Chaarat Gold Holdings Limited 
                          ("Chaarat" or "the Company") 
Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands (27 September 2011) 
  * Progress in exploration  and implementation of the Tulkubash project 
    throughout the period 
  * Work commenced on access road and power line 
  * Initial start up phases delineated: targeted production late 2012 early 
    2013 dependent on seasonal considerations 
Dekel Golan, Chief Executive of Chaarat, commented: 
"The Company has sustained progress with both exploration and on planning and 
initiating the infrastructure for the mining operation; the proceeds of the 
placing completed in February are starting to be deployed, whilst our resource 
base continues to grow as expected. 
"As we make the preparations for production, a particularly pleasing feature of 
our exploration programme is the increasing predictability of the resource and 
the continued high grades delineated." 
For further information about the Company please contact: 
 Chaarat Gold Holdings Limited       +44 (0) 20 7499 2612 
 c/o Central Asia Services Limited   dekel@chaarat.com 
 Dekel Golan   CEO                   linda.naylor@chaarat.com 
 Linda Naylor  FD 
 Westhouse Securities Limited        +44 (0) 20 7601 6100 
 Tom Price                           tom.price@westhousesecurities.com 
 Richard Baty                        richard.baty@westhousesecurities.com 
 Bankside Consultants                +44 (0) 20 7367 8888 
 Simon Rothschild                    simon.rothschild@bankside.com 
About Chaarat Gold 
Chaarat Gold is an exploration and development company operating in the Kyrgyz 
Republic.  The Company's main activity is the development of the Kiziltash 
Project (comprising the Contact Project and the Main Zone) and the Tulkubash 
project situated within the Middle Tien Shan Mountains of Kyrgyzstan, which form 
part of the Tien Shan gold belt.  The Company has delineated a JORC compliant 
mineral resource of 4.736Moz at a grade of 4.28g/t gold across both projects. 
 Chaarat's key objective is to become a low cost gold producer; with initial 
production from the Tulkubash project, targeting combined annual production of 
over 200,000 ounces per annum as the Kiziltash Project comes on stream. 
This press release includes forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking 
statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important 
factors beyond Chaarat's control that would cause the actual results, 
performance or achievements of Chaarat to be materially different from future 
results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward- 
looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on numerous 
assumptions regarding Chaarat's present and future business strategies and the 
environment in which Chaarat will operate in the future. Any forward-looking 
statements speak only as at the date of this document.  Chaarat expressly 
disclaims any obligation or undertaking to disseminate any updates or revisions 
to any forward-looking statements contained in this document to reflect any 
change in Chaarat's expectations with regard to these or any change in events, 
conditions or circumstances on which any such statements are based. As a result 
of these factors, the events described in the forward-looking statements in this 
press release may not occur either partially or at all. 
Operational Review 
During the period the Company has started  the implementation of the Tulkubash 
project, the first part of the Chaarat project to be brought into production, 
and continued its exploration activities elsewhere on both the Chaarat project 
and on other projects within its portfolio of assets. The early stages of the 
implementation of the Tulkubash project have primarily involved  the 
organisation and infrastructure aspects, such as the negotiation and signing of 
contracts for the access road, power line and work camps. 
Infill drilling at the Tulkubash open pit section has continued in order to 
provide further data for the preparation of a detailed mining plan and to enable 
the inclusion in our resources of lower grade ore at between 1 and 2 g/t.  This 
change to the cut off grade will increase the open pit resource of the Central 
Tulkubash Zone significantly as well as reducing the strip ratio. The inclusion 
of recent drill results in the resource estimate and refining the pit design 
should improve the economics of the project by further reducing the strip ratio 
and improving grade. An updated resource estimate will be announced as soon as 
is practicable. Encouraging exploration results from the deeper underground 
zones confirm that  underground mining will take precedence over open pit 
operations in mine planning. 
The Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management ("EPCM") phase of the 
Tulkubash project implementation is well underway. The Company will manage the 
project. Progress with permitting, engineering and construction is described 
below. The Company is actively recruiting to fill a few key positions as it 
prepares to become fully operational. 
Although the political climate in the country is somewhat tense at present with 
the presidential election expected in late October, overall Chaarat has operated 
normally over the period and our relationships with the authorities have 
remained positive. 
