RNS Number : 9129Z

Gateley (Holdings) PLC

17 January 2024

 17 January 2024 

Gateley (Holdings) Plc

("Gateley", the "Group" or the "Company")


Half Year Results for the six months ended 31 October 2023

Resilient H1 performance; cautious on H2

Gateley, the professional services group, is pleased to announce its unaudited results for the six months ended 31 October 2023 (the "Period" or "H1 24").

Financial Highlights

 --   Resilient financial performance with revenue and underlying 
       profit before tax up 7.6% (H1 23: 22.2%) and 4.6% (H1 23: 
       9.6%) respectively, against a challenging macro-economic backdrop 
 --   Group organic revenue growth of 5.1% (H1 23: 9.8%) 
 --   Legal services revenue grew entirely organically by 2.4% (H1 
       23: 8.2%) 
 --   Revenue from consultancy services represents 27.6% of total 
       revenue at GBP22.6m (H1 23: GBP18.2m or 23.9%), of which organic 
       growth was 13.5% (H1 23: 20.0%) 
 --   Underlying profit margin decreased to 12.2% (H1 23: 12.6%) 
       as a result of investment in future growth including a 3.5% 
       increase in fee earners, improved technology and continued 
 --   Activity levels across the Group decreased with utilisation 
       at 83% (H1 23: 86%) 
 --   Strong balance sheet with net debt of GBP2.2m at the Period 
       end (H1 23: net cash GBP1.1m) 
 --   Proposed interim dividend maintained at 3.3p (H1 23: 3.3p) 
       per share 
                                          H1 24       H1 23    Change 
 Group revenue                         GBP82.0m    GBP76.1m      7.6% 
 Group underlying operating profit      GBP8.6m    GBP10.1m   (14.9)% 
 Group underlying profit before 
  tax(1)                               GBP10.0m     GBP9.6m      4.6% 
 Group profit before tax                GBP7.4m     GBP6.3m     16.8% 
 Group profit after tax                 GBP6.1m     GBP4.7m     32.0% 
 Basic earnings per share ("EPS")         4.83p       3.73p     29.5% 
 Underlying adjusted fully diluted 
  EPS(2)                                  6.40p       6.15p      4.1% 
 Net assets                            GBP83.3m    GBP74.6m     11.7% 
 Net (debt)/cash(3)                   GBP(2.2)m     GBP1.1m 
 Dividend                                  3.3p        3.3p 
 (1)   Underlying operating profit and underlying profit before tax 
        excludes remuneration for post-combination services, gain on 
        bargain purchase, share-based payment charges, acquisition 
        related amortisation and exceptional items 
 (2)   Underlying diluted EPS excludes remuneration for post-combination 
        services, gain on bargain purchase, share-based payment charges, 
        acquisition related amortisation and exceptional items. It 
        also adjusts for the future weighted average number of expected 
        unissued shares from granted but unexercised share options 
        in issue based on a share price at the end of the financial 
 (3)   Net (debt)/cash excludes IFRS 16 lease liabilities 

Strategic and post-Period highlights

 --   Prior year acquisitions integrated and performing well 
 --   Ongoing investment in capacity with average fee earner headcount 
       increased to 1,035 in H1 24 (H1 23: 1,000) 
 --   S trategic h iring onto Business Services Platform to seed 
       legal services class action and international arbitration 
       teams and to create intellectual property commercialisation 
       and valuation in patent and trade mark attorney services 
 --   Continued execution of M&A strategy with the July 2023 acquisition 
       of Richard Julian and Associates Limited ("RJA"), a chartered 
       surveying practice providing quantity surveying and project 
       management services across a variety of construction sectors 
       and performing in-line with expectations 
 --   Achieved all 15 responsible business objectives set in our 
       2022/23 Responsible Business Report and launched 15 new objectives 
       in our third annual Responsible Business Report 
 --   Continued focus on alignment of stakeholders including through 
       70% of staff either owning shares or currently participating 
       in option schemes 
 --   Succession planning progressed with the appointment of David 
       Wilton as Chair Designate and Non-Executive Director, with 
       effect from 1 February 2024 

Current trading and outlook

 --   H1 24 outturn demonstrates the resilience derived from our 
       ongoing investment in a diverse range of professional services 
 --   After activity levels increased in Q2 24, Q3 to date has been 
       more subdued, particularly for some of our legal services 
       transactional teams. However, counter cyclical work activity 
       continues to strengthen and consultancy services are performing 
 --   The combination of ongoing macro-uncertainty, varying activity 
       levels across the Group and the natural weighting towards 
       the final months of the financial year makes the Group's full 
       year outturn more difficult than usual to forecast. However, 
       with the solid results delivered at the half year point, tempered 
       by a cautious short-term outlook, the board expects results 
       for the full year to be broadly in line with market consensus 

Rod Waldie, Chief Executive Officer of Gateley, said:

"Given macro-economic conditions during the Period, I am pleased with the Group's resilient H1 24 performance.

"This is testament to, firstly, our strong client relationships, sustained by the excellent service delivered by our people and, secondly, our strategy working in practice as we continue to differentiate Gateley and enhance resilience via the aggregation of, and continued investment in, complementary legal and consultancy services on each of our Platforms.

"Our H2 24 outlook reflects our cautious view on the market conditions we are currently experiencing. That said, I am confident in the ability of our excellent teams to continue to rise to the challenge for the remainder of this year, and beyond. We continue to invest in the business and remain confident and well-positioned to deliver our long-term ambitions."


 Gateley (Holdings) Plc 
 Neil Smith, Chief Financial Officer                 Tel: +44 (0) 121 234 
 Nick Smith, Acquisitions Director and                Tel +44 (0) 20 7653 
  Head of Investor Relations                                         1665 
 Cara Zachariou, Communications Director              Tel +44 (0) 121 234 
                                                    Mob: +44 (0) 7703 684 
 Liberum - Nominated adviser and Broker 
 Richard Lindley / Ben Cryer / Anake Singh           Tel: +44 (0) 20 3100 
 Belvedere Communications Limited - Financial 
 Cat Valentine                                      Mob: +44 (0) 7715 769 
 Keeley Clarke                                      Mob: +44 (0) 7967 816 
 Llew Angus                                         Mob: +44 (0) 7407 023 



The Group's performance during H1 24 is pleasing in the context of macro-economic headwinds which continue to generate challenging market conditions.

As always, I am grateful to all of our people for their hard work and commitment to delivering the best outcomes for our clients, the result of which is reflected in our 7.6% headline H1 24 revenue growth and our 4.6% growth in underlying profit before tax.

Aided by our strong balance sheet, we maintain a long-term commitment to growth via our disciplined diversification strategy in both legal and consultancy services. This remains our key differentiator and continues to enhance our resilience. In Period, on our Property Platform, we completed the acquisition of RJA, a chartered surveying practice providing project management and quantity surveying services, adding to related expertise in both Gateley Vinden and Gateley Smithers Purslow. We also made strategic lateral hires on our Business Services Platform, firstly, to seed specialist legal services class actions and international arbitration teams handling complex, long-term litigation and, secondly, in our patent and trade mark attorney businesses to add intellectual property commercialisation and valuation services. Whilst our investments inevitably impact short-term margin as acquisition and integration costs are absorbed, selective strategic investment remains one of our priorities for future growth.

In Period, we published our third annual Responsible Business Report. Having achieved all 15 responsible business targets set in our prior report, our 2023/24 report sets 15 new objectives in-line with our purpose-led agenda. We have a clear recognition that business is a key engine for change and our responsible business journey progresses with conviction.

Our operational focus for the remainder of the financial year remains firmly on the basics of business; consistent delivery of excellent service, maximising cross-selling opportunities, winning new work on each of our Platforms and cost management.

The board proposes an interim dividend of 3.3p per share (H1 23: 3.3p).

Results overview

H1 24 Group revenues grew by 7.6% to GBP82m (H1 23: GBP76.1m). This yielded an increase of 16.8% in reported profit before tax to GBP7.4m (restated H1 23: GBP6.3m) and a 4.6% increase in underlying profit before tax to GBP10.0m (H1 23: GBP9.6m).

Trading conditions were generally difficult throughout the Period. Our outturn reflects the quality and breadth of the complementary legal and consultancy services delivered through our Platforms. The volume of traditional transactional activity in legal services was weaker during the Period than in H1 23. This accounts for the slight in-Period decline in utilisation to 83%, but still close to our typical 85% run-rate. We continued to see a pivot towards greater activity in our more counter-cyclical service lines. This is an ongoing characteristic. Activity in our more economically agnostic businesses was, and remains, strong, as demonstrated by 39.0% growth in revenue in Gateley Smithers Purslow, delivering specialist advice from our Property Platform to UK property insurers.

The strength of both existing operations and our balance sheet provide the foundation for further investment in growth across our Platforms. Our pipeline of acquisition opportunities remains good across the Group.

