RNS No 9316t
12 October 1999

            for the six months ended 31 August 1999

I wrote to you on the 28 April 1999 following the announcement
by  OLIM  Convertible  Trust of  the  terms  of  a  scheme  of
reconstruction  of  their  trust.   Under  the   scheme   OLIM
shareholders  had  the  opportunity  of  rolling  over   their
investment into new Aberdeen Preferred Income Trust ("AbPref")
shares.   In  conjunction with the scheme Abpref and  Aberdeen
Preferred  Securities ("Securities") carried out a placing  of
2,706,360 units at a placing price of 739p per unit (each unit
consisting  of three AbPref ordinary shares and one Securities
zero  dividend preference share).  Pursuant to the scheme  and
placing,  a total of 11,067,217 ordinary shares and  3,688,916
zero dividend preference shares were issued.

In order to restore the gearing level of the Trust we borrowed
a  further #14 million, in two tranches of #7 million at rates
of  6.76%  and 6.78% fixed until 28 June 2002 and 30 September

These  transactions increased our total assets  to  more  than
#400 million.  Net asset value per Ordinary share at 31 August
1999  was  147.21  pence  compared with  141.23  pence  at  28
February 1999, an increase of 4.23 per cent.

In   their   announcement  of  the  Proposals  your  Directors
forecast,  on the basis of the Assumptions and in the  absence
of  unforeseen circumstances, an increase in the dividends  on
the  Ordinary  shares for the financial year  1999/2000.   The
forecast is set out below and involves an increase of  10  per
cent  (on  the basis there stated) over the Company's existing

The  dividend  policy of Abpref is to distribute substantially
all  of its net revenue by way of four interim dividends.  The
dividends  paid  in  respect of the financial  year  ended  28
February  1999  totalled  15.25p  net.   In  July  1998   your
Directors  forecast  dividends of 16p net  per  share  in  the
calendar year 1999.

The first interim dividend for the current financial year paid
in August was 4p net per share as previously forecast.  In the
absence of unforeseen circumstances it is now the intention of
your  Directors  to  pay  dividends of  4.4p  net  per  share,
commencing  with  the second interim dividend  declared  today
payable on 18 November 1999 to shareholders registered  on  22
October  1999.  This is equivalent to aggregate  dividends  of
17.6p net per annum on an annualised basis, an increase of  10
per  cent  over  the  forecast made last July.   The  expected
timetable for the forecast dividend payments is as follows:

Dividend            Month of payment         Amount (net)
First interim       August 1999              4.0p
Second interim      November 1999            4.4p
Third interim       January 2000             4.4p
Fourth interim      April 2000               4.4p

The  stable performance of the net asset value is largely  due
to  two  factors.  The fixed interest element of the portfolio
has  performed well, in spite of rising gilt yields,  and  the
relatively high yielding income shares have been resilient  in
what has proved to be a dull market for UK blue chips.

The  Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England cut  the
Base  rate  on two occasions during the period, each  time  by
0.25%  but  since  the end of August they have  increased  the
rate,  again by a 0.25%.  It now stands at 5.25%.  The outlook
for  interest  rates is unclear.  However, we feel  that  most
commentators  have become too pessimistic and we suggest  that
rates  will  not rise as high as many fear.  The income  share
sector has not been immune to the fear of rising rates but  we
believe  our  holdings,  which have performed  well  over  the
period, will continue to do so.

Derek Morgan
12 October 1999

The unaudited results were:

Group Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue
account of the Group*) for the half year ended 31 August 1999

                                   Six months ended
                                    31 August 1999
                              Revenue     Capital     Total
                                #'000       #'000     #'000
Gains on investments                -      10,908    10,908
Income                         17,029           -    17,029
Investment management fee      (1,053)       (701)   (1,754)
Other expenses                   (406)          -      (406)
                               ------      ------    ------
Net return before finance                                  
costs and taxation             15,570      10,207    25,777
Interest payable and                                       
similar charges
Interest                       (2,366)     (1,560)   (3,926)
Indexation of Debentures            -        (121)     (121)
Zero dividend preference                                   
shares of subsidiary                -      (3,688)   (3,688)
                               ------      ------    ------
Return on ordinary                                         
activities before tax          13,204       4,838    18,042
Tax on ordinary
activities                     (2,017)        552    (1,465)
                               ------      ------    ------
Return on ordinary                                         
activities after tax           11,187       5,390    16,577
Dividends in respect of                                    
equity shares                 (10,379)          -   (10,379)
                               ------      ------    ------
Transfers to reserves             808       5,390     6,198
                               ======      ======    ======
Return per share (pence):                                  
Ordinary                         9.09        4.38     13.47
                               ======      ======    ======