Progress and Strategy 
The six month period since the completion of the  GBP51.6 million fund raising, 
announced in February 2011, has been dedicated to completing and refining the 
project scope and establishing  the foundations on which a successful mine can 
be built and operated. 
Work has focused on seven areas: 
 1. Project scope and configuration definition - important modifications to the 
    project configuration have been identified and made. 
 2. Permitting - a permitting strategy has been initiated and implemented to 
    ensure both the development of the oxide portion of the deposit (Tulkubash) 
    as well as continuing the exploration of the sulphide section of the Chaarat 
    target area (Kiziltash). 
 3. Engineering - the project configuration and Front End Engineering Design has 
    been completed to facilitate the tender for the detailed engineering of the 
    process plant and other elements of the project (tailings facility, waste 
    dump site etc.) scheduled to take place in 2012. 
 4. Geology - our knowledge and understanding of the oxide section has been 
    improved and this will help to achieve an increase in the open-pit oxide 
 5. Construction - infrastructure elements have been developed; primarily road 
    improvement, power line construction and building of work camps for our 
 6. Development of operational plans and procedures are being implemented ready 
    for the take over from the project construction team. 
 7. Organisation - the necessary support functions such as HSE, logistics and 
    compliance processes are being established. The HR needs of the company have 
    been identified and a strategy developed to ensure they are met. 
Additional exploration activity has also been undertaken at our other 
properties, Mironovskoye, Chontash and Kyzil Ompul, although the Company's 
current focus is firmly on the Chaarat project. 
Project Scope and configuration 
The original strategy was to build a small scale 700-1,000 tonnes per day (tpd) 
modular plant which would later be replaced by a larger plant with two 2,500 tpd 
lines to be built in two stages. 
Engineering and financial analysis has highlighted operational improvements 
which management believe could have distinct financial and operational 
advantages.  It is now envisaged that the first 2,500 tpd line will be built in 
the final location but certain aspects of the line will initially be scaled 
down.  The same elements can later be expanded with minimal cost and 
interruption to activity so as to enable the full 2,500 tpd capacity.  Although 
the plant will cost slightly more than the modular plant originally planned, it 
will provide greater expansion flexibility and, management believes, prove more 
economical in the long run. 
The current plan is to build the plant in the following phases: 
Phase 1 (2,500t Run Of Mine (ROM)/day) - As originally envisaged, this involves 
a simple flow-sheet with crushing, grinding and carbon-in-leach, which has a low 
 capital cost, is simple to design, construct and operate. A flotation 
concentrator is added to allow for separate cyanidation of concentrate and 
flotation tailings. The flow-sheet is flexible for the varied pyrite content in 
the feed ore and able to achieve high recoveries on Tulkubash ores. 
Further analysis has led to the definition of "Start-up Phase-1" for the 
Tulkubash which will use the original flow-sheet described above, but with 
capacity reduced to 1,000 tpd. The major cost saving items are the permanent 
crushing circuit and the aerial rope way which are to be delayed until the mine 
capacity is increased to 2,500 tpd which will be referred to as "Final Phase-1". 
Phase 2 (2,500t ROM/day) - This comprises a complete single train refractory 
gold treatment plant with crushing, milling, pressure oxidation, slurry wash and 
carbon-in-leach circuit. The Phase 2 flow-sheet is similar to the final flow- 
sheet but with only one mill and autoclave. 
Phase 3 (2,500 - 4,000t ROM/day) - An additional mill is installed which 
increases the potential plant feed to 5,000t ROM/day. The flotation concentrator 
is re-commissioned and some of the plant feed is beneficiated in this phase to 
allow for the operation of the single autoclave. This flow-sheet has maximum 
flexibility with high recoveries at low throughputs and the ability to increase 
throughput as the mining is developed. Recoveries will be lower at the higher 
Phase 4 (5,000t ROM/day) - The final plant with two autoclaves, able to treat 
the total 5,000t ROM/day and achieving the maximum gold recovery. 
Permitting and Engineering 
The infrastructure will be used for the whole project so our permitting strategy 
is to seek permits both for the Kiziltash, the large exploration project on the 
rest of the Chaarat target area, as well as the Tulkubash project. The required 
permits have been issued and the work on the infrastructure projects has begun 
as described below. 
