RNS No 6730e
16th February 1999

                              BARCLAYS PLC
                           ADDITIONAL INFORMATION


On 1st April 1998 the Group reorganised into four main business groupings
consisting of Retail Financial Services, Corporate Banking, Barclays Capital
and Barclays Global Investors.  Comparative figures have been restated to
reflect the new structure.


On 7th January 1999, Barclays announced that it had agreed to make a
contribution of #116m to the Administrators of British & Commonwealth
Holdings PLC (B&C) as part of the overall settlement of #150m of the
Atlantic litigation.  It is expected that some #40m of this contribution
will be offset by insurance cover.  The contribution and insurance offset
have been incorporated in these results.

This settlement brings to an end Barclays exposure in the litigation which
arose in connection with B&C's acquisition of Atlantic in 1988.

On 11th February 1999, Barclays announced the appointment of Michael O'Neill
as Group Chief Executive and a Board Director with effect from 26th March


During the year the Group implemented FRS 9 'Associates and Joint Ventures',
FRS 10 'Goodwill and Intangible Assets' and FRS 11 'Impairment of Fixed
Assets and Goodwill'.  Implementation of these standards did not have a
significant effect on the Group's results.

There have been no other significant changes to the accounting policies as
described in the 1997 Annual report.


There were no significant acquisitions in the period.  Details of
significant disposals in the period are set out under exceptional items on
page 18.


Income from the long-term insurance business now includes amounts previously
reported within Other income.  Following a reassessment, certain BGI managed
funds previously reported within life-fund assets attributable to
policyholders are now more appropriately classified as funds under
management.  Accordingly these funds, and their related liabilities, have
been excluded from the consolidated balance sheet.

Comparative numbers have been restated for the impact of these changes.
Total operating income and operating profit are not affected.


The trustees of the Group's share schemes may make purchases of Barclays PLC
ordinary shares in the market following the announcement of the Group's
results in February 1999 for the purposes of those schemes' current and
future requirements.  The total number of ordinary shares purchased would
not be material in relation to the issued share capital of Barclays PLC.


1.  Loans and advances to banks         1998              1997
                                         #m                #m
    Banking business                                          
    Loans and advances to banks       20,357            21,751
    Less - provisions                   (41)              (22)
                                      20,316            21,729
    Trading business                  16,296            15,155
    Total loans and advances to       36,612            36,884

   Of the total loans and advances to banks placings with banks were
   #32.8bn at 31st December 1998 (1997: #31.0bn).  The majority of placings
   have a residual maturity of less than one year.

2.  Loans and advances to customers     1998              1997
                                         #m                #m
    Banking business                                          
    Loans subject to non-recourse        278               327
    finance   arrangements
    Less: non returnable finance        (269)             (319)
                                           9                 8
    Loans and advances to customers   77,663            69,894
    Finance lease receivables          5,776             6,122
                                      83,448            76,024
    Less - provisions                 (1,902)           (1,828)
      - interest in suspense             (77)              (85)
                                      81,469            74,111
    Trading business                  14,641            25,712
    Total loans and advances to       96,110            99,823
3.  Provisions for bad and doubtful                           
                                       1998              1997
    Credit risk provisions                #m                #m
    Provisions at beginning of year    1,761             2,050
    Exchange and other adjustments         5              (53)
    Amounts written off                                       
     United Kingdom                     (506)             (441)
     Other European Union                (43)              (93)
     United States                        (7)              (23)
     Rest of the World                    (9)              (14)
                                        (565)             (571)
    Recoveries (analysed below)          176               126
    Sub-total                          1,377             1,552
    Provisions charged against                                
    New and increased specific                                
     United Kingdom                      751               536
     Other European Union                 31                49
     United States                        11                12
     Rest of the World                    23                28
                                         816               625
    Less: Releases of specific                                
     United Kingdom                      (81)             (143)
     Other European Union                (31)              (34)
     United States                        (8)              (33)
     Rest of the World                   (15)              (15)
                                        (135)             (225)
    Less: Recoveries                                          
     United Kingdom                     (156)             (111)
     Other European Union                 (4)               (6)
     United States                       (13)               (4)
     Rest of the World                    (3)               (5)
                                        (176)             (126)
    Net specific provisions charge       505               274
    General provisions release           (20)              (65)
    Net credit risk charge to            485               209
    Provisions at end of year          1,862             1,761
    Country risk provisions                                   
    Provisions at beginning of year       89                80
    Exchange and other adjustments         1                 1
    Amounts written off (net of          (16)              (10)
    Net specific provision releases      (13)              (27)
    General provision charge              20                45
    Provisions at end of year             81                89
    Total provisions at end of year    1,943             1,850
3. Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (continued)

