Octopus Apollo VCT Plc 
   Final Results 
   29 May 2015 
   Octopus Apollo VCT plc, managed by Octopus Investments Limited, today 
announces the final results for the year ended 31 January 2015. 
   These results were approved by the Board of Directors on 29 May 2015. 
   You may, in due course, view the Annual Report in full at 
www.octopusinvestments.com. All other statutory information can also be 
found there. 
   Financial Summary - Ordinary shares 
                              Year to 31 January 2015  Year to 31 January 2014 
Net assets (GBP'000s)                          68,810                   63,905 
Return on ordinary 
 activities after tax 
 (GBP'000s)                                     2,270                    1,751 
Net asset value per share                       84.8p                    86.8p 
Cumulative dividends paid                       27.5p                    22.5p 
 since launch 
Total return (NAV plus                         112.3p                   109.3p 
 cumulative dividends paid) 
Proposed final dividend                          2.5p                     2.5p 
   A final dividend of 2.5p per Ordinary share will be paid on 31 July 2015 
to shareholders on the register on 3 July 2015. 
   Financial Summary - C Ordinary shares 
                                                     Year to 31 January 2015 
Net assets (GBP'000s)                                                 50,753 
Return on ordinary activities after tax (GBP'000s)                        22 
Net asset value per share (NAV)                                        98.0p 
Cumulative dividends paid since launch                                  7.0p 
Total return (NAV plus cumulative dividends paid)                     105.0p 
   Reconciliation of the Movement in NAV per share - Ordinary shares 
NAV as at 1 February 2014          86.8p 
  Income                            3.5p 
General Expenses                   (1.2p) 
Management fees                    (1.4p) 
Performance fees                   (0.6p) 
Unrealised gains on investments      1.7p 
Realised gains on investments        1.0p 
Dividends paid                     (5.0p) 
  NAV as at 31 January 2015         84.8p 
   Reconciliation of the Movement in NAV per share - C shares 
NAV on acquisition as at 28 November 2014   97.8p* 
  Income                                      1.0p 
General Expenses                             (0.2)p 
Management fees                              (1.5p) 
Unrealised losses on investments             (0.1)p 
Realised gains on investments                  1.0p 
  NAV as at 31 January 2015                   98.0p 
   *the C Ordinary shares were created as part of the acquisition of the 
assets and liabilities of Octopus VCT plc ("OVCT"). Shareholders in OVCT 
were issued 1 C Ordinary share for every 1 OVCT share held. 
   Chairman's Statement 
   I am pleased to present the annual report of Octopus Apollo VCT plc for 
the year ended 31 January 2015 and I should like to welcome all new 
shareholders following the acquisition of assets and liabilities of 
Octopus VCT plc. 
   It has been a positive year for the Company. In addition to raising 
nearly GBP4.1 million by way of a top up offer in February 2014, the 
Company launched an Offer for Subscription to raise up to GBP20 million, 
with an over allotment facility of a further GBP10 million, in October 
2014. At the time of writing GBP19.5 million had been raised under the 
   In November 2014 the Company acquired the assets of Octopus VCT plc 
("OVCT"), increasing the net assets of the Company by GBP50.7 million 
and making it one of the largest VCTs in the country. OVCT was 
established in 2009 as a limited life VCT seeking to deliver a total 
return to shareholders at the end of the five year qualifying holding 
period of at least 105p per share. The commercial arrangement in respect 
of the C Ordinary shares is that no annual management fee has yet been 
paid to Octopus and will only be paid after five years and once 
shareholders have received dividends and distributions totalling or 
exceeding 105p per share. The total return rose above 105p per share in 
the period under review and, as such, an accrual of GBP777,000 has been 
made in the accounts to reflect the fee payable on the amount over and 
above 105p. 
   The Company created a new C Ordinary share class through the issue of 
52,035,840 C shares to the former shareholders of OVCT and the 
investment portfolio is currently separately accounted for under this 
share class.  The C share class structure has been established to enable 
the Board to monitor the performance of the C share assets to ascertain 
whether the 105p total return target referred to above is achieved and 
therefore whether any management fee is payable to Octopus in respect of 
the C share portfolio. C shareholders will soon be offered the 
opportunity to realise their investment or to convert their shares into 
Ordinary shares. We will be writing to them in the summer setting out 
details of this process. 
   Following the acquisition of OVCT's assets and liabilities 
("transaction") I am delighted to welcome James Otter, the former 
Chairman of OVCT to the Board. James brings with him a wealth of 
knowledge both of OVCT, as well as of VCTs and smaller companies in 
general. I am also pleased that Chris Powles and Matt Cooper have 
continued as directors of the Company, retaining their considerable 
experience. I should also like to take this opportunity to thank Tony 
Morgan, who resigned following the transaction, for his outstanding 
contribution to the Company. Tony was appointed Chairman of the Company 
at launch in July 2006 and held that position until its transaction with 
Octopus Apollo VCT 1 plc, Octopus Apollo VCT 2 plc and Octopus Apollo 
VCT 4 plc in September 2012, whereupon he stood down as Chairman but 
remained as a director. This continuity and Tony's input has been 
invaluable. Resolutions to appoint James Otter and to re-elect Matt 
Cooper will be proposed at the forthcoming AGM. 
   The net asset value ('NAV") of the Ordinary share class has fallen from 
86.8p per Ordinary share as at 31 January 2014 to 84.8p per share as at 
31 January 2015. After adding back the 5.0p of dividends paid in the 
year, the total return (NAV plus cumulative dividends paid) has risen by 
2.7%, from 109.3p per share as at 31 January 2014 to 112.3p per share as 
at 31 January 2015. 
   The C Ordinary shares were issued on completion of the transaction on 28 
November 2014 at a deemed issue price of 97.8p per C share. As at 31 
January 2015 the NAV per share of the C shares had risen to 98.0p. 
   Dividend and Dividend Policy 
   It is your Board's policy to maintain a regular dividend flow where 
possible in order to take advantage of the tax free distributions a VCT 
is able to provide. 
   Given the performance of the Company your Board has proposed a final 
dividend of 2.5 pence per Ordinary share in respect of the year ended 31 
January 2015.  This will bring the total dividends paid on the Ordinary 
share class in respect of the year to 5 pence. The dividend will be 
payable on 31 July 2015 to Ordinary shareholders on the register at 3 
July 2015. 
   In view of the forthcoming liquidity event for holders of the Company's 
C Ordinary shares no dividend has been proposed in respect of this share 
   Dividend Reinvestment Scheme (DRIS) 
   In common with a number of VCTs, the Company has introduced a dividend 
reinvestment scheme following approval at the general meeting held on 21 
November 2014. This is an attractive scheme for investors who do not 
need income, but would prefer to benefit from additional income tax 
relief on their re-invested dividend. I hope that shareholders will find 
this scheme beneficial. 
