RNS Number:2396E
Genosis PLC
21 September 2007

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                           21 SEPTEMBER 2007

                                  GENOSIS PLC

                          Interim Results Announcement
                     for the six months ended 30 June 2007

Genosis PLC (AIM - GNOS), the AIM listed company, specialising in consumer
products for reproductive health, announces its interim results for the
six months ended 30 June 2007.


   * Launch in February 2007 of the Fertell ovarian reserve test on the UK
     high street through Alliance Boots and through www.fertell.co.uk;
   * Introduction of the Fertell couples test into the US market and on
     www.fertell.com for the first time in June 2007. CVS and Longs Drugs, two of
     the largest drug store chains in the US are selling the product; it is
     unlikely that any further major drug store chain will be selling the product
     this year;
   * PR launch campaign in the US in June 2007 was encouraging;
   * Initial stocking orders of about 7,000 units for the US were below
     expectations, and ongoing order levels since June have been disappointing,
     despite the start of an extensive media campaign. In the light of this, the
     Directors are reviewing operational plans and strategic options and an
     announcement will be made in due course;
   * Secondary financing of #2.3million (gross, before expenses of
     #0.1million) completed in June 2007.
   * Key financials:

                      6 months to    6 months to   12 months to
                     30 June 2007   30 June 2006    31 Dec 2006
                            #'000          #'000          #'000

Revenue                       514            182            221
Gross profit/(loss)            99           (39)           (80)
Operating loss            (1,816)        (2,239)        (3,954)
Retained loss             (1,785)        (3,544)        (1,921)
Cash at bank                3,195          5,349          3,632
Loss per share            (10.9p)        (12.9p)        (23.5p)

For further details, please contact:
                                                             Today on:
Genosis                   Paul Bateman, Jonathan Pockson     +44 (0)14 8377 4050
Buchanan Communications   Lisa Baderoon / Rebecca Skye       +44 (0)20 7466 5000
Evolution Securities      Tim Worlledge / Bobbie Hilliam     +44 (0)20 7071 4300

Commercial and operations


The Company's fertility product, Fertell, provides what the Directors believe to
be the first and currently the only US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
cleared OTC product that allows couples to test male and female fertility
quickly and simply in the privacy of their home.


We commenced the US consumer launch of Fertell in June 2007. The product is
being sold by CVS, the largest drug store chain in the US with over 6,000 stores
across 43 states, and Longs Drugs, headquartered in California, with over 500
stores on the West Coast. Couples can also buy Fertell directly from

The product launch generated good media coverage across print, television, radio
and online. Notably Fertell was featured on "Good Morning America" (ABC News),
"The Early Show" (CBS) and "The Big Story" (Fox News). The PR programme was
complemented by an advertising campaign across print and web media.

Sales to US drug store chains during the period to 30 June 2007 were 9,368 units
of Fertell; this includes stocking orders of 7,336 units. During the same
period, the Company sold a further 876 units from its US website. These levels
of sales are disappointing given the expenditure on the ongoing media campaign.


Since January 2006 Genosis has been selling Fertell in the UK and Ireland under
an exclusive agreement with Alliance Boots plc ("Boots"). In February 2007 the
Company announced that, in addition to the Fertell male and female fertility
test, Boots would be selling Genosis' ovarian reserve test in its larger high
street stores and also through www.boots.com. Both the ovarian reserve test and
the couples fertility test are also sold directly from www.fertell.co.uk.

Sales to Boots during the period to 30 June 2007 were 2,916 and 6,732 for the
Fertell couples test and the ovarian reserve test respectively. During the same
period the Company sold 326 couples tests and 156 ovarian reserve tests via its
UK website. UK sales were below expectations.


The Directors believe that the key market for the success of Fertell is the USA.
Despite the extensive media campaign, US sales since June 2007 have not reached
the targets set and have been disappointing. It is unlikely that Fertell will be
sold in continental Europe during 2007. In the light of this information, the
Directors are now reviewing their strategic options with regards the company
and, in the meantime, are carrying out a review of operations so as to reduce
costs in the absence of an immediate and significant impact on sales.



