RNS Number:5632F
Barclays PLC
15 February 2000

Part 3
                           ADDITIONAL INFORMATION


Since 1st January 1999, a number of changes have been made to the Group's
reporting structure.  Major changes, for which comparative figures have been
restated as appropriate, are:

Retail Financial Services has re-organised the management of its business
around customer segments to deliver services and products.  For reporting
purposes it is organised into Retail Customers, Wealth Management and
Barclaycard. Retail Customers and Wealth Management have absorbed the
relevant customer segments from the previous business groupings of UK Retail
Banking, International Premier, Private, Savings and Investment and Africa
and Caribbean, with Barclaycard remaining unaffected.

Retail Customers comprises UK Retail Banking (excluding UK Premier), the
African business, UK retail mutual funds and Barclays Life.  Wealth
Management comprises the former International Premier, Private, Savings and
Investment business (excluding UK retail mutual funds and Barclays Life), UK
Premier and the Caribbean business.

The Structured Export Finance business and a number of large corporate
assets have been transferred from Barclays Capital to Corporate Banking.

Certain internal charges and costs have been re-allocated between Retail
Financial Services and Corporate Banking.  In addition, Retail Financial
Services has revised its presentation of income and costs within its profit
and loss account.  There is no effect on total Group revenue or costs as a
result of these changes.  Where appropriate, staff numbers have been

Management of central information technology and operations' services for
Retail Financial Services, Corporate Banking and Group central functions in
the UK has been transferred to Retail Financial Services in the year.  Prior
periods have been restated accordingly.

Head Office functions now include certain costs previously reported in
Central Services.  In addition, Brand programme costs, previously reported
in Head Office functions, are now reported in Central Services.  Prior
periods have been restated accordingly.


In June 1999 the Group increased its holding in Banque du Caire Barclays
International (subsequently renamed Cairo Barclays SAE) from 49% to 60%.
This entity is now accounted for as a subsidiary.

Details of significant disposals in the period are set out under exceptional
items on page 20.


A change in accounting policy has arisen from the adoption in 1999 of
Financial Reporting Standard 12 'Provisions, Liabilities and Assets' (FRS
12).  The Group has a number of vacant leasehold properties where
unavoidable costs exceed anticipated income for which a provision is now
required under FRS 12.

The change in policy has resulted in a prior year adjustment and the profit
and loss accounts and balance sheets for previous years have been restated.
This has resulted in a net charge to shareholders' funds of #81m as at 1st
January 1999 comprising the cumulative impact of prior year reductions in
net interest income, net provisions for property costs and associated tax
credits.  Comparative figures have been restated with the effect that
shareholders' funds have been reduced by #63m at 1st January 1998.  Profit
before tax for the year ended 31st December 1998 has been reduced by #23m.


The classification of certain items of income and costs have been reviewed
and #50m has been offset between costs and income to more appropriately
reflect the nature of the transactions involved.  In view of the amounts
involved no restatements have been made.

Weighted risk assets of associated companies, reported on a consolidated
basis in accordance with supervisory rules, are now included on page 8 in
the totals for the business grouping concerned.  Previously these were
reported in Other operations.  Comparatives have been restated.

There have been no other changes in accounting presentation from that
reflected in the 1998 Annual Report.

The trustees of the Group's employee benefit trusts may make purchases of
Barclays PLC ordinary shares in the market following the announcement of the
Group's results in February 2000 for the purposes of the Group's employee
share schemes' current and future requirements.  The total number of
ordinary shares purchased would not be material in relation to the issued
share capital of Barclays PLC.

1.  Loans and advances to banks         1999              1998
                                         #m                #m
    Banking business                                          
    Loans and advances to banks       13,095            20,357
    Less - provisions                   (24)              (41)
                                      13,071            20,316
    Trading business                  29,585            16,296
    Total loans and advances to       42,656            36,612

   Of the total loans and advances to banks, placings with banks were
   #39.1bn at 31st December 1999 (1998: #32.8bn).  Placings with banks
   include reverse repos of #29.1bn (1998: #13.9bn).  The majority of the
   placings have a residual maturity of less than one year.

2.  Loans and advances to customers     1999              1998
                                          #m                #m
    Banking business                                          
    Loans subject to non-recourse                             
    finance arrangements                 333               278
    Less: non returnable finance       (268)             (269)
                                          65                 9
    Loans and advances to customers   91,320            77,663
    Finance lease receivables          5,660             5,776
                                      97,045            83,448
    Less - provisions                (1,959)           (1,902)
         - interest in suspense         (80)              (77)
                                      95,006            81,469
    Trading business                  18,532            14,641
    Total loans and advances to      113,538            96,110

   Of the total loans and advances to customers, reverse repos were #16.9bn
   at 31st December 1999 (1998: #11.7bn).

