RNS Number:8677V
Henderson Technology Trust PLC
15 December 2000

                        HENDERSON TECHNOLOGY TRUST PLC

                 Unaudited Interim Results for the six months

                            ended 31 October 2000

  * HTT's net assets drop by 2.3% to #653m.

  * Technology shares suffered a difficult half year with our global
    benchmark down 9.9% in sterling terms.
  * Slowing global economic expansion implies a more moderate rate of growth
    for technology spending.
  * November's collapse in technology share prices led us to reinvest some
    of our cash to, in particular, the US market.
  * Short-term earnings visibility remains poor but the longer term
    prospects are more positive.

Chairman's Statement

The Company had a difficult half-year. Although our assets markedly
out-performed the relevant technology benchmarks, we suffered a fall of 2.3%
in total net assets to 386.6p per share. At 31 October, the Company's net
assets amounted to #653m; this compares with a peak of over #830m in March.
The period since our half year end has seen a severe sell off in technology
shares around the world with our assets at one stage falling to #500m before

Technology shares have fallen sharply from their early spring peaks. The
declines have been most marked in Asia and Europe but North America has also
been hard hit. After the spectacular but increasingly speculative gains of the
preceding sixteen months, a retracement was inevitable and the question has
simply been the extent to which those earlier profits were lost. At our year
end in April, we emphasised that one of the reasons behind our relative
caution towards the sector was the still enormous profits on which investors
in technology companies were sitting. Usually, sustainable uptrends in
technology shares do not commence before the gains of the previous year have
been completely obliterated. In spite of the substantial falls endured over
recent months, most technology indices were, at 31 October, some 20-40% above
their levels of twelve months previously.

While technology shares have been in dishevelled retreat over the period, the
FTSE World Index rose by 2.6% in sterling terms. Most stock markets have
struggled to develop any positive momentum. With the global economy slowing,
concerns have mounted about the risk of a "hard-landing" and the pace of
corporate earnings growth is clearly decelerating. The sharp rise in oil
prices together with the continuing weakness in the Euro have further
undermined investor sentiment. Only sterling's weakness against the dollar
converted negative returns in most equity markets to a positive outcome for
the World Index. However, value investors who have for so long endured the
shade, enjoyed their best half year for some considerable time.



                        HENDERSON TECHNOLOGY TRUST PLC

                 Unaudited Interim Results for the six months

                            ended 31 October 2000

What began as a valuation based correction in the technology sector has, over
the past quarter, evolved into a more fundamentally driven decline. The
slowdown in the global economy is one factor acting to constrain growth in
technology spending but there are also a number of industry-specific issues.
First, the collapse in "dot com" share prices has led not only to the demise
of their spending plans but may also have reduced the pressure felt by more
traditional businesses to increase their e-commerce expenditure. Certainly the
half year was marked not only by the continuing free fall of "dot com" share
prices but also by a wave of earnings warnings.

Secondly, the unusually tight conditions in the components market earlier this
year resulted in an inventory mix problem for a number of the systems vendors.
This in turn led to some order cancellations. The combination of a slowdown in
overall demand and continuing weakness in PC sales has forced component makers
to review their capital spending plans. Consequently, the share prices of
semiconductor equipment producers have, in many cases, halved and the Asian
technology sector, which is particularly exposed to the PC and component
cycles has fallen sharply.

The communications sector has, over the last few years, been a particularly
important driver for technology spending. However, here too there are a
growing number of issues. The capital markets have become increasingly
reluctant to finance the huge cash requirements of both new and traditional
operators. Consequently, we have seen the first bankruptcies in this area and
increasing evidence of balance sheet strain across the carrier industry. Some
knock-on effect onto systems and component suppliers is inevitable and share
prices in these sectors have begun to reflect the stock market's nervousness
about the likelihood of some interruption to these companies' growth records.