   Total provisions for bad and doubtful debts at end of year comprise:
                                       1998              1997
    Specific - credit risk                #m                #m
     United Kingdom                      928               765
     Other European Union                213               245
     United States                        23                27
     Rest of the World                    35                41
                                       1,199             1,078
    Specific - country risk               16                44
    Total specific provisions          1,215             1,122
    General provisions  - credit         663               683
                - country risk            65                45
                                       1,943             1,850

   The geographic analysis of provisions shown above is based on location
   of office.  The United Kingdom charge includes #153m raised in respect
   of exposure to Russian counterparties.

4.  Other assets                        1998              1997
                                         #m                #m
    Own shares                            43                43
    Balances arising from off-        13,725            17,124
    balance sheet financial
    Shareholders' interest in long-      530               460
    term assurance fund
    London Metal Exchange warrants       457               665
    and other  metals trading
    Sundry debtors                     1,862             2,121
    Prepayments and accrued income     2,552             2,305
                                      19,169            22,718

   'Own shares' represent Barclays PLC shares held in employee benefit
   trusts that have not yet vested unconditionally with the eligible

5.  Other liabilities                   1998              1997
                                         #m                #m
    Obligations under finance            141               157
    leases payable
    Balances arising from off-        15,849            18,703
    balance sheet financial
    Short positions in securities     13,682            13,170
    Current tax                          479               509
    Sundry creditors                   3,199             2,729
    Accruals and deferred income       3,074             3,557
    Provisions for liabilities and     1,272             1,454
    Dividend                             414               359
                                      38,110            40,638

6. Exposure to countries subject to International Monetary Fund liquidity
   support programmes
   Amounts outstanding, net of provisions, and commitments to
   counterparties in countries which are subject to International Monetary
   Fund liquidity support programmes were as follows:
                                       1998              1997
    Asia                                 #bn               #bn
    Indonesia                            0.1               0.3
    South Korea                          0.5               0.6
    Thailand                             0.1               0.3
                                         0.7               1.2
    Latin America                                             
    Brazil                               0.9               0.8
    Eastern Europe                                            
    Russia                               0.0               0.1
                                         1.6               2.1

   Of the total of #1.6bn, #1.0bn (1997: #1.5bn) was related to banks,
   #0.4bn (1997: #0.4bn) to governments and #0.2bn (1997: #0.2bn) to other
   corporate bodies including project finance companies, and was mainly in
   respect of loans, off-balance sheet financial instruments and debt
   securities.  Off-balance sheet financial instruments and debt securities
   are marked to market.

   The Group has a Brazilian associate, Banco Barclays e Galicia SA, which
   is equity accounted.  At 31st December 1998 the 50% holding was included
   in the balance sheet at a value of #47m (included in the figures above).
   Of the above exposures #35m (1997: #10m) were non-performing (interest
   not being accrued) as at 31st December 1998.  During the year the Group
   raised a general provision of #20m in respect of country transfer risk
   arising from its business world wide, including exposure in these
   countries, bringing the total of such provisions to #65m at 31st
   December 1998.  This is in addition to #663m of general provision held
   against credit risk.

