10 MARCH 2015 
   The Proposals 
   Each of Core VCT plc ("Core VCT"), Core VCT IV plc ("Core VCT IV") and 
Core VCT V plc ("Core VCT V") (each a "Company" and together the 
"Companies") intend to put to shareholders a proposal for the solvent 
winding-up of each Company in order to facilitate the return of capital 
whilst ensuring the preservation of its VCT taxation status.  Details of 
the proposals (and further background to the realisation programme in 
relation to the Companies' investments) are contained in a joint 
circular issued by the Companies dated 10 March 2015 (the "Circular"). 
   The Circular explains the proposals for the winding-up of each Company, 
the actions which are required for their implementation and convenes a 
shareholders' meeting of each Company to approve the winding-up.  The 
relevant Resolutions, as set out in the relevant notice of general 
meeting (contained in the Circular), will be put to the general meeting 
convened for Core VCT at 10.00 am on 16 April 2015, for Core VCT IV at 
10.15 am on 16 April 2015 and for Core VCT V at 10.30 am on 16 April 
   Each Company was founded on the basis that capital would be returned to 
shareholders.  The directors of each Company have concluded that they 
are in a position to recommend to shareholders a voluntary winding-up of 
their respective Company. If the Proposals are approved, this should 
result in the following: 
   - the payment of the following initial distributions to ordinary 
shareholders (representing a return of capital on their shares), 
currently expected to be paid on or around 15 May 2015: 
              Distribution to Ordinary Shareholders (pence) 
Core VCT                                                 35 
Core VCT IV                                              25 
Core VCT V                                               25 
   - the assurance of the maintenance of VCT status of each Company in 
accordance with VCT Rules so that the payment of any return of capital 
resulting from the liquidation during the three year period following 
the passing of the relevant resolutions will (subject to conditions) 
continue to be tax free in the hands of shareholders;- the cancellation 
of the listings of the shares of the Companies on the Official List, 
whereupon the shares will cease to trade on the London Stock Exchange; - 
the appointment of Mark Fry and Neil Mather of Begbies Traynor (Central) 
LLP as joint liquidators by each of the Companies, who will assume all 
decision taking responsibilities for each Company (subject to the 
continuing role of the Manager (Core Capital Partners LLP) for 
investments and realisation proposals); and- reduced annual running 
costs for each Company for the duration of their winding-up. 
   Unaudited Net Asset Value as at 31 December 2014 
   The Companies today also announce their unaudited NAVs for their 
ordinary shares as at 31 December 2014. 
                                       Core VCT  Core VCT IV  Core VCT V 
                                        (pence)    (pence)      (pence) 
Unaudited NAV as at 31 December 2014      82.38        57.43       60.57 
   As at 31 December 2014, for the holders of B Shares to receive any 
distributions on their B Shares the shareholders in Core VCT holding 
ordinary shares must receive 86.57p per ordinary share. Currently, total 
cumulative distributions are approximately 55.42p per ordinary share 
short of the required threshold.  Hence, no value other than the capital 
contributed of 0.01 pence per share has been attributed to the B Shares. 
Therefore, a NAV of 0.01p per share has been attributed to the B Shares 
of Core VCT. 
   The table below reconciles the above NAVs to the unaudited NAVs reported 
by the Companies in their respective interim management statements for 
the quarter to 30 September 2014. 
                                             Core VCT  Core VCT IV  Core VCT V 
                                              (pence)    (pence)      (pence) 
Unaudited NAV as at 30 September 2014*          85.02        63.51       66.65 
Valuation Movements: 
Increase in Core Capital I LP ("Core LP")        0.31         0.16        0.16 
Decrease in Allied International Holdings 
 Limited                                       (1.40)       (3.51)      (3.46) 
Increase in Camwatch Limited                        -         4.59        4.53 
Decrease in Cording Real Estate Group 
 Limited                                       (1.27)            -           - 
Dividends paid (revenue)                            -        (5.0)       (5.0) 
Net operating costs                            (0.27)       (0.83)      (0.83) 
Corporation tax                                     -       (1.49)      (1.48) 
Unaudited NAV as at 31 December 2014*           82.39        57.43       60.57 
   *  The NAV per ordinary share for Core VCT includes 0.01p per share 
attributed to the B Shares. 
