Replacement - Interim Results

The following replaces the  Interim Results announcement released  20
June 2008  at  15:29.  The  previous  announcement  referred  to  two
dividend record dates in error (1 August 2008 and 8 August 2008). The
single record date is 1 August 2008.

The full correct version of the announcement appears below.

Phoenix VCT plc

Unaudited Interims Results - Six months to 30 April 2008

About Phoenix VCT plc

Phoenix VCT plc ("Phoenix" or  "Company") is a venture capital  trust
("VCT") which aims to  provide shareholders with attractive  tax-free
dividends and long-term capital growth.

The Investment Manager is  Octopus Investments Limited ("Octopus"  or
"Manager").  The Company  was launched  in November  2002 and  raised
over �11.3 million (�10.8 million  net of expenses) through an  offer
for subscription.

Phoenix raised more money in  2005 in the form  of a 'C' Share  issue
(i.e. the issue for subscription of a new class of share referred  to
a 'C' shares"). In total,  Phoenix raised �5.1 million (�5.0  million
net of expenses) by the closing date of the offer on 30 June 2005.

Financial Highlights

                         Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares       Shares
                          6 months to 30  6 months to 30   Year to 31
                              April 2008      April 2007 October 2007

Net assets ('000)                 �8,412         �13,456      �11,945
Net  profit  before  tax
('000)                          �(2,715)          �2,352        1,202
Net  asset   value   per
share ("NAV")                      75.9p          122.4p       106.0p
Dividend per share                  5.0p            6.0p        12.0p
Cumulative     dividends
since launch - paid  and
declared                           28.0p           17.0p        23.0p

                              'C' Shares      'C' Shares   'C' Shares
                          6 months to 30  6 months to 30   Year to 31
                              April 2008      April 2007 October 2007

Net assets ('000)                 �4,954          �6,584       �6,183
Net  profit  before  tax
('000)                          �(1,051)            �967         �489
Net  asset   value   per
share ("NAV")                      89.0p          122.6p       110.8p
Dividend per share                  2.0p            3.0p         6.0p
Cumulative     dividends
since launch - paid  and
declared                            9.0p            4.0p         7.0p

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to present the interim results for the six months to 30
April 2008.  As you will be aware, it has been a particularly
turbulent period for stock markets, particularly small companies,
which has had a negative impact on the NAV of both the 'Ordinary' and
'C Share' portfolios.

'Ordinary Share' Results Review
In the six months to 30 April 2008, the total return (being NAV plus
dividends paid to shareholders) per Ordinary share decreased 19.6%
from 123.0p to 98.9p.  Despite declining stock markets, the Manager
was successful in crystallising gains of �505,000 following cash bids
for both BBI (Holdings) plc and Tissue Science Laboratories plc and
the sale of the holdings in AssetCo plc and SectorGuard plc during
the period.  As a result, the Board has declared an interim dividend
of 5.0p per Ordinary share to be paid on 29 August 2008 to
shareholders on the register on 1 August 2008.  This will take
cumulative dividends to 28.0p per Ordinary share since the Company's

The table below shows the movement in NAV of the Ordinary shares and
lists the dividends that have been paid since the launch of the

                       Dividend paid
Period Ended       NAV     in period NAV + cumulative dividends
31 October 2003 100.7p             -                     100.7p
30 April 2004   111.7p         0.15p                     111.9p
31 October 2004 110.9p             -                     111.1p
30 April 2005   118.2p         2.50p                     120.9p
31 October 2005  97.9p         4.00p                     104.6p
30 April 2006   104.6p             -                     111.3p
31 October 2006 103.8p         1.00p                     111.5p
30 April 2007   122.4p         3.35p                     133.4p
31 October 2007 106.0p         6.00p                     123.0p
30 April 2008    75.9p         6.00p                      98.9p