   Share Buybacks 
   Your Company has continued to buy back shares as required. Subject to 
shareholder approval at the forthcoming annual general meeting this 
facility will remain in place to provide liquidity to investors who may 
wish to sell their shares. 
   Investment Portfolio 
   The transaction with Octopus VCT plc ("OVCT") on 28 November 2014 
resulted in the Company acquiring its GBP50.3m investment portfolio 
which had been invested under a capital preservation mandate. 
   In January 2015, both share classes participated in Project Radiate in 
which the Company disposed of seven of its solar sector investments 
generating proceeds for the Company of GBP12.5m. Other exits and 
repayments in the year totalled GBP9.9m for the Ordinary shares and 
GBP0.1m for the C shares. 
   During the year the Company made GBP13.2m of new investments and rolled 
over its entire GBP10.9m investment in Clifford Thames into a new 
management buyout deal. It also reinvested its partnership gains of 
GBP0.5m into Terido, a trading partnership managed by Octopus 
Investments which supports a range of secured asset backed lending in 
sectors including residential property and solar and typically generates 
returns for the Company of approximately 4%. This brings the total 
investment in Terido to GBP15.2m as at 31 January 2015. 
   The Company, by the year end, had invested sufficiently in order to meet 
all the requirements for it to fully qualify as a VCT. Following the 
recent exits and fundraising the Investment Manager now has the 
opportunity to make further investments with the aim of accelerating the 
NAV of the Company over the foreseeable future. 
   Investment Strategy 
   As set out in the prospectus, the aim of the Company is to make 
investments that focus more on capital preservation than a typical VCT. 
To date the Investment Manager has been successful in achieving this aim, 
as evidenced by the positive return on ordinary activities. 
   Typically the structure of the investments is weighted more heavily 
towards loan based instruments as opposed to equity. Such investments 
provide fixed returns and payments are generally ranked above most other 
creditors, allowing for future visibility and security. This strategy 
also reduces the downward risk that is an intrinsic element of an equity 
   Having passed its five year qualifying period, it is the intention of 
the Board that the Company should remain as a VCT and continue to invest 
in accordance with the original investment mandate. The C Ordinary share 
portfolio will also continue to invest under the same mandate. 
   VCT Qualifying Status 
   PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP provides the Board and Investment Manager 
with advice concerning ongoing compliance with Her Majesty's Revenue & 
Customs ('HMRC') rules and regulations concerning VCTs. The Board has 
been advised that the Company is in compliance with the conditions laid 
down by HMRC for maintaining approval as a VCT. 
   A key requirement is now to maintain the 70% qualifying investment 
level. As at 31 January 2015, 90.0% of the portfolio, as measured by 
HMRC rules, was invested in VCT qualifying investments. 
   Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) 
   The AIFMD, an EU directive, came into effect during the year with the 
aim of delivering consistency of reporting across all fund types. In 
accordance with the legislation the Company applied to the Financial 
Conduct Authority to register as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager 
(AIFM). Confirmation of the Company's entry in the register of small 
registered UK AIFMs was received on 10 April 2014. As such, the Company 
is required to submit an annual report to the FCA setting out various 
information relating to its investments, principal exposures and 
liquidity, amongst other things. 
   Annual General Meeting 
   The Company's Annual General Meeting will take place on 14 July 2015 at 
3.00 p.m. I look forward to welcoming you to the meeting which will be 
held at the new offices of Octopus Investments Limited at 33 Holborn, 
London, EC1N 2HT. Directions to their office can be found by visiting 
their website at: www.octopusinvestments.com. 
   Electronic Communications 
   Based on feedback from shareholders, and in order to reduce the cost of 
printing and the consequential impact on the environment, we now offer 
shareholders the opportunity to forgo their printed report and account 
documents in favour of receiving electronic or mail notification with 
details of how to view the documents online. 
   Since the Company's launch we have seen significant Government changes 
to the subsidy regime for the renewable energy sector and an economy 
which has until recently struggled to grow following the global 
financial crisis.  However the returns to shareholders have increased 
steadily year on year, which is testament to the prudent investment 
approach adopted by the Investment Manager.  The general economic 
outlook is now more certain, the portfolio has been performing well and 
your Board and Investment Manager believe we can continue to find 
suitable investments to support the Company's mandate. 
   Murray Steele 
   29 May 2015 
   Investment Manager's Review 
   Personal Service 
   At Octopus we have dual focus on managing your investments and keeping 
you informed throughout the investment process.  We are committed to 
providing our investors with regular and open communication.  Our 
updates are designed to keep you informed about the progress of your 
   Octopus was established in 2000 and has a strong commitment to both 
smaller companies and to VCTs.  We currently manage eight VCTs, 
including this one, and manage over GBP480 million in the VCT sector. 
Octopus has over 300 employees.  The investment team that manages the 
portfolio of your Company is comprised of 8 managers, with additional 
support from specialist investment teams and support staff. 
   Investment Policy 
   The investment approach of Octopus Apollo VCT plc is to invest with a 
focus on capital preservation.  The majority of companies in which 
Apollo invests operate in sectors where there is a high degree of 
predictability.  Ideally, we seek companies that have contractual 
revenues from financially sound customers that will provide an exit to 
the Company within three to five years. 
   The Company made a net return per Ordinary share of 2.9%  between 31 
January 2014 and 31 January 2015. Whilst the NAV per Ordinary share 
decreased slightly from 86.8p to 84.8p, 5.0p of dividends were paid over 
the period, bringing cumulative dividends paid to date to 27.5p and the 
total return (NAV plus cumulative dividends) to 112.3p pence per share. 
   The C Ordinary shares were issued on completion of the transaction on 28 
November 2014 at a deemed issue price of 97.8p per C Ordinary share. As 
at 31 January 2015 the NAV of the C Ordinary shares had risen to 98.2p 
per share. 
   Portfolio Review 
   The GBP50.3m portfolio of assets of Octopus VCT plc acquired in November 
2014 was made up predominantly of investments in the solar and other 
renewable energy sectors. These assets are currently being accounted for 
separately from the assets held by the Ordinary shares, in a new class 
of share known as the C Ordinary shares, until all C shareholders have 
reached the fifth anniversary of their investment, later in 2015. 
   In the year under review the Company invested GBP3.8m in Vista Retail 
Support, a company that provides repairs and maintenance services for 
tills and chip and pin devices and GBP2.7m in Countrywide Healthcare 
Supplies, a nationwide supplier of products to the care home industry. 
