RNS Number:9914S
Nationwide Accident Repair Srvs PLC
15 March 2007


                  ("Nationwide", the "Company" or "the Group")

              Preliminary Results for the year to 31 December 2006

Nationwide provides automotive crash repair and accident administration services
to the UK insurance industry. With a national network of accident repair centres
located across England, Scotland and Wales employing over 2,100 people, it is
the largest dedicated provider of accident repair services in the UK. The
Group's customer base includes insurance companies such as Royal & Sun Alliance,
Norwich Union, Equity Red Star and Zurich and fleet operators such as DHL.

Financial summary

                                                  2006         2005
Sales                                          #151.2m      #139.6m
Operating profit after non-recurring items       #2.2m        #7.8m
Profit before tax after non-recurring items      #2.4m        #7.3m
Earnings per share after non-recurring items      3.1p        14.5p

Underlying results
Operating profit before non-recurring items      #5.8m        #4.0m
Profit before tax before non-recurring items     #5.9m        #3.5m
Earnings per share before non-recurring items     9.0p         5.5p

Underlying results under FRS 17
Operating profit before non-recurring items      #7.0m        #5.3m
Profit before tax before non-recurring items     #7.2m        #4.6m
Earnings per share before non-recurring items    11.0p         7.2p


    * Strong underlying results - Profit before tax before non recurring items
      up 67% to #5.9m

    * Successful flotation on AiM in July 2006

    * Strong balance sheet with net cash at year end of #6.9m (2005: #4.1m)

    * Closure of defined benefit pension scheme to future accruals

    * Proposed final dividend of 2.6p per share

    * Acquisition of the business of Aquilo Motor Services in December 2006-
      enhances existing accident management operation

    * Post year end acquisitions of bodyshops in Llandudno and Lincoln

Michael Marx, Chairman, commented,

"We are very pleased with these results, which reflect the importance we place
on offering customers a first class service and on running our operations and
systems effectively.

We believe that the Group's national coverage, economies of scale and customer
service give us a competitive advantage when competing for business. We continue
to pursue our twin track approach of improving our existing businesses whilst
carefully exploring additional opportunities for growth through acquisition."


Nationwide         Michael Wilmshurst, Chief Executive     T: 020 7448 1000 today
Accident Repair    David Loftus, Finance Director          Thereafter: 01993 701 720
Services plc                                 

Biddicks           Katie Tzouliadis/ Zoe Biddick  T: 020 7448 1000

Arbuthnot          James Steel/ Alasdair Younie   T: 020 7012 2000



We are pleased to report Nationwide's maiden preliminary results following the
Company's successful admission to AiM in July 2006. Results for the year are
very encouraging and demonstrate the progress we are making in developing the

Financial Overview
Sales for the twelve months ended 31 December 2006 increased by 8% to #151.2m
(2005: #139.6m), operating profit before non-recurring items rose by 42% to
#5.8m (2005: #4.0m) and profit before tax before non-recurring items rose by 67%
to #5.9m (2005: #3.5m). Operating profit after non-recurring costs relating to
the flotation and the payment of certain contractual bonuses, was #2.2m (2005:
#7.8m); profit before tax was #2.4m (2005: #7.3m) and basic earnings per share
were 3.1p (2005: 14.5p). Excluding non-recurring items, earnings per share are
9.0p (2005: 5.5p), an increase of 64%.

The Company adopts IAS 19, the "corridor approach", for its pension obligations.
However in order to provide shareholders with financial results which are
comparable with other companies, results under FRS 17 are also shown. Under FRS
17, operating profit before non-recurring items rose by 33% to #7.0m (2005:
#5.3m), underlying profit before tax improved by 55% to #7.2m (2005: #4.6m) and
underlying earnings per share rose by 53% to 11.0p (2005: 7.2p).

The Group's cash position remains strong, with net cash at 31 December 2006 of
#6.9m (2005:#4.1m).

