Chaarat Gold Holdings Ltd 
                          ("Chaarat" or "the Company") 
                                 DECEMBER 2009 
Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands (20 May 2010) 
Chaarat  Gold Holdings Limited  has today published  its preliminary results for 
the year ended 31 December 2009. 
  * Significant progress on the Prefeasibility Study (PFS) during 2009 - on 
    track for  completion in Q3 2010 
  * PFS findings indicate the potential of implementing an initial high grade, 
    low-cost, open pit mine within the Tulkubash T0700 Project Area 
  * Optimal  processing solution for ore identified 
  * 5,357 metres in 25 drill holes and 206 metres of adits completed during 2009 
  * JORC compliant mineral resource of 4.009 million ounces of gold at a grade 
    of 4.14g/t delineated subsequent to year end 
  * The mineral resource of the contiguous C5300 and C4600 Project Areas in the 
    Contact Zone totals 1.71 million ounces at a grade of 4.19 g/t Au 
  * The mineral resource of the contiguous M2400 and M3000 projects in the Main 
    Zone totals 1.23 million ounces at a grade of 4.18 g/t Au 
  * The mineral resource of the T0700 project area contains 336,000 ounces at a 
    grade of 4.18 g/t Au 
  * 55% of resource now within the indicated category (2008: 49%) 
Chairman's report 
It has been another exciting year for your company.  Much has been achieved; 
drilling has increased our JORC resource to over four million ounces of gold, 
work on the prefeasibility study continues apace and in September we welcomed a 
new shareholder to our register in the form of China Nonferrous Metals 
International Mining Co. Ltd (CNMIM), a member of the China Nonferrous Metals 
Mining Co. Ltd (CNMC) group.  Together with a strong gold price, these factors 
have contributed to an increasingly positive sentiment surrounding Chaarat. 
Having seen our shares trade at depressed levels in late 2008, early in 2009 
management visited Australia and Hong Kong with a view to identifying potential 
interest in Chaarat as well as to investigate the possibility of a complementary 
or alternative quotation for our stock. The Directors believe that Asian markets 
may have a better understanding of Asian regional risk. Mountainous Central Asia 
is where, to use industry parlance, "elephants" are to be discovered. Quoting 
Nick Holland, the CEO of Goldfields: "Kyrgyzstan is the next mining frontier." 
This view seems to be shared by many Asian investors. 
In May 2009 we completed a private placing of 18.6 million shares at 12p per 
share, largely with existing shareholders, for a consideration of  GBP2.2 million. 
Shortly thereafter, in September, a further placing followed at a price of 25p 
per share.  This placing introduced to Chaarat a major Chinese state owned 
enterprise, CNMC.  CNMC, through its subsidiary CNMIM, subscribed for new shares 
which equated to 19.9% of the company and showed its support and belief in 
Chaarat by buying shares at a premium to the market price and placing two high 
ranking officers as directors on our board. 
We are therefore pleased to welcome as directors Mr Luo Tao, President of CNMC, 
and Mr David Tang, President of CNMIM.  The significant financial support of 
CNMC and its experience and contacts in mineral and metals related industries 
will be of considerable value to Chaarat. 
You will see from the Chief Executive's report on operations that the outcome of 
our drilling programme has once again confirmed our optimism about the 
resource.  There has been consistency in both grade and continuity of 
mineralisation in the important Contact Zone which now hosts more than 1.7 
million ounces.  This project remains open at depth and along strike and we are 
very hopeful that it will continue to grow. 
Another encouraging aspect of last year's work has been the identification of 
oxide mineralisation in the Tulkubash Zone.  It is too early to make definitive 
predictions, but if a sufficient tonnage of gold bearing oxides that are 
amenable to a direct leaching process can be amassed, which we believe is 
probable, we should be able to develop a modest sized open pit gold mine in less 
than two years.  Upon validation, the mining of the Tulkubash Zone would become 
the subject of a separate study and we would move straight to the feasibility 
stage on this project. 
Progress on the prefeasibility study covering the mining of the Main and Contact 
Zones has meanwhile moved on according to plan.  Whilst we were hoping to 
complete the study earlier, a decision was made last year to postpone the work 
as new information changed some of our views about geo-technical aspects. 
