RNS Number:4271K
EiRx Therapeutics PLC
20 December 2007

                     EIRX THERAPEUTICS PLC ("the Company")

                                 Annual Results

Cork, Ireland - EiRx Therapeutics plc (AIM: ERX), the drug discovery company
developing targeted therapies for the treatment of cancer, releases its annual
results for the year ended 30th June 2007.

Copies of the accounts have been sent to shareholders and will be available on
the Company's website, www.eirx.com and for a period of one month at 50
Broadway, Westminster LONDON SW1H 0BL.

For further information, please contact:

EiRx Therapeutics plc                                      +353 (0)21 432 0847
Colin Telfer PhD, Chief Executive Officer
Grant Thornton Corporate Finance                           +44 (0)20 7383 5100
Philip Secrett / Colin Aaronson



  * cancer collaboration with multinational diagnostics business bioMerieux SA
    - July 2006

  * efficacy of lead molecule ERX3722 in xenograft model of breast cancer -
    September 2006

  * change of broker and �0.5M raised by share placement - September 2006

  * further �0.5M raised by share placement - January 2007

Post reporting period highlights:

  * Euro362,000 grant from Enterprise Ireland's Innovation Partnership programme,
    to support a drug development collaboration with noted medicinal chemist
    Professor Anita Maguire - September 2007

  * Expansion of EnPADTM platform technology and filing of two patents
    claiming new cancer drug candidates - October 2007

Financial Review

In preparing these financial statements the Directors have adopted FRS20
relating to share based compensation schemes.  The prior year's figures have
been restated to incorporate this accounting standard.

During the financial year, revenues of �79,146 were generated from services
provided to third party research pharmaceutical companies and �48,148 was
received in rental income from the tenant in our Cork premises.  Expenditures
totalled �2,727,716 including �1,196,761 of goodwill impairment, �66,506 of
depreciation and amortisation of patents and �32,551 written-off patents against
which grants received of �79,489 have been credited.  The net loss for the year
was �2,457,057.

In August 2006 40,568,710 new shares were issued at par value of �81,137 to the
landlord of the Cork premises in settlement of arrears of rent over space that
had been unoccupied until then.  In September 2006 the company issued
200,000,000 new shares at a price of 0.25 pence per share, raising �500,000 and
in January 2007 250,000,000 new shares were issued at par of 0.2 pence per share
raising further working capital of �500,000 before costs.  During the year
advances were received in the form of Convertible Loans amounting to �61,000
from EiRx Pharma Limited.  This amount was added to the previous advances from
EiRx Pharma Limited of �245,000, and the total of �306,000 has been treated as
equity following advice from EiRx Pharma Limited that it intends to convert the
debt to equity.

At the end of the financial year cash at bank and in hand amounted to �188,474.

Key Performance Indicators ("KPI's")

1)   Our business KPI is to carry out our research programme in accordance with 
     plans approved by the Board of Directors.

2)   Our financial KPI is to ensure that we have adequate funding in place to 
     accomplish our business KPI.

Corporate and Product Development Review

In the previous year's annual report I set out your Board's vision for the
creation of shareholder value through a focus on development of novel cancer
drugs.  I described the Engineered Pathway Dependence (EnPADTM) technology as
the company's principal asset and source of competitive advantage, explained the
process of drug development through the stages of lead optimisation and
preclinical development, argued that market analysis supports the expectation of
significant value crystallisation from product licensing at the clinical
candidacy boundary and cautioned that our prospects of success would be
determined by our ability to meet the Company's need for cutting edge medicinal
chemistry skills.

I am therefore pleased to report that in the intervening months we have made
important progress towards these goals, expanding our EnPADTM platform
technology in order to widen our scope for successful targeting of cancer cell
signalling and gaining government grant support for a key alliance with a
prestigious and industrially active medicinal chemistry institute.

In September '06 we announced the results of an in vivo efficacy study examining
the effect of the hit compound ERX3722, discovered by EiRx using our proprietary
EnPADTM assay, in a subcutaneous human breast cancer xenograft model.  The
Company was pleased to report that the compound, taken straight from screening
and without chemical optimisation, achieved a very significant 50% reduction in
tumour volume with no evidence of systemic toxicity.  In recent months ERX3722
has been accepted for evaluation by the Developmental Therapeutics Programme
(the "DTP") of the National Cancer Institute, in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, having
satisfied acceptance criteria that include structural novelty, drug-likeness and
likely suitability to further optimisation.  We anticipate that the work
performed by the DTP on ERX3722 (which is conducted at DTP's expense and without
influence on EiRx's ownership or commercial control of the molecule) will
provide an evaluation of the potential clinical uses of optimised molecules
derived from the ERX3722 compound series, and information on its potential
molecular mechanism of action.  It is our further intention to progress the
ERX3722 series into medicinal chemistry studies under the Company's Innovation
Partnership with Professor Anita Maguire (see below).

Encouraged by the success of the first EnPADTM screening exercise, EiRx has
instigated a rapid expansion of the cellular screening technology platform.
Cancerous cells typically display overactivity in one or more of the
intracellular signalling pathways that control growth and division (so-called "
gain of function" mutations and amplifications).  The expanded EnPADTM platform,
currently numbering 30 engineered screening assays in development or active use,
models many of the most important gain-of-function mutations underlying such
pathway overactivity in major cancer indications, and also incorporates novel
apoptosis pathway targets selected from EiRx's ALIBITM study of the regulatory
mechanisms controlling apoptosis.