For all periods up to and including the year ended 31 December 2006, the Group
prepared its financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom General
Accepted Accounting Practice (UK GAAP). The Group's financial statements for the
year ending 31 December 2007 will be the first annual financial statements that
comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This financial
information is therefore prepared in accordance with IFRS. All comparative
information has been restated to comply with the new accounting policies

The most significant change involved in the adoption of IFRS is the creation of
a foreign exchange reserve as required under IAS 21 (The Effects of Changes in
Foreign Exchange Rates).

The change to equity arising from the introduction of IFRS is a credit of #211k
as at 1 January 2006 following a fair value adjustment required under IAS 32
(Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation) and IAS 39 (Financial
Instruments: Recognition and measurement) and a credit of #7k as at 31 December


Group turnover in the 6 month period was #514k (6m to 30 June 2006: #182k; year
to 31 Dec 2006: #221k) comprising 60% from the sale of the Fertell product to US
distributors; 8% from the the US web: 28% from Boots and 4% from the UK web.

The Group's gross margin for the period was 19.3%.

Gross R&D expenditure was #91k (6m to 30 June 2006: #50k; year to 31 Dec 2006:

Net interest expense was #6k (6m to 30 June 2006: income of #30k; year to 31 Dec
2006: income of #38k) reflecting the interest receipts of #60k (6m to 30 June
2006: #145k; year to 31 Dec 2006: #246k) on cash balances and the #66k cost (6m
to 30 June 2006: #115k; year to 31 Dec 2006: #208k) of servicing the venture
loan taken out on 31 March 2005.

The Group has not recognised any credit in respect of potential R&D tax claims
in respect of either the current period or 2006 prior to submission to and
agreement by HM Revenue & Customs.

Basic and diluted loss per share was 10.9p (6m to 30 June 2006: loss of 12.9p;
year to 31 Dec 2006: loss of 23.5p) based on a weighted average number of shares
in issue of 16,683k (6m to 30 June 2006: 15,496k; year to 31 Dec 2006: 15,496k).


The Group had net cash and cash equivalent outflow of #437k (6 months to 30 June
2006: #2,408k; year to 31 December 2006: #4,125k) of which the main elements

   *Cash outflow from operating activities: #2,558k (6 months to 30 June
    2006: #2,335k; year to 31 December 2006: #3,946k);
   *Repayment of loans #238k (6 months to 30 June 2006: #187k; year to 31
    December 2006: #397k); and
   *Cash from share issues #2,319k (6 months to 30 June 2006: #1k; year to 31
    December 2006: #1k).

Cash at 30 June 2007 was #3,195k (30 June 2006: #5,349k; 31 December 2006:

Consolidated interim income statement
for the 6 months ended 30 June 2007

                                     6 months to     6 months to    12 months to
                                Note 30 June         30 June 2006   31 Dec 2006
                                     #'000           #'000          #'000

Revenue                         2    514            182             221
Cost of sales                        (415)          (221)           (301)

Gross profit/(loss)                  99             (39)            (80)

Distribution costs                   (833)          (1,070)         (1,690)
Administrative expenses              (631)          (471)           (986)
Other expenses                       (451)          (659)           (1,198)

Operating loss                  2    (1,816)        (2,239)         (3,954)

Interest receivable                  60             145             246
Interest payable                     (66)           (115)           (208)
Fair value charges                   -              210             211

Loss before tax                      (1,822)        (1,999)         (3,705)

Income tax credit                    -              -               60

Loss after tax                       (1,822)        (1,999)         (3,645)

Loss per share
Basic                           4    (10.9p)        (12.9p)         (23.5p)
Diluted                         4    (10.9p)        (12.9p)         (23.5p)

All amounts derive from continuing operations.

Consolidated interim statement of changes in equity

  Attributable to equity holders of
                          the group
                              Share   Share    Other  Retained   Foreign   Total
                            capital premium reserves   deficit  exchange
                              #'000   #'000    #'000     #'000     #'000   #'000

At 1 January 2006             1,549   8,430    8,270  (11,126)         -   7,123

Loss for the period               -       -        -   (1,999)         - (1,999)
Foreign currency                  -       -        -         -      (45)    (45)
translation difference

Total recognised loss for         -       -        -   (1,999)      (45) (2,044)
the period

Credit in respect of share        -       -        -        78         -      78
option plans
Issued share capital              1       -        -         -         -       1

At 30 June 2006               1,550   8,430    8,270  (13,047)      (45)   5,158

Loss for the period               -       -        -   (1,646)         - (1,646)
Foreign currency                  -       -        -         -      (16)    (16)
translation difference