3. Provisions for bad and doubtful debts

                                       1999              1998 
    Credit risk provisions                #m                #m 
    Provisions at beginning of year    1,862             1,761 
    Exchange and other adjustments      (12)                 5 
    Amounts written off                                        
     United Kingdom                    (546)             (506) 
     Other European Union               (44)              (43) 
     United States                      (40)               (7) 
     Rest of the World                  (21)               (9) 
                                       (651)             (565) 
    Recoveries (analysed below)           93               176 
    Sub-total                          1,292             1,377 
    Provisions charged against                                 
    New and increased specific                                 
     United Kingdom                      768               751 
     Other European Union                 27                31 
     United States                        45                11 
     Rest of the World                    47                23 
                                         887               816 
    Less: Releases of specific                                 
     United Kingdom                    (114)              (81) 
     Other European Union               (21)              (31) 
     United States                       (7)               (8) 
     Rest of the World                  (15)              (15) 
                                       (157)             (135) 
    Less: Recoveries                                           
     United Kingdom                     (85)             (156) 
     Other European Union                (4)               (4) 
     United States                       (4)              (13) 
     Rest of the World                     -               (3) 
                                        (93)             (176) 
    Net specific provisions charge       637               505 
    General provision - release         (16)              (20) 
    Net credit risk charge to            621               485 
    Provisions at end of year          1,913             1,862 

    Country risk provisions                                   
    Provisions at beginning of year       81                89
    Exchange and other adjustments      (11)                 1
    Amounts written off (net of            -              (16)
    Net specific provision releases      (2)              (13)
    General provision charge               2                20
    Provisions at end of year             70                81
    Total provisions at end of year    1,983             1,943

   Total provisions for bad and doubtful debts at end of year comprise:

                                       1999              1998
    Specific - credit risk                #m                #m
     United Kingdom                    1,075               928
     Other European Union                126               213
     United States                        23                23
     Rest of the World                    74                35
                                       1,298             1,199
    Specific - country risk               13                16
    Total specific provisions          1,311             1,215
    General provisions                                        
             - credit risk               615               663
             - country risk               57                65
                                       1,983             1,943

   The geographic analysis of provisions shown above is based on location
   of office.

4.  Other assets                        1999              1998
                                          #m                #m
    Own shares                             5                43
    Balances arising from off-                                
    balance sheet
    financial instruments             13,390            13,725
    Shareholders' interest in long-      555               530
    term assurance fund
    London Metal Exchange warrants                            
    and other
    metals trading positions             331               457
    Sundry debtors                     1,629             1,862
    Prepayments and accrued income     2,203             2,552
                                      18,113            19,169

'Own shares' represent Barclays PLC shares held in employee benefit trusts
that have not been expensed.

5.  Other liabilities                   1999              1998
                                         #m                #m
    Obligations under finance            140               141
    leases payable
    Balances arising from off-                                
    balance sheet
    financial instruments             13,619            15,849
    Short positions in securities     16,813            13,682
    Current tax                          462               479
    Cash receipts from                 1,049                 -
    Sundry creditors                   3,036             3,199
    Accruals and deferred income       3,290             3,074
    Provisions for liabilities and     1,247             1,353
    Dividend                             484               414
                                      40,140            38,191

   Cash receipts from securitisation are in respect of a portfolio of
   investment debt securities which did not qualify for linked presentation
   under Financial Reporting Standard 5.

6. Potential credit risk lendings

   The following table presents an analysis of potential credit risk
   lendings in accordance with the US Securities and Exchange Commission
   guidelines.  Additional categories of disclosure are included, however,
   to record lendings where interest continues to be accrued and where
   either interest is being suspended or specific provisions have been
   raised.  Normal US banking practice would be to place such lendings on
   non-accrual status.

   The amounts, the geographical presentation of which is based on the
   location of the office recording the transaction, are stated before
   deduction of the value of security held, specific provisions carried or
   interest suspended.

    Non-performing lendings             1999              1998
                                         #m                #m
    Non-accrual lendings:                                     
     United Kingdom                    1,007               985
     Foreign                             244               282
    Accruing lendings where                                   
    interest is being suspended:
     United Kingdom                      326               266
     Foreign                             110               118
    Other accruing lendings against                           
    which provisions have been
     United Kingdom                      423               457
     Foreign                             130               134
     United Kingdom                    1,756             1,708
     Foreign                             484               534
    Accruing lendings 90 days                                 
    overdue, against which no
    provisions have been made:
     United Kingdom                      343               309
     Foreign                              18                19
    Reduced rate lendings:                                    
     United Kingdom                        6                 7
     Foreign                               2                 -
    Total non-performing lendings                             
     United Kingdom                    2,105             2,024
     Foreign                             504               553
                                       2,609             2,577

   UK non-performing lendings increased by #81m due to growth in consumer
   balances (including credit card receivables).

