing and new 
  clients and the use of approved suppliers' lists and Group-wide 
  framework agreements with key suppliers. 
  We have performed a thorough analysis of our supply chain 
  during the year to ensure we comply with the Government's 
  new IR35 off payroll working requirements, a process which 
  will continue in the future. 
  Accounting Policies 
  The Group's consolidated financial statements are prepared 
  in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 
  and in accordance with UK-adopted international standards. 
  There have been no new accounting policies adopted in the 
  Trevor Mitchell 
  Group Finance Director 
  8th March 2022 
  Consolidated income statement 
  for the year ended 31st December 2021 
                                          2021                                 2020 
                           -----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
                                       Non-underlying                       Non-underlying 
                           Underlying           items    Total  Underlying           items    Total 
                     Note        GBPm            GBPm     GBPm        GBPm            GBPm     GBPm 
  Revenue               3       327.1               -    327.1       231.9               -    231.9 
  Cost of sales               (286.6)               -  (286.6)     (199.0)               -  (199.0) 
  -----------------  ----  ----------  --------------  -------  ----------  --------------  ------- 
  Gross profit                   40.5               -     40.5        32.9               -     32.9 
  -----------------  ----  ----------  --------------  -------  ----------  --------------  ------- 
    Amortisation of 
     assets                         -               -        -           -           (0.2)    (0.2) 
     costs                          -               -        -           -           (3.7)    (3.7) 
     expenses                  (31.7)               -   (31.7)      (26.9)               -   (26.9) 
  -----------------  ----  ----------  --------------  -------  ----------  --------------  ------- 
   expenses                    (31.7)               -   (31.7)      (26.9)           (3.9)   (30.8) 
  -----------------  ----  ----------  --------------  -------  ----------  --------------  ------- 
  Operating profit                8.8               -      8.8         6.0           (3.9)      2.1 
  Finance costs                 (1.0)               -    (1.0)       (0.9)               -    (0.9) 
  -----------------  ----  ----------  --------------  -------  ----------  --------------  ------- 
  Profit before 
   taxation                       7.8               -      7.8         5.1           (3.9)      1.2 
  Taxation              4       (1.5)               -    (1.5)       (0.8)             0.8        - 
  -----------------  ----  ----------  --------------  -------  ----------  --------------  ------- 
  Profit for the 
   financial year                 6.3               -      6.3         4.3           (3.1)      1.2 
  -----------------  ----  ----------  --------------  -------  ----------  --------------  ------- 
  Earnings per 
  Attributable to 
  owners of TClarke 
    Basic               5      14.99p               -   14.99p      10.29p         (7.42)p    2.87p 
    Diluted             5      13.91p               -   13.91p       9.66p         (6.97)p    2.69p 
  -----------------  ----  ----------  --------------  -------  ----------  --------------  ------- 
  Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
  for the year ended 31st December 2021                                                                      2021   2020 
                                                                        GBPm   GBPm 
  --------------------------------------------------------------------  ----  ----- 
  Profit for the year                                                    6.3    1.2 
  Other comprehensive income/(expense) 
  Items that will not be reclassified to the income statement: 
  Actuarial gain/(loss) on defined benefit pension scheme                5.6  (6.5) 
  Revaluation of minority shareholding equity investment                   -  (2.0) 
  Deferred tax relating to items that will not be reclassified           0.4    1.7 
  Total other comprehensive income/(expense) for the year, net of tax    6.0  (6.8) 
  --------------------------------------------------------------------  ----  ----- 
  Total comprehensive income/(expense) for the year                     12.3  (5.6) 
  --------------------------------------------------------------------  ----  ----- 
  Consolidated statement of financial position 
  as at 31st December 2021                                                                   2021     2020 
                                                            Note     GBPm     GBPm 
  --------------------------------------------------------  ----  -------  ------- 
  Non-current assets 
  Intangible assets                                                  25.3     25.3 
  Property, plant and equipment                                       7.5      8.0 
  Deferred tax assets                                                 6.4      6.2 
  Trade and other receivables                                         4.9      3.6 
  --------------------------------------------------------  ----  -------  ------- 
  Total non-current assets                                           44.1     43.1 
  --------------------------------------------------------  ----  -------  ------- 