'C Share' Results Review
In respect of the 'C' share portfolio, the total return per 'C' share
decreased 16.4% from 114.8p to 96.0p.  As with the Ordinary share
portfolio, the Manager was successful in crystallising gains of
�90,000 following the cash bid for BBI (Holdings) plc and sale of
SectorGuard plc.  As a result the Board has declared an interim
dividend of 2.0p per 'C' share to be paid on 29 August 2008 to
shareholders on the register on 1 August 2008.  This will take
cumulative dividends to 9.0p per 'C' share since launch in February

The table below shows the movement in NAV of the 'C' shares and lists
the dividends that have been paid since the launch of the Company:

                       Dividend paid
Period Ended       NAV     in period NAV + cumulative dividends
30 April 2005    94.9p             -                      94.9p
31 October 2005  94.2p             -                      94.2p
30 April 2006   100.1p             -                     100.1p
31 October 2006 105.1p             -                     105.1p
30 April 2007   122.6p          1.0p                     123.6p
31 October 2007 110.8p          3.0p                     114.8p
30 April 2008    89.0p          3.0p                      96.0p

Share Price
The mid-market share price of both the Phoenix Ordinary shares and
the Phoenix 'C' shares currently stands at 73.0p.  The discount to
NAV is primarily due to the low level of secondary market activity in
Phoenix shares, which is a common feature of the VCT market.  We will
continue to strive to maintain a narrow discount to NAV through the
provision of growth and regular dividends.

VCT Status
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP provides the Board and Investment Manager
with advice on the ongoing compliance with Her Majesty's Revenue &
Customs ("HMRC") rules and regulations concerning VCTs.  The Board
has been advised that Phoenix VCT plc is in compliance with the
conditions laid down by HMRC for maintaining approval as a VCT.

A key requirement was for 70% of the portfolio (for each of the
Ordinary shares and 'C' shares) to be invested in qualifying
investments by the end of the third accounting period following that
in which new share capital was subscribed, and that minimum level
maintained thereafter.  As at 30 April 2008, over 99% of the Ordinary
share proceeds raised at launch were invested in VCT qualifying
investments, and 84% of the 'C' share proceeds raised from its launch
in February 2005, as measured by HMRC qualification rules.  However,
it should be noted that this differs from the fact that by value 77%
of the Ordinary share net assets and 71% of the 'C' share net assets
are in AIM listed investments with the remainder in cash and money
market securities. The Board does not anticipate any issues
maintaining the required investment level.

The weakness in stock markets which we reported on in the last annual
report and accounts has continued as feared.  There has been a
de-rating of company valuations across all of the UK equity markets
during the period under review on anticipation of the UK economy
entering recession, and this is not likely to be reversed whilst the
economic outlook remains so gloomy.

Whilst the current economic outlook remains of concern to the Board
and the Manager, both the 'Ordinary' and 'C' Share portfolios are
focused on established profitable companies which should not need to
rely on access to further funding.  Furthermore, a large percentage
of the investments are engaged in business activities that have
demonstrated robust pricing power and will not be reliant on the ebb
and flow of the wider economy.  With this in mind, the Manager
remains confident about the longer term prospects of the underlying
holdings within the portfolios and is committed to the provision of
regular payments of tax free dividends, as has been demonstrated to
Stephen Hazell-Smith
19 June 2008

Investment Manager's Review

Personal Service
At Octopus, we pride ourselves not only on our team's track record
but also on our personalised customer service.  We believe in open
communication and our regular updates are designed to keep you
involved and informed.

If you have any questions about this review, or if it would help to
speak to one of the fund managers, please do not hesitate to contact
us on 020 7710 2800.

The Alternative Investment Market (AiM)
The success of AiM in attracting a diverse range of growing companies
and investors from around the globe has meant that the number of
companies listed on AiM has increased from 753 companies in December
2003, when Phoenix was making its initial investments, to 1,675 in
April 2008.  The number of new VCT qualifying investment
opportunities has certainly slowed during the last six months due to
poor investor sentiment, however with banks likely to be more
stringent on lending criteria going forward, we believe AiM, and in
particular VCTs, will play a significant role in providing access to
capital for growing companies.

