RNS No 9189n
20th August 1998


                                            Den Danske Bank
Note:                                           Group           Den Danske Bank
  Profit and Loss Account                  1998        1997     1998       1997
  for the six months ended                DKr m       DKr m    DKr m      DKr m
  June 30

  Interest income, etc.                   
  Interest from credit institutions,etc.  2,076       1,725    2,522      2,143
  Interest on loans and advances,etc.    10,095       8,473    7,112      5,940
  Interest on bonds,etc.                  3,975       3,363    3,703      3,163
  Other interest income,etc.                215          30      178         85
  Total                                  16,361      13,591   13,515     11,331

  Interest expenses,etc.
  Interest to credit institutions         3,718       3,136    3,709      3,067
  Interest on deposits,etc.               4,814       3,964    4,645      3,849
  Interest on issued bonds,etc.           2,932       2,227      942        718
  Interest on subordinated debt, etc.       669         548      657        542
  Other interest expenses, etc.               3          11        3          2 
  Total                                  12,136       9,886    9,956      8,178

  Net interest income                     4,225       3,705    3,559      3,153

  Dividend from shares,etc, and other 
  Dividend from shares,etc.                 137         109      132        104
  Dividend from holdings in associated 
  undertakings and other significant 
  holdings                                    -           -        -          -
  Total                                     137         109      132        104

  Fee and Commission income,etc.
  Guarantee commission                      161         144      227        202
  Fee and other commission income,etc.    1,586       1,219    1,368      1,075
  Total                                   1,747       1,363    1,595      1,277

  Fee and commissions paid
  Guarantee commission paid                   0           -        5          4
  Fees and other commissions paid           228         215      220        188
  Total                                     228         215      225        192

  Net interest and fee income             5,881       4,962    5,061      4,342

  Market value adjustments of securities 
  and foreign exchange income,etc.
  Market value adjustment of bonds,etc.      27         286       38        349
  Market value adjustment of shares,etc.  1,761       1,814    1,718      1,781
  Market value adjustment of mortgages
  ,etc.                                      48          31       41         25
  Foreign exchange income                   214         316      192        290
  Market value adjustment of derivative 
  financial instruments                    -218        -387     -300       -470
  Adjustment for pooled pension fund 
  deposits                                 -753      -1 011     -728       -979
3 Total                                   1,079       1,049      961        996
  Other operating income                    133         149       88        114

  Profit on financial operations          7,093       6,160    6,110      5,452

                                            Den Danske Bank 
                                                Group           Den Danske Bank
                                           1998        1997     1998       1997
                                          DKr m       DKr m    DKr m      DKr m
  Staff costs,etc., and administrative
  Salaries and remuneration of Board 
  of Directors,
  Executive Board and Advisory Board         20          19        9          9
  Staff costs 
    Wages and salaries                    1,876       1,745    1,533      1,494
    Pensions                                173         189      145        153
    Financial services employer tax, etc.   203         168      162        144
  Other administrative expenses             643         535      666        589
  Total                                   2,915       2,656    2,515      2,389

  Depreciation of tangible assets
  Depreciation  of land and buildings        16          15       12         13
  Depreciation of machinery and equipment   189         159      150        122
  Total                                     205         174      162        135

  Other operating expenses                  509         459      572        487

  Provisions for bad and doubtful 
  debts (net)                               183         213      131        151
  Value adjustments of holdings in 
  associated and subsidiary undertakings,
  Value adjustments of holdings in 
  associated undertakings and other 
  significant holdings                       84          46       80         43
6 Value adjustment of holdings in 
  subsidiary undertakings                   535         401      996        698
  Total                                     619         447    1,076        741

  Profit on ordinary operations           3,900       3,105    3,806      3,031

  Extraordinary income                       28          10       27         10
  Extraordinary expenses                     44          57       32         10
  Profit before taxation                  3,884       3,058    3,801      2,991

    Attributable to minority interests        4           2
    Attributable to shareholders of Den   3,880       3,056
    Danske Bank     

                                           Group                Den Danske Bank
                                              1998     1997       1998     1997
                                             DKr m    DKr m      DKr m    DKr m

