RNS No 5479d
26 August 1999
                       Grafton Group plc
              Interim Results for the Six Months
                      Ended 30 June 1999

-   Group pre-tax profits up 33% to Euro 15.4 million

-   Adjusted earnings per share up 40% to 84.4c

-   Interim dividend increased by 40% to 18.7c

-   Turnover grew by 46% to Euro 285 million

-   Strong performances in all Irish and UK divisions

-   UK turnover exceeds Irish turnover for the first time

-   UK operating profit increased by 191%

                       Grafton Group Plc
                Announcement of Interim Results
                 Six Months Ended 30 June 1999
Grafton Group reports pre-tax profits of Euro 15.4 million for
the half-year ended June 30, 1999, a growth of  33% on profits
of Euro 11.6 million in the first half of 1998.

Earnings  per share, before goodwill amortisation,  ("adjusted
earnings  per share") increased by 40% to 84.40c  compared  to
60.44c in 1998.

An  interim dividend of 18.70c has been declared, representing
an increase of 40% on the 1998 interim dividend of 13.33c.

Turnover  for the half-year grew by 46% to Euro 285.1  million
(1998: Euro 195.9).

Operating profit rose by 44% to Euro 19.4 million compared  to
Euro 13.5 million in first half 1998.

These strong results reflect positive performances across  all
the Group's Irish and UK divisions.

The  following  table  highlights the result  of  the  Group's
strategy  in  terms  of operating profit  performance,  before
goodwill  amortisation,  and  the significant  improvement  in
operating profits being achieved in the UK.

The  Group  turnover in the UK exceeded that recorded  in  the
Republic of Ireland for the first time during the period.

                  Six Months    Six Months    Percentage
                          to            to    Improvement
                  30 June 99    30 June 98    
                 (unaudited)   (unaudited)             
                        Euro          Euro             
                    millions      millions
Republic of                                            
Ireland                131.3         115.3          14%
Britain &              153.8          80.6          91%
                     -------        ------      -------
Total                  285.1         195.9          46%
                     =======       =======       ======
Republic of                                            
Ireland                 12.7          11.1          15%
Britain &                7.1           2.4         191%
Nth. Ireland
                     -------       -------      -------
Total                   19.8          13.5          47%
                     =======       =======      =======

Operations - Republic of Ireland
The  Group's Irish divisions increased turnover by 14% to Euro
131.3  million,  reflecting market leadership positions  in  a
positive  construction environment. Operating profit  grew  by
15%  to Euro 12.7 million in highly competitive markets  at  a
consistent margin of 9.6%. These strong results in  the  first
half,  would have been even better but for the effects of  the
scaffolders strike in the second quarter.

Irish merchanting and wholesaling turnover increased by 15% to
Euro 92.4 million with the Chadwicks branches in Limerick  and
Walkinstown which opened in 1998 contributing for the full six
month  period.   A powered access division has  recently  been
launched,  complementing Chadwicks existing contract  scaffold
and direct hire services.

The  Irish  manufacturing division's turnover was  broadly  in
line  with  1998 at Euro 11.8 million, with improved  profits.
CPI,  the  Group's  Dublin based concrete business,  performed
well  in  the  first  quarter.   Its  results  were  adversely
affected in the second quarter by the scaffolders strike which
closed  down  a number of construction sites in  the  normally
busy  months  of April and May. MFP, specialising  in  plastic
products   for  the  building  industry,  recorded   increased
volumes,  particularly in its Eavemaster  range,  and  profits
were ahead of last year.

Woodie's  DIY  capitalised  on  its  clear  market  leadership
position, increasing its turnover by 16% to Euro 27.2 million,
with  strong  performances  across  all  10  stores.  Woodie's
ongoing  investment programme included the major refurbishment
of the Dunlaoire, Cork and Galway stores,  resulting in growth
in  sales  per square foot and profitability.  Woodie's  is  a
successful  and  significant contributor to both  the  Group's
profitability  and cash flow, and continues to seek  potential
sites for its ongoing expansion.