7. Potential credit risk lendings

   The following table presents an analysis of potential credit risk
   lendings in accordance with the US Securities and Exchange Commission
   guidelines.  Additional categories of disclosure are included, however,
   to record lendings where interest continues to be accrued and where
   either interest is being suspended or specific provisions have been
   raised.  Normal US banking practice would be to place such lendings on
   non-accrual status.

   The amounts, the geographical presentation of which is based on the
   location of the office recording the transaction, are stated before
   deduction of the value of security held, specific provisions carried or
   interest suspended.

    Non-performing lendings             1998              1997
                                         #m                #m
    Non-accrual lendings:                                     
     United Kingdom                      985               911
     Foreign                             282               309
    Accruing lendings where                                   
    interest is being suspended:
     United Kingdom                      266               234
     Foreign                             118               153
    Other accruing lendings against                           
    which provisions have been
     United Kingdom                      457               408
     Foreign                             134               117
     United Kingdom                    1,708             1,553
     Foreign                             534               579
    Accruing lendings 90 days                                 
    overdue, against which no
    provisions have been made:
    United Kingdom                       309               388
    Foreign                               19                14
    Reduced rate lendings:                                    
     United Kingdom                        7                37
     Foreign                               -                 -
    Total non-performing lendings                             
     United Kingdom                    2,024             1,978
     Foreign                             553               593
                                       2,577             2,571

      UK non-performing lendings increased by #46m including exposures to
    Russian counterparties.  A further reduction in business in transition
    balances was primarily responsible for the fall in overseas balances.
7. Potential credit risk lendings (continued)

   Potential problem lendings: In addition to the above, the following
   table shows lendings which are current as to payment of principal and
   interest, but where serious doubt exists as to the ability of the
   borrower to comply with repayment terms in the near future.

                                       1998              1997
                                        #bn               #bn
    United Kingdom                       0.6               0.6
    Foreign                              0.1               0.1
                                         0.7               0.7

                                       1998              1997
    Total provision coverage of:           %                 %
     - credit risk non-performing       75.2              71.8
     - total potential credit risk      59.4              56.3
                                        1998              1997
    Interest forgone on non-              #m                #m
    performing lendings:
    Interest income that would have      182               218
    been recognised  under original
    contractual terms
    Interest income included in          (63)              (71)
    Interest forgone                     119               147

8. European Economic and Monetary Union

   The Group's preparations for EMU and the introduction of the euro on 1st
   January 1999, required the effective management across the Group of a
   wide range of changes and upgrades to systems, processes and procedures.
   This culminated in the successful completion of its conversion weekend
   activity on 3rd January 1999.
   The original cost estimate for the Group's work on achieving euro
   compliance, on the assumption that the United Kingdom did not
   participate, was some #150m.  Throughout 1998 efforts were concentrated
   on providing the most benefit to our customers.  As the markets and
   payment/settlements infrastructure changes became more clearly defined
   and more robust implementation plans were developed, the contingency
   planning requirements were reduced.  The estimated total cost reduced to
   #120m at 30th June 1998, and is now expected to be #90m, of which some
   #75m has been spent to date (#55m in 1998).
   Further expenditure of #15m includes anticipated costs in respect of the
   introduction of euro banknotes and coins in the Group's continental
   European operations and further systems development within Corporate
   Barclays is continuing to monitor developments around the possibility of
   the United Kingdom joining EMU.  Planning has been undertaken in 1998 to
   identify what further work would be required should the United Kingdom
   decide to join EMU.  In the meanwhile only limited preparations to UK
   systems have been made and no significant expenditure will be incurred
   until there is more certainty over a decision to enter.
9. Year 2000

   The Barclays Group Year 2000 programme was initiated in early 1996 and
   is responsible for ensuring that Year 2000 projects are in place across
   the whole Group world wide.  A Programme Board of executives from across
   the Group is chaired by the Director, Planning, Operations and
   Technology, who reports directly to the Group Deputy Chairman and Chief

