Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have a demonstrated economic
Mineral Resources are reported to a gold price of $1,550/oz and a silver price of $18/oz.
Open pit Mineral Resources are defined within pit shells that use variable mining and recovery estimates depending on the geometallurgical
domain and whether mineralization is projected to report to crushleach, run-of-mine or CIL for processing requirements.
Open pit Mineral Resources are reported to a gold cut-off grade of 0.2 g/t.
Open pit Mineral Resources use variable mining costs of $1.27$1.43/t and variable processing costs of $3.40$12.81/t. Recovery
ranges from 50% to 85% depending on ore treatment method.
Underground Mineral Resources use variable mining costs of $57.21$93.12/t
and variable processing costs of $9.53$11.64/t, and a process recovery of 90%95%.
Underground Mineral Resources are reported
to a gold cut-off grade of: 1.71 g/t Au for Los Filos South Underground; 2.05 g/t Au for Los Filos North Underground; 2.71 g/t Au for Bermejal underground. Quantity of material is rounded to the nearest 1,000
tonnes; grades are rounded to two decimal places for Au, one decimal place for Ag; rounding as required by reporting guidelines may result in apparent summation differences.
The Qualified Person responsible for the Mineral Resource estimate is Ali Shahkar (P.Eng.).
Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have a demonstrated economic viability.
Block model quantities and grade estimates for the Los Filos and BermejalGuadalupe deposits were classified according to the CIM Definition Standards
for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (CIM, 2014). The Qualified Person for these Mineral Resources is Ali Shahkar (P. Eng.), Director Mineral Resources at Equinox Gold.
Mineral Resource classification is subjective and depends on the experience of the Qualified Person and their confidence in the geological and grade
continuity of mineralization, confidence in the quality, quantity, and distribution of data supporting the estimates, and the geostatistical confidence in the resource estimates. Classification should delineate regular areas at a similar resource
The responsible Qualified Person is satisfied that the geological modelling accurately reflects the available geological information and
knowledge at a scale appropriate for the mining methods considered. The sample locations and assay data, which include samples from core and RC drilling, and underground channels, are sufficiently reliable to support resource evaluation.
Mining at the Los Filos Mine Complex is conducted by both open pit and underground methods, on two separate and complex deposits. As such, the confidence in
geological and grade continuity, and the data spacing required for classification as Measured Mineral Resources (within the meaning of NI 43-101) and Indicated Mineral Resources (within the meaning of NI 43-101) (and therefore sufficient for mine planning) varies depending on both the mining method and the detailed nature of the deposits. Classification at Los Filos is primarily based on search distances from data
(drill holes and in some cases channel samples). BermejalGuadalupe Open Pit and Bermejal Underground models did not use hard boundaries for classification (distance searches were allowed to cross geological boundaries), whereas at Los Filos
Open Pit and Los Filos Underground, due to more irregular data spacing in some geological domains, classification used hard boundaries for the three main domain types (Oxide, Granodiorite, and Carbonate). The BermejalGuadalupe Open Pit model
considered Guadalupe underground channel samples for Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource (within the meaning of NI 43-101) classification, but not Measured. Channel samples were considered for
classification in the Los Filos Underground models, but not the Los Filos Open Pit or Bermejal Underground models. A small resource area within the BermejalGuadalupe Open Pit model known as the 7 Vetas area was assigned only Inferred
classification. In the Bermejal Underground model, all blocks within Carbonate (domain numbers 60, 61, and 62) are set as Inferred Mineral Resources.
There are no known environmental, permitting, socioeconomic, legal, title, taxation, marketing, political, or other relevant factors that could materially
affect the Mineral Resource estimate.
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