RNS Number:5526K
Grampian Hldgs PLC
25 September 2001

Date                25 September 2001

Contacts        David McGibbon                           020 7929 5599
                Finance Director & Company Secretary    (on 25 September)
                Grampian Holdings plc                    0141 357 2000

                David Bick                               0207 929 5599
                Holborn Public Relations    david.bick@holbornpr.co.uk

                Tom Cassidy                               0141 226 3700
                Media House

                            GRAMPIAN HOLDINGS plc

                               Interim Results

*     Half year to 3 August 2001
      -    Continuing Operations
           Turnover up 2.8% to #43.69m;
           Operating profits, before goodwill, up 26.6% to #4.62m;
           Operating margins up from 8.6% to 10.6%
      -    Group
           Operating profits, before goodwill, up 28.6% to #6.93m;
           UKSIP Headline earnings per share up 25% to 3.05 pence;
           Dividend per share maintained at 2.30 pence

*     Current Trading
      -    For The Malcolm Group, order books remain satisfactory, despite a    
           slowdown in the market
*     Proposed Return of Capital
      -    Disposal of properties for #13m; announcement expected shortly;

      -   Board to shortly set out details to shareholders for the return of    

Commenting, Chairman, Sir Donald MacKay said:

"Overall, the foundations are in place for the company to progress well this

"For The Malcolm Group, in the Logistic Services division, activity levels
remain satisfactory, despite a slowdown in the market.  Demand for rail
traffic remains strong and the division is well placed to progress this year.

"In the Construction Services division, order books are also satisfactory.
The key focus will remain the delivery of improved margins.

"Following the disposal of EWM for #49 million, the Board shortly expects to
announce the disposal of the retained properties for #13 million.  Following
this, the Board will shortly write to shareholders setting out its proposals
for returning approximately #45m in cash."

Grampian Holdings plc, the Scottish based Group whose principal business is
The Malcolm Group, announces interim results for the half year to 3 August


Turnover for continuing operations, at #43.69m showed an increase of 2.8%
against #42.49m for the first half of 2000/01.

Operating profits for continuing operations, and before goodwill amortisation
were #4.62m, an increase of 26.6% against #3.65m for the first half of last

The results of the EWM Group, shown as discontinued operations, showed an
operating profit of #2.31m for the first half against #1.74m for the
comparative period last year.

Total group operating profits, before goodwill amortisation, amounted to #
6.93m (2000/01 #5.39m) an increase of 28.6%.

After goodwill amortisation, group operating profits at #6.67m showed an
increase of 25.6% against #5.31m for the first half of 2000/01.

Group profits before non operating exceptional items and taxation were #5.07m
compared with #3.76m in 2000/01.  The disposal of the EWM Group results in a
net charge of #55.96m, being the goodwill reinstated on disposal of #63.32m
offset by a gain on the sale of the business of #7.36m.  As a result, the
group shows a loss before taxation of #50.89m.

UKSIP (formerly IIMR) headline earnings per share were 3.05 pence against 2.44
pence in 2000/01, an increase of 25.0%.


Your directors have declared an interim dividend on ordinary shares of 2.30
pence per share, the same as last year.

The interim dividend will be paid on 3 December 2001 to shareholders on the
register on 2 November 2001.

The Malcolm Group

The integration of the Malcolm family companies, acquired in February, was
successfully completed and these businesses made a meaningful contribution.

Total turnover at #43.69m showed an increase of 2.8% against #42.49m.

Operating profits, before goodwill amortisation, at #5.06m, showed an increase
of 21.6% against #4.16m, the comparative figure for the first half last year.
A satisfactory performance achieved in difficult market conditions.

Logistic Services

In a challenging market, performance in the first six months was robust.
Turnover was 7.2% ahead at #26.30m compared with #24.54m for the first half of
last year.

Activity levels were satisfactory throughout the first half year.  The new
rail freight operations proved successful.  The level of rail traffic not only
at Crick but also at Grangemouth created a need for additional rail capacity
to cope with the increasing demands.

