RNS No 1031u
17th February 1998

                              BARCLAYS PLC



Summary                                          1

Financial highlights                             3

Chief Executive's review                         4

Summary of results                               7

Consolidated profit and loss account             8

Consolidated balance sheet                       9

Financial review                                10

Additional information                          33

Notes                                           35

Consolidated statement of changes in
shareholders' funds                             44

Statement of total recognised gains and losses  44

Other information                               45

The information in this announcement does not comprise statutory accounts
within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.  Statutory
accounts, which are combined with the Group's Annual report on Form 20-F to
the US Securities and Exchange Commission and which contain an unqualified
audit report, will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies in accordance
with Section 242 of the Companies Act 1985.  The annual report will be
posted to shareholders on 25th March 1998.


                           BARCLAYS PLC - SUMMARY

                   RESULTS FOR YEAR TO 31ST DECEMBER 1997
                                          1997         1996
                                            #m           #m
Operating profit before                  2,715        2,471
Provisions for bad and                     227          215
doubtful debts
Operating profit for the                 2,484        2,247
ongoing business*
Former BZW businesses**                  (219)         (11)
Exceptional items                        (425)           70
Write-down of leases                      (77)            -
Life-fund charge                          (28)            -
Write-down of fixed asset                 (19)            -
Profit before tax                        1,716        2,306
Tax charge                               (542)        (620)
Profit attributable to                   1,130        1,639
Earnings per share                       74.4p       104.2p
Earnings per share for the              109.1p       100.2p
ongoing business
Dividend per share                       37.0p        31.5p

* Figures are stated prior to the impact of the Finance (No. 2) Act 1997
 ("Finance Act") and excluding the operating loss of the former BZW

** Former BZW businesses is made up of the equities, equity capital
 markets and mergers and acquisition advisory businesses together with all
 of the investment banking business in Australasia.  Since October 1997
 these businesses have either been sold or closed, or are subject to a sale
 contract or are being restructured.

- Earnings per share for the ongoing business rose by 9% to 109.1 pence
 and operating profit by 11% to #2,484 million.
- The post-tax return on average shareholders' funds for the ongoing
business remained high at 21.8% (1996: 22.1%).

- The dividend increased by 17% with a final dividend of 23.5p per share
 (1996: 20p) making 37p per share for the year (1996: 31.5p).

                           BARCLAYS PLC - SUMMARY

- Within Personal Banking operating profit rose by 12% to #832 million*
 (1996: #745 million) with improvements in both net interest income and fees
 and commissions.  Operating profit for Business Banking increased by 25% to
 #974 million* (1996: #778 million) benefiting in particular from continued
 high levels of releases and recoveries as well as lower levels of new and
 increased provisions, reflecting both the current stage in the economic
 cycle and improved asset quality and risk control procedures.
- There were increased contributions from Cross-border Services and the
 Asset Management Group, where assets under management and advice grew to
 #308 billion from #237 billion.  Adjusting for the reduction in the
 contribution from problem country debt management, operating profit for
 International and Private Banking rose by 9% to #201 million (1996: #184
 million).  The successful managing down of transition portfolios in France
 and the United States continued; Businesses in Transition produced an
 operating profit of #99 million (1996: #75 million).
- Total provisions for bad and doubtful debts rose by 6% to #227 million.
 Risk tendency fell to around #670 million (1996: around #700 million).
- The Group's total exposure to South Korea, Indonesia and Thailand was
 #1.2 billion of which #10 million was non-performing.  The Group raised an
 additional #45 million of general provision in 1997 to cover country risk.
- In October 1997, Barclays announced a reorganisation of its investment
 banking business.  The Group has refocused its continuing investment banking
 business and renamed it Barclays Capital.  In 1997 Barclays Capital
 increased operating profit by 23% to #248 million (1996: #201 million).
- The former BZW businesses reported a #219 million operating loss (1996:
 operating loss of #11 million) as a result of uncertainty surrounding their
 future and difficult market conditions.  The bulk of the 1997 loss occurred
 in the last quarter.
- Exceptional items included the #340 million loss on sale and
restructuring of BZW, plus associated goodwill written-off of #129 million.
It also included a #44 million profit on disposal of undertakings elsewhere
in the Group.