Business Services Platform

This Platform supports clients in dealing with their commercial agreements, managing risks, protecting assets and resolving disputes.

On this Platform revenue grew by 24.7%.

Our commercial dispute resolution team and our regulatory and business defence team, counter-cyclical in nature, are both busy and ahead of prior year revenue.

Taken together, our patent and trade mark attorney businesses, Adamson Jones and Symbiosis IP, are in-line with budgeted revenue and are working well together, with a positive outlook. We continue to invest in broadening our intellectual property offering with the in-Period lateral hire additions of experts in IP commercialisation and valuation. We are encouraged by further opportunities to further strengthen our position in intellectual property advisory services.

Revenue from our legal services complex international recoveries litigation team remains constrained whilst the team establishes credentials in new markets. However, activity is improving via opportunities from those markets. In-Period, the team has been significantly enhanced by lateral hire investment to seed our international arbitration team. Alongside this, we have also made lateral hire investment to establish our class actions team, a new service line in our complex litigation offering. We are excited by the opportunities for both teams in handling valuable long-term mandates, from which we expect to see returns feeding-in from FY 25 onwards.

Corporate Platform

This Platform is focused on the corporate, financial services and restructuring markets in both transaction and business support services.

In a market where transactional activity has fallen and lead times have extended, I was encouraged to see relatively small revenue contraction of 5.9% on this Platform . Our traditional transaction pipeline is reasonable but timelines for on-boarding and completing new work are uncertain.

The Platform also houses our Restructuring Advisory team, which is counter-cyclical in nature. Its revenue increased by 41.5% and the team remains busy on a number of mandates, with a positive outlook. Work here includes cross-over with specialist teams on our Property Platform delivering market-leading services to insurers who have bonded now distressed construction projects.

People Platform

This Platform supports clients dealing with and developing people and in administering individuals' personal affairs.

Revenue on this Platform declined by 1.2%. In legal services, our employment team experienced a drop-off in support work to the transactional teams on our Corporate Platform. However, utilising expertise established over many years in acting for The British Medical Association, the team is now building its credentials in assisting NHS Trusts with internal investigations. Our private client team has undertaken some restructuring, with our core focus remaining on high net worth clients and related opportunities.

Our legal services pensions team and our pension trustee business, Entrust, are both relatively economically agnostic and combined to deliver revenue growth of 52.4%. Entrust continues to see opportunities from the increase in the number of pension schemes looking to complete full liability buy-outs, with Entrust's technical support.

The combined revenue of our talent assessment, development and cultural change businesses, t-three and Kiddy & Partners is down versus H1 23 but improvement is anticipated in H2 24. These businesses are also working closely with our legal services employment team to maximise opportunities arising from evolving legislation in relation to diversity and inclusion.

Property Platform

This Platform is focused on clients' activities in real estate development and investment and in the built environment in the widest sense.

This remains our largest, most diverse, and most mature Platform. Against the backdrop of challenging market conditions in UK commercial and residential real estate, we are pleased to report revenue growth of 12.4% on this Platform.

In legal services, our contentious construction team and real estate dispute resolutions team are both counter-cyclical in nature and generated revenue growth of 33.0% and 21.1% respectively from both stand-alone mandates and in working with specialist teams on this and other Platforms. The pipeline for both teams remain strong.

Our residential development team is likely out-performing the market in delivering revenue growth of 8.2%. This is testament to the team's market-leading position.

The commercial real estate market remains subdued, and this team's revenue contracted by 23.7% versus a more active market in H1 23. The short-term outlook here remains uncertain. Anticipated cuts in interest rates may stimulate the market but a number of related billing points could be beyond full year.

Taken as a whole, consultancy business revenue on this Platform has grown organically by 25.1% with particularly encouraging H1 performances by Gateley Capitus (GC), Gateley Vinden (GV) and Gateley Smithers Purslow (GSP), now supplemented by the in-Period acquisition of RJA, the seventh consulting business to be acquired onto this Platform. RJA specialises in the provision of quantity surveying and project management services to organisations in the affordable housing sector. It also has expertise to support those teams in GV and GSP, who provide specialist advice to UK property insurers in relation to major loss claims, a busy and economically agnostic market. RJA has integrated well during H1 24 and is delivering in-line with pre-acquisition expectations.

Operational review

Our operational focus has been aimed at current and future efficiency.

AI is towards the top of the agenda in most businesses. We are very aware that ultimately, properly procured and adopted, AI will positively transform the delivery of professional services. We started investing in technology to enhance efficiencies some time ago. We now have an internal steering group assessing new products, our own product development and anticipated evolution in AI against opportunities across the Group to enhance service delivery and/or realise operational efficiencies. We believe that we are making good progress and we are forming views on requisite resource and investment to plan into FY 25 and beyond.

In Period, we acquired new systems to support the on-boarding of a legal services team to run class action claims. This is specialist, long-term, high value work which requires a bespoke technology platform, in which we have invested.

We have previously reported planned rationalisation of some of our office space. This is an on-going exercise, including the post-Period surrender of our lease for office space in Leicester as part of consolidation of some of our teams in the East Midlands to our Nottingham office.

On-going integration of recently acquired businesses is proceeding as planned, including positive enhancements to our Group integration processes. In parallel, phase two of adoption of our new, market-leading business management, productivity, and financial management system (3E) is proceeding throughout FY 24 and into FY 25.

The Board

Further to the announcement in September 2023 that Nigel Payne will step down as Chairman at the 2024 AGM in September, we have announced separately today that David Wilton will join the board as Chair Designate and Non-Executive Director on 1 February 2024. I am very much looking forward to working with David and, on behalf of everyone at Gateley, extend a warm welcome to him.

Responsible Business

Being a Responsible Business remains an integral part of our Purpose Statement;

"Our purpose is to deliver results that delight our clients, inspire our people and support our communities."

We were delighted to achieve all 15 of our internally set responsible business targets in 2022/2023 and, in-Period, we published our third annual Responsible Business Report outlining actions taken and setting targets for 2023/2024.

Highlights from the report include:

 --   A carbon reduction plan including a commitment to achieve 
       net zero emissions by 2040, with interim targets set by 2030; 
 --   A new strategic partnership with Alzheimer's Research UK; 
 --   The launch of an internal volunteering policy which provides 
       opportunities for our people to volunteer with the charity, 
       sustainability and education partners we work with. 

We are proud of the progress that we have made since publishing our Responsible Business Strategy in October 2021. We will continue to evaluate where we are effecting change and how we can improve and progress over time. Our journey continues with conviction.

Current trading and outlook

Our H1 performance was solid despite an ongoing difficult macro-economic environment.

As we said in our FY 23 announcement last September, our expectation was that in transactional legal services trading conditions would improve in H2 24. However, despite a stronger Q2, market conditions remain challenging and look likely to continue for longer than anticipated. Whilst non-transactional activity continues to strengthen to mitigate the impact and consultancy services activity remains robust, overall uncertain and shifting patterns of demand lead us to adopt a cautious approach in our outlook, which means that results for the full year are expected to be broadly in-line with market consensus. However, the underlying strength of our unique, diversified business model and balance sheet, when put alongside traditional long-term drivers that underpin demand for quality professional services, ensure that we remain well-placed to continue our track record of growth and realise our long-term ambitions.

In the meantime, our focus for the remainder of the year remains firmly on the basics of business and the maximisation of revenue and profit opportunities.

Rod Waldie


17 January 2024


Financial overview

I'm pleased to report a resilient financial performance during the first half of this year in which both revenue and profit growth was good considering the ongoing economic stagnation in trading conditions for many sectors across the UK economy.

We have made further selective medium to long term strategic investments across our Platforms that continue our existing journey to wider diversification in both legal and consultancy service delivery.

Activity levels at the beginning of the Period were in line with where FY 23 finished, however despite increases in activity during Q2, Q3 is so far lower than expected. Whilst transactional services remain subdued due to economic conditions, delivery of contentious services continues to increase. This is a by-product of our diversification in service lines and long-term underlying strategy. Financing this transition towards increased contentious services, requires cost investment in the near term, but will ultimately enhance profitability in the medium to longer term. Contentious services continue to grow as a mix of overall services and now represent 36.7% (H1 23: 30.6%) of Group revenue. They are counter cyclical and less volatile than transactional services during a period of changing market conditions. However, they inherently also take longer to convert into fees and cash.

During the Period inflation has started to reduce and interest rates appear to have peaked which are assisting forecasting of costs going forward, however these economic conditions are not yet providing the stimulus for a change in non-contentious services activity levels with any confidence.


Group revenue grew by 7.6% to GBP82.0m for the first half of the year, from GBP76.1m in H1 23. Revenue growth in the Group's core legal services was entirely organic at 2.4%, growing to GBP59.3m (H1 23 GBP57.9m), whilst revenue from consultancy services grew by 24.1% overall to GBP22.6m (H1 23 GBP18.2m). Acquired consultancy revenue totalled GBP2.3m following the acquisitions of Symbiosis IP and RJA, (H1 23: GBP0.2m) during the Period, with organic consultancy revenue growth of 13.5% to GBP20.5m (H1 23: GBP18.0m).