In order to fast track the development at Tulkubash, the smaller first phase 
project, we are in the process of filing for the mining permit which we expect 
to be granted early next year. Based on our recent application experience, we 
have no reason to believe that the granting of this permit will pose any serious 
A total of 18,961 metres were drilled during the first half of the year, mostly 
in the Tulkubash project, and in the deeper zones of the Contact Project (CP) 
5,516 metres were drilled to the end of August. 
Our understanding of the geology of the Tulkubash project has improved 
considerably, and we await the preparation of a formal independent 
resource/reserve calculation by our advisers.  Since most of the lower grade 
material will need to be mined in order to develop the open pit, work undertaken 
suggests that it will be more economic to process rather than discard this lower 
grade material. The Company is considering the option of stockpiling the lower 
grade ore (between 1g/t-2g/t) to ensure that the cash flow from initial 
production will be maximised. 
The results of drilling along strike in the north and south sections are 
encouraging. We are in the early stages of investigating whether it is possible 
that the lower strip ratio sections of the pit can be extended on strike, thus 
improving the economics of the operation significantly. 
We have continued to drill the deeper parts of the deposit in the CP and initial 
indications are that there is a correlation between the widening of the ore body 
and higher grade. The result is more ounces per vertical metre in this body, 
which is still open on strike, both towards the north and south as well as down 
dip.  The continuity, predictability and consistent grade of this deposit 
underline our belief that this is a world class ore body. 
Our strategy has been to achieve as much as possible on the infrastructure front 
in 2011, leaving us to complete the construction of the specific elements such 
as process plant, workshops etc. next season. 
Work on the two major infrastructure items has begun. Road construction 
commenced in June.  We are concentrating on the more complex areas for road 
construction, as well as the critical areas which need to be completed first, in 
order to ensure easier logistics for next year. Currently two contractors are 
working on the road and a third may be added in due course. 
The power line project has been given to a large Kazakh company (ASPMK-519) and 
is progressing as expected. 
Additional preliminary works including the start of earthworks in the plant area 
and the construction of two camps (miners' camp and plant camp) are also 
underway. Work on the former has started, whereas the latter is due to be built 
next year. 
Orders for long lead items such as the mill are to be placed in the near future 
in order to minimise the potential for delays. 
The mining and operations team is being recruited, training plans are being 
drawn up and implemented, mining equipment is being sourced and plans and 
procedures are being established. 
As operations will begin with the Tulkubash open pit, production can be ramped 
up with a relatively small work force and a simple operation. 
The various support functions, such as logistics and procurement, are being 
strengthened and expanded. The finance function is preparing for the significant 
shift from being an exploration company to a mine builder and producer. The 
buildup of staff and systems is progressing satisfactorily, albeit more slowly 
than we would have liked. 
Financial Results 
As expected, the loss for the period at US$7,665,382 reflects the increased 
expenditure on operations in particular on the drilling activity on site, where 
12 drill rigs are in operation, 2 underground and 10 on surface. 
Other assets 
In addition to the Chaarat project, the Company progressed work on its other 
exploration assets acquired last year. Drilling was carried out in the Tunduk 
section of the Kyzil Ompul licence area. Geophysical work was done in Chontash 
to identify the best location for additional drilling in this promising 
property.  A local company has been retained to conduct a Feasibility Study on 
Mironovskoye in order to facilitate the sale or introduction of a partner to 
this project. With copper and gold prices at historic highs this "ready to mine" 
deposit is attractive to prospective partners. 
The Company has made good progress in the period, both on exploration and 
planning as well as initiating the infrastructure for first production at the 
Chaarat project. The proceeds of the placing completed in March are being 
deployed, whilst our resource base continues to grow as expected. 
As we prepare for production, a particularly pleasing feature of our exploration 
programme is the increasing predictability of the resource and the continued 
high grades delineated. 
