RNS Number : 9100I 
Alea Group Holdings(Bermuda) Ltd 
22 March 2010 

                       Alea Group Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd 
            Audited results for the 12 months ended 31 December 2009 
    Alea announces full year 2009 results and provides an update on run-off 
As detailed in the section headed "Significant Events and Directorate Changes", 
on 29 October 2009 the Group1 completed the sale of Alea Holdings UK Limited 
along with its two subsidiaries (Alea London Limited and Alea Services UK 
Limited). Consequently, the three companies that make up the Alea Holdings UK 
Limited sub-group are excluded from the consolidated balance sheet as at 31 
December 2009.  The results of this disposal group for the period ended 29 
October 2009 and for the comparative period are presented as discontinued 
operations in accordance with IFRS 5 'Non-current Assets Held for Sale and 
Discontinued Operations' and are excluded from financial performance measures in 
the financial review. 
Financial Performance2 
·      Net asset value of  $1.94 per share compared with $2.34 per share as at 
31 December 20083 
·      Loss after tax from continuing operations was $67.5 million (2008: profit 
after tax from continuing operations of $1.0 million). 
·      The loss after tax derived from discontinued operations was $10.7 million 
(2008: profit after tax from discontinued operations of $2.9 million). 
·      Loss after tax was $78.2 million (2008: profit after tax of $3.9 million) 
which on a per share4,5  basis was a loss of $0.45 (2008: profit per share of 
·      Insurance contract liabilities of the continuing operations decreased by 
8.5% from $861.6 million at 31 December 2008 to $788.2 million at 31 December 
·      Investment income was $37.0 million on average invested assets of $941.8 
million (31 December 2008: $62.8 million on average invested assets of $1,084.8 
·      The Group recognised an impairment of $30.5 million in respect of certain 
non-agency US mortgage-backed securities (31 December 2008: $2.6 million). 
·      A loss of $15.0 million was recognised following a reassessment of the 
fair value of balances due under an insurance renewal rights transaction (31 
December 2008: $nil). 
·      Adverse reserve development, net of reinsurance and excluding the impact 
of commutations and discount in the year ended 31 December2009 was $27.2 million 
(2008: adverse reserve development of $23.2 million, net of reinsurance and 
excluding the impact of commutations and discount). 
·      Other operating expenses for 2009 were $27.1 million (2008: $30.0 
Significant Events and Directorate Changes 
On 24 April 2009, the Group announced that Mark Cloutier, President and CEO of 
Alea Group will step down from the Board of Directors and resign his position as 
CEO with effect from 31 March 2010, to pursue other interests. On 17 February 
2010, the Group announced that Jeffrey Rosenthal will assume the role of 
President and CEO of the Company, replacing Mark Cloutier effective 1 April 
On 16 September 2009, the Group announced that its former Swiss subsidiary, Alea 
Europe Ltd., had re-domiciled into Bermuda and had merged into Alea (Bermuda) 
Ltd. The re-domiciliation and merger were completed following approvals from the 
Swiss Financial Market Authority ("FINMA"), the Bermuda Monetary Authority 
("BMA") and the Bermuda Registrar of Companies ("ROC"). 
As previously disclosed on 29 October 2009, the Group completed the sale of its 
UK-based subsidiary Alea Holdings UK Limited.  Under the agreement, Alea 
Holdings UK Limited and its subsidiaries were sold at a discount to the book 
value at which it was carried in the Group's consolidated financial statements 
as at the date of disposal. Consequently, in the year ended 31 December 2009, 
the Group has recognised a loss on disposal of $16.7 million in respect of this 
transaction resulting in a net loss after tax of $10.7 million from discontinued 
operations.  Further details relating to discontinued operations are disclosed 
in note 17 of the Financial Statements. 
The Company has not proposed a dividend for the 2009 financial year (2008: 
1.     "Company" refers to Alea Group Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd only. "Group" or 
"Alea" refers to Alea Group Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd and all its subsidiaries. 
2.     Except where specifically indicated all income statement amounts and 
their comparatives refer to continuing operations only. 
3.     Except where specifically indicated all statements refer to the year 
ended 31 December 2009 or 31 December 2008. 
4.     Weighted average number of ordinary shares of 173.9 million on an 
undiluted basis (31 December 2008: 173.8 million), 173.9 million on a diluted 
basis (31 December 2008: 174.0 million). For the year ended 31 December 2009, 
294,146 restricted stock units have been excluded from the calculation of the 
weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of diluted earnings 
per share as their effects were anti-dilutive. 
5.     Basic and diluted (loss) / profit per share are the same value on a 
rounded basis. 
Financial information presented herein has been prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). 
Your attention is drawn to the further information contained in the following 
sections of this document. You should read the whole of this document and not 
just rely on the information contained in this headline summary, which is 
qualified in its entirety by the further information contained elsewhere in this 
For further information, please contact: 
Mark Cloutier 
+1 441 296 9150 
Sheel Sawhney 
+1 860 258 6524 
Financial Dynamics 
Robert Bailhache 
Nick Henderson 
+44 20 7269 7114 
Past performance cannot be relied upon as a guide to future performance. 
Certain statements made in this document that are not based on current or 
historical facts are forward-looking in nature including, without limitation, 
statements containing words "believes," "anticipates," "plans," "projects," 
"intends," "expects," "estimates," "predicts," and words of similar import. All 
statements other than statements of historical facts including, without 
limitation, those regarding the Group's financial position, business strategy, 
plans and objectives of management for future operations (including development 
plans and objectives) are forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking 
statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important 
factors that could cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the 
Group to be materially different from future results, performance or 
achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In 
particular, forecasting of reserves for future losses is based on historical 
experience and future assumptions. As a result they are inherently subjective 
and may fluctuate based on actual future experience and changes to current or 
future trends in the legal, social or economic environment. Such forward-looking 
statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Group's present and 
future business strategies and the environment in which the Group will operate 
in the future. These forward-looking statements speak only as at the date of 
this document or other information concerned. Alea Group Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd 
expressly disclaims any obligations or undertaking (other than reporting 
obligations imposed on us in relation to our listing on the London Stock 
Exchange) to disseminate any updates or revisions to any forward-looking 
statements contained herein to reflect any changes in the Group's expectations 
with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on 
which any such statement is based. References in this paragraph to the Group are 
to Alea Group Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd and its subsidiaries from time to time. 
Throughout 2009, we at Alea have remained focused on our objectives of 
continuing to deleverage our balance sheet, further simplify our operations and 
when possible, release capital through our run-off efforts.  And while our net 
result of a loss after tax from continuing operations of $67.5 million for 2009, 
which includes a number of charges, was very disappointing, we did complete 
several strategic objectives including the sale of Alea Holdings UK Limited and 
its subsidiaries and the consolidation of Alea Europe Ltd. into Alea (Bermuda) 
Ltd. Not only do these events represent key accomplishments for the Group, but 
more importantly, they resulted in our ability to release $64 million of capital 
from Alea Bermuda up to the Group Holding company in the form of a distribution. 
 That distribution further enhances the Groups' financial flexibility, thereby 
augmenting our ability to continue our buy and hold strategy with respect to our 
portfolio of residential mortgage-backed securities, a strategy which we believe 
will create value for the Group in the long-term. 
With respect to managing the Group's liabilities, in 2009 we made good progress 
as insurance contract liabilities reduced a further $413.0 million from $1,201.2 
million at 31 December 2008 to $788.2 million at 31 December 2009, in large part 
as a result of the sale of Alea Holdings UK Limited and its subsidiaries, which 
accounted for approximately 82% of the year-over-year decrease.  In that 
respect, both the sale of our London operations and the reduction in insurance 
contract liabilities through our run-off activities further deleveraged our 
capital during the year.  During the course of the year, we completed a number 
of commutation transactions that met our economic objectives and, we believe, 
reduced volatility in our provisions for claims outstanding.  In our direct 
insurance portfolio, we closed in excess of 1,050 open claims in the U.S. and 
shed an additional 950 open claims through the sale of Alea Holdings UK Limited, 
further reducing uncertainty in our claims provisions.  Notwithstanding these 
efforts, we experienced deterioration in our loss reserves which resulted in an 
additional strengthening totaling $27.2 million over the course of the year. 
Our total gross claims provision at 31 December 2009 is $819.0 million compared 
to $1,240.2 million at 31 December 2008, a reduction of $421.2 million. 
While we continued our commitment to keeping our $36.4 million in operating and 
finance costs below our investment income of $37.0 million for the year, our 
income statement was adversely impacted by $30.5 million in other than temporary 
impairment charges in our bond portfolio and a $15.0 million write down based on 
the reassessment of the fair value of the sale of our renewal rights transaction 
with AmTrust in 2005.  And while the sale of Alea Holdings UK Limited further 
impacted our income statement by a charge of $16.7 million, it gave us an 
opportunity to significantly reduce the Group's liabilities and operating costs 
and most importantly, to crystallise the value embedded in our London operation. 
Despite these setbacks, the Group was successful in completing a two-year long 
endeavor to redomicile Alea Europe Ltd. to Bermuda through the dedication and 
commitment of many of our staff, corporate partners and the support of FINMA, 
the BMA and the ROC.  Our ability to redomicile and subsequently amalgamate Alea 
Europe Ltd. into Alea (Bermuda) Ltd. represented an opportunity to further 
streamline the Group's operations and enhance its financial flexibility as 
previously noted.  Our senior management and claims professionals continue to 
service the Europe portfolio from our office in Switzerland to ensure 
appropriate oversight continues post redomiciliation. 
On 1 April 2010, Jeff Rosenthal will assume the position of President and Group 
CEO of Alea and I wish Jeff and the staff at Alea much success in the future. 
Jeff inherits a seasoned team at Alea that have managed through difficult 
circumstances with dedication and commitment. 
Finally, I would like to thank all of the Alea associates who I have had the 
pleasure to work with over the years for their commitment, efforts and 
professionalism during what were often challenging times.  I would also like to 
express my appreciation to the Board of Directors for their support and 
Mark Cloutier 
President and Chief Executive Officer 
19 March 2009 
Consolidated income statement 
|                                              |                            |              | 
|                                              |                 Year ended |   Year ended | 
|                                              |         | 31 December 2009 |  31 December | 
|                                              |         |                  |         2008 | 
|                                              |         |        $'million |    $'million | 
| Continuing operations                        |         |                  |              | 
| Gross premiums written                       |         |             17.5 |         13.8 | 
|                                              |         |                  |              | 
| Revenue                                      |         |                  |              | 
| Premium revenue                              |         |             17.5 |         13.6 | 
| Premium (ceded to) / received from           |         |            (0.3) |          2.2 | 
| reinsurers                                   |         |                  |              | 
| Net insurance premium revenue                |         |             17.2 |         15.8 | 
|                                              |         |                  |              | 
| Fee income                                   |         |              7.9 |          0.5 | 
| Investment income                            |         |             37.0 |         62.8 | 
| Net realised gains / (losses) on financial   |         |              5.2 |        (1.0) | 
| assets                                       |         |                  |              | 
| Impairment of invested assets                |         |           (30.5) |        (2.6) | 
| Net realised losses on sale of renewal       |         |           (15.0) |            - | 
| rights                                       |         |                  |              | 
| Total revenue                                |         |             21.8 |         75.5 | 
|                                              |         |                  |              | 
| Expenses                                     |         |                  |              | 
| Insurance claims and loss adjustment         |         |             43.5 |         25.3 | 
| expenses                                     |         |                  |              | 
| Insurance claims and loss adjustment         |         |              5.7 |          5.7 | 
| expenses paid to reinsurers                  |         |                  |              | 
| Net insurance claims                         |         |             49.2 |         31.0 | 
|                                              |         |                  |              | 
| Acquisition costs                            |         |              4.1 |          5.8 | 
| Other operating expenses                     |         |             27.1 |         30.0 | 
| Restructuring costs                          |         |             0.2  |          1.1 | 
| Total expenses                               |         |             80.6 |         67.9 | 
|                                              |         |                  |              | 
| Results of operating activities              |         |           (58.8) |          7.6 | 
|                                              |         |                  |              | 
| Finance costs                                |         |            (9.3) |        (5.5) | 
|                                              |         |                  |              | 
| (Loss) / profit before income tax            |         |           (68.1) |          2.1 | 
|                                              |         |                  |              | 
| Income tax credit / (expense)                |         |              0.6 |        (1.1) | 
|                                              |         |                  |              | 
| (Loss) / profit for the year from continuing |         |           (67.5) |          1.0 | 
| operations                                   |         |                  |              | 
|          |                               |      |        |                |              | 
| Discontinued operations                      |         |                  |              | 
|          |                               |      |        |                |              | 
| (Loss) / profit for the year from discontinued  |      |           (10.7) |          2.9 | 
| operations                                      |      |                  |              | 
|          |                               |      |        |                |              | 
| (Loss) / profit for the year                 |         |           (78.2) |          3.9 | 
|                                            |                         |                   | 
|                                            |                         |                   | 
|          |                               | | |  |      | |           |    |              | 
Consolidated balance sheet 
|                               |    |  |                      As at |         As at | 
|                               |    |  |                31 December |   31 December | 
|                               |    |  |                       2009 |          2008 | 
|                               |    |  |                  $'million |     $'million | 
|                               |    |  |                            |               | 
| ASSETS                        |    |  |                            |               | 
| Property, plant and equipment |    |  |                       2.0  |          3.4  | 
| Intangible assets             |    |  |                       8.5  |          8.5  | 
| Deferred acquisition costs    |    |  |                       1.1  |          1.6  | 
| Financial assets              |    |  |                            |               | 
|      Equity securities        |    |  |                            |               | 
|      - available for sale     |    |  |                       0.1  |          0.1  | 
|      Debt securities          |    |  |                            |               | 
|      - available for sale     |    |  |                     323.7  |        682.2  | 
| Loans and receivables including    |  |                      501.3 |         608.1 | 
| insurance receivables              |  |                            |               | 
| Derivative financial          |    |  |                        0.1 |             - | 
| instruments                   |    |  |                            |               | 
| Deferred tax assets           |    |  |                          - |          0.7  | 
| Reinsurance contracts         |    |  |                      332.7 |         423.3 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents     |    |  |                      166.1 |        117.7  | 
|                               |    |  |                            |               | 
| Total assets                  |    |  |                    1,335.6 |       1,845.6 | 
|                               |    |  |                            |               | 
| LIABILITIES                   |    |  |                            |               | 
| Insurance contracts           |    |  |                      788.2 |      1,201.2  | 
| Borrowings                    |    |  |                      121.4 |        117.9  | 
| Derivative financial          |    |  |                        0.1 |             - | 
| instruments                   |    |  |                            |               | 
| Provisions                    |    |  |                        2.1 |          2.8  | 
| Other liabilities and charges |    |  |                       17.8 |          21.8 | 
| Trade and other payables      |    |  |                       69.3 |         95.2  | 
| Current income tax            |    |  |                          - |           0.6 | 
| liabilities                   |    |  |                            |               | 
|                               |    |  |                            |               | 
| Total liabilities             |    |  |                      998.9 |       1,439.5 | 
|                               |    |  |                            |               | 
| Net assets                    |    |  |                      336.7 |         406.1 | 
|                               |    |  |                            |               | 
| EQUITY                        |    |  |                            |               | 
| Capital and reserves attributable to  |                            |               | 
| the Company's equity holders          |                            |               | 
| Share capital                 |    |  |                        1.7 |          1.7  | 
| Other reserves                |    |  |                      692.4 |         683.6 | 
| Retained loss                 |    |  |                   (357.4)  |       (279.2) | 
|                               |    |  |                            |               | 
| Total equity                  |    |  |                      336.7 |         406.1 | 
|                               |    |  |                            |               | 
Performance indicators and comparison to prior years 
The Group ceased underwriting new and renewal business and was placed into 
run-off and as a result the standard indicators used to assess the performance 
of participants in the insurance industry relating to premium levels and loss 
ratios are not considered appropriate for the Group. Performance indicators that 
are relevant to the Group's run-off strategy are provided where these provide 
meaningful and useful comparisons. 
Reserves and claims 
At 31 December 2009, the insurance contracts as computed below were $788.2 
million. This is stated after removing insurance contract liabilities of $305.3 
million relating to the Alea Holdings UK Limited disposal group which was sold 
on 29 October 2009. At 31 December 2008, the total insurance contract 
liabilities of the Group, excluding those of the Alea Holdings UK Limited 
disposal group, were $861.6 million which represents a decrease of 8.5% in the 
year ended 31 December 2009.  The claims outstanding, net of reinsurance at 31 
December 2009, were $455.5 million which is stated after removing $216.1 million 
in reserves of the Alea Holdings UK Limited disposal group (31 December 2008: 
$527.3 million excluding the Alea Holdings UK Limited disposal group). 
Therefore, the change in claims outstanding, net of reinsurance was 13.6%. The 
balances areset outbelow. 
|                                        |       As at |                  As at | 
|                                        | 31 December |       31 December 2008 | 
|                                        |        2009 |                        | 
|                                        |   $'million |              $'million | 
| Gross claims outstanding               |             |                        | 
| Provision for claims outstanding,      |       819.0 |     1,240.2 |          | 
| reported and not reported              |             |             |          | 
| Discount                               |      (36.5) |      (48.7) |          | 
|                                        |       782.5 |     1,191.5 |          | 
| Claims handling provisions             |         5.7 |         9.7 |          | 
| Total insurance contracts              |       788.2 |     1,201.2 |          | 
|                                        |             |             |          | 
| Total reinsurance                      |             |             |          | 
| Provision for claims outstanding,      |       335.1 |       425.5 |          | 
| reported and not reported              |             |             |          | 
| Discount                               |       (2.4) |       (2.2) |          | 
| Total reinsurance contracts            |       332.7 |       423.3 |          | 
|                                        |             |             |          | 
| Undiscounted claims outstanding, net   |       489.6 |       824.4 |          | 
| of reinsurance                         |             |             |          | 
| Discount                               |      (34.1) |      (46.5) |          | 
| Claims outstanding, net of reinsurance |       455.5 |       777.9 |          | 
The insurance contract liabilities as at 31 December 2008 are further analysed 
as follows: 
|                         |    Reserves |    Reserves |         Total reserves | 
|                         |  carried by |  carried by |                        | 
|                         |  continuing |        Alea |                        | 
|                         |  operations | Holdings UK |                        | 
|                         |             |     Limited |                        | 
|                         |             |    disposal |                        | 
|                         |             |       group |                        | 
|                         |       As at |       As at |                  As at | 
|                         | 31 December | 31 December |       31 December 2008 | 
|                         |        2008 |        2008 |                        | 
|                         |   $'million |   $'million |              $'million | 
| Gross claims            |             |             |                        | 
| outstanding             |             |             |                        | 
| Provision for claims    |       897.4 |       342.8 |     1,240.2 |          | 
| outstanding, reported   |             |             |             |          | 
| and not reported        |             |             |             |          | 
| Discount                |      (42.5) |       (6.2) |      (48.7) |          | 
|                         |       854.9 |       336.6 |     1,191.5 |          | 
| Claims handling         |         6.7 |         3.0 |         9.7 |          | 
| provisions              |             |             |             |          | 
| Total insurance         |       861.6 |       339.6 |     1,201.2 |          | 
| contracts               |             |             |             |          | 
|                         |             |             |             |          | 
| Total reinsurance       |             |             |             |          | 
| Provision for claims    |       336.5 |        89.0 |       425.5 |          | 
| outstanding, reported   |             |             |             |          | 
| and not reported        |             |             |             |          | 
| Discount                |       (2.2) |           - |       (2.2) |          | 
| Total reinsurance       |       334.3 |        89.0 |       423.3 |          | 
| contracts               |             |             |             |          | 
|                         |             |             |             |          | 
| Undiscounted claims     |       567.6 |       256.8 |       824.4 |          | 
| outstanding, net of     |             |             |             |          | 
| reinsurance             |             |             |             |          | 
| Discount                |      (40.3) |       (6.2) |      (46.5) |          | 
| Claims outstanding, net |       527.3 |       250.6 |       777.9 |          | 
| of reinsurance          |             |             |             |          | 
The following table presents the Group's booked gross claims outstanding before 
claims handling provisions and before discount as at 31 December 2009 by class 
of business. 
|                   | General   | Motor | Workers' | Professional | Property | MAT1 | Total | 
| $'million         | liability |       | comp.    |              |          |      |       | 
| 1999 and prior    |      29.4 |  25.5 |      3.8 |          0.9 |     14.5 | 23.8 |  97.9 | 
| 2000              |      17.9 |   7.4 |      8.6 |          7.9 |      2.3 |  7.9 |  52.0 | 
| 2001              |      13.7 |   4.4 |     17.8 |          4.9 |        - |  0.5 |  41.3 | 
| 2002              |       9.9 |   4.1 |      2.8 |          4.5 |      3.4 |  0.4 |  25.1 | 
| 2003              |      10.9 |   8.8 |      1.6 |          4.3 |      1.7 |  0.1 |  27.4 | 
| 2004              |      12.9 |  14.9 |      3.3 |          7.7 |      2.2 |    - |  41.0 | 
| 2005              |      10.6 |  19.1 |      0.5 |          5.7 |      4.5 |    - |  40.4 | 
| Reinsurance       |     105.3 |  84.2 |     38.4 |         35.9 |     28.6 | 32.7 | 325.1 | 
| reserves          |           |       |          |              |          |      |       | 
| Insurance         |      54.8 |  15.2 |     52.4 |            - |      2.5 |    - | 124.9 | 
| reserves          |           |       |          |              |          |      |       | 
| Total non-life    |     160.1 |  99.4 |     90.8 |         35.9 |     31.1 | 32.7 | 450.0 | 
| reserves          |           |       |          |              |          |      |       | 
| Life structured   |           |       |          |              |          |      | 280.7 | 
| settlements       |           |       |          |              |          |      |       | 
| Life reinsurance  |           |       |          |              |          |      |  88.3 | 
| Provision for claims outstanding, reported                      |          |      | 819.0 | 
| and not reported                                                |          |      |       | 
1  Marine, Aviation and Transport 
The following table sets out Alea's non-life gross claims outstanding 
distinguishing between case reserves and incurred but not reported ("IBNR") as 
at 31 December 2009. 
| Percentage                                          |        Total | 
| Case reserves                                       |          38% | 
| IBNR                                                |          62% | 
| Total                                               |         100% | 
Adverse reserve development 
During the twelve months ended 31 December 2009 the Group experienced adverse 
development in the reserves, net of reinsurance and excluding the impact of 
commutations and discount of $27.2 million (31 December 2008: adverse reserve 
development, net of reinsurance and excluding the impact of commutations and 
discount of $23.2 million). 
Loss reserve discount 
As permitted by IFRS 4, categories of claims provisions where the expected 
average interval between the date of settlement and the balance sheet date is in 
excess of four years may be discounted at a rate which does not exceed that 
expected to be earned by assets covering the provisions. As at 31 December 2009 
38% of the Group's gross reserves excluding those of the Alea Holdings UK 
Limited disposal group (31 December 2008: 38%) were discounted at a rate of 4.0% 
(31 December 2008: 4.0%). 
As at 31 December 2009 the Group's total net discount was $34.1 million (31 
December 2008: $40.3 million excluding $6.2 million relating to the Alea 
Holdings UK Limited disposal group). This is expected to reduce to zero over the 
duration of the normal course of payout of the reserves. The unwinding of the 
discount will be charged to insurance claims and loss adjustment expenses in the 
income statement as the remaining expected duration for each category of claims 
provisions drops below the level of four years as permitted by IFRS 4. 
Income statement 
Gross premiums written and net insurance premium revenue 
Gross premiums written in 2009 were $17.5 million (2008: $13.8 million). Net 
insurance premium revenue increased by 8.9% to $17.2 million in 2009 (2008: 
$15.8 million). This low volume results from and is to be expected due to the 
Group's decision in 2005 to cease writing new and renewal business. The majority 
of the remaining premium is derived from Alea (Bermuda) Ltd's life book and 
represents renewal premium which totalled $16.4 million in 2009 compared to 
$14.2 million in 2008. 
Fee income 
Fee income in 2009 was $7.9 million compared with $0.5 million in 2008. In 2009 
fee income includes income earned by Alea (Bermuda) Ltd of $4.5 million from a 
profit sharing arrangement, recognised profit on finite contracts of $1.9 
million and a settlement of $1.5 million recognised by Alea North America 
Insurance Company relating to a D&O contract. The fee income in 2008 represents 
a settlement received by Alea North America Insurance Company in connection with 
disputed premium income. 
Investment income, realised gains and losses and impairment of invested assets 
Investment income in 2009 was $37.0 million, 41.1% ($25.8 million) lower than 
the $62.8 million recorded in 2008. This reflects a 3.9% yield on invested 
assets for 2009 on average invested assets of $941.8 million compared with a 
5.8% yield on invested assets for 2008 on average invested assets of $1,084.8 
Net realised gains on financial assets were $5.2 million in 2009 (2008: $1.0 
million realised losses). 
The Group recognised an impairment to the amortised cost of non-agency US 
mortgage-backed securities of $30.5 million in 2009 (2008: $2.6 million). 
At each balance sheet date the Group performs an impairment test with regards to 
its non-agency US mortgage-backed securities. An impairment is recognised 
wherever the amortised values of the assets are greater than their estimated 
recoverable amounts. Recoverable amounts are determined by projecting estimated 
future cash flows associated with holding the assets. Estimating future cash 
flows requires explicit assumptions about the future behaviour of the loans 
collateralising the securitisation to be made.  The key variables in describing 
the behaviour of these assets include; the rate of voluntary prepayments, the 
rate of defaults and the loss severity on defaulted loans. The data used for the 
testing is based on an aggregate of the three month historical performance of 
the actual bond. 
Net realised losses on sale of renewal rights 
In 2009 the Group utilised its outsource accounting firm to assist in an audit 
and reassessment of receivables owed by AmTrust under a sale of renewal rights 
transaction that was completed in 2005.  Based on that assessment, the Group 
determined to reduce the receivable by $15.0 million (2008: $nil) to $9.6 
million (2008: $28.2 million).   Additional information on this transaction can 
be found in note 10 of the Annual Financial Report. 
Insurance claims and loss adjustment expenses 
In 2009 the Group incurred net insurance claims and loss adjustment expenses of 
$49.2 million, including net adverse reserve development of $27.2 million(2008: 
$31.0 million, including net adverse development of $23.2 million). The 
remaining movement consists of incurred claims in respect of life business, 
unwind of discount on claims reserves, claims handling expenses and commutation 
Acquisition costs 
Acquisition costs occur as a result of the past acquisition of insurance and 
reinsurance contracts including brokerage, commissions, underwriting expenses 
and other acquisition costs. For life contracts the acquisition costs paid to 
the retrocedent were deferred and are being amortised over the period of the 
contracts, consistent with the earning of premium. 
In 2009, total acquisition costs were $4.1 million (2008: $5.8 million including 
a reversal of ceded commission of $0.7 million related to a settlement made in 
North America in respect of disputed premium income. This is referred to in the 
"Fee income" section above). This amount contains $2.5 million (2008: $2.4 
million) in respect of life business which includes $0.5 million in respect of 
amortisation of the deferred acquisition cost ("DAC") asset. 
The Group has assessed its DAC asset at 31 December 2009 of $1.1 million (31 
December 2008: $1.6 million) as fully recoverable and as a result has not 
recorded any DAC write-off in 2009. 
Other operating expenses 
The Group is focused on minimising  operating expenses while still retaining the 
personnel and capabilities to manage an efficient run-off of the existing book 
and pursue other corporate activities. To the extent that investment income net 
of discount on net claims outstanding released does not offset other operating 
expenses in relation to run-off activities, the Group will establish a run-off 
In 2009, other operating expenses were $27.1 million which includes termination 
costs of $0.6 million related to a previous outsourcing agreement, $0.5 million 
of professional fees incurred in relation to the re-domiciliation of Alea Europe 
Ltd to Bermuda, a write-off of capitalised expenses of $0.3 million relating to 
Alea Syndicate Management Limited and an over-run of audit fees of $0.3 million 
resulting from additional work required in connection with the downgrades 
experienced in February 2009 in the non-agency US mortgage-backed securities 
portfolio as described the in the section titled "Invested assets". This 
compares with other operating expenses in 2008 of $30.0 million. 
Restructuring costs 
In 2009 restructuring costs were $0.2 million which consist of severance 
payments that were not part of the original restructuring provision established 
at 31 December 2005. In 2008 restructuring costs of $1.1 million consisted of 
$0.3 million of severance payments that were not part of the original 
restructuring provision established at 31 December 2005 and $0.8 million of 
additional restructuring costs that were provided to meet the costs associated 
with the transfer of certain accounting functions under the Paragon outsourcing 
arrangement that was entered into in 2008. 
Staff headcount at 31 December 2009 stood at 39 (31 December 2008: 84). As a 
result of the sale of the Alea Holdings UK Limited disposal group 21 members of 
staff were transferred to Catalina Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd. 
Results of operating activities 
In 2009, the result of operating activities was a loss of $58.8 million 
(including impairment of invested assets of $30.5 million and the $15.0 million 
net realised loss on sale of renewal rights) compared with a profit of $7.6 
million in 2008. 
Finance costs 
Finance costs include investment expenses, foreign exchange movements and 
interest expense. In 2009 total finance costs were $9.3 million, compared with 
$5.5 million recorded in 2008. Included within finance costs is $4.8 million 
(2008: $7.5 million) of interest payable on $120.0 million of 30-year hybrid 
trust preferred securities referred to in the section below entitled "Financing 
Facilities". Foreign exchange movements in respect of non-functional currencies 
generated a loss of $1.2 million (2008: gain of $3.6 million).  Investment 
expenses of $3.3 million (2008: $1.6 million) include a charge of $2.0 million 
which relates to the costs incurred in re-securitising certain non-agency US 
mortgage-backed securities (2008: $nil). Further detail is provided in the 
section titled "Invested assets". 
(Loss) / profit before income tax from continuing operations 
Loss before income tax from continuing operations was $68.1 million in 2009 
compared with a profit of $2.1 million in 2008. 
Income tax (credit) / expense 
The income tax credit in respect of continuing operations in 2009 was $0.6 
million, compared with an expense of $1.1 million in 2008. 
The impact of the income tax expense on the income statement is summarised as 
|                           |              |      | Continuing operations | 
|                           |              |               |              | 
|                           |              |    Year ended |   Year ended | 
|                           |              |   31 December |  31 December | 
|                           |              |          2009 |         2008 | 
|                           |              |     $'million |    $'million | 
| Current tax (credit) /    |              |               |              | 
| expense:                  |              |               |              | 
|                           |              |               |              | 
| UK corporation tax        |              |             - |            - | 
| Foreign tax               |              |         (0.6) |            - | 
|                           |              |               |              | 
| Total current (credit) /  |              |         (0.6) |            - | 
| expense:                  |              |               |              | 
|                           |              |               |              | 
| Deferred tax expense:     |              |             - |          1.1 | 
|                           |              |               |              | 
| Total income tax (credit) |              |         (0.6) |          1.1 | 
| / expense                 |              |               |              | 
|                           |              |      |        |              | 
Income tax expense 
|                           |              |      |                       | 
|                           |              |      |          Discontinued | 
|                           |              |      |            operations | 
|                           |              |               |              | 
|                           |              |    Year ended |   Year ended | 
|                           |              |   31 December |  31 December | 
|                           |              |          2009 |         2008 | 
|                           |              |     $'million |    $'million | 
| Current tax expense:      |              |               |              | 
|                           |              |               |              | 
| UK corporation tax        |              |           0.1 |            - | 
| Foreign tax               |              |           0.1 |          1.1 | 
|                           |              |               |              | 
| Total current expense:    |              |           0.2 |          1.1 | 
|                           |              |               |              | 
| Deferred tax expense:     |              |           0.1 |          0.1 | 
|                           |              |               |              | 
| Total income tax expense  |              |           0.3 |          1.2 | 
|                           |              |      |        |              | 
The Group's US entities have significant trading losses carried forward in 
respect of which no deferred tax assets have been recognised due to the 
uncertainty over future profitability. 
(Loss) / profit on ordinary activities after income tax from continuing 
Loss on ordinary activities after income tax in 2009 was $67.5 million (2008: 
profit of $1.0 million). 
Discontinued operations 
Discontinued operations consist of the results of the following wholly-owned 
subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2009: Alea Holdings UK Limited, Alea 
London Limited and Alea Services UK Limited. The results derived from these 
entities have been classified as discontinued as these entities were sold on 29 
October 2009 and are not consolidated in the Group balance sheet as at 31 
December 2009. The sale agreement called for the sale of these UK operations at 
a fixed price (i.e. without adjustment for changes in investment valuations or 
reserves during the regulatory approval process). 
The results of discontinued operations for 2009 are a loss of $10.7 million 
(2008: profit of $2.9 million). The loss for the year ended 31 December 2009 
consists of a profit on ordinary activities after income tax of $2.7 million, a 
loss on the disposal of these discontinued operations of $16.7 million and a 
profit of $3.3 million on the realisation of the revaluation and the hedging and 
translation reserves that were part of the net equity of the discontinued 
(Loss) / profit per share 
Basic and fully diluted loss per share for all operations of the Group for 2009 
was $0.45 per share (2008: profit per share of $0.02). Basic and diluted loss 
per share are the same value on a rounded basis. 
The Company will not be paying a dividend for the 2009 financial year (2008: 
Balance sheet 
Total assets 
Total assets as at 31 December 2009 decreased by 27.6% to $1,335.6 million from 
$1,845.6 million as at 31 December 2008. The total assets as at 31 December 2008 
included $447.1 million relating to the Alea Holdings UK Limited disposal group. 
