RNS No 0830a
9th July 1998



Abpref   was  established  in  1997  to  be  the   successor
investment  trust  to Abpref  Securities, which  was  itself
launched  as  a  split  capital investment  trust  in  1991.
Following  an  offer made in February 1997, Abpref  acquired
all the ordinary income shares in Abpref Securities, leaving
its  ZDP Shares outstanding pending the winding-up of Abpref
Securities  which  was  due in May  1998.   In  March  1998,
proposals  were  made to the holders of the  ZDP  Shares  to
extend  their  life  and vary their terms,  following  which
Abpref Securities' life is now due to expire in March  2003.
While  Abpref itself has only one class of shares  and  does
not  have a fixed life, as a consequence of the presence  of
the ZDP Shares in the capital structure of the Abpref Group,
it may be regarded as equivalent to a split capital trust.

SNT is a split capital investment trust company whose shares
are listed on the London Stock Exchange.  Under its articles
of  association, SNT has a fixed life to, and is due  to  be
wound  up on, 30 September 1998.  On 13 October 1997  offers
were  made on behalf of SNT II for the SNT Shares which were
accepted  in  respect of 13.4 per cent. of the  SNT  Stepped
Preference Shares, 30.2 per cent. of the SNT Zeros, 42.7 per
cent. of the SNT Income Shares and 15.9 per cent. of the SNT
Capital  Shares (although SNT II's holding of SNT Zeros  and
SNT  Income Shares has since been reduced by sales  to  17.3
per  cent.  and 39.6 per cent. respectively).  On  29  April
1998  at  the  time  of its announcement  of  its  unaudited
results  for the six months to 31 March 1998, the  directors
of  SNT announced their intention to put forward a roll-over
scheme  giving an efficient shelter from the crystallisation
of capital gains tax.

Abpref  is  making the Offers so as to give SNT Shareholders
the  opportunity to exchange their holdings in SNT, in a tax
efficient manner, for new Abpref Group Securities on a basis
which  Abpref  believes will prove attractive  to  many  SNT

Unlike  SNT,  Abpref  has a simple share capital  structure,
comprising  ordinary shares alone.  Its  subsidiary,  Abpref
Securities,  has ZDP Shares which contribute to the  Group's
gearing.  Abpref pioneered the concept of having ZDP  Shares
in  a  U.K.  subsidiary,  so allowing  the  parent  company,
Abpref, to offer a high-yielding, geared ordinary share with
an  indefinite life.  Since its inception in 1997,  Abpref's
performance  has been outstanding: measured by  share  price
total  return  over  the last year it  has  been  the  best-
performing  high  income investment trust by  a  comfortable

Abpref's  Offers present SNT Shareholders with the following

*  capital  gains  tax  liabilities  which  would  otherwise
   crystallise  on  SNT's  winding-up  can  be  deferred  by
   electing to receive new Abpref Group Securities.
*  an  immediate  capital  uplift for  all  classes  of  SNT
*  all  holders of income-producing SNT Shares can elect for
   high-yielding Abpref Ordinary Shares whose gearing should
   be beneficial for continued capital and income growth and
   which have historically stood at a significant premium to
   net asset value.
*  holders  of  SNT Shares other than SNT Income Shares  can
   also  elect  for a well-covered ZDP Share with  a  highly
   competitive, pre-determined, capital return.
*  a  long-dated loan stock is also being made available  to
   the holders of SNT Capital Shares.

The  specific  benefits for SNT Shareholders  accepting  the
individual Offers are:

The  Stepped Preference Offer (SNT liquidation value 171.03p
   per share)

-  Abpref  Ordinary Shares which (based on 171.03p) give  an
   immediate  capital  uplift  of  1.97  per  cent.  and  an
   indefinite stream of high income representing initially a
   gross dividend yield of 12.75 per cent; or
-  Abpref  ZDP  Shares with a very high cover and redemption
   yield (based on 171.03p) of 8.6 per cent. per annum;  the
   immediate capital uplift (on the same basis) is 2.16  per
   cent.; or
-  any combination of Ordinary Shares and ZDP Shares.

The Zero Offer (SNT liquidation value 324.67p per share)
-  Abpref ZDP Shares with a very high cover and a redemption
   yield (based on 324.67p) of 8.6 per cent. per annum;  the
   immediate capital uplift (on the same basis) is 2.11  per

The  Income  Share  Offer (SNT liquidation  value  100p  per
-  Abpref  Ordinary  Shares which (based on  100p)  give  an
   immediate  capital  uplift  of  7.2  per  cent.  and   an
   indefinite stream of high income representing initially a
   gross yield of 13.4 per cent.

