RNS No 6555b
16th February 1999


                                BARCLAYS PLC

                             SUMMARY OF RESULTS
PROFIT BEFORE TAX                      1998             1997
                                         #m               #m
Retail Financial Services*            1,519            1,287
Corporate Banking*                      972              921
Barclays Capital                      (265)              252
Barclays Global Investors                52               51
Businesses in Transition**               48               93
Other operations                      (184)             (56)
Head office functions                  (60)             (52)
Goodwill amortisation                  (12)             (12)
Provision for litigation               (76)                -
                                      1,994            2,484
Former BZW businesses                  (33)            (219)
Exceptional items                         1            (425)
Write-down of leases                   (40)             (77)
Life-fund charge                          -             (28)
Write-down of fixed asset               (4)             (19)
                                      1,918            1,716

TOTAL ASSETS                             #m               #m
Retail Financial Services            46,150           41,698
Corporate Banking                    42,853           36,505
Barclays Capital                    117,194          134,680
Barclays Global Investors               183              161
Businesses in Transition                                    
     - former BZW businesses              -            8,477
     - other                            554              771
Other operations and Head office      5,475            4,178
Retail life-fund assets               7,085            5,959
attributable to policyholders
                                    219,494          232,429

WEIGHTED RISK ASSETS                                        
Retail Financial Services           31,493            28,514
Corporate Banking                   41,679            35,286
Barclays Capital                    31,172            34,942
Barclays Global Investors              207               141
Businesses in Transition                                    
     - former BZW businesses             -             4,078
     - other                           594               801
Other operations****                 4,636             4,565
                                   109,781           108,327

*      Figures are stated prior to the impact of the Finance (No.2) Act 1997
       and the Finance Act 1998.
**     Businesses in Transition profit before tax excludes the results of
       former BZW businesses which are shown separately.
***    The 1998 provision relates to the settlement of the Atlantic
****   Including supervisory adjustments.
                                BARCLAYS PLC


                                       1998             1997
                                         #m               #m
Interest receivable                   9,952            9,204
Interest payable                    (5,600)          (5,091)
Write-down of leases                   (40)             (77)
Profit on redemption/repurchase of        3                2
loan capital
Net interest income                   4,315            4,038
Net fees and commissions              2,779            2,979
Dealing profits                        (33)              374
Other operating income                  324              228
Life-fund charge                          -             (28)
Total non-interest income             3,070            3,553
Operating income                      7,385            7,591
Administration expenses - staff     (2,811)          (3,035)
Administration expenses - other     (1,810)          (1,896)
Depreciation and amortisation         (275)            (269)
Operating expenses                  (4,896)          (5,200)
Operating profit before provisions    2,489            2,391
Provisions for bad and doubtful       (492)            (227)
Provisions for contingent              (76)              (4)
liabilities and commitments
Operating profit                      1,921            2,160
Exceptional items                         1            (425)
Write-down of fixed asset               (4)             (19)
Profit on ordinary activities         1,918            1,716
before tax
Tax on profit on ordinary             (538)            (542)
Profit on ordinary activities         1,380            1,174
after tax
Minority interests (equity and non-    (45)             (44)
Profit for the financial year                                
attributable to the members of        1,335            1,130
Barclays PLC
Dividends                             (646)            (563)
Profit retained for the financial       689              567
Earnings per ordinary share           88.4p            74.4p
Earnings per ordinary share for       90.9p           109.1p
the ongoing business
Dividend per ordinary share:                                
First interim                         15.5p            13.5p
Second interim (payable 30th April    27.5p            23.5p

                                BARCLAYS PLC

                                       1998              1997
                                         #m                #m
Interest receivable                   9,952             9,196
Interest payable                    (5,598)           (5,091)
Profit on redemption/repurchase of        3                 2
loan capital
Net interest income                   4,357             4,107
Net fees and commissions              2,771             2,652
Dealing profits                        (27)               342
Other operating income                  319               222
Total non-interest income             3,063             3,216
Operating income                      7,420             7,323
Administration expenses - staff     (2,789)           (2,633)
Administration expenses - other     (1,793)           (1,719)
Depreciation and amortisation         (276)             (256)
Operating expenses                  (4,858)           (4,608)
Operating profit before provisions    2,562             2,715
Provisions for bad and doubtful       (492)             (227)
Provisions for contingent              (76)               (4)
liabilities and commitments
Operating profit for the ongoing      1,994             2,484
Former BZW businesses                  (33)             (219)
Exceptional items                         1             (425)
Write-down of leases                   (40)              (77)
Life-fund charge                          -              (28)
Write-down of fixed asset               (4)              (19)
Profit on ordinary activities         1,918             1,716
before tax