Note - Balance Sheet at June 30

  Cash in hand and demand deposits with
  central banks etc                          2,442    1,745      2,439    1,651
  Treasury bills and other bills eligible
  for refinancing with central banks             -        -          -        -
  Due from credit institutions, etc.        76,362   70,314    102,359   94,115
1 Loans and advances                       320,052  268,637    237,884  188,873
  Bonds, etc                               129,333  115,674    121,833  105,814
  Shares, etc.                              12,048   10,023     11,655    9,783
  Holdings in associated undertakings and
  other significant holdings                   757      774        606      611
  Holdings in subsidiary undertakings        9,050    8,378     15,470   14,065
  Intangible assets                              -        -          -        -
  Tangible assets                            4,214    4,486      3,611    3,725
  Own shares                                   441      320        433      316
  Other assets                               1,985    3,199      1,216    1,200
  Prepayments and accrued income            29,328   20,825     28,910   20,477
4 Total assets                             586,012  504,375    526,416  440,630

  Due to credit institutions               163,897  121,047    171,842  120,781 
  Deposits                                 221,328  217,164    218,341  203,701
  Issued bonds, etc                         98,857   76,932     36,142   32,577
  Other liabilities                         17,237   18,484     16,887   14,904 
  Accruals and deferred income              31,673   23,449     30,405   21,946
  Provisions for costs                       1,409    1,930      1,331    1,816
  Subordinated debt                         20,196   18,023     20,193   17,636
  Profit for the year to date                3,884    3,058      3,801    2,991
2 Shareholders' equity                      27,531   24,288     27,474   24,278
    Attributable to minority interests          57       10
    Attributable to shareholders of
    Den Danske Bank                         27,474   24,278
4 Total liabilities                        586,012  504,375    526,416  440,630

  Off-balance-sheet items                                   
  Guarantees, etc                          51,913    45,750     97,570    82,538
  Other commitments                     2,006,259 2,031,461  1,989,253 2,019,043
  Total off-balance sheet items         2,058,172 2,077,211  2,086,823 2,101,581


Accounting Policies
The Accounts for the first half of 1998 have been prepared in compliance with
the Danish Banking Act, the Executive Order on Bank Accounts, the Copenhagen
Stock Exchange guidelines for issuers of listed securities, and Danish 
accounting standards, except where otherwise provided by Danish banking 

The accounting policies are unchanged from previous years.

                                                  Den Danske Bank
                                              Group              Den Danke Bank
                                          1998      1997        1998       1997
                                         DKr m     DKr m       DKr m      DKr m

1 Accumulated provisions at June 30

  Accumulated provisions against loans,
  advances and guarantees                9,040     9,688           
  Accumulated provisions against
  amounts due from credit institutions
  etc.                                   1,743     1,165
  Total accumulated provisions          10,783    10,853

  Accumulated provisions against loans,
  advances and guarantees, as a
  percentage of loans, advances and
  guarantees at June 30                   2.90      3.45

  Non-accrual loans and advances to
  customers and non-accrual amounts due
  from credit institutions at June 30    2,739     2,749

2 Capital base and solvency ratio

  Capital base 
  Core capital less statutory deduction
  for own shares                        26,890    23,765      26,841   23,759
  Eligible subordinated debt and
  revaluation reserve                   18,372    15,868      18,372   15,868
  Statutory deduction for Subsidiary 
  insurance companies                   -5,100    -4,635      -5,100   -4,635
  Other statutory deductions              -100       -95        -100      -95
  Supplementary capital, less
  statutory deductions                  13,172    11,138      13,172   11,138
  Total capital base, less statutory
  deductions                            40,062    34,903      40,013   34,897

  Weighted items not included in 
  trading portfolio                    275,272   242,626     233,465  195,964
  Weighted items below the line         74,331    60,300      99,471   81,286 
  Weighted items with counterparty
  risk not included in trading portfolio   422       417         428      430
  Weighted items with market risk, etc. 58,953    70,530      57,700   68,522
  Total weighted items                 408,978   373,873     391,064  346,202

  Solvency ratio, %                       9.80      9.34       10.23    10.08
  - based on Core capital alone, %        6.58      6.36        6.86     6.86

