China Medstar Limited

Interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2007

China Medstar Limited ("Medstar" or ""Group") is a specialist healthcare
provider of radiotherapy and diagnostic equipment for the diagnosis and
treatment of cancer to hospitals in China. The Group enables medical care to
be provided through the provision of financing, equipment and support services
to First Tier hospitals in China. The Group currently operates 17 medical
centres in ten cities.


     - Revenue of the Group increased by 10.3% to RMB 31.6million (2006: RMB

     - Gross Profit has increased by 5.3% to RMB 19.5million (2006: RMB 18.6million)

     - 2 new centre openings, with a further 6 diagnostic and treatment centres to be
       opened this year, bringing the total number of centres to 21 diagnostic and
       treatment centres, 2 high intensity focused ultrasound ("HIFU") centres and 1
       Leksell Knife Centre

     - Strong pipeline of further openings, with 8 signed contracts including those
       set out above


Post period end

     - In discussions with Varian Medical to form strategic partnership for their new
       Linear Accelerator equipment in China

     - In the process of applying for a finance lease license which will enable the
       Group to have the potential to offer another business model to hospitals

     - Key equipment sale identified and to be negotiated in second half of financial

Dr. Cheng Zheng, Chairman and CEO, commented:

"As seen in previous years the Group has a large financial second half bias.
While the performance of the Group has not met expectations for the first half
of the year the Directors are confident that with a keen focus on costs and a
number of centres identified for opening the Group can achieve satisfactory
results for 2007 and position the Group for growth in 2008."

                                                               28 September 2007


China Medstar Ltd                 Tel:  +86 (10) 5825-6867  
Dr Cheng Zheng, Chairman and CEO/                           
Yap Yaw Kong, CFO                                           
Evolution Securities              Tel:  +44 (0) 20 7071 4300
Tom Price/Bobbie Hilliam                                    
Nexus Financial Ltd               Tel:  +44 (0) 20 7451 7050
Nicholas Nelson/Kathy Boate                                 

The Directors are responsible for the preparation of the interim statement as
required by the AIM Rules issued by the London Stock Exchange. The interim
statement, including the financial information contained therein prepared and
presented in accordance with the International Accounting Standards 34 -
Interim Financial Reporting ("IAS 34"), is the responsibility of, and has been
approved by the Directors.


On 7th September 2007, the Group announced a trading update stating that
revenues for the current financial year would fall below market expectations.
The reasons for this as outlined in the trading update are repeated in the
Financial Summary below. The Directors however do not believe that these issues
detract from the underlying prospects and quality of the business.

Business Summary

Medstar provides private financing to hospitals to solve the funding shortfall
caused by a decrease in state government investment into hospital development.
This comes at a time when demand for radiotherapy equipment is high and cancer
rates in China are rising.  Medstar is able to purchase advanced treatment and
diagnostic equipment and finance the establishment of medical centres. In
return the Group receives revenue through profit sharing leasing agreements
with the hospitals. In addition to this equipment leasing and profit sharing
agreements, the Group also sells equipment directly to hospitals.

The Group was admitted to the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock
Exchange (AIM) in November 2006.

There has been a good response from hospitals to the Group's business model as
it aims to minimize the risks associated with setting up a new medical centre.
The Directors believe it also provides the hospital with a fully integrated
operational solution to maximise the returns from the medical centre, while
allowing the hospital to continue to treat patients without the distraction of
sourcing and maintaining equipment.

As part of the leasing arrangements, the Group provides a number of management
services to the medical centres following the acquisition/lease of the medical
equipment. This includes system purchase and installation, centre start-up,
operational management and business development.  The Directors believe that
these management services are a benefit to the hospitals which, as state-owned
enterprises, have not previously been operating with a view to generating
revenues. Consequently, their personnel have limited to no experience in
running the business as a revenue generating centre.

The ability of the Group to co-ordinate the system installation, provide
detailed day-to-day operational procedures and promote the medical centre to
assist in building its patient base, are services which the Directors believe
are valued by the hospitals. Furthermore, by its involvement, the Group can
seek to ensure the medical centre is being operated profitably and achieves
growth targets which will provide higher returns to both the hospital and the
Group under its profit sharing arrangements.

