1 November 2012 
                                  mirada plc 
                                  (AIM: MIRA) 
                           ("mirada" or "the Group") 
            Interim results for the six months to 30 September 2012 
mirada plc, the AIM quoted leading audiovisual content interaction specialist, 
announces its unaudited interim results for the six months to 30 September 
Key Points 
  * Revenue for the period is GBP2.46 million, compared to GBP2.28 million for the 
    six months ended 30 September 2011 
  * Gross profit increased to GBP2.35 million from GBP2.01 million in the six 
    months ended 30 September 2011 
  * Profit before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation was GBP0.61 
    million, compared to a GBP0.23 million loss for the six months ended 30 
    September 2011 
  * Earnings per share equalled 0.1p compared to a loss per share of 4.4p for 
    the six months ended 30 September 2011 
Operational Highlights 
  * mirada has reached profitability for the first time in its history 
  * Successful transition from a professional services based company to a 
    product based model 
  * Significant investment made in iris, a "TV everywhere", multi-screen 
    product mainly addressed to the cable television market, and navi, a 
    content navigation tool for the IPTV market 
  * Several major customers have led to the generation of substantial, 
    recurrent licence fee revenue 
  * GVT has gained more than 200,000 new subscribers and it has become the 
    fastest growing Digital TV operator in the Brazilian market 
  * Additionally, mirada and Ericsson are participating in a number of new 
    negotiations, mostly in Latin America and Eastern Europe, which it is hoped 
    will lead to further new contracts in the present fiscal year 
  * First iris customer, Cablecom, launched its HD (High Definition) service in 
José Luis Vázquez, Chief Executive Officer of mirada, said: 
"The first six months of this financial year has seen the start of the return 
on the investment made in our product development strategy. The recurrent 
revenues generated from licence fees based on the growth of our customers, 
especially in the Latin American market, have helped the Group to make the 
transition to profitability. The Group has been able to make this transition in 
the current adverse economic environment through a strong belief in the 
benefits of the new business model and thanks to the expansion into growing 
international markets." 
mirada plc                                                 +44 (0) 207 549 5678 
Jose Luis Vazquez, Chief Executive Officer 
Bishopsgate Communications                                 +44 (0) 207 562 3350 
Nick Rome/Sam Allen/ Matt Low 
Seymour Pierce Limited (Nominated Advisor & Broker)        +44 (0) 207 107 8000 
Mark Percy (Corporate Finance) 
David Banks (Corporate Broking) 
Peterhouse Corporate Finance (Joint Broker)                +44 (0) 207 469 0937 
Jon Levinson 
Chief Executive Officer's Statement 
I am pleased to present the Group's financial results for the six months to 30 
September 2012. This period has seen the benefits of the transition from a 
professional services based company to a product based model. The investment 
made in our most important products, iris and navi, has been rewarded with 
deployment of new Digital TV services by several major customers leading to the 
generation of substantial, recurrent licence fee revenue. These licence fees 
have helped to enable the Group to record a profit for the period. 
This improved performance was made possible thanks to the incredible support 
from our employees, customers and major shareholders. Their continued belief 
that mirada has an important role to play in the Digital TV market, and that a 
product-led strategy could generate value in this rapidly changing market have 
been the cornerstones which have led to the creation of a successful business 
model from which the Group is now benefiting. 
It has been a long process, during which we have needed to close some 
loss-making business areas to enable us to concentrate on the core skills of 
our team. We are now proud to announce that the process is complete and that 
the Group has reached profitability. In order to improve performance further we 
have set ourselves the targets of extending our international reach into new 
markets and of continuing to improve our product proposition to allow us to 
keep ahead of the expectations of the Digital TV market. 
Review of operations 
During the period mirada has focused on the expansion of its main area of 
business, Digital TV, through the deployment of its navi and iris products. 
Major new contracts in this area are on a product-based model that comprises 
set-up fees, plus licence fees based on the number of subscribers signing up to 
our customers' digital television services. 
navi is a content navigation tool which allows the end user of a Digital TV 
platform to optimise their experience whilst using the service. mirada deploys 
navi via its global partnership agreement with Ericsson who are the world's 
leading IPTV infrastructure supplier to telecommunication companies. 
mirada's first major customer through its partnership with Ericsson was GVT, a 
Brazilian telecommunications company who are part of the Vivendi group, who 
launched their IPTV service in November 2011. During the 6 months ended 30 
September 2012 GVT has gained more than 200,000 new subscribers and it has 
become the fastest growing Digital TV operator in the Brazilian market. In 
addition to the licence fees earned in relation to these new subscribers mirada 
earns recurrent annual support and maintenance fees. GVT is also continuing to 
deploy new functionalities developed by mirada from which the Group earns 
additional professional service fee income. 