Dekel Golan 
Chief Executive Officer 
Consolidated income statement 
For the six months ended 30 June 
                                          6 months to   6 months to 12 months to 
                                              30 June       30 June  31 December 
                                                 2011          2010         2010 
                                        (unaudited)   (unaudited)      (audited) 
                                   Note           USD           USD          USD 
Exploration expenses                      (5,158,736)   (2,519,529)  (7,242,318) 
Administrative expenses                   (2,427,264)   (1,558,026)  (3,432,711) 
Administrative expenses - Share    5        (488,062)     (221,594)    (588,587) 
options expense 
Administrative expenses - Other             (179,171)      (11,673)     (18,514) 
Administrative expenses - Foreign           (219,044)      (61,935)    (168,336) 
exchange  loss 
Operating loss                            (8,472,277)   (4,372,757) (11,450,466) 
Financial income                              806,895         8,270       14,363 
Loss for the period, attributable         (7,665,382)   (4,364,487) (11,436,103) 
to equity shareholders of the 
Loss per share (basic and diluted) 2          (3.38)c       (3.87)c      (9.12)c 
- USD cents 
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
For the six months ended 30 June 
                                          6 months to   6 months to 12 months to 
                                              30 June       30 June  31 December 
                                                 2011          2010         2010 
                                        (unaudited)   (unaudited)      (audited) 
                                                  USD           USD          USD 
Loss for the period, attributable to      (7,665,382)   (4,364,487) (11,436,103) 
equity shareholders of the parent 
Other comprehensive income: 
Exchange differences on translating          (22,869)     (102,621)    (143,478) 
foreign operations 
Total comprehensive loss for the          (7,688,251)   (4,467,108) (11,579,581) 
period attributable to equity 
shareholders of the parent 
Consolidated balance sheet 
At 30 June 
                                            30 June       30 June  31 December 
                                               2011          2010         2010 
                                      (unaudited)   (unaudited)      (audited) 
                                                USD           USD          USD 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                            11,658        30,010       20,082 
Mining exploration assets                 8,349,367             -    8,349,367 
Property, plant and equipment             1,291,003       720,759      596,502 
Other receivables                           359,989             -       50,456 
                                         10,012,017       750,769    9,016,407 
Current assets 
Inventories                                 594,102       146,430      150,035 
Trade and other receivables               2,088,481       903,874    1,619,590 
Cash and cash equivalents                82,432,362     3,007,319   10,124,977 
                                         85,114,945     4,057,623   11,894,602 
Total assets                             95,126,962     4,808,392   20,911,009 
Equity and liabilities 
Equity attributable to shareholders 
Share capital                             2,503,562     1,129,110    1,470,339 
Share premium                           128,501,973    27,499,843   48,949,592 
Other reserves                           14,196,746    13,529,935   13,839,590 
Translation reserve                     (1,106,203)   (1,042,477)  (1,083,334) 
Accumulated  losses                    (51,708,236)  (37,159,481) (44,173,760) 
                                         92,387,842     3,956,930   19,002,427 
Non- current liabilities 
      Deferred tax                          487,000             -      487,000 
                                            487,000                    487,000 
Current liabilities 
Trade payables                            1,431,876       527,360      646,788 
Accrued liabilities                         820,244       324,102      774,794 
                                          2,252,120       851,462    1,421,582 
Total liabilities                         2,739,120       851,462    1,908,582 
Total liabilities and equity             95,126,962     4,808,392   20,911,009 
Consolidated statement of changes in equity 
For the six months ended 30 June 
                    Share       Share  Accumulated      Other Translation       Total 
                  capital     premium       losses   reserves     reserve         USD 
                      USD         USD          USD        USD         USD 
Balance at      1,129,110  27,499,843 (32,798,843) 13,312,190   (939,856)   8,202,444 
31 December 
Currency                -           -            -          -   (102,621)   (102,621) 
Net income              -           -            -          -   (102,621)   (102,621) 
directly in 
Loss for the            -           -  (4,364,487)          -           - (4,364,487) 
six months 
30 June 2010 
Total                   -           -  (4,364,487)          -   (102,621) (4,467,108) 
income  for 
the six 
Share options           -           -        3,849    (3,849)           -           - 
Share options           -           -                 221,594           -     221,594 
Balance at      1,129,110  27,499,843 (37,159,481) 13,529,935 (1,042,477)   3,956,930 
30 June 2010 