The Group has grown two of its four Platforms, and was broadly flat in the People Platform, during the Period with significant contributions made by the Property and Business Services Platforms and expanding and diversified service offerings. Restructuring and Banking activity on the Corporate Platform have helped to counter a subdued corporate transactional performance leading to a revenue decrease of 5.9% (H1 23: increase 26.0%).

Revenue                Corporate Platform  Business Services Platform  People Platform  Property Platform  Total 
H1 24 (GBPm)                         17.9                        12.1              9.7               42.3   82.0 
Revenue growth H1 24               (5.9)%                       24.7%           (1.2)%              12.4%   7.6% 
H1 23 (GBPm)                         19.0                         9.7              9.7               37.6   76.1 

Total expenses

Personnel costs (excluding the IFRS 2 charge) have increased as a percentage of revenue to 63.4% (H1 23: 61.7%), despite experiencing lower wage inflation, as headcount increased from investments made in key senior lateral hires and the recruitment of additional people. Average numbers of legal and professional staff rose by 3.5% to 1,035 (H1 23: 1,000) as recruitment was directed towards consultancy services demonstrating significant demand during the Period such as that experienced by GSP. Support staff numbers also increased by 5.5% to 463 (H1 23: 431) as a result of acquisitions and the expansion of our business support teams.

Other operating expenses, excluding non-underlying items, increased to GBP18.2m (H1 23: GBP16.0m) as the effect of investment and additional costs of acquired entities made in the Period were absorbed. Overall, operating costs as a percentage of revenue have increased from 21.0% to 22.2%. Our use of agile working, the new business management system and extensive review of premises usage will generate further medium-term cost savings, where appropriate, without damaging the resources available to clients and staff. In particular, our new business management system will enhance centralised control, support operational efficiencies and drive a level of consistency across the processing of all client and Group data.

Profit before tax and earnings per share

Underlying adjusted profit before tax of GBP10.0m has increased by 4.6% from GBP9.6m in H1 23. The board is pleased with profit and trading margin performance despite the decreased margin from continued on-going investment decisions made. We enter the second half of the financial year having maintained fee earner headcount in counter cyclical work types in order to match the changing client activity patterns and in the knowledge that we have a resilient and diverse spectrum of service lines from which to increase market share.

Reported profit before tax increased by 16.8% to GBP7.4m (H1 23: GBP6.3m) as underlying operating profit before tax decreased by 14.9% to GBP8.6m (H1 23: GBP10.1m) but was offset by increases in net interest of GBP1.4m. Profit after tax of GBP6.1m increased by 32.0% from a restated GBP4.7m and basic earnings per share increased similarly by 29.5% to 4.83p (H1 23: restated 3.73p). Underlying diluted earnings per share increased by 4.1% to 6.40p (H1 23: 6.15p) after a full Period impact from new shares issued for acquisitions and after awards made under the Group's share option reward schemes.

As explained in our FY 23 annual accounts, certain figures highlighted in this RNS, have been restated to reflect a change of IFRS 3 accounting treatment for consideration paid on all relevant historical acquisitions.


The board proposes an interim dividend of 3.3p (H1 23: 3.3p) per share. This dividend will be paid on 28 March 2024 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 23 February 2024. The shares will go ex-dividend on 22 February 2024. This dividend has not been recognised as a liability in the interim accounts.

Net assets

The Group's net asset position has increased by GBP8.7m to GBP83.3m (H1 23: restated GBP74.6m) as total asset growth of GBP11.3m was funded through the GBP4.0m increase in non-current liabilities (primarily increased usage of our revolving credit facility) less the decrease in current liabilities of GBP1.5m.

Net cash and working capital

Period end net cash increased by GBP0.5m compared to a decrease of (GBP8.1m) in H1 23. Cash generation from operating activities reduced slightly to GBP0.3m (H1 23: GBP0.0m). Cash generation from financing activities increased to GBP3.3m (H1 23: GBP(0.2)m) due to bank interest rates driving net interest income and cash acquired through the acquisition of RJA, and net cash outflow from financing activities improved to GBP(2.5)m (H1 23: GBP(8.1)m) as the Group drew down an additional GBP7m from its RCF for the post Period end funding of contingent consideration in respect of GSP and the acquisition of RJA.

Free cash flows increased to GBP1.5m (H1 23: GBP(1.5)m) due to lower net working capital following a reduction in lock up since the end of FY 23 and the increase in interest income.

Management continues to focus on lock-up. Total lock-up increased from 159 to 163 days as a result of strong organic and acquired growth and the pivot to increased, longer in duration, contentious assignments. WIP days increased from 59 to 65 days as the Business Services Platform recognised higher contract asset values and debtor days decreased slightly from 100 to 98 days as the slowing of collections on the Corporate Platform was offset by improvements in collections from our three other Platforms.


Despite prolonged and ongoing market uncertainty the Group has produced further organic growth and sensibly controlled costs after a period of significant inflation, whilst at the same time continuing to invest in strategic opportunities. We retain significant facility headroom to support further growth and expansion.

Neil Smith

Chief Financial Officer

17 January 2024

Gateley (Holdings) Plc

Consolidated income statement and other comprehensive income

For the 6 months ended 31 October 2023

                                         Note                   Restated 
                                                  Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited 
                                                   6 months     6 months    12 months 
                                                         to           to           to 
                                                 31 October   31 October     30 April 
                                                       2023         2022         2023 
                                                    GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Revenue                                     2        81,957       76,143      162,683 
Other operating income                                   20            -           49 
Personnel costs, excluding IFRS 
 2 charge                                   3      (51,956)     (46,981)     (96,765) 
Depreciation - Property, plant 
 and equipment                              4         (566)        (503)        (936) 
Depreciation - Right-to-use asset           4       (1,955)      (1,979)      (3,976) 
Impairment of trade receivables 
 and contract assets                                  (718)        (633)      (1,334) 
Other operating expenses                           (18,199)     (15,966)     (34,741) 
                                               ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Operating profit before non-underlying 
 operating and exceptional items                      8,583       10,081       24,980 
Non-underlying operating items              4       (2,628)      (3,249)      (8,858) 
Exceptional items                           4             -            -            - 
                                               ------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                    (2,628)      (3,249)      (8,858) 
Operating profit                                      5,955        6,832       16,122 
 Financing income                                     2,379          302        1,735 
 Financing expense                                    (958)        (819)      (1,645) 
                                               ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Profit before tax                                     7,376        6,315       16,212 
Taxation                                            (1,236)      (1,662)      (3,972) 
                                               ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Profit for the period after 
 tax attributable to equity holders 
 of the parent                                        6,140        4,653       12,240 
                                               ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Other comprehensive income 
Items that are or may be reclassified 
 subsequently to profit or loss 
Foreign exchange translation 
- Revaluation of other investments                        -            -         (26) 
- Exchange differences on foreign 
 branch                                                  97           95         (49) 
                                               ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Profit for the financial period 
 and total comprehensive income 
 all attributable to equity holders 
 of the parent                                        6,237        4,748       12,165 
                                               ------------  -----------  ----------- 

Statutory earnings per share (pence)

Basic earnings per share      5  4.83p  3.73p  12.00p 
Diluted earnings per share    5  4.68p  3.66p  11.71p 

The results for the periods presented above are derived from continuing operations. There were no other items of comprehensive income to report.