The GBP10.9m investment in Clifford Thames was reinvested to provide 
continued support to the business following a management buyout led by 
Lloyds Development Capital.  The Company also provided GBP2.5m of 
funding to Byena Limited and GBP4.2m to Aquaso Limited, two acquisition 
vehicles which have been set up ahead of acquiring qualifying trading 
   During the year, the Company increased its investment in Terido, a 
trading partnership managed by Octopus Investments which supports a 
diverse range of secured asset backed lending in sectors including 
residential property and solar.  The purpose of investing in Terido is 
improve returns on surplus cash which would otherwise be on bank deposit 
awaiting VCT qualifying investment opportunities.  Terido has been 
delivering net returns to Apollo of c. 4% per annum and funds can be 
withdrawn relatively quickly, as required.  As at 31 January 2015 
GBP15.2m was held in Terido. 
   In January 2015 both share classes participated in Project Radiate in 
which the Company disposed of investments in Gretel Solar, Hedwig Solar, 
Klara Solar, Jutta Solar, Gerde Solar, Sula Power and Shakti. These 
disposals generated proceeds for the Company of GBP12.5m, resulting in 
an overall gain since initial investment of GBP2.2m, with GBP1.7m 
attributable to the Ordinary shares and GBP0.5m attributable to the C 
Ordinary shares. 
   The Ordinary share portfolio also exited the following investments 
during the year: Borro Loan 2 was repaid and the Company received back 
GBP3.5m along with all the outstanding loan interest, resulting in an 
IRR of 14.6%; Hydrobolt was exited for proceeds of GBP1.5m; and a 
partial loan repayment of GBP1.3m was also received from Callstream 
Group in the year under review. The decision was taken to call in the 
loan to Bruce Dunlop and Associates International as a result of 
continued deterioration in its outlook.  The Company received proceeds 
of GBP0.4m which was slightly higher than the valuation and so therefore 
the NAV was not adversely impacted.  Over the period of investment a 
further GBP0.4m of the original GBP2.0m investment was repaid.  The C 
share portfolio received a loan repayment of GBP99,000 from Michabo 
Power Limited. 
   The Company's investment portfolio is set out below.  It continues to 
hold appropriate investments to meet all the requirements for it to 
fully qualify as a VCT. The Investment Manager now has the opportunity 
to make a limited number of further investments with the aim of 
accelerating the NAV of the Company over the foreseeable future. 
   We remain optimistic about the outlook for the portfolio and future 
investment prospects. 
   Following the transaction with OVCT the Company has a large and diverse 
portfolio constructed on a basis of capital preservation.  It has 
weathered the difficult economic conditions of the past few years and 
has been growing in value. 
   The investment team has been increasingly active in the search for new 
opportunities and has seen the pipeline of potential deals steadily 
increase.  Although lending banks are getting more aggressive, they have 
been less active in smaller deals and many companies continue to be 
attracted to the partnership approach offered by Apollo. 
   The current fundraising and recent exits provide significant financial 
capacity for new investments and, as one of the largest VCTs in the 
country, Apollo has the ability to pursue larger deals than most VCTs 
and provide significant follow-on investment, which is a strong 
competitive advantage. 
   If you have any questions on any aspect of your investment, please call 
one of the team on 0800 316 2295. 
   Grant Paul-Florence 
   Octopus Investments Limited 
   29 May 2015 
   Valuation Methodology 
   Initial measurement 
   With one exception the investments held by Apollo are all unquoted and 
as such there is no trading platform from which prices can be easily 
obtained. Financial assets are measured at fair value.  The initial best 
estimate of fair value of a financial asset that is either quoted or not 
quoted in an active market is the transaction price of the recent round 
(i.e. cost). 
   Subsequent measurement 
   Subsequent adjustment to the fair value of unquoted investments has been 
made using sector multiples where applicable, based on information as at 
31 January 2015.  In some cases the multiples have been compared to 
equivalent companies where it is believed that this is more appropriate 
than a sector multiple.  In instances where an investment has 
predictable future cash flows, discounted cash flow valuations are used 
to support the fair value. 
   In accordance with our interpretation of the International Private 
Equity and Venture Capital ('IPEVC') valuation guidelines, investments 
made within 12 months are usually kept at cost, unless performance 
indicates that fair value has changed. 
   If you would like to find out more regarding the IPEVC valuation 
guidelines, please visit their website at: 
   Investment Portfolio - Ordinary shares 
                                                  in fair     Fair 
                                     Investment  value to   value as   Movement 
                                     cost as at     31        at 31     in fair   % equity 
                                     31 January   January    January   value in   held by 
                                        2015       2015       2015       year     Ordinary 
Investments     Sector               (GBP'000)   (GBP'000)  (GBP'000)  (GBP'000)   shares 
                Asset backed 
Terido LLP *     lending                 15,222          -     15,222          -      0.0% 
 Thames Group   Automotive software 
 Limited         & data                   7,197      1,111      8,308        713      7.6% 
CSL DualCom 
 Limited        Security devices          6,911         63      6,974         16      2.0% 
Vista Retail 
 Support        Retail support 
 Limited         services                 3,758          -      3,758          -     10.4% 
 Limited        Healthcare                2,675          -      2,675          -     20.7% 
Byena Limited   Acquisition vehicle       2,500          -      2,500          -     49.9% 
 Services and 
 Limited        Acquisition vehicle       2,500          -      2,500          -     49.9% 
Aquaso Limited  Acquisition vehicle       2,100          -      2,100          -     49.9% 
Mablaw 555      Crack Detection 
 Limited         Systems                  2,000         44      2,044         14      6.6% 
 Heat Limited   Anaerobic digestion       2,000          -      2,000          -     49.9% 
Winnipeg Heat 
 Limited        Anaerobic digestion       2,000          -      2,000          -     49.9% 
 Limited        Solar                     2,000       (29)      1,971        223     41.2% 
 Limited        Chauffeur services          798        694      1,492        537      3.9% 
 Limited        Telecommunications          472        222        694         10      6.5% 
3AM Music 
 Limited        Media                       500         48        548          3     33.3% 
 Limited        Media                       600      (140)        460      (174)      3.0% 
 Country Inns 
 plc            Restaurants & bars           44       (24)         20        (2)      1.3% 
Total investments                        53,277      1,989     55,266      1,340 
Money market 
funds                                                               - 
Cash at bank                                                   21,264 
Debtors less creditors                                        (7,720) 
Net assets                                                     68,810 
   *Participation in trading partner representing 29.0% of the LLP at 31 
January 2015 
   Investment Portfolio - C shares 
                                             in fair     Fair 
                                Investment  value to   value as   Movement 
                                cost as at     31        at 31     in fair   % equity 
                                31 January   January    January   value in   held by 
                                   2015       2015       2015       year        C 
Investments       Sector        (GBP'000)   (GBP'000)  (GBP'000)  (GBP'000)   shares 
Clifford Thames    software & 
 Group Limited     data              6,121          -      6,121          -      6.4% 
CSL DualCom 
 Holdings         Security 
