RNS Number : 7738K

APR Energy PLC

21 April 2015

21 April 2015

APR Energy plc

Financial results for the year ended 31 December 2014

   --     Strong Operating Performance 

o Revenue up 58% to $485.7m (2013: $308.3m)

o Operating cash flow up 170% to $154.4m (2013: $57.8m)

o Record renewals of approximately 1.7GW, with 85% renewal rate

o 262MW of new contracts in Myanmar, South Pacific and Australia

o Average contract utilisation stable at 72% (2013: 74%)

   --     Offset by Libya challenges 

o Profitability significantly impacted by challenges in Libya

o One-off, non-cash impairment of $(717.4m)

o Provision for receivables of $47m

o Qualified audit opinion due, in large part, to the difficulties of auditing assets in Libya and Yemen

-- Post-period relaxation of banking covenants for over a year, with no change to overall five-year term of credit facility

APR Energy plc (LSE: APR) (the "Company and together with its subsidiaries, "APR Energy" or the "Group"), a global leader in fast-track power solutions, announces its results for the year ended 31 December 2014.

                                               Reported            Reported             Adjusted            Adjusted 
 $ million unless otherwise stated                 2014                2013                 2014                2013 
 Revenue                                          485.7               308.3                485.7               308.3 
 Operating (loss)/profit                        (702.5)                69.0                 38.3                77.8 
 (Loss)/profit before taxation                  (723.6)                27.5                 12.1                56.0 
 (Loss)/profit for the year                     (750.6)                19.8                (7.4)                48.3 
 Basic (loss)/earnings per share               $ (7.96)              $ 0.24             $ (0.08)              $ 0.60 
 Adjusted EBITDA                                                                           189.3               181.2 
 Adjusted EBITDA margins (%)                                                                 39%                 59% 

Laurence Anderson, Chief Executive Officer, said:

"2014 was a significant and challenging year for APR Energy. While we made substantial progress in many key areas of our business, the difficult decision to cease operations in Libya and demobilise our plants there has had a significant impact on our profitability and was a major contributing factor to our large statutory write-off. Unfortunately, the security situation in Libya and Yemen has prevented our auditors from physically verifying assets in these jurisdictions, contributing to a qualified opinion from our auditors regarding fixed assets.

"Despite the challenges and short-term setbacks, we had a number of significant achievements in 2014. We provided customers with over 1.7 gigawatts of capacity - enough to serve over 25 million people - through 38 plants in 16 countries around the world. We grew revenue by 58%, increased operational cash flow by 170% and signed a record number of contract extensions. We also made significant operational investments in a new global Enterprise Resource Planning system, advanced telemetry for improved diagnostics, maintenance and controls and our global supply chain talent, all of which will be beneficial in 2015.

"As a result of the Libya impact, together with ongoing geopolitical challenges in some of our markets, we expect full-year net income to be at or slightly below market expectations. Despite these short-term challenges, we believe the longer-term fundamentals for market growth remain strong. We are confident in our business model and strategy, and the investments we have made in 2014 position us well for future growth as we evolve our business as a global, fast-track power provider."


Market fundamentals remain strong, with increasing customer demand for larger-scale, longer-term multi-year contracts and good contract renewal rates, as highlighted by post period contract extensions of 456MW. Market interest is also improving, with prospect enquiries up 300% over last six months. Libya demobilisation is proceeding well, with an initial shipment of six turbines out of the country.

However challenges persist due to geopolitical instability, the oil price impact on government revenues, and the longer time horizon required for approval of these larger-scale projects. Consequently, full year 2015 net income is currently expected to be at or below market expectations predicated upon timing of Libya redeployment.


APR Energy plc

   Lee Munro                          + 1 904 404 4576 

CNC Communications

   Richard Campbell            +44 (0) 20 3219 8800 / +44 (0) 7775 784 933 
   Michael Kinirons              +44 (0) 20 3219 8816 / +44 (0) 7827 925 090 

An analyst presentation will be held this morning at 9:00 am at the offices of The London Stock Exchange Building, 10 Paternoster Square, St Pauls, EC4M 7LT.

A webcast will be available on the APR Energy website: http://view-w.tv/901-1205-15676/en

A conference call can be accessed via:

Conference call password: 'APR Energy'

   UK Free-Call                       0808 109 0700 
   US Dial-In:                           1 866 966 5335 
   International Dial-In:     44 (0) 20 3003 2666 

About APR Energy

APR Energy is the world's fast-track mobile turbine power business. We provide large-scale, fast-track power, providing customers with rapid access to reliable electricity when and where they need it. APR combines state-of-the-art, fuel-efficient technology with industry-leading expertise to provide turnkey power plants that are rapidly deployed, customisable, and scalable. Serving both utility and industrial segments, APR Energy provides power generation solutions to customers and communities around the world, with an emphasis on Africa, the Americas, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East. For more information, visit the Company's website at www.aprenergy.com.

Certain statements included in this announcement constitute, or may constitute, forward-looking statements. Any statement in this announcement that is not a statement of historical fact (including, without limitation, statements regarding the Company's future expectations, operations, financial performance, financial condition and business) is or may be a forward-looking statement. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or implied in any forward-looking statement. These risks and uncertainties include, among other factors, changing economic, financial, business or other market conditions. Although any such forward-looking statements reflect knowledge and information available at the date of this announcement, reliance should not be placed on them. Without limitation to the foregoing, nothing is this announcement should be constructed as a profit forecast.

Chairman's Statement

We recognise this has been a difficult year for our shareholders, as our share price and our underlying financial performance was affected by the challenges we faced in Libya. Libya was a significant contract for us, given the scale and importance of the project to the country. We operated successfully there, delivering critical power and having an excellent relationship with our customer. It was an attractive contract financially that made a significant contribution to our profitability and cash flow. Consequently, the Board's decision to withdraw from the country, following the failure of the Libyan Parliament to ratify the awarded contract extension, was not taken lightly. This decision has affected our profitability and share price during 2014, but it was the right decision to take. Our focus now is on rebuilding shareholder value by redeploying these assets rapidly to new contracts.

Our strategy is to deliver shareholder value by focusing on larger and longer-term power projects, moving us away from being perceived as a 'power rental business'. We are formed of a team of power experts, who are able to design, plan, deliver and operate large-scale blocks of power.

We made good strategic progress during the year, integrating the assets we acquired from GE, entering into key markets supported by our regional hubs and achieving a record number of contract renewals. Our entry into Myanmar exemplifies our ability to execute our strategy. Our team of experts, utilising our Singapore office, designed, mobilised and installed a power plant delivering power to over six million people in just 90 days.

As a Board, we are absolutely focused on delivering shareholder value by achieving sustainable growth. We have therefore decided to move away from a regular dividend and instead pay a dividend if and when the Board deems it appropriate. This will better align our dividend policy with our growth strategy and support our financial position.

We undertook a lot of change during the course of the year, both in the make-up of our Board and Management Team, and operationally, as we continue to mature and develop as a business.

At the Board level, in August, Mike Fairey announced his decision to step down as Chairman. Under his leadership, Mike oversaw significant growth and our increasing maturity as a public company. I would like to thank him for his knowledge, experience and judgement, combined with his commitment and hard work.

I was honoured to be selected by the Board to become Executive Chairman, and recognise the significant responsibility this entails. I will endeavour to provide the necessary guidance and oversight of the business, as well as governance of the Board, drawing upon my extensive knowledge of APR Energy and its markets. I will continue to support our Management Team in the delivery of our long-term vision and strategy, as well as spend time with our customers.

In March 2015, we were informed of Baroness Denise Kingsmill's decision to step down from her role as Senior Independent Director, to attend to personal matters. Matthew Allen and Edward Hawkes also resigned from their roles as Non-Executive Directors. I would like to thank all three of them for the valuable contribution they have made. As a result of these changes, we enter 2015 with a greater balance of Independent Directors and we will continue to look to add to this as appropriate.

During the year we also made a number of changes to strengthen our Management Team. In May, we announced the appointment of Brian Rich as Chief Operations Officer and, in August, Laurence Anderson assumed the role of Chief Executive Officer and Lee Munro that of Chief Financial Officer. These appointments recognise the significant contribution that Brian, Laurence and Lee have made to APR Energy, as well as the confidence the Board has in their abilities to deliver our strategy.

We have made considerable strategic progress, with strong revenue growth and cash generation, and have developed further our Board and Management Team. There have been challenges too, particularly the situation in Libya and the resulting significant statutory loss we reported. We have learned from these challenges, and enter 2015 with solid business fundamentals, strong operational foundations and an intense focus on delivering our strategy.

Chief Executive Officer's Report

2014 was a significant year for APR Energy - one in which we made many notable achievements but also faced challenges, particularly in respect of our largest contract in Libya. Our ongoing focus on addressing our customers' needs and our ability to deliver operational excellence, resulted in record renewal rates, some important contract wins, double-digit revenue growth and continued strong cash generation. We made significant investment in our systems and processes to support our ongoing sustainable growth strategy, the benefits of which also enable us to better serve our customers.

Towards the end of 2014, we made the difficult decision to suspend operations in Libya, followed by our announcement in January of this year to exit the country. The withdrawal has had a significant, detrimental effect on the underlying profitability of our business. However, with no certainty around having our contract extension ratified, we believe this decision to be in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders for the longer term.

