3 November 2020 
PGIT Securities 2020 PLC 
Publication of Circular and Announcement of Proposals 
PGIT Securities 2020 PLC ("PGIT Securities 2020" or the "Company") has today 
published a circular (the "Circular") in connection with the proposals for the 
reconstruction and voluntary winding-up of PGIT Securities 2020 and for a 
Rollover Option for ZDP Shareholders (the "Proposals"). The Circular should be 
read in conjunction with the prospectus published today relating to PMGR 
Securities 2025 PLC ("PMGR Securities 2025"), (the "Prospectus"). PMGR 
Securities 2025 is a new subsidiary of the Parent formed for the purpose of 
issuing the New ZDP Shares. 
PGIT Securities 2020 is due to be wound up on 30 November 2020 and the Existing 
ZDP Shares of PGIT Securities 2020 confer a right to receive a Final Capital 
Entitlement of 125.6519p per Existing ZDP Share (approximately GBP30.25 million 
in total) on the winding up of PGIT Securities 2020. 
The Board announces today proposals for an issue of New ZDP Shares and the 
opportunity for existing ZDP Shareholders to roll over their capital 
entitlement into New ZDP Shares. The Proposals provide for a members' voluntary 
liquidation of PGIT Securities 2020 and scheme of reconstruction (the 
"Scheme").  Under the Proposals, ZDP Shareholders may receive their Final 
Capital Entitlement in cash upon the winding-up of PGIT Securities 2020 or 
elect to roll over some or all of their investment into New ZDP Shares to be 
issued by PMGR Securities 2025. 
In addition to the Scheme, the Proposals also include a conditional Placing of 
further New ZDP Shares. ZDP Shareholders seeking to roll over their investment 
into New ZDP Shares will be allocated New ZDP Shares in preference to any 
subscriptions from investors under the Placing.  Accordingly, if there is 
sufficient demand for the Rollover Option from ZDP Shareholders, it is possible 
that no New ZDP Shares will be issued pursuant to the Placing and will only be 
issued to the Existing ZDP shareholders. 
Under the Proposals, PGIT Securities 2020 will be wound up on 30 November 2020. 
ZDP Shareholders who are on the Register as at 6.00 p.m. on 20 November 2020 
will be entitled to elect: 
 i. to roll over some or all of their investment into New ZDP Shares issued by 
    PMGR Securities 2025, a newly incorporated subsidiary of the Parent (the 
    "Rollover Option"); and/or 
ii. to receive cash in the liquidation in respect of all or part of their 
    investment in PGIT Securities 2020 (the "Cash Option"). 
New ZDP Shares are also being made available under the Placing (subject also to 
the Maximum Issue 
Size). Shareholders who are considering applying for further New ZDP Shares in 
the Placing should 
contact their broker or N+1 Singer. 
The latest time and date for receipt of Elections or Transfer to Escrow (TTE) 
Instructions from ZDP shareholders is 1.00 p.m. on 20 November. If a sufficient 
number of ZDP Shareholders were to elect for the Rollover Option and assuming 
that the Maximum Issue Size is achieved, such ZDP Shareholders may be scaled 
back in the manner set out in the Circular. 
A copy of the Circular and Prospectus will be submitted to the National Storage 
Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at: https:// 
data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism and on the Company's website: 
www.premierfunds.co.uk/premier-global-infrastructure-trust-plc. Copies of the 
Circular and Prospectus, together with a Form of Election (for those ZDP 
Shareholders holding their Existing ZDP Shares in certificated form), will be 
sent to ZDP Shareholders of the Company today. 
Capitalised terms used but not defined in this announcement have the meanings 
set out in the Circular dated 3 November 2020. 
Premier Fund Managers Limited 
01483 306090 
Claire Long (claire.long@premiermiton.com) 
James Smith (james.smith@premiermiton.com) 
N+1 Singer 
020 7496 3000 
James Maxwell (james.maxwell@n1singer.com) 
Iqra Amin (iqra.amin@n1singer.com) 
The following is a reproduction, without material adjustment, of the Chairman's 
Letter to ZDP Shareholders which is contained within the Circular: 
Dear ZDP Shareholder 
      Reconstruction and voluntary winding-up of PGIT Securities 2020 PLC 
 1. Introduction 
As you will be aware, PGIT Securities 2020 PLC ("PGIT Securities 2020") is due 
to be wound up on 30 November 2020 and ZDP Shareholders repaid their Final 
Capital Entitlement of 125.6519p per Existing ZDP Share. 
Your Board announced today proposals for an issue of New ZDP Shares and the 
opportunity for existing ZDP Shareholders to roll over their capital 
entitlement into New ZDP Shares. 
The Proposals provide for a members' voluntary liquidation of PGIT Securities 
2020 and scheme of reconstruction pursuant to section 110 of the Insolvency Act 
1986. Under the Proposals, ZDP Shareholders may receive their Final Capital 
Entitlement in cash upon the winding-up of PGIT Securities 2020 or elect to 
roll over some or all of their investment into New ZDP Shares to be issued by 
PMGR Securities 2025 PLC ("PMGR Securities 2025"), a new subsidiary of the 
Parent formed for the purpose of the Proposals. A rollover of an investment in 
the Existing ZDP Shares to the New ZDP Shares issued by PMGR Securities 2025 
provides an alternative to the cash payment to which ZDP Shareholders are 
entitled upon a straight winding-up and will allow ZDP Shareholders who elect 
for the rollover to continue their investment in the Group. ZDP Shareholders 
who elect to roll over their investment into New ZDP Shares should not 
generally be treated as making a disposal for the purposes of UK taxation of 
chargeable gains as a result of doing so (as to which, please see the 
discussion at paragraph 2 of Part 5 of the Circular). 