- UK profit sharing for eligible staff increased to #101 million (1996:
 #96 million), equivalent to 9.5% (1996: 9%) of salary for eligible staff.
- At 31st December 1997 shareholders' funds stood at #7.6 billion (1996:
 #7.3 billion) and the Tier 1 ratio at 7.3% (1996: 7.6%).  As a result of
 further progress made during 1997 in managing down the bad debt book, the
 Group now estimates that it needs shareholders' funds of #6.4 billion to
 #6.8 billion to support its current business.
- The Group intends to resume its programme of returning capital to
 shareholders.  In the absence of compelling alternative uses for the money,
 it plans to return capital of around #500 million to shareholders in 1998.
 A limiting factor in this decision has been the Group's advance corporation
 tax capacity; the proposed abolition of this tax in April 1999 is likely to
 allow more flexibility in the management of the capital base.
                                BARCLAYS PLC
                            FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS
                                     1997      1996  Change
RESULTS                                #m        #m       %
Net interest income*                4,107     3,943       4
Non-interest income*                3,216     3,126       3
Operating income*                   7,323     7,069       4
Operating expenses*               (4,608)   (4,598)       0
Operating profit before             2,715     2,471      10
Provisions for bad and doubtful     (227)     (215)       6
Operating profit for the ongoing    2,484     2,247      11
Former BZW businesses               (219)      (11)       -
Exceptional items                   (425)        70       -
Write-down of leases                 (77)         -       -
Life-fund charge                     (28)         -       -
Write down of fixed asset            (19)         -       -
Profit before tax                   1,716     2,306    (26)
Profit attributable to              1,130     1,639    (31)
Profit retained                       567     1,160    (51)

*Figures are stated prior to the impact of the Finance Act and excluding
 results of the former BZW businesses.

BALANCE SHEET                                              
Shareholders' funds                 7,620     7,267       5
Loan capital                        2,868     3,031     (5)
Total capital resources            10,873    10,674       2
Total assets                      234,657   186,002      26
Weighted risk assets              108,327    98,391      10
PER ORDINARY SHARE                      p         p        
Earnings                             74.4     104.2    (29)
Earnings for the ongoing business   109.1     100.2       9
Dividend                             37.0      31.5      17
Net asset value                       498       472       6
PERFORMANCE RATIO                       %         %        
Post-tax return on average           15.0      22.8        
shareholders' funds
Post-tax return on average                                 
shareholders' funds for the          21.8      22.1
ongoing business
RISK ASSET RATIO                                           
Tier 1                                7.3       7.6        
Total                                10.0      10.4        
GROUP YIELDS, SPREADS & MARGINS         %         %        
Gross yield                          7.64      7.43        
Interest spread                      2.67      2.64        
Interest margin                      3.42      3.33        
                                BARCLAYS PLC

                          CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S REVIEW

1997 was a year of sound underlying progress for Barclays, with particularly
pleasing performances from Business Banking, Personal Banking and Barclays
Capital.  Adjusting for the operating loss of the former BZW businesses and
other one-off items, operating profit rose by 11% to #2,484 million and
earnings per share by 9% to 109.1 pence.  On the same basis, return on
equity remained high at 21.8%.  The dividend is being increased by 17% to a
total of 37 pence.

For the most part, economic conditions - especially in the UK - remained as
favourable as in the last few years.  Such conditions foster intensified
competition, a feature of all areas of our business in 1997.  This
competition is increasingly international in nature.  It is linked to some
extent to the planned introduction of the single European currency and is
likely to accelerate industry consolidation, both domestic and cross-border.
In addition, the economic problems of East Asia, coming at a time when the
UK business cycle has reached a fairly mature stage, suggest that conditions
may become a little more difficult in the next couple of years.

