RNS Number:3364X
Home Entertainment Corporation PLC
24 January 2006

Press Release

IMMEDIATE, Tuesday, 24 January 2006

Interim results for the 28 week period ended 17 December 2005

Key points (figures in #000s)

                                        28 weeks    28 weeks    52 weeks
                                           ended       ended       ended
                                        17.12.05    18.12.04    05.06.04
                                     (Unaudited) (Unaudited)   (Audited)

Turnover                                 74,175      79,169     140,467
Operating (loss)/profit before              (80)      3,687       4,618
exceptional costs*
Pre-tax (loss)/profit                    (3,131)      3,631       4,449
Earnings per share (pence)                (12.5)       12.9        15.6
    - basic                               (12.5)       11.9        14.4
    - diluted
Dividend per share (pence)                  nil          2.3        6.7

*Exceptional costs - #2.8 million (2004: nil)

   * Successful introduction of ChoicesUK brand over all activities.
   * Like-for-like growth in both DVD sell thru and computer games out
     performed the market, especially over the Christmas and New Year holiday
   * ChoicesUK TV (Sky Channel 697) successfully launched on 15 August 2005
     and already using teleshopping expertise to operate jointly the Playboy
     Store on Sky Channel 287.
   * Overall sales decreased by 6.3 per cent to #74,175,000 (2004:
   * Operating (loss)/profit before exceptional costs was (#80,000) (2004:
     #3,687,000) in line with expectations, reflecting losses from ChoicesUK
     stores now restored to modest profitability following major re-organisation.
   * EBITDA (excluding exceptional items) was #3,054,000 (2004: #7,196,000).
   * Overhead costs reduced by #1 million on an annualized basis net of (0.5
     million increase in energy costs.

"It is disappointing that we face our first full year loss since 1991 but the
nettles have been grasped and we face H2 and the future in very good shape to
take advantage of the opportunities that face us."

Iain Muspratt (Chairman)

Simon Bloomfield
Bankside Consultants (Tel: 020 7367 8888)

chairman's statement

In May 2005 we embarked on a plan to unite the business under the 'ChoicesUK'
brand and to position the Company for the future.

At the time I said that this would take 18 months and 7 months into that process
we can report positive success against a tough trading background made even more
difficult by very rapid price deflation in DVD and Computer Games Markets. This
has necessitated double digit volume growth in both sectors just to maintain

The first twelve weeks (Periods 1-3) of the current year were extremely
difficult but the remaining sixteen weeks of our interim period which ended on
17 December 2005, have been better:

                                             Periods 1-3    Periods    Interim
                                                    #000        4-7       #000

Turnover                                          26,633     47,542      74,175
Operating profit/(loss)                            (693)        739          46
Non-allocated central costs                         (54)       (72)       (126)
Interim operating loss before non-recurring        (747)        667        (80)

For the Period as a whole the only unprofitable area was ChoicesUK stores where
a major re-organisation has taken place. This business has now returned to
modest operating profitability.

ChoicesUK Local

Our rebranding was launched at the beginning of this financial year and is now
beginning to be seen more widely in the stores we serve. The number of outlets
we supply has increased by 250 to just under 8,000 which provides us with a very
strong brand presence opportunity. Operations in Republic of Ireland, under the
brand ChoicesIE, are growing rapidly.

Operating Profit for the Period was #860,000.

ChoicesUK stores

75 stores were restyled and ranges extended in terms of both depth and products
(eg. music, posters and magazines). The majority of stores improved
like-for-like performance towards the end of the period and growth in restyled
stores was greatest. The new EPOS system we introduced in 2003 has played a
vital role in identifying problems and opportunities, thus enabling effective
management action to be taken.

The management team has been restructured and reinforced under the direction of
Anthony Skitt.

chairman's statement cont.

Over the 28 week interim period like-for-like performance on rental showed a 10
per cent decline and retail sales a 3 per cent decline. However, as the
following table shows, performance has steadily improved culminating in a
Christmas performance which, in key trading sectors, materially beat the market
as a whole:

                                           Like-for-Like Turnover Performance

                                           31 weeks   10 weeks     5 weeks
                                                 to         to          to 
                                           07.01.06   07.01.06    07.01.06
                                                  %          %           %

VHS/DVD rental                               (10.0)      (8.9)       (6.7)

Total retail sales (excluding rental)           1.2        8.6        15.7

Games sales                                     3.2       20.6        26.2

DVD/VHS sales                                  14.3        7.4        15.3

Mobile phones                                (39.4)     (42.4)      (37.7)

VHS/DVD rental as a proportion of total        30.8       23.6        20.2

Eight loss making stores have been closed and two leases have not been renewed.
We are finalising the disposal of a further ten new retail leases which are
surplus to our requirements. This will relieve us of property costs of #500,000
on an annualised basis.