The Capital Share Offer (Estimated SNT TAV 218p per share)
-  Subordinated Loan Stock which (based on 218p)  affords  a
   running  yield of 8.66 per cent. per annum, a  redemption
   yield of 8.7 per cent. per annum and an immediate capital
   uplift of 5 per cent.; or
-  Abpref ZDP Shares with a very high cover and a redemption
   yield (based on 218p) of 8.1 per cent. per annum; or
-  any  combination  of  Subordinated  Loan  Stock  and  ZDP


In  March 1997 the Abpref Ordinary Shares were issued  at  a
placing price of 85p with a net asset value of approximately
81p.  As  at  3  July 1998 (the date of the  last  published
unaudited  net  asset  value of the Abpref  Ordinary  Shares
prior  to this announcement) the middle-market price of  the
Abpref Ordinary Shares was 166.5p, representing a premium of
almost 20 per cent. above the net asset value of 138.88p  as
at that date.

In  its  AITC  peer  group of investment trust  high  income
shares Abpref ranks first by a considerable margin in  terms
of  share  price total return over the year to 29 May  1998,
the most recent date to which such statistics are available:

                                                  Share Price
                                         Ranking     Total
                                                   Return on
Abpref                                      1        #202.7
Aberdeen High Income Investment Trust       2        #180.8
Shires Income PLC                           3        #164.6
Dartmoor Investment Trust PLC               4        #158.1
Aberdeen Convertible Income Trust PLC       5        #145.4
FTSE All-Share Index                        -       #129.52

(Source:  AITC.  Principal bases: #100 invested  on  29  May
1997; net dividends reinvested)


The dividend policy of Abpref is to distribute substantially
all  of  its  net revenue by way of four interim  dividends.
The dividends paid in respect of the financial year ended 28
February  1998  totalled 14p net.   In  February  1998,  the
Directors forecast total dividends for the current financial
year  totalling  14.5p net, payable in four equal  quarterly
instalments of 3.625p.

If  the  Offers and the Placing become unconditional in  all
respects, in the absence of unforeseen circumstances, it  is
the intention of the Directors to pay quarterly dividends of
4p  each  in  the  calendar  year 1999,  totalling  16p  and
representing an increase on an annualised basis of 10.3  per

The  expected timetable for Abpref's announced and  forecast
dividend payments is as follows:

Dividend           In respect of    Month of      Amount
                   the financial    Payment       (net)
                   year ending 28
First interim      1999             August 1998   3.625p
Second interim     1999             November      3.625p
Third interim      1999             January 1999  4p
Fourth interim     1999             April 1999    4p
First interim      2000             August 1999   4p
Second interim     2000             November      4p

The  first dividend for which the new Abpref Ordinary Shares
will  rank  will be the dividend expected to be paid  on  15
January 1999.

These  forecasts relate to dividends only and are  based  on
the Assumptions.


On  behalf  of Abpref and Abpref Securities, Brewin  Dolphin
Bell Lawrie Limited ('BDBL') has agreed to offer to acquire,
on the principal terms and subject to the conditions set out
in  this  announcement, all of the SNT  Shares  not  already
owned by Abpref on the following bases:

(a)  The Stepped Preference Offers


and  so  in  proportion for any other number of SNT  Stepped
Preference Shares.  Holders of SNT Stepped Preference Shares
may  elect to receive their consideration in the form of new
Abpref  Ordinary  Shares or new Abpref ZDP  Shares  and  may
elect  to  receive new Abpref Ordinary Shares in respect  of
some  of their SNT Stepped Preference Shares and new  Abpref
ZDP  Shares in respect of others.  Accepting holders of  SNT
Stepped  Preference Shares will also be entitled to  receive
or   retain  the  dividend  of  4.072237p  per  SNT  Stepped
Preference Share payable in accordance with the articles  of
association of SNT on 30 September 1998.

*     on  the  basis described in "Structure of the  Offers"

The SNT Stepped Preference Shares will be acquired free from
all  liens, charges, encumbrances, rights of pre-emption and
any other third party rights of any nature and together with
all  rights attaching to them, including, save as aforesaid,
the  right  to  receive  in  full all  dividends  and  other
distributions, if any, declared, made or paid hereafter.

The   Stepped   Preference  Offers  are   conditional   upon
satisfaction or waiver of the relevant conditions set out in
Part C of PART 5 below.

(b)  The Zero Offer


and so in proportion for any other number of SNT Zeros

* on the basis described in "Structure of the Offers" below.

The SNT Zeros will be acquired free from all liens, charges,
encumbrances,  rights of pre-emption  and  any  other  third
party  rights  of  any nature and together with  all  rights
attaching to them.

The Zero Offer is conditional upon satisfaction or waiver of
the relevant conditions set out in Part D of Part 5 below.