The total assets of the Alea Holdings UK Limited group that were disposed of on 
29 October 2009 were $422.1 million and net cash received in respect of this 
transaction was $78.6 million. 
Net assets 
Net assets (shareholders' funds attributable to equity interests) at 31 December 
2009 were $336.7 million (31 December 2008: $406.1 million). Net assets per 
share were $1.94 (31 December 2008: $2.34). 
Net assets in the year ended 31 December 2009 decreased by $69.4 million, which 
was due to a loss of $78.2 million partially offset by a foreign exchange gain 
of $2.4 million and a $9.3 million decrease in cumulative unrealised losses in 
the investment portfolio described below. 
As discussed in the section titled Invested assets, the Group reclassified its 
entire portfolio of non-agency US mortgage-backed securities out of investments 
available-for-sale into loans and receivables. These assets are carried at 
amortised cost of $362.7 million as at 31 December 2009. If these assets were 
carried at their market value of $205.5 million the net assets of the Group per 
share would be $1.03 (2008: $1.49). 
Reinsurance recoverables 
Total reinsurers' share of claims outstanding was $332.7 million at 31 December 
2009 after removing $89.2 million of reinsurance recoverables in respect of the 
Alea Holdings UK Limited disposal group (31 December 2008: $334.3 million 
excluding $89.0 million relating to the Alea Holdings UK Limited disposal 
group). This is a decrease of 0.4% from the position at 31 December 2008. 
Alea (Bermuda) Ltd through its Canadian branch holds a $280.7 million (2008: 
$260.2 million) reinsurance recoverable balance related to structured settlement 
products which represents 100 per cent of the assumed liability. Further details 
are provided in note 36 of the Financial Statements. 
Invested assets 
The nature of the Group's run-off operations coupled with its long-tail 
liabilities allows the Group to pursue a buy and hold investment strategy that 
can include an element of long-term securities that may experience some price 
volatility.  The investment portfolio does not currently consist of any material 
equity holdings or direct real estate investments, but in the year ended 31 
December 2008 the Group increased its asset weighting in non-agency US 
mortgage-backed securities and is still holding all these investments. 
As previously disclosed, in accordance with the EU endorsed amendments to IAS 39 
and IFRS 7, "Reclassification of Financial Assets," the Group reclassified its 
entire portfolio of non-agency US mortgage-backed securities out of investments 
available-for-sale into loans and receivables. As of 1 July 2008, the date of 
reclassification, the reclassified investments had an amortised cost of $377.0 
million and an approximate market value of $347.0 million.  The loss position is 
to be amortised over the life of the instruments using the effective interest 
As at 31 December 2009, financial assets carried at amortised cost within loans 
and receivables had a carrying value of $362.7 million (31 December 2008: $397.1 
million excluding $3.2 million relating to the Alea Holdings UK Limited disposal 
group). These assets have an approximate market value of $205.5 million as at 31 
December 2009 (31 December 2008: $250.6 million excluding $3.1 million relating 
to the Alea Holdings UK Limited disposal group). 
At 31 December 2009 the market value of available-for-sale investments was 
$323.8 million (31 December 2008: $399.7 million excluding $282.6 million 
relating to the Alea Holdings UK Limited disposal group). 
Of total invested assets, $687.8 million (31 December 2008: $1,054.1 million) is 
managed by fund managers with the asset mix shown below. The remaining invested 
assets of $164.8 million (31 December 2008: $146.1 million) include 
predominantly mutual funds invested in fixed income securities and deposits at 
banking institutions. 
The following table analyses the asset class of invested assets. The 31 December 
2008 comparatives exclude the invested assets of the Alea Holdings UK Limited 
disposal group. 
|                                      |       As at |        As at | 
|                                      | 31 December |  31 December | 
| Asset class                          |        2009 |         2008 | 
| US government                        |          7% |          12% | 
| US mortgage                          |         31% |          23% | 
| EU and Switzerland government and    |         12% |          12% | 
| corporate                            |             |              | 
| Asset backed securities              |         23% |          29% | 
| Canadian government and provinces    |          1% |           1% | 
| Cash, cash equivalents and short     |         26% |          23% | 
| term investments                     |             |              | 
| Total                                |        100% |         100% | 
At 31 December 2009, the Group's investment portfolio had an average duration of 
1.4 years (31 December 2008: 0.9 years). The Group seeks to match duration of 
the portfolio to expected payment patterns. The Group may choose to increase the 
average duration of the portfolio in the future. 
The following analysis of investment return is for continuing operations only. 
In 2009, the Group achieved a total gross return on the investment portfolio of 
2.2% (2008: 15.1% loss). The investment return comprised 3.9% investment income 
(2008: 5.8%), 0.5%realised gain (2008: realised loss of 1.5%), 3.2% impairment 
on investments (2008: 0.2%) and 1.0% unrealised gain (2008: unrealised loss of 
19.2%) on average invested assets of $941.8 million (2008: $1,084.8 million). 
At 31 December 2009, apart from $13.9 million rated BBB/Baa, $58.7 million rated 
BB/Ba and $121.8 million rated B or below, all of the Group's fixed income 
portfolio was rated A or better and 64.1% was rated AA/Aa or better (31 December 
2008: 94.6%) by either Standard & Poor's, Moody's or Fitch. The portfolio had a 
weighted average rating of AA- based on ratings assigned by Standard & Poor's. 
Excluded from the weighted average are $60.7 million of securities which are not 
rated or where no rating has been assigned. Other than with respect to US, 
Canadian and European Union government and agency securities, the Group's 
investment guidelines limit its aggregate exposure to any single issuer to 5% of 
its portfolio. Under the Group's current investment guidelines applicable to all 
securities, all securities must be rated A or better at the time of purchase and 
the weighted average rating requirement of the Group's portfolio (other than 
certain portfolios containing private residential US mortgage-backed securities 
managed by Fortress Fund IV Advisor LLC) is AA/Aa. As described below, certain 
non-agency US mortgage-backed securities were re-securitised in 2009. The 
weighted average credit ratings provided in the above analysis reflect the 
impact of this re-securitisation. A comparison of the credit ratings of these 
assets before and after the re-securitisation is provided in note 4 of the 
Annual Financial Report on page 55. The Group recognised an impairment to the 
purchase of non-agency US mortgage-backed securities of $30.5 million in 2009 
(2008: $2.6 million). 
There are pledges of certain investments for the issuance of letters of credit 
in the normal course of business. As of 31 December 2009 the pledges covered 
assets of $95.4 million (31 December 2008: $208.6 million). In addition, $88.8 
million (31 December 2008: $92.4 million) is held as statutory deposits for 
local regulators and a further $380.9 million (31 December 2008: $400.7 million) 
is held in trust for the benefit of policyholders including $157.0 million (31 
December 2008: $108.1 million) that Alea (Bermuda) Ltd has placed in trust on 
behalf of Alea North America Insurance Company. 
As at 31 December 2009, the Group held Société d'Investissement à Capital 
Variable ("SICAV") of $63.1 million (31 December 2008: $67.9 million) pledged 
for the benefit of French and Belgian cedants. These SICAVs are mutual funds 
invested in European fixed income securities with weighted average credit 
quality of AA and duration of approximately six years. 
In its 2008 Annual Financial Report the Group reported that $170.1 million in 
book value of option ARM securities, part of the Group's non-agency US 
mortgage-backed securities portfolio, were downgraded in February 2009 by 
Moody's, in some cases directly from Aaa to Ca.  At that time, Standard & Poor's 
continued to maintain $164.4 million of these investments with investment grade 
ratings, in most cases at AAA, subject to negative credit watch. On 22 May, 
2009, $264.9 million of certificate principal balance of new non-agency US 
mortgage-backed securities were issued in connection with a re-securitisation 
transaction of existing non-agency US mortgage-backed securities of an 
equivalent amount. As a result of this transaction, $81.7 million (market value) 
of below investment grade non-agency US mortgage-backed securities were 
re-securitised to generate $62.5 million (market value) of new non-agency US 
mortgage-backed securities rated A or higher by either Standard & Poor's or 
Fitch.  These new investment grade non-agency US mortgage-backed securities are 
available to be used as collateral for the pledge arrangements used by the 
Capital management 
Financing facilities 
The Group raised $100.0 million of hybrid capital in December 2004 and a further 
$20.0 million in early January 2005. This capital is in the form of 30-year 
hybrid trust preferred securities priced at 3 month LIBOR plus 285 basis points. 
Commencing on the 15 June 2009 interest payment date, Alea Holdings US Company 
("AHUSCO") has elected to defer the payment of interest on debentures underlying 
$120.0 million of trust preferred securities due 2034 and 2035. As at 31 
December 2009 the deferred interest was $3.5 million (2008: $nil). The deferral 
may be continued for a period not to exceed five years under the terms of the 
debentures. During the deferral period, unpaid quarterly coupons will compound 
at the rate of three month LIBOR (reset quarterly) plus 285 basis points. While 
the deferral remains in effect, neither Alea nor AHUSCO may make any payments on 
any securities that are pari passu or subordinate to the debentures, including 
any common shares. 
Liquidity and cash flow 
Cash flows from operating activities primarily consist of premiums collected, 
investment income and collected reinsurance recoverable balances, less paid 
claims, retrocession payments, commutation payments, operating expenses and tax 
payments. Net cash outflow from operating activities after income tax paid for 
2009 was $136.8 million (2008: $362.3 million net cash outflow excluding $41.2 
million cash received as a result of the commutation of a large excess of loss 
reinsurance treaty). 
The net increase in cash was $77.5 million (decrease for 2008 of $40.4 million). 
This is after net cash received from investing activities of $215.5 million 
(2008: net cash received of $317.8 million) and net cash used in financing 
activities of $1.2 million (2008: net cash used of $37.0 million). As a result, 
after taking account of exchange movements of $0.4 million (2008: $3.8 million), 
and deducting cash of $29.5 million that was disposed as a result of the sale of 
the Alea Holdings UK Limited group, the Group's cash and cash equivalents at 31 
December 2009 were $166.1 million (31 December 2008: $117.7 million). 
Intra-Group arrangements 
The Group designed intra-Group quota share arrangements to ensure that each 
local balance sheet retains risk commensurate with its capital base. With the 
merger of Alea Europe Ltd into Alea (Bermuda) Ltd in September 2009, an existing 
quota share arrangement was eliminated. The only remaining quota share 
arrangement in place is a 70% quota share to Alea Bermuda of Alea North 
America's insurance and reinsurance business for the 2002 to 2005 underwriting 
years.  The Group may further simplify its capital structure and balance sheet 
by commuting the remaining quota share. Such a transaction would be subject to 
regulatory approval. 
Key risks to which the Group is exposed 
As a result of its activities the Group is subject to different types of risk. 
These include insurance risk (which incorporates underwriting and reserving 
risk), investment risk, credit risk and financial risk (incorporating interest 
rate risk, asset price risk, currency risk and liquidity risk). Further details 
of each of these types of risk and the procedures that the Group has in place to 
mitigate them can be found in note 4 of the Annual Financial Report. 
Credit ratings 
In the first half of 2006, Alea Group requested the withdrawal of all Group and 
member company ratings following ratings downgrades by both Standard and Poor's 
and A.M. Best. 
In the year ended 31 December 2009 the Company's subsidiary, Alea Bermuda Ltd. 
had a licensed branch in Canada. A full listing of the Company's subsidiaries is 
set out in note 41 of the 2009 Annual Financial Report. 
Financial calendar 2010 
The Group expects to release its interim results for the six months ended 30 
June 2010 on 26 August 2010*. 
*provisional date 
Carl Speck 
Chief Financial Officer 
19 March 2010 
Robert I Kauffman(46) is a principal and a member of the board of directors of 
Fortress Investment Group LLC. Mr. Kauffman has been a principal and a member of 
the Management Committee of Fortress since co-founding Fortress in 1998. Mr. 
Kauffman is responsible for the management of Fortress's European private equity 
investment operations. Mr. Kauffman is the Chairman of the board of directors of 
GAGFAH S.A. Prior to joining Fortress, Mr. Kauffman was a managing director of 
UBS from May 1997 to May 1998, and prior to that, was a principal of BlackRock 
Financial Management Inc. Mr. Kauffman was with Lehman Brothers from 1986 to 
1994 and served as an executive director of Lehman Brothers International in 
London beginning in 1992. 
Mark B Cloutier (54) is the Chief Executive Officer of the Group and was 
appointed as an executive member of the Board of Directors on 1 September 2006. 
Mark Cloutier has over 30 years' experience within the reinsurance and run-off 
industry and was most recently President and CEO of OP Re. 
Randal A Nardone (54) is a principal and a member of the board of directors of 
Fortress Investment Group LLC. Mr. Nardone has been a principal and a member of 
the Management Committee of Fortress since co-founding Fortress in 1998. Mr. 
Nardone is a member of the board of directors of GAGFAH S.A. and Eurocastle 
Investment Limited. Mr. Nardone was previously a managing director of UBS from 
May 1997 to May 1998. Prior to joining UBS in 1997, Mr. Nardone was a principal 
of BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. Prior to joining BlackRock, Mr. Nardone 
was a partner and a member of the executive committee at the law firm of Thacher 
Proffitt & Wood. 
Directors that served during the year are as follows: 
Robert I Kauffman (Chairman)1 
Mark B Cloutier (Group Chief Executive Officer)2 
Constantine N Darras3 
Randal A Nardone4 
1.     Appointed as Non-Executive Chairman of the Board effective 5 July 2007. 
Last re-elected 19 June 2008. 
2.     Appointed as an Executive Director effective 1 September 2006. Last 
re-elected 18 June 2009; resigned effective 31 March 2010. 
3.     Appointed as a Non-Executive Director effective 28 July 2008. Resigned 
effective 18 March 2009. 
4.     Appointed as a Non-Executive Director effective 5 July 2007. Last 
re-elected 19 June 2008. 
Re-election of Directors 
The Company is proposing the re-election of Randal A Nardone as Director, who is 
retiring by rotation in accordance with the Company's Bye-laws.  Mr Nardone is a 
Non-Executive Director. 
Each of Mr Kauffman's and Mr Nardone's Non-Executive Director's appointment 
letters is renewable on 19 June 2011 for an additional three year term, subject 
to the provisions of the Company's Bye-laws. 
Purchase of own shares 
Under contractual arrangements between the Company and certain former Group 
employees, the Company has the right to repurchase shares in the Company held by 
any such employee at the end of their employment. During 2009, the Company made 
the following own share purchases pursuant to these arrangements with certain 
former Group employees. 
| No of Common  | Aggregate    | Aggregate       |     % of Issued | 
| Shares        | Purchase     | Nominal value   |   Share Capital | 
|               | price        |                 |                 | 
| Nil           | Nil          | Nil             | Nil             | 
The Company is not required to obtain shareholder approval to authorise 
purchases of its own shares under Bermudan law. 
Deloitte LLP was replaced with Ernst & Young LLP as auditors to the Company at a 
Special General Meeting of the shareholders on 30 November 2009.  Ernst & Young 
LLP have expressed their willingness to continue in office as auditors and a 
resolution to reappoint them will be proposed at the forthcoming Annual General 
Management Report 
The Management Report, consisting of the Chief Executive Officer's Report and 
the Financial Review, which is hereby incorporated by reference, includes a fair 
review of the development and performance of the business and the position and 
loss of the Company and its undertakings taken as a whole, together with a 
description of the principal risks and uncertainties they face. 
Further analysis of information regarding the principal risks and uncertainties 
is found in note 4 to the consolidated financial statements. 
Approved by the Board of Directors and signed on behalf of the Board. 
George P Judd 
Group Secretary 
19 March 2010 
The Directors (whose names and functions are set out on page 19) are responsible 
for preparing the Annual Financial Report including the financial statements. 
The Bermudan Companies Act 1981 permits the Company and its subsidiaries 
(together, the 'Group'), to prepare financial statements which comprise the 
consolidated income statement, the consolidated balance sheet, the consolidated 
cash flow statement, the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the 
consolidated statement of changes in equity and the related notes 1 to 41 in 
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'). 
International Accounting Standard 1 requires that financial statements present 
fairly for each financial year the Company's financial position, financial 
performance and cash flows.  This requires the faithful representation of the 
effect of transactions, other events and conditions in accordance with the 
definitions and recognition criteria for assets, liabilities, income and 
expenses set out in the International Accounting Standards Board's 'Framework 
for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements.'  In virtually all 
circumstances, a fair presentation will be achieved by compliance with all 
applicable International Financial Reporting Standards.  Directors are required 
·      properly select and apply accounting policies; 
·      present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that 
provides relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information; and 
·      provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific 
requirements in IFRS is insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of 
particular transactions, other events and conditions on the entity's financial 
position and financial performance. 
The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which 
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the 
Company, for safeguarding the assets and for taking reasonable steps for the 
prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. 
The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the Group's 
website.  Legislation in the United Kingdom and Bermuda governing the 
preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from 
legislation in other jurisdictions. 
The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge: 
1.   the financial statements, prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, 
liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company and the 
undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole; and 
2.   the Management Report, which is incorporated into the Directors' Report, 
includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and 
the position of the Company and the undertakings included in the consolidation 
taken as a whole, together with a description of the principal risks and 
uncertainties they face. 
Approved by the Board of Directors and signed on behalf of the Board. 
Mark Cloutier                                                 Carl Speck 
Chief Executive Officer                                      Chief Financial 
19 March 2010                                                 19 March 2010 
(the "Group") 
We have audited the Group financial statements of Alea Group Holdings (Bermuda) 
Ltd for the year ended 31 December 2009 which comprise the consolidated income 
statement, consolidated balance sheet, consolidated statement of comprehensive 
income, consolidated statement of changes in equity and the consolidated cash 
flow statement and the related notes 1 to 41. These Group financial statements 
have been prepared under the accounting policies set out therein. 
This report is made solely to the Company's members, as a body, in accordance 
with section 90 of the Bermuda Companies Act 1981. Our audit work has been 
undertaken so that we might state to the Company's members those matters we are 
required to state to them in an Auditors' Report and for no other purpose.  To 
the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility 
to anyone other than the Company and the Company's members as a body, for our 
audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. 
Respective responsibilities of Directors and Auditors 
The Directors' responsibilities for preparing the Annual Financial Report and 
the Group financial statements in accordance with applicable law and 
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) are set out in the Statement 
of Directors' Responsibilities. 
Our responsibility is to audit the Group financial statements in accordance with 
relevant legal and regulatory requirements and International Standards on 
We report to you our opinion as to whether the Group financial statements give a 
true and fair view in accordance with the relevant financial reporting framework 
and whether the Group financial statements have been properly prepared in 
accordance with the Bermuda Companies Act 1981. We also report to you whether in 
our opinion the information given in the Directors' Report is consistent with 
the Group financial statements. 
In addition we also report to you if, in our opinion, the Group has not kept 
proper accounting records and if we have not received all the information and 
explanations we require for our audit. 
We read the other information contained in the Annual Financial Report and 
consider whether it is consistent with the audited Group financial statements. 
The other information comprises only the Management Report, the Board of 
Directors' biographies, the Directors' Report and the Statement of the 
Directors' Responsibilities. We consider the implications for our report if we 
become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the 
Group financial statements. Our responsibilities do not extend to any further 
information outside the Annual Financial Report. 
Basis of audit opinion 
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing 
issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. An audit 
includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and 
disclosures in the Group financial statements. It also includes an assessment of 
the significant estimates and judgments made by the Directors in the preparation 
of the Group financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are 
appropriate to the Group's circumstances, consistently applied and adequately 
We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and 
explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with 
sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the Group financial 
statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other 
irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall 
adequacy of the presentation of information in the Group financial statements. 
In our opinion: 
·      the Group financial statements give a true and fair view, in accordance 
with IFRSs, of the state of the Group's affairs as at 31 December 2009 and of 
its loss for the year then ended; 
·      the Group financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance 
with the Bermuda Companies Act 1981; and 
·      the information given in the Directors' Report is consistent with the 
Group financial statements. 
Ernst & Young LLP 
New York 
 19 March 2010 
26        Consolidated income statement 
27        Consolidated balance sheet 
28        Consolidated cash flow statement 
29        Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
30        Consolidated statement of changes in equity 
31        Notes to the financial statements 
Year ended 31 December 2009 
Consolidated income statement 
|                                          |                  |             |          Year ended |                    Year ended |          | 
|                                          |                  |             |    31 December 2009 |                   31 December |          | 
|                                          |                  |             |                     |                          2008 |          | 
|                                          |      Notes       |             |              $'000  |                        $'000  |          | 
| Continuing operations                    |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| Gross premiums written                   |                  |             |              17,477 |                        13,788 |          | 
|                                          |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| Revenue                                  |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| Premium revenue                          |                  |             |              17,528 |                        13,594 |          | 
| Premium (ceded to) /  received from      |                  |             |               (282) |                         2,194 |          | 
| reinsurers                               |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| Net insurance premium revenue            |                  |             |              17,246 |                        15,788 |          | 
|                                          |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| Fee income                               |                  |             |               7,928 |                          539  |          | 
| Investment income                        |                7 |             |              36,954 |                        62,740 |          | 
| Net realised gains / (losses) on         |                8 |             |               5,184 |                         (997) |          | 
| financial assets                         |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| Impairment of invested assets            |                9 |             |            (30,493) |                       (2,563) |          | 
| Net realised losses on sale of renewal   |               10 |             |            (15,000) |                             - |          | 
| rights                                   |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| Total revenue                            |                  |             |              21,819 |                        75,507 |          | 
|                                          |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| Expenses                                 |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| Insurance claims and loss adjustment     |                  |             |              43,532 |                        25,306 |          | 
| expenses                                 |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| Insurance claims and loss adjustment     |                  |             |               5,662 |                         5,699 |          | 
| expenses  paid to reinsurers             |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| Net insurance claims                     |               11 |             |              49,194 |                        31,005 |          | 
| Acquisition costs                        |                  |             |               4,137 |                         5,820 |          | 
| Other operating expenses                 |            12,13 |             |              27,092 |                        29,989 |          | 
| Restructuring costs                      |                5 |             |                 192 |                         1,066 |          | 
| Total expenses                           |                  |             |              80,615 |                        67,880 |          | 
|                                          |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| Results of operating activities          |                  |             |            (58,796) |                        7,627  |          | 
|                                          |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| Finance costs                            |               14 |             |             (9,328) |                       (5,539) |          | 
|                                          |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| (Loss) / profit before income tax        |                  |             |            (68,124) |                         2,088 |          | 
|                                          |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| Income tax credit/(expense)              |               16 |             |                 611 |                       (1,069) |          | 
| (Loss) / profit for the year from continuing   |            |             |            (67,513) |                         1,019 |          | 
| operations                                     |            |             |                     |                               |          | 
|                                          |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| Discontinued operations                  |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
|                                          |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| (Loss) / profit  for the year from          |            17 |             |            (10,651) |                         2,920 |          | 
| discontinued operations                     |               |             |                     |                               |          | 
|                                          |                  |             |                     |                               |          | 
| (Loss) / profit for the year                   |            |             |            (78,164) |                        3,939  |          | 
|                                                                                                                                            | 
| Earnings per share for (losses)/profits attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company during the                       |          | 
| year:                                                                                                                           |          | 
|                               |                           |                      |                                |             |          | 
| Basic in respect of           |                                     18 |            | (0.39)  |                            0.00 |          | 
| continuing operations ($)     |                                        |            |         |                                 |          | 
| Basic in respect of           |                                     18 |            |  (0.06) |                            0.02 |          | 
| discontinued operations ($)   |                                        |            |         |                                 |          | 
| Diluted in respect of         |                                     18 |            | (0.39)  |                            0.00 |          | 
| continuing operations ($)     |                                        |            |         |                                 |          | 
| Diluted in respect of         |                                     18 |            |  (0.06) |                            0.02 |          | 
| discontinued operations ($)   |                                        |            |         |                                 |          | 
|                               |          |  |  |          | |          |  |      |  |         | |                 |             |          | 
Consolidated balance sheet 
|                               |       |      |      As at |      As at | 
|                               |       |      |         31 |         31 | 
|                               |       |      |   December |   December | 
|                               |       |      |       2009 |       2008 | 
|                               |Notes  |      |     $'000  |     $'000  | 
|                               |       |      |            |            | 
| ASSETS                        |       |      |            |            | 
| Property, plant and equipment |    19 |      |     2,076  |     3,535  | 
| Intangible assets             |    20 |      |     8,479  |     8,479  | 
| Deferred acquisition costs    |    21 |      |     1,053  |     1,555  | 
| Financial assets              |       |      |            |            | 
|      Equity securities        |       |      |            |            | 
|      - available for sale     |    22 |      |        77  |       111  | 
|      Debt securities          |       |      |            |            | 
|      - available for sale     |    22 |      |   323,706  |   682,206  | 
| Loans and receivables including       |      |    501,372 |    608,070 | 
| insurance receivables        23       |      |            |            | 
| Derivative financial          |    24 |      |         39 |          - | 
| instruments                   |       |      |            |            | 
| Deferred tax assets           |    25 |      |          - |       653  | 
| Reinsurance contracts         |    27 |      |    332,667 |    423,325 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents     |    26 |      |    166,103 |   117,660  | 
|                               |       |      |            |            | 
| Total assets                  |       |      |  1,335,572 |  1,845,594 | 
|                               |       |      |            |            | 
| LIABILITIES                   |       |      |            |            | 
| Insurance contracts           |    27 |      |    788,276 | 1,201,186  | 
| Borrowings                    |    28 |      |    121,441 |   117,867  | 
| Derivative financial          |    24 |      |        100 |          - | 
| instruments                   |       |      |            |            | 
| Provisions                    |    29 |      |      2,054 |     2,808  | 
| Other liabilities and charges |    30 |      |     17,761 |     21,808 | 
| Trade and other payables      |    31 |      |     69,262 |    95,225  | 
| Current income tax            |       |      |          7 |        608 | 
| liabilities                   |       |      |            |            | 
|                               |       |      |            |            | 
| Total liabilities             |       |      |    998,901 |  1,439,502 | 
|                               |       |      |            |            | 
| Net assets                    |       |      |    336,671 |    406,092 | 
|                               |       |      |            |            | 
| EQUITY                        |       |      |            |            | 
| Capital and reserves attributable to the     |            |            | 
| Company's equity holders                     |            |            | 
| Share capital                 |    32 |      |      1,739 |     1,738  | 
| Other reserves                |       |      |    692,311 |    683,569 | 
| Retained loss                 |       |      |  (357,379) |  (279,215) | 
|                               |       |      |            |            | 
| Total equity                  |       |      |    336,671 |    406,092 | 
|                               |       |      |            |            | 
Approved by the Board of Directors on 19 March 2010 and signed on its behalf by: 
Carl Speck 
Chief Financial Officer 
Consolidated cash flow statement 
|                              |       |        |                  Year ended |                    Year ended | 
|                              |       |        |                          31 |                            31 | 
|                              |       |        |                    December |                      December | 
|                              |       |        |                        2009 |                          2008 | 
|                              |Notes  |        |                      $'000  |                        $'000  | 
|                              |       |        |                             |                               | 
| Cash used in operations      |    35 |        |                   (136,918) |                     (318,409) | 
| Income tax recovered /       |       |        |                         116 |                       (2,729) | 
| (paid)                       |       |        |                             |                               | 
|                              |       |        |                             |                               | 
| Net cash used in operating           |        |                   (136,802) |                     (321,138) | 
| activities                           |        |                             |                               | 
|                              |       |        |                             |                               | 
| Cash flows generated from/(used      |        |                             |                               | 
| in)  investing activities            |        |                             |                               | 
| Purchase of property, plant  |       |        |                       (553) |                         (885) | 
| and equipment                |       |        |                             |                               | 
| Proceeds on sale of property,        |        |                          23 |                             - | 
| plant and equipment                  |        |                             |                               | 
| Cash payments to acquire equity      |        |                 (3,214,298) |                   (4,733,490) | 
| and debt securities                  |        |                             |                               | 
| Cash receipts from sales of          |        |                   3,332,845 |                     5,011,961 | 
| equity and debt securities           |        |                             |                               | 
| Net amounts outstanding for  |       |        |                           - |                       (5,085) | 
| securities                   |       |        |                             |                               | 
| Cash receipt from sale of    |    17 |        |                      78,551 |                             - | 
| subsidiary                   |       |        |                             |                               | 
| Cash receipts from interest and      |        |                      18,894 |                        45,276 | 
| dividends                            |        |                             |                               | 
|                              |       |        |                             |                               | 
| Net cash generated from      |       |        |                     215,462 |                      317,777  | 
| investing activities         |       |        |                             |                               | 
|                              |       |        |                             |                               | 
| Cash flows used in financing         |        |                             |                               | 
| activities                           |        |                             |                               | 
| Repayments of borrowings     |       |        |                           - |                      (30,000) | 
| Interest paid on borrowings  |       |        |                     (1,195) |                       (7,029) | 
|                              |       |        |                             |                               | 
| Net cash used in financing   |       |        |                     (1,195) |                      (37,029) | 
| activities                   |       |        |                             |                               | 
|                              |       |        |                             |                               | 
| Net increase / (decrease) in         |        |                      77,465 |                      (40,390) | 
| cash and cash equivalents            |        |                             |                               | 
|                              |       |        |                             |                               | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at |       |        |                     117,660 |                      154,253  | 
| beginning of year            |       |        |                             |                               | 
| Cash of a subsidiary sold    |    17 |        |                    (29,475) |                             - | 
| Exchange gains on cash and bank      |        |                         453 |                         3,797 | 
| overdrafts                           |        |                             |                               | 
|                              |       |        |                             |                               | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at |       |        |                     166,103 |                       117,660 | 
| end of year                  |       |        |                             |                               | 
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
|                                   |                    |  Year ended |  Year ended | 
|                                   |                    | 31 December | 31 December | 
|                                   |                    |        2009 |        2008 | 
|                                   |                    |      $'000  |      $'000  | 
|                                   |                    |             |             | 
| (Loss) / profit for the year                           |    (78,164) |       3,939 | 
|                                                        |             |             | 
| Other comprehensive income                             |             |             | 
| Gain / (loss) on revaluation of available-for-sale     |       7,863 |    (21,653) | 
| investments                                            |             |             | 
| Transfers to profit and loss on sale of     |          |     (4,443) |       (901) | 
| available-for-sale investments              |          |             |             | 
| Amortisation of the unrealised loss related |          |       5,910 |       1,330 | 
| to loans and receivables carried at         |          |             |             | 
| amortised cost                              |          |             |             | 
| Exchange differences on           |                    |       2,389 |     (6,037) | 
| translation of foreign operations |                    |             |             | 
| Tax relating to components of other  |                 |           - |      1,030  | 
| comprehensive income                 |                 |             |             | 
| Other comprehensive income / (expense) for  |          |      11,719 |    (26,231) | 
| the year, net of tax                        |          |             |             | 
|                                   |                    |             |             | 
| Total comprehensive income / (expense)  for |          |    (66,445) |    (22,292) | 
| the year, net of tax                        |          |             |             | 
|                                   |  |      |          |             |             | 
The total recognised income and expense are attributable to the Company's equity 
Consolidated statement of changes in equity 
|            |                                        Attributable to equity holders of the Company                                         | 
|            |    |                    |     |                       |      |      |                       |               |     |          | 
|                 |         Share |    Share |    Capital |     Revaluation |     Hedging and |   Retained | Share-based |           Total  | 
|                 |       capital |  premium |    reserve |       reserve 1 |     translation |   earnings |     payment |                  | 
|                 |               |          |            |                 |      reserves 2 |            |     reserve |                  | 
|                 |        $'000  |    $'000 |      $'000 |           $'000 |          $'000  |      $'000 |       $'000 |           $'000  | 
|                 |               |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
|                 |               |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
| As at 1 January |        1,738  | 629,668  |    75,381  |        (30,579) |          7,888  |  (279,215) |      1,211  |         406,092  | 
| 2009            |               |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
|                 |               |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
| Loss for the    |             - |        - |          - |               - |               - |   (78,164) |           - |         (78,164) | 
| year            |               |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
|                 |               |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
| Other           |             - |        - |          - |           9,330 |           2,389 |          - |           - |           11,719 | 
| comprehensive   |               |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
| income          |               |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
|                 |               |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
| Total           |             - |        - |          - |           9,330 |           2,389 |   (78,164) |           - |         (66,445) | 
| comprehensive   |               |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
| income          |               |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
|                 |               |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
| Issuance of     |             1 |      297 |          - |               - |               - |          - |       (298) |                - | 
| shares          |               |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
|                 |               |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
| Movement in share based payment      |   - |          - |               - |               - |          - |         316 |              316 | 
| reserve   -                          |     |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
|                      |          |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
| Disposed on sale of  |        - |        - |          - |         (2,555) |           (737) |          - |           - |          (3,292) | 
| Alea Holdings UK     |          |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
| Limited              |          |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
|                 |               |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
| As at 31        |         1,739 |  629,965 |     75,381 |        (23,804) |           9,540 |  (357,379) |       1,229 |          336,671 | 
| December 2009   |               |          |            |                 |                 |            |             |                  | 
|            |    |    |          |    |     |            |          |      |      |          |            |             | |     |          | 
|            |                                            Attributable to equity holders of the Company                                            | 
|            |    |                          |     |                       |      |       |                       |               |     |          | 
|                 |         Share |  Share premium |    Capital |     Revaluation |      Hedging and |   Retained | Share-based |           Total  | 
|                 |       capital |                |    reserve |       reserve 1 |      translation |   earnings |     payment |                  | 
|                 |               |                |            |                 |       reserves 2 |            |     reserve |                  | 
|                 |        $'000  |         $'000  |      $'000 |           $'000 |           $'000  |      $'000 |       $'000 |           $'000  | 
|                 |               |                |            |                 |                  |            |             |                  | 
|                 |               |                |            |                 |                  |            |             |                  | 
| As at 1 January |        1,738  |       629,668  |    75,381  |        (10,385) |          13,925  |  (283,154) |        866  |         428,039  | 
| 2008            |               |                |            |                 |                  |            |             |                  | 
|                 |               |                |            |                 |                  |            |             |                  | 
| Profit for the  |             - |              - |          - |               - |                - |      3,939 |           - |            3,939 | 
| year            |               |                |            |                 |                  |            |             |                  | 
|                 |               |                |            |                 |                  |            |             |                  | 
| Other           |             - |              - |          - |        (20,194) |          (6,037) |          - |           - |         (26,231) | 
| comprehensive   |               |                |            |                 |                  |            |             |                  | 
| income          |               |                |            |                 |                  |            |             |                  | 
|                 |               |                |            |                 |                  |            |             |                  | 
| Total comprehensive  |        - |              - |          - |        (20,194) |          (6,037) |      3,939 |           - |         (22,292) | 
| income               |          |                |            |                 |                  |            |             |                  | 
|                      |          |                |            |                 |                  |            |             |                  | 
| Movement in share    |        - |              - |          - |               - |                - |          - |         345 |              345 | 
| based payment        |          |                |            |                 |                  |            |             |                  | 
| reserve              |          |                |            |                 |                  |            |             |                  | 
|                 |               |                |            |                 |                  |            |             |                  | 
| As at 31        |        1,738  |       629,668  |    75,381  |        (30,579) |           7,888  |  (279,215) |      1,211  |         406,092  | 
| December 2008   |               |                |            |                 |                  |            |             |                  | 
|            |    |    |          |          |     |            |          |      |       |          |            |             | |     |          | 
1       The revaluation reserve is a component of shareholders' equity that is 
used to record the difference between the market value of available-for-sale 
investments carried on the balance sheet and the amortised cost. In addition it 
includes an unrealised loss which arose as a result of the decision to 
reclassify the portfolio of non-agency US mortgage-backed securities into the 
loans and receivables category and carry them at amortised cost. The unrealised 
loss in respect of these assets is the difference between the market value and 
amortised cost as at 1 July 2008 and this loss is being amortised through the 
income statement using the effective interest method from the date of 
reclassification. The recognition of an impairment in respect of a non-agency US 
mortgage-backed securities will accelerate the amortisation of the unrealised 
loss related to the impaired assets through the income statement. 