                                   Six months ended
                                    31 August 1998
                              Revenue     Capital     Total
                                #'000       #'000     #'000
(Losses) on investments             -      (7,559)   (7,559)
Income                          5,914           -     5,914
Investment management fee        (450)       (256)     (706)
Other expenses                   (139)          -      (139)
                                -----       -----     -----
Net return before finance                                  
costs and taxation              5,325      (7,815)   (2,490)
Interest payable and                                       
similar charges
Interest                         (611)       (702)   (1,313)
Indexation of Debenture             -           -         -
Zero-dividend preference                                   
shares of subsidiary                -      (1,061)   (1,061)
                                -----       -----     -----
Return on ordinary                                         
activities before tax           4,714      (9,578)   (4,864)
Tax on ordinary
activities                       (989)        135      (854)
                                -----       -----     -----
Return on ordinary                                         
activities after tax            3,725      (9,443)   (5,718)
Dividends in respect of                                    
equity shares                  (3,366)          -    (3,366)
                                -----       -----     -----
Transfers to/(from)
reserves                          359      (9,443)   (9,084)
                                =====       =====     =====
Return per share (pence):                                  
Ordinary                         6.84      (17.34)   (10.50)
                                =====       =====     =====

* The Statements of total return presented above are in
accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice for
Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies.

Summarised Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 August 1999
                         31 August   31 August  28 February
                              1999        1998         1999
                        (unaudited) (unaudited)    (audited)
                             #'000       #'000        #'000

Fixed assets                                            
Investments                405,682     279,976      356,262
                           -------     -------      -------
Current assets                                          
Debtors                     13,228       3,710        7,678
Cash at bank                    67      71,641        6,801
                           -------     -------      -------
                            13,295      75,351       14,479
Current liabilities                                     
Bank loans and
overdrafts                  (4,048)          -            -
Creditors: amounts                                      
falling due within one
year                        (9,839)    (66,440)     (15,278)
                           -------     -------      -------
                           (13,887)    (66,440)     (15,278)
                           -------     -------      -------
Net current                                             
(liabilities)/assets          (592)      8,911         (799)
                           -------     -------      -------
Total assets less                                       
current liabilities        405,090     288,887      355,463
Creditors: amounts                                      
falling due after one
year excluding Zero
dividend preference
RPI Debenture Stock
2007                       (19,822)    (19,269)     (19,691)
Subordinated loan stock
2023                       (18,789)    (18,770)     (18,779)
Bank loan 2002             (81,000)    (12,000)     (67,000)
                           -------     -------      -------
                          (119,611)    (50,039)    (105,470)
                           -------     -------      -------
Zero dividend                                           
preference shares          (95,825)    (80,388)     (83,671)
                           -------     -------      -------
Total net assets           189,654     158,460      166,322
                           =======     =======      =======
Share capital and                                       
Called-up share capital     12,883      11,776       11,777
Share premium account      149,704     133,715      133,695
Merger reserve              15,958      15,958       15,958
Capital reserves:                                       
  Realised (including                                   
  accrued finance
  costs)                   (12,694)    (10,831)     (17,726)
  Unrealised                23,031       4,751       22,654
Revenue reserve                772       3,091          (36)
                           -------     -------      -------
Total equity                                            
shareholders' funds        189,654     158,460      166,322
                           =======     =======      =======
Net asset value per                                     
share (pence):
Ordinary                    147.21      134.55       141.23
                           =======     =======      =======

1  The  interim financial accounts have been prepared in  accordance
   with  applicable  accounting standards under the historical  cost
   convention as modified to include the revaluation of fixed  asset
   investments and on the basis of the accounting policies  set  out
   in  the  statutory financial statements of the  Company  for  the
   period ended 28 February 1999.