The other major mechanism underlying the loss of growth control seen in tumour
cells is inactivating mutation of so-called "tumour suppressor" genes.  Such
genes normally act to hold cellular growth and division in check, and mutations
which render them inactive ("loss of function" mutations) result in a loss of
control over growth.  Loss of function mutations in tumour suppressor genes are
extremely common in cancer; two such genes, p53 and PTEN, are amongst the most
commonly mutated in all cancers.  The Company is now adapting the EnPADTM system
to include "loss of function" assays that mimic this aspect of cancer.  This is
being achieved by the use of "short hairpin RNA" (shRNA) technology, which
enables the generation of cell lines in which a single target gene is
permanently silenced.  Such "loss of function" EnPADTM models will allow the
Company to screen its compound library for small molecules whose biological
activity is targeted against the cancerous phenotype induced by inactivating
mutations in tumour suppressor genes.

At the present time EiRx has completed screening of its discovery compound
library in 4 distinct EnPADTM models, and has successfully identified hit
compound series with the specified biological selectivity in three of these four
screens.  Results of our work with AKT and Beta-catenin EnPADTM models,
which lead to new patent applications, are further discussed below.  The Company
knows of no reason why a high success rate cannot be repeated across the entire
EnPADTM assay battery, delivering an extensive set of active and biologically
targeted hit compound series from which the most promising candidates can be
picked for advancement into lead optimisation and preclinical studies.  The EiRx
management team believes the EnPADTM screening effort underpins the future
success of the Company, and is the central feature of our strategic realignment
from a research licensing model to drug development.  Expansion of this platform
is undertaken with the intention of broadening the range of hit compound series
available for evaluation against stringent criteria of potency, selectivity,
drug-likeness and ease of derivatisation, ensuring that the Company selects
high-quality starting points for further investment in development and

As part of our drive to reduce operating costs and focus investment on the
EnPADTM drug discovery platform, the Board has made the decision to discontinue
cancer research and drug development activities at the Company's subsidiary
laboratory in Aberdeen.  EiRx staff in Aberdeen are now devoting their efforts
to the production and marketing of antibody reagents for use in laboratory
research.  The Company has previously enjoyed success in licensing such products
to laboratory supply companies, and we have increased our activity in this area
with the intention of generating increased revenues.  EiRx's license to the
ACCRI-BANK tumour tissue collection based in Aberdeen remains in force, and we
plan to continue exploitation of this resource in due course for identification
and validation of biomarkers to support the development of the Company's
targeted cancer therapy candidates.

Significant events occurring after the Financial Year end

Innovation Partnership Grant and Collaboration with Professor Anita Maguire,

On 13th August '07 EiRx announced that Enterprise Ireland has agreed to fund the
Company's development of new cancer medicines through collaboration with
Professor Anita Maguire, Chair of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at University College
Cork ("UCC"), Ireland.  The collaboration will establish a medicinal chemistry
team in Cork, under the supervision of Professor Maguire, to optimise compounds
emerging from the Company's EnPADTM drug discovery platform and advance them
towards clinical trials.  The tie-up with Professor Maguire, who is Director of
UCC's prestigious Analytical & Biological Chemistry Research Facility ("ABCRF"),
has been awarded Euro362,600 of funding for personnel, materials and overhead costs
through Enterprise Ireland's Innovation Partnership scheme, and will be
reinforced by EiRx with a further Euro139,000 in cash and dedicated personnel

As a result of the collaboration, EiRx gains access to medicinal chemistry
skills and facilities via employment of two fully-funded postdoctoral chemists
within Professor Maguire's research group at the ABCRF.  Professor Maguire will
lead the chemistry aspect of the research programme, and EiRx will contribute
dedicated cancer biology and management input.  The collaboration will work on
optimisation of tumour-selective pro-apoptotic molecules identified using
EnPADTM, and any optimised drug candidates resulting will thereafter be advanced
to formal preclinical and clinical evaluation.  Novel intellectual property
generated by the collaboration will be jointly held by the partners, and EiRx
will assume responsibility for product development beyond the lead optimisation
stage, paying success-driven development milestones and royalties in return for
exclusive, worldwide rights over UCC's stake in jointly held IP.

Your Board is delighted that a scientist of Professor Maguire's calibre will be
playing a key role in the application of medicinal chemistry to our product
pipeline, and to have gained state financial support to access the cutting-edge
facilities of the ABCRF.  We believe this initiative will be the foundation
stone of our own dedicated chemistry capability, and the engine of our progress
towards development of high-value clinical candidates that will drive our
commercial prospects.

Filing of New Patent Applications

On 11th October '07, EiRx filed patent applications covering compound series
isolated from EnPADTM models targeting the PI3K/AKT and Wnt/Beta-catenin
pathways, two of the cell signalling pathways most frequently overactive in a
range of major solid tumour indications.

To generate an EnPADTM screening model targeting the PI3K/AKT pathway, an
intracellular signal transduction mechanism which is overactive in more than 60%
of all cancers, an apoptosis-resistant phenotype was induced by deliberate
overexpression of the AKT protein kinase isoform 2.  In laboratory tests,
exemplar compounds from the hit series potently and specifically induced
apoptosis in breast and colorectal cancer cell lines, and have been shown by
EiRx researchers to prevent the activation of AKT, an event which is central to
signal transduction by the targeted pathway.

The Wnt/Beta-catenin signal pathway is known to be overactive in >85% of
late-stage colorectal cancers as well as in breast cancers, and is now though to
play a role in both melanoma and leukaemia.  To target this pathway, EiRx
engineered overexpression of the Beta-catenin protein, in both its normal
form and a mutated form commonly seen in colorectal cancers.  Compounds isolated
from screening of this EnPADTM model exhibit potent and specific induction of
apoptosis in breast and colorectal cancer cell lines, and the Company has
recently generated evidence that certain of these compounds interfere with the
cell cycle mechanism controlling cell division and replication, which becomes
dysregulated in cancer.

