RNS Number : 3234Y

GGG Resources PLC

29 February 2012

GGG Resources plc

(the "Company" or "GGG")

Bullabulling Gold Resource Increases to 3.2 Million Ounces, including 2.1 Million Ounces of Indicated Resource.


-- Results from the Phase Two infill drilling programme have produced a new JORC global resource estimate of 3.2 million ounces of gold (102.8 Mt at 0.96g/t Au) using a 0.5g/t Au cut off.

-- The total resource along the Bullabulling Trend has increased by 800,000 ounces of gold and the Indicated resource in the same area has increased by 1.4 million ounces of gold.

-- The updated resource estimate does not include resources contained within the Gibraltar Pit or the Laterite Dumps at the Bullabulling Project which is currently being drilled.

-- The increase from 2.4 million ounces (excluding Gibraltar and Laterite Dumps) to 3.2 million ounces is primarily the result of new zones of mineralisation intersected particularly north of the Phoenix Pit.

-- The new estimate includes 2.1 million ounces of Indicated resource along the Bullabulling Trend at a grade of 0.92 g/t Au.

-- The resource has yet to be optimised, but while tonnage has increased significantly, model grades at different cut-offs have also increased. The Directors expect that this, in combination with the newly delineated areas of mineralisation which should reduce the strip ratios, will have a positive effect in reducing operating cost estimates against those provided in the Scoping Study (see release 19 December 2011).

-- The new resource estimate will be used as the basis for establishing a maiden reserve for Bullabulling during the pre-feasibility study currently in progress.

-- The new resource estimate supports the Scoping Study scenario of an operation with an initial Life of Mine production of 2.0 to 2.5Moz gold over a ten year mine life with potential to expand the current resource in the future.

-- The drilling results for the Phase II drilling programme are set out at the end of this announcement

Mineral Resource Estimate Overview

The mineral resource estimate for the Bullabulling Gold Project near Coolgardie, Western Australia has been upgraded to include results from the Phase Two infill drilling programme (totalling approximately 75,000m) which was completed in December 2011. The resource estimate for the Bullabulling Trend (Table 1) is now 102.8 Mt at 0.96 g/t Au (3.2 million ounces contained gold) using a 0.5 g/t Au cut-off grade (Indicated and Inferred). The proportion of Indicated resource has increased approximately threefold to 72.1 Mt at 0.92 g/t Au (2.1 million ounces contained gold) using a 0.5 g/t cut-off compared to the previous resource estimate (711,700 ounces see announcement dated 15 August 2011). The total global resource from the Bullabulling Trend (excluding Gibraltar and Laterite Dumps) has also increased by 800,000 ounces from the August, 2011 estimate. The resource remains open particularly at depth and to the south.

The mineral resource was estimated over a similar area to the August, 2011 resource estimate, and to a maximum depth of 100RL, approximately 350m below surface and an average depth of 346RL, approximately 100m below surface. The estimate is also confined to the tenement areas held by the Joint Venture. This estimate does not include the Gibraltar resource or the historic laterite dumps and stockpiles. It also excludes all previous RAB drilling results and unclassified mineralisation.

The previous Phase One JORC (2004) compliant Mineral Resource estimate for theBullabulling Gold Project near Coolgardie, Western Australia (Announcement of 15 August 2011) was 78.84 Mt at 1.03 g/t Au (2.60 million ounces contained gold) using a 0.5 g/t cut-off (Indicated and Inferred). This estimation includes resources at Gibraltar and the Laterite Dumps.

The new resource, which excludes Gibraltar and the Laterite Dumps, is a significant increase in contained gold, given the new drilling only in-filled areas of known mineralisation along the Bullabulling Trend. The Bullabulling mineral resources as of February, 2012 are listed in Table 1 and the August, 2011 resources are provided in Table 2 for comparison.

Table 1 Bullabulling Trend Mineral Resource (February, 2012) at a 0.5 g/t cutoff (JORC, 2004)

      Mineralisation        Cut off      Class      Tonnes (Mt)    Gold grade    Contained 
           Type               (g/t                                     g/t         Ounces 
------------------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
  Bullabulling Laterite       0.5      Inferred         1.7           0.90        45,800 
------------------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
    Bullabulling Fresh        0.5      Indicated       72.1           0.92       2,132,000 
------------------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
                              0.5      Inferred        29.0           1.08       1,026,000 
------------------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
   Trend Total                                         102.8          0.96       3,204,000 
------------------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 

*Note: The Bullabulling Trend resource is quoted for blocks with a grade of greater than 0.5 g/t and the impact of barren pegmatite dykes has been modelled geologically, with 35Mt of pegmatite dykes excluded from the resource estimate.

Table 2 Bullabulling Trend Mineral Resource (August, 2011) at a 0.5 g/t cutoff (JORC, 2004)

      Mineralisation        Cut off      Class      Tonnes (Mt)    Gold grade    Contained 
           Type               (g/t                                     g/t         Ounces 
------------------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
  Bullabulling Laterite       0.5      Inferred         1.6           0.89        45,700 
------------------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
    Bullabulling Fresh        0.5      Indicated       21.0           1.01        691,000 
------------------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
                              0.5      Inferred        50.9           1.03       1,683,900 
------------------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
   Trend Total                                         73.8           1.02       2,420,600 
------------------------  ---------  -----------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 

*Note: The Bullabulling Trend resource is quoted for blocks with a grade of greater than 0.5 g/t and the tonnage figures for the fresh mineralisation have been discounted by 7% to allow for the impact of barren pegmatite dykes.

