RNS Number:3458E
Chemetall PLC
24 September 2007

Chemetall PLC

Interim Financial Report

30 June 2007

Chemetall PLC

Interim financial report 2007

Contents Page

Commentary 1

Consolidated income statement 3

Consolidated statement of recognised income and expense 4

Consolidated balance sheet 5

Consolidated cash flow statement 7

Notes to the interim financial report 8

Chemetall PLC

Page 1


Chemetall PLC sales to third parties grew by more than 10% (on a comparative
basis) over the prior year during the first 6 months of 2007. All major sectors
showed good growth compared to the prior year. The Middle East markets for which
Chemetall PLC is responsible also continued their steady growth.

In February 2007 Chemetall PLC acquired the trade and assets of the chemical
division of Wirral Fospray Limited, for a total consideration of #1.2m, which
included the assets, goodwill, intangible assets, and inventories. This will
strengthen the Company's position in metal surface treatments, especially in the
aluminium-finishing market.

Results and dividends

During the first six months, the Group generated a profit on ordinary activities
before taxation of #2.6 million (2006: #1.6 million) with a turnover of #10.7
million (2006: #9.8 million).

The Group's loan assets, including any exchange movements and interest accrued
thereon, totalled #85.2 million at 30 June 2007(30 June 2006: #4.2 million).

Preference dividends continue to be paid on the normal due dates.

Cash flow and financing

The net cash inflow from operating activities at 30 June 2007 was #1.6 million
(30 June 2006: #37.6 million).

At the period end the Group had net cash balances of #2.8 million, #0.54 million
of which was used to pay the preference dividend in July.


There have been no changes to the Board during the half year. The Directors who
held office during this period were as follows:

K Wenzel Chairman

R S Rydings

M W Stoermer

P G M Vannerberg


Chemetall thanks its employees for continuing to help the Company grow in
turnover and profitability despite the prevailing manufacturing downturn.
Chemetall PLC continues to invest in both internal and external training and
development of all employees. The increasingly positive trading results are
directly related to the high level of competence and commitment of the staff.

Chemetall PLC

Page 2

Commentary (continued)


The third party sales growth has continued its upward trend that started in 2005
and continued throughout 2006.

The first six months of 2007 have seen continuing increases in raw material
prices; we have, though, been able to increase selling prices to maintain the
margins. This trend is expected to continue in the second half of the year, but
with the tight cost control program that commenced in 2005, showing continued
significant benefits, the outlook for our future profitability continues to look

65 Denbigh Road


Milton Keynes MK1 1PB

By order of the Board,

P G M Vannerberg

R S Rydings

Chemetall PLC

Page 3

Consolidated income statement

For the six months ended 30 June 2007

                          Six months ended 30 June      Year ended 31 December 
                    Note        2007         2006                         2006
                                #000         #000                         #000
                          Unaudited    Unaudited                       Audited

Revenue                       10,690        9,759                       18,687
Cost of sales                 (6,602)      (6,397)                     (11,659)

Gross profit                   4,088        3,362                        7,028

Distribution costs            (2,182)      (1,964)                      (4,163)
expenses                        (701)        (739)                      (1,710)
Other operating
expenses                         (81)           -                          (84)

Profit from
operations                     1,124          659                        1,071

Financial income               2,020        1,573                        3,292
Finance costs                   (540)        (556)                      (1,131)

Profit before tax              2,604        1,676                        3,232
Tax                   3         (552)        (479)                         105

Profit for the
period                         2,052        1,197                        3,337

Chemetall PLC

Page 4

Consolidated statement of recognised income and expense

For the six months ended 30 June 2007

                        Six months ended 30 June        Year ended 31 December 
                              2007         2006                           2006
                              #000         #000                           #000
                        Unaudited    Unaudited                         Audited

Exchange differences
on translation of
foreign operations             (42)         248                          (779)

Actuarial gains on
defined benefit
pension schemes              2,503          775                         1,318

