RNS No 5333p
5 August 1999



                        30.6.99  30.6.99 30.6.99 30.6.98  30.6.98 30.6.98
                        Average Interest Average Average Interest Average
                        Balance            Rate  Balance            Rate
Assets                       #m      #m       %       #m       #m      %
Treasury bills and                                                    
other eligible bills:
in offices in the UK      2,881      73     5.1    2,504       86    6.9
in offices outside the UK   967      45     9.3    1,106       58   10.5
Loans and advances to                                                 
in offices in the UK      7,636     196     5.1   11,470      320    5.6
in offices outside the UK 9,054     198     4.4   10,375      281    5.4
Loans and advances                                                    
to customers:
in offices in the UK     66,545   2,698     8.1   61,119    2,850    9.3
in offices outside the   15,065     435     5.8   10,822      418    7.7
Lease receivables:                                                    
in offices in the UK      5,058     176     7.0    5,599      224    8.0
in offices outside the UK   555      32    11.5      203       12   11.8
Debt securities:                                                      
in offices in the UK     13,251     406     6.1   14,516      472    6.5
in offices outside the UK 9,229     238     5.2    8,829      293    6.6
Average assets of       130,241   4,497     6.9  126,543    5,014    7.9
 banking business
Average assets of        65,017   1,785     5.5   78,954    1,795    4.5
 trading business
Total average interest  195,258   6,282     6.4  205,497    6,809    6.6
 earning assets
Provisions              (1,931)                  (1,847)                
Non-interest earning     37,228                   39,889                
Total average assets    230,555   6,282     5.4  243,539    6,809    5.6
 and interest income
Percentage of total                                                   
 average assets in         32.8                     27.8
 offices outside the UK
Average interest                                                      
 earning assets and net
 interest income:
Banking business        130,241   2,281     3.5  126,543    2,140    3.4
Trading business         65,017      30     0.1   78,954        4    0.0
Write-down of leases          -       -       -        -     (40)      -
Discount rate                 -     (3)       -        -      (2)      -
adjustment on provisions
Profit on redemption/                                                 
repurchase of loan            -       -       -        -        3      -
Total average interest                                                
 earning assets and     195,258   2,308     2.4  205,497    2,105    2.0
 net interest income
Total average interest                                                
 earning assets related to:
Interest income                   6,282     6.4             6,809    6.6
Interest expense                (3,971)   (4.1)           (4,665)  (4.5)
Write-down of leases                  -       -              (40)      -
Discount rate                       (3)       -               (2)      -
adjustment on provisions
Profit on redemption/                                                 
repurchase of loan                    -       -                 3      -
                                  2,308     2.4             2,105    2.0
(i) Loans and advances to customers and banks include all doubtful lendings,
including non-accrual lendings. Interest receivable on such lendings has
been included to the extent to which either cash payments have been received
or interest has been accrued in accordance with the income recognition
policy of the Group.
(ii) Average balances are based upon daily averages for most UK banking
operations and monthly averages elsewhere.
(iii) The average balance sheet does not include the retail life fund assets
attributable to policyholders nor the related liabilities.


                       30.6.99 30.6.99 30.6.99 30.6.98  30.6.98 30.6.98
                       Average Interest Average Average Interest Average
                       Balance            Rate Balance            Rate
Liabilities and             #m      #m       %      #m       #m      %
shareholders' funds
Deposits by banks:                                                    
in offices in the UK    12,603     255     4.0  17,118      321    3.8
in offices outside      11,750     216     3.7  12,015      261    4.3
the UK
Customer accounts                                                     
 - demand accounts:
in offices in the UK    12,222      82     1.3  11,194      101    1.8
in offices outside       1,904      17     1.8   1,745       18    2.1
the UK
Customer accounts                                                     
 - savings accounts:
in offices in the UK    23,977     387     3.2  21,889      534    4.9
in offices outside       1,278      25     3.9   1,123       33    5.9
the UK
Customer accounts -                                                   
other time deposits                                                   
 - retail:
in offices in the UK    23,553     605     5.1  21,977      761    6.9
in offices outside       4,800     108     4.5   5,256      139    5.3
the UK
Customer accounts -                                                   
other time deposits                                                   
 - wholesale:
in offices in the UK    18,911     412     4.4  17,377      473    5.4
in offices outside       6,744     160     4.7   6,401      144    4.5
the UK
Debt securities in                                                    
in offices in the UK    13,440     383     5.7  13,664      434    6.4
in offices outside       5,866     143     4.9   6,309      171    5.4
 the UK
Dated and undated                                                     
 loan capital and other  3,969     127     6.4   3,223      118    7.3
 subordinated liabilities
 principally in offices
 in the UK
Internal funding of   (28,710)   (704)     4.9 (30,110)    (634)    4.2
 trading business
Average liabilities                                                   
 of banking business   112,307   2,216     3.9 109,181    2,874    5.3
Average liabilities     69,517   1,755     5.0  80,692    1,791    4.4
 of trading business
Total average                                                         
 interest              181,824   3,971     4.4 189,873    4,665    4.9
 bearing liabilities
Interest free                                                         
 customer deposits:
in offices in the UK     8,464                   7,901                
in offices outside       1,514                   1,309                
 the UK
Other non-interest      30,160                  36,373                
 bearing liabilities
Minority interests                                                    
 and shareholders'       8,593                   8,083
Total average                                                         
 liabilities,          230,555   3,971     3.4 243,539    4,665    3.8
 shareholders' funds
 and interest expense
Percentage of total                                                   
 average non-capital      32.1                    31.0
 liabilities in offices
 outside the UK
                       SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS (UNAUDITED)

