RNS Number:9798U
Gresham Hotel Group Plc
24 April 2002

                              PRELIMINARY RESULTS

                         53 WEEKS ENDED 31 JANUARY 2002

                              Financial Highlights

Profit & Loss

  • Turnover for the year at €55m (Jan 2001: €56m)
  • Operating profit before exceptional items of €7.7m
  • Final dividend increased by 7% to €0.032 per share to give an overall
    increase of 5% in annual dividend.
  • Cash profit of €14m realised from sale & leaseback of Royal Marine Hotel.
  • Tax charge comprises:

          Corporation tax                                             € 37,000
          Deferred tax charge on introduction of new 
          accounting standard                                         € 85,000
          Tax arising on sale & leaseback of Royal Marine Hotel       € 158,000

  • Exceptional items comprise:

          Costs arising on sale & leaseback of Royal Marine Hotel     € 874,000
          Branding costs                                              € 939,000
          Non-cash revaluation adjustment                             €5,975,000

 Balance Sheet

  • Fixed assets revalued producing an uplift of €13m. Fixed assets now stand
    at €213m.
  • Net assets increased to €135m, producing a net asset value per share of
  • Bank borrowings at €47m producing a bank gearing ratio of 35%.



Dear Shareholder,

In what was one of the most difficult years in living memory for Irish tourism
with the effects of Foot & Mouth Disease and the fall-out from September 11,
your Group maintained turnover in the year ended 31 January 2002 at levels
achieved in the previous year. While operating profit, at €7.7m was down
significantly on the €13.5m achieved in the previous year, it was very much in
line with the revised forecasts posted by analysts after September 11th.

Despite the manifest trading difficulties experienced, your board is
recommending an increase of 7% in the final dividend. This is indicative of our
confidence going forward and reflective of the dividend policy of your Group.
Over the past five years, shareholders have enjoyed an increase of 87% in their
dividend payment.

Your board and management has, in recent years, been preparing Gresham for a new
phase of growth and development. Essential work in re-branding and investment in
staff training and development, has already taken place. This leaves Gresham
well poised to take advantage of development opportunities as economic
conditions improve and tourism recovers.

In light of the uncertainty caused by a combination of external circumstances
the Board decided to concentrate its capital expenditure programme on up-grading
existing properties. During the year work commenced on the redevelopment of the
Gresham Hotel which will result in 100% increase in lobby area and the
development of a new bar and restaurant, the redevelopment of the Gresham
Memphis ground floor and the upgrading of bedrooms at the Gresham Belson,
Gresham Ardhu and the Gresham Metropole. Work is also in progress on the
redevelopment of the West Coast bedroom stock in Killarney and Galway. On
completion of this programme all hotels in the Group will be of a superior

The Group continues to work to the strategy approved by the shareholders and
during the year the Sale & Lease Back of the Gresham Royal Marine was completed
successfully. This resulted in a significant injection of cash into the group
and, as a result, the group bank gearing fell from 50% to 35% and total gearing
fell from 70% to 53%. The Gresham Royal Marine was sold at full book value and
underpins the carrying values of our properties. Notwithstanding a downward
revaluation of the Gresham Carat in Hamburg the net asset value per share has
risen in the year from €1.62 to €1.74 and has risen in the last 5 years from
€0.88 to €1.74, an increase of almost 100%. This represents a profit from our
property portfolio of €60m during the same period.

Your board and Management through a number of initiatives, is determined to
vigorously grow the group and enhance shareholder value. Specific opportunities
for growth through acquisitions, leasing arrangements and management contracts
are being examined to capitalise on the stronger brand and service excellence
which Gresham now represents. These initiatives are being pursued and will be
undertaken as and when the board considers the timing appropriate.

In respect of the current year your Group believes that conditions will continue
to be challenging however, there are emerging signs from the domestic leisure
and corporate markets, which if they continue, will benefit the Group,
particularly in the second half.

Finally, I must refer to the recent and well publicised efforts of a major
shareholder to seize board control of your company. This opportunism was firmly
rejected by your board. We welcome the co-operation of any shareholder group
which would work with Gresham to enhance stakeholder value. We will not,
however, allow a shareholder who has refused to declare its intentions or to
approach the company in a spirit of friendship to take control.

The price of control should be a full and fair offer to all shareholders. We
will not allow control by stealth, nor allow shareholders have their Group
effectively acquired at a discount.

