RNS Number : 9163I
  Qonnectis plc
  26 November 2008
    Qonnectis plc

    Preliminary Results for the year to 30 June 2008

    Qonnectis plc ('Qonnectis' or 'the Company'; stock code: QTI), the energy and water conservation IT services provider, announces its
audited results for the year to 30 June 2008.


    *     Turnover up by 50% in comparison to 2007
    *     Gross profit margins at 51.8%
    *     The loss, before non cash impairment of goodwill and exceptionals, of �579,219 was an improvement of �72,053 compared with the
previous year
    *     �1,250,000 of funds were raised through new brokers, FinnCap
    *     The new leakage detector and calculator, Leakfrog, successfully moved from development to volume production and sales
    *     An additional sales channel was added with Leakfrog available through Halma Water Management
    *     New customers were added and repeat business was secured from existing customers 

    Commenting on the results, Chairman, Richard M. Taylor, said:

    "Qonnectis continued to make good progress during the year in an increasingly difficult market. New customer wins, repeat business and
the roll out of Leakfrog all contributed to strong sales growth.

    The fundraising completed by FinnCap in April gave the Company a firm financial foundation on which to develop and execute its sales and
product evolution plans.

    The economic climate is extremely uncertain but the Board remains confident in the benefits that Qonnectis technology and products can
bring to its customers." 

    Notes to Editors
    Editors' notes - About Qonnectis
    Qonnectis' patented technologies enable the analysis of remote meter data to facilitate water leakage control, customer profiling, and
energy and water management efficiency. Its products are already being used by a wide range of UK and overseas utilities as well as large
commercial and domestic users of energy or water.

    The iStaq family of products work by sending meter readings to Qonnectis' secure data centre via SMS text messaging over the GSM
network. The data is then aggregated and published online via utility-branded "myMeter" websites operated by Qonnectis. The data can also be
sent directly to utilities' billings systems. Customers can access real-time information via a web browser using the "myMeter" service.

    For further information, please visit www.qonnectis.com.


    Qonnectis plc                            01932 788299 
    Guy Chant
    Barbara Spurrier

    Finncap                                      020 7600 1658
Clive Carver

    Chairman's Statement

    I am pleased to report that Qonnectis has grown revenues significantly for the fourth year in succession. Turnover for the period was
�456,678, an increase of 50% over the previous year. Gross profit margins at 52% have held up well on this increased turnover despite
initial set up costs for Leakfrog production. The reported loss, before impairment of goodwill and exceptionals, of �579,219 is an
improvement of �72,053 from the previous year.

    The main contributor to revenue in the period was the �200,000 order from Thames Water for the company's innovative Leakfrog product.
This was followed by further volume sales of this product to South West Water and trial quantities to other water companies and customers in
the UK and elsewhere.

    During the year the company concluded a Memorandum of Understanding with Halma to distribute this product and a Distribution Agreement
has been negotiated. 

    Sales of Qonnectis loggers and associated services have continued to Scottish Water and their customers and we now have a significant
installed base in the country.

    Product renewal is vital to the future of any business. Although delivery of a fully productionised Leakfrog absorbed considerable
technical and operational effort during the year work also progressed on a new generation of loggers for the "Qonnectis Network" range.
Development also started on products that will extend and evolve the Leakfrog concept.

    One Off Charges
    Following a detailed review by the Board and adoption of IFRS the carrying value of goodwill has been impaired by �2,920,379. The other
one off charge of �250,000 arises from the convertible loan taken out in 2007.

    Fund Raising
    In April the company raised �1,250,000 through its new brokers FinnCap for expansion and working capital.

    Board Changes
    As the company has grown and received further funding it was felt appropriate to formally appoint a Finance Director. We are pleased
that in October Barbara Spurrier joined the Board. She is a qualified certified accountant with over 25 years experience in financial and
accountancy roles.  At the same time Guy Chant, a Non Executive Director, became interim Chief Executive to fill the position resulting from
the current ill health of Chief Executive, Michael Tapia.

    We are encouraged by the customers who have bought and continue to buy Qonnectis' products and services. The key challenge the company
faces is to make the sales effort for each of these lines cost effective. This is most likely to be achieved through a combination of direct
sales to a limited number of volume customers together with sales through a key number of distributors who are already selling complementary
products to our customer base.

