RNS Number : 8345P 
Radicle Projects Plc 
31 March 2009 

31 March 2009 
Unaudited Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 31 December 2008 
The results for the six months to 31 December 2008 set out below reflect the 
generally lower levels of activity that we report at this time of year. Your 
Board is concentrating on implementing cost reductions and developing strategies 
to bring our portfolio of agricultural assets through to production as quickly 
as possible so as to increase cash flow. An up to date review of these assets is 
set out below. 
  *  Loss before interest and tax of GBP2,247,933 (2007: loss GBP764,237) 
  *  Net assets of GBP6,573,247 including GBP1,852,708 in cash 
  *  Net debt as at 31 December 2008 was GBP12,519,822 
For further information please contact: 
| Radicle Projects PLC                             |     020 7016 5300 | 
| Tim Bennett                                      |    +61 (0) 3 8611 | 
|                                                  |              6711 | 
|                                                  |                   | 
| Charles Stanley Securities - Nominated Advisor   |     020 7149 6000 | 
| and Broker                                       |                   | 
| Russell Cook / Ben Johnston                      |                   | 
|                                                  |                   | 
| Bishopsgate Communications Ltd                   |     020 7562 3350 | 
| Maxine Barnes / Siobhra Murphy                   |                   | 
For the six months to 31 December 2008 the Group reported a loss before interest 
and tax of GBP2,247,933 (2007: loss GBP764,237) and an increased loss before tax 
of GBP2,873,936 (2007: loss GBP1,077,348). 
As previously reported, the Group's results are second-half weighted due to the 
annual contribution to income and profit resulting from the uplift in value of 
the Group's biological assets (as a result of growth or maturating trees or 
vines). The annual asset revaluation is conducted for the purposes of preparing 
the annual report for the year to June 2008 each year. No asset revaluation is 
calculated at the half year stage. 
The pre-tax loss is due to various factors including but not limited to: 
  *  A significant increase in operating expenses. Radicle has a number of 
  operational costs directly related to farm management, labour, agricultural 
  inputs and management fees paid to others on a contractual basis. The addition 
  of the apple and wheat projects to the Group portfolio at the very end of June 
  2008, has been the primary reason for additional operating expenses; 
  *  A full interest charge of GBP698,040 (2007: GBP599,911) payable in respect of 
  the Convertible Bond; 
  *  The Group has reported a small foreign exchange loss of GBP9,960 this period, 
  compared with a gain of GBP98,092 in the same period last year; and 
  *  Further abort transaction costs of GBP128,885 relating to the Timber Fund 
The Group ended the interim period with the balance sheet, showing net assets of 
GBP6,573,247 including GBP1,852,708 in cash. Net debt as at 31 December 2008 was 
Radicle's Board is not in a position to declare an interim dividend. The Board 
will review our dividend policy following the year end revaluation of assets as 
at 30 June 2009 and the cash generation of the Group in the second half of year 
to 30 June 2009. 
Operational Review 
The Group is a participant in various projects which are growing the following 
Adelaide Hills Vineyard Trust ("Gumeracha Vineyard"), Adelaide Hills (South 
As at 31 December 2008, the 2009 vintage was not complete. At the current time, 
the 2009 vintage is nearing completion, with yields expected to be slightly down 
on last year's result due to extremely high temperatures. At this stage 
approximately 30 tonnes (less than 5 per cent) of the grapes remain unsold. 
Once again the Adelaide Hills has proven to be a reliable and high quality 
producer of wine grapes and our major contracted buyer, Southcorp (Penfolds) who 
owns other wine labels including Lindemans and Rosemont Estate has upgraded our 
grapes on most of the blocks from D to B grade. This is an excellent result and 
reflects quality management, a good site and ability to deliver to market 
The Olive harvest in the south western Victoria olive production region has 
progressed well despite high temperatures and limited water. 
Our almond orchards experienced similar conditions to that of our olive 
orchards. Our almond developments have produced well despite high temperatures 
and limited water. Yields are satisfactory and prices are expected to remain 
strong as a result of reduced production from farms unable to purchase 
additional water. However, additional water purchased for our properties is 
expected to show a normal size crop of good quality, but input costs will be 
higher than originally budgeted to cover the cost of buying additional water. 