Gateley (Holdings) Plc

Consolidated statement of financial position

at 31 October 2023

                                Note                   Restated 
                                         Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited 
                                                at           at          at 
                                        31 October   31 October    30 April 
                                              2023         2022        2023 
                                           GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                1,429        1,450       1,628 
Right-of-use asset                          25,143       28,486      27,098 
Investment property                            164          164         164 
Intangible assets & goodwill       7        14,650       13,954      12,929 
Other intangible assets                        803          716       1,090 
Other investments                              147          173         147 
Deferred tax asset                           1,230          638         830 
                                      ------------  -----------  ---------- 
Total non-current assets                    43,566       45,581      43,886 
                                      ------------  -----------  ---------- 
Current assets 
Contract assets                    8        26,148       22,255      20,388 
Trade and other receivables        9        73,630       67,996      73,272 
Cash and cash equivalents                   11,646        7,887      11,105 
                                      ------------  -----------  ---------- 
Total current assets                       111,424       98,138     104,765 
                                      ------------  -----------  ---------- 
Total assets                               154,990      143,719     148,651 
                                      ------------  -----------  ---------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Other interest-bearing loans 
 and borrowings                   10      (13,859)      (6,765)     (6,813) 
Lease liability                           (26,843)     (30,015)    (28,716) 
Other payables                    11             -        (702)           - 
Deferred tax liability                     (3,432)      (3,103)     (2,941) 
Provisions                                 (1,290)        (863)     (1,290) 
Total non-current liabilities             (45,424)     (41,448)    (39,760) 
                                      ------------  -----------  ---------- 
Current liabilities 
Lease liability                            (3,714)      (3,234)     (3,257) 
Trade and other payables          11      (21,731)     (23,519)    (25,933) 
Provisions                                   (107)        (101)       (107) 
Current tax liabilities                      (685)        (843)     (1,482) 
Total current liabilities                 (26,237)     (27,697)    (30,779) 
                                      ------------  -----------  ---------- 
Total liabilities                         (71,661)     (69,145)    (70,539) 
                                      ------------  -----------  ---------- 
NET ASSETS                                  83,329       74,574      78,112 
                                      ------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Share capital                              13,165       12,514      12,664 
 Share premium                              12,479       12,378      11,846 
 Merger reserve                            (9,950)      (9,950)     (9,950) 
 Other reserves                             19,383       14,465      15,413 
 Treasury reserve                            (628)        (240)       (677) 
 Translation reserve                            46           93        (51) 
 Retained earnings                          48,834       45,314      48,867 
                                      ------------  -----------  ---------- 
TOTAL EQUITY                                83,329       74,574      78,112 
                                      ------------  -----------  ---------- 

Gateley (Holdings) Plc

Consolidated cash flow Statement

for the 6 months ended 31 October 2023

                                            Note     Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited 
                                                      6 months     6 months    12 months 
                                                            to           to           to 
                                                    31 October   31 October     30 April 
                                                          2023         2022         2023 
                                                       GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
 Profit for the period after 
  tax                                                    6,140        4,653       12,240 
 Adjustments for: 
 Depreciation and amortisation                           4,087        3,594        7,246 
 Financial income                                      (2,379)        (302)      (1,735) 
 Financial expense                                         380          283          495 
 Interest charge on capitalised 
  leases                                                   578          536        1,150 
 Equity settled share-based payments                     1,500          423        1,100 
 Gain on bargain purchase                              (3,509)      (1,389)      (1,389) 
 Acquisition related earn-out 
  remuneration charge                                    3,358        3,103        6,190 
 Earn-out consideration paid 
  - acquisitions of subsidiary                               -         (50)         (50) 
 Initial consideration paid on 
  acquisitions                                         (2,035)      (1,468)      (1,468) 
 Loss on disposal of property, 
  plant and equipment                                        -          122           82 
 Tax expense                                             1,236        1,662        3,972 
                                                  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                         9,356       11,167       27,833 
 Increase in trade and other 
  receivables                                          (4,956)      (8,577)      (6,942) 
 Decrease in trade and other 
  payables                                             (2,204)        (632)      (7,259) 
 Increase in provisions                                      -            -          433 
                                                  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Cash generated from operations                          2,196        1,958       14,065 
 Tax paid                                              (2,521)      (1,937)      (4,320) 
                                                  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Net cash flows from operating 
  activities                                             (325)           21        9,745 
                                                  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Investing activities 
 Acquisition of property, plant 
  and equipment                                          (286)        (739)      (1,312) 
 Acquisition of other intangible 
  assets                                                     -        (216)        (787) 
 Cash acquired on business combinations                  1,239          483          483 
 Interest received                                       2,379          302        1,735 
 Net cash flows from investing 
  activities                                             3,332        (170)          119 
                                                  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Financing activities 
 Interest and other financial 
  income paid                                            (297)        (283)        (371) 
 Lease payments                                        (1,994)      (2,051)      (4,550) 
 Receipt of new revolving credit 
  facility, net of refinancing 
  costs                                                  7,000        1,000        1,000 
 Acquisition of own shares                               (350)         (18)        (416) 
 Proceeds of sale of own shares                            399           39            - 
 Cash received for shares issued 
  on exercise of share options                             773           79          477 
 Dividends paid                                6       (7,997)      (6,835)     (11,004) 
 Net cash outflow from financing 
  activities                                           (2,466)      (8,069)     (14,864) 
                                                  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash 
 and cash equivalents                                      541      (8,218)      (5,000) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  beginning of period                                   11,105       16,105       16,105 
                                                  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  end of period                                         11,646        7,887       11,105 
                                                  ------------  -----------  ----------- 

Gateley (Holdings) Plc

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

for the 6 months ended 31 October 2023

                                 Share     Share    Merger     Other  Treasury   Retained       Foreign     Total 
                               capital   premium   reserve   reserve   reserve   earnings      currency    equity 
                               GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000 
At 1 May 2022 (restated)        12,456    11,342   (9,950)    14,465     (261)     47,088           (2)    75,138 
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  -------- 
Comprehensive income: 
Profit for the year                  -         -         -         -         -     12,240             -    12,240 
Revaluation of other 
 investments                         -         -         -         -         -       (26)                    (26) 
Exchange rate differences            -         -         -         -         -          -          (49)      (49) 
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  -------- 
Total comprehensive 
 income                              -         -         -         -         -     12,214          (49)    12,165 
Transaction with 
 owners recognised 
 directly in equity 
Issue of share capital             208       504         -       948         -          -             -     1,660 
Purchase of own shares 
 at nominal value                    -         -         -         -         -      (133)             -     (133) 
Sale of treasury 
 shares                              -         -         -         -        20          -             -        20 
Purchase of treasury 
 shares                              -         -         -         -     (436)          -             -     (436) 
Recognition of tax 
 benefit on gain from 
 equity settled share 
 options                             -         -         -         -         -      (398)             -     (398) 
Dividend paid                        -         -         -         -         -   (11,004)             -  (11,004) 
Share based payment 
 transactions                        -         -         -         -         -      1,100             -     1,100 
Total equity at 
 30 April 2023                  12,664    11,846   (9,950)    15,413     (677)     48,867          (51)    78,112 
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  -------- 
At 1 May 2022 (unaudited)       12,456    11,342   (9,950)    14,465     (261)     44,863           (2)    72,913 
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  -------- 
Impact of restatement                -         -         -         -         -      2,225             -     2,225 
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  -------- 
At 1 May 2022 (restated)        12,456    11,342   (9,950)    14,465     (261)     47,088           (2)    75,138 
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  -------- 
Comprehensive income: 
Profit for the period                -         -         -         -         -      4,653             -     4,653 
Exchange rate differences            -         -         -         -         -          -            95        95 
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  -------- 
Total comprehensive 
 income                              -         -         -         -         -      4,653            95     4,748 
Transaction with 
 owners recognised 
 directly in equity 
Share issue                         58     1,036         -         -         -          -             -     1,094 
Sale of treasury 
 shares                              -         -         -         -        39          -             -        39 
Purchase of own shares 
 at nominal value                    -         -         -         -         -       (15)             -      (15) 
Purchase of treasury 
 shares                              -         -         -         -      (18)          -             -      (18) 
Dividend paid                        -         -         -         -         -    (6,835)             -   (6,835) 
Share based payment 
 transactions                        -         -         -         -         -        423             -       423 
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  -------- 
Total equity at 
 31 October 2022 (restated)     12,514    12,378   (9,950)    14,465     (240)     45,314            93    74,574 
                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  -------- 

Gateley (Holdings) Plc

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

for the 6 months ended 31 October 2023

                               Share     Share    Merger     Other  Treasury   Retained       Foreign    Total 
                             capital   premium   reserve   reserve   reserve   earnings      currency   equity 
                             GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000  GBP'000 
At 1 May 2023 (unaudited)     12,664    11,846   (9,950)    15,413     (677)     48,867          (51)   78,112 
                            --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  ------- 
Comprehensive income: 
Profit for the year                -         -         -         -         -      6,140             -    6,140 
Exchange rate differences          -         -         -         -         -          -            97       97 
                            --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  ------- 
Total comprehensive 
 income                            -         -         -         -         -      6,140            97    6,237 
Transaction with 
 owners recognised 
 directly in equity 
Share issue                      501       633         -     3,970         -          -             -    5,104 
Sale of treasury 
 shares                            -         -         -         -       399          -             -      399 
Purchase of own shares 
 at nominal value                  -         -         -         -         -       (76)             -     (76) 
Purchase of treasury 
 shares                            -         -         -         -     (350)          -             -    (350) 
Dividend paid                      -         -         -         -         -    (7,997)             -  (7,997) 
Recognition of tax 
 benefit on gain from 
 equity settled share 
 options                           -         -         -         -         -        400             -      400 
Share based payment 
 transactions                      -         -         -         -         -      1,500             -   1,500 
Total equity at 
 31 October 2023              13,165    12,479   (9,950)    19,383     (628)     48,334            46   83,329 
                            --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  ------- 

The following describes the nature and purpose of each reserve within equity:

Share premium - Amount subscribed for share capital in excess of nominal value together with gains and losses on sale of own shares.