During the period under review, mirada has being working hard on deploying a 
second Digital TV platform with navi, and we expect to announce its commercial 
launch very shortly. This customer is based in Mexico, reinforcing our presence 
in the region. Additionally, mirada and Ericsson are participating in a number 
of new negotiations, mostly in Latin America and Eastern Europe, which we hope 
will lead to further new contracts in the present fiscal year. 
iris is our "TV everywhere" multi-screen product mainly addressed to the cable 
television market. Our first iris customer, Cablecom, launched its HD (High 
Definition) service in July this year, and has started signing up new 
subscribers which has led to additional licence fees being earned by mirada. 
The iris product has been received very well by the market and mirada is 
currently in negotiations to sell the technology to other customers, mainly in 
Latin America, and we expect to announce an important new customer by the end 
of 2012. 
The Digital TV revenues of the Group during the period have grown by 32% to GBP 
2.12 million when compared to revenues of GBP1.61 million in the 6 months ended 
30 September 2011. Of these revenues, 90% were generated overseas (outside of 
UK and Spain), growing to GBP1.91 million from GBP1.31 million in the same period 
last year. The Digital TV earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and 
amortisation improved to GBP0.96 million from GBP0.46 million. 
Other activities 
Revenues earned by the Broadcast division were GBP0.12 million for period 
compared to GBP0.43 million for 6 months ended 30 September 2011, of this 
reduction GBP0.24 million relates to the fact that the Group's return path 
activities ceased at the end of June 2011. The remaining reduction was due to 
mirada's technical team focusing their efforts on the Digital TV deployments 
made during the period. We expect the revenues for the Broadcast division to 
increase significantly in the second half of the year with new projects 
anticipated to be contracted through mirada's partnership with Red Bee Media. 
There is a continued growth of the revenues in mirada connect, our cashless 
parking payment solution, through new deployments from our partnerships with 
Apcoa and Vinci in the UK. Mirada now manages the cashless parking services for 
the First Great Western and First Capital Connect train lines, as well as 
parking for the Travelodge hotel chain. The business unit is increasingly 
independent from the Group with an independent management team and services now 
being deployed from the cloud, which has dramatically increased the 
flexibility, time to market and resilience of our managed services. We expect 
the unit to consolidate its growth and to expand its activities to on-street 
cashless parking services during the following months. 
Financial overview 
Group revenue for the period equalled GBP2.46 million, compared to GBP2.28 million 
for the six months ended 30 September 2011, with gross profit increasing to GBP 
2.35 million from GBP2.01 million. The reasons for the growth are related to our 
international expansion and to the increase in the revenues generated from 
licence fees, which represent a 33% of our total revenues during the period 
(14% during the same period last year). 
The closure of the loss making businesses and the restructuring which has taken 
place over the last year has led to a decrease in other administrative expenses 
from GBP2.24 million in the 6 months ended 30 September 2011 to GBP1.74 million in 
the current period. 
The effect of the above has led to a dramatic improvement in earnings before 
interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation, which totalled GBP0.61 million in 
the current period compared to a loss of GBP0.23 million in the 6 months ended 30 
September 2011. This improvement has continued to the bottom line with the 
Group earning a retained profit for the period of GBP0.02 million compared to a 
loss of GBP0.93 million in the 6 months ended 30 September 2011. 
The first six months of this financial year has seen the start of the return on 
the investment made in our product development strategy. The recurrent revenues 
generated from licence fees based on the growth of our customers, especially in 
the Latin American market, have helped the Group to make the transition to 
profitability. The Group has been able to make this transition in the current 
adverse economic environment through a strong belief in the benefits of the new 
business model and thanks to the expansion into growing international markets. 
We continue to invest in our core Digital TV products to provide the market 
with the best solutions for the transition to a multi-screen world, and we are 
very satisfied with the progress that we are making in this field. We believe 
that, with our experience in the audio-visual interaction market, we will be 
able to continue surpassing the expectations of our customers and partners. Our 
two major products, navi and iris, have been very well received in the Digital 
TV market, and we expect to achieve further growth through the continued 
development of new functionalities and through an increased access to growing 
The transition is complete, and we are now seeing the benefits of the product 
based model. We expect to continue to improve our performance and we look 
forward to providing the market with continued news flow of our achievements 
during the following months. 
