RNS Number:2867J
London Asia Chinese Private Equity
06 December 2007



*         Net assets at 30 September 2007 of #68.4 million, equal to 136.7 pence per share;
*         Profit for the period of #1.8 million, equal to 3.7 pence per share (#2.9 million before foreign exchange     
          losses, equal to 5.7 pence per share);
*         Company substantially invested; 14 investments held;
*         Investments up 53% on cost;
*         One investment sold during the period for #2.6 million, realising a gain of #1.6 million;  and
*         53% of portfolio by value is quoted.

For further information please visit www.lacpefund.com or contact:

John West / Andrew Dunn       Robert Leighton             Simon Littlewood        Hugh Field
Tavistock Communications      Chairman                    Director                Collins Stewart Europe Limited
Tel: +44 20 7920 3150         Tel: +44 7918 034 315       Tel: +852 9840 5412     Tel: +44 20 7523 8000

                                           CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

I am pleased to present the unaudited interim results of the Company for the period ended 30 September 2007.


The Company continued to build on its profitable first period and made good progress during the six months ended 30
September 2007.  The Company achieved a net profit for the period ended 30 September 2007 of #1.8 million (30 September
2006: #0.4 million), representing a profit per Ordinary Share of 3.7 pence.  The net asset value at 30 September 2007
was #68.4 million (136.7 pence per Ordinary Share).

In line with the Admission Document, the Company did not hedge the exchange rate risk arising from the investment
portfolio.  However, the strengthening pound reduced the Company's profit for the period by #1.1 million and the fair
value of the investments at 30 September 2007 by #1.0 million.  The Board has decided to continue with the policy of
not hedging the Company's exchange rate risk, as set out in the Admission Document.

During the period the Company made one further investment, at a cost of #2.2 million, and the investment in Devotion
Energy Group was sold in May 2007 for #2.6 million, realising a gain of #1.6 million.  We did not go ahead with the
previously announced proposed investment in China Synergy as we were unable to finalise acceptable terms with the
company.  Post the period end, we received the proceeds from the sale of FENet of #0.5 million, equal to its cost.

At 30 September 2007, the Company's investments had a fair value of #68.4 million, an unrealised gain of 53% on cost.
Full details of each of the investments are available at www.lacpefund.com.  Since the period end, we have assisted
China CDM Exchange Centre to raise a total of US$10 million in a third party follow-on funding.  The implied valuation
would give rise to an unrealised uplift of 443% on the original cost.  Only #0.7 million of this #8.0 million uplift
has been reflected in the 30 September 2007 results.

The fair value of #9.8 million (14 %) of the investments continue to be shown at original cost, which is deemed to be
fair value.  The remaining investments, with an original cost of #34.9 million, have been shown at a fair value of
#58.6 million, an uplift of 68%.  Fair value has been determined based on market price where the stock was listed,
latest financing valuation where follow on financing was achieved and reflected a true fair value at the balance sheet
date, or a multiple of post tax profits after tax of eight (consistent with the 31 March 2007 valuation) for those
investments not quoted or re-financed.

Of the fourteen investments held at the period end, two were already listed in Singapore at the time we invested, and
four floated on the UK's PLUS market post our investment.  53% of our investment portfolio (by fair value) is quoted,
providing Shareholders with visibility as to the value of the assets in the Company.

Share price

During the period under review the price of the Ordinary Shares fell from 120.5 pence at 31 March 2007 to 108.0 pence
on 27 September 2007.  In accordance with the AIM Rules, on 27 September 2007 all trading of the Company's Ordinary
Shares and Warrants on AIM was temporarily suspended, pending the publication of the Company's 31 March 2007 audited
financial statements (the "2007 Accounts").  The delay in the publication of the 2007 Accounts arose from unforeseen
requirements resulting from the audit process, which were subsequently resolved and the Ordinary Shares and Warrants
recommenced trading on AIM on1 November 2007, following the publication of the 2007 Accounts.

Although the rise in net asset value and fall in the price of the Ordinary Shares resulted in an increase in the
discount to the published net assets during the period from 9% at 31 March 2007 to 21% at the end of the period,
following the lifting of the suspension on 1 November 2007, the Company's share price has risen steadily and at 30
November 2007 stood at 115.0 pence.