In addition to the Scheme, the Proposals also include a conditional Placing of 
further New ZDP Shares. The number of New ZDP Shares to be issued pursuant to 
the overall Issue is limited to the Maximum Issue Size, which is designed to 
protect New ZDP Shareholders by ensuring that the Cover on the New ZDP Shares 
as at Admission (calculated by reference to the Gross Assets as at 20 November 
2020, the deadline for submission of Elections) is at least the Minimum Initial 
Cover. ZDP Shareholders seeking to roll over their investment into New ZDP 
Shares will be allocated New ZDP Shares in preference to any subscriptions from 
investors under the Placing. Accordingly, if there is sufficient demand for the 
Rollover Option from   ZDP Shareholders, it is possible that no New ZDP Shares 
will be issued pursuant to the Placing. Shareholders who are considering 
applying for further New ZDP Shares in the Placing should contact their broker 
or N+1 Singer. 
The Proposals are not conditional on the approval of ZDP Shareholders or 
Ordinary Shareholders of the Parent. The Proposals are conditional on the 
approval of the ordinary shareholder of PGIT Securities 2020, which is the 
Parent, at the General Meetings. The Circular is being sent to provide ZDP 
Shareholders with information regarding the Proposals and the Elections that 
may be made in respect of the Scheme. 
Details of the action to be taken by ZDP Shareholders in relation to the 
Proposals are set out in Part 2 of the Circular. 
It is important that ZDP Shareholders read Part 2 carefully and, if they wish 
to make a full or partial election for New ZDP Shares, where their Existing ZDP 
Shares are held in certificated form, return their Forms of Election or, where 
their Existing ZDP Shares are held in uncertificated form, submit their 
transfer to escrow instruction via CREST (TTE Instruction) so as to be received 
no later than 1.00 p.m. on 20 November 2020. 
Failure to return or submit a valid Form of Election or a TTE Instruction in 
CREST or the return or submission of a Form of Election or a TTE Instruction 
which is not validly completed will result in the relevant ZDP Shareholder 
being deemed to have elected for the Cash Option. 
The attention of Shareholders is drawn to paragraph 2 of Part 5 of the Circular 
which sets out a general guide to certain aspects of current UK taxation law 
and HMRC published practice. 
The Circular should be read in conjunction with the accompanying Prospectus 
relating to PMGR Securities 2025. 
2.Key features of the New ZDP Shares 
The New ZDP Shares: 
  * will have a repayment date of 28 November 2025 and will effectively rank as 
    to capital in priority to the Ordinary Shares; 
  * provide for a pre-determined level of capital growth equivalent to a gross 
    redemption yield of 5.0 per cent. per annum based on the issue price of a 
    New ZDP Share of 100p (subject to the Group having sufficient assets at the 
    relevant time), which represents an increase from the gross redemption 
    yield of 4.75 per cent. provided for by the Existing ZDP Shares; and 
  * subject to the Group having sufficient assets at the time and assuming the 
    Scheme is effective on 30 November 2020, will carry the right to be paid 
    the 2025 Final Capital Entitlement of 127.6111p in cash on 28 November 
The issue price will be 100 pence per New ZDP Share. Accordingly, if a ZDP 
Shareholder were to elect for the Rollover Option, where there is no scaling 
back, they would receive 1,256 New ZDP Shares for every 1,000 Existing ZDP 
Shares held on the Effective Date (entitlements to New ZDP Shares under the 
Scheme will be rounded down to the nearest whole number). 
However, the number of New ZDP Shares that may be issued under the Issue is 
limited to the Maximum Issue Size. The Board has determined that the gearing to 
be provided to the Group by the New ZDP Shares will be no greater than the 
gearing currently provided to the Group by the Existing ZDP Shares. 
Accordingly, if a sufficient number of ZDP Shareholders were to elect for the 
Rollover Option and assuming that the Maximum Issue Size is achieved, such ZDP 
Shareholders may be scaled back in accordance with paragraph 14 of Part 4 of 
the Circular and would receive part of their Final Capital Entitlement in cash. 
By way of example, if all ZDP Shareholders elect for the Rollover Option, each 
ZDP Shareholder will be scaled back to the extent that they would receive 
approximately 80.7 per cent. of their Final Capital Entitlement in New ZDP 
Shares and the remainder of their Final Capital Entitlement in cash. 
On the assumption that (i) Gross Assets on 20 November 2020 are GBP55.8 million, 
which were the Gross Assets as at the Latest Practicable Date; and (ii) the 
Maximum Issue Size is achieved, then it is expected that following completion 
of the Scheme, Gross Assets would need to fall by 33.3 per cent. in total, and 
5.9 per cent. annually, in order for the New ZDP Shares not to receive their 
full 2025 Final Capital Entitlement of 127.6111p per New ZDP Share on 28 
November 2025. 