   Shareholders should note that the NAV information presented in the table 
above has not been audited and the final realisation of the remaining 
investments may be different from the values taken into account in the 
above tables.  A provision has been included within the operating costs 
stated for each Company above for initial fees and expenses incurred in 
relation to the liquidation proposals (being GBP33,717 for Core VCT and 
GBP29,217 for each of Core VCT IV and Core VCT V). 
   The unaudited NAVs to 31 December 2014 have been prepared in accordance 
with International Financial Reporting Standards and have been prepared 
on a break up basis.   The unquoted investments have been valued by the 
directors in accordance with International Private Equity Valuation 
   The investment portfolio and cash balances held by each of the Companies 
as at 31 December 2014 (unaudited) is summarised below: 
                                                      Core VCT   Core VCT IV  Core VCT V 
                                                        (GBP)       (GBP)        (GBP) 
Allied International Holdings Limited                 2,346,465      417,880     417,880 
Cording Real Estate Group Limited (held through CP 
 Newco I and 2 Limited)                                 852,000       10,000      10,000 
Core LP (investments)                                13,958,929    1,844,702   1,844,702 
Core LP (cash)                                       16,824,082    2,226,608   2,226,608 
Momentous Moving Holdings Limited                     1,564,504      744,002     990,280 
Net current assets (cash and creditors)                 130,965    1,008,438   1,188,802 
Net asset value                                      35,676,945    6,251,630   6,678,272 
   Valuation Movements 
   Core Capital I LP ("Core LP") (held by all the Companies through BVI 
   The table above highlights the movement in NAVs as a result of movements 
in the interests of the Companies in Core LP.  During the quarter a 
further GBP1.362m was invested by Core LP in Ark Home Healthcare 
Holdings Limited to fund working capital commitments. 
   A further GBP30,000 was drawn down by Core LP from the other 
institutional investors to fund operating expenses.  As at 31 December 
2014, a total of GBP195,000 remained to be called.  These funds have 
been retained to pay the running costs of Core LP. 
   Allied International Holdings Limited (held by all the Companies) 
   The movement in valuation is explained within the section headed "Post 
Balance Sheet Event" below. 
   Camwatch Limited (held by Core VCT IV and Core VCT V) 
   As announced on 17 November 2014, the mezzanine investment in Camwatch 
Limited held by both Core VCT IV and Core VCT V was realised during 
November 2014 for a cash consideration of GBP1.5m per Company. 
Including the yield received over the life of the investment this has 
provided an attractive 2.4x return on the investment cost and an IRR of 
19.8% per annum.  The sale of Camwatch Limited returned no equity value. 
The proceeds were from both the loan notes and redemption premium. 
Following this realisation, a 5p revenue dividend was paid to 
shareholders in both Core VCT IV and Core VCT V on 22 December 2014. 
   Cording Real Estate Group Limited (held by all the Companies) 
   Cordingland LLP was restructured during October 2014, resulting in the 
business then being held in a new holding company, Cording Real Estate 
Group Limited, a restructuring which was undertaken to attract further 
senior talent into the business to drive further and faster growth and 
removing the preferred capital element of the structure.  The business 
is trading slightly behind its plan and the valuation as at 31 December 
2014 has been adjusted to reflect this softening of trade. In order to 
accelerate growth the business is pursuing both organic growth and a 
merger strategy. 
   Post Balance Sheet Event 
   Allied International Holdings Limited ("Allied") 
   Following a review of the Allied business model in the middle of January 
2015, the Manager made the decision to exit the European operations and 
focus on the growing US business. 
   The effect of this exit was considered in the valuation of Allied as at 
31 December 2014 and a provision was taken against it resulting in a 
lower valuation. 
   The exit and winding up process of the European operations requires the 
parent company to underwrite the deposits of clients.  Core VCT, along 
with a third party investor, agreed to provide Allied with up to GBP1m 
of additional funding to support this exit process.  The investment of 
GBP1m was made by way of senior secured loan notes ('SLN'), of which 
GBP500,000 was invested by Core VCT and the balance by the third party. 
Allied has now issued in total GBP2.65m of SLNs of which GBP2.15m are 
held by Core VCT. 
