|1.  |Name of the issuer       |2. |State whether the notification relates to  | 
|    |                         |   |(i) a                                      | 
|    |                         |   |transaction notified in accordance with DTR| 
|    |                         |   |3.1.2 R, (ii) a disclosure made in         | 
|    |                         |   |accordance LR 9.8.6R(1) or (iii) a         | 
|    |                         |   |disclosure made in accordance with section | 
|    |LIBERTY INTERNATIONAL PLC|   |793 of the Companies Act (2006).           | 
|    |                         |   |                                           | 
|    |                         |   |NOTIFICATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH (i)        | 
|3.  |Name of person           |4. |State whether notification relates to a    | 
|    |discharging managerial   |   |person connected with a person discharging | 
|    |responsibilities /       |   |managerial responsibilities/director named | 
|    |director                 |   |in 3 and identify the connected person     | 
|    |                         |   |                                           | 
|    |                         |   |PDMR NAMED IN 3                            | 
|    |H TURNER NEWTON          |   |                                           | 
|5.  |Indicate whether the     |6. |Description of shares (including class),   | 
|    |notification is in       |   |debentures or derivatives or financial     | 
|    |respect of a holding of  |   |instruments relating to shares             | 
|    |the person referred to in|   |                                           | 
|    |3 or 4 above or in       |   |                                           | 
|    |respect of a             |   |ORDINARY SHARES OF 50P                     | 
|    |non-beneficial           |   |                                           | 
|    |interest(1)              |   |                                           | 
|    |                         |   |                                           | 
|    |BENEFICIAL INTEREST OF H |   |                                           | 
|    |TURNER NEWTON FAMILY     |   |                                           | 
|    |TRUST                    |   |                                           | 
|7.  |Name of registered       |8. |State the nature of the transaction        | 
|    |shareholders(s) and, if  |   |                                           | 
|    |more than one, the number|   |                                           | 
|    |of shares held by each of|   |EXERCISE OF OPTIONS                        | 
|    |them                     |   |                                           | 
|    |                         |   |                                           | 
|    |MERRILL LYNCH A/C - H    |   |                                           | 
|    |TURNER NEWTON FAMILY     |   |                                           | 
|    |TRUST                    |   |                                           | 
|    |                         |   |                                           | 
|9.  |Number of shares,        |10.|Percentage of issued class acquired        | 
|    |debentures or financial  |   |(treasury shares of that class should not  | 
|    |instruments relating to  |   |be taken into account when calculating     | 
|    |shares acquired          |   |percentage)                                | 
|    |                         |   |                                           | 
|    |                         |   |0.0007%                                    | 
|    |4,362                    |   |                                           | 
|11. |Number of shares,        |12.|Percentage of issued class disposed        | 
|    |debentures or financial  |   |(treasury shares of that class should not  | 
|    |instruments relating to  |   |be taken into account when calculating     | 
|    |shares disposed          |   |percentage)                                | 
|    |                         |   |                                           | 
|    |                         |   |n/a                                        | 
|    |0                        |   |                                           | 
|    |                         |   |                                           | 
|13. |Price per share or value |14.|Date and place of transaction              | 
|    |of transaction           |   |                                           | 
|    |                         |   |                                           | 
|    |                         |   |1 March 2010                               | 
|    |406p                     |   |                                           | 
|15. |Total holding following  |16.|Date issuer informed of transaction        | 
|    |notification and total   |   |                                           | 
|    |percentage holding       |   |                                           | 
|    |following notification   |   |2 March 2010                               | 
|    |(any treasury shares     |   |                                           | 
|    |should not be taken into |   |                                           | 
|    |account when calculating |   |                                           | 
|    |percentage)              |   |                                           | 
|    |                         |   |                                           | 
|    |78,488 (0.013%)          |   |                                           | 
|17.|Any additional information|18.|Name of contact and   | 
|   |                          |   |telephone number for  | 
|   |As Liberty International  |   |queries               | 
|   |remains in an             |   |                      | 
|   |exceptionally long        |   |                      | 
|   |prohibited period in      |   |SUSAN FOLGER          | 
|   |advance of the release of |   |020 7887 7073         | 
|   |its Annual Results, and   |   |                      | 
|   |the final date for the    |   |                      | 
|   |exercise of Mr Newton's   |   |                      | 
|   |options fell within this  |   |                      | 
|   |period, in accordance with|   |                      | 
|   |paragraphs 14 and 15 of   |   |                      | 
|   |the Model Code clearance  |   |                      | 
|   |was given to Mr Newton to |   |                      | 
|   |exercise the options. Mr  |   |                      | 
|   |Newton provided funds to  |   |                      | 
|   |Liberty International to  |   |                      | 
|   |satisfy the exercise costs|   |                      | 
|   |and has retained all of   |   |                      | 
|   |the shares over which the |   |                      | 
|   |options were exercised.   |   |                      | 
|Name and signature of duly authorised officer of issuer  | 
|responsible for making notification                      | 
|                                                         | 
|SUSAN FOLGER                                             | 
|                                                         | 
|Date of notification                                     | 
|                                                         | 
|3 MARCH 2010                                             | 

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