Adding to this complexity, the security situation in Libya and Yemen has prevented our auditors from physically verifying certain assets in this jurisdiction. This, together with some assets not being found in their specified locations per the accounting records - driven in part by stresses on our systems to handle the influx of GE assets - has resulted in a qualified opinion from our auditors regarding fixed assets and Libyan inventory.

Recognising the challenges of managing assets and operations across a growing, global business, we made significant investments during the year in our operational capabilities, developing and deploying a new global ERP system, implementing new inventory management processes and significantly upgrading our supply chain capabilities and talent. We continue to expand our regional presence, investing in our operational hubs, strengthening our teams around the globe and putting in place robust standards, procedures and reporting abilities. These investments, from which we should begin seeing benefits in 2015, will help us grow sustainably and cost effectively, and will enable us to be more responsive to customers as we execute larger and longer-term projects.

Focusing on our financial performance, APR Energy produced strong revenue growth of 58% for the year, although this was overshadowed by a statutory loss, driven by the ending of the Libya contract and the associated provisions and write downs we have had to take as a result. Notwithstanding this, we continued to make significant progress in executing our strategy, strengthening our operational capabilities and delivering outstanding value to our customers, the results of which was reflected in a record number of contract renewals. Our underlying business fundamentals remain solid, with a demonstrated ability to generate strong operational cash flows.

Operationally, APR Energy had a very solid year. We extended over 1.7GW of contracts, won 262MW of new contracts and entered into three new countries. We extended over 85% of our contracts, reflecting the ongoing demand for electricity in the markets we serve, the high level of loyalty we have with our customers and the inherent longevity of the solutions we provide.

During 2014, APR Energy provided customers with over 1.7GW of capacity - enough to serve over 25 million people - through 38 plants in 16 countries around the world. For our customers, we are providing essential power to help their constituents, communities and economies grow and thrive.

Market background

We have come a long way since our early years, evolving from a power rental company to become a global fast-track power provider, selling electricity directly to customers through our mobile, large-scale plants. Much of what we do is unique and specialised within our industry, integrating some of the most trusted names in generation technology with our own proprietary plant designs, highly-developed processes and skilled workforce to deliver enough electricity, in just weeks, to run entire cities. Much of the technology that serves as the 'brains' of our plants, including our remote monitoring and controls capability, is designed and assembled in house. During the year, we were awarded two patents for modular systems that enable us install plants more rapidly and efficiently.

2014 was a year of lower activity in our market, as a broad range of factors combined to delay customer decision making processes. These ranged from Ebola and elections, to the economic climate and geopolitical instability in some of our regions. Also, as the projects we compete for grow to be larger and longer term in their nature, so does the time period required for contracts to come to fruition. All things considered, we were still able to achieve a 20% share of the new megawatts contracted in our space during the year.

Longer term, we remain confident both in the scale of the market, predicated upon a persistent and growing structural power deficit, and the evolving nature of customer demand for bigger and longer-term solutions. APR Energy is well positioned to deliver this, and our strategy is designed to capture an increasing share of the market. While the demand trajectory is strong, customers have a number of other competing budgetary demands, and power needs are often not addressed until the lights start going out. This means that while the growth potential in our business is compelling, this growth will not follow a smooth line.

Delivering our strategy

Our vision is to be the leading global provider of large-scale, rapidly deployed power. By focusing on this, we will deliver growth in long-term shareholder value, provide our customers and their communities with sustainable solutions that directly help them grow, and develop our business, people and capabilities to meet expanding global market opportunities. During 2014, we continued to invest to support this objective and the evolution of our business model. This investment, and the changes it brings about, will help support our strategy and enable us to scale our business cost effectively, supporting the next stage of our growth.

It has been over a year since we acquired GE's power rental business, and our strategic partnership with them continues to provide benefits as we collaborate on a number of opportunities around the globe. At the time of the acquisition, we said we would look to move the former GE contracts onto higher margin 'turnkey' ones in line with our model, or else, redeploy the assets to other opportunities. We have delivered against this, successfully renewing contracts in the US Virgin Islands and Iraq on favourable terms, terminating our contract with Forge in Australia and signing directly with the end user customer, terminating our Canadian contract and redeploying assets to the South Pacific, and demobilising our plant in Bangladesh for redeployment to more attractive future opportunities.

We continue to invest in our infrastructure and systems to support the delivery of our strategy. As part of this investment, a key initiative we undertook during the course of the year was our 'APRe3' programme, a significant enterprise resource planning (ERP) initiative covering all elements of our business. As part of this programme, we have standardised our business processes globally from procurement, finance and logistics to how we manage our fleet. It will enable us to grow and scale our business cost effectively, while providing improved visibility to our inventory and helping us deliver even higher levels of customer service. Also, using advanced data telemetry, it will allow us to run our fleet more safely, for a longer time, and minimise unscheduled repair work. Ultimately, this will increase our availability rates and uptime while reducing our maintenance costs. I am particularly proud of the work that has gone into the programme, one which exemplifies our growing business maturity and commitment to operational excellence.

Withdrawal from Libya

Our financial performance has been significantly affected by our decision to stop operations in Libya. It was a very difficult decision to make, but we took it to protect the long-term interests of the business.

At the time we entered Libya, it was a historic contract to win and a testament to our ability to deploy rapidly large blocks of power in an incredibly challenging operational environment. Operating across six sites, some in challenging desert conditions, we were able to provide 450MW of much needed power to millions of Libyans.

From the time we won the contract, we began producing power in just 90 days. It was an attractive contract that produced significant revenues, margin and cash flow for us, coupled with a customer who greatly valued the power we produced. However, the increasingly challenging political, social and security environment within Libya, and the speed at which it deteriorated, caused our renewed contract to be held up in the Libyan parliamentary review process. With no line of sight towards a ratification date, the Board made the difficult decision to demobilise the Group's plants in the country.

Our focus now is the successful extraction of our assets and their redeployment onto new projects as quickly as possible. The nature of our business means that all of our projects have a finite life cycle. We have a strong track record of being able to redeploy assets when contracts come to their conclusion, and I feel confident that we will be able to place the Libyan assets into new opportunities. Despite its challenges, the demobilisation of our plants is so far progressing according to schedule and our customer has been supportive with the necessary paperwork as we prepare to ship assets out of the country.

2014 financial performance

Our overall financial performance for 2014 was affected by our decision to withdraw from Libya. Excluding the impact of this, our underlying financial performance remained strong with significant revenue growth and cash generation.

Driven by contract renewals, high utilisation rates and new contract wins, we reported a 58% increase in revenues to $486 million (2013: $308 million).

Adjusted EBITDA grew by 4% to $189 million (2013: $181 million), with a resulting margin of 39% (2013: 59%). The decline in overall margin is again the consequence of our assets in Libya not operating in the later part of the year. In addition, over the longer term, the investments we have made in our operations during the year are expected to have a positive effect on our overall margins.

Adjusted basic (loss) per share was $(0.08) (2013: earnings of 60 cents), based on a weighted average number of shares of 94.3 million shares (2013: 81.0 million shares). No shares were issued during the period, the weighted average increase reflecting the full effects of the acquisition of GE's power rental business in 2013.

We generated $154 million (2013: $58 million) in cash flow from operations, reflecting the overall cash generative nature of the business. During the course of the year, we invested $155 million in our fleet, the majority of which was associated with additional generators and the associated equipment required to deploy them. As a result, and despite the investment in our fleet, our net debt position improved slightly. As at year end, we had $546 million of net debt (2013: $556 million).

During the year we impaired the trade receivables balance by a total of $47.0 million, which primarily consisted of a $34.1 million charge related to the Libyan trade receivables. We continue to pursue vigorously collection of all impaired trade receivables, however ultimately the Group may have to initiate additional actions in order to recover such amounts. In light of this, we have determined to provide for these amounts at 31 December 2014, given the uncertainty around the timing or ultimate collectability of such balances.

As a result of the suspension of operations in Libya at the end of 2014, we have revised the value in use calculation, due to the need to assess goodwill for impairment, to reflect lower future growth and revenues to match current market expectations around the redeployment of property, plant and equipment. This has resulted in a valuation that is significantly below the prior year and, as a result, there have been several impairments booked against goodwill, intangible assets and certain items of property, plant and equipment located in Libya in 2014, totalling $717.4 million, with goodwill and intangible assets representing $676.4 million of this amount.


In August, the Group successfully entered into a new, five year $770 million credit facility which provides us with increased liquidity and flexibility at a lower cost of capital. Comprising a $450 million revolving credit facility and $320 million term loan, the facility also includes an option to extend up to $1 billion, subject to obtaining additional funding commitments and complying with certain covenants. In March of 2015, the Group successfully agreed to terms with our bank group to amend the financial covenants under the facility as a result of the unforeseen early termination of the Libya contract. The amended facility preserves the core structural elements of the facility while giving us the necessary temporary covenant flexibility to navigate through this current business cycle and continue to execute on our business model and strategy.

A year of operational investment

Operating a rapidly-growing business with 38 plants spread across an expansive and diverse global footprint can have its challenges. Our business involves rapid mobilisation and demobilisation of plants, involving thousands of part numbers and shipments, and must be managed and orchestrated carefully with a balance between speed, efficiency and cost. Given this, the operational investments we have made in our global ERP system, inventory management processes and supply chain capabilities will play a key role in helping us effectively execute our strategy across all regions.