Given the physical location of our project in the Kyrgyz Republic which borders 
China, and given the respect our Chinese shareholder CNMIM commands both in 
mainland China and Hong Kong, the board is currently assessing  the option of a 
listing on the Hong Kong stock exchange.  The principal reasons for seeking a 
Hong Kong listing would be to  enhance liquidity and to endeavour to have our 
share price better reflect its true value. 
The recent political upheaval in the Kyrgyz Republic has been unhelpful.  Our 
operations have been unaffected even though these events have given rise to 
uncertainty.  So far the interim governing body has been accepted by the 
principal international powers giving grounds for hope in what has been a 
turbulent period for the country.  The interim government appears determined in 
its efforts to achieve democratic elections within six months.  We are hopeful 
that this can be fulfilled. 
The coming year will present us with new challenges relating to the development 
of a four million ounce gold project. We will have to broaden our managerial 
resource from the current very tight team as we move into the development stage. 
We look forward to the completion of the prefeasibility study and moving to the 
next stage which is a definitive feasibility study. 
Christopher Palmer-Tomkinson 
Operations Report 
During 2009, the company continued to move the Chaarat Project from exploration 
to development. Considerable progress has been made on the prefeasibility study 
which is on track for completion during the third quarter of 2010. 
Much of management's time was dedicated to developing a more easterly focus  for 
the company. This takes account not only of the geographical position of our 
deposit, but also the growing Chinese involvement in Central Asia. We are aware 
that securing project finance from western financial institutions remains 
difficult, and realising that most equipment nowadays comes from China, Chaarat 
took a strategic decision to turn east.  We are also of the belief that Asian 
and Australian investors may be more comfortable with an investment in Central 
Asia than European investors.  Visits were made to Australia and Hong Kong and 
it became clear to us that the presence of a credible Chinese investor will be 
of significant strategic value. 
The share register was strengthened in two stages; in April 2009 we raised  GBP2.2 
million, mostly from existing shareholders at a price of 12p. Three months later 
the company announced that China Nonferrous Metals International Mining Co. Ltd 
(a subsidiary of China Nonferrous Metals Mining Co. Ltd) had subscribed for 
19.9% of the company at a price of 25p which was a significant premium to the 
market price. This investment was a strong statement of support and belief in 
Chaarat. Indeed our share price has been boosted by the combination of positive 
exploration news, shareholders' support and an improved understanding of the 
potential of our project. 
The exploration season, which only started after the cash injection from CNMIM, 
was shorter than usual.  However, the work done was very important and resulted 
not only in a larger resource statement but also provided us with a better 
insight and understanding of the deposit and the best way to develop it. 
Main Zone 
The Main Zone currently extends to over 4 km of strike and includes seven bodies 
with a total stated resource of 1.87 million ounces at a grade of 4.15 g/t Au. 
This resource, which is open in all directions, has mostly underground 
potential.  The ability to drill from surface is limited, so the company has 
started to develop an adit to enable it to drill from underground and add 
resource in those areas where it is most beneficial for the mine design. 
Chaarat and its advisors are now working on the conceptual mine design which 
will determine the best location for a production and access adit.  The location 
of the exploration adit has been selected to coincide with the location of the 
production access adit so that the time to production is shortened and the money 
spent on the adit is not wasted. 
Although most of the resource is to be mined by underground methods a 
considerable portion is amenable to open pit mining.  The company's advisors 
have generated a preliminary pit shell and it will now be easier to identify the 
locations where surface drilling will not only increase resource in general, but 
will also contribute to a low cost open pit resource. 
Contact Zone - Growing and consolidating 
The Contact Zone continues to deliver both predictable and encouraging results. 
During the year two more drives, cutting through the zone, were completed from 
the drift which runs along the mineralised body, bringing the total number of 
cross cuts going through the zone to four.  These cross cuts provide invaluable 
information about the mineralised material and the host rock; which allows the 
company to design the mining work with accuracy and confidence. 
The adit was extended southwards and an additional drilling chamber - DC-5 - was 
constructed to allow additional drilling and to increase the strike. 