2          Movements in the unrealised gains and losses arising from the 
translation of the Group's assets and liabilities denominated in functional 
currencies of the Group are shown in the hedging and translation reserve. 
Notes to the financial statements 
1 General information 
Alea Group Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd (the "Company") and its subsidiaries (together 
the "Group") were engaged in the business of underwriting insurance and 
reinsurance risks. The Group operated through four principal operating segments 
representing London market business, North American business including 
alternative risk transfer and reinsurance, Continental European reinsurance and 
financial services. In 2005 the Group ceased to write new business and placed 
all operations into run-off. Although the Group has disposed of the renewal 
rights for Alea Alternative Risk, Alea London and Alea Europe and placed all 
operations into run-off, the Group will continue to service claims relating to 
business written during 2005 and prior for the foreseeable future. The Group now 
classifies all of its operations under the 'Run-off business' segment. This 
reflects the basis on which the Group's operations are managed and the relative 
maturity of the run-off book of business. 
On 16 September 2009, the Group announced that its former Swiss subsidiary, Alea 
Europe Ltd., had re-domiciled into Bermuda and had merged into Alea (Bermuda) 
Ltd. The re-domiciliation and merger were completed following approvals from the 
Swiss Financial Market Authority ("FINMA"), the Bermuda Monetary Authority 
("BMA") and the Bermuda Registrar of Companies ("ROC"). 
On 29 October 2009 the Alea Group completed the sale of Alea Holdings UK Limited 
along with its subsidiaries Alea London Limited and Alea Services UK Limited. 
Consequently, the three companies that make up the Alea Holdings UK Limited 
sub-group are no longer consolidated in the Group balance sheet as at 31 
December 2009 and the results of this disposal group are presented as 
discontinued operations for the year ended 31 December 2009 and for the 
comparative period. 
The Company is registered in Bermuda and is listed on the London Stock Exchange. 
As such it is required to prepare its financial information in accordance with 
the Bermuda Companies Act 1981, which permits the Company and the Group to 
prepare financial statements which comprise the consolidated income statement, 
the consolidated balance sheet, the consolidated cash flow statement, the 
consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of 
changes in equity and the related notes 1 to 41 in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). Accordingly, the financial information 
has been prepared in accordance with Bermuda Law. 
2 Basis of preparation 
The financial statements, as required by the Listing Rules of the United 
Kingdom's Financial Services Authority ("FSA"), have been prepared in accordance 
with IFRS. 
The consolidated financial statements are presented in thousands of US dollars, 
rounded to the nearest thousand. They have been prepared under the historical 
cost convention, as modified by the revaluation of financial instruments which 
have been classified as available for sale. 
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires 
management to exercise its judgement in making estimates and assumptions that 
affect the application of the Group's accounting policies and reported amounts 
of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. The estimates and associated 
assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that 
are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form 
the basis of making the judgement about the carrying values of assets and 
liabilities that are not readily available from other sources. Actual results 
may differ from these estimates. 
The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. 
Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the periods in which the 
estimates are revised if the revisions affect only those periods or in the 
periods of the revision and future periods if applicable. 
Judgements made by management in the application of IFRS that have a significant 
effect on the consolidated financial statements and estimates with a significant 
risk of material adjustments in following years are discussed below. 
As IFRS are limited in specifying full insurance-specific guidelines to the 
requirements of IFRS 4 'Insurance Contracts' pending completion of the second 
phase of the IASB's project on insurance contracts, accounting policies for 
insurance contracts have been selected with primary consideration to existing UK 
GAAP as permitted by IFRS 4. The annual basis of accounting has been applied to 
all classes of business. 
The consolidated financial statements for 2009 has been prepared in accordance 
with the accounting policies in force. A summary of the principal accounting 
policies is provided in note 3. 
Accounting developments 
The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous 
financial year. The Group has adopted the following new and amended IFRS 
interpretations as of 1 January 2009: 
IAS 1 (Revised) Presentation of Financial Statements 
Amendment to IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures 
The Group has also early adopted the following IFRS with effect from 1 January 
IFRIC 16 Hedges of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation 
Adoption of these revised standards and interpretations did not have any 
material effect on the financial performance or position of the Group. They did 
however give rise to additional disclosures. 
The principal effects of these changes are as follows: 
IAS 1 (Revised) Presentation of Financial Statements 
This standard separates owner and non-owner changes in equity requiring all 
owner changes in equity to be presented in a statement of changes in equity, and 
all non-owner changes either in one statement of comprehensive income or in two 
separate statements, which are an income statement and a statement of 
comprehensive income. The previous standard required components of comprehensive 
income to be presented in the statement of changes in equity. The revised 
standard also requires that the income tax effect of each component of 
comprehensive income to be disclosed. In addition, it requires entities to 
present a comparative statement of financial position as at the beginning of the 
earliest comparative period when the entity has applied an accounting policy 
retrospectively, makes a retrospective restatement, or reclassifies items in the 
financial statements. 
The Group has elected to present comprehensive income in two separate statements 
of income and comprehensive income. Information about the individual components 
of comprehensive income as well as the tax effects have been disclosed in the 
notes to the financial statements. 
The Group has not presented three statements of financial position in these 
financial statements because it has not applied an accounting policy 
retrospectively, made a retrospective restatement of items in its financial 
statements, or reclassified items in its financial statements that affected the 
statement of financial position at the beginning of the earliest comparative 
Amendment to IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures 
The amendment to the standard requires an entity to provide a quantitative and 
qualitative analysis of those instruments recognised at fair value based on a 
three-level measurement hierarchy. Furthermore, for those instruments which have 
significant unobservable inputs (classified as Level 3), the amendment requires 
disclosures on the transfers into and out of Level 3, a reconciliation of the 
opening and closing balances, total gains and losses for the period split 
between those recognised in other comprehensive income, purchases, sales issues 
and settlements, and sensitivity analysis of reasonably possible changes in 
assumptions. In addition, disclosure is required of the movements between 
different levels of the fair value hierarchy and the reason for those movements. 
Finally, the standard amends the previous liquidity risk disclosures as required 
under IFRS 7 for non-derivative and derivative financial liabilities. 
Entities are required to apply this amendment for annual periods beginning on or 
after 1 January 2009, with no requirement to provide comparatives on transition. 
IFRS 8 Operating Segments 
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued IFRS 8 'Operating 
Segments' on 30 November 2006 effective for annual periods beginning on or after 
1 January 2009. IFRS 8 replaces IAS 14 'Segment Reporting' and requires the 
disclosure of financial information about the Group based upon the information 
used internally to evaluate the performance of the operating segments and the 
allocation of resources to those segments.  The Group early-adopted IFRS 8 from 
1 January 2008. The disclosures relating to Operating Segments are shown in note 
6 to the Financial Statements. 
IFRIC 16 Hedges of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation 
The IFRIC issued IFRIC interpretation 16 in July 2008. The interpretation 
provides guidance in respect of hedges of foreign currency gains and losses on a 
net investment in a foreign operation. The amendment is applied prospectively. 
The amendment states an entity can hedge foreign currency risk between the 
functional currency of a subsidiary and the functional currency of any parent, 
as well as the presentation currency of the Group if this is different from the 
The Group has not applied the following new and revised IFRSs that have been 
issued but are not yet effective in these financial statements. 
IFRS 1 (Revised)                                    Revised and restructured 
version issued 24 November 20081 
IFRS 1 Amendments                              Amendments to IFRS 1 issued 23 
July 2009 incorporating changes for first time adopters 2 
IFRS 2 Amendments                              Amendments to IFRS 2 Share-based 
Payment - Group Cash-  settled Share-based Payment Transactions 2 
IFRS 3 (Revised)Business Combinations 1 
IFRS 9                                                  Financial Instruments 6 
IAS 24 (Revised)                                    Related Party Disclosures 5 
IAS 27 (Revised)                                    Consolidated and Separate 
Financial Statements 1 
IAS 32 Amendment                                Amendment to IAS 32 Financial 
Instruments: Presentation - 
Classification of Rights Issues 3 
IAS 39 Amendment                                Amendment to IAS 39 Financial 
Instruments: Recognition and 
                                                            Measurement - 
Eligible Hedged Items 1 
IFRIC-Int 14 Amendments                       Amendments to IFRIC-Int 14 
Prepayments of a Minimum Funding 
IFRIC-Int 17                                           Distributions of Non-cash 
Assets to Owners 1 
IFRIC-Int 19                                           Extinguishing Financial 
Liabilities with Equity Instruments 4 
IFRS 5 included                                     Amendments to IFRS 5 
Non-current Assets Held for Sale and 
in Improvements toDiscontinued Operations - Plan to Sell the Controlling 
Interest in a 
IFRSs issued in October 2008                Subsidiary 1 
Apart from the above, the IASB has issued Improvements to IFRSs 2009 which sets 
out amendments to a number of IFRSs primarily with a view to removing 
inconsistencies and clarifying wording.  The amendments to IFRS 2, IAS 38, 
IFRIC-Int 9 and IFRIC-Int 16 are effective for annual periods beginning on or 
after 1 July 2009 while the amendments to IFRS 5, IFRS 8, IAS 1, IAS 7,      IAS 
17, IAS 38 and IAS 39 are effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 
January 2010 although there are separate transitional provisions for each 
standard or interpretation. 
1               Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2009 
2               Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 
3               Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 February 
4               Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2010 
5               Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 
6               Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 
The Group is in the process of making an assessment of the impact of these new 
and revised IFRSs upon initial application. 
Going Concern 
Further information regarding the Group's business activities, together with the 
factors likely to affect its future development, performance and position are 
set out in the Chief Executive Officer's Report on page 3. The financial 
position of the Group, its cash flows, liquidity position and borrowing 
facilities are described in the Financial Review on pages 4 to 18. In addition 
note 4 to the financial statements includes the Group's objectives, policies and 
processes for managing its capital; its financial risk management objectives; 
details of its financial instruments and hedging activities and its exposures to 
credit risk and liquidity risk. 
Having considered the foregoing, after making enquiries, the directors have a 
reasonable expectation that the Company and the Group have adequate resources to 
continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.  Accordingly, they 
continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the Annual Financial 
3 Accounting policies 
The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to all 
periods presented in these consolidated financial statements. 
The accounting policies have been applied consistently by all Group entities. 
Basis of consolidation 
These financial statements consolidate all the enterprises in which Alea Group 
Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd owns or controls, directly or indirectly, the majority of 
the voting shares. There are no other enterprises over which the Group has the 
ability to exercise control. 
Intra-group transactions, balances, and gains and losses are eliminated except 
to the extent that the transaction provides evidence of an impairment of the 
asset transferred. 
The results of subsidiaries liquidated or disposed of during the year are 
included in the consolidated income statement up to the effective date of 
liquidation or disposal, as appropriate. 
Operating segments 
The Group classifies all of its operations under the 'Run-off business' segment. 
This reflects the basis on which the chief operating decision makers of the 
Group manage the operations. 
Foreign currency translation 
a)         Functional and presentation currency 
Items included in the financial statements of each of the Group's entities are 
measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the 
entity operates (the 'functional currency'). The consolidated financial 
statements are presented in thousands of US dollars, which is the Group's 
presentation currency. 
b)         Group companies 
The functional currencies for Group entities are usually the currencies of the 
primary economic environment in which the entity operates. 
The results and financial position of all the Group entities (none of which has 
the currency of a hyperinflationary economy) that have a functional currency 
different from the presentation currency are translated into the presentation 
currency as follows: 
(i) assets and liabilities for each balance sheet presented are translated at 
the closing exchange rates at the date of that balance sheet; 
(ii) income and expenses for each income statement are translated at 
transactional or average exchange rates (unless this average is not a reasonable 
approximation of the cumulative effect of the rates prevailing on the 
transaction dates, in which case income and expenses are translated at the dates 
of the transactions); and 
(iii) all resulting exchange differences are recognised as a separate component 
of equity. 
On consolidation, exchange differences arising from the translation of the net 
investment in foreign entities, and of borrowings and other currency instruments 
designated as hedges of such investments, are taken to shareholders' equity. 
When a foreign operation is sold, such exchange differences are recognised in 
the income statement as part of the gain or loss on sale. 
c)         Transactions and balances 
Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using 
the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange 
gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the 
translation at year-end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities 
denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the income statement. 
Translation differences on non-monetary items are reported as part of the fair 
value gain or loss. Translation differences on non-monetary items, such as 
equities classified as available-for-sale financial assets, are included in the 
revaluation reserve in equity. 
To safeguard against fluctuations in exchange rates, Group entities seek to 
match assets and liabilities in currency. However, currency gains/losses which 
do arise from transactions in a currency other than a functional currency are 
reported in the income statement within finance costs, as applicable. 
The foreign currency rates used for significant foreign currencies are as 
|           |     Year ended |      As at | Year ended |      As at | 
|           |    31 December |         31 |         31 |         31 | 
|           |           2009 |   December |   December |   December | 
|           |        Average |       2009 |       2008 |       2008 | 
|           |                |    Closing |    Average |    Closing | 
| British   |         0.6433 |     0.6195 |     0.5457 |     0.6918 | 
| pound     |                |            |            |            | 
| Euro      |         0.7175 |     0.6972 |     0.6811 |     0.7093 | 
| Swiss     |         1.0807 |     1.0335 |     1.0770 |     1.0575 | 
| franc     |                |            |            |            | 
Insurance contracts 
The Group enters into contracts that transfer insurance risk or financial risk 
or both. 
Insurance contracts are those contracts that transfer significant insurance 
risk. Insurance risk is defined as risk, other than financial risk, transferred 
from the holder of a contract to the issuer. Financial risk is defined as the 
risk of a possible future change in one or more of a specified interest rate, 
financial instrument price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of 
prices or rates, credit rating or credit index or other variable, provided in 
the case of a non-financial variable that the variable is not specific to a 
party to the contract. 
Those contracts that do not transfer significant insurance risk are accounted 
for by recognising an asset or liability based on the consideration paid or 
received less any explicitly identified premiums or fees to be retained by the 
ceding company. Future cash flows are estimated to calculate the effective 
yield, and revenues and expenses are recorded as fee income or fee expense. 
Premium revenue 
For all insurance contracts, premiums are recognised as revenue proportionally 
over the period of coverage, having regard, where appropriate, to the incidence 
of risk and this is known as earned premium. The portion of premium receivable 
on in-force contracts that relates to unexpired risks at the balance sheet date 
is reported as the unearned premium liability. Premiums are shown before 
deduction of commission and are exclusive of taxes and duties levied thereon. 
Premiums comprise total premiums earned under contracts incepting during the 
financial year, together with adjustments arising in the financial year to 
premiums earned in respect of business written in previous financial years. 
Premiums also include estimates of pipeline premiums earned on business written 
but not yet notified to the Group. 
In respect of both risks accepted and risks ceded by the Group, premiums and 
claims relating to reinsurance arrangements which do not involve significant 
transfer of insurance risk are not recognised in the income statement but are 
accounted for as deposits due from, or liabilities due to, reinsurers or 
The Group cedes premium and risks in the normal course of business in order to 
limit the potential for losses arising from risks accepted. Insurance premiums 
ceded to reinsurers on contracts that are deemed to transfer significant 
insurance risk are recognised as an expense in a manner that is consistent with 
the recognition of insurance premium revenue arising from the underlying risks 
being protected. Reinsurance contracts that do not meet the definition of an 
insurance contract are accounted for as financial assets. The portion of premium 
ceded to reinsurers on in-force contracts that relates to unexpired risks at the 
balance sheet date is reported as the unearned premium asset. 
Insurance claims and loss adjustment expenses recovered from reinsurers are 
accounted for in the same accounting period as the claims for the related inward 
insurance and reinsurance business being covered and are estimated in a manner 
consistent with the claim liability associated with the reinsurance policy. 
Provision is made for potentially non-collectable reinsurance recoveries and the 
exposure of the Group to credit risk is assessed through the aggregation of 
reinsurance assets due from counter parties belonging to the same insurance 
Renewal rights transactions 
Renewal rights transactions represent books of insurance and reinsurance 
business sold to third parties. The Directors use fair value accounting for 
renewal rights transactions. Valuations and revaluations of such transactions 
are recognised in the income statement as net realisedgains or losses on sale of 
renewal rights. 
In determining the fair value for the business sold, the Directors value the 
discounted estimated future cash flows arising from specified percentages of 
applicable commissionable premiums written over the applicable period in 
accordance with the terms of the sale contracts. In determining the fair market 
value of renewal rights sold, the Directors consider the prior production and 
growth of the businesses sold, external projections and the most recent 
assessment of the businesses sold. The Directors also make certain assumptions 
about levels of program transfer and renewal probabilities of future premiums. 
As the ultimate consideration receivable is dependent upon the future levels of 
business generated on renewal in relation to the rights sold over differing time 
periods as specified in the sale contracts, it is necessary for the Directors to 
review and re-evaluate the fair value of the consideration receivable based on 
the likely volumes of renewal business that will be written. Consequently, 
adjustments to the consideration receivable recognised in the income statement 
will be made at each balance sheet date where required. 
Deferred acquisition costs ("DAC") 
Costs which vary and are directly associated with the acquisition of insurance 
and reinsurance contracts including brokerage, commissions, underwriting 
expenses and other acquisition costs are deferred and amortised over the period 
of contract, consistent with the earning of premium. These are shown as a 
capitalised asset in the balance sheet. 
Subsequent to initial recognition, DAC for life insurance is amortised over the 
expected life of the contracts as a constant percentage of expected premiums. 
Changes in the expected useful life or the expected pattern of consumption of 
future economic benefits embodied in the asset are accounted for by changing the 
amortisation period and are treated as a change in an accounting estimate. 
Insurance claims and loss adjustment expenses 
Insurance claims and loss adjustment expenses comprise the estimated cost of all 
claims occurring prior to the balance sheet date, whether reported or not, and 
include loss adjustment expenses related to internal and external direct and 
indirect claims handling costs, and adjustments to claims outstanding from 
previous years. Claims handling costs include related internal and external 
direct and indirect claims handling costs and consist of third party loss 
adjustor fees, legal expenses and claims staff costs. 
Liabilities for unpaid claims are determined on an individual case basis and are 
based on the estimated ultimate cost of all claims notified but not settled by 
the balance sheet date, together with the provision for related claims handling 
costs and net of salvage and subrogation recoveries. The provision also includes 
the estimated cost of claims incurred but not reported at the balance sheet date 
based on statistical methods. 
The Group discounts certain categories of claims provisions, such as certain 
casualty and auto liability claims, where the expected average interval between 
the date of claim settlement and the balance sheet date is in excess of four 
years in accordance with the requirements of the Association of British Insurers 
Statement Of Recommended Practice ('ABI SORP'). The discount rate used is 4.0% 
(31 December 2008: 4.0%). The Group discounts reinsurance contract recoverable 
balances using the same methodology and discount rate. 
Liability adequacy test ("LAT") 
At each balance sheet date, liability adequacy tests are performed to ensure the 
adequacy of the insurance contract liabilities net of related DAC and premiums 
Provision is made where current best estimates of future contractual cash flows 
and claims handling and administration expenses arising after the end of the 
financial year from contracts concluded before that date is expected to exceed 
the provision for unearned premiums net of DAC and premiums receivable. 
Investment income from the assets backing the liabilities is taken into account 
in calculating the provision. The assessment of whether a provision is necessary 
is made on the basis of information available as at the balance sheet date, 
after offsetting surpluses and deficits arising on products which are managed 
together. Any deficiency is immediately charged to the income statement 
initially by writing off DAC and by subsequently establishing a provision for 
losses arising from liability adequacy tests (the unexpired risk provision). Any 
DAC written off as a result of this test cannot subsequently be reinstated. 
Investment income 
Investment income includes dividends and interest and is accounted for on an 
accrual basis. Dividends are accrued on an ex-dividend basis that is when the 
right to receive payment is established. Interest income in respect of the 
Group's available-for-sale investments and financial assets carried at amortised 
cost classified as loans and receivable is recognised using the effective 
interest method. 
Fee income 
Fee income represents income arising on insurance activities other than premium 
received in respect of contracts transferring insurance risk. It includes income 
received on finite risk reinsurance and insurance contracts without significant 
transfer of insurance risk and expense related to deposits received from 
reinsurers, such income being recognised over the term of the contract. 
Additionally, fee income may include amounts receivable under profit sharing 
arrangements and other related underwriting income. 
Share-based payments 
The cost of awards to employees and non-employees that take the form of shares 
or rights to shares is charged to the income statement as personnel costs on a 
straight-line basis over the period to which the recipient's performance relates 
and a corresponding amount is reflected in share-based payment reserve in 
shareholders' equity. The charge is calculated as being the fair value of the 
shares at the date of grant, reduced by any consideration payable by the 
recipient, and a reasonable expectation of the extent to which performance 
criteria will be met. 
Pension costs 
The Group only operates defined contribution pension arrangements. Contributions 
are charged to the income statement as employee benefit expense as they become 
payable in accordance with the rules of each scheme. The Group has no further 
payment obligations once the contributions have been paid. Prepaid contributions 
are recognised as an asset to the extent that a cash refund or a reduction in 
the future payments is available. 
Operating leases 
Leases in which a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership are 
retained by the lessor are classified as operating leases. Payments made under 
operating leases (net of any incentives received from the lessor) are charged to 
the income statement on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease. 
Property, plant and equipment 
Property, plant and equipment comprise items of equipment only. Equipment is 
stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses when 
appropriate. Depreciation is charged to the income statement on a straight-line 
basis over the estimated useful lives of the assets. The estimated useful lives 
vary between three and five years for fixtures and equipment. 
The gain or loss arising on the disposal or retirement of an asset is determined 
as the difference between the sales proceeds and the carrying amount of the 
asset and is recognised in the income statement. 
The residual values and useful lives of the assets are reviewed at each balance 
sheet date and adjusted if appropriate. 
Intangible assets 
Intangible assets represent the cost of licences acquired to conduct business in 
the United States. The Directors consider these licences to have indefinite 
useful lives. Licences are granted for an indefinite period and are essential to 
carry on business. The licences are tested for impairment at each annual balance 
sheet date. 
Investments - Financial Instruments 
The Group recognises a financial asset or a financial liability on its balance 
sheet when it becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. 
On initial recognition the Group determines the category of financial instrument 
and values it accordingly. The classification depends on the purpose for which 
the investments are acquired. 
a)         Available-for-sale securities 
Available-for-sale securities are non-derivative financial assets, typically 
equities or bonds. On initial recognition, the fair value is the cost including 
transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition. On subsequent 
remeasurement the fair value excludes transaction costs on disposal and 
represents the listed bid price.  Fair value movements are recognised in equity. 
b)         Loans and receivables 
Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or 
determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market other than those 
that the Group intends to sell in the short-term or that it has designated as at 
fair value through income or available-for-sale. In addition loans and 
receivables include non-agency US mortgage-backed securities held for the 
foreseeable future and measured at amortised cost using the effective interest 
method, less impairment. Receivables arising from insurance contracts are also 
classified in this category and are reviewed for impairment as part of the 
impairment review of loans and receivables. 
Trade receivables do not carry any interest rate and are measured at the fair 
value which is their nominal value less appropriate allowances for estimated 
irrecoverable amounts.  Upon initial recognition, loans and receivables are 
measured at fair value plus transaction costs that are directly attributable to 
the acquisition or issue of the financial asset. 
The Group has not designated any investments to be held to maturity or to be 
valued at fair value through profit and loss. 
Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the 
balance sheet only when there is a legally enforceable right to offset the 
recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or to 
realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. 
Purchases and sales of securities and currencies are recognised on trade date - 
the date on which the Group commits to purchase or sell the asset. 
Before evaluating whether, and to what extent, de-recognition of a financial 
asset or liability is appropriate, the Group determines whether de-recognition 
should be applied to only part of the financial asset / liability or group of 
financial assets / liabilities. The Group only derecognises a financial asset or 
liability when the contractual rights and obligations to the cash flows expire 
or the financial asset / liabilities are transferred and the Group has also 
transferred substantially all risks and rewards of ownership. 
Gains and losses on de-recognition are recognised through the income statement. 
Changes in fair value of available-for-sale investments, except for foreign 
exchange gains and losses and impairment losses which are recognised in the 
income statement, are directly recorded in equity until such time that the 
financial asset is derecognised. 
Derivative financial instruments held-for-trading 
Financial assets and liabilities are classified as held for trading if they are 
acquired for the purpose of selling or repurchasing in the near term. This 
category includes derivative financial instruments entered into by the Group 
that are not designated as hedging instruments in hedge relationships as defined 
by IAS 39 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement'. These 
instruments are initially recorded at fair value. Subsequent to initial 
recognition, these instruments are re-measured at fair value. Fair value 
adjustments and realised gains and losses are recognised in the income 
statement. Derivatives are carried as financial assets when the fair value is 
positive and as financial liabilities when the fair value is negative. 
Derivative financial instruments designated as hedging instruments 
The Group uses derivative financial instruments such as forward currency 
contracts to hedge its foreign currency risks. Such derivative financial 
instruments are initially recognised at fair value on the date on which a 
derivative contract is entered into and are subsequently re-measured at fair 
value. Derivatives are carried as financial assets when the fair value is 
positive and as financial liabilities when the fair value is negative. 
At the inception of a hedge relationship, the Group formally designates and 
documents the hedge relationship to which the Group wishes to apply hedge 
accounting and the risk management objective and strategy for undertaking the 
hedge. The documentation includes identification of the hedging instrument, the 
hedged item or transaction, the nature of the risk being hedged and how the 
entity will assess the effectiveness of changes in the hedging instrument's fair 
value in offsetting the exposure to changes in the hedged item's fair value or 
cash flows attributable to the hedged risk. Such hedges are expected to be 
highly effective in achieving offsetting changes in fair value or cash flows and 
are assessed on an ongoing basis to determine that they actually have been 
highly effective throughout the financial reporting periods for which they were 
Derivative financial instruments and hedge accounting 
Hedges which meet the strict criteria for hedge accounting are accounted for as 
Hedge of a net investment in a foreign operation 
Gains or losses on the hedging instrument relating to the effective portion of 
the hedge are recognised as other comprehensive income while any gains or losses 
relating to the ineffective portion are recognised in the income statement. The 
Group uses a forward currency contract as a hedge of its exposure to foreign 
exchange risk on its investments in foreign subsidiaries. Refer to note 24 for 
more details. 
Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents includes cash in hand, deposits held at call with 
banks, other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of 
three months or less, and bank overdrafts. 
Impairment of assets 
The Group reviews the carrying amounts of its tangible and intangible assets at 
each balance sheet date to determine whether there is any indication of 
impairment. If any indication exists, the asset's recoverable amount is 
estimated. An impairment loss is recognised whenever the carrying amount of an 
asset or its cash generating unit exceeds its recoverable amount. Impairment 
losses are recognised in the income statement. 
The recoverable amount is the greater of the net selling price and the value in 
use. In assessing the value in use, the estimated future cash flows are 
discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects 
current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to 
the asset for which the estimates of future cash flows have not been adjusted. 
Income tax expense represents the sum of the tax payable in the year and 
deferred tax. 
The tax currently payable is based on taxable profit for the year. Taxable 
profit differs from profit as reported in the income statement because it 
excludes items of income or expense that are taxable or deductible in other 
years and it further excludes items that are never taxable or deductible. The 
Group's liability for current tax is calculated using tax rates that have been 
enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. 
Deferred income tax is provided in full, using the liability method, on all 
temporary differences, which are based on the difference between the financial 
statement carrying values and the tax bases of assets and liabilities using 
enacted income tax rates and laws. Deferred income tax assets are recognised to 
the extent that it is regarded as probable that they will be utilised against 
sufficient future taxable income. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are 
not discounted. 
The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet 
date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient 
taxable profits will be available to allow all or part of the asset to be 
The deferred tax that results from unrealised gains and losses on securities 
classified as available-for-sale is recognised in shareholders' equity along 
with those unrealised gains and losses. 
Current tax payable by any Group company on distribution to the holding company 
of the undistributed profits of any subsidiaries is recognised as deferred tax 
unless the timing of the distribution of those profits is controlled by the 
holding company and the temporary difference is not expected to reverse in the 
foreseeable future. 
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally 
enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities 
and when they relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority and 
the Group intends to settle its current tax assets and liabilities on a net 
Borrowings are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs 
incurred. Borrowings are subsequently stated at amortised cost; any difference 
between the proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the redemption value is 
recognised in the income statement over the period of the borrowings using the 
effective interest method. 
a)         Restructuring costs and legal claims 
Provisions for restructuring costs and legal claims are recognised when the 
Group has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of a past 
event, it is more likely than not that an outflow of resources will be required 
to settle the obligation, and the amount has been reliably estimated. 
Restructuring provisions comprise lease termination penalties and employee 
termination payments. Provisions are not recognised for future operating losses. 
Where there are a number of similar obligations, the likelihood that an outflow 
will be required in settlement is determined by considering the class of 
obligations as a whole. A provision is recognised even if the likelihood of an 
outflow with respect to any one item included in the same class of obligations 
may be small. 
b)         Levies 
The Group is subject to various insurance-related assessments or guarantee fund 
levies. Related provisions are provided for where there is a present obligation 
(legal or constructive) as a result of a past event. 
Share capital 
Shares are classified as equity when there is no obligation to transfer cash or 
other assets. Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of equity 
instruments are shown in equity as a deduction from the proceeds, net of tax. 
Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of equity instruments as 
consideration for the acquisition of a business are included in the cost of 
4 Analysis of risk 
Risk management framework 
As a global run-off insurance and reinsurance operation, the Group is exposed to 
various types of risk. 
The Board of Directors retains overall responsibility for the risk management 
framework that has been established to mitigate the Group's exposure to risk and 
assesses the effectiveness of the controls established to identify, monitor and 
mitigate the risks faced by the Group. 
The risks that the Group faces include, but are not limited to: 
Insurance risk - risk associated with the uncertainty over the likelihood of an 
insured event occurring, the quantum of the claim, or the time when claims 
payments will fall due. 
Investment and credit risk - risk associated with the Group's reinsurance 
arrangements, investment portfolio, and other counterparty credit risk. 
Financial risk - risk associated with possible future change in one or more of a 
specified interest rate, financial instrument price, foreign exchange rate or 
other variable. Also included within financial risk is liquidity risk, the risk 
that obligations cannot be met as they become due as a consequence of being 
unable to readily realise assets to meet these obligations. 
Insurance risk 
Underwriting risk 
When it was underwriting insurance business, the Group managed the transfer of 
insurance risk from its cedants in a number of ways. Underwriting guidelines 
governed the products it was willing to sell and the geographical location in 
which the risk was located. Before risk was accepted, its impact upon the 
overall risk profile of the insurance portfolio was assessed. Underwriting 
controls included the establishment of limits on underwriting authority and the 
monitoring of exposure by industry, geographical region and class of business. 
The Group used a variety of reserving and modelling methods to determine the 
levels of insurance risk accepted. The modelling techniques employed helped the 
Group to monitor, estimate and control its exposure to natural and man-made 
catastrophes. Diversification was sought through the range of products sold and 
geographical locations in which business was written. 
The Group Underwriting Committee monitored emerging issues that affected its 
exposure to insurance risk such as new areas of liability and the impact of 
major losses. 