   The Group has given priority to its mission critical computer systems
   (those which would have an immediate and observable impact on the
   Group's customers and therefore its ability to continue to operate
   effectively).  Over 90% of such systems were tested as Year 2000 ready
   as at 31st December 1998, and this is forecast to rise to 98% by the end
   of March 1999.  The aim is to have all mission critical systems
   including embedded systems, corrected and implemented by the end of June
   The total cost of the Year 2000 Programme is estimated not to exceed
   #250m (including #20m of capitalised costs) for the four year period
   ending December 2000.  The total amount spent on the Year 2000 Programme
   to date is about #145m (including #15m of capitalised costs) of which
   #105m was incurred in 1998.  Year 2000 costs include correction,
   testing, third party assurance and contingency planning.

10.Legal proceedings

   Barclays is party to various legal proceedings, the ultimate resolution
   of which is not expected to have a material adverse effect on the
   financial position of the Group.

   See pages 17 and 38 for details of the settlement with the
   Administrators of British & Commonwealth Holdings PLC.

11.  Geographical analysis
                                       1998              1997
    Profit before tax                     #m                #m
     United Kingdom                    1,470             1,402
     Other European Union                241               118
     United States                        67                96
     Rest of the World                   140               100
                                       1,918             1,716
                                        1998              1997
    Total assets                          #m                #m
     United Kingdom                  154,446           164,257
     Other European Union             18,490            19,872
     United States                    24,886            25,667
     Rest of the World                21,672            22,633
                                     219,494           232,429

12.  Contingent liabilities and commitments

                                       1998              1997
    Contingent liabilities                #m                #m
    Acceptances and endorsements       1,384             1,602
    Guarantees and assets pledged      8,784             6,623
    as collateral security
    Other contingent liabilities       5,069             5,123
                                      15,237            13,348
    Standby facilities, credit        68,191            59,121
    lines and other commitments

13.Off-balance sheet financial instruments, including derivatives

   The tables set out below analyse the contract or underlying principal
   amounts of derivative financial instruments held for trading purposes
   and for the purposes of managing the Group's structural exposures.

    Foreign exchange derivatives       1998               1997
                                        #m                 #m
    Contract or underlying                                    
    principal amount
    Forward foreign exchange        263,958            337,276
    Currency swaps                   79,447             57,838
    Other exchange rate related     101,310            177,860
                                    444,715            572,974
    Net replacement cost              4,262              9,402
    Interest rate derivatives                                 
    Contract or underlying                                    
    principal amount
    Interest rate swaps             787,486            664,722
    Forward rate agreements          99,960            138,619
    OTC options bought and sold     222,589            138,392
    Other interest rate related     104,003            182,875
                                  1,214,038          1,124,608
    Net replacement cost              7,417              6,116
    Equity, stock index and                                   
    commodity derivatives
    Contract or underlying           51,347             45,420
    principal amount
    Net replacement cost              2,173              1,722

   Other exchange rate related contracts are primarily OTC options. Other
   interest rate related contracts are primarily exchange traded options
   and futures.

   Replacement cost or credit exposure on derivative instruments represents
   the cost to replace contracts with a positive fair value if
   counterparties failed completely to perform their obligations.
   Replacement cost varies over time as the market price of the underlying
   instrument varies.