Europe, Middle East and Africa

We continue to make solid progress in the EMEA region, in particular within Africa, supported by our hub in Dubai. In Q2 we commenced operations of our new 40MW power plant in Angola, one of the first-ever fast-track mobile turbine projects in sub-Saharan Africa and our first turbine deal following the GE strategic alliance. The project represents another example of APR Energy's ability to both extend and expand contracts in strategic markets - in this case extending our original diesel power module contract and doubling our capacity to 80MW through the execution of the mobile turbine plant.

Asia Pacific

We had a very strong year in Asia Pacific as we grew our total generation capacity in the region to over 400MW through our presence in Myanmar, the South Pacific and Australia, and across multiple sites in Indonesia.

In May, we successfully commissioned a new power plant in Myanmar. With a contract of 82MW and the generation capacity to deliver up to 100MW, the gas-fired plant is one of the largest thermal power plants in the country, providing power to more than six million people. In March of 2015, we expanded our Myanmar plant by an additional 20MW of capacity.

Building upon our experience in industrial applications, we began operations on our largest industrial contract to date, serving a mining company in the South Pacific. Totalling 60MW, and using mobile turbine technology, APR Energy's solution was able to meet strict EU emission requirements as well as having a compact footprint to fit within the challenging space constraints at the mine site.

In August, we announced the signing of a new four-turbine, gas-fired power plant in Australia. Signed directly with the end-customer, Horizon Power, the contract replaced APR Energy's earlier contract with Forge, assumed through the acquisition of the GE power rental business. The power plant, which came online in late Q4, will run for a term of at least 30 months. This contract win, together with our success in the South Pacific, highlights how our turbines are able to meet the strictest emission standards, enabling them to be used anywhere in the world, including developed markets.

The Americas

APR Energy operates multiple sites in Uruguay and Argentina, in addition to plants in the US Virgin Islands and Guatemala. We successfully renewed all of our mobile gas turbine contracts in Uruguay, totalling 300MW, as well as our 25MW turbine contract in the US Virgin Islands through late 2016. In Argentina, we continue to have a strong relationship with our customer, to whom we have been providing power for over seven years.

We continue to invest in our employees

Our people are our most important asset, and they are the key to our ability to rapidly deploy large power projects to meet our customers' needs. We are fortunate to have a team of highly skilled, motivated and entrepreneurial individuals located around the globe.

I would like to thank all our people for their hard work and dedication, especially for the significant strides we have made this year in our operational execution, systems and infrastructure. The accomplishments of our people have helped make APR Energy a leader in its space, and continue to position the Company well for its future.


The loss of revenues from Libya will have a significant impact on our income statement and we are focused on rapidly deploying these assets to new geographies. All of our projects have a finite life cycle, for which we always prepare through contingency planning and by keeping an active pipeline. We remain very confident in our market and we continue to see increasing need on the part of customers. We believe that the strength of our relationship with our strategic partner, GE, will help enable effective conversion of current pipeline opportunities. Right now, we are actively engaged in a number of opportunities in EMEA, Asia Pacific and the Americas.

We see continued market growth, although we expect lumpiness in our business as geopolitical and economic uncertainty in some of our markets may further delay customer decision making. The focus for the year ahead is securing a number of new key contracts, diversifying our global footprint and continuing to improve our operational and financial performance.


I feel honoured to be taking on the role of CEO of the company I co-founded and have helped to grow for over 14 years. I am excited about the prospect of leading APR Energy forward in the delivery of our strategy as we continue to mature into a business that is capable of tackling some of the largest energy challenges globally.

For those factors within our control, we have continued to deliver effectively and as leaders in our field, but there is no doubt that 2014 has been a challenging year for us. As a management team, we recognise the significant impact the decision to withdraw from Libya has had on our financial performance and our share price. Our efforts now are to ensure the rapid redeployment of these assets. We are confident in our ability to do this, and have a strong track record of redeploying assets to new projects. The significant strides we have made in our operations, systems and infrastructure during the course of 2014 will help us be more nimble and efficient, and position us well for 2015.

Financial Review

                                               Reported             Reported             Adjusted             Adjusted 
                                                   2014                 2013                 2014                 2013 
 $ million                                    (Audited)            (Audited)          (Unaudited)          (Unaudited) 
-----------------------------  ---  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
 Revenue                                          485.7                308.3                485.7                308.3 
 Cost of sales                                  (400.3)              (197.3)              (359.3)              (197.3) 
 Amortisation of intangible assets               (23.4)                (8.8)                    -                    - 
----------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
 Gross profit                                      62.0                102.2                126.4                111.0 
 Doubtful accounts expense                       (47.0)                    -               (47.0)                    - 
 Impairments                                    (676.4)                    -                    -                    - 
 Selling, general and 
  administrative expenses                        (41.1)               (33.2)               (41.1)               (33.2) 
----------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
 Operating (loss)/profit                        (702.5)                 69.0                 38.3                 77.8 
 Integration and acquisition 
  related costs                                   (4.6)               (14.4)                    -                    - 
 Founder securities revaluation                    18.5                (3.3)                    -                    - 
 Foreign exchange loss                            (0.8)                (0.4)                (0.8)                (0.4) 
 Finance income                                     1.6                  0.2                  1.6                  0.2 
 Finance costs                                   (35.8)               (23.6)               (27.0)               (21.6) 
----------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
 (Loss)/profit before taxation                  (723.6)                 27.5                 12.1                 56.0 
 Taxation                                        (27.0)                (7.7)               (19.5)                (7.7) 
----------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
 (Loss)/profit for the year                     (750.6)                 19.8                (7.4)                 48.3 
----------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
 Total comprehensive (loss)/profit 
  for the 
  year                                          (750.6)                 19.8                (7.4)                 48.3 
----------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
 (Loss)/Earnings per share 
-----------------------------  ---  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
 Basic (loss)/earnings per share               $ (7.96)               $ 0.24             $ (0.08)               $ 0.60 
 Diluted (loss)/earnings per share             $ (7.96)               $ 0.24             $ (0.08)               $ 0.60 
----------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 

Adjusted financial results and performance review

To provide investors with greater clarity on the performance of the Group, adjusted unaudited financial information has been prepared to show the results, excluding certain items: amortisation of intangibles, impairments, Founder securities revaluation, integration and acquisition related costs, acquisition and related finance costs and certain tax costs. The adjusted unaudited financial information has been prepared as follows:

                                                                  Revenue   Operating (loss)/            Loss for 
 $ million                                                                             profit            the year 
---------------------------------------------------    ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 12 month statutory results to 31 December 2014                     485.7             (702.5)             (750.6) 
 Cost of sales                                                          -                41.0                41.0 
 Amortisation of intangible assets                                      -                23.4                23.4 
 Impairments                                                            -               676.4               676.4 
 Founder securities revaluation                                         -                   -              (18.5) 
 Integration and acquisition related costs                              -                   -                 4.6 
 Acquisition and refinancing related finance costs                      -                   -                 8.8 
 Tax costs                                                              -                   -                 7.5 
-----------------------------------------------------                                          ------------------ 
 12 month adjusted results to 31 December 2014                      485.7                38.3               (7.4) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
                                                                  Revenue           Operating          Profit for 
 $ million                                                                             profit            the year 
---------------------------------------------------    ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 12 month statutory results to 31 December 2013                     308.3                69.0                19.8 
 Amortisation of intangible assets                                      -                 8.8                 8.8 
 Founder securities revaluation                                         -                   -                 3.3 
 Integration and acquisition related costs                              -                   -                14.4 
 Acquisition related finance costs                                      -                   -                 2.0 
-----------------------------------------------------                                          ------------------ 
 12 month adjusted results to 31 December 2013                      308.3                77.8                48.3 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 

Revenue for the year increased 58% to $485.7 million (2013: $308.3 million), driven primarily by a full year's results of the GE business, contract extensions and high utilisation levels on an enlarged fleet for the majority of the year, following the commissioning of four new contracts during the year.

Revenue included $32.7 million in 2014 arising from the finance lease accounting in connection with the planned disposal of assets in Uruguay and Senegal, resulting in $nil gain/loss (2013: $14 million in revenue in the connection with the disposal of assets in Botswana). Adjusted operating profit decreased 51% to $38.3 million (2013: profit of $77.8 million), reflecting bad debt provisions for Libya and other contracts and additional selling, general and administrative expenses. The depreciation charge as a percentage of revenue remains in line with the previous year and reflects capital expenditure on the fleet during the year.

Adjusted finance costs for the year were $27.0 million (2013: $21.6 million), reflecting drawings made on the credit facility for fleet capital expenditures offset by lower interest rates. Adjusted finance costs exclude in 2014 the write-off of capitalised finance costs associated with the August 2014 refinancing and additional interest in 2014 and 2013 related to the cash consideration of $73 million for the GE acquisition in 2013.

The 2014 tax charge on an adjusted basis was $19.5 million (2013: $7.7 million) which excludes the reversal of the deferred tax asset for UK losses associated with the Libya contract.

Adjusted loss for the year was $(7.4) million (2013: profit of $48.3 million) reflecting the increased allowance for doubtful accounts, higher selling general and administrative expenses, finance costs and tax charges.

Adjusted basic earnings per share were a loss of $(0.08) (2013: earnings of $0.60), based on a weighted average number of shares of 94.3 million (2013: 81.0 million shares).