Total recognised loss for         -       -        -   (1,646)      (16) (1,662)
the period

Credit in respect of share        -       -        -        23         -      23
option plans

At 31 December 2006           1,550   8,430    8,270  (14,670)      (61)   3,519

Loss for the period               -       -        -   (1,822)         - (1,822)
Foreign currency                  -       -        -         -       (9)     (9)
translation difference

Total recognised loss for         -       -        -   (1,822)       (9) (1,831)
the period

Credit in respect of share        -       -        -        37         -      37
option plans
Issued share capital          1,784     535        -         -         -   2,319

At 30 June 2007               3,334   8,965    8,270  (16,455)      (70)   4,044

Consolidated interim balance sheet as at 30 June 2007

                                              30 June        30 June      31 Dec 2006
                                              2007           2006
                                              #'000          #'000            #'000
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment                 148            158              153
Intangible assets                   5         330            170              123

Total non-current assets                      478            328              276

Current assets
Inventories                                   593            370              373
Trade receivables                             145            -                31
Other current assets                          1,036          422              439
Cash and cash equivalents                     3,195          5,349            3,632

Total current assets                          4,969          6,141            4,475

Total assets                                  5,447          6,469            4,751

Equity and liabilities
Equity attributable to equity
Share capital                       6         3,334          1,550            1,550
Share premium                                 8,965          8,430            8,430
Other reserve                                 8,270          8,270            8,270
Retained deficit                              (16,455)       (13,047)         (14,670)
Foreign exchange reserve                      (70)           (45)             (61)

Total equity                                  4,044          5,158            3,519

Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings                          -              413              146

Total non-current liabilities                 -              413              146

Current liabilities               
Trade and other payables                      952            445              539
Current portion of long-term                  413            448              505
Short-term provisions                         38             4                42
Other financial instruments                   -              1                -

Total current liabilities                     1,403          898              1,086

Total liabilities                             1,403          1,311            1,232

Total equity and liabilities                  5,447          6,469            4,751

Consolidated interim cash flow statement
for the 6 months ended 30 June 2007

                                Note  6 months to  6 months to   12 months to
                                      30 June      30 June       31 Dec 2006
                                      2007         2006
                                      #'000        #'000          #'000

Cash flows from operating
Operating loss                       (1,816)       (2,239)        (3,954)
Adjustments to reconcile
operating loss to net cash
flows from operating activities
Depreciation                         31            30             59
Amortisation                         46            46             93
Share option plans                   37            78             101
Foreign exchange                     (18)          (54)           (105)

                                     (1,720)       (2,139)        (3,806)
Working capital adjustments
(Increase)/decrease in trade         (711)         375            327
and other receivables
Increase in inventories              (220)         (97)           (100)
Increase/(decrease) in payables      163           (359)          (257)
(Decrease)/increase in               (4)           -              38

Cash generated from operations       (2,492)       (2,220)        (3,798)
Interest paid                        (66)          (115)          (208)
Taxation received                    -             -              60

Net cash used in operating           (2,558)       (2,335)        (3,946)

Cash flows from investing
Purchase of property, plant and      (26)          (32)           (56)
Interest received                    60            145            246

Net cash from investing              34            113            190

Cash flows from financing
Proceeds from issue of share         2,319         1              1
Repayment of long-term               (238)         (187)          (397)

Net cash from/(used in)              2,081         (186)          (396)
financing activities

Net decrease in cash                 (443)         (2,408)        (4,152)
Exchange movement in cash            6             -              27

Net decrease in cash and cash        (437)         (2,408)        (4,125)
Cash and cash equivalents at         3,632         7,757          7,757
the beginning of the period

Cash and cash equivalents at         3,195         5,349          3,632
the end of the period

Notes to the interim financial information

1. Accounting policies

Basis of preparation

The consolidated interim results of Genosis PLC for the six months to 30 June
2007 have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement
criteria of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International
Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee interpretations that have been
adopted for use in the European Union, and with those parts of the Companies Act
1985 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS.

The interim financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2007 and
comparatives are unaudited but have been reviewed by the auditors and their
report is set out at the end of this statement. These interim accounts do not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies act

The Group's results have previously been prepared in accordance with United
Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK GAAP) until 31 December 2006.
UK GAAP differs from IFRS in a number of areas. The effect of such transition on
the Group's loss, net assets and cash flows for the period to 30 June 2007 are
provided in the Transition Statements in this financial information.