Sean Henneberry


24 April 2002


Group Profit & Loss Account

For the period ended 31 January 2002
                                                                                                       (Restated Note 4)
                                                                                        2002                        2001
                                                        Notes                         €000's                      €000's
TURNOVER                                                                              55,221                      56,268
Operating profit before exceptional costs                                              7,696                      13,543
Exceptional costs:
Branding costs                                            3                            (939)                           -
Revaluation adjustment on Carat Hotel                     3                          (5,975)                           -
Operating profit after exceptional costs                                                 782                      13,543
Costs arising on Sale & Leaseback of
Royal Marine Hotel                                        3                            (874)                           -
(Loss)/Profit before finance costs and taxation                                         (92)                      13,543
Finance cost                                                                         (4,709)                     (4,209)
(Loss) / Profit before taxation                                                      (4,801)                       9,334
Taxation                                                  5                            (280)                     (1,419)
(Loss) / Profit after taxation                                                       (5,081)                       7,915
Dividends (including dividends
In respect of Non-Equity Shares)
- paid                                                                                 (976)                       (966)
- proposed                                                                           (2,517)                     (2,293)
(Loss) / Profit retained for the period                                              (8,574)                       4,656
Profit realised from revaluation reserve                  6                           14,836                           -
Scrip issues in lieu of cash dividends                                                   782                       1,246
Retained profits at beginning of period
- as previously stated                                                32,519                       26,480
- prior year adjustment - deferred tax                    4            (987)                        (850)
- as restated                                                                         31,532                      25,630
RETAINED PROFITS AT END OF PERIOD                                                     38,576                      31,532
Earnings per share - before exceptional items             7                          €0.0371                     €0.1045
Earnings per share - after exceptional items              7                        (€0.0669)                     €0.1045
Diluted earnings per share                                7                        (€0.0667)                     €0.1030


Group Statement of Total Recognised Gains & Losses

For the period ended 31 January 2002
                                                                                                       (Restated Note 4)
                                                                                      2002                          2001
                                                                                    €000's                        €000's

(Loss) / Profit after taxation and exceptional items                               (5,081)                         7,915

Unrealised surplus on revaluation of hotel properties                               19,214                             -

Foreign currency profit / (loss)                                                     1,668                       (1,415)

On net assets in overseas subsidiaries

Foreign currency (loss) / profit                                                   (1,323)                         1,262

On foreign currency borrowings

Total Recognised Gains and Losses for the period                                    14,478                         7,762


Group Balance Sheet

As at 31 January 2002
                                                                                                       (Restated Note 4)
                                                                                      2002                          2001
                                                          Notes                     €000's                        €000's
Tangible assets                                                                    213,209                       218,153

Stocks                                                                               1,358                         1,258
Debtors                                                                              4,436                         6,313
Cash at bank                                                                        15,183                         8,523
                                                                                    20,977                        16,094
(amounts falling due within one year)                                             (17,458)                      (20,203)
NET CURRENT ASSETS / (LIABILITIES)                                                   3,519                       (4,109)

TOTAL ASSETS LESS                                                                  216,728                       214,044


(amounts falling due after more than one year)                                    (81,260)                      (90,668)

TOTAL NET ASSETS                                                                   135,468                       123,376

Called up share capital                                     8                        8,222                         5,097
Share premium account                                                               10,592                        13,392
Revaluation reserve                                         9                       74,467                        70,089
Other reserves                                                                       3,611                         3,266
Profit and loss account                                                             38,576                        31,532
(Equity and Non-Equity)                                                            135,468                       123,376
Net Asset Value per Share                                                            €1.74                         €1.62


Group Cash Flow Statement

For the period ended 31 January 2002
                                                                                       2002                         2001
                                                                                     €000's                       €000's

OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                                  6,666                       15,839
Interest received                                                                       810                          656
Interest paid                                                                       (4,992)                      (4,724)
Interest element of finance lease payments                                            (506)                        (679)
Participating preference dividends                                                     (33)                         (16)
Net Cash Outflow from Returns on
Investments and Servicing of Finance                                                (4,721)                      (4,763)
Net Cash Flow from Taxation                                                           (828)                      (1,368)
Payments to acquire tangible assets                                                 (3,467)                      (8,699)
Net Cash Outflow from Capital Expenditure                                           (3,467)                      (8,699)
Proceeds from disposal of Royal Marine Hotel                                         22,220                            -
Payment of disposal costs                                                             (912)                            -
Net Cash Inflow from Acquisitions & Disposals                                        21,308                            -
EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID                                                               (2,454)                      (1,750)
Net Cash Inflow / (Outflow) before Financing                                         16,504                        (741)
Issue of ordinary share capital                                                         421                           25
Share issue costs                                                                      (96)                         (44)
New loans during period                                                               2,539                        5,358
Repayment of long term loans                                                       (13,651)                      (2,710)
Capital element of finance lease payments                                             (211)                        (161)
Net Cash (Outflow) / Inflow from Financing                                         (10,998)                        2,468
INCREASE IN CASH                                                                      5,506                        1,727


Notes to the Preliminary Financial Statements

For the period ended 31 January 2002

 1. Final Dividend

    €0.032 per Ordinary share payable on 28 June 2002 to Shareholders on the
    Register on 3 May 2002.

 2. Annual Report

    The Annual Report is being sent to all Shareholders. It is also available to
    the public at the Company's Registered Office, 23 Upper O'Connell Street,
    Dublin 1.