The updated February 2012 resource estimate for the Bullabulling Trend, including the new infill drilling, was completed by the Snowden Group and a summary letter describing the data and techniques used and the resource estimate is included in this announcement.

Commenting on the independent JORC compliant mineral resource estimate, Jeff Malaihollo GGG Resources plc's Managing Director, said:

"The Bullabulling Project continues to grow and now stands at 3.2Moz excluding the resource at Gibraltar, which we are currently drilling. The average grades in individual block models have increased, however there are significant new areas of gold mineralisation discovered at average grades of 0.7-0.9 g/t Au, which lowers the average grades in the global resource. These new areas of mineralisation should reduce the strip ratios and should have a positive influence on the operating cost estimates.

This new resource will be the basis of the pre-feasibility study and, combined with the imminent merger between GGG Resources plc and Auzex Limited, places the project in a strong position for development."

Resource Reconciliation with Previous Estimates and Historic Mining

The February 2012 resource estimate used assays from all the drilling carried out by the Joint Venture (both RC and diamond), historic reverse circulation (RC) and diamond drill hole data, but excludes RAB drilling data, over a 9 km(2) area covering the Bullabulling Trend. Barren pegmatite dykes were also excluded from the resource estimate with a total of 35 million tonnes of pegmatite material classified as waste, which accounts for about 4% of the total volume of the resource estimate.

The February estimate was compiled using a combination of Ordinary Kriging (OK) and Multiple Indicator Kriging (MIK) used to interpolate the resource estimate, after the data were unfolded, using Datamine and GSLIB software (post processing the MIK results). The ranges used to design the primary search ellipse dimensions used in the modelling were 75m along strike, 35m down dip and 10m across strike. The variography reconciles well with the orientations of mineralised shoots derived from the structural studies. The main differences between the August 2011 Resource Estimate and this estimate are:

-- The interpolation techniques have been constrained by interpreted 0.1 g/t Au mineralised wireframes to minimise smearing of low grade blocks into areas of known waste and reduction of higher grade blocks by low values in waste blocks.

-- The barren pegmatite dykes which cut the mineralisation were interpreted and modelled to deplete the mineralisation. This was not done for the August 2011 estimate, instead the tonnage was reduced by 7% based on the percentage of pegmatite dyke intercepted in the recent drilling.

The resource estimate was reviewed statistically by the Snowden Group and checked on plan and section. The statistical analysis and visual inspection confirms the block grades in the model reconcile well with grades in the drilling. A grade tonnage table was also created to check the distribution of gold at a variety of cut off grades by the Joint Venture (Table 3).

Table 3 Grade tonnage table for both Indicated and Inferred resources from the Bullabulling Trend (February 2012 resource estimate)

                         Tonnes (MT)    Au g/t    Ounces 
  Cut off    Category                              Au 
---------  ----------  -------------  --------  ----------- 
    0.7      Ind+Inf         57          1.25     2,310,000 
---------  ----------  -------------  --------  ----------- 
    0.6      Ind+Inf         75          1.11     2,686,000 
---------  ----------  -------------  --------  ----------- 
    0.5      Ind+Inf         102         0.96     3,169,000 
---------  ----------  -------------  --------  ----------- 
    0.4      Ind+Inf         143         0.82     3,745,000 
---------  ----------  -------------  --------  ----------- 
    0.3      Ind+Inf         203         0.68     4,416,000 
---------  ----------  -------------  --------  ----------- 

A final check was made by the Joint Venture comparing the estimate against historic production from the Bacchus pit. This was also done to review the effect of using mineralising constraints on block grades in an area not affected by later infill drilling. The subset of the August 2011 estimate, February 2012 estimate and historic mine production are summarised in Table 4. The reconciliation against the ore mined for the February 2012 model is excellent with 3.48 Mt at 1.58 g/t Au predicted by the estimate compared to 3.04 Mt at 1.59 g/t Au reported as mined. The difference in tonnes is largely due to the different block sizes used for mining compared to the resource estimate and the grades of both compare well. The grade differences between the August 2011 and February 2012 estimates (Table 4) confirms that the constraining wireframes have increased the grade by 0.2 g/t Au at a 0.7 g/t Au cut off or by 0.12 g/t Au at a 0.5 g/t Au cut off in the Bacchus pit area. The overall effect on the global estimate will have increased the grades of blocks within the wireframes and decreased the tonnes of low grade material in areas of known waste.

Table 4 Subsets from the February 2012 and August 2011 resource estimates compared to the historic mine production from the Bacchus pit

                                       Tonnes (MT)    Au g/t    Ounces 
  Cut off            Subset                                      Au 
---------  ------------------------  -------------  --------  --------- 
    0.7          Historic Mined           3.04         1.59     156,000 
---------  ------------------------  -------------  --------  --------- 
    0.7      February 2012 Estimate       3.48         1.58     177,000 
---------  ------------------------  -------------  --------  --------- 
    0.5      February 2012 Estimate       5.31         1.24     212,000 
---------  ------------------------  -------------  --------  --------- 
    0.7       August 2011 Estimate        3.68         1.39     165,000 
---------  ------------------------  -------------  --------  --------- 
    0.5       August 2011 Estimate        5.53         1.12     200,000 
---------  ------------------------  -------------  --------  --------- 

In summary the increase from 2.4 million ounces to 3.2 million ounces is the result of a combination of new zones of mineralisation intersected particularly north of the Phoenix Pit and an increase in block grades by using constraining mineralised wireframes, which has increased the block grades at all cut-offs. The new resource estimate supports the Scoping Study scenario of an operation with an initial Life of Mine production of 2.0 to 2.5 Moz gold over a ten year mine life with potential to expand the current resource in the future.

