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05 June 2024
European Green Transition
("European Green Transition",
"EGT" or "the Company")
New High-Grade Grab
Sample Results from the Olserum REE Project
European Green Transition (AIM:
EGT), a company developing green economy assets in Europe which
aims to capitalise on the opportunity created by the green energy
transition, is pleased to announce further results, in addition to
the results announced on 15 May 2024, from recent grab samples
taken at the Djupedal prospect, the nearby Bersummen area, and the
newly identified Stora Lockerum structure, all located within the
Olserum Rare Earth Elements ("REE") project in south
High-grade samples of dump material at Djupedal
assayed 4.79%, 5.8% and 11.77% TREO ("Total Rare Earth
A sample from the March 2024 sampling results,
which exceeded the detection limits, was re-assayed by X-ray
fluorescence ("XRF") methods and assayed 15.27% TREO of which 3.67%
is high value NdPrDy oxides.
Further rock chip samples within the Djupedal
prospect confirm continuity and extend mineralisation to 1km strike
length with an outcrop sample further to the northwest assaying
0.74% TREO.
Six rock chip samples collected at the newly
identified Stora Lockerum structure, 900m south of Djupedal,
assayed up to 3.88% TREO with an average of 1.73% TREO while
historic trial workings for iron were also discovered confirming
the link between the magnetite iron and REE mineralisation in the
Four samples from the Bersummen area assayed
between 0.9% TREO and 2.51% TREO with samples up to 290m apart
defining a potential new mineralised trend northwest of
· Encouraging results
support the Directors' belief that EGT's fully permitted low-cost
drill programme scheduled for H2-2024 could confirm district scale
system and further project upside, supporting the aim of attracting
a partner to fund a larger scale programme.
Aiden Lavelle, Chief Executive Officer of European Green
Transition, said:
"We believe that the Olserum REE Project has potential to be
expanded into a district-scale REE system. With additional time
spent on the ground and results from this batch of samples
collected in April, the team has increased our knowledge of the
system, increased the strike length of the mineralisation at
Djupedal to 1km, and 900m to the south extended the recently
discovered Stora Lockerum structure
to up to 500m following its
discovery in March. Additional samples from the Bersummen area also
define a potential new trend over c.300m and reaffirm our belief
that this is a district scale REE system.
"Further samples from known structures and dumps at Djupedal
confirm the potential for higher grade mineralisation which the
geologists have now vectored in on and further increase our
confidence of completing our fully permitted and low-cost drill
programme in H2-2024. We anticipate the drill programme could
confirm our assumption that the Olserum REE project is a district
scale system with potential to be a significant REE project in
Europe. Completing the programme should support the Company's aim
of attracting a partner to fund its future development and
potential commercialisation."
Rock Sample
The Company has received additional
rock sample results for 25 rock chip samples taken at the Djupedal
prospect, the Bersummen area and the newly identified Stora
Lockerum structure, all located within the Olserum REE

Figure 1: Distribution of sample results across Olserum REE
project showing district scale system and new Stora Lockerum

Figure 2: New sample highlights shown at the Djupedal prospect
with purple shading representing magnetic anomalies spatially
associated with REE mineralisation
Fifteen of the samples in the latest
batch were taken in the Djupedal prospect area with the aim of
increasing sampling coverage and testing the grade of outcropping
alteration and structures and other dump material surrounding the
old magnetite iron workings. A newly located dump, exposed due to
recent forestry activity, was sampled 115m northwest of the
previously sampled dumps. This sample, OLS-112, assayed 11.77% TREO
with 2.41% NdPrDy (Neodymium, Praseodymium, Dysprosium) Oxides.
Another dump sample located 20m southwest of this and adjacent to
small trial workings or trenches over a few metres length assayed
4.79% TREO with 0.88% NdPrDy Oxides.
A sample which exceeded the
detection limit for certain REEs, namely Ce and Pr, as part of the
previous sampling batch was re-assayed by XRF methods in the ALS
Brisbane lab and a new result of 15.27% TREO was determined, of
which 3.67% is high value NdPrDy oxides. This sample which came
from a dump adjacent to the iron workings at Djupedal also had 461
ppm Terbium (Tb) which is currently the most valuable
These samples support the presence
of higher-grade mineralisation beyond the original known dumps at
the Djupedal prospect, and are consistent with the structural model
for the Djupedal prospect. Of the 15 samples from Djupedal, 10 are
from outcrop and the four best assays in outcrop were 3.91%, 2.64%,
1.83% and 0.74% TREO. Significantly, the outcrop sample OLS-100
with 0.74% TREO is located to the west of the prospect and extends
the known mineralisation to 1km strike length
compared to the >800m reported previously. This limited outcrop
is altered with magnetite and highly sheared with coarse biotite
bands and is interpreted as wallrock alteration to the target
structure. A nearby boulder sample, OLS-101, assayed 0.54%. These
samples add to the evidence of a significant mineralised zone at
Djupedal with steep to moderate, southerly dipping structures that
have never been tested by drilling.
Stora Lockerum
Six grab samples from the newly
discovered shear zone structure at Stora Lockerum which is roughly
on trend but northwest of the Bersummen samples returned very
encouraging mineralisation over 500m. Four samples were of
dump material from historic iron trial workings located 30m apart
with results of 0.36%, 1.05%, 2.75% and 3.88% TREO while two
samples with 1.07% and 1.29% TREO were outcrop samples.