   Potential problem lendings: In addition to the above, the following
   table shows lendings which are current as to payment of principal and
   interest, but where serious doubt exists as to the ability of the
   borrower to comply with repayment terms in the near future.

                                       1999              1998
                                        #bn               #bn
    United Kingdom                       0.6               0.6
    Foreign                              0.1               0.1
                                         0.7               0.7

                                       1999              1998
    Credit risk provision coverage         %                 %
     - credit risk non-performing       76.4              75.2
     - total potential credit risk      60.0              59.4
                                       1999              1998
    Interest forgone on non-              #m                #m
    performing lendings:
    Interest income that would have                           
    been recognised under original       165               182
    contractual terms
    Interest income included in         (45)              (63)
    Interest forgone                     120               119

7. Exposure to countries subject to International Monetary Fund liquidity
   support programmes
   Amounts outstanding, net of provisions, and commitments to
   counterparties in countries which make significant use of International
   Monetary Fund liquidity support programmes were as follows:
                                        1999              1998
    Asia                                 #bn               #bn
    Indonesia                            0.1               0.1
    South Korea                          0.4               0.5
    Thailand                             0.1               0.1
                                         0.6               0.7
    Latin America                                             
    Brazil                               0.8               0.9
                                         1.4               1.6

   Of the total of #1.4bn, #0.8bn (1998: #1.0bn) was related to banks,
   #0.4bn (1998: #0.4bn) to governments and #0.2bn (1998: #0.2bn) to other
   corporate bodies including project finance companies. The total was
   mainly in respect of loans, off-balance sheet financial instruments and
   debt securities.  Off-balance sheet financial instruments and debt
   securities are marked to market.

   The Group has a Brazilian associate, Banco Barclays e Galicia SA, which
   is equity accounted.  At 31st December 1999 the 50% holding was included
   in the balance sheet at a value of #33m (not included in the figures

   During the year the Group released a general provision of #8m in respect
   of country transfer risk arising from its business world wide, including
   exposure in these countries, reducing the total of such provisions to
   #57m at 31st December 1999.  This is in addition to #615m of general
   provision held against credit risk.

8. European Economic and Monetary Union
   The euro has been in existence for over twelve months. As expected the
   introduction of the euro saw a rapid transition in the wholesale markets
   from trading in national domestic currencies to trading in the euro.
   The Group's operating infrastructure and euro settlement systems have
   been working very effectively since the implementation of EMU at the
   start of 1999.
   UK Entry to EMU
   Barclays incurred expenditure of #4m during 1999 across the Group in
   developing plans for the possibility of the introduction of the euro in
   the United Kingdom.
   Given the considerable uncertainty around UK entry to EMU it is not
   possible to estimate the final overall cost of preparing the Group's
   systems and operations.
   Costs in 2000 are likely to be incurred in maintaining a prudent
   programme to validate and develop further our existing plans and to
   conduct feasibility studies with selected suppliers and partners.

9. Year 2000

   After more than three years of preparation the Barclays Group managed
   the transition into the Year 2000 with no material disruption to
   customers, staff or the Group's businesses around the world.

   Activity during 1999
   The principal focus during the year was risk mitigation and contingency
   planning.  The Group also finalised internal testing and correction, and
   continued to work with other banks and external network providers
   towards industry readiness of the key clearing, payment and settlement
   infrastructures in the UK and, where appropriate, overseas.

   Costs and benefits
   The total amount spent on the Year 2000 Programme up to 31st December
   1999 was #209m (including #15m of capitalised costs) of which #65m was
   incurred in the year to December 1999.  Year 2000 costs include
   correction, testing, third party assurance and contingency planning.

   In addition to the successful transition, the Group has benefited from
   enhanced business resumption plans and contingency arrangements, updated
   and rationalised systems and coding, and improved inventories of
   hardware, software and suppliers.

10.Legal proceedings

   Barclays is party to various legal proceedings, the ultimate resolution
   of which is not expected to have a material adverse effect on the
   financial position of the Group.

11. Geographical analysis

                                        1999              1998
    Profit before tax                     #m                #m
     United Kingdom                    1,872             1,483
     Other European Union                318               241
     United States                       131                67
     Rest of the World                   139               104
                                       2,460             1,895
                                        1999              1998
    Total assets                          #m                #m
     United Kingdom                  171,772           154,446
     Other European Union             17,017            18,490
     United States                    39,536            24,886
     Rest of the World                26,468            21,672
                                     254,793           219,494

12.  Contingent liabilities and commitments

                                        1999              1998
    Contingent liabilities                #m                #m
     Acceptances and endorsements      1,530             1,384
     Guarantees and assets pledged                            
     as collateral security           12,044             8,784
     Other contingent liabilities      5,360             5,069
                                      18,934            15,237
     Standby facilities, credit                               
     lines and other commitments      82,479            68,191

13. Off-balance sheet financial instruments, including derivatives

   The tables set out below analyse the contract or underlying principal
   amounts of derivative financial instruments held for trading purposes
   and for the purposes of managing the Group's structural exposures.