Radicle owns a small financial interest in a citrus project in the Riverland 
region of South Australia. At the present time the agronomic outlook for citrus 
production is satisfactory but the returns from citrus fruit sales are not 
sufficiently attractive to warrant further investment in these projects. 
Our forestry assets are primarily the Paulownia hardwood plantations in 
Queensland. Unlike recent years, we have had excellent rainfall on the 
Queensland sites and, as a result, there has been significant growth in the 
No additional water expenses have been incurred to water these trees. The health 
of the plantations has improved and we remain positive about the progress of 
this asset. We are now focussing our attention on the marketing and sale of 
timber from our maturing plantations and expect to begin thinning harvests 
within the next six months. 
The Bioforests project is not anticipated to produce substantial cash flows in 
the next few years, but we anticipate strong value growth as a result of good 
site selection, operational management and continuing demand for species being 
Radicle's project interests in Organic apples and Early Season apples (both in 
South Australia) are growing very well. At 31 December 2008 the trees had only 
been planted for about 7 months, but are nonetheless doing well. We anticipate 
first commercial yields of apples from these trees in the 2010 financial year, 
with some earlier income relating to dividend income from the landowning company 
for the early season project, of which Radicle owns 19.9 per cent. On a 
financial year basis this project is expected to be cash generative in the 2010 
At 31 December 2008 the harvest for the wheat project was in full swing. Results 
appear to have been positive. We anticipate full accounts on the wheat season 
harvest and sales in April 2009 but we understand the yields were within our 
budgeted range and prices may have exceeded our budgeted range of a significant 
proportion of the crop. We await final results for the 2008-09 harvest and will 
report to the market in due course. 
Management's primary focus in the current period is cost reduction and 
consolidation. We intend to improve net cash earnings by continuing to manage 
carefully the Company's costs base and working with management to improve 
valuations on all projects, and bring forward cash flows wherever possible. 
Radicle has a number of developments in progress which we believe will 
contribute to higher profits. We will report to the market as these initiatives 
come to fruition. 
Despite the current world economic climate, agricultural products are very much 
in demand and Radicle is well placed to capitalise on its strength in this area. 
We look forward to making further significant advances in the business and to 
providing increased shareholder value. 
Myles Stewart-Hesketh Timothy Bennett 
ChairmanChief Executive 
31 March 2009 
For the six months ended 31 December 2008 
|                                                            |      6 months to  |     6 months to |   Year ended 30 | 
|                                                            |            31 Dec |          31 Dec |            June | 
|                                                            |              2008 |            2008 |            2008 | 
|                                                            |               GBP |             GBP |             GBP | 
|                                                            |                   |                 |                 | 
| Continuing Operations                                      |                   |                 |                 | 
| Revenue                                                    |           252,049 |         129,449 |       1,126,392 | 
| (Loss)/gain arising from changes in fair value of          |                   |                 |     (1,751,099) | 
| biological assets                                          |                   |                 |     (2,642,206) | 
| Operating expenses                                         |                 - |               - |                 | 
| Other operating income                                     |       (2,342,204) |       (991,778) |               - | 
| Exchange (loss)/gain                                       |                   |                 |         115,173 | 
| Investment income                                          |                 - |               - |         539,251 | 
| Finance costs                                              |           (9,960) |          98,092 |     (1,332,841) | 
| Loss on disposal of Investments                            |            72,036 |         286,800 |       (144,961) | 
| Aborted transaction costs                                  |         (698,040) |       (599,911) |       (427,091) | 
| Impairment of available for sale investment                |                   |                 |                 | 
|                                                            |                 - |               - |               - | 
|                                                            |         (128,885) |                 |                 | 
|                                                            |          (18,932) |               - |                 | 
|                                                            |                   |                 |                 | 
|                                                            |                   |               - |                 | 
|                                                            |          ________ |        ________ |        ________ | 
|                                                            |                   |                 |                 | 
| (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation       |       (2,873,936) |     (1,077,348) |     (4,517,382) | 
|                                                            |                   |                 |                 | 
| Taxation                                                   |                   |                 |       1,089,365 | 
|                                                            |                 - |               - |                 | 
|                                                            |          ________ |        ________ |        ________ | 
|                                                            |                   |                 |                 | 
| (Loss)/profit for the period                               |       (2,873,936) |     (1,077,348) |     (3,428,017) | 
|                                                            |                   |                 |                 | 
|                                                            |          ======== |        ======== |        ======== | 
| Loss)/earnings per share:    Basic                         |          (15.07)p |         (5.65)p |        (17.97)p | 
|  Fully diluted                                             |          (15.07)p |         (5.65)p |        (17.97)p | 
|                                                            |                   |                 |                 | 
As at 31 December 2008 
|                                                            |           As at |          As at |            As at | 