Sources of uncertainty in the estimation of future claim payments 
The Group takes steps to ensure that it has appropriate information regarding 
its claims exposures. However, given the uncertainty in establishing claims 
provisions, it is likely that the final outcome will prove to be different from 
the original liability established. 
In estimating the liability for the cost of reported claims not yet paid, the 
Group considers any information available from loss adjusters and information on 
the cost of settling claims with similar characteristics in previous periods. 
Large claims are assessed on a case-by-case basis or projected separately in 
order to allow for the possible distorting effect of their development and 
incidence on the rest of the portfolio. 
The estimation of claims incurred but not reported ("IBNR") is generally subject 
to a greater degree of uncertainty than the estimation of the cost of settling 
claims already notified to the Group, where information about the claim event is 
available. An assessment of the liability for future claims is affected not only 
by the risks inherent in the perils insured but also by changes that may occur 
in the legal and judicial environment before claims are settled, all of which 
affect the quantum of the claim. Additionally, the practical limits to 
information flows from insured parties hampers the estimation of the claim 
For casualty risks, for example, claims may not be apparent to the insured until 
many years have passed after the event that gave rise to the claims. The Group's 
casualty business was typically written on an occurrence basis, meaning that the 
Group is liable for all insured events that occurred during the term of 
contract, even if the loss is discovered after the end of the contract term. 
Liability claims are therefore notified and settled over a long period of time. 
As a result, for casualty business, a large element of the claims provision 
relates to IBNR and will typically display greater variations between initial 
estimates and final outcomes because of the greater degree of difficulty of 
estimating these liabilities. 
For property business, the greatest uncertainty arises from catastrophe events, 
where a single event affects a large number of contracts.  In such cases the 
Group estimates the IBNR using an exposure methodology, assessing each programme 
written by the Group to determine the expected claims in respect of that event. 
For property business other than catastrophe, and for casualty business, the 
IBNR is typically based on a combination of loss-ratio-based estimates and 
claims-experience-based estimates, with greater weight given to actual claims 
experience as time passes. The initial loss-ratio estimate is an important 
assumption in the estimation technique and is based on a number of factors 
including previous years' experience, premium rate changes, market experience 
and historical claims inflation. 
The projections given by the various methodologies also assist in estimating the 
range of possible outcomes. The most appropriate estimation technique is 
selected taking into account the characteristics of the business class and the 
extent of the development of each underwriting year. 
The amount of casualty claims is particularly sensitive to the level of court 
awards and to the development of legal precedent on matters of contract and 
tort. Casualty contracts are also subject to the emergence of new types of 
latent claims, but no allowance is included for this at the balance sheet date. 
The following table presents the Group's booked gross claims outstanding before 
claims handling provisions and before discount by class of business. The 
comparative table as at 31 December 2008 includes the gross claims outstanding 
of Alea London Limited as it was part of the Group at that date. 
| As at 31 December | General   | Motor | Workers' | Professional | Property | MAT1 | Total | 
| 2009              | liability |       | comp.    |              |          |      |       | 
| $'million         |           |       |          |              |          |      |       | 
| 1999 and prior    |      29.4 |  25.5 |      3.8 |          0.9 |     14.5 | 23.8 |  97.9 | 
| 2000              |      17.9 |   7.4 |      8.6 |          7.9 |      2.3 |  7.9 |  52.0 | 
| 2001              |      13.7 |   4.4 |     17.8 |          4.9 |        - |  0.5 |  41.3 | 
| 2002              |       9.9 |   4.1 |      2.8 |          4.5 |      3.4 |  0.4 |  25.1 | 
| 2003              |      10.9 |   8.8 |      1.6 |          4.3 |      1.7 |  0.1 |  27.4 | 
| 2004              |      12.9 |  14.9 |      3.3 |          7.7 |      2.2 |    - |  41.0 | 
| 2005              |      10.6 |  19.1 |      0.5 |          5.7 |      4.5 |    - |  40.4 | 
| Reinsurance       |     105.3 |  84.2 |     38.4 |         35.9 |     28.6 | 32.7 | 325.1 | 
| reserves          |           |       |          |              |          |      |       | 
| Insurance         |      54.8 |  15.2 |     52.4 |            - |      2.5 |    - | 124.9 | 
| reserves          |           |       |          |              |          |      |       | 
| Total non-life    |     160.1 |  99.4 |     90.8 |         35.9 |     31.1 | 32.7 | 450.0 | 
| reserves          |           |       |          |              |          |      |       | 
| Life structured   |           |       |          |              |          |      | 280.7 | 
| settlements       |           |       |          |              |          |      |       | 
| Life reinsurance  |           |       |          |              |          |      |  88.3 | 
| Provision for claims outstanding, reported                      |          |      | 819.0 | 
| and not reported                                                |          |      |       | 
| As at 31        |   General | Motor | Workers' | Professional | Property |  MAT1 |   Total | 
| December 2008   | liability |       |    comp. |              |          |       |         | 
| $'million       |           |       |          |              |          |       |         | 
| 1999 and prior  |      48.9 |  59.2 |      2.2 |          1.6 |     25.3 |  70.1 |   207.3 | 
| 2000            |      18.7 |   8.7 |     11.1 |          9.1 |      4.7 |  18.2 |    70.5 | 
| 2001            |      20.4 |   6.0 |     16.3 |          5.4 |      2.0 |   8.7 |    58.8 | 
| 2002            |      19.5 |   4.3 |      4.9 |          9.0 |      5.0 |   3.1 |    45.8 | 
| 2003            |      25.6 |  13.1 |      2.9 |         16.8 |      1.5 |   1.6 |    61.5 | 
| 2004            |      25.8 |  19.4 |      5.2 |         18.8 |      3.3 |   0.1 |    72.6 | 
| 2005            |      16.2 |  26.1 |      2.1 |         23.0 |     25.1 |   0.2 |    92.7 | 
| Reinsurance     |     175.1 | 136.8 |     44.7 |         83.7 |     66.9 | 102.0 |   609.2 | 
| reserves        |           |       |          |              |          |       |         | 
| Insurance       |     152.6 |  38.2 |     64.5 |         22.1 |      7.4 |     - |   284.8 | 
| reserves        |           |       |          |              |          |       |         | 
| Total non-life  |     327.7 | 175.0 |    109.2 |        105.8 |     74.3 | 102.0 |   894.0 | 
| reserves        |           |       |          |              |          |       |         | 
| Life structured             |       |          |              |          |       |   260.2 | 
| settlements                 |       |          |              |          |       |         | 
| Life            |           |       |          |              |          |       |    86.0 | 
| reinsurance     |           |       |          |              |          |       |         | 
| Provision for claims outstanding, reported                    |          |       | 1,240.2 | 
| and not reported                                              |          |       |         | 
1  Marine, Aviation and Transport 
The following table analyses Alea's non-life gross claims outstanding between 
case reserves and incurred but not reported ('IBNR'). The 2008 comparatives for 
the case and IBNR split include the gross claims outstanding of Alea London 
Limited. The insurance and reinsurance splits are in line with the Group's 
typical business tail and the relative maturity of the respective books. 
|                  |                              As at |      As at | 
|                  |                   31 December 2009 |         31 | 
|                  |                                    |   December | 
|                  |                                    |       2008 | 
|                  |                                  % |          % | 
| Case reserves    |                                 38 |         47 | 
|                  |                                    |            | 
| IBNR             |                                 62 |         53 | 
| Total            |                                100 |        100 | 
Prior year reserve development 
The Group's expected loss development is determined by the Group's internal 
actuaries based on historical claims analysis and projected trends. Actual 
reported losses may vary from expected loss development. Generally, as an 
underwriting year matures, the level of newly reported claims decreases. 
During the twelve months ended 31 December 2009 the Group experienced adverse 
development in the reserves, net of reinsurance and excluding the impact of 
commutations and discount of $27.2 million (31 December 2008: adverse reserve 
development, net of reinsurance and excluding the impact of commutations and 
discount of $23.2 million). 
Net reserve development is determined by netting adverse and positive reserve 
development. 31.2% of the negative 2009 reserve development in respect of 
continuing operations relates to the Group's reinsurance portfolio (2008: 
18.5%). Reinsurance operations by their nature add further complications to the 
reserving process, particularly to casualty business, where there is an inherent 
lag in the timing and reporting of a loss event from an insured or ceding 
company to the reinsurer. This reporting lag creates an even longer period of 
time between the policy inception and when a claim is finally settled. As a 
result, more judgement is required to establish reserves for ultimate losses in 
reinsurance operations. 
All amounts included in net insurance claims arise from the movement in the 
prior year provision for claims outstanding net of reinsurance except for net 
insurance claims of $17.4 million (2008: $14.1 million) relating to the Group's 
life business. 
Historical ultimate loss ratios ('ULR') 
The ULR is an actuarial estimate of total claims to the point of final 
settlement as a percentage of gross ultimate premiums. It excludes expenses. The 
table below shows the ULR as of 31 December 2009 for proportional and 
non-proportional US casualty reinsurance, gross of reinsurance and prior to 
discounting. The Group's US casualty reinsurance ULR shown in the table below is 
the aggregate ULR for Alea North America and Alea Bermuda. The table also shows 
the aggregate ULR for Alea Europe Ltd which has now been merged with Alea 
(Bermuda) Limited. 
|                    | US casualty  |      US casualty |       Europe | 
|                    | proportional | non-proportional |              | 
| Underwriting year  |            % |                % |            % | 
| 1995               |         -    |             -    |      65.5    | 
| 1996               |         -    |             -    |      74.5    | 
| 1997               |         -    |             -    |      91.4    | 
| 1998               |         -    |             -    |     107.8    | 
| 1999               |     174.7    |             -    |     137.2    | 
| 2000               |     118.6    |         181.7    |      97.1    | 
| 2001               |      97.3    |         127.8    |      79.6    | 
| 2002               |      78.6    |          95.1    |      71.4    | 
| 2003               |      65.1    |          41.6    |      47.0    | 
| 2004               |      59.7    |          48.8    |      48.0    | 
| 2005               |      88.8    |          70.7    |      67.5    | 
Note 27 to the financial statements presents the development of the estimate of 
ultimate claim cost for policies underwritten in a given year. This gives an 
indication of the accuracy of the Group's estimation technique for ultimate 
claims payments. 
If the gross claims reserve carried in the balance sheet moved by 1% the impact 
on the income statement and equity would be a change of $8.2 million (31 
December 2008: $12.4 million) on an undiscounted and pre-tax basis. 
Investment and credit risk 
Investment risk 
The Group's investment strategy is based on a high quality diversified portfolio 
of liquid investment grade fixed income securities as a method of preserving 
equity capital and prompt claim payment capability. 
The Group uses investment managers to invest most of its assets. The Group's 
Investment Committee recommends investment policies and guidelines for 
investment managers which are submitted for approval to the Boards of Directors 
of the Group's regulated insurance companies. These guidelines specify criteria 
on the overall credit quality and liquidity characteristics of the portfolio and 
include limitations on the size of certain holdings as well as restrictions on 
purchasing certain types of securities. 
Invested assets at external managers were $687.8 million as at 31 December 2009 
(2008: $1,054.1 million). The assets managed by fund managers are shown in the 
asset mix below. The remaining invested assets of $164.7 million (2008: $146.1 
million) include predominantly mutual funds invested in fixed income securities. 
|                                     |            As at |           As at | 
| Asset class                         | 31 December 2009 |     31 December | 
|                                     |                  |            2008 | 
|                                     |             in % |            in % | 
| US government                       |               7  |              16 | 
| US mortgage                         |              31  |              21 | 
| EU and Switzerland government and   |              12  |              10 | 
| corporate                           |                  |                 | 
| US corporate                        |               -  |               3 | 
| Asset backed securities             |              23  |              22 | 
| Canadian government and provinces   |               1  |               - | 
| Cash, cash equivalents and short term   |           26 |              28 | 
| investments                             |              |                 | 
|                                     |              100 |             100 | 
|                                     |   |              |                 | 
Financial and insurance liabilities risk 
The Group is also exposed to interest rate risk on its insurance reserves and 
floating rate borrowings. 
Where appropriate, reserves are discounted in accordance with existing UK GAAP 
as permitted by IFRS 4. Discount rates are based on the expected future cash 
flow derived from assets established for the payment of reserves. The Group 
discounts loss reserves for certain business with a mean term to ultimate claims 
settlement in excess of four years. The majority of such discount applies to 
casualty business. The unwind of the discount is sensitive to the claims payment 
The Group discount rate used is based on the relevant average investment return 
of the last five years. A reduction of 0.1% would reduce the net discount in the 
balance sheet by approximately $0.8 million (2008: $1.2 million) and would 
negatively impact income statement and equity by the same amount 
The Group has $120.0 million of trust preferred securities in issue excluding 
deferred interest on these securities. These securities provide for a preferred 
dividend at a rate of three month LIBOR plus 285 basis points. 
The Group had $30.0 million outstanding under its loan facility which was due 
for repayment on 18 July 2009. This loan carried an interest margin of 200 basis 
points over LIBOR and was repaid on 14 January 2008. 
Credit risk 
When the Group was underwriting, it purchased reinsurance to manage its 
catastrophe exposure and mitigate insurance risk. However, the ceding of 
insurance risk exposes the Group to credit risk from its reinsurers and 
The Group selected its reinsurers and retrocessionaires based on price and 
credit quality and continues to monitor them closely over time. It also sought 
to diversify its business among reinsurers and retrocessionaires and required 
collateral where deemed prudent to do so. Thus, the use of maximum limits for 
credit exposure to any one counter party was an effective method for mitigating 
credit risk. 
The Group required that at the time of purchase all reinsurers and 
retrocessionaires had a minimum credit rating of A-, unless high quality 
collateral was provided. 
Additionally, the Group is subject to credit risk in respect of third party 
companies in which the Group holds debt securities issued by those companies. As 
a consequence of the established investment policies and in order to mitigate 
investment risk, as at 31 December 2009, apart from $13.9 million rated BBB/Baa, 
$58.7 million rated BB/Ba and $121.8 million rated B or below, all of the 
Group's fixed income portfolio was rated A or better and 64.1% was rated AA/Aa 
or better (31 December 2008: 94.6%) by either Standard & Poor's, Moody's or 
Fitch. The portfolio had a weighted average rating of AA- based on ratings 
assigned by Standard & Poor's. Excluded from the weighted average are $60.7 
million of securities which are not rated or where no rating has been assigned. 
Other than with respect to US, Canadian and European Union government and agency 
securities, the Group's investment guidelines limit its aggregate exposure to 
any single issuer to 5% of its portfolio. Under the Group's current investment 
guidelines applicable to all securities, all securities must be rated A or 
better at the time of purchase and the weighted average rating requirement of 
the Group's portfolio (other than certain portfolios containing private 
residential US mortgage-backed securities managed by Fortress Fund IV Advisor 
LLC) is AA/Aa. As described on page 59, certain non-agency US mortgage-backed 
securities were re-securitised in 2009. The weighted average credit ratings 
provided in the above analysis reflect the impact of this re-securitisation. A 
comparison of the credit ratings of these assets before and after the 
re-securitisation is provided on page 55.  The Group recognised an impairment to 
the purchase of non-agency US mortgage-backed securities of $30.5 million in 
2009 (2008: $2.6 million). The following table illustrates the split of total 
debt securities by rating of investee. 
| Credit Rating of investee    |        Debt security |       Debt security | 
|                              |           investment |          investment | 
|                              |    as at 31 December |   as at 31 December | 
|                              |                 2009 |                2008 | 
|                              |                 in % |                in % | 
| AAA / Aaa / US Government or       |           60.4 |                88.2 | 
| equivalent                         |                |                     | 
| AA / Aa                      |                  6.8 |                 6.3 | 
| A                            |                  1.4 |                 3.8 | 
| BBB / Baa or lower           |                 31.4 |                 1.7 | 
| Total                        |                100.0 |               100.0 | 
|                              |     |                |                     | 
At 31 December 2009, the Group's largest aggregate exposure to any single issuer 
other than with respect to the United States, Canadian and European government 
and agency securities was $38.4 million (31 December 2008: $48.4 million) in 
respect of Countrywide Alternative Loan Trusts. 
Depending upon the duration of the liabilities supported by a particular 
portfolio, the Group's portfolio investment duration targets may range from one 
to three years. The duration of an investment is based on the maturity of the 
security and also reflects the payment of interest and the possibility of early 
principal payment of such security. The Group seeks to utilise investment 
benchmarks that reflect this duration target. The Group's Investment Committee 
periodically reviews the Group's investment benchmarks based on business and 
economic factors including the average duration of the Group's potential 
At 31 December 2009, the Group's investment portfolio had an effective duration 
of 1.4 years (31 December 2008: 0.9 years). The Group has shortened duration 
targets on its investment portfolios to ensure that sufficient liquidity will be 
available to execute the commutation strategy and to reflect the greater 
uncertainty now inherent in the duration of its liabilities with this 
commutation strategy. 
Analysis by credit rating of all financial assets (impaired, past due, neither 
past due nor impaired): 
| As at 31 December 2009                                               |                                      |        |           |           |     | 
|          |                  |          |     AAA |   AA/Aa |       A | BBB/Baa | Collater-alised | Equities |    Not |       Non |     Total |     | 
|          |                  |          |    /Aaa |         |         |     and |                 |          |  rated | financial |           |     | 
|          |                  |          |         |         |         |   below |                 |          |        |     asset |           |     | 
|          |                  |          |   $'000 |   $'000 |   $'000 |   $'000 |           $'000 |    $'000 |  $'000 |     $'000 |     $'000 |     | 
|          |                  |          |         |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           |     | 
|          |                  |          |         |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           |     | 
| Property, plant and equipment          |       - |       - |       - |       - |               - |        - |      - |     2,076 |     2,076 |     | 
| Intangible assets           |          |       - |       - |       - |       - |               - |        - |      - |    8,479  |     8,479 |     | 
| Deferred acquisition costs  |          |       - |       - |       - |       - |               - |        - |      - |    1,053  |     1,053 |     | 
| Financial assets - available for sale  | 296,153 |  20,693 |   6,860 |       - |               - |       77 |      - |         - |   323,783 |     | 
| securities                             |         |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           |     | 
| Loans and receivables including        | 133,648 |  33,452 | 105,183 | 160,053 |           3,076 |        - | 65,948 |        12 |   501,372 |     | 
| insurance receivables                  |         |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           |     | 
| Derivative financial        |          |       - |       - |      39 |       - |               - |        - |      - |         - |        39 |     | 
| instruments                 |          |         |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           |     | 
| Reinsurance contracts       |          |   4,061 | 284,211 |  16,920 |     936 |          25,174 |        - |  1,365 |         - |   332,667 |     | 
| Cash and cash equivalents   |          | 100,657 |     689 |  64,755 |       2 |               - |        - |      - |         - |   166,103 |     | 
|          |                  |          |         |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           |     | 
| Total assets      |         |          | 534,519 | 339,045 | 193,757 | 160,991 |          28,250 |       77 | 67,313 |    11,620 | 1,335,572 |     | 
|          |        |         |          |         |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           |     | 
| As at 31 December 2008                                               |                                      |        |           |           | 
|          |                  |          |     AAA |   AA/Aa |       A | BBB/Baa | Collater-alised | Equities |    Not |       Non |     Total | 
|          |                  |          |    /Aaa |         |         |     and |                 |          |  rated | financial |           | 
|          |                  |          |         |         |         |   below |                 |          |        |     asset |           | 
|          |                  |          |   $'000 |   $'000 |   $'000 |   $'000 |           $'000 |    $'000 |  $'000 |     $'000 |     $'000 | 
|          |                  |          |         |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
|          |                  |          |         |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
| Property, plant and equipment          |       - |       - |       - |       - |               - |        - |      - |     3,535 |     3,535 | 
| Intangible assets           |          |       - |       - |       - |       - |               - |        - |      - |     8,479 |     8,479 | 
| Deferred acquisition costs  |          |       - |       - |       - |       - |               - |        - |      - |     1,555 |     1,555 | 
| Financial assets - available for sale  | 425,671 | 129,251 |  92,516 |  32,018 |               - |      111 |  2,750 |         - |   682,317 | 
| securities                             |         |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
| Loans and receivables including        | 345,100 |  45,014 | 127,754 |  19,276 |           4,828 |        - | 66,021 |        77 |   608,070 | 
| insurance receivables                  |         |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
| Deferred tax assets         |          |       - |       - |       - |       - |               - |        - |      - |       653 |       653 | 
| Reinsurance contracts       |          |  11,822 | 282,548 |  61,831 |   1,710 |          47,427 |        - | 17,987 |         - |   423,325 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents   |          |  57,575 |   5,052 |  46,097 |       1 |               - |        - |  8,935 |         - |   117,660 | 
|          |                  |          |         |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
| Total assets      |         |          | 840,168 | 461,865 | 328,198 |  53,005 |          52,255 |      111 | 95,693 |    14,299 | 1,845,594 | 
|          |        |         |          |         |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
Investment and credit risk 
Included within loans and receivables including insurance receivables above are 
financial assets carried at amortised cost with a carrying value of $362.7 
million. As detailed in note 4 under the heading Investment and credit risk, 
collateral pledged to and by the Group, a portion of these financial assets were 
re-securitised in 2009. The following table shows the credit ratings of the 
financial assets carried at amortised cost after the re-securitisation (the 
basis on which they are included in the table on the preceding page) and the 
credit ratings of these assets before the re-securitisation. 
| As at 31 December 2009                                         |                                      |        |           |         | 
|          |               |          |     AAA |  AA/Aa |     A | BBB/Baa | Collater-alised | Equities |    Not |       Non |   Total | 
|          |               |          |    /Aaa |        |       |     and |                 |          |  rated | financial |         | 
|          |               |          |         |        |       |   below |                 |          |        |     asset |         | 
|          |               |          |   $'000 |  $'000 | $'000 |   $'000 |           $'000 |    $'000 |  $'000 |     $'000 |   $'000 | 
|          |               |          |         |        |       |         |                 |          |        |           |         | 
|          |               |          |         |        |       |         |                 |          |        |           |         | 
| Financial assets carried at         | 131,204 | 29,093 | 7,980 | 158,024 |               - |        - | 36,362 |         - | 362,663 | 
| amortised cost (after               |         |        |       |         |                 |          |        |           |         | 
| re-securitisation)                  |         |        |       |         |                 |          |        |           |         | 
|                          |          |         |        |       |         |                 |          |        |           |         | 
| Financial assets carried at         |  69,350 | 26,352 | 1,385 | 265,576 |               - |        - |      - |        -  | 362,663 | 
| amortised cost (before              |         |        |       |         |                 |          |        |           |         | 
| re-securitisation)                  |         |        |       |         |                 |          |        |           |         | 
|                                     |         |        |       |         |                 |          |        |           |         | 
Analysis by credit rating of assets that were neither past due nor impaired at 
the balance sheet date: 
| As at 31 December 2009                                        |                                      |        |           |           | 
|          |                 |   |      AAA |   AA/Aa |       A | BBB/Baa | Collater-alised | Equities |    Not |       Non |     Total | 
|          |                 |   |     /Aaa |         |         |     and |                 |          |  rated | financial |           | 
|          |                 |   |          |         |         |   below |                 |          |        |     asset |           | 
|          |                 |   |    $'000 |   $'000 |   $'000 |   $'000 |           $'000 |    $'000 |  $'000 |     $'000 |     $'000 | 
|          |                 |   |          |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
|          |                 |   |          |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
| Property, plant and equipment  |       -  |       - |       - |       - |               - |        - |      - |     2,076 |     2,076 | 
| Intangible assets          |   |        - |       - |       - |       - |               - |        - |      - |    8,479  |     8,479 | 
| Deferred acquisition costs |   |        - |       - |       - |       - |               - |        - |      - |     1,053 |     1,053 | 
| Financial assets - available   |  296,153 |  20,693 |   6,860 |       - |               - |       77 |      - |         - |   323,783 | 
| for sale securities            |          |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
| Loans and receivables          | 130,873  |  32,859 |  95,898 | 144,414 |           3,075 |        - | 52,275 |        12 |   459,406 | 
| including insurance            |          |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
| receivables                    |          |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
| Derivative financial           |        - |       - |      39 |       - |               - |        - |      - |         - |        39 | 
| instruments                    |          |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
| Reinsurance contracts      |   |    4,061 | 284,211 |  16,920 |     936 |          25,174 |        - |  1,365 |         - |   332,667 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents  |   |  100,657 |     689 |  64,755 |       2 |               - |        - |      - |         - |   166,103 | 
|          |                 |   |          |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
| Total assets      |        |   |  531,744 | 338,452 | 184,472 | 145,352 |          28,249 |       77 | 53,640 |    11,620 | 1,293,606 | 
|          |        |        |   |          |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
| As at 31 December 2008                                                          |                                      |        |           |           | 
|          |                  |          |           AAA /Aaa |   AA/Aa |       A | BBB/Baa | Collater-alised | Equities |    Not |       Non |     Total | 
|          |                  |          |                    |         |         |     and |                 |          |  rated | financial |           | 
|          |                  |          |                    |         |         |   below |                 |          |        |     asset |           | 
|          |                  |          |            $'000   |   $'000 |   $'000 |   $'000 |           $'000 |    $'000 |  $'000 |     $'000 |     $'000 | 
|          |                  |          |                    |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
|          |                  |          |                    |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
| Property, plant and equipment          |                  - |       - |       - |       - |               - |        - |      - |     3,535 |     3,535 | 
| Intangible assets           |          |                  - |       - |       - |       - |               - |        - |      - |     8,479 |     8,479 | 
| Deferred acquisition costs  |          |                  - |       - |       - |       - |               - |        - |      - |     1,555 |     1,555 | 
| Financial assets - available for sale securities  | 425,671 | 129,251 |  92,516 |  32,018 |               - |      111 |  2,750 |         - |   682,317 | 
| Loans and receivables including        |            341,657 |  44,876 | 113,134 |  19,249 |           4,828 |        - | 34,277 |        77 |   558,098 | 
| insurance receivables                  |                    |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
| Deferred tax assets         |          |                  - |       - |       - |       - |               - |        - |      - |       653 |       653 | 
| Reinsurance contracts       |          |             11,822 | 282,548 |  61,831 |   1,710 |          47,427 |        - | 11,858 |         - |   417,196 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents   |          |             57,575 |   1,717 |  49,432 |       1 |               - |        - |  8,935 |         - |   117,660 | 
|          |                  |          |                    |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
| Total assets      |         |          |            836,725 | 458,392 | 316,913 |  52,978 |          52,255 |      111 | 57,820 |    14,299 | 1,789,493 | 
|          |        |         |          |          |         |         |         |         |                 |          |        |           |           | 
Analysis of impaired and past due assets 
In performing its assessment of which assets should be impaired, the Group 
considers reinsurer ratings, the existence of notified disputes and historical 
collection experience. 
The following table presents financial assets that were impaired, or past due 
but not impaired at the end of the year. 
As at 31 December 2009 
|          |                 |      |    0-3 months |    4-6 |    7-9 |  10-12 |   More | Impaired |  Total |   Neither |     Total | 
|          |                 |      |      past due | months | months | months |   than |          |        |      past |    assets | 
|          |                 |      |               |   past |   past |   past |     12 |          |        |   due nor |           | 
|          |                 |      |               |    due |    due |    due | months |          |        |  impaired |           | 
|          |                 |      |               |        |        |        |   past |          |        |           |           | 
|          |                 |      |               |        |        |        |    due |          |        |           |           | 
|          |                 |      |      $'000    |  $'000 |  $'000 |  $'000 |  $'000 |    $'000 |  $'000 |     $'000 |     $'000 | 
|          |                 |      |               |        |        |        |        |          |        |           |           | 
|          |                 |      |               |        |        |        |        |          |        |           |           | 
| Property, plant and equipment     |             - |      - |      - |      - |      - |        - |      - |     2,076 |     2,076 | 
| Intangible assets          |      |             - |      - |      - |      - |      - |        - |      - |     8,479 |     8,479 | 
| Deferred acquisition costs |      |             - |      - |      - |      - |      - |        - |      - |     1,053 |     1,053 | 
| Financial assets - available for sale  |        - |      - |      - |      - |      - |        - |      - |   323,783 |   323,783 | 
| securities                             |          |        |        |        |        |          |        |           |           | 
| Loans and receivables including   |          607  |     58 |    698 |      - | 19,186 |   21,417 | 41,966 |   459,406 |   501,372 | 
| insurance receivables             |               |        |        |        |        |          |        |           |           | 
| Derivative financial instruments  |             - |      - |      - |      - |      - |        - |      - |        39 |        39 | 
| Reinsurance contracts      |      |             - |      - |      - |      - |      - |        - |      - |   332,667 |   332,667 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents  |      |             - |      - |      - |      - |      - |        - |      - |   166,103 |   166,103 | 
|          |                 |      |               |        |        |        |        |          |        |           |           | 
| Total assets      |        |      |           607 |     58 |    698 |      - | 19,186 |   21,417 | 41,966 | 1,293,606 | 1,335,572 | 
|          |        |        |      |    |          |        |        |        |        |          |        |           |           | 
As at 31 December 2008 
|          |                  |                        |    0-3 |    4-6 |    7-9 |  10-12 |   More | Impaired |  Total |   Neither |     Total | 
|          |                  |                        | months | months | months | months |   than |          |        |      past |    assets | 
|          |                  |                        |   past |   past |   past |   past |     12 |          |        |   due nor |           | 
|          |                  |                        |    due |    due |    due |    due | months |          |        |  impaired |           | 
|          |                  |                        |        |        |        |        |   past |          |        |           |           | 
|          |                  |                        |        |        |        |        |    due |          |        |           |           | 
|          |                  |                        |  $'000 |  $'000 |  $'000 |  $'000 |  $'000 |    $'000 |  $'000 |     $'000 |     $'000 | 
|          |                  |                        |        |        |        |        |        |          |        |           |           | 
|          |                  |                        |        |        |        |        |        |          |        |           |           | 
| Property, plant and equipment                        |      - |      - |      - |      - |      - |        - |      - |     3,535 |     3,535 | 
| Intangible assets           |                        |      - |      - |      - |      - |      - |        - |      - |     8,479 |     8,479 | 
| Deferred acquisition costs         |                 |      - |      - |      - |      - |      - |        - |      - |     1,555 |     1,555 | 
| Financial assets - available for sale securities          | - |      - |      - |      - |      - |        - |      - |   682,317 |   682,317 | 
| Loans and receivables including insurance            |      6 |  3,292 |     46 |     25 | 32,809 |   13,794 | 49,972 |   558,098 |   608,070 | 
| receivables                                          |        |        |        |        |        |          |        |           |           | 
| Deferred tax assets         |                        |      - |      - |      - |      - |      - |        - |      - |       653 |       653 | 
| Reinsurance contracts            |                   |      - |      - |      - |      - |      - |    6,129 |  6,129 |   417,196 |   423,325 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                 |          |      - |      - |      - |      - |      - |        - |      - |   117,660 |   117,660 | 
|          |                  |                        |        |        |        |        |        |          |        |           |           | 
| Total assets     |          |                        |      6 |  3,292 |     46 |     25 | 32,809 |   19,923 | 56,101 | 1,789,493 | 1,845,594 | 
|          |       |          |    | |      |          |    |   |        |        |        |        |          |        |           |           | 
As at 31 December 2009 $58.7 million of assets consisting of financial assets 
carried at amortised cost, reinsurance contracts, debtors arising out of 
insurance operations and debtors arising out of reinsurance operations were 
subject to a valuation allowance in respect of impairment (2008: $32.7 million). 
As at 31 December 2009, after deducting the impairment provision of $37.3 
million (2008: $12.8 million) the impaired assets had a carrying value of $21.4 
million (2008: $19.9 million). 
Collateral pledged to and by the Group 
The following table shows balance sheet carrying value of collateral pledged by 
the Group as a result of its underwriting activities: 
|                                    |          |         As at |              As at | 
|                                    |          |   31 December |        31 December | 
|                                    |          |          2009 |               2008 | 
|                                    |          |        $'000  |             $'000  | 
|                                    |          |               |                    | 
| Carrying value of financial assets |          |       628,243 |            769,634 | 
| pledged to insured parties as      |          |               |                    | 
| collateral for liabilities         |          |               |                    | 
The financial assets have been pledged as collateral under the following terms 
and conditions: 
Alea (Bermuda) Ltd maintains LOC facilities in respect of its previous 
underwriting and is obliged to collateralise any LOCs issued under these 
facilities. The total amount of collateral provided at 31 December 2009 was 
$95.4 million (2008: $109.3 million). The amount held in trust for the benefit 
of holders of North American policies is $35.0 million (2008: $47.9 million). 
Other collateral pledged totalling $90.9 million (2008: $111.7 million) is in 
respect of quota share policies written by Alea (Bermuda) Ltd for Lumbermens and 
Alea North America Specialty Insurance Company.  The collateral is pledged in 
the form of trust accounts. Additionally collateral of $157.0 million (2008: 
$108.1 million) is pledged in the form of a trust account for the benefit of 
Alea North America Insurance Company. 
Additionally, Alea Bermuda Ltd has pledged collateral in the form of a trust 
account of $2.7 million (2008: $3.5 million) in favour of its cedents. Alea 
Bermuda Ltd has SICAV investments of $63.1 million (2008: $59.9 million) pledged 
as security for reinsurance obligations. 