  Current assets 
  Inventories                                                         0.4      0.4 
  Amounts due from customers under construction contracts            51.7     41.7 
  Trade and other receivables                                        52.5     34.5 
  Current tax receivables                                             0.2      0.7 
  Cash and cash equivalents                                    8     20.3     25.2 
  --------------------------------------------------------  ----  -------  ------- 
  Total current assets                                              125.1    102.5 
  --------------------------------------------------------  ----  -------  ------- 
  Total assets                                                      169.2    145.6 
  --------------------------------------------------------  ----  -------  ------- 
  Current liabilities 
  Bank loans                                                       (15.0)   (15.0) 
  Amounts due to customers under construction contracts             (2.9)    (1.1) 
  Trade and other payables                                         (96.3)   (77.5) 
  Obligations under leases                                          (1.6)    (1.3) 
  --------------------------------------------------------  ----  -------  ------- 
  Total current liabilities                                       (115.8)   (94.9) 
  --------------------------------------------------------  ----  -------  ------- 
  Net current assets                                                  9.3      7.6 
  --------------------------------------------------------  ----  -------  ------- 
  Non-current liabilities 
  Obligations under leases                                          (1.3)    (2.2) 
  Trade and other payables                                          (1.7)    (2.6) 
  Retirement benefit obligations                               7   (23.9)   (30.2) 
  --------------------------------------------------------  ----  -------  ------- 
  Total non-current liabilities                                    (26.9)   (35.0) 
  --------------------------------------------------------  ----  -------  ------- 
  Total liabilities                                               (142.7)  (129.9) 
  --------------------------------------------------------  ----  -------  ------- 
  Total net assets                                                   26.5     15.7 
  --------------------------------------------------------  ----  -------  ------- 
  Equity attributable to owners of the parent 
  Share capital                                                       4.4      4.3 
  Share premium                                                       4.2      3.8 
  Revaluation reserve                                                 0.7      0.8 
  Retained earnings                                                  17.2      6.8 
  --------------------------------------------------------  ----  -------  ------- 
  Total equity                                                       26.5     15.7 
  --------------------------------------------------------  ----  -------  ------- 
  Consolidated statement of cash flows 
  for the year ended 31st December 2021                                                                2021   2020 
                                                           Note   GBPm   GBPm 
  -------------------------------------------------------  ----  -----  ----- 
  Net cash (used in)/generated from operating activities      8  (0.6)    3.7 
  -------------------------------------------------------  ----  -----  ----- 
  Investing activities 
  Investment in minority shareholding                                -  (2.0) 
  Purchase of property, plant and equipment                      (0.4)  (0.2) 
  -------------------------------------------------------  ----  -----  ----- 
  Net cash used in investing activities                          (0.4)  (2.2) 
  -------------------------------------------------------  ----  -----  ----- 
  Financing activities 
  New shares issued                                                0.5      - 
  Facility fee                                                   (0.1)  (0.1) 
  Proceeds from bank borrowing                                       -   15.0 
  Equity dividends paid                                          (1.9)  (1.9) 
  Acquisition of shares by ESOT                                  (0.9)  (0.1) 
  Repayment of lease obligations                                 (1.5)  (1.6) 
  -------------------------------------------------------  ----  -----  ----- 
  Net cash (used in)/generated from financing activities         (3.9)   11.3 
  -------------------------------------------------------  ----  -----  ----- 
  Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents           (4.9)   12.8 
  Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year      8   25.2   12.4 
  -------------------------------------------------------  ----  -----  ----- 
  Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year            8   20.3   25.2 
  -------------------------------------------------------  ----  -----  ----- 
  Consolidated statement of changes in equity 
  for the year ended 31st December 2021 
                                              Share    Share  Revaluation  Retained 
                                            capital  premium      reserve  earnings  Total 
                                               GBPm     GBPm         GBPm      GBPm   GBPm 
