RNS No 2938b
13th October 1998

      Preliminary Announcement of Unaudited Group Results
            for the six months ended 31 August 1998

The  Group's capital structure consists of  Ordinary
shares,   with   gearing  provided   by   RPI-Linked
Debenture  Stock,  bank  borrowings,  Zero  Dividend
Preference Shares and Subordinated Loan Stock.   The
six  months to 31 August 1998 covered in my  interim
report have been very significant in the development
of  your Company and a summary reconciliation of the
movement  in equity shareholders' funds is  provided
in the Notes section.

On  12 March 1998 proposals were announced to extend
the  life  of  our  subsidiary,  Aberdeen  Preferred
Securities  PLC, to 31 March 2003 and  to  vary  the
rights of the zero dividend preference shares.   The
Company also raised #64.4m (before expenses) by  the
issue of Ordinary Shares and Debenture Stock under a
Placing and Open Offer and an increase in bank  debt
from  #2  million to #12 million.  Under  the  Share
Placing,    36,225,063    Ordinary    shares    were
conditionally  placed with institutional  and  other
investors,  subject to claw-back  to  satisfy  valid
applications  made by Qualifying Shareholders  under
the Open Offer.  Additionally, we placed #11 million
(nominal) of Debenture Stock. The issue prices  were
145p  per Ordinary share and 108p per #1 nominal  of
Debenture Stock plus accrued interest.  The #12m  of
borrowings  were fixed at a rate of 7.22%  until  31
December 2002.

This  exercise prolonged the life of the  Trust  and
effectively  made  your Ordinary shares  undated  by
maintaining  the dated gearing in the  form  of  the
Zeros  in a subsidiary.  At the same time it allowed
us  to  announce  both  an increase  in  anticipated
dividends and a rise in asset value.

In  July  we  placed Subordinated Loan  Stock,  Zero
Dividend  Preference  Shares  and  Ordinary  shares,
raising  approximately  #90m  before  expenses,   in
conjunction  with   an  offer  to  acquire  all  the
stepped  preference shares, zero dividend preference
shares,  income  shares and capital  shares  of  The
Scottish National Trust Plc not already owned by the
Company.   On 20 August 1998 this offer closed  with
over #70m of acceptances from the various classes of
shares.   Our Managers have subsequently  taken  out
further   borrowing  of  #55m  which  is   currently
floating  with the intention to fix the said  amount
for just over 4 years in due course.  At the time of
this  placing  and offer our stated  object  was  to
invest   at   a  yield  of  over  8.8%   in   bonds,
convertibles and investment trusts and to borrow  at
below 7.6%.  We are encouraged that both these  aims
will  be  comfortably achieved as our Managers  have
invested  well during the current turbulent  markets
and  refrained  from fixing our borrowings  as  they
anticipated rates falling.

In  our  offer document of 16 July 1998 we announced
our   intention,  in  the  absence   of   unforeseen
circumstances, to pay the following dividends.

                   In respect of the                     
                   financial year                            Amount
Dividend           ending 28 February   Month of Payment     (net)
Second interim       1999                November 1998        3.625p
Third interim        1999                January 1999         4p
Fourth interim       1999                April 1999           4p
First interim        2000                August 1999          4p
Second interim       2000                November 1999        4p

We  continue to believe that this forecast  will  be
achieved  and have declared a dividend of 3.625p  net
paid  on  18  August 1998 and will declare a
second interim dividend of 3.625p payable in November 

The  net  asset value per Ordinary share ('NAV')  at
the period end was 134.55p compared with 116.14p  at
28 February 1998, a rise of 15.8%.

Economy & Outlook

The   early  part  of  the  period  covered  by  the
statement  saw  the  major  western  world   markets
hitting  new highs followed by sharp corrections  in
the last three months as investors and policy makers
started  to  focus  on  the health  of  the  banking
systems  in the developed world in addition  to  the
problems of emerging markets.

The last few weeks in the fixed interest market have
seen the yield on long gilts falling to 4.5%, a forty
year  low,  while yields at the short  end  fell  by
almost  1.25%  in  anticipation of a  markedly  easier
monetary stance in coming months.  Bonds in emerging
markets  have  fallen sharply and this weakness  has
permeated  into  high  yield bonds  in  the  US  and
quickly  transferred to the UK  market.   The  sharp
movements   in   spreads  have  caused  considerable
distress  to some hedge funds and problems  at  Long
Term  Capital Management were sufficiently important
for  the  US  Federal Reserve to organise  a  rescue
operation.   The  unwinding of the massively  geared
positions   will  inevitably  distort  markets   and
investors   may  be  presented  with  a  number   of
interesting  spread differences  on  a  longer  term

Meanwhile corporate bonds in the UK at all positions
on  the  credit curve from AAA to B offer  the  best
relative  value for a decade and this has everything
to  do  with  the technical position in  the  market
rather  than  a  substantial  deterioration  in  the
credit  outlook.   A world depression  seems  to  be
unrealistic assuming sensible policies within the  G7
countries and it should be possible to avoid even  a
recession in the western world.  In the more  likely
environment of a period of slower growth  and  lower
short  term  interest  rates,  corporate  bonds  are
likely to outperform government bonds.