At the date of this report 10 million Warrants, with an exercise price of 120 pence each, were in issue.  To date no
Warrants have been exercised.


A combination of a good stock picking by the Investment Consultant and a strong Chinese economy has resulted in the net
asset value of the Company's Ordinary Shares growing steadily from 96.3 pence at launch to 130.9 pence at 31 March 2007
and then to 136.7 pence at 30 September 2007.  We held a recent Board meeting in Hong Kong at which the independent
Directors discussed a number of improvements in the operational management of the business.  These were agreed with the
Executive Directors and will be implemented in the second half of the financial year.  My subsequent visit to some of
the investee businesses in China has reinforced my view that the Company has invested in a number of strong businesses.
I am cautiously optimistic that the investments, buoyed by a strong Chinese economy, will generate positive returns
for the Company and, as a result, we look forward to realising value for Shareholders.

R Leighton
5 December 2007

                                                INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO
                                            as at 30 September 2007 (unaudited)

                                                          Listing             Fair value   Percentage
                                                                                               of net
Company                            Activity/Sector                                             assets
                                                                                   #'000            %
Asia Clean Energy                  Clean energy           Not quoted               4,067          5.9
Asia Water Technology              Clean technology       SESDAQ                   9,351         13.7
Asia Wind Group                    Clean energy           Not quoted               3,000          4.4
Canmake Business                   Manufacturing          Not quoted               6,838         10.0
China Biofoods                     Manufacturing          PLUS                     3,740          5.5
China CDM Exchange Centre          Carbon credit          PLUS                     2,500          3.7
China New Energy                   Clean technology       PLUS                    12,211         17.9
China Real Estate Services         Property               Not quoted               4,133          6.0
China Solar Energy                 Clean technology       Not quoted               4,300          6.3
Dalian Business Institute          Education              PLUS                     3,339          4.9
FEnet Company                      Information technology Not quoted                 516          0.8
Hainan Zhengye Zhongnong High-tech Pesticide production   Not quoted               2,233          3.3
United Envirotech                  Environmental          Mainboard SGX            4,981          7.2
Wan Wei Oil & Gas Technology       Mining technology      Not quoted               7,156         10.5
                                                                            ------------ ------------
                                                                                  68,365        100.0
Other receivables and prepayments                                                    259          0.4
Cash and cash equivalents                                                          4,315          6.3
Payables and accruals                                                            (4,584)        (6.7)
                                                                            ------------ ------------
Net assets                                                                        68,355        100.0
                                                                            ------------ ------------

Full details of each of the above investments are available at www.lacpefund.com.

                                                INCOME STATEMENT
                            for the six months ended  30 September 2007 (unaudited)

                                                         1 April 2007 to 23 February 2006 to 23 February 2006 to
                                               Note    30 September 2007   30 September 2006       31 March 2007
                                                             (unaudited)         (unaudited)           (audited)
                                                                   #'000               #'000               #'000
Net unrealised change in fair value of                             1,267                 411              22,428
Realised gain on sale of investments                               1,606                   -                   -
Other income                                                         457               1,098               1,516
                                                            ------------        ------------        ------------
Total income                                                       3,330               1,509              23,944
Movement in provision for performance fee       4                  (458)                   -             (3,345)
Introductory fees                               4                   (78)               (415)               (832)
                                                            ------------        ------------        ------------
Gross profit                                                       2,794               1,094              19,767

Operating expenses
Investment Consultant's fees                    4                  (666)               (536)             (1,009)
Administration fees                                                 (88)                (69)               (131)
Directors' fees                                                     (33)                (46)                (93)
Audit fees                                                          (60)                (14)                (29)
Custodian fees                                                      (11)                (14)                (18)
Other expenses                                                     (104)                (63)               (113)
                                                            ------------        ------------        ------------
Operating expenses                                                 (962)               (742)             (1,393)
                                                            ------------        ------------        ------------
Profit for the period                                              1,832                 352              18,374
                                                            ------------        ------------        ------------
Earnings per share - basic and fully diluted                       3.66p               0.70p              36.75p
                                                            ------------        ------------        ------------