Significant drilling from DC-3 resulted in strike increases as predicted.  We 
believe that drilling from DC-5 will result in further strike extensions. 
Towards the end of the season the northern-most cross cut was completed and 
provided more comfort that the mineralised zone is consistent, wide and well 
Tulkubash - An independent project? 
The Tulkubash Zone, the least explored and least understood zone, provided us 
with some major positive news this year.  It appears that the mineralisation in 
this zone is somewhat different from the other zones with very low levels of 
silver, arsenic and antimony as well as sulphur.  A number of metallurgical 
tests have indicated that the mineralisation is free milling and thus does not 
require oxidation to retrieve the gold.  This is a significant development as 
the need to oxidise ore adds considerably to the complexity and cost of gold 
Even more exciting is the fact that most of the Tulkubash's current resource can 
be mined by the open pit method which means production costs may be very low. 
The company believes that drilling in the right places, which is what we intend 
to do this season, may significantly increase the resource. 
The company is currently assessing whether it should fast-track the project to 
feasibility study.  It is management's belief that there is potential for having 
a modest production base from Tulkubash in a much shorter time frame than 
originally envisaged. 
Mineral resource 
The mineral resource calculation was prepared again this year by SRK Consulting 
(Johannesburg).  The detailed resource table broken down by projects and 
resource category is below. 
  At 2.0g/t Cut-off|Indicated Resources | Inferred Resources |  Total Resources 
          |        | Mass |Gold | Gold  | Mass |Grade|Content| Mass |Grade|Content 
 Zone     |Sub-Zone|      |Grade|Content|      |     |       |      |     | 
          |        +------+-----+-------+------+-----+-------+------+-----+------- 
          |        |  kt  | g/t |  Koz  |  kt  | g/t |  koz  |  kt  | g/t |  koz 
          | M2400  |2,900 |4.11 |  390  | 800  |3.96 |  106  |3,700 |4.08 |  496 
          | M3000  |3,800 |4.11 |  504  |1,500 |4.57 |  226  |5,300 |4.24 |  730 
          | M3400  |      |     |       |1,000 |4.17 |  134  |1,000 |4.17 |  134 
 Main Zone| M3900  |1,500 |3.76 |  182  | 700  |3.86 |  90   |2,200 |3.79 |  272 
          | M4400  |      |     |       | 300  |3.86 |  41   | 300  |3.86 |  41 
          | M5000  | 100  |5.81 |  13   | 400  |5.20 |  59   | 500  |5.32 |  72 
          | M6000  | 300  |3.88 |  39   | 600  |4.33 |  90   | 900  |4.18 |  129 
 Main Zone Totals  |8,600 |4.05 | 1,127 |5,400 |4.28 |  744  |14,000|4.15 | 1,871 
 /Averages         |      |     |       |      |     |       |      |     | 
          | C4000  | 400  |3.33 |  39   | 500  |3.33 |  55   | 900  |3.33 |  94 
 Contact  +--------+------+-----+-------+------+-----+-------+------+-----+------- 
 Zone     | C4600  | 900  |3.97 |  116  |1,900 |4.16 |  247  |2,800 |4.10 |  363 
          | C5300  |6,700 |4.19 |  906  |3,200 |4.24 |  439  |9,900 |4.21 | 1,345 
 Contact Zone      |8,000 |4.12 | 1,061 |5,600 |4.13 |  741  |13,600|4.13 | 1,802 
 Totals /Averages  |      |     |       |      |     |       |      |     | 
 Tulkubash| T0700  |      |     |       |2,500 |4.18 |  336  |2,500 |4.18 |  336 
  Grand            |16,600|4.09 | 2,188 |13,500|4.20 | 1,821 |30,100|4.14 | 4,009 
 Totals/Averages   |      |     |       |      |     |       |      |     | 
It is worth noting that not only was the resource significantly increased but 
also the portion of the resource in the indicated category has increased from 
49% to 55%. 
The Tulkubash Zone, which is included in its entirety in the inferred category, 
will benefit this coming year from increased drilling activity and we expect a 
significant portion of it to be transferred to the indicated category in the 
next resource update. 