We  believe  that  our  well balanced  portfolio  is
positioned  to deliver our investment objectives  of
providing  a  high  and  growing  income  with   the
prospect    of   capital   appreciation   from   its
convertible and income share element.

Derek Morgan
13 October 1998

The unaudited results were:

Group Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue
account of the Group*) for the six months to 31 August 1998

                                                     Six months ended
                                                      31 August 1998
                                              Revenue     Capital     Total
                                                #'000       #'000     #'000
Losses on investments                               -      (7,559)   (7,559)
Income                                          5,914           -     5,914
Investment management fee                        (450)       (256)     (706)
Other expenses                                   (139)          -      (139)
                                                -----       -----     -----
Net return before finance                                  
costs and taxation                              5,325      (7,815)   (2,490)
Interest payable and                                       
similar charges
Loans and debentures                             (611)       (702)   (1,313)
Zero dividend preference                                   
shares of subsidiary                                -      (1,061)   (1,061)
                                                -----        -----    -----
Return on ordinary                                         
activities before tax                           4,714      (9,578)   (4,864)
Tax on ordinary activities                       (989)        135      (854)
                                                -----       -----     -----

Return on ordinary                                         
activities after tax                            3,725      (9,443)   (5,718)
Dividends and other                                        
Appropriations in respect                                  
of Zero dividend                                           
preference shares in                                -           -         -
Dividends in respect of                                    
equity shares                                  (3,366)          -    (3,366)
                                                -----       -----     -----
Transfers to/(from)reserves                       359      (9,443)   (9,084)
                                                =====       =====     =====
Return per Ordinary share                                  
(pence)                                          6.84      (17.34)   (10.50)
                                                =====       =====     =====

                                                        Period ended
                                                   31 August 1997 (note 2)
                                              Revenue     Capital     Total
                                                #'000       #'000     #'000

Gains on investments                                -       2,056     2,056
Income                                          4,036           -     4,036
Investment management fee                        (398)        (25)     (423)
Other expenses                                   (176)          -      (176)
                                                -----       -----     -----
Net return before finance                                  
costs and taxation                              3,462       2,031     5,493
Interest payable and                                       
similar charges
Loans and debentures                             (400)       (179)     (579)
Zero dividend preference                                   
shares of subsidiary                                -           -         -
                                                -----       -----     -----
Return on ordinary                                         
activities before tax                           3,062       1,852     4,914
Tax on ordinary activities                       (671)         22      (649)
                                                -----       -----     -----
Return on ordinary                                         
activities after tax                            2,391       1,874     4,265
Dividends and other                                        
Appropriations in respect                                  
of Zero dividend                                           
preference shares in subsidiary                     -      (1,927)   (1,927)

Dividends in respect of                                    
equity shares                                  (1,644)          -    (1,644)
                                                -----       -----     -----
Transfers to/(from)reserves                       747         (53)      694
                                                =====       =====     =====   
Return per Ordinary share                                  
(pence)                                         11.07       (0.25)    10.82
                                                =====       =====     =====

* The Statements of total return presented above are in
accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice for
Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies.

Consolidated Balance Sheet of the Group as at 31 August 1998

                                          31 August   31 August  28 February
                                               1998        1997         1998
                                         (unaudited) (unaudited)    (audited)
                                              #'000       #'000        #'000
Fixed assets                                                   
Investments                                 279,976      51,708       63,483
                                            -------      ------       ------
Current assets                                                 
Debtors                                       3,710         727        1,402
Cash at bank and in hand                     71,641           -            -
                                            -------      ------       ------
                                             75,351         727        1,402
Current liabilities                                            
Bank loans and overdrafts                         -        (304)      (2,192)
Creditors: amounts falling                                     
due within one year                         (66,440)     (1,456)      (1,932)
                                            -------      ------       ------
                                            (66,440)     (1,760)      (4,124)
                                            -------      ------       ------
Net current assets /(liabilities)             8,911      (1,033)      (2,722)
                                            -------      ------       ------
Total assets less current                                      
liabilities                                 288,887      50,675       60,761
Creditors: amounts falling                                     
due after one year
RPI Debenture Stock 2007                    (19,269)     (7,044)      (7,271)
Subordinated loan stock 2023                (18,770)          -            -
Bank loan 2002                              (12,000)          -            -
Zero dividend preference                                       
shares (see note 7)                         (80,388)    (24,064)     (25,442)
                                            -------      ------       ------
Total net assets                            158,460      19,567       28,048
                                            =======      ======       ======  
Share capital and reserves                                     
Called-up share capital                      11,776       2,415        2,415
Share premium account                       133,715       3,570        3,576
Merger reserve                               15,958      15,958       15,958
Capital reserves                                               
Realised                                      2,936       2,808        2,590
Unrealised                                    4,751       2,303       13,179
Accrued finance costs                       (13,767)    (10,871)     (12,402)
Revenue reserve                               3,091       3,384        2,732
                                            -------      ------       ------
Total equity shareholders' funds            158,460      19,567       28,048
                                            =======      ======       ======
Net asset value per share                                      
Ordinary share                               134.55       81.03       116.14
                                            =======      ======       ======

1  The  interim financial accounts have been prepared in  accordance
   with  applicable  accounting standards under the historical  cost
   convention as modified to include the revaluation of fixed  asset
   investments and on the basis of the accounting policies  set  out
   in  the  statutory financial statements of the  Company  for  the
   period ended 28 February 1998.

