RNS Number:5918Q
Chemetall PLC
28 January 2002

Chairman's Statement and 
Results for period ending 30 September 2001

For the financial year ending 30 September 2001, the Group has continued the 
process of rationalising the Chemetall PLC business to become a UK, Ireland &
Middle East orientated surface treatment chemicals manufacturing organisation. 
Our key strategic achievements have been the creation of a faster moving
chemicals division directed towards process chemistry for service industries and
the re-establishment of our business position in the Middle East region.

Continuing operations

Turnover (which includes the UK surface treatment business of Chemetall
Speciality Chemicals Ltd acquired in July 2000) was £14.7 million in the twelve
months to 30 September 2001.  Operating profit was £0.9 million compared to an
operating loss, for continuing activities before non-recurring items, of £2.9
million in the nine months to 30 September 2000. 

Earnings before tax was £5.6 million largely due to interest income generated 
by the investment of the proceeds of the disposal of the Group's overseas 
businesses completed in the previous financial period.

Current trading and prospects

The short-term outlook will reflect the slowdown in the UK manufacturing sector.
Sales in the service sector are expected to partially offset this effect. 
Sales to the UK automotive sector remain difficult.  Recently announced closures
of some key automotive component customers will see sales fall in this market
segment.  We will continue the process of adding value to our business by
selling a more diversified product range to existing customers. Operating
margins have been improved during the year through selective price increases and
better raw material procurement.  The September 11th effect presents us with
certain business risks especially in the Aerospace sector.  As a result, we will
keep a very close watch on operating costs, cash flow and capital expenditure
during the coming twelve months.

The Group continues to generate significant interest income from the loans it 
holds with fellow Chemetall group companies.


We thank our employees, distributors and trading partners for their
dedication and professionalism in helping us to achieve a positive result in
difficult trading circumstances.  We remain optimistic that together we can
continue to move the business forward.


No interim dividends have been paid to the ordinary shareholders and
no final dividend is proposed.  Preference dividends continue to be paid on the
normal due dates.

Alec Daly CBE

Operating and financial review

These accounts cover the year ended 30 September 2001.  In order to bring the
financial year of Chemetall PLC into line with that of its parent company, the
financial year was changed in the year 2000.  Comparative figures therefore
cover a nine-month period to 30 September 2000.  It was not considered cost
effective to compile pro-forma comparative figures for the twelve months ended
30 September 2000.

The results for the year ended 30 September 2001 are dominated by inter-group
loan interest payable by Chemetall GmbH or one of its subsidiaries.  The loans
arose on the sale of the overseas businesses to various members of the Chemetall
Group and these loans carry commercial rates of interest.

Trading Results

In accordance with FRS3 all businesses sold in the nine months to 30 September
2000 have been treated as discontinued.

Continuing Business

Despite continuing difficult market conditions in the UK, turnover of £14.7
million was achieved in the twelve months to 30 September 2001.  The turnover in
the nine months to 30 September 2000 was £9.4 million.  The prior period figure
included £0.8 million from the acquisition of the surface treatment business of
Chemetall Speciality Chemicals Limited acquired in July 2000.

The continuing business figures also include the remaining costs of the head
office and divisional and technical activities associated with the former
overseas subsidiaries.  These costs have been radically rationalised and will
continue to be reduced in future.

Profit Performance and Analysis

In addition to the trading profit the group received considerable interest
income mainly from Chemetall GmbH and its subsidiaries.  The group also
benefited from exchange gains of £0.8m on these outstanding loans to group

Intangible fixed assets

During the year, patents and trademarks were reviewed and assets with a net book
value of £18,000 were written off.

Cash Flow

The net cash inflow from operating activities was £0.4 million 
(2000: outflow £0.2m).


Included in the net assets of £79.6 million were a total of £72.1 million owed
by Chemetall GmbH or its subsidiaries, on loans which carry commercial rates of
interest, and net cash of £0.2 million.


The net tax charge for the period was £0.1 million.  A tax charge of £1.1
million arose on interest and exchange gains on inter-group loans and a tax
credit of £1.0 million in respect of deferred tax.

Treasury Policies

The Group's treasury policies, which are approved by the board, seek to
eliminate risk from currency movements affecting sales and purchases denominated
in foreign currencies.  We use instruments such as forward currency sale or
purchase contracts where practical and cost effective. 

Where appropriate, the Group's financial systems are able to transact business 
denominated in foreign currencies.