The consolidated profit and loss account shown on page 7 is affected by the
inclusion of the results of the former BZW businesses, the majority of which
were sold in the first half of 1998.  The table above presents the
consolidated profit and loss account for the ongoing business excluding the
impact of the former BZW businesses' results and the 1997 and 1998 Finance

                                BARCLAYS PLC

                         CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

                                       1998             1997
Assets:                                  #m               #m
Cash and balances at central banks      942              750
Items in course of collection from    2,475            2,564
other banks
Treasury bills and other eligible     4,748            5,511
Loans and advances to banks                                 
     - banking                       20,316           21,729
     - trading                       16,296           15,155
                                     36,612           36,884
Loans and advances to customers                             
     - banking                       81,469           74,111
     - trading                       14,641           25,712
                                     96,110           99,823
Debt and equity securities           50,068           55,956
Interests in associated                 150               57
undertakings and joint ventures
Intangible fixed assets - goodwill      196              191
Tangible fixed assets                 1,939            2,016
Other assets                         19,169           22,718
                                    212,409          226,470
Retail life-fund assets               7,085            5,959
attributable to policyholders
Total assets                        219,494          232,429
Deposits by banks                                           
     - banking                       25,951           30,511
     - trading                        8,469           13,968
                                     34,420           44,479
Customer accounts                                           
     - banking                       96,099           89,647
     - trading                       12,706           18,791
                                    108,805          108,438
Debt securities in issue             17,824           20,366
Items in course of collection due     1,279            1,676
to other banks
Other liabilities                    38,110           40,638
Undated loan capital - convertible      301              304
to preference shares
Undated loan capital - non-           1,441            1,353
Dated loan capital - non-             1,992            1,211
Other subordinated liabilities -          -               59
                                    204,172          218,524
Minority interests and                                      
shareholders' funds:
Minority interests: equity               51               61
Minority interests: non-equity          263              265
Called up share capital               1,511            1,530
Reserves                              6,412            6,090
Shareholders' funds: equity           7,923            7,620
                                      8,237            7,946
                                    212,409          226,470
Retail life-fund liabilities          7,085            5,959
attributable to policyholders
Total liabilities and               219,494          232,429
shareholders' funds

                                BARCLAYS PLC
                              FINANCIAL REVIEW

Results by nature of income and expense

In the tables below, income and cost totals excluding former BZW businesses
are shown to assist in the analysis of the ongoing business performance.
For most of 1997, BZW comprised the businesses that reported as Barclays
Capital and the former BZW businesses, operating as an integrated business
with significant levels of shared costs and infrastructure.  Accordingly,
the amounts separately attributed to Barclays Capital and the former BZW
businesses in 1997 include estimates and allocations.  Under these
circumstances, it is not meaningful to provide any more detailed analysis of
income and costs.

Net interest income                    1998              1997
                                         #m                #m
Interest receivable                   9,952             9,204
Interest payable                    (5,600)           (5,091)
Profit on redemption/repurchase of        3                 2
loan capital
                                      4,355             4,115
Write-down of leases                   (40)              (77)
                                      4,315             4,038
Excluding former BZW businesses                              
and write-down of leases              4,357             4,107

Net interest income rose by #250m or 6%, excluding the contribution from
former BZW businesses and the write-down of leases following a further
reduction in the rate of Corporation Tax.  Adjusting for these, the loss of
interest resulting from share buy-backs and other business disposals,
underlying net interest income increased by 7%.

Retail Financial Services net interest income grew by 9% to #2,821m,
benefiting from an improved contribution in home finance and strong volume
growth in UK consumer loans and extended credit card balances.  Average
balances in consumer lending increased by 15% with outstanding balances
exceeding #5.5bn by the year end.  Barclaycard increased average interest
earning lendings by 18% and maintained its overall interest margin.  There
was also an increased contribution from current account and savings
products.  Average savings balances increased by 10% in the year.  However
strong growth in lower margin products, as part of a policy to grow and
retain balances, and competitive pressure resulted in a slight fall in the
overall savings margin.