  ----------------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  --------  ----- 
  At 1st January 2020                           4.3      3.8          0.9      13.9   22.9 
  ----------------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  --------  ----- 
  Comprehensive income/(expense) 
  Profit for the year                             -        -            -       1.2    1.2 
  ----------------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  --------  ----- 
  Other comprehensive expense 
    Actuarial loss on retirement benefit 
     obligation                                   -        -            -     (6.5)  (6.5) 
    Deferred income tax on actuarial loss 
     on retirement benefit obligation             -        -            -       1.7    1.7 
    Minority shareholding equity 
     investment                                   -        -            -     (2.0)  (2.0) 
  ----------------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  --------  ----- 
  Total other comprehensive expense               -        -            -     (6.8)  (6.8) 
  ----------------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  --------  ----- 
  Total comprehensive expense                     -        -            -     (5.6)  (5.6) 
  ----------------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  --------  ----- 
  Transactions with owners 
  Transfer on depreciation of freehold 
   property                                       -        -        (0.1)       0.1      - 
  Share-based payment credit                      -        -            -       0.4    0.4 
  Shares acquired by ESOT                         -        -            -     (0.1)  (0.1) 
  Dividends paid                                  -        -            -     (1.9)  (1.9) 
  ----------------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  --------  ----- 
  Total transactions with owners                  -        -        (0.1)     (1.5)  (1.6) 
  ----------------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  --------  ----- 
  At 1st January 2021                           4.3      3.8          0.8       6.8   15.7 
  ----------------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  --------  ----- 
  Comprehensive income 
  Profit for the year                             -        -            -       6.3    6.3 
  ----------------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  --------  ----- 
  Other comprehensive income 
    Actuarial gain on retirement benefit 
     obligation                                   -        -            -       5.6    5.6 
    Deferred income tax on actuarial gain 
     on retirement benefit obligation             -        -            -       0.4    0.4 
  Total other comprehensive income                -        -            -       6.0    6.0 
  ----------------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  --------  ----- 
  Total comprehensive income                      -        -            -      12.3   12.3 
  ----------------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  --------  ----- 
  Transactions with owners 
  Transfer of depreciation of freehold 
   properties                                     -        -        (0.1)       0.1      - 
  Share-based payment charge                      -        -            -       0.8    0.8 
  Shares acquired by ESOT                         -        -            -     (0.9)  (0.9) 
  Allotted in respect of share option 
   schemes                                      0.1      0.4            -         -    0.5 
  Dividends paid                                  -        -            -     (1.9)  (1.9) 
  ----------------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  --------  ----- 
  Total transactions with owners                0.1      0.4        (0.1)     (1.9)  (1.5) 
  ----------------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  --------  ----- 
  At 31st December 2021                         4.4      4.2          0.7      17.2   26.5 
  ----------------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  --------  ----- 
  Notes to the preliminary financial information 
  Note 1 - Basis of preparation 
  TClarke plc is a public limited company listed on the London 
  Stock Exchange, incorporated and domiciled in the United Kingdom. 
  The nature of the Group's operations and its principal activities 
  is providing electrical and mechanical contracting and related 
  services to the construction industry and end users. The Company 
  is limited by shares. 
  This preliminary financial information has been prepared in 
  accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the 
  UK Financial Conduct Authority, and the principles of UK-adopted 
  international accounting standards and has been prepared on 
  a going concern basis under the historical cost convention 
  as modified by the revaluation of land and buildings. 
  This preliminary financial information does not constitute 
  the statutory financial statements of the Group. The financial 
  statements themselves were approved by the Board on 8th March 
  2022. The report of the auditor on those financial statements 
  was unqualified, did not contain an emphasis of matter paragraph 
  and did not contain any statement under Section 498 of the 
  Companies Act 2006. The Annual Report and Financial Statements 
  will be filed with the Registrar in due course. This preliminary 
  financial information has been prepared in accordance with 
  the accounting policies disclosed in the full financial statements. 