At Crick, in Northamptonshire, the potential for our new depot is now being
fully exploited in terms of both flexibility and utilisation of our fleet
through this key location.  With the opening of Crick, the company has an
integrated depot infrastructure, which will enable it to develop its business
throughout the UK.  New markets have already started to open up with
opportunities for additional business with a number of blue chip customers.

Construction Services

The division was busy throughout the first half of the year, and activity
levels were satisfactory.  Turnover for the division was #17.39m against #
17.96m last year.  A key target for this division was to improve margins this
year and, in a very competitive market, this is being achieved.  Our strategy
of entering into partnerships with major contractors on large contracts has
proved successful.

For The Malcolm Group as a whole, operating margins before goodwill
amortisation were 11.6% against 9.8% for the first half of last year.  Given
the competitive marketplace, this can be viewed as a satisfactory performance.

EWM Group

The trading results for the EWM Group, which traded as part of the group
throughout the first half-year, have been included as discontinued operations.
  Total sales for that period at #72.27m were 8.6% ahead of the first half
last year at #66.57m.  Operating profits, before exceptional items were #3.79m
compared with #1.74m for the first half of 2000/01.

During the first half of the year, the company undertook a major project to
examine all aspects of supply chain management.  The total cost of this
project at #1.48m is shown as an operating exceptional item in these results.

After this charge, EWM Group operating profits were #2.31m against #1.74m for
the first half of last year.

Total retail sales for the period were up 9.1% against the same period last
year.  Like for like sales were also up by 9.1%.


For The Malcolm Group, in the Logistic Services division, activity levels
remain satisfactory, despite a slowdown in the market.  With the
infrastructure now in place and strong demand for rail traffic, the division
is well placed to progress this year.

In the Construction Services division, order books are also satisfactory.  The
key focus will remain the delivery of improved margins and containing costs.

For the company as a whole, there is no doubt that trading conditions are
challenging.  However, we believe that the foundations are now in place to
enable the company to progress well this year.

Proposed return of capital

The disposal of the EWM Group was concluded on 25 July for a cash
consideration of #49m.  The Board wishes to express its appreciation to all
EWM employees for their contribution to the successful running of the business
up to disposal.

Certain properties, occupied by the EWM Group and owned by Grampian, were not
included as part of this disposal.  The Board has announced previously its
intention to dispose of these properties with anticipated proceeds of #13
million, and the Board expects to make an announcement on this disposal

Following completion of these disposals, the Board intends to return to
shareholders an amount of approximately #45m.  The proposed return of cash to
shareholders will also require the sanction of the Court before it can take
place.  In the event that Court sanction is not obtained, the Board intends to
make a substantial return of cash to shareholders using existing distributable

The Board will write to all shareholders shortly setting out the proposals for
returning cash, and expects the cash to be returned later this year.


Interim Report 2001

The unaudited interim results of the group, following the review by the
Auditors, are:

                        Half year to 03/08/01               Half year      Year
                                                                       to 02/02/
                             Contin-      Discon-     Total  to 28/07/       01
                              uing         tinued                  00       
                   Note        #000          #000     #000       #000      #000

Continuing                   43,690             -   43,690     42,494    86,543
operations                        -        72,267   72,267     66,571   157,337
Total               2
                             43,690        72,267  115,957    109,065   243,880

Operating profit

Continuing                    4,615             -    4,615      3,647     6,371
   - goodwill                 (260)             -    (260)       (76)     (152)
Discontinued                      -         3,793    3,793      1,739    11,693
   - exceptional                  -       (1,480)  (1,480)          -         -
Total               2         4,355         2,313    6,668      5,310    17,912

Exceptional items   3

EWM Group loss on                        
disposal                          -      (55,963)  (55,963)          -         -

before interest
and                           4,355     (53,650) (49,295)      5,310    17,912

                                                     1,603      1,552     3,265
(Loss)/profit on
   activities                                      (50,898)      3,758    14,647
before taxation
Taxation            7                                 1,781      1,165     4,716
attributable to                                     (52,679)     2,593     9,931
Dividends           8                                 2,680      2,517     9,148
   (from)/to                                        (55,359)       76       783

per ordinary         9                            (45.35)p      2.37p     9.08p

Diluted (loss)/
earnings per         9                            (45.35)p      2.37p     9.07p
   ordinary share                                 