Corporate Banking net interest income increased by 7% reflecting strong
volume growth in both assets and liabilities.  Lendings to large corporates
and financial institutions in the United Kingdom and overseas grew
significantly benefiting from the rising cost of raising funds in corporate
bond markets.  There was also good growth in middle market lending, with the
majority of the increase resulting from increased customer utilisation of
agreed lending lines and new and extended facilities to existing customers.
A change in the portfolio mix, as a result of strong growth in large
corporate lending, has resulted in a reduction in the overall corporate
lending margin.

Overall banking business margins were maintained at 3.42%.  An increased
contribution from the spread, particularly in the second half of the year
reflecting changes in both the portfolio and funding mix, was offset by a
fall in the benefit of free funds to 0.73% (1997: 0.75%).
The net deficit arising from the central management of Group capital rose to
#98m (1997: deficit #24m), mainly as a result of increased interest
allocations to businesses reflecting higher short-term interest rates and
increased levels of regulatory capital employed by individual businesses.  A
narrowing of the gap between the managed medium-term market rate and short-
term market rates of interest during the first half of the year eliminated
the contribution to the net margin from the central management of Group
interest rate exposure for the year (1997: 0.11%).

Yields, spreads and margins - banking business

Domestic business is conducted primarily in sterling and is transacted by
Retail Financial Services, Corporate Banking, Barclays Capital and Group
Treasury.  International business is conducted primarily in foreign
currencies.  In addition to the business carried out by overseas branches
and subsidiaries, international business is transacted in the United Kingdom
by Barclays Capital, mainly with customers domiciled outside the United

The yields, spreads and margins shown below have been computed on this
basis, which generally reflects the domicile of the borrower.  They exclude
profits and losses on the redemption and repurchase of loan capital and one-
off write-down of leases.

                                       1998             1997
                                          %                %
Gross yield (i)                                             
Group                                  7.81             7.64
Domestic                               8.90             8.36
International                          5.84             6.24
Interest spread (ii)                                        
Group                                  2.69             2.67
Domestic                               3.40             3.41
International                          1.30             1.24
Interest margin (iii)                                       
Group                                  3.42             3.42
Domestic                               4.44             4.48
International                          1.55             1.34
Average UK base rate                   7.23             6.57


(i)   Gross yield is the interest rate earned on average interest earning
(ii)  Interest spread is the difference between the interest rate earned on
      average interest earning assets and the interest rate paid on average
      interest bearing liabilities.
(iii) Interest margin is net interest income as a percentage of average
      interest earning assets.

Average interest earning assets and liabilities - banking business

                                       1998             1997
Average interest earning assets          #m               #m
Group                               127,396          120,407
Domestic                             82,095           79,697
International                        45,301           40,710
Average interest bearing                                    
Group                               109,225          102,408
Domestic                             66,492           62,444
International                        42,733           39,964

Net fees and commissions               1998             1997
                                         #m               #m
Fees and commissions receivable       3,008            3,197
Less: fees and commissions payable    (229)            (218)
                                      2,779            2,979
Excluding former BZW businesses       2,771            2,652

Excluding the contribution from the former BZW businesses and the impact of
other disposals, net fees and commissions rose by some 7% overall, with
strong performances by Corporate Banking and Barclays Global Investors.

In Corporate Banking commissions rose by 6% with strong growth in customer
related foreign exchange income and lending and arrangement fees,
particularly for large corporates.  Money transmission income was maintained
and benefited from continued good growth in electronic banking products.

Excluding the impact of disposals, Barclays Global Investors increased its
income by 20% over 1997 benefiting from favourable market conditions in the
first half of the year and continued new business growth in assets under
management in all its major markets.

Retail Financial Services' fees and commissions grew by 3% reflecting
increased contributions in European Retail Banking and Barclays Private
Banking as a result of new business levels and favourable market conditions,
and volume growth in the debit and credit card businesses in the second half
of the year.  This more than offset the lower contribution from Barclays
Insurance, following the move to in-house underwriting of all payment
protection insurance.  Premiums on insurance business written in-house are
now reported in Other operating income.

Retail Financial Services and Corporate Banking fees and commissions include
#81m (1997: #71m) in respect of foreign exchange income on customer
transactions with Barclays Capital.

Increased lending activity, particularly in structured finance, contributed
to a #11m improvement in fees and commissions at Barclays Capital.