Exploration Potential

The resource estimate includes 1.0 million ounces of inferred resource, but excludes a similar quantity of mineralisation that Snowden have categorised as unclassified. Most of this is newly discovered mineralisation from the infill drilling programme and represents areas of near term potential for increasing the 2.1 million ounces of Indicated resource. An infill drilling programme is currently being planned to target these new zones of mineralisation so they can be included in future mine planning and optimisation studies.

The areas, especially to the south at Gryphon and Edwards, where RAB drilling has intersected significant mineralisation could still provide additional resources and exploration and infill drilling will continue in these areas.

The recent signing of the option agreement to acquire the Geko Gold project, together with Gibraltar and the remaining potential along the Bullabulling Trend provide the Joint Venture with confidence that the resources at the Bullabulling Gold project will continue to grow into the future.

Future work plan

The resource model will now be used as part of the current ongoing pre-feasibility study for mine planning and to develop detailed mine schedules. The resource will also be used to finalise processing rates and plan geotechnical studies. A 3 D model of the distribution of mineralised shoots will be created from the Resource Estimate model and integrated with the 3D geophysical models to help the targeting of high grade feeder systems beneath the current drilled zone of mineralisation.

Work is continuing as planned on the Bullabulling Project with the following work expected to be completed this calendar year:

   --     Continue pre-feasibility study 
   --     Finalise variability metallurgical test work 
   --     Finalise engineering design 
   --     Finalise mining studies 
   --     Develop a life of mine schedule 
   --     Optimisation and reserve estimation 
   --     Completion of Pre-Feasibility Study 
   --     Complete geophysical studies to target high grade deep exploration 
   --     Review results from the high grade deeps exploration project 
   --     Drilling of potential high grade targets. 

Competent Person Statements

The information in this resource update that relates to the 2011 Mineral Resource estimate is based on information compiled by Richard Sulway. Richard Sulway is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (MAusIMM) CP and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity to which he is undertaking to qualify as a competent person as defined in the 2004 edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves". Richard Sulway is a full-time employee of Snowden Mining Industry Consultants Pty Ltd. Richard Sulway consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

The information in this resource update that relates to the Exploration results, the 1998 Mineral Resource estimate and data that was used to compile the 2010 and 2011 Mineral Resource estimates is based upon information compiled by Dr. Jeffrey Malaihollo who is a full-time employee of the Company and Fellow of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and a Fellow of the Geological Society of London. He is qualified as a Competent Person under the Code for the Reporting Mineral Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, 2004 ("The Reporting Code") prepared by the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Jeff Malaihollo consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

Glossary of Technical Terms

  Assay                 Quantitative analysis of a substance to determine 
                         the proportion of some valuable constituent 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  Au                    Gold 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  Cut off               Limit 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  g/t                   Grams per tonne 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  JORC                  Joint Ore Reserves Committee 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  Indicated resource    In situ Mineral Resource calculated with a 
                         moderate confidence level to which economic 
                         parameters have not been applied 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  Inferred resource     In situ Mineral Resource calculated with a 
                         low confidence level to which economic parameters 
                         have not been applied 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  Km                    Kilometres 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  Laterites             Soil types rich in iron and aluminium formed 
                         in hot and wet tropical areas 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  M                     Metres 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  Measured resource     In situ Mineral Resource calculated with a 
                         high confidence level to which economic parameters 
                         have not been applied 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  Multiple Indicator    A version of indicator kriging working with 
   Kriging               a family of indicators 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  Ordinary Kriged       Geostatistical method to interpolate the value 
   method                at an unobserved location from observations 
                         of its value at nearby locations 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  Pegmatite             A very coarse-grained, intrusive igneous rock 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  QAQC                  Quality Assurance / Quality Control 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  RAB                   Percussion (pneumatic) Rotary Air Blast drilling 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  RC                    Reverse Circulation drilling 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  RL                    Reduced Level 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
  Variography           The degree of spatial dependence 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 

Bullabulling Gold Project - Final Resource Infill Drilling Results


   --   Completed Phase Two infill drilling programme results finalised. 
   --   107 drill holes totalling 16,631m completed in November and December 2011.# 
   --   Total production for the Phase Two programme is 74,542m in 425 holes. 

-- Development programme drilling totals 110,544m in 672 drill holes from commencement in late 2010.

-- Drilling results continue to reconcile well against the recent new resource model and include more new high grade intersections.

-- New higher grade intersections include: 8m at 5.7 g/t Au, 1m at 73.1 g/t Au, 17m at 3.4 g/t Au, 8m at 3.3 g/t Au, 1m at 27.7 g/t Au, 9m at 3.5 g/t Au, 1m at 19.3 g/t Au.

-- Data have been received from the recently competed seismic survey that enhances the prospectivity of high grade mineralisation at depth along the Bullabulling Trend.

   --   These drill results have been incorporated into the resource update above 

Resource drilling programme update

The Phase Two RC resource drilling programme, which commenced in mid-May 2011, has been completed and all assays have been returned. Three drill rigs were used during the Phase Two program, infilling the historic drilling between Phoenix and Hobbit to increase the confidence in the current resources and provide a new resource estimate.

Phase Two resource drilling programme results - to establish sufficient reserves for an initial ten year mine life

The key aim of the Phase Two resource drilling programme was to infill the historic drilling to a drill spacing that allows the Inferred resources in the August 2011 resource estimate to be reclassified to an Indicated resource category, and in turn enable initial JORC compliant reserves to be established for the project as part of the current pre-feasibility study.