The proportion of turnover from VHS/DVD rental continues to fall although it
remains an important element of our business.

Operating loss for the Period was #1,539,000.

ChoicesUK Direct

Our non-Internet business continued to grow very satisfactorily, but our
Internet business was adversely affected by the delay in launching our new
ChoicesUK.com website and associated systems. Implementation was due for end
September, but is now scheduled for end February thus we lost its value during
the key Christmas trading period.

Once our new system is satisfactorily launched we expect to move back into
overall growth and to expand on third party arrangements which have been agreed
in principle.

Overall Operating Profit for the Period was #670,000.

Mosaic Entertainment

We have successfully continued to concentrate on exploiting the value of
existing rights.

Operating Profit for the Period was #55,000.

chairman's statement cont.

ChoicesUK TV

We launched our TV shopping channel earlier than planned. All costs have been
kept below budget and continue to be very carefully controlled.

Our initial (and current) position on the Sky Guide is separated from all longer
established shopping channels - a major disadvantage which Sky originally
planned to adjust in November. This change will now take place on 28 February
2006 and we expect this to enable the operation to move towards break even and
profit in 2006/7.

Last week we launched an Internet based extension of the service which will be
further developed in conjunction with the new ChoicesUK.com web system.

Since launch we have established a valuable relationship with Playboy UK for
producing 'Playboy Store' on Sky Channel 287. This is a business model we look
to replicate with others. These include One Stop Phone Shop (a division of
Carphone Warehouse) and Unique Distribution, both of which will start operations

The aggregate start up loss for the period (#833,000) has been treated as an
exceptional cost.


We have initiated cost savings at every level. The benefit of these in H2 will
be around #500,000 and in 2006/7 will be in the region of #1 million net of an
increase in energy costs of around #500,000. These cost savings take into
account the benefit of consolidating our administrative function under one roof
and the end of leases on existing Head Office property.

Exceptional Costs

Non-recurring costs associated with re-organisation and restructuring amounting
to #234,000 have been incurred within the period.

In addition the review and re-organisation in our trading divisions (principally
our retail division) revealed overstocks certain of which had become obsolete or
less desirable and as we have always adopted very prudent accounting policies
these were written off or down by #1.8 million. As noted above the aggregate
loss for the ChoicesUK TV division has been treated as exceptional.


In the light of the Interim trading results the Directors are not recommending
the payment of an Interim Dividend but, subject to trading conditions and
continuing positive progress, intend to propose the payment of a final dividend
for the year.


The expansion of our sales business has increased our working capital
requirement. The only significant capital expenditure has been for our new
Internet system and rebranding of 75 retail stores. Those investments having
been largely made, our cash flow in H2 will be positive and is planned to remain
so for 2006/07.

chairman's statement cont.


There is no question that our Industry and, therefore, our business has been
adversely affected by piracy which accounts for 30 per cent of the legitimate
market. At last there are indications that Government and enforcement
authorities are beginning to take action. We have played a major role in
encouraging this course and hope that it will be effective.


Our staff at all levels have worked extremely hard and loyally and I would like
to formally place on record our appreciation of their efforts and initiative.

FRS Adjustments

The treatment of dividends and freehold property has been restated for prior
periods to comply with the adoption of FRS 21 and our accounting policies.

Chairman and Chief Executive

As a result of reaching my normal retirement date, after 21 years with the
Company, I will step down as Executive Chairman with effect from 7 April 2006.
As planned, at the same time Managing Director, Anthony Skitt, will become Chief
Executive. Since he joined the Board in 1999 and his subsequent appointment as
Managing Director in 2004, Anthony has played a major role in responding to the
challenges we have faced as well as in developing the business for the future. I
am delighted, therefore that he has agreed to take on this new responsibility.
At the request of the Board, I will remain as Non-Executive Chairman and, in
that capacity, look forward to playing my part in restoring profitability.