3.Background to the Proposals 
In December 2015, the Parent approved proposals to re-organise the Group by way 
of a scheme of reconstruction, pursuant to which PEWT Securities, a 
wholly-owned subsidiary of the Parent formed in 2014 for the sole purpose of 
issuing zero dividend preference shares in the Group, was placed into members' 
voluntary liquidation and old zero dividend preference shares issued by PEWT 
Securities were replaced with the Existing ZDP Shares issued by PGIT Securities 
2020, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Parent incorporated in 2015 for the 
purposes of the reconstruction. 
As part of that reconstruction, holders of zero dividend preference shares 
maturing in 2015 were afforded the opportunity to elect (i) to receive cash in 
the liquidation in respect of all or part of their investment in PEWT 
Securities or (ii) to roll over some or all of their investment in PEWT 
Securities into the Existing ZDP Shares in order to receive a final cash 
entitled in respect of each Existing ZDP Share held on a winding-up of PGIT 
Securities 2020 on 30 November 2020. A significant number of holders of the old 
zero dividend preference shares elected to do so. 
At the time of the reconstruction in 2015, the Board informed Shareholders of 
its intention to consider the options that may be available for refinancing the 
Existing ZDP Shares nearer to the planned winding-up of PGIT Securities 2020. 
The Board stated that it may consider the issuance by the Group of a follow-on 
zero dividend preference share at that time, to allow ZDP Shareholders who wish 
to do so the opportunity to roll over their investment into a similar 
investment in the event that the Board believed there would be sufficient 
demand for such an investment. 
The Group's current capital structure would provide ZDP Shareholders with a 
Final Capital Entitlement of 125.6519p in cash per Existing ZDP Share on the 
planned winding-up date of PGIT Securities 2020 of 30 November 2020, and the 
Articles provide for PGIT Securities 2020 to be wound up on that date. On a 
winding-up, Shareholders' entitlements, after payment of PGIT Securities 2020's 
creditors, are determined in accordance with the Articles as follows: 
 i. first, there shall be paid to ZDP Shareholders an amount equal 100p per 
    Existing ZDP Share as increased with effect from and including 1 January 
    2016 on a daily basis at such compounded rate as results in a final 
    entitlement on 30 November 2020 of 125.6519p per Existing ZDP Share; and 
ii. secondly, the Parent, as the holder of all of the ordinary shares of PGIT 
    Securities 2020, shall receive the surplus assets of PGIT Securities 2020 
    available for distribution. 
Accordingly, the Group is committed to repaying the Final Capital Entitlement 
of the Existing ZDP Shares of approximately GBP30.25 million on 30 November 2020. 
Against this background, the Board requested the Group's Investment Manager, 
Premier Fund Managers Limited, and its financial adviser, N+1 Singer, to 
consult with certain of the Group's ZDP Shareholders to ascertain their views. 
There was support for an option that would enable ZDP Shareholders to roll over 
all or some of their investment in Existing ZDP Shares, in a tax efficient 
manner, into New ZDP Shares issued by the Group. This option is being provided 
in conjunction with a Placing of further New ZDP Shares which may be issued to 
ZDP Shareholders who wish to increase their holdings of New ZDP shares and to 
third party investors. 
The purpose of the Circular is to explain the Proposals and the actions 
required to be taken in order for ZDP Shareholders to make their Election in 
respect of the Proposals. The Board, which has been advised by N+1 Singer, 
believes that the Proposals are in the best interests of Shareholders as a 
whole and of ZDP Shareholders as a class. In providing its advice, N+1 Singer 
has taken into account the commercial assessments of the Board. 
ZDP Shareholders are recommended to make an Election for the Option(s) they 
would prefer in respect of their Existing ZDP Shares. The Form of Election need 
only be completed, or a TTE Instruction submitted, as appropriate, by ZDP 
Shareholders who wish to make a full or partial election for New ZDP Shares 
pursuant to the Rollover Option. If ZDP Shareholders wish to receive the Cash 
Option, no action needs to be taken. 
 1. The Proposals 
4.1Options available to ZDP Shareholders 
Under the Proposals, PGIT Securities 2020 will be wound up on 30 November 2020. 
ZDP Shareholders who are on the Register as at 6.00 p.m. on 20 November 2020 
will be entitled to elect: 
 i. to roll over some or all of their investment into New ZDP Shares issued by 
    PMGR Securities 2025, a newly incorporated subsidiary of the Parent (the " 
    Rollover Option"); and/or 
ii. to receive cash in the liquidation in respect of all or part of their 
    investment in PGIT Securities 2020 (the "Cash Option"). 
ZDP Shareholders may make different Elections in respect of different parts of 
their holdings of Existing ZDP Shares, as suits their personal investment 
The  default  option  under  the  Scheme  will  be  the  Cash  Option, 
meaning  that  a     ZDP Shareholder who, in respect of all or part of his or 
her holding of Existing ZDP Shares, fails to submit a valid Form of Election or 
a valid TTE Instruction, as appropriate, by the due date or submits a Form of 
Election which has not been duly completed or an invalid TTE Instruction, will 
be deemed to have elected for the Cash Option in respect of such holding. 
Subject to paragraph 9 of Part 4 of the Circular, Overseas Shareholders will be 
deemed to have elected for the Cash Option in respect of their entire holding 
of Existing ZDP Shares. 