In connection with its re-domiciliation to Bermuda and amalgamation with Alea 
(Bermuda) Ltd, Alea Europe Ltd (now Alea (Bermuda) Ltd) placed assets into an 
escrow agreement dated 30 January 2009 with BDO Visura whereby certain 
liabilities of Alea Europe Ltd to certain cedents were collateralised by an 
account at UBS. Amounts held in this account may be withdrawn to reimburse Alea 
(Bermuda) Ltd as claims are paid or settled with these cedents based on a 
formula.  Amounts held in the escrow account as at 31 December 2009 were $26.2 
million (2008: $nil) 
Alea North America Insurance Company has pledged assets consisting of LOCs, 
trust funds and cash totaling $95.2 million (2008: $78.2 million). LOCs are 
automatically extended without amendment for a period of one year following the 
expiration date. Alea North America Insurance Company also has securities on 
deposit at various state regulators totaling $62.7 million (2008: $92.3 
As a result of the sale of its UK-based subsidiary Alea Holdings UK Limited on 
29 October 2009, the Group is no longer required to pledge collateral in respect 
of Alea London Limited as at 31 December 2009. Details of the collateral pledged 
by Alea London Limited as at 31 December 2008 are as follows. Alea London 
Limited wrote regulated US business and was required to provide a collateralised 
Trust Fund in respect of outstanding claims relating to this business. 
Collateral was provided in the form of cash and approved investments in 
accordance with the terms of the trust deed. The total amount of collateral 
provided at 31 December 2008 was $51.3 million. In addition Alea London Limited 
maintained letter of credit ("LOC") facilities in respect of its previous 
underwriting activities and was obliged to collateralise any LOCs issued under 
these facilities. The total amount of collateral provided at 31 December 2008 
under these treaties was $99.4 million. As at 31 December 2008 Alea London 
Limited had SICAV investments of $8.0 million pledged as security for 
reinsurance obligations. 
A portion of trust assets pledged by Alea (Bermuda) Ltd and by Alea North 
America Insurance Company consist of non-agency US mortgage-backed securities 
($297.7 million in amortised cost at year-end 2009, $324.0 million in amortised 
cost at year-end 2008). These trust mechanisms typically require minimum ratings 
of the underlying securities and that the valuation of the securities at least 
equal the reserves established by the counter-party. Ratings and valuations of 
the Group's portfolio of non-agency US mortgage-backed securities have been 
volatile. Further deterioration in ratings or valuations could require that a 
significant amount of the assets currently pledged as collateral be replaced or 
supplemented with other qualifying assets. 
On 22 May, 2009, $264.9 million of certificate principal balance of new 
non-agency US mortgage-backed securities were issued in connection with a 
re-securitisation transaction of existing non-agency US mortgage-backed 
securities of an equivalent amount. As a result of this transaction, $81.7 
million (market value) of below investment grade non-agency US mortgage-backed 
securities were re-securitised to generate $62.5 million (market value) of new 
non-agency US mortgage-backed securities rated A or higher by either Standard & 
Poor's or Fitch.  These new investment grade non-agency US mortgage-backed 
securities are available to be used as collateral for the pledge arrangements 
used by the Group. 
The fair value of collateral pledged to the Group as a result of its 
underwriting activities: 
|                                     |          |                As at |                As at | 
|                                     |          |          31 December |          31 December | 
|                                     |          |                 2009 |                 2008 | 
|                                     |          |               $'000  |               $'000  | 
|                                     |          |                      |                      | 
| Fair value of collateral held by    |          |              70,804  |              100,527 | 
| the Group that can be sold or       |          |                      |                      | 
| re-pledged regardless of whether    |          |                      |                      | 
| the owner of the collateral         |          |                      |                      | 
| defaults                            |          |                      |                      | 
|                                     |          |                      |                      | 
|                                     |          |                      |                      | 
Alea North America Insurance Company holds collateral as security for claims due 
from third-parties of $46.5 million (2008: $66.3 million) which consists of 
funds held in trust and LOCs. 
Alea (Bermuda) Ltd, holds collateral in respect of certain reinsurance 
recoverables in the form of $5.8 million of LOCs (2008: $10.6  million), $1.0 
million of cash collateral (2008: $1.0 million) and $17.5 million of funds 
withheld (2008: $22.6 million), and generally the right to hold this collateral 
remains until commutation or a mutual agreement to decrease the collateral. 
Impairment provision analysis 
The following impairment provisions have been made against financial assets 
carried at amortised cost with the credit ratings indicated: 
|                  |        |           |       As at |                        As at | 
|                  |        |           | 31 December |                  31 December | 
|                  |        |           |        2009 |                         2008 | 
|                  |        |           |      $'000  |                       $'000  | 
|                  |        |           |             |                              | 
| AAA or Aaa       |        |           |     (2,679) |                      (2,563) | 
| AA or Aa         |        |           |     (1,670) |                            - | 
| A                |        |           |     (2,094) |                            - | 
| BBB or Baa and   |        |           |    (25,217) |                            - | 
| below            |        |           |             |                              | 
| Not rated        |        |           |     (1,396) |                            - | 
|                  |        |           |    (33,056) |                      (2,563) | 
The following impairment provisions have been made against reinsurance contracts 
with the credit ratings indicated: 
|                  |        |           |       As at |                      As at | 
|                  |        |           | 31 December |                31 December | 
|                  |        |           |        2009 |                       2008 | 
|                  |        |           |      $'000  |                     $'000  | 
|                  |        |           |             |                            | 
| AAA or Aaa       |        |           |           - |                          - | 
| AA or Aa         |        |           |           - |                          - | 
| A                |        |           |           - |                          - | 
| BBB or Baa and   |        |           |           - |                          - | 
| below            |        |           |             |                            | 
| Not rated        |        |           |       (548) |                      (550) | 
|                  |        |           |       (548) |                      (550) | 
The following impairment provisions have been made against debtors arising out 
of insurance operations with the credit ratings indicated: 
|                  |        |           |       As at |       As at | 
|                  |        |           | 31 December | 31 December | 
|                  |        |           |        2009 |        2008 | 
|                  |        |           |      $'000  |      $'000  | 
|                  |        |           |             |             | 
| AAA or Aaa       |        |           |           - |           - | 
| AA or Aa         |        |           |           - |           - | 
| A                |        |           |           - |           - | 
| BBB or Baa and   |        |           |           - |           - | 
| below            |        |           |             |             | 
| Not rated        |        |           |       (309) |           - | 
|                  |        |           |       (309) |             | 
|                  |        |           |             |           - | 
The following impairment provisions have been made against debtors arising out 
of reinsurance operations with the credit ratings indicated: 
|                  |        |           |       As at |             As at | 
|                  |        |           | 31 December |       31 December | 
|                  |        |           |        2009 |              2008 | 
|                  |        |           |      $'000  |            $'000  | 
|                  |        |           |             |                   | 
| AAA or Aaa       |        |           |           - |               (3) | 
| AA or Aa         |        |           |           - |                23 | 
| A                |        |           |           - |               114 | 
| BBB or Baa and   |        |           |           - |              (36) | 
| below            |        |           |             |                   | 
| Not rated        |        |           |     (3,393) |           (9,753) | 
|                  |        |           |     (3,393) |           (9,655) | 
The following table analyses the movements in the impairment provisions: 
|          |           |                            |                   |   Impairment | 
|          |           |                            |                   |   Provisions | 
|          |           |                            |                   |       $'000  | 
|          |           |                            |                   |              | 
| At 1 January  |      |                            |                   |     (15,560) | 
| 2008          |      |                            |                   |              | 
|          |           |                            |                   |              | 
| Amounts written off  |                            |                   |      (2,563) | 
| Recoveries on assets previously |          |      |                   |        5,624 | 
| written off                     |          |      |                   |              | 
|          |           |                            |                   |              | 
| Net exchange         |                            |                   |        (269) | 
| differences          |                            |                   |              | 
|          |           |                            |                   |              | 
| At 31 December 2008  |                            |                   |     (12,768) | 
|          |           |                            |                   |              | 
| Additional impairment provision established                           |     (30,800) | 
| Recoveries on assets previously impaired          |                   |          969 | 
| Eliminated on disposal of Alea Holdings UK        |                   |        5,291 | 
| Limited                                           |                   |              | 
| Net exchange         |                            |                   |            2 | 
| differences          |                            |                   |              | 
|          |           |                            |                   |              | 
| At 31 December 2009  |                            |                   |     (37,306) | 
|          |    |      |          |          |      |                   |              | 
Fair value of financial instruments 
Fair value to carrying value comparison 
Other than for the financial instruments shown in the following table, the 
carrying amount shown in the balance sheet is a reasonable approximation of fair 
value for each class of financial asset and financial liability. 
| As at 31 December 2009              |          |     Carrying | Fair value | 
|                                     |          |        value |            | 
|                         |           |          |       $'000  |     $'000  | 
|                         |           |          |              |            | 
|                         |           |          |              |            | 
| Financial assets carried at         |          |      362,663 |    205,467 | 
| amortised cost                      |          |              |            | 
|                         |           |          |              |            | 
| As at 31 December 2008              |          |             Carrying | Fair value | 
|                                     |          |                value |            | 
|                         |           |          |               $'000  |     $'000  | 
|                         |           |          |                      |            | 
|                         |           |          |                      |            | 
| Financial assets carried at         |          |              400,232 |  253,707   | 
| amortised cost                      |          |                      |            | 
|                         |           |          |                      |            | 
Fair value represents quotes received from Interactive Data Corporation ('IDC'). 
IDC offers daily evaluations for structured product securities.  Evaluations are 
based on the interpretation of accepted Wall Street modelling and pricing 
conventions.  IDC obtains and applies dealer quotes, available trade 
information, street consensus prepayment speeds, US Treasury curve, swap curve 
and cash settlements.  Depending on the characteristics of the tranche, a single 
cash flow stream model is generally used for evaluation.  As input into the 
model, IDC use buy and sell side sources, including primary, and secondary 
dealers, portfolio managers, and research analysts.  Evaluation is determined by 
the ability to generate predicted cash flows, a benchmark yield, collateral 
performance and tranche level attributes. 
Prices can also be established from active broker quotes if sufficient 
information, such as cash flows, or other market information is not available to 
produce an evaluation.  These quotes are active updated quotes from market 
makers, or broker-dealers widely recognised as market participants. 
Performance of investment portfolio including fair value changes derived from 
new quotes are monitored weekly. Any unusual changes are further analysed and 
investigated and where required are adjusted by the quote providers in their 
weekly reports. 
The Group enters into derivative financial instrument contacts. Derivatives 
valued using a valuation technique with market observable inputs are foreign 
exchange forward contracts. The most frequently applied valuation techniques 
include forward pricing models, using present value calculations. The models 
incorporate various inputs including foreign exchange spot and forward rates. 
Financial instruments measured at fair value 
|                                      |      |                              |          |          |                   | 
| As at 31 December 2009                      |                    Level 11  | Level 22 | Level 33 |             Total | 
|                                      |      |                       $'000  |   $'000  |   $'000  |             $'000 | 
|                                      |      |                              |          |          |                   | 
|                                      |      |                              |          |          |                   | 
| Assets measured at fair value               |                              |          |          |                   | 
|                                             |                              |          |          |                   | 
| Equity securities - available for sale      |                           77 |        - |        - |                77 | 
|                                             |                              |          |          |                   | 
| Debt securities - available for sale:       |                              |          |          |                   | 
|          |                                  |                              |          |          |                   | 
|          | US government                    |                            - |   45,532 |        - |            45,532 | 
|          | US mortgage debt securities      |                            - |    9,088 |      111 |             9,199 | 
|          | EU and Switzerland government and     |                       - |  144,507 |        - |           144,507 | 
|          | corporate                             |                         |          |          |                   | 
|          | US corporate                     |                            - |    2,676 |        - |             2,676 | 
|          | Asset backed securities          |                            - |      829 |        - |               829 | 
|          | Canadian government and          |                            - |    4,051 |        - |             4,051 | 
|          | provinces                        |                              |          |          |                   | 
|          | Cash, cash equivalents and short term investments    |    -     |  116,912 |        - |           116,912 | 
|          |                                                      |          |          |          |                   | 
| Total debt securities - available for sale  |                            - |  323,595 |      111 |           323,706 | 
|                                                      |                     |          |          |                   | 
| Foreign exchange forward contracts - non-hedged      |                   - |       39 |        - |                39 | 
|                                             |                              |          |          |                   | 
| Liabilities measured at fair value          |                              |          |          |                   | 
|                                               |                            |          |          |                   | 
| Foreign exchange forward contracts - hedged   |                          - |      100 |        - |            100    | 
|                                      |      |                              |          |          |                   | 
|          |                           |      | |  |   |          |          |          |          |                   | 
1 Quoted (unadjusted) prices in active markets for identical assets or 
2 Valuation techniques for which all inputs which have a significant effect on 
the recorded fair value are observable, either directly or indirectly 
3 Valuation techniques which use inputs which have a significant effect on the 
recorded fair value that are not based on observable market data 
Fair value of financial instruments 
Financial instruments measured at fair value based on valuation techniques for 
which any significant input is not based on observable market data (Level 3) 
| |                                                         |         Available | 
| |                                                         |          for sale | 
| |                                                         |         financial | 
| |                                                         |            assets | 
| |                                                         |             $'000 | 
| |                                                         |                   | 
| |                                                         |                   | 
| At 1 January 2009                                         |                   | 
|                                                           |                 - | 
| Transfers into level 3 1                                  |              166  | 
| Settlements                                               |              (55) | 
| |                                                         |                   | 
| At 31 December 2009                                       |              111  | 
1 These financial instruments were transferred from level 2 into level 3 in the 
year ended 31 December 2009 as IDC ceased providing pricing information for 
these instruments and consequently fair value is based upon alternative 
valuation techniques using inputs that are not based on observable market data. 
Financial risk 
The Group is subject to several types of financial risk. The most significant of 
these is the risk that at any given date, the proceeds from realising the 
financial assets of the Group may be insufficient to meet the financial 
obligations arising from its insurance contracts. The Group is also exposed to 
risk as a result of changes in foreign currency and interest rates. Another 
significant risk relates to the liquidity of the Group. 
Asset and liability mismatch risk 
In order to ensure that adequate liquid resources are available to fund 
insurance liability cash outflows when they fall due, the Group's practice is to 
invest in assets matching the currency and duration of the expected related 
Interest rate risk 
The Group's invested assets are subject to interest rate risk. The Group's 
interest rate risk is concentrated in the US and Europe and is sensitive to many 
factors, including governmental monetary policies and domestic and international 
economic and political conditions. Based on invested assets of $852.6 million as 
at 31 December 2009, a 100 basis point increase/decrease in interest rates 
across the yield curve would result in an approximate $8.4 million unrealised 
loss/profit respectively (2008: on invested assets of $1,200.2 million a 100 
basis point increase/decrease in interest rates across the yield curve would 
result in an approximate $12.5 million unrealised loss/profit respectively). The 
entire impact of $8.4 million would be reflected in equity since all investments 
are available for sale. 
Currency risk 
The Group reports its results in US Dollars and accordingly, to the extent that 
shareholders' funds are invested in assets denominated in currencies other than 
US Dollars, exchange gains or losses may arise on translation. 
The Group controls its currency risk by investing in assets that match the 
currency in which it expects related liabilities to be paid and by investing the 
majority of assets backing shareholder funds in US Dollars. Where there is a 
mismatch the Group enters into currency forward contracts to minimise currency 
fluctuation exposures.  The Directors consider the revaluation gains and losses 
arising from the revaluation of non-functional currencies that impact the income 
statement and equity to be insignificant. 
Following the sale of Alea Holdings UK Limited and the merger of Alea Europe Ltd 
into Alea (Bermuda) Ltd, the Group redefined its functional currencies to be US 
dollar, Euro, Canadian dollar and Swiss franc. These are the remaining 
operational currencies in the geographical locations where the group still has 
significant assets and liabilities. 
The Group estimates that its net exposure to currencies is as follows: 
As at 31 December 2009 
| Functional Currencies in $ '000     |        |        |       |          |         |        | 
| USD     | Euro   | CAD    | CHF     |        |        |       | Subtotal |         |        | 
| 320,071 | 13,491 | 1,799  | 3,830   |        |        |       |  339,191 |         |        | 
| Non-Functional Currencies    |         |        |        |        |          |              | 
| in $'000                     |         |        |        |        |          |              | 
| CHF     | GBP    | SEK    | DKK     | Other  |        |       | Subtotal |   Total |        | 
| (3,098) | 609    | 34     | 314     | (379)  |        |       |  (2,520) | 336,671 |        | 
|                           |         |        |        |       |          |         |        | 
| Functional Currencies in  |         |        |        |       |          |         |        | 
| %                         |         |        |        |       |          |         |        | 
| USD     | Euro   | CAD    | CHF     |        |        |       | Subtotal |         |        | 
| 95.1    | 4.0    | 0.5    | 1.1     |        |        |       |    100.7 |         |        | 
| Non-Functional Currencies in %      |        |        |       |          |         |        | 
| CHF     | GBP    | SEK    | DKK     | Other  |        |       | Subtotal |   Total |        | 
| (0.9)   | 0.2    | 0.0    | 0.1     | (0.1)  |        |       |    (0.7) |   100.0 |        | 
|         |        |        |  |      |  |     |  |     |  |    |   |      |   |     |        | 
As at 31 December 2008 
| Functional Currencies in $ '000         |        |        |          |          |         |        | 
| USD     | AUD     | GBP      | CHF      | Euro   |        |          | Subtotal |         |        | 
| 344,962 | (1,261) | 1,221    | (18,791) | 43,153 |        |          |  369,284 |         |        | 
| Non-Functional Currencies        |         |        |          |         |          |              | 
| in $'000                         |         |        |          |         |          |              | 
| GBP     | Euro    | SEK      | DKK      | JPY    | CAD    | Other    | Subtotal |   Total |        | 
| 29,923  | 11,085  | (11,047) | 232      | -      | 17,419 | (10,804) |   36,808 | 406,092 |        | 
|                              |          |        |        |          |          |         |        | 
| Functional Currencies in     |          |        |        |          |          |         |        | 
| %                            |          |        |        |          |          |         |        | 
| USD     | AUD     | GBP      | CHF      | Euro   |        |          | Subtotal |         |        | 
| 84.9    | (0.3)   | 0.3      | (4.6)    | 10.6   |        |          |     90.9 |         |        | 
| Non-Functional Currencies in %          |        |        |          |          |         |        | 
| GBP     | Euro    | SEK      | DKK      | JPY    | CAD    | Other    | Subtotal |   Total |        | 
| 7.4     | 2.7     | (2.7)    | 0.1      | -      | 4.3    | (2.7)    |      9.1 |   100.0 |        | 
|         |         |          |   |      |  |     |  |     |    |     |   |      |   |     |        | 
A positive percentage arises when assets exceed liabilities denominated in that 
currency while a negative percentage arises when liabilities exceed assets. 
The translation gains and losses of functional currencies are recognised as a 
separate component of equity where as the gains and losses arising from the 
translation of monetary assets denominated in non-functional currencies are 
recorded in the income statement. 
Liquidity Risk 
Liquidity risk is the potential that obligations cannot be met as they become 
due as a consequence of not being able to readily realise assets to meet these 
In December 2004 and January 2005, the Group issued a total of $120.0 million of 
hybrid trust preferred securities. These securities were issued through trusts 
established by Alea Holdings US Company a subsidiary of the Group holding 
company. The margin on these securities was unaffected by the credit rating 
downgrades and remains at LIBOR plus 285 basis points. The securities have a 
fixed maturity of 30 years, are callable after five years, and allow for a 
deferral of quarterly coupons for up to five years. 
The following table analyses the contractual maturity dates of the undiscounted 
liabilities carried on the Group's balance sheet. The maturity analysis in 
respect of insurance contracts represents an estimate of the maturity dates for 
these liabilities due to the fact the insurance contract liabilities are payable 
on demand. 
| As at 31 December 2009 |                                                                                 Undiscounted | 
|          |             | On      |     One |   Three |    Over |        Total |  Discount | Capitalised |       Total | 
|          |             | demand  |      to |      to |    five | undiscounted |           |        debt |  discounted | 
|          |             | and     |   three |    five |   years |  liabilities |           |     raising | liabilities | 
|          |             | within  |   years |   years |         |              |           |    expenses |             | 
|          |             | one     |         |         |         |              |           |             |             | 
|          |             | year    |         |         |         |              |           |             |             | 
|          |             | $'000   |   $'000 |   $'000 |   $'000 |        $'000 |     $'000 |       $'000 |       $'000 | 
|          |             |         |         |         |         |              |           |             |             | 
| LIABILITIES            |         |         |         |         |              |           |             |             | 
| Insurance contracts    | 175,723 | 132,598 |  75,666 | 440,804 |      824,791 |  (36,515) |           - |     788,276 | 
| Borrowings             | -       |       - |  23,856 | 212,224 |      236,080 | (112,587) |     (2,052) |     121,441 | 
| Derivative financial   | 100     |       - |       - |       - |          100 |         - |           - |         100 | 
| instruments            |         |         |         |         |              |           |             |             | 
| Provisions             | 1,692   |     362 |       - |       - |        2,054 |         - |           - |       2,054 | 
| Other liabilities and  | 17,761  |       - |       - |       - |       17,761 |         - |           - |      17,761 | 
| charges                |         |         |         |         |              |           |             |             | 
| Trade and other        | 19,363  |  19,615 |  10,501 |  19,783 |       69,262 |         - |           - |      69,262 | 
| payables               |         |         |         |         |              |           |             |             | 
| Current income tax     | 4       |       3 |       - |       - |            7 |         - |           - |           7 | 
| liabilities            |         |         |         |         |              |           |             |             | 
|          |             |         |         |         |         |              |           |             |             | 
| Total liabilities      | 197,134 | 170,087 | 110,023 | 672,811 |    1,150,055 | (149,102) |     (2,052) |     998,901 | 
| As at 31 December 2008 |                                                                                 Undiscounted | 
|          |             |      On |     One |   Three |    Over |        Total |  Discount | Capitalised |       Total | 
|          |             |  demand |      to |      to |    five | undiscounted |           |        debt |  discounted | 
|          |             |     and |   three |    five |   years |  liabilities |           |     raising | liabilities | 
|          |             |  within |   years |   years |         |              |           |    expenses |             | 
|          |             |     one |         |         |         |              |           |             |             | 
|          |             |    year |         |         |         |              |           |             |             | 
|          |             |   $'000 |   $'000 |   $'000 |   $'000 |        $'000 |     $'000 |       $'000 |       $'000 | 
|          |             |         |         |         |         |              |           |             |             | 
| LIABILITIES            |         |         |         |         |              |           |             |             | 
| Insurance contracts    | 236,020 | 296,072 | 174,352 | 543,467 |    1,249,911 |  (48,725) |           - |   1,201,186 | 
| Borrowings             |   6,768 |  13,536 |  13,536 | 270,608 |      304,448 | (184,448) |     (2,133) |     117,867 | 
| Provisions             |   2,197 |     611 |       - |       - |        2,808 |         - |           - |       2,808 | 
| Other liabilities and  |  15,350 |   6,458 |       - |       - |       21,808 |         - |           - |      21,808 | 
| charges                |         |         |         |         |              |           |             |             | 
| Trade and other        |  25,830 |  29,321 |  15,819 |  24,255 |       95,225 |         - |           - |      95,225 | 
| payables               |         |         |         |         |              |           |             |             | 
| Current income tax     |     608 |       - |       - |       - |          608 |         - |           - |         608 | 
| liabilities            |         |         |         |         |              |           |             |             | 
|          |             |         |         |         |         |              |           |             |             | 
| Total liabilities      | 286,773 | 345,998 | 203,707 | 838,330 | 1,674,808    | (233,173) | (2,133)     | 1,439,502   | 
Capital risk management 
The total amount of capital managed by the Group is $449.6 million (2008: $515.5 
million). The Group considers its managed capital to consist of net tangible 
assets of $328.2 million (2008: $397.6 million) and the trust preferred 
securities of $121.4 million (2008: $117.9 million). 
The Board of Directors is responsible for assessing the Group's capital 
structure on a regular basis with the aim of selecting a debt-to-equity ratio 
that maximises return to shareholders. The Group calculates the debt-to-equity 
ratio as long term debt in the form of the trust preferred securities divided by 
total equity. As at 31 December 2009 the debt-to-equity ratio was 36% (2008: 
The main aim of the Group's capital management strategy is to free-up excess 
capital which can be reinvested in the business or returned to shareholders 
consistent with holding sufficient capital in each insurance operating entity to 
meet regulatory requirements.  The Group has been in run-off since the fourth 
quarter 2005 and has conducted its operations in accordance with this strategy. 
There have been no changes in the Group's capital management policies since the 
previous period. 
The Group is subject to externally imposed capital requirements in respect of 
all entities that previously wrote insurance and reinsurance business. These 
requirements, which have been complied with during the year, are enforced within 
the individual locations and are detailed below. 
Alea North America Insurance Company is regulated by the New York Insurance 
Department ("NYID").  It is required by the NYID to submit an annual risk based 
capital statement and to hold total adjusted capital in excess of the Company 
Action Level which is 200% of its Authorised Control Level Risk-Based Capital. 
Alea (Bermuda) Limited is regulated by the Bermuda Monetary Authority ("BMA"). 
It is required by the BMA to submit an annual statutory financial return and to 
hold statutory capital and surplus in excess of its minimum solvency margin. 
The Group has embedded its capital management processes into its normal 
planning, reporting and decision making activities. 
5  Restructuring costs 
In 2005, the Group announced its intention to run-off all remaining property and 
casualty business. Those fixed assets not subject to renewal rights agreements 
and not required for the run-off operations were written down to their residual 
value. A restructuring provision was established to cover estimated expenses for 
future redundancy payments for employees who cannot be redeployed in the new 
structure. The provision also contained estimated expenses with regards to 
onerous contracts. Onerous contracts are operating leases in respect of any 
premises that are expected to be vacated as part of the restructuring. The 
provision was established based on a run-off plan approved by the Board of 
Directors. Other costs are included in the claims handling provisions. 
Year ended 31 December 2009 
|                                  | Discontinued |          Continuing |       | 
|                                  |   operations |          operations |       | 
|                                        |   Alea |     Alea |     Alea | Total | 
|                                        | London |    North |   Europe |       | 
|                                        |        |  America |          |       | 
|                                        |  $'000 |    $'000 |    $'000 | $'000 | 
|                                        |        |          |          |       | 
| Redundancy costs incurred in excess    |    111 |      192 |        - |   303 | 
| of the provision established based on  |        |          |          |       | 
| run-off plan                           |        |          |          |       | 
|                                        |        |          |          |       | 
| Total restructuring costs              |    111 |      192 |        - |   303 | 
|                                  |     |        |          |          |       | 
Year ended  31 December 2008 
|                                  | Discontinued |          Continuing |       | 
|                                  |   operations |          operations |       | 
|                                        |   Alea |     Alea |     Alea | Total | 
|                                        | London |    North |   Europe |       | 
|                                        |        |  America |          |       | 
|                                        |  $'000 |    $'000 |    $'000 | $'000 | 
|                                        |        |          |          |       | 
| Redundancy costs incurred in excess    |    313 |      283 |        - |   596 | 
| of the provision established based on  |        |          |          |       | 
| run-off plan                           |        |          |          |       | 
| Additional restructuring provision     |    337 |        - |      783 | 1,120 | 
| established 1                          |        |          |          |       | 
|                                        |        |          |          |       | 
| Total restructuring costs              |    650 |      283 |      783 | 1,716 | 
|                                  |     |        |          |          |       | 
1 As a result of the outsourcing arrangement entered into in the year ended 31 
December 2008, an additional provision was established to reflect contractual 
obligations made in respect of staff retention bonuses and severance payments. 
6 Segmental information 
Operating results by reportable segment 
The Group classifies all of its operations under the 'Run-off business' segment. 
This reflects the basis on which the Group's operations are managed by the chief 
operating decision maker. Insurance liabilities are determined using a 
consistent reserving methodology across the Group and are monitored and reported 
on a Group-wide basis, investments and cash treasury are managed by a 
centralised function and senior staff resource is deployed on a Group-wide 
basis. This structure reflects the relative maturity of the run-off book of 
Geographical distribution of non-current assets 
The Group holds non-current assets in the following countries: 
| Year ended  31      |                  Property, |          Intangible |                 Non-current |            Total | 
| December 2009       |                  plant and |              assets |                    deferred |                  | 
|                     |                  equipment |                     |                 acquisition |                  | 
|                     |                            |                     |                       costs |                  | 
|                     |                      $'000 |               $'000 |                       $'000 |            $'000 | 
|                     |                            |                     |                             |                  | 
| Bermuda             |                         9  |                     |                           - |               9  | 
|                     |                            |                   - |                             |                  | 
| United States       |                     2,025  |              8,479  |                           - |          10,504  | 
| Switzerland         |                        42  |                     |                        685  |             727  | 
|                     |                            |                   - |                             |                  | 
|  Total              |                     2,076  |              8,479  |                        685  |          11,240  | 
| Year ended  31      |                   Property, |          Intangible |                   Non-current |             Total | 
| December 2008       |                   plant and |              assets |                      deferred |                   | 
|                     |                   equipment |                     |                   acquisition |                   | 
|                     |                             |                     |                         costs |                   | 
|                     |                       $'000 |               $'000 |                         $'000 |             $'000 | 
|                     |                             |                     |                               |                   | 
| Bermuda             |                         25  |                     |                             - |               25  | 
|                     |                             |                   - |                               |                   | 
| United States       |                      2,807  |              8,479  |                             - |           11,286  | 
| United Kingdom      |                        574  |                     |                             - |              574  | 
|                     |                             |                   - |                               |                   | 
| Switzerland         |                        129  |                     |                        1,055  |            1,184  | 
|                     |                             |                   - |                               |                   | 
|  Total              |                      3,535  |              8,479  |                        1,055  |           13,069  | 
7  Investment income 
|                               |               |      Continuing Operations | 
|                               |               |  Year ended |   Year ended | 
|                               |               | 31 December |  31 December | 
|                               |               |        2009 |         2008 | 
|                               |               |       $'000 |       $'000  | 
|                               |               |             |              | 
| Financial assets -              |             |      10,917 |       24,829 | 
| available-for-sale interest     |             |             |              | 
| income                          |             |             |              | 
|                               |               |             |              | 
| Financial assets carried at         |         |      25,839 |       36,092 | 
| amortised cost interest income      |         |             |              | 
|                               |               |             |              | 
| Cash and cash equivalents     |               |         198 |        1,819 | 
| interest income               |               |             |              | 
|                               |               |             |              | 
|                               |               |      36,954 |       62,740 | 
|                               | |   |         |             |              | 
|                               |               |    Discontinued Operations | 
|                               |               |  Year ended |   Year ended | 
|                               |               | 31 December |  31 December | 
|                               |               |        2009 |         2008 | 
|                               |               |       $'000 |       $'000  | 
|                               |               |             |              | 
| Financial assets -               |            |       4,814 |       12,027 | 
| available-for-sale interest      |            |             |              | 
| income                           |            |             |              | 
|                               |               |             |              | 
| Financial assets carried at         |         |         433 |          401 | 
| amortised cost interest income      |         |             |              | 
|                               |               |             |              | 
| Cash and cash equivalents     |               |         176 |        1,716 | 
| interest income               |               |             |              | 
|                               |               |             |              | 
|                               |               |       5,423 |       14,144 | 
|                               |  |  |         |             |              | 
8 Net realised gains / (losses) on financial assets 
|                               |                |      Continuing Operations | 
|                               |                |  Year ended |   Year ended | 
|                               |                | 31 December |  31 December | 
|                               |                |        2009 |         2008 | 
|                               |                |       $'000 |       $'000  | 
|                               |                |             |              | 
| Realised gains on financial      |             |       6,041 |        2,752 | 
| assets - available-for-sale      |             |             |              | 
| Realised losses on financial assets |          |       (857) |      (3,749) | 
| - available-for-sale                |          |             |              | 
|                               |                |             |              | 
|                               |                |       5,184 |        (997) | 
|                               |  |  |          |             |              | 
|                               |                |    Discontinued Operations | 
|                               |                |  Year ended |   Year ended | 
|                               |                | 31 December |  31 December | 
|                               |                |        2009 |         2008 | 
|                               |                |       $'000 |       $'000  | 
|                               |                |             |              | 
| Realised gains on financial      |             |         274 |            6 | 
| assets - available-for-sale      |             |             |              | 
| Realised losses on financial assets |          |         (2) |        (385) | 
| - available-for-sale                |          |             |              | 
|                               |                |             |              | 
|                               |                |         272 |        (379) | 
|                               |  |  |          |             |              | 
9 Impairment of invested assets 
The Group recognised an impairment to the amortised cost of non-agency US 
mortgage-backed securities of $30.5 million in the year ended 31 December 2009 
(year ended 31 December 2008: $2.6 million). 
At each balance sheet date the Group performs an impairment test with regards to 
its non-agency US mortgage-backed securities. An impairment is recognised 
wherever the amortised values of the assets are greater than their estimated 
recoverable amounts. Recoverable amounts are determined by projecting estimated 
future cash flows associated with holding the assets. Estimating future cash 
flows requires explicit assumptions about the future behaviour of the loans 
collateralising the securitisation to be made.  The key variables in describing 
the behaviour of these assets include; the rate of voluntary prepayments, the 
rate of defaults and the loss severity on defaulted loans. The data used for the 
testing is based on an aggregate of the three month historical performance of 
the actual bond. 