    Foreign exchange derivatives         1999              1998
                                          #m                #m
    Contract or underlying                                     
    principal amount
    Forward foreign exchange          225,518           263,958
    Currency swaps                     88,453            79,447
    Other exchange rate related        65,456           101,310
                                      379,427           444,715
    Interest rate derivatives                                  
    Contract or underlying                                     
    principal amount
    Interest rate swaps               975,720           787,486
    Forward rate agreements            49,577            99,960
    OTC options bought and sold       266,085           222,589
    Other interest rate related        72,390           104,003
                                    1,363,772         1,214,038
    Equity, stock index and                                    
    commodity derivatives
    Contract or underlying             63,105            51,347
    principal amount

   Other exchange rate related contracts are primarily OTC options.  Other
   interest rate related contracts are primarily exchange traded options
   and futures.

   Derivatives entered into as trading transactions, together with any
   associated hedging thereof, are measured at fair value and the resultant
   profits and losses are included in dealing profits.  The tables below
   summarise the positive and negative fair values of such derivatives,
   including an adjustment for netting where the Group has the ability to
   insist on net settlement which is assured beyond doubt, based on a legal
   right that would survive the insolvency of the counterparty.

    Positive fair values                1999              1998
                                         #m                #m
    Foreign exchange derivatives       7,178             9,913
    Interest rate derivatives         16,160            20,083
    Equity, stock index and            2,872             2,240
    commodity derivatives
    Effect of netting               (12,820)          (18,511)
                                      13,390            13,725
    Negative fair values                                      
    Foreign exchange derivatives       7,583            12,062
    Interest rate derivatives         15,590            19,603
    Equity, stock index and            3,266             2,695
    commodity derivatives
    Effect of netting               (12,820)          (18,511)
                                      13,619            15,849

14. Market risk

   Market risk is the risk of loss arising from adverse movements in the
   level or volatility of market prices, which can occur in the interest
   rate, foreign exchange, equity and commodity markets.  It is incurred as
   a result of both trading and asset/liability management activities.

   The market risk management policies of the Group are determined by the
   Group Risk Management Committee, which also determines overall market
   risk appetite.  The Group's policy is that exposure to market risk
   arising from trading activities is concentrated in Barclays Capital.
   The Group's banking businesses are also subject to market risk, which
   arises in relation to non-trading positions, such as capital balances,
   demand deposits and customer originated transactions and flows.

   The Group uses a daily 'value at risk' measure as the primary mechanism
   for controlling market risk.  Daily Value at Risk (DVAR) is an estimate,
   with a confidence level of 98%, of the potential loss which might arise
   if the current positions were to be held unchanged for one business day.
   Daily losses exceeding the DVAR figure are likely to occur, on average,
   only twice in every one hundred business days.  Actual outcomes are
   monitored regularly to test the validity of the assumptions made in the
   calculation of DVAR.

   Barclays Capital Trading Activities

   In Barclays Capital, the formal process for the management of risk is
   through the Barclays Capital Risk Management Committee.  Day-to-day
   responsibility for market risk lies with the Chief Executive of Barclays
   Capital, supported by a dedicated global market risk management unit
   that operates independently of the business areas.

   In the fourth quarter of 1998, Barclays Capital closed its non-client
   related proprietary trading businesses and substantially reduced its
   secondary market corporate bond inventory.  The lower risk appetite,
   with the focus on the major currency fixed income markets, was
   maintained in the first half of 1999, with DVAR utilisation remaining
   broadly at the end 1998 level.  DVAR utilisation increased in the second
   half of 1999 due to increased position sizes to take advantage of
   specific market opportunities and increases in the volatility of key
   risk factors.  Year-end DVAR was #20.2m.