Currency                -           -            -          -    (40,857)    (40,857) 
Net income              -           -            -          -    (40,857)    (40,857) 
directly in 
Loss for the            -           -  (7,071,616)          -           - (7,071,616) 
six months 
31 December 
Total                   -           -  (7,071,616)          -    (40,857) (7,112,473) 
income  for 
the six 
Share options           -           -       57,337   (57,337)           -           - 
Share options           -           -            -    366,992           -     366,992 
Issuance of       119,282   7,500,134                                       7,619,416 
shares for 
Issuance of       221,947  14,386,364            -          -           -  14,608,311 
shares for 
Share issue             -   (436,749)            -          -           -   (436,749) 
Balance at      1,470,339  48,949,592 (44,173,760) 13,839,590 (1,083,334)  19,002,427 
31 December 
Currency                -           -            -          -    (22,869)    (22,869) 
Net income              -           -            -          -    (22,869)    (22,869) 
directly in 
Loss for the            -           -  (7,665,382)          -           - (7,665,382) 
six months 
30 June 2011 
Total                   -           -  (7,665,382)          -    (22,869) (7,688,251) 
income  for 
the six 
Share options           -           -      130,906  (130,906)           -           - 
Share options           -           -            -    488,062           -     488,062 
Issuance of     1,033,223  82,986,647            -          -           -  84,019,870 
shares for 
Share issue             - (3,434,266)            -          -           - (3,434,266) 
Balance at      2,503,562 128,501,973 (51,708,236) 14,196,746 (1,106,203)  92,387,842 
30 June 2011 
Consolidated cash flow statement 
For the 6 months ended 30 June 
                                          6 months to   6 months to 12 months to 
                                              30 June       30 June  31 December 
                                                 2011          2010         2010 
                                        (unaudited)   (unaudited)      (audited) 
                                                                USD          USD 
Operating activities 
Loss for the period                       (7,665,382)   (4,364,487) (11,436,103) 
Amortisation expense - intangible              12,292        13,107       25,520 
Depreciation expense - property,              227,399       312,944      490,024 
plant and equipment 
(Profit)/loss on disposal of                (218,606)         3,052        5,094 
property, plant and equipment 
Finance income                               (20,050)       (8,270)     (14,363) 
Share based payments                          488,062       221,594      588,587 
Foreign exchange (gains)/losses             (219,044)         2,909     (42,590) 
(Increase)/Decrease in inventories          (444,067)        10,261        8,553 
(Increase)/Decrease in accounts             (468,891)     (294,386)  (1,080,142) 
Increase in accounts payable                  343,538       380,200      688,041 
Net cash flow used in operations          (7,964,749)   (3,723,076) (10,767,379) 
Investing activities 
Purchase of computer software                 (8,953)             -      (3,664) 
Purchase of property, plant and           (1,099,976)      (40,299)     (98,445) 
Acquisition of subsidiary (net of                   -             -        5,865 
cash acquired) 
Proceeds from sale of equipment               389,090             -            - 
Loans repaid                                        -         4,407        4,407 
Interest received                             276,710         8,270       14,363 
Net cash used in investing activities       (443,129)      (27,622)     (77,474) 
Financing activities 
Proceeds from issue of share capital       84,019,870             -   14,608,310 
Issue costs                               (3,434,266)             -    (436,749) 
Net cash from financing activities         80,585,604             -   14,171,561 
Net change in cash and cash                72,177,726   (3,750,698)    3,326,708 
Cash and cash equivalents at               10,124,977     6,812,046    6,812,046 
beginning of the period 
Effect of changes in foreign exchange         129,659      (54,029)     (13,777) 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of        82,432,362     3,007,319   10,124,977 
the period 
Notes to the financial statements 
1   Dividend 
No dividend is proposed in respect of the period. 
2  Loss per share 
The loss per share is calculated by reference to the loss of USD 7,665,382 for 
the six months ended 30 June 2011 and the weighted average number of shares in 
issue of 226,931,389 during the period. There is no dilutive effect of share 
3   Basis of preparation of financial statements 
The unaudited results have been prepared on a going concern basis and on the 
basis of the accounting policies adopted in the audited accounts for the year 
ended 31 December 2010. The results for the period are derived from continuing 
The financial information set out in this half-yearly report does not constitute 
statutory accounts. The figures for the period ended 31 December 2010 have been 
extracted from the statutory financial statements, prepared under IFRS, which 
are available on the Group's website www.chaarat.com. The auditor's report on 
those financial statements was unqualified. 
4   Mining exploration and development costs 
During the exploration phase of operations, all costs are expensed in the Income 
Statement as incurred. 