10 Net realised losses on sale of renewal rights 
|                               |            |            |           | 
|                               |            | Year ended |      Year | 
|                               |            |            |     ended | 
|                               |            |         31 |        31 | 
|                               |            |   December |  December | 
|                               |            |       2009 |      2008 | 
|                               |            |     $'000  |    $'000  | 
|                               |            |            |           | 
| Net realised losses on sale   |            |     15,000 |         - | 
| of renewal rights             |            |            |           | 
|                               |            |            |           | 
All net realised losses on sale of renewal rights relate to continuing 
The Group completed three renewal rights transactions in the fourth quarter of 
2005. These were accounted for as net realised gains on sale of renewal rights 
which were recognised in the year ended 31 December 2005, and represented the 
Directors' valuation at fair value of the business sold. In determining the fair 
market value of renewal rights sales, the Board considered the prior production 
and growth of the businesses sold, external projections and a recent assessment 
of the businesses sold. The fair market value of the renewal rights is regularly 
evaluated by the Board based on available data. 
Where necessary, amounts are charged or credited to the income statement to 
reflect any changes in the fair value which is based on the latest financial 
data available. These amounts reflect the discounted estimated future cash flows 
arising from specified percentages of applicable commissionable premiums written 
over the applicable period in accordance with sale contracts. 
Of the three transactions discussed above only one of these is still producing 
commissionable premium. This contract is with AM Trust Financial Services Inc. 
('AM Trust'). The next paragraphs provide analysis of the cash receipts and the 
outstanding receivables in respect of this contract. 
Following the reassessments performed at each balance sheet date subsequent to 
31 December 2005, the gain has been calculated as the fair value of 
consideration receivable $25.0 million (31 December 2008: $40.0 million). In the 
year ended 31 December 2009, the Group recognised a loss of $15.0 million on the 
sale of the renewal rights as a result of this reassessment (2008: $nil). The 
Group has received payments to 31 December 2009 of $15.4 million (31 December 
2008: $11.9 million). The remaining balance of $9.6 million (31 December 2008: 
$28.1 million) is included within loans and receivables including insurance 
receivables, see note 23. 
This amount represents the Directors' best estimate of the risk adjusted future 
receipts discounted at 4.0%. The Directors' best estimate is based on premium 
reported by AM Trust as commissionable, premium reported by AM Trust as 
non-commissionable and the consideration of prior production, experienced growth 
and published data of the businesses sold. 
Whether premium is commissionable is subject to contract interpretation and the 
Directors believe that AM Trust has substantially under-reported commissionable 
premium in past periods and is currently disputing this practice with AM Trust. 
The receipt of the accrued income is dependent upon the future levels of 
business generated on renewal in relation to the rights sold over a five year 
time period as specified in the sale contract. A 10% deviation of the projected 
renewals would result in a change in receivable of $2.5 million. 
The directors consider that the receivable is collectable based upon an 
assessment of the credit ratings of AM Trust. 
11 Movement in prior year provision for insurance claims, net of reinsurance 
All amounts included in net insurance claims arise from the movement in the 
prior year provision for claims outstanding net of reinsurance and discount 
except for net insurance claims of $17.4 million (2008: $14.1 million) relating 
to the Group's life business. 
12 Results of operating activities 
Result from operations has been arrived after charging: 
|                               |            |            |           | 
|                               |            |            |           | 
|                               |            | Year ended |      Year | 
|                               |            |            |     ended | 
|                               |            |         31 |        31 | 
|                               |            |   December |  December | 
|                               |            |       2009 |      2008 | 
|                               |            |     $'000  |    $'000  | 
|                               |            |            |           | 
| Depreciation of property,     |            |      1,605 |     1,774 | 
| plant and equipment           |            |            |           | 
|                               |            |            |           | 
| Staff costs (see note 13)     |            |     12,966 |    18,211 | 
|                               |            |            |           | 
| Auditors' remuneration (see   |            |      1,929 |     2,306 | 
| below)                        |            |            |           | 
|                               |            |            |           | 
A more detailed analysis of auditors' remuneration on a worldwide basis is 
provided below: 
|                               |            |            |           | 
|                               |            |            |           | 
|                               |            | Year ended |      Year | 
|                               |            |            |     ended | 
|                               |            |         31 |        31 | 
|                               |            |   December |  December | 
|                               |            |       2009 |      2008 | 
|                               |            |     $'000  |    $'000  | 
|                               |            |            |           | 
| Audit services1               |            |      1,829 |    2,196  | 
|                               |            |            |           | 
| Actuarial and other           |            |        100 |      110  | 
| consulting                    |            |            |           | 
|                               |            |            |           | 
| Total auditors' remuneration  |            |      1,929 |    2,306  | 
1  For the year ended 31 December 2008 audit services includes a charge of $0.2 
million in respect of the preparation of a special audit report required by 
Swiss legislation in connection with a reduction of capital. 
13 Staff costs 
The average monthly number of employees (including Executive Directors) was: 
|                               |            |            |           | 
|                               |            | Year ended |      Year | 
|                               |            |            |     ended | 
|                               |            |         31 |        31 | 
|                               |            |   December |  December | 
|                               |            |       2009 |      2008 | 
|                               |            |            |           | 
| Finance                       |            |         16 |        18 | 
| Information Technology        |            |          8 |         8 | 
| Claims                        |            |         22 |        44 | 
| Technical Accounts            |            |          1 |         9 | 
| Management and administration |            |         12 |        13 | 
|                               |            |            |           | 
|                               |            |         59 |        92 | 
Their aggregate remuneration comprised: 
|                                 |            |         |      Continuing | 
|                                 |            |         |      operations | 
|                                 |            |              |            | 
|                                 |            |   Year ended | Year ended | 
|                                 |            |  31 December |         31 | 
|                                 |            |         2009 |   December | 
|                                 |            |              |       2008 | 
|                                 |            |       $'000  |     $'000  | 
|                                 |            |              |            | 
| Wages and salaries 1            |            |        8,496 |     10,279 | 
| Social security costs           |            |          392 |        631 | 
| Other pension costs (see note   |            |          534 |        760 | 
| 39)                             |            |              |            | 
|                                 |            |              |            | 
|                                 |            |        9,422 |     11,670 | 
|                                 |            |         |    |            | 
|                                 |            |      |      Discontinued | 
|                                 |            |      |        operations | 
|                                 |            |             |            | 
|                                 |            |  Year ended | Year ended | 
|                                 |            | 31 December |         31 | 
|                                 |            |        2009 |   December | 
|                                 |            |             |       2008 | 
|                                 |            |      $'000  |     $'000  | 
|                                 |            |             |            | 
| Wages and salaries 1            |            |       3,004 |      5,491 | 
| Social security costs           |            |         259 |        489 | 
| Other pension costs (see note   |            |         281 |        561 | 
| 39)                             |            |             |            | 
|                                 |            |             |            | 
|                                 |            |       3,544 |      6,541 | 
|                                 |            |      |      |            | 
1  Severance payments of $0.8 million made in the year ended 31 December 2009 
(2008: $1.5 million) are excluded in the table above. Of this $ 0.8 million, $ 
0.5 million (2008: $0.9 million) was provided in the restructuring provision 
established at 31 December 2005 (see note 29). The remaining $0.3 million has 
been charged through the income statement in 2009 (see note 5). 
14 Finance costs 
|                                          |              |        |       Continuing | 
|                                          |              |        |       operations | 
|                                          |              |              |            | 
|                                          |              |   Year ended | Year ended | 
|                                          |              |  31 December |         31 | 
|                                          |              |         2009 |   December | 
|                                          |              |              |       2008 | 
|                                          |              |       $'000  |     $'000  | 
|                                          |              |              |            | 
| Interest on borrowings                   |              |        4,774 |      7,511 | 
|                                          |              |              |            | 
| Other investment expenses                |              |        3,383 |     1,591  | 
|                                          |              |              |            | 
| Exchange losses / (gains) on non-functional  |          |        1,208 |    (3,563) | 
| currencies and transactions                  |          |              |            | 
|                                              |          |              |            | 
| Unrealised gain on non-functional forward    |          |         (37) |          - | 
| exchange contracts                           |          |              |            | 
|                                          |              |              |            | 
|                                          |              |        9,328 |     5,539  | 
|                                          |   |          |        |     |            | 
|                                          |              |      |      Discontinued | 
|                                          |              |      |        operations | 
|                                          |              |             |            | 
|                                          |              |  Year ended | Year ended | 
|                                          |              | 31 December |         31 | 
|                                          |              |        2009 |   December | 
|                                          |              |             |       2008 | 
|                                          |              |      $'000  |     $'000  | 
|                                          |              |             |            | 
| Other investment expenses                |              |         647 |       896  | 
|                                          |              |             |            | 
| Exchange (gains) / losses on non-functional  |          |       (456) |      6,887 | 
| currencies and transactions                  |          |             |            | 
|                                          |              |             |            | 
|                                          |              |         191 |     7,783  | 
|                                          |   |          |      |      |            | 
15 Net gains or losses on borrowings 
|  |                                 |   | Year ended | Year ended | 
|  |                                 |   |         31 |         31 | 
|  |                                 |   |   December |   December | 
|  |                                 |   |       2009 |       2008 | 
|  |                                 |   |     $'000  |     $'000  | 
|  |                                 |   |            |            | 
| Capitalised debt raising expenses  |   |         81 |         82 | 
| charged to income statement        |   |            |            | 
|  |                                 |   |            |            | 
The net losses on borrowings relate wholly to continuing operations. 
16 Income tax (credit) / expense 
|                              |            |   Continuing Operations | 
|                              |            | Year ended | Year ended | 
|                              |            |         31 |         31 | 
|                              |            |   December |   December | 
|                              |            |       2009 |       2008 | 
|                              |            |     $'000  |     $'000  | 
|                              |            |            |            | 
| Current tax (credit) /       |            |            |            | 
| expense                      |            |            |            | 
|                              |            |            |            | 
| UK corporation tax           |            |          1 |          - | 
| Foreign tax                  |            |      (612) |         40 | 
|                              |            |            |            | 
| Total current tax            |            |      (611) |         40 | 
|                              |            |            |            | 
|                              |            |            |            | 
| Deferred tax (note 25)       |            |          - |      1,029 | 
|                              |            |            |            | 
| Total income tax             |            |      (611) |      1,069 | 
| (credit)/expense             |            |            |            | 
|                              |            | Discontinued Operations | 
|                              |            | Year ended | Year ended | 
|                              |            |         31 |         31 | 
|                              |            |   December |   December | 
|                              |            |       2009 |       2008 | 
|                              |            |     $'000  |     $'000  | 
|                              |            |            |            | 
| Current tax expense /        |            |            |            | 
| (credit)                     |            |            |            | 
|                              |            |            |            | 
| UK corporation tax           |            |         29 |        (9) | 
| Foreign tax                  |            |        132 |      1,052 | 
|                              |            |            |            | 
| Total current tax            |            |        161 |      1,043 | 
|                              |            |            |            | 
|                              |            |            |            | 
| Deferred tax (note 25)       |            |        125 |        127 | 
|                              |            |            |            | 
| Total income tax expense     |            |        286 |      1,170 | 
16 Income tax (credit) / expense 
UK corporation tax was calculated at 30% until 31 March 2008. From 1 April 2008, 
the rate was reduced to 28% of the estimated assessable UK profit for the year. 
Taxation for other jurisdictions is calculated at the rates prevailing in the 
respective jurisdictions. 
The tax expense for the periods presented varied from the stated rate of UK 
corporation tax as explained below: 
|                                           |            |                      Continuing | 
|                                           |            |                      operations | 
|                                           |                |                             | 
|                                           |     Year ended |                  Year ended | 
|                                           |    31 December |                          31 | 
|                                           |           2009 |                    December | 
|                                           |                |                        2008 | 
|                                           |         $'000  |                      $'000  | 
| (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities      |       (68,124) |                       2,088 | 
| before taxation                           |                |                             | 
|                                           |                |                             | 
| (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities      |       (19,075) |                         595 | 
| multiplied by the 1 standard rate of UK   |                |                             | 
| corporation tax at 28% (2008: 28.5%)      |                |                             | 
|                                           |                |                             | 
| Factors affecting tax (credit)/expense:   |                |                             | 
| Adjustment in respect of foreign tax      |          4,809 |                     (1,639) | 
| rates                                     |                |                             | 
| Adjustment in respect of prior periods    |              2 |                           9 | 
| Overseas and other taxes                  |           (15) |                          20 | 
| Deferred tax asset in respect of current  |         13,702 |                       5,208 | 
| year losses not recognised                |                |                             | 
| Utilisation of tax losses in respect of   |          (198) |                     (3,213) | 
| which no deferred tax assets were         |                |                             | 
| provided                                  |                |                             | 
| Other permanent differences               |            164 |                          89 | 
|                                           |                |                             | 
| Tax (credit) / expense for the year       |          (611) |                       1,069 | 
|                                           |            |   |                             | 
|                                           |          |                       Discontinued | 
|                                           |          |                         operations | 
|                                           |                 |                             | 
|                                           |      Year ended |                  Year ended | 
|                                           |     31 December |                          31 | 
|                                           |            2009 |                    December | 
|                                           |                 |                        2008 | 
|                                           |          $'000  |                      $'000  | 
| (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities      |        (10,365) |                       4,090 | 
| before taxation                           |                 |                             | 
|                                           |                 |                             | 
| (Loss)/profit/ on ordinary activities     |         (2,902) |                       1,166 | 
| multiplied by the 1standard rate of UK    |                 |                             | 
| corporation tax at 28% (2008: 28.5%)      |                 |                             | 
|                                           |                 |                             | 
| Factors affecting tax expense:            |                 |                             | 
| Adjustment in respect of foreign tax      |           3,746 |                           - | 
| rates                                     |                 |                             | 
| Adjustment in respect of prior periods    |               8 |                           6 | 
| Overseas and other taxes                  |              96 |                         760 | 
| Deferred tax asset in respect of current  |         (1,203) |                           - | 
| year losses not recognised                |                 |                             | 
| Utilisation of tax losses in respect of   |               - |                     (1,518) | 
| which no deferred tax assets were         |                 |                             | 
| provided                                  |                 |                             | 
| Other permanent differences               |             541 |                         756 | 
|                                           |                 |                             | 
| Tax expense for the year                  |             286 |                       1,170 | 
|                                           |          |      |                             | 
In addition to the amount expensed to the income statement, deferred tax of $nil 
has been credited to equity in the year (2008: expense of $1.0 million). 
1 UK corporation tax was calculated at 30% until 31 March 2008. From 1 April 
2008, the rate was reduced to 28% of the estimated assessable UK profit for the 
17 Discontinued operations 
On 29 October 2009 the Group completed the disposal of its wholly owned 
subsidiary  Alea Holdings UK Limited, which owned  Alea London Limited and Alea 
Services UK Limited. The results of these entities are considered to be 
discontinued operations. 
The results of the discontinued operations, which have been included in the 
consolidated income statement, were as follows: 
|                             |                           |                 Year ended |               Year ended | 
|                             |                           |                31 December |              31 December | 
|                             |                           |                       2009 |                     2008 | 
|                             |                           |                     $'000  |                   $'000  | 
|                             |                           |                            |                          | 
| Revenue from discontinued   |                           |                     5,999  |                  12,592  | 
| operations                  |                           |                            |                          | 
|                             |                           |                            |                          | 
| Expenses from discontinued  |                           |                     2,985  |                   8,502  | 
| operations                  |                           |                            |                          | 
| Profit before tax           |                           |                     3,014  |                   4,090  | 
|                             |                           |                            |                          | 
| Attributable tax expense    |                           |                      (286) |                  (1,170) | 
|                             |                           |                            |                          | 
| Loss on disposal of discontinued        |               |                (16,671)    |                          | 
| operations                              |               |                            |                        - | 
|                                         |               |                            |                          | 
| Realisation of revaluation and hedging and   |          |                      3,292 |                        - | 
| translation reserves                         |          |                            |                          | 
|                             |                           |                            |                          | 
| Net loss attributable to            |                   |                  (10,651)  |                   2,920  | 
| discontinued operations             |                   |                            |                          | 
|                             |       |   |    |          |                            |                          | 
During the year ended 31 December 2009 the disposed companies contributed a cash 
outflow of $46.1 million (year ended 31 December 2008: $81.9 million) to the 
Group's net cash outflow from operating activities, a cash inflow of $36.9 
million (year ended 31 December 2008: $84.8 million) in respect of investing 
activities and a cash outflow of $nil (year ended 31 December 2008: $nil) in 
respect of financing activities. 
The Alea Holdings UK Limited disposal group comprised of the following major 
classes of assets and liabilities as at the date of disposal: 
|                                                     |        As at  | 
|                                                     |    29 October | 
|                                                     |          2009 | 
|                                                     |        $'000  | 
|                                                     |               | 
| ASSETS                                              |               | 
|                                                     |               | 
| Property, plant and equipment                       |           447 | 
| Financial assets                                    |               | 
|      Debt securities                                |               | 
|      - available-for-sale                           |       254,113 | 
| Loans and receivables including insurance           |        48,287 | 
| receivables                                         |               | 
| Deferred tax assets                                 |           600 | 
| Reinsurance contracts                               |        89,182 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                           |        29,475 | 
|                                                     |               | 
| Total assets of  disposal group                     |       422,104 | 
|                                                     |               | 
|                                                     |               | 
| LIABILITIES                                         |               | 
| Insurance contracts                                 |       305,301 | 
| Other liabilities and charges                       |         1,940 | 
| Trade and other payables                            |        19,514 | 
| Current income tax liabilities                      |           127 | 
|                                                     |               | 
| Total liabilities of disposal group                 |       326,882 | 
|                                                     |               | 
| Net assets of disposal group                        |        95,222 | 
|                                                     |               | 
| Cash proceeds received from sale of disposal group  |        79,500 | 
|                                                     |               | 
| less transaction costs associated with disposal     |         (949) | 
| Cash proceeds received net of transaction costs     |        78,551 | 
|                                                     |               | 
| Net loss on sale of disposal group                  |      (16,671) | 
|                                                     |               | 
18  Earnings per share 
The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the 
following data: 
|                     |          |      |                   |          |     Continuing operations | 
| Earnings            |          |      |                   |              Year ended | Year ended | 
|  |                  |          |      |                   |        31 December 2009 |         31 | 
|  |                  |          |      |                   |                         |   December | 
|  |                  |          |      |                   |                         |       2008 | 
|  |                  |          |      |                   |                       $ |          $ | 
|                     |          |      |                   |                         |            | 
| Earnings for the purposes of basic earnings    |          |            (67,513,305) | 1,018,848  | 
| per share being net                            |          |                         |            | 
| (loss)/profit attributable to equity holders   |          |                         |            | 
| of the Company                                 |          |                         |            | 
|  |                  |          |      |                   |                         |            | 
| Effect of dilutive potential   |      |                   |                       - |          - | 
| ordinary shares:               |      |                   |                         |            | 
|  |                  |          |      |                   |                         |            | 
| Earnings for the purposes of diluted  |                   |            (67,513,305) |  1,018,848 | 
| earnings per share                    |                   |                         |            | 
|  |                  |          |      |                   |                         |            | 
|  |                  |          |      |                   |                         |            | 
|  |                  |          |      |                   |                         |            | 
|  |                  |          |      |                   |                         |            | 
|                     |          |      |                   |                  |      Discontinued | 
|                     |          |      |                   |                  |        operations | 
| Earnings            |          |      |                   |              Year ended | Year ended | 
|  |                  |          |      |                   |       31 December 2009  |         31 | 
|  |                  |          |      |                   |                         |   December | 
|  |                  |          |      |                   |                         |       2008 | 
|  |                  |          |      |                   |                       $ |          $ | 
|                     |          |      |                   |                         |            | 
| Earnings for the purposes of basic earnings    |          |            (10,650,766) | 2,919,695  | 
| per share being net                            |          |                         |            | 
| (loss)/profit attributable to equity holders   |          |                         |            | 
| of the Company                                 |          |                         |            | 
|  |                  |          |      |                   |                         |            | 
| Effect of dilutive potential   |      |                   |                       - |          - | 
| ordinary shares:               |      |                   |                         |            | 
|  |                  |          |      |                   |                         |            | 
| Earnings for the purposes of diluted  |                   |            (10,650,766) |  2,919,695 | 
| earnings per share                    |                   |                         |            | 
|  |                  |          |      |        |          |          |       |      |            | 
| Number of shares     |           |     |            |  Year ended |   Year ended | 
|  |                   |           |     |         |    31 December |           31 | 
|  |                   |           |     |         |           2009 |     December | 
|  |                   |           |     |         |                |         2008 | 
|  |                   |           |     |            |      Number |       Number | 
|  |                   |           |     |            |             |              | 
| Weighted average number of       |     |            | 173,897,021 |  173,772,944 | 
| ordinary shares for the purposes |     |            |             |              | 
| of basic earnings per share      |     |            |             |              | 
|  |                   |           |     |            |             |              | 
| Effect of dilutive potential     |     |            |             |              | 
| ordinary shares:                 |     |            |             |              | 
| -  Restricted Stock  |           |     |            |             |   225,957    | 
| Units1               |           |     |            |           - |              | 
|  |                   |           |     |            |             |              | 
| Weighted average number of       |     |            | 173,897,021 | 173,998,901  | 
| ordinary shares for the purposes |     |            |             |              | 
| of diluted earnings per share    |     |            |             |              | 
|  |                   |           |     |         |  |             |              | 
1 For the year ended 31 December 2009, 294,146 restricted stock units have been 
excluded from the calculation of the weighted average number of ordinary shares 
for the purposes of diluted earnings per share as their effects are 
19 Property, plant and equipment 
|                    |  Computer equipment | Fixtures and |    Other |                   Total | 
|                    |        and software |       office |          |                         | 
|                    |                     |    equipment |          |                         | 
|                    |               $'000 |        $'000 |    $'000 |                   $'000 | 
|                    |                     |              |          |                         | 
| Cost or Valuation  |                     |              |          |                         | 
|                    |                     |              |          |                         | 
| At 1 January 2008  |             22,780  |       4,393  |   1,897  |                 29,070  | 
| Additions          |                403  |         482  |          |                     885 | 
|                    |                     |              |        - |                         | 
| Exchange           |             (7,500) |       (655)  | (1,843)  |                         | 
| difference         |                     |              |          |                 (9,998) | 
| Disposals          |               (586) |        (454) |        - |                 (1,040) | 
|                    |                     |              |          |                         | 
| At 31 December     |             15,097  |        3,766 |      54  |                 18,917  | 
| 2008               |                     |              |          |                         | 
| Additions          |                 500 |           53 |        - |                     553 | 
| Exchange           |               1,359 |          116 |        1 |                   1,476 | 
| difference         |                     |              |          |                         | 
| Disposals          |                (39) |            - |        - |                    (39) | 
| Disposed on sale of Alea      | (13,003) |      (1,098) |     (37) |                (14,138) | 
| Holdings UK Limited           |          |              |          |                         | 
|                    |                     |              |          |                         | 
| At 31 December     |               3,914 |        2,837 |       18 |                   6,769 | 
| 2009               |                     |              |          |                         | 
|                    |                     |              |          |                         | 
| Accumulated depreciation and         |   |              |          |                         | 
| impairment                           |   |              |          |                         | 
|                    |                     |              |          |                         | 
| At 1 January 2008  |            (20,141) |      (2,579) |  (1,863) |                (24,583) | 
| Charge for the     |             (1,261) |        (491) |     (22) |                 (1,774) | 
| year               |                     |              |          |                         | 
| Exchange           |               7,478 |          637 |    1,831 |                   9,946 | 
| differences        |                     |              |          |                         | 
| Eliminated on      |                569  |         460  |       -  |                  1,029  | 
| disposals          |                     |              |          |                         | 
|                    |                     |              |          |                         | 
| At 31 December     |            (13,355) |      (1,973) |     (54) |                (15,382) | 
| 2008               |                     |              |          |                         | 
| Charge for the     |               (943) |        (662) |        - |                 (1,605) | 
| year               |                     |              |          |                         | 
| Exchange           |             (1,353) |         (65) |      (1) |                 (1,419) | 
| differences        |                     |              |          |                         | 
| Eliminated on      |                  22 |            - |        - |                      22 | 
| disposals          |                     |              |          |                         | 
| Disposed on sale of Alea      |   12,921 |          733 |       37 |                  13,691 | 
| Holdings UK Limited           |          |              |          |                         | 
|                    |                     |              |          |                         | 
| At 31 December     |             (2,708) |      (1,967) |     (18) |                 (4,693) | 
| 2009               |                     |              |          |                         | 
|                    |                     |              |          |                         | 
| Carrying amount    |                     |              |          |                         | 
|                    |                     |              |          |                         | 
| At 31 December     |               1,206 |          870 |        - |                   2,076 | 
| 2009               |                     |              |          |                         | 
| At 31 December     |              1,742  |       1,793  |       -  |                   3,535 | 
| 2008               |                     |              |          |                         | 
|                    |          |      |   |              |          |                         | 
20  Intangible assets 
|                                                   |         Licences | 
|                                                   |            $'000 | 
|                                                   |                  | 
| Cost                                              |                  | 
|                                                   |                  | 
| At 1 January 2008                                 |           9,968  | 
| Additions                                         |               -  | 
|                                                   |                  | 
| At 31 December 2008                               |           9,968  | 
| Additions                                         |                - | 
| At 31 December 2009                               |            9,968 | 
|                                                   |                  | 
|                                                   |                  | 
| Amortisation                                      |                  | 
|                                                   |                  | 
| At 1 January 2008                                 |          (1,489) | 
| Impairment of asset                               |                - | 
|                                                   |                  | 
| At 31 December 2008                               |          (1,489) | 
| Impairment of asset                               |                - | 
| At 31 December 2009                               |          (1,489) | 
|                                                   |                  | 
|                                                   |                  | 
| Carrying amount                                   |                  | 
|                                                   |                  | 
| At 31 December 2009                               |            8,479 | 
| At 31 December 2008                               |           8,479  | 
Capitalised licences represent the cost of licences acquired to conduct business 
in the United States. The Directors consider these licences to have indefinite 
useful lives. The licences are tested for impairment at each balance sheet date. 
At 31 December 2009 the impairment review indicated that the carrying value of 
the licenses reflects the recoverable amount and no impairment write down is 
necessary (31 December 2008: no impairment write down was necessary). 
21 Deferred acquisition costs 
|                                             |                             Deferred acquisition | 
|                                             |                                            costs | 
|                                             |                                            $'000 | 
|                                             |                                                  | 
| At 1 January 2008                           |                                           2,323  | 
| Change for the  year                        |                                            (679) | 
| Exchange difference                         |                                            (89)  | 
|                                             |                                                  | 
| At 31 December 2008                         |                                           1,555  | 
| Change for the year                         |                                            (489) | 
| Exchange difference                         |                                             (13) | 
|                                             |                                                  | 
| At 31 December 2009                         |                                            1,053 | 
|                                             |                                                  | 
| At 31 December 2009                                 |                | 
| Current assets                                      |            368 | 
| Non-current assets                                  |            685 | 
|                                                     |          1,053 | 
| At 31 December 2008                                 |                | 
| Current assets                                      |           500  | 
| Non-current assets                                  |         1,055  | 
|                                                     |         1,555  | 
22  Financial assets 
|                              |                As at |                          As at | 
|                              |     31 December 2009 |                    31 December | 
|                              |                      |                           2008 | 
|                              |               $'000  |                         $'000  | 
|                              |                      |                                | 
| Available-for-sale           |                      |                                | 
| investments                  |                      |                                | 
|                              |                      |                                | 
| - Equity securities          |                   77 |                           111  | 
|                              |                      |                                | 
| - Debt securities            |              323,706 |                       682,206  | 
|                              |                            |    As |                               |    As | 
|                              |                            |    at |                               |    at | 
|                              |                   31 December 2009 |                           31 December | 
|                              |                                    |                                  2008 | 
| Summary by maturity - Debt   |                      $'000 |     % |                         $'000 |     % | 
| securities                   |                            |       |                               |       | 
|                              |                            |       |                               |       | 
| Less than 1 year             |                   147,342  |  45.4 |                      359,998  |  52.8 | 
| 1 year up to 3 years         |                    43,376  |  13.4 |                       60,336  |   8.8 | 
| 3 years up to 5 years        |                    22,735  |   7.0 |                          260  |   0.0 | 
| 5 years up to 10 years       |                    38,080  |  11.8 |                        2,086  |   0.3 | 
| More than 10 years           |                    72,173  |  22.4 |                      259,526  |  38.1 | 
|                              |                    323,706 | 100.0 |                       682,206 | 100.0 | 
23  Loans and receivables including insurance receivables 
|                                      |        As at |                          As at | 
|                                      |  31 December |                    31 December | 
|                                      |         2009 |                           2008 | 
|                                      |       $'000  |                         $'000  | 
|                                      |              |                                | 
| Deposits with ceding undertakings    |       89,045 |                        79,455  | 
| Financial assets carried at          |      362,663 |                        400,232 | 
| amortised cost                       |              |                                | 
| Debtors arising out of insurance     |          446 |                             14 | 
| operations                           |              |                                | 
| Debtors arising out of reinsurance   |       27,447 |                        73,892  | 
| operations                           |              |                                | 
| Accrued income 1                     |       15,477 |                        35,842  | 
| Other prepayments                    |        2,198 |                         3,226  | 
| Other debtors                        |        4,096 |                         15,409 | 
|                                      |              |                                | 
| Total loans and receivables          |      501,372 |                       608,070  | 
| including insurance receivables      |              |                                | 
| Current asset                        |       44,430 |                        40,375  | 
| Non-current asset                    |      456,942 |                        567,695 | 
|                                      |      501,372 |                        608,070 | 
1 $9.6 million (31 December 2008: $28.1 million) of the renewal rights sales are 
recorded as accrued income 
at the balance sheet date as disclosed in note 10. 
Loans and receivables including insurance receivables are recorded on the 
balance sheet at amortised cost. 
The following financial assets carried at amortised cost were reclassified: 
|                                        |      Year ended |   Year ended | 
|                                        |     31 December |  31 December | 
|                                        |            2009 |         2008 | 
|                                        |          $'000  |       $'000  | 
|                                        |                 |              | 
|                                        |                 |              | 
| Amount reclassified out of available for sale  |      -  |      253,707 | 
| debt securities category                       |         |              | 
|                                        |                 |              | 
| Amount reclassified into loans and     |              -  |      400,232 | 
| receivables category                   |                 |              | 
|                                        |                 |              | 
|                                        |       |         |              | 
No other assets were reclassified in the year ended 31 December 2009 (2008: 
|                                        |           As at |                      As at | 
|                                        |     31 December |                31 December | 
|                                        |            2009 |                       2008 | 
|                                        |          $'000  |                     $'000  | 
|                                        |                 |                            | 
| Financial assets carried at amortised  |                 |                            | 
| cost                                   |                 |                            | 
|                                        |                 |                            | 
| Carrying value of financial assets that   |     362,663  |                   400,232  | 
| have been reclassified                    |              |                            | 
|                                        |                 |                            | 
| Fair value of financial assets that    |        205,467  |                   253,707  | 
| have been reclassified                 |                 |                            | 
|                                        |                 |                            | 
| Estimated amounts of cash flows        |        617,153  |                   656,230  | 
| expected to be recovered in respect of |                 |                            | 
| reclassified assets                    |                 |                            | 
|                                        |                 |                            | 
|                                        |  |              |                            | 
|                                      |     Year ended |                  Year ended | 
|                                      |    31 December |                          31 | 
|                                      |           2009 |                    December | 
|                                      |                |                        2008 | 
|                                      |         $'000  |                      $'000  | 
|                                      |                |                             | 
| Fair value loss on assets            |              - |                     29,777  | 
| reclassified in the period that has  |                |                             | 
| been recognised in equity            |                |                             | 
|                                      |                |                             | 
| Fair value loss that would have been |        157,196 |                    146,525  | 
| recognised in equity if the          |                |                             | 
| financial asset had not been         |                |                             | 
| reclassified                         |                |                             | 
|                                      |                |                             | 
| Total (loss) / gain in respect of    |        (4,221) |                     33,930  | 
| reclassified assets recognised in    |                |                             | 
| profit or loss                       |                |                             | 
|                                      |                |                             | 
The effective interest rate used in determining the amortised cost is 6.7% 
(2008: 13.9%). 
24  Derivative financial instruments 
|                                      |        As at |        As at | 
|                                      |  31 December |  31 December | 
|                                      |         2009 |         2008 | 
|  Assets                              |       $'000  |       $'000  | 
|                                      |              |              | 
| Foreign exchange forward contracts - |           39 |           -  | 
| non-hedged (derivatives held for     |              |              | 
| trading)                             |              |              | 
|                                      |              |              | 
|                                      |        As at |        As at | 
|                                      |  31 December |  31 December | 
|                                      |         2009 |         2008 | 
|  Liabilities                         |       $'000  |       $'000  | 
|                                      |              |              | 
| Foreign exchange forward contracts   |          100 |           -  | 
|  (derivatives designated as hedging  |              |              | 
| instruments) 1                       |              |              | 
|                                      |              |              | 
1 This balance represents two foreign exchange forward contracts for the sale of 
Canadian dollars and Euros in exchange for US dollars. Both of these contracts 
have been designated as an effective hedge of the net investment in Alea 
(Bermuda) Ltd and are being used to hedge the Group's exposure to foreign 
exchange risk on these investments. Gains or losses arising on these contracts 
are transferred to equity to offset any gains or losses on translation of the 
net investments in the subsidiaries. There is no ineffectiveness in the year 
ended 31 December 2009. 
All derivative financial assets are current assets and all derivative financial 
liabilities are current liabilities. 
25  Deferred income tax 
The following are the major deferred tax assets and liabilities recognised by 
the Group and movements thereon during the current and prior reporting period. 
Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities within each jurisdiction have 
been offset to reflect the fact that any income tax liability would be settled 
with the relevant tax authority on a net basis. Deferred tax balances between 
jurisdictions have not been offset. 