 Limited           devices           3,895       (13)      3,882       (13)      1.4% 
 Services and 
 Technology       Acquisition 
 Limited           vehicle           2,500          -      2,500          -     49.9% 
Aquaso Limited     vehicle           2,100          -      2,100          -     49.9% 
Tanganyika Heat   Anaerobic 
 Limited           digestion         2,000          -      2,000          -     49.9% 
GreenCo Services 
 2 Limited        Solar              1,600        129      1,729        129     40.9% 
3AM Music 
 Limited          Media              1,500        144      1,644        144     49.9% 
Mablaw 555         Detection 
 Limited           Systems           1,172      (150)      1,022      (150)      3.3% 
Superior Heat      source 
 Limited           heat              1,000          -      1,000          -     49.9% 
Winnipeg Heat     Anaerobic 
 Limited           digestion         1,000          -      1,000          -     49.9% 
 Limited          Solar              1,000          -      1,000          -     49.9% 
5AM Music 
 Limited          Media                850        136        986        136     49.9% 
 Limited          Solar                992        (6)        986        (6)     30.2% 
 Limited          Solar                973         12        985         12     18.2% 
Horrebow Energy 
 Limited          Solar                973         12        985         12     49.9% 
Mallina Power 
 Limited          Solar                973         12        985         12     49.9% 
Misae Power 
 Limited          Solar                973         12        985         12     49.9% 
Paivatar Power 
 Limited          Solar                973         12        985         12     49.9% 
MediaCo Business 
 Limited          Solar                973         12        985         12     30.2% 
 Limited          Solar                973         12        985         12     30.2% 
Saas Business 
 Limited          Solar                973         12        985         12     30.2% 
Jokim Limited     Solar                952         22        974         22     49.9% 
Acquire Your 
 Business         Business 
 Limited           services            842        (7)        835        (7)     48.9% 
Atlantic Screen 
 Limited          Media              1,057      (289)        768      (289)     49.9% 
Howbery Solar 
 Park Limited     Solar                707         39        746         39     49.9% 
Nima Power 
 Limited          Solar                614         12        626         12     12.5% 
Tuwale Power 
 Limited          Solar                614         12        626         12     12.5% 
Gnowee Power 
 Limited          Solar                614         10        624         10     17.9% 
Hella Solar 
 Limited          Solar                614          9        623          9     19.3% 
Helaku Power 
 Limited          Solar                609         10        619         10     25.0% 
EFK Diagnostics 
 Holdings plc     Healthcare           679      (175)        504      (175)      1.0% 
Cyrah Power 
 Limited          Solar                500          -        500          -     16.7% 
Evaki Power 
 Limited          Solar                500          -        500          -     16.7% 
Grian Power 
 Limited          Solar                500          -        500          -     12.5% 
Intina Power 
 Limited          Solar                500          -        500          -     12.5% 
Yata Power 
 Limited          Solar                500          -        500          -     16.7% 
Teruko Power 
 Limited          Solar                500       (34)        466       (34)     17.9% 
Tonatiuh Trading 
 2 Limited        Solar                500       (52)        448       (52)     17.8% 
PTB Films 
 Limited          Media                222          3        225          3     12.5% 
Quickfire 2 
 Films Limited    Media                180       (22)        158       (22)      6.5% 
Quickfire Films 
 Limited          Media                157       (16)        141       (16)      6.5% 
Michabo Power 
 Limited          Solar                 40          -         40          -      0.0% 
Total investments                   44,915      (142)     44,773      (142) 
Money market 
funds                                                          - 
Cash at bank                                                   - 
Debtors less creditors                                     5,980 
Net assets                                                50,753 
   Investment Portfolio - Ordinary shares and C shares combined 
                                                   Movement                                             % equity 
                                                    in fair     Fair                                    held by 
                                       Investment  value to   value as   Movement                         all 
                                       cost as at     31        at 31     in fair   % equity  % equity   funds 
                                       31 January   January    January   value in   held by   held by   managed 
                                          2015       2015       2015       year      Apollo    Apollo      by 
Investments       Sector               (GBP'000)   (GBP'000)  (GBP'000)  (GBP'000)    Ords      C's     Octopus 
                  Asset backed 
Terido LLP *       lending                 15,222          -     15,222          -      0.0%      0.0%      0.0% 
Clifford Thames   Automotive software 
 Group Limited     & data                  13,318      1,110     14,428        713      7.6%      6.4%     14.0% 
CSL DualCom 
 Limited          Security devices         10,806         51     10,857          3      2.0%      1.4%      3.4% 
 Services and 
 Limited          Acquisition vehicle       5,000          -      5,000          -     49.9%     49.9%    100.0% 
Aquaso Limited    Acquisition vehicle       4,200          -      4,200          -     49.9%     49.9%    100.0% 
Tanganyika Heat 
 Limited          Anaerobic digestion       4,000          -      4,000          -     49.9%     49.9%    100.0% 
Vista Retail 
 Support          Retail support 
 Limited           services                 3,758          -      3,758          -     10.4%      0.0%     10.4% 
Mablaw 555        Crack Detection 
 Limited           Systems                  3,172      (105)      3,067      (136)      6.6%      3.3%      9.9% 
Winnipeg Heat 
 Limited          Anaerobic digestion       3,000          -      3,000          -     49.9%     49.9%    100.0% 
 Limited          Solar                     2,973       (17)      2,956        235     41.2%     18.2%    100.0% 
 Limited          Healthcare                2,675          -      2,675          -     20.7%      0.0%     20.7% 
Byena Limited     Acquisition vehicle       2,500          -      2,500          -     49.9%     49.9%    100.0% 
3AM Music 
 Limited          Media                     2,000        192      2,192        147     33.3%     49.9%    100.0% 
GreenCo Services 
 2 Limited        Solar                     1,600        129      1,729        129      0.0%     40.9%    100.0% 
Project Tristar 
 Limited          Chauffeur services          798        693      1,491        537      3.9%      0.0%     35.0% 
Atlantic Screen 
 Limited          Media                     1,657      (430)      1,227      (464)      3.0%     49.9%    100.0% 
 Limited          Solar                     1,000          -      1,000          -      0.0%     49.9%    100.0% 
Superior Heat 
 Limited          Ground source heat        1,000          -      1,000          -      0.0%     49.9%    100.0% 
5AM Music 
 Limited          Media                       850        137        987        137      0.0%     49.9%    100.0% 
 Limited          Solar                       992        (6)        986        (6)      0.0%     30.2%     90.6% 
Horrebow Energy 
 Limited          Solar                       973         12        985         12      0.0%     49.9%    100.0% 
Mallina Power 
 Limited          Solar                       973         12        985         12      0.0%     49.9%    100.0% 
MediaCo Business 
 Limited          Solar                       973         12        985         12      0.0%     30.2%     90.6% 
Misae Power 
 Limited          Solar                       973         12        985         12      0.0%     49.9%     49.9% 
Paivatar Power 
