Notice convening the annual general meeting in Pharma Equity Group
25 March 2024
Announcement no. 10
Notice convening the annual general meeting in Pharma
Equity Group A/S
The board of directors hereby convenes the annual general
meeting in Pharma Equity Group A/S (“PEG” or the “Company”) to be
held on:
16 April 2024, at 3.30 PM
Wihlborg's Canteens
Slotsmarken 15
DK-2970 Hørsholm
The agenda for the annual general
meeting is as follows:
- The board of directors' report on the Company's activities in
the past year
- Presentation of the audited annual report for approval
- Discharge to the executive board and the board of directors
from liability
- Adoption of appropriation of profit or loss as proposed by the
board of directors
- Presentation of the remuneration report 2023 for an advisory
- Approval of remuneration to the board of directors for the
current financial year
- Election of the board of directors
- Election of auditors
- Any proposals from the shareholders or board of directors
- Proposal to increase the authorization to issue new shares with
pre-emption rights (article 4.1.A)
- Proposal to combine and increase the two separate
authorizations to issue new shares without pre-emption rights and
grant a one-year extension of the new combined authorization
(articles 4.1.B and 4.1.C)
- Proposal to grant a one-year extension of the authorization to
issue warrants (article 4.2)
- Proposal to increase the authorization to issue convertible
loan notes (article 4.3.A)
- Authorization to the chair of the general
- Any other business
Item 1 – The board of directors' report
on the Company's activities in the past year
The board of directors proposes that the board
of directors' report on the Company’s activities for the past year
be noted.
Item 2 – Presentation of the audited
annual report for approval
The board of directors proposes that the annual
report be approved.
Item 3 – Discharge to the executive
board and the board of directors from liability
The board of directors proposes that discharge
of liability be granted to the board of directors and the executive
Item 4 – Adoption of appropriation of
profit or loss as proposed by the board of directors
The board of directors proposes that the result
for the financial year 2023 be carried forward to the next
financial year in accordance with the annual report.
Item 5 – Presentation of the
remuneration report 2023 for an advisory vote
The board of directors proposes that the
Company’s remuneration report for the financial year 2023 be
approved by an advisory vote.
The remuneration report 2023 covers remuneration
for the financial year 2023 paid to members of the Company’s board
of directors and executive board.
Item 6 – Approval of remuneration to the
board of directors for the current financial year
The board of directors proposes that the
following cash remuneration for the members of the board of
directors for the financial year 2024 be approved (which is
unchanged compared to 2023):
- The chair of the board of directors receives DKK 350,000.
- The deputy chair of the board of directors receives DKK
- Members of the board of directors receive DKK 150,000.
Members of the board of directors' audit
committee, the nomination- and remuneration committee or other
committees receive a remuneration of DKK 25,000 in total for all
committee work. This does not apply to the chair or the deputy
chair of the board of directors, who does not receive additional
Item 7 – Election of the board of
According to the Company's articles of
association, all members of the board of directors are up for
election at each year’s annual general meeting.
The board of directors proposes re-election of
the following board members: Christian Vinding Thomsen (chair),
Martin Engell-Rossen (deputy chair), Omar S. Qandeel, Lars Gundorph
and Peter Vilmann.
The background of each candidate is described
below. For information on the candidates' other managerial duties
in commercial undertakings, please refer to the annual report 2023,
page 28. The following candidates are not considered independent:
Christian Vinding Thomsen, Martin Engell-Rossen, Lars Rosenkrantz
Christian Vinding Thomsen (born 1975,
Danish nationality)
Christian Vinding Thomsen has 20+ years of
experience and is specialized in regulatory life science,
healthcare, M&A and corporate law. Christian is also highly
specialized in legal issues facing the pharmaceutical industry and
has represented multiple companies in issues such as GCP, GMP, GDP,
market access and marketing compliance. Team leader in multiple
large successful transactions including listings and mergers within
the pharmaceutical industry.
Special competencies: Legal compliance within
regulatory life science, healthcare, M&A and corporate law, as
well as experience with publicly traded companies.