Dealing profits                        1998              1997
                                         #m                #m
Interest rate related                 (132)               199
Foreign exchange and commodities        100               132
Equities and other                      (1)                43
                                       (33)               374
Excluding former BZW businesses        (27)               342

Almost all the Group's dealing profits arise in Barclays Capital.  The fall
in interest rate related dealing profits reflects proprietary trading losses
incurred as a result of the Russian government default on its domestic debt
obligations, together with the consequent widening of spreads in all
segments of the corporate bond market and a reduction in general business
volumes.  This was partially offset by strong dealing profits within
interest rate derivatives and the government bond business.

Foreign exchange performed well, albeit profits were lower than the high
levels achieved in 1997. There were also substantially lower revenues in the
commodities business as prices weakened throughout the year.

Equity and other dealing profits primarily arises in the equity derivatives
business.  Equity related dealing profits fell in the second half of the
year mainly as a result of the dislocation in the equity markets.  In 1997,
equities and other dealing profits predominantly related to the former BZW

Other operating income                1998             1997
                                        #m               #m
Income from associated                  22               16
undertakings and joint ventures
Dividend income from equity shares      14               20
Profits on disposal of investment       49               46
Income from the long-term              109               61
assurance business
Property rentals                        44               39
Other income                            86               46
                                       324              228
Life-fund charge                         -             (28)
                                       324              200
Excluding former BZW businesses        319              194

Income from associated undertakings and joint ventures benefited from the
inclusion from 1st January 1998 of profits on an equity accounted basis from
the Group's Brazilian associate, Banco Barclays e Galicia.

Profits on disposal of investment securities arose largely from realisations
by the private equity business within Barclays Capital in the ordinary
course of business.

In 1997, income from the long term insurance business was reduced by a
further #25m provision for the cost of redress for personal pension
customers (non priority cases).

The higher level of other income in 1998 reflected #31m of premium income on
insurance underwriting activities, the first stage of which commenced in the
second half of 1997, and an increase of #7m, to #20m, in respect of profits
on disposal of properties.

Administrative expenses - staff      1998              1997
                                       #m                #m
Salaries and accrued incentive      2,211             2,380
Social security costs                 173               200
Pension costs                          37                65
Post-retirement health care            17                23
UK profit sharing                      88               101
Other staff costs                     285               266
                                    2,811             3,035
Staff reduction and relocation         86                66
costs included above
Staff costs excluding former BZW    2,789             2,633
Number of staff at period end:                             
Retail Financial Services*         58,100            59,500
Corporate Banking                  10,800            10,700
Barclays Capital**                  4,400             7,400
Barclays Global Investors           1,500             1,300
Businesses in Transition              100               700
Other operations                    3,300             3,200
Head office functions                 400               400
Group total world wide             78,600            83,200
of which United Kingdom            58,900            61,100

* Retail Financial Services figures include staff who represent a shared
  resource with Corporate Banking, but exclude 1,000 Barclays Life advisors
  and field sales managers (31st December 1997: 1,000) and 1,300
  administrative staff (31st December 1997: 1,200) whose costs are borne
  within the long-term assurance fund.

**1997 figures include staff relating to former BZW businesses.

Staff costs
Excluding costs incurred by the former BZW businesses, staff costs rose by
6% in 1998 mainly reflecting the impact of the 1998 annual pay award to UK
staff and increased resource (including temporary staff) in key areas of the

In Retail Financial Services, staff costs increased by 4%.  This was partly
the result of rationalisation costs of #15m at Barclaycard, where in
September a reduction of 1,100 staff over the next three years was
announced.  Within UK Retail Banking, the cost impact of growth in business
volumes and expansion of delivery channels was offset by efficiency savings
and the continued centralisation of the network.  There was also increased
investment in front office customer servicing capability in Barclays
Offshore and Barclays Private Banking.

Higher staff costs in Barclays Global Investors, Corporate Banking and Other
operations reflected the investment in resources to support new products and
customer service enhancements, as well as Year 2000 and euro preparations.

Reductions in Barclays Capital staff costs resulted from lower levels of
performance related pay.  This was offset by the transfer of staff from the
former BZW equity derivatives business at the beginning of 1998.

The fall in pension costs reflected the reduction in the contribution rate
to the Group's main UK scheme from 2.5% of pensionable salary in 1997 to nil
with effect from 1st January 1998.