                                                 BALANCE SHEET
                                      as at 30 September 2007 (unaudited)

                                                      Note       30 September     30 September    31 March 2007
                                                                         2007             2006
                                                                  (unaudited)      (unaudited)        (audited)
                                                                        #'000            #'000            #'000
Non-current assets
Investments at fair value through profit and loss                      68,365           23,877           65,905
                                                                   ----------       ----------       ----------
Current assets
Financial asset at fair value through profit and                            -                -              335
Other receivables and prepayments                                         259              135               54
Cash and cash equivalents                                               4,315           28,460           12,321
                                                                   ----------       ----------       ----------
                                                                        4,574           28,595           12,710
                                                                   ----------       ----------       ----------
Total assets                                                           72,939           52,472           78,615
                                                                   ----------       ----------       ----------
Current liabilities
Payables and accruals                                                 (4,584)          (3,971)         (12,092)
                                                                   ----------       ----------       ----------
Net assets                                                             68,355           48,501           66,523
                                                                   ----------       ----------       ----------

Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital                                5                  500              500              500
Warrant reserve                                        6                2,293            2,293            2,293
Distributable reserves                                                 65,562           45,708           63,730
                                                                   ----------       ----------       ----------
Total equity shareholders' funds                                       68,355           48,501           66,523
                                                                   ----------       ----------       ----------

Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share - basic                            136.71p           97.00p          133.05p
Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share - fully diluted                    136.71p           97.00p          130.87p

                                         STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY
                             for the six months ended 30 September 2007 (unaudited)

                                                    Share        Share     Warrant    Distributable
                                                  capital      premium     reserve         reserves      Total
                                                    #'000        #'000       #'000            #'000      #'000
Balance at 31 March 2007                              500            -       2,293           63,730     66,523
Profit for the period                                   -            -           -            1,832      1,832
                                               ----------   ----------  ----------       ---------- ----------
Balance at 30 September 2007                          500            -       2,293           65,562     68,355
                                               ----------   ----------  ----------       ---------- ----------

                                         STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY
                     for the period from 23 February 2006 to 30 September 2006 (unaudited)

                                                    Share        Share       Warrant  Distributable
                                                  capital      premium       reserve       reserves        Total
                                                    #'000        #'000         #'000          #'000        #'000
Gross proceeds of placing                             500       47,207         2,293              -       50,000
Issue costs                                             -      (1,851)             -              -      (1,851)
Cancellation of share premium                           -     (45,356)             -         45,356            -
Profit for the period                                   -            -             -            352          352
                                               ----------   ----------    ----------     ----------   ----------
Balance at 30 September 2006                          500            -         2,293         45,708       48,501
                                               ----------   ----------    ----------     ----------   ----------

                                         STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY
                        for the period from 23 February 2006 to 31 March 2007 (audited)

                                                    Share        Share       Warrant  Distributable
                                                  capital      premium       reserve       reserves        Total
                                                    #'000        #'000         #'000          #'000        #'000
Gross proceeds of placing                             500       47,207         2,293              -       50,000
Issue costs                                             -      (1,851)             -              -      (1,851)
Cancellation of share premium                           -     (45,356)             -         45,356            -
Profit for the period                                   -            -             -         18,374       18,374
                                               ----------   ----------    ----------     ----------   ----------
Balance at 31 March 2007                              500            -         2,293         63,730       66,523
                                               ----------   ----------    ----------     ----------   ----------

                                              CASH FLOW STATEMENT

                             for the six months ended 30 September 2007 (unaudited)