2  The  comparative  period consolidated statement of  total  return
   comprises  a consolidation of the statement of total  return  for
   Aberdeen  Preferred  Income Trust PLC  for  the  period  from  14
   October  1996 (date of incorporation) to 31 August 1997  and  for
   Aberdeen  Preferred Securities PLC for the period from 1 December
   1996  to  31  August 1997.  Aberdeen Preferred Income  Trust  PLC
   commenced trading on 27 March 1997.

3  The  basic  revenue  return per share is  based  on  earnings  of
   #3,725,000 (1997: #2,391,000) and on 54,453,413 (1997:21,594,639)
   Ordinary shares of 10p each being the weighted average number  of
   shares  in  issue for the period.  The basic capital  return  per
   share  is  based  on  net  capital losses  of  #9,443,000  (1997:
   #53,000)  and on 54,453,413 (1997:21,594,639) Ordinary shares  of
   10p each being the weighted average number of shares in issue for
   the period.

4  Basic  net asset value per Ordinary share is based on net  assets
   of  #158,460,000  (31 August 1997: #19,567,000  and  28  February
   1998:  #28,048,000), and on 117,767,312 (31 August  1997  and  28
   February  1998: 24,150,042) Ordinary shares, being the number  of
   Ordinary shares in issue at the end of the period.

5  On  8  April  1998, inter alia, 36,225,063 Ordinary  shares  were
   allotted and issued in connection with a placing.

6  On  26  August 1998, inter alia, 24,209,957 Ordinary shares  were
   allotted  and issued in connection with the offers for shares  in
   The  Scottish  National Trust PLC and 33,182,250 Ordinary  shares
   were allotted and issued in connection with a placing.

7  Following the issue of the unsecured subordinated loan note  2003
   on 16 April 1998 by Aberdeen Preferred Securities PLC to Aberdeen
   Preferred  Income  Trust PLC the Zero dividend preference  shares
   require to be treated as debt rather than a minority interest  in
   the  Group's  financial statements.  In the  Group  statement  of
   total  return the financing cost of the Zero dividend  preference
   shares  is  now shown under interest payable and similar  charges
   rather than dividends and other appropriations.
8  Reserves                                                                   
                     Share      Merger   Realised  Unrealised  Accrued
                   Premium     reserve    reserve     reserve  Finance
                   account                                       Costs
As at 28                                                            
February 1998        3,576      15,958      2,590      13,179  (12,402)       
Net gain (loss)                                                     
on investments           -           -        869      (8,428)       -        
Expenses allocated                                                          
to capital               -           -       (654)          -        -

Tax allocation                                                      
thereon                  -           -        135           -        -
Transfer to                                                         
share premium account  (12)          -         12           -        -
redemption on                                                       
Zero dividend           
preference shares       -            -          -           -   (1,061)

Indexation on                                                       
debenture stock         -            -          -           -     (304)
Premium on                                                          
allotment of                                                        
Ordinary shares   134,992            -          -           -        -
Issue costs                                                         
relating to                                                         
issue of           
Ordinary shares    (4,841)           -          -           -        -
costs of Zero                                                       
preference shares       -            -        (16)          -        -
                  -------       ------     ------      ------   ------
As at 
31 August 1998    133,715       15,958      2,936       4,751  (13,767) 
                  =======       ======     ======      ======   ======        

9  The  interim financial statements for the six months  ended
   31   August  1998  are  unaudited  and  do  not  constitute
   statutory  accounts.  The comparable financial  information
   for  the  period ended 28 February 1998 has  been  abridged
   from  accounts that have been filed with the  Registrar  of
   Companies  and  on  which the report of  the  auditors  was

10 Summary Reconciliation of shareholders' funds         #'000

   Opening equity shareholders' funds                   28,048
   Issue of Ordinary shares                            144,353
   Issue and reorganisation costs                       (4,857)
   Net loss on investments                              (7,559)
   Capitalised expenses net of taxation                   (519)
   Accrual for Zero dividend preference shares'               
   redemption                                           (1,061)
   Indexation on debenture stock                          (304)
   Net retained revenue                                    359
   Closing equity shareholders' funds                  158,460

11 Copies of the Interim Report will be posted in due course
   and further copies may be obtained from the registered
   office, One Bow Churchyard, Cheapside, London EC4M 9HH

13 October 1998                                Aberdeen Asset
                                               Management PLC



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