14.Market risk

   Market risk is the risk of loss arising from adverse movements in the
   level or volatility of market prices, which can occur in the interest
   rate, foreign exchange, equity and commodity markets.  It is incurred as
   a result of both trading and asset/liability management activities.
   The market risk management policies of the Group are determined by the
   Group Risk Management Committee, which also determines overall market
   risk appetite.  The Group's policy is that exposure to market risk
   arising from trading activities is concentrated in Barclays Capital.
   The Group's banking businesses are also subject to market risk, which
   arises in relation to non-trading positions, such as capital balances,
   demand deposits and customer originated transactions and flows.
   Management responsibilities
   In Barclays Capital, the formal process for the management of risk is
   through the Barclays Capital Risk Management Committee.  Day to day
   responsibility for market risk lies with the Chief Executive of Barclays
   Capital, supported by a dedicated global market risk management unit
   that operates independently of the business areas.
   Market risk measurement
   The Group uses a 'value at risk' measure as the primary mechanism for
   controlling market risk.  Daily Value at Risk (DVAR) is an estimate,
   with a confidence level of 98% of the potential loss which might arise
   if the current positions were to be held unchanged for one business day.
   Daily losses exceeding the DVAR figure are likely to occur, on average,
   only twice in every one hundred business days.  Actual outcomes are
   monitored regularly to test the validity of the assumptions made in the
   calculation of DVAR.
   As in 1997, volatilities reached high levels in 1998 as a result of
   market turbulence, leading to occasional sharp rises in DVAR.  The peak
   DVAR of #43.3m occurred in July following a significant increase in the
   estimated volatilities relating to Russian government debt.  In reaction
   to this increased market turbulence, the non-client related proprietary
   businesses in Barclays Capital were closed in October and secondary
   market corporate bond inventory was substantially reduced during the
   last quarter of 1998.
   This reduction in risk contributed to a decrease in overall DVAR from
   #22.8m at 30th June 1998 to #12.2m at 31st December 1998 (31st December
   1997: #17.3m).  During 1999 it is intended that Barclays Capital will
   continue to operate in its current markets and pursue market
   opportunities as appropriate.
The daily average, maximum and minimum values of DVAR were estimated as
                          Twelve months to     Twelve months to
                         31st December 1998   31st December 1997
                      Average  High*   Low*  Average   High*  Low*
                          #m     #m     #m       #m      #m    #m
    Interest rate        15.1   36.6    9.5     10.2    18.4   4.7
    Foreign exchange      5.8   13.9    1.2      5.4    21.9   0.7
    Equities risk         3.0    7.9    1.3      2.3     3.4   1.5
    Commodities risk      1.2    2.9    0.6      1.4     2.9   0.4
    Diversification      (4.2)                  (3.6)              
    Total DVAR           20.9   43.3   12.2     15.7    35.1   7.0
   * The high (and low) DVAR figures reported for each category did not
      necessarily occur on the same day as the high (and low) DVAR reported
      as a whole.  A corresponding diversification effect cannot be
      calculated and is therefore omitted from the above table.
   The above figures for 1997 include market risk taken by the former BZW
   businesses that have been sold or closed.  The calculation of the market
   risk relating to Barclays Capital and the former BZW businesses cannot
   be precisely separated, but based on reasonable assumptions, it can be
   estimated that the DVAR in Barclays Capital businesses would have
   accounted for the substantial majority of the total DVAR for the
   combined businesses as detailed above.


   There are some significant differences between accounting practices in
   the United States (US GAAP) and those in the United Kingdom (UK GAAP).
   Key figures on a UK GAAP basis and as estimated on a US GAAP basis are:

                             1998     1998      1997     1997
                               #m       #m        #m       #m
                          UK GAAP  US GAAP   UK GAAP  US GAAP
    Net income               1,335    1,370     1,130    1,274
    Shareholders' funds      7,923    7,781     7,620    7,409

                                BARCLAYS PLC
                             SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS

                                       1998             1997
                                         #m               #m
At beginning of year                  7,620            7,267
Proceeds of shares issued (net of       110              113
Exchange rate translation                32             (101)
Repurchase of ordinary shares*         (501)            (351)
Goodwill written back on disposals       10              126
Shares issued in relation to share      (67)                -
option schemes for  staff**
Other items                              30               (1)
Profit retained                         689              567
At end of year                        7,923            7,620

* Including nominal amount of #29m (1997: #30m).
** The Group has established a Qualifying Employee Share Ownership Trust
  (QUEST) for the purposes of the Group's Save As You Earn Share Option
                                       1998             1997
                                         #m               #m
Profit attributable to the members    1,335            1,130
of Barclays PLC
Exchange rate translation                32             (101)
Other items                              30                -
Total recognised gains relating to    1,397            1,029
the period