                                    Half-year ended
                                  30.6.99   31.12.98   30.6.98
                                       #m        #m        #m
Share capital                                                
At beginning of period              1,511     1,509     1,530
Shares issued                           1         8         2
Repurchase of shares                  (9)       (6)      (23)
At end of period                    1,503     1,511     1,509
Share premium account                                        
At beginning of period              1,381     1,288     1,281
Premium arising on shares issued       20        93         7
At end of period                    1,401     1,381     1,288
Revaluation reserve                                          
At beginning of period                 36        34        35
Exchange rate translation             (2)         2       (1)
Revaluation of interest in              5         -         -
associated undertaking
At end of period                       39        36        34
Capital redemption reserve                                   
At beginning of period                179       173       150
Repurchase of ordinary shares           9         6        23
At end of period                      188       179       173
Other capital reserve                                        
At beginning and end of period        320       320       320
Profit retained                                              
At beginning of period              4,415     4,498     4,241
Profit retained                       433        17       654
Exchange rate translation            (38)        66      (35)
Repurchase of ordinary shares       (159)      (93)     (379)
Transfer to capital redemption        (9)       (6)      (23)
Goodwill written back on              138         -        10
Shares issued to the QUEST in                                
relation to share option schemes     (13)      (67)         -
for staff
Other movements                         -         -        30
At end of period                    4,767     4,415     4,498
Total reserves                      6,715     6,331     6,313
Total shareholders' funds           8,218     7,842     7,822

                                     Half-year ended
                                  30.6.99   31.12.98   30.6.98
                                       #m        #m        #m
Profit attributable to the            696       431       886
members of Barclays PLC
Exchange rate translation            (40)        68      (36)
Other items                             5         -        30
Total recognised gains relating       661       499       880
to the period
Prior period adjustment (as          (81)                    
explained on page 38)
Total gains and losses recognised                            
since 31st December 1998              580

Historical cost profits and losses

There is no material difference between profit before tax and profit
retained, as reported, and historical cost profits.


                               Half-year ended            Full year
                       Note 30.6.99 30.6.99 30.6.98 30.6.98 31.12.98 31.12.98
                                #m      #m      #m      #m      #m       #m
Net cash                                                                   
inflow/(outflow) from     1          3,403         (2,481)          (1,337)
operating activities
Dividends received                                                         
from associated                          5               1                3
Returns on investments                                                     
and servicing of
Interest paid on loan                                                      
capital and other            (139)           (100)           (220)
Preference dividends                                                       
paid by subsidiary            (13)            (13)            (25)
Dividends paid to                                                          
minority shareholders          (6)             (6)             (7)
Net cash outflow from                                                      
returns on investment                (158)           (119)            (252)
and servicing of
Tax paid                             (220)           (228)            (547)
Capital expenditure                                                        
and financial
Capital expenditure          (101)           (106)           (305)         
Sale of property and            34              64             107         
Purchase of investment      (7,031)         (7,097)         (10,866)         
Redemption of                2,728           2,476           3,874         
investment securities
Sale of investment           1,351           7,435           9,523         
Net cash                                                                   
(outflow)/inflow from              (3,019)           2,772            2,333
capital expenditure
and financial
Acquisitions and                                                           
Acquisition of            2     38            (48)            (70)         
Acquisition of                   -            (43)            (43)         
Sale of associated               -               7               7         
Sale of other group       3    168             675             690         
Net cash inflow from                                                       
acquisitions and                       206             591              584
Equity dividend paid                 (414)           (359)            (591)
Net cash                             (197)             177              193
 before financing
Issue of loan capital                                                      
and other                                                         
subordinated                   363             903             962
liabilities (net of
of loan capital                  -           (117)           (240)
and other subordinated
Repurchase of ordinary       (168)           (402)           (501)         
Issue of ordinary                                                          
shares (net of                   8               9              43
contribution to the
Net cash inflow from                   203             393              264
Increase in cash          4              6             570              457