 (c)  The Income Share Offer


and  so  in  proportion for any other number of  SNT  Income
Shares.  Accepting holders of SNT Income Shares will also be
entitled to receive or retain all dividends paid on the  SNT
Income  Shares  in respect of the year ending  30  September
1998   and   any   amount   representing   accumulated   and
undistributed  revenue  reserves to which  holders  of  such
shares are entitled.

*     on  the  basis described in "Structure of the  Offers"

The  SNT Income Shares will be acquired free from all liens,
charges,  encumbrances, rights of pre-emption and any  other
third  party  rights  of any nature and  together  with  all
rights attaching to them, including, save as aforesaid,  the
right   to   receive  in  full  all  dividends   and   other
distributions, if any, declared, made or paid hereafter.

The Income Share Offers are conditional upon satisfaction or
waiver of the relevant conditions set out in Part B of  Part
5 below.

(d)  The Capital Share Offers


and  so  in  proportion for any other number of SNT  Capital
Shares.  Holders of SNT  Capital Shares may elect to receive
their consideration in the form of new Abpref ZDP Shares  or
Subordinated Loan Stock and may elect to receive new  Abpref
ZDP  Shares  in respect of some of their SNT Capital  Shares
and Subordinated Loan Stock in respect of others.

*     on  the  basis described in "Structure of the  Offers"

The SNT Capital Shares will be acquired free from all liens,
charges,  encumbrances, rights of pre-emption and any  other
third  party  rights  of any nature and  together  with  all
rights attaching to them, including the right to receive  in
full   all  dividends  and  other  distributions,  if   any,
declared, made or paid hereafter.

The  Capital  Share Offers are conditional upon satisfaction
or  waiver of the relevant conditions set out in Part  A  of
Part 5 below.

(e)  Formula Asset Value of the SNT Capital Shares ("FAV")

Under the Code, the FAV would normally be calculated on  the
date  on which the Offers are declared unconditional  as  to
acceptances.   However,   the   SNT   Capital   Shares   are
exceptionally  highly  geared  and  consequently   have   an
extremely volatile net asset value.  For this reason  Abpref
and its financial advisers consider that calculating the FAV
at  the  Unconditional Date would not be appropriate,  since
any  significant  movement in net asset value  between  that
date  and  the date of allotment of the consideration  under
the Capital Share Offer would be likely to create unfairness
either  to  accepting holders of SNT Capital  Shares  or  to
accepting holders of the other classes of SNT Shares.

Abpref  has therefore determined, with the agreement of  the
Panel,  that  the FAV will be calculated as at  the  Closing
Date.   Abpref will give at least seven days' public  notice
of  its intention to close the Offers and during this period
holders  of SNT Capital Shares who have accepted the Capital
Offer will be able to withdraw their acceptance.  Holders of
SNT  Capital  Shares will not be able to accept the  Capital
Share  Offer  after the FAV has crystallised on the  Closing

The FAV when calculated will be used to ascertain the amount
of  Subordinated Loan Stock and the number of ZDP Shares  to
be  issued  to accepting holders of SNT Capital Shares:  for
this  purpose the FAV will be compared, with the Issue Price
of  the Subordinated Loan Stock or the Placing Price of  the
ZDP Shares as the case may be.

It  will  only  be possible to calculate the FAV  after  the
Closing  Date.   However, based on the  Estimated  SNT  TAV,
Abpref  has  set out the financial effects of acceptance  of
the  Capital  Share Offer below.  While these  examples  are
illustrative only, they show that the consideration for each
SNT  Capital  Share  would, at the  Placing  Prices  of  the
Subordinated Loan Stock and the ZDP Shares, have a value  of
228.9p  and  218p respectively at the Closing  Date  of  the

(f)  Conditions

The Panel has agreed to waive the requirements of Rule 10 of
the  Code, thus enabling Abpref and/or Abpref Securities  to
declare  the  Offers unconditional as to acceptance  without
Abpref or Abpref Securities (as the case may be) holding  or
having agreed to acquire SNT Shares carrying 50 per cent. of
the  voting rights normally exercisable at general  meetings
of   SNT  and  accordingly  the  Offers  may  become  wholly
unconditional  without any particular level  of  acceptances
being attained.