                                                           Adjusted            Adjusted 
 $ million                                                     2014                2013 
--------------------------------------------     ------------------  ------------------ 
 Adjusted operating profit                                     38.3                77.8 
 Depreciation                                                 145.7                99.0 
 Equity-settled share-based payment expense                     5.3                 4.4 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Adjusted EBITDA                                              189.3               181.2 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 

Adjusted EBITDA increased 4% to $189.3 million (2013: $181.2 million), resulting in an adjusted EBITDA margin of 39% (2013: 59%). This reflects lower gross margin from higher costs associated with Libya operations ceasing in 4Q 2014.

As at 31 December 2014, total fleet capacity was 2,108MW (2013: 2,074MW.)

Fleet capital expenditure of $155 million (2013: $294 million excluding assets acquired through the GE acquisition) reflected continued fleet investment to support the commissioning of power plants in Myanmar, Angola and the South Pacific, and ongoing maintenance of the fleet.

Adjusted Return on Capital Employed

Adjusted Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) is a key performance metric for the business. Given the significant increase in net operating assets associated with the growth of the business, adjusted ROCE decreased to 3% (2013: 8%), primarily reflecting the lower EBIT margin and lower utilisation in the second half of 2014 as the result of Libya ceasing operations in 4Q 2014.


Nearly all operating costs are matched with corresponding revenues of the same currency and as such there is minimal transactional currency risk in the Group.

Statutory financial results and performance review

The statutory results for APR Energy covers the year ended 31 December 2014.


Revenue for the year was $485.7 million (2013: $308.3 million), as described above.

Depreciation (included in cost of sales)

The Group reassessed its maintenance regime as a result of the GE acquisition and concluded that the residual values employed previously should be updated. This change in estimate led to a reduction in fleet depreciation of $17m in 2014.


In performing its annual assessment of goodwill impairment, assumptions were contemplated in the forecast such as the suspension of Libya operations in the end of 2014. Also in the assessment other assumptions such as future growth and discount rates were contemplated resulting in the Group recognising impairments of $717m ($623m related to goodwill, $54m related to intangibles and $41m related to property, plant and equipment). $41m of this was included in cost of sales.

Operating (loss)/profit

Reported operating loss was $(702.5) million (2013: profit of $69.0m), reflecting the impairment of goodwill, intangible assets and property, plant and equipment of $717 million, doubtful accounts expense and lower gross profit and higher selling, general and administrative expenses.

Integration and acquisition related costs

Expenses of $4.6 million (2013: $14.4 million) were recognised in respect of integration and acquisition related costs associated with the GE acquisition in late 2013.

Doubtful accounts expense

The Group provided $47.0m of doubtful accounts expense in 2014 primarily related to Libyan receivables of $34.1m.

Share-based payments

In accordance with IFRS 2, a non-cash charge of $5.3 million (2013: $4.4 million) was recognised related to equity-settled share-based payment transactions. This expense relates to equity grants made under the Company's Performance Share Plans.

Interest and finance cost

Net interest expense for the year was $34.2 million (2013 $23.4 million), reflecting drawings made on the credit facility for fleet capital expenditure, the timing of receipt of receivables and the write off or the previously capitalised financing fees as a result of the refinancing in August 2014.


The Group's reported tax charge for the year was $27.0 million (2013: $7.7 million). This included derecognition (recognition) of losses of $7.6 million (2013: $(7.4 million)), withholding taxes of $5.6 million (2013: $3.2 million) and income taxes of $21.1 million (2013: $4.5 million).

(Loss) profit

The Group reported a loss for 2014 of $750.6m and a profit of $19.8m for 2013.

(Loss)/earnings per share

Basic and diluted loss per share was $(7.96) (2013: earnings per share of $0.24), based on a weighted average number of shares of 94.3 million (2013: 81.0 million shares).

Liquidity and capital resources

Net debt (excluding capitalised finance fees of $9.5 million) as at 31 December 2014 was $546 million (2013: $556 million). This reflects the Group's continued investment in its fleet. A summary analysis of cash flows is set out in the table below.

 $ million                                                             2014                2013 
----------------------------------------------------     ------------------  ------------------ 
 Net cash from operating activities                                   154.4                57.8 
 Net cash used in investing activities                              (118.0)             (410.8) 
 Net cash from financing activities                                    48.5               365.9 
-------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                             85.0                12.9 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year                    33.9                21.0 
-------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year                         118.9                33.9 
-------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 

During the period, net cash flow from operating activities totalled $154.4 million (2013: $57.8 million).

Cash flow used in investing activities primarily comprised continued investments in the fleet and mobilisation costs arising from projects commencing operations during the year. The reduction, year on year, reflects the timing of the purchase of property, plant and equipment and the mobilisation of the Libyan contract, prior to commencement of operations in the second half of 2013.

Cash from financing activities totalled $48.5 million (2013:$365.9 million) and included proceeds of the $770 million refinancing offset by the repayment of the old facilities in August 2014.

Statement of financial position

As at 31 December 2014, the Group had goodwill of $nil (2013: $622.6 million) as a result of fully impairing goodwill in 2014.

Property, plant and equipment

As at 31 December 2014, the Group held property, plant and equipment of $1,139.3 million (2013: $1,194.3 million), reflecting additions of $173.4 million (2013: $394.8 million) and disposals of $52.5 million primarily related to the finance lease sale of certain assets in Uruguay.


As at 31 December 2014, the Group's total equity decreased 54% to $635.7 million (31 December 2013: $1,396.6 million) principally as a result of the goodwill and intangible assets impairments booked during the year.

Treasury policies and risk management

The Group's activities give rise to a number of financial risks, particularly market risk (foreign exchange and interest rate risk), credit risk, liquidity risk, and capital risk management.

Interest rate risk

The Group is primarily exposed to interest rate risk on its borrowings. Borrowings issued at variable rates expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk. Borrowings issued at fixed rates expose the Group to fair value interest rate risk. When applicable, the Group may elect to hedge interest rate risk associated with debt or borrowings under the credit facility by purchasing derivative instruments. As at 31 December 2014 the Group had a five year interest rate swap on the notional amount of $80 million, which swapped variable one month LIBOR rate for fixed rate. At 31 December 2013 there was no interest rate hedge in place.

Credit risk

Credit risk arises from cash and cash equivalents, deposits with banks and financial institutions, as well as exposures to outstanding receivables from customers. Due to the nature of the Group's business in emerging markets, management believes the most significant of these to be exposures to outstanding receivables from customers.

To minimise the risk of a significant impact on the business due to a customer defaulting on its commitments, the Group closely monitors trade receivables. In addition, the Group uses letters of credit, contract insurance policies and up front deposits to mitigate this risk.

Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk results from insufficient funding being available to meet the Group's funding requirements as they arise. The Group manages liquidity risk by maintaining adequate reserves of cash and available committed facilities to meet the Group's short and long-term funding requirements. The Group monitors the short-term forecast and actual cash flows on a daily basis and medium- and long-term requirements in line with the Group's long-term planning processes.

Financing and bank facilities

The Group has successfully completed an amendment to its new senior syndicated credit facilities, comprising a $450 million revolving credit facility and a $320 million Term Loan. The amendment to the facilities provides the Group with additional flexibility around certain financial covenants, notably an increased leverage profile and the inclusion of a Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio, which will replace the previous Interest Coverage Ratio covenant for the remainder of the facilities' term.

The facilities provide for the funding of capital expenditures, working capital requirements and letters of credit. Key financial covenants include a Total Leverage Ratio (adjusted EBITDA/total indebtedness) and a Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio (adjusted EBITDA less certain non-discretionary capital expenditures and tax payments/interest payments, Term Loan quarterly repayments and dividend payments). The LIBOR spread on the facilities is dependent on the Total Leverage Ratio and the Term Loan requires quarterly repayments of between 1.25%-3.75% throughout the term.

The facilities are secured with the equity and assets of the majority of the Group's subsidiary undertakings.

As at 31 December 2014, the Group had gross debt of $665 million (excluding capitalised finance costs) (31 December 2013: $590 million) and cash of $119 million (31 December 2013: $34 million), resulting in a net debt of $546 million (31 December 2013: $556 million). This net debt position partially reflects the continued investment in fleet capital expenditures offset by the timing of the receipt of receivables. As previously communicated, Management continues to focus on cash management and balance sheet efficiency.

Going concern

The Group has committed, secured credit facilities of $770 million comprising a $450 million revolving credit facility and a $320 million term-loan which matures in August 2019.

To ensure it remains within the terms of this facility (including covenant requirements), the Group regularly produces cash flow statements, and runs forecasts and sensitivities for different scenarios including, but not limited to, changes to contract start dates, pricing and expected contract duration. On 31 March 2015, the Group amended certain terms and conditions related to these credit facilities. The Group's forecasts and projections show that these amended facilities are anticipated to be sufficient for meeting the Group's operating requirements.

In the event of unexpected adverse changes to the Group's cash flows, the Directors are confident that the Group could manage its financial affairs, optimizing portfolio management and deferring of non-essential capital expenditure, so as to ensure that sufficient funding remains available for the next twelve months.

Accordingly, the Directors believe that the Group's forecasts and projections, taking account of reasonable possible changes in assumptions and market uncertainties show that the Group will be able to operate within the terms of its financing and bank facilities for the foreseeable future, being twelve months from the date of this report.

After making enquiries, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company and the Group have adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the Annual Report and consolidated financial statements.