Sample OLS-094 with 2.75% TREO
(0.64% NdPrDy oxides) was a grab sample of sheared pink granite
containing veins of biotite and magnetite from a spoil heap located
on the structure. Sample OLS-095 from a separate spoil heap had
3.88% TREO (0.897% NdPrDy oxides) with banded biotite, magnetite
and quartz. The samples taken to date at Stora Lockerum are along a
490m trend exhibiting similar mineralogy and textures to Olserum
and Djupedal and these samples are further evidence of
district-scale REE system with potential for higher grade
mineralisation located along altered shear zones.
The Company previously announced
a single rock chip sample over a one metre width
in this area which assayed 1.77% TREO with 0.393% NdPrDy oxides.
The Company anticipates that there is a good chance of expanding
the strike length of these mineralised structures once the trend is
mapped. These initial results from the Stora Lockerum target are
further evidence of a district-scale REE system in this prospective
and under-explored region of Sweden.
Four samples from the Bersummen area
northwest of Bersummen lake assayed 0.9%, 1.06%, 1.16% and 2.51%
TREO. Two samples, including the sample OLS-104 with 2.51% TREO
(0.56% NdPrDy Oxides) were located up to 290m apart defining a
potential new mineralised trend parallel to regional strike while
two other samples were located in a large dome-shaped outcrop with
visible apatite just south of this trend. It was around this
outcrop that a previous sample with 0.73% TREO was taken by the
Company while historic samples taken by the previous operator had
results of up to 3.73% TREO.
OLS-104, from a new sample location,
was a 60cm chip sample in small cliff above the field edge and
contained coarse biotite and apatite with minor visible xenotime
and quartz. The strike length between the initial samples
from Stora Lockerum in the northwest to the Bersummen samples in
the southeast is 1.4km. Further low-cost work will confirm if this
represents a single structure or two near parallel or offset
Sample Information, Quality
Assurance / Quality Control
All samples were securely bagged,
cable tied, boxed, and shipped by courier to ALS Minerals in Malå,
Sweden. Pulps were prepared and dispatched to ALS Minerals in
Loughrea, Ireland and analysed by method ME-MS81h for ore-grade
rare earth elements. The Company submitted blind REE reference
standards provided by Geostats Pty and blanks within the sample
stream to ALS and monitors the results for accuracy. ALS also
performs its own internal QA/QC procedures to assure the accuracy
and integrity of results. The rock chip and grab samples reported
here may not be representative of more systematic sampling methods
such as channel sampling and drilling over broad intervals but are
considered an indication of the presence and potential for further
All scientific and technical
information in this announcement has been prepared under the
supervision of and reviewed and approved by EurGeol Aiden Lavelle,
M.Sc., P.Geo., EGT's Chief Executive Officer. Mr Lavelle has
sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralisation and
type of deposit under consideration, and to the activity which he
is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person in accordance with
the guidance note for Mining, Oil & Gas Companies issued by the
London Stock Exchange in respect of AIM Companies, which outlines
standards of disclosure for mineral projects. Mr Lavelle consents
to the inclusion in this announcement of the matters based on his
information in the form and context in which it appears.
European Green Transition plc
Aiden Lavelle, CEO
+44 (0) 208 058 6129
Jack Kelly, CFO
Panmure Gordon - Nominated Adviser and
James Sinclair-Ford / Dougie McLeod
/ Ivo Macdonald
Mark Murphy / Hugh Rich / Rauf
+ 44 (0) 20 7886 2500
Camarco - Financial PR
Notes to Editors
European Green Transition plc
(listed on the AIM London Stock Exchange under the ticker "EGT") is
a business operating in the green economy transition space in
Europe. EGT intends to capitalise on the opportunities created by
Europe's transition away from fossil fuels to a green,
renewables-focused economy. The Company plans to expand its
existing portfolio of green economy assets through M&A,
targeting what it believes to be distressed and undervalued
projects. EGT sees substantial opportunities to deliver value from
its M&A pipeline, which includes critical material, wind,
solar, processing and recycling projects.
EGT's highly experienced leadership
team have a strong track record of building successful public
companies through the acquisition of distressed assets. EGT plans
to replicate this approach, creating a sustainable and profitable
business while generating shareholder returns.
The Company's current portfolio of
green economy assets includes the Olserum Rare Earth Project in
Sweden. The Olserum project is one of Sweden's projects of
"National Interest" and has the potential to become Europe's first
operating REE mine. EGT has taken an exclusive option over a copper
tailings recycling project in Cyprus with the potential to generate
meaningful amounts of copper, and with the site and surroundings
offering an excellent long-term location to establish a potential
solar power facility. EGT has taken a further exclusive option to
develop a peatland carbon sink programme and in turn generate
carbon credits at Altan in Donegal in the northwest of Ireland. EGT
owns additional projects in northern Sweden and Germany which have
defined and tangible upside with potential to realise near-term
inflection points in a cost effective manner. EGT's objective is to
build a profitable business while aiming to monetise some of its
assets through sale or partnership with larger industry players or
European end users. The team is focused on success while remaining
committed to its defined ESG strategy, ensuring excellent
development practices across all projects in addition to regular
local community engagement.