  Note 2 - Significant judgements and sources of estimation 
  The preparation of this financial information in conformity 
  with UK-adopted international standards requires the use of 
  certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires management 
  to exercise its judgement in the process of applying the Group's 
  accounting policies. The areas involving a higher degree of 
  judgement or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates 
  are significant to the financial information are set out below. 
  Actual results may differ from these estimates. 
  The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an 
  ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised 
  in the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision 
  affects only that period, or in the period of the revision 
  and future periods if the revision affects both current and 
  future periods. 
  Revenue and margin 
  The recognition of revenue and profit on construction contracts 
  is a key source of estimation uncertainty due to the difficulty 
  of forecasting the final costs to be incurred on a contract 
  in progress and the process whereby applications are made 
  during the course of the contract with variations, which can 
  be significant, often being agreed as part of the final account 
  Commercial reviews of all live contracts are undertaken on 
  a regular basis, with all significant contracts being reviewed 
  on a monthly basis. The Directors also take into account the 
  recoverability of contract balances and trade receivables, 
  and allowances are made for those balances which are considered 
  to be impaired. The Group only recognises revenue once there 
  is a formal contractual entitlement and the recognition criteria 
  of IFRS 15 have been met. As at 31 December 2021 the Group 
  had approximately GBP25m (2020: GBP15m) of formally instructed, 
  unagreed variations, of which GBP15m (2020: GBP9m) satisfy 
  the highly probable test under IFRS 15 and as such have been 
  taken to revenue. 
  Retirement benefit obligations 
  The costs, assets and liabilities of the defined benefit scheme 
  operated by the Group are determined using methods relying 
  on actuarial estimates and assumptions, which are largely 
  dependent on factors outside the control of the Group. Details 
  of the key assumptions are set out in note 7, and include 
  the discount rate, expected return on assets, rate of inflation 
  and mortality rates. The Group takes advice from independent 
  actuaries relating to the appropriateness of the assumptions. 
  Changes in the assumptions used may have a significant effect 
  on the income statement, statement of comprehensive income 
  and the statement of financial position. 
  Note 3 - Segment information 
  (i) Reportable segments 
  The Group provides electrical and mechanical contracting and 
  related services to the construction industry and end users. 
  For management and internal reporting purposes, the Group 
  is organised geographically into three regional divisions: 
  London, UK South and UK North, reporting to the Board who 
  represent the "Chief Operating Decision-Maker" as per IFRS 
  8. The measurement basis used to assess the performance of 
  the divisions is underlying operating profit, stated before 
  amortisation of intangible assets and other non-underlying 
  All transactions between segments are undertaken on normal 
  commercial terms. All the Group's operations are carried out 
  within the United Kingdom, and there is no significant difference 
  between revenue based on the location of assets and revenue 
  based on location of customers. The accounting policies for 
  the reportable segments are the same as the Group's accounting 
  policies disclosed in note 1. Segmental information is based 
  on internal management reporting. 