Since the last announcement, where results were reported from 3 November to the completion of the programme on 18 December 2011, there has been a total of 16,631 metres drilled in 107 holes (Table 5). Total drilling for the Phase Two programme is now 74,542m in 425 holes and production since work started on the project by the JV is 110,544m from 672 holes. Work during the reporting period focussed on infill drilling of the areas between Hobbit and Bonecrusher.

The final assays from the infill drilling programme continued to confirm the resource estimate and geological model (Table 6). For the reporting period, only 6 holes of the 107 drilled did not intersect mineralisation and since the beginning of the infill drilling programme only 17 holes out of the 425 drilled have not intersected mineralisation. The final assays from the programme returned a number of significant wide high grade intersections, including:

12m at 1.97g/t Au from 58m in BJ0045,

8m at 5.73g/t Au from 44m in BJ0103,

34m at 0.66g/t Au from 138m in BJ0143,

14m at 1.94g/t Au from 44m in BJ0261,

4m at 5.34g/t Au from 125m in BJ0261,

8m at 3.35g/t Au from 5m in BJ0347,

14m at 2.41g/t Au from 21m in BJ0381,

26m at 0.83g/t Au from 62m in BJ0381,

19m at 1.31g/t Au from 123m in BJ0384,

16m at 1.44g/t Au from 96m in BJ0394,

3m at 7.50g/t Au from 42m in BJ0526,

1m at 27.70g/t Au from 180m in BJ0571,

16m at 1.27g/t Au from 43m in BJ0644,

28m at 1.03g/t Au from 113m in BJ0662,

47m at 0.74g/t Au from 76m in BJ0686,

13m at 1.87g/t Au from 39m in BJ0694,

13m at 2.22g/t Au from 190m in BJ0697,

29m at 0.87g/t Au from 179m in BJ0698,

25m at 0.98g/t Au from 28m in BJ0718,

29m at 0.95g/t Au from 60m in BJ0719,

19m at 1.46g/t Au from 128m in BJ0721,

41m at 0.90g/t Au from 26m in BJ0732,

26m at 0.81g/t Au from 149m in BJ0736,

9m at 2.15g/t Au from 29m in BJ0769,

34m at 1.12g/t Au from 94m in BJ0772,

1m at 19.30g/t Au from 100m in BJ0774,

31m at 0.75g/t Au from 36m in BJ0791,

17m at 3.37g/t Au from 182m in BJ1297,

16m at 1.75g/t Au from 63m in BJ1297,

32m at 0.66g/t Au from 144m in BJ1844,

9m at 3.52g/t Au from 113m in BJ1945,

1m at 73.10g/t Au from 18m in BJ1979,

14m at 1.54g/t Au from 35m in BJ1996,

18m at 1.60g/t Au from 146m in BJ2070,

17m at 1.15g/t Au from 42m in BJ2106,

17m at 1.27g/t Au from 144m in BJ2113,

25m at 1.06g/t Au from 153m in BJ2340,

12m at 2.12g/t Au from 179m in BJ2341,

8m at 2.44g/t Au from 37m in BJ2349,

19m at 1.16g/t Au from 72m in BJ2361 and

17m at 2.24g/t Au from 189m in BJ2414.

As in the previously announced holes, there are generally at least 4 intersections per drill hole relating to the multiple stacked lodes defined by the structural mapping. Approximately 63% of the intersections to date are better than estimated by the model, 30% are similar to the model and 7% are worse or missing as predicted by the new model developed by Snowden. High grade mineralisation continues to be intersected within the broad low grade halo with intersections such as providing additional encouragement for targeting high grade ore shoots within the Bullabulling Trend beneath the currently mineralised stratigraphy. Preliminary results from the magnetic and seismic surveys have located potential feeder zones to the low grade mineralisation in the near surface that may host more continuous higher grade mineralisation than intersected to date.


  David McArthur                              David Brook 
   GGG Resources plc (Australia)               Professional Public Relations 
   41 Stirling Highway                         (Australia Media) 
   Nedlands, WA, 6009 
   Australia                                   Email: david.brook@ppr.com.au 
   Tel: +61 8 9423 3200                        Tel: +61 8 9388 0944 / +61 433 
                                               112 936 
------------------------------------------  --------------------------------- 
  Dr. Jeffrey Malaihollo                      Westhouse Securities Limited 
   Managing Director, GGG Resources            (UK Nominated Adviser) 
   plc (UK)                                    Tom Price / Martin Davison 
   Email: jeff.malaihollo@gggresources.com     Tel: +44 20 7601 6100 
   Tel: +44 1992 531820 
------------------------------------------  --------------------------------- 
  Neil Boom                                   Collins Stewart Europe Limited 
   MD, Gresham PR Ltd (UK media)               (Broker) 
   Tel: +44 7866 805 108                       John Prior / Adam Miller 
   Email:neil.boom@greshampr.co.uk             Tel: +44 20 7523 8350 
------------------------------------------  --------------------------------- 

Bullabulling Overview

The Bullabulling Gold project (Bullabulling) is a large tonnage, low grade deposit with high grade shoots, associated with the regional Bullabulling shear zone which extends over tens of kilometres. The mineralised structure is 500m wide, consisting of multiple west dipping low grade stacked zones with narrower higher grade gold mineralisation. Bullabulling is located near Coolgardie and approximately 65km south-west of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. Bullabulling has been previously mined producing 371k oz Au in the 1990's. The current programme focuses on the 6km portion of the shear zone known as the Bullabulling Trend where previous operations were concentrated. The focus for the Bullabulling joint venture between GGG Resources plc and Auzex Resources Ltd is to establish an initial reserve exceeding one million ounces gold to commence production in 2015.