Operations - United Kingdom
UK turnover was Euro 153.8 million (Stg#101.0 million) for the
half-year  compared to Euro 80.6 million in  the  same  period
last  year, an increase of 91%.  The virtual doubling of scale
resulted   from  our  aggressive  acquisition  programme   and
substantial  like-for-like  sales growth.   More  importantly,
operating  profit almost trebled by 191% to Euro  7.1  million
leading to an improved margin of 4.6% (1998: 3.0%).

The  Group's  UK builders merchanting business  now  spans  49
branches, following  substantial acquisition activity of 1998,
and  the  six-branch  network of the Niall Bailey  merchanting
business  acquired in April 1999.  The phased  integration  of
acquired    businesses   into   Buildbase    is    progressing
satisfactorily and the planned operational benefits are  being

Plumbase,  the  Group's  UK  plumbing  and  heating  business,
trading  from  41  branches, continued to increase  sales  and
profitability, and is now established as the most  significant
regional player in the South East.

Belfast   based   builders   merchants,   Macnaughton    Blair
successfully  integrated its 1998 acquisitions in  Antrim  and
Coleraine and recorded increased profits.

Your  Group  is an active participant in the consolidation  of
the UK merchanting market and is now ranked fourth in terms of
sales.    The  acquisition  multiples  now  being   paid   for
merchanting  chains  underline  the  value  created  for   our
shareholders.   We remain determined to continue  to  grow  in
this core market.

The Group's three UK silo mortar plants traded strongly during
the period with all plants performing profitably and ahead  of
expectations.   The construction of a fourth mortar  plant  in
Beaconsfield,   west   of  London,  is  well   advanced   with
commissioning planned for later this year.  Given  the  proven
success  of  EuroMix  silo mortar in both  the  Irish  and  UK
markets,   the   Group   intends   to   establish   additional
manufacturing plants in strategic locations in the UK.

The   Group's   operations  continued  to  be  strongly   cash
generative during the six months, with net cash from operating
activity  increasing to Euro 15.7 million, up 44% on the  Euro
10.9 million achieved in the same period last year.

As  in previous periods the Group's acquisitions, investments,
and  capital  expenditure programme continued at  high  levels
with  Euro  20.0  million, Euro 15.3  million  and  Euro  12.1
million being invested respectively.  The acquisition of Niall
Bailey  Building  Supplies, the Group's investment  in  Heiton
Holdings  plc,  at an average share price of  Euro  2.67,  the
development  of the EuroMix mortar operations and the  ongoing
refurbishment  of  the  acquired  companies  account  for  the
majority of the combined expenditure of Euro 47.4 million.

Shareholders' funds at 30th June were Euro 165.9  million  and
net  debt amounted to Euro 89 million representing a net  debt
to  equity  ratio  of  54%, following the  Euro  15.5  million
successfully  raised  when the Group placed  800,000  ordinary
shares with existing shareholders in June 1999.

The  Group's strong balance sheet and healthy cash flow leaves
it well placed to finance further expansion opportunities.

The  strong momentum achieved in the first half throughout the
Group  has  been maintained into the second half and  we  look
forward with confidence.

In  Ireland  the  combination of  a  continuing  strong  local
economy,  a  buoyant  construction market  and  strong  market
positioning  of  our  core  businesses  provides   the   solid
background for further growth opportunities.

In the UK, Buildbase and Plumbase will continue to consolidate
and  benefit  from the integration of earlier acquisitions  as
the  market  shows signs of improvement.  We seek to  identify
bolt-on  opportunities and continue to focus on acquiring  and
building  regional  leadership positions  in  selected  market
areas.    EuroMix  dry  mortar  is  expected  to  expand   its
operations further.

The   Group  continues  to  actively  seek  opportunities  for
profitable growth across its markets.