These successes further demonstrate the EnPADTM technology's ability to
deliberately focus the selection of biologically active compounds against a
chosen aspect of tumour cell biology.  Compounds from both the AKT and Beta
-catenin signal inhibitor series will now be advanced to further
mechanism-of-action ("MOA"), toxicology and in vivo efficacy studies.  Once in
vivo activity and MOA have been confirmed, it is anticipated that these compound
series will be the subject of an optimization effort conducted as part of the
Company's medicinal chemistry collaboration with the ABCRF.

Update on progress of R&D Collaborations

All EiRx's active R&D collaborations are subject to confidentiality agreements
with our partners, but it is our intention, wherever possible, to provide
guidance on the progress and prospects of these initiatives.

bioMerieux SA

In July '06 the Company entered into an agreement with bioMerieux SA, the
leading international diagnostics group headquartered in France.  Under the
terms of the collaboration both companies are undertaking research into the
expression of genes and proteins within tumour samples from colorectal cancer
patients, aiming to identify biomarkers associated with the development and
progression of the disease. Under the collaboration, bioMerieux has been
exploring the potential diagnostic utility of proteins from EiRx's cancer
biomarker panel, whilst EiRx has used its siRNA-driven functional validation
platform to explore the utility of certain targets from bioMerieux's colorectal
biomarker panel as targets for new drug therapies.  Shareholders will be
notified if and when this ongoing joint effort results in a further commercial
arrangement between the parties.

MGI Pharma, Inc.

The US biotech company MGI Pharma (NASDAQ: MOGN) is developing a cancer vaccine
(ZYC300) based on IP licensed from EiRx's Auvation subsidiary.  In September '06
MGI Pharma initiated a second Phase I/IIa trial of ZYC300, this time combining
it with a second agent that it is hoped will enhance the favourable immune
response.  At the time of writing, this trail is ongoing and has completed full
recruitment of patients in line with the study protocol.  EiRx stands to earn
milestone payments and royalties on the successful development of ZYC300, and we
will advise EiRx shareholders of progress as news becomes available.

Almac Diagnostics

In March 2006 EiRx entered into a collaborative research agreement with the
applied genomics specialist Almac Diagnostics of Craigavon, Northern Ireland.
The collaboration, which is part-funded by the InterTrade Ireland INNOVA
Collaborative R&D program, aims to model the molecular events underlying the
early development of colorectal cancer.  The active technical programme began in
May '06 and is now generating intriguing results that the partners are
subjecting to further analysis and testing.  Funding for this work will run
until May '08, after which EiRx anticipates being able to draw scientific
conclusions and provide investors with an indication of the proposed route to
further development and commercialisation of the study output.


As discussed in previous communications to shareholders, the Board continues to
seek maximum value creation through development of novel drug products at least
as far as clinical candidacy before seeking to strike licensing and development
deals with the major Pharmaceutical companies.  Considerable development work
remains ahead, but we believe the Company's EnPADTM technology platform provides
many advantages over conventional drug discovery approaches.  Hit compounds
generated by the EnPADTM approach have so far proven to be more potent than
generally would be expected of hits from standard high-throughput screening or
target-driven rational design approaches.  This allows EiRx to begin the lead
optimisation process from a more favourable position part-way down the
development path from unoptimised hit to optimised lead.  This elegant and
efficient approach enables EiRx to compete in the cancer drug discovery field
whilst more modestly financed than most of our competitors.  The inherent
ability to focus on intracellular signalling pathways without the need to
prejudge the most effective or tractable target for intervention is a further
benefit of the EnPADTM approach, leaving open the potential to discover new
mechanisms of action.

We believe that the EnPADTM technology, combined with the medicinal chemistry
expertise now available to us through our Innovation Partnership with the ABCRF,
provides the foundation for our future success.  The Company must now ensure it
is sufficiently well funded to progress its cancer therapy products through the
process of lead optimisation and preclinical development to the point of
clinical candidacy, where we believe commercial and financial success can be
realised.  In line with our drug development business model, EiRx currently
generates limited revenue and needs to raise funds to support its operations.
Careful control of expenditure and greater than anticipated grant income has
allowed us to operate from September '06 to October '07 on share placement
proceeds of �1M before costs, but the Company is presently utilising a bank
overdraft facility of �200,000, which will fund operations until the end of
January '08.  Expressions of interest in a further share placing have been
received, and due to the current low market price of the Company's shares an EGM
was held on 5th December where shareholder approval was obtained for a share
capital reorganisation to lower the nominal value of the Company's stock and
enable this placing to proceed.   It is envisaged that this placing will raise
sufficient funds for the group's operations for a period of 6 - 9 months.  The
directors are confident that further funds will be available at that time to
enable the group to continue trading.

If the placing is successful, the funds raised will provide working capital to
enable the Company to continue its drug development programme and its business
development activities.  In this regard, we are greatly encouraged by the
continuing expansion of the EnPADTM drug discovery platform, the recent patent
filings disclosing potential new cancer drug candidates targeted at major cancer
cell pathways, and the support received from Enterprise Ireland for our
collaboration with Professor Maguire and the ABCRF.   We believe these positive
developments are a further validation of EiRx's ability to develop new and
improved cancer drugs, and seek the support of new and existing investors alike
in charting our course towards success.

John Pool, Chairman
18 December 2007

Consolidated Profit & Loss Account

                                                                        Note     2007          2006
                                                                                 �             �

Turnover                                                                2        79,146        26,780

Administrative expenses                                                          (2,648,227)   (1,847,459)

Other operating income - rent receivable                                         48,148        23,769

Operating loss                                                                   (2,520,933)   (1,796,910)

Net interest                                                            3        (5,904)       (4,033)

Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                             2        (2,526,837)   (1,800,943)

Taxation                                                                5        69,780        (19,818)

Loss on ordinary activities after taxation for the year                 18       (2,457,057)   (1,820,761)

Basic and diluted loss per share                                        7        (0.0881) p    (0.0900) p

All operations are continuing.

Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses

                                                                                 2007          2006
                                                                                 �             �

Loss for the financial period                                                (2,457,057)       (1,820,761)
Currency difference on foreign currency net investments                          83,519           (81,917)

Total recognised gains and losses for the period                             (2,373,538)       (1,902,678)

Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                                        Note     2007          2006
                                                                                 �             �

Fixed assets
Intangible assets
  Goodwill                                                              8        3,917,024     5,113,786
  Patents                                                               8        106,405       167,576
                                                                                 4,023,429     5,281,362
Tangible assets                                                         9        170,429       192,637
                                                                                 4,193,858     5,473,999

Current assets
Stocks                                                                  11       16,563        20,965
Debtors                                                                 12        98,362       167,820
Cash at bank and in hand                                                         188,474       297,674
                                                                                 303,399       486,459

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                          13       (328,945)     (778,003)

Net current liabilities                                                          (25,546)      (291,544)

Total assets less current liabilities                                            4,168,312     5,182,455

Creditors: amounts falling due in more than one year                    14       -             (433)

Net assets                                                                       4,168,312     5,182,022

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                                 17       5,951,486     4,970,348
Convertible debt                                                        17       306,000       -
Share based compensation reserve                                        18       123,615       100,925
Share premium account                                                   18       1,587,542     1,537,542
Merger reserve                                                          18       2,999,768     2,999,768
Exchange translation reserve                                            18       63,816        (19,703)
Profit and loss account                                                 18       (6,863,915)   (4,406,858)

Shareholders' funds                                                              4,168,312     5,182,022

The financial statements were authorised for issue and approved by the Board of
Directors on 18 December 2007.

Company Balance Sheet

                                                                        Note                   2006

                                                                                 2007          Restated
                                                                                 �             �

Fixed assets
Investments                                                             10       3,683,794     4,507,584

Current assets
Debtors                                                                 12       66,422        2,579,275
Cash at bank and in hand                                                         115,751       273,000
                                                                                 182,173       2,852,275

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                          13       (129,356)     (430,482)

Net current assets                                                               52,817        2,421,793

Total assets less current liabilities                                            3,736,611     6,929,377

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                                 17       5,951,486     4,970,348
Convertible debt                                                        17       306,000       -
Share based compensation reserve                                        18       123,615       100,925
Share premium account                                                   18       1,587,542     1,537,542
Merger reserve                                                          18       2,171,712     2,171,712
Profit and loss account                                                 18       (6,403,744)   (1,851,150)

Shareholders' funds                                                              3,736,611     6,929,377

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                    Note      2007          2006
                                                                              �             �

Net cash outflow from operating activities                          20        (1,231,447)   (1,085,270)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                                             11,613        4,688
Interest paid                                                                 (17,517)      (8,721)
Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of                 (5,904)       (4,033)

Corporation tax                                                               (2,875)       (18,203)
R & D tax credit                                                              71,698        -
                                                                               68,823       (18,203)

Capital expenditure
Investment in patents                                                         (9,890)       (63,763)
Acquisitions of tangible assets                                               (1,103)       (426)
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure                                     (10,993)      (64,189)

Issue of shares                                                               1,081,138     1,300,365
Expenses paid in connection with share issues                                 (50,000)      (105,138)
Convertible loan drawn down                                                   48,750        257,250
Finance lease and hire purchase repayments                                    (6,863)       (10,802)
Net cash inflow from financing                                                1,073,025     1,441,675

(Decrease)/increase in cash                                         21        (106,496)     269,980

The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the
Company's statutory accounts for the period ended 30 June 2007 but is derived
from those accounts. Statutory accounts for the period will be delivered to
Companies House following the Company's next Annual General Meeting. The Group's
auditors have reported on these accounts; their report was unqualified and did
not contain statements under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
Their report did contain an emphasis of matter statement concerning the
disclosure in note 1 below concerning the group's ability to continue as a going

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable United
Kingdom accounting standards

under the historical cost convention and on the going concern basis (see note
1). As this is the first year that FRS 20

has been adopted, prior year figures have been restated. The principal
accounting policies of the group, remain unchanged from the previous year other
than the adoption of FRS 20.

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

1        Basis of preparation

These financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis, which
assumes that the company will continue in operational existence for the
foreseeable future.

The directors have produced forecasts for 12 months from the date of signing
these accounts. These forecasts show a requirement for a �0.8m fundraising in
January 2008, in order to continue scientific and product development.

The directors have entered into discussions with brokers and potential investors
who have indicated that funds will be able to be raised, in January 2008 which
will allow the groups to operate for a period of 6 - 9 months. The directors are
currently investigating sources of funding for that time and as a result of
current discussions are confident that such funds as the group requires to
continue trading will be available. As with any future fund raising the outcome
of these events is uncertain.

On this basis, the directors believe that it is appropriate for the accounts to
be prepared on the going concern basis. The accounts do not include any
adjustments that would result should the company be unable to raise sufficient

2        Turnover and loss on ordinary activities before taxation

The turnover is attributable to contract research and licence fees in regard to
out licensing of intellectual property all from within the European Union.
Further analysis is not provided because the directors consider disclosure to be
seriously prejudicial to the interests of the group.