As a service provider to the hospitals, the Group is not involved in the
provision of medical services or in the treatment of patients in the centres,
nor involved in the day-to-day management of the centres, which is the ultimate
responsibility of the hospital.


Financial Summary

Revenue increased by 10.3% to RMB 31,588,226(2006: RMB 28,641,382) compared to
same period last year, while Gross Profit increased by 5.3%.

During the period, the Group was forced to enter into discussions with a
hospital concerning a default in payment to the Group from an existing contract
with a diagnostic and treatment centre. Due to these discussions, Medstar has
not yet been able to recognise the revenue from this centre of RMB 3,105,766.
As a result of this, both gross and operating margins have been affected as the
cost, but not the revenue, of the centre in question has been recognised. The
Directors are working towards a resolution of this matter and will keep
shareholders informed.

In some older centres in operation, revenue has not been increasing as had been
forecast due to the after effects from last year's Ministry of Health
initiative to remove inefficiencies relating to the over treatment of patients.
The result has been that certain hospital administrators are cautious and have
tightened the selection procedure for patients for permitted operations. The
lease revenue from these centres, as a result, has decreased although we are
hopeful of a return to more favourable conditions in due course.

Trading margins were also affected due to the slippage of an order of a 64 CT
Scanner, due to a hospital delay in obtaining the permit for acquisition from
the government, but it is hoped that this will be finalised in the second half
of this year.

The increase in operating and administrative expenses by 188% to RMB 11,138,419
(2006: RMB 3,873,090) is in part a direct reflection of the increased central
office costs following the admission to AIM. However, as announced in the
recent trading update, the Group is going to institute a cost control programme
to be monitored by the non-executive directors alongside the finance director.
This increase in expenses, coupled with additional medical equipment
depreciation arising from the change in accounting estimate for depreciation,
has led to a decrease in net profit to RMB4,117,020 (2006: RMB 10,450,345) for
the Group in the period under review.


Review of Operations

The first six months of the financial year have seen two new centre openings, 
namely the PET-CT diagnostic centre with the Beijing Navy Hospital and a Leksell
Knife centre with Guangzhou 458 Air force Hospital. 

There is an encouraging pipeline of further centre openings for the remainder
of the year, with signed contracts for eight diagnostic and treatments centres.
As a result the Directors expect to open six new diagnostic and treatment
centres in 2007 and a further HIFU centre, bringing the total number in
operation to 21 diagnostic and treatment centres and 2 HIFU centres by the end
of the year. In addition, the Group's Trading Division is currently in advanced
negotiations on two equipment sales and will actively pursue additional

In addition to the signed agreements for new centre openings in 2007, the Group
also signed key strategic agreements with Toshiba China for the distribution and
leasing of its imaging products, and with GE Healthcare China for its latest
HDeMRI scanner. Discussions are under way with Varian Medical to form a
strategic alliance for distribution of their Linear Accelerators which the
Directors are hoping to finalise in the second half of this year.

The Group is actively seeking out further contracts to open diagnostic and
treatment centres and is confident its leasing arrangements will continue to
prove attractive to hospitals lacking the funding to secure radiotherapy
equipment. In addition to the eight signed contracts mentioned, there are a
number of others currently in discussion or with a signed letter of intent. 



As seen before due to the seasonality of the centres' revenue where it would be
lower in the first half of the financial year, mainly due to the major festive
seasons and long holidays such as Chinese Lunar New Year and week-long Labour
Day falling on the first half of the calendar year which usually sees less
patients visiting the centres for treatments, there will be a strong second
half bias to the results. The Directors are hopeful that by focusing on
controlling and where possible, reducing operating and administrative costs
without adversely affecting the Group's expansion plans, the Group can position
itself for strong growth in the second half of the current financial year and
in 2008.

Furthermore, the Directors are confident that if the contract discussions in
relation to the default in payment can be resolved, key equipment sales are
made and additional revenue from the new diagnostic and treatment centres is as
forecast, the Group will finish the year in a much stronger position.