   The daily average, maximum and minimum values of DVAR were estimated as

                        Twelve months to
                       31st December 1999
                      Average  High*   Low*
                           #m    #m     #m
   Interest rate         13.7  30.2    6.2
   Foreign exchange       2.8  11.7    0.8
   Equities risk          1.7   3.7    0.6
   Commodities risk       1.2   2.2    0.5
   Diversification      (3.3)             
   Total DVAR            16.1  32.5    7.7
   *  The high (and low) DVAR figures reported for each category did not
      necessarily occur on the same day as the high (and low) DVAR reported
      as a whole.  A corresponding diversification effect cannot be
      calculated and is therefore omitted from the above table.
   During 1999, Barclays Capital adopted historical simulation as the
   standard method for calculating DVAR, having previously used mainly
   variance/covariance calculations.  The figures provided above are based
   on daily data for the full year produced using the new method.
   The decision to change the methodology was based on research which
   showed that, compared with the previous approach, historical simulation
   gives better risk aggregation, a more accurate estimate of options risk,
   and a more realistic assessment of the statistical distribution of low
   probability extreme losses.  The method, along with the market risk
   management and control infrastructure, has been approved by the
   Financial Services Authority under the internal models approach for
   calculating regulatory capital for general market risk.
   In contrast to the previous method, the new method gives equal weighting
   to all of the historic data used in the calculation, and therefore does
   not respond as quickly to changes in market volatility.  During periods
   of low market volatility, the new method therefore gives a higher DVAR
   estimate than the old method, and vice versa.  Market volatility was
   particularly low at the end of 1999.  Although DVAR utilisation as at
   31st December 1999 was recorded as #20.2m under the new method, the
   utilisation under the old method would only have been #11.2m (1998:
   #12.2m).  There is a similar, albeit smaller, impact on average
   utilisation, which was higher with the new method than the old method.
   The table below provides comparative data for 1998 and 1999 using the
   previous approach.

   DVAR calculated using previous approach

                    Twelve months to     Twelve months to
                   31st December 1999   31st December 1998
                  Average  High*   Low*  Average  High*  Low*
                       #m    #m     #m      #m     #m    #m
Interest rate        10.7  28.5    4.8    15.1   36.6   9.5
Foreign exchange      1.8   6.9    0.7     5.8   13.9   1.2
Equities risk         1.6   3.7    0.6     3.0    7.9   1.3
Commodities risk      1.2   2.2    0.5     1.2    2.9   0.6
Diversification     (2.1)                (4.2)             
Total DVAR           13.2  31.0    7.7    20.9   43.3  12.2
   *    The high (and low) DVAR figures reported for each category did not
        necessarily occur on the same day as the high (and low) DVAR
        reported as a whole.  A corresponding diversification effect cannot
        be calculated and is therefore omitted from the above table.


   There are some significant differences between accounting practices in
   the United States (US GAAP) and those in the United Kingdom (UK GAAP).
   Key figures on a UK GAAP basis and as estimated on a US GAAP basis are:

                             1999     1999     1998     1998
                               #m       #m       #m       #m
                          UK GAAP  US GAAP  UK GAAP  US GAAP
    Net income               1,759    1,695    1,317    1,370
    Shareholders' funds      8,483    8,262    7,842    7,781

                        31.12.99 31.12.99 31.12.99 31.12.98 31.12.98  31.12.98
                         Average Interest  Average Average Interest   Average
                         Balance              Rate Balance               Rate
Assets                        #m       #m        %      #m       #m         %
Treasury bills and                                                           
other eligible bills:
in offices in the UK       3,697      175      4.7   2,445      154       6.3
in offices outside the       898       90     10.0     963      103      10.7
Loans and advances to                                                        
in offices in the UK       7,762      361      4.7  10,561      605       5.7
in offices outside the     8,224      442      5.4  11,138      535       4.8
Loans and advances to                                                        
in offices in the UK      68,752    5,549      8.1  62,304    5,757       9.2
in offices outside the    16,154      893      5.5  11,596      863       7.4
Lease receivables:                                                           
in offices in the UK       5,059      346      6.8   5,499      452       8.2
in offices outside the       537       67     12.5     240       21       8.8
Debt securities:                                                             
in offices in the UK      15,256      851      5.6  13,804      910       6.6
in offices outside the     9,928      546      5.5   8,846      552       6.2
Average assets of        136,267    9,320      6.8 127,396    9,952       7.8
banking business
Average assets of         67,278    3,655      5.4  77,599    3,809       4.9
trading business
Total average interest   203,545   12,975      6.4 204,995   13,761       6.7
earning assets
Provisions               (1,955)                   (1,847)                   
Non-interest earning      42,526                    39,957                   
Total average assets                                                         
and interest income      244,116   12,975      5.3 243,105   13,761       5.7
Percentage of total                                                          
average assets in           31.0                      29.6
offices outside the UK
Average interest                                                             
earning assets and net
interest income:
Banking business         136,267    4,630      3.4 127,396    4,352       3.4
Trading business          67,278     (31)        -  77,599     (25)         -
Write-down of leases                    -        -             (40)         -
Discount rate                                                                
adjustment on                         (6)        -              (4)         -
Profit on                                                                    
redemption/repurchase                   3        -                3         -
of loan capital
Total average interest                                                       
earning assets and net   203,545    4,596      2.3 204,995    4,286       2.1
interest income
Total average interest                                                       
earning assets related
Interest income                    12,975      6.4           13,761       6.7
Interest expense                  (8,376)    (4.1)          (9,434)     (4.6)
Write-down of leases                    -        -             (40)         -
Discount rate                                                           
adjustment on                         (6)        -              (4)         -
Profit on                                                                    
redemption/repurchase                   3        -                3         -
of loan capital
                                    4,596      2.3            4,286       2.1