    Qonnectis is not immune from current economic conditions and this has manifested itself in longer customer decision making cycles and
the consequent impact in order intake.  However, we have established products and repeat customers and are reasonably well funded.

    Richard M Taylor

    Chief Executive's Review

    It is a pleasure to be able to report that the company again made significant progress during the year through the development of
business with existing and new customers and the volume roll out of Leakfrog�, a device that allows the accurate measurement of leakage and
wastage on the customer's side of a meter, following its development in a partnership project with Thames Water.

    Customers and the market

    Although we continued to see regular repeat business from our existing customers, for example Scottish Water, NHS Trusts and "Blue
Light" locations, the most significant new customer advance came with the deployment by Thames Water of Leakfrog� on the vital Victorian
Mains Replacement programme in London. 

    Customers for the "Qonnectis Network" system, consisting of iStaq loggers and myMeter web services, continue to secure financial, energy
and operational efficiencies from the information that the service provides in an increasing span of applications. The rising cost of energy
over the year brought into sharp focus the financial costs of not pursuing energy efficiency opportunities.

    Although progress was made in securing additional customers for our range of products, the Thames Water adoption of Leakfrog� was the
most significant element in our development. Many thousands of units were put into use across the Thames Water mains replacement programme.
The product fully met the customer's expectations and its reliability has been outstanding. Leakfrog� has also been bought by other water
companies, and although they are not yet at an equivalent scale the product's benefits are being more widely understood. Sales also started
to be made to other parts of the world.

    New Products

    While we concentrated much of our technical focus on bringing Leakfrog� to volume production we have also committed effort to developing
the next generation of iStaq's to support the continued improvement of the "Qonnectis Network". Work also commenced on further variants of
the Leakfrog� and this work should come to fruition during 2008/2009.

    New sales channels

    During the year a Memorandum of Understanding was entered into with Halma Water Management for the sale of Leakfrog�  to most UK water
companies and the potential to sell the product through their international distributors. During the year Halma started to achieve sales,
initially in the form of trial quantities which is normal when introducing a new product to large and sophisticated customers and the
relationship developed through its early stages.

    We now have a mix of sales channels which we consider to be appropriate for the different sectors we operate in and the nature of our
product and service range.

    The Qonnectis range of products has shown itself to be of real value to a diverse customer base; our challenge, in addition to
supporting our existing business, is to exploit new opportunities in a timely manner within the resources that we have. 


    The exceptional uncertainty that has characterised the UK and world markets for some months makes the outlook extremely difficult to
ascertain with any confidence. While all businesses are keen to reduce costs, and the information we provide enables cost saving, management
are naturally focussed more on immediate pressures at difficult times and the sales cycle is becoming more extended.

    Government remains enthusiastic about smart metering and water companies are keen to move to different forms of automatic meter reading.
As is often seen, these new technologies take longer than anticipated to make an impact but conversely that impact may be greater once
    It is clear that domestic water metering will become more widespread over the next 5 year investment cycle (known as AMP5) starting in
2010 and as more premises are metered the potential market for Leakfrog increases.

    The challenge Qonnectis faces is to attain sufficient traction to trade itself into a self sustaining financial position and realise the
potential that its products and technologies hold. Within the current adverse business climate, all aspects of the business will remain
under constant review.

    Guy Chant
    Interim Chief Executive Officer

    Consolidated income statement for the year to 30 June 2008

                                                         Year to       Year to
                                                         30 June       30 June
                                                            2008          2007
                                                               �             �
 Turnover                                                456,678       304,776
 Cost of sales                                         (220,071)     (110,985)
 Gross profit                                            236,607       193,791
 Operating expenses                                    (845,383)     (896,730)
 Other operating income                                   49,514        49,313
 Exceptional item - convertible loan funding           (250,000)             -
 Impairment of goodwill                              (2,920,379)             -
 Operating loss                                      (3,729,641)     (653,626)
 Interest receivable and similar income                    6,241         7,354
 Interest payable and similar charges                   (26,198)       (5,000)
 Loss on ordinary activities before taxation         (3,749,598)     (651,272)
 Tax on loss on ordinary activities                            -             -
 Loss on ordinary activities after taxation         (3,749,598 )     (651,272)
 Loss per share (basic)                             (1.49 pence)  (0.31 pence)

    All of the activities of the company are classed as continuing.