Prefeasibility study 
Towards the end of 2009 it became apparent that the foot and hanging walls are 
more competent as we move south along the Contact Zone.  A decision was taken to 
postpone the mine design as these findings could have led to a change in the 
proposed mining method.  Additional geotechnical work was conducted which 
resulted in a decision to move ahead with the original mining method.  This 
extra work has led to a delay in the original timetable for the mine 
Work on the prefeasibility study is continuing and we expect to report on its 
findings during the third quarter of 2010.  The biggest challenge of this 
project is the mining itself; to define the most effective, productive and low 
cost mining method. Significant effort has been invested into meeting this 
challenge and finding the right solution. 
Following a rigorous sequence of metallurgical trials it became clear that the 
most suitable process for the sulphide segment of the Chaarat ore is pressure 
oxidation (POX).  This process is well established and widely used elsewhere; 
hence we do not anticipate any technical complications. 
SNC Lavalin, a world leader in process engineering, and RDI, a leading Denver 
based metallurgical laboratory, have agreed that the optimal process involves 
flotation  of the ore and pressure oxidation of the float concentrate. Following 
oxidation, the concentrate, together with the tailings from the flotation 
circuit, will be sent to a carbon-in-leach (CIL) circuit for gold extraction. 
The process will provide a significant reduction in both capital and operating 
costs, as well as technical complexity, whilst still subjecting the whole ore to 
CIL high gold recovery. 
An added benefit of this process is a much reduced environmental impact due to 
the fact that most, if not all, the arsenic is expected to be locked in 
non-soluble, non-hazardous compounds following the high pressure oxidation 
SNC and RDI , have also made significant progress on the design of the plant. 
Suitable sites for the tailings dams and process plant and facilities have been 
identified.  Preliminary work has been undertaken to determine the surface and 
underground water regime and the geotechnical properties of the sites in order 
to allow the design of the process and tailings storage facilities. 
An extensive analysis of the best options for road and power has been carried 
out. We have always been of the view that it may be sensible to develop our own 
hydro power station.  However, we are investigating alternative solutions. 
Work is progressing on the access road.  There has been greater focus on the 
accuracy of cost estimates which we are finding are themselves now lower than we 
had thought. There do not seem to be any material impediments to securing 
year-round and easy access to the operations. The total distance between the 
railhead and the property is 190 kilometres. 
Work with the community 
Chaarat continued its work with the local community during 2009 by supporting 
the communities in health education and skill building. The Board resolved early 
in 2010 to establish a not-for-profit organisation which will independently be 
responsible for such activities and which will be able to receive assistance and 
funds not only from Chaarat, but also from other additional parties.  As in 
previous years the company continued to grant study scholarships to students. 
As this report is published, deep into 2010, the work on site has already begun. 
We aim to continue to deliver growth in resource, progress in the project 
development and perhaps most importantly, develop the very dedicated team which 
delivers these results. 
Dekel Golan 
Chief Executive Officer 
Consolidated income statement 
For the years ended 31 December 
                                                            2009          2008 
                                                Note         USD           USD 
Exploration expenses                                 (4,695,271)   (8,244,068) 
Administrative expenses                              (2,430,171)   (2,461,734) 
Administrative expenses- Share options expense          (49,778)     (203,350) 
Administrative expenses- Other operating                (32,205)      (34,998) 
Administrative expenses- Foreign exchange loss         (240,532)     (645,972) 
Operating loss                                       (7,447,957)  (11,590,122) 
Financial income                                          19,048       226,753 
Taxation                                                       -             - 
Loss for the year, attributable to equity 
shareholders of the Parent                           (7,428,909) (11,363,369 ) 
Loss per share (basic and diluted) - USD cents     2     (8.22)c      (15.81)c 
See note 4 for details of the restatement of the share options expense for 2007 
and 2008. 
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
For the years ended 31 December 
                                                            2009         2008 
                                                             USD          USD 
Loss for the period, attributable to shareholders    (7,428,909) (11,363,369) 
of the Parent 
Other comprehensive income: 
Exchange differences on translating foreign            (343,968)    (187,829) 
Income tax relating to components of other                     -            - 
comprehensive income 
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of        (343,968)    (187,829) 
Total comprehensive income for the period            (7,772,877) (11,551,198) 
See note 4 for details of the restatement of the share options expense for 2007 
and 2008. 