Statutory accounts for Genosis PLC for the year to 31 December 2006, on which
the auditors have given an unqualified opinion, subject to a going concern
emphasis of matter paragraph, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
The comparative financial information for that period has been extracted from
such accounts and restated to reflect IFRS adjustments.

The consolidated interim financial information has been prepared under the
historical cost convention except for the revaluation of certain financial

Basis of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of
the Company and all its subsidiary undertakings made up to 30 June 2007. These
consolidated financial statements exclude intra-group transactions and balances.

Going concern

The Directors believe that the key market for the success of Fertell is the
USA.  Despite the extensive media campaign, US sales since June 2007 have not
reached the targets set and have been disappointing.  The Group have an ongoing
commitment to this marketing campaign in the short-term.

In the light of this information, the Directors are now reviewing their
strategic options with regards to the company and, in the meantime, are carrying
out a review of operations so as to reduce costs in the absence of an immediate
and significant impact on sales. The Directors have considered detailed profit
and loss account and cash flow forecasts for different strategic options and
have a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue
as an operational business for the foreseeable future.

This financial information has been prepared on the going concern basis,
however, material uncertainty remains over the Group's ability to generate
future sales and to reduce costs, and consequently of the ability of the Group
to continue as a going concern. Therefore, the Group may be unable to realise
its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business. This
financial information does not contain any adjustments that would result if the
company was not able to continue as a going concern.  However, such adjustments
might include the impairment of certain intangible, tangible and current assets.

2. Segmental reporting

The Group has one line of business operating in both UK and US.

                                    6 months to   6 months to     12 months to
                                    30 June       30 June         31 Dec 2006
                                    2007          2006            Restated
                                    #'000         #'000           #'000
                UK                  165           182            221
                US                  349           -              -

                                    514           182            221

Operating loss
                UK                  (1,051)       (2,034)        (3,241)
                US                  (765)         (205)          (713)

                                    (1,816)       (2,239)        (3,954)

3. Taxation

The Group do not expect to generate any taxable profits in the year; as such no
charge for taxation has been recognised in the current period's profit and loss

The Directors have been prudent in not recognising any credit in respect of
potential R&D tax claims in respect of either the current period or 2006 prior
to submission to and agreement by HM Revenue & Customs.

4. Loss per share

Fully diluted loss per share is calculated after showing the effect of
outstanding options in issue. IAS 33 (Earnings per share), requires presentation
of diluted earnings per share. When a company could be called upon to issue
shares that would decrease net profit or increase net loss per share these
potential shares are treated as dilutive. Only options that are 'in the money'
are treated as potentially dilutive, however net loss per share would not be
increased by the exercise of these options. Therefore no adjustment has been
made to dilute loss per share for any outstanding share options.

The calculation of loss per share is based on the following loss and numbers of

                                    6 months to   6 months to     12 months to
                                    30 June       30 June         31 Dec 2006
                                    2007          2006            Restated
                                    #'000         #'000           #'000

Loss on ordinary activities after
taxation and retained loss for the
period                              (1,822)       (1,999)        (3,645)

Weighted average number of shares
For basic earnings per share        16,683        15,496         15,496
Dilutive effect of share options    -             -              -

For fully diluted earnings per      16,683        15,496         15,496

5. Intangible fixed assets


At 1 January 2007                                                 285
Additions                                                         253

At 30 June 2007                                                   538

At 1 January 2007                                                 162
Charge for period                                                 46

At 30 June 2007                                                   208

Net book value:
At 30 June 2007                                                   330

At 31 December 2006                                               123

6. Share capital

                                          AUTHORISED                     ISSUED
                              Ordinary shares of      Ordinary shares of #0.10
                            Number      Nominal            Number Nominal
At 31 December 2006         20,000,000  #2,000,000     15,496,556 #1,549,656
Shares issued during the    17,834,611  #1,783,461     17,842,515 #1,784,251

At 30 June 2007             37,834,611  #3,783,461     33,339,071 #3,333,907

7,904 Ordinary shares were issued on 11 April 2007 following the exercise of
certain share options at an exercise price of #0.10 per share. 17,834,611 new
Ordinary shares of #0.10 per share were issued on 19 June 2007 at #0.13 per

7. Analysis of net funds
                            At 1        Cash flow   Exchange      30 June
                            January                 movement
                            2007                                  2007
                            #'000       #'000       #'000         #'000              

Cash at bank and in hand    3,632       (443)       6             3,195

Debt due after one year     (146)       146         -             -
Debt due within one year    (505)       92          -             (413)

                            (651)       238         -             (413)

Total net funds             2,981       (205)       6             2,782

8. Approval of the Interim financial information

The Interim financial information was approved by the Board of Directors on 20th
September 2007.