Merger reserve - Represents the difference between the nominal value of shares acquired by the Company in the share for share exchange with the former Gateley Heritage LLP members and the nominal value of shares issued to acquire them.

Other reserve - Represents the difference between the actual and nominal value of shares issued by the Company in the acquisition of subsidiaries.

Treasury reserve - Represents the repurchase of shares for future distribution by the Group's Employee Benefit Trust.

Retained earnings - All other net gains and losses and transactions with owners not recognised anywhere else.

Foreign currency translation reserve - Represents the movement in exchange rates back to the Group's functional currency of profits and losses generated in foreign currencies.

Gateley (Holdings) Plc


for the period ended 31 October 2023

1. Basis of preparation

These interim unaudited financial statements for the six months ended 31 October 2023 have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out in the Annual Report and Financial statements of the Group for the year ended 30 April 2023 using the recognition and measurement principles of IFRS as applied under the Companies Act 2006 and the AIM rules.

The comparative figures for the financial year ended 30 April 2023 are not the company's statutory accounts for that financial year. Those accounts have been reported on by the company's auditor and delivered to the registrar of companies. The report of the auditor was unqualified, did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, and did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

1.1 Accounting policies

Accounting policies remain unchanged from those accompanying the 30 April 2023 financial statements.

Non-underlying items

Non-underlying items are non-trading and or non-cash items disclosed separately in the Consolidated Income Statement where the quantum, nature or volatility of such items would otherwise distort the underlying trading performance of the Group. The following are included by the Group in its assessment of non-underlying items:

 --   Consideration treated as remuneration: such charges are treated 
       as non-underlying in order to reflect the commercial substance 
       of the transaction. All former vendors who remain employed 
       by the Group are paid at market rates and the earnout remuneration 
       is a function of the interpretation of IFRS, and related emerging 
       guidance only. 
 --   Share based payment charges: such charges are treated as non-underlying 
       as the gain realised on the options granted is settled in 
       shares not cash and therefore does not impact the income statement. 
       The IFRS 2 charge is taken to the income statement, these 
       expenses are treated as non-underlying items as they are either 
       non-cash or non-recurring in nature. 
 --   Amortisation in respect of intangible fixed assets: these 
       costs are treated as non-underlying as they are non-cash items. 

The tax effect of the above is also included if considered significant.

Exceptional items

Exceptional items are one off transactions, unrelated to the underlying trading performance of the Group disclosed separately in the Consolidated Income Statement where the quantum, nature or volatility of such items would otherwise distort the underlying trading performance of the Group.

The following are included by the Group in its assessment of exceptional items:

 --   Gains or losses arising on disposal, closure, restructuring 
       or reorganisation of businesses that do not meet the definition 
       of discontinued operations. 
 --   Impairment charges in respect of intangible fixed assets: these 
       costs are treated as exceptional due to their one-off nature. 
 --   Non-typical expenses associated with acquisitions. 
 --   Costs incurred as part of significant refinancing activities. 

The tax effect of the above is also included if considered significant.

Intangible assets and goodwill


Goodwill is stated at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. Goodwill is allocated to cash-generating units and is not amortised but is tested annually for impairment. In respect of equity accounted investees, the carrying amount of goodwill is included in the carrying amount of the investment in the investee.

Other intangible assets

Other intangible assets, including software licences, expenditure on internally generated goodwill, brands and software, customer contracts and relationships are capitalised at cost and amortised on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful economic lives through operating expenses.

Other intangible assets that are acquired by the Group are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment losses.

Customer lists

Customer lists that are acquired by the Group as part of a business combination are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment losses (see accounting policy 'Impairment of assets'). Cost reflects management's judgement of the fair value of the individual intangible asset calculated by reference to the net present value of future benefits accruing to the Group from the utilisation of the asset, discounted at an appropriate discount rate.

Brand value

Certain acquisitions have retained their trading name due to the value of the brand in their specific marketplace.

Brand value is amortised over a period of three or five years based on the Directors' assessment of the future life of the brand, supported by trading history.

Critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty

The preparation of consolidated financial statements under IFRS requires management to make estimates and assumptions which affect the reported amount of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities. If in the future such estimates and assumptions, which are based on Management's best judgement at the date of preparation of the financial statements, deviate from actual circumstances, the original estimates and assumptions will be modified as appropriate in the period in which the circumstances change. The key areas where a higher degree of judgement or complexity arises, or where estimates and assumptions are significant to the consolidated financial statements are discussed below.

Management does not consider there to have been and critical accounting judgements made in the financial period.

Unbilled revenue on client assignments

The valuation of unbilled revenue (on non-contingent matters) involves detailed understanding of contractual terms with clients. The valuation is based on an estimate of the amount expected to be recoverable from clients on unbilled items based on such factors as time spent, the expertise and skills provided and the stage of completion of the assignment. The principal uncertainty over this estimation is a result of the amounts not yet being billed to, or recognised by the client. Provision is made for such factors as historical recoverability rates, agreements with clients, external expert's opinion and the potential credit risks, following interactions between legal staff, finance and clients. Where entitlement to revenue is certain it is recognised as recoverable selling price. Where a matter is contingent at the statement of financial position date, no revenue is recognised.

Valuation of intangibles

Measurement of intangible assets relating to acquisitions: In attributing value to intangible assets arising on acquisition, management has made certain assumptions in terms of cash flows attributable to intellectual property and customer relationships. The key assumptions made relate to the valuation of the brand, where the acquired brand is retained by the entity, and the customer list. The value of such intangibles has been estimated based on the amount of revenue expected to be generated by them. The revenue estimations rely on annual growth rates. Management have selected the appropriate rates based on a combination of observed historical growth, industry norms and forecasted influencing factors. Management have also performed sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of any variation to the growth rate used. The rates applied reflect previous growth rates, with sensitivities indicating that variations in the actual rate achieved are unlikely to materially impact the valuation of the intangible assets.

1.2 Alternative performance measures

Underlying profit before tax

The Directors seek to present a measure of underlying profit performance which is not impacted by exceptional items or items considered non-operational in nature. These include non-trading, non-cash and one-off items disclosed separately in the consolidated income statement where the quantum, nature or volatility of such items are considered by management to otherwise distort the underlying performance of the Group. This measure is described as 'underlying' and is used by management to assess and monitor profit performance only at the before and after tax level. In line with the board's wish to simplify reporting of profits, the board have moved away from reporting adjusted Earnings Before Interest Tax Depreciation and Amortisation ("EBITDA"), following the introduction of IFRS 16 'Leases'.

                                              6 months     6 months    12 Months 
                                                    to           to     30 April 
                                            31 October   31 October         2023 
                                                  2023         2022 
                                               GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Reported profit before tax                       7,376        6,315       16,212 
Adjustments for non-underlying and 
 exceptional items: 
- Amortisation of intangible assets              1,279        1,112        2,073 
- Share-based payment adjustment                 1,500          423        1,984 
- Gain on bargain purchase                     (3,509)      (1,389)      (1,389) 
- Consideration treated as remuneration          3,358        3,103        6,190 
Underlying profit before tax                    10,004        9,564       25,070 
                                          ------------  -----------  ----------- 

Amortisation of acquired intangible assets is identified as a non-cash item released to the income statement therefore such cost is removed when considering the underlying trading performance of the Group by adding to profit the annual amortisation charge.

Consideration treated as remuneration: such charges are treated as non-underlying in order to reflect the commercial substance of the transaction. All former vendors who remain employed by the Group are paid at market rates and the earnout remuneration is a function of the interpretation of IFRS, and related emerging guidance only.

The adjustment for share-based payments relates to the impact of the accounting standard for share-based compensation. The cost of all share-based schemes are settled entirely by the issue of shares where the proportions can vary from one year to another based on events outside of the businesses control e.g., share price. Under IFRS the anticipated future share cost is expensed to the income statement over the vesting period. The adjustment above addresses this by adding to profit the IFRS 2 charge in relation to outstanding share awards. This adjustment is made so that non-cash expenses are removed from profit.