If the number of New ZDP Shares which would be issuable pursuant to the Scheme 
as a result of giving full effect to Elections for the Rollover Option would 
exceed the Maximum Issue Size, then the number of New ZDP Shares issuable 
pursuant to the Scheme shall be scaled back in the manner set out in paragraph 
14 of Part 4 of the Circular. 
New ZDP Shares are also being made available under the Placing (subject also to 
the Maximum Issue Size). Shareholders who are considering applying for further 
New ZDP Shares in the Placing should contact their broker or N+1 Singer. 
4.2Benefits of the Proposals 
The Proposals offer ZDP Shareholders the option of receiving their Final 
Capital Entitlement in cash or, if they prefer, the opportunity to roll over 
all or part of their capital entitlement into New ZDP Shares issued by the 
Group. ZDP Shareholders who may be subject to UK capital gains tax or 
corporation tax on gains on their investment in PGIT Securities 2020 should 
generally be able to roll over their investment into PMGR Securities 2025 
without crystallising an immediate charge to UK capital gains tax or 
corporation tax on gains (as to which, please see the discussion at paragraph 2 
of Part 5 of the Circular). 
The choice between the Options available under the Proposals will be a matter 
for each ZDP Shareholder to decide and will be influenced by their individual 
circumstances and investment objectives. ZDP Shareholders should, before making 
any Election, read carefully the information on the Options in the Circular and 
the accompanying Prospectus in relation to PMGR Securities 2025 and the New ZDP 
Shareholders who are in any doubt as to the contents of the Circular or as to 
the action to be taken should immediately seek their own personal financial 
advice from their independent professional adviser authorised under the 
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. 
4.3Features of the proposed capital structure and the New ZDP Shares 
In planning the proposed capital structure of the Group, the Directors have had 
regard to the requirement to maintain a balance between, on the one hand, the 
objective of providing a competitive yield and security of repayment for the 
New ZDP Shareholders and, on the other hand, the objective of providing 
Ordinary Shareholders with a high level of income coupled with capital growth 
over the long-term. 
The New ZDP Shares will be issued by PMGR Securities 2025, a newly formed 
subsidiary of the Parent. The number of New ZDP Shares that may be issued under 
the Issue is limited to the Maximum Issue 
Size. On the assumption that Gross Assets on 20 November 2020 are GBP55.8 
million, which were the Gross Assets as at the Latest Practicable Date, and the 
Maximum Issue Size is achieved, then it is expected that following completion 
of the Scheme there will be 24,424,500 New ZDP Shares in issue. The ordinary 
shares of PMGR Securities 2025 are unlisted and are all held by the Parent. 
The New ZDP Shares will have a repayment date of 28 November 2025 and will 
effectively rank as to capital in priority to the Ordinary Shares (as is the 
case with the Existing ZDP Shares, holders of Ordinary Shares will be, in 
effect, entitled to the net revenue profits of the Group (including accumulated 
revenue reserves) in priority to the repayment of the 2025 Final Capital 
Entitlement). The objective of PMGR Securities 2025 is to repay the 2025 Final 
Capital Entitlement on the 2025 ZDP Repayment Date. 
The New ZDP Shares should provide a pre-determined level of capital growth 
equivalent to a gross redemption yield of 5.0 per cent. per annum based on the 
issue price of a New ZDP Share of 100p (subject to the Group having sufficient 
assets available at the relevant time), which represents an increase from the 
gross redemption yield of 4.75 per cent. provided for by the Existing ZDP 
Shares. The initial capital entitlement of 100p per New ZDP Share will be 
increased from Admission at a daily compound rate to the 2025 ZDP Repayment 
Date, being 28 November 2025 on which PMGR Securities 2025 is expected to be 
wound up. Subject to the Group having sufficient assets at the time and 
assuming the Scheme is effective on 30 November 2020, the 2025 Final Capital 
Entitlement of a New ZDP Share will be 127.6111p. The capital entitlement of 
the New ZDP Shares will rank behind the Group's other liabilities but ahead of 
the capital entitlement of the Ordinary Shareholders (holders of Ordinary 
Shares being entitled to the net revenue profits of the Group in priority to 
the repayment of the 2025 Final Capital Entitlement). 
The New ZDP Shares will be admitted to a standard listing on the Official List 
and traded on the premium segment of the London Stock Exchange's main market. 
Further information on the New ZDP Shares, including the rights attaching to 
them and certain undertakings given by the Group for the benefit of the New ZDP 
Shareholders, are set out in the Prospectus accompanying the Circular. 
4.4Intra-Group arrangements 
PMGR Securities 2025 will not directly hold any of the Group's portfolio of 
investments, which will continue to be held by the Parent. 
In order for PMGR Securities 2025 to have sufficient assets to repay the 2025 
Final Capital Entitlement on the 2025 ZDP Repayment Date (or the accrued 
capital entitlement of New ZDP Shares at an earlier date, if required), the 
Parent and PMGR Securities 2025 have entered into arrangements whereby the 
assets of the Parent will effectively be made available to meet the repayment 
entitlements of the New ZDP Shares. 
The Parent has entered into the New Undertaking Agreement with PMGR Securities 
2025 by which the Parent has undertaken to contribute (by way of gift, capital 
contribution or otherwise) such amount as will result in PMGR Securities 2025 
having sufficient assets to satisfy the then current capital entitlement or, as 
the case may be, the 2025 Final Capital Entitlement of the New ZDP Shares on 
the 2025 ZDP Repayment Date or any earlier winding up of PMGR Securities 2025. 