First-time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards

For all periods up to and including the year ended 31 December 2006, the Group
prepared its financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom General
Accepted Accounting Practice (UK GAAP). The Group's financial statements for the
year ending 31 December 2007 will be the first annual financial statements that
comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). These transition
statements have been prepared on the basis as set out in note 1 to the interim
financial information.

In preparing these financial statements, the Group has started from an opening
balance sheet as at 1 January 2006, the Group's date of transition to IFRS, and
made those changes in accounting policies and other restatements required by
IFRS 1 (First-time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards) for
the first-time adoption.

This section explains the principal adjustments made by the Group in restating
its UK GAAP balance sheet as at 1 January 2006, its half year results for the
period ended 30 June 2006 and its previously published UK GAAP financial
statements for the year ended 31 December 2006.

Notes to the transition statements

Note A

Under IFRS, IAS 32 (Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation) and IAS
39 (Financial Instruments: Recognition and measurement) a fair value adjustment
is required in respect of warrants issued. The adjustments increase the retained
deficit at the transition date by #211k. As at 30 June 2006 the fair value of
the warrants is #1k resulting in a credit to the income statement for the 6
months ended 30 June 2006 of #210k. At 31 December 2006 the fair value of the
warrants is #345 creating a credit in the full year income statement of #211k.

Note B

The financial statements for the 12 months to 31 December 2006 and the 2005
comparatives were prepared in accordance with FRS 25 (Financial instruments:
disclosure and presentation) as outlined in note 1 of the 2006 Annual Report.
The original published 2006 Interim results were not prepared in accordance with
FRS 25 but have been adjusted in the above UK GAAP restatement. The Group's loss
for the 6 months to 30 June 2006 has been increased by #45k.

Note C

IAS 18 (Revenue) requires customer prompt settlement discount to be recognised
as a reduction in revenue. This was previously shown as a finance cost.

Note D

Previously under UK GAAP no provision was made for short-term compensated
absences, Under IFRS, a provision for accrued holiday outstanding at each period
end is required.

Note E

Under IFRS, IAS 21 (The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange) the income and
expenses of an overseas operation are recognised in the period using exchange
rates at the transaction dates. This has resulted in adjustments of an
additional #5k charge in administrative expenses and #1k credit to finance costs
during the 6 months to 30 June 2006. The corresponding adjustments for the 12
months to 31 December 2006 are an additional charge of #37k in administrative
expenses and #3k credit to finance costs.

Further, IFRS requires any foreign currency translation differences which under
UK GAAP were recognised directly in retained earnings to be held in a separate
component of equity. These are now shown within a foreign exchange reserve. As
at the transition date of 1st January 2006 this was set to #nil. For the 6
months to 30 June 2006 the amount is a debit to the foreign exchange reserve of
#49k and for the year to 31 December 2006 a debit of #95k.

Balance sheet reconciliation

as at 1 January 2006 (transition date)

                                 Note UK GAAP          Effect of             IFRS
                                                         to IFRS
                                      #'000                #'000            #'000

Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment         156                      -              156
Other intangible assets               216                      -              216

Total non-current assets              372                      -              372

Current assets
Inventories                           273                      -              273
Trade receivables                     71                       -               71
Other current assets                  726                      -              726
Cash and cash equivalents             7,757                    -            7,757

Total current assets                  8,827                    -            8,827

Total assets                          9,199                    -            9,199

Equity and liabilities
Equity attributable to equity
Share capital                         1,549                    -            1,549
Share premium                         8,430                    -            8,430
Other reserve                         8,270                    -            8,270
Retained deficit                    A (10,915)             (211)         (11,126)

Total equity                          7,334                (211)            7,123

Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings                  650                      -              650