 Limited          Solar                       973         12        985         12      0.0%     49.9%     49.9% 
 Limited          Solar                       973         12        985         12      0.0%     30.2%     90.6% 
Saas Business 
 Limited          Solar                       973         12        985         12      0.0%     30.2%     90.6% 
Jokim Limited     Solar                       952         22        974         22      0.0%     49.9%    100.0% 
Acquire Your 
 Limited          Business services           842        (7)        835        (7)      0.0%     48.9%    100.0% 
Howbery Solar 
 Park Limited     Solar                       707         40        747         40      0.0%     49.9%    100.0% 
Callstream Group 
 Limited          Telecommunications          472        222        694         10      6.5%      0.0%      6.5% 
Nima Power 
 Limited          Solar                       614         12        626         12      0.0%     12.5%    100.0% 
Tuwale Power 
 Limited          Solar                       614         12        626         12      0.0%     12.5%    100.0% 
Gnowee Power 
 Limited          Solar                       614         10        624         10      0.0%     17.9%    100.0% 
Hella Solar 
 Limited          Solar                       614         10        624          9      0.0%     19.3%    100.0% 
Helaku Power 
 Limited          Solar                       609         10        619         10      0.0%     25.0%     50.0% 
EKF Diagnostics 
 Holdings plc     Healthcare                  678      (176)        502      (176)      0.0%      1.0%      6.3% 
Cyrah Power 
 Limited          Solar                       500          -        500          -      0.0%     16.7%    100.0% 
Evaki Power 
 Limited          Solar                       500          -        500          -      0.0%     16.7%    100.0% 
Grian Power 
 Limited          Solar                       500          -        500          -      0.0%     12.5%    100.0% 
Intina Power 
 Limited          Solar                       500          -        500          -      0.0%     12.5%    100.0% 
Yata Power 
 Limited          Solar                       500          -        500          -      0.0%     16.7%    100.0% 
Teruko Power 
 Limited          Solar                       500       (34)        466       (34)      0.0%     17.9%    100.0% 
Tonatiuh Trading 
 2 Limited        Solar                       500       (52)        448       (52)      0.0%     17.8%    100.0% 
PTB Films 
 Limited          Media                       222          3        225          3      0.0%     12.5%    100.0% 
Quickfire 2 
 Films Limited    Media                       180       (22)        158       (22)      0.0%      6.5%     99.9% 
Quickfire Films 
 Limited          Media                       157       (16)        141       (16)      0.0%      6.5%     99.7% 
Michabo Power 
 Limited          Solar                        40          -         40          -      0.0%      0.0%      0.0% 
British Country 
 Inns plc         Restaurants & bars           44       (24)         20        (2)      1.3%      0.0%      1.3% 
%Total investments                         98,191      1,848    100,039      1,198 
Money market 
funds                                                                 - 
Cash at bank                                                     21,264 
Debtors less creditors                                          (1,740) 
Net assets                                                      119,563 
   *Participation in trading partner representing 29.0% of the LLP at 31 
January 2015 
   Review of Investments 
   At 31 January 2015 Apollo's portfolio comprised investments in 48 
unquoted companies and one AIM-traded investment. The unquoted 
investments are in Ordinary shares with full voting rights as well as 
loan note securities and a participation in a limited liability 
   Unquoted investments are valued in accordance with guidelines for the 
valuation of venture capital portfolios and is compliant with IPEVC 
Valuations guidelines and current financial reporting standards. 
   Ten Largest Holdings 
   Listed below are the ten largest investments by value as at 31 January 
   Terido LLP 
   Terido is a trading partnership managed by Octopus Investments which 
supports a range of secured asset backed lending in sectors including 
residential property and solar. Terido invests in a significant number 
of individual companies in order to ensure diversification for the 
partnership. Apollo's investment in Terido can be accessed at short 
notice should Apollo require these funds to make other investments or 
pay running costs of the Company. 
Asset class      Cost (GBP'000)    Valuation (GBP'000) 
Participation         GBP15,222              GBP15,222 
Total                 GBP15,222              GBP15,222 
   Investment date:                                               June 2013 
   Equity held:                                                        0.0% 
   Last audited accounts:                                  31 March 2014 
   Revenues:                                                           GBP21.8 million 
   Profit before interest & tax:                           GBP20.0 million 
   Net assets:                                                          GBP174.5 million 
   Income receivable recognised in year:     GBP618,000 
   Valuation basis:                                                Transaction cost 
   Clifford Thames Group Limited (Clifford Thames) 
   Clifford Thames is a market-leading provider of consultancy, business 
outsourcing, software and data services for the automotive industry, and 
is a key partner of most of the world's leading car manufacturers.  With 
offices in eight countries, Clifford Thames has a well-established and 
impressive client list including Ford, GM Europe, Jaguar Land Rover, 
Mazda and Fiat. Further information can be found at the company's 
website www.clifford-thames.com. 
Asset class              Cost (GBP'000)    Valuation (GBP'000) 
'P' shares                     GBP5,498               GBP5,498 
'B' preference shares             GBP26                  GBP26 
Loan stock                     GBP7,794               GBP8,904 
Total                         GBP13,318              GBP14,428 
   Investment date:                                               January 2010 
   Equity held:                                                        14.0% 
   Last audited accounts:                                  31 March 2014 
   Revenues:                                                           GBP19.8 million 
   Profit before interest & tax:                           GBP0.6 million 
   Net assets:                                                          GBP11.6 million 
   Income receivable recognised in year:     GBP419,000 
   Valuation basis:                                                Earnings multiple 
   CSL DualCom Limited ('CSL') 
   CSL is the UK's leading supplier of dual path signalling devices, which 
link burglar alarms to the police or a private security firm. The 
devices communicate using both a telephone line or broadband connection 
and a wireless link. CSL has developed a number of new products for the 
sector, which have enabled the business to steadily grow its market 
share of new connections and its profitability since the initial 
investment. Further information can be found at the company's website 
Asset class        Cost (GBP'000)    Valuation (GBP'000) 
Ordinary shares            GBP106                 GBP157 
Loan stock              GBP10,700              GBP10,700 
Total                   GBP10,806              GBP10,857 
   Investment date:                                               February 2009 
   Equity held:                                                        3.4% 
   Last audited accounts:                                  31 March 2014 
   Revenues:                                                           GBP14.1 million 
   Profit before interest & tax:                           GBP2.4 million 
   Net assets:                                                          GBP10.3 million 
   Income receivable recognised in year:     GBP585,000 
   Valuation basis:                                                Earnings multiple 
   Healthcare Services and Technology Limited 
   Healthcare Services and Technology is an acquisition vehicle seeking a 
qualifying investment in the healthcare sector. 