Tax on items taken
directly to equity            (701)        (232)                         (395)

Net gain recognised
directly in equity           1,760          791                           144

Profit for the period        2,052        1,197                         3,337

Total recognised
income and expense
for the period               3,812        1,988                         3,481

Chemetall PLC

Page 5

Consolidated balance sheet

As at 30 June 2007

                     Note   30 June 2007     30 June 2006     31 December 2006
                                    #000             #000                 #000
                               Unaudited        Unaudited              Audited

Non-current assets
Goodwill                          2,475            2,475                 2,475
Other intangible
assets                            1,255              338                   261
Property, plant and
equipment                         1,158            1,172                 1,196
Deferred tax assets               4,000            3,807                 4,654

                                  8,888            7,792                 8,586

Current assets
Inventories                       1,425            1,161                 1,443
Trade and other
receivables                      89,744            8,308                88,292
Cash and cash
equivalents                       2,785           82,083                 2,157

                                 93,954           91,552                91,892

Total assets                    102,842           99,344               100,478

Current liabilities
Trade and other
payables                         (6,391)          (5,951)               (5,815)
Tax liabilities                  (2,476)          (1,467)               (1,879)
Provisions                         (163)            (241)                 (197)

                                 (9,030)          (7,659)               (7,891)

Net current assets               84,924           83,893                84,001

Chemetall PLC

Page 6

Consolidated balance sheet (continued)

As at 30 June 2007

                          Note  30 June 2007   30 June 2006   31 December 2006
                                        #000           #000               #000
                                   Unaudited      Unaudited            Audited

Non-current liabilities
Interest bearing
loans and borrowings                 (12,000)       (12,000)           (12,000)
Retirement benefit
obligation                  5         (4,696)        (7,895)            (7,312)
Long-term provisions                  (1,131)        (1,110)            (1,102)

                                     (17,827)       (21,005)           (20,414)

Net assets                            75,985         70,680             72,173

Share capital                          6,889          6,889              6,889
Share premium account                 29,757         29,757             29,757
Translation reserve                   (1,877)          (808)            (1,835)
Retained earnings                     41,216         34,842             37,362

Total equity                          75,985         70,680             72,173

Chemetall PLC

Page 7

Consolidated cash flow statement

For the six months ended 30 June 2007

                           Six months ended 30 June     Year ended 31 December 
                     Note        2007         2006                        2006
                                 #000         #000                        #000
                            Unaudited    Unaudited                     Audited

Net cash from
activities             4        1,618       37,630                         825

Investing activities
Purchases of
property, plant
and equipment                     (60)         (13)                       (130)
Acquisition of
trade and assets       7       (1,193)           -                           -

Net cash used in
activities                     (1,253)         (13)                       (130)

Financing activities
Interest paid                       -          (16)                        (51)
Interest received               2,020        1,573                       3,292
Amounts due to
group undertakings             (1,217)           -                     (43,900)
dividend paid                    (540)        (540)                     (1,080)

Net cash from
activities                        263        1,017                     (41,739)

) in cash and cash
equivalents                       628       38,634                     (41,044)

Cash and cash
equivalents at
beginning of
period                          2,157       43,201                      43,201

Foreign exchange
gain on cash and
cash equivalents
held                                -          248                           -

Cash and cash
equivalents at end
of period                       2,785       82,083                       2,157

Chemetall PLC

Page 8

Notes to the interim financial report

Six months ended 30 June 2007

1. Basis of preparation

This interim financial information has been prepared applying the accounting
policies and presentation that were applied in the preparation of the company's
published financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2006.

The financial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis.

2. The financial statements for the half year ended 30 June 2007 have not been

The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 December 2006 are not
the company's statutory accounts for that financial year. Those accounts have
been reported on by the company's auditors and delivered to the registrar of
companies. The report of the auditors was:

(i) unqualified,

(ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew
attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, and

(iii) did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies
Act 1985.