1. Reconciliation of operating profit to net operating cashflows

                                   Half-year ended        Full year
                                    30.6.99   30.6.98   31.12.98
                                         #m        #m         #m
    Operating profit                  1,089     1,292      1,898
    Provisions for bad and              320       129        492
    doubtful debts
    Depreciation and amortisation       135       136        270
    Net decrease in accrued                                     
    expenditure                       (312)     (938)      (719)
    and prepayments
    Provisions for contingent                                   
    liabilities and commitments           -         -         76
    Other provisions for                336      (51)         56
    liabilities and charges
    Interest on dated and undated                               
    loan capital and other              127       118        244
    subordinated liabilities
    Associated undertakings -           (5)      (12)       (22)
    profit included
    Increase in shareholders'                                   
    interest in the long-term          (10)      (40)       (95)
    assurance fund
    Profit on                             -       (3)        (3)
    redemption/repurchase of loan
    Net decrease/(increase) in net                              
    interest and commission             561     (432)       (23)
    Net profit on disposal of                                   
    investments  and fixed assets      (30)      (58)      (106)
    Other non-cash movements           (13)        45         53
                                      2,198       186      2,121
    Net change in items in transit                              
    and items in course of            (209)     (519)      (311)
    Net increase/(decrease) in        2,339      (37)    (4,230)
    other credit balances
    Net (increase)/decrease in                                  
    loans and advances to banks    (14,420)  (10,467)      8,652
    and customers
    Net increase/(decrease) in                                  
    deposits and debt securities     18,368    17,705   (14,958)
    in issue
    Net decrease in other assets      1,945     2,637      3,215
    Net (decrease)/increase in                                  
    other debt securities and       (3,528)  (10,320)      3,642
    equity shares
    Net (increase)/decrease in                                  
    treasury                        (3,513)   (1,547)        777
    and other eligible bills
    Other non-cash movements            223     (119)      (245)
    Net cash inflow/(outflow) from                              
    operating  activities             3,403   (2,481)    (1,337)

2. Cash flow in respect of the purchase of subsidiary undertakings during
the period

                                 Half-year ended        Full year
                                    30.6.99   30.6.98   31.12.98
                                        #m       #m        #m
    Cash consideration                  41       52        74
    Cash at bank and in hand          (79)      (4)       (4)
    Net cash (inflow)/outflow in                             
    respect of the purchase of        (38)       48        70
    subsidiary undertakings

3. Sale of subsidiary and associated undertakings
                                 Half-year ended        Full year
                                    30.6.99   30.6.98   31.12.98
                                        #m       #m        #m
    Goodwill written off               138       11        12
    Advances and other accounts      1,520    1,419     1,561
    Deposits and other borrowings  (1,365)    (717)     (829)
    Net assets disposed of             293      713       744
    Net loss on disposal             (119)     (53)      (51)
                                       174      660       693
    Less: Deferred consideration       (6)      (2)       (3)
    Add: Deferred consideration                              
    received in respect of prior         -       17         -
    year disposals
    Settled by net cash received       168      675       690

4. Analysis of cash balances

                 30.6.99  1.1.99   Change   30.6.98   1.1.98   Change
                     #m      #m       #m        #m       #m       #m
    Cash and                                                         
    balances at      780     942    (162)      709      750     (41)
    central bank
    Loans and                                                        
    advances to                                                     
    other banks                                                     
    repayable on   1,310   1,174      136    1,489      908      581
                   2,090   2,116     (26)    2,198    1,658      540

                                      Half-year ended        Full year
                                         30.6.99   30.6.98   31.12.98
                                             #m       #m        #m
    Balance at beginning of               2,116    1,658     1,658
    Net increase in cash before the                               
    effect of exchange rate                   6      570       457
    Effect of exchange rate movements      (32)     (30)         1
                                           (26)      540       458
    Balance at end of period/year         2,090    2,198     2,116

                          US GAAP DATA (UNAUDITED)

The following unaudited financial information has been adjusted from data
prepared under UK GAAP to reflect significant differences from US GAAP.