 3. Exceptional Items

    The revaluation adjustment below reflects the movement in carrying value of
    the Carat Hotel, Hamburg. The decrease in value amounts to €6,405,000.
    €430,000 has been written off against previous revaluation surpluses on the
    Carat Hotel and the balance of €5,975,000 has been charged to the profit and
    loss account. Other revaluation pluses and minuses have been taken to
    revaluation reserves. The net increase in value, after allowing for the
    Carat Hotel adjustment, amounts to €13,239,000.

                                                                  Cash           Cash          Total          Total
                                                                  2002           2002           2002           2001
                                                                €000's         €000's         €000's         €000's
    Costs arising on sale & leaseback of
    Royal Marine Hotel                                           (874)              -          (874)              -
    Branding costs                                               (939)              -          (939)              -
    Revaluation adjustment                                           -        (5,975)        (5,975)              -
                                                               (1,813)        (5,975)        (7,788)              -

 4. Deferred tax

    A new accounting standard, Financial Reporting Standard (FRS) 19 - 'Deferred
    Tax', was published during the year. This accounting standard applies to all
    companies for accounting periods ending on or after 23 January 2002. As
    such, the Group has adopted this accounting standard, for the first time, in
    the period ended 31 January 2002. FRS 19 requires deferred tax to be
    recognised in respect of most types of timing differences, including those
    attributable to accelerated capital allowances on hotel properties, which in
    the past were viewed by the Group as permanent differences.

    In previous accounting periods, the Group accounting policy was to provide
    for timing differences to the extent that they were expected to reverse in
    the foreseeable future. The change in policy has been accounted for as a
    prior year adjustment and previously reported figures have been restated.
    The effect has been to reduce the profit after tax for the period ended 31
    January 2002 by €85,000 (2001: €137,000) and to reduce profit and loss
    account reserves by €987,000 (2001: €850,000).

5.     Taxation                                                                           2002                  2001
                                                                                        €000's                €000's
       Corporation tax                                                                      37                 1,282
       Tax arising on sale & leaseback of Royal Marine Hotel                               158                     -
       Deferred tax                                                                         85                     -
       As previously reported                                                                                  1,282

       Prior Year Adjustment:
       Deferred tax                                                                          -                   137

       Total                                                                               280                 1,419

6.     Significant Items - Sale & Leaseback of Royal Marine Hotel                                             €000's
       Sale proceeds                                                                                          22,220
       Historical cost - 1985                                                                                (1,441)
       Subsequent additions                                                                                  (5,943)
       Realised revaluation surplus                                                                           14,836

7.     Earnings per Share                                                       2002                            2001
                                                                              €000's                          €000's
       (Loss) / Profit after taxation                                        (5,081)                           7,915
       Less: Participating preference dividends                                 (33)                            (33)
                                                                             (5,114)                           7,882
       Ordinary shares in issue during the period                         76,321,858                      75,436,470
       Earnings per share after exceptional items                          (€0.0669)                         €0.1045
       (Loss) / Profit after taxation                                        (5,081)                           7,915
       Less: Participating preference dividends                                 (33)                            (33)
       Add: Branding costs                                                       939                               -
       Revaluation adjustment on Carat Hotel                                   5,975                               -
       Costs arising on sale & leaseback of
       Royal Marine Hotel                                                        874                               -
       Tax arising on sale & leaseback of

       Royal Marine Hotel                                                        158                               -
                                                                               2,832                           7,882
       Ordinary shares in issue during the period                         76,321,858                      75,436,470
       Earnings per share before exceptional items                           €0.0371                         €0.1045

Diluted earnings per share, which takes account solely of the potential exercise
of share options granted under the Company's Share Option Scheme, is based on a
weighted average number of shares in issue of 76,648,451 (Jan 2001: 76,504,818).

8.     Share Capital                                                                                         €000's
                         120,000,000 Ordinary shares of €0.10 each                                           12,000
                           4,200,000 Participating preference shares of €0.10 each                              420
                          30,000,000 Preference shares of €1 each                                            30,000
       Allotted and fully paid:
                          76,076,793 Ordinary shares at beginning of period                                   4,830
                             960,000 Share options exercised                                                     96
                             974,371 Scrip issues in lieu of cash dividends                                      97
                                     Increase in par value per share                                          2,779
                          78,011,164 Ordinary shares at end of period                                         7,802
                           4,200,000 Participating Preference shares at beginning of period                     267
                                     Increase in par value per share                                            153
                           4,200,000 Participating Preference shares at end of period                           420

9.    Revaluation Reserve                                                                                    €000's
      Balance at beginning of period                                                                         70,089
      Realised revaluation surplus on sale & leaseback of Royal Marine Hotel                               (14,836)
      Surplus on revaluation of hotel properties                                                             19,644
      Deficit in respect of Carat Hotel, Hamburg                                                              (430)
      Balance at end of period                                                                               74,467

For further information contact:
Patrick Coyle    Chief Executive       Gresham Hotel Group Plc   +353 1 817 6209
Robert Bastow    Finance Director      Gresham Hotel Group Plc   +353 1 817 6209
Fiona Gillespie  Communications Consultant                      +353 87 250 2447

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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