This has been a challenging and difficult period during which we have made
considerable progress. There remains much to be done, but the foundations are
successfully laid. It is disappointing that we face our first full year loss
since 1991 but the nettles have been grasped and we face H2 and the future in
very good shape to take advantage of the opportunities that face us.

Iain Muspratt
23 January 2006

group profit & loss account                                                  As        As
                                                                       restated  restated
                                                           28 weeks    28 weeks  52 weeks
                                                              ended       ended     ended 
                                                           17.12.05    18.12.04  04.06.05
                                                        (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)                     
                                                  Note         #000        #000      #000

TURNOVER                                             2      74,175      79,169   140,467

Operating (loss)/profit before exceptional                     (80)      3,687     4,618

Exceptional costs - Stock mark downs                        (1,771)          -         -

Reorganisation costs                                          (234)          -         -

ChoicesUK TV                                                  (833)          -         -
                                                            (2,838)          -         -

OPERATING (loss)/PROFIT                                     (2,918)      3,687     4,618

Net interest payable                                          (213)        (56)     (169)

(LOSS)/PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE                 (3,131)      3,631     4,449

Taxation                                             3         883      (1,307)   (1,633)

(LOSS)/PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                                (2,248)      2,324     2,816

Dividends                                            4        (813)       (794)   (1,209)

(LOSS)/PROFIT TRANSFERRED (FROM)/TO RESERVES                (3,061)      1,530     1,607


Adjusted basic earnings per share (excluding                   3.3p       12.9p     15.6p
exceptional items)

Basic                                                5       (12.5p)      12.9p     15.6p

Diluted                                              5       (12.5p)      11.9p     14.4p

Dividends paid per ordinary share                              4.5p        4.4p      6.7p

group balance sheet                             As restated  As restated
                                      17.12.05     18.12.04     04.06.05
                                   (unaudited)  (unaudited)    (audited) 
                                          #000         #000         #000

Tangible assets                         16,460       16,424      16,748

Stocks                                  23,638       19,966      16,633
Debtors                                 16,088       17,148       8,152
Cash                                       104           84          77
                                        39,830       37,198      24,862

CREDITORS Amounts falling due within   (38,735)     (33,059)    (20,955)
one year

NET CURRENT ASSETS                       1,095        4,139       3,907

TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT               17,555       20,563      20,655

DEFERRED TAXATION                         (135)        (310)       (135)

NET ASSETS                              17,420       20,253      20,520

Called up share capital                    902          903         904
Share premium account                      997          968         997
Capital redemption reserve               1,063        1,061       1,061
Revaluation reserve                        777          625         777
Profit and loss account                 13,681       16,696      16,781

EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS              17,420       20,253      20,520

group cash flow statement
                                                             Note      28 weeks    28 weeks    52 weeks
                                                                          ended       ended       ended
                                                                       17.12.05    18.12.04    04.06.05
                                                                    (unaudited) (unaudited)   (audited)
                                                                           #000        #000        #000

NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES             6      (6,852)        3,851       8,317


Interest paid                                                            (213)          (56)       (169)

NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING               (213)          (56)       (169)


Corporation tax paid                                                     (836)         (675)     (1,626)


Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                              (2,844)       (3,605)     (6,502)


Purchase of the business and certain assets of In-Store                     -             -        (331)
Movies PLC

Sale of business                                                            -             -         385
                                                                            -             -          54

EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID                                                    (813)         (794)     (1,210)

NET CASH OUTFLOW BEFORE FINANCING                                     (11,558)       (1,279)     (1,136)


Redemption of ordinary shares                                             (43)            -           -

Issue of ordinary shares                                                    -             -          30

DECREASE IN CASH AT BANK                                              (11,601)       (1,279)     (1,106)

notes to the accounts
for the 28 week period ended 17 December 2005

1.       Basis of preparation

The interim accounts cover the 28 weeks to 17 December 2005. They have been
prepared under the accounting policies set out in the Company's statutory
accounts and the changes set out below for the 52 weeks to 4 June 2005, and are

Accounting Policies

Change in accounting policy for dividends

The Group has changed its accounting policy for dividends following the
implementation of a new accounting standard FRS 21 'Events after the Balance
Sheet date'. Previously the Group recognised the dividends proposed in respect
of the financial year to which they related. Under the new standard, the Group
will recognise dividends on approval in the Annual General Meeting. The Group
has made a prior period adjustment to account for this change, which reduces the
profit transferred to reserves for the 28 weeks to 18 December 2004 from #1,910
to #1,530.