  (ii) Segment information and revenue analysis - year ended 
  31st December 2021                                                                  Group costs and 
                              London  UK South  UK North                Unallocated  Total 
                                GBPm      GBPm      GBPm                       GBPm   GBPm 
  --------------------------  ------  --------  --------  -------------------------  ----- 
  Revenue from contracts 
   with customers              189.4      67.1      70.6                          -  327.1 
  --------------------------  ------  --------  --------  -------------------------  ----- 
  Operating profit               6.2       2.6       3.0                      (3.0)    8.8 
  Finance costs                    -         -         -                      (1.0)  (1.0) 
  --------------------------  ------  --------  --------  -------------------------  ----- 
  Profit before tax              6.2       2.6       3.0                      (4.0)    7.8 
  Taxation expenses                -         -         -                      (1.5)  (1.5) 
  --------------------------  ------  --------  --------  -------------------------  ----- 
  Profit for the year            6.2       2.6       3.0                      (5.5)    6.3 
  --------------------------  ------  --------  --------  -------------------------  ----- 
                           London  UK South  UK North  Total 
                             GBPm      GBPm      GBPm   GBPm 
  ----------------------   ------  --------  --------  ----- 
  Business sector 
  Facilities Management       2.7      13.6       9.7   26.0 
  Infrastructure             15.1      34.4      29.3   78.8 
  M&E Contracting            91.7      14.3      10.9  116.9 
  Residential & Hotels       31.5       4.8      19.6   55.9 
  Technologies               48.4         -       1.1   49.5 
  -----------------------  ------  --------  --------  ----- 
  Total                     189.4      67.1      70.6  327.1 
  -----------------------  ------  --------  --------  ----- 
  (iii) Segment information and revenue analysis - year ended 
  31st December 2020                                                                    Group costs 
                                          London  UK South  UK North  Unallocated  Total 
                                            GBPm      GBPm      GBPm         GBPm   GBPm 
  --------------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  -----------  ----- 
  Revenue from contracts with customers    134.6      55.1      42.2            -  231.9 
  --------------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  -----------  ----- 
  Underlying operating profit                4.9       2.7       0.7        (2.3)    6.0 
  Restructuring costs                          -         -         -        (3.7)  (3.7) 
  Amortisation of intangibles                  -         -     (0.2)            -  (0.2) 
  --------------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  -----------  ----- 
  Operating profit                           4.9       2.7       0.5        (6.0)    2.1 
  Finance costs                                -         -         -        (0.9)  (0.9) 
  --------------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  -----------  ----- 
  Profit before tax                          4.9       2.7       0.5        (6.9)    1.2 
  Taxation expenses                            -         -         -            -      - 
  --------------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  -----------  ----- 
  Profit for the year                        4.9       2.7       0.5        (6.9)    1.2 
  --------------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  -----------  ----- 
                                          London  UK South  UK North  Total 
                                            GBPm      GBPm      GBPm   GBPm 
  -------------------------------------   ------  --------  --------  ----- 
  Business sector 
  Facilities Management and Frameworks       2.4       9.7       5.7   17.8 
  Infrastructure                            20.6      22.1      16.2   58.9 
  M&E Contracting                           59.4      15.7       6.5   81.6 
  Residential & Hotels                      21.7       7.6      12.8   42.1 
  Technologies                              30.5         -       1.0   31.5 
  --------------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  ----- 
  Total revenue                            134.6      55.1      42.2  231.9 
  --------------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  ----- 
  Note 4 - Taxation                                                      2021   2020 
                                                        GBPm   GBPm 
  ---------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
  Current tax expense 
  UK corporation tax payable on profits for the year     1.5      - 
  Adjustment in relation to prior years                (0.2)  (0.3) 
  ---------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
  Deferred tax expense 
  Arising on: 
  Origination and reversal of timing differences         0.2    0.3 
  ---------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
  Total income tax expense                               1.5      - 
  ---------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
  Reconciliation of tax charge 
  Profit before tax for the year                         7.8    1.2 
  ---------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
  Tax at standard UK tax rate of 19% (2018: 19%)         1.5    0.2 
  Tax effect of: 
  Adjustment in relation to prior years                (0.2)  (0.3) 
  Permanently disallowed items                           0.2    0.1 
  ---------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
  Total income tax expense                               1.5      - 
  ---------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
                                                       2021   2020 
                                                       GBPm   GBPm 
  --------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
  Income tax credited to other comprehensive income   (0.4)  (1.7) 
  --------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
  Note 5 - Earnings per share 
  (i) Basic earnings per share 
  Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit 
  attributable to owners of the Company by the weighted average 
  number of Ordinary shares in issue during the year.                                                               2021    2020 
                                                                 GBPm    GBPm 
  -----------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  Profit attributable to owners of the Company                    6.3     1.2 
  -----------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  Weighted average number of Ordinary shares in issue (000s)   42,284  42,295 
  -----------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  Basic earnings per share                                     14.99p   2.87p 
  -----------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  (ii) Diluted earnings per share 
  Diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the 
  weighted average number of Ordinary shares outstanding to 
  assume conversion of all dilutive potential Ordinary shares. 