 (i)  Loans and advances to customers and banks include all doubtful
 lendings, including non-accrual lendings. Interest receivable on such
 lendings has been included to the extent to which either cash payments have
 been received or interest has been accrued in accordance with the income
 recognition policy of the Group.
 (ii) Average balances are based upon daily averages for most UK banking
 operations and monthly averages elsewhere.
 (iii) The average balance sheet does not include the retail life-fund
 assets attributable to policyholders nor the related liabilities.

                        31.12.99 31.12.99 31.12.99 31.12.98 31.12.98 31.12.98
                         Average Interest  Average Average Interest Average
                         Balance             Rate Balance             Rate
Liabilities and               #m      #m        %      #m       #m       %
shareholders' funds
Deposits by banks:                                                        
in offices in the UK      14,210     479      3.4  17,911      719     4.0
in offices outside the    11,506     460      4.0  11,726      505     4.3
Customer accounts -                                                       
demand accounts:
in offices in the UK      12,786     168      1.3  11,072      201     1.8
in offices outside the     1,827      35      1.9   2,088       44     2.1
Customer accounts -                                                       
savings accounts:
in offices in the UK      24,517     772      3.1  22,635    1,110     4.9
in offices outside the     1,307      55      4.2   1,120       63     5.6
Customer accounts -                                                       
other time deposits -
in offices in the UK      23,998   1,231      5.1  22,703    1,574     6.9
in offices outside the     5,076     234      4.6   5,262      266     5.1
Customer accounts -                                                       
other time deposits -
in offices in the UK      19,555     848      4.3  17,379      890     5.1
in offices outside the     6,067     306      5.0   5,904      307     5.2
Debt securities in                                                        
in offices in the UK      15,656     777      5.0  14,554      913     6.3
in offices outside the     7,130     379      5.3   6,181      340     5.5
Dated and undated loan                                                    
capital and other                                                         
subordinated               4,092     263      6.4   3,372      244     7.2
liabilities principally
in offices in the UK
Internal funding of     (29,231) (1,317)      4.5 (32,682)  (1,576)    4.8
trading business
Average liabilities of   118,496   4,690      4.0 109,225    5,600     5.1
banking business
Average liabilities of    71,535   3,686      5.2  79,513    3,834     4.8
trading business
Total average interest                                                    
bearing liabilities      190,031   8,376      4.4 188,738    9,434     5.0
Interest free customer                                                    
in offices in the UK       8,677                    8,333                 
in offices outside the     1,597                    1,278                 
Other non-interest        35,190                   36,652                 
bearing liabilities
Minority interests and                                                    
shareholders' funds        8,621                    8,104
Total average                                                             
liabilities,             244,116   8,376      3.4 243,105    9,434     3.9
shareholders' funds and
interest expense
Percentage of total                                                       
average non-capital                                      
liabilities in offices      30.3                     30.0
outside the UK

                             SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS

                                       1999             1998
                                         #m               #m
At beginning of year                  7,842            7,557
Proceeds of shares issued (net of       214              110
Exchange rate translation              (70)               32
Repurchase of ordinary shares*        (504)            (501)
Goodwill written back on disposals      138               10
Shares issued to the QUEST; in                              
relation to share option schemes      (154)             (67)
for staff
Other items                               4               30
Profit retained                       1,013              671
At end of year                        8,483            7,842

* Including nominal amount of #28m (1998: #29m).

                                       1999             1998
                                         #m               #m
Profit attributable to the members    1,759            1,317
of Barclays PLC
Exchange rate translation              (70)               32
Other items                               4               30
Total recognised gains relating to    1,693            1,379
the period
Prior period adjustment (as            (81)                 
explained on page 41)
Total gains and losses recognised                           
since 31st December 1998              1,612

Historical cost profits and losses

There is no material difference between profit before tax and profit
retained, as reported, and historical cost profits.