Asset class        Cost (GBP'000)    Valuation (GBP'000) 
Ordinary shares            GBP500                 GBP500 
Loan stock               GBP4,500               GBP4,500 
Total                    GBP5,000               GBP5,000 
   Investment date:                                               February 2013 
   Equity held:                                                        99.8% 
   Last unaudited accounts:                             28 February 2014 
   Revenues:                                             GBPnil 
   Loss before interest & tax:                              GBP835 
   Net assets:                                                            GBP500,835 
   Income receivable recognised in year:     GBPnil 
   Valuation basis:                                                Transaction cost 
   Aquaso Limited 
   Aquaso Limited is an acquisition vehicle seeking a qualifying investment 
on behalf of the Company. 
Asset class        Cost (GBP'000)    Valuation (GBP'000) 
Ordinary shares            GBP410                 GBP410 
Loan stock               GBP3,790               GBP3,790 
Total                    GBP4,200               GBP4,200 
   Investment date:                                               November 2014 
   Equity held:                                                        99.8% 
   Last unaudited accounts:                             N/A 
   Revenues:                                             N/A 
   Loss before interest & tax:                              GBPN/A 
   Net assets:                                                            GBPN/A 
   Income receivable recognised in year:     GBPnil 
   Valuation basis:                                                Transaction cost 
   Tanganyika Heat Limited ('Tanganyika') 
   Tanganyika is in the process of constructing, and will operate, an 
anaerobic digestion plant in Lincolnshire. 
Asset class        Cost (GBP'000)    Valuation (GBP'000) 
Ordinary shares          GBP1,200               GBP1,200 
Loan stock               GBP2,800               GBP2,800 
Total                    GBP4,000               GBP4,000 
   Investment date:                                               April 2012 
   Equity held:                                                        99.8% 
   Last unaudited accounts:                             28 February 2014 
   Revenues:                                                            GBPnil 
   Loss before interest & tax:                            GBP73,000 
   Net assets:                                                           GBP1.1 million 
   Income receivable recognised in year:     GBP215,000 
   Valuation basis:                                                Transaction cost 
   Vista Retail Support Limited 
   Vista is a leading IT service and support company operating within the 
retail market. 
Asset class          Cost (GBP'000)    Valuation (GBP'000) 
A Ordinary shares            GBP104                 GBP104 
B Ordinary shares            GBP272                 GBP272 
Loan stock                 GBP3,382               GBP3,382 
Total                      GBP3,758               GBP3,758 
   Investment date:                                               May 2014 
   Equity held:                                                        10.4% 
   Last unaudited accounts:                             31 August 2014 
   Revenues:                                                            GBP14.3 million 
   Profit before interest & tax:                           GBP1.3 million 
   Net assets:                                                           GBP3.8million 
   Income receivable recognised in year:     GBP77,000 
   Valuation basis:                                                Transaction cost 
   Mablaw 555 Limited ('Technical Software Consultants') 
   Technical Software Consultants designs and manufactures equipment to 
solve a range of oil and gas industry inspection needs, including crack 
sizing, structural monitoring and stress mapping. Further information 
can be found at the company's website www.tscinspectionsystems.com. 
Asset class          Cost (GBP'000)    Valuation (GBP'000) 
A Ordinary shares            GBP100                  GBP23 
B Ordinary shares            GBP372                 GBP344 
Loan stock                 GBP2,700               GBP2,700 
Total                      GBP3,172               GBP3,067 
   Investment date:                                               April 2012 
   Equity held:                                                        9.9% 
   Last audited accounts:                                  31 March 2014 
   Revenues:                                                           GBP5.4m 
   Profit before interest & tax:                           GBP0.8m 
   Net assets:                                                           GBP0.7m 
   Income receivable recognised in year:     GBP207,000 
   Valuation basis:                                                Earnings multiple 
   Winnipeg Heat Limited ('Winnipeg') 
   Winnipeg is in the process of constructing, and will operate, an 
anaerobic digestion plant in Yorkshire. 
Asset class        Cost (GBP'000)    Valuation (GBP'000) 
Ordinary shares            GBP900                 GBP900 
Loan stock               GBP2,100               GBP2,100 
Total                    GBP3,000               GBP3,000 
   Investment date:                                               April 2012 
   Equity held:                                                        99.8% 
   Last unaudited accounts:                             28 February 2014 
   Revenues:                                                           GBPnil 
   Loss before interest & tax:                            GBP94,000 
   Net assets:                                                           GBP1.1 million 
   Income receivable recognised in year:     GBP184,000 
   Valuation basis:                                                Transaction cost 
   Resilient Corporate Services Limited 
   Resilient is a UK based solar company operating 14 solar sites on farms 
across France. 
Asset class          Cost (GBP'000)    Valuation (GBP'000) 
A Ordinary shares          GBP2,973               GBP2,956 
Loan stock                     GBP-                   GBP- 
Total                      GBP2,973               GBP2,956 
   Investment date:                                               March 2010 
   Equity held:                                                        59.4% 
   Last unaudited accounts:                             31 December 2014 
   Revenues:                                                            GBP18,000 
   Profit before interest & tax:                           GBP281,000 
   Net assets:                                                           GBP5.6 million 
   Income receivable recognised in year:     GBPnil 
   Valuation basis:                                                Discounted cash flow 
   Directors' Responsibilities Statement 
   The Directors are responsible for preparing the Strategic Report, 
Directors' Report, Directors' Remuneration Report and the financial 
statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. 
   Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for 
each financial year. Under that law the Directors have elected to 
prepare the financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom 
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting 
Standards and applicable laws) including FRS 102 - "The Financial 
Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland". Under 
company law the Directors must not approve the financial statements 
unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the 
state of affairs and profit or loss of the Company for that period.  In 
preparing these financial statements, the Directors are required to: 
   -- select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
   -- make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
   -- state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, 
      subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the 
      financial statements. 
   The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records 
that are sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions and 
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of 
the Company and enable them to ensure that the financial statements and 
the Directors' Remuneration Report comply with the Companies Act 2006. 
They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and 
hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of 
fraud and other irregularities. 