|                                                            |          31 Dec |         31 Dec |          30 June | 
|                                                            |            2008 |           2007 |             2008 | 
|                                                            |             GBP |            GBP |              GBP | 
|                                                            |                 |                |                  | 
| Non-current assets                                         |                 |                |                  | 
| Property, plant & equipment                                |       2,267,137 |        208,108 |        2,329,491 | 
| Available for sale investments                             |       1,890,371 |        353,049 |        1,931,493 | 
| Biological assets                                          |      12,011,883 |     10,911,680 |       11,759,621 | 
|                                                            |      __________ |     __________ |       __________ | 
|                                                            |                 |                |                  | 
|                                                            |      16,169,391 |     11,472,837 |       16,020,605 | 
|                                                            |      __________ |     __________ |       __________ | 
| Current assets                                             |                 |                |                  | 
| Biological assets                                          |       3,568,364 |                |        3,602,888 | 
| Inventories                                                |          97,731 |              - |           98,676 | 
| Trade & other receivables                                  |         639,183 |         89,885 |        1,385,434 | 
| Cash & cash equivalents                                    |       1,852,708 |        255,383 |        7,723,115 | 
|                                                            |                 |     14,140,052 |                  | 
|                                                            |      __________ |     __________ |       __________ | 
|                                                            |                 |                |                  | 
|                                                            |       6,157,986 |     14,485,320 |       12,810,113 | 
|                                                            |      __________ |     __________ |       __________ | 
|                                                            |                 |     25,958,157 |                  | 
| Total assets                                               |      22,327,377 |                |       28,830,718 | 
|                                                            |      __________ |     __________ |       __________ | 
| Current liabilities                                        |                 |                |                  | 
| Trade & other payables                                     |       1,156,136 |        317,725 |        3,899,510 | 
| Current tax                                                |          95,471 |        362,277 |           95,471 | 
| Finance lease obligations                                  |           2,756 |          2,341 |            2,783 | 
| Loans                                                      |               - |              - |                  | 
|                                                            |                 |                |                - | 
|                                                            |      __________ |     __________ |       __________ | 
|                                                            |                 |                |                  | 
|                                                            |       1,254,363 |        682,343 |        3,997,764 | 
|                                                            |      __________ |     __________ |       __________ | 
|                                                            |                 |                |                  | 
| Net current assets/(liabilities)                           |       4,903,623 |     13,802,977 |        8,812,349 | 
|                                                            |      __________ |     __________ |       __________ | 
|                                                            |                 |                |                  | 
| Non Current Liabilities                                    |                 |                |                  | 
| Finance lease obligations                                  |           9,339 |          9,458 |            9,429 | 
| Borrowings                                                 |      14,360,435 |     14,153,267 |       14,870,395 | 
| Deferred tax liabilities                                   |         129,993 |        769,186 |          131,251 | 
|                                                            |      __________ |     __________ |       __________ | 
|                                                            |                 |                |                  | 
|                                                            |      14,499,767 |     14,931,911 |       15,011,075 | 
|                                                            |      __________ |     __________ |       __________ | 
|                                                            |                 |                |                  | 
| Total liabilities                                          |      15,754,130 |     15,614,254 |       19,008,839 | 
|                                                            |      __________ |     __________ |       __________ | 
|                                                            |                 |                |                  | 
| Net assets                                                 |       6,573,247 |     10,343,903 |        9,821,879 | 
|                                                            |      ========== |      ========= |       ========== | 
| Equity                                                     |                 |                |                  | 
| Share capital                                              |         578,219 |        578,219 |          578,219 | 
| Share premium account                                      |       9,370,827 |      9,370,827 |        9,370,827 | 
| Share based payment reserve                                |          90,880 |         72,870 |           87,975 | 
| Own shares held                                            |       (151,241) |      (151,241) |        (151,241) | 
| Fair value reserve                                         |       1,071,357 |              - |        1,075,566 | 
| Translation reserve                                        |       1,332,498 |        395,697 |        1,705,890 | 
| Convertible bond                                           |         284,165 |        284,165 |          284,165 | 
| Retained earnings                                          |     (6,003,458) |      (206,634) |      (3,129,522) | 
|                                                            |      __________ |     __________ |       __________ | 