The Group paid an interim dividend of 3.3 pence in 2014 (2013: 3.3 pence). No final dividend is proposed for 2014 (2013: 6.6 pence), as a result of the Libya operations ceasing in 4Q 2014.

The Board will continue to maintain a regular review of its dividend policy.

Responsibility statement of the Directors on the Annual Report

The responsibility statement below has been prepared in connection with the Company's Annual Report for the year ending 31 December 2014. Certain parts thereof are not included within this announcement.

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

-- the financial statements, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole;

-- the strategic report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they face; and

-- the Annual Report and financial statements, taken as a whole, are fair, balanced and understandable and provide the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Company's performance, business model and strategy.

This responsibility statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 20 April 2015 and signed on its behalf by:

Laurence Anderson

Chief Executive Officer

20 April 2015

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the year ended 31 December

 $ million (except per share amounts)               Notes            2014                     2013 
------------------------------------------------   ------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Revenue                                                                     485.7                    308.3 
 Cost of sales                                                             (400.3)                  (197.3) 
 Amortisation of intangible assets                    6                     (23.4)                    (8.8) 
-------------------------------------------------  ------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Gross profit                                                                 62.0                    102.2 
 Doubtful accounts expense                                                  (47.0)                        - 
 Impairments                                         5,6                   (676.4)                        - 
 Selling, general and administrative expenses                               (41.1)                   (33.2) 
-------------------------------------------------  ------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Operating (loss)/profit                                                   (702.5)                     69.0 
 Integration and acquisition related costs           10                      (4.6)                   (14.4) 
 Founder securities revaluation                       8                       18.5                    (3.3) 
 Foreign exchange loss                                                       (0.8)                    (0.4) 
 Finance income                                                                1.6                      0.2 
 Finance costs                                                              (35.8)                   (23.6) 
-------------------------------------------------  ------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 (Loss)/profit before taxation                                             (723.6)                     27.5 
 Taxation                                             3                     (27.0)                    (7.7) 
-------------------------------------------------  ------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 (Loss)/profit for the year                                                (750.6)                     19.8 
-------------------------------------------------  ------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Total comprehensive (loss)/profit for the year                            (750.6)                     19.8 
-------------------------------------------------  ------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 (Loss)/earnings per share 
 Basic (loss)/earnings per share                      4                   $ (7.96)                   $ 0.24 
 Diluted (loss)/earnings per share                    4                   $ (7.96)                   $ 0.24 
-------------------------------------------------  ------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

As at 31 December

 $ million                         Notes            2014                     2013 
-------------------------------   ------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Goodwill                            5                          -                    622.6 
 Intangible assets                   6                          -                     70.3 
 Property, plant and equipment       7                    1,139.3                  1,194.3 
 Deferred tax asset                  3                        0.2                      7.8 
 Other non-current assets                                     3.8                      5.5 
 Total non-current assets                                 1,143.3                  1,900.5 
--------------------------------  ------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                                 79.5                     43.0 
 Trade and other receivables                                127.4                    183.1 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                  118.9                     33.9 
 Income tax receivable                                        0.2                      3.9 
 Deposits                                                     3.8                      7.3 
 Total current assets                                       329.8                    271.2 
--------------------------------  ------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Total assets                                             1,473.1                  2,171.7 
--------------------------------  ------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                                   111.1                     83.4 
 Income tax payable                                          15.6                     10.8 
 Deferred revenue                                             5.7                     27.5 
 Borrowings                          9                       16.0                     50.0 
 Decommissioning provisions                                  28.9                     18.0 
 Total current liabilities                                  177.3                    189.7 
--------------------------------  ------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Founder securities                  8                          -                     18.5 
 Derivative liability                                         0.5                        - 
 Deferred tax liability              3                        2.0                      6.5 
 Borrowings                          9                      639.5                    529.3 
 Decommissioning provisions                                  18.1                     31.1 
 Total non-current liabilities                              660.1                    585.4 
--------------------------------  ------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Total liabilities                                          837.4                    775.1 
--------------------------------  ------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Share capital                                               15.2                     15.2 
 Share premium                                              674.9                    674.9 
 Other reserves                                             770.0                    770.0 
 Equity reserves                                             12.2                      6.9 
 Accumulated losses                                       (836.6)                   (70.4) 
 Total equity                                               635.7                  1,396.6 
--------------------------------  ------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Total liabilities and equity                             1,473.1                  2,171.7 
--------------------------------  ------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the years ended 31 December 2014 and 2013

 $ million                           Share                    Share                    Other                   Equity              Accumulated                    Total 
                                   capital                  premium                 reserves                 reserves                   losses 
----------------   -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Balance at 1 
  January 2013                        12.6                    668.1                    485.9                      4.5                   (79.3)                  1,091.8 
-----------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Profit for the 
  year                                   -                        -                        -                        -                     19.8                     19.8 
-----------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
  income for the 
  year                                   -                        -                        -                        -                     19.8                     19.8 
-----------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Acquisition of 
  subsidiaries                         2.5                        -                    284.1                        -                        -                    286.6 
 Exercise of 
  payments                             0.1                      6.8                        -                    (2.0)                      2.0                      6.9 
 Credit to equity 
  payment expense                        -                        -                        -                      4.4                        -                      4.4 
 Dividends                               -                        -                        -                        -                   (12.9)                   (12.9) 
-----------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Balance at 31 
  December 2013                       15.2                    674.9                    770.0                      6.9                   (70.4)                  1,396.6 
-----------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Loss for the 
  year                                   -                        -                        -                        -                  (750.6)                  (750.6) 
-----------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
  loss for the 
  year                                   -                        -                        -                        -                  (750.6)                  (750.6) 
-----------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Credit to equity 
  payment expense                        -                        -                        -                      5.3                        -                      5.3 
 Dividends                               -                        -                        -                        -                   (15.6)                   (15.6) 
-----------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Balance at 31 
  December 2014                       15.2                    674.9                    770.0                     12.2                  (836.6)                    635.7 
-----------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 

Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

For the years ended 31 December

 $ million                                              Notes             2014                     2013 
---------------------------------------------------   --------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 (Loss)/profit for the year before taxation                                     (723.6)                     27.5 
 Adjustments for: 
 Depreciation and amortisation                          6, 7                      169.1                    107.8 
 Impairments                                           5, 6, 7                    717.4                        - 
 Loss/(profit) on sale or disposal of fixed assets                                  6.0                    (2.4) 
 Doubtful accounts expense                                                         47.0                        - 
 Equity-settled share-based payment expense                                         5.3                      4.4 
 Founder securities revaluation                                                  (18.5)                      3.3 
 Loss/(gain) on foreign exchange derivative 
  financial instruments                                                             0.6                    (0.3) 
 Finance income                                                                   (1.6)                    (0.2) 
 Finance costs                                                                     35.3                     23.6 
 Movements in working capital: 
 Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables                                43.0                  (100.3) 
 Increase in inventories                                                         (36.5)                   (26.5) 
 Decrease/(increase) in other current and 
  non-current assets                                                                1.7                    (0.4) 
 (Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables                                 (24.5)                     48.9 
 Settlement of decommissioning provisions                                         (5.6)                   (10.7) 
 (Decrease)/increase in other liabilities                                        (21.9)                      9.6 
----------------------------------------------------  --------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
                                                                                  193.1                     84.3 
 Interest paid                                                                   (23.2)                   (15.5) 
 Interest received                                                                  0.1                      0.2 
 Income taxes paid                                                               (15.5)                   (11.2) 
----------------------------------------------------  --------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Net cash from operating activities                                               154.4                     57.8 
----------------------------------------------------  --------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchases of property, plant and equipment                                     (116.8)                  (358.4) 
 Purchases of intangible assets                                                   (6.9)                        - 
 Proceeds on sale or disposal of property, plant and 
  equipment                                                                         2.2                      2.8 
 Decrease in deposits                                                               3.5                     17.9 
 Acquisition of subsidiaries                             10                           -                   (73.1) 
----------------------------------------------------  --------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Net cash used in investing activities                                          (118.0)                  (410.8) 
----------------------------------------------------  --------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Cash from borrowings                                                             715.0                    567.8 
 Repayment of borrowings                                                        (640.0)                  (182.8) 
 Dividends paid                                          11                      (15.6)                   (12.9) 
 Debt issuance costs                                                             (10.9)                   (11.3) 
 Proceeds from the issue of ordinary shares (net of 
  transaction costs)                                                                  -                      5.1 
----------------------------------------------------  --------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Net cash from financing activities                                                48.5                    365.9 
----------------------------------------------------  --------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                         85.0                     12.9 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year                                33.9                     21.0 
----------------------------------------------------  --------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year                                     118.9                     33.9 
----------------------------------------------------  --------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the year ended 31 December 2014

   1.            Basis of accounting and presentation of financial information 

Whilst the financial information in this preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Financial Reporting Interpretation Committee (IFIRIC) interpretations adopted for use by the European Union, with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS and with requirements of the United Kingdom Listing Authority (UKLA) Listing Rules, this announcement does not contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS. The Group will publish full financial statements that Comply with IFRS in April 2015.