Competent Person Statements

The information in this drilling report that relates to the Exploration results, the 1998 Mineral Resource estimate and data that was used to compile the 2010 and 2011 Mineral Resource estimates is based upon information compiled by Dr. Jeffrey Malaihollo who is a full-time employee of the Company and Fellow of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and a Fellow of the Geological Society of London. He is qualified as a Competent Person under the Code for the Reporting Mineral Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, 2004 ("The Reporting Code") prepared by the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Jeff Malaihollo consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

Table 5: Collar data for RC drilling between 3 November 2011 and 18 December 2011.

  Hole       Easting    Northing     RL     Dip    AZ     Date          Length    Comments 
  BJ0044     299,675    6,566,929    430    -60    90     03/12/2011    181       Mineralised 
  BJ0337     299,434    6,567,658    442    -60    90     16/12/2011    271       Mineralised 
  BJ0379     300,004    6,568,236    452    -60    90     27/11/2011    139       Mineralised 
  BJ0506     299,907    6,569,430    449    -60    90     22/11/2011    151       Mineralised 
  BJ0507     299,828    6,569,423    448    -60    90     08/12/2011    121       Mineralised 
  BJ0509     299,784    6,569,423    446    -60    90     09/12/2011    145       Mineralised 
  BJ0524     299,976    6,569,502    450    -55    90     19/11/2011    199       Mineralised 
  BJ0525     299,932    6,569,502    450    -55    90     20/11/2011    211       Mineralised 
  BJ0526     299,890    6,569,502    448    -60    90     21/11/2011    97        Mineralised 
  BJ0529     299,767    6,569,502    447    -60    90     10/12/2011    151       Mineralised 
  BJ0542     300,102    6,569,647    446    -60    90     13/12/2011    139       Mineralised 
  BJ0545     299,964    6,569,647    448    -66    90     14/12/2011    205       Mineralised 
  BJ0559     300,085    6,569,798    444    -60    90     15/12/2011    162       Mineralised 
  BJ0560     300,042    6,569,799    445    -60    90     17/12/2011    144       Mineralised 
  BJ0564     300,081    6,569,730    447    -60    90     12/12/2011    145       Mineralised 
  BJ0566     300,127    6,569,795    444    -60    90     13/12/2011    144       Mineralised 
  BJ0607     300,018    6,570,098    437    -60    90     14/11/2011    103       Mineralised 
  BJ0608     299,965    6,570,099    438    -60    90     15/11/2011    121       Mineralised 
  BJ0609     299,923    6,570,099    438    -60    90     15/11/2011    130       Mineralised 
  BJ0610     299,880    6,570,098    439    -60    90     16/11/2011    175       Mineralised 
  BJ0611     299,839    6,570,097    438    -58    90     17/11/2011    181       Mineralised 
  BJ0620     299,966    6,570,173    435    -70    90     18/11/2011    133       Mineralised 
  BJ0621     299,906    6,570,172    438    -60    90     19/11/2011    151       Mineralised 
  BJ0622     299,867    6,570,172    435    -60    90     20/11/2011    175       Mineralised 
  BJ0643     299,886    6,570,322    439    -57    90     01/12/2011    156       Mineralised 
  BJ0644     299,844    6,570,321    439    -57    90     15/12/2011    211       Mineralised 
  BJ0664     299,700    6,570,396    437    -57    90     12/12/2011    211       Mineralised 
  BJ0679     300,051    6,570,474    438    -60    90     13/12/2011    157       Not Mineralised 
  BJ0689     299,702    6,570,471    435    -60    90     29/11/2011    205       Mineralised 
  BJ0693     299,964    6,570,550    437    -68    90     30/11/2011    175       Mineralised 
  BJ0698     299,736    6,570,549    437    -60    90     01/12/2011    247       Mineralised 
  BJ0719     299,847    6,570,626    436    -50    90     17/12/2011    163       Mineralised 
  BJ0721     299,781    6,570,625    437    -57    90     06/12/2011    241       Mineralised 
  BJ0722     299,738    6,570,623    436    -60    90     08/12/2011    229       Mineralised 
  BJ0732     299,891    6,570,700    431    -60    90     18/11/2011    169       Mineralised 
  BJ0735     299,816    6,570,700    432    -63    90     01/12/2011    181       Mineralised 
  BJ0736     299,768    6,570,699    436    -62    90     10/12/2011    229       Mineralised 
  BJ0768     299,988    6,570,775    435    -60    90     29/11/2011    121       Mineralised 
  BJ0769     299,948    6,570,773    432    -60    90     16/11/2011    139       Mineralised 
  BJ0770     299,906    6,570,777    434    -60    90     11/12/2011    163       Mineralised 
  BJ0772     299,821    6,570,787    435    -58    90     15/11/2011    175       Mineralised 
  BJ0774     299,737    6,570,777    435    -60    90     13/11/2011    217       Mineralised 
  BJ0809     299,741    6,570,852    435    -60    90     22/11/2011    223       Not Mineralised 
  BJ0831     299,877    6,570,998    435    -60    90     12/11/2011    151       Mineralised 
  BJ0834     299,970    6,570,998    430    -60    90     14/11/2011    103       Not Mineralised 
  BJ0863     300,005    6,571,071    435    -76    90     13/11/2011    91        Mineralised 
  BJ0877     299,871    6,571,149    434    -60    90     13/11/2011    169       Not Mineralised 
  BJ1258     299,837    6,568,635    456    -60    90     06/11/2011    198       Mineralised 
  BJ1259     299,794    6,568,635    456    -62    90     24/11/2011    229       Mineralised 
  BJ1260     299,754    6,568,634    454    -60    90     26/11/2011    241       Mineralised 