As set out in the Company's AiM Admission Document, the Directors intend to
pursue a progressive dividend policy which broadly reflects the growth in
underlying earnings over time and Group prospects. The Directors are
recommending the payment of a final dividend of 2.6p per share in respect of the
year to 31 December 2006. Subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting,
this will be paid on 21 May 2007 to shareholders on the register at the close of
business on 20 April 2007. Ordinarily, over the course of a financial year,
final dividends are expected to represent two-thirds of the total annual

Trading Overview
As our results indicate, trading over the year as a whole was very good and
reflects the efficiency of our operations and systems, and the strength of our
service offering. As expected, the second half, which incorporates the holiday
months of July, August and December, was seasonally quieter than the first half
but in line with management expectations.

In the Company's Admission Document, we outlined our aspirations to become the
accident repair services supplier of choice to the UK insurance market. We
believe that the Group's national coverage, economies of scale and customer
service give us a competitive advantage when competing for business. We continue
to pursue our twin track approach of improving our existing businesses whilst
carefully exploring additional opportunities for growth through acquisition.

Michael Marx


2006 was a good year for Nationwide with the successful admission to trading on
AiM in July, the acquisition of the business of Aquilo Motor Services in
December, an increase in our underlying profit and the development of our longer
term objectives.

Crash Repair Market
The accident repair market in which we operate continues to consolidate. This
consolidation is mainly driven by three factors:

 1. Insurance companies are finding the cost and burden of dealing with hundreds
    of privately owned companies, on differing IT platforms and working to
    differing standards and systems, increasingly onerous.

 2. The economies of scale and the use of integrated IT systems are enabling
    groups to operate more effectively and requiring less direct 'management' by
    insurers on a case by case basis.

 3. Advances in vehicle technology and the need to repair vehicles in an
    environmentally responsible manner necessitate continued financial
    investment. A significant number of existing repairers operating in the
    sector are not in a position to make the investment required.

Our core business is the repair of damaged vehicles at our bodyshops throughout
the UK. We will continue to acquire sites as opportunities arise and since the
year end we have acquired bodyshop businesses in Llandudno (January 2007) and
Lincoln (March 2007). We also continuously work on opportunities to further
improve and grow our existing operations. Our management information, supported
by a robust IT platform, enables us to identify and implement operational
improvements much quicker than some our competitors and we continue to leverage
this advantage.

Network Services
Our Network Services division is a support operation that enables fleets and
insurers to opt for a single point of contact or 'one stop shop', should they
wish to do so. We continue to grow in this area and our acquisition of the
business of Aquilo Motor Services in December 2006 has proved a useful addition
to the Group. Based in Northwich, Cheshire Aquilo operates a 24 hour contact
centre offering a comprehensive motor claims management service including
emergency and roadside assistance and engineering services.

This acquisition has a number of strategic benefits including:

 1. It increases our capacity and expertise in the call centre handling of
    drivers involved in an accident and given our number as the first point of
    contact. This process is known in the industry as 'FNOL' or first
    notification of loss.

 2. It enables us to increase our IT platform's scope (in particular with regard
    to claims handling), making it easier for insurance companies and fleet
    customers to work with us.

 3. It enables us, where appropriate, to direct work 'captured' by this process
    into our own repair centres increasing their efficiency.

Mobile Solutions
Launched in 2005, our Mobile Solutions division, a van based service that offers
specialist glass work, air conditioning and electronic diagnostic services,
continues to grow.

In summary, the bodyshop market continues to consolidate, our financial
performance is in line with expectations and our balance sheet is strong. We
will continue to expand our bodyshop capacity and improve our efficiency, and
our support division is growing.