The conditions of the offers include conditions relating  to
the  level of the FTSE All-Share Index, the total assets  of
SNT,  the Cover of the ZDP Shares and certain provisions  of
the  Debenture Stock trust deed.  These conditions have been
included  for  prudential reasons, to  protect  shareholders
against  contingencies which the Directors  consider  to  be

(g)  General

The  new  Abpref Ordinary Shares will be issued credited  as
fully paid and will rank pari passu in all respects with the
existing issued Abpref Ordinary Shares, save that they  will
not  rank  for  the  first and second interim  dividends  in
respect  of  the current financial year ending  28  February
1999.   The first dividend for which the new Abpref Ordinary
Shares will rank will be third interim dividend forecast  to
be  4p net expected to be paid on 15 January 1999.  The  new
Abpref ZDP Shares will be issued credited as fully paid  and
will  rank  pari  passu in all respects  with  the  existing
Abpref  ZDP  Shares.  The Subordinated Loan  Stock  will  be
issued credited as fully paid.

Fractions  of  new  Abpref  Group  Securities  will  not  be
allotted  and  entitlements of SNT  Shareholders  under  the
Offers  will be rounded down to the nearest whole number  of
shares  or  the  nearest unit of 1p nominal of  Subordinated
Loan Stock.


BDBL  will  make  the Offers on behalf of  both  Abpref  and
Abpref  Securities to enable SNT Shareholders  to  have  the
opportunity to elect to receive new Abpref Ordinary  Shares,
Subordinated   Loan   Stock  or  new  Abpref   ZDP   Shares.
Accordingly the Offers of new Abpref Ordinary Shares for SNT
Stepped  Preference  Shares and SNT  Income  Shares  and  of
Subordinated Loan Stock for SNT Capital Shares will be  made
on  behalf of Abpref and the Offers of new Abpref ZDP Shares
for SNT Stepped Preference Shares, SNT Zeros and SNT Capital
Shares will be made on behalf of Abpref Securities.


The following tables and statistics illustrate the financial
effects,   in   terms  of  capital  and  income,   for   SNT
Shareholders  exchanging their SNT  Shares  for  new  Abpref
Group  Securities  pursuant to the  Offers,  as  opposed  to
receiving a cash distribution in SNT's winding-up.

In detailing the financial effects of acceptance, no account
has  been taken of taxation on any capital gain which  might
be incurred by a SNT Shareholder electing to receive cash in
the  winding-up of SNT.  Acceptors of the Offers should have
the benefit of rolling-over (or, in the case of election for
Subordinated Loan Stock, holding-over) any capital gain into
the  new Abpref Group Securities and thus deferring any  tax

Receiving a cash distribution in SNT's winding-up
On  SNT's winding-up on 30 September 1998 the holders of SNT
Shares would have the following cash entitlements:

     SNT Stepped Preference Shares      171.03p per share
     SNT Zeros                          324.67p per share
     SNT Income Shares        100p per share (see Note 1)
     SNT Capital Shares       218p per share (see Note 2)

     1.Holders  of  SNT  Income Shares will be  entitled  to
       receive or retain all dividends and distributions  of
       accumulated   revenue   reserves   on   such   shares
       irrespective  of  acceptance  of  the  Income   Share
       Offer.   The  figure of 100p does not  include  these

     2.Estimated SNT TAV

The Stepped Preference Offer
Holders of SNT Stepped Preference Shares will be offered the
alternatives of Abpref ZDP Shares, Abpref Ordinary Shares or
any combination of the two.

A.   The  ZDP  Share alternative is 78 ZDP Shares for  every
     100 SNT Stepped Preference Shares.  On the basis of the
     Placing Price of the ZDP Shares (224p per share),  this
     alternative values each SNT Stepped Preference Share at
     174.72p  and  the SNT Stepped Preference  Shares  as  a
     class at #55.8 million.

    For  an  acceptor  of  the  ZDP  Share  alternative  the
    effects on capital value and income will be as follows:-

        Capital value
        TAV of 100 SNT Stepped Preference Shares#171.03
        Placing price of 78 ZDP Shares          #174.72
        Increase in capital value                 #3.69
        Percentage increase                       2.16%
        By   their  nature  ZDP  Shares  do  not  have   any
         entitlement to income.

B.  The  Ordinary  Share alternative is 109 Ordinary  Shares
    for  every 100 SNT  Stepped Preference Shares.   On  the
    basis  of the Placing Price of the Ordinary Shares (160p
    per  share)  this alternative values each  SNT   Stepped
    Preference   Share  at  174.4p  and  the   SNT   Stepped
    Preference Shares as a class at #55.7 million.