The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2014 does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 435 (1) and (2) of the Companies Act 2006, but has been extracted from those accounts. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2013 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 2014 will be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The auditor has reported on these accounts; their report was qualified due to: 1) the unstable security situation in Libya leading to the auditor being unable to observe the existence and condition of the Group's Property, Plant and Equipment of $300.6 million and inventory of $24.7 million in Libya; and 2) limitations in the level of detail within the group's accounting records leading to the auditor being unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence as to the location and existence of certain of the group's assets, predominantly relating to the records in three warehouses. In total, the auditor estimates that there are $97.9 million assets for which the location could not be adequately determined from the accounting records. The auditor did not include a reference to matters in which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis of matter and did not contain a statement under 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The accounting policies applied are consistent with those adopted and disclosed in the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014. There have been a number of amendments to accounting standards and new interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board which were applicable from 1 January 2014; however these have not had a material impact on the accounting policies, methods of computation or presentation applied by the Group.

   2.            Geographical information 

The Group's revenue from continuing operations from external customers by location of operations and information about its non-current assets (excluding any applicable deferred tax balances) by location of assets is detailed below.

Libya and Uruguay revenues represent single individual customers which individually form more than 10% of total revenues. Of these revenues, there was $16.5 million and $34.7 million of unimpaired trade receivables outstanding at 31 December 2014 (2013: $65.3 million and $15.4 million).

Revenue by geographic location

 $ million                                   2014                     2013 
---------------------     -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Libya                                      165.5                     78.5 
 Uruguay                                    109.8                     66.4 
 Other Asia Pacific                          64.7                      5.1 
 Angola                                      31.2                     21.9 
 Senegal                                     30.7                     16.7 
 Other South America                         26.8                     25.3 
 Iraq                                        24.9                      4.1 
 Middle East                                 15.5                     16.6 
 Caribbean                                    9.2                      9.9 
 Other Africa                                 1.3                      9.8 
 Botswana                                     1.0                     35.6 
 Japan                                          -                      9.0 
 Other                                        5.1                      9.4 
                                            485.7                    308.3 
   ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 

There was no revenue generated in the United Kingdom in 2014 (2013: $nil)

Non-current assets by geographic location

 $ million                                   2014                     2013 
---------------------     -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Libya                                      306.2                    376.1 
 Uruguay                                    167.5                    213.1 
 Other Asia Pacific                          94.6                     41.9 
 Australia                                   74.1                     76.4 
 Myanmar                                     68.3                      1.0 
 Slovenia                                    66.9                        - 
 Indonesia                                   65.2                     93.7 
 Middle East                                 63.5                    108.7 
 Angola                                      56.4                     24.8 
 Iraq                                        51.7                     64.4 
 Senegal                                     48.3                     69.0 
 Other South America                         34.4                     80.2 
 Caribbean                                   11.0                     26.5 
 Other Africa                                 5.5                      2.6 
 Botswana                                       -                      0.6 
 Other                                       25.7                     26.7 
 Corporate                                    3.8                    687.1 
                                          1,143.1                  1,892.8 
   ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 

The corporate and other non-current assets in 2013 primarily relate to the goodwill and intangible assets that arose on acquisitions.

   3.            Income and deferred taxes 

The Group's tax expenses are summarised in the following tables:

 $ million                                        2014                     2013 
--------------------------     -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Current tax 
   Current tax expense                            21.6                     14.5 
-----------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
   Prior year adjustments                          2.3                    (0.2) 
-----------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
                                                  23.9                     14.3 
   --------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Deferred tax 
   Deferred tax expense                            3.1                    (6.6) 
-----------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
                                                   3.1                    (6.6) 
   --------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Total tax expense                                27.0                      7.7 
-----------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 

The tax expense for the year can be reconciled to the accounting profit/(loss) as follows:

 $ million                                                                                    2014             2013 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------- 
   (Loss)/profit before tax on continuing operations                                       (723.6)             27.5 
   Tax at the UK Corporation tax rate of 21.5% (2013: 23.3%)                               (155.6)              6.4 
   Withholding taxes                                                                           5.6              3.2 
   Derecognition / (recognition) of losses                                                     7.6            (7.4) 
   Effect of different tax rates of subsidiaries operating in other jurisdictions             12.9              5.7 
   Impairments with no applicable tax deductions                                             154.2                - 
   Prior year adjustments                                                                      2.3            (0.2) 
                                                                                              27.0              7.7 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------- 

The Group is not taxable in certain jurisdictions where either the jurisdictions do not impose an income tax or the entity is treated as a flow-through entity for local country tax purposes. The difference between the statutory rate and the effective tax rate is a result of impairments, withholding taxes and taxes in foreign jurisdictions as shown above.

The structure of the Group generally results in each entity or branch operating within only one tax jurisdiction. In general, income tax is imposed on taxable income earned in the applicable tax jurisdiction. Withholding taxes are imposed based upon local country tax laws. In the jurisdictions where the Group operates, these taxes may be imposed on cross border payments to related parties. In general, withholding taxes are imposed on payments such as rents, dividends, and certain service payments or gross receipts from customers.

Deferred income taxes

The deferred tax assets and liabilities as of 31 December 2014 and 2013 respectively and the associated movements were as follows:

                                                  Credit/(charge) to 
                                                   the statement of 
                     31 December                   comprehensive                       31 December 
 $ million            2013                         income                               2014 
-----------------   ---------------------------  -----------------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 Deferred tax 
  provisions                                0.2                                (0.2)                              - 
 Depreciation in 
  excess of 
  allowances                                  -                                  0.2                            0.2 
 Losses recognised                          7.6                                (7.6)                              - 
------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------------  ----------------------------- 
                                            7.8                                (7.6)                            0.2 
 -----------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 Deferred tax 
 Withholding taxes                        (2.9)                                  1.7                          (1.2) 
 Other timing 
  differences                             (2.0)                                  1.2                          (0.8) 
  allowances in 
  excess of 
  depreciation                            (1.6)                                  1.6                              - 
                                          (6.5)                                  4.5                          (2.0) 
 -----------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------------  ----------------------------- 
                                            1.3                                (3.1)                          (1.8) 
 -----------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------------  ----------------------------- 

Losses carried forward that have not been recognised are $33.0 million (2013: $nil) due to a lack of future anticipated profits in that jurisdiction, which have no expiry date. During the year the Group derecognised the UK losses that had been previously recognised as a result of the flow of profits from

the Libyan contract into the UK, due to the lack of future anticipated profits from that jurisdiction.

   4.            Earnings per share 

From continuing operations

The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the following data:

 $ million (except per share amounts)                                2014                                       2013 
---------------------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 (Loss)/profit for the purposes of 
  basic/diluted (loss)/earnings per 
  share being net (loss)/profit 
  attributable to the owners of the 
  Company                                                         (750.6)                                       19.8 
---------------------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares for the purpose 
  of basic (loss)/earnings per share 
  (number of shares)                                           94,251,622                                 81,044,059 
---------------------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares for the 
  purpose of diluted (loss)/earnings 
  per share(1) (number of shares)                              94,251,622                                 81,844,709 
---------------------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 (Loss)/earnings per ordinary share 
   Basic (loss)/earnings per share                                $(7.96)                                      $0.24 
   Diluted (loss)/earnings per share                              $(7.96)                                      $0.24 
---------------------------------------  --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 

(1) Founder securities are not considered dilutive for the years ended 31 December 2014 and 2013 as the exercise price was above the year end share price. The Founder securities are also not considered dilutive as the associated performance conditions had not been met at 31 December 2014 or 2013.

   5.            Goodwill 
 $ million                                           2014                     2013 
-----------------------------     -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Opening                                            622.6                    547.1 
 Impairment                                       (622.6)                        - 
 Acquisition of subsidiaries                            -                     75.5 
--------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 Balance at 31 December                                 -                    622.6 
--------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 

Goodwill acquired in a business combination is allocated, at acquisition, to the cash generating units (CGU's) that are expected to benefit from that business combination. The Directors have determined the business to have one CGU focusing on the deployment, generation and sale of fast-track power solutions. Goodwill is allocated to this unit.

The Group tests goodwill annually for impairment or more frequently if there are indications that goodwill might be impaired. The recoverable amount of the CGU is determined from a value in use calculation. The key assumptions for the value in use calculation are:

-- Revenue - Management uses current contract portfolio pricing for the relevant portion of the forecast period and pricing guidelines for expected future contract wins for the remainder of the 5 year projections. The timing and size of forecasted contracts is based on historic data and also the sales and opportunities pipeline. The downtime between contracts and contract duration is based on Management's best expectations using historical data, whilst factoring in recent developments in creating our proprietary modular building system.

-- Costs - Management has a good understanding of historic realised margins and use this to estimate expected future margins achievable, which are used to drive direct costs in the model. Corporate and administrative overheads are then factored in and adjusted for expected future growth where applicable. Also included in the model is the forecasted capital expenditure, which is based off supplier schedules from contractual arrangements and the growth rate.

-- Growth rate - Short-term growth rates are based on management's internal forecasts. Following Management's initial 5 year projections, a terminal cash flow was calculated using a long-term growth rate of 2.0% (2013: 3.0%) which is based on long-term economic growth and industry forecasts.

-- Discount rate - Management estimates discount rates using pre-tax rates that reflect current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the CGU. The assumed discount rate used was 15.7% (2013: 14.3%) before tax which in the view of management best reflects the premium the market would require for such cash flows.

Although the goodwill balance has been fully written-off in the year, the Group has conducted a sensitivity analysis on the impairment test of the CGU carrying value and has determined that reasonably possible changes in both the long-term growth and discount rates utilised in the impairment calculations would give rise to an increase/decrease in the impairment charge booked. An increase/decrease in the long-term growth rate of 1% would decrease/increase the impairment charge by $68.0 million and a 1% increase/decrease in the discount rate would increase/decrease the impairment charge by $96.0 million.