The loss on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after:                 2007         2006
                                                                                 �            �
Research and development:
  Current year expenditure including depreciation and amortisation of patents,
  hire of equipment and operating lease rentals                                  750,848      923,299
Grants receivable in respect of research and development                         (79,489)     (93,073)
Auditors' remuneration:
  Audit services - parent company and consolidation                              16,000       12,000
  Audit services - subsidiaries                                                  12,000       11,493
  Non-audit services - tax compliance services                                   -            2,378
  Non-audit services - nominated advisor                                         22,221       17,846
Redundancy payment to former director                                            45,970       46,886
Depreciation and amortisation:
  Goodwill                                                                       370,280      370,281
  Other intangible fixed assets - patents                                        34,330       34,086
  Tangible fixed assets, owned                                                   29,837       45,343
  Tangible fixed assets, leased                                                  2,339        2,389
  Impairment of goodwill                                                         826,480      -
Provisions for diminution in value:
  Provision for permanent diminution in value of fixed assets - patents          32,551       -
Foreign currency losses                                                          (93,323)     80,140
Hire of equipment                                                                -            1,607
Other operating lease rentals                                                    163,621      150,723

3        Net interest
                                                                                 2007         2006
                                                                                 �            �

Interest receivable on bank deposits                                             11,613       4,688
Interest payable on Convertible Loan Notes                                       (15,300)     -
Interest payable on bank overdrafts                                              (2,217)      (8,721)
                                                                                 (5,904)      (4,033)

4        Directors and employees

Staff costs during the period were as follows:
                                                                                 2007         2006
                                                                                 �            �

Wages and salaries                                                               332,481      354,361
Social security costs                                                            43,781       46,460
Other pension costs                                                              11,790       19,875
                                                                                 388,052      420,696

The average number of employees by category was as follows:
                                                                                 2007         2006
                                                                                 Number       Number

Research staff                                                                   10           14
Administrative staff                                                             3            4
Management                                                                       2            3
                                                                                 15           21

Remuneration in respect of directors was as follows:
                                                                                 2007         2006
                                                                                 �            �

Emoluments                                                                       76,728       144,968
Pension contributions to money purchase pension schemes                          1,604        5,046
                                                                                 78,332       150,014
Payments to third parties for directors' services                                83,665       151,421
                                                                                 161,997      301,435

During the period one (2006: two) directors participated in defined money
purchase pension schemes.

During the period no directors exercised share options.

The amounts set out above include remuneration in respect of the highest paid
director as follows:

                                                                                 2007         2006
                                                                                 �            �

Emoluments                                                                       76,728       71,683
Pension contributions to money purchase pension schemes                          1,604        -
                                                                                 78,332       71,683

5        Taxation

There is a charge to taxation of �1,918 on income received and a subsidiary
company received a research & development tax credit of �71,698.

Unrelieved tax losses of approximately �4.6 million (2006: �4.3 million) remain
available to offset against future taxable trading profits of the company's
subsidiary company.

Factors affecting the tax charge for the period.

The tax assessed for the period is higher than the standard rate of corporation
tax in the UK of 30%.

The differences are explained as follows:                                       2007          2006
                                                                                �             �

Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                                     (2,526,837)   (1,800,943)

Loss on ordinary activities multiplied by standard rate of corporation tax at   (758,051)     (540,283)

Effect of:
Expenses incurred not deductible for tax purposes                               375,189       121,966
Overprovision brought forward                                                   302           21
Overseas income not relieved against losses at 12.5%                            -             2,971
Differential rates on overseas unrelieved income                                -             4,160
Income not chargeable for tax purposes                                          (23,847)      (27,922)
Research & development tax credit                                               71,698        -
Tax losses carried forward on UK operating loss at 30%                          134,134       188,875
Tax losses carried forward on overseas operating loss at 12.5%                  112,648       101,952
Lower tax rates on overseas loss                                                157,707       146,667
Adjustment in respect of prior years                                            -             (18,225)
Current tax credit/charge for period                                            69,780        (19,818)

6       Loss for the financial period

The parent company has taken advantage of section 230 of the Companies Act 1985
and has not included its own profit and loss account in these financial
statements.  The parent company's loss for the period was �4,552,594 (2006 (as
restated): �230,401).

7       Loss per share

The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the loss
attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average number of
shares in issue during the period.

Reconciliation of the earnings and weighted average number of shares used in the
calculations are set out below.

                                                                         Weighted average   Per share
                                                           Loss          number of          amount
                                                           �             shares             pence
Basic and Diluted Earnings per share
to ordinary shareholders                                   (2,457,057)   2,787,776,650      (0.0881)

7     Loss per share (continued)
                                                                                            Per share
                                                           Loss          Weighted average   Amount
                                                           restated      number of          restated
                                                           �             shares             pence

Basic and Diluted Earnings per share                       (1,820,761)   2,022,624,077      (0.0900)
attributable to ordinary shareholders                                    

There is no dilutive effect on the loss per share as a result of the issue of
options and consequently this has not been shown.

8     Intangible fixed assets

The group                                                    Goodwill on
                                                             consolidation   Patents         Total
                                                             �               �               �
At 1 July 2006                                               7,402,923       243,408         7,646,331
Additions                                                    -               9,890           9,890
Disposals                                                                    (79,202)        (79,202)
Foreign exchange differences                                 -               (6,150)         (6,150)
At 30 June 2007                                              7,402,923       167,946         7,570,869

At 1 July 2006                                               (2,289,137)     (75,832)        (2,364,969)
Amortisation in the year                                     (370,280)       (34,330)        (404,610)
Impairment during the year                                   (826,482)       -               (826,482)
Written back on disposals                                    -               46,651          46,651
Foreign exchange differences                                 -               1,970           1,970
At 30 June 2007                                              (3,485,899)     (61,541)        (3,547,440)

Net book amount at 30 June 2007                              3,917,024       106,405         4,023,429

Net book amount at 30 June 2006                              5,113,786       167,576         5,281,362

The impairment of �826,480 noted above represents an impairment in respect of
Auvation Limited of �2,076,480 and a reversal of previous impairments of
�1,250,000 in respect of EiRx Therapeutics Limited.  The impairment has been
reversed as a result of scientific developments during the year and the
partnership with Professor Anita Macguire which have resulted in increased
forecast cash flows.