Cash generated from operations

a) Free cash flows

                                               6 months     6 months  12 Months 
                                                     to           to   30 April 
                                             31 October   31 October       2023 
                                                   2023         2022 
                                                GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
Operating cash flows before movements 
 in working capital                               9,356       11,167     27,833 
Net working capital movement                    (7,160)      (9,209)   (13,768) 
                                            -----------  -----------  --------- 
Cash generated from operations                    2,196        1,958     14,065 
Repayment of lease liabilities                  (1,994)      (2,051)    (4,579) 
Net interest paid                                 2,082           19      1,393 
Tax paid                                        (2,521)      (1,937)    (4,320) 
Cash outflow paid on acquisitions                 2,035        1,518      1,518 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment         (276)        (739)    (1,312) 
Purchase of other intangible assets                   -        (216)      (787) 
                                            -----------  -----------  --------- 
Free cash flows                                   1,522      (1,448)      5,978 
                                            -----------  -----------  --------- 

b) Working capital measures

                                           6 months     6 months  12 Months 
                                                 to           to   30 April 
                                         31 October   31 October       2023 
                                               2023         2022 
                                            GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
WIP days 
Amounts recoverable from clients in 
 respect of contract assets (unbilled 
 revenue)                                    26,148       22,255     20,388 
Unbilled disbursements                        5,816        4,255      3,368 
                                        -----------  -----------  --------- 
Total WIP                                    31,964       26,510     23,756 
                                        -----------  -----------  --------- 
Annualised revenue                          177,732      164,100    163,583 
                                        -----------  -----------  --------- 
WIP days                                         65           59         53 
                                        -----------  -----------  --------- 
                                 6 months     6 months  12 Months 
                                       to           to   30 April 
                               31 October   31 October       2023 
                                     2023         2022 
                                  GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
Debtor days 
Trade receivables                  53,369       49,102     54,167 
Less unbilled disbursements       (5,816)      (4,255)    (3,368) 
                              -----------  -----------  --------- 
Total debtors                      47,553       44,847     50,799 
                              -----------  -----------  --------- 
Annualised revenue                177,732      164,100    163,583 
                              -----------  -----------  --------- 
Debtor days                            98          100        113 
                              -----------  -----------  --------- 
                         6 months     6 months  12 Months 
                               to           to   30 April 
                       31 October   31 October       2023 
                             2023         2022 
                          GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
Gross lock-up days 
Total WIP                  31,964       26,510     23,756 
Total debtors              47,553       44,847     50,799 
                      -----------  -----------  --------- 
Total gross lock-up        79,517       71,357     74,555 
                      -----------  -----------  --------- 
Annualised revenue        177,732      164,100    163,583 
                      -----------  -----------  --------- 
Gross lock-up days            163          159        166 
                      -----------  -----------  --------- 

Annualised revenue reflects the total revenue for the previous 12-month period inclusive of pro-forma adjustments for acquisitions.

1.3 Going concern

These interim accounts are prepared on a going concern basis as the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. The Group remains cash generative, with a strong on-going trading performance.

1.4 Statement of Directors' responsibilities

The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, this condensed set of consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the AIM Rules.

1.5 Cautionary statement

This document contains certain forward-looking statements in respect of the financial condition, results, operations and business of the Group. Whilst these statements are made in good faith based on information available at the time of approval, these statements and forecasts inherently involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. There are a number of factors that could cause the actual results of developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements and forecasts. Nothing in this document should be construed as a profit forecast.

2. Operating segments

The Chief Operating Decision Maker ("CODM") is the Strategic Board. The Group has the following strategic Platforms, which are its reportable segments. These divisions offer a mixture of legal and consultancy services to clients. With effect from 1 May 2022 all service lines are managed through four Platforms.

The Group has restated the segmental reporting for the comparative periods to reflect the current operating segments in place

The following summary describes the operations of each reportable segment as reported up to 31 October 2023:

 Reportable segment   Legal service lines              Consultancy service 
 Corporate            Banking                          Gateley Global 
                       Corporate                        GEG Services 
                       Restructuring Advisory 
                     -------------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Business Services    Austen Hays                      Adamson Jones 
                       Complex International            Gateley Omega 
                       Litigation                       Symbiosis IP 
                       Commercial Dispute Resolution 
                       Intellectual Property 
                       Regulatory and Business 
                       Reputation, media and 
                       privacy law 
                     -------------------------------  -------------------------- 
 People               Employment                       Entrust Pension 
                       Pensions                         Kiddy & Partners 
                       Private Client                   t-three 
                     -------------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Property             Construction                     Gateley Capitus 
                       Planning                         Gateley Hamer (inc. 
                       Real Estate                      Persona Associates) 
                       Real Estate Dispute              Gateley RJA 
                       Resolution                       Gateley Smithers Purslow 
                       Residential Development          Gateley Vinden (inc. 
                                                        Tozer Gallagher) 
                     -------------------------------  -------------------------- 


6 months to 31 October 2023

                                                    Corporate  Business Services   People  Property    Total 
                                                      GBP'000            GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000 
 Segment revenue                                       17,913             12,127    9,633    42,284   81,957 
                                                    ---------  -----------------  -------  --------  ------- 
 Segment contribution 
  (as reported internally)                              5,604              2,959    2,811    14,985   26,359 
 Costs not allocated to segments: 
Other operating income                                                                                    20 
 Personnel costs                                                                                     (6,232) 
 Share based payment costs                                                                           (1,500) 
 Depreciation and amortisation                                                                       (4,087) 
 Other operating expenses                                                                            (8,756) 
 Gain on bargain purchase                                                                              3,509 
 Contingent consideration treated as remuneration                                                    (3,358) 
 Net financial income                                                                                  1,421 
Profit before tax                                                                                      7,376 

6 months to 31 October 2022 (restated)

                                                    Corporate   Business   People  Property    Total 
                                                      GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000 
 Segment revenue                                       19,046      9,728    9,745    37,624   76,143 
                                                    ---------  ---------  -------  --------  ------- 
 Segment contribution 
  (as reported internally)                              8,347      2,437    3,196    13,565   27,545 
 Costs not allocated to segments: 
 Other operating income                                                                            - 
 Personnel costs                                                                             (6,770) 
 Share based payment charge                                                                    (423) 
 Depreciation and amortisation                                                               (3,594) 
 Other operating expenses                                                                    (8,212) 
 Gain on bargain purchase                                                                      1,389 
 Contingent consideration treated as remuneration                                            (3,103) 
 Net financial expense                                                                         (517) 
Profit before tax                                                                              6,315 

12 months to 30 April 2023

                                                    Corporate   Business   People  Property     Total 
                                                      GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Segment revenue                                       38,778     21,824   20,436    81,644   162,683 
                                                    ---------  ---------  -------  --------  -------- 
 Segment contribution 
  (as reported internally)                             13,948      5,330    5,983    56,298    56,299 
 Costs not allocated to segments: 
 Other operating income                                                                            49 
 Personnel costs                                                                             (11,091) 
 Share based payment charge                                                                   (1,984) 
 Depreciation and amortisation                                                                (7,246) 
 Other operating expenses                                                                    (15,104) 
 Gain on bargain purchase                                                                       1,389 
 Contingent consideration treated as remuneration                                             (6,190) 
 Net financial expense                                                                             90 
Profit before tax                                                                              16,212 

No other financial information has been disclosed as it is not provided to the CODM on a regular basis.

3. Employees

The average number of persons employed by the Group during the period, analysed by category, was as follows:

                                                Number of employees 
                                      6 months  6 months to  12 months 
                                            to   31 October         to 
                                    31 October         2022   30 April 
                                          2023                    2023 
Legal and professional staff             1,035        1,000      1,000 
Administrative staff                       463          431        439 
                                   -----------  -----------  --------- 
                                         1,498        1,431      1,439 
                                   -----------  -----------  --------- 
  The aggregate payroll costs of 
  these persons were as follows: 
                                      6 months  6 months to  12 months 
                                            to   31 October         to 
                                    31 October         2022   30 April 
                                          2023                    2023 
                                       GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
Wages and salaries                      45,203       40,520     83,942 
Social security costs                    5,136        5,071      9,984 
Pension costs                            1,617        1,390      2,839 
                                   -----------  -----------  --------- 
                                        51,956       46,981     96,765 
                                   -----------  -----------  --------- 

4. Expenses

Included in operating profit are the following:

                                         6 months      6 months     12 months 
                                               to            to         to 30 
                                       31 October    31 October    April 2023 
                                             2023          2022 
                                          GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Depreciation on tangible assets              566           503           936 
 Depreciation on right-of-use 
  assets                                    1,955         1,979         3,976 
 Other operating income - rent 
  income                                       20             -            49 
 Short term and low value leases               38            37            82 
 Operating lease costs on property             89             -           166 
 Loss on disposal of fixed assets               -           122            82 
                                     ------------  ------------  ------------ 

Non-underlying items

                                             6 months      6 months      12 months 
                                                   to            to    to 30 April 
                                           31 October    31 October           2023 
                                                 2023          2022 
 Amortisation of acquisition related 
  intangible assets                             1,279         1,112          2,073 
 Share based payment charges                    1,500           423          1,984 
 Gain on bargain purchase                     (3,509)       (1,389)        (1,389) 
 Consideration treated as remuneration          3,358         3,103          6,190 
                                         ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Total non-underlying items                     2,628         3,249          8,858 
                                         ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Exceptional items 
 Redundancy costs                                   -             -              - 
 Total non-underlying and exceptional 
  items                                         2,628         3,249          8,858 
                                         ------------  ------------  ------------- 