Deferred tax assets / (liabilities) of US subsidiaries 
|                       |     Tax |  Unrealised |       Other |       Other |  Elimination |   Total | 
|                       |  losses |    gains on |      timing |      timing |           of |         | 
|                       | carried | investments | differences | differences | unrecognised |         | 
|                       | forward |             |   resulting |   resulting | deferred tax |         | 
|                       |         |             | in deferred | in deferred |     balances |         | 
|                       |         |             |  tax assets |         tax |              |         | 
|                       |         |             |             | liabilities |              |         | 
|                       |   $'000 |       $'000 |       $'000 |       $'000 |        $'000 |   $'000 | 
|                       |         |             |             |             |              |         | 
| At 1 January 2008     |  21,910 |     (1,029) |      11,128 |    (21,266) |     (10,743) |       - | 
|                       |         |             |             |             |              |         | 
| Credited to equity    |       - |       1,029 |           - |           - |            - |   1,029 | 
| Credited/(charged) to |   1,928 |           - |      25,575 |       2,082 |     (30,614) | (1,029) | 
| the income statement  |         |             |             |             |              |         | 
|                       |         |             |             |             |              |         | 
| At 1 January 2009     |  23,838 |           - |      36,703 |    (19,184) |     (41,357) |       - | 
|                       |         |             |             |             |              |         | 
| Credited/(charged) to |   3,237 |           - |       5,175 |       1,397 |      (9,809) |       - | 
| the income statement  |         |             |             |             |              |         | 
|                       |         |             |             |             |              |         | 
| As at 31 December     |  27,075 |           - |      41,878 |    (17,787) |     (51,166) |       - | 
| 2009                  |         |             |             |             |              |         | 
Deferred tax assets / (liabilities) of UK subsidiaries 
|                       |      Tax | Depreciation |  Elimination |  Total | 
|                       |   losses |   in advance |           of |        | 
|                       |  carried |   of capital | unrecognised |        | 
|                       |  forward |   allowances | deferred tax |        | 
|                       |          |              |     balances |        | 
|                       |    $'000 |        $'000 |        $'000 |  $'000 | 
|                       |          |              |              |        | 
| At 1 January 2008     |   42,284 |        1,034 |     (42,284) |  1,034 | 
|                       |          |              |              |        | 
| (Charged)/credited to |  (1,021) |        (127) |        1,021 |  (127) | 
| the income statement  |          |              |              |        | 
| Exchange differences  |        - |        (254) |            - |  (254) | 
|                       |          |              |              |        | 
| At 1 January 2009     |   41,263 |          653 |     (41,263) |    653 | 
|                       |          |              |              |        | 
| (Charged)/credited to |    (851) |        (125) |          851 |  (125) | 
| the income statement  |          |              |              |        | 
| Disposed on sale of   | (40,412) |        (600) |       40,412 |  (600) | 
| Alea Holdings UK      |          |              |              |        | 
| Limited               |          |              |              |        | 
| Exchange differences  |        - |           72 |            - |     72 | 
|                       |          |              |              |        | 
| As at 31 December     |        - |            - |            - |      - | 
| 2009                  |          |              |              |        | 
Deferred tax assets / (liabilities) of Swiss subsidiaries 
|                       |      Tax |       Other |  Elimination |  Total | 
|                       |   losses |      timing |           of |        | 
|                       |  carried | differences | unrecognised |        | 
|                       |  forward |   - IFRS to | deferred tax |        | 
|                       |          |  Swiss GAAP |     balances |        | 
|                       |    $'000 |       $'000 |        $'000 |  $'000 | 
|                       |          |             |              |        | 
| At 1 January 2008     |   13,168 |     (4,847) |      (8,321) |      - | 
|                       |          |             |              |        | 
| (Charged)/credited to |    (321) |       1,888 |      (1,567) |      - | 
| the income statement  |          |             |              |        | 
| Exchange differences  |    1,469 |       (541) |        (928) |      - | 
|                       |          |             |              |        | 
| At 1 January 2009     |   14,316 |     (3,500) |     (10,816) |      - | 
|                       |          |             |              |        | 
| Credited/(charged) to |    9,255 |      11,979 |     (21,234) |      - | 
| the income statement  |          |             |              |        | 
| Deferred tax balances | (23,523) |     (8,491) |       32,014 |      - | 
| lost on merger with   |          |             |              |        | 
| Alea (Bermuda) Ltd    |          |             |              |        | 
| Exchange differences  |     (48) |          12 |           36 |      - | 
|                       |          |             |              |        | 
| As at 31 December     |        - |           - |            - |      - | 
| 2009                  |          |             |              |        | 
At the balance sheet date the Group has unrecognised deferred tax assets of 
$27.1 million (31 December 2008: $79.4 million) in respect of tax losses carried 
forward. The assets have not been recognised due to the unpredictability of 
future profit streams. 
At the balance sheet date, the Group has unused tax losses of $77.4 million (31 
December 2008: $273.2 million) available for offset against future profits. Of 
the losses at 31 December 2009 $77.4 million (31 December 2008: $68.1 million) 
relate to the US, $nil (31 December 2008: $147.4 million) relate to the UK and 
$nil (31 December 2008: $57.7 million) relate to Switzerland. 
US losses expire as follows: $8.3 million in 2026, $40.5 million in 2027, $18.7 
million in 2028 and $9.9 million in 2029. 
Unused tax losses from UK operations are no longer available to the Group due to 
the sale of the Alea Holdings UK Limited disposal group. Unused tax losses from 
Swiss operations are no longer available to the Group due to the 
re-domiciliation to Bermuda and merger into Alea (Bermuda) Ltd of the subsidiary 
Alea Europe Ltd. 
Certain deferred tax assets and liabilities have been offset. The following is 
the analysis of the deferred tax balances (after offset) for financial reporting 
|                            |            |        As at |                      As at | 
|                            |            |  31 December |                         31 | 
|                            |            |         2009 |                   December | 
|                            |            |              |                       2008 | 
|                            |            |       $'000  |                     $'000  | 
|                            |            |              |                            | 
| Deferred tax assets        |            |            - |                       653  | 
| Deferred tax liabilities   |            |              |                            | 
|                            |            |            - |                          - | 
|                            |            |              |                            | 
|                            |            |              |                       653  | 
|                            |            |            - |                            | 
The deferred tax assets as at 31 December 2008 were non-current assets. 
The deferred income tax credited to equity during the year is as follows: 
|                                          | Year ended |  Year ended | 
|                                          |         31 | 31 December | 
|                                          |   December |        2008 | 
|                                          |       2009 |             | 
|                                          |     $'000  |      $'000  | 
|                                          |            |             | 
| Revaluation reserve1                     |         -  |      1,030  | 
|                                          |            |             | 
1The revaluation reserve is a component of shareholders' equity that is used to 
record the difference between the market value of available for sale investments 
carried on the balance sheet and the amortised cost of those assets. Unrealised 
gains and losses arising when the market value is compared with the amortised 
cost of the assets are taken to this reserve. 
26 Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents are comprised of the following: 
|                                          |      As at |       As at | 
|                                          |         31 | 31 December | 
|                                          |   December |        2008 | 
|                                          |       2009 |             | 
|                                          |     $'000  |      $'000  | 
|                                          |            |             | 
| Cash at bank and in hand                 |     33,302 |     31,106  | 
| Short-term deposits with credit          |    132,801 |     86,554  | 
| institutions                             |            |             | 
|                                          |            |             | 
| Total cash and cash equivalents          |    166,103 |    117,660  | 
Cash and cash equivalents yielded an effective rate of interest of 0.3% in 2009 
(2008: 2.6%). 
27 Insurance and reinsurance contracts 
Insurance and reinsurance contracts are comprised of the following: 
|                                   |        |      As at |                     As at | 
|                                   |        |         31 |                        31 | 
|                                   |        |   December |                  December | 
|                                   |        |       2009 |                      2008 | 
|                                   |        |     $'000  |                    $'000  | 
|                                   |        |            |                           | 
| Gross claims outstanding          |        |            |                           | 
| Provision for claims outstanding, |        |    819,011 |                1,240,270  | 
| reported and not reported         |        |            |                           | 
| Discount                          |        |   (36,515) |                  (48,725) | 
|                                   |        |    782,496 |                1,191,545  | 
| Claims handling provisions        |        |      5,780 |                    9,641  | 
| Total insurance contracts         |        |    788,276 |                1,201,186  | 
|                                   |        |            |                           | 
| Reinsurance                       |        |            |                           | 
| Provision for claims outstanding, |        |    335,100 |                  425,502  | 
| reported and not reported         |        |            |                           | 
| Discount                          |        |    (2,433) |                   (2,177) | 
| Total reinsurance contracts       |        |    332,667 |                  423,325  | 
|                                   |        |            |                           | 
| Undiscounted claims outstanding,  |        |    489,691 |                  824,409  | 
| net of reinsurance                |        |            |                           | 
| Discount                          |        |   (34,082) |                  (46,548) | 
| Claims outstanding net of         |        |    455,609 |                  777,861  | 
| reinsurance                       |        |            |                           | 
|                                   |        |            |                           | 
|                                   |        |      As at |      As at | 
|                                   |        |         31 |         31 | 
|                                   |        |   December |   December | 
|                                   |        |       2009 |       2008 | 
|                                   |        |     $'000  |     $'000  | 
| Current assets                    |        |     20,418 |    37,334  | 
| Non-current assets                |        |    312,249 |   385,991  | 
| Total reinsurance contracts       |        |    332,667 |    423,325 | 
|                                   |        |            |            | 
| Current liabilities               |        |    163,741 |    228,600 | 
| Non-current liabilities           |        |    624,535 |    972,586 | 
| Total insurance contracts         |        |    788,276 |  1,201,186 | 
Basis for establishing provision for claims outstanding 
Loss reserves for reinsurance business are established based on claims data 
reported to the Group by ceding companies supplemented with relevant industry 
benchmark loss development patterns used to project the ultimate incurred loss. 
Ultimate incurred loss indications are calculated by the Group's actuaries using 
several standard actuarial methodologies including paid and incurred loss 
development and the Bornhuetter-Ferguson incurred and paid loss methods. 
The Group's actuaries utilise several assumptions in applying each methodology, 
including loss development factors, expected loss ratios based on pricing 
analysis, and actual reported claim frequency and severity. These reviews and 
documentation are completed in accordance with professional actuarial standards 
appropriate to the jurisdictions where the business is written. The selected 
assumptions reflect the actuaries' judgement based on historical data and 
experience combined with information concerning current underwriting, economic, 
judicial, regulatory and other influences on ultimate claim settlements. 
Based on the actuarial indications, the Group selects and records a single point 
estimate separately for each line of business for each underwriting year. The 
single point reserve estimate is management's best estimate which the Group 
considers to be one that has an equal likelihood of developing a redundancy or 
deficiency as the loss experience matures. On a quarterly basis the Group 
analyses and records its loss reserve estimates across over 400 detailed lines 
of business which reflect class of business, geographic location, insurance 
versus reinsurance, proportional versus non-proportional, and treaty versus 
facultative exposures. In addition, a limited number of the Group's largest 
contracts are reviewed individually. 
During the loss settlement period, additional facts regarding claims are 
reported. As this occurs it may be necessary to increase or decrease the unpaid 
losses and loss expense reserves. The actual final liability may be 
significantly different to prior estimates. The Group reviews additional 
reported claim information on a monthly basis. Actual claim experience is 
compared to that expected from the most recent actuarial reserve review to 
highlight significant variances. A complete actuarial analysis by detailed line 
of business including selection of single point estimates is completed 
semi-annually and is reviewed by the Group's management. 
Underwriting year table 
|              |                   1999 |               2000 |             2001 |            2002 |            2003 |             2004 |            2005 |                             Total | 
|              |                    and |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
|              |                  prior |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
|              |                  $'000 |              $'000 |            $'000 |           $'000 |           $'000 |            $'000 |           $'000 |                             $'000 | 
|              |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| Gross        |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| Estimate of                           |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| cumulative claims:                    |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
|              |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| At end of    |             3,022,313  |           367,605  |         386,762  |        590,359  |        821,724  |       1,092,870  |        630,215  |                                   | 
| underwriting |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| year         |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| One year     |             4,564,137  |           452,324  |         396,996  |        612,137  |        816,546  |         990,260  |        610,599  |                                   | 
| later        |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| Two years    |             4,710,816  |           485,269  |         417,049  |        611,228  |        794,346  |         883,970  |         616,375 |                                   | 
| later        |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| Three        |             4,755,187  |           507,747  |         441,839  |        654,210  |        786,147  |          874,949 |         629,467 |                                   | 
| years        |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| later        |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| Four years   |             4,828,948  |           539,694  |         440,855  |        660,908  |         790,476 |          856,061 |         352,727 |                                   | 
| later        |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| Five years   |             4,874,927  |           550,212  |         459,255  |         655,037 |         763,564 |          482,364 |                 |                                   | 
| later        |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| Six years    |             4,883,595  |            563,532 |          467,672 |         652,421 |         441,916 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| later        |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| Seven        |             4,893,658  |            560,023 |          468,770 |         444,285 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| years        |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| later        |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| Eight        |              4,874,618 |                    |          295,311 |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| years        |                        |            560,844 |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| later        |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| Nine years   |                        |            476,304 |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| later        |              4,858,150 |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| Ten years    |              3,204,974 |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| later        |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
|              |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| Estimate     |              3,204,974 |            476,304 |          295,311 |         444,285 |         441,916 |          482,364 |         352,727 |                         5,697,881 | 
| of           |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| cumulative   |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| claims as    |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| at 31        |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| December     |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| 2009         |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| Cumulative   |            (3,127,878) |          (427,515) |        (256,026) |       (399,500) |       (381,550) |        (395,528) |       (261,689) |                       (5,249,686) | 
| payments     |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| at 31        |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| December     |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| 2009         |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| Earned       |                77,096  |            48,789  |          39,285  |         44,785  |         60,366  |          86,836  |         91,038  |                          448,195  | 
| non-life     |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| reserves     |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| before       |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| effect of    |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| discounting  |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| as at 31     |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| December     |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| 2009         |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| Life and     |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                           370,816 | 
| finite       |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| reserves     |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| as at 31     |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| December     |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| 2009         |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| Claims       |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                            5,780  | 
| handling     |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| provisions   |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| as at 31     |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| December     |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| 2009         |                        |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| Present value                   |                                             |                 |                 |                  |                 |                           824,791 | 
| of life                         |                                             |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| reserves and                    |                                             |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| undiscounted                    |                                             |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| non-life                        |                                             |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| reserves                        |                                             |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| as at 31                        |                                             |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
| December 2009                   |                                             |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
|              |                  |     |                    |                  |                 |                 |                  |                 |                                   | 
|               |                   1999 |                2000 |           2001 |           2002 |            2003 |             2004 |           2005 |                 Total | 
|               |                    and |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
|               |                  prior |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
|               |                  $'000 |               $'000 |          $'000 |          $'000 |           $'000 |            $'000 |          $'000 |                 $'000 | 
|               |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| Reinsurance   |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| recoverable   |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| Estimate of                            |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| cumulative claims:                     |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
|               |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| At end of     |               557,558  |             87,617  |       140,151  |       176,731  |        165,184  |         177,565  |       144,472  |                       | 
| underwriting  |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| year          |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| One year      |             1,544,260  |            163,700  |       173,153  |       196,084  |        184,701  |         145,792  |       132,953  |                       | 
| later         |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| Two years     |             1,662,449  |            156,068  |       177,605  |       211,944  |        190,173  |         137,365  |        128,042 |                       | 
| later         |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| Three years   |             1,646,776  |            149,374  |       152,152  |       212,974  |        182,641  |          147,960 |        129,399 |                       | 
| later         |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| Four years    |             1,660,199  |            136,623  |       146,574  |       199,845  |         173,223 |          134,717 |         47,854 |                       | 
| later         |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| Five years    |             1,684,626  |            130,220  |       157,163  |        181,349 |         167,985 |           73,055 |                |                       | 
| later         |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| Six years     |             1,667,762  |            130,984  |        157,466 |        183,557 |         134,630 |                  |                |                       | 
| later         |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| Seven years   |              1,669,539 |             128,163 |        157,615 |        148,749 |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| later         |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| Eight years   |              1,652,959 |             129,583 |         73,645 |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| later         |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| Nine years    |              1,646,197 |              91,157 |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| later         |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| Ten years     |                725,855 |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| later         |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
|               |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| Estimate of   |               725,855  |             91,157  |        73,645  |       148,749  |        134,630  |          73,055  |        47,854  |            1,294,945  | 
| cumulative    |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| recoveries    |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| at 31         |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| December 2009 |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| Cumulative    |              (724,993) |            (85,986) |       (66,439) |      (140,991) |       (122,377) |         (60,922) |       (38,794) |           (1,240,502) | 
| recoveries    |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| received at   |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| 31 December   |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| 2009          |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| Earned net    |                   862  |              5,171  |          7,206 |          7,758 |          12,253 |           12,133 |          9,060 |                54,443 | 
| non-life      |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| reinsurance   |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| recoverable   |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| before effect |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| of            |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| discounting   |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| as at 31      |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| December 2009 |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| Life and      |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |               280,657 | 
| finite        |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| reinsurance   |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| recoverable   |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| as at 31      |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| December 2009 |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| Present value |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |               335,100 | 
| of life       |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| reinsurance   |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| recoverable   |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| and           |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| undiscounted  |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| non-life      |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| reinsurance   |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| recoverable   |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| recognised in |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| the balance   |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| sheet as at   |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| 31 December   |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
| 2009          |                        |                     |                |                |                 |                  |                |                       | 
|              |                   1999 |               2000 |            2001 |           2002 |            2003 |             2004 |            2005 |                      | 
|              |                    and |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 | Total                | 
|              |                  prior |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
|              |                  $'000 |              $'000 |           $'000 |          $'000 |           $'000 |            $'000 |           $'000 |                      | 
|              |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                $'000 | 
|              |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| Net          |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| Estimate of                           |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| cumulative claims:                    |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
|              |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| At end of    |             2,464,755  |           279,988  |        246,611  |       413,628  |        656,540  |         915,305  |        485,743  |                      | 
| underwriting |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| year         |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| One year     |             3,019,877  |           288,624  |        223,843  |       416,053  |        631,845  |         844,468  |        477,646  |                      | 
| later        |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| Two years    |             3,048,367  |           329,201  |        239,444  |       399,284  |        604,173  |         746,605  |         488,333 |                      | 
| later        |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| Three years  |             3,108,411  |           358,373  |        289,687  |       441,236  |        603,506  |          726,989 |         500,068 |                      | 
| later        |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| Four years   |             3,168,749  |           403,071  |        294,281  |        461,063 |         617,253 |          721,344 |         304,873 |                      | 
| later        |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| Five years   |             3,190,301  |           419,992  |        302,092  |        473,688 |         595,579 |          409,309 |                 |                      | 
| later        |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| Six years    |             3,215,833  |           432,548  |         310,206 |        468,864 |         307,286 |                  |                 |                      | 
| later        |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| Seven years  |              3,224,119 |            431,860 |         311,155 |        295,536 |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| later        |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| Eight years  |              3,221,659 |            431,261 |         221,666 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| later        |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| Nine years   |              3,211,953 |            385,147 |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| later        |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| Ten years    |              2,479,119 |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| later        |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
|              |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| Estimate of  |              2,479,119 |            385,147 |         221,666 |        295,536 |         307,286 |          409,309 |         304,873 |            4,402,936 | 
| net          |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| cumulative   |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| claims at 31 |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| December     |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| 2009         |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| Net          |            (2,402,885) |          (341,529) |       (189,587) |      (258,509) |       (259,173) |        (334,606) |       (222,895) |          (4,009,184) | 
| cumulative   |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| payments     |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| at 31        |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| December     |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| 2009         |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| Earned net   |                76,234  |             43,618 |          32,079 |         37,027 |          48,113 |           74,703 |          81,978 |              393,752 | 
| non-life     |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| reserves     |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| before       |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| effect of    |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| discounting  |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| as at 31     |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| December     |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| 2009         |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| Net life and |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |               90,159 | 
| finite       |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| reserves as  |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| at 31        |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| December     |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| 2009         |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| Claims       |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                5,780 | 
| handling     |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| provisions   |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| as at 31     |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| December     |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| 2009         |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| Present      |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |              489,691 | 
| value of net |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| life         |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| reserves and |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| net          |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| undiscounted |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| non-life     |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| reserves     |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| recognised   |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| in the       |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| balance      |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| sheet as     |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| at 31        |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| December     |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
| 2009         |                        |                    |                 |                |                 |                  |                 |                      | 
(1) In June 2000 the Group added a UK insurance and reinsurance license through 
the acquisition of The Imperial Fire And Marine Company Limited ('Imperial') 
(now called Alea London Limited). In acquiring this entity, the Group assumed 
insurance and reinsurance liabilities relating to 1999 and prior underwriting 
years written by Imperial. This explains the significant increase in cumulative 
claims in respect of 1999 and prior underwriting years that occurs in the table 
above between 31 December 1999 and 31 December 2000. The increase in gross 
cumulative claims in respect of 1999 and prior as a result of the acquisition 
was $1,620.2 million and the increase in ceded cumulative claims was $897.7 
(2) The underwriting year development table above includes all cumulative claims 
in respect of underwriting years 1987 to 2005. It also includes 1986 and prior 
underwriting year claims paid in calendar years 1999 to 2009, and the reserves 
in respect of 1986 and prior at each balance sheet date from 1999 to 2009. 
(3) The insurance and reinsurance claims outstanding carried in the balance 
sheet of the Group include gross and ceded amounts in respect of Canadian 
structured settlement life business. The gross and ceded amounts match exactly, 
to leave no net liability. As these balances relate to life business they are 
excluded from the underwriting year development table. Consequently, in order to 
achieve reconciliation to the balance sheet gross and ceded claims outstanding, 
they are added back in the table above. The amount as at 31 December 2009 was 
$280.7 million (2008: $260.2 million). 
(4) In the year ended 31 December 2009, the estimate of gross cumulative claims 
has been adversely impacted by $76.5 million in respect of foreign currency 
revaluation net of commutation savings (2008: $51.1 million favourable impact) 
and the estimate of net cumulative claims has been adversely impacted by $66.6 
million in respect of foreign currency revaluation net of commutation savings 
(2008: $41.6 million favourable impact) 
Sale of Alea Holdings UK Limited disposal group 
On 29 October 2009 the Group disposed of Alea Holdings UK Limited and its 
subsidiaries Alea London Limited and Alea Services UK Limited. Consequently, in 
the underwriting year tables provided above, the estimates of cumulative claims 
as at 31 December 2009 do not include the estimates of cumulative claims of Alea 
London Limited. The prior year diagonals in the underwriting year tables above 
have not been adjusted to reflect this disposal. The estimated of cumulative 
claims relating to Alea London Limited as at 31 December 2008 were as follows: 
|                  |      1999 |         |         |         |         |         |         |           | 
|                  |       and |         |         |         |         |         |         |           | 
|                  |     prior |         |         |         |         |         |         |           | 
+------------------+           +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-----------+ 
|                  |           |    2000 |    2001 |    2002 |    2003 |    2004 |    2005 |     Total | 
|                  |     $'000 |   $'000 |   $'000 |   $'000 |   $'000 |   $'000 |   $'000 |     $'000 | 
| Estimate of      | 1,639,699 | 159,095 | 185,218 | 216,054 | 329,605 | 382,555 | 277,446 | 3,189,672 | 
| gross cumulative |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |           | 
| claims as at 31  |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |           | 
| December 2008    |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |           | 
|                  |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |           | 
| Estimate of      |   888,633 |  49,614 |  89,088 |  39,764 |  38,450 |  64,252 |  88,804 | 1,258,605 | 
| cumulative       |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |           | 
| recoveries as at |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |           | 
| 31 December 2008 |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |           | 
|                  |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |           | 
| Estimate of net  |   751,066 | 109,481 |  96,130 | 176,290 | 291,155 | 318,303 | 188,642 | 1,931,067 | 
| cumulative       |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |           | 
| claims as at 31  |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |           | 
| December 2008    |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |           | 
28 Borrowings 
| The borrowings are repayable as    |   |                        As at  |                        As at  | 
| follows:                           |   |                               |                               | 
|                                    |   |                   31 December |                   31 December | 
|                                    |   |                          2009 |                          2008 | 
|                                    |   |                        $'000  |                        $'000  | 
|                                    |   |                               |                               | 
| On demand or within one year       |   |                           -   |                               | 
|                                    |   |                               |                             - | 
| In the second year                 |   |                             - |                               | 
|                                    |   |                               |                             - | 
| In the third to fifth years        |   |                         3,493 |                               | 
| inclusive                          |   |                               |                             - | 
| After five years                   |   |                       120,000 |                      120,000  | 
| Total borrowings                   |   |                       123,493 |                      120,000  | 
|                                    |   |                               |                               | 
| Less: Capitalised debt raising     |   |                       (2,052) |                       (2,133) | 
| expenses                           |   |                               |                               | 
| Total borrowings net of            |   |                       121,441 |                      117,867  | 
| capitalised expenses               |   |                               |                               | 
|                                    |   |                               |                               | 
| Analysis of borrowings:            |   |                               |                               | 
|                                    |   |                        As at  |                        As at  | 
|                                    |   |                   31 December |                   31 December | 
|                                    |   |                          2009 |                          2008 | 
|                                    |   |                        $'000  |                        $'000  | 
|                                    |   |                               |                               | 
| Trust preferred securities         |   |                       123,493 |                      120,000  | 
| Total borrowings                   |   |                       123,493 |                      120,000  | 
All borrowings are recorded at amortised cost. The directors consider the 
carrying values disclosed above to be a reasonable approximation of the fair 
value at the year end. 
Trust preferred securities 
In December 2004, the Group issued $100.0 million of trust preferred securities 
and had in place a commitment for an additional $20.0 million of trust preferred 
securities issued in January 2005. These securities (issued from three Delaware 
trusts established by Alea Holdings US Company ('AHUSCO'), of which one trust 
was established in January 2005) provide for a preferred dividend at a rate of 
three month LIBOR plus 285 basis points and are consolidated due to the 
guarantee that the Group issued to the holders of these securities. These 
securities allow for the postponement of preferred dividends under certain 
circumstances for up to five years. These securities carry no financial 
covenants and no cross default covenants, have a fixed maturity of 30 years, and 
are callable after five years. AHUSCO may not optionally redeem the Debentures 
and thereby retire the trust preferred securities until the interest payment 
date following the fifth anniversary of issue. The earliest call date is 15 
March 2010 for the first issue and 15 June 2010 for the second and third issues. 
The holders of the Debentures may not call the Debentures prior to their 
maturity dates. 
Commencing on the 15 June 2009 interest payment date, Alea Holdings US Company 
("AHUSCO") has elected to defer the payment of interest on debentures underlying 
$120.0 million of trust preferred securities due 2034 and 2035. As at 31 
December 2009 the deferred interest was $3.5 million (2008: $nil).  The deferral 
may be continued for a period not to exceed five years under the terms of the 
debentures. During the deferral period, unpaid quarterly coupons will compound 
at the rate of three month LIBOR (reset quarterly) plus 285 basis points. While 
the deferral remains in effect, neither Alea nor AHUSCO may make any payments on 
any securities that are pari passu or subordinate to the debentures, including 
any common shares. 
29 Provisions 
|                                                     |               Restructuring | 
|                                                     |                   Provision | 
|                                                     |                       $'000 | 
|                                                     |                             | 
| At 1 January 2008                                   |                      2,837  | 
|                                                     |                             | 
| Utilisation of provision due to onerous contracts   |                       (271) | 
| Utilisation of provision due to severance payments  |                       (923) | 
| Additional restructuring provision established 1    |                       1,120 | 
| Exchange difference                                 |                          45 | 
|                                                     |                             | 
| At 31 December 2008                                 |                      2,808  | 
|                                                     |                             | 
| Utilisation of provision due to onerous contracts   |                       (271) | 
| Utilisation of provision due to severance payments  |                       (529) | 
| Exchange difference                                 |                          46 | 
|                                                     |                             | 
| At 31 December 2009                                 |                       2,054 | 
1As a result of the outsourcing arrangement entered into in the year ended 31 
December 2008, an 
additional provision was established to reflect contractual obligations made in 
respect of staff retention 
bonuses and severance payments. 
For further details regarding the restructuring costs see note 5. 
| At 31 December 2009                                 |                | 
| Current liabilities                                 |          1,692 | 
| Non-current liabilities                             |            362 | 
|                                                     |         2,054  | 
| At 31 December 2008                                 |                | 
| Current liabilities                                 |         2,197  | 
| Non-current liabilities                             |           611  | 
|                                                     |          2,808 | 
30 Other liabilities and charges 
|                   |                    Deferred |                Other accruals |      Total | 
|                   |                 reinsurance |                  and deferred |            | 
|                   |                  commission |                      income 1 |            | 
|                   |                       $'000 |                         $'000 |      $'000 | 
|                   |                             |                               |            | 
| At 1 January 2008 |                      1,441  |                       31,794  |    33,235  | 
|                   |                             |                               |            | 
| Change in the     |                       (575) |                     (10,344)  |  (10,919)  | 
| period            |                             |                               |            | 
| Exchange          |                           - |                         (508) |      (508) | 
| difference        |                             |                               |            | 
|                   |                             |                               |            | 
| At 31 December    |                        866  |                       20,942  |    21,808  | 
| 2008              |                             |                               |            | 
|                   |                             |                               |            | 
| Change in the     |                         249 |                       (2,545) |    (2,296) | 
| period            |                             |                               |            | 
| Disposed on sale of Alea                 |    - |                       (1,940) |    (1,940) | 
| Holdings UK Limited                      |      |                               |            | 
| Exchange          |                           - |                           189 |        189 | 
| difference        |                             |                               |            | 
|                   |                             |                               |            | 
| At 31 December    |                       1,115 |                        16,646 |    17,761  | 
| 2009              |                             |                               |            | 
|                   |                      |      |                               |            | 
1    Includes regulatory levies of $5.3 million for Alea US (2008: $5.1 
| At 31 December 2009                                 |                          | 
| Current liabilities                                 |                   17,761 | 
| Non-current liabilities                             |                        - | 
|                                                     |                   17,761 | 
| At 31 December 2008                                 |                          | 
| Current liabilities                                 |                   15,350 | 
| Non-current liabilities                             |                   6,458  | 
|                                                     |                   21,808 | 
31 Trade and other payables 
|                                         |          As at |                         As at | 
|                                         |    31 December |                   31 December | 
|                                         |           2009 |                          2008 | 
|                                         |         $'000  |                        $'000  | 
|                                         |                |                               | 
| Insurance balance payable               |          2,567 |                        4,543  | 
| Reinsurance balance payable             |         45,402 |                       64,041  | 
| Deposits received from reinsurers       |         18,796 |                       24,697  | 
| Reserves withheld creditors             |              - |                          859  | 
| Liabilities from reinsurance operations not      | 1,759 |                           278 | 
| transferring significant risk                    |       |                               | 
| Other taxes and social securities       |            738 |                           807 | 
|                                         |                |                               | 
| Total trade and other payables          |         69,262 |                       95,225  | 
| Current liabilities                     |        19,363  |                       25,830  | 
| Non-current liabilities                 |        49,899  |                       69,395  | 
|                                         |         69,262 |                        95,225 | 
|                                         |        |       |                               | 
32 Share capital 
|                                 |            |          As at |            |         As | 
|                                 |            |                |            |         at | 
|                                 |            31 December 2009 |             31 December | 
|                                 |                             |                    2008 | 
|                                 |     Number |          $'000 |     Number |      $'000 | 
|                                 |      '000s |                |      '000s |            | 
| Authorised:                     |            |                |            |            | 
| Common shares of $0.01          | 1,000,000  |        10,000  | 1,000,000  |    10,000  | 
| Total authorised                | 1,000,000  |        10,000  | 1,000,000  |    10,000  | 
|                                 |            |                |            |            | 
| Allotted, called up and fully   |            |                |            |            | 
| paid:                           |            |                |            |            | 
| Common shares of $0.01          |    173,908 |          1,739 |   173,769  |     1,738  | 
| Total allotted, called up share |    173,908 |          1,739 |   173,769  |     1,738  | 
| capital and fully paid          |            |                |            |            | 
The allotted, called up and fully paid share capital of the Group increased from 
173,769,226 as at 31 December 2008 to 173,908,465 as at 31 December 2009 as a 
result of the issue of 139,239 shares in relation to the restricted stock units 
granted to certain members of key management. Further details are provided in 
note 38. 
33 Stock options and restricted shares 
Bermuda Plan 
Alea Group Holdings AG (a former Group company which was merged with Alea Europe 
Ltd in 2005) had in place a stock purchase and option plan for key employees and 
advisors known as the 1998 Amended and Restated Stock Option Plan for Key 
Employees and Subsidiaries (the "Swiss Plan"). The Company adopted a 2002 
Stock Purchase and Option Plan for Key Employees of the Company and its 
Subsidiaries, as amended (the "Bermuda Plan"), in connection with the 
re-domiciling of the ultimate parent company of the Group to Bermuda and all 
awards under the Swiss Plan are now governed by the terms of the Bermuda Plan. 
The terms of the Bermuda Plan are substantially similar to the terms of the 
Swiss Plan. All Alea Group Holdings AG non-voting participation shares and 
options were exchanged for common shares and options in connection with an 
equity exchange offer that was completed on 3 April 2002. In total, 15,000,000 
common shares are authorised for use under the Bermuda Plan. 