New Accounting Policies and Standards

The Group has adopted FRS17 - Accounting for Pension Costs - insofar as the
information has been given on the closing Balance Sheet numbers in a note to the

Consolidated profit and loss account
for the year ended 30 September 2001

                            12 months ended 30 September 2001     9 months ended 30 September 2000
                            Continuing    Discontinued            Continuing    Discontinued
                            operations    operations    Total     operations    operations      Total
                       Note       £000          £000     £000           £000           £000      £000

Group Turnover                                   
Existing business               14,688             -   14,688          8,684         10,068    18,752
Acquisition                          -             -        -            753              -       753
                               _______       _______   _______                                                         
                        2,3     14,688             -   14,688          9,437         10,068    19,505
Group operating profit/(loss) 
  before exceptional operating 
Existing business         3        865             -      865         (2,956)           337    (2,619)
Acquisition               3          -             -        -             32              -        32
                                 _____          ____     ____         _______          ____     ______                  
                                   865             -      865         (2,924)           337    (2,587)
Exceptional operating 
 items                    3          -             -        -         (2,107)           (13)   (2,120)
                                 _____          ____     ____         _______          ____     ______                  
                          3        865             -      865         (5,031)           324    (4,707)
Profit on disposal of 
discontinued operations              -             -        -              -         12,470    12,470
                                 _____        ______    _____         ______         ______    ______ 

Profit/(loss) on ordinary 
activities before interest         865             -      865         (5,031)        12,794     7,763
                                 =====        ======    =====         =======        ======    ======

Net interest receivable and 
 similar income                                         4,741                                   2,202
                                                        _____                                   _____
Profit on ordinary activities 
  before taxation         2                             5,606                                   9,965
Taxation on profit on 
 ordinary activities                                     (129)                                    482
                                                       _______                                  _____

Profit for the financial year                           5,477                                  10,447
Preference dividends      4                            (1,080)                                   (810)
                                                       _______                                 _______

Retained profit for the
  year                    8                             4,397                                   9,637

Consolidated balance sheet
at 30 September 2001

                            Note                     2001       2001       2000      2000
                                                     £000       £000       £000      £000

Fixed assets                         
Intangible assets                                              3,458                3,705
Tangible assets                                                1,789                2,000
                                                               5,247                5,705
Current assets                         
Investments                                         1,319                 1,399     
Stocks                                              1,103                 1,004     
Debtors                                            80,562                80,047     
Cash at bank and in hand                              171                   543     
                                                   83,155                82,993     
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year     (7,652)              (11,987)     
Net current assets                         
 Due within one year                               75,503                50,035     
 Debtors due after more than one year                   -                20,971     
                                                              75,503               71,006
Total assets less current liabilities                         80,750               76,711
Provisions for liabilities and charges                        (1,155)              (3,029)
Net assets                                                    79,595               73,682
Capital and reserves                         
Called up share capital                                       18,889               18,889
Share premium account                                         29,757               29,757
Profit and loss account                                       30,949               25,036
Shareholders' funds           8                               79,595               73,682
 Equity                                                       67,595               61,682
 Non-equity                                                   12,000               12,000
                                                              79,595               73,682

Consolidated cash flow statement
for the 12 month period ended 30 September 2001 

                                       Note           12 months ended              9 months ended
                                                      30 September 2001            30 September 2000
                                                     £000           £000          £000           £000

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 
  operating activities                   5                           394                         (225)
Returns on investments and servicing of finance                         
Interest received                                     123                           19     
Interest paid                                         (44)                        (152)     
Interest element of finance lease rental payments       -                           (6)     
Dividends paid on non-equity shares                (1,080)                      (1,080)     
Net cash outflow from returns on investments
  and servicing of finance                                        (1,001)                      (1,219)
Taxation                                                            (483)                         313
Capital expenditure and financial investment                         
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                      (1)                        (372)     
Sale of tangible fixed assets                           -                          219     
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure                             (1)                        (153)
Acquisitions and disposals                         
Sale of business                                        -                        1,015     
Cash at bank and in hand of businesses sold             -                       (1,590)     
Net cash outflow from disposals                                        -                         (575)
Net cash outflow before financing                                 (1,091)                      (1,859)
Debt due within one year:                         
     New short-term borrowings                          -                        2,110     
     Repayment of short-term borrowings            (2,110)                      (4,858)     
Repayment of loans due from group undertakings      2,818                            -     
Capital element of finance lease payments               -                          (40)     
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing                             708                       (2,788)
Decrease in cash in the period           7                          (383)                      (4,647)


Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
for the 12 months ended 30 September 2001 

                                                          12 months ended          9 months ended  
                                                         30 September 2001        30 September 2000
                                                                      £000                     £000
Profit for the financial year                                        5,477                   10,447
Exchange differences on the retranslation of net investments 
 and related borrowings                                              1,516                     (892)
Total recognised gains and losses relating to the financial year     6,993                    9,555


1 Accounting policies

Basis of preparation and accounting

The unaudited preliminary results for the year ended 30 September 2001 have been
prepared in accordance with UK generally accepted accounting principles. The
accounting policies applied are those set out in the Group's Annual Report and
Accounts for the nine months ended 30 September 2000.

Basis of consolidation

The Group accounts include the accounts of the parent and its subsidiary and
associated undertakings.  The results of businesses acquired or sold during the
period are included in the Group accounts from or to their respective dates of
acquisition or disposal.  Where appropriate, the financial statements of
overseas subsidiary and associated undertakings are adjusted to conform to the
Group's accounting policies.

2 Segmental information

The table below sets out information for each of the group's geographic areas 
of operation.  

                              12 months ended 30 September 2001         9 months ended 30 September 2000
                              Turnover     Profit before   Net Assets   Turnover   Profit before    Net Assets          
                                                taxation                                taxation      
                                  £000              £000         £000       £000            £000          £000
UK                              14,501               865        2,816      8,772          (2,983)        4,350
Middle East                        187                 -            -        665               -             -
Continental Europe                   -                 -            -          -              59             -
Exceptional operating items          -                 -            -          -          (2,107)            -
Total continuing operations     14,688               865        2,816      9,437          (5,031)        4,350
Continental Europe                   -                 -            -      1,706             189             -
Americas                             -                 -            -      8,362             148             -
Exceptional operating items          -                 -            -          -             (13)            -
Total discontinued operations        -                 -            -     10,068             324             -
Profit on disposal of businesses     -                 -            -          -          12,470             -
Net interest receivable              -             4,741            -          -           2,202             -
Cash, loans and overdrafts           -                 -       73,720          -               -        64,576
Unallocated assets                   -                 -        3,059          -               -         4,756
                                14,688             5,606       79,595     19,505           9,965        73,682
Turnover by destination is not materially different from the turnover by origin stated above.

2     Segmental information (continued)

The table below sets out information for each of the group's industry segments.  

                               12 months ended 30 September 2001         9 months ended 30 September 2000
                              Turnover     Profit before   Net Assets   Turnover   Profit before    Net Assets          
                                                taxation                                taxation      
                                  £000              £000         £000       £000            £000          £000
Specialised industrial 
 chemicals                      14,688               865        2,816      9,437          (2,924)        4,350
Exceptional operating items          -                 -            -          -          (2,107)            -
Total continuing operations     14,688               865        2,816      9,437          (5,031)        4,350
Specialised industrial chemicals     -                 -            -     10,068             337             -
Exceptional operating items          -                 -            -          -             (13)            -
Total discontinued operations        -                 -            -     10,068             324             -
Profit on disposal of businesses     -                 -            -          -          12,470             -
Net interest receivable              -             4,741            -          -           2,202             -
Cash, loans and overdrafts           -                 -       73,720          -               -        64,576
Unallocated assets                   -                 -        3,059          -               -         4,756
                                14,688             5,606       79,595     19,505           9,965        73,682

3 Analysis of continuing and discontinued operations

                                  12 months ended 30 September  2001        9 months ended 30 September 2000
                                  Continuing     Discontinued     Total     Continuing     Discontinued     Total
                                        £000             £000      £000           £000             £000      £000
Group turnover                        14,688                -    14,688          9,437           10,068    19,505
Cost of sales                         (6,487)               -    (6,487)        (4,732)          (4,933)   (9,665)
Gross profit                           8,201                -     8,201          4,705            5,135     9,840
Selling and distribution costs        (5,179)               -    (5,179)        (3,063)          (3,178)   (6,241)
Administrative expenses                              
-  ordinary                           (3,346)               -    (3,346)        (4,266)          (1,629)   (5,895)
-  exceptional                             -                -         -         (2,107)             (13)   (2,120)
Other operating income                 1,189                -     1,189           (300)               9      (291)
Group operating profit/(loss)            865                -       865         (5,031)             324    (4,707)
Administrative expenses for the nine months ended 30 September 2000 
have been restated to include costs previously classified as research and 
development of £998,000.