9        Tangible fixed assets

The group                                   Leasehold       Laboratory       Office
                                            property        equipment        equipment       Total
                                            �               �                �               �
At 1 July 2006                              212,479         360,999          61,202          634,680
Additions                                   -               354              749             1,103
Foreign exchange differences                (5,698)         (1,743)          (1,642)         (9,083)
At 30 June 2007                             206,781         359,610          60,309          626,700

At 1 July 2006                              (51,655)        (335,602)        (54,786)        (442,043)
Provided in the period                      (8,280)         (21,160)         (2,738)         (32,178)
Foreign exchange differences                1,394           15,084           1,472           17,950
At 30 June 2007                             (58,541)        (341,678)        (56,052)        (456,271)

Net book amount at 30 June 2007             148,240         17,932           4,257           170,429

Net book amount at 30 June 2006             160,824         25,397           6,416           192,637

Included above are assets held under finance lease with a net book value of
�3,699 (2006: �6,196).  Depreciation changed in respect of such assets amounted
to �2,337 (2006: �2,389)

The company holds no intangible fixed assets.

10       Fixed asset investments

The company                                                  Shares in       Loan to
                                                             subsidiary      subsidiary
                                                             companies       company         Total
                                                             �               �               �
At 1 July 2006 and 30 June 2007                              6,511,149       1,300,797       7,811,946

Amounts written off
At 1 July 2006                                               3,304,362       -               3,304,362
Impairment in the year                                       823,790         -               823,790
At 30 June 2007                                              4,128,152       -               4,128,152

Net book amount
At 30 June 2007                                              2,382,997       1,300,797       3,683,794

At 30 June 2006                                              3,206,787       1,300,797       4,507,584

The investments in EiRx Therapeutics Limited and Auvation Limited have been
impaired to the directors' estimate of market value.

10      Fixed asset investments (continued)

The loan to the subsidiary company is governed by loan notes issued by the
subsidiary that carry interest at 4% per annum and are redeemable either by the
company at any time after 2 January 2009 or by the subsidiary on  2 January

At 30 June 2007 the group held 20% or more of the allotted share capital of the

Subsidiary undertaking            Country of        Class of share      Proportion    Nature of
                                                    capital held
                                  incorporation                         held          business

Auvation Limited                  Scotland          Ordinary shares     100%          Research into drugs
EiRx Therapeutics Limited         Ireland           Ordinary shares     98.4%         Research into


11       Stocks
                                                                              2007          2006
                                                                              �             �

Research materials and consumable stores                                      16,563        20,965

12       Debtors
                                                           The group                 The company
                                                  2007          2006          2007         2006
                                                  �             �             �            �

Amounts due on calls on shares                    50,000        100,000       50,000       100,000
Amount due from subsidiary undertakings           -             -             -            2,443,811
Trade debtors                                     10,175        2,666         -            -
Other debtors                                     -             18,694        -            18,694
Corporation tax recoverable                       659           -             -            -
VAT recoverable                                   7,134         31,067        2,608        10,286
Prepayments and accrued income                    30,394        15,393        13,814       6,484
                                                  98,362        167,820       66,422       2,579,275

In the company, �nil (200 6:�2,443,811) of amounts due from subsidiary
undertakings is considered to be due after more than one year.

13       Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
                                                           The group                 The company
                                                  2007          2006          2007         2006
                                                  �             �             �            �

Bank overdraft                                    -             2,704         -            -
Other loan                                        -             257,250       -            257,250
Trade creditors                                   148,922       321,824       37,306       86,667
Corporation tax payable                           -             1,616         -            -
Social security and other taxes                   27,341        38,105        32           -
Accruals                                          152,117       149,509       92,018       86,565
Amounts due under finance leases                  565           6,995         -            -
                                                  328,945       778,003       129,356      430,482

14       Creditors: amounts falling due in more than one year
                                                           The group                 The company
                                                  2007          2006          2007         2006
                                                  �             �             �            �

Amounts due under finance leases                  -             433           -            -

15       Commitments under finance leases and hire purchase agreements

Future commitments under finance leases and hire purchases agreements are as

                                                           The group                 The company
                                                  2007          2006          2007         2006
                                                  �             �             �            �

Amounts payable within 1 year                     565           6,995         -            -
Amounts payable between 1 and 2 years             -             433           -            -
                                                  565           7,428         -            -

16       Share-based payments

Equity-settled share-based payments

The Group has a share option scheme for all employees (including directors).
Options are exercisable at a price equal to the average market price of the
company's shares on the date of grant. The vesting period is 3 years. The
exercise of options is also dependent on eligible executives meeting performance
criteria. The options are settled in equity once exercised.

If the options remain unexercised after a period of 10 years from the date of
grant, the options expire. Options are forfeited if the employee leaves the
company before the options vest.

Details of the number of share options and the weighted average exercise price
(WAEP) outstanding during the year are as follows:

                                                             2007                        2006
                                                                WAEP                        WAEP
                                                  No            �             No            �

Outstanding at the beginning of the year          2,585,561     -             5,904,305     0.07
Forfeited during the year                         -             -             (3,318,744)   0.07
Outstanding at the end of the year                2,585,561     0.07          2,585,561     0.07

Exercisable at the year end                       2,585,561     0.07          2,585,561     0.07

No options were granted, exercised or expired in the current or prior year.

The fair values were calculated using the Black-Scholes Pricing Model. The
inputs into the model were as follows:


During the year the following options were granted:

Date of                          Weighted                                                     Weighted
issue                 Weighted   average                                                      average
                      average    exercise                                          Expected   fair
            Number    share      price        Expected      Expected   Risk free   dividend   value at
            granted   price                   volatility    life       rate        yield      grant date
            No.       �          �            %             Years      %           %          �

19 Jan 04   5904305   0.07       0.07         70            6.5        4.709       -          0.04781

Expected volatility was determined by calculating the historical volatility of
the company's share price over the previous 5 years. The expected life used in
the model has been adjusted, based on the management's best estimate, for the
effects of non-transferability, exercise restrictions and behavioural

The company recognised total expenses of �23,000 (2006: credit of �35,000)
related to equity-settled share-based payment transactions during the year.