Set-out below is a list of all of the holdings in both portfolios and
a review of the Ordinary share and 'C' share portfolios, including
details of the investments completed during the period.

Investment Portfolio

                                                 Valuation as at 30
                      Book cost of investment        April 2007
AiM-listed Qualifying Ord Shares  'C' Shares    Ord Shares 'C' Shares
Investments             (�'000)     (�'000)      (�'000)    (�'000)
Cello Group plc           500          -           565         -
Tanfield Group plc        53          77           468        344
CBG Group plc             381         216          437        248
Hasgrove plc              400         200          433        217
Staffline Recruitment
Group plc                 300          -           431         -
Melorio plc                -          275           -         322
Pressure Technologies
plc                       165         105          305        194
Fountains plc             240          -           275         -
Zetar plc                 158          -           269         -
Brooks Macdonald
Group plc                 156          -           268         -
Vertu Motors plc          400         200          240        120
Hexagon Human Capital
plc                       315         157          238        119
Augean plc                500                      211         -
Cohort plc                135         340          204        442
Northern Bear plc         299         149          190         95
Jelf Group plc            77          51           185        123
AutoClenz Holdings
plc                       425         169          170         68
Bond International
Software plc              60           -           168         -
Inditherm plc             400         100          156         65
Concateno plc              -          85            -         152 plc           400         200          145         72
Clarity Commerce plc      407         203          138         69
Brulines (Holdings)
plc                       123         111          130        117
Cantono plc               420         220          126         66
Access Intelligence
plc                       500         150          125         63
Optimisa plc              143         247          106        182
Interquest plc             -          75            -         105
Vitesse Media plc          -          100           -         100
Media Square plc          251          -            94         -
Invu plc                  100         100           77         77
MyHome International
plc                       385         285           75         55
Synabor plc               500          -            70         -
Strategic Thought
Group plc                 194         68            58         20
Media Surface plc          -          125           -          46
Invocas Group plc         80          50            37         23
Real Good Food Co plc     500          -            35         -
Vision Media Group
plc                       419         125           21         16
Top Ten Holdings plc      200          -            19         -
Baydonhill plc            200          -            8          -
Bright Futures Group
plc                       125          -            -          -
Total qualifying
investments              9,910       4,183        6,476      3,517
investments               24          12            29         17
Total AiM-listed
investments              9,934       4,195        6,505      3,534
Fixed income
securities               1,686       1,346        1,698      1,301
Total investments       11,620       1,541        8,203      4,835
Net current assets         -           -           209        119
Total net assets           -           -          8,412      4,954

Review of Ordinary Share Portfolio
As at 30 April 2008, the Ordinary share portfolio comprised
investments in 35 AiM-quoted companies, accounting for 77% by value
of the Ordinary share portfolio net assets.  During the period, four
holdings were disposed of, crystallising a net profit of over
�505,000.  BBI (Holdings) plc, which attracted a cash bid from
Inverness Medical, realised a gain of �554,500 and the sale of
AssetCo plc generated a gain of �92,600.  A cash bid for Tissue
Science Laboratories plc was also received, however this was below
our original purchase price in March 2005 resulting in a realised
loss of �64,000.  The decision was also taken to dispose of
SectorGuard plc, resulting in a realised loss of �78,600.  The
company had failed to make significant progress over the last three
years in what is a very competitive sector.  Follow on investments
were completed into two existing holdings; MyHome International plc
(�299,992) to support an acquisition, and Clarity Commerce plc
(�40,293) following a reorganisation of the Board and future strategy
of the Group.