Dr. Cheng Zheng

Chairman and CEO

28 September 2007







                                  (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)       (Audited)
                                     1.1.2007         1.1.2006        1.1.2006
                                           to               to              to
                                   30.06.2007        30.6.2006      31.12.2006
                          NOTE            RMB              RMB             RMB
Revenue                    6       31,588,226       28,641,382      80,153,583
Cost of sales                    (12,051,204)     (10,096,304)    (37,609,236)
Gross profit                       19,537,022       18,545,078      42,544,347
Other income                        1,444,671          288,639       3,591,149
Other expenses                      (413,000)        (200,000)    (17,270,684)
Selling and                                                                   
distribution expenses               (651,884)        (217,982)       (912,567)
General and                                                                   
expenses                   7     (11,138,419)      (3,873,090)    (11,274,106)
Profit from operations              8,778,390       14,542,645      16,678,139
Finance costs                     (2,912,027)      (2,134,754)     (4,562,373)
Profit before income                                                          
tax                                 5,866,363       12,407,891      12,115,766
Income tax expense                (1,749,343)      (1,957,546)     (4,490,566)
Net profit attributable                                                       
to equity holders of                                                          
the parent                          4,117,020       10,450,345       7,625,200
Earnings per share(RMB)   8                                                  
Basic                                    0.31             1.05            0.57
Diluted                                  0.31             0.68            0.57






                                     (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
                                       30.6.2007     30.6.2006    31.12.2006  
                              NOTE           RMB           RMB           RMB  
Non-current assets                                                            
Property, plant and                                                           
equipment                      9     154,433,037   124,911,289   148,320,470  
Intangible asset                         141,406       167,150       158,721  
Deferred tax assets                    1,794,957       697,224     1,322,238  
Trade and other receivables           15,351,089             -    16,271,557  
                                     171,720,489   125,775,663   166,072,986  
Current assets                                                                
Inventories                              151,160     1,162,452       310,018  
Trade and other receivables           82,131,428    17,154,507    19,563,546  
Advances to suppliers and                                                     
prepayments                           18,777,648    41,650,400    53,883,349  
Cash and bank balances         10     29,731,357       987,923    62,830,899  
                                     130,791,593    60,955,282   136,587,812  
Total assets                         302,512,082   186,730,945   302,660,798  
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                        
Capital and reserves                                                          
attributable to equity 
holders of the parent                                                                        
Share capital                        126,477,963       502,513   126,477,963  
Statutory reserves                     7,148,163     4,764,688     6,188,583  
Other reserve                         17,450,811    17,450,811    17,450,811  
Share options reserve                  1,102,530             -       158,142  
Translation reserve                    1,757,728       267,899     1,757,728  
Accumulated profits                   39,527,290    40,618,890    36,369,850  
                                     193,464,485    63,604,801   188,403,077  
Non-current liabilities                                                       
Preference shares                              -    40,100,276             -  
Bank loans                     11     43,220,000    57,610,000    27,257,500  
Trade and other payables               1,833,513             -     1,772,108  
                                      45,053,513    97,710,276    29,029,608  
Current liabilities                                                           
Trade and other payables              12,752,263     9,035,708    20,527,581  
Provision for staff welfare                                                   
benefit                                   20,054       180,230       250,176  
Income tax liabilities                 2,523,595     2,713,912     3,476,248  
Other tax liabilities                  1,292,868       836,018     2,224,108  
Bank loans                     11     47,405,304    12,650,000    58,750,000  
                                      63,994,084    25,415,868    85,228,113  
Total equity and                                                              
liabilities                          302,512,082   186,730,945   302,660,798  








                              Attributable to equity holders of the parent                              
                    Share   Statutory        Other     options   Translation   Accumulated              
                  capital    reserves      reserve     reserve       reserve       profits         Total
                      RMB         RMB          RMB         RMB           RMB           RMB           RMB
Balance as                                                                                              
at 1                                                                                                    
2007          126,477,963   6,188,583   17,450,811     158,142     1,757,728    36,369,850   188,403,077
Net profit                                                                                              
for the                                                                                                 
period                  -           -            -           -             -     4,117,020     4,117,020
income and                                                                                              
expense                 -           -            -           -             -     4,117,020     4,117,020
expenses                -           -            -     944,388             -             -       944,388
Transfer to                                                                                             
reserves                -     959,580            -           -             -     (959,580)             -
Balance as                                                                                              
at 30 June                                                                                              
2007          126,477,963   7,148,163   17,450,811   1,102,530     1,757,728    39,527,290   193,464,485
Balance as                                                                                              
at 1                                                                                                    
2006              502,513   3,676,506   17,450,811           -     1,544,133    31,256,727    54,430,690
difference              -           -            -           -   (1,276,234)             -   (1,276,234)
Net expense                                                                                             
in equity               -           -            -           -   (1,276,234)             -   (1,276,234)
Net profit                                                                                              
for the                                                                                                 
period                  -           -            -           -             -    10,450,345    10,450,345
income and                                                                                              
expense                 -           -            -           -   (1,276,234)    10,450,345     9,174,111
Transfer to                                                                                             
reserves                -   1,088,182            -           -             -   (1,088,182)             -
Balance as                                                                                              
at 30 June                                                                                              
2006              502,513   4,764,688   17,450,811           -       267,899    40,618,890    63,604,801