The exercise price of the options will be the fair market value of the common 
shares on the grant date. Generally, the options vest rateably over a five-year 
period except in the case of performance options where vesting is affected by 
attainment of certain pre-approved financial targets. The exercisability of the 
options accelerates upon a change of control of the Group. Options expire and 
are no longer exercisable on the tenth anniversary or in certain circumstances 
at the end of the three month period following such tenth anniversary of the 
grant date. The expiration of the options can accelerate due to termination of 
employment. Certain options granted contain shortened expiration and vesting 
The terms of the Company's common shares and the exercise price of the options 
to acquire company common shares on the purchase/grant date were determined by 
the Remuneration Committee in accordance with the terms of the Bermuda Plan. The 
Bermuda Plan was terminated as to future grants with effect from 19 November 
Executive Plan 
The Company's shareholders have adopted the Alea Executive Option and Stock Plan 
and the Alea Sharesave Plan ("Executive Plan").  The Executive Plan provides for 
the grant of time and performance options, restricted stock units and share 
savings for employees. The exercise price of options granted shall not be less 
than the middle market quotation for the Company's shares on the dealing day 
preceding the date of grant. The number of common shares granted in any period 
under all of the Company's employee share schemes (excluding shares issuable on 
exercise of options granted prior to 19 November 2003) may not exceed 10% of the 
Company's issued ordinary share capital. Generally, the vesting period of an 
option granted under the Executive Plan is subject to the discretion of the 
Board (or a committee thereof) provided that vesting for certain tax qualified 
options may not be earlier than 3 years or more than 10 years after the date of 
grant and unless any relevant performance conditions have been satisfied. 
The company has issued to Fisher Capital Corp. LLC certain options to acquire 
common shares, which are fully vested and are exercisable within 15 years of the 
date of grant. These shares and options were not granted pursuant to either 
Transactions involving common share options are disclosed in note 34. 
34 Share-based payments 
Equity-settled share option plan 
The Group plans provide for a grant price equal to the average quoted market 
price of the Group shares on the date of grant. The vesting period is generally 
5 years. If the options remain unexercised after a period of 10 years from the 
date of grant, the options expire. Options are typically contractually forfeited 
if the employee leaves the Group subject to certain exercise periods that apply 
to vested options and to certain options granted in 2005 pursuant to the 
Executive Plan. 
|                         |           Year ended |             Year ended | 
|                         |     31 December 2009 |       31 December 2008 | 
|                         |    Number | Weighted |   Number of | Weighted | 
|                         |        of |  average |     options |  average | 
|                         |   options | exercise |             | exercise | 
|                         |           | price in |             | price in | 
|                         |           |        $ |             |        $ | 
|                         |           |          |             |          | 
| Options outstanding at  | 2,710,480 |     3.39 |   3,023,734 |     3.62 | 
| beginning of year       |           |          |             |          | 
|                         |           |          |             |          | 
| Options granted during  |           |          |             |          | 
| the year                |         - |        - |           - |        - | 
|                         |           |          |             |          | 
| Options forfeited       | (383,360) |     3.61 |   (313,254) |     3.16 | 
| during the year         |           |          |             |          | 
|                         |           |          |             |          | 
| Options exercised       |           |          |             |          | 
| during the year         |         - |        - |           - |        - | 
|                         |           |          |             |          | 
| Options which expired   |           |          |             |          | 
| during the year         |         - |        - |           - |        - | 
|                         |           |          |             |          | 
| Options outstanding at  | 2,327,120 |     3.43 |   2,710,480 |     3.39 | 
| end of year             |           |          |             |          | 
|                         |           |          |             |          | 
| Options exercisable at  | 2,327,120 |     3.43 |   2,686,480 |     3.39 | 
| end of year             |           |          |             |          | 
No options were exercised during the year. The options outstanding at 31 
December 2009 had a weighted average exercise price of $3.43 (2008: $3.39), and 
the weighted average remaining contractual lives of those options are as 
|                |                                                Year ended |                                            Year ended | 
|                |                                          31 December 2009 |                                      31 December 2008 | 
|                |           Range |          Weighted |              Number |           Range |         Weighted |           Number | 
|                |              of |           Average |                  of |              of |          Average |               of | 
|                |        exercise |         Remaining |               share |        exercise |        Remaining |            share | 
|                |          prices |       Contractual |             options |          prices |      Contractual |          options | 
|                |                 |              Life |         outstanding |                 |             Life |      outstanding | 
|                |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| Options outstanding at end of                        |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| year divided into meaningful                         |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| ranges:                                              |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
|                |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| Share options  | $3.22 |to | $3.22 |                 - |                   - | $3.22 |to | $3.22 |            0.27  |          12,600  | 
| issued in      |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| respect of     |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| Alea Group     |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| Holdings AG    |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| after          |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| re-pricing     |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| Alea Group     | $3.22 |to | $4.30 |              0.92 |          2,062,120  | $3.22 |to | $4.30 |            2.06  |       2,229,880  | 
| Holdings       |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| (Bermuda)      |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| Limited        |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| options        |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| granted pre -  |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| IPO            |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| Alea Group     | $3.21 |to | $4.31 |             4.81  |            265,000  | $3.21 |to | $4.31 |            5.80  |         468,000  | 
| Holdings       |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| (Bermuda)      |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| Limited        |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| options        |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| granted post - |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| IPO            |       | |       |                   |                     |       | |       |                  |                  | 
| All options    | $3.21 |to| $4.31 |             1.37  |          2,327,120  | $3.21 |to | $4.31 |            2.70  |       2,710,480  | 
No options were granted during the twelve months ended 31 December 2009 (2008: 
no options granted). 
The Group recognised the following total expenses and repurchases in respect of 
equity-settled share-based payment transactions: 
|                                         |  |      Year |     Year | 
|                                         |  |     ended |    ended | 
|                                         |  |        31 |       31 | 
|                                         |  |  December | December | 
|                                         |  |      2009 |     2008 | 
|                                         |  |      '000 |     '000 | 
|                                         |  |           |          | 
| Total expense recognised for the year   |  |         - |    (125) | 
| arising from share-based payment        |  |           |          | 
| transactions                            |  |           |          | 
|                                         |  |           |          | 
| RSU expense charged in year             |  |      316  |      470 | 
|                                         |  |           |          | 
|                                         |  |       316 |     345  | 
35 Cash used in operations 
|                                     |                  |   Year ended |                Year ended | 
|                                     |                  |  31 December |                        31 | 
|                                     |                  |         2009 |                  December | 
|                                     |                  |              |                      2008 | 
|                                     |                  |        $'000 |                     $'000 | 
|                                     |                  |              |                           | 
| (Loss) / profit for the year        |                  |    (78,164)  |                    3,939  | 
| Adjustments for:                    |                  |              |                           | 
|  -  tax (credit)/expense            |                  |       (325)  |                    2,239  | 
|  -  depreciation                    |                  |       1,605  |                    1,774  | 
| - impairment loss recognised in     |                  |      30,493  |                    2,563  | 
| respect of financial assets         |                  |              |                           | 
| - net realised loss on disposal of  |                  |       16,671 |                         - | 
| subsidiary                          |                  |              |                           | 
| - realisation of revaluation reserve and    |          |      (3,292) |                         - | 
| hedging and translation reserve             |          |              |                           | 
| Net cash flows for the year         |                  |    (18,894)  |                  (45,276) | 
| transferred to investing activities |                  |              |                           | 
| (Profit)/loss on sale of property,  |                  |         (6)  |                       11  | 
| plant and equipment                 |                  |              |                           | 
| Debt interest expense               |                  |       4,774  |                    7,511  | 
| Loss/(profit) on foreign exchange   |                  |        2,272 |                   (7,668) | 
|                                     |                  |              |                           | 
| Change in operating assets and liabilities (excluding the effect of   |                           | 
| acquisitions and exchange differences on consolidation)               |                           | 
|                                     |                  |              |                           | 
| Net decrease in insurance           |                  |   (120,342)  |                 (394,302) | 
| liabilities                         |                  |              |                           | 
| Net decrease in reinsurance assets  |                  |       7,562  |                  143,649  | 
| Net decrease in loans and           |                  |      15,670  |                   72,235  | 
| receivables                         |                  |              |                           | 
| Net decrease in renewal rights      |                  |       15,000 |                         - | 
| accrued income                      |                  |              |                           | 
| Net decrease in other operating     |                  |    (13,751)  |                 (105,429) | 
| liabilities                         |                  |              |                           | 
| Net increase in deferred interest   |                  |        3,493 |                         - | 
| on trust preferred securities       |                  |              |                           | 
| Net movement in share-based payment |                  |         316  |                      345  | 
| reserve                             |                  |              |                           | 
| Cash used in operations             |                  |   (136,918)  |                 (318,409) | 
|                                     |       |          |              |                           | 
36 Contingent liabilities 
Structured settlements 
The Group, through the Canadian branch of Alea (Bermuda) Ltd, has assumed 
ownership of certain structured settlements and has purchased annuities from 
life assurers to provide fixed and recurring payments to those underlying 
claimants. As a result of these arrangements, the Group is exposed to a credit 
risk to the extent that any of these insurers are unable to meet their 
obligations under the structured settlements. This risk is viewed by the 
Directors as being remote as the annuities are fully funded and the Group has 
only purchased annuities from Canadian insurers with a financial stability of AA 
or higher (Standard & Poor's). The Canadian branch is in run-off and the branch 
discontinued accepting assignments of annuities in August 2001. 
In the event of all the relevant life insurers being unable to meet their 
obligations under the structured settlements, at 31 December 2009, the total 
exposure, net of amounts that may be recoverable from the Compensation 
Corporation of Canada (a Canadian industry-backed compensation scheme), is 
estimated to be $44.1 million Canadian Dollars ($42.1 million) and the maximum 
in relation to any one insurer $21.7 million Canadian Dollars ($20.7 million). 
Subpoenas and requests for information/regulatory matters 
In connection with a periodic market conduct examination, the California 
Department of Insurance has disputed certain fees collected from policyholders 
by two agents of one of the Group's subsidiaries. The Group disagrees with the 
Department's position, but is cooperating to audit these fee arrangements. The 
agreements with the agents involved have been terminated. It is not possible to 
predict the impact of this dispute on the Group's financial results. 
Company contingent liabilities 
In 2002 the Company entered into a top down guarantee with each of the Group's 
rated insurance operating entities. These guarantees were in addition to the 
pre-existing guarantees already in place between certain subsidiaries of the 
Group. Subject to applicable corporate and regulatory requirements, the top down 
guarantees required that the Company make funds available to the insurance 
operating entities to allow the entities to fulfil their insurance or 
reinsurance obligations to the client/customer incurred while the guarantee 
remained in effect. The Group terminated all top down and other intra-Group 
guarantees effective 30 November 2006. 
Legion Companies in Liquidation 
Alea (Bermuda) Ltd is in dispute with Legion Insurance Company (in liquidation) 
and Villanova Insurance Company (in liquidation) regarding the terms of an 
aggregate excess reinsurance reinsurance treaty that was automatically commuted 
on 31 July 2006 in accordance with an agreed formula.  Legion and Villanova have 
sought to draw a letter of credit in the amount of $6,818,480 in connection with 
their claim that amounts remain due under this treaty. Alea (Bermuda) Ltd sued 
Legion and Villanova in Connecticut District Court and obtained a temporary 
restraining order preventing Legion and Villanova from drawing the letter of 
credit.  Based upon an agreement to arbitrate the matter, Alea (Bermuda) Ltd has 
withdrawn the litigation on condition that Legion not draw the letter of credit 
for sums relating to the aggregate excess reinsurance treaty until a final 
arbitration decision on the matter has been rendered. Alea (Bermuda) Ltd intends 
to vigorously pursue its interests in this matter. 
37 Exposure to specific credit risk 
Exposure to Lumbermens 
In connection with the Group's acquisition of the Equus Re reinsurance division 
of Lumbermens on 3 December 1999, Alea (Bermuda) Ltd and Lumbermens entered into 
a 100% quota share reinsurance of the Lumbermens business written by Equus Re 
through 3 December 1999 (namely, business written by Equus Re prior to the 
Group's acquisition of the Equus Re operations). Lumbermens, in turn, provides 
stop loss reinsurance to Alea (Bermuda) Ltd for losses in excess of a 75% paid 
loss ratio on the same business incepting prior to 1 October 1999 (the 
"Protected Business"). In addition to the Protected Business, the parties agreed 
that the Group would write new and renewal business on behalf of Lumbermens (as 
the reinsurer) up to 31 December 2001, which business is ceded by a 100% quota 
share reinsurance to Alea (Bermuda) Ltd (the "Fronted Business"). Concurrent 
with these arrangements, Lumbermens retained Alea North America Company ("ANAC") 
as its agent to adjust and pay claims and collect premiums for both the 
Protected Business and the Fronted Business. 
The respective obligations of Alea (Bermuda) Ltd and Lumbermens noted above are 
subject to contractual mutual offset provisions under the reinsurance agreements 
and as permitted under Illinois law. Further, in respect of the Protected 
Business, Lumbermens is contractually required to fund losses on its own behalf 
once the 75% paid loss ratio is met. The Group's balance sheet therefore, 
records (i) no net balance due from Lumbermens under the Protected Business, as 
the 75% paid loss ratio was met in late December 2003 (specifically, $64.4 
million due to and from Lumbermens), and (ii) as at 31 December 2009, an 
aggregate balance due to Lumbermens under the Fronted Business and in respect of 
business written by Equus Re between 1 October 1999 and 3 December 1999 of $39.9 
million (2008: $37.4 million), after taking credit for amounts treated as paid 
for accounting purposes. 
As is required for credit for reinsurance purposes when cessions are made to 
non-US licensed reinsurers, Alea (Bermuda) Ltd must collateralise its 
obligations to Lumbermens. Pursuant to contract, the amount of posted collateral 
is required to equal 120% of the estimated loss reserves, which based on the 
above year-end balance due from Alea (Bermuda) Ltd would be approximately $47.9 
million (2008: $44.9 million). 
Alea (Bermuda) Ltd and Lumbermens continue to disagree over the level of 
reserves requiring collateralisation.  On 31 December 2009, the market value of 
the posted collateral was $69.3 million  (31 December 2008 $79.8 million). 
Either party may require an independent actuarial estimate of applicable 
reserves to resolve their differences with regard to the required collateral 
calculation.  Neither party has required another independent reserve estimate 
since the last independent reserve estimate dated as of 30 September 2004. 
Lumbermens risk based capital level allows the Illinois Department of Insurance 
to assume control of Lumbermens at its discretion. The mutual obligations of 
Alea (Bermuda) Ltd and Lumbermens described above are subject to contractual 
mutual offset provisions under the agreements and as permitted under Illinois 
law. Accordingly, having taken legal advice, the Group believes that the Group 
should not be exposed to material credit risk resulting from these arrangements 
with Lumbermens. However, no assurance can be given that a court would uphold 
these mutual offset provisions and contractual rights. 
38 Related party transactions 
Fortress Investment Group 
At 31 December 2009, certain parties related to Fortress Investment Group owned 
72.35% of the Company's issued shares.  Effective 1 October 2007 the Company put 
in place an amended and restated advisory fee agreement with FIG LLC, a Fortress 
affiliate ("Fortress"), under which the Company has agreed to pay Fortress 
$1,000,000 per year, payable quarterly in arrears, for advisory services.  At 31 
December 2009, Fortress had received $1,000,000.  As at 31 December 2009, the 
outstanding balance due under these arrangements was $nil. The Fortress 
Directors' beneficial interests in common shares of the Company as at 31 
December 2009 were as follows: 
| Name of Director            |              Number of common shares | 
| Robert I Kauffman1          |                          125,826,832 | 
| Randal A Nardone1           |                          125,826,832 | 
1       Robert Kauffman and Randal Nardone are members of the Joint Investment 
Committee formed pursuant to the terms of a Joint Investment Committee Agreement 
("JICA") by and among FIG Corp., Fortress Investment Group LLC (the direct 
parent of FIG Corp. "Fortress"), Fortress Operating Entity I LP, Fortress 
Operating Entity II LP, Messrs Kauffman, Nardone, Peter L. Briger Jr., Wesley R. 
Edens and Michael R. Novogratz. Under the terms of the JICA, each other party to 
the Joint Investment Committee Agreement has delegated all power to control, to 
direct or to cause the direction of the management and policies of the Company 
to Messrs Kauffman, Nardone and Edens.  As such Messrs Kauffman and Nardone are 
interested in the 125,826,832 common shares owned by FIN Acquisition Limited, an 
indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Fortress. 
In connection with services involving potential acquisition opportunities in the 
property and casualty insurance sector that may be performed by Mark Cloutier, 
an executive director of the Company, Mr Cloutier entered into a consultancy 
agreement effective 1 October 2007 with Fortress Capital Finance III (A) LLC, a 
Fortress affiliate, whereby he would be paid $2,000 per day spent on such 
activities plus a discretionary bonus.  At 31 December 2009, $Nil had been paid 
or accrued under this arrangement. 
Investment Management 
Fortress Fund IV Advisor LLC ("FFIVA"), a Fortress affiliate, provides 
investment management services to the Company and certain of its subsidiaries 
pursuant to investment management agreements.  FFIVA is paid a flat service fee 
of 11 basis points per annum on the total fair market value of the assets under 
management, payable quarterly in arrears.  At 31 December 2009, FFIVA had 
approximately $205.4 millionin assets under management. 
Key management personnel 
The Group considers its key management personnel to include its Directors and 
those members of management reporting directly to its Executive Director that 
have executive management responsibility for Group-wide operations. 
Remuneration of key management personnel 
The remuneration of the Directors and those members of management reporting 
directly to its Executive Directors that have executive management 
responsibility for Group-wide operations, who are the key management personnel 
of the Group, is set out below in aggregate for each of the categories specified 
in IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures. For the year ended 31 December 2009 this 
included 6 individuals (2008: 8). 
|                         |    Year ended  |       |  Year ended 31 | 
|                         |    31 December |       |  December 2008 | 
|                         |           2009 |       |                | 
|                         |              $ |       |              $ | 
|                         |                |       |                | 
| Short-term employee     |      2,350,384 |       |      3,040,840 | 
| benefits                |                |       |                | 
| Post-employment         |        153,847 |       |        116,372 | 
| benefits                |                |       |                | 
| Other long-term         |              - |       |              - | 
| benefits                |                |       |                | 
| Termination benefits    |              - |       |        278,925 | 
| Share-based payment     |        154,555 |       |              - | 
|                         |                |       |                | 
| Total                   |      2,658,786 |       |      3,436,137 | 
Key management personnel employment and retention contracts 
Members of the Group have entered into employment and retention contracts with 
Executive Directors and/or certain members of key management, in each case 
taking into account the practices in the jurisdiction where the Group operates. 
Compensation and termination benefits in the table above include amounts paid in 
2008 and 2009 to Executive Directors and certain members of key management under 
 (and if applicable, settlement of) such contracts, to the extent not reported 
in earlier periods. 
Share and loan transactions with members of key management 
Mark Cloutier 
            Mr Cloutier was awarded 140,647 restricted stock units on 19 June 
2008.  These restricted stock units were awarded pursuant to Part C of the Alea 
Group Executive Option and Stock Plan.  The restricted stock units were priced 
in accordance with the terms of the Plan.  The Restricted Stock Units vested 33% 
on 31 December 2008 and 2009, respectively, and the remainder will vest on 31 
December 2010 and are not subject to financial performance requirements. 
Carl Speck 
Mr Speck received an advance in the amount of $8,000 from a subsidiary of the 
Company in payment of advance rental due to his landlord in the United States as 
a result of his relocation to the United States at the Company's request.  This 
amount was repaid in 2008.  In addition the Company paid a rental deposit of 
$16,000 on behalf of Mr Speck.  The rental deposit was paid under a residential 
lease between Mr Speck and his landlord that was co-signed by a subsidiary of 
the Company. That lease was terminated in January 2009 when Mr Speck moved to a 
new rental property and paid the rental deposit on that property. The Company 
has guaranteed lease payments due on Mr Speck's new rental property through 31 
March 2010. 
Mr Speck was awarded 140,647 restricted stock units on 19 June 2008.  These 
restricted stock units were awarded pursuant to Part C of the Alea Group 
Executive Option and Stock Plan.  The restricted stock units were priced in 
accordance with the terms of the Plan.  The Restricted Stock Units vested 33% on 
31 December 2008 and 2009, respectively, and the remainder will vest on 31 
December 2010 and are not subject to financial performance requirements. 
George Judd 
Mr Judd was awarded 140,647 restricted stock units on 19 June 2008.  These 
restricted stock units were awarded pursuant to Part C of the Alea Group 
Executive Option and Stock Plan.  The restricted stock units were priced in 
accordance with the terms of the Plan.  The Restricted Stock Units vested 33% on 
31 December 2008 and 2009, respectively, and the remainder will vest on 31 
December 2010 and are not subject to financial performance requirements. 
During the period ending 31 December, 2009, a subsidiary of the Company paid 
$769 in total to Mr Judd's spouse, Sally Judd, for filing and record keeping 
services at $25.00 per hour. 
39 Retirement benefit scheme 
Defined contribution schemes 
The employees of the Group are covered by defined contribution schemes the costs 
of which are charged to the income statement when incurred. The total cost of 
retirement benefits for the Group in the year ended 31 December 2009 was $0.8 
million (31 December 2008: $1.3 million). 
40 Operating leases 
At the following balance sheet dates, the Group was committed to paying total 
future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases in each of 
the following periods: 
|                        |                Year ended |                 Year ended | 
|                        |          31 December 2009 |           31 December 2008 | 
|                        |      Land | Other | Total |      Land | Other |  Total | 
|                        |       and |       |       |       and |       |        | 
|                        | buildings |       |       | buildings |       |        | 
|                        |     $'000 | $'000 | $'000 |     $'000 | $'000 |  $'000 | 
|                        |           |       |       |           |       |        | 
| - within one year      |     1,745 |    25 | 1,770 |    2,477  |   40  |  2,517 | 
| - between two and five |     1,859 |    27 | 1,886 |    3,304  |   35  | 3,339  | 
| years                  |           |       |       |           |       |        | 
|                        |     3,604 |    52 | 3,656 |    5,781  |   75  | 5,856  | 
The total of future minimum sublease payments expected to be received under 
non-cancellable subleases at 31 December 2009 was $1.7 million (31 December 
2008: $2.7 million). 
The gross amount incurred under operating leases during the year ended 31 
December 2009 was $2.3 million (31 December 2008: $3.4 million) before deducting 
income receivable from subleases of $1.1 million (31 December 2008: $1.0 
41 Group subsidiaries 
The consolidated financial information presents the financial record of the 
Group for the years ended 31 December 2009 and 31 December 2008.  A list of all 
investments in Group subsidiaries, including the name and country of 
incorporation is given below.  All companies listed are wholly owned 
subsidiaries of the Group and are fully consolidated into the Group accounts. 
The ultimate parent company of the Group is Alea Group Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd. 
Details of the Company's subsidiaries at 31 December 2009 are as follows: 
| Name of subsidiary             | Place of      | Proportion | Proportion | 
|                                | incorporation |         of |  of voting | 
|                                | (or           |  ownership | power held | 
|                                | registration) |   interest |       in % | 
|                                | and operation |       in % |            | 
|                                |               |            |            | 
| Alea (Bermuda) Ltd             | Bermuda       |        100 |        100 | 
| Alea Holdings US Company       | USA           |        100 |        100 | 
| Alea North America Insurance   | USA           |        100 |        100 | 
| Company                        |               |            |            | 
| Alea North America Company     | USA           |        100 |        100 | 
| Alea Services AG               | Switzerland   |        100 |        100 | 
| AHUSCO Statutory Trust I       | USA           |        100 |        100 | 
| AHUSCO Statutory Trust II      | USA           |        100 |        100 | 
| AHUSCO Statutory Trust III     | USA           |        100 |        100 | 
| Alea Syndicate Management      | England and   |        100 |        100 | 
| Limited                        | Wales         |            |            | 
| Alea Corporate Member Limited  | England and   |        100 |        100 | 
|                                | Wales         |            |            | 
|                                |               |            |            | 
Alea Europe Ltd was re-domiciled / continued into Bermuda and subsequently 
merged / amalgamated into Alea (Bermuda) Ltd effective 14 September 2009. 
Alea Services AG became a subsidiary of Alea (Bermuda) Ltd on 14 September 2009 
upon the amalgamation/merger of Alea Europe Ltd into Alea (Bermuda) Ltd.  The 
domicile of Alea Services AG was moved from Cham, Switzerland to Zug, 
Switzerland on 19 October 2009. 
Alea Holdings UK Limited and its subsidiaries, Alea London Limited and Alea 
Services UK Limited, were sold on 29 October 2009. 
Forward Looking Statements 
Certain statements made in this report that are not based on current or 
historical facts are forward-looking in nature including, without limitation, 
statements containing the words 'believes,' 'anticipates,' 'plans,' 'projects,' 
'intends,' 'expects,' 'estimates,' 'predicts,' 'targets' and words of similar 
import. All statements other than statements of historical facts including, 
without limitation, those regarding the Group's financial position, business 
strategy, plans and objectives of management for future operations (including 
development plans and objectives) are forward-looking statements. Such 
forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and 
other important factors that could cause the actual results, performance or 
achievements of the Group to be materially different from future results, 
performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking 
statements. In particular, forecasting of reserves for future losses is based on 
historical experience and future assumptions. As a result they are inherently 
subjective and may fluctuate based on actual future experience and changes to 
current or future trends in the legal, social or economic environment. 
Forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the 
Group's present and future business strategies and the environment in which the 
Group will operate in the future. These forward-looking statements speak only as 
at the date of this report or other information concerned. Alea Group Holdings 
(Bermuda) Ltd expressly disclaims any obligations or undertaking (other than 
reporting obligations imposed on us in relation to our listing on the London 
Stock Exchange) to disseminate any updates or revisions to any forward-looking 
statements contained herein to reflect any changes in the Group's expectations 
with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on 
which any such statement is based. References in this paragraph to the Group are 
to Alea Group Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd and its subsidiaries from time to time. 
Appleby Services (Bermuda) Ltd., Canon's Court, 
22 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM12, Bermuda. T +1 441 295 1443 
United Kingdom transfer agent, paying agent and depositary interests registrar 
Shareholders based in the United Kingdom who hold share certificates and holders 
of depositary interests on the CREST system should contact: 
Capita Registrars Ltd, The Registry, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, 
Kent BR3 4TU, United Kingdom. 
T 0871 664 0300 (within the UK - calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras, 
lines are open 8:30am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri) 
or +44 20 8639 3399 (outside the UK) 
Alea has appointed Capita Registrars Ltd as a transfer agent in the United 
Kingdom with the authority to remit transfers to the registrar or the branch 
registrar in respect of shareholders holding share certificates in the United 
Kingdom and to act as paying agent for all depositary interest holders and 
United States transfer agent and branch registrar 
Shareholders holding share certificates (other than shareholders based in the 
United Kingdom) or shares via book entry through our United States Transfer 
Agent and Branch Registrar should contact: 
BNY Mellon Shareowner Services, 480 Washington Boulevard, 
Jersey City, New Jersey 07310, United States. 
T 1 800 522 6645 (within the US) 
or +1 201 329 8660 (outside the US) 
Alea has appointed BNY Mellon Shareowner Services (formerly known as Mellon 
Investor Services LLC) as a branch registrar to manage the shareholder register, 
ensuring that all information held about Alea's shareholders is kept up to date. 
Changes to personal details 
As a shareholder or a holder of a depositary interest in CREST, you may be sent 
information about Alea. If you are a shareholder based in the United Kingdom who 
holds share certificates, it is important to ensure that Capita Registrars Ltd 
is kept up to date about any changes to your personal details, such as your name 
and home address. Holders of depositary interests in CREST should refer to the 
appropriate CREST procedure to update their details. If you otherwise hold share 
certificates or shares via book entry through our United States transfer agent 
and branch registrar, it is important to ensure that BNY Mellon Shareowner 
Services is kept up to date about any changes to your personal details, such as 
your name and home address. Further details are given in the frequently asked 
questions section. 
The annual report and accounts, interim statements and other useful information 
on the Company are available through the internet at www.aleagroup.com. 
Annual General Meeting 
We welcome the views of shareholders and hope that you will be able to attend 
the Company's Annual General Meeting, which will be held at: 
Alea Group Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd., Crown House, 3rd Floor, 4 Par-la-Ville Road, 
Hamilton HM 08, Bermuda. 
at 10:00 am Bermuda time on 17 June 2010. The Notice of the Meeting and the 
Proxy Form accompany this document. If you are unable to attend the Annual 
General Meeting to ask a question in person, you may write to us at: 
Crown House, 3rd Floor, PO Box HM 2983, 4 Par-la-Ville Road, 
Hamilton HM 08, Bermuda 
or contact us through our Group website at www.aleagroup.com. 
Shareholder Information 
For further information about Alea, please contact Sheel Sawhney c/o Alea Group 
Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd., Crown House, 3rd Floor, PO Box HM 2983, 4 Par-la-Ville 
Road, Hamilton HM 08, Bermuda. T +1 441 296 9150. E mail: 
The Group's share price is shown on the Company's website and on 
Registered Office 
Canon's Court, 22 Victoria Street, Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda. 
T +1 441 295 2244 
Registered Number in Bermuda 
Worldwide Group Office 
Crown House, 3rd Floor, PO Box HM 2983, 4 Par-la-Ville Road, 
Hamilton HM 08, Bermuda. T +1 441 296 9150 
Q:   I have recently moved.  Who should I tell? 
A:   If you are a shareholder based in the United Kingdom who holds share 
certificates, you should notify Capita Registrars Ltd in writing at the address 
indicated above, remembering to clearly state your old address. Holders of 
depositary interests in CREST should refer to the appropriate CREST procedure to 
update their details. If you otherwise hold share certificates or shares via 
book entry through our United States transfer agent and branch registrar, you 
should notify BNY Mellon Shareowner Services in writing at the address indicated 
above, remembering to clearly state your old address. If you hold shares in 
joint names, the shares will be registered in the name of the person who appears 
first on your share certificate and the letter must be signed by them. 
Q:   What do I do if I change my name? 
A:   To ensure the shares are registered in your new name, you will need to 
notify Capita Registrars Ltd in writing if you are a shareholder based in the 
United Kingdom who holds share certificates. Holders of depositary interests in 
CREST should refer to the appropriate CREST procedure to update their details. 
You will need to notify BNY Mellon Shareowner Services if you otherwise hold 
share certificates or shares via book entry through our United States transfer 
agent and branch registrar. You will also need to enclose evidence of the 
change, for example, a marriage certificate or change of name deed (please do 
not send the original), or a certified name change document if you are a company 
or other entity, together with your share certificates, if applicable, and any 
uncashed dividend cheques. New documents can then be issued in the correct name. 
Q:   I receive multiple sets of information whenever you send anything to me. 
How can I make sure that in the future only one copy is sent? 
A:   If you have acquired shares on more than one occasion, your shareholdings 
may have been recorded on the share register with slightly different details. As 
a result, two or more accounts may have been set up for you. Sometimes we need 
to maintain more than one account, for example, if you hold shares in your own 
name and also in joint names with your partner; however sometimes multiple 
accounts can be amalgamated. Please notify Capita Registrars Ltd or BNY Mellon 
Shareowner Services, as appropriate, of any accounts you believe should be 
amalgamated. They will do so if it is possible. 
Q:   My share certificate has been lost/stolen. What should I do to obtain a 
A:   You should immediately inform Capita Registrars Ltd if you are a 
shareholder based in the United Kingdom, or BNY Mellon Shareowner Services if 
you are not a shareholder based in the United Kingdom. They will require you to 
pay an administration charge, and they will send you a form of indemnity. The 
indemnity is required to protect Alea from the potential misuse of the missing 
share certificate and must be returned before a new certificate can be issued. 
Q:   I would like to transfer shares to someone I know. How do I arrange this? 
A:   As these transactions do not involve a stockbroker, you can use a stock 
transfer form. You can obtain a form from Capita Registrars Ltd if you are a 
shareholder based in the United Kingdom who holds share certificates.  You can 
obtain a form from BNY Mellon Shareowner Services if you otherwise hold share 
certificates or shares via book entry through our United States transfer agent 
and branch registrar. 
Q:   My partner/relative has died. What should I do about their shareholding? 
A:   Contact Capita Registrars Ltd if your partner/relative was a shareholder 
based in the United Kingdom who held share certificates and they will guide you 
through what you need to do. Holders of depositary interests in CREST should 
refer to the appropriate CREST procedure to update their details. Contact BNY 
Mellon Shareowner Services if your partner/relative otherwise held share 
certificates or shares via book entry through our United States transfer agent 
and branch registrar, and they will guide you through what you need to do. 
Q:   Can I elect to receive any dividend or distribution payment in a currency 
other than US Dollars? 
A:   Yes. Shareholders will have the option to receive dividends in US Dollars, 
British Pounds or Swiss Francs. Shareholders may make currency elections by 
returning a currency election form to the paying agent, Capita Registrars Ltd. A 
currency election form can be obtained from Capita Registrars Ltd. If no 
election is made, shareholders will receive US Dollars. If a shareholder has 
already submitted a currency election form, future dividend payments will 
continue be made in accordance with that election unless they submit a new form 
to Capita Registrars Ltd. The British Pound or Swiss Franc equivalent of any 
dividend will be calculated by reference to an exchange rate prevailing on a 
date prior to payment selected by the Company. Dividend cheques will be drawn on 
a UK bank account. 
18 May 2010* 
Announcement of First Interim Management Statement 
17 June 2010 
Annual General Meeting 
26 August 2010* 
Announcement of results for six months ending 30 June 2010 
17 November 2010* 
Announcement of Second Interim Management Statement 
17 March 2011* 
Announcement of results for 2009 
* Provisional date 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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De Set 2023 até Set 2024 Click aqui para mais gráficos Alea.