3. Tax
                                                   Six months ended 30 June
                                                  2007                    2006
                                                  #000                    #000

UK corporation tax                                 552                     479

Corporation tax for the interim period is charged at 21% (2006: 29%), due to the
comparatively large amount of interest receivable included in the results,
representing the best estimate of the weighted average annual corporation tax
rate expected for the full financial year.

Chemetall PLC

Page 9

Notes to the interim financial report (continued)

Six months ended 30 June 2007

4. Notes to the cash flow statement

                                                       Six months ended 30 June
                                                           2007           2006
                                                           #000           #000

Profit before taxation                                    2,604          1,676
Adjustments for:
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                98             91
Amortisation of intangible assets                            15             75
Decrease in provisions                                       (5)           (32)
Interest income                                          (2,020)        (1,573)
Interest expense                                            540            556

Operating cash flows before movements in working
capital                                                   1,232            793

Decrease in inventories                                     218            185
(Increase)/decrease in receivables                         (245)        36,011
Increase in payables                                        413            194

Cash generated by operations                              1,618         37,183

Income taxes refunded/ (paid)                                 -            447

Net cash from operating activities                        1,618         37,630

Cash and cash equivalents (which are presented as a single class of assets on
the face of the balance sheet) comprise cash at bank.

5. Retirement benefit schemes

Defined benefit schemes

The group operates two defined benefit schemes which provide for liabilities
through trustees operated funds.

During the period, the deficit in the scheme decreased by #2,503,000. An IAS 19
charge of #236,000 was recognised in the income statement for the period.

Chemetall PLC

Page 10

Notes to the interim financial report (continued)

Six months ended 30 June 2007

6.Related party transactions

Transactions between the company and its subsidiaries, which are related
parties, have been eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this
note. Transactions between the group and other related parties are disclosed

Trading transactions

During the period, group companies entered into the following transactions with
related parties, who are not members of the group:

             Sale of goods   Purchase of goods Amounts owed by Amounts owed to
                                               related parties related parties
Six months
ended 30 June 2007    2006     2007     2006    2007    2006     2007     2006
              #000    #000     #000     #000    #000    #000     #000     #000

undertakings   347     319    1,424    1,523     528     647    2,179    2,069

Sales and purchases of goods to related parties were made at the parent group's
usual list prices. The amounts outstanding are unsecured and will be settled in
cash. No guarantees have been given or received. No provisions have been made
for doubtful debts in respect of the amounts owed by related parties.

During the period, other services such as licences, IT services and insurance
were purchased from Chemetall GmbH in the amount of #219,000 (30 June 2006:

Non-trading transactions

The group has lent money to the following fellow subsidiaries undertakings. The
outstanding loan balances and the interest charged on these loan balances are
presented in the table below:

                                            Loans to         Interest charged to

Six months ended 30 June                  2007        2006      2007      2006
                                          #000        #000      #000      #000

Fellow subsidiary undertakings          85,242       4,239     2,006       536

Chemetall PLC

Page 11

Notes to the interim financial report (continued)

Six months ended 30 June 2007

7. Acquisitions

On 19 February 2007 Chemetall PLC acquired the trade and assets of the chemical
division business of Wirral Fospray Limited for a consideration of #1,193,000.
The acquired business was integrated into the operations of Chemetall PLC.

All intangible assets were recognised at their respective fair values. Stock was
valued at its carrying value plus a fair value adjustment of #20,000 as detailed

                                     Carrying value        Fair value     Fair
                                    pre-acquisition       adjustments    Value
                                               #000              #000     #000

Non-current assets
property                                          -               300      300
agreement                                         -                50       50
relationships                                     -               658      658

                                                                1,008    1,008

Current assets
including step
up                                              180                20      200
receivables                                      35                 -       35

                                                215                20      235

liabilities                                     (50)                -      (50)

Fair value of
net assets
acquired                                        165             1,028     1,193

Cash paid                                                                 1,193

No goodwill arose on this

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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