    The company has no recognised gains or losses other than the results for the year as set out above.
      Consolidated balance sheet as at 30 June 2008

                                                       30 June      30 June
                                                          2008         2007
                                                             �            �
 Non-current assets                             
 Intangibles                                           603,473    3,523,852
 Property plant & equipment                              4,495        8,683
                                                       607,968    3,532,535
 Current assets                                 
 Inventories                                            30,137       11,906
 Debtors                                                93,327       94,785
 Cash at bank and in hand                              697,341       44,046
                                                       820,805      150,737
 TOTAL ASSETS                                        1,428,773    3,683,272
 Capital and Reserves                           
 Share Capital                                      12,020,588   10,270,588
 Share Premium                                       1,600,717    1,675,050
 Retained earnings                                (12,368,251)  (8,618,653)
 TOTAL EQUITY                                        1,253,054    3,326,985
 Non-current liabilities                        
 Borrowings                                                  -        6,000
                                                             -        6,000
 Current liabilities                            
 Trade and other payables                              169,719      314,287
 Borrowings                                              6,000       36,000
                                                       175,719      350,287
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                                     175,719      356,287
 Attributable to equity holders of the company       1,428,773    3,683,272

    Consolidated cash flow statement for the year to 30 June 2008

                                                         30 June    30 June
                                                            2008       2007
                                                               �          �
 Cash flows from operating activities               
 Cash utilised by operations                           (716,250)  (538,386)
 Interest paid                                          (26,198)    (5,000)
 Taxation paid                                                 -          -
 Net cash utilised by operating activities            (742,448 )  (543,386)
 Capital expenditure                                
 Purchase of property plant and equipment                  (165)    (6,332)
 Interest received                                         6,241      7,354
 Net cash from investing activities                        6,076      1,022
 Cash flows from financing activities               
 Issue of share capital                                1,675,667    612,000
 Exceptional item - convertible loan funding costs     (250,000)          -
 Repayment of borrowings                                (36,000)   (36,000)
 Net cash from financing activities                    1,389,667    576,000
 Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents               653,295     33,636
 Cash and bank overdrafts at start of period              44,046     10,410
 Cash and bank overdrafts at end of period               697,341     44,046

1.                  General information

    Qonnectis PLC (the "company") and its subsidiaries (together, the "Group") are engaged in the research, development and supply of an
integrated solution for remote data communications to established businesses, such as energy and water utilities, primarily in the United
Kingdom and Western Europe.

    The company is a public limited company domiciled in England, registered number 03923150, and is listed on the Alternative Investment
Market ("AIM") of the London Stock Exchange.

2.                  Adoption of new and revised standards

    In the current year, the Group has prepared for the first time these financial statements in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards and IFRIC interpretations as adopted by the European Union (IFRS's as adopted by the EU) and the Companies Act 1085
applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. The disclosures required by IFRS 1 concerning the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS are given in
note 3.

    At the date of authorisation of these financial statements, the following Standards and Interpretations which have not been applied in
these financial statements were in issue but not yet effective:

    IFRS 8 Operating segments
    IFRIC 12 Service Concession Arrangements
    IFRIC 14 IAS 19-The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding Requirements and their Interaction
    IAS 23 (Revised) Borrowing Costs
    IFRIC II IFRS2 Group and treasury share transactions
    IFRIC 13 Customer loyalty programmes

    The directors anticipate that the adoption of these Standards and Interpretations in future periods will have no material impact on the
financial statements of the Group when the relevant Standards and Interpretations come into effect.

    This is the Group's first set of Financial Statements presented under IFRS, having previously prepared its Financial Statements in
accordance with UK accounting standards. 

3.                  Reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

    The commentary below highlights the key changes that have arisen due to the transition from reporting under UK GAAP to reporting under
IFRS. The Group's date of transition is 1st July 2006 which is the beginning of the comparative period for the 2008 financial year.
Therefore the opening balance sheet for IFRS purposes is that reported at 1 July 2006 as amended for changes due to IFRS.