Martin Engell-Rossen (born 1975, Danish
Martin Engell-Rossen owns Engell-Rossen
Strategy, a consultancy firm focusing on strategic management and
positioning, and is also an active board member in many companies
and foundations. Engell-Rossen, known as Denmark’s leading
political strategist as Chief of Staff at the Prime Minister’s
Office and Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, Mette
Special competencies: Strategic
Peter Vilmann (born 1952, Danish
Peter Villmann is Dr. Prof. Med at Department of
surgical gastroenterology, Copenhagen University Herlev.
Special competencies: Vast Insight in medical
sciences with a special knowledge about the Company’s drug
candidates. Peter Vilmann has a large worldwide medical network
within the fields of the Company's drug candidates and has in
addition during years held several advisory positions within the
field of medico-technology and gastroenterology.
Lars Gundorph (born 1960, Danish
Lars Gundorph has worked with sales and risk
management for several years and has successfully started several
companies. Lars is further a member of the board of directors in
several other companies. In 2021, he was the mastermind
behind the new advisory house, North Risk, which consists of the
companies Contea (Risk management & insurance), Jysk Pension
(health and pension), status (mortgage advice) and FinPro
(financial procurement), amongst others.
Special Competencies: Leadership, strategy,
innovation, M&A and risk management.
Omar S. Qandeel (born 1961, Saudi
Arabian nationality)
Omar Qandeel is an international businessman who
is primarily focused on social-impact investment and project
development jointly with Asian, European and Middle Eastern
corporations and governments. Omar Qandeel is a member of the board
or advisory board in several companies.
Special competencies: Brings extensive
international network, both clinically and in relation to potential
strong strategic alliances and new investors, primarily in the
Middle East and Asia.
Item 8 - Election of
The board of directors proposes re-election of
1561 København V, CVR no. 20222670, as the Company’s auditor.
The proposal is based on the recommendation from
the audit committee. The audit committee’s proposal has not been
influenced by third parties and is not subject to contractual
obligations restricting the general meeting’s choice of certain
auditors or audit firms.
Item 9.A – Increase of the authorization
to issue new shares with pre-emption rights for the existing
shareholders (article 4.1.A of the articles of
The board of directors proposes that the current
authorization under article 4.1.A of the articles of association to
issue new shares with pre-emption rights for the Company's existing
shareholders is increased from nominally DKK 50,000,000 to
nominally DKK 500,000,000.
Consequently, it is proposed that article 4.1.A
will have the following complete wording:
"4.1.A. Until 27 April 2028, the board of
directors is authorised to increase the company's share capital at
one or more times by up to a nominal amount of DKK 500,000,000. The
increase may be implemented by way of full cash contribution, by
conversion of debt or by contribution of other assets than cash,
including by way of contribution of an existing business. The
capital must be increased with pre-emption rights for existing
shareholders. The new shares must be negotiable instruments and
will be registered in the name of the holder in the company's
register of shareholders; see article 3.2 of these articles of
association. The right to dividends and other rights in the company
of the new shares will take effect from the date determined by the
board of directors, but no later than from the first financial year
after the year in which the capital increase was
Item 9.B – Combination and increase of
the two separate authorizations to issue new shares without
pre-emption rights for the existing shareholders (article 4.1.B and
4.1.C of the articles of association) including a standard one-year
The board of directors proposes that the two
separate authorizations under article 4.1.B and 4.1.C be combined
into one single authorization, as both articles authorize the
Company's board of directors to issue new shares without
pre-emption rights for the Company's existing shareholders on
similar terms.
Currently, up to a nominal value of DKK
122,652,375 new shares may be issued without pre-emption rights
pursuant to article 4.1.B, and up to a nominal value of DKK
48,172,800 new shares may be issued without pre-emption rights
pursuant to article 4.1.C, and at least at market price for both
In order to make the articles and total
authorizations clearer, it is therefore proposed to combine and
increase the two authorizations into a single authorization to
issue up to a nominal amount of DKK 500,000,000. In connection
herewith, the board of directors also proposes to delete the
wording on "contribution in kind of Reponex Pharmaceutical shares"
stated in the current article 4.1.B, as this transaction was
finalized in March 2023.
Finally, as part of the proposal, it is proposed
that the new authorization is given a standard one-year extension
until 31 August 2025.