Michael Wilmshurst
Chief Executive

For the year to 31 December 2006

                                                     2006          2005
                                    Notes           #'000         #'000

Sales revenue                                     151,192       139,554
Cost of sales                                     (80,905)      (74,827)

Gross profit                                       70,287        64,727

Distribution costs                                (37,347)      (34,876)
Administrative expenses                           (27,063)      (25,808)
Share option charge                                  (120)            -
Operating profit before non                         
recurring items                                     5,757         4,043
Non recurring items                   2            (3,542)        3,750
Operating profit                                    2,215         7,793
Finance income                        3               169           379
Finance costs                         3               (14)         (873)

Profit for the period before tax                    2,370         7,299

Tax expense                           4              (978)         (789)

Net profit for the period                           1,392         6,510

Earnings per Share
Basic                                 5              3.1p         14.5p
Diluted                               5              3.0p         14.5p

At 31 December 2006

                                                2006         2005
                                 Notes         #'000        #'000
Goodwill                                       5,821        4,648
Property, plant and equipment                  8,933        9,718
Pension and other employee assets  6           3,867        1,991
                                              18,621       16,357
Inventories                                    2,548        2,767
Trade and other receivables                   20,490       22,162
Cash and cash equivalents                      6,932        4,114
                                              29,970       29,043
Total assets                                  48,591       45,400

Equity attributable to the
Share capital                      7           5,609        5,609
Capital redemption reserve                     1,000        1,000
Share premium account                         11,104       11,104
Revaluation reserve                                8            8
Retained earnings                              4,226        2,714
Total equity                                  21,947       20,435

Provisions                                       508          480
Deferred tax liabilities                         685          343
                                               1,193          823
Provisions                                       174          216
Trade and other payables                      24,710       23,311
Current tax liabilities                          567          615
                                              25,451       24,142
Total liabilities                             26,644       24,965
Total equity and liabilities                  48,591       45,400

For the year to 31 December 2006

                         Share     Capital    Share  Reval. Retained   Total
                       Capital  Redemption  Premium Reserve Earnings
                                   Reserve  Account
                         #'000       #'000    #'000   #'000    #'000   #'000

Balance at 1 Jan 2005    5,609       1,000   11,104       8    1,204  18,925

Income for the period        -           -        -       -    6,510   6,510

Dividend paid                -           -        -       -   (5,000) (5,000)

Balance at 31 Dec 2005   5,609       1,000   11,104       8    2,714  20,435

Share option charge          -           -        -       -      120     120

Income for the period        -           -        -       -    1,392   1,392

Balance at 31 Dec 2006   5,609       1,000   11,104       8    4,226  21,947

For the year to 31 December 2006
                                                    2006          2005
                                                   #'000         #'000
Operating activities
Profit for the period before tax                   2,370         7,299
Adjustments (note 8)                               6,293        (1,622)
Outflow from pension obligations                  (2,860)       (2,582)
Outflow from provisions                             (156)         (215)
Tax paid                                            (684)         (113)
                                                   4,963         2,767

Investing activities
Additions to property, plant and equipment        (1,653)       (2,424)
Proceeds from the disposal of property, 
plant and equipment                                  101           208
Acquisition of businesses - cost                    (762)       (4,665)
Acquisition of businesses - debt acquired              -          (799)
Interest received                                    169           379
                                                  (2,145)       (7,301)

Financing activities
Dividend paid                                          -        (5,000)
Proceeds from disposal of preference                  
shares                                                 -         4,750
                                                       -          (250)

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and                
cash equivalents                                   2,818        (4,784)
Cash and cash equivalents at                     
beginning of period                                4,114         8,898
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period         6,932         4,114



This preliminary statement has been prepared on the same basis and using the
same accounting policies as used in the audited financial statements for the
year ended 31 December 2005 except that IAS 33, Earnings per share and IFRS 2,
Share based payments have been applied for the first time.

This preliminary statement does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in
section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The figures for the year ended 31
December 2005 have been extracted from the statutory financial statements which
have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those
financial statements was unmodified.