    This annual report is the first to be prepared under IFRS. The comparative figures have been prepared on the same basis and are
therefore restated from those previously reported under UK GAAP. To help understand the impact of the transition, reconciliations have been
produced to show the changes made to statements previously reported under UK GAAP in arriving at the equivalent statements under IFRS. The
following are the three reconciliations which are included in this appendix.
    *     Consolidated income statement for the year ended 30th June 2007
    *     Consolidated balance sheet at 30th June 2007
    *     Consolidated balance sheet at 1 July 2007

    The income statement for the year to 30 June 2008 and the balance sheet at that date are reported under IFRS. As they have not
previously been reported under UK GAAP no reconciliation to IFRS is required.

    The net effect on the reported results of presenting the 2007 full year financial statements under IFRS rather than UK GAAP is �
209,857. The changes have no impact on cash flows previously reported. The key areas of change are outlined below.

    First time adoption
    IFRS 1 "First Time Adoption of International Reporting Standards" sets out the approach to be followed when IFRS is applied for the
first time. As a general principle, IFRS 1 requires that accounting policies are to be applied retrospectively although IFRS1 provides a
number of optional exceptions where the cost of compliance is deemed to exceed the benefits to users of the financial statements. Where
applicable, the options selected by management under IFRS1 are set out in the explanatory notes below.

    There has been no reclassification between property, plant and equipment and intangible assets.  

    Research and development
    No adjustment is required in respect of research and development expense.

    Financial assets are assessed for indicators of impairment at each balance sheet date. Financial assets are impaired where there is
objective evidence that, as a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the financial asset, the estimated
future cash flows of the investment have been impacted.

    Reconciliation of the consolidated balance sheet as at 30th June 2007

                                As reported                    As restated
                                   under UK  Reclassification   under IFRS
                                          �                 �            �
 Non current assets
 Intangible assets                3,313,995           209,857    3,523,852
 Property, plant and equipment        8,683                 -        8,683
 Investments                              -                 -            -

                                  3,322,678           209,857    3,532,535
 Current assets
 Inventories                         11,906                 -       11,906
 Trade and other receivables         94,785                 -       94,785
 Cash at bank and in hand            44,046                 -       44,046

                                    150,737                 -      150,737

 TOTAL ASSETS                     3,473,415           209,857    3,683,272

 Capital and reserves
 Share capital                   10,270,588                 -   10,270,588
 Share premium                    1,675,050                 -    1,675,050
 Retained earnings              (8,828,510)           209,857  (8,618,653)

 Total Equity                     3,117,128           209,857    3,326,985


 Non-current liabilities                                     
 Borrowings                           6,000                 -        6,000

                                      6,000                 -        6,000

 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables           314,287                 -      314,287
 Borrowings                          36,000                 -       36,000

                                    350,287                -,      350,287

 TOTAL LIABILITIES                  356,287                 -      356,287

 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES     3,473,415           209,857    3,683,272

    Reconciliation of net loss for the year ended 30 June 2007

                         As reported under      Derecognition of  As restated under
                                   UK GAAP              goodwill               IFRS
                                         �                     �                  �

 Revenue                           304,776                     -            304,776
 Cost of sales                   (110,985)                     -          (110,985)

 Gross profit                      193,791                     -            193,791
 Operating expenses            (1,106,587)               209,857          (896,730)
 Other operating income             49,313                     -             49,313

 Operating loss                  (863,483)               209,857          (653,626)
 Finance income                      7,354                     -              7,354
 Finance costs                     (5,000)                     -            (5,000)

 Loss before taxation            (861,129)               209,857          (651,272)
 Taxation                                -                     -                  -

 Loss for the period             (861,129)               209,857          (651,272)

 Loss per share - basic       (0.40 pence)            0.09 pence       (0.31 pence)

    Basis of accounting and going concern
    The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs.)  The financial
statements have also been prepared in accordance with IFRSs adopted by the European Union and therefore the group financial statements
comply with Article 4 of the EU IAS Regulation.

    The financial statements have been prepared of the historical cost basis, except for the revaluation of certain properties and the
financial instruments.