                             Attributable to equity holders of the parent                             
                    Share   Statutory       Other    options   Translation   Accumulated              
                  capital    reserves     reserve    reserve       reserve       profits         Total
                      RMB         RMB         RMB        RMB          RMB           RMB           RMB
Balance as                                                                                            
at 1                                                                                                  
2006              502,513   3,676,506   17,450,811         -     1,544,133    31,256,727    54,430,690
difference              -           -            -         -       213,595             -       213,595
Net income                                                                                            
directly in                                                                                           
equity                  -           -            -         -       213,595             -       213,595
Net profit                                                                                            
for the                                                                                               
year                    -           -            -         -             -     7,625,200     7,625,200
income and                                                                                            
expense                 -           -            -         -       213,595     7,625,200     7,838,795
Issue of                                                                                              
during the                                                                                            
year           94,024,467           -            -         -             -             -    94,024,467
shares to                                                                                             
shares         39,800,932           -            -         -             -             -    39,800,932
Transfer to                                                                                           
reserves               -    2,512,077            -         -             -   (2,512,077)             -
Share issue                                                                                           
expenses      (7,849,949)           -            -         -             -             -   (7,849,949)
expense                 -           -            -   158,142             -             -       158,142
Balance as                                                                                            
at 31                                                                                                 
2006          126,477,963   6,188,583   17,450,811   158,142     1,757,728    36,369,850   188,403,077









                                   (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)      (Audited)
                                      1.1.2007       1.1.2006       1.1.2006
                                            to             to             to
                                     30.6.2007      30.6.2006     31.12.2006
                                           RMB            RMB            RMB
Cash flows from operating                                                   
Profit before income tax             5,866,363     12,407,891     12,115,766
Adjustments for:                                                            
  Depreciation of property,                                                 
  plant and equipment               11,628,121      7,639,886     18,963,275
  Exchange loss arising from                                                
  conversion of Redeemable Convertible                                   
  Preference Shares                          -              -        965,956
  Intangible asset amortisation         17,315              -         14,429
  Interest expense                   2,912,027      2,134,754      4,562,373
  Loss on disposal of property,                                             
  plant and equipment                  413,000              -              -
  Share options expense                944,388              -        158,142
  Provision for staff welfare                                               
  benefit                               47,979         54,409        125,604
Operating profit before working                                             
capital changes                     21,829,193     22,236,940     36,905,545
Inventories                            158,858      (269,691)        582,743
Trade and other receivables       (61,647,414)    (5,535,677)   (25,801,572)
Advances to suppliers and                                                   
prepayments                         35,105,701   (19,122,400)   (31,355,349)
Trade and other payables           (8,645,153)    (7,281,587)      9,192,226
Utilisation of provision of                                                 
staff welfare benefit                (278,101)              -      (302,128)
Cash used in operating                                                      
activities                        (13,476,916)    (9,972,415)   (10,778,535)
Income tax paid                    (3,174,715)    (1,291,472)    (3,687,171)
Net cash used in operating                                                  
activities                        (16,651,631)   (11,263,887)   (14,465,706)
Cash flows from investing                                                   
Proceeds from disposal of plant                                             
and equipment                         152,815              -              -
Purchase of plant and equipment   (18,306,503)      (859,880)   (35,592,680)
Purchase of intangible asset                 -      (167,150)      (173,150)
Cash deposits pledged with a                                                
bank                                 7,423,747              -   (17,524,051)
Net cash used in investing                                                  
activities                        (10,729,941)    (1,027,030)   (53,289,881)
Cash flows from financing                                                   
Proceeds from issue of share                                                
capital                                      -              -     94,024,467
Share issue expenses paid                    -              -    (7,849,949)
Proceeds from bank loans            31,296,250      5,610,000     44,410,000
Repayment of bank loans           (26,678,446)    (5,000,000)   (28,052,500)
Interest paid                      (2,912,027)    (2,134,754)    (4,562,373)
Net cash generated from/(used                                               
in) financing                                                                    
activities                           1,705,777    (1,524,754)     97,969,645
Net (decrease)/increase in cash                                             
and cash equivalents              (25,675,795)   (13,815,671)     30,214,058
Cash and cash equivalents at                                                
beginning of year                   45,306,848     14,879,195     14,879,195
Exchange differences on cash                                                
and cash equivalents                         -       (75,601)        213,595
Cash and cash equivalents at                                                
end of year (Note 10)               19,631,053        987,923     45,306,848