    For  an  acceptor of the Ordinary Share alternative  the
    effects on capital value and income will be as follows:-
        Capital value
        TAV of 100 SNT Stepped Preference Shares#171.03
        Placing price of 109 Ordinary Shares   #174.40
        Increase in capital value                #3.37
        Percentage increase                      1.97%
        Gross income on #171.03 (TAV of 100 SNT Stepped
          Preference Shares) *                   #14.71
        Gross dividend on 109 Ordinary Shares ** #21.80
        Increase in income                       #7.09
        Percentage increase                       48.2%
         *   based  on  a  gross  yield of  8.6  per  cent.,
              being    the   interest   yield   on   British
              Government   Treasury  10%  Stock   2003,   as
              derived  from the Financial Times  on  7  July
              1998  (the  latest practicable date  prior  to
              this announcement)
         **  based  on  Abpref's forecast dividends  of  16p
              (equivalent  to  20p gross under  the  current
              tax  regime) per Ordinary Share in respect  of
              the calendar year 1999

     Abpref's forecast 1999 dividend is the equivalent of  a
     gross  dividend  yield on 171.03p (the  TAV  of  a  SNT
     Stepped Preference Share) of 12.75 per cent.

Accepting holders of SNT Stepped Preference Shares will also
be  entitled to receive or retain the dividend of  4.072237p
per  SNT Stepped Preference Share payable in accordance with
the articles of association of SNT on 30 September 1998.

The Zero Offer

Holders  of  SNT  Zeros will be offered 148 ZDP  Shares  for
every  100 SNT Zeros.  On the basis of the Placing Price  of
the  ZDP Shares (224p per share), this offer values each SNT
Zero  at  331.52p  and the SNT Zeros as a  class  at  #211.7

For  an  acceptor  of the Zero Offer the effect  on  capital
value will be as follows:

        Capital value
        TAV of 100 SNT Zeros                    #324.67
        Placing price of 148 ZDP Shares         #331.52
        Increase in capital value                #6.85
        Percentage increase                      2.11%
Neither  the  SNT Zeros nor the Abpref ZDP Shares  have  any
entitlement to income.

The Income Share Offer

Holders  of  SNT  Income Shares will be  offered  67  Abpref
Ordinary  Shares for every 100 SNT Income  Shares.   On  the
basis of the Placing Price of the Ordinary Shares (160p  per
share),  this offer values each SNT Income Share  at  107.2p
and the SNT Income Shares as a class at #171.1 million.

For  an  acceptor of the Income Share Offer the  effects  on
capital value and income will be as follows:-

        Capital value
        TAV of 100 SNT Income Shares            #100.00
        Placing price of 67 Abpref Ordinary Shares#107.20
        Increase in value                        #7.20
        Percentage increase                        7.2%
        Gross   income  on  #100  (TAV  of  100  SNT  Income
         Shares) *                                #8.60
        Gross  dividend  on 67 Abpref Ordinary  Shares  **#1
        Increase in income                        #4.80
        Percentage increase                      55.81%

         *   based  on  a  gross  yield of  8.6  per  cent.,
              being    the   interest   yield   on   British
              Government   Treasury  10%  Stock   2003,   as
              derived  from the Financial Times  on  7  July
              1998  (the  latest practicable date  prior  to
              this announcement)
         **  based  on  Abpref's forecast dividends  of  16p
              (equivalent  to  20p gross under  the  current
              tax  regime) per Ordinary Share in respect  of
              the calendar year 1999
         Abpref's  forecast 1999 dividend is the  equivalent
         of  a  gross dividend yield on 100p (the TAV  of  a
         SNT Income Share) of 13.4 per cent.

Accepting holders of SNT Income Shares will also be entitled
to  receive  or retain all dividends paid on the SNT  Income
Shares  in respect of the year ending 30 September 1998  and
any   amount   representing  accumulated  and  undistributed
revenue  reserves  to  which  holders  of  such  shares  are

The Capital Share Offer

Holders   of   SNT  Capital  Shares  will  be  offered   the
alternatives of Subordinated Loan Stock, Abpref  ZDP  Shares
or  any combination of the two.  The Capital Share Offer  is
made  on the basis of a formula, which compares the  FAV  of
the   SNT   Capital  Shares  with  the  Placing  Price   of,
respectively,  the  Subordinated  Loan  Stock  and  the  ZDP
Shares. As at 7 July 1998 (the latest practicable date prior
to  this announcement) the terms of the Capital Share Offer,
on  the basis not of FAV but of the Estimated SNT TAV, would
have been as follows:

A.  The  Subordinated  Loan  Stock  alternative  would  have
    resulted  in  terms  of 228.9 1p units  of  Subordinated
    Loan  Stock  for every 100 SNT Capital Shares.   On  the
    basis  of the Issue Price of the Subordinated Loan Stock
    (100p  per  1p  unit) this would have  valued  each  SNT
    Capital Share at 228.9p and the SNT Capital Shares as  a
    class at #146.2 million.