The Parent has also agreed to meet all of the running costs of PMGR Securities 
The Parent has given certain undertakings for the benefit of PMGR Securities 
2025 and the New ZDP Shareholders whilst the Parent remains liable to make any 
payment under the New Undertaking Agreement. 
In addition, pursuant to the New Undertaking Agreement, PMGR Securities 2025 
has agreed to transfer to the Parent an amount equal to the value of the assets 
(other than the Rollover Option Undertaking described in paragraph 4.5 below) 
received by it from PGIT Securities 2020 pursuant to the terms of the Scheme 
and any net proceeds pursuant to the Placing (further details of which are set 
out at paragraph 4.6 below). 
The arrangements outlined above will effectively result in all of the Group's 
net assets being available to meet the repayment entitlements of the New ZDP 
Shares. The repayment entitlements of the New ZDP Shares will effectively rank 
in priority to the capital entitlement of the Ordinary Shares, although they 
will be subordinated to any bank borrowings the Group may incur (although it is 
the Parent's policy not to employ any long-term gearing other than by way of 
the issue of zero dividend preference shares) and other creditors from time to 
time. As is the case with the Existing ZDP Shares, holders of Ordinary Shares 
will be entitled to the net revenue profits of the Group, including revenue 
reserves, in priority to the repayment of the 2025 Final Capital Entitlement. 
The terms of the agreements referred to above are summarised in paragraph 9 of 
Part 7 of the Prospectus. The provisions of the articles of association of PMGR 
Securities 2025 are summarised in paragraph 4 of Part 7 of the Prospectus. The 
rights attached to the New ZDP Shares are also summarised in Part 3 of the 
4.5Operation of the Scheme 
If the Scheme proceeds, before any assets are transferred to PMGR Securities 
2025 under the Scheme or set aside to pay ZDP Shareholders who have or are 
deemed to have elected for the Cash Option, the Liquidators will set aside 
sufficient assets in the Liquidation Fund to meet all estimated current and 
future, actual and contingent liabilities and costs which PGIT Securities 2020 
has agreed to pay. 
After provision for liabilities (if any) as described above has been made in 
the Liquidation Fund, the assets of PGIT Securities 2020 will be appropriated 
into two pools, the ZDP Cash Pool and the ZDP Rollover Pool, at the Effective 
Date. The appropriation of the assets of PGIT Securities 2020 will be on the 
basis of the value attributable to Elections for the Cash Option and the value 
attributable to Elections for the Rollover Option. The remaining assets of PGIT 
Securities 2020 will form part of the Liquidation Fund. 
The only material asset of PGIT Securities 2020 is the Existing Undertaking 
Agreement, by which the Parent has undertaken to contribute (by way of gift, 
capital contribution or otherwise) such amount as will result in PGIT 
Securities 2020 having sufficient assets to satisfy the then current or, as the 
case may be, Final Capital Entitlement of the Existing ZDP Shares on 30 
November 2020, or any earlier winding up of PGIT Securities 2020. PGIT 
Securities 2020 currently has no liabilities other than the Final Capital 
Entitlement of ZDP Shareholders. 
Accordingly, the split of assets into the Liquidation Fund, Cash Pool and 
Rollover Pool will be achieved by way of terminating and restating the Existing 
Undertaking Agreement, as at the Effective Date, such that the undertaking 
contained therein is split into two new undertakings: 
 i. an undertaking from the Parent to contribute such amount as will result in 
    PGIT Securities 2020 having sufficient assets to satisfy the aggregate 
    Final Capital Entitlements of all those      ZDP Shareholders electing for 
    the Cash Option and any other liabilities of PGIT Securities 2020 (the " 
    PGIT Securities 2020 Undertaking"); and 
ii. an undertaking from the Parent to contribute such amount as will result in 
    PGIT Securities 2020 having sufficient assets to satisfy the aggregate 
    Final Capital Entitlements of all those      ZDP Shareholders electing for 
    the Rollover Option (the "Rollover Option Undertaking"). 
In order to give effect to the Elections made (or deemed to be made) by ZDP 
Shareholders, the Existing ZDP Shares will be split into two classes of 
Reclassified Shares. Reclassified Shares will either have "A" rights, in 
respect of the Rollover Option, or "B" rights, in respect of the Cash Option. 
On the Effective Date, the Liquidators will transfer the assets in the ZDP 
Rollover Pool (the only material asset of which is expected to be the Rollover 
Option Undertaking) to PMGR Securities 2025. In consideration for such 
transfer, New ZDP Shares will be issued fully paid at a subscription price of 
100p to ZDP Shareholders with "A" rights who have elected for New ZDP Shares. 
The transfer of the ZDP Rollover Pool will be carried out in accordance with 
the terms of the Transfer Agreement. Further details of the Transfer Agreement 
are set out in paragraph 1 of Part 5 of the Circular. The terms of the Rollover 
Option Undertaking provide that PGIT Securities 2020 shall be entitled to 
assign the Rollover Option Undertaking to PMGR Securities 2025 in connection 
with the 
Scheme. Further details of the Rollover Option Undertaking are set out in 
paragraph 9.1 of Part 7 of the Prospectus. 