1.     General


The Company is domiciled and incorporated in Singapore.

The principal activity of the Company is the holding of investments. 
The registered office of the Company is at No. 80 Robinson Road, #11-02, Singapore 
On 30 November 2006, the Company was admitted to the official list of the 
Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange in the United Kingdom.

On 22 January 2007, the name of the subsidiary was changed from
Shanghai Medstar Medical Investment Management Limited Company to Medstar
(Shanghai) Leasing Co., Ltd. The principal activities of the subsidiary, which
is incorporated in Shanghai, People's Republic of China, are the leasing and
sale of medical equipment to hospitals.

The interim financial statements of the Company and its subsidiary ("the
Group") for the financial period ended 30 June 2007 were authorised for issue
by the Board of Directors on 28 September 2007 and the balance sheets were
signed on the board's behalf by Dr. Cheng Zheng and Yap Yaw Kong.


2.     Basis of preparation


The interim financial statements for the financial period ended 30 June 2007
have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 -
Interim Financial Reporting ("IAS 34"). The interim financial statements do not
include all the information and disclosures required in the annual financial
statements, and should be read in conjunction with the Group's annual financial
statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2006.


3.     Accounting policies


The same accounting policies and methods of computation adopted in the most
recently audited financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December
2006 have been applied to these interim financial statements except that in the
current interim period, the Group has adopted all of the new and revised
standards and interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards
Board ("IASB") and the International Financial Reporting Interpretations
Committee ("IFRIC") of the IASB that are relevant to its operations and
effective for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2007. The
adoption of the new and revised standards and interpretations did not result in
significant changes to the Group's accounting policies or the amounts or
disclosures in these interim financial statements.


The financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2006 were
audited and the report dated 22 June 2007 expressed an unqualified opinion on
those statements. The financial information for the six-month comparative
period ended 30 June 2006 has been extracted from the prospectus prepared for
the purpose of the Company's admission to the official list of the Alternative
Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange in the United Kingdomon 30
November 2006.


4.     Change in accounting estimates


In the previous financial year, the Group had changed its accounting estimate
in relation to the residual values of the Group's medical equipment due to
changes in market conditions and customers' expectations. The change has
resulted in an increase in the depreciation charge of RMB 2,317,045 and RMB
1,532,087 with a corresponding decrease in the profit before income tax of the
Group for the financial year ended 31 December 2006 and for the financial
period ended 30 June 2007 respectively.


5.   Segment information

The principal activities of the Group are leasing and sale of medical
equipment which are considered by the Directors to be one segment in the "PRC"

Accordingly, no business and geographical segment analysis is required.


6.     Revenue

                                         (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                            1.1.2007      1.1.2006      1.1.2006
                                                  to            to            to
                                           30.6.2007     30.6.2006    31.12.2006
                                                 RMB           RMB           RMB
Equipment leasing (rendering of service)  32,694,905    27,114,217    58,811,736
Sale of goods                                536,239     2,692,950    24,107,349
Sales tax                                (1,642,918)   (1,165,785)   (2,765,502)
                                          31,588,226    28,641,382    80,153,583