    For   an   acceptor  of  the  Subordinated  Loan   Stock
    alternative the effect on capital value would have  been
    as follows:-

        Capital value
        Estimated TAV of 100 SNT Capital Shares  #218.0
        Issue  Price  of  228.9 units of  Subordinated  Loan
         Stock                                    #228.9
        Increase in value                         #10.9
        Percentage increase                          5%
    On  the basis of the market price of a SNT Capital Share
    of  204p  on  7  July 1998, the latest practicable  date
    prior  to this announcement, the percentage increase  in
    capital value for an acceptor would be 12.2%.
    The SNT  Capital  Shares do not have any entitlement  to
B.   The  ZDP Share alternative would have resulted in terms
     of  97.32 ZDP Shares for every 100 SNT Capital  Shares.
     On  the  basis of the Placing Price of the  ZDP  Shares
     (224p  per  share),  this would have  valued  each  SNT
     Capital Share at 218p and the SNT Capital Shares  as  a
     class at #139.2 million.

    For  an acceptor of the ZDP Share alternative the effect
    on  capital value would have been neutral on  the  basis
    of  the  Estimated SNT TAV.  On the basis of the  market
    price  of  a  SNT Capital Share of 204p on 7 July  1998,
    the  latest practicable date prior to this announcement,
    the   percentage  increase  in  capital  value  for   an
    acceptor would be 6.9%.

Neither  the  SNT Capital Shares nor the Abpref  ZDP  Shares
have any entitlement to income.


Abpref  has  an  unlimited life and a simple  share  capital
structure  consisting of Ordinary Shares alone, the  gearing
for which following completion of the Offers and the Placing
will be provided by the existing RPI-linked Debenture Stock,
bank  borrowings,  the ZDP Shares and the Subordinated  Loan
Stock.   The  Directors  consider  that  the  use  of   this
combination of different types of gearing, is preferable  to
reliance  on a single form of gearing, in order  to  provide
flexibility for the future.

The  Offers  and  the Placing will result in  a  significant
increase  in  the  size of the Abpref Group's  capital,  the
composition of which will depend on the acceptances received
and  elections made under the Offers and the amount  of  new
Abpref Group Securities issued pursuant to the Placing.  The
Placing has been structured in such a way that the amount of
each class of Abpref Group Securities in issue following the
Offers  and  the  Placing should be such as to  balance  the
interests of the holders of each class in the context of the
characteristics   of  each  class  as  described   in   this

Abpref ZDP Shares

The new ZDP Shares will rank pari passu in all respects with
the existing ZDP Shares, which had a capital entitlement  of
218p  as at 30 June 1998 increasing at a daily compound rate
up  to  their final capital entitlement of 318p on 31  March
2003   when  Abpref  Securities is due to  be  wound  up  in
accordance  with its articles of association. Based  on  the
Placing Price of 224p, assumed to be payable on 30 September
1998, the return on the new ZDP Shares will be equivalent to
a  Redemption  Yield  of 8.1 per cent. per  annum  over  the
duration  of  their  remaining life. On  the  basis  of  the
Assumptions  the ZDP Shares are expected to  have  Cover  of
approximately 2.5 times immediately following completion  of
the Placing and Offers.

The  ZDP Shares rank for repayment ahead of the Subordinated
Loan   Stock  by  virtue  of  the  subordination   provision
described below under "Subordinated Loan Stock".
The  ZDP  Shares will not normally entitle their holders  to
vote at general meetings of Abpref Securities. Their holders
will,  however,  have  a right to vote  in  certain  limited
circumstances, and their separate approval as a  class  will
normally also be required for certain proposals which  would
be  likely to affect their position. Further ZDP Shares  (or
other prior or pari passu ranking shares or securities)  may
be issued without the approval of the holders of such shares
provided that the Cover for the existing ZDP Shares will  be
at  least two times immediately thereafter, on the basis set
out in the articles of association of Abpref Securities.

Abpref Ordinary Shares

The  new  Ordinary Shares will be issued credited  as  fully
paid  and  will  rank pari passu in all  respects  with  the
existing Ordinary Shares, except that they will not rank for
the first or second interim dividends expected to be paid in
August and November 1998 respectively in respect of Abpref's
current  financial  year.   Subject  thereto,  the  Ordinary
Shares  are  entitled  to all the distributable  profits  of
Abpref  which  are  resolved to be  distributed  and,  on  a
winding-up,  to  all  the Company's assets  remaining  after
satisfaction of its liabilities.

Abpref's investment policy is designed to provide holders of
the  Ordinary Shares with a high income yield without unduly
prejudicing the capital value of their investment. Dividends
on  the Ordinary Shares are paid quarterly. As stated  under
the  heading  "Dividends and dividend forecast"  above,  the
Directors  expect to pay dividends in aggregate of  16p  net
per Ordinary Share in the calendar year 1999. At the Placing
Price  of  160p  per new Ordinary Share, this  represents  a
dividend yield of 12.5 per cent. gross under the current tax
regime, and 10 per cent. net.