   6.            Intangible assets 

The intangible assets shown in the table below have arisen through fair value accounting for the GE Power Rental Business in 2013, the APR Group in 2011 and the purchase of software in 2014.

 $ million                          Customer 
                                   contracts                    Trademark                        Brand                     Software                        Total 
---------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
 At 1 January 
  2013                                 106.4                            -                         38.1                            -                        144.5 
 Acquisition of 
  subsidiaries                          23.2                         16.1                            -                            -                         39.3 
---------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
 At 31 December 
  2013                                 129.6                         16.1                         38.1                            -                        183.8 
 Additions                                 -                            -                            -                          6.9                          6.9 
 At 31 December 
  2014                                 129.6                         16.1                         38.1                          6.9                        190.7 
---------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
 At 1 January 
  2013                                 102.4                            -                          2.3                            -                        104.7 
 Charge for the 
  year                                   7.0                          0.3                          1.5                            -                          8.8 
---------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
 At 31 December 
  2013                                 109.4                          0.3                          3.8                            -                        113.5 
 Charge for the 
  year                                  20.2                          1.7                          1.5                            -                         23.4 
 Impairments                               -                         14.1                         32.8                          6.9                         53.8 
---------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
 At 31 December 
  2014                                 129.6                         16.1                         38.1                          6.9                        190.7 
---------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
 Net book 
 31 December 
 2014                                      -                            -                            -                            -                            - 
---------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
 31 December 
  2013                                  20.2                         15.8                         34.3                            -                         70.3 
---------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 

Customer contracts are amortised over the contract term. The brand, trademark and software are amortised over their estimated useful economic lives of 25 years, 10 years and 3 years respectively.

Due to the suspension of the Libya operations at the end of 2014, the Group has performed a goodwill impairment test. The result of this was the write down of goodwill, intangible assets and certain items of property, plant and equipment located in Libya.

   7.            Property, plant and equipment 
 $ million                                                                                                                        Other 
                      Machinery and equipment                  Mobilisation                Demobilisation                     equipment                       Total 
---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
 At 1 January 
  2013                                  697.4                          43.4                          12.2                           2.8                       755.8 
 Acquisition of 
  subsidiaries                          242.3                             -                             -                             -                       242.3 
 Additions                              293.9                          67.9                          31.3                           1.7                       394.8 
 Disposals                             (25.3)                        (24.1)                         (8.0)                         (0.1)                      (57.5) 
---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
 At 31 December 
  2013                                1,208.3                          87.2                          35.5                           4.4                     1,335.4 
 Additions                              146.9                          17.7                           8.2                           0.6                       173.4 
 Disposals                             (41.3)                         (6.3)                         (4.9)                             -                      (52.5) 
---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
 At 31 December 
  2014                                1,313.9                          98.6                          38.8                           5.0                     1,456.3 
---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
 At 1 January 
  2013                                   55.4                          21.4                           6.6                           0.9                        84.3 
 Charge for the 
  year                                   67.3                          21.3                          10.6                           0.7                        99.9 
 Disposals                             (11.0)                        (24.1)                         (8.0)                             -                      (43.1) 
---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
 At 31 December 
  2013                                  111.7                          18.6                           9.2                           1.6                       141.1 
 Charge for the 
  year                                   97.4                          37.5                           9.2                           1.6                       145.7 
 Disposals                              (6.2)                         (4.5)                             -                             -                      (10.7) 
 Impairments                              8.5                          21.5                          11.0                             -                        41.0 
---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
 At 31 December 
  2014                                  211.4                          73.1                          29.4                           3.2                       317.1 
---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Net book 
 31 December 
  2014                                1,102.5                          25.5                           9.5                           1.8                     1,139.3 
---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
 31 December 
  2013                                1,096.6                          68.6                          26.3                           2.8                     1,194.3 
---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 

* Impairment charges are shown within cost of sales in the statement of comprehensive income.

Due to the suspension of the Libya operations at the end of 2014, the Group has performed a goodwill impairment test. The result of this was the write down of goodwill, intangible assets and certain items of property, plant and equipment located in Libya.

Depreciation is presented within the cost of sales in the statement of comprehensive income.

During the year, assets with a cost of $36.4 million were sold under finance leases.

During the year, the Group has reassessed the fleet maintenance programmes to align with standard practice as utilised by mature industrial companies and also to reflect the maturing of the businesses capabilities following the acquisition of the GE Power Rental Business in October 2013.

This change in estimate of residual value has led to a reduction in fleet depreciation recognised in the year of $16.9 million. The expected future annual depreciation reduction related to the diesel power modules is $9.9 million. It is impracticable to estimate the future effect of the change in the mobile gas turbines as the depreciation is calculated using machine run hours, which vary dependent on customer requirements.

   8.            Founder securities 
 $ million                                     2014                    2013 
----------------------     ------------------------   --------------------- 
   Founder securities                              -                    18.5 
-------------------------     ----------------------   --------------------- 
                            -                                          18.5 
    -------------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 

Subject to the satisfaction of the performance condition referred to below, the holders of the Founder securities have the right to require the Company to acquire the Founder securities in exchange for the issue to the holders of the Founder securities of such number of ordinary shares as have a value equal to 15% of the difference between (1) the share price at that time multiplied by the number of ordinary shares at the time of transaction 78,215,164 (plus the aggregate value created for those parties with outstanding options or convertible securities (over or in respect of ordinary shares) which have an exercise (or subscription or conversion) price of less than the market price for an ordinary share at that time) and (2) a deemed market capitalisation of the Company which is the product of the number of ordinary shares in issue at the time of the transaction (meaning the Placing Price GBP10.00 as adjusted appropriately for matters such as any subsequent consolidation, subdivision of the ordinary shares or allotment of ordinary shares or effects of a rights issue or any value paid by the Company to ordinary shareholders).

The performance condition is satisfied:

(a) once the price per ordinary share has reached (for any 20 Business Days out of 30 successive Business Days) a closing price equal to the greater of

(i) an equivalent of a compound rate of return from Admission on the Adjusted Issue Price equal to 8.3% per annum accrued daily and compounded quarterly and an amount equal to a 25% increase in the Adjusted Issue Price (such closing price, the "Threshold Price"). At 31 December 2014 the performance condition was GBP13.31 (2013: GBP12.50); or

(b) on the occurrence of a Change of Control in relation to the Company, subject (where the Change of Control results from an offer to holders of the ordinary shares) to that offer being at an equivalent price per ordinary share equal to (or greater than) the Threshold Price.

Following any exercise by a holder of the Founder securities of its exchange rights, the Company will have the option to pay cash equivalent to the holder of such Founder securities, in lieu of issuing ordinary shares. In the event that the performance condition has not been satisfied by the date falling 5 years from the date of the Acquisition (13 June 2011), the Company will be able to acquire all of the Founder securities for nil consideration.

The Founder securities are not exchangeable for a fixed number of ordinary equity shares. The number of ordinary shares issued in respect of these instruments is governed by various factors including the share price at the date of conversion.

The Group continues to value the Founder securities using a bespoke Monte Carlo simulation model, which incorporates a binomial tree to value the instruments as of the date of the performance condition being achieved within the Monte Carlo simulation. This model simulates the future Company share price, on a daily basis, using a Geometric Brownian Motion in a risk-neutral framework.

The valuation output of the model described above is then discounted to reflect the lack of marketability of the Founder securities using a protective put option method.

In accordance with IAS 32 and IAS 39, the Founder securities were measured at fair value upon recognition and subsequently at each balance sheet date, the inputs used were as follows:

                                      31 December 2014   31 December 2013 
--------------------------------     -----------------  ----------------- 
 Balance sheet date share price                 $ 2.90            $ 15.74 
 Expected volatility                               26%                31% 
 Remaining life                               530 days           894 days 
 Lack of marketability period                   0 days           730 days 
 Risk-free rate                                   1.2%               1.3% 
 Expected dividend yield                          5.1%               1.2% 

The credit for the year was $(18.5) million (2013: charge of $3.3 million). A change in the expected volatility by 1% would have a $nil (2013: $0.7 million) impact on the reported fair value.

The expected volatility used for 2014 and 2013 was determined by calculating the historical and implied volatilities of the Company and several comparable listed entity share prices over the previous 3 years.

   9.            Borrowings 
 $ million                              Revolving credit                                                     Total 
                                                facility                    Term-loan 
--------------------    --------------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
 At 1 January 2014                                 340.0                        250.0                        590.0 
 Cash from borrowings                              395.0                        320.0                        715.0 
 Repayment of 
  borrowings                                     (390.0)                      (250.0)                      (640.0) 
----------------------  --------------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
 At 31 December 2014                               345.0                        320.0                        665.0 
 Capitalised debt 
  issuance costs                                                                                             (9.5) 
----------------------  --------------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
 Current                                            16.0                            -                         16.0 
 Non-current                                       329.0                        320.0                        649.0 
----------------------  --------------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 

In 2011, the Group entered into a committed, secured revolving credit facility of $400 million with a group of international banks, with a maturity date of 28 November 2016.

In May 2013, the Group entered into a committed, secured term loan of $150 million with several of the existing group of international banks involved with the revolving credit facility. This term loan was then subsequently extended in October 2013 by an additional $100 million to $250 million, with a maturity date of 1 January 2015, with quarterly repayments of $12.5 million commencing on 31 March 2014.