For reference:                        For reference:
Michael Chadwick                      Joe Murray
Executive Chairman                    Murray Consultants
Grafton Group plc                     Telephone: (++353) (01) 661 4666
Telephone: (++353) (01) 216 0600
                                      Ginny Pulbrook
                                      Citigate Dewe Rogerson
                                      Telephone: (++44) (0171) 282 2945
       This statement is also available on our web site
                       Grafton Group Plc
                  Group Profit & Loss Account
             For the Half Year Ended 30 June 1999
   Twelve                                    Six          Six
   Months                              Months to    Months to
    to 31                                30 June      30 June
   Dec 98                                     99           98
 (audited)                            (unaudited)   (unaudited)
  Euro '000                            Euro '000    Euro '000
  378,099    Continuing                  275,005      195,882
   49,499    Acquisitions                 10,106            -
  -------                                -------      -------
  427,598    Total turnover              285,111      195,882
  =======                                =======      =======
             Operating profit                                
   33,779    Continuing                   18,556       13,494
    (719)    Acquisitions                    813            -
   ------                                 ------       ------
   33,060    Total operating              19,369       13,494
    4,864    Interest payable              3,959        1,910
   ------                                 ------       ------
   28,196    Profit on ordinary                              
             activities before            15,410       11,584
    3,948    Taxation                      2,003        1,740
   ------                                 ------       ------
             Profit on ordinary                              
             activities after                                
   24,248    taxation                     13,407        9,844
    5,714    Dividend                      3,207        2,170
   ------                                 ------       ------
   18,534    Profit retained              10,200        7,674
   ======                                 ======       ======
   149.7c    Earnings per share           81.87c       60.44c
             Adjusted earnings                               
  150.15c    per share                    84.40c       60.44c
    35.0c    Dividend per share           18.70c       13.33c

                       Grafton Group Plc
                  Consolidated Balance Sheet
                      As at 30 June 1999
   31 Dec                               30 June       30 June
       98                                    99            98
  (audited)                           (unaudited)    (unaudited)
    Euro '000                           Euro '000     Euro '000
             Fixed assets                                    
             Intangible assets -                             
    9,763    goodwill                    20,570           617
  140,660    Tangible assets            157,135        97,705
      212    Financial assets            15,533         1,406
  -------                               -------       -------
  150,635                               193,238        99,728
  -------                               -------       -------
             Current assets                                  
   67,371    Stock                       79,226        61,586
   87,981    Debtors                    109,985        82,181
        -    Financial assets                 -         8,375
             Cash at bank and                                
   67,407    in hand                     58,318        66,287
  -------                               -------       -------
  222,759                               247,529       218,429
  -------                               -------       -------
             Creditors (amounts                              
             falling due within                              
  133,392    one year)                  176,341       122,585
  -------                               -------       -------
   89,367    Net current assets          71,188        95,844
  -------                               -------       -------
             Total assets less                               
  240,002    current liabilities        264,426       195,572
  -------                               -------       -------
             Creditors (amounts                              
             falling due after                               
   93,005    more than one year)         91,147       100,487
             Provision for                                   
             liabilities and                                 
    7,189    charges                      7,314         2,734
  -------                               -------       -------
  100,194                                98,461       103,221
  -------                               -------       -------
  139,808                               165,965        92,351
  =======                               =======       =======
             Capital and                                     
    5,225    Share capital                8,488         5,204
   17,388    Share premium               32,641        16,109
   43,504    Revaluation reserve         43,504         8,134
             Profit and loss                                 
   73,691    account                     81,332        62,904
  -------                               -------       -------
  139,808    funds - equity             165,965        92,351
  =======                               =======       =======