Consequently, it is proposed that article 4.1.C
will be removed from the articles of association, and article 4.1.B
will have the following complete wording:
"4.1.B. Until 31 August 2025, the board of
directors is authorised to increase the company's share capital at
one or more times by up to a nominal amount of 500,000,000
shares of DKK 1 each. The increase may be implemented by way of
full cash contribution, by conversion of debt and/or by
contribution of other assets than cash, including by way of
contribution of an existing business. The capital must be increased
without pre-emption rights for existing shareholders and at least
at market price. The new shares must be negotiable instruments. The
new shares are not subject to restrictions on transferability or
pre-emption rights in connection with future capital increases
unless otherwise stated in these articles of association or
determined by the general meeting. The new shares must be
registered in the name of the holder in the company's register of
shareholders; see article 3.2 of these articles of association. The
right to dividends and other rights in the company of the new
shares will take effect from the date determined by the board of
directors at subscription, but no later than from the first
financial year after the year in which the capital increase was
Item 9.C – Extension of the
authorization to issue warrants (article 4.2 of the articles of
The board of directors proposes that the
authorization to issue warrants pursuant to article 4.2 of the
articles of association is given a standard one-year extension.
Currently, the board of directors' authorization lapses on 31
August 2024.
Consequently, it is proposed that article 4.2
will have the following complete wording:
"4.2. Until 31 August 2025, the board of
directors is authorised to allow the company to issue warrants at
one or more times. The warrants must not grant the right to
subscribe for shares in the company of a nominal value exceeding
DKK 50,000,000. The warrants must be issued without pre-emption
rights for existing shareholders and on an arm's length basis;
however, the board of directors is entitled to issue shares in the
company at a favourable price with respect to shares of a nominal
value of DKK 5,000,000. At the same time, the board of directors is
authorised to implement capital increases in the company at one or
more times in connection with any future exercise of the above
warrants. The capital must be increased without pre-emption rights
for the company's existing shareholders. The new shares must be
negotiable instruments and will be registered in the name of the
holder in the company's register of shareholders; see article 3.2
of these articles of association. The board of directors determines
the subscription price in connection with the issue of the
warrants. The subscription price must never fall below the market
price at the date of issue; however, the board of directors is
entitled to issue shares in the company at a favourable price with
respect to shares of a nominal value of DKK 5,000,000. The new
shares must be fully paid up. The right to dividends and other
rights in the company of the new shares will take effect from the
date determined by the board of directors, but no later than from
the first financial year after the year in which the capital
increase was registered."
Item 9.D – Increase of the authorization
to issue convertible loan notes (article 4.3.A)
Pursuant to the current article 4.3.A of the
articles of association, the board of directors is authorized to
issue convertible loan notes with a right to convert the loan
amount to new shares of a nominal amount of up to originally DKK
50,000,000 of which DKK 26,094,503 remains of the current
authorization, and without pre-emption rights for the existing
The board of directors proposes that the
authorization is increased from the original nominal amount of up
to DKK 50,000,000 with a nominal amount of DKK 473,905,497 to a
total nominal amount of up to DKK 523,905,497 of which a nominal
amount of DKK 500,000,000 remains of the authorisation. No other
changes to the authorization are proposed.
Consequently, it is proposed that article 4.3.A,
first paragraph, will have the following complete wording:
"4.3.A Until 31 August 2026, the board of
directors is authorised to allow the company to raise loans at one
or more times against bonds or other debt instruments granting the
lender the right to convert its debt into shares in the company
(convertible loans). The convertible loans must not grant the right
to subscribe for shares in the company of a nominal value exceeding
DKK 523,905,497. The convertible loans must be raised without
pre-emption rights for the company's existing shareholders and on
an arm's length basis; however, the board of directors is entitled
to issue shares in the company at a favourable price with respect
to shares of a nominal value of DKK 4,150,000. At the same time,
the board of directors is authorised to implement a capital
increase in the company at one or more times in connection with any
future conversion of the convertible loans. The capital must be
increased without pre-emption rights for the company's existing
shareholders. The new shares must be negotiable instruments. The
shares must be registered in the name of the holder in the
company's register of shareholders; see article 3.2 of these
articles of association. The board of directors determines the
subscription price in connection with the issue of the convertible
loans. The subscription price must never fall below the market
price at the date of issue; however, the board of directors is
entitled to issue shares in the company at a favourable price with
respect to shares of a nominal value of DKK 4,150,000. The new
shares must be fully paid up. The right to dividends and other
rights in the company of the new shares will take effect from the
date determined by the board of directors, but no later than from
the first financial year after the year in which the capital
increase was registered."