  The solvency ratio is subject to a 
  statutory minimum requirement of, %     8.00      8.00        8.00     8.00

3 Market value adjustments of securities and
  foreign exchange income, etc.

  Market value adjustments after adjustment for
  pooled pension fund deposits:   

                                              Den Danske Bank
                                             1998         1997
                                            DKr m        DKr m

  Market value adjustment of bonds, etc.      -40          191
  Market value adjustment of shares, etc    1,064        1,040
  Market value adjustment of mortgages, etc    48           31
  Foreign exchange income                     226          174
  Market value adjustment of derivative 
  financial instruments                      -219         -387 
  Total                                     1,079        1,049      
  of which maturity-related value
  adjustments                                -560         -300

4 Market value adjustment

Den Danske Bank Group continuously evaluates the hedging of the interest rate
risk on the Group's portfolio of fixed rate assets and liabilities.  The
portfolio of assets and the liabilities are hedged in full or in part by means
of derivative financial instruments so that for each currency, the interest
rate risk on the hedged portfolio of assets and the liabilities corresponds
to the interest rate risk, for each currency, on the derivative financial
instruments employed for hedging them.

Under Danish accounting regulations, part of the Group's fixed rate assets
(loans and advances as well as unlisted securities),may not be revalued in the
Accounts to a market value in excess of cost.  For some of those assets, the
interest rate risk has been hedged by derivative financial instruments.  Under
Danish accounting regulations, value adjustment of the derivative financial
instruments employed for hedging these assets is not allowed.  Therefore, the
Group did not at the end of June 1998 expense DKr959m market value adjustment of
these derivative financial instruments, corresponding to the income which market
value adjustment of the assets hedged would have generated.  At the end of June
1997, the corresponding amount was DKr 1,098m.

The interest rate risk on the Group's fixed rate liabilities, which, under
Danish accounting regulations, are not value adjusted, is hedged by derivative
financial instruments in respect of long-term liabilities.
The Group is not allowed to make adjustment of these derivative financial
instruments employed for hedging purposes.  Therefore, the Group did not at the
end of June 1998 carry to income DKr 1,179m market value adjustment of these
derivative financial instruments, corresponding to the expense which market
value adjustment of the liabilities hedged would have generated.  At the end of
June 1997, the corresponding amount was DKr942m.

Notes (continued)

4  Market value adjustment continued   
                                           1998               1997 
                                          DKr m              DKr m
                                              Nominal/                 Nominal/
                      Purchase         Market Notional          Market Notional
Den Danske Bank Group  Price Book value value  value  Book value value   value

Loans and advances     22,906 22,906    23,624 22,906  17,002   17,863 17,002

Bonds                  10,054 10,054    10,296 10,558   9,315    9,552  9,193

Total assets           32,960 32,960    33,920 33,464  26,317   27,415 26,195

Derivative financial
instruments hedging interest
rate risks                               
Swaps                  -          -        959 32,961     -      1,098 26,317

Deposits               -       2,510     2,696  2,510   3,296    3,502  3,296
Issued bonds etc,      -       4,676     5,024  4,676   2,974    3,164  2,974
Subordinated debt              8,666     9,310  8,666   8,526    9,072  8,526
Total liabilities      -      15,852    17,030 15,852  14,796   15,738 14,796

Derivative Financial
instruments hedging interest
rate risks                                           
Swaps                  -         -       1,179 15,852     -        942  14,822

Danske Kredit's fixed rate loans are covered through the issue of mortgage
credit bonds, which are not value adjusted. In accordance with a ruling given
by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, fixed rate mortgage credit loans
are not value adjusted either.  Therefore, the fixed rate assets and liabilities
listed above do not include fixed rate mortgage credit loans and mortgage credit
bonds issued.