                       Grafton Group Plc
                   Group Cash Flow Statement
             For the Half Year Ended 30 June 1999
    Twelve                            Six Months    Six Months
     To 31                            To 30 June    To 30 June
    Dec 98                                    99            98
  (audited)                          (unaudited)    (unaudited)
  Euro '000                             Euro '000     Euro '000
              Net cash inflow                                 
              from operating                                  
    28,023    activities                  15,709        10,870
              Servicing of                                    
   (4,114)    finance                    (4,546)       (1,219)
   (2,473)    Taxation                   (1,417)       (1,268)
              expenditure     and
              Purchase of                                     
              tangible fixed                                  
  (20,621)    assets                    (12,105)       (9,934)
        15    New finance leases               0             0
   -------                               -------       -------
  (20,606)                              (12,105)       (9,934)
              Sale of tangible                                
     3,525    fixed assets                 3,411         1,539
              Purchase of                                     
      (67)    financial fixed           (15,305)          (67)
   -------                               -------       -------
  (17,148)                              (23,999)       (8,462)
              Acquisitions and                                
              Acquisition of                                  
  (45,275)    undertakings              (22,168)      (33,905)
              Net cash acquired                               
              with subsidiary                                 
       387    undertakings                 2,176         5,250
              Disposal of                                     
     7,573    business held for                0             0
   -------                               -------       -------
  (37,315)                              (19,992)      (28,655)
              Equity dividends                                
   (5,018)    paid                       (3,540)       (2,844)
              Cash outflow                                    
              use of liquid                                   
  (38,045)    resources and             (37,785)      (31,578)
              Management of                                   
              liquid resources
   (1,352)    in short term                  212      (14,165)
              Redemption of loan                              
     2,481    notes receivable                 0         2,653
     -----                                ------        ------
     1,129                                   212      (11,512)
              Issue of ordinary                               
        34    share capital               15,511            33
    41,932    Increase in term            14,138        42,515
              Capital element of                              
              finance leases                                  
     (622)    repaid                       (305)         (292)
              Redemption on loan                              
     (188)    notes payable                (255)         (183)
    ------                                ------        ------
     4,240    in cash in the             (8,484)       (1,017)
     =====    period                     =======       =======
    Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
   4,240    in cash in the period        (8,484)      (1,017)
            Cash inflow from                                 
            increase in debt and                             
(41,122)    lease financing             (13,578)     (42,040)
            Cash flow from                                   
 (1,129)    of liquid resources            (212)       11,512
 -------                                 -------      -------
            Change in net debt                               
            resulting from cash                              
(38,011)    flows                       (22,274)     (31,545)
            Loan notes issued on                             
            acquisition of                                   
 (1,091)    subsidiary undertakings         (72)      (1,036)
            Liquid resources                                 
   2,481    with subsidiary                    0        2,653
            Finance leases acquired                          
            with subsidiary                                  
 (1,092)    undertakings                    (13)        (185)
    (15)    New finance leases                 0            0
  2,948     Translation adjustment       (7,950)      (3,179)
  ------                                  -------      -------
            Movement in net debt                             
(34,780)    in the period               (30,309)     (33,292)
(23,934)    Net debt at 1 January       (58,714)     (23,934)
--------                                --------     --------
(58,714)    Net debt at 30 June         (89,023)     (57,226)
 =======                                 =======      =======

1.   Movements in Group Shareholders' Funds
   Twelve                                   Six           Six
   Months                                Months        Months
To 31 Dec                                 To 30         To 30
       98                               June 99       June 98
(audited)                           (unaudited)    (unaudited)
Euro '000                             Euro '000     Euro '000
             Profit on ordinary                              
             activities after                                
   24,248    taxation                    13,407         9,844
    5,714    Dividends                    3,207         2,170
   ------                                ------        ------
   18,534                                10,200         7,674
             Issue of ordinary                               
    7,364    share capital               15,511         6,064
             Currency translation                            
             -    on foreign                                 
             currency net                                    
  (1,534)    investments                  3,949         1,814
             -  on foreign                                   
    1,492    currency borrowings        (3,503)       (1,783)
             Revaluation of                                  
   35,370    fixed assets                     0             0
   ------                                ------        ------
             Net movement on                                 
   61,226    shareholders' funds         26,157        13,769
   78,582    shareholders' funds         139,808        78,582
   ------                                ------       -------
  139,808    shareholders' funds        165,965        92,351
   ======                                ======        ======
2.   Dividends
An  interim dividend at the rate of 18.70c per ordinary  share
(1998: 13.33c) is payable on 24 September 1999 to shareholders
on the register at the close of business on 10 September 1999.

3.   Earnings per share
The calculation of earnings per ordinary share is based on the
profit  on  ordinary activities after taxation.  The  weighted
average  number of ordinary shares in issue during the  period
amounted  to 16,376,881 (1998: 16,288,724).  Adjusted earnings
per  share  is  calculated  on the same  basis  but  excluding
amortisation of goodwill.

4.   Exchange rates
Financial   statements   of   the   Group's   United   Kingdom
subsidiaries are translated at the rate of exchange prevailing
at  the balance sheet date.  The Euro / Sterling exchange rate
at  30 June 1999 was Stg65.63p (30 June 1998: Stg66.15p and 31
December 1998: Stg70.54p)

5.   Year 2000 compliance
Many  computer systems which express dates using only the last
two  digits of the year may malfunction due to the date change
to  the Year 2000. This risk to the business relates not  only
to  the  Group's computer systems, but also to some degree  on
those of our customers and suppliers.