Against this background we continue to work on further product and service
improvements, while managing both costs and capital usage as vigorously as
ever.  The pace and nature of competition, our commitment to offer customers
the best through improved service and  innovation, and the need to ensure an
appropriate return to shareholders, have led us to make a number of changes
to the Group over recent months.  Above all, we aim to concentrate rather
than dissipate resources.

In early autumn we concluded that our plans to create a full service
investment bank in BZW were unlikely to succeed, given the rapidly changing
economics of the industry and structural weaknesses particularly within our
equity business.  We therefore took the decision to dispose of our equities,
equity capital markets and mergers and acquisition advisory businesses.  We
agreed a series of sales, to CSFB of operations in Europe and parts of Asia,
and to ABN-Amro of the investment banking business in Australasia, around
the end of the year.

The disposal process was not easy - not least because the complexity of the
BZW infrastructure necessitated that we disentangle the business in the
public gaze - and the withdrawal was costly.  We took a charge of #340
million in 1997 to cover these costs.  Additionally, the trading performance
of those parts of BZW offered for sale - an operating loss of #219 million -
reflected the inevitable uncertainty surrounding those businesses following
the announcement of the sale.  We are convinced that shareholders will be
better off as a result of our decision; it makes strategic and economic
sense, will remove a major distraction and will allow us to run the Group
more cohesively.

The majority of BZW's capital and profitability has been retained and
brought together as Barclays Capital, which comprises our fixed income,
foreign exchange, derivatives, debt-related structuring, lending and private
equity operations.  With its strong positions in credit markets and its
improving franchise in government bonds, foreign exchange and derivatives,
Barclays Capital will not only be developed in its own right but will work
powerfully with other activities across the Group.

Considerable management effort over the last few years has been directed at
reshaping the Group's business to reflect customer requirements.  In 1995 we
separated our biggest single business, UK Banking Services, into three
sectors: Personal Banking, Business Banking and Cross-border Services,
enabling us to focus on the very different needs and dynamics of each.  We
also moved the asset management business out of the investment bank,
recognising the different pattern of the earnings streams.
                                BARCLAYS PLC

In 1998 we have begun to develop this thinking further, refining the
structure of the Group to reflect our customers' needs and the pace and
nature of competition.  From April, businesses from around the Group that
serve the same markets will be brought together into four management
groupings, transcending national boundaries.  Together with Barclays Capital
these businesses are retail financial services, corporate banking and
Barclays Global Investors.

We are creating a new retail financial services group bringing together all
our retail interests around the world.  It will comprise Personal Banking
within the UK, the offshore personal element of Cross-border Services, our
continental European Retail Banking Group, private banking, our African and
Caribbean operations and the retail elements of the Asset Management Group.
Our UK small business activities, which share many characteristics with the
personal sector, will also be included.  The retail financial services group
will be a very significant business, allowing us to address our customers'
needs in a much more co-ordinated way.  In pro-forma terms it would have
accounted for  52% of the ongoing operating profit in 1997.

UK Business Banking, together with the business banking elements of Cross-
border Services and the Middle East and Latin American operations, will form
a corporate banking group with international reach and will work closely
with Barclays Capital to build wider access to capital markets for its
customers.  In pro-forma terms the business would have accounted for 37% of
the ongoing operating profit in 1997.

Barclays Global Investors, our institutional asset management operation,
will continue to be run as a distinct business.  At 31st December 1997 it
had #308 billion of assets under management and advice.

All of this change within the Group is underpinned by our relentless focus
on the management of costs and capital.  In 1997 our net investment spend
taken to the profit and loss account or capitalised was #645 million.  This
large figure reflects our determination to drive forward business
development: essential in an increasingly demanding competitive environment.