                              Note     1998              1997
                                         #m                #m
Net cash(outflow)/inflow from    1   (1,337)            8,979
operating  activities
Dividends received from                   3                 7
associated undertakings
Net cash outflow from returns          (252)             (303)
on investment and servicing
of finance
Tax paid                               (547)             (263)
Net cash inflow /(outflow)            2,333            (7,513)
from capital expenditure and
financial investment
Acquisitions and disposals              584                50
Equity dividend paid                   (591)             (445)
Net cash inflow before                  193               512
Net cash inflow/(outflow)               264              (468)
from financing
Increase in cash                        457                44

                                       1998              1997
                                         #m                #m
1   Operating profit                   1,921             2,160
    Provisions for bad and               492               227
   doubtful debts
    Depreciation and amortisation        270               266
    Net (decrease)/increase in          (719)              729
   accrued expenditure and
    Provisions for contingent             76                 4
   liabilities and commitments
    Interest on dated and undated        244               265
   loan capital and other
   subordinated liabilities
    Associated undertakings -            (22)              (16)
   profit included
    Increase in shareholders'            (95)              (19)
   interest in the UK long-term
   assurance fund
    Profit on                             (3)               (2)
   redemption/repurchase of loan
    Net (increase)/decrease in net       (23)               70
   interest and  commission
    Net profit on disposal of           (106)             (104)
   investments and fixed  assets
    Other non-cash movements              53                13
                                       2,088             3,593
    Net change in items in transit      (311)              500
   and items in course  of
    Net (decrease)/increase in        (4,197)           14,365
   other credit balances
    Net decrease/(increase) in         8,652           (21,324)
   loans and advances to  banks
   and customers
    Net (decrease)/increase in       (14,958)           33,695
   deposits and debt  securities
   in  issue
    Net decrease/(increase) in         3,215            (5,516)
   other assets
    Net decrease/(increase) in         3,642           (15,122)
   other debt securities  and
   equity  shares
    Net decrease/(increase) in           777            (1,226)
   treasury and other  eligible
    Other non-cash movements            (245)               14
    Net cash (outflow)/inflow from    (1,337)            8,979
   operating  activities

                              OTHER INFORMATION

Financial Summary            1998   1997    1996   1995   1994
                              #m     #m      #m     #m     #m
Profit before tax           1,918  1,716   2,306  2,017  1,831
Profit after tax            1,380  1,174   1,686  1,407  1,251
Total capital resources    11,971 10,873  10,674 11,021 10,152
                                p      p       p      p      p
Earnings per ordinary        88.4   74.4   104.2   83.6   72.4
Dividends per ordinary       43.0   37.0    31.5   26.0   21.0
Net asset value per           525    498     472    433    377
ordinary share
Dividend cover (times)        2.1    2.0     3.4    3.2    3.4
Risk asset ratios:              %      %       %      %      %
Tier 1 ratio                  7.4    7.3     7.6    7.7    7.0
Total ratio                  10.7   10.0    10.4   10.9   10.4
Performance ratios                                            
Return on average               %      %       %      %      %
shareholders' funds:
  Pre-tax                    23.7   22.1    31.3   29.8   30.7
  Post-tax                   17.0   15.0    22.8   20.7   20.7
Return on average total                                       
  Pre-tax                     0.8    0.8     1.3    1.2    1.1
  Post-tax                    0.6    0.5     0.9    0.8    0.7
Return on average                                             
weighted risk assets:
  Pre-tax                     1.8    1.6     2.3    2.3    1.9
  Post-tax                    1.3    1.1     1.7    1.5    1.3
Non interest income/total    41.3*  46.5**  47.8   47.4   47.4
Non interest                 62.7   68.9**  70.9   68.7*** 71.4
income/operating expenses

* Excluding the impact of the Finance Act 1998.
**Excluding the impact of the Finance (No 2) Act 1997.
***Excluding the provision for diminution in property value.