Over the space of six months, we have moved from an environment in which
investors believed the opportunities to be boundless and growth guaranteed to
one where the market is reluctant to take anything on trust and is
increasingly focused on downside risk. During the half year, technology
markets throughout the world were savaged. By the end of October only a few
groups had escaped relatively unscathed - storage, a few e:business software
vendors, processing services and health care. Of these health care, and within
it, biotechnology, were the outstanding performers with the ASE Biotechnology
Index rising by 45% over the period.

Our performance over the half year benefited from the decision taken in the
spring to increase our US weighting at the expense of Europe and Asia, and to
focus within the USA on the fastest growing companies. Both Europe and Asia
underperformed the USA with the worst damage sustained by Japan's JASDAQ Index
(down 37%) and by the Neuer Markt (down 31%). Almost all our best performing
shares were in North America where companies such as Siebel, I2, Ariba and
Juniper all delivered the extraordinary earnings growth necessary to support
and even enhance their valuations.



                        HENDERSON TECHNOLOGY TRUST PLC

                 Unaudited Interim Results for the six months

                            ended 31 October 2000

Most of the cash that we raised in March and April was reinvested into the USA
by the end of May and, for a period over the summer, we maintained a modest
level of gearing. However, in view of the growing evidence of a fundamental
deterioration in demand, we abandoned our original intention of gearing the
portfolio further as we entered the fourth quarter and, instead, began to
raise some cash in September and October. We significantly added to that
liquidity in the first few days of November.


Market conditions remain unsettled. With the recent tightening in liquidity,
the global economy has clearly slowed. Corporate earnings growth has
decelerated and the incidence of earnings disappointments has markedly
increased. November witnessed a widespread collapse in technology and
telecommunications shares in every major market with falls of 25% and more
commonplace. Investor sentiment has deteriorated to the point of despair and
valuations for even the fastest growing companies have retreated to more
accessible levels. Uncertainty over the outcome of the US Presidential
Election has further added to the market's woes. For the first time in a year,
all our short-term indicators have turned positive and, while the outlook
remains cloudy, we decided, in the first few days of December, to recommit
some of the cash raised over the last few months.

We expect the news flow from the technology sector to remain negative over the
next three to four months and we may need to wait until the second half of
2001 before the sector's fundamentals begin to improve again. By then interest
rates should have fallen, the inventory correction in the semiconductor market
should be over and the funding issues in the telecommunications industry may
be closer to resolution. Between now and then investors expectations regarding
the sustainable growth rate of the technology industry need to be moderated to
more realistic levels. Although the medium term prospects for the industry
remain very encouraging, we are in a transitional period for growth rates, one
that has inevitably been associated with considerable downward pressure on
valuations. As investors begin to look though this transitional period, the
sector should begin to recover driven by its still unmatched capacity to
generate superior earnings growth.

Change in Management Company

On 25 September 2000 we announced that Brian Ashford-Russell and Tim Woolley,
our principal fund managers, had given notice to resign as employees of
Henderson Global Investors Limited, our management company. Messrs
Ashford-Russell and Woolley intend to form their own investment management
company, Polar Capital Partners. The Management Engagement Committee of our
Board, made up of the independent directors, indicated that it wished to
retain the services of Messrs Ashford-Russell and Woolley as our fund managers
and received confirmation from them that they would be willing for Polar
Capital Partners to become our investment manager once it had been established
and authorised under the Financial Services Act.

Brian Ashford-Russell and Tim Woolley, joined also by David Magliocco from
Henderson Global Investors, have now formed Polar Capital Partners and on 18
October 2000 it was announced that Caledonia Investments plc, the diversified
trading and investment company, had reached agreement in principle to become a
20% shareholder in Polar Capital Partners.



                        HENDERSON TECHNOLOGY TRUST PLC

                 Unaudited Interim Results for the six months

                            ended 31 October 2000

On 25 September 2000 we gave notice to terminate our management agreement with
Henderson Global Investors and we expect to transfer the management to Polar
Capital Partners early in 2001. All the parties involved will be taking great
care to arrange a smooth transition. Further details will be announced early
in 2001.