                                                         2006      2005
                                                        #'000     #'000
Flotation costs                                           683         -
Non recurring bonuses                                   2,859     1,000
Profit on sale of fixed asset investments                   -    (4,750)
Total                                                   3,542    (3,750)

The Accounts include non-recurring bonuses payable on admission to AiM totalling
#2,859,000. Of this amount #2,407,000 was payable to Troy Solutions Limited, a
company where Mr M A Wilmshurst is a director and #400,000 was paid to Mr D J
Loftus. The flotation costs relate to the AiM listing on 4 July 2006. The
#1,000,000 non-recurring bonus paid in 2005 was included within Administration
expenses in the 2005 Accounts, hence the 2005 comparatives have been restated to
classify this as a non-recurring item.

                                                         2006      2005
                                                        #'000     #'000
Finance Income
Interest receivable on bank balances                      169       379

Finance Costs
Pension costs:
- interest on obligation                                3,262     3,344
- expected return on assets                            (3,248)   (2,471)
                                                           14       873

                                                         2006      2005
                                                        #'000     #'000

Current Tax:
United Kingdom corporation tax at 30% (2005: 30%)         636       591
Adjustments in respect of prior years                       -         -
                                                          636       591
Deferred Tax:
Movement relating to pension asset (IAS 19)               563      (200)
Timing differences origination and reversal              (221)      398
                                                          978       789


Basic earnings per share

The basic earnings per share has been calculated using the net results
attributable to the shareholders of the Company of #1,392,000 (2005:

The weighted average number of outstanding shares used for the basic earnings
per share amounted to 44,872,220 (2005: 44,872,220). This number takes into
account the share split that became effective on 4 July 2006.

Diluted earnings per share

The diluted earnings per share has been calculated using the net results
attributable to the shareholders of the Company of #1,392,000 (2005:

The weighted average number of outstanding shares used for the diluted earnings
per share amounted to 46,974,453 (2005: 44,872,220) and assumes the exercise of
all the share options detailed in note 7 since the date they were granted. This
number takes into account the share split that became effective on 4 July 2006.

Underlying earnings per share

The underlying earnings per share has been calculated as follows:

                                                       2006       2005
                                                      #'000      #'000
Profit before tax (as stated)                         2,370      7,299
Non recurring items                                   3,542     (3,750)
                                                      5,912      3,549
Tax expense (as stated)                                (978)      (789)
Tax effect on non recurring items                      (888)      (300)
                                                      4,046      2,460

Adjusted earnings per share                            9.0p       5.5p

The weighted average number of outstanding shares used for the underlying
earnings per share amounted to 44,872,220 (2005: 44,872,220). This number takes
into account the share split that became effective on 4 July 2006.

Underlying earnings per share (FRS 17 basis)

The underlying earnings per share on an FRS 17 basis has been calculated as
                                                       2006       2005
                                                      #'000      #'000
Operating profit before non recurring items        
under FRS 17                                          7,026      5,269
Finance Income                                          169        379
Finance costs under FRS 17                               (7)    (1,004)
Underlying Profit before tax under FRS 17             7,188      4,644
Tax expense as stated                                  (978)      (789)
Deferred tax IAS 19 reversed                            563      (200)
Deferred tax under FRS 17                              (946)      (129)
Tax effect on non recurring items                      (888)      (300)
                                                      4,939      3,226

Adjusted earnings per share                           11.0p       7.2p

The weighted average number of outstanding shares used for the underlying
earnings per share amounted to 44,872,220 (2005: 44,872,220). This number takes
into account the share split that became effective on 4 July 2006.


The Group operates a defined benefit scheme and a defined contribution pension
scheme in the UK which offers both pensions in retirement and death benefits to
members. Since 1st January 2002 the defined benefit scheme has been closed to
new members. The assets of the schemes are administered by trustees independent
of the Group. The Company made contributions of #2,860,000 (2005: #2,582,000) to
the defined benefit scheme during the year. The defined benefit scheme was
closed for future accruals on 31 July 2006 with active members transferred to a
new defined contribution section of the scheme. The Company has agreed with the
trustees of the pension scheme to make annual contributions of approximately
#2.3 million (increasing annually by the Retail Price Index) with a view to
eradicating the Scheme Specific Funding deficit over a period of approximately
7.5 years.