Staff numbers fell by 4,600, primarily because of the sale of former BZW
businesses.  In Retail Financial Services, there were reductions in Africa
and the Caribbean and to a lesser extent in Barclaycard.  These were partly
offset by the creation of new customer service and product delivery roles in
UK Retail Banking and International Premier, Private, Savings and

Administrative expenses - other        1998             1997
                                         #m               #m
Property and equipment expenses:                            
Hire of equipment                        28               35
Property rentals                        176              217
Other property and equipment            638              619
                                        842              871
Stationery, postage and telephones      230              245
Advertising and market promotion        225              215
Travel, accommodation and               113              133
Subscriptions and publications           43               37
Securities clearing and other            49               74
operational expenses
Sundry losses, provisions and            53               78
Statutory and regulatory audit and        6                6
accountancy fees
Consultancy fees                        126              103
Professional fees                        91               99
Other expenses                           32               35
                                      1,810            1,896
Excluding former BZW businesses       1,793            1,719

Administrative expenses rose by 4%, excluding costs of former BZW
businesses.  This reflected continued investment across the Group on
upgrading technology and customer orientated and other initiatives
(including euro preparation and Year 2000 compliance).

In Retail Financial Services and Corporate Banking other administrative
expenses included expenditure on existing and emerging delivery channels
(including telephone, internet and PC banking), new product development and
other customer based service initiatives.  Marketing expenditure grew as a
result of increased television and cinema advertising in support of new
business development.

Barclays Capital's other administrative expenses included increased
expenditure on upgrading technology as well as higher levels of allocated
fixed costs previously attributed to the former BZW businesses.  In 1997
property and equipment costs increased as a result of the one-off impact of
the relocation to Canary Wharf.

The increase in consultancy fees reflected higher levels of expenditure on
technology initiatives, Year 2000 compliance and preparations for the
introduction of the euro, together with costs relating to the restructuring
of Group Property Services and other central functions.

Depreciation and amortisation          1998             1997
                                         #m               #m
Property depreciation                    88              106
Equipment depreciation                  172              170
Goodwill amortisation                    12               12
Loss on sale of equipment                 5                3
Write-back of surplus properties        (2)             (22)
                                        275              269
Excluding former BZW businesses         276              256

The reduction in the property depreciation charge primarily resulted from
one-off adaptation charges in 1997, and a #7m charge in respect of the local
head office in Paris in the same year.

The write-back of surplus properties represents the recovery of amounts
previously written off against certain City of London properties which have
now been sold. Other gains on property disposals totalling #20m (1997: #13m)
have been included in Other operating income.

Provisions for bad and doubtful debts
                                       1998              1997
The charge for the year in respect       #m                #m
of bad and doubtful debts
Specific provisions - credit risk                            
New and increased                       816               625
Releases                              (135)             (225)
Recoveries                            (176)             (126)
                                        505               274
General provision releases -           (20)              (65)
credit risk
                                        485               209
Specific provision releases -          (13)              (27)
country risk
General provision charge - country       20                45
Net charge                              492               227
Total provisions for bad and                                 
doubtful debts at end of year
Specific - credit risk                1,199             1,078
Specific - country risk                  16                44
Total specific provisions             1,215             1,122
General provisions                                           
     - credit risk                      663               683
     - country risk                      65                45
                                      1,943             1,850

The #265m increase in the net charge was mainly as a result of a #153m
provision in the second half of 1998 in respect of exposure to Russian
counterparties (primarily in respect of currency forward contracts and
repurchase agreements).  Net releases and recoveries of specific and general
credit risk provisions reduced by #85m to #331m.

Excluding the impact of Russia, gross new and increased specific credit risk
provisions rose by #38m compared to last year.  There were increased charges
in UK consumer lending and Barclaycard, largely because of higher volumes

Releases and recoveries continued to decline in the transition businesses in
the United States and France as the portfolios were managed down to low
levels.  Releases and recoveries in Corporate Banking slowed in the second
half of the year and are expected to reduce further in 1999.

The country risk general provision was raised by a further #20m to #65m in
the second half of the year to cover increased transfer risks arising from
continuing uncertainty in emerging markets.

The net provisions charge for the year as a percentage of average loans and
advances was 0.49%, compared with 0.23% in 1997.

Provisions for contingent liabilities and commitments
                                       1998              1997
                                         #m                #m
                                       (76)               (4)

The charge for the year represents a contribution of some #116m to the
Administrators of British & Commonwealth Holdings PLC (B&C) in relation to the
overall settlement of proceedings which arose in connection with B&C's
acquisition of Atlantic Computers Plc in 1988, adjusted for expected insurance
cover of #40m.