A summary of these realisations is shown below:

                                  Cost of
                      Initial   investment    Proceeds of    Total
Ordinary share     investment    realised     investment  gain/(loss)
realisations             date     (�'000)       (�'000)     (�'000)
BBI (Holdings)
plc             27 April 2004       191           746         555
                  12 December
AssetCo plc              2003       95            188         93
Tissue Science
plc             22 March 2005       161           97         (64)
                    10 August
SectorGuard plc          2005       200           121        (79)
                                    647          1,152        505

Review of 'C' share Portfolio
As at 30 April 2008, the 'C' share portfolio comprised investments in
27 AiM-quoted companies, accounting for 71% by value of the 'C' share
portfolio net assets.  During the period, two holdings were disposed
of crystallising a profit of over �89,900.  BBI (Holdings) plc, which
attracted a cash bid from Inverness Medical, realised a gain of
�118,500.  This was offset to a degree by the decision to dispose of
SectorGuard plc, which realised a loss of �28,600.  Follow on
investments were completed into two existing holdings; MyHome
International plc (�199,994) to support an acquisition, and Clarity
Commerce plc (�20,147) following a reorganisation of the Board and
future strategy of the Group.  The C Share portfolio completed one
new investment during the period into Vitesse Media plc, the details
of which are listed below.
A summary of these realisations is shown below:

                   Initial                    Proceeds of    Total
'C' share       investment Cost of investment investment  gain/(loss)
realisations          date  realised (�'000)    (�'000)     (�'000)
BBI (Holdings)  9 December
plc                   2005        115             234         119
                 10 August
SectorGuard plc       2005        100             71         (29)
                                  215             305         90

New Investments

Vitesse Media plc
Investment date:  8 November 2007
Cost:                    �100,000 ('C' share portfolio only)
Valuation:            �100,000 ('C' share portfolio only)
Vitesse Media  is  an  online,  print  publishing  &  events  company
specialising   in   growing    businesses   offering    award-winning
publications, web  sites, research  and events.  Its flagship  titles
include     Growth     Company     Investor,,, What Investment, M&A magazine and the  recently
acquired Information Age.  Reported turnover for the six months to 31
July 2007  was  �2.4  million,  generating a  gross  profit  of  �1.6
million.  The outlook  for the  company has been  enhanced by  recent
acquisitions giving the business further critical mass.

|Profit and Loss Account                                                                                             |
|                              | |Six months to 30 April 2008| |Six months to 30 April 2007| |Year to 31 October 2007|
|                              | | Ordinary|     'C'|        | |  Ordinary|     'C'|       | | Ordinary|    'C'|     |
|                              | |   Shares|  Shares|   Total| |    Shares|  Shares|  Total| |   Shares| Shares|Total|
|                              | |    �'000|   �'000|   �'000| |     �'000|   �'000|  �'000| |    �'000|  �'000|�'000|
|Gain on disposal of fixed     | |         |        |        | |          |        |       | |         |       |     |
|investments                   | |      139|      42|     181| |       907|     193|  1,100| |    1,459|    409|1,868|
|Gain/(loss) on disposal of    | |         |        |        | |          |        |       | |         |       |     |
|current asset investments     | |        1|       -|       1| |         3|       -|      3| |      (2)|   (21)| (23)|
|                              | |         |        |        | |          |        |       | |         |       |     |
|(Loss)/gain valuation of fixed| |         |        |        | |          |        |       | |         |       |     |
|asset investments             | |  (2,714)| (1,024)| (3,738)| |     1,850|     971|  2,821| |       48|    179|  227|
|Gain/(loss) on valuation of   | |         |        |        | |          |        |       | |         |       |     |
|current asset investments     | |        5|     (1)|       4| |       (2)|    (24)|   (26)| |        6|   (18)| (12)|
|                              | |         |        |        | |          |        |       | |         |       |     |
|Other income                  | |       76|      46|     122| |        49|      88|    137| |      165|    182|  347|
|                              | |         |        |        | |          |        |       | |         |       |     |
|Investment management fees    | |    (141)|    (70)|   (211)| |     (131)|    (64)|  (195)| |    (266)|  (131)|(397)|
|Other expenses                | |     (80)|    (44)|   (124)| |     (324)|   (197)|  (521)| |    (208)|  (111)|(319)|
|(Loss)/profit on ordinary     | |         |        |        | |          |        |       | |         |       |     |
|activities before taxation    | |  (2,714)| (1,051)|(3,765) | |     2,352|     967|  3,319| |    1,202|    489|1,691|
|Taxation on profit on Ordinary| |         |        |        | |          |        |       | |         |       |     |
|activities                    | |        -|       -|       -| |         -|       -|      -| |        -|      -|    -|
|(Loss)/profit on ordinary     | |         |        |        | |          |        |       | |         |       |     |
|activities after taxation     | |  (2,714)| (1,051)| (3,765)| |     2,352|     967|  3,319| |    1,202|    489|1,691|
|(Loss)/earnings per share     | |  (24.2)p| (18.8)p|        | |     21.8p|   18.4p|       | |    11.1p|   9.2p|     |