    The Directors have prepared a business plan which has formed the basis on which they are satisfied that the Group has adequate financial
resources to continue to operate for the next twelve months. This business plan assumes a certain level of sales, which the Directors
believe to be both achievable and the best estimate of the Group's future activities. However there is a risk that the actual level of sales
achieved may be significantly lower than is assumed in that business plan. As noted in the Enhanced Business Review, there is a risk that
new and existing partnerships may not lead to significant sales and that new iterations of the product range may not be received well by the

    Having taken into account the above material uncertainties, the Directors consider it is appropriate that the financial statements
should be prepared on a going concern basis. The conditions facing the Group nevertheless give rise to material uncertainties related to
events or conditions which may cast significant doubt on the Group's ability to continue as a going concern and therefore it may be unable
to realise its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business. The financial statements do not include the
adjustments that would result if the Group was unable to continue as a going concern. In the event the Group ceased to be a going concern,
the adjustments would include writing down the carrying value of assets to their recoverable amount and providing for any further
liabilities that might arise.

4.                  Revenue

    The revenue of the group is attributable to continuing activity for a single inter-related class of business for the provision of
products and associated services.

    Analysis by geographic market:
                   Year to  Year to
                   30 June  30 June
                      2008     2007
                         �        �
 United Kingdom    449,628  299,875
 Rest of world       7,050    4,901
                   456,678  304,776

5.                  Loss per share

                                                      Year to  Year to 30 June
                                                      30 June
                                                         2008             2007
                                                            �                �
 Net loss for the year                            (3,749,598)        (651,272)
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares       251,073,776      213,508,023
 Loss per share                                  (1.49 pence)     (0.31 pence)

    IAS 33 requires presentation of diluted loss per share when a company could be called upon to issue shares that would decrease net
profit or increase net loss per share.  For this company the issue of shares would decrease the net loss per share and, therefore, it does
not meet the requirements of IAS 33.  Accordingly no diluted EPS has been presented.

6.                  Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow

                                                      As at      As at
                                                    30 June    30 June
                                                       2008       2007
                                                          �          �
 Operating loss                                 (3,729,641)  (653,626)
 Adjusted for:                                
 * Depreciation of fixed assets                       4,352      3,565
 * Amortisation of intangible assets              2,920,379          -
 * Funding costs relating to convertible            250,000          -
 * Decrease/(Increase) in stock                    (18,230)      7,303
 * Decrease/(Increase) in debtors                     1,458      4,546
 * Increase/(Decrease) in creditors               (144,568)     99,826
 Net cash outflow from operating activities       (716,250)  (538,386)

7.                  Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds/(debt)

                                                As at     As at
                                              30 June   30 June
                                                 2008      2007
                                                    �         �
 Increase/(Decrease) in cash in the period    653,295    33,636
 Cash outflow from decrease in debt            36,000    36,000
 Movement in net debt in the period           689,295    69,636
 Net (debt)/funds at beginning of year          2,046  (67,590)
 Net funds/(debt) at end of year              691,341     2,046

8.                  Analysis of net funds/(debt)

                                      As at  Cashflow    As at
                                     1 July            30 June
                                       2007               2008
                                          �         �        �

 Cash                                44,046   653,295  697,341
 Bank overdraft                           -         -        -

 Cash and cash equivalents           44,046   653,295  697,341
 Loan falling due within one year  (36,000)    30,000  (6,000)
 Loan falling after one year        (6,000)     6,000        -

 Net (debt)/funds                     2,046   689,295  691,341

9.                  Auditors report and publication of report and accounts

    The consolidated balance sheet at 30 June 2008 and the consolidated income statement, consolidated cash flow statement and associated
notes for the year then ended have been extracted from the Group's 2008 statutory financial statements upon which the auditors opinion is
unqualified but which does draw attention to the uncertainty as to the realisation of the forecasts.

    The report and accounts for the year ended 30 June 2008 will be posted to shareholders tomorrow. The Annual General Meeting will be held
at 12pm on 19th December 2008 at 170 Windmill Road West, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, TW16 7HB. Copies of the report and accounts are
available from www.qonnectis.com and will also be available from Qonnectis plc's registered office: 170 Windmill Road West,
Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, TW16 7HB.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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