  BJ1455     299,745    6,568,482    452    -60    90     24/11/2011    259       Mineralised 
  BJ1959     299,785    6,568,537    453    -60    90     05/11/2011    241       Mineralised 
  BJ1973     299,706    6,565,653    424    -60    90     21/11/2011    120       Mineralised 
  BJ1977     299,788    6,565,724    424    -60    90     19/11/2011    84        Mineralised 
  BJ1979     299,702    6,565,725    424    -60    90     20/11/2011    108       Mineralised 
  BJ1983     299,799    6,566,026    426    -60    90     10/11/2011    72        Not Mineralised 
  BJ1985     299,715    6,566,022    426    -60    90     11/11/2011    102       Mineralised 
  BJ1992     299,824    6,566,425    429    -60    90     22/11/2011    120       Mineralised 
  BJ2001     299,907    6,566,626    431    -60    90     26/11/2011    78        Not Mineralised 
  BJ2002     299,863    6,566,625    430    -60    90     26/11/2011    96        Mineralised 
  BJ2124     300,033    6,570,548    438    -60    90     11/11/2011    127       Mineralised 
  BJ2146     299,788    6,568,877    452    -60    90     28/11/2011    217       Mineralised 
  BJ2163     299,491    6,566,999    432    -61    90     28/11/2011    241       Mineralised 
  BJ2190     299,448    6,567,523    435    -63    90     26/11/2011    253       Mineralised 
  BJ2199     299,691    6,566,627    429    -60    90     28/11/2011    192       Mineralised 
  BJ2278     299,739    6,566,321    427    -60    90     03/11/2011    108       Mineralised 
  BJ2279     299,696    6,566,325    427    -60    90     04/11/2011    132       Mineralised 
  BJ2281     299,610    6,566,325    428    -60    170    11/12/2011    168       Mineralised 
  BJ2305     299,795    6,565,800    425    -60    90     17/11/2011    78        Mineralised 
  BJ2306     299,755    6,565,802    425    -60    90     18/11/2011    108       Mineralised 
  BJ2307     299,710    6,565,804    425    -60    90     18/11/2011    126       Mineralised 
  BJ2310     299,767    6,565,876    425    -60    90     15/11/2011    102       Mineralised 
  BJ2311     299,733    6,565,875    425    -60    90     16/11/2011    108       Mineralised 
  BJ2314     299,843    6,565,951    426    -60    90     15/11/2011    60        Mineralised 
  BJ2315     299,799    6,565,951    426    -60    90     12/11/2011    84        Not Mineralised 
  BJ2316     299,758    6,565,951    425    -60    90     13/11/2011    102       Mineralised 
  BJ2317     299,715    6,565,950    425    -60    90     13/11/2011    120       Mineralised 
  BJ2318     299,673    6,565,951    425    -60    90     14/11/2011    138       Mineralised 
  BJ2322     299,758    6,566,101    426    -60    90     08/11/2011    108       Mineralised 
  BJ2323     299,668    6,566,098    426    -60    90     09/11/2011    138       Mineralised 
  BJ2326     299,720    6,566,173    428    -60    90     07/11/2011    90        Mineralised 
  BJ2327     299,688    6,566,174    427    -60    90     04/12/2011    109       Mineralised 
  BJ2331     299,592    6,566,275    428    -67    90     05/11/2011    192       Mineralised 
  BJ2332     299,625    6,566,372    428    -60    90     25/11/2011    210       Mineralised 
  BJ2339     299,681    6,566,707    429    -70    270    02/12/2011    253       Mineralised 
  BJ2340     299,675    6,566,785    430    -70    270    04/12/2011    229       Mineralised 
  BJ2342     299,584    6,566,425    428    -64    90     08/12/2011    205       Mineralised 
  BJ2345     299,829    6,569,574    445    -60    90     07/11/2011    139       Mineralised 
  BJ2346     299,872    6,569,574    448    -60    90     07/11/2011    121       Mineralised 
  BJ2347     299,914    6,569,573    449    -60    90     11/11/2011    103       Mineralised 
  BJ2348     299,829    6,569,598    446    -60    90     08/11/2011    139       Mineralised 
  BJ2349     299,871    6,569,599    447    -60    90     08/11/2011    103       Mineralised 
  BJ2350     299,829    6,569,622    446    -60    90     06/11/2011    139       Mineralised 
  BJ2351     299,872    6,569,624    448    -60    90     06/11/2011    103       Mineralised 
  BJ2352     299,802    6,569,648    445    -60    90     09/11/2011    163       Mineralised 
  BJ2353     299,842    6,569,649    447    -60    90     09/11/2011    145       Mineralised 
  BJ2354     299,884    6,569,648    449    -60    90     08/11/2011    121       Mineralised 
  BJ2355     299,759    6,569,674    443    -60    90     08/11/2011    163       Mineralised 
  BJ2356     299,801    6,569,675    446    -60    90     07/11/2011    139       Mineralised 
  BJ2357     299,843    6,569,674    447    -60    90     06/11/2011    121       Mineralised 
  BJ2358     299,802    6,569,700    446    -60    90     10/11/2011    139       Mineralised 
  BJ2359     299,889    6,569,701    448    -60    90     11/11/2011    103       Mineralised 
  BJ2360     299,759    6,569,725    443    -60    90     11/11/2011    163       Mineralised 
  BJ2361     299,802    6,569,726    445    -60    90     09/11/2011    139       Mineralised 
  BJ2362     299,844    6,569,724    444    -60    90     09/11/2011    121       Mineralised 
  BJ2412     299,597    6,566,451    428    -80    270    07/12/2011    199       Mineralised 
  BJ2414     299,602    6,566,304    428    -80    270    10/12/2011    222       Mineralised 
---------  ---------  -----------  -----  -----  -----  ------------  --------  ----------------- 

Table 6: Intersection summary from drill assays received between 3 November 2011 and 18 December 2011.