|Note of Historical Cost Profits and Losses                                                                      |
|                            |Six months to 30 April 2008| |Six months to 30 April 2007| |Year to 31 October 2007|
|                            | Ordinary|     'C'|        | |  Ordinary|    'C'|        | | Ordinary|    'C'|     |
|                            |   Shares|  Shares|   Total| |    Shares| Shares|   Total| |   Shares| Shares|Total|
|                            |    �'000|   �'000|   �'000| |     �'000|  �'000|   �'000| |    �'000|  �'000|�'000|
|(Loss)/profit on ordinary   |         |        |        | |          |       |        | |         |       |     |
|activities before taxation  |  (2,714)| (1,051)| (3,765)| |     2,352|    967|   3,319| |    1,202|    489|1,691|
|Loss/(gain) on valuation of |         |        |        | |          |       |        | |         |       |     |
|investments                 |    2,709|   1,025|   3,734| |   (1,848)|  (947)| (2,795)| |     (54)|  (161)|(215)|
|Realisation of prior years' |         |        |        | |          |       |        | |         |       |     |
|net unrealised gains on     |         |        |        | |          |       |        | |         |       |     |
|investment                  |      368|      27|     395| |       362|    137|     499| |      674|    314|  988|
|Historical cost profit on   |         |        |        | |          |       |        | |         |       |     |
|ordinary activities before  |         |        |        | |          |       |        | |         |       |     |
|taxation                    |      363|       1|     364| |       866|    157|   1,023| |    1,822|    642|2,464|
|Historical cost profit on   |         |        |        | |          |       |        | |         |       |     |
|ordinary activities after   |         |        |        | |          |       |        | |         |       |     |
|taxation                    |      363|       1|     364| |       866|    157|   1,023| |    1,822|    642|2,464|

Balance Sheet
                As at 30 April 2008      As at 30 April 2007     As at 31 October 2007
              Ordinary    'C'           Ordinary    'C'          Ordinary    'C'
                Shares Shares   Total     Shares Shares  Total     Shares Shares  Total
                 �'000  �'000   �'000      �'000  �'000  �'000      �'000  �'000  �'000
Fixed   asset
investments      6,505  3,534  10,039     11,097  3,957 15,054      9,891  4,499 14,390
Investments      1,698  1,302   3,000      2,050  2,681  4,731      1,596  1,083  2,679
Debtors            130     79     209         77     95    172         65     91    156
Cash               115     52     167        504     50    554        482    533  1,015
                 1,943  1,433   3,376      2,631  2,826  5,457      2,143  1,707  3,850
falling   due
within    one
year              (36)   (13)    (49)      (272)  (199)  (471)       (89)   (23)  (112)
Net   current
assets           1,907  1,420   3,327      2,359  2,627  4,986      2,054  1,684  3,738
Total  assets
less  current
liabilities      8,412  4,954  13,366     13,456  6,584 20,040     11,945  6,183 18,128
Capital   and
Share capital    1,108    556   1,664      1,099    537  1,636      1,127    558  1,685
Share premium    1,138      -   1,138        757  4,596  5,353
reserve          8,369  4,801  13,170      8,628      -  8,628      9,646  4,813 14,459
reserve            126     14     140         96     12    108        108     12    120
reserve        (3,421)  (685) (4,106)      2,125  1,410  3,535      (343)    367     24
Profit    and
loss account     1,092    268   1,360        751     29    780      1,407    433  1,840
funds            8,412  4,954  13,366     13,456  6,584 20,040     11,945  6,183 18,128
Net     asset
value     per
share            75.9p  89.0p             122.4p 122.6p            106.0p 110.8p