The Group has opted to amortise all actuarial gains and losses above the
corridor (10% of the greater of assets and liabilities) over the future working
lifetime of the active membership. A full actuarial valuation of the defined
benefit scheme was carried out as at 31 December 2005 and was updated to 31
December 2006 by a qualified independent actuary.

IAS 19                                                     2006     2005     2004

The major assumptions used by the actuary were 
(in nominal terms):

Rate of increase in salaries                                n/a     3.3%     3.5%

Rate of increase in pensions - accrued pre 5 April 1997    3.0%     3.0%     3.0%

Rate of increase in pensions - accrued post 5 April 1997  2.85%    2.65%    2.85%

Discount rate                                              5.4%     5.0%     5.4%

Inflation assumption                                      2.85%    2.65%    2.85%

The assumptions used in determining the overall expected return of the scheme
have been set with reference to yields available on government bonds and
appropriate risk margins.

The assets in the scheme and the expected rate of return were:

                         Long-term          Long-term             Long-term
                           rate of            rate of               rate of
                            return             return                return
                          expected    Value  expected     Value    expected     Value
                              2006     2006      2005      2005        2004      2004
                                      #'000               #'000                 #'000
  Equities                    8.1%   34,525      8.0%    29,340        7.5%    18,763
  Bonds                       4.8%    9,341      4.4%     9,493        5.0%    18,800
  Property                    8.1%    6,400      8.0%     5,454                     -
  Other                       3.3%       94      3.0%       232        3.6%        38
                                   --------            --------              --------
  Total market value of            
  assets                             50,360              44,519                37,601

  Present Value of                  
  defined obligations
  (funded plans)                    (70,928)            (65,552)              (61,984)
                                   --------            --------              --------

  Present value of               
  unfunded obligations              (20,568)            (21,033)              (24,383)
  Unrecognised actuarial           
  losses                             24,435              23,024                27,039
  Net asset in balance             
  sheet                               3,867               1,991                 2,656
                                   --------            --------              --------
  Actual return on               
  assets in period                    4,719               5,584                 3,394
                                   --------            --------              --------
Reconciliation of opening and closing balances of the present value of the
defined benefit obligations

                                                  2006       2005       2004
                                                 #'000      #'000      #'000
Benefit obligation at beginning of year         65,552     61,984     56,822
Service cost                                       613      1,148      1,160
Interest cost                                    3,262      3,344      3,125
Contributions by scheme members                    212        328        328
Actuarial loss                                   3,351        323      1,954
Curtailments and settlements                      (611)         -          -
Benefits paid                                   (1,451)    (1,575)    (1,405)
Balance at end of year                          70,928     65,552     61,984

Reconciliation of opening and closing balances of the fair value of plan

                                                 2006      2005      2004
                                                #'000     #'000     #'000
Fair value of scheme assets at beginning of    
year                                           44,519    37,601    32,735
Expected return on scheme assets                3,248     2,471     2,153
Actuarial gain                                    972     3,113     1,270
Contributions by employers                      2,860     2,581     2,520
Contributions by scheme members                   212       328       328
Benefits paid                                  (1,451)   (1,575)   (1,405)
Asset at end of year                           50,360    44,519    37,601

The amounts recognised in the income statement are:

                                                          2006      2005
                                                         #'000     #'000
Current service cost                                       613     1,148
Interest on obligation                                   3,262     3,344
Expected return on assets                               (3,248)   (2,471)
Curtailments and settlements                              (611)        -
Actuarial loss recognised in year                          969     1,226
                                                           985     3,247
Charged to:
Administration expenses                                    971     2,374
Finance costs                                               14       873
                                                           985     3,247