Den Danske Bank

Loans and advances    15,360  15,360  15,839   15,360  11,019  11,565  11,019
Bonds                 10,054  10,054  10,296   10,558   9,315   9,552   9,193
Total assets          25,414  25,414  26,135   25,918  20,334  21,117  20,212

Derivative financial
instruments hedging interest
rate risks                             
Swaps                  -          -      722   25,413     -       783  20,334

Deposits               -       2,510   2,696    2,510   3,296   3,502   3,296
issued bonds etc       -       4,676   5,024    4,676   2,974   3,164   2,974
Subordinated debt      -       8,666   9,310    8,666   8,526   9,072   8,526
Total liabilities      -      15,852  17,030   15,852  14,796  15,738  14,796

Derivative financial
instruments hedging interest
rate risks 
Swaps                  -         -     1,179   15,852     -       942  14,822

5    Contingent utilities

Legal proceedings have been initiated against the Bank as a result of the
so-called tax stripping cases raised against certain customers of the Bank
Moreover, some investors who subscribed for shares when Hafnia Holding A/S
carried out a share issue in July 1992 or who bought shares in the summer of
1992 have brought actions for damages against the Bank, among others, totalling
DKr120m. The Bank has signed declarations lifting, for the future, the time-bar
applicable to claims in respect of the Hafnia issue for an additional amount of

Proceedings have been instituted against Den Danske Bank in 'the Faroese banking
affair" with claims for compensation of approximately DKrl.5bn.

The outcome of the cases pending is not expected to have a material effect on
the financial position of Den Danske Bank Group. 

The Group's pension commitments are covered by payments made to insurance
companies, pension funds, etc.  In a few cases, however, the Group may,
following an actuarial calculation, be ordered to make further payments.
Certain foreign pension commitments are not covered but provisions are made on
the basis of an actuarial calculation. 

The Bank is registered jointly with all its significant Danish subsidiaries in
relation to financial services employer tax and VAT for which it is jointly
and severally liable.

6  Value adjustments of holdings in subsidiary undertakings
                                                       Den Danske Bank
                                                1998                    1997
                                                 DKr m                 DKr m
Danica Forsikring group                          535                    362
Danske Forsikring, Skade 1)                       -                      39 
                                                 535                    401

1)  The company was taken over by Danica Forssikring at the end of 1997
    and was incorporated into the Danica Forsikring group as from 1998.

Danica Forsikring group highlights:                     Danica Forsikring
Profit and lost account 
Technical result of ongoing business, non-life 
                insurers                          15                    -15
Technical result of run-off business, non-life 
                insurers                          13                     -1
Investment income, non-life insurers              82                     83
Profit on non-life business, excluding gains 
  and losses on investments, etc.                110                     67
Profit on life business                          353                    248
Operating profit before gains and losses on 
extraordinry items and tax                       463                    315
Gains and losses on investments in non-life 
  insurers                                        54                     47
Extraorditary items and tax in non-life
  insurers                                        18                      0
Profit attributable to Den Danske Bank           535                    362
minority interests                                 6                     16
Profit                                           541                    378

Balance sheet
Total asset                                  152,951                135,145

Shareholders' equity attributable to
  Den Danske Bank                              9,050                  8,160
Minority interests                               174                    287
Life insurance provisions, net of 
  reinsurance                                122,830                111,466
Outstanding claim provision, net of 
  reinsurance                                  2,730                  2,228
Bonus equalisation provision, life 
  insurance                                   12,334                  7,425

                                                                Den Danske Bank
                                                                1st half

7 The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority Ratio System    1998           1997

The ratios required by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority from
Den Danske Bank Group for the six months to June 30 are shown below.
                                                              %               %

1. Solvency and capital
1.1  Solvency ratio                                         9.80          9.34
1.2  Solvency ratio based on core capital (tier 1 capital)  6.58          6.36 
1.3  Supplementary capital utilisation ratio               68.32         66.77
1.4  Weighted items subject to market risk, 
etc/total weighted items                                   14.42         18.87

2.     Earnings
2.1    Core earnings before provisions/shareholders'equity, 
beginning of year 1)                                       18.87        16.53
2.2    Core earnings/sharcholders' equity, 
beginning of year 1)                                       17.55        14.88 
2.2.a  Core earnings (adjusted)/shareholders' 
equity, beginning of year 1)                               16.93        14.20
2.3    Profit on ordinary operations/shareholders'equity, 
beginning of year 1)                                       28.33        24.00
2.4    Operating expenses/operating income                 58.27        60.59
2.4.a  Operating expenses/operating income (adjusted)      59.08        61.59