We are investing to ensure that our systems are Year 2000 compliant; this
spend is expected to be around #250 million in the period from 1st January
1997 to the end of 2000.  We anticipate investment of around #150 million to
seek to ensure that from 1st January 1999 Barclays can provide a full range
of services and products in the Euro to UK business customers and the retail
customers of our continental European network.  Most of this investment will
occur in 1998.  The Group is absorbing these costs as part of its ongoing
investment spend.

The improvement in our risk management has contributed a great deal to the
performance of the Group over the last few years.  Our measurement
techniques continue to improve as does the quality of our lending book.  As
a result we estimate that the risk tendency - a prediction of the cyclically
adjusted average annual credit loss levels in future years - has fallen from
around #700 million to around #670 million.

We have taken a rigorous and conservative approach to the management of all
aspects of our lending business.  In 1997, the Group's total exposure to
Korea, Indonesia and Thailand - the three countries in which IMF support
programmes are in place - was #1.2 billion of which only #10 million was non-
performing.  The Group raised an additional #45 million of general provision
to cover country risk.

Rigour in the management of capital remains of fundamental importance to the
Group.  As a result of further progress made during 1997 in managing down
our bad debt book, we now estimate that we need shareholders' funds of #6.4
billion to #6.8 billion, compared with a figure at 31st December 1997 of
#7.6 billion.

                                BARCLAYS PLC

We continued to buy back shares in 1997.  As a result of the BZW sale
announcement and subsequent disposal process, however, it was not possible
for the Group to repurchase shares in the latter part of the year.  We
therefore completed some #350 million of our planned #700 million
buy-back target for the year.

We intend to resume our programme of returning capital to shareholders.  In
the absence of compelling alternative uses for the money, we plan to return
capital of around #500 million to shareholders in 1998.  A limiting factor
in this decision has been the Group's advance corporation tax capacity; the
proposed abolition of the tax in April 1999 is likely to allow more
flexibility in the way we manage our capital base.

It is impossible to disregard the pace of change in the financial services
industry.  1997 proved that this change is both very real and very fast.
Our competitors in retail banking now include organisations which have very
different starting points in terms of their relationships with customers.

We are redefining our own relationships with customers through the progress
we have made, and continue to strive for, in improvements in customer choice
and service.  We are building on our understanding and experience of
customers' often complex financial needs to provide a co-ordinated range of
products and services that is second to none.  Trust, convenience and value
lie at the heart of our relationship with customers.

Our staff play a crucial part in delivering this.  Their roles are
increasingly customer focused, requiring new skills and greater flexibility
in working methods.  We have recognised this through the introduction of new
pay and personnel policies which seek to reward personal achievement and
enable all employees to be eligible for performance-related bonuses.  Change
brings a degree of uncertainty for us all but it also brings greater
opportunities - opportunities we must and will seize in order to protect and
advance the progress we have made.

Martin Taylor
Chief Executive

                                BARCLAYS PLC

                             SUMMARY OF RESULTS
PROFIT BEFORE TAX                     1997             1996
UK Banking Services                     #m               #m
- Personal Banking - before impact     832              745
of Finance Act
- Business Banking - before impact     974              778
of Finance Act
- Cross-border Services                150              138
Barclays Capital                       248              201
Asset Management Group                  72               70
International and Private Banking      229              242
Businesses in Transition                99               75
Other operations                      (56)               65
Head office functions                 (52)             (54)
Goodwill amortisation                 (12)             (13)
                                     2,484            2,247
Former BZW businesses                (219)             (11)
Exceptional items                    (425)               70
Write-down of leases                  (77)                -
Life-fund charge                      (28)                -
Write-down of fixed asset             (19)                -
                                     1,716            2,306

TOTAL ASSETS                                               
UK Banking Services                                        
- Personal Banking                  28,940           27,838
- Business Banking                  32,329           32,128
- Cross-border Services              3,600            2,787
Barclays Capital                   134,814           90,651
Former BZW businesses                8,477            7,521
Asset Management Group                 253              166
International and Private Banking   13,242           12,313
Businesses in Transition               637            1,868
Other operations and Head office     4,178            5,049
Life fund assets attributable to     8,187            5,681
                                   234,657          186,002