   The Directors confirm that: 
   -- so far as each Director is aware, there is no relevant audit information 
      of which the Company's auditor is unaware; and 
   -- the Directors have taken all the steps that they ought to have taken as 
      Directors in order to make themselves aware of any relevant audit 
      information and to establish that the auditors are aware of that 
   The Directors are responsible for preparing the annual report in 
accordance with applicable law and regulations. Having taken advice from 
the Audit Committee, the Directors consider the annual report and the 
financial statements, taken as a whole, provide the information 
necessary to assess the Company's performance, business model and 
strategy and is fair, balanced and understandable. 
   The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the 
corporate and financial information included on the Company's website. 
Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and 
dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in 
other jurisdictions. 
   To the best of our knowledge: 
   -- the financial statements, prepared in accordance with United Kingdom 
      Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting 
      Standards and applicable laws), give a true and fair view of the assets, 
      liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and 
   -- the annual report, including the strategic report, includes a fair review 
      of the development and performance of the business and the position of 
      the Company, together with a description of the principal risks and 
      uncertainties that it faces. 
   On behalf of the Board 
   Murray Steele 
   29 May 2015 
Statutory Income Statement 
                                                Year ended 31 January 2015 
                                               Revenue    Capital    Total 
                                               GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Realised gain on disposal of fixed asset 
 investments                                          -      1,311     1,311 
Change in fair value of fixed asset 
 investments                                          -      1,198     1,198 
Investment income                                 3,366          -     3,366 
Investment management fees                        (460)    (1,844)   (2,304) 
Other expenses                                  (1,247)          -   (1,247) 
Return on ordinary activities before tax          1,659        665     2,324 
Taxation on return on ordinary activities         (286)        254      (32) 
Return on ordinary activities after tax           1,373        919     2,292 
Earnings per share - basic and diluted             1.8p       1.2p      3.0p 
   -- The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of 
      the Company; the revenue return and capital return columns have been 
      prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment 
   -- All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
      continuing operations 
   -- The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from 
      investments made in shares and securities and from bank and money market 
   The Company has no other comprehensive income for the period. 
  Statutory Income Statement 
                                                Year ended 31 January 2014 
                                               Revenue    Capital    Total 
                                               GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Realised gain on disposal of fixed asset 
 investments                                          -       (10)      (10) 
Change in fair value of fixed asset 
 investments                                          -      1,116     1,116 
Investment income                                 2,979          -     2,979 
Investment management fees                        (273)    (1,194)   (1,467) 
Other expenses                                    (707)          -     (707) 
Return on ordinary activities before tax          1,999       (88)     1,911 
Taxation on return on ordinary activities         (400)        240     (160) 
Return on ordinary activities after tax           1,599        152     1,751 
Earnings per share - basic and diluted             2.3p       0.2p      2.5p 
   -- The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of 
      the Company; the revenue return and capital return columns have been 
      prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment 
   -- All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
      continuing operations 
   -- The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from 
      investments made in shares and securities and from bank and money market 
   The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than the results for 
the year as set out above. 
   The Company had no other comprehensive income for the period. 
   Non statutory Income Statement - Ordinary Shares 
                                              Period ended 31 January 2015 
                                             Revenue     Capital     Total 
                                             GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
Realised gain on disposal of fixed asset 
 investments                                         -        795        795 
Change in fair value of fixed asset 
 investments                                         -      1,340      1,340 
Investment income                                2,819          -      2,819 
Investment management fees                       (266)    (1,261)    (1,527) 
Other expenses                                 (1,125)          -    (1,125) 
Return on ordinary activities before tax         1,428        874      2,302 
Taxation on return on ordinary activities        (286)        254       (32) 
Return on ordinary activities after tax          1,142      1,128      2,270 
Earnings per share - basic and diluted            1.5p       1.4p       2.9p 
   -- The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of 
      the Ordinary Shares; the revenue and capital columns have been prepared 
      under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies 
   -- All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
      continuing operations 
Non statutory Income Statement - C Class Shares 
                                              Period ended 31 January 2015 
                                             Revenue     Capital     Total 
                                             GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
Realised gain on disposal of fixed asset 
 investments                                         -        516        516 
Change in fair value of fixed asset 
 investments                                         -      (142)      (142) 
Investment income                                  547          -        547 
Investment management fees                       (194)      (583)      (777) 
Other expenses                                   (122)          -      (122) 
Return on ordinary activities before tax           231      (209)         22 
Taxation on return on ordinary activities            -          -          - 
Return on ordinary activities after tax            231      (209)         22 
Earnings per share - basic and diluted            2.5p     (2.3p)       0.2p 
   -- The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of 
      the C Class Shares; the revenue and capital columns have been prepared 
      under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies 
   -- All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
      continuing operations 
Statutory Balance Sheet 
                             As at 31 January 2015    As at 31 January 2014 
                              GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000 
Fixed asset investments*                    100,039                   54,306 
Current assets: 
Debtors                           2,625                    1,653 
Investments - money market 
 funds*                               -                    4,254 
Cash at bank                     21,264                    7,910 
                                 23,889                   13,817 
Creditors: amounts falling 
 due within one year            (4,365)                  (4,218) 
Net current assets                           19,524                    9,599 
Total assets less current 
 liabilities                                119,563                   63,905 
Called up equity share 
 capital                                      8,636                    7,362 
Share premium                                54,306                   35,140 
Special distributable 
 reserve                                     53,989                   19,116 
Capital redemption reserve                    2,101                    2,704 
Capital reserve gains & 
 losses on disposal                         (2,019)                  (2,445) 
Capital reserve holding 
 gains & losses                               2,521                    2,028 
Revenue reserve                                  29                        - 
Total shareholders' funds                   119,563                   63,905 
   *Held at fair value through profit or loss 
   The statements were approved by the Directors and authorised for issue 
on 29 May 2015 and are signed on their behalf by: 
   Murray Steele 
   Company number: 05840377 
Non statutory Balance Sheet - Ordinary Shares 
                             As at 31 January 2015    As at 31 January 2014 
                              GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000 
Fixed asset investments*                     55,266                   54,306 
Current assets: 
Debtors                           1,743                    1,653 
Investments - money market 
 funds*                               -                    4,254 
Cash at bank                     21,264                    7,910 
                                 23,007                   13,817 
Creditors: amounts falling 
 due within one year            (9,463)                  (4,218) 
Net current assets                           13,544                    9,599 
Total assets less current 
 liabilities                                 68,810                   63,905 
Called up equity share 
 capital                                      8,118                    7,362 
Share premium                                 3,893                   35,140 
Special distributable 
 reserve                                     54,243                   19,116 
Capital redemption reserve                    2,099                    2,704 
Capital reserve gains & 
 losses on disposal                         (1,952)                  (2,445) 
Capital reserve holding 
 gains & losses                               2,409                    2,028 
Revenue reserve                                   -                        - 