Cash Flow Statement
                      Six months to 30      Six months to 30 April
                         April 2008                  2007             Year to 31 October 2007
                    Ordinary    'C'         Ordinary    'C'           Ordinary     'C'
                      Shares Shares Total     Shares Shares   Total     Shares  Shares   Total
                       �'000  �'000 �'000      �'000  �'000   �'000      �'000   �'000   �'000
Net cash outflow
from operating
activities             (257)   (68) (325)       (72)   (15)    (87)      (141)   (113)   (254)
Purchase of listed
securities             (340)  (320) (660)    (1,398)  (737) (2,135)    (3,395) (2,717) (6,112)
Sale of listed
securities             1,152    305 1,457      2,416    610   3,026      4,367   1,472   5,839
Net cash
from financial
investment               555   (83)   472        946  (142)     804        831 (1,358)   (527)

Management of
liquid resources:
in money market
securities             (102)  (219) (321)    (1,633)  (492) (2,125)    (1,179)   1,106  (73)

Dividends paid         (678)  (167) (845)      (362)   (52)   (414)   (1,024)    (213) (1,237)

Issue of own shares        -      -     -        481    179     660        918     428   1,346
Purchase of own
shares                 (142)   (12) (154)      (218)      -   (218)      (335)           (335)
Share         issue
expenses                   -      -     -        (9)    (6)    (15)       (28)    (16)    (44)
in cash resources      (367)  (481) (848)      (795)  (513) (1,308)      (817)    (53)   (870)

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in liquid resources
                      Six months to 30      Six months to 30 April      Year to 31 October
                         April 2008                  2007                      2007
                    Ordinary    'C'         Ordinary    'C'           Ordinary     'C'
                      Shares Shares Total     Shares Shares   Total     Shares  Shares Total
                       �'000  �'000 �'000      �'000  �'000   �'000      �'000   �'000 �'000
in cash resources      (367)  (481) (848)      (795)  (513) (1,308)      (817)    (53) (870)
Movement in liquid
resources                102    219   321      1,633    492   2,125      1,179 (1,106)    73
Opening net liquid
resources              2,078  1,616 3,694      1,716  2,775   4,491      1,716   2,775 4,491
Net cash at end of
period                 1,813  1,354 3,167      2,554  2,754   5,308      2,078   1,616 3,694

            Reconciliation of operating profit to cash flow from operating activities
                     Six months to 30 April    Six months to 30 April
                              2008                      2007             Year to 31 October 2007
                    Ordinary     'C'           Ordinary    'C'           Ordinary    'C'
                      Shares  Shares   Total     Shares Shares   Total     Shares Shares   Total
                       �'000   �'000   �'000      �'000  �'000   �'000      �'000  �'000   �'000
(Loss)/profit on
ordinary activities
before tax           (2,714) (1,051) (3,765)      2,352    967   3,319      1,202    489   1,691
Loss/(gains) on
valuation of fixed
asset investments      2,714   1,024   3,738    (1,848)  (947) (2,795)       (48)  (179)   (227)
Gain on disposal of
fixed asset
investments            (139)    (43)   (182)      (910)  (193) (1,103)    (1,458)  (409) (1,867)
in debtors              (65)      12    (53)         78     64     142         90     68     158
in creditors            (53)    (10)    (63)        256     94     350         73   (82)     (9)
Net cash outflow
from operating
activities             (257)    (68)   (325)       (72)   (15)    (87)      (141)  (113)   (254)