UKSIP Headline
earnings per         
ordinary share       9                               3.05p      2.44p     9.21p

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

                                            Half year     Half year        Year
                                          to 03/08/01   to 28/07/00    02/02/01
                                                 #000          #000        #000

(Loss)/profit attributable to                (52,679)         2,593       9,931

Unrealised surplus on revalued freehold             -             -       7,847

Exchange differences on net assets of
subsidiaries                                     (28)            30         110

Total recognised gains and losses            (52,707)         2,623      17,888


Interim Report 2001

Unaudited Balance Sheet as at:

                                                  03/08/     28/07/    02/02/01
                                                      01         00
                                            Note    #000       #000        #000
Fixed assets

Intangible assets                                  1,767        253         177
Tangible assets
        Land and buildings                        58,579     64,866      72,304
        Plant and machinery                        5,422      5,467       5,174
        Motor vehicles                            22,600     17,076      15,692
        Fixtures and fittings                        866     15,709      15,717
                                                  87,467    103,118     108,887

Investments                                           23         23          23

                                                  89,257    103,394     109,087
Current assets

Retail properties held for resale                  7,682          -           -
Stocks                                               633     33,252      30,237
Debtors                                           20,301     31,501      23,923
Cash at bank and in hand                          33,972      2,030       5,526
                                                  62,588     66,783      59,686
Creditors: amounts falling due within one

Bank loans and overdrafts                         15,982     17,029      36,535
Other borrowing                                    5,023      1,168         751
Other creditors                                   26,248     37,296      37,660
                                                  47,253     55,493      74,946

Net current assets/(liabilities)                  15,335     11,290    (15,260)

Total assets less current liabilities            104,592    114,684      93,827

Creditors: amounts falling due after one           1,061     30,632       1,071
Accruals and deferred income

Deferred government grants                           220         96          62
Capital contributions                                  -        981         781

Provisions for liabilities and charges             2,978      3,782       4,086

Minority interests (including non-equity               -        150         150

Net assets                                       100,333     79,043      87,677

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital                           29,086     27,357      27,357
Share premium account                             19,044     16,049      16,049
Capital redemption reserve                         2,811      2,811       2,811
Revaluation reserve                               15,082      7,411      15,206
Other reserves                                         -      (455)       (375)
Profit and loss account                           34,310     25,870      26,629
Shareholders' funds                          4   100,333     79,043      87,677


Interim Report 2001

Unaudited Cash Flow Statement:

                                                     Half       Half       Year
                                                     year       year
                                                 to 03/08   to 28/07   to 02/02
                                                      /01        /00        /01
                                            Note     #000       #000       #000

Cash inflow/(outflow) from operating
activities                                   5      8,981      (112)     32,467

Returns on investments and servicing of
   finance                                        (1,505)    (1,645)    (3,250)

Taxation                                          (1,535)      (933)    (4,520)

Capital expenditure and financial
investment                                        (2,831)   (12,379)   (17,171)

Acquisition and disposals                          45,933         47         47

Equity dividends paid                                   -          -    (8,754)

Cash inflow/(outflow) before use of liquid
resources and financing                            49,043   (15,022)    (1,181)


Net issue of shares                                    79         16         16

(Decrease)/increase in debt and lease            (18,699)     10,899      2,600

Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period          30,423    (4,107)      1,435

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement
in net debt

Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period          30,423    (4,107)      1,435

Cash inflow from loans and overdrafts            (16,982)   (11,151)    (3,092)

Cash outflow on repayment of loans                 35,558          -          -

Repayment of capital on finance leases and
hire                                                  123        252        492
   purchase contracts

Change in net debt resulting from cash             49,122   (15,006)    (1,165)

Loan notes issued on acquisition                  (4,407)          -          -

Finance leases disposed of with                        13          -          -

Translation differences                                 -          3         69
Decrease/(increase) in net debt in the
                                                   44,728   (15,003)    (1,096)