Board Change

Christopher Clarke has resigned as a director of the Company with effect from
15 December 2000. The Board would like to extend its thanks to Mr Clarke for
the invaluable contribution that he has made to the Company over the past four



                        HENDERSON TECHNOLOGY TRUST PLC

                 Unaudited Interim Results for the six months

                            ended 31 October 2000

Group Statement of Total Return ( incorporating the Revenue Account )
for the half year
ended 31 October

                                              Half year ended 31 October 
                                           Revenue      Capital      Total  
                                             #'000        #'000      #'000  

  Total capital (losses)/gains on                -      (11,908)    (11,908)  
  Repurchase of warrants                         -            -           -     
  Income from fixed asset investments        1,057            -       1,057     
  Other interest receivable and similar      1,205            -       1,205     
  Gross revenue from capital                 2,262      (11,908)     (9,646)   
  Management fee                            (5,807)           -      (5,807)   
  Other administrative expenses               (451)           -        (451)    

  Net (loss)/return on ordinary activities                                    
  before interest payable and taxation      (3,996)     (11,908)    (15,904)  
  Interest payable                            (221)           -        (221)    

  Net (loss)/return on ordinary activities                                    
  before taxation                           (4,217)     (11,908)    (16,125)  
  Taxation on net returns on                                                  
  ordinary activities                          (55)           -         (55)    
  Net (loss)/return on ordinary activities                                    
  after taxation                            (4,272)     (11,908)    (16,180)  
  (Loss)/return per ordinary share                                            
  Undiluted                                 (2.89p)      (8.06p)     (10.95p)  
  Fully diluted                                 -            -            -     
                                             Half year ended 31 October 1999
                                             Audited & Restated* 
                                             Revenue     Capital      Total  
                                               #'000       #'000      #'000  
  Total capital (losses)/gains on                  -      97,300     97,300   
  Repurchase of warrants                           -         (85)       (85)    

  Income from fixed asset investments          1,091           -      1,091    
  Other interest receivable and similar        1,299           -      1,299    
  Gross revenue from capital gains/(losses)    2,390      97,215     99,605   
  Management fee                              (6,950)          -     (6,950)  
  Other administrative expenses                 (290)          -       (290)   
  Net (loss)/return on ordinary activities                                    
  before interest payable and taxation        (4,850)     97,215     92,365   
  Interest payable                              (108)          -       (108)    
  Net (loss)/return on ordinary activities                                    
  before taxation                             (4,958)     97,215     92,257   
  Taxation on net returns on                                                  
  ordinary activities                            (31)          -        (31)    

  Net (loss)/return on ordinary activities                                    
  after taxation                              (4,989)     97,215     92,226   
  (Loss)/return per ordinary share                                            
  Undiluted                                   (3.39p)     66.01p     62.62p   
  Fully diluted                               (3.08p)     59.99p     56.91p   

                                                 Year ended 30 April

                                           Revenue       Capital    Total  
                                             #'000         #'000    #'000  
  Total capital (losses)/gains on                -       429,750  429,750   
  Repurchase of warrants                         -           (85)     (85)      
  Income from fixed asset investments        2,073             -    2,073     
  Other interest receivable and similar      6,516             -    6,516     
  Gross revenue from capital                 8,589       429,665  438,254   
  Management fee                           (48,627)            -  (48,627)  
  Other administrative expenses               (636)            -     (636)     
  Net (loss)/return on ordinary activities                                    
  before interest payable and taxation     (40,674)      429,665  388,991   
  Interest payable                            (593)            -     (593)     
  Net (loss)/return on ordinary activities                                    
  before taxation                          (41,267)      429,665  388,398   
  Taxation on net returns on                                                  
  ordinary activities                          (53)            -      (53)      
  Net (loss)/return on ordinary activities                                    
  after taxation                           (41,320)      429,665  388,345   
  (Loss)/return per ordinary share                                            
  Undiluted                                (28.02p)      291.32p    263.30p   
  Fully diluted                                 -        260.42p    235.38p   

The revenue columns of this statement represent the Revenue Accounts of the

* Restated for change in accounting policy (see note 6).