Total shareholders' funds                    68,810                   63,905 
Net asset value per share                     84.8p                    86.8p 
   *Held at fair value through profit or loss 
Non statutory Balance Sheet - C Shares 
                                                   As at 31 January 2015 
                                                    GBP'000     GBP'000 
Fixed asset investments*                                           44,773 
Current assets: 
Debtors                                                 7,120 
Investments - money market funds*                           - 
Cash at bank                                                - 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year        (1,140) 
Net current assets                                                  5,980 
Total assets less current liabilities                              50,753 
Called up equity share capital                                        518 
Share premium                                                      50,413 
Special distributable reserve                                           - 
Capital redemption reserve                                              2 
Capital reserve gains & losses on disposal                           (67) 
Capital reserve holding gains & losses                              (142) 
Revenue reserve                                                        29 
Total shareholders' funds                                          50,753 
Net asset value per share                                           98.0p 
   *Held at fair value through profit or loss 
   Statutory statement of Changes in Equity - year to 31 January 2015 
                                     Special      Capital    Capital    Capital 
                Share    Share    distributable  redemption  reserve    reserve    Revenue 
               capital  Premium      reserve      reserve    realised  unrealised  reserve   Total 
               GBP'000               GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000 
01 February 
 2014            7,362    35,140         19,116       2,704   (2,445)       2,028        -   63,905 
Repurchase of 
 own shares      (225)         -        (1,812)         225         -           -    (202)  (2,014) 
Issue of new 
 shares          1,499    57,717              -           -         -           -        -   59,216 
 of share 
 premium             -  (38,551)         38,551           -         -           -        -        - 
 of capital 
 reserve             -         -            828       (828)         -           -        -        - 
Profit on 
 after tax           -         -              -           -         -           -    1,627    1,627 
 fees                -         -              -           -   (1,844)           -        -  (1,844) 
Current year 
 on disposal         -         -              -           -     1,311           -        -    1,311 
Prior period 
 crystalised         -         -              -           -       959       (959)        -        - 
 on fair 
 value of 
 investments         -         -              -           -         -       1,198        -    1,198 
 against tax 
 charge              -         -              -           -       254           -        -      254 
 paid                -         -        (2,694)           -         -           -  (1,396)  (4,090) 
31 January 
 2015            8,636    54,306         53,989       2,101   (1,765)       2,267       29  119,563 
   The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than the results for 
the year as set out above. 
   Statutory statement of Changes in Equity - year to 31 January 2014 
                                                                                 Special      Capital    Capital    Capital 
                                                             Share    Share   distributable  redemption  reserve    reserve    Revenue 
                                                            capital  Premium     reserve      reserve    realised  unrealised  reserve   Total 
                                                            GBP'000              GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000 
01 February 2013                                              5,350    2,488         39,911         594   (1,213)         644        -   47,774 
Repurchase of own shares                                      (224)                 (1,859)         224                                 (1,859) 
Issue of new shares                                           2,318   18,267                                                             20,585 
Enhanced buy back                                              (82)   14,385       (16,926)       1,886                                   (737) 
Cancellation of share premium                                                                                                                 - 
Profit on ordinary activities after tax                                                                                          1,599    1,599 
Management fees allocated as capital expenditure                                                          (1,194)                       (1,194) 
Current year gains/losses on disposal                                                                        (10)                          (10) 
Prior period holding gains/losses now crystalised                                                            (28)          28                 - 
Prior period holding gains/losses crystalised in a 
 prior period                                                                                                                                 - 
 Current period gains/losses on fair value of investments                                                               1,116             1,116 
Capital expenses taken against tax charge                                                                                 240               240 
Dividends paid                                                                      (2,010)                                    (1,599)  (3,609) 
31 January 2014                                               7,362   35,140         19,116       2,704   (2,445)       2,028        -   63,905 
   Non-statutory statement of Changes in Equity - Ordinary Shares 
                                             Year ended        Year ended 
                                           31 January 2015   31 January 2014 
                                              GBP'000           GBP'000 
Shareholders' funds at start of year                63,905            47,774 
Return on ordinary activities after tax              2,270             1,751 
Issue of shares                                      8,283            20,585 
Enhanced buyback                                         -             (737) 
Purchase of own shares                             (1,812)           (1,859) 
Dividends paid                                     (3,836)           (3,609) 
Shareholders' funds at end of year                  68,810            63,905 
Non-statutory statement of Changes in Equity - C Ordinary 
                                               Year ended 
                                             31 January 2015 
Shareholders' funds at start of year               - 
Return on ordinary activities after tax                   22 
Issue of shares                                       50,933 
Purchase of own shares                                 (202) 
Shareholders' funds at end of year                    50,753 
Cash Flow Statement 
                                                             Year to 
                                                             January   Year to 31 January 
                                                               2015           2014 
                                                             GBP'000         GBP'000 
Reconciliation of return on ordinary activities to 
 cash flows from operating activities 
Return on ordinary activities before tax                        2,292                1,751 
Increase in debtors                                             (972)                (717) 
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                                  699                 (17) 
Debtors obtained from transaction                                 614                    - 
Creditors obtained from transaction                             (324)                    - 
(Gain)/(loss) on disposal of fixed asset investments          (1,311)                   10 
(Gain) on valuation of fixed asset investments                (1,198)              (1,116) 
Taxation                                                        (552)                    - 
Total cash flow from operating activities                       (752)                 (89) 
Cash flows from investing activities 
 Cash acquired from transaction                                   377                    - 
Purchase of fixed asset investments                          (15,505)             (16,500) 
Sale of fixed asset investments                                22,547                3,276 
Purchase of current asset investments                            (15)                 (17) 
Sale of current asset investments                               4,269                  500 
Total cash flows from investing activites                      11,673             (12,741) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Enhanced share buyback                                              -                (737) 
Purchase of own shares                                        (2,014)              (1,859) 
Cash received from fund raising top-up offer not allotted 
 shares                                                             -                2,497 
Issue of own shares                                             8,283               20,585 
Dividends paid                                                (3,836)              (3,609) 
Total cash flows from financing activities                      2,433               16,877 
Increase in cash and cash equivalents                          13,354                4,047 
Opening cash and cash equivalents                               7,910                3,863 
Closing cash and cash equivalents                              21,264                7,910 
   On 28 November 2014, Octopus Apollo VCT plc acquired the assets of 
Octopus VCT plc. The transfer of assets from Octopus VCT plc was settled 
by the issue of C Ordinary shares, rather than cash. 
   This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on 
behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients. 
   The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely 
responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information 
contained therein. 
   Source: OCTOPUS APOLLO VCT PLC C via Globenewswire 

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