WEIGHTED RISK ASSETS                                       
UK Banking Services                                        
- Personal Banking                  19,723           18,291
- Business Banking                  33,208           32,269
- Cross-border Services              2,925            2,109
Barclays Capital                    35,084           28,898
Former BZW businesses                4,078            3,107
Asset Management Group                 304              208
International and Private Banking    7,781            7,498
Businesses in Transition               659            1,427
Other operations*                    4,565            4,584
                                   108,327           98,391
* including supervisory                                    

                                BARCLAYS PLC


                                      1997             1996
                                        #m               #m
Interest receivable                  9,204            8,730
Interest payable                   (5,091)          (4,821)
Write-down of leases                  (77)                -
Profit on redemption/repurchase of       2               32
loan capital
Net interest income                  4,038            3,941
Net fees and commissions             2,979            2,945
Dealing profits                        374              414
Other operating income                 228              248
Life-fund charge                      (28)                -
Total non-interest income            3,553            3,607
Operating income                     7,591            7,548
Administration expenses - staff    (3,035)          (2,980)
Administration expenses - other    (1,896)          (1,807)
Depreciation and amortisation        (269)            (301)
Operating expenses                 (5,200)          (5,088)
Operating profit before provisions   2,391            2,460
Provisions for bad and doubtful      (227)            (215)
Provisions for contingent              (4)              (9)
liabilities and commitments
Operating profit                     2,160            2,236
Exceptional items                    (425)               70
Write-down of fixed asset             (19)                -
Profit on ordinary activities        1,716            2,306
before tax
Tax on profit on ordinary            (542)            (620)
Profit on ordinary activities        1,174            1,686
after tax
Minority interests (equity and non-   (44)             (47)
Profit for the financial year                              
attributable to the members of       1,130            1,639
Barclays PLC
Dividends                            (563)            (479)
Profit retained for the financial      567            1,160
Earnings per ordinary share          74.4p           104.2p
Earnings per ordinary share for     109.1p           100.2p
the ongoing business
Dividend per ordinary share:                               
Interim                              13.5p            11.5p
Final (payable 5th May 1998)         23.5p            20.0p

                                BARCLAYS PLC

                         CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

                                      1997             1996
Assets:                                 #m               #m
Cash and balances at central banks     750              729
Items in course of collection from   2,564            3,021
other banks
Treasury bills and other eligible    6,106            4,472
Loans and advances to banks                                
          - banking                 21,729           16,125
          - trading                 15,155           12,898
                                    36,884           29,023
Loans and advances to customers                            
          - banking                 74,111           72,977
          - trading                 25,712           16,441
                                    99,823           89,418
Debt securities and equity shares   55,361           34,180
Interests in associated                 57               86
Intangible fixed assets - goodwill     191              222
Tangible fixed assets                2,016            2,092
Other assets                        22,718           17,078
                                   226,470          180,321
Life fund assets attributable to     8,187            5,681
Total assets                       234,657          186,002
Deposits by banks                                          
          - banking                 30,511           21,636
          - trading                 13,968           12,520
                                    44,479           34,156
Customer accounts                                          
          - banking                 89,647           83,421
          - trading                 18,791           13,143
                                   108,438           96,564
Debt securities in issue            20,366           11,834
Items in course of collection due    1,676            1,596
to other banks
Other liabilities                   40,638           25,497
Undated loan capital: convertible      304              292
to preference shares
Undated loan capital:                1,353            1,343
Dated loan capital:                  1,211            1,396
Other subordinated liabilities:         59               56
                                   218,524          172,734
Minority interests and                                     
shareholders' funds:
Minority interests: equity              61               65
Minority interests: non-equity         265              255
Called up share capital              1,530            1,542
Reserves                             6,090            5,725
Shareholders' funds: equity          7,620            7,267
                                     7,946            7,587
                                   226,470          180,321
Life fund liabilities to             8,187            5,681
Total liabilities and              234,657          186,002
shareholders' funds