   The SLNs, which were issued in different tranches, carry a minimum 
coupon of 20% and provide the holders of these notes, acting by a 
majority of the holders of those notes, with the right to exercise their 
security in the event of a default by Allied.  These SLNs rank ahead of 
all unsecured loan notes and equity investments in Allied.  The European 
exit process has triggered a default under the terms of the SLNs giving 
Core VCT the right to enforce its security and require immediate 
repayment of its loan notes.  This default is continuing.  Core VCT has 
not waived its rights but has confirmed that it has no current intention 
of enforcing its security. 
   Neither Core VCT IV nor Core VCT V hold any of the SLNs and have not 
invested any further monies in Allied since October 2011. The 
investments made by Core VCT IV and Core VCT V in Allied carry a higher 
risk as the valuations are leveraged by the SLNs, which currently 
represent 62% of the overall valuation of Allied which will mean that 
both increases and decreases in the value of Allied will be magnified by 
this gearing and the minimum coupon.  In addition, as Allied is in 
breach of the terms of the SLNs, the holders of the SLNs could demand 
immediate repayment and exercise their security in order to recover the 
amounts due to them. In these circumstances the amount which might be 
returned to Core VCT IV and Core VCT V could be significantly below the 
valuation of their investment in Allied as at 31 December 2014 and could 
result in there being no value in the investments made by Core VCT IV 
and Core VCT V.  If this were the case the NAV as at 31 December 2014 
would reduce by up to 3.8p per Share for each of Core VCT IV and Core 
   In the event of an orderly sale of Allied, the proceeds will initially 
be used to repay the SLNs, including accrued but unpaid interest, before 
any payment is made to the holders of the unsecured loan notes and 
ordinary shareholders. 
   Expected Timetable for the Proposals 
Notice of General Meeting of Core VCT                            10 March 2015 
Deadline for receipt of Proxy Forms for the Core VCT      10.00 am on 14 April 
 General Meeting                                                          2015 
Suspension of the listing of the shares of Core VCT        7.30 am on 16 April 
 on the Official List                                                     2015 
General Meeting of Core VCT                               10.00 am on 16 April 
Expected date of cancellation of the listing of the        8.00 am on 17 April 
 shares of Core VCT on the Official List                                  2015 
Expected date of payment of the initial distribution               15 May 2015 
 to Shareholders of Core VCT following the announcement 
 of the winding up 
Notice of General Meeting of Core VCT IV                         10 March 2015 
Deadline for receipt of Proxy Forms for the Core VCT            10.15 am on 14 
 IV General Meeting                                                 April 2015 
Suspension of the listing of the shares of Core VCT              7.30 am on 16 
 IV on the Official List                                            April 2015 
General Meeting of Core VCT IV                                  10.15 am on 16 
                                                                    April 2015 
Expected date of cancellation of the listing of the              8.00 am on 17 
 shares of Core VCT IV on the Official List                         April 2015 
Expected date of payment of the initial distribution               15 May 2015 
 to Shareholders of Core VCT IV following the announcement 
 of the winding up 
Notice of General Meeting of Core VCT V                          10 March 2015 
Deadline for receipt of Proxy Forms for the Core VCT            10.30 am on 14 
 V General Meeting                                                  April 2015 
Suspension of the listing of the shares of Core VCT              7.30 am on 16 
 V on the Official List                                             April 2015 
General Meeting of Core VCT V                                   10.30 am on 16 
                                                                    April 2015 
Expected date of cancellation of the listing of the              8.00 am on 17 
 shares of Core VCT V on the Official List                          April 2015 
Expected date of payment of the initial distribution               15 May 2015 
 to Shareholders of Core VCT V following the announcement 
 of the winding up 
   A copy of the Circular has been submitted to the National Storage 
Mechanism and is available to the public viewing online at the following 
website address; http://www.hemscott.com/nsm.do 
   For enquiries: 
   Walid Fakhry                      020 3179 0915 
   Stephen Edwards              020 3179 0919 
   Rhonda Nicoll                    020 3179 0930 
   This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on 
behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients. 
   The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely 
responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information 
contained therein. 
   Source: Core VCT IV plc via Globenewswire 

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