Jose Luis Vazquez 
Chief Executive Officer 
1 November 2012 
Consolidated income statement for the six months to 30 September 2012 
                                  Note     6 months     6 months   Year ended 
                                              ended        ended 
                                       30 September 30 September     31 March 
                                               2012         2011         2012 
                                        (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)    (Audited) 
                                               GBP000         GBP000         GBP000 
Revenue                            3          2,457        2,282        4,346 
Cost of sales                                 (109)        (273)        (562) 
Gross profit                                  2,348        2,009        3,784 
Depreciation                                   (33)         (58)        (106) 
Amortisation of deferred                      (317)        (363)        (733) 
development costs 
Impairment of goodwill                            -            -        (560) 
Restructuring costs                               -         (71)        (528) 
Other administrative expenses               (1,743)      (2,238)      (4,156) 
Total administrative costs                  (2,093)      (2,730)      (6,083) 
Operating profit/(loss)            4            255        (721)      (2,299) 
Finance income                                    3            -            4 
Finance expense                               (233)        (211)        (867) 
Profit/(loss) before taxation                    25        (932)      (3,162) 
Taxation                                          -            -            - 
Profit/(loss) for period                         25        (932)      (3,162) 
Earnings/(loss) per share 
- basic                            5           0.1p       (4.4p)      (11.0p) 
The above amounts are attributable to the equity holders of the parent. 
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
Six months to 30 September 2012 
                                            6 months     6 months   Year ended 
                                               ended        ended 
                                        30 September 30 September     31 March 
                                                2012         2011         2012 
                                         (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)    (Audited) 
                                                GBP000         GBP000         GBP000 
Profit/(loss) for the financial period            25        (932)      (3,162) 
Currency translation differences                  90         (61)        (306) 
Total comprehensive income/(expense)             115        (993)      (3,468) 
for the period 
Consolidated statement of changes in equity 
Six months to 30 September 2012 
                                         Share   Foreign          and 
                         Share   Share   option  exchange Merger  loss 
                         capital premium reserve reserve  reserve account  Total 
                            GBP000    GBP000    GBP000     GBP000    GBP000   GBP000    GBP000 
At 1 April 2012              319   1,216     140      537   2,472 (3,026)  1,658 
Profit for the financial       -       -       -        -       -      25     25 
Movement in foreign            -       -       -       90       -       -     90 
exchange reserve 
At 30 September 2012         319   1,216     140      627   2,472 (3,001)  1,773 
                                         Share   Foreign          and 
                         Share   Share   option  exchange Merger  loss 
                         capital premium reserve reserve  reserve account  Total 
                            GBP000    GBP000    GBP000     GBP000    GBP000    GBP000   GBP000 
At 1 April 2011              213     273   2,109      843   2,472 (1,833)  4,077 
Loss for the financial         -       -       -        -       -   (932)  (932) 
Movement in foreign            -       -       -     (61)       -       -   (61) 
exchange reserve 
At 30 September 2011         213     273   2,109      782   2,472 (2,765)  3,084 
                                         Share   Foreign          and 
                         Share   Share   option  exchange Merger  loss 
                         capital premium reserve reserve  reserve account   Total 
                            GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000     GBP000    GBP000    GBP000 
At 1 April 2011              213     273   2,109      843   2,472 (1,833)   4,077 
Loss for the financial         -       -       -        -       - (3,162) (3,162) 
Transfer between               -       - (1,969)        -       -   1,969       - 
Issue of shares              106     960       -        -       -       -   1,066 
Share issue costs              -    (17)       -        -       -       -    (17) 
Movement in foreign            -       -       -    (306)       -       -   (306) 
exchange reserve 
At 31 March 2012             319   1,216     140      537   2,472 (3,026)   1,658 
Consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 September 2012 
                                         30 September 30 September     31 March 
                                                 2012         2011         2012 
                                          (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)    (Audited) 
                                                 GBP000         GBP000         GBP000 
Property, plant and equipment                      79          156          112 
Goodwill                                        6,946        7,506        6,946 
Intangible assets                               1,442        1,377        1,295 
Non-current assets                              8,467        9,039        8,353 
Trade and other receivables                     1,615          926        1,324 
Cash and cash equivalents                           3           28           35 
Current assets                                  1,618          954        1,359 
Total assets                                   10,085        9,993        9,712 
Loans and borrowings                            (674)        (818)      (1,095) 
Trade and other payables                      (3,447)      (2,417)      (3,088) 
Current liabilities                           (4,121)      (3,235)      (4,183) 
Net current liabilities                       (2,503)      (2,281)      (2,824) 
Total assets less current                       5,964        6,758        5,529 
Interest bearing loans and                    (3,058)      (3,095)      (2,817) 