Total non-current liabilities         650                      -              650

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables              734                      -              734
Current portion of long-term          398                      -              398
Current tax payable                   79                       -               79
Short-term provisions                 4                        -                4
Other financial instruments         A -                      211              211

Total current liabilities             1,215                  211            1,426

Total liabilities                     1,865                  211            2,076

Total equity and liabilities          9,199                    -            9,199

Reconciliation of income statement
for 6 months ended 30 June 2006

                                Note UK GAAP        Effect of      IFRS
                                     Restated       transition
                                     (see note      to IFRS
                                     #'000          #'000          #'000

Revenue                            C 188            (6)            182
Cost of sales                        (221)          -              (221)

Gross loss                           (33)           (6)            (39)

Distribution costs                   (1,070)        -              (1,070)
Administrative expenses          D,E (464)          (7)            (471)
Other expenses                     D (646)          (13)           (659)

Operating loss                       (2,213)        (26)           (2,239)

Interest receivable                  145            -              145
Interest payable                 C,E (122)          7              (115)
Fair value charges                 A -              210            210

Loss before and after tax            (2,190)        191            (1,999)

Balance sheet reconciliation
as at 30 June 2006

                                 Note UK GAAP        Effect of        IFRS
                                      Restated       transition
                                      (see note       to IFRS
                                      #'000          #'000            #'000

Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment         158                      -              158
Other intangible assets               170                      -              170

Total non-current assets              328                      -              328

Current assets
Inventories                           370                      -              370
Other current assets                  422                      -              422
Cash and cash equivalents             5,349                    -            5,349

Total current assets                  6,141                    -            6,141

Total assets                          6,469                    -            6,469

Equity and liabilities
Equity attributable to equity
Share capital                         1,550                    -            1,550
Share premium                         8,430                    -            8,430
Other reserve                         8,270                    -            8,270
Retained deficit                A,D,E (13,076)                29         (13,047)
Foreign exchange reserve            E -                     (45)             (45)

Total equity                          5,174                 (16)            5,158

Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings                  413                      -              413

Total non-current liabilities         413                      -              413

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables            D 430                     15              445
Current portion of long-term          448                      -              448
Short-term provisions                 4                        -                4
Other financial instruments         A -                        1                1

Total current liabilities             882                     16              898

Total liabilities                     1,295                   16            1,311

Total equity and liabilities          6,469                    -            6,469

Reconciliation of income statement
for 12 months ended 31 December 2006

                             Note  UK GAAP          Effect of      IFRS
                                                    to IFRS
                                   #'000            #'000          #'000

Revenue                          C 227              (6)            221
Cost of sales                      (301)            -              (301)

Gross loss                         (74)             (6)            (80)

Distribution costs             D,E (1,652)          (38)           (1,690)
Administrative expenses      C,D,E (992)            6              (986)
Other expenses                   F (1,195)          (3)            (1,198)

Operating loss                     (3,913)          (41)           (3,954)

Interest receivable                246                             246
Interest payable                   (208)                           (208)
Fair value charges               A -                211            211

Loss before tax                    (3,875)          170            (3,705)

Income tax expense                 60               -              60

Loss after tax                     (3,815)          170            (3,645)

Balance sheet reconciliation
as at 31 December 2006

                                  Note UK GAAP       Effect of               IFRS
                                                     to IFRS
                                       #'000         #'000                   #'000

Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment          153                      -             153
Other intangible assets                123                      -             123

Total non-current assets               276                     -              276

Current assets
Inventories                            373                     -              373
Trade receivables                      31                      -               31
Other current assets                   439                     -              439
Cash and cash equivalents              3,632                   -            3,632

Total current assets                   4,475                   -            4,475

Total assets                           4,751                   -            4,751

Equity and liabilities
Equity attributable to equity
Share capital                          1,550                   -            1,550
Share premium                          8,430                   -            8,430
Other reserve                          8,270                   -            8,270
Retained deficit                 A,D,E (14,724)               54         (14,670)
Foreign exchange reserve             E -                    (61)             (61)

Total equity                           3,526                 (7)            3,519

Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings                   146                     -              146

Total non-current liabilities          146                     -              146

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables             D 532                     7              539
Current portion of long-term           505                     -              505
Short-term provisions                  42                      -               42

Total current liabilities              1,079                   7            1,086

Total liabilities                      1,225                   7            1,232

Total equity and liabilities           4,751                   -            4,751



We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 30 June 2007 which comprises the consolidated interim
income statement, the consolidated interim statement of changes in equity, the
consolidated interim balance sheet, the consolidated interim cash flow
statement, related notes 1 to 8 and the Transition statements. We have read the
other information contained in the interim report and considered whether it
contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the
financial information.