Opening net debt                                 (31,760)   (30,664)   (30,664)

Closing net funds in hand/(debt)             6     12,968   (45,667)   (31,760)


Interim Results

Notes to the Accounts

1.    Basis of preparation

a)       The interim financial information contained in the Interim Report has
been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Annual
Review and Accounts for the year ended 2 February 2001.  FRS17 Retirement
Benefits will have no effect on the reported financial position of the Group
this year as it will be implemented in accordance with the transition
timetable set out in the standard.  The directors do not anticipate FRS18
Accounting Policies will result in any significant changes in accounting
policies although additional disclosures relating to their application may be
required.  The Group currently adopts full provision for deferred tax and it
is not anticipated that FRS19 Deferred Tax will affect the basis of the
provision in the accounts.

b)       Those fixed assets carried at valuation are stated at the same
valuation as at 2 February 2001.

c)       The interim results cover the twenty six weeks to 3 August 2001.
Comparative figures for the year ended 2 February 2001 are abridged from
unqualified accounts for the period which have been delivered to the Registrar
of Companies.

d)       Half year comparative figures have been adjusted to reflect the
current split between continuing and discontinued operations.

e)    The financial information contained in this Interim Report does not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act

2.    Segmental analysis
                           Turnover              Operating profit/(loss)
                    Half      Half      Year      Half      Half      Year
                    year      year                year      year
                  to 03/    to 28/    to 02/    to 03/    to 28/    to 02/
                   08/01     07/00     02/01     08/01     07/00     02/01
                    #000      #000      #000      #000      #000      #000
The Malcolm
   before         43,690    42,494    86,543     5,063     4,160     7,333
Goodwill               -         -         -     (260)      (76)     (152)
The Malcolm       43,690    42,494    86,543     4,803     4,084     7,181
Central costs          -         -         -     (448)     (513)     (962)
Total continuing
  operations      43,690    42,494    86,543     4,355     3,571     6,219
EWM Group         72,267    66,571   157,337     2,313     1,739    11,693

Total            115,957   109,065   243,880     6,668     5,310    17,912

*    Due to the immediate integration of the Malcolm Family businesses
acquired on 5 February 2001, it is not possible to identify the turnover and
operating profit arising from this acquisition.

All turnover originates in the United Kingdom.

Segmental analysis:                    Turnover by destination
                               Half year          Half year          Half year
                             to 03/08/01        to 28/07/00        to 02/02/01
                                    #000               #000               #000
United Kingdom                   115,098            107,979            242,057
Europe - EU                          508                716              1,297
America                              323                352                493
Rest of the world                     28                 18                 33
                                 115,957            109,065            243,880

NOTES (continued)

3.    Exceptional items

                                        Half year  Half year      Half year
                                      to 03/08/01  to 28/07/    to 02/02/01
                                             #000       #000           #000
Discontinued operations
EWM Group:
      Operating exceptional -
supply chain project                      (1,480)            -            -

Non operating:
      Gain on sale of the EWM               7,356
Group                                                      -              -
      Goodwill reinstated on
disposal of the EWM Group                (63,319)            -            -

                                         (55,963)            -             -
      Loss on sale of businesses
- Branded Leisure Goods                         -          - *             - **
Total non operating exceptional
items                                    (55,963)          -              -

*   Net of the utilisation of provisions of #427,000 made in 1999/00

** Net of the utilisation of provisions of #528,000 made in 1999/00

4.   Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

                                            Half year    Half year         Year
                                            to 03/08/    to 28/07/    to 02/02/
                                                   01           00           01

                                                 #000         #000         #000
Total recognised gains and losses            (52,707)        2,623       17,888
Dividends                                     (2,680)      (2,517)      (9,148)
Other movements
        New shares issued on acquisitions       4,645            -            -
        New shares issued from options             79           16           16
        Goodwill reinstated on disposal of     63,319            -            -
                                               12,656          122        8,756
Opening shareholders' funds                    87,677       78,921       78,921
Closing shareholders' funds                   100,333       79,043       87,677