The ZDP Cash Pool (the only material asset of which is expected to be the PGIT 
Securities 2020 Undertaking) will be used to pay the Final Capital Entitlements 
of ZDP Shareholders with "B" rights who have elected, or are deemed to have 
elected, for the Cash Option. 
Any remaining assets of PGIT Securities 2020 in the Liquidation Fund will be 
paid in cash to the Parent as holder of the ordinary shares of PGIT Securities 
4.6The Maximum Issue Size and the Placing 
The maximum number of New ZDP Shares that may be issued under the Issue is the 
Maximum Issue Size. 
If the number of New ZDP Shares which would be issuable pursuant to the Scheme 
as a result of giving full effect to Elections for the Rollover Option would 
exceed the Maximum Issue Size, then the number of New ZDP Shares issuable 
pursuant to the Scheme shall be scaled back in the manner set out in paragraph 
14 of Part 4 of the Circular. 
To the extent that Elections for the Rollover Option under the Scheme do not 
require such maximum number of New ZDP Shares to be issued to ZDP Shareholders, 
it is intended that the excess may be issued pursuant to the Placing. 
N+1 Singer will use its reasonable endeavours to procure subscribers for the 
balance of New ZDP Shares up to the Maximum Issue Size. No commission will be 
paid by the Group to any placee in connection with the Placing, which is not 
underwritten. The Placing closes at 1.00 p.m. on          26 November 2020. 
ZDP Shareholders seeking to roll over their investment into New ZDP Shares will 
be allocated New ZDP Shares in preference to any subscriptions from investors 
under the Placing. 
A summary of the placing agreement entered into among the Parent, the AIFM, 
PGIT Securities 2020 and N+1 Singer is set out in paragraph 9.5 of Part 7 of 
the Prospectus. 
4.7The General Meetings and winding-up of PGIT Securities 2020 
The implementation of the Proposals requires the passing of the Resolutions at 
the First General Meeting and the Second General Meeting. Neither ZDP 
Shareholders nor Ordinary Shareholders are entitled to attend or vote at either 
General Meeting. The Parent, as the holder of all of the ordinary shares in the 
capital of PGIT Securities 2020, shall be the only person entitled to attend 
and vote at the General Meetings. 
At the First General Meeting, special resolutions will be proposed to: (i) 
re-classify the rights attaching to the Existing ZDP Shares such that those ZDP 
Shareholders who elect, or are deemed to elect, to roll over into New ZDP 
Shares will hold shares with "A" rights giving them the right to receive New 
ZDP Shares on a winding-up of PGIT Securities 2020 and those ZDP Shareholders 
who elect, or are deemed to elect, to receive cash will hold Existing ZDP 
Shares with "B" rights giving them the right to receive cash on the winding-up 
of PGIT Securities 2020; (ii) authorise the implementation of the Scheme by the 
Liquidators including an application to delist the Existing ZDP Shares from the 
Official List of the FCA; and (iii) amend the Articles for the purposes of the 
implementation of the Scheme. The amendments to the Articles are set out in 
full in the Appendix to the Circular. 
The First General Meeting has been convened for 10.00 a.m. on 23 November 2020 
to be held at the offices of Stephenson Harwood LLP at 1 Finsbury Circus, 
London EC2M 7SH, United Kingdom. Neither ZDP Shareholders nor Ordinary 
Shareholders may attend or vote at the First General Meeting. 
At the Second General Meeting, special resolutions will be proposed to: (i) 
wind up PGIT Securities 2020 voluntarily; (ii) appoint the Liquidators; and 
(iii) confer certain powers on the Liquidators. 
The Second General Meeting has been convened for 10.00 a.m. on 30 November 2020 
to be held at the offices of Stephenson Harwood LLP at 1 Finsbury Circus, 
London EC2M 7SH, United Kingdom. Neither ZDP Shareholders nor Ordinary 
Shareholders may attend or vote at the Second General Meeting. 
4.8Dealings in Existing ZDP Shares and Reclassified Shares 
It is advised that the last day for trading in the Existing ZDP Shares on the 
London Stock Exchange for normal settlement (in order to enable settlement 
prior to the Record Date) will be 17 November 2020. As from 23 November 2020, 
dealings shall be for cash settlement only and, in the case of certificated 
Existing ZDP Shares, will only be registered if documents of title are 
delivered immediately. 
The Record Date, being the date for determining which ZDP Shareholders are 
entitled to participate in the Scheme, is 6.00 p.m. on 20 November 2020. 
Application for the amendment of the Official List to reflect the Reclassified 
Shares will be made, and it is expected that such amendment will become 
effective, and that dealings in such Shares will commence, at 8.00 a.m. on 27 
November 2020. For the purposes of dealings in the Reclassified Shares, all ZDP 
Shareholders will be treated as certificated holders. It is expected that 
dealings on the London Stock Exchange in the Reclassified Shares will be 
suspended at 8.00 a.m. on 30 November 2020. 
If ZDP Shareholders dispose of their Existing ZDP Shares otherwise than through 
the London Stock Exchange, they must make their own arrangements with the other 
parties concerned as regards entitlement under the Scheme. 