  The Company has two categories of dilutive potential Ordinary 
  shares: share options granted under the Save As You Earn Schemes 
  and options granted under the Long-term Incentive Plan. 
  For the share options, a calculation is made to determine 
  the number of shares that could have been acquired at fair 
  value (determined as the average annual market share price 
  of the Company's shares) based on the monetary value of the 
  subscription rights attached to outstanding share options. 
  The number of shares calculated as above is compared with 
  the number of shares that would have been issued assuming 
  the exercise of the share options.                                                                            2021    2020 
                                                                              GBPm    GBPm 
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  Profit attributable to owners of the Company                                 6.3     1.2 
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  Weighted average number of Ordinary shares in issue (000s)                42,284  42,295 
    Savings Related Share Option Schemes                                       471     295 
    Equity Incentive Plan: 
    Conditional share awards                                                 2,790   2,453 
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  Weighted average number of Ordinary shares for diluted earnings per 
   share (000s)                                                             45,545  45,043 
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  Diluted earnings per share                                                13.91p   2.69p 
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  (iii) Underlying earnings per share 
  Underlying earnings per share represents profit for the year 
  adjusted for amortisation of intangible assets and other non-underlying 
  items and the tax effect of these items, divided by the weighted 
  average number of shares in issue. Underlying earnings is 
  the basis on which the performance of the operating divisions 
  of the business is measured. There have been no underlying 
  items in 2021 and therefore underlying and reported numbers 
  are the same for 2021.                                                                            2021    2020 
                                                                              GBPm    GBPm 
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  Profit attributable to owners of the Company                                 6.3     1.2 
  Amortisation of intangible assets                                              -     0.1 
  Restructuring costs                                                            -     3.0 
  Underlying earnings                                                          6.3     4.3 
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  Weighted average number of Ordinary shares in issue (000s)                42,284  42,295 
  Savings Related Share Option Schemes                                         471     295 
  Equity Incentive Plan: 
  Conditional share awards                                                   2,790   2,453 
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  Weighted average number of Ordinary shares for diluted earnings per 
   share (000s)                                                             45,545  45,043 
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  Diluted underlying earnings per share                                     13.91p   9.66p 
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  Basic underlying earnings per share                                       14.99p  10.29p 
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  Note 6 - Dividends                                                   2021    2020 
                                                     GBPm    GBPm 
  -----------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
   Final dividend of 3.65p (2020: 3.65p) per 
    ordinary share proposed and paid during the 
    year relating to the previous year's results      1.6     1.6 
   Interim dividend of 0.75p (2020: 0.75p) per 
    ordinary share paid during the year               0.3     0.3 
                                                   ------  ------ 
   Total                                              1.9     1.9 
                                                   ------  ------ 
  The Directors are proposing a final dividend of 4.1p (2020: 
  3.65p) per ordinary share totalling GBP1.8 million (2020: 
  GBP1.6 million). The dividend has not been accrued at the 
  reporting date. 
  Subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting, the final 
  dividend will be paid on 20th May 2022 to shareholders on 
  the register as at 22(nd) April 2022. The shares will go ex-dividend 
  on 21(st) April 2022. A dividend reinvestment plan is available 
  to shareholders. Those shareholders who have not elected to 
  participate in the plan, and who would like to do so in respect 
  of the 2021 final payment, may do so by contacting Link Asset 
  Services on 0371 664 0381. The last day for election for the 
  final dividend reinvestment is 29(th) April 2022. 