2  The  basic  revenue  return per share is  based  on  earnings  of
   #11,187,000   (1998:   #3,725,000)  and  on  123,100,258   (1998:
   54,453,413) Ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of
   shares  in  issue for the period.  The basic capital  return  per
   share  is based on net capital gains of #5,390,000 (1998:  losses
   of  #9,443,000)  and  on 123,100,258 (1998: 54,453,413)  Ordinary
   shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue  for
   the period.

3  The  basic  net asset value per Ordinary share is  based  on  net
   assets  of  #189,654,000  (31 August 1998:  #158,460,000  and  28
   February  1999: #166,322,000) and on 128,834,529 (31 August  1998
   and  28  February 1999: 117,767,312) Ordinary shares,  being  the
   number of Ordinary shares in issue at the end of the period.

4  On  28  May  1999,  inter alia, 2,948,137  Ordinary  shares  were
   allotted  and issued in connection with the offers for shares  in
   OLIM  Convertible Trust Plc and on 7 June 1999 8,119,080 Ordinary
   shares were issued in connection with a placing.

5   Reserves:                                                   
                     Share      Merger   Realised  Unrealised
                   Premium     reserve    Reserve     reserve
                   account             (including
As at 28                                                   
February 1999      133,695      15,958    (17,726)     22,654
Net gains on                                               
investments              -           -     10,531        377
allocated to
capital                  -           -     (2,261)          -
Tax allocation                                             
on allowable
expenses                 -           -        552           -
Premium on                                                 
allotment of                                               
Ordinary shares     16,790           -          -           -
Costs relating                                             
to issue of                                                
Ordinary shares       (762)          -          -           -
Transfer from                                              
share premium
account                (19)          -         19           -
Indexation on                                              
Debenture stock          -           -       (121)          -
premium and                                                
amortisation of                                            
issue costs of                                             
Zero dividend
preference shares        -           -     (3,688)          -
                   -------      ------     ------      ------
As at 31 August                                            
1999               149,704      15,958    (12,694)     23,031
                   =======      ======     ======      ======

6  The  interim financial statements for the six months  ended
   31   August  1999  are  unaudited  and  do  not  constitute
   statutory  accounts.  The comparable financial  information
   for  the  period ended 28 February 1999 has  been  abridged
   from  accounts that have been filed with the  Registrar  of
   Companies  and  on  which the report of  the  auditors  was

7  Summary Reconciliation of shareholders' funds         #'000
   Opening equity shareholders' funds                  166,322
   Issue of Ordinary shares                             17,896
   Costs relating to issue of Ordinary shares            (762)
   Net gains on investments                             10,908
   Capitalised expenses net of taxation                (1,709)
   Accrued redemption premium and amortisation                
   of issue costs of Zero dividend preference          (3,688)
   Indexation on Debenture stock                         (121)
   Net retained revenue                                    808
   Closing equity shareholders' funds                  189,654

8  Copies of the Interim Report will be posted in due course
   and further copies may be obtained from the registered
   office, One Bow Churchyard, Cheapside, London EC4M 9HH

12 October 1999                                Aberdeen Asset
                                               Management PLC

Independent review report by KPMG Audit Plc to Aberdeen
Preferred Income Trust PLC


We have been instructed by the Company to review the financial
information set out above and we have read the other
information contained in the interim report and considered
whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material
inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' responsibilities

The Interim Report, including the financial information
contained therein, is the responsibility of, and has been
approved by, the Directors. The Listing Rules of the London
Stock Exchange require that the accounting policies and
presentation applied to the interim figures should be
consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding
annual accounts except where they are to be changed in the
next annual accounts in which case any changes, and the
reasons for them, are to be disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained
in Bulletin 1999/4: Review of Interim financial information
issued by the Auditing Practices Board. A review consists
principally of making enquiries of management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and
underlying financial data and, based thereon, assessing
whether the accounting policies and presentation have been
consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review is
substantially less in scope than an audit performed in
accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore provides a
lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly we do not
express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion

On  the  basis of our review we are not aware of any  material
modifications that should be made to the financial information
as presented for the six months ended 31 August 1999.

KPMG Audit Plc
Chartered Accountants
12 October 1999



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