This report is made solely to the company, in accordance with Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board. Our work has been undertaken so that we
might state to the company those matters we are required to state to them in an
independent review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent
permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than
the company, for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we
have formed.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors
are also responsible for ensuring that the accounting policies and presentation
applied to the interim figures are consistent with those applied in preparing
the preceding annual accounts except where any changes, and the reasons for
them, are disclosed.

First-time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards

As disclosed in note 1, the next annual financial statements of the group will
be prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as
adopted for use in the EU. Accordingly, the interim report has been prepared in
accordance with the recognition and measurement criteria of IFRS and the
disclosure requirements of the Listing Rules that would be applicable if the
company were admitted to the Official List.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with the guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A
review consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data
and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and
Ireland) and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit.
Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 June 2007.

Emphasis of matter - Going concern

Without qualifying our review conclusion, we draw attention to the disclosures
made in note 1 of the financial information concerning the group's ability to
continue as a going concern. There is a material uncertainty over the future
sales and reduction of costs that are required to meet the Directors' plans.
Notwithstanding the strategic options that are being considered by the
Directors, this material uncertainty may cast significant doubt about the
company's ability to continue as a going concern. The financial information does
not include the adjustments that would result if the company was unable to
continue as a going concern as it is not practicable to determine or quantify
them. However such adjustments might include the impairment of certain
intangible, tangible and current assets.

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Chartered Accountants


20th September 2007


Genosis is a consumer products company focused on reproductive health. Genosis'
first product Fertell(R), an at-home fertility testing kit for men and women,
went on sale in the UK in January 2006. Fertell(R) was designed and developed by
Genosis and is the first and currently the only OTC product on the high street
that allows couples to accurately test both male and female fertility quickly
and simply in the privacy of their own home. Genosis' product Fertell(R) makes
the breakthrough of taking accepted technology from the laboratory into easy to
use fertility testing devices for testing at home.

Fertell(R) is easy to use. The woman's test is used in a similar way to a
pregnancy test but, unlike any other test that is available for use at home, it
assesses the quality of the egg she releases. For the male test, the man has to
produce a sample, push a button and twist a switch and, in just over an hour,
the test will show him if he has enough motile sperm that can swim to reach an
egg (based on WHO standards). Fertell(R) has been through clinical trials in the
UK and the US and has been shown to be more than 95% accurate when compared with
established laboratory tests run in fertility clinics. Fertell(R) has been
cleared for sale in the US by the FDA and has received CE marking for sale in

The Company's first retail distribution agreement is with Alliance Boots, the
UK's biggest healthcare retailer with more than 1200 stores nationwide. The
Boots Distribution Agreement is exclusive for the UK until November 2008. Boots
sells Fertell(R) through its high street branches in the UK and the Republic of
Ireland and through the internet. The Fertell(R) kit is also available through
Genosis' own website, www.fertell.co.uk. In the US the product is sold through
CVS and Longs Drugs and also through the internet www.fertell.com.

The market for Fertell(R) could potentially be quite large. There are in excess
of 500 million couples of reproductive age worldwide, and approximately 1 in 7
or about 80 million have problems conceiving. There is a significant increase in
the industrialised world in the number of women deferring childbearing until
after 30. This has a marked effect on fertility. Although male factor
infertility is the single most common cause of infertility, the key prognostic
indicator of a couple's fertility is the age of the female partner, with
fertility rates, upon treatments such as IVF, halving between the ages of 30 and
38. In the UK, couples most frequently turn to their medical providers for
assistance, but typically are advised to wait and try to conceive for a further
period of up to 12 months before returning for tests and treatment. The key
benefit of Fertell(R) is that it allows men and women to assess their fertility
status in the privacy of their own home and, the earlier couples can identify
whether a problem exists, the earlier they can seek treatment and the more
likely they are to conceive.

www.genosis.com www.fertell.com www.fertell.co.uk

                                  - E N D S -

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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