  Note 7 - Pension commitments 
  The present value of the defined benefit obligation, the related 
  current service cost and the past service cost were measured 
  using the projected unit credit method. The amounts recognised 
  in the consolidated statement of financial position are as 
  follows:                                        2021    2020 
                                          GBPm    GBPm 
  ------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  Present value of funded obligations     73.4    76.3 
  Fair value of plan assets             (49.5)  (46.1) 
  ------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  Deficit of funded plans                 23.9    30.2 
  ------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
  Key assumptions used:                                                                    2021   2020 
                                                                         %      % 
  -----------------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
  Rate of increase in salaries                                        3.39   2.60 
  Rate of increase of pensions in payment                             3.15   3.00 
  Discount rate                                                       1.89   1.40 
  Inflation assumption (RPI)                                          3.25   2.90 
  -----------------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
                                                                      2021   2020 
  The mortality assumptions used in the IAS 19 valuation were:       Years  Years 
  -----------------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
  Life expectancy at age 65 for current pensioners 
  - Men                                                               21.5   21.8 
  - Women                                                             23.4   24.1 
  Life expectancy at age 65 for future pensioners (current age 45) 
  - Men                                                               22.5   22.8 
  - Women                                                             24.6   25.2 
  -----------------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
  Note 8 - Notes to the statement of cash flows 
  (i) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash (outflow)/inflow 
  from operating activities 
                                                                   2021   2020 
                                                                   GBPm   GBPm 
  -------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ----- 
  Operating profit                                                  8.8    2.1 
  Depreciation charges                                              2.0    2.1 
  Equity-settled share-based payment expense                        0.8    0.4 
  Amortisation of intangible assets                                   -    0.2 
  Pension deficit reduction contributions                         (1.5)  (1.5) 
  Defined benefit pension scheme charge/(credit)                    0.4  (1.7) 
  -------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ----- 
  Operating cash flows before movement in working capital          10.5    1.6 
  Movement in inventories                                             -  (0.2) 
  (Increase)/decrease in contract balances                        (8.2)    3.9 
  (Increase)/decrease in operating trade and other receivables   (18.8)    3.8 
  Increase/(decrease) in operating trade and other payables        16.4  (4.5) 
  -------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ----- 
  Cash (used in)/generated from operations                        (0.1)    4.6 
  Corporation tax paid                                                -  (0.6) 
  Interest paid                                                   (0.5)  (0.3) 
  -------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ----- 
  Net cash (used in)/generated from operating activities          (0.6)    3.7 
  -------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ----- 
  (ii) Cash and cash equivalents 
  Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash at bank and other 
  short-term highly liquid investments that are readily convertible 
  into cash, less bank overdrafts, and are analysed as follows. 
                                                     2021   2020 
                                                     GBPm   GBPm 
  -----------------------------------  ------------------  ----- 
  Cash and cash equivalents                          20.3   25.2 
  -----------------------------------  ------------------  ----- 
  Net cash after deducting total borrowings was as follows:                               2021     2020 
                                 GBPm     GBPm 
  --------------------------  -------  ------- 
  Cash and cash equivalents      20.3     25.2 
   Less borrowings             (15.0)   (15.0) 
  --------------------------  -------  ------- 
  Net cash                        5.3     10.2 
  --------------------------  -------  ------- 
  Note 9 - Related party transactions 
  (i) Key management personnel 
  The key management personnel of the Group comprise members 
  of the TClarke plc Board of Directors and the Group Management 
  Board. The key management personnel compensation is as follows:                                                        2021  2020 
                                                          GBPm  GBPm 
  ------------------------------------------------------  ----  ---- 
  Salaries, fees and other short-term employee benefits    3.3   3.3 
  Share-based payment charge                               0.6   0.5 
  Post-employment employee benefits                        0.1   0.1 
  ------------------------------------------------------  ----  ---- 
  Total                                                    4.0   3.9 
  ------------------------------------------------------  ----  ---- 
  Further disclosures, including details of the highest-paid 
  Director, are included in the Directors' remuneration report 
  in the latest annual report. 
  Transactions between the Company and its subsidiary undertakings, 
  which are related parties, have been eliminated on consolidation 
  and are not disclosed in this note. There were no other related 
  party transactions requiring disclosure. 
  Note 10 - Annual General Meeting 
  The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 
  200 Aldersgate, St Pauls London EC1A 4HD at 10am on Wednesday 
  11th May 2022. 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 09, 2022 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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