In August 2014, the Group announced that it had closed and funded a new syndicated credit facility for the Group. The expanded $770 million facility, comprising a $450 million revolving credit facility and $320 million term loan, replaced the Group's previous $400 million revolving credit facility and $250 million term loan.

This five-year facility provides the Group with financing through August 2019, expands available funding by $120 million. Key financial covenants include a Total Leverage Ratio (Net Debt/Adjusted EBITDA) and an Interest Coverage Ratio (Adjusted EBITDA/Net Interest), which have been updated subsequent to the year end as a result of an amendment to the facility agreement. The new facility also contains an accordion feature that would allow the total facility to expand further, up to $1 billion, subject to the Group obtaining additional funding commitments and complying with leverage covenants. The LIBOR spread on the facilities is dependent on the Total Leverage Ratio and the Term Loan requires quarterly repayments of between 1.25%-3.75% throughout the term.

Underwritten by a syndicate led by Bank of America Merrill Lynch and HSBC, the facility broadens and diversifies the Group's bank relationships with both existing and new lenders.

As of 31 December 2014, $60.0 million (31 December 2013: $9.8 million) of letters of credit have been drawn against the revolving credit facility. As of 31 December 2014, the available amount of the undrawn facilities was $45.0 million (31 December 2013: $50.2 million).

The revolving credit facility and term loan are secured with the equity and assets of the majority of the Group's subsidiary undertakings. The Directors believe that the carrying value of borrowings approximate their fair value.

If the interest rates had been 50 basis points higher/lower and all other variables were held constant, the Group's total comprehensive income would have increased/decreased by $2.9 million (2013: $1.5 million). This is mainly due to the Group's exposure to interest rates on its variable rate borrowings.

Bid/performance bonds

The Group has a need to post bid or performance bonds associated with customer contracts. These bonds are typically issued from the Group's revolving credit facility or backed by a cash deposit. As of 31 December 2014 the Group had $9.9 million (31 December 2013: $8.9 million) backed by cash deposits.

   10.          Acquisition of subsidiaries 

On 28 October 2013, the Group acquired 100% of the issued share capital and obtained control of the following companies (comprising the "GE Power Rental Business"):

   --      Power Rental Op Co One LLC, 
   --      Power Rental Op Co Australia LLC, 
   --      Power Rental Asset Co One LLC, 
   --      Power Rental Asset Co Two LLC, 
   --      Power Rental Op Co Canada ULC, and 
   --      Power Rental Op Co Bangladesh Limited. 

The acquisition advanced APR Energy towards its stated strategic goals, creating the world's leading fast-track mobile turbine fleet of 1.2GW, significantly strengthening and diversifying APR Energy's business, and creating a long-term strategic alliance with GE. The final amounts recognised in respect of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed are as set out in the table below:

 $ million                                                                      Final fair value 
------------------------------------------------------------------       ----------------------- 
   Property, plant and equipment                                                           242.3 
   Intangible assets                                                                        39.3 
   Trade and other receivables                                                              15.8 
   Inventory                                                                                 7.2 
   Trade and other payables                                                                (0.3) 
   Deferred tax liability                                                                  (1.4) 
   Decommissioning provisions                                                              (7.9) 
   Deferred revenue                                                                        (9.0) 
 Total identifiable assets                                                                 286.0 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------- 
   Goodwill                                                                                 75.5 
 Total consideration                                                                       361.5 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------- 
 Satisfied by: 
   Cash                                                                                     73.1 
   Equity instruments (15,453,129 ordinary shares of the Company)                          288.4 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------- 
 Total consideration                                                                       361.5 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------- 

The total consideration for the acquisition was $361.5 million payable in cash ($73.1 million) on completion and 15,453,129 ordinary shares allotted and issued credited as fully paid up to the sellers.

The fair value of this share issue was $288.4 million which was equal to the share price on the closing date of the transaction, multiplied by the number of shares issued. Integration and acquisition related costs amounted to $4.6 million (2013: $14.4 million) and were primarily related to legal and professional fees and early termination fees and were charged to the statement of comprehensive income.

The goodwill of $75.5 million arising from the acquisition was reflective of the expected strong growth prospects of the GE Power Rental Business at the time of the acquisition. None of the goodwill is expected to be deductible for income tax purposes.

In 2013, the GE Power Rental Business contributed $9.2 million revenue and $2.4 million to the Group's profit for the period between the date of acquisition and the 31 December 2013. If the acquisition of the GE Power Rental Business had been completed on the first day of the 2013 financial year, Group revenues for the period to 31 December 2013 would have been $376.6 million and profit would have been $45.1 million.

   11.          Dividends 
 $ million                                                                            2014                      2013 
-----------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------   ----------------------- 
 Declared and paid during the year 
 Final dividend for 2013: 6.7 pence (2012: 6.7 pence) per 
  ordinary share                                                                      10.6                       7.9 
 Interim dividend for 2014: 3.3 pence (2013: 3.3 pence) per 
  ordinary share                                                                       5.0                       5.0 
 Dividends paid                                                                       15.6                      12.9 
-----------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------   ----------------------- 
 Proposed for approval by the shareholders at the AGM 
 Final dividend for 2014: nil pence (2013: 6.7 pence) per 
  ordinary share                                                                         -                       9.9 
-----------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------   ----------------------- 
   12.          Events after the balance sheet date 

On 26 January 2015, APR announced that the ratification of its contract by the Libyan parliament had still not been secured and that the Board therefore approved reassignment of those assets to new opportunities. At the date of this report these assets are in the process of being demobilised and

redeployed, which is expected to take several months.

On 3 February 2015, APR announced that it had signed 115MW of extensions on two of its power generation contracts in Indonesia, one of the world's largest markets for distributed power and grid stability projects. Additionally, APR Energy has been awarded a contract extension and 5MW expansion on a third site, bringing its total capacity in the country to 135MW.

On 18 February 2015, APR announced that it had signed a contract renewal for its power generation contract in Iraq, taking the term through the end of 2015. The power plant has been in operation since 2012 and comprises six GE TM2500 mobile gas turbines capable of generating more than 120MW of electricity.

On 26 February 2015, APR announced that it had signed 106MW of contract extensions in Sub-Saharan Africa including, an extension on its 40MW Morro Bento power contract in Angola, taking its term into early 2016; a term extension through the end of 2015 for its 40MW cross-border contract supplying electricity to Mali; as well as a term extension into Q3 of 2015 for its 26MW of generation capacity in Senegal.

On 5 March 2015, APR announced that it had agreed to extend 75MW of power generation projects in Argentina. Two of the projects, representing 50MW, have extended through late 2016, while a third, representing 25MW will continue through late 2017. APR has operated in Argentina, one of South America's largest markets for distributed power, since 2008. APR Energy's distributed solution provides a total of 93MW of electricity capacity, dispersed across five rural sites.

On 31 March 2015, the Group has successfully completed an amendment to its new senior syndicated credit facilities, comprising a $450 million revolving credit facility and a $320 million Term Loan through August 2019. The amendment to the facilities provides the Group with additional flexibility around certain financial covenants, notably an increased leverage profile and the inclusion of a Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio, which will replace the previous Interest Coverage Ratio covenant for the remainder of the facilities' term.

The facilities provide for the funding of capital expenditures, working capital requirements and letters of credit. Key financial covenants include a Total Leverage Ratio (adjusted EBITDA/total indebtedness) and a Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio (adjusted EBITDA less certain non-discretionary capital expenditures and tax payments/interest payments, Term Loan quarterly repayments and dividend payments). The LIBOR spread on the facilities is dependent on the Total Leverage Ratio and the Term Loan requires quarterly repayments of between 1.25% - 3.75% throughout the term.

On April 9, 2015, APR announced that it had ceased operations in Yemen due to escalating conflict in the country. APR Energy had operated in Yemen since 2012, providing 60MW of power capacity. APR Energy also announced that its customer in the South Pacific has provided notice to terminate its 60MW contract in Q3 2015, three months earlier than the original termination date.

Key financial definitions:

Adjusted EBITDA

Operating profit adjusted to add back depreciation of property, plant and equipment, equity-settled share-based payment expense, amortisation of intangible assets, impairments and exceptional items. Exceptional items are those items believed to be exceptional in nature by virtue of size and/or incidence.

Adjusted EBITDA margin

Adjusted EBITDA divided by adjusted revenue.

Adjusted earnings per share

Adjusted net income divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares. The weighted average number of ordinary shares used to calculate the 2013 adjusted basic earnings per share was 81,044,059. Adjusted net income is net income adjusted to add back amortisation of intangible assets, integration and acquisition related costs, impairments, Founder securities revaluation and exceptional items. Exceptional items are those items believed to be exceptional in nature by virtue of size and/or incidence

Adjusted ROCE (return on capital employed)

Operating profit for the previous twelve months adjusted to add back amortisation of intangible assets, impairments and exceptional items divided by the average of the net operating assets at the previous three balance sheet dates (for 31 December 2014 this comprises the 31 December 2014, 30 June 2014 and 31 December 2013 and for 31 December 2013 this comprises the 31 December 2013, 30 June 2013 and 31 December 2012). "Net operating assets" is defined as total equity adjusted to exclude goodwill, intangible assets, borrowings, Founder securities, deferred tax assets and liabilities and current tax assets and liabilities.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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