4 Dividends and other appropriations

                                              12 months ended       9 months ended
                                             30 September 2001     30 September 2000
                                                          £000                  £000

9% redeemable preference shares          
Dividend payable                                         1,080                   810

5 Reconciliation of operating profit/(loss) to operating cash flows

                                              12 months ended       9 months ended
                                             30 September 2001     30 September 2000
                                                          £000                  £000
Operating profit                                           865                (4,707)
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment charges          573                   576
Loss on sale of fixed assets                                 -                    10
Exchange gain on loans to subsidiary undertakings          817                   436
(Decrease)/Increase in restructuring provision          (1,503)                1,601
Increase in stocks                                         (99)                  (43)
Decrease in debtors                                        125                 3,482
Decrease in creditors and other provisions                (384)               (1,580)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities        394                  (225)

6 Analysis of net debt

                           At the beginning    Cash flow     Exchange    Other    At the end
                                of the year                  movement             of the year
                                       £000         £000         £000     £000           £000
Cash at bank                            543         (383)          11        -            171
Bank loans and overdrafts            (2,110)       2,110            -        -              -
Loans to group undertakings          71,283       (2,818)       2,005     (788)        69,682
Loans from group undertakings        (5,140)           -            -      788         (4,352)
Net funds                            64,576       (1,091)       2,016        -         65,501

7 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

                                          12 months ended      9 months ended 
                                         30 September 2001    30 September 2000
                                                      £000                 £000
Decrease in cash in the period                        (383)              (4,647)
Cash (inflow)/outflow from financing                  (708)               2,788
Changes in net debt resulting from cash flows       (1,091)              (1,859)
Debt transferred on disposal of business                 -                1,150
Translation differences                              2,016                    -
Movement in net funds in the period                    925                 (709)
Net funds at beginning of the period                64,576               65,285
Net funds at the end of the period                  65,501               64,576

8 Reconciliation of movements in shareholders funds

                                                         2001            2000
                                                        £'000           £'000
At 1 October 2000                                      73,682          50,999
Profit for the year                                     4,397           9,637
Goodwill realised on disposal                               -          13,938
Other recognised gains and losses in the period (net)   1,516            (892)
At 30 September 2001                                   79,595          73,682

9 Contingent liabilities

The Company has contingent liabilities in the form of performance guarantees
totalling £1,430,960 (2000: £1,377,970) which expire within 12 months.

The Company received from Weir Technology Limited in March 1999 notice of claims
pursuant to the sale by Brent International BV (and the Company as Guarantor) of
Verbeeck-Marien NV, part of the Imaging Management business sold to Weir in
October 1998.  Weir seek rescission of the sale agreement for alleged breach of
warranty and/or alleged misrepresentation and damages which Weir quantifies at
£5.3m for alleged consequential costs or losses.  These claims would be subject
to Belgian law and jurisdiction, however, Weir have not yet instituted
proceedings.  After taking advice, the Directors consider the claim for
rescission, breach of warranty and/or misrepresentation to be without merit.  In
addition, the Company received from Weir in October 2001 notice of claims
relating to 1995 and 1996 under a tax indemnity in the sale agreement.  The
claims notified amount to approximately £300,000.  The Company has written to
Weir seeking further information.  After taking advice, the Directors consider
the claims to be overstated.  Weir intend to notify the Company in due course of
claims under the tax indemnity relating to 1997 and 1998.

10 Declaration

The results for the year ended 30 September 2001 are unaudited.  The results for
the nine months ended 30 September 2000 are an extract from the full accounts
for that period.  The accounts for the nine months ended 30 September 2000 have
been delivered to the Registrar of Companies; the report of the auditors on
those accounts was unqualified.  The accounts for the year ended 30 September
2001 will be posted to all shareholders shortly.  The report of the auditors on
those accounts is expected to be unqualified.  The financial information in this
statement does not constitute full statutory accounts within the meaning of
section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

For further information, please contact:

Rob Rydings                              01908 361817
Chemetall PLC                         

John Coyle
Clerkenwell Communications              0207 713 0900
                                        07770 687 370
                                        07699 727 796 (pager)

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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