History of scheme assets, obligations         2006     2005     2004
and experience adjustments                   #'000    #'000    #'000

Present value of defined benefit           
obligations                                (70,928) (65,552) (61,984)
Fair value of scheme assets                 50,360   44,519   37,601
Deficit in scheme                          (20,568) (21,033) (24,383)

Experience adjustments arising on scheme     
liabilities                                 3,351      323    1,954
Experience item as a % of scheme        
liabilities                                    5%       0%       3%
Experience adjustments arising on scheme  
assets                                        972    3,113    1,270
Experience item as a % of scheme assets        2%       7%       3%

Effect on profitability: comparison between IAS 19 and FRS 17

                                                          2006      2005
                                                         #'000     #'000
Operating result before non recurring items as           
stated                                                   5,757     4,043

Add back actuarial loss recognised under IAS 19            969     1,226
Additional curtailment gain under FRS 17                   300         -
Operating result before non recurring items under        
FRS 17                                                   7,026     5,269
Non recurring items                                     (3,542)    3,750
Operating result under FRS 17                            3,484     9,019
Finance income                                             169       379
Finance costs under FRS 17                                  (7)   (1,004)
Profit before tax under FRS 17                           3,646     8,394
Tax expense as stated                                     (978)     (789)
Deferred tax under IAS 19 reversed                         563      (200)
Deferred tax under FRS 17                                 (946)     (129)
Profit after tax under FRS 17                            2,285     7,276

The Profit before tax and non recurring items under FRS 17 in 2006 was #7,188k
(2005 #4,644k).

Effect on total equity: comparison between IAS 19 and FRS 17

                                                          2006      2005
                                                         #'000     #'000
Total equity as stated under IAS 19                     21,947    20,435
Less IAS 19 asset                                       (3,867)   (1,991)
Add back IAS 19 deferred tax provision                   1,160       597
FRS 17 deficit                                         (20,088)  (20,796)
Deferred tax asset under FRS 17                          6,026     6,239
Total equity under FRS 17                                5,178     4,484


Share Capital
                                    2006                    2005
                                Shares       #'000      Shares       #'000
Ordinary shares of 12.5 p   
(25p) each                  64,000,000       8,000  32,000,000       8,000

Issued and fully paid
Ordinary shares of 12.5p    
(25p) each                  44,872,220       5,609  22,436,110       5,609

On 31 May 2006 each of the Ordinary Shares of 25p each was sub-divided into two
ordinary Shares of 12.5p each.

Share Options

The following options were issued on 4th July 2006:
                                            No. of    Exercise    Exercise
                                            Shares       Price       eriod

M A Wilmshurst             Approved         25,751      #1.165     2009-16
                           Unapproved    2,217,860       #1.11     2009-16
D J Loftus                 Approved         25,751      #1.165     2009-16
                           Unapproved    1,096,055       #1.11     2009-16
S D G Thompson             Approved         25,751      #1.165     2009-16
                           Unapproved      871,693       #1.11     2009-16


The following non-cash flow adjustments have been made to the pre-tax result for
the year to arrive at operating cash flow:
                                                        2006       2005
Adjustments:                                           #'000      #'000

Movement in pension fund asset- IAS19                    985      3,247
Share option scheme charge                               120          -
Depreciation                                           2,407      2,538
Changes in inventories                                   219       (252)
Changes in trade and other receivables                 2,949     (1,630)
Changes in trade and other payables                     (360)      (499)
Changes in provisions                                    142        125
Profit on sale of property, plant and equipment            -        (22)
Finance Income                                          (169)      (379)
Profit on sale of fixed asset investments                  -     (4,750)
Total                                                  6,293     (1,622)


The audited financial statements will be posted to shareholders on 2 April 2007
and will be available from the registered office of Nationwide Accident Repair
Services plc at 17A Thorney Leys Park, Witney, Oxfordshire, OX28 4GE.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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