  Hole       From    To     Width    Au g/t    Includes 
  BJ0044      119    126        7      1.10 
                                               1m @ 16.00 g/t 
  BJ0045       58     70       12      1.97     from 58m 
  BJ0078      142    161       19      0.72 
                                               1m @ 42.40 g/t 
  BJ0103       44     52        8      5.73     from 48m 
                                               4m @ 2.81 g/t from 
  BJ0103       25     41       16      1.03     34m 
  BJ0143      138    172       34      0.66 
  BJ0192      164    170        6      1.36 
  BJ0196      152    165       13      0.96 
  BJ0198      104    115       11      1.10 
  BJ0198      158    173       15      0.65 
  BJ0251      105    116       11      1.73 
  BJ0251      133    147       14      1.28 
  BJ0255      286    300       14      0.55 
                                               7m @ 3.12 g/t from 
  BJ0261       44     58       14      1.94     44m 
                                               1m @ 17.30 g/t 
  BJ0261      125    129        4      5.34     from 125m 
  BJ0261       75     79        4      2.15 
  BJ0261      100    103        3      2.42 
  BJ0273      152    166       14      0.51 
                                               5m @ 5.08 g/t from 
  BJ0347        5     13        8      3.35     5m 
  BJ0347       19     44       25      0.76 
  BJ0379       27     44       17      0.53 
                                               4m @ 6.00 g/t from 
  BJ0381       21     35       14      2.41     28m 
  BJ0381       62     88       26      0.83 
  BJ0381      154    162        8      1.54 
  BJ0381       96    111       15      0.70 
  BJ0381      126    132        6      1.51 
  BJ0384      123    142       19      1.31 
  BJ0384       68     92       24      0.56 
  BJ0384      161    173       12      0.95 
  BJ0384      178    185        7      1.19 
  BJ0393       36     38        2      4.52 
                                               2m @ 8.52 g/t from 
  BJ0394       96    112       16      1.44     101m 
  BJ0394       67     89       22      0.75 
  BJ0394      117    132       15      0.50 
  BJ0406      184    205       21      0.60 
  BJ0407      145    164       19      0.76 
  BJ0407      103    119       16      0.62 
  BJ0407      126    134        8      1.05 
  BJ0448       55     68       13      1.09 
  BJ0448       95    105       10      0.77 
  BJ0448       47     50        3      2.38 
  BJ0473       41     62       21      0.36 
  BJ0473       29     36        7      1.01 
  BJ0477      103    120       17      1.01 
  BJ0477       63     72        9      0.90 
  BJ0478      141    155       14      1.08 
  BJ0478      136    140        4      3.26 
  BJ0479       86     93        7      1.42 
  BJ0479       62     67        5      1.74 
  BJ0507       40     57       17      1.08 
  BJ0509       85    103       18      0.53 
  BJ0524       25     42       17      0.88 
                                               1m @ 21.60 g/t 
  BJ0526       42     45        3      7.50     from 42m 
  BJ0526       33     35        2      4.97 
  BJ0541      173    174        1     16.70 
  BJ0544      150    158        8      1.00 
  BJ0545      176    182        6      1.33 
  BJ0567      140    146        6      2.93 
  BJ0571      180    181        1     27.70 
  BJ0571       54     56        2      3.53 
  BJ0608       36     49       13      0.95 
  BJ0609       25     37       12      0.81 
  BJ0610       21     34       13      0.74 
  BJ0611       87     98       11      1.38 
  BJ0611       55     65       10      0.84 
  BJ0620       69     81       12      1.07 
  BJ0621       32     56       24      0.52 
  BJ0621       15     24        9      0.81 
  BJ0622       45     54        9      1.07 
  BJ0622      163    171        8      0.99 
  BJ0624       83     96       13      0.75 
  BJ0633       76     94       18      0.70 
  BJ0643       54     65       11      0.68 
  BJ0644       43     59       16      1.27 
  BJ0644       88     96        8      1.12 
  BJ0662      113    141       28      1.03 
  BJ0663      145    159       14      1.03 
  BJ0664      193    211       18      0.91 
  BJ0683       39     58       19      0.72 
  BJ0686       76    123       47      0.74 
  BJ0688      165    188       23      0.43 
  BJ0693       70     79        9      0.78 
  BJ0694       39     52       13      1.87 
  BJ0694      165    169        4      4.57 
  BJ0694      121    126        5      1.60 
                                               2m @ 11.96 g/t 
  BJ0697      190    203       13      2.22     from 194m 
  BJ0697      133    151       18      1.05 
  BJ0698      179    208       29      0.87 
                                               7m @ 1.87 g/t from 
  BJ0718       28     53       25      0.98     36m 
  BJ0718      104    119       15      0.87 
  BJ0718       79     85        6      1.43 
  BJ0719       60     89       29      0.95 
  BJ0719      114    117        3      3.37 
  BJ0719      146    157       11      0.91 
  BJ0720       91    113       22      0.75 
                                               3m @ 5.18 g/t from 
  BJ0721      128    147       19      1.46     135m 
  BJ0721      175    187       12      0.73 
  BJ0722      178    194       16      0.95 
  BJ0731       67     70        3      2.43 
  BJ0732       26     67       41      0.90 
  BJ0732      110    129       19      0.56 