Change in accounting policy for freehold land and buildings

The Group showed a prior period adjustment in its accounts to 4 June 2005 for a
change of accounting policy for freehold land and buildings. This prior period
adjustment was made to carry freehold land and buildings at valuation, rather
than historical cost. Therefore as at 18 December 2004 the effect of these
changes on the value of freehold land and buildings and shareholder's funds is
summarised in the table below:

                                                Land and         Shareholders' Funds
                                              New      Old     New      Old  Change
                                           policy   policy  policy   policy    #000
                                             #000     #000    #000     #000
Prior year adjustment as at 5 June 2004     1,509      865   17,921   17,277    644

The financial information does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in
Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the full
preceding 52 weeks is based on statutory accounts for the 52 weeks ended 4 June
2005 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. These statutory
accounts were audited by Ernst & Young LLP and their report thereon was

notes to the accounts
for the 28 week period ended 17 December 2005
2. Turnover                                       As restated    As restated
                                   28 weeks          28 weeks       52 weeks
                                      ended             ended          ended 
                                   17.12.05          18.12.04       04.06.05
                                (unaudited)       (unaudited)      (audited)
                                      #000               #000           #000
Rental - DVD and VHS                23,722             26,411         49,869
Sales and Rental -                  13,269             14,549         25,224
Sales - DVD, mobile                 37,184             38,209         65,374
phones etc
                                    74,175             79,169        140,467

Group turnover comprised income from the rental of pre-recorded digital
versatile discs, video cassettes and computer games and sale of pre-recorded
digital versatile discs, video cassettes, computer games, books, mobile
telephones and 'top-ups' and other related products.

Games rental turnover has been reclassified from the separate rental
classification and included in sales and rental games category to reflect it's
different nature.

3. Taxation

                                         28 weeks ended     28 weeks ended    52 weeks ended
                                               17.12.05           18.12.04          04.06.05
                                            (unaudited)        (unaudited)         (audited)
                                                   #000               #000              #000


UK corporation tax                               (859)               1,307            1,787

Over-provisions in respect of                     (24)                   -              (24)
prior periods

Foreign tax                                         -                    -               45
                                                 (883)               1,307            1,808

Total deferred tax                                  -                    -             (175)

TAX ON PROFIT ON ORDINARY                        (883)               1,307            1,633

The taxation credit has been calculated by our tax advisers on the allowable
losses and a claim for repayment submitted to Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs.

notes to the accounts
for the 28 week period ended 17 December 2005

4. Dividends
                                 As restated         As restated
                   28 weeks         28 weeks            52 weeks
                      ended           ended                ended
                   17.12.05        18.12.04             04.06.05 
                (unaudited)      (unaudited)           (audited)
                      #000             #000                 #000
Interim                  -                -                  415

Final                  813              794                  794
                       813              794                1,209

5. Earnings per share

The earnings and number of shares in issue or to be issued used in calculating
the earnings and diluted earnings per share were as follows:

                        28 weeks ended         28 weeks ended          52 weeks ended
                            17.12.05               18.12.04                04.06.05
                         (unaudited)            (unaudited)             (audited)
                      Diluted      Basic      Diluted        Basic      Diluted      Basic

Earnings         (#2,247,543) (#2,247,543) #2,323,765   #2,323,765   #2,815,676   #2,815,676

Weighted average 18,036,413   18,036,413   19,506,834   18,052,100   19,500,367   18,059,453
of shares

Earnings per          (12.5p)      (12.5p)       11.9p        12.9p        14.4p        15.6p

Adjusted                3.3p         3.3p           -            -            -            -
earnings per

Calculation of
numbers of

At 4 June 2005   18,069,747   18,069,747   18,052,100   18,052,100   18,052,100   18,052,100

Shares issued             -            -            -            -       17,647       17,647

Shares              (35,000)     (35,000)           -            -            -            -

Dilutive effect           -            -    1,442,150            -    1,397,628            -
of share option

                 18,034,747   18,034,747   19,494,250   18,052,100   19,467,375   18,069,747

Adjusted earnings per share excludes the effects of exceptional costs of
#2,838,000 (2004 : Nil) and is presented in order to show the underlying
performance of the Company.