|                                                            |                 |                |                  | 
| Total Equity                                               |       6,573,247 |     10,343,903 |        9,821,879 | 
|                                                            |      ========== |      ========= |       ========== | 
For the six months ended 31 December 2008 
|                                                            |      6 months to 31 |      6 months to |     Year ended 30 | 
|                                                            |                 Dec |           31 Dec |              June | 
|                                                            |                2008 |             2008 |              2008 | 
|                                                            |                 GBP |              GBP |               GBP | 
|                                                            |                     |                  |                   | 
| Operating activities                                       |                     |      (1,077,348) |       (4,517,382) | 
| (Loss)/profit for the period before taxation               |         (2,873,936) |                  |                   | 
| Adjustments for:                                           |                     |                  |                   | 
|      Depreciation of property, plant and equipment         |              41,240 |           14,687 |            78,704 | 
|      Amortisation of costs of issue on convertible bond    |                     |           71,067 |                   | 
|      Investment income                                     |                   - |        (286,800) |                 - | 
|      Finance costs                                         |            (72,036) |          599,911 |         (539,251) | 
|      Foreign exchange (gain)/loss                          |             698,040 |         (98,092) |         1,332,841 | 
|      Increase in inventories                               |               9,960 |                  |         (115,173) | 
|      Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables    |                     |                - |                   | 
|      Increase/(decrease) in payables                       |                   - |         (76,894) |                 - | 
|      Change in net value of biological assets              |             746,251 |         (16,808) |       (1,197,204) | 
|      Increase in share based payment reserve               |         (2,743,374) |                  |           785,706 | 
|      Loss on disposal of investment                        |                     |                - |         1,751,099 | 
|      Impairment of available for sale investment           |                   - |           15,271 |            30,376 | 
|                                                            |               2,905 |                  |           144,961 | 
|                                                            |                     |                - |                   | 
|                                                            |                   - |                  |                 - | 
|                                                            |              18,932 |                - |                   | 
|                                                            |          __________ |       __________ |        __________ | 
|                                                            |                     |                  |                   | 
| Cash used in operations                                    |         (4,172,018) |        (855,006) |       (2,245,323) | 
|                                                            |                     |                  |                   | 
|                                                            |                     |                  |                   | 
| Interest paid                                              |         (1,208,000) |        (637,556) |         (638,647) | 
|                                                            |                     |                  |                   | 
| Taxation paid                                              |                     |        (323,439) |         (671,712) | 
|                                                            |                   - |                  |                   | 
|                                                            |          __________ |       __________ |        __________ | 
|                                                            |                     |                  |                   | 
| Net cash used in operating activities                      |         (5,380,018) |      (1,816,001) |       (3,555,682) | 
|                                                            |                     |                  |                   | 
| Investing activities                                       |                     |                  |                   | 
| Purchase of biological assets                              |           (366,941) |        (408,346) |       (2,405,252) | 
| Interest received                                          |              72,036 |          286,800 |           529,512 | 
| Purchase of investments                                    |                     |          (1,666) |         (153,384) | 
| Purchases of property, plant & equipment                   |                   - |         (56,919) |       (2,070,422) | 
|                                                            |             (1,151) |                  |                   | 
| Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment      |                     |                - |                 - | 
|                                                            |                   - |                  |                   | 
|                                                            |          __________ |       __________ |        __________ | 
|                                                            |                     |                  |                   | 
| Net cash used in investing activities                      |           (296,056) |        (180,131) |       (4,099,546) | 
|                                                            |          __________ |       __________ |        __________ | 
|                                                            |                     |                  |                   | 
| Financing activities                                       |                     |                  |                   | 
| Repayments of borrowing                                    |                (90) |          (1,290) |           (1,319) | 
| Proceeds from issue of share capital (net of costs)        |                   - |                  |                   | 
| Proceeds from issue of convertible bonds       (net of     |                   - |                - |                 - | 
| costs)                                                     |                   - |         (56,357) |                   | 
| Dividends paid                                             |                     |                  |                 - | 