5. Earnings per share

                                              6 months     6 months     12 months 
                                                    to           to   to 30 April 
                                            31 October   31 October          2023 
                                                  2023         2022 
                                                Number       Number        Number 
Weighted average number of ordinary 
 shares in issue, being weighted average 
 number of shares for calculating basic 
 earnings per share                        127,230,567  124,613,926   125,244,334 
Shares deemed to be issued for no 
 consideration in respect of share 
 based payments                              3,985,103    2,515,736     3,283,007 
                                           -----------  -----------  ------------ 
Weighted average number of ordinary 
 shares for calculating diluted earnings 
 per share                                 131,215,670  127,129,662   128,527,341 
                                           -----------  -----------  ------------ 
                                              GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Profit for the period after taxation 
 and basic earnings attributable to 
 ordinary equity shareholders                   6,140        4,653       12,240 
Non-underlying and exceptional items 
 (see note 4)                                   2,628        3,249        8,858 
Tax on non-underlying items                     (375)         (80)        (168) 
                                            ---------  -----------  ----------- 
Underlying earnings before non-underlying 
 items                                          8,393        7,822       20,930 
                                            ---------  -----------  ----------- 
Earnings per share is calculated as             Pence        Pence          Pence 
Basic earnings per ordinary share                4.83         3.73           9.77 
Diluted earnings per ordinary share              4,68         3.66           9.52 
Underlying basic earnings per ordinary 
 share                                           6.60         6.28          16.71 
Underlying diluted earnings per ordinary 
 share                                           6.40         6.15          16.28 

Underlying earnings per share have been shown because the Directors consider that this provides valuable additional information about the underlying performance of the Group.

6. Dividends

                                             6 months     6 months  12 Months 
                                                   to           to   30 April 
                                           31 October   31 October       2023 
                                                 2023         2022 
                                              GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
Equity shares 
Final dividend in respect of 2023 (6.2p 
 per share) - paid 21 October 2023              7,997            -          - 
Interim dividend in respect of 2023 
 (3.3p per share) - paid 24 March 2023              -            -      4,169 
Final dividend in respect of 2022 (5.5p 
 per share) - paid 22 October 2022                  -        6,835      6,835 
                                          -----------  -----------  --------- 
Dividends paid                                  7,997        6,835     11,004 
                                          -----------  -----------  --------- 

The board intends to approve an interim dividend of 3.3p (H1 23: 3.3p) per share. This dividend will be paid on 28 March 2024 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 23 February 2024. The shares will go ex-dividend on 22 February 2024. This dividend has not been recognised as a liability in these final statements.

7 Intangible assets

                                        Goodwill  Customer list  Brand names    Total 
                                         GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000  GBP'000 
Deemed cost 
At 1 May 2022 (restated)                   1,550         16,261        3,518   21,329 
Acquired through business combination          -          1,000            -    1,000 
                                        --------  -------------  -----------  ------- 
At 31 October 2022                         1,550         17,261        3,518   22,329 
                                        --------  -------------  -----------  ------- 
At 1 May 2022                              1,550         16,261        3,518   21,329 
Acquired through business combination          -          1,000            -    1,000 
                                        --------  -------------  -----------  ------- 
At 30 April 2023                           1,550         17,261        3,518   22,329 
                                        --------  -------------  -----------  ------- 
At 1 May 2023                              1,550         17,261        3,518   22,329 
Acquired through business combination          -          3,000            -    3,000 
At 31 October 2023                         1,550         20,261        3,518   25,329 
Accumulated amortisation 
At 1 May 2022                                  -          7,317           10    7,327 
Charge for the period                          -            933          115    1,048 
                                        --------  -------------  -----------  ------- 
At 31 October 2022                             -          8,250          125    8,375 
                                        --------  -------------  -----------  ------- 
At 1 May 2022                                  -          7,317           10    7,327 
Charge for the year                            -          1,838          235    2,073 
                                        --------  -------------  -----------  ------- 
At 30 April 2023                               -          9,155          245    9,400 
                                        --------  -------------  -----------  ------- 
At 1 May 2023                                  -          9,155          245    9,400 
Charge for the period                          -          1,044          235    1,279 
At 31 October 2023                             -         10,199          480   10,679 
                                        --------  -------------  -----------  ------- 
Net Book Value 
At 31 October 2022                         1,550          9,011        3,393   13,954 
                                        --------  -------------  -----------  ------- 
At 30 April 2023                           1,550          8,106        3,273   12,929 
                                        --------  -------------  -----------  ------- 
At 31 October 2023                         1,550         10,062        3,038   14,650 
                                        --------  -------------  -----------  ------- 


Goodwill is allocated to the following cash generating units

                                                   31 October   31 October    30 April 
                                                         2023         2022        2023 
                                                      GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000 
Property Platform 
Gateley Capitus Limited                                     -            -           - 
Gateley Hamer Limited                                       -            -           - 
GCL Solicitors LLP (acquisition of trade                    -            -           - 
 and assets) 
Persona Associates Limited                                 40           40          40 
Gateley Vinden Limited                                    934          934         934 
Tozer Gallagher LLP (acquisition of trade                   -            -           - 
 and assets) 
Gateley Smithers Purslow Limited                            -            -           - 
Gateley RJA Limited                                         -            -           - 
                                                 ------------  -----------  ---------- 
                                                          974          974         974 
People Platform 
Kiddy & Partners Limited                                    -            -           - 
Gateley Global Limited (formerly International              -            -           - 
 Investment Services Limited) 
t-three Consulting Limited                                  -            -           - 
                                                 ------------  -----------  ---------- 
                                                            -            -           - 
Business Services Platform 
Gateley Tweed (acquisition of goodwill)                   576          576         576 
Adamson Jones IP Limited                                    -            -           - 
Symbiosis IP Limited                                        -            -           - 
                                                 ------------  -----------  ---------- 
                                                          576          576         576 
                                                        1,550        1,550       1,550 
                                                 ------------  -----------  ---------- 

Acquisition of Richard Julian and Associates Limited (RJA)

On 19 July 2023 Gateley (Holdings) Plc acquired the entire issued share capital of Richard Julian and Associates Limited. RJA specialises in the provision of quantity surveying and project management services to organisations in the affordable housing sector.

The amounts recognised in respect of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed are as set out in the table below:

                                      Pre-acquisition   Policy alignment 
                                             carrying     and fair value 
                                               amount        adjustments      Total 
                                              GBP'000            GBP'000    GBP'000 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  -----------------  --------- 
 Property, plant and equipment                     82                  -         82 
 Intangible asset relating 
  to customer list                                  -              3,000      3,000 
 Cash                                           1,239                  -      1,239 
 Trade debtors                                    583                  -        583 
 Prepayments and accrued income                    89                  -         89 
 Total assets                                   1,993              3,000      3,993 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  -----------------  --------- 
 Trade payables                                   (7)                  -        (7) 
 Accruals and other payables                    (243)                  -      (241) 
 Corporation tax                                (227)                  -      (227) 
 Other taxes and social security                (242)                  -      (242) 
 Lease liability                                    -                  -          - 
 Deferred tax                                    (15)              (750)      (765) 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  -----------------  --------- 
 Total liabilities                              (734)              (750)    (1,484) 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  -----------------  --------- 
 Total identifiable net assets 
  at fair value                                 1,259              2,250      3,509 
 Negative goodwill arising 
  on acquisition                                                            (3,509) 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  -----------------  --------- 
 Total consideration                                                              - 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  -----------------  --------- 
 Satisfied by: 
 Initial cash consideration 
  paid                                                                        2,035 
 Issue of 1,192,163 new 10p 
  ordinary shares in Gateley 
  (Holdings) Plc                                                              1,896 
 Contingent cash consideration 
  payable                                                                     1,034 
 Contingent share consideration 
  payable                                                                     1,035 
 Less: amounts subject to 
  continuing employment conditions                                          (6,000) 
 Total consideration                                                              - 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  -----------------  --------- 
 Net cash outflow arising 
  on acquisition 
 Cash paid                                                                  (2,035) 
 Net cash acquired                                                            1,239 
 Net cash outflow arising 
  on acquisition                                                                796 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  -----------------  --------- 

A contingent consideration arrangement was entered into as part of the acquisition. A further GBP2.1 million could be payable with any payment subject to RJA achieving at least GBP4 million of revenue over the first 12 months post-acquisition, and not less than GBP5 million of revenue for the following 12 months. Such payment is to be split in shares and cash as agreed between the Sellers and the Company, providing no Seller is entitled to receive more than 50% of their total consideration in cash.

8 Contract Assets and liabilities

                        Contract      Contract 
                          assets   liabilities 
                         GBP'000       GBP'000 
As at 31 October 2023     26,148         (341) 
                        --------  ------------ 
As at 31 October 2022     22,255         (668) 
                        --------  ------------ 
As at 30 April 2023       20,388         (569) 
                        --------  ------------ 

Contract assets

Contract assets consist of unbilled revenue in respect of professional services performed to date.