Consolidated balance sheet 
At 31 December 
                                              2009         2008         2007 
                                                       Restated     Restated 
                                               USD          USD          USD 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                           60,558       99,473        4,797 
Property, plant and equipment            1,221,765    2,022,414    1,215,273 
Other receivables                                -            -       37,740 
                                         1,282,323    2,121,887    1,257,810 
Current assets 
Inventories                                156,691       59,587      475,846 
Trade and other receivables                418,239      434,610      742,433 
Cash and cash equivalents                6,812,046    1,375,445   13,128,822 
                                         7,386,976    1,869,642   14,347,101 
Assets held for sale                             -       39,562            - 
                                         7,386,976    1,909,204   14,347,101 
Total assets                             8,669,299    4,031,091   15,604,911 
Liabilities and equity 
Equity attributable to shareholders 
Share Capital                            1,129,110      718,834      718,834 
Share premium                           27,499,843   15,665,928   15,665,928 
Other reserves                          13,312,190   13,403,158   13,239,318 
Translation reserve                      (939,856)    (595,888)    (408,059) 
Retained losses                       (32,798,843) (25,510,680) (14,186,821) 
                                         8,202,444    3,681,352   15,029,200 
Current liabilities 
Trade payables                             285,890       69,525      401,253 
Accrued liabilities                        180,965      280,214      174,458 
                                           466,855      349,739      575,711 
Total liabilities and equity             8,669,299    4,031,091   15,604,911 
See note 4 for details of the restatement of the share options expense for 2007 
and 2008. 
Consolidated statement of changes 
in equity 
For the years ended 31 December 
                Share     Share      Retained     Other    Translation 
               capital   premium    losses USD   reserves  reserve USD  Total USD 
                 USD       USD                     USD 
Balance at 
31 December     718,834 15,665,928 (11,995,860) 11,048,357   (408,059)   15,029,200 
Restatement           -          -  (2,190,961)  2,190,961           -            - 
Balance at 
31 December     718,834 15,665,928 (14,186,821) 13,239,318   (408,059)   15,029,200 
Currency              -          -            -          -   (187,829)    (187,829) 
Net income 
recognised            -          -            -          -   (187,829)    (187,829) 
directly in 
Loss for 
the year 
ended                 -          - (11,363,369)          -           - (11,363,369) 
31 December 
income and            -          - (11,363,369)          -   (187,829) (11,551,198) 
expense for 
the year 
options               -          -       39,510   (39,510)           -            - 
options               -          -            -    203,350           -      203,350 
Balance at 
31 December     718,834 15,665,928 (25,510,680) 13,403,158   (595,888)    3,681,352 
Currency              -          -            -          -   (343,968)    (343,968) 
Net income 
recognised            -          -            -          -   (343,968)    (343,968) 
directly in 
Loss for 
the year 
ended                 -          -  (7,428,909)          -           -  (7,428,909) 
31 December 
income and            -          -  (7,428,909)          -   (343,968)  (7,772,877) 
expense for 
the year 
options               -          -      140,746  (189,657)           -     (48,911) 
options               -          -            -     98,689           -       98,689 
Issuance of 
shares for      410,276 12,351,904            -          -           -   12,762,180 
Share issue           -  (517,989)            -          -           -    (517,989) 
Balance at 
31 December   1,129,110 27,499,843 (32,798,843) 13,312,190   (939,856)    8,202,444 
Consolidated cash flow statement 
For the years ended 31 December 
                                                             2009         2008 
                                                              USD          USD 
Operating activities 
Loss for the year before and after tax                (7,428,909) (11,363,369) 
Amortisation expense - intangible assets                   33,929       21,791 
Depreciation expense - property, plant and                654,224      613,029 
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment          37,546       19,701 
Finance income                                           (19,048)    (226,753) 
Share based payments                                       49,778      203,350 
Foreign exchange                                         (64,025)      618,990 
(Increase)/Decrease in inventories                      (106,800)      416,259 
(Increase)/Decrease in accounts receivable               (19,489)      393,189 
Increase/(Decrease) in accounts payable                   117,116    (225,972) 
Net cash flow used in operations                      (6,745,678)  (9,529,785) 
Investing activities 
Purchase of computer software                               (117)    (116,467) 
Purchase of property plant and equipment                 (44,680)  (1,642,604) 
Proceeds from sale of equipment                            42,500       41,885 
Purchase of assets held for sale                                -     (39,562) 
Loans issued                                                    -     (93,316) 
Loans repaid                                               48,557       53,360 
Interest received                                           6,600      219,084 
Net cash used in investing activities                      52,860  (1,577,620) 
Financing activities 
Proceeds from issue of share capital                   12,762,180            - 
Issue costs                                             (517,989)            - 
Net cash from financing activities                     12,244,191            - 
Net change in cash and cash equivalents                 5,551,373 (11,107,405) 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year      1,375,445   13,128,822 
Effect of changes in foreign exchange rates             (114,772)    (645,972) 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year            6,812,046    1,375,445 
1    Preparation of accounts 
The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the 
Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 2009 or 2008.  The 
statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2009 have been finalised on 
the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this 
preliminary announcement. 
The consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2009, the consolidated income 
statement, consolidated statement of changes in equity, consolidated cash flow 
statement and associated notes for the year then ended have been extracted from 
the Group's 2009 annual financial statements upon which the auditors' opinion is 
2    Loss per share 
Loss per share is calculated by reference to the loss for the year of USD 
7,428,909 (2008 restated: USD 11,363,369) and the weighted number of shares in 
issue during the year of 90,367,958 (2008: 71,883,433). There is no dilutive 
effect of share options. 
3    Selected accounting policies 
Basis of preparation of financial statements 
The financial information has been prepared on the historical cost basis and in 
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs and IFRIC 
interpretations) as adopted by the European Union. 
At 31 December 2009, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of USD 6.8 
million and no borrowings. Based on a review of the Company's budgets, and given 
cash flow plans and the flexibility to alter these to suit prevailing 
circumstances, the Board considers this is sufficient to maintain the Company as 
a going concern for a period of over twelve months from the date of signing the 
annual report and accounts. Completion of a feasibility study and bringing the 
project to production will require further funding. 
Basis of consolidation 
Where the Company has the power, either directly or indirectly, to govern the 
financial and operating policies of another entity or business so as to obtain 
benefits from its activities, that entity or business is classified as a 
subsidiary. The consolidated financial statements present the results of the 
Company and its subsidiaries as if they formed a single entity. Intercompany 
transactions and balances between group companies are therefore eliminated in 
full. As permitted by BVI law the Company has not presented its own financial 
The consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 December 2008 
consolidated the results of Chaarat Gold Holdings Limited, Chaarat Gold Limited 
and Chaarat Zaav CJSC for the whole year.  The consolidated income statement for 
the year ended 31 December 2009 consolidated the results of Chaarat Gold 
Holdings Ltd, Chaarat Gold Limited and Chaarat Zaav CJSC for the whole year and 
Chaarat Operating Company GmbH since its registration on 16 March 2009. 
Mining exploration and development costs 
During the exploration phase of operations, all costs are expensed in the Income 
Statement as incurred. 
A subsequent decision to develop a mine property within an area of interest is 
based on the exploration results, an assessment of the commercial viability of 
the property, the availability of financing and the existence of markets for the 
product. Once the decision to proceed to development is made development and 
other expenditures relating to the project are capitalised and carried at cost 
with the intention that these will be depreciated by charges against earnings 
from future mining operations over the relevant life of mine on a unit of 
production basis. 
4    Restatement of Administrative expenses - share options expense 
On revisiting the fair value estimates of the share options management 
identified that the share based payment charges were incorrectly scheduled and 
as a result have reduced the period over which the share based payment is 
charged to be the vesting period attached to options. As a result the years 
ended 31 December 2007 and 2008 have been restated. 