notes to the accounts
for the 28 week period ended 17 December 2005

6. Reconciliation of operating profits to net cash flow from operating
                                         28 weeks      28 weeks     52 weeks
                                            ended         ended        Ended
                                         17.12.05      18.12.04     04.06.05
                                      (unaudited)   (unaudited)    (audited)
                                             #000          #000         #000

Operating (loss)/profit before               (80)         3,687        4,618
exceptional costs
Exceptional costs - stock mark            (1,771)             -            -
Reorganisation costs                        (234)             -            -
ChoicesUK TV                                (833)             -            -
OPERATING (LOSS)/PROFIT                   (2,918)         3,687        4,618
Amortisation                                   -              -            5
Depreciation                               3,134          3,509        6,275
Profit on sale of business                     -              -         (385)
(Increase) in stocks                      (7,005)        (7,766)      (4,140)
(Increase) in debtors                     (7,074)       (10,598)      (1,602)
Increase in creditors                      7,011         15,019        3,546
NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW FROM            (6,852)         3,851        8,317

independent review report to
Home Entertainment Corporation PLC

We have been instructed by the Company to review the financial information for
the 28 weeks ended 17 December 2005 which comprises the Group Profit and Loss
Account, Group Balance Sheet, Group Cash Flow Statement and the related notes 1
to 6. We have read the other information contained in the interim report and
considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material
inconsistencies with the financial information.

This report is made solely to the Company having regard to guidance contained in
Bulletin 1999/4 'Review of interim financial information' issued by the Auditing
Practices Board. To the fullest extent permitted by the law, we do not accept or
assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company, for our work, for this
report, or for the conclusions we have formed.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report as required by the AIM Rules
issued by the London Stock Exchange.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
'Review of interim financial information' issued by the Auditing Practices Board
for use in the United Kingdom. A review consists principally of making enquiries
of management and applying analytical procedures to the financial information
and underlying financial data, and based thereon, assessing whether the
accounting policies and presentation have been consistently applied, unless
otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit procedures such as tests of
controls and verification of assets, liabilities and transactions. It is
substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with United
Kingdom Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance
than an audit. Accordingly we do not express an audit opinion on the financial

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the 28 weeks ended
17 December 2005.

Ernst & Young LLP
23 January 2006

trading divisions

ChoicesUK Local

Provides a service throughout the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland to
convenience stores and other established retailers, enabling them to add DVD and
video sales and rental, computer games software sales, books and music sales to
the range of products offered to their customers.




Operated through 220 (December 2004 - 226) company owned retail outlets in
England and Wales, offering DVDs, videos and computer games rental and sales,
games consoles for sale, the sales of 'Pay As You Go', 'Network Branded' and
'SIM Free' mobile telephones and 'top-ups' (including 'E-top-ups'), selected
'hi-tech' products and ice cream and confectionery.


ChoicesUK Direct

ChoicesUK Direct offers DVDs, videos, computer games and talking tapes released
in the United Kingdom for sale through mail order. Customers can access the
Choices Direct service by mail, by telephone or over the Internet via ChoicesUK
Direct's website at


Choices Direct also manages and fulfils DVD and video sales for many of the
large mail order catalogue companies in the United Kingdom, including SDG,
Freemans, Littlewoods and Book Club Associates. The service offered is
comprehensive, ranging from title selection advice and compilation, through to
fulfilment of customers' orders.

ChoicesUK TV

ChoicesUK TV operates a TV shopping channel on Sky Channel 697 and provides
teleshopping expertise to third parties (i.e Playboy Store).


Mosaic Entertainment

Mosaic Entertainment invests in and acquires the rights to a range of feature
films and television programmes and then releases them to the general consumer
DVD, video and TV markets in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland
(including arm's length sales to other divisions of the Company).


Copies of the interim report are available free of charge on any week day from
the date of this announcement and for a period of one month thereafter from:

   * the registered office of the Company (Southgate House, Southgate Way,
    Orton Southgate, Peterborough, PE2 6YG)
   * the offices of the Company's Nominated Advisers, Teather & Greenwood
    Limited (Beaufort House, 15 St Botolph Street, London, EC3A 7QR) and at all
    times from our corporate website - www.hecplc.com


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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