A subsequent decision to develop a mine property within an area of interest is 
based on the exploration results, an assessment of the commercial viability of 
the property, the availability of financing and the existence of markets for the 
product. Once the decision to proceed to development is made, exploration, 
development and other expenditures relating to the project are capitalised and 
carried at cost with the intention that these will be depreciated by charges 
against earnings from future mining operations over the relevant life of mine on 
a unit of production basis. 
5   Intangible assets - acquired mining exploration assets 
Mining exploration assets acquired on the acquisition of subsidiaries are 
carried in the balance sheet at their fair value at the date of acquisition less 
any impairment losses, pending determination of technical feasibility and 
commercial viability of those projects. 
When such a project is deemed to no longer have technical or commercially viable 
prospects to the Group, acquired mining exploration costs in respect of that 
project are deemed to be impaired and written off to the statement of total 
comprehensive income. 
Subsequent mining exploration costs incurred on those projects are expensed in 
accordance with the Group's accounting policy below. 
6   Share options 
During the period the Company issued the following share options: 
| Exercise price | Number    | Date     | 
|  GBP0.70- GBP1.50    | 5,400,000 | 07/03/11 | 
|  GBP1.00          | 400,000   | 10/03/11 | 
|  GBP0.70- GBP1.50    | 2,700,000 | 21/03/11 | 
|  GBP0.60- GBP1.00    | 100,000   | 04/04/11 | 
|  GBP0.60- GBP1.00    | 100,000   | 18/04/11 | 
|                | 8,700,000 |          | 
The total number of share options outstanding was: 
 At 31 December 2010   11,125,253 
 Awarded               8,700,000 
 Lapsed in period      (734,757) 
 Exercised in period   (26,000) 
 At 30 June 2011       19,064,496 
An amount of USD 488,062 was recognised as share based payment expense during 
the six month period ended 30 June 2011 (six months ended 30 June 2010: USD 
221,594; 12 months ended 31 December 2010: USD 588,587). 
7   Post Balance Sheet Events 
As a result of the exercise of share options 127,500 ordinary shares were issued 
and admitted to AIM on 26 July 2011. 
Directors and Advisers 
 C Palmer-Tomkinson   Non-Executive Chairman 
 L Tao                Non-Executive Deputy Chairman 
 D Golan              Chief Executive Officer 
 A Novak              Executive Director 
 L Naylor             Finance Director 
 R Weinberg           Non-Executive Director 
 D Tang               Non-Executive Director 
Company Secretary              Auditors                Solicitors (UK) 
Linda Naylor                   PKF (UK) LLP            Watson, Farley & Williams 
c/o Central Asia Services      Farringdon Place        15 Appold Street 
6 Conduit Street               20 Farringdon Road      London EC2A 2HB 
London W1S 2XE                 London EC1M 3AP 
                                                       Maclay Murray & Spens LLP 
T. +44 20 7499 2612            Registrars              One London Wall 
E. admin@caserve.co.uk         Capita Registrars       London EC2Y 5AB 
                               (Guernsey) Ltd 
                               Longue Hougue House 
Registered Office              St Sampson              Solicitors (Kyrgyz 
Palm Grove House               Guernsey GY1 4JN        Kalikova & Associates 
PO Box 438                                             71 Erkindik Boulevard 
Road Town, Tortola             Depositary              Bishkek, 720040 
British Virgin Islands, VG1110 Capita IRG Trustees     Kyrgyz Republic 
Registered Number 1420336      The Registry 
                               34 Beckenham Road       Solicitors (Switzerland) 
Kyrgyz Republic Office         Beckenham               Pestalozzi Attorneys At 
                                                       Law Ltd. 
Chaarat Zaav CJSC              Kent BR3 4TU            Lowenstrasse 1 
15th floor 19 Razzakov Street                          8001 Zurich 
720040 Bishkek                 Principal Bankers       Switzerland 
Kyrgyz Republic                Royal Bank of Scotland 
                               Royal Bank Place        Web Site 
Investor Relations             1 Glategny Esplanade    www.chaarat.com 
Smith`s Corporate Advisory Ltd St Peter Port 
One Angel Court                Guernsey GY1 4BQ 
London EC2R 7HJ 
                               Nominated Advisor and 
Financial Public Relations     Westhouse Securities 
Bankside                       One Angel Court 
1 Frederick's Place            London EC2R 7HJ 
London EC2R 8AE 
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Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Chaarat Gold Holdings Ltd via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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