                                                         1 April 2007 to 23 February 2006 to 23 February 2006 to
                                                       30 September 2007   30 September 2006       31 March 2007
                                                             (unaudited)         (unaudited)           (audited)
                                                                   #'000               #'000               #'000
Operating activities
Other income received                                                363               1,060               1,486
Investment Consultant's fees paid                                  (765)               (607)             (1,009)
Introductory fees paid                                             (171)               (413)               (636)
Administration fees paid                                            (31)                (37)               (100)
Directors' fee paid                                                 (49)                (30)                (63)
Other expenses paid                                                 (61)                (78)               (150)
                                                              ----------          ----------          ----------
Net cash outflow from operating activities                         (714)               (105)               (472)
                                                              ----------          ----------          ----------
Investing activities
Purchase of fair value through profit or loss                   (10,324)            (19,584)            (35,021)
Sale of fair value through profit or loss                          3,032                   -                   -
Payment of loan to investee company                                    -                   -               (335)
                                                              ----------          ----------          ----------
Net cash outflow from investing activities                       (7,292)            (19,584)            (35,356)
                                                              ----------          ----------          ----------
Financing activities
Issue of Ordinary Shares and Warrants                                  -              50,000              50,000
Issue costs                                                            -             (1,851)             (1,851)
                                                              ----------          ----------          ----------
Net cash inflow from financing activities                              -              48,149              48,149
                                                              ----------          ----------          ----------

                                                              ----------          ----------          ----------
(Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                 (8,006)              28,460              12,321
                                                              ----------          ----------          ----------

Cash and cash equivalents brought forward                         12,321                   -                   -
(Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                 (8,006)              28,460              12,321
                                                              ----------          ----------          ----------
Cash and cash equivalents carried forward                          4,315              28,460              12,321
                                                              ----------          ----------          ----------

                                          NOTES TO THE INTERIM RESULTS
                             for the six months ended 30 September 2007 (unaudited)

1.  Significant Accounting Policies
      These unaudited interim results have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard
      34: Interim Financial Reporting ("IAS 34").  These interim results have adopted the same accounting
      policies as the last audited financial statements which were prepared in accordance with International
      Financial Reporting Standards, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board, interpretations
      issued by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee and applicable legal and
      regulatory requirements of Guernsey Law and reflect the accounting policies as disclosed in the Company's
      last audited financial statements, which have been adopted and applied consistently.

2.  Critical Accounting Estimates and Judgements
      Financial assets designated at fair value through profit and loss at inception are those that are
      managed and their performance evaluated on a fair value basis in accordance with the Company's
      documented investment strategy.  The Company's policy is for the Investment Consultant and the Board of
      Directors to evaluate the information about these financial assets on a fair value basis together with
      other related financial information.  These financial assets are expected to be realised within 12 to 36
      months of the balance sheet date.

      The Board of Directors and the Investment Consultant makes estimates and assumptions concerning the
      future.  The resulting accounting estimates will, by definition, seldom equal the related actual
      results.  The estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to
      the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are outlined below:

      Fair value of listed securities

      The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets (such as publicly traded securities) is
      based on quoted market prices at the balance sheet date.  The quoted market price used for financial
      assets held by the Company is the period end bid price.

      Fair value of unquoted and PLUS quoted securities

      The fair value of unquoted securities that are not quoted in active markets (for example, PLUS quoted
      securities and unquoted private companies) is determined by using valuation techniques in accordance
      with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Guidelines.  The valuations used to determine
      fair values are validated and periodically reviewed by experienced personnel.  The valuations are based
      on a mixture of:

      -          third party financing (if available);
      -          PE ratios;
      -          cost, where the investment has been made within the preceding twelve months and no further
                 information has been available to indicate that cost is not an appropriate valuation;  and
      -          bid prices of PLUS quoted investments to support any of the three techniques mentioned above.

3.  Segmental Information
     The Directors are of the opinion that the Company is engaged in a single segment of business, being
     investment business in China.

4.  Management Fees
      During the financial period London Asia Capital (S) PTE Limited (the "Investment Consultant") acted as
      Investment Consultant to the Company.

      Investment Consultant fee

      In consideration for the services rendered by the Investment Consultant the Company pays the Consultant a
      fee of 2.0% per annum of the Net Asset Value, payable quarterly in advance.

      Performance fee

      In addition, the Investment Consultant is entitled to a performance fee on realised profits in certain
      circumstances.  This fee is payable by reference to the increase in Adjusted NAV per Ordinary Share over
      the course of a 'performance period'.  The first performance period began on Admission and ended on 31
      March 2007; each subsequent period is a period of one financial year.  The Investment Consultant becomes
      entitled to a performance fee in respect of a performance period only if two conditions are met.