The  Group  has conducted a Year 2000 review of  its  business
systems  at  all locations and has established a  formal  Year
2000  project  to  modify  or replace  all  the  non-compliant
systems.   Many  of the non-compliant systems identified  were
due to be replaced or upgraded, for operational and functional
reasons unconnected with the Year 2000 issue.  The incremental
cost  of  Year 2000 compliance is not material to  the  Group.
Work  on all business critical systems is at an advanced stage
and in line with the Group's implementation plan.

6.   Turnover
The amount of turnover by class of activity is as follows:

  Twelve                                  Six         Six
  Months                               Months      Months
   To 31                                To 30       To 30
  Dec 98                              June 99     June 98
(audited)                          (unaudited)   (unaudited)
    Euro                                 Euro        Euro
    '000                                 '000        '000
            Irish merchanting                            
 167,872    and wholesaling            92,370      80,158
            Irish manufacturing                          
            and related                                  
  23,170    activities                 11,755      11,701
  49,224    DIY retailing              27,171      23,404
 -------                              -------     -------
            Total turnover for                           
 240,266    Irish activities          131,296     115,263
            UK merchanting and                           
 187,332    other activities          153,815      80,619
 -------                              -------     -------
 427,598                              285,111     195,882
 =======                              =======     =======

7.   Operating Profit
 Twelve                                   Six          Six
 Months                                Months       Months
  To 31                                 To 30        To 30
 Dec 98                               June 99      June 98
(audited)                           (unaudited)  (unaudited)
   Euro                                  Euro    Euro '000
   '000                                  '000
 27,386    Republic of Ireland         12,663       11,056
           Great Britain and                              
  5,749    Northern Ireland             7,121        2,444
 ------                                ------      -------
 33,135                                19,784       13,500
   (75)    Goodwill amortisation        (415)          (6)
 ------                                ------        -----
 33,060                                19,369       13,494
 ======                                 =====        =====

8.   Interim statement
The  interim figures for the half year to 30 June 1999 and the
comparative  figures for the half year to  30  June  1998  are
unaudited.   The figures shown for the year ended 31  December
1998  have been extracted from the full accounts for the year.
A copy of these accounts, on which the Auditors have issued an
unqualified  report, has been delivered to  the  registrar  of

This  statement  will  be  sent  by  post  to  all  registered
shareholders.   Non shareholders may obtain  copies  from  the
company's  registered  office at  Heron  House,  Corrig  Road,
Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18.

        Independent Review Report to Grafton Group plc
We have been instructed by the company to review the financial
information  set out on pages 4-7 and we have read  the  other
information  contained  in the interim report  and  considered
whether  it  contains any apparent misstatements  or  material
inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' responsibilities
The   interim  report,  including  the  financial  information
contained  therein, is the responsibility  of,  and  has  been
approved  by  the directors.  The Listing Rules of  the  Irish
Stock  Exchange  require  that  the  accounting  policies  and
presentation  applied  to  the  interim  figures   should   be
consistent  with  those  applied in  preparing  the  preceding
annual accounts except where any changes, and the reasons  for
them, are disclosed.

Review work performed
We  conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained
in Bulletin 1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board.   A
review  consists  principally of  making  enquiries  of  Group
management    and  applying  analytical  procedures   to   the
financial information and underlying financial data and  based
thereon,   assessing  whether  the  accounting  policies   and
presentation  have been consistently applied unless  otherwise
disclosed.  A review excludes audit procedures such  as  tests
of  controls  and  verification  of  assets,  liabilities  and
transactions.  It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed  in accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore
provides   a   lower  level  of  assurance  than   an   audit.
Accordingly  we  do  not  express and  audit  opinion  on  the
financial information.

Review conclusion

On  the  basis of our review we are not aware of any  material
modifications that should be made to the financial information
as presented for the six months ended 30 June 1999.

Chartered Accountants
Registered Auditors
25 August 1999



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