Embedded conversion option                      (292)        (292)        (292) 
Other non-current liabilities                   (185)            -        (194) 
Provisions                                      (656)        (287)        (568) 
Non-current liabilities                       (4,191)      (3,674)      (3,871) 
Net assets                                      1,773        3,084        1,658 
Issued share capital and reserves 
attributable to equity holders of 
the company 
Share capital                                     319          213          319 
Share premium                                   1,216          273        1,216 
Other reserves                                  3,239        5,363        3,149 
Accumulated losses                            (3,001)      (2,765)      (3,026) 
Equity                                          1,773        3,084        1,658 
Consolidated statement of cash flows six months to 30 September 2012 
                                             6 months     6 months   Year ended 
                                                ended        ended 
                                         30 September 30 September     31 March 
                                                 2012         2011         2012 
                                          (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)    (Audited) 
                                                 GBP000         GBP000         GBP000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit/(loss) for the period                       25        (932)      (3,162) 
Adjustments for: 
Depreciation of property, plant and                33           58          106 
Amortisation of intangible assets                 317          363          733 
Impairment of goodwill                              -            -          560 
Finance income                                    (3)            -          (4) 
Finance expense                                   233          211          867 
Operating cash flows before movements             605        (300)        (900) 
in working capital 
(Increase)/decrease in trade and other          (340)          594          152 
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other            587        (536)         (56) 
(Decrease)/increase in provisions               (113)            -          216 
Cash generated from/(used in)                     739        (242)        (588) 
Interest and similar expenses paid              (126)        (110)        (307) 
Net cash generated from/(used in)                 613        (352)        (895) 
operating activities 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Interest and similar income received                3            -            4 
Purchases of property, plant and                  (2)         (35)         (41) 
Purchases of other intangible assets            (514)        (512)        (828) 
Net cash used in investing activities           (513)        (547)        (865) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Issue of share capital                              -            -          843 
Costs of share issue                                -            -         (17) 
Loans received                                    604          935        1,246 
Repayment of loans                              (570)         (50)        (239) 
Repayment of capital element of finance           (5)         (16)         (27) 
Net cash generated from financing                  29          869        1,806 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and               129         (30)           46 
cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents at the                (299)        (366)        (366) 
beginning of the period 
Exchange gains on cash and cash                    13            4           21 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of         (157)        (392)        (299) 
the period 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash at bank less bank overdrafts. 
Notes to the Accounts 
1. Basis of Preparation 
This interim report was approved by the Directors on 31 October 2012. The 
condensed interim financial statements comprise the unaudited results for the 
six months to 30 September 2012 and 30 September 2011 and the audited results 
for the year ended 31 March 2012. The financial information for the year ended 
31 March 2012 does not constitute the full statutory accounts for the period. 
The Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2012 
have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The Independent Auditors' 
Report on the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 
March 2012 was unqualified, but did include a reference to the uncertainties 
surrounding going concern, to which the auditors drew attention by way of 
emphasis and did not contain a statement under 498(2) - (3) of the Companies 
Act 2006. 
The information included in these condensed interim financial statements for 
the six months ending 30 September 2012 does not include all the information 
and disclosures made in the annual financial statements. The condensed interim 
financial statements have been prepared in a manner consistent with the 
accounting policies set out in the group financial statements for the year 
ended 31 March 2012 and on the basis of the International Financial Reporting 
Standards (IFRS) as adopted for use in the EU that the Group expects to be 
applicable as at 31 March 2013. IFRS are subject to amendment and 
interpretation by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and there 
is an ongoing process of review and endorsement by the European Commission. The 
Group has not adopted IAS 34: "Interim Financial Reporting" as the AIM Rules 
for Companies and related regulations do not require half-yearly financial 
reports to be prepared in accordance with IAS 34. 
The condensed interim financial information for the six months ended 30 
September 2012 and 30 September 2011 has neither been audited nor reviewed 
pursuant to guidance issued by the Auditing Practices Board. 
2. Accounting policies 
The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those set out in the 
financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2012 and that are expected to 
apply for the year ended 31 March 2013. 
3. Segmental reporting 
For management purposes the Group is currently organised into three operating 
divisions based upon the varying products and services provided by the Group - 
Gaming, Digital TV, Broadcast and Mobile (which includes Interactive Marketing 
and Mirada Connect). The segment headed other relates to corporate overheads, 
assets and liabilities. 