                                  Half-year ended
                          30.6.99   30.6.99   30.6.98  30.6.98
                               UK        US        UK       US
                             GAAP      GAAP      GAAP     GAAP
                               #m        #m        #m       #m
Profit attributable to                                        
the members of Barclays       696       612       886      936
PLC - Net income
Shareholders' funds         8,218     7,722     7,822    7,484
Total assets              241,265   246,173   248,956  258,984
PER ORDINARY SHARE          pence     Pence     pence    pence
Earnings                     46.2      40.7      58.3     61.6
Diluted Earnings - US           -      40.0         -     60.3
Dividend                     17.5      27.5      15.5     23.5
Net asset value               547       514       519      496
PERFORMANCE RATIOS              %         %         %        %
Net income as a                                               
percentage of
 average total assets         0.6       0.5       0.7      0.7
 average shareholders'       16.8      15.3      22.8     25.2
Dividends as a               37.8      67.7      26.2     38.4
percentage of net income
Average shareholders'                                         
funds as a percentage of      3.6       3.3       3.2      2.9
average total assets


Independent review report to the Board of Directors of Barclays PLC

We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information
set out on pages 7 and 9, 39 to 49 and 52 to 56 and we have read the other
information contained in the interim report for any apparent misstatements
or material inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' responsibilities
The interim report, including the financial information contained therein,
is the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors.  The
Listing Rules of the London Stock Exchange require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be
consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts
except where any changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed
We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board.  A review consists
principally of making enquiries of group management and applying analytical
procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data, and
based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A review
excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of
assets, liabilities and transactions.  It is substantially less in scope
than an audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore
provides a lower level of assurance than an audit.  Accordingly we do not
express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion
On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications
that should be made to the financial information as presented for the six
months ended 30th June 1999.

Chartered Accountants                        4th August 1999
London, England

                              OTHER INFORMATION

Registered office
54 Lombard Street, London, EC3P 3AH, England, United Kingdom.
Tel: 020 7699 5000

Registrar and transfer office
The Registrars to Barclays PLC, PO Box 82, Caxton House, Redcliffe Way,
Bristol, BS99 7NH
Tel: 0117 930 6600

The principal trading market for Barclays PLC ordinary shares is the London
Stock Exchange. Ordinary shares are also listed on the New York Stock
Exchange and the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Trading on the New York Stock
Exchange is in the form of ADSs under the ticker symbol 'BCS'.  Each ADS
represents four #1 ordinary shares and is evidenced by an ADR. The ADR
depositary is Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York.  Details of trading
activity are published in the stock tables of certain daily newspapers in
the United States.
The non-cumulative dollar-denominated preference shares of Barclays Bank PLC
are traded on the New York Stock Exchange in the form of ADSs.  Each series
of preference shares is also listed on the London Stock Exchange.

Filings with the SEC
Statutory accounts for the year ended 31st December 1998, which also include
the joint annual report on Form 20-F of Barclays PLC and Barclays Bank PLC
to the Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States of America,
can be obtained from the Vice President, Corporate Communications, Barclays
Bank PLC, 75 Wall Street, New York, NY 10265 or from the Head of Investor
Relations at Barclays registered office address shown above.

The 1999 interim report including extracts from this announcement will be
posted to shareholders on 16th August 1999 when copies will be available to
the public at Barclays registered office from the Group Secretary.

For further information, please contact:

                           Oliver Stocken
                           Finance Director
                           020 7699 2944 - Direct Line
                           020 7699 5000 - Switchboard

                           Ian Roundell
                           Head of Investor Relations
                           020 7699 2961 - Direct Line

                           Leigh Bruce
                           Director, Corporate Communications
                           020 7699 2658 - Direct Line

                           Maria Darby
                           Director, Group Media Relations
                           020 7699 2970 - Direct Line

More information on Barclays, including the 1999 interim results, can be
found on our website at the following address:



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