Contract assets in relation to non-contingent work are billed at appropriate intervals, normally on a monthly basis in arrears, in line with the performance of the services and engagement obligations. Where such matters remain unbilled at the period end the asset is valued on a contract-by-contract basis at its expected recoverable amount.

Contract assets in relation to contingent work are billed at a point in time once the uncertainty over the contingent event has been satisfied and all performance obligations satisfied, such that it is no longer contingent, these matters are valued based on the expected recoverable amount. Due to the complex nature of these matters, they can take a considerable time to be finalised therefore performance obligations may be settled in one period but the matter not billed until a later financial period. Until the performance obligations have been performed the Group does not recognise any contract asset value at the year end.

Contract liabilities

When matters are billed in advance or on a basis of a monthly retainer, this is recognised in contract liabilities and released over time when the services are performed.

9 Trade and other receivables

                                              31 October   31 October    30 April 
                                                    2023         2022        2023 
                                                 GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000 
Trade receivables                                 53,369       49,102      54,167 
Prepaid consideration subject to earn-out 
 service conditions                                7,149        6,136       6,015 
Prepayments                                        4,622        3,500       5,777 
Other receivables                                    233          220         233 
                                            ------------  -----------  ---------- 
                                                  65,373       58,958      66,192 
                                            ------------  -----------  ---------- 
                                              31 October   31 October    30 April 
                                                    2023         2022        2023 
                                                 GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000 
Amounts falling due after more than 
 one year: 
Prepaid consideration subject to earn-out 
 service conditions                                8,257        9,038       7,080 
                                            ------------  -----------  ---------- 

10 Other interest-bearing loans and borrowings

The contractual terms of the Group's interest-bearing loans and borrowings, which are measured at amortised cost, are described below.

                            31 October 2023    31 October 2022      30 April 2023 
                             Fair  Carrying     Fair  Carrying     Fair  Carrying 
                            value    amount    value    amount    value    amount 
                          GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000 
Non-Current liabilities 
Bank borrowings            13,859    13,859    6,765     6,765    6,813     6,813 

On 18 April 2022, the Company entered into a revolving credit facility which provides total committed funding of GBP30m until April 2025. Interest is payable at a margin of 1.95% above the SONIA reference rate.

11 Trade and other payables

                                     31 October  31 October  30 April 
                                           2023        2022      2023 
                                        GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
Trade payables                            9,956       8,806     9,370 
Other taxation and social security 
 payable                                  9,347       9,802     9,913 
Other payables                                -           -       295 
Contingent consideration treated 
 as remuneration                            118           -     1,364 
Accruals and deferred income              2,310       4,911     4,991 
                                     ----------  ----------  -------- 
                                         21,731      23,519    25,933 
                                     ----------  ----------  -------- 
                                        GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
Contingent consideration treated 
 as remuneration                              -         702         - 
                                     ----------  ----------  -------- 
                                              -         702         - 
                                     ----------  ----------  -------- 

12 Share based payments


At the period end the Group has four share-based payment schemes in operation.

Long Term Incentive Plan ('LTIP')

The Group operates an LTIP for the benefit of Executive Directors and Senior Management. Awards under the LTIP may be in the form of an option granted to the participant to receive ordinary shares on exercise dependent upon the achievement of profit related performance conditions.

Performance conditions

Options granted under the LTIP are only exercisable subject to the satisfaction of the following performance conditions which will determine the proportion of the option that will vest at the end of the three-year performance period. The awards will be subject to an adjusted fully diluted earnings per share performance measure as described in the table below:

 Adjusted, fully diluted earnings per          Amount Vesting % 
  Share Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) 
  over the three-year period ending 30 
  April 2023/25/26 
 Below 5%                                             0% 
 5%                                                   25% 
 Between 5% and 10%                          Straight line vesting 
 Above 10%                                           100% 

The options will generally be exercisable after approval of the financial statements during the year of exercise. The performance period for any future awards under the LTIP will be a three-year period from the date of grant. Vested and unvested LTIP awards are subject to a formal malus and clawback mechanism.

Restricted Share Award Plan ('RSA')

The Group operates an RSA for the benefit of Senior Management. Awards under the RSA entitle the option holder to participate in dividends however, the shares are restricted for a period of 5 years from issue, such that they cannot be traded.

Save As You Earn Scheme (SAYE)

The Group operates a HMRC approved SAYE scheme for all staff. Options under this scheme will vest if the participant remains employed for the agreed vesting period of three years. Upon vesting, each option allows the holder to purchase the allocated ordinary shares at a discount of 20% of the market price determined at the grant date.

Company Share Option Plan (CSOP)

The Group operates a HMRC approved CSOP scheme for senior associates, legal directors, equivalent positions in Gateley Group subsidiary companies and senior management positions in our support teams. Options under this scheme will vest if the participant remains employed for the agreed vesting period of three years. Upon vesting, each option allows the holder to purchase the allocated ordinary share at the price on the date of the grant.

The annual awards granted under the schemes are summarised below:

               Weighted  Weighted  Originally       Lapsed  Exercised       At 1  Granted     Lapsed  Exercised      At 31 
                average   average     granted           at      at 30        May   during     during     during    October 
              remaining  exercise                 30 April      April       2023      the     period     period       2023 
            contractual     price                     2023       2023              period 
                  Years       GBP      Number       Number     Number     Number   Number     Number     Number     Number 
RSA 21/22 
 27 April 
 2022               3.5   GBP0.00   1,322,560            -          -  1,322,560        -          -             1,322,560 
RSA 22/23 
 19 July 
 2022               3.7   GBP0.00     100,000            -          -    100,000        -          -         --    100,000 
RSA 22/23 
 23 Feb 
 2023               4.3   GBP0.00   1,175,000     (50,000)          -  1,125,000        -   (50,000)         --  1,075,000 
RSA 23/24 
 21 Sept 
 2023               4.8   GBP0.00           -            -          -          -  790,131          -         --    790,131 
                                   ----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
                                    2,597,560     (50,000)          -  2,547,560  790,131   (50,000)          -  3,287,691 
                                   ----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 - 22 July 
 2020               0.0   GBP0.00   1,405,766    (303,519)          -  1,102,247        -  (374,457)  (727,790)          - 
 - 27 
 2022               1.5   GBP0.00   1,115,000     (90,000)          -  1,025,000        -   (32,500)          -    992,500 
 - 23 
 2023               2.3   GBP0.00   1,320,000            -          -  1,320,000        -          -          -  1,320,000 
                                   ----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
                                    3,840,766    (393,519)             3,447,247        -  (406,957)  (727,790)  2,312,500 
                                   ----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
SAYE 19/20 
 1 October 
 2019                 0   GBP1.28     822,625    (462,260)  (311,806)     48,559        -          -   (48,559)          - 
SAYE 20/21 
 2020                 0   GBP1.02   2,337,197    (463,339)          -  1,873,858        -  (193,928)          -  1,679,930 
SAYE 21/22 
 25 August 
 2021               0.8   GBP1.70     673,077    (172,062)          -    501,015        -   (68,491)          -    432,524 
SAYE 22/23 
 2022               1.9   GBP1.55   1,070,154     (36,850)          -  1,033,304        -  (107,289)          -    926,015 
                                    4,903,053  (1,134,511)  (311,806)  3,456,736        -  (369,708)   (48,559)  3,038,469 
                                   ----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 - 7 July 
 2020               0.0   GBP1.35     976,797    (245,014)          -    731,783        -   (33,150)  (438,263)    260,370 
 - 14 
 2022               2.1   GBP1.74     300,000     (10,000)          -    290,000        -   (20,000)          -    270,000 
                                    1,276,797    (255,014)          -  1,021,783        -   (53,150)  (438,263)    530,370 
                                   ----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------  ---------  --------- 

During the period 703,522 CSOP options became eligible to exercise, with 438,263 being exercised by 31 October 2023.

During the period 48,559 SAYE 19/20 options were exercised.

On 21 September 727,790 LTIP options were exercised.

On 21 September 2023 790,131 Restricted Share Awards were granted.

Fair value calculations

The award is accounted for as equity-settled under IFRS 2. The fair value of awards which are subject to non-market based performance conditions is calculated using the Black Scholes option pricing model. The inputs to this model for awards granted during the financial year are detailed below:

Grant date                     21/9/23 
Share price at date of grant    153.5p 
Exercise price                  GBPnil 
Volatility                         19% 
Expected life (years)                5 
Risk free rate                  4.429% 
Dividend yield                       - 
Fair value per share 
Market based performance             - 
Non-market-based performance 
 condition/no performance 
 condition                      153.5p 

Expected volatility was determined by using historical share price data of the Company since it listed on 8 June 2015. The expected life used in the model has been based on Management's expectation of the minimum and maximum exercise period of each of the options granted.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

January 17, 2024 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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