      First, a performance hurdle condition must be met. The performance hurdle is that Adjusted NAV per
      Ordinary Share at the end of the relevant performance period exceeds an amount equal to the Placing Price
      increased at a rate of 6.0% per annum on a compounding basis up to the end of the relevant performance
      period.  The second condition to be met (a 'high watermark' test) is that the Adjusted NAV per Ordinary
      Share at the end of the relevant performance period is higher than the highest previously recorded
      Adjusted NAV per Ordinary Share at the end of a performance period in relation to which a performance fee
      was last earned (or if no performance fee has been earned since Admission, is higher than the Placing

      If the performance hurdle is met, and the high watermark exceeded, the performance fee is equal to 20.0%
      of the realised increase in the Adjusted NAV per Ordinary Share multiplied by the time weighted average
      of the total number of Ordinary Shares in issue since the performance period in respect of which a
      performance fee was last earned (or since Admission, if no performance fee has yet been earned), together
      with an amount equal to the VAT thereon.

      For the period ended 30 September 2007, no performance fees were paid.  The performance fee that is
      disclosed in the Income Statement is not due until investment gains are realised.  At 30 September 2007,
      #1,606,000 of the #4,628,000 performance fee accrued was due to the Investment Consultant as a result of
      the realised gain made on the sale of the Devotion Energy Group investment.

      Introductory fees

      It is common practice in China to pay introductory fees to intermediaries who introduce investee
      companies to investors.  Such fees, which typically equate to 3% to 5% of the value of the investment,
      are paid by the Company.  Where the intermediary introducing the investment to the Company is a
      representative of the London Asia Group, such fees are payable to a member of the London Asia Group.
      Payment of any fees in respect of such services to a member of the London Asia Group (or any third party)
      are subject to the approval of the Non-Executive Directors.  If an investment is sourced directly by
      either of the Executive Directors, no introductory fees are payable to the relevant Executive Director
      nor to the London Asia Group.

                                                        1 April 2007 to 23 February 2006 to 23 February 2006 to
                                                      30 September 2007   30 September 2006       31 March 2007
                                                            (unaudited)         (unaudited)           (audited)
                                                                  #'000               #'000               #'000
      Income Statement:
      Investment Consultant's fees                                  666                 536               1,009
      Movement in provision for performance fee                     458                   -               3,345
      Introductory fees                                              78                 415                 832

                                                      30 September 2007   30 September 2006       31 March 2007
                                                            (unaudited)         (unaudited)           (audited)
                                                                  #'000               #'000               #'000
      Management fee                                                (9)                  71                   -
      Provision for performance fee                             (3,803)                   -             (3,345)
      Introductory fees                                           (204)                (87)                (95)

5.   Share Capital
                                                        30 September 2007   30 September 2006    31 March 2007
                                                              (unaudited)         (unaudited)        (audited)
      Authorised:                                                   #'000               #'000            #'000
      200,000,000 Ordinary Shares of 1p                             2,000               2,000            2,000
                                                          ---------------     ---------------  ---------------
      Allotted, called up and fully paid:
      50,000,000 Ordinary Shares of 1p                                500                 500              500
                                                          ---------------     ---------------  ---------------

      Pursuant to the authority granted at an extraordinary general meeting and renewed at the first annual
      general meeting, the Company has authority to utilise the distributable reserve to buy back up to 14.99%
      of the Ordinary Shares issued at the Placing for cancellation.  No shares were purchased for
      cancellation during the period.

      A resolution enabling the Company to purchase up to 10% of the Ordinary Shares in issue and hold them as
      treasury shares was passed at the first annual general meeting.

6.  Warrants
      At the placing on 15 March 2006, for every five Ordinary Shares received the subscriber also received
      one Warrant.

                                                              Exercise Price            End of        Allotted
      Warrants                                                     120 pence     31 March 2011      10,000,000

      Registered holders of Warrants shall have the right to subscribe for one Ordinary Share in the Company
      in cash in the period up to 31 March 2011 for each Warrant held at the price of 120 pence per Ordinary


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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