4.9Share certificates and payment of cash entitlements 
Certificates will not be issued in respect of Reclassified Shares. Existing 
certificates in respect of Existing ZDP Shares will cease to be of value for 
any purpose, and any existing credit of Existing ZDP Shares in any stock 
account in CREST will be cancelled, following the despatch to ZDP Shareholders 
of share certificates in respect of the New ZDP Shares issued under the Scheme 
(or, in the case of ZDP Shareholders previously holding their Existing ZDP 
Shares in uncertificated form, the appropriate stock accounts in CREST of such 
ZDP Shareholders are credited with their respective entitlements to New ZDP 
Shares) or, as the case may be, their cash entitlements. 
If the Scheme becomes effective, cheques in respect of the Final Capital 
Entitlements due to ZDP Shareholders holding their Existing ZDP Shares in 
certificated form who have elected or are deemed to have elected for the Cash 
Option are expected to be despatched by the Receiving Agent on 1 December 2020. 
All ZDP Shareholders who hold their Existing ZDP Shares in CREST will receive 
payment of their cash entitlement through the CREST system. 
All documents and remittances despatched to or from ZDP Shareholders or their 
appointed agents in connection with the Scheme and liquidation of PGIT 
Securities 2020 will be despatched at Shareholders' own risk and no 
acknowledgement will be issued for receipt of Forms of Election or TTE 
4.10Overseas Shareholders 
ZDP Shareholders who are Overseas Shareholders will not receive a Form of 
Election and will (unless the Directors determine otherwise) receive their 
Final Capital Entitlement in cash in respect of their entire holding of 
Existing ZDP Shares unless they have satisfied the Directors that it is lawful 
for New ZDP Shares to be issued to them under any relevant overseas laws and 
The attention of ZDP Shareholders is drawn to paragraph 2 of Part 5 of the 
Circular which sets out a general guide to certain aspects of current UK 
taxation law and HMRC published practice. 
5.Costs of the Proposals 
On the assumption that (i) the Gross Assets on 20 November 2020 are GBP55.8 
million, which were the Gross Assets as at the Latest Practicable Date, (ii) 
the number of Existing ZDP Shares in issue as at the Effective Date is 
24,073,337, which is the number of Existing ZDP Shares in issue as at the date 
of the Circular, and (iii) all ZDP Shareholders are eligible to, and do, elect 
for the Rollover Option, then the costs of implementing the Proposals are 
expected to be approximately GBP470,000 (equivalent to approximately 1.83 per 
cent. of the Net Asset Value as at the Latest Practicable Date). These costs 
will be borne by the Parent and so will effectively be borne by the Ordinary 
If the Proposals are not implemented, the costs of the Proposals will, in any 
event, be borne by the Parent and so will effectively be borne by the Ordinary 
6.Conditions to the Proposals 
The Scheme which provides for, and which will effect, the Rollover Option, is 
conditional upon: 
 i. the passing of the Resolutions to be proposed at the First General Meeting 
    (or any adjournment thereof) and upon any conditions of such Resolutions 
    being satisfied and the passing of the Resolutions to be proposed at the 
    Second General Meeting (or any adjournment thereof); 
ii. the FCA agreeing to admit to the standard segment of the Official List the 
    Reclassified Shares and the London Stock Exchange agreeing to admit the 
    Reclassified Shares to trading on its main market, and, subject only to 
    allotment thereof, the New ZDP Shares to be issued pursuant to the Issue 
    also being agreed to be so admitted; and 
iii. the Minimum Issue Size being achieved. 
7.Certain considerations relating to the Proposals 
The implementation of, and an Election for one or more Options under, the 
Proposals carry with them certain considerations for ZDP Shareholders as 
described below: 
  * ZDP Shareholders will need to consider the tax consequences of the 
    Proposals, based on their particular circumstances. As described in 
    paragraph 2 of Part 5 of the Circular, UK resident ZDP Shareholders who 
    elect for, or who are deemed to elect for the Cash Option (including as a 
    result of scaling back of elections under the Scheme), will generally be 
    treated as making a disposal of their Existing ZDP Shares and may incur a 
    tax liability as a result. Similarly, ZDP Shareholders who elect to roll 
    over some or all of their entitlement into New ZDP Shares may incur tax 
    liabilities on any subsequent disposal of their New ZDP Shares. ZDP 
    Shareholders who elect to roll over their investment into New ZDP Shares 
    should not generally be treated as making a disposal for the purposes of UK 
    taxation of chargeable gains as a result of doing so. Shareholders who are 
    in any doubt as to the tax consequences of the Proposals should seek 
    independent professional advice; 
  * elections for New ZDP Shares may be subject to scaling back under the 
    Scheme. This may result in ZDP Shareholders receiving part of their Final 
    Capital Entitlements under the Scheme in cash rather than in New ZDP 
  * the default option under the Scheme is for a ZDP Shareholder to receive the 
    Final Capital Entitlement in cash. ZDP Shareholders making no Election 
    under the Scheme will therefore receive cash; 
  * the New ZDP Shares are designed to be held over the long-term and may not 
    be suitable as short-term investments. There can be no guarantee that any 
    appreciation in the value of the Group's investments will occur and 
    investors may not get back the full value of their investment. The past 
    performance of the Group is not a guide to the future performance of the 
    Group. On the assumption that (i) Gross Assets on 20 November 2020 are GBP 
    55.8 million, which were the Gross Assets as at the Latest Practicable 
    Date; and (ii) the Maximum Issue Size is achieved, then it is expected that 
    following completion of the Scheme, Gross Assets would need to fall by 33.3 
    per cent. in total, and 5.9 per cent. annually, in order for the New ZDP 
    Shares not to receive their full 2025 Final Capital Entitlement of 
    127.6111p per New ZDP Share on 28 November 2025; 
  * there can be no guarantee that the investment objective of the Parent will 
    be achieved. A failure to meet the investment objective may have a material 
    adverse effect on the ability of the Parent to meet its obligations under 
    the New Undertaking Agreement and thereby on the ability of PMGR Securities 
    2025 to pay the 2025 Final Capital Entitlement in full on the 2025 ZDP 
    Repayment Date; and 
  * the ability of PMGR Securities 2025 to pay such amounts is dependent on it 
    having sufficient cash resources to meet such obligation and therefore on 
    the Parent meeting its obligation under the New Undertaking Agreement to 
    contribute such funds to PMGR Securities 2025 so as to ensure PMGR 
    Securities 2025 has sufficient assets at the relevant time. 