7.      General and administrative expenses
                                                    (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)    (Audited)
                                                       1.1.2007      1.1.2006     1.1.2006
                                                             to            to           to
                                                      30.6.2007     30.6.2006   31.12.2006
                                                            RMB           RMB          RMB
  Staff costs                                         3,016,563     1,595,858    5,547,820
  Directors' fees                                     1,297,116             -            -
  Foreign exchange losses                               617,559             -      965,956
  Lease payments under operating leases of building     979,878       436,432      937,301
  Professional fees                                   2,863,939        49,032    1,361,277
  Share option expense                                  944,388             -      158,142
  Others                                              1,418,976     1,791,768    2,303,610
                                                     11,138,419     3,873,090   11,274,106
8.   Earnings per share


Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the Group's net profit
attributable to equity holders by the weighted average number of ordinary
shares in issue during the financial period as follows:

                                                              (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                                                 1.1.2007       1.1.2006      1.1.2006
                                                                       to             to            to
                                                                30.6.2007      30.6.2006    31.12.2006
                                                                      RMB            RMB           RMB
Basic earnings per share                                             0.31           1.05          0.57
The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on:                                          
Net profit attributable to equity holders                       4,117,020      10,450,345    7,625,200

Weighted average number of fully paid                                                
ordinary shares issued during the financial year               13,263,499      10,000,000   13,263,499


For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, the Group's net
profit attributable to equity holders and the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue are adjusted for the effects of all dilutive potential
ordinary shares.


Diluted earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing the profit
attributable to the equity holders of the Company by the weighted average
number of ordinary shares outstanding during the financial period/year plus the
weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be issued on the
conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares.


For the financial period ended 30 June 2006, Redeemable Convertible Preference
Shares were assumed to have been converted into ordinary shares.


All the 872,853 share options granted on 27 November 2006 did not have a
dilutive effect on the Group's earnings per share as at 31 December 2006 and 30
June 2006 as the average market price per ordinary share of the Company during
the period from the first day of trading on the Alternative Investment Market
of the London Stock Exchange in the United Kingdom to 30 June 2007 was below
the exercise price of the share option granted.

                                                 (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)      (Audited)
                                                    1.1.2007         1.1.2006       1.1.2006
                                                          to               to             to
                                                   30.6.2007        30.6.2006     31.12.2006
                                                         RMB              RMB            RMB
Diluted earnings per share                              0.31             0.68           0.57
The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on:                                
Net profit attributable to equity holders          4,117,020       10,450,345      7,625,200

Weighted average number of fully paid                                                     
ordinary shares issued during the financial year  13,263,499       10,000,000     13,263,499
Effect of dilution arising from RCPS                      -         5,333,337              -
Weighted average number of ordinary shares                                                
adjusted for effect of dilution                   13,263,499       15,333,337     13,263,499

9.     Property, plant and equipment

                      Medical         Fixtures and        Leasehold Assets under              
                    equipment            equipment     improvements construction         Total  
                          RMB                  RMB              RMB          RMB           RMB  
30 June 2007                                                                                  
Balance as                                                                                    
at 1 January                                                                                  
2007              190,516,122              156,194          216,408            -   190,888,724  
Additions          17,651,075              127,500          527,928            -    18,306,503  
Disposals           (669,000)                    -                -            -     (669,000)  
Balance as                                                                                    
at 30 June                                                                                    
2007              207,498,197              283,694          744,336            -   208,526,227  
Balance as                                                                                    
at 1 January                                                                                  
2007               42,267,544               84,302          216,408            -    42,568,254  
charge for                                                                                    
the period         11,574,316               18,610           35,195            -    11,628,121  
Disposals           (103,185)                    -                -            -     (103,185)  
Balance as                                                                                    
at 30 June                                                                                    
2007               53,738,675              102,912          251,603            -    54,093,190  
Net book                                                                                      
As at 30                                                                                      
June 2007         153,759,522              180,782          492,733            -   154,433,037  
30 June 2006                                                                                  
Balance as                                                                                    
at 1 January                                                                                  
2006              141,246,742              143,894          216,408   13,689,000   155,296,044
Additions             847,580               12,300                -            -       859,880
Transfers          13,500,000                    -                - (13,500,000)             -
differences                 -                  346                -            -           346
Balance as                                                                                    
at 30 June                                                                                    
2006              155,594,322              156,540          216,408      189,000   156,156,270
Balance as                                                                                    
at 1 January                                                                                  
2006               23,333,047               55,524          216,408            -    23,604,979
charge for                                                                                    
the period          7,627,763               12,123                -            -     7,639,886
differences               -                    116                -            -           116
Balance as                                                                                    
at 30 June                                                                                    
2006               30,960,810               67,763          216,408            -    31,244,981
Net book                                                                                      
As at 30                                                                                      
June 2006         124,633,512               88,777                -      189,000   124,911,289
31 December 2006                                                                                          
Balance as                                                                                    
at 1 January                                                                                  
2006              141,246,742              143,894          216,408   13,689,000   155,296,044
Additions             982,380               12,300                -   34,598,000    35,592,680
Transfers          48,287,000                    -                -  (48,287,000)            -
Balance as                                                                                    
at 31                                                                                         
2006              190,516,122              156,194          216,408            -   190,888,724
Balance as                                                                                    
at 1 January                                                                                  
2006               23,333,047               55,524          216,408            -    23,604,979
charge for                                                                                    
the year           18,934,497               28,778                -            -    18,963,275
Balance as                                                                                    
at 31                                                                                         
2006               42,267,544               84,302          216,408            -    42,568,254
Net book                                                                                      
As at 31                                                                                      
2006              148,248,578               71,892                -            -   148,320,470