|                                                            |                     |                - |         (572,219) | 
|                                                            |          __________ |       __________ |         _________ | 
|                                                            |                     |                  |                   | 
| Net cash from financing activities                         |                (90) |         (57,647) |         (573,538) | 
|                                                            |          __________ |       __________ |         _________ | 
|                                                            |                     |                  |                   | 
| Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents       |         (5,676,164) |      (2,053,779) |       (8,228,766) | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period           |           7,723,115 |       16,104,982 |        16,104,982 | 
| Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                    |           (194,243) |           88,849 |         (153,101) | 
|                                                            |                     |                  |                   | 
|                                                            |          __________ |       __________ |         _________ | 
|                                                            |                     |                  |                   | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                 |           1,852,708 |       14,140,052 |         7,723,115 | 
|                                                            |          ========== |        ========= |        ========== | 
|                                  |              |        Share |               |                 |                  |     Share Based |                    |           Own |              | 
|                                  |        Share |      Premium |      Retained |      Fair Value |      Translation |         Payment |        Convertible |        Shares |        Total | 
|     Six months ended 31 December |      Capital |      Account |      Earnings |         Reserve |          Reserve |         Reserve |               Bond |          Held |       Equity | 
|                             2008 |          GBP |          GBP |           GBP |             GBP |              GBP |             GBP |                GBP |           GBP |          GBP | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                 |                  |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Balance at 1 July 2008           |      578,219 |    9,370,827 |   (3,129,522) |       1,075,566 |        1,075,890 |          87,975 |            284,165 |     (151,241) |    9,821,879 | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                 |                  |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Foreign exchange differences on  |              |              |               |                 |                  |                 |                    |               |              | 
| translating foreign operations   |            - |            - |             - |               - |        (373,392) |               - |                  - |             - |    (373,392) | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                 |                  |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Decrease in fair value of        |              |              |               |                 |                  |                 |                    |               |              | 
| available for sale investments   |            - |            - |             - |         (4,209) |                - |               - |                  - |             - |      (4,209) | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                 |                  |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Profit for the period            |            - |            - |   (2,873,936) |               - |                - |               - |                  - |             - |  (2,873,936) | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                 |                  |                 |                    |               |              | 
|                                  |     ________ |     ________ |      ________ |        ________ |         ________ |        ________ |           ________ |      ________ |     ________ | 
| Total recognised income and      |              |              |               |                 |                  |                 |                    |               |              | 
|  expense for the period          |            - |            - |   (2,873,936) |         (4,209) |        (373,392) |               - |                  - |             - |  (3,251,537) | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                 |                  |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Share based payments             |            - |            - |             - |               - |                - |           2,905 |                  - |             - |        2,905 | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                 |                  |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Dividends paid                   |            - |            - |             - |               - |                - |               - |                  - |             - |            - | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                 |                  |                 |                    |               |              | 
|                                  |     ________ |     ________ |      ________ |        ________ |         ________ |       _________ |          _________ |     _________ |    _________ | 
| Balance at 31 December 2008      |      578,219 |    9,370,827 |   (6,003,458) |       1,071,357 |        1,332,498 |          90,880 |            284,165 |     (151,241) |    6,573,247 | 
|                                  |     ======== |     ======== |      ======== |        ======== |         ======== |        ======== |           ======== |      ======== |     ======== | 
|                                   |              |        Share |               |                 |                 |     Share Based |                    |           Own |              | 
|                                   |        Share |      Premium |      Retained |      Fair Value |     Translation |         Payment |        Convertible |        Shares |        Total | 
| Six months ended 31 December 2007 |      Capital |      Account |      Earnings |         Reserve |         Reserve |         Reserve |               Bond |          Held |       Equity | 
|                                   |          GBP |          GBP |           GBP |             GBP |             GBP |             GBP |                GBP |           GBP |          GBP | 
|                                   |              |              |               |                 |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Balance at 1 July 2007            |      578,219 |    9,370,827 |       870,714 |               - |          39,066 |          57,599 |            284,165 |     (151,241) |   11,049,349 | 