8.Action to be taken 
Details of the action to be taken by ZDP Shareholders in relation to the 
Proposals are set out in Part 2 of the Circular. 
It is important that ZDP Shareholders read Part 2 carefully and, if they wish 
to make a full or partial election for New ZDP Shares, where their Existing ZDP 
Shares are held in certificated form, return their Forms of Election or, where 
their Existing ZDP Shares are held in uncertificated form, submit their TTE 
Instructions so as to be received no later than 1.00 p.m. on 20 November 2020. 
Failure to return or submit a Form of Election or a TTE Instruction or the 
return or submission of a Form of Election or a TTE Instruction which is not 
validly completed will result in the relevant ZDP Shareholder being deemed to 
have elected for the Cash Option. 
 1. No recommendation 
Your Board considers that the Proposals set out in the Circular are in the best 
interests of Shareholders as a whole and of ZDP Shareholders as a class. 
However, the Directors make no recommendation to ZDP Shareholders as to whether 
or not they should elect to receive New ZDP Shares or cash under the Scheme. 
The benefits of the Options under the Scheme to ZDP Shareholders will depend on 
their own personal, financial and tax circumstances and their investment 
objectives. Accordingly, you are recommended to read carefully all the 
information in the Circular and in the Prospectus before making any election. 
The choice between the Options is a matter for each ZDP Shareholder to decide. 
ZDP Shareholders in any doubt as to the action they should take should consult 
an appropriately qualified independent adviser, authorised under the Financial 
Services and Markets Act 2000, without delay. 
Yours faithfully 
Gillian Nott OBE 
Expected Timetable                                                   2020 
Latest time and date for receipt of the          1.00 p.m. on 20 November 
Forms of Election or TTE Instructions 
from ZDP Shareholders (i) 
Record Date for entitlement to the Scheme        6.00 p.m. on 20 November 
First General Meeting(ii)                       10.00 a.m. on 23 November 
Date from which it is advised that                            23 November 
dealings in Existing ZDP Shares should 
only be for cash settlement and immediate 
delivery of documents of title 
Latest time and date for commitments             1.00 p.m. on 26 November 
under the Placing 
Existing ZDP Shares reclassified,                8.00 a.m. on 27 November 
Official List amended and dealings in 
Reclassified Shares commence on the 
London Stock Exchange(iii) 
Dealings in Reclassified Shares suspended        8.00 a.m. on 30 November 
Second General Meeting                          10.00 a.m. on 30 November 
and, if the Scheme becomes unconditional, 
Effective Date for the implementation of 
the Proposals and commencement of 
Publication of the results of the Placing                     30 November 
and the Scheme 
New ZDP Shares admitted to Official List,         8.00 a.m. on 1 December 
Existing ZDP Shares cancelled and 
dealings in New ZDP Shares commence on 
the London Stock Exchange 
CREST accounts credited with New ZDP         as soon as practicable after 
Shares (for holders in uncertificated                          1 December 
Consideration expected to be despatched                        1 December 
to ZDP Shareholders who elect or are 
deemed to have elected for the Cash 
Option to CREST participants by the 
crediting through CREST and to 
certificated holders by cheque in the 
week commencing 
Despatch of New ZDP Share certificates                         7 December 
(to holders in certificated form) in the 
week commencing 
All of the times and dates in the expected timetable may be extended or brought 
forward without further notice. If any of the above times and/or dates change, 
the revised time(s) and/or date(s) will be notified to Shareholders by an 
announcement through a Regulatory Information Service provider. 
All references to time in the Circular are to UK time. 
 i. ZDP Shareholders who wish to receive their Final Capital Entitlement in 
    respect of their entire holding of Existing ZDP Shares in cash do not need 
    to complete a Form of Election or send a TTE Instruction and will be deemed 
    to have elected for the Cash Option. 
ii. Neither ZDP Shareholders nor Ordinary Shareholders are entitled to attend 
    or vote at either General Meeting. 
iii. Reclassified Shares are a technical requirement of the Scheme and will be 
    created if Resolution 1 to be proposed at the First General Meeting is 
    passed and becomes effective. Existing ZDP Shares will be reclassified 
    according to the Elections made (or deemed to have been made) by ZDP 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 03, 2020 07:40 ET (12:40 GMT)

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