Rental income is received from the leasing of the above mentioned Medical
Equipment to the hospitals for medical treatment.


As of 30 June 2007, bank loans of RMB 59,855,000 (30 June 2006: RMB 70,260,000
and 31 December 2006: RMB 71,007,500) were secured by way of mortgage over the
Group's equipment with net book value of RMB 115,860,623 (30 June 2006: RMB
103,073,396 and 31 December 2006: RMB 125,461,724) and a mortgage over the
equipment leased to Beijing Friendship Hospital with total invoice value no
less than RMB 10,000,000 (31 December 2006: RMB 10,000,000). As of 30 June
2007, the net book value of the equipment was RMB 7,369,875 (31 December 2006:
RMB 7,890,101).

10.    Cash and bank balances


                                       (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)      (Audited)
                                        30.06.2007    30.06.2006     31.12.2006
                                               RMB           RMB            RMB
 Cash in hand                              273,117        63,214         70,271
 Cash at bank                           28,458,240       924,709     54,260,628
 Guarantee money for bank acceptance     1,000,000             -      8,500,000
 Cash and bank balances as per                                                  
 consolidated balance                                                           
 sheet                                  29,731,357       987,923     62,830,899
 Less: Pledge of cash deposit to                                               
 secure banking facilities for the                                              
 subsidiary                            (10,100,304)             -   (17,524,051)
Cash and cash equivalents as per                                               
consolidated cash                                                              
flow  statement                          19,631,053       987,923    45,306,848

11.    Bank loans

                                       (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)    (Audited)
                                          30.06.07      30.06.06     31.12.06
                                               RMB           RMB          RMB
The borrowings are repayable as                                              
On demand within one financial year     47,405,304    12,650,000   58,750,000
From second to fifth financial year     43,220,000    57,610,000   27,257,500
                                        90,625,304    70,260,000   86,007,500


Following are the summaries of the above bank loans obtained from major banking
institutions in People's Republic of China:


(i) These loans carried interest rates ranging from 5.49% - 8.01% (30 June 2006:
5.49% - 8% and 31 December 2006: 5.58% - 8.75%) per annum, which are also the
weighted average effective interest rates.


(ii) These loans have an average maturity period of 1 - 35 months (30 June 2006 and
31 December 2006: 18 - 28 months) from the end of the financial period.


(iii) These loans are secured by:


     (a) charges over certain of the Group's property, plant and equipment with net book
         value amounting to RMB115,860,623 (30 June 2006: RMB103,073,396 and 31 December
         2006: RMB125,461,724);


     (b) charges over certain equipment of a related party with net book value amounting
         to RMB12,000,000 (30 June 2006 and 31 December 2006: RMB12,000,000);


     (c) the pledge of cash deposits of USD1,300,000 (30 June 2006: Nil and 31 December
         2006: USD2,000,000) and RMB1,000,000 (30 June 2006:  Nil and 31 December 2006:


     (d) a mortgage over the equipment leased to Beijing Friendship Hospital with total
         invoice value no less than RMB10,000,000 (30 June 2006: Nil and 31 December
         2006: 10,000,000);


     (e) the pledge of trade receivable balances due from Oriental Hepatobiliary
         Hospital and No.306 of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Hospital; and


     (f) guarantees from certain related parties, non-related parties, original investor
         and a Director of the Company (30 June 2006 and 31 December 2006: guaranteed by
         same entities).