                                BARCLAYS PLC
                              FINANCIAL REVIEW

Results by nature of income and expense

Movements in the exchange rates used to translate the results of certain of
the Group's overseas businesses impact on the comparison of reported results
between 1997 and 1996.  The main areas affected are International and
Private Banking, Asset Management Group, Barclays Capital and the former BZW
businesses.  Adjusting for the impact of exchange rate translation
differences and the Finance Act, income and costs rose by approximately 5%
and 6% respectively in 1997.  There is no significant impact on operating

Net interest income                  1997              1996
                                       #m                #m
Interest receivable                 9,204             8,730
Interest payable                  (5,091)           (4,821)
Profit on redemption/repurchase         2                32
of loan capital
                                    4,115             3,941
Write-down of leases                 (77)                 -
                                    4,038             3,941

Net interest income rose by #204m or 5%, before one-off profits on
redemption/repurchase of loan capital and the write-down of leases following
the Finance Act.  Adjusting for these, the loss of interest resulting from
share repurchases, the impact of exchange rate movements and business
disposals, underlying net interest income increased by 9%.

Personal Banking net interest income rose by 10%, reflecting growth in
consumer lending and mortgages as well as current accounts and other deposit
products.  Margins were maintained in the personal sector, in part because
of changes in product mix.  There was also strong growth in Business Banking
interest income mainly because of higher levels of deposits, which more than
compensated for a slight decline in overall lending margins.

Adjusted for exchange rate movements, net interest income in International
and Private Banking was some 6% higher than in 1996.

Overall banking business net margins rose slightly from 3.33% to 3.42%.
There was an improvement in the domestic margin, which rose by 0.15% to
4.48%, largely in the second half of the year.  A narrowing in the gap
between the managed interest rate earned on Group capital and market rates
of interest led to a reduced contribution to the net margin from the central
management of Group interest rate exposure of approximately 0.11% (1996:
0.19%).  This was compensated for by increases in the domestic benefit of
free funds and also a widening of the domestic spread.  There was a
reduction in the international margin, particularly in the second half year,
reflecting changes in the currency mix and volumes.

Interest forgone on non-performing lendings at #147m was #20m lower than in

                                BARCLAYS PLC
Yields, spreads and margins - banking business

Domestic business is transacted by UK Banking Services, Barclays Capital and
the Group Treasury operation and is conducted primarily in sterling.
International business is transacted by Barclays Capital, mainly with
customers domiciled outside the United Kingdom, and by overseas branches and
subsidiaries.  International business is conducted primarily in foreign
currencies and includes foreign currency loan capital.

The yields, spreads and margins shown below have been computed on this
basis, which generally reflects the domicile of the borrower.  They exclude
profits and losses on the redemption/repurchase of loan capital and the one-
off write-down of leases.

                                      1997             1996
                                         %                %
Gross yield (i)                                            
Group                                 7.64             7.43
Domestic                              8.36             7.97
International                         6.24             6.50
Interest spread (ii)                                       
Group                                 2.67             2.64
Domestic                              3.41             3.29
International                         1.24             1.57
Interest margin (iii)                                      
Group                                 3.42             3.33
Domestic                              4.48             4.33
International                         1.34             1.61
Average UK base rate                  6.57             5.96

(i)   Gross yield is the interest rate earned on average interest earning

(ii)  Interest spread is the difference between the interest rate earned on
   average interest earning assets and the interest rate paid on average
   interest bearing liabilities.

(iii) Interest margin is net interest income as a percentage of average
   interest earning assets.