                              Note     1999              1998
                                         #m                #m
Net cash inflow/(outflow)                                    
from operating activities     1       8,923           (1,337)
Dividends received from                   5                 3
associated undertakings
Net cash outflow from returns                                
on investment and servicing           (290)             (252)
of finance
Tax paid                              (636)             (547)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow                                    
from capital expenditure and        (7,890)             2,333
financial investment
Acquisitions and disposals              242               584
Equity dividend paid                  (676)             (591)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow             (322)               193
before financing
Net cash inflow from                    400               264
Increase in cash                         78               457

1. Reconciliation of operating profit to net operating cashflows
                                       1999              1998
                                         #m                #m
    Operating profit                   2,598             1,898
    Provisions for bad and doubtful      621               492
    Depreciation and amortisation        276               270
    Net decrease in accrued                                   
    expenditure and prepayments        (149)             (719)
    Provisions for contingent                                 
    liabilities and commitments            1                76
    Other provisions for                 401                79
    liabilities and charges
    Interest on dated and undated                             
    loan capital and other               263               244
    subordinated liabilities
    Associated undertakings -             14              (22) 
    loss/(profit) included
    Increase in shareholders'                                 
    interest in the long-term           (32)              (95)
    assurance fund
    Profit on redemption/repurchase      (3)               (3)
    of loan capital
    Net decrease/(increase) in net                            
    interest and commission              691              (23)
    Net profit on disposal of                                 
    investments and fixed assets        (51)             (106)
    Other non-cash movements               7                53
                                       4,637             2,144
    Net change in items in transit                            
    and items in course of                96             (311)
    Net increase/(decrease) in           560           (4,253)
    other credit balances
    Net (increase)/decrease in                                
    loans and advances to banks and (23,862)             8,652
    Net increase/(decrease) in                                
    deposits and debt securities in   32,100          (14,958)
    Net (increase)/decrease in         (307)             3,215
    other assets
    Net (increase)/decrease in                                
    other debt securities and        (1,922)             3,642
    equity shares
    Net (increase)/decrease in                                
    treasury and other eligible      (2,462)               777
    Other non-cash movements              83             (245)
    Net cash inflow/(outflow) from     8,923           (1,337)
    operating activities

                                BARCLAYS PLC
                              OTHER INFORMATION

Financial Summary           1999   1998    1997   1996    1995
                              #m     #m      #m     #m      #m
Profit before tax          2,460  1,895   1,719  2,293   2,021
Profit after tax           1,811  1,362   1,177  1,677   1,410
Total capital resources   13,432 11,890  10,810 10,608  10,964
                               P      p       P      p       P
Earnings per ordinary      117.5   87.2    74.6  103.6    83.8
Dividends per ordinary      50.0   43.0    37.0   31.5    26.0
Net asset value per          568    519     494    467     429
ordinary share
Dividend cover (times)       2.4    2.0     2.0    3.4     3.2
Risk asset ratios:             %      %       %      %       %
Tier 1 ratio                 7.5    7.3     7.2    7.5     7.6
Total ratio                 11.3   10.6     9.9   10.3    10.8
Performance ratios                                            
Return on average              %      %       %      %       %
shareholders' funds:
 Pre-tax                    29.0   23.6    22.3   31.4    30.1
 Post-tax                   21.2   16.9    15.2   22.9    20.9
Return on average total                                       
 Pre-tax                     1.0    0.8     0.8    1.3     1.2
 Post-tax                    0.7    0.5     0.5    0.9     0.8
Return on average                                             
weighted risk assets:
 Pre-tax                     2.2    1.7     1.6    2.3     2.3
 Post-tax                    1.6    1.2     1.1    1.7     1.5
Non interest income/total   44.7  41.4*  46.6**   47.8    47.4
Operating expenses/total    57.4   65.8    62.9   65.2    69.6

*    Excluding the impact of the Finance Act 1998.
**   Excluding the impact of the Finance (No 2) Act 1997.
***  Excluding the 1999 restructuring charge, the results of the former BZW
     businesses and the impact of the Finance Act 1998 and the Finance (No
     2) Act 1997.

The financial information above is extracted from the published accounts for
the last five years, restated where appropriate to accord with the current
accounting policies of the Group.

PROFIT BEFORE TAX            31.12.99   30.6.99 31.12.98  30.6.98
(half-year ended - unaudited)      #m        #m       #m       #m
Retail Financial Services         897       816      767      710
Corporate Banking*                489       458      447      544
Barclays Capital                  138       178    (426)      156
Barclays Global Investors          15        28       23       29
Businesses in Transition**          -         -       24       24
Other operations                   23      (10)     (93)     (74)
Head office functions            (47)      (30)     (40)     (32)
Goodwill amortisation             (7)       (6)      (6)      (6)
Provision for litigation            -         -     (76)        -
                                1,508     1,434      620    1,351
Restructuring charge                1     (345)        -        -
Exceptional items                (19)     (119)        5      (4)
Former BZW businesses               -         -     (14)     (19)
Write-down of leases                -         -        -     (40)
Write-down of fixed asset           -         -      (4)        -
                                1,490       970      607    1,288
                             31.12.99   30.6.99 31.12.98  30.6.98
TOTAL ASSETS                       #m        #m       #m       #m
Retail Financial Services      48,726    45,776   46,197   42,729
Corporate Banking              47,422    46,662   45,341   42,519
Barclays Capital              144,811   135,941  114,706  150,094
Barclays Global Investors         232       199      183      167
Businesses in Transition            -         -      554      531
Other operations and Head       5,562     5,174    5,428    6,165
office functions
Retail life-fund assets                                          
attributable to policyholders   8,040     7,513    7,085    6,751
                              254,793   241,265  219,494  248,956
WEIGHTED RISK ASSETS                                             
Retail Financial Services      33,362    31,687   31,546   29,770
Corporate Banking              48,218    47,683   45,869   42,489
Barclays Capital               32,032    31,652   29,344   36,053
Barclays Global Investors         456       297      207      150
Businesses in Transition            -         -      594      531
Other operations                1,810     2,675    2,240    2,528
                              115,878   113,994  109,800  111,521