5.    Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow/(outflow) from
operating activities

                                                  Half       Half       Year
                                                  year       year
                                                                    to 02/02
                                              to 03/08   to 28/07        /01
                                                   /01        /00
                                                  #000       #000       #000
Operating profit                                 6,668      5,310     17,912
Depreciation and amortisation of fixed assets    6,884      5,667     11,753
Gain on disposal of tangible fixed assets        (588)    (1,073)    (1,374)
Grants released                                   (14)       (25)       (59)
(Decrease)/increase in capital contributions     (141)      (102)        248
(Increase)/decrease in stocks                  (4,438)      (996)      2,019
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                 (1,033)    (9,384)    (1,609)
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                 1,708      1,150      4,666
Decrease in provisions for liabilities and        (65)       (74)       (93)
                                                 8,981        473     33,463
Net cash outflow in respect of exceptional           -    (585) *    (996) **
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating         8,981      (112)     32,467

*   #585,000 relates to exceptional costs
provided for in 1999/00
**  #854,000 relates to exceptional costs provided and accrued in 1999/00 and
#142,000 provided and accrued in earlier years

Notes (continued)

6.    Analysis of net (debt)/funds in hand

                                     As at        Cash   Acquisition      As at
                                     03/02/01     flow      disposal   03/08/01

                                         #000     #000          #000       #000

Cash at bank and in hand (excluding     5,365   28,446             -     33,811
cash deposits)
Cash deposits                             161        -             -        161
Overdraft                             (1,977)    1,977             -          -
                                        3,549   30,423             -     33,972

Debt due within one year             (35,083)   18,576       (4,407)   (20,914)
Finance leases and hire purchase        (226)      123            13       (90)
                                     (35,309)   18,699       (4,394)   (21,004)
Net (debt)/funds in hand             (31,760)   49,122       (4,394)     12,968

7.    Taxation

The charge for taxation reflects the anticipated effective rate by division
for the year ending 1 February 2002 for the group.  The effective rate of tax
differs from the standard rate of 30% due to no tax relief on the disposal of
the EWM Group and the effect of non qualifying depreciation and other
disallowable items.

8.    Dividends
                                          Half year     Half year          Year
                                          to 03/08/     to 28/07/     to 02/02/
                                                 01            00            01
                                               #000          #000          #000

Equity - Ordinary - amount                    2,680         2,517         9,148
                            - pence per       2.30p         2.30p         8.00p

The interim ordinary dividend of 2.30 pence per share is payable on 3 December
2001 to shareholders on the register on 2 November 2001.

9.    Earnings per ordinary share

Earnings per ordinary share are based on earnings as follows:
                                            Half year    Half year         Year
                                            to 03/08/    to 28/07/    to 02/02/
                                                   01           00           01
                                                 #000         #000         #000

Earned for the ordinary shareholders -       (52,679)        2,593        9,931
basic and diluted
Add back:    Non operating exceptional         55,963            -            -
                    Goodwill amortisation         260           76          152
Earned for the ordinary shareholders -          3,544        2,669       10,083
UKSIP basis

UKSIP adjustment - pence per share       48.40p        0.07p              0.13p

The UKSIP (formerly IIMR) Headline earnings per share has also been presented
as this figure is used by the investment community.  The UKSIP earnings
adjustment this year includes an adjustment for goodwill amortisation as this
item has become more material to an understanding of the group's performance.
Comparative figures have been restated on this basis.

                                          Number of     Number of     Number of
                                             shares        shares        shares
Basic weighted average number of        116,161,049   109,399,746   109,413,673
ordinary shares in issue during the
period (excluding shares owned by the
Employee Share Trust)
Dilutive potential ordinary shares -         62,796       109,065        79,019
employee share options
Diluted weighted average number of      116,223,845   109,508,811   109,492,692
ordinary shares

10.  This report has been circulated to all shareholders.  Copies are
available from the Company Secretary at Stag House, Castlebank Street, Glasgow
G11 6DY.  Telephone 0141 357 2000.  Fax 0141 334 8709.

                                   - ENDS -

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