Exceptional items                      1998             1997
                                         #m               #m
Loss on sale or restructuring of                            
Profit/(loss) on sale of business         8             (57)
Staff reductions, property and                              
equipment, and other costs*               -            (283)
Goodwill written off                   (11)            (129)
                                        (3)            (469)
Profit on disposal of other Group         4               44
                                          1            (425)

* Expenditure of #245m has been incurred to date in respect of the
  restructuring of BZW, for which a provision of #283m was raised in 1997.

The sales of the former BZW businesses in respect of the equities, equity
capital markets and mergers and acquisitions advisory businesses in the
United Kingdom, Europe and Asia were completed in 1998 at a loss of #57m
(before goodwill written off).  This was provided for in 1997.  A further
loss of #3m (after goodwill written off) arose in 1998 in respect of the
disposal of the Australasian investment banking business.

The net profit on disposal of other Group undertakings includes goodwill
written off of #1m.  It represents gains of #14m (including a final #11m
realisation in respect of the sale of the Custody business in 1997) offset
by losses of #10m.

Write-down of fixed asset              1998              1997
                                         #m                #m
                                        (4)              (19)

The charge in 1997 was primarily in respect of the write-down of the cost of
investments in certain Asian banking associates.


The charge for the year assumes UK corporation tax rate of 31% for the
calendar year 1998 (1997: 31.5%) and comprises current tax of #553m (1997:
#555m) and deferred tax credit of #15m (1997: credit #13m).  The effective
rate of tax is 28.1% (1997: 31.6%).  The reduction in the rate is mainly
attributable to relief not being available in 1997 on the whole of the
disposal costs of the former BZW businesses.

Included in the charge is #4m (1997: #20m) in respect of advance corporation
tax on franked investment income and #25m (1997: #10m) notional tax on the
increase in the shareholders' interest in the long-term assurance fund.

There has been no change in the policy for partial provision for deferred
taxation in respect of leasing.

Earnings per ordinary share

Earnings per ordinary share is based upon the results after deducting tax,
profit attributable to minority interests and dividends on staff shares.

                                       1998              1997
Earnings in period                  #1,335m           #1,130m
Earnings in period for the ongoing  #1,371m           #1,657m
Weighted average of ordinary         1,510m            1,519m
shares in issue
Earnings per ordinary share           88.4p             74.4p
Earnings per ordinary share for       90.9p            109.1p
the ongoing business

Diluted earnings per share is not materially different from the basic
earnings per share figure reported above in either 1998 or 1997.

Dividends on ordinary shares

The Board has decided to pay, on 30th April 1999, a second interim dividend
for 1998 of 27.5p per ordinary share, in respect of shares registered in the
books of the Company at the close of business on 26th February 1999.
The total distribution on the ordinary shares for 1998 is 43.0p
(1997: 37.0p).

For qualifying US and Canadian resident ADR holders, the second interim
dividend of 27.5p per ordinary share becomes 110p per ADS (representing four
shares).  The ADR depositary will mail the dividend on 30th April 1999 to
ADR holders on record on 26th February 1999.

For qualifying Japanese shareholders, the second interim dividend of 27.5p
per share will be distributed in May to shareholders on record on 26th
February 1999.

Foreign shareholders previously eligible for repayment of a part of the UK
tax credit under the 'G' and 'H' arrangements will be sent a letter
explaining the consequences to them of the changes caused by the abolition
of ACT in respect of dividend payments after 5th April 1999.

Shareholders may have their dividends reinvested in Barclays PLC shares by
participating in the Dividend Reinvestment Plan.  The plan is available to
all shareholders provided that they do not live in or are subject to the
jurisdiction of any country where their participation in the plan would
require Barclays or the plan administrator to take action to comply with local
government or regulatory procedures or any similar formalities.  Any
shareholder wishing to obtain details of the plan and a mandate form should
contact The Plan Administrator to Barclays, PO Box 82, Caxton House, Redcliffe
Way, Bristol, BS99 7FA.  Those wishing to participate for the first time in
the plan should send their completed mandate form to the plan administrator
before 9th April 1999 for it to be applicable to the payment of the second
interim dividend on 30th April 1999.  Existing participants should take no
action unless they wish to alter their current mandate instructions in
which case they should contact the plan administrator.



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Gráfico Histórico do Ativo
De Jul 2023 até Jul 2024 Click aqui para mais gráficos Barclays.