The effect of the restatement is detailed in the table below: 
                                 Original    Restatement        Restated 
                                      USD            USD             USD 
 Income statement 
 Share option charges             163,306      2,191,460       2,354,766 
 Loss per share USD cents          (11.2)          (3.8)          (15.0) 
 Balance sheet 
 Other reserves                11,048,357      2,190,961      13,239,318 
 Retained losses             (11,995,860)    (2,190,961)    (14,186,821) 
 Share option charges             752,345      (548,995)         203,350 
 Loss per share USD cents          (16.6)            0.8          (15.8) 
 Balance sheet 
 Other reserves                11,782,189      1,620,969      13,403,158 
 Retained losses             (23,889,711)    (1,620,969)    (25,510,680) 
5    Timetable and distribution of accounts 
The report and financial statements together with the Notice of AGM and Proxy 
form will be despatched to shareholders on 4 June 2010 and the Annual General 
Meeting will be held at 14:00 on 30 June 2010 at the offices of the Company's 
Nominated Adviser, Westhouse Securities Limited, One Angel Court, London, EC2R 
Additional copies of the Annual Report and Accounts, Notice of AGM and Proxy 
form will be available, free of charge, from Central Asia Services Limited, 6 
Conduit Street, London, W1S 2XE, for a period of 14 days from the date of 
posting and will be made available on the Company's website - www.chaarat.com. 
Chaarat Gold Holdings Ltd 
c/o Central Asia Services Ltd +44 (0) 20 7499 2612 
Dekel Golan                   dekel@chaarat.com <mailto:dekel@chaarat.com> 
Linda Naylor                  linda.naylor@chaarat.com 
Westhouse Securities Limited  +44 (0) 20 7601 6100 
Tim Feather                   tim.feather@westhousesecurities.com 
Richard Baty                  richard.baty@westhousesecurities.com 
Mirabaud Securities LLP       +44 (0) 20 7321 2508 
Rory Scott                    rory.scott@mirabaud.com 
Smith's Corporate Advisory    +44 (0) 20 7239 0140 
Dominic Palmer-Tomkinson      tomkinson@smiths-ca.com 
Conduit PR                    +44 (0) 20 7429 6603 
Jos Simson                    jos@conduitpr.com <mailto:jos@conduitpr.com> 
Emily Fenton                  emily@conduitpr.com <mailto:emily@conduitpr.com> 
Chaarat  is  an  exploration  and  development  company  operating in the Kyrgyz 
Republic  with its  current main  activity being  the development of the Chaarat 
Gold  Project. The Chaarat Gold Project is  situated within the Middle Tien Shan 
Mountains  of Kyrgyzstan which form part of the Tien Shan gold belt. The Company 
has  thus far  delineated a  JORC compliant  mineral resource  of 4.009 Moz at a 
grade  of 4.14 g/t gold. A scoping study demonstrating the economic viability of 
the  Chaarat  Gold  Project  was  completed  at  the end of 2008. The Company is 
currently  in  the  process  of  compiling  a  pre-feasibility  study. Chaarat's 
objective  is to become a low cost gold producer targeting an initial production 
of over 200,000 ounces per annum by early 2013. 
This  press  release  includes  forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking 
statements  involve known and  unknown risks, uncertainties  and other important 
factors   beyond   Chaarat's  control  that  would  cause  the  actual  results, 
performance  or achievements of  Chaarat to be  materially different from future 
results,   performance   or   achievements   expressed   or   implied   by  such 
forward-looking   statements.  Such  forward-looking  statements  are  based  on 
numerous  assumptions regarding Chaarat's present and future business strategies 
and   the  environment  in  which  Chaarat  will  operate  in  the  future.  Any 
forward-looking  statements speak only as at the date of this document.  Chaarat 
expressly  disclaims any obligation or undertaking to disseminate any updates or 
revisions  to  any  forward-looking  statements  contained  in  this document to 
reflect  any change in Chaarat's expectations with regard to these or any change 
in  events, conditions or circumstances on  which any such statements are based. 
As  a  result  of  these  factors,  the  events described in the forward-looking 
statements in this press release may not occur either partially or at all. 

Chaarat Gold (LSE:CGH)
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De Jun 2024 até Jul 2024 Click aqui para mais gráficos Chaarat Gold.
Chaarat Gold (LSE:CGH)
Gráfico Histórico do Ativo
De Jul 2023 até Jul 2024 Click aqui para mais gráficos Chaarat Gold.