12.    Related party transactions


(i) Related parties                                                         
    Name of the related parties   Relationship                              
    Beijng Tengyuan Tongda        Under the control of Directors of the     
    Trading                       Company from                              
    Co., Ltd.                     23 April 2004 to 1 January 2006           
    Beijing Medstar Hi-Tech       Under the control of Directors of the     
    Investment Co., Ltd.          Company                                   
    Beijing Medstar Hospital      The same Directors as those of the Company
    Management Co., Ltd.                                                    
    CZY Investment Ltd.           Major corporate shareholder of the Company

The details of the related party information are disclosed in Sections (iii)
and (iv) below.

(ii)  Key management personnel compensation


               Key management personnel compensation was as follows:
                                            (Unaudited) (Unaudited)  (Audited)
                                               1.1.2007    1.1.2006   1.1.2006
                                                     to          to         to
                                              30.6.2007   30.6.2006 31.12.2006
                                                    RMB         RMB        RMB
Salaries and other short term benefits        2,418,948     943,044  2,047,934
Post-employment benefits - contributions to                                   
defined contribution schemes                    228,601     203,963    352,104
Share option expense                            944,388           -    158,142
                                              3,591,937   1,147,007  2,558,180
The remuneration disclosed above includes the remuneration of the Directors of
RMB 2,026,644 (30 June 2006: RMB 465,686 and 31 December 2006: RMB 1,195,367)
and other members of key management of the Group. Share options were granted to
four executive Directors and certain key management personnel.

(iii)  Transactions


In addition to related party transactions disclosed elsewhere in the interim
financial statements, significant related party transactions during the
financial period/year were as follows:
                                        (Unaudited) (Unaudited)  (Audited)
                                           1.1.2007    1.1.2006   1.1.2006
                                                 to          to         to
                                          30.6.2007   30.6.2006 31.12.2006
                                                RMB         RMB        RMB
With a Director                                                           
Payment made on behalf of the Group                                       
for expenses incurred in relation to                                      
Initial Public Offering                           -           -  1,287,932
With related parties                                                      
Advancement to:                                                           
CZY Investment Ltd                                -           -     47,876
Advancement from:                                                         
Beijing Medstar Hi-Tech Company                                           
Limited                                           -           -    195,618

(iv)  Guaranty


As of 30 June 2007, a bank loan of RMB 26,000,000 (30 June 2006: RMB 36,000,000
and 31 December 2006: RMB 26,000,000) was guaranteed by Beijing Tengyuan Tongda
Trading Co., Ltd. and Beijing Medstar Hi-Tech Medical Investment Co., Ltd. and
secured by a charge over certain equipment of Beijing Tengyuan Tongda Trading
Co., Ltd. amounting to RMB 12,000,000 (30 June 2006: RMB 12,000,000 and 31
December 2006: RMB 12,000,000). The Director, Mr. Cheng Zheng, guaranteed an
aggregate bank loans of RMB 31,800,000 (30 June 2006: RMB 12,150,000 and 31
December 2006: RMB 25,050,000) granted to the subsidiary company (Note 11).


13.    Capital commitments


                                                         (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)    (Audited)
                                                           30.6.2007    30.6.2006   31.12.2006
                                                                 RMB          RMB          RMB
Capital expenditure contracted for at the balance sheet                                       
  date                                                    49,921,750   66,160,000  100,950,675
Less: Advances to suppliers                              (18,500,660) (41,650,400) (53,349,425)
Capital commitments contracted but not provided                                               
  for in the financial statements                         31,421,090   24,509,600   47,601,250


14.   Subsequent events


On 4 July 2007, the Company has increased its investment in the subsidiary by
USD 800,000. After the increase, the total paid up capital of the subsidiary
will be USD 18,500,000.


On 8 May 2007, the Board had approved the application to the local authority
for the change in the scope of the principal activities of the subsidiary,
primarily for the inclusion of finance leasing business operation. At the date
of this announcement, this said application is still subject to the approval by
the local authority.




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