Average interest earning assets and liabilities - banking business
                                      1997             1996
Average interest earning assets         #m               #m
Group                              120,407          117,518
Domestic                            79,697           74,254
International                       40,710           43,264
Average interest bearing                                   
Group                              102,408          100,728
Domestic                            62,444           57,751
International                       39,964           42,977

                                BARCLAYS PLC

Net fees and commissions                1997            1996
                                          #m              #m
Fees and commissions receivable        3,197           3,168
Less: fees and commissions payable     (218)           (223)
                                       2,979           2,945

Fees and commissions includes #327m (1996: #341m) earned by former BZW

Excluding the impact of exchange rate movements and the contribution from
former BZW businesses, fees and commissions grew by some 5%.  Growth in
retail banking and asset management commissions in both the UK and overseas
compensated for lower levels of commission elsewhere. UK Banking Services
fees and commissions includes #71m (1996: #64m) in respect of foreign
exchange income on customer transactions with Barclays Capital.

Within Personal Banking, growth related to volume increases in current
accounts, credit card and consumer lending products.  In Asset Management
Group, the European Retail Banking Group and Barclays Private Banking,
commission levels benefited from increased levels of assets under management
as a result of higher volumes of institutional and retail funds and market
performance in the year.  In Business Banking there was a 3% reduction in
fees and commissions largely because of lower money transmission income and
lower income from loan default and account control fees.  This was partially
offset by an increase in new business activity and growth in foreign
exchange related income.

Commissions in Barclays Capital were at similar levels to 1996 as was
mergers and acquisitions advisory income in the former BZW businesses.
Equities commissions were affected by the uncertainty surrounding the sale
announcement of certain BZW businesses in the last quarter of the year and
by lower volumes following the introduction of the London Order Driven
Market system.

Dealing profits                         1997            1996
                                          #m              #m
Interest rate related                    187             202
Foreign exchange and commodities         132              71
Equities and other                        55             141
                                         374             414

Excluding the contribution from former BZW businesses of #32m (1996: #126m),
dealing profits increased by 19% or #54m.

In Barclays Capital, dealing profits increased by 26%, primarily as a result
of a strong performance in foreign exchange, together with improved results
from derivatives and sterling fixed income.  The emerging markets business
generated strong revenues and there was also a significant improvement in
the commodities business.  The credit businesses were adversely affected in
the final quarter of the year by the widening of credit spreads as a result
of the impact of turbulence in the Asian markets.

Equities and other dealing profits were significantly lower than in 1996
largely because of a number of factors creating poor trading conditions
during the year.  These were uncertainties in the UK market leading up to
the May 1997 general election and in anticipation of and following the
Budget proposals, resulting in some #30m of mark-to-market losses in equity
derivatives, the absence of certain products following the changes in the
tax treatment of trading dividends and an #8m reduction due to a change in
accounting treatment of dividend income.  Additionally, in the second half
of the year, revenues were adversely affected by uncertainties surrounding
the sale announcement of certain BZW businesses.

                                BARCLAYS PLC

Other operating income                1997             1996
                                        #m               #m
Income from associated                  16               23
Dividend income from equity shares      20               20
Profits on disposal of investment       46               29
Increase in shareholders' interest      47               61
in the long-term assurance fund
Property rentals                        39               36
Other income                            60               79
                                       228              248
Life-fund charge                      (28)                -
                                       200              248

Income from associated undertakings declined as a result of reduced
contributions from Korea Merchant Banking Corporation and Malaysian
International Merchant Bank.  The Group has also written down its investment
in these businesses (see Write-down of fixed asset investments on page 17).

The increased profit on the disposal of investment securities arose largely
from realisations by Private Equity in the ordinary course of business.

The contribution from the shareholders' interest in the long-term assurance
fund declined due to a further #25m provision for the cost of redress for
personal pension customers (non-priority cases).  There was also a one-off
charge of #28m in 1997 arising from changes in economic assumptions relating
to the long-term assurance fund as a result of the Finance Act.

The higher level of Other income in 1996 was attributable to Camden Motors,
the motor trading business, which was sold in that year.