                        HENDERSON TECHNOLOGY TRUST PLC

                 Unaudited Interim Results for the six months

                            ended 31 October 2000

Balance Sheets

As at 31 October 2000
                              Group  Company    Group  Company   Group Company
                            Interim  Interim  Interim  Interim    Year    Year
                                                                   End     End
                            October  October  October  October   April   April
                               2000     2000     1999     1999    2000    2000
                              # 000    # 000    # 000    # 000   # 000   # 000

Fixed assets
Investments at market       646,675  646,675  376,582  376,582 691,197 691,197
Investment in TR                 91       91    2,635    2,635   3,043   3,043
Technology PLC
                            -------  -------  -------  ------- ------- -------
                            646,766  646,766  379,217  379,217 694,240 694,240

Unlisted at director's
Subsidiary undertaking            -    4,802        -    1,077       -   4,448
Other United Kingdom            228      228      261      261   1,724   1,724
Overseas                        315      315      313      313     427     427
                            -------  -------  -------  ------- ------- -------
                            647,309  652,111  379,791  380,868 696,391 700,839
Current assets              -------  -------  -------  ------- ------- -------- 
Investments                     226        -      231        -       -       -
Debtors                       2,933    5,114    6,321    6,981   1,670   3,996
Cash                         26,900   20,143   18,043   16,426  46,806  40,031
                            -------  -------  -------  ------- -------  ------
                             30,059   25,257   24,595   23,407  48,476  44,027
Creditors: amounts falling
due                         (8,236)  (8,236) (17,179) (17,068) (61,357) (61,356)

within one year

                            -------  -------  -------  ------- ------- -------
Net current assets/          21,853   17,021    7,416    6,339 (12,881) (17,329)
                            -------  -------  -------  ------- ------- -------  
Total assets less current   669,132  669,132  387,207  387,207 683,510 683,510

Creditors: amounts falling
due after more than one    (15,768) (15,768) (14,599) (14,599) (14,783) (14,783)
                            -------  -------  -------  ------- ------- -------  
Total net assets            653,364  653,364  372,608  372,608 668,727 668,727
                            -------  -------  -------  ------- ------- -------  
Capital and reserves
Called up Capital Shares     37,130   37,130   36,926   36,926  36,926  36,926
Share premium                88,016   88,016   87,145   87,145  87,145  87,145
Warrant Reserve               8,710    8,710    8,967    8,967   8,967   8,967
Other non-distributable     570,097  574,899  249,556  250,633 582,006 586,454
Revenue reserve            (50,589) (55,391)  (9,986) (11,063) (46,317) (50,765)
                            -------  -------  -------  ------- ------- -------  
Equity shareholders' funds  653,364  653,364  372,608  372,608 668,727 668,727
                            -------  -------  -------  ------- ------- -------  
Net asset value per
ordinary                    439.92p  439.92p  252.27p  252.27p 452.75p 452.75p

Share - undiluted
                            -------  -------  -------  ------- ------- -------  
- diluted                   386.61p  386.61p  227.68p  227.68p 395.80p 395.80p
                            -------  -------  -------  ------- ------- -------  

                                   - MORE -


                        HENDERSON TECHNOLOGY TRUST PLC

                 Unaudited Interim Results for the six months

                            ended 31 October 2000

Group Cash Flow Statement

For the half year to 31 October 2000
                                            (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)  (Audited)
                                              Half year    Half year Year ended
                                                  ended        ended
                                             31 October   31 October   30 April
                                                   2000         1999       2000
                                                  #'000        #'000      #'000
Net cash outflow from operating activities     (47,289)      (4,318)      (212)
Net cash outflow from servicing of finance        (189)        (137)      (582)
Net tax (paid)/recovered                           (42)            -         23
Net cash inflow from financial investment        20,967       16,316     41,646
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing     (26,553)       11,861     40,875
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing            818      (1,635)        351
Increase/(decrease) in cash                    (25,735)       10,226     41,226