*    Figures are stated prior to the write-down of leases.
**   Businesses in Transition 1998 profit before tax excludes the residual
     losses of the former BZW businesses which are shown separately.
***  The 1998 provision relates to the settlement of the Atlantic

Consolidated profit and loss account by half-year (unaudited)

                          31.12.99   30.6.99  31.12.98  30.6.98
                                #m        #m        #m       #m
Interest receivable          4,823     4,497     4,938    5,014
Interest payable           (2,477)   (2,219)   (2,728)  (2,876)
Write-down of leases             -         -         -     (40)
Profit on                                                      
redemption/repurchase of         3         -         -        3
loan capital
Net interest income          2,349     2,278     2,210    2,101
Net fees and commissions     1,515     1,417     1,429    1,350
Dealing profits                236       325     (230)      197
Other operating income         115       129       168      156
Total non-interest income    1,866     1,871     1,367    1,703
Operating income             4,215     4,149     3,577    3,804
Administration expenses -  (1,389)   (1,668)   (1,425)  (1,386)
staff costs
Administration expenses -    (872)     (935)     (969)    (860)
Depreciation and             (143)     (137)     (138)    (137)
Operating expenses         (2,404)   (2,740)   (2,532)  (2,383)
Operating profit before      1,811     1,409     1,045    1,421
Provisions for bad and       (301)     (320)     (363)    (129)
doubtful debts
Provisions for contingent      (1)         -      (76)        -
liabilities etc
Operating profit             1,509     1,089       606    1,292
Exceptional items             (19)     (119)         5      (4)
Write-down of fixed asset        -         -       (4)        -
Profit on ordinary           1,490       970       607    1,288
activities before tax
Tax on profit on ordinary    (397)     (252)     (153)    (380)
Profit on ordinary           1,093       718       454      908
activities after tax
Minority interests (equity    (30)      (22)      (23)     (22)
and non-equity)
Profit attributable to the                                     
members of Barclays PLC      1,063       696       431      886
Dividends                    (484)     (262)     (414)    (232)
Profit retained                579       434        17      654
Earnings per ordinary       71.3 p    46.2 p    28.9 p   58.3 p
Dividends per ordinary      32.5 p    17.5 p    27.5 p   15.5 p

Results by half year for the ongoing business (unaudited)

                          31.12.99  30.6.99   31.12.98   30.6.98
                                #m       #m        #m        #m
Net interest income          2,349    2,278     2,211     2,142
Net fees and commissions     1,515    1,417     1,431     1,340
Dealing profits                236      325     (225)       198
Other operating income         115      129       165       154
Total non-interest           1,866    1,871     1,371     1,692
Operating income             4,215    4,149     3,582     3,834
Operating expenses         (2,405)  (2,395)   (2,523)   (2,354)
Operating profit before      1,810    1,754     1,059     1,480
Provisions for bad and       (301)    (320)     (363)     (129)
doubtful debts
Provisions for contingent                                      
liabilities and                (1)        -      (76)         -
Operating profit             1,508    1,434       620     1,351
Restructuring charge             1    (345)         -         -
Exceptional items             (19)    (119)         5       (4)
Former BZW businesses            -        -      (14)      (19)
Write-down of leases             -        -         -      (40)
Write-down of fixed asset        -        -       (4)         -
Profit before tax            1,490      970       607     1,288

The above table presents the consolidated profit and loss account for the
ongoing business.  The restructuring charge in 1999 and the residual losses
relating to the former BZW businesses and the impact of the Finance Act 1998
are shown separately.

For further information; please contact:
                                 David Allvey
                                 Finance Director
                                 020 7699 3564 - Direct Line
                                 020 7699 5000 - Switchboard

                                 Ian Roundell
                                 Head of Investor Relations
                                 020 7699 2961 - Direct Line

                                 Leigh Bruce
                                 Director, Corporate Communications
                                 020 7699 2658 - Direct Line

More information on Barclays, including the 1999 results, can be found on
our website at the following address: http://www.investor.barclays.com



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