Segmental results for the 6 months ended 30 September 2012 are as follows: 
                                   Digital Broadcast   Mobile    Other    Group 
                                      GBP000      GBP000     GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
Revenue - external                   2,119       120      218        -    2,457 
Gross profit                         2,116       106      126        -    2,348 
Profit/(loss) before                   958        84       13    (450)      605 
interest, tax, 
depreciation & 
Depreciation                          (19)         -        -     (14)     (33) 
Amortisation                         (282)         -     (19)     (16)    (317) 
Finance income                           -         -        -        3        3 
Finance expense                          -         -        -    (233)    (233) 
Segmental profit/(loss)                657        84      (6)    (710)       25 
Segmental results for the 6 months ended 30 September 2011 are as follows: 
                                   Digital Broadcast   Mobile    Other    Group 
                                      GBP000      GBP000     GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
Revenue - external                   1,609       429      244        -    2,282 
Gross profit                         1,592       280      137        -    2,009 
Profit/(loss) before                   463       197      (4)    (885)    (229) 
interest, tax, 
depreciation & 
Depreciation                          (27)         -        -     (31)     (58) 
Amortisation                         (350)         -        -     (13)    (363) 
Restructuring costs                      -         -        -     (71)     (71) 
Finance income                           -         -        -        -        - 
Finance expense                          -         -        -    (211)    (211) 
Segmental profit/(loss)                 86       197      (4)  (1,211)    (932) 
Segmental results for the year ended 31 March 2012 are as follows: 
                                   Digital Broadcast   Mobile    Other    Group 
                                      GBP000      GBP000     GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
Revenue - external                   3,346       594      406        -    4,346 
Gross profit                         3,165       420      199        -    3,784 
Profit/(loss) before                   792       323     (61)  (1,426)    (372) 
interest, tax, 
depreciation & 
Impairment of goodwill                   -         -    (560)        -    (560) 
Depreciation                          (53)         -        -     (53)    (106) 
Amortisation                         (707)         -     (18)      (8)    (733) 
Restructuring costs                      -         -        -    (528)    (528) 
Finance income                           -         -        -        4        4 
Finance expense                          -         -        -    (867)    (867) 
Segmental profit/(loss)                 32       323    (639)  (2,878)  (3,162) 
Geographical disclosures 
Revenue by location of customer 
                                           6 months      6 months    Year ended 
                                              ended         ended 
                                       30 September  30 September      31 March 
                                               2012          2011          2012 
                                        (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
                                               GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
UK                                              338           602           908 
Spain                                           210           370           615 
Continental Europe                              288           630         1,319 
Americas                                      1,621           680         1,504 
Total                                         2,457         2,282         4,346 
4. Operating profit/(loss) 
Reconciliation of operating profit/(loss) to profit/(loss) before interest, 
taxation, depreciation and amortisation: 
                                           6 months      6 months    Year ended 
                                              ended         ended 
                                       30 September  30 September      31 March 
                                               2012          2011          2012 
                                        (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
                                               GBP000          GBP000          GBP000 
Operating profit/(loss)                         255         (721)       (2,299) 
Depreciation                                     33            58           106 
Amortisation of deferred development            317           363           733 
Impairment of goodwill                            -             -           560 
Restructuring costs                               -            71           528 
Profit/(loss) before interest,                  605         (229)         (372) 
taxation, depreciation and 
5. Earnings/(loss) per share 
                                           6 months      6 months    Year ended 
                                              ended         ended 
                                       30 September  30 September      31 March 
                                               2012          2011          2012 
                                        (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
Profit/(loss) for period                    GBP25,000    (GBP932,000)  (GBP3,192,000) 
Weighted average number of shares        31,973,423    21,305,485    29,050,700 
Basic earnings/(loss) per share                0.1p        (4.4p)       (11.0p) 
Adjusted earnings/(loss) per share 
Adjusted earnings/(loss) per share is calculated by reference to the loss from 
continuing activities before interest, taxation, amortisation and depreciation 
(see note 4). 
                                           6 months      6 months    Year ended 
                                              ended         ended 
                                       30 September  30 September      31 March 
                                               2012          2011          2012 
                                        (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
Adjusted profit/(loss) for period          GBP605,000    (GBP229,000)    (GBP372,000) 
Weighted average number of shares        31,973,423    21,305,485    29,050,700 
Basic & diluted earnings/(loss) per            1.9p        (1.1p)        (1.3p) 
6. Related party transactions 
Transactions between the company and its subsidiaries, which are related 
parties, have been eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this 
note. There were no material transactions between the Group and the related 
parties during the period. 
7. Other 
Copies of unaudited interim results have not been sent to shareholders, however 
copies are available on request from the Company Secretary at the Company's 
registered office, New City Cloisters, 196 Old Street, London, EC1V 9FR. 

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