Reconciliation of operating revenue to net cash inflow from operating

Net loss before interest payable and            (3,996)      (4,850)   (40,674)
Net purchases of trading stock                    (225)        (231)          -
(Increase)/decrease in accrued income               154         (12)      (179)
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                    (782)         (51)       (38)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors               (42,438)          881     40,772
UK income tax deducted at source                      -            -       (18)
Overseas withholding tax suffered                     -         (32)       (56)
Scrip dividends included in investment              (2)         (23)       (19)
                                               (47,289)      (4,318)      (212)

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds/(debt)
(Decrease) / increase in cash                  (25,735)       10,226     41,226
Net repayment of loans                                -        1,588          -
Change in net funds/(debt) resulting from      (25,735)       11,814     41,226
cash flows
Exchange movements                                   34      (1,307)    (2,139)
Movement in net funds/(debt) in the year       (25,701)       10,507     39,087
Net debt at the beginning of the period          32,023      (7,064)    (7,064)
Net funds/(debt) at end of the period             6,322        3,443     32,023

Represented By:
Bank balances and short term deposits            22,090       18,042     46,806
Debt falling due within one year                      -            -          -
Debt falling due after more than one year      (15,768)     (14,599)   (14,783)
                                                  6,322        3,443     32,023

                                   - MORE -

                        HENDERSON TECHNOLOGY TRUST PLC

                 Unaudited Interim Results for the six months

                            ended 31 October 2000


 1. Management Fee

                                          Half year    Half year    Year ended
                                          ended        ended
                                                                    30 April
                                          31 October   31 October   2000
                                          2000         1999
                                          #'000        #'000
Regular management fee                    3,650         1,293       3,275
Irrecoverable VAT                         271           313         2,241
Performance related fee                   -             5,344       43,111
Adjustment to irrecoverable VAT on        1,886         -           -
performance fee
                                          _______       _______     _______

                                          5,807         6,950       48,627

                                          _______       _______     _______

        The adjustment to irrecoverable VAT arises as a result in a change in
        the ratio of taxable sales to total sales. It relates to last year's
        accrued performance fee that was paid in the current accounting

        The performance related fee was based on 15% of the amount, if any, by
        which the increase in the aggregate net asset value of the ordinary
        shares exceeds the FT/SE World Index over the relevant performance
        period, up to the period ended 30 April 2000. As previously announced,
        under the new fee arrangements from 1 May 2000, the performance fee
        will be split into two parts. The first part will be at the rate of
        10% of the amount, if any, by which the increase in the undiluted net
        asset value of the ordinary shares over the financial year exceeds the
        increase in the benchmark over the year. The benchmark is a blend of
        worldwide technology indices, comprising 50% Pacific SE (USA)
        Technology, 15% Morgan Stanley Eurotec, 7.5% Euro NM, 7.5% TechMARK
        100, 15% Datastream Asian Electronics and 5% JASDAQ. The second part
        comprises a longer term incentive and will be at the rate of 5% of the
        amount, if any, by which the increase in the undiluted net asset value
        of the ordinary shares over each three year period exceeds LIBOR +5%
        over the same period.

2.     (Loss)/return per share

        The basic capital return per share is based on net capital losses of #
        11,908,000 ( 31 October 1999 - returns of #97,215,000; 30 April 2000
        returns of #429,665,000) and on 147,800,332 ordinary shares being the
        weighted average number of shares in issue for the period (31 October
        1999 - 147,279,630; 30 April 2000 - 147,489,961 ordinary shares).

        The basic return per ordinary share is based on the net loss on
        ordinary activities after taxation of #4,272,000 (31 October 1999 -
        losses of #4,989,000; 30 April 2000 losses of #41,320,000) and on the
        number of ordinary shares stated above.