Item 10 – Authorization to the chair of
the general meeting
The board of directors proposes that the general
meeting authorizes the chair of the general meeting, with a right
of substitution, to file the resolutions adopted with the Danish
Business Authority and to make any such amendments as the Danish
Business Authority may require in order to register or approve the
resolutions adopted.
Item 11 - Any other
Majority requirements
The proposals under items 9.A – 9.D requires
adoption by at least 2/3 of the votes cast as well as the share
capital represented at the general meeting. All other proposals may
be adopted by simple majority, noting that the proposal under item
5 is solely up for an advisory vote.
Amount of share capital and
shareholders’ voting rights and participation
At the time of this notice convening the general
meeting, the Company’s total share capital is a nominal amount of
DKK 1,022,963,883 divided into 1,022,963,883 shares of DKK 1,00
each. The Company’s shares are admitted to trading and official
listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S and issued in paperless form
through VP SECURITIES A/S (Euronext Securities).
Each share of DKK 1,00 gives one vote at the
general meeting.
Shareholders right to attend and vote at the
general meeting is determined on the basis of the shares held by
such shareholder at the record date. The record date is one week
before the general meeting. The shares held by the individual
shareholders are determined at the record date on the basis of
information on the shareholder's shareholding in the register of
shareholders and notices of ownership received by the Company for
the purpose of being registered in the register of shareholders,
but which have not yet been registered in such register. The record
date is Tuesday, 9 April 2024.
In order to attend the general meeting, a
shareholder must have notified his or her participation to the
general meeting in writing to the Company’s office no later than
three days before the general meeting, i.e. no later than on
Friday, 12 April 2024 at 23:59 (Danish time).
Participation is also conditional on the
shareholder having obtained an admission card in a timely manner as
described below.
Admission cards, postal votes and
Every shareholder, or proxy of a shareholder,
must have an admission card in order to attend the general meeting.
Up until Friday, 12 April 2024 at 23:59 (Danish time), admission
cards to the general meeting may be requested via the Company's
website:, on VP SECURITIES A/S' (Euronext
Securities) website:, or by written
request via e-mail at After this time,
admission cards cannot be booked. Any advisors to shareholders must
also be registered by name and within the same period of time to
obtain admission cards to the general meeting.
Instead of casting their votes at the general
meeting itself, shareholders may choose to vote by post (e-mail).
Shareholders who chooses to vote by post must send their postal
vote to the Company by e-mail at or
register the postal vote on VP SECURITIES A/S' (Euronext
Securities) website:, so that the
postal vote is received by the Company no later than Monday, 15
April 2024 at 12:00 (noon) (Danish time). The postal voting form
can be found on A postal vote received by
the Company cannot be revoked.
Any shareholder may attend the general meeting
by proxy, who must present a written and dated proxy. The proxy
form can be found on When submitting a
proxy, the completed and signed proxy form must reach the Company
no later than on Friday, 12 April 2024, at 23:59 (Danish time). The
proxy can be sent to the Company by e-mail on or be registered on
Additional Information
As of today, (i) this notice, (ii) information
on the total number of shares and voting rights in the Company on
the date of this notice (contained herein), (iii) the documents to
be presented at the general meeting, (iv) the agenda and the
complete proposals (contained herein), and (v) the proxy and postal
voting forms will be available on the Company's website
Data Protection
PEG will, as part of your communication and
interaction with you, collect and process personal data about you.
You can read more about our privacy notice at
Questions from shareholders
Prior to the general meeting, shareholders may
submit written questions until Friday, 12 April 2024 at 23:59
(Danish time) to the Company's management on all matters that are
of importance for the assessment of the Company's position or on
the matters to be decided at the general meeting, as well as on the
Company's relationship with the Group's companies. Questions can be
sent to CEO Thomas Kaas Selsø to the e-mail address:
Pharma Equity Group A/S
The board of directors
- 2024 03 25 - Announcement no. 10 - UK
Pharma Equity Group A/s (LSE:0REU)
Gráfico Histórico do Ativo
De Fev 2025 até Mar 2025
Pharma Equity Group A/s (LSE:0REU)
Gráfico Histórico do Ativo
De Mar 2024 até Mar 2025