  BJ0732       82     95       13      0.56 
  BJ0735      151    181       30      0.55 
  BJ0735       95    125       30      0.51 
  BJ0736      149    175       26      0.81 
  BJ0736      213    220        7      1.04 
                                               2m @ 8.38 g/t from 
  BJ0769       29     38        9      2.15     35m 
  BJ0769      134    138        4      1.89 
  BJ0770       37     57       20      0.89 
  BJ0770       96    103        7      2.00 
  BJ0770       70     90       20      0.56 
                                               5m @ 2.76 g/t from 
  BJ0772       94    128       34      1.12     116m 
  BJ0774      100    101        1     19.30 
  BJ0774      188    212       24      0.54 
  BJ0785       25     49       24      0.74 
  BJ0785       56     65        9      1.33 
  BJ0791       36     67       31      0.75 
  BJ0792       73     90       17      0.64 
  BJ0816       35     42        7      1.46 
  BJ0816       58     67        9      0.88 
  BJ0831       60     76       16      0.81 
  BJ1253       13     23       10      1.11 
  BJ1258      180    197       17      0.80 
  BJ1259      138    156       18      0.67 
  BJ1259      209    218        9      0.89 
  BJ1260      101    103        2      3.74 
                                               1m @ 48.80 g/t 
  BJ1297      182    199       17      3.37     from 182m 
                                               3m @ 7.46 g/t from 
  BJ1297       63     79       16      1.75     69m 
  BJ1297      127    138       11      1.08 
  BJ1353      192    209       17      0.58 
  BJ1353      101    105        4      2.09 
  BJ1844      144    176       32      0.66 
  BJ1844      189    193        4      2.72 
  BJ1844      211    224       13      0.69 
                                               1m @ 28.50 g/t 
  BJ1945      113    122        9      3.52     from 119m 
  BJ1959      185    193        8      1.97 
  BJ1973       47     53        6      1.46 
  BJ1979       18     19        1     73.10 
  BJ1993       44     54       10      0.73 
  BJ1996       35     49       14      1.54 
  BJ1996      126    138       12      1.17 
  BJ1996      115    121        6      1.88 
  BJ2012       28     42       14      0.50 
  BJ2031      150    171       21      0.65 
  BJ2031       46     67       21      0.54 
  BJ2031       73     77        4      1.82 
  BJ2047      156    163        7      1.78 
  BJ2053      157    161        4      2.68 
  BJ2053       88     98       10      0.78 
  BJ2065      206    218       12      0.61 
                                               2m @ 8.76 g/t from 
  BJ2070      146    164       18      1.60     146m 
  BJ2070      237    248       11      1.19 
  BJ2083      130    136        6      2.01 
  BJ2083       35     47       12      0.81 
  BJ2085       55     57        2      5.01 
  BJ2106       42     59       17      1.15 
  BJ2112      140    147        7      1.53 
  BJ2112      108    115        7      1.16 
  BJ2112       51     55        4      1.80 
                                               5m @ 2.54 g/t from 
  BJ2113      144    161       17      1.27     147m 
  BJ2146      120    128        8      1.52 
  BJ2163      189    204       15      0.82 
  BJ2163      165    177       12      0.64 
  BJ2163      227    241       14      0.55 
  BJ2188      179    199       20      0.52 
  BJ2188      209    220       11      0.85 
  BJ2190      210    233       23      0.51 
  BJ2190      240    243        3      3.53 
  BJ2199      145    161       16      0.92 
  BJ2301       45     57       12      0.83 
  BJ2301      130    143       13      0.61 
  BJ2326       53     68       15      0.58 
  BJ2338       76     78        2      3.99 
  BJ2339      188    202       14      1.19 
  BJ2340      153    178       25      1.06 
                                               3m @ 6.58 g/t from 
  BJ2341      179    191       12      2.12     181m 
  BJ2341       57     70       13      0.72 
  BJ2341      147    161       14      0.58 
  BJ2342      157    168       11      1.50 
  BJ2343       79     82        3      3.69 
  BJ2343      115    120        5      1.57 
  BJ2344       81     93       12      0.90 
  BJ2344       58     76       18      0.56 
  BJ2345       49     61       12      1.16 
  BJ2347       61     65        4      2.14 
  BJ2347       96    101        5      1.58 
  BJ2348       51     65       14      0.99 
                                               3m @ 5.44 g/t from 
  BJ2349       37     45        8      2.44     39m 
  BJ2349       50     58        8      1.49 
  BJ2350       62     74       12      0.95 
  BJ2352       67     81       14      0.59 
  BJ2353       54     66       12      0.60 
  BJ2355      131    136        5      1.50 
  BJ2355      146    149        3      2.36 
  BJ2356      116    126       10      1.17 
  BJ2356      134    138        4      2.66 
                                               4m @ 2.94 g/t from 
  BJ2357       70     76        6      2.11     72m 
  BJ2357       46     57       11      1.00 
  BJ2360      120    137       17      0.54 
  BJ2361       72     91       19      1.16 
  BJ2362       59     70       11      0.97 
  BJ2412      179    193       14      1.08 
                                               4m @ 6.48 g/t from 
  BJ2414      189    206       17      2.24     193m 
---------  ------  -----  -------  --------  -------------------- 

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