The current Net Asset Value of an Ordinary Share is 138.88p.
On  the  basis of the Assumptions and immediately  following
completion  of  the Offers and the Placing,  the  Net  Asset
Value of an Ordinary Share will be approximately 144.18p and
Abpref  will  have  borrowings  and  securities  effectively
ranking ahead of the Ordinary Shares as follows:

Debenture Stock (at current repayment value)   #19.3 million
Bank loans                                     #72.0 million
ZDP Shares (at current entitlement)            #80.2 million
Subordinated Loan Stock (at the Issue Price)   #18.9 million
                                              #190.4 million

On the basis of the Assumptions, the net assets attributable
to  the  Ordinary Shares will amount to #191.8 million.  The
charges  ranking ahead of these shares (at their  respective
current  entitlements)  will on the  same  basis  amount  to
#189.6  million.  This  equates to capital  gearing  on  the
Ordinary Shares of 50 per cent.

Investment prospects

Abpref's  investment  portfolio  is  divided  between  fixed
interest  stocks and the Income Share Portfolio  (comprising
principally  geared ordinary income shares of split  capital
trusts).  Yields  in the fixed interest market  have  fallen
markedly  in  this time, influenced by a firm  gilt  market,
especially  the market for longer dated gilts which  usually
reflects  perceived inflation prospects. At the  same  time,
equity market prices have been buoyant for much of the  past
twelve  months. The market price rises in the  income  share
sector  were particularly striking as the favourable  longer
term  outlook  for interest rates and the geared  nature  of
such  shares  helped to increase their market prices  faster
than  the  rise  in the general equity market.  Shareholders
have benefited markedly from all these factors.

For the enlarged Group, with an unchanged investment policy,
the  same  market factors are expected to continue to  apply
and the Manager remains optimistic about the demand for high
yielding  income shares. The Manager believes the new  issue
market for these shares is strong and that this will provide
many  opportunities to invest the assets  arising  from  the
Offers   and  the  Placing.  Although  the  monetary  policy
committee  of the Bank of England has recently raised  short
term  interest rates, in the view of the Manager this should
be  regarded as transitional in an era in which the  Manager
believes that rates in the long term will fall.

Following  completion of the Placing and the Offers  and  on
the  basis of the Assumptions, the Redemption Yield  on  the
Ordinary  Shares, assuming a purely notional  redemption  on
the  Zero  Termination Date in 2003, will be  11  per  cent.
Portfolio  growth of some 4.2 per cent. per annum  would  be
necessary  to  produce  a  net  asset  value  on  the   Zero
Termination  Date  of 160p, the Placing  Price  of  the  new
Ordinary   Shares.  If  the  value  of  the  fixed  interest
portfolio  grew  at a fixed 2 per cent. per annum  over  the
period  to  the  Zero  Termination Date,  the  Income  Share
Portfolio would need to grow at some 6.2 per cent. per annum
to  ensure that a net asset value of 160p per Ordinary Share
was attained on that date.

Subordinated Loan Stock

The  Subordinated Loan Stock, bears interest at a fixed rate
of  8.25 per cent. per annum on the Issue Price in two equal
instalments on 28 February and 31 August in each year and is
repayable at par plus a premium of up to 99p per unit of  1p
nominal on 28 February 2023. The interest is payable only if
and  to  the  extent that immediately after payment  thereof
Abpref  would have profits available for distribution.   The
Subordinated  Loan  Stock has been created  to  satisfy  the
demand  perceived  by the Directors for a security  offering
this  level  of  unfranked  yield  to  certain  classes   of
professional investor.

The  Subordinated Loan Stock is an unsecured  obligation  of
the  Company. It ranks behind all other indebtedness of  the
Company  and  the ZDP Shares and any further  zero  dividend
preference shares that may be issued by the Company  or  any
subsidiary. If the Company has insufficient assets to  repay
the  capital  entitlements of the ZDP Shares or any  further
zero  dividend preference shares that may be issued  by  the
Company or any subsidiary on the date on which they are  due
to  be  repaid, a proportion of each holding of Subordinated
Loan  Stock equal in aggregate (at the Issue Price)  to  the
insufficiency   will  automatically  convert   into   Abpref
Ordinary Shares. In addition, a premium will only be paid on
the  repayment of the Subordinated Loan Stock on 28 February
2023 to the extent that there would be assets of the Company
available after making such repayment to meet the claims  of
creditors  and  holders of ZDP Shares (if any)  and  further
zero  dividend preference shares that may be issued  by  the
Company or any subsidiary.

