(a)   Name and address of the offerors.                                     
      Paradigm Capital Partners Limited ("PCPL")                            
      95 Wellington Street West                                             
      Suite 2101                                                            
      PO Box 55                                                             
      Toronto, Ontario                                                      
      M5J 2N7                                                               
      Paradigm Capital Inc. ("PCI")                                         
      95 Wellington Street West                                             
      Suite 2101                                                            
      PO Box 55                                                             
      Toronto, Ontario                                                      
      M5J 2N7                                                               
(b)   The designation and number or principal amount of securities and the  
      offerors' securityholding percentage in the class of securities of    
      which the offeror acquired ownership or control in the transaction or 
      occurrence giving rise to the obligation to file the news release, and
      whether it was ownership or control that was acquired in those        
      On November 27, 2012 PCPL acquired ownership and control of common    
      shares (the "Shares") of Enablence Technologies Inc. (the "Issuer") in
      a private placement such that its aggregate holdings represented 10%  
      or more of the issued and outstanding Shares of the Issuer.           
      Following such acquisition, and after giving effect to a 1-for-20     
      share consolidation of the common shares of the Issuer effective      
      December 6, 2012, PCPL maintained ownership and control over 4,185,815
      Shares of the Issuer (the "PCPL Shares"), representing approximately  
      12.53% of the issued and outstanding Shares of the Issuer.            
      Since December 11, 2012, PCI, an affiliate of PCPL, has acquired      
      ownership and control over an additional 2,121,000 Shares in market   
      transactions (the "PCI Shares"), such that PCPL's and PCI's aggregate 
      holdings, after giving effect to other issuances of Shares during this
      timeframe, currently represent approximately 11.79% of the issued and 
      outstanding Shares of the Issuer.                                     
(c)   The designation and number or principal amount of securities and the  
      offerors' securityholding percentage in the class of securities       
      immediately after the transaction or occurrence giving rise to the    
      obligation to file a news release.                                    
      After giving effect to the acquisitions noted in item (b) above, PCPL 
      and PCI own and control an aggregate of 6,306,815 Shares, representing
      approximately 11.79% of the issued and outstanding Shares as at June  
      7, 2013.                                                              
(d)   The designation and number or principal amount of securities and the  
      percentage of outstanding securities of the class of securities       
      referred to in paragraph (c) over which:                              
(i)   the offerors, either alone or together with joint actors, has         
      ownership and control,                                                
      Paradigm Capital Partners Limited       4,185,815   7.84%   
      Paradigm Capital Inc.                   2,121,000   3.95%   
(ii)  the offerors, either alone or together with joint actors, has         
      ownership but control is held by other persons or companies other than
      the offeror or any joint actor, or                                    
(iii) the offerors, either alone or together with joint actors, has         
      exclusive or shared control but does not have ownership.              
(e)   The name of the market in which the transaction or occurrence that    
      gave rise to the news release took place.                             
      PCPL acquired Shares of the Issuer in connection with a non-brokered  
      private placement which closed on November 27, 2012.                  
      PCI acquired the PCI Shares in the course of market activity conducted
      on the TSX Venture Exchange.                                          
(e.1) The value, in Canadian dollars, of any consideration offered per      
      security if the offerors acquired ownership of a security in the      
      transaction or occurrence giving rise to the obligation to file a news
      The Shares of the Issuer which PCPL acquired on November 27, 2012 were
      at a cost of approximately $0.0165 per share (on a pre-consolidation  
      The PCI Shares were acquired at prevailing Share prices on the TSX    
      Venture Exchange.                                                     
(f)   The purpose of the offerors and any joint actors in effecting the     
      transaction or occurrence that gave rise to the news release,         
      including any future intention to acquire ownership of, or control    
      over, additional securities of the reporting issuer.                  
      PCPL acquired the PCPL Shares as passive investments and not for the  
      purpose of influencing the control or direction of the Issuer. PCI    
      acquired the PCI Shares in the course of market activity, including   
      providing liquidity for the Issuer, and not for the purpose of        
      influencing the control or direction of the Issuer.                   
      PCI intends to continue engaging in market activity in its capacity as
      a registered investment dealer. As such, PCI may acquire ownership and
      control of additional Shares. PCPL and PCI may in the future acquire  
      or dispose of securities of the Issuer, through the market, privately 
      or otherwise, as circumstances or market conditions warrant.          
(g)   The general nature and the material terms of any agreement, other than
      lending arrangements, with respect to securities of the reporting     
      issuer entered into by the offeror, or any joint actor, and the issuer
      of the securities or any other entity in connection with the          
      transaction or occurrence giving rise to the news release, including  
      agreements with respect to the acquisition, holding, disposition or   
      voting of any securities.                                             
(h)   The names of any joint actors in connection with the disclosure       
      required by this form.                                                
(i)   In the case of a transaction or occurrence that did not take place on 
      a stock exchange or other market that represents a published market   
      for the securities, including an issuance from treasury, the nature   
      and value in Canadian dollars of the consideration paid by the        
      On November 27, 2012, PCPL purchased 63,519,801 Shares of the Issuer  
      (on a pre-consolidated basis) for an aggregate cash purchase price of 
(j)   If applicable, a description of any change in any material fact set   
      out in a previous report by the entity under the early warning        
      requirements or Part 4 of National Instrument 62-103 in respect of the
      reporting issuer's securities.                                        
(k)   If applicable, a description of the exemption from securities         
      legislation being relied on by the offeror and the facts supporting   
      that reliance.                                                        
      DATED June 7, 2013.                                                   

Paradigm Capital Inc.

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Perlite Canada Inc. (TSXV:PCI)
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