The financial information above is extracted from the published accounts for
the last five years, restated where appropriate to accord with the current
accounting policies of the Group.

                        OTHER INFORMATION (CONTINUED)

PROFIT BEFORE TAX             31.12.98   30.6.98   31.12.97  30.6.97
(half-year ended - unaudited)      #m        #m        #m       #m
Retail Financial Services*        787       732       619      668
Corporate Banking*                437       535       434      487
Barclays Capital                 (424)      159       107      145
Barclays Global Investors          23        29        23       28
Businesses in Transition**         24        24        46       47
Other operations                  (88)      (96)      (64)       8
Head office functions             (35)      (25)      (28)     (24)
Goodwill amortisation              (6)       (6)       (6)      (6)
Provision for litigation          (76)         -         -        -
                                  642     1,352     1,131    1,353
Former BZW businesses             (14)      (19)     (200)     (19)
Exceptional items                   5        (4)     (467)      42
Write-down of leases                -       (40)         -     (77)
Life-fund charge                    -         -          -     (28)
Write-down of fixed asset          (4)         -      (19)        -
                                  629     1,289       445    1,271
                              31.12.98   30.6.98   31.12.97  30.6.97
TOTAL ASSETS                       #m        #m        #m       #m
Retail Financial Services      46,150    42,671    41,698   41,635
Corporate Banking              42,853    39,948    36,505   35,432
Barclays Capital              117,194   152,665   134,680  123,378
Barclays Global Investors         183       167       161      122
Businesses in Transition                                          
 - former BZW businesses            -        88     8,477   15,030
 - other                          554       443       771    1,247
Other operations and Head       5,475     6,223     4,178    4,768
office functions
Retail life-fund assets         7,085     6,751     5,959    5,425
attributable to
                              219,494   248,956   232,429  227,037
WEIGHTED RISK ASSETS                                              
Retail Financial Services      31,493    29,705    28,514   28,178
Corporate Banking              41,679    38,357    35,286   33,594
Barclays Capital               31,172    37,858    34,942   32,187
Barclays Global Investors         207       150       141      120
Businesses in Transition                                          
 - former BZW businesses            -        61     4,078    4,515
 - other                          594       470       801    1,309
Other operations****            4,636     4,906     4,565    4,507
                              109,781   111,507   108,327  104,410

*  Figures are stated prior to the impact of the Finance (No.2) Act 1997 and
the Finance Act 1998.
** Businesses in Transition profit before tax excludes the results of
   former BZW businesses which are shown separately.
***The 1998 provision relates to the settlement of the litigation brought
   by the Administrators of British & Commonwealth Holdings PLC.
****Including supervisory adjustments.
                        OTHER INFORMATION (CONTINUED)

Consolidated profit and loss account by half-year (unaudited)

                           31.12.98   30.6.98   31.12.97  30.6.97
                                #m        #m         #m       #m
Interest receivable          4,938     5,014      4,797    4,407
Interest payable            (2,726)   (2,874)    (2,717)  (2,374)
Write-down of leases             -       (40)          -     (77)
Profit on                        -         3        (2)        4
redemption/repurchase of
loan  capital
Net interest income          2,212     2,103      2,078    1,960
Net fees and commissions     1,429     1,350      1,520    1,459
Dealing profits               (230)      197        140      234
Other operating income         168       156         92      136
Life-fund charge                 -         -          -      (28)
Total non-interest income    1,367     1,703      1,752    1,801
Operating income             3,579     3,806      3,830    3,761
Administration expenses -   (1,425)   (1,386)    (1,573)  (1,462)
staff costs
Administration expenses -     (949)     (861)    (1,039)    (857)
Depreciation and              (138)     (137)      (141)    (128)
Operating expenses          (2,512)   (2,384)    (2,753)  (2,447)
Operating profit before      1,067     1,422      1,077    1,314
Provisions for bad and        (363)     (129)      (137)     (90)
doubtful debts
Provisions for contingent      (76)        -         (9)       5
liabilities etc
Operating profit               628     1,293        931    1,229
Exceptional items                5        (4)      (467)      42
Write-down of fixed asset       (4)         -       (19)        -
Profit on ordinary             629     1,289        445    1,271
activities before tax
Tax on profit on ordinary     (158)     (380)      (196)    (346)
Profit on ordinary             471       909        249      925
activities after tax
Minority interests (equity     (23)      (22)       (22)     (22)
and non-equity)
Profit attributable to the     448       887        227      903
members of  Barclays PLC
Dividends                     (414)     (232)      (359)    (204)
Profit retained                 34       655       (132)     699
Earnings per ordinary       30.0 p    58.4 p     15.2 p   59.2 p
Dividends per ordinary      27.5 p    15.5 p     23.5 p   13.5 p
                        OTHER INFORMATION (CONTINUED)