3.     Net asset value per share

        Basic net asset value per ordinary share is based on net assets
        attributable to ordinary shares of #653,364,000 (31 October 1999 - #
        372,608,000; 30 April 2000 - #668,727,000) and on 148,519,976 (31
        October 1999 and 30 April 2000 - 147,702,603) ordinary shares, being
        the number of ordinary shares in issue at the end of the period.

        Diluted net asset value per ordinary share is calculated on the
        assumption that the 27,620,845 warrants in issue at 31 October 2000
        (31 October 1999 and 30 April 2000 - 28,438,218) were converted into
        ordinary shares at the exercise price of 100p. Dilution is assumed to
        occur only if the undiluted net asset value is greater than the
        conversion price of 100p.

4.     Dividend

        In accordance with stated policy no interim dividend has been declared
        for the period (31 October 1999 and 30 April 2000 - nil).



                        HENDERSON TECHNOLOGY TRUST PLC

                 Unaudited Interim Results for the six months

                            ended 31 October 2000

5.     Accounts for the period ended 30 April 2000

        The figures and financial information for the period ended 30 April
        2000 are extracted from the latest published accounts of the Group and
        do not constitute statutory accounts for that year. These accounts
        have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and included in the
        report of the auditors which was unqualified and did not contain a
        statement under either section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act

        6.     Change in accounting policy

        In accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 16, Current Taxation
        ("FRS16") which became effective for accounting periods ending on or
        after 23 March 2000, franked investment income is now shown net of the
        related tax credits. The comparative figures for the half year ended
        31 October 1999 have been restated accordingly. Adoption of FRS16 has
        no effect on the revenue or capital returns per ordinary share, nor on
        the net asset value per ordinary share.

 7. Interim Report

        The interim report will be posted to shareholders in January 2001 and
        will be available from the Secretary at the Registered Office 4
        Broadgate, London EC2M 2DA.



                        HENDERSON TECHNOLOGY TRUST PLC

                 Unaudited Interim Results for the six months

                            ended 31 October 2000
Largest Investments
The 30 largest equity investments at 31 October 2000 are as shown below.

Stock                Country  Valuation  Activity
BEA                      USA     19,888  middleware
Check Point           Israel     19,632  internet security
Siebel Systems           USA     18,789  sales force automation software
Ariba                    USA     16,536  enterprise procurement software
Ciena                    USA     15,565  optical networking equipment
Micromuse                USA     15,191  network monitoring software
Brocade                  USA     14,875  computer storage equipment
I2 Technologies          USA     14,341  supply chain management software
Scientific Atlanta       USA     14,139  cable TV and satellite equipment
EMC                      USA     13,800  data storage
Juniper Networks         USA     12,892  networking equipment
Vitesse                  USA     12,522  communication semiconductors
Cisco                    USA     12,429  networking equipment
Verisign                 USA     11,908  internet security
Ballard Power         Canada     11,832  environmental technology
Veritas                  USA     11,653  utility software
Redback Networks         USA     11,545  networking equipment
Sun Microsystems         USA     11,453  workstations
Broadcom                 USA     10,720  specialist communications
Oracle Systems           USA     10,567  database software
Xilinx                   USA     10,226  programmable logic device
Nortel Networks       Canada     10,184  communications equipment
Dell                     USA      9,650  PC's
CMG                       UK      9,332  IT consultancy
Sapient                  USA      9,306  IT consultancy
Open Wave Systems        USA      8,924  Wireless data software
America Online           USA      8,715  online services
JDS Uniphase             USA      8,693  optical components
Seagate                  USA      8,662  disk drives
Jabil Circuit            USA      7,859  electronic manufacturing services

The valuation of these investments total #371,828,000 or 57% of the fixed
assets of the Company. Also included in the portfolio are UK Treasury Bills with
a total value of #29,915,000 as at 31 October 2000.


For further information please contact:

Brian Ashford-Russell

Henderson Technology Trust PLC
Tel: 020 7410 4100 Mobile: 07796 172173

              Issued on behalf of Henderson Technology Trust PLC

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