17       Share capital
                                                                                2007          2006
                                                                                �             �

5,000,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.2 pence each                                 10,000,000    10,000,000

Allotted, called up and fully paid
 2,975,742,760(2006: 2,485,174,050) ordinary shares of 0.2 pence each           5,951,486     4,970,348

Convertible debt considered to be equity                                        306,000       -

On 31 August 2006, 40,568,710 shares were issued and allotted to the landlord of
the Group's Cork premises at a price of 0.2 pence per share in settlement of
rent arrears on space that had been vacant until that date. The shares issued
amounted to �81,137.

On 31 October 2006, a placing of shares resulted in the issue and allotment of
200,000,000 shares at of 0.25 pence per share.  The funds raised amounted to
�500,000 and expenses of the issue of �25,000 were charged against the Share
Premium account.

On 4 January 2007, a placing of shares resulted in the issue and allotment of
250,000,000 shares at par value of 0.2pence per share. The funds raised amounted
to �500,000 and expenses of the issue of �25,000 were charged against the Share
Premium account.

The Company has issued Convertible Loan Notes to EiRx Pharma Limited totalling
�306,000. The Company has been informed by EiRx Pharma Limited that it intends
to convert the principal amount of the loan into equity at the time and price at
which the next issue and allotment of shares is made by the Company.  As a
result the directors consider that the debt element of the convertible loan
notes is not material.  The directors have therefore treated the whole amount as
equity, and transferred the amount from creditors during the year.  Interest is
payable on the loan at a rate of 5% per annum beginning on 1 July 2006 with the
first interest payment due on 31 December 2007.

18        Share premium account and reserves

The group                                Share                       Share based    Exchange      Profit and
                                         premium       Merger        compensation   Translation   loss
                                         account       reserve       reserve        Reserve       account
                                         �             �             �              �             �
                                                                     Restated                     Restated
At 1 July 2006                           1,537,542     2,999,768     100,925        (19,703)      (4,406,858)
Retained loss for the year               -             -             -              -             (2,457,057)
Exchange differences                     -             -             -              83,519        -
Premium on allotments during the year    100,000       -             -              -             -
Issue costs                              (50,000)      -             -              -             -
Share options amortisation               -                           22,690         -             -
Transfer to profit and loss account      -             -             -              -             -
At 30 June 2007                          1,587,542     2,999,768     123,615        63,816        (6,863,915)

18       Share premium account and reserves (continued)

The company                                      Share                       Share based     Profit and
                                                 premium       Merger        compensation    loss
                                                 account       reserve       reserve         account
                                                 �             �             �               �
                                                                             Restated        Restated
At 1 July 2006                                   1,537,542     2,171,712     100,925         (1,851,150)
Retained loss for the year                       -             -             -               (4,552,594)
Premium on allotments during the year            100,000       -             -               -
Issue costs                                      (50,000)      -             -               -
Share options amortisation                       -             -             22,690          -
Transfer to profit and loss account              -             -             -               -
At 30 June 2007                                  1,587,542     2,171,712     123,615         (6,403,744)

19       Reconciliation of movements in shareholders funds
                                                                              2007            2006
                                                                              �               �
Loss for the financial year                                                   (2,457,057)     (1,820,761)
Other recognised gains and losses                                             83,519          (81,917)
Share based payments                                                          22,690           (35,449)
Convertible loan notes, recognised as equity                                  306,000         -
Issue of shares, net of costs                                                 1,031,138       1,195,227
Net reduction in shareholders' funds                                          (1,013,710)     (742,900)
Shareholders' funds at 30 June 2006                                           5,182,022       5,924,922
Shareholders' funds at 30 June 2007                                           4,168,312       5,182,022

20       Net cash outflow from operating activities
                                                                              2007            2006
                                                                              �               �
Operating loss                                                                (2,520,933)     (1,796,910)
Exchange differences                                                          78,832          (93,024)
Depreciation, amortisation and write-off of patents                           66,508          452,099
Loss on sale of patents                                                       32,551          -
Impairment of goodwill                                                        1,196,762       -
Share based compensation costs                                                22,690          (35,449)
Decrease/(increase) in stock                                                  4,402           (159)
Decrease in debtors                                                           68,799          431,434
Decrease in creditors                                                         (181,058)       (43,261)
Net cash outflow from operating activities                                    (1,231,447)     (1,085,270)

21       Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
                                                                              2007            2006
                                                                              �               �
Net cash (outflow)/inflow for the year                                        (106,496)       269,980
Repayment of finance leases and hire purchase agreements                      6,863           10,802
Cash inflow in respect of convertible loan                                    (48,750)        (257,250)
Movement in net funds from cash flows                                         (148,383)       23,532
Transfer of convertible loan to equity                                        306,000         -
Movement in net funds for the year                                            157,617         23,532
Net funds at 1 July 2006                                                      30,292          6,760
Net funds at 30 June 2007                                                     187,909         30,292

22       Analysis of changes in net funds
                                                  At 1 July                   Non-cash      At 30 June
                                                  2006          Cash flow     items         2007
                                                  �             �             �             �

Cash at bank and in hand                          297,674       (109,200)     -             188,474
Bank overdraft                                    (2,704)       2,704         -             -
Finance leases                                    (7,428)       6,863         -             (565)
Convertible loan                                  (257,250)     (48,750)      306,000       -
Net funds                                         30,292        (148,383)     306,000       187,909

23       Financial instruments

The group uses financial instruments, other than derivatives, comprising
borrowings, cash on deposit and in current accounts and other items, such as
trade debtors, trade creditors, etc. that arise directly from its operations.
The main purpose of these financial instruments is to raise finance for the
group's operations.

The group also enters into derivatives transactions such as forward rate
agreements and forward foreign currency contracts. The purpose of such
transactions is to manage the currency risks arising from the group's operations
and its sources of finance.