Results by half year (unaudited)

                          31.12.98  30.6.98   31.12.97   30.6.97
                                #m       #m        #m        #m
Net interest income*         2,213    2,144     2,076     2,031
Net fees and commissions     1,431    1,340     1,358     1,294
Dealing profits               (225)     198       137       205
Other operating income         165      154        94       128
Total non-interest           1,371    1,692     1,589     1,627
Operating income*            3,584    3,836     3,665     3,658
Operating expenses*         (2,503)  (2,355)   (2,388)   (2,220)
Operating profit before      1,081    1,481     1,277     1,438
Provisions for bad and        (363)    (129)     (137)      (90)
doubtful debts
Provisions for contingent      (76)        -       (9)        5
Operating profit*              642    1,352     1,131     1,353
Former BZW businesses          (14)     (19)     (200)      (19)
Exceptional items                5       (4)     (467)       42
Write-down of leases             -      (40)         -      (77)
Life-fund charge                 -        -          -      (28)
Write-down of fixed asset      (4)        -       (19)        -
Profit before tax              629    1,289       445     1,271

*  Figures exclude the results of the former BZW businesses and are stated
   prior to the impact of the Finance Act (No. 2) 1997 and the Finance Act
                            KEY FACTS (UNAUDITED)
                                            1998        1997
RETAIL FINANCIAL SERVICES                                   
UK Retail Bank                                              
Number of branches (UK only excl.          1,950       1,975
Number of current accounts                  7.7m        7.4m
Customers registered for                 850,000     560,000
Customers registered for On Line         205,000      28,000
Small business customers                 434,000     417,000
Barclaycards in issue                        10m         10m
Number of merchant transactions            1.0bn       0.9bn
International Premier, Private,                             
Savings and Investment
Premier clients                          112,000      87,000
ERBG - number of customers               278,000     268,000
Savings accounts                            3.5m        3.2m
Sales through BarclaysLife                 #149m       #119m
Barclays Stockbrokers deal volumes         5,800       6,800
per day
Customers' funds                         #72.7bn     #62.0bn
Africa and the Caribbean                                    
Countries with Barclays                       25          25
Customer deposits                         #4.2bn      #3.8bn
CORPORATE BANKING                                           
Number of UK Corporate Banking           110,700     108,700
- Core connections                        95,000      94,000
- Complex connections                     14,000      13,000
- Large connections                        1,700       1,700
Customers registered for                  20,000      11,000
electronic banking
Number of current accounts               220,000     215,000
For further information; please contact:    
                                 Oliver Stocken
                                 Finance Director
                                 0171-699 2944 - Direct Line
                                 0171-699 5000 - Switchboard

                                 Ian Roundell
                                 Head of Investor Relations
                                 0171-699 2961 - Direct Line

                                 Leigh Bruce
                                 Director, Corporate Communications
                                 0171-699-2658 - Direct Line

More information on Barclays, including the 1998 results, can be found on
our website at the following address : http://www.investor.barclays.com



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