                                BARCLAYS PLC

Administrative expenses - staff       1997             1996
                                        #m               #m
Salaries and accrued incentive       2,380            2,274
Social security costs                  200              214
Pension costs                           65               80
Post-retirement health care             23               18
UK profit sharing                      101               96
Other staff costs                      266              298
                                     3,035            2,980
Staff reduction and relocation          66              105
costs included above
Number of staff at period end:                             
UK Banking Services*                52,600           52,700
Barclays Capital and former BZW      7,400            7,300
Asset Management Group               3,600            3,400
International and Private Banking   15,800           17,700
Businesses in Transition               700            1,100
Other operations                     2,700            2,600
Head office functions                  400              400
Group total world wide              83,200           85,200
of which United Kingdom             61,100           60,800

*UK Banking Services figures exclude 1,000 Barclays Life advisers and field
 sales managers (1996: 900) and 1,200 administrative staff (1996: 1,100)
 whose costs are borne within the long-term assurance fund.

Staff costs

Adjusting for changes in exchange rates, staff costs rose by 5% in 1997,
largely because of increased salaries and accrued incentive payments in
Barclays Capital and former BZW businesses reflecting additional staff
retention costs arising from the sale announcement of certain BZW businesses
and also the full year's impact of staff recruitment in certain areas made
in 1996.  Overall, staff costs in the former BZW businesses were some #60m
higher than in 1996.

In UK Banking Services, a further fall in average staff numbers and lower
staff reduction expenses (mainly reported in other costs) enabled the rise
in staff costs to be kept at 3% overall.

Staff reduction and relocation costs reported above do not include costs
reported within the exceptional loss on the sale or restructuring of BZW.
On this basis, these costs were #39m lower than in 1996, with reductions in
UK Banking Services and France in Transition being offset by higher costs in

The decrease in pension contributions in 1997 mainly reflects reductions in
overseas schemes.   Following an actuarial review of the surplus in the
Group's main UK scheme, contributions to that scheme will be reduced from
2.5% of pensionable salaries in 1997 to nil in 1998.

Staff numbers fell by 2,000 in 1997 mainly because of reductions in Africa,
the Caribbean and in Businesses in Transition.  These were offset by new
jobs created in Asset Management Group in response to business growth and
investment.  There was a small net fall in UK Banking Services numbers in
the year, where reductions from further centralisation of back office
support functions were partially offset by the creation of new customer
service roles.

                                BARCLAYS PLC

Administrative expenses - other       1997             1996
                                        #m               #m
Property and equipment expenses:                           
Hire of equipment                       35               28
Property rentals                       217              199
Other property and equipment           619              612
                                       871              839
Stationery, postage and telephones     245              221
Advertising and market promotion       215              201
Travel, accommodation and              133              140
Subscriptions and publications          37               34
Securities clearing and other           74               67
operational expenses
Sundry losses, provisions and           78               74
Statutory and regulatory audit and       6                8
accountancy fees
Consultancy fees                       103               80
Professional fees                       99               96
Other expenses                          35               47
                                     1,896            1,807

The rise in administrative costs reflects increases in property and
equipment costs of #32m and in other costs of #57m, reflecting in part
increased business volumes and higher levels of IT and other project costs.
Property and equipment costs increased as a result of the one-off impact of
the investment bank's move to Canary Wharf in 1997.

Other property and equipment expenses includes a continuing high level of
expenditure on software and systems development in a wide range of customer
service and operational areas.  Euro implementation and Year 2000
expenditure also contributed to the increase in costs.

The increase in other administrative costs arose largely within UK Banking
Services in the second half of the year and reflected increases in
advertising, customer communication and investment costs across a number of

Depreciation and amortisation         1997             1996
                                        #m               #m
Property depreciation                  106              107
Equipment depreciation                 170              175
Goodwill amortisation                   12               13
Loss on sale of equipment                3                6
Write-back of surplus properties      (22)                -
                                       269              301

Property depreciation includes a charge of #7m in respect of the local head
office in Paris which was sold during the year.  The write-back of surplus
properties represents the recovery of amounts previously written off against
certain City of London properties which have now been sold.  Other gains on
property disposals totalling #13m have been included in other operating



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