The main risk arising from the group financial instruments is currency risk.
The board reviews and agrees policies for managing each of these risks and they
are summarised below.

All transactions in derivatives, principally forward foreign currency contracts,
are undertaken to manage the risks arising from underlying business activities
and no transactions of a speculative nature are undertaken.

It is and has been throughout the period under review, the group policy that no
trading in financial instruments shall be undertaken.

23      Financial instruments (continued)

Interest rate risk

The group has financed its operations to date from cash raised from issues of
shares. Cash surplus to immediate requirements is placed on interest bearing
deposit with the group's bankers.

The table below shows the extent to which the group had cash on deposit and in
current accounts and the rates of interest applicable to deposits at 30 June

                                                                At 30 June 2007
                                                  Deposit at    30 day        Current
Functional currency of operation                  call          deposits      accounts      Total
                                                  �             �             �             �

Sterling (note 1)                                 99,470        -             56,687        156,157
Euro (note 2)                                     1             -             32,286        32,287
                                                  99,471        -             88,973        188,444

                                                                At 30 June 2006
                                                  Deposit at    30 day        Current
Functional currency of operation                  call          deposits      accounts      Total
                                                  �             �             �             �

Sterling (note 1)                                 274,991       -             -             274,991
Euro (note 2)                                     22,683        -             -             22,683
                                                  297,674       -             -             297,674

Note 1: As at 30 June 2006 & 2007, the sterling deposit at call was at a rate of
1% being LIBOR minus 3.5%.  Deposit interest rates depend on both LIBOR and the
value of funds on deposit.

Note 2: As at 30 June 2006 & 2007, the Euro 30-day deposit was at a rate of
1.68% being 30 day EURIBOR minus 0.4%. The rate of interest depends on both
EURIBOR and the value of funds on deposit.

Liquidity risk

The group seeks to manage financial risk by ensuring sufficient liquidity is
available to meet foreseeable needs and to invest cash assets safely and

Currency risk

The group does not hedge its exposure of foreign investments held in foreign

The group is exposed to translation and transaction foreign exchange risk. In
relation to translation risk, assets held in foreign currency are currently left
exposed.  Transaction exposures are hedged when known, mainly using the forward
hedge market.

The group seeks to hedge its exposures using a variety of financial instruments,
with the objective of minimising fluctuations in exchange rates on future
transactions and cash flows.

23           Financial instruments (continued)

The table below shows the extent to which group companies had monetary assets
and liabilities in currencies other than their local currency. Foreign exchange
differences on retranslation of these assets and liabilities are taken to profit
and loss account of the group companies and the group.

                                                                At 30 June 2007
Functional currency of operation                  Sterling      US Dollar     Euro          Total
                                                  �             �             �             �

Sterling                                          -             -             -             -
Euro                                              3,618         9,105         -             12,723
                                                  3,618         9,105         -             12,723

                                                                At 30 June 2006
Functional currency of operation                  Sterling      US Dollar     Euro          Total
                                                  �             �             �             �

Sterling                                          -             -             446           446
Euro                                              1,800         24,065        -             25,865
                                                  1,800         24,065        446           26,311

The fair value of the financial instruments is not considered to be materially
different from the book values shown.

24       Leasing commitments
                                                                                     Land and buildings
                                                                              2007         2006
                                                                              �            �

Between two and five years                                                    440,040      478,332
In five years or more                                                         1,407,752    1,793,744
                                                                              1,847,792    2,272,076

25       Capital commitments

Neither the group nor the company had any capital commitments at 30 June 2007 or
30 June 2006.

26       Contingent liabilities

There were no contingent liabilities at 30 June 2007 or 30 June 2006.

27       Retirement benefits

Defined Contribution Pension Scheme

The group operates a defined contribution pension scheme for the benefit of the
employees and full-time executive directors of EiRx Therapeutics Limited.  The
assets of the scheme are administered by trustees in a fund independent from
those of the group.

The contributions of the company and its subsidiary undertakings and employees
will remain at 7% and 5% of earnings respectively.

28       Post balance sheet events

Since the year-end the Company has arranged an overdraft facility with its
bankers in the amount of �200,000 to fund working capital pending a proposed
issue and allotment of new shares. The overdraft facility is secured on the
assets of the group and repayment is guaranteed by Peter Hoskins, a significant
shareholder in the Company.

On 5 December 2007, an extraordinary general meeting was held at which
shareholders approved the reorganisation of the companies share capital
including the division of each issued EiRx Therapeutics plc ordinary share of
0.2p each into one ordinary share of 0.001p and one deferred share of 0.199p and
the division of each unissued share of 0.2p into 200 ordinary shares of 0.001p.
The redesignated ordinary shares were re-admitted to AIM on 6 December 2007.

29        Transactions with directors and other related parties

Included in directors' remuneration in note 4 to the financial statements are
payments to third parties as follows:

(i)   28,000 (2006: �31,050) was paid to Wellbeach Associates, a partnership in 
     which John

Pool has an interest.

(ii)  23,265 (2006: �29,607) was paid for scientific consultancy to Prof. 
     Thomas Cotter.

(iii)  �32,400 (2006: �22,662) was paid to Nicholas Strong Consulting Limited, 
     a business in

which Nicholas Strong is the owner, for financial consultancy.

(iv) Nil  (2006: �68,102) was paid to Prof. Michael Fowler for his services as 
     Executive Deputy Chairman.

In each case, the directors are responsible for their own tax and national
insurance in respect of such fees and have indemnified the company and its
subsidiary accordingly.

Except as disclosed above, no director or other related party had a loan from
the company at any time during the year.

30       Ultimate holding company

No other corporate entity holds a majority of the issued shares in the capital
of this company.  Therefore, the largest and smallest entity in which the
company's results are consolidated is that represented by these financial

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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