At  the  expected premium of the Subordinated Loan Stock  of
99p,  the  Redemption  Yield  at  the  Issue  Price  of  the
Subordinated  Loan Stock will be 8.25 per cent.  per  annum.
However,  even  if  the  Subordinated  Loan  Stock  is  only
redeemed  at  the nominal value of 1p, the Redemption  Yield
will only be reduced to 6.6 per cent. per annum.

Because of its subordinated status the rights of holders  of
the Subordinated Loan Stock are limited.  In particular,  it
is  only if default is made by the Company in the payment of
any  principal due or, for a period of 14 days or  more,  of
any  interest due that the trustee of the Subordinated  Loan
Stock  can  enforce  repayment of it by way  of  instituting
proceedings  for the winding up of the Company.   Otherwise,
there  are no rights of enforcement conferred on the trustee
or the holders of the Subordinated Loan Stock.

A  summary of the particulars of the Subordinated Loan Stock
is contained in PART 3.


Brewin  Dolphin  Bell Lawrie as agent of Abpref  and  Abpref
Securities  has  conditionally  placed  31,842,250  Ordinary
Shares  at 160p per share, 9,284,816 ZDP Shares at 224p  per
share and 18 million 1p units of Subordinated Loan Stock  at
100p  per unit. 9,671,125 Ordinary Shares and 2,916,667  ZDP
shares  have  been  placed firm but the remainder  of  these
shares, and the 18 million units of Subordinated Loan Stock,
may  not  be  issued if in the view of Brewin  Dolphin  Bell
Lawrie  this  would  be advisable in order  to  balance  the
interests  of the holders of the various classes  of  Abpref
Group Securities.

In  addition,  up to 10 million Ordinary Shares,  up  to  10
million  units  of  Subordinated Loan Stock  and  up  to  20
million ZDP Shares (together the "Available Securities") may
be  placed within eight weeks of the Closing Date  (in  each
case out of the amount of such securities made available and
not taken up under the Offers).

Abpref and Abpref Securities reserve the right to issue  the
Available Securities once the level of acceptances under the
Offers  is known.  Their aim in doing so will be so  far  as
possible  to  balance the interests of the  holders  of  the
Abpref  Group Securities of each class in the context of the
characteristics of such Abpref Group Securities as described
in  this  announcement and to raise additional  capital  for
investment by the Abpref Group.  The proceeds of  any  issue
of  any  Available Securities will be applied in  accordance
with the investment policies and objectives of Abpref.

At  the  Placing  Price, the maximum amount which  could  be
raised  for  the Abpref Group through the Placing  would  be
approximately #161 million before expenses; on the basis  of
the  Assumptions the amount raised would be  #32.24  million
before expenses.

The Placing is conditional upon, inter alia, the passing  of
appropriate resolutions at an extraordinary general  meeting
of  Abpref and the London Stock Exchange admitting  the  new
Abpref Group Securities to the Official List. The Placing is
not  conditional  on  the Offers or  any  of  them  becoming


Application  will be made to the London Stock  Exchange  for
the  new  Abpref  Group Securities to  be  admitted  to  the
Official List.


The  Offer Document and the Listing Particulars will contain
key  assumptions  (set out in Part 4 of  this  announcement)
concerning,  among other things, the levels  of  acceptances
which  will be received under the Offers and the  amount  of
new Abpref Group Securities which will be issued pursuant to
the  Placing. On the basis of the Assumptions,  and  further
assuming no change in market conditions, the net asset value
of  the Ordinary Shares will increase by approximately  5.3p
as  a  result of the Offers and the Placing, notwithstanding
the  considerable  expense involved  in  implementing  these
transactions.  On  the  same basis the  number  of  Ordinary
Shares  in issue will increase from approximately 60 million
to  approximately 135 million, which the Directors  consider
should lead to an improvement in their marketability.

The   Abpref  board  is  forecasting,  in  the  absence   of
unforeseen  circumstances, an increase in the  dividends  on
the  Ordinary  Shares  for  the  calendar  year  1999.   The
forecast  is  set  out above under "Dividends  and  dividend
forecast" and involves an increase on an annualised basis of
10.3  per  cent. over the existing forecast for the  current
financial  year. The new forecast depends on the Offers  and
the  Placing becoming unconditional, and accordingly on  the
appropriate  resolutions being passed  at  an  extraordinary
general meeting of Abpref.


Abpref, and persons acting or deemed to be acting in concert
with  Abpref  and Abpref Securities for the purpose  of  the
offers, own or control the following SNT Shares:

                          SNT Stepped   SNT
                          Preference    Income Shares
Abpref                    -             1,000,000
Discretionary clients                   
 of Aberdeen Asset                      
 Managers Limited         2,231,417       450,000
                          ---------     ---------
                          2,231,417     1,450,000
                          ==========    =========


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