3.     Market risk
3.1    Interest rate risk/core capital 
       less statutory deduction                             3.42         3.08
3.2    Foreign exchange risk/core capital less statutory deduction 
       Exchange rate indicator l/core capital less statutory deduction 
                                                           11.86         8.95
       Exchange rate indicator 2/core capital less statutory deduction 
                                                            0.12         0.06

4.     Liquidity
4.1    Loans and advances + provisions/deposits           148.42       127.94
4.2    Excess cover relative to the provisions of s. 28 of the Danish Banking
       a. 15%                                             158.06       177.07
       b. 10%                                             135.18       144.14

5.    Credit risk

5.1    Non-accrual loans and advances (before deduction of provisions)/
       loans and advances, guarantees and provisions 2)     0.76         0.89  

5.2    A-provisions/loans and advances, guarantees and provisions 
                                                            1.85         2.21
5.3    B-provision/loans and advances, guarantees and provisions 
                                                            0.52         0.78
5.4    Total provisions/loans and advances, guarantees and provisions 
                                                            2.37         2.99
5.5    Provisions (net)/loans and advances, guarantees and provisions     
                                                           -0.03         0.01 
5.6    Loans and advances/shareholders' equity          1,162.50     1,106.04

5.7    Provisions taken earlier now written off/write-offs for the period 
                                                          96.19         96.29 
5.8    Write-offs for the period as % of provisions, beginning of year 
                                                           3.99          4.39 

1) Ratios have been converted to a full-year basis 
2) The ratio is calculated for Den Danske Bank - not for Den Danske Bank Group

Notes (continued)

8 GROUP STRUCTURE June 30,1998             Share capital        Share capital
                                           June 30, 1998         held by the
                                            (thousands)            Group (%)

Consolidated subsidiaries:

Den Danske Bank International S.A., 
Luxembourg                           LUF      3,625,000               100
Subsidiaries of Den Danske Bank 
International S.A.:
 Danske Fund Management Company S.A.
 Danske Finance Company S.A.,
 Danske Global, Sicav, Luxembourg MB
DDB Invest AB, Sweden:               SEK        600,100               100  
 The company has 10 subsidiaries 
Danske Kredit Realkreditaktieselskab,
 Copenhagen                          DKK        937,500               100
Danica Bank A/S, Copenhagen          DKK        125,000               100
Danske Capital Management,Copenhagen DKK        100,000               100
Nordania A/S, Birkeroed 1)           DKK          5,600               100
Subsidiary of Nordania A/S: 
 Nordania Finans A/S, Birkeroed 
Forenede Factors A/S, Glostrup       DKK          9,000               100 
HandelsFinanans A/S, Glostrup        DKK         40,000               100
KortFinans A/S, Copenhagen           DKK         25,000               100 
Den Danske Corporation, Delaware, 
 U.S.A                               USD              4               100
KHB VI A/S, Copenhagen               DKK        111,700               100 
Danske Data A/S af 1996, Copenhagen  DKK         13,000               100
Danske Ejendomme A/S, Copenhagen     DKK          6,500               100
DDB-Ejendomsselkab af 1.januar 1990 
 A/S, Copenhagen                     DKK         35,700               100
Pro Finance (Asia) Ltd, Hong Kong    HKD          1,000                51 
Danske Institutional, Sicav, 
 Luxembourg                          ECU         16,881                81 
Saga Securities ASA, Norway          NOK         30,000                51
9 subsidiaries without activity, all
 with a share capital of             DKK            500               100

Non-consolidated subsidiaries:

Insurance companies:
Danica Forsikring Skadeforsiktings-
 aktieselskab, Copenhagen            DKK       1,000,000             100
Subsidiaries of Danica Forsikring
 Danske Forsikring, Skade, 
 Danica Liv 1 Holding A/S
   The company has 24 subsidiaries
 Danica B 1, Livsforsikringsaktie-
   The company has 6 subsidiaries

1) In 1998 the company changed its name from Nordania EjendomsLeasing A/S to
Nordania A/S.



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