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
                                            Shares 'C' Shares   Total
                                             �'000      �'000   �'000
Equity shareholders' funds as at 1
November 2007                               11,945      6,183  18,128

Loss on ordinary activities after
tax                                        (2,714)    (1,051) (3,765)
Net proceeds of share issue                      -          -       -
Shares purchased for cancellation            (142)       (12)   (154)
Dividends recognised in period               (677)      (166)   (843)
Equity shareholders funds at 30
April 2008                                   8,412      4,954  13,366

                                            Shares 'C' Shares   Total
                                             �'000      �'000   �'000

Equity shareholders' funds as at
1 November 2006                             11,211      5,495  16,706

Profit on ordinary
activities after tax                         2,352        967   3,319
Net proceeds of share issue                    473        174     647
Shares purchased for
cancellation                                 (218)          -   (218)
Dividends recognised in period               (362)       (52)   (414)
Equity shareholders funds at 30
April 2007                                  13,456      6,584  20,040

                                            Shares 'C' Shares   Total
                                             �'000      �'000   �'000
Equity shareholders' funds as at 1
November 2006                               11,211      5,495  16,706

Profit on ordinary activities
after tax                                    1,202        489   1,691
Net proceeds of share issue                    891        412   1,303
Shares purchased for cancellation            (335)          -   (335)
Dividends recognised in period             (1,024)      (213) (1,237)
Equity shareholders funds at 31
October 2007                                11,945      6,183  18,128

Notes to the interim financial statements

1.         Basis of preparation

The interim financial information has been prepared in accordance
with applicable accounting standards and under the historical cost
convention except for the revaluation of investments.  The principal
accounting policies of the Company have remained unchanged from those
set out in its 2007 annual report and financial statements.

2.         Publication of non-statutory accounts

The unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 April 2008
and the six months ended 30 April 2007 do not constitute statutory
accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985
and have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

3.         Earnings per share

Ordinary Share
The (loss)/earnings per share is based on a (loss)/profit from
ordinary activities after tax of �(2,714,000) and on 11,218,789
shares, being the weighted-average number of shares in issue during
the period (30 April 2007: �2,352,000 and 10,809,884 shares and 31
October 2007: �1,202,000 and 10,806,191 shares).

'C' Share
The (loss)/earnings per share is based on a (loss)/profit from
ordinary activities after tax of �(1,051,000) and on 5,578,265
shares, being the weighted-average number of shares in issue during
the period (30 April 2007: �967,000 and 5,248,048 shares and 31
October 2007: �489,000 and 5,322,479 shares).

There are no potentially dilutive capital instruments in issue and,
therefore, no diluted return per share figures are relevant.

4.         Net asset value per share

            The calculation of net asset value per Ordinary share is
based on the net assets at 30 April 2008 and on 11,082,865 shares
being the number of shares in issue at the same date (30 April 2007:
10,994,037 and 31 October 2007: 11,266,960).

            The calculation of net asset value per 'C' share is based
on the net assets at 30 April 2008 and on 5,563,836 shares being the
number of shares in issue at the same date (30 April 2007: 5,370,745
and 31 October 2007: 5,579,429).

5.         Dividends

The interim dividend of 5.0p per Ordinary share and 2.0p per 'C'
share for the 6 months ending 30 April 2008 will be paid on 29 August
2008 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 1
August 2008.

6.         Copies of this statement are being sent to all
shareholders. Copies are also available from the registered office of
the Company at 8 Angel Court, London, EC2R 7HP.


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