|                                   |              |              |               |                 |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Foreign exchange differences on   |              |              |               |                 |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| translating foreign operations    |            - |            - |             - |               - |         356,631 |               - |                  - |             - |      356,631 | 
|                                   |              |              |               |                 |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Increase in fair value of         |              |              |               |                 |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| available for sale investments    |            - |            - |             - |               - |               - |               - |                  - |             - |            - | 
|                                   |              |              |               |                 |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Loss for the period               |            - |            - |   (1,077,348) |               - |               - |               - |                  - |             - |  (1,077,348) | 
|                                   |              |              |               |                 |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
|                                   |     ________ |     ________ |      ________ |        ________ |        ________ |        ________ |           ________ |      ________ |     ________ | 
| Total recognised income and       |              |              |               |                 |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
|  expense for the period           |            - |            - |   (1,077,348) |               - |         356,631 |               - |                  - |             - |    (720,717) | 
|                                   |              |              |               |                 |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Issue of new ordinary shares      |            - |            - |             - |               - |               - |               - |                  - |             - |            - | 
|                                   |              |              |               |                 |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Costs set against share premium   |            - |            - |             - |               - |               - |               - |                  - |             - |            - | 
|                                   |              |              |               |                 |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Share based payments              |            - |            - |             - |               - |               - |          15,271 |                  - |             - |       15,271 | 
|                                   |              |              |               |                 |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Dividends paid                    |            - |            - |             - |               - |               - |               - |                  - |             - |            - | 
|                                   |              |              |               |                 |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
|                                   |     ________ |     ________ |      ________ |        ________ |        ________ |       _________ |          _________ |     _________ |    _________ | 
| Balance at 31 December 2007       |      578,219 |    9,370,827 |     (206,634) |               - |         395,697 |          72,870 |            284,165 |     (151,241) |   10,343,903 | 
|                                   |     ======== |     ======== |      ======== |        ======== |        ======== |        ======== |           ======== |      ======== |     ======== | 
|                                  |              |        Share |               |                      |                 |     Share Based |                    |           Own |              | 
|                                  |        Share |      Premium |      Retained |           Fair Value |     Translation |         Payment |        Convertible |        Shares |        Total | 
|                                  |      Capital |      Account |      Earnings |              Reserve |         Reserve |         Reserve |               Bond |          Held |       Equity | 
|          Year ended 30 June 2008 |          GBP |          GBP |           GBP |                  GBP |             GBP |             GBP |                GBP |           GBP |          GBP | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                      |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Balance at 1 July 2007           |      578,219 |    9,370,827 |       870,714 |                    - |          39,066 |          57,599 |            284,165 |     (151,241) |   11,049,349 | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                      |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Foreign exchange differences on  |              |              |               |                      |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| translating foreign operations   |            - |            - |             - |                    - |       1,666,824 |               - |                  - |             - |    1,666,824 | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                      |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Increase in fair value of        |              |              |               |                      |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| available for sale investments   |            - |            - |             - |            1,536,523 |               - |               - |                  - |             - |    1,536,523 | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                      |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Deferred tax on increase in fair |              |              |               |                      |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| value of available sale          |              |              |               |                      |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| investments                      |            - |            - |             - |            (460,957) |               - |                 |                    |               |    (460,957) | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                      |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Loss for the period              |            - |            - |   (3,428,017) |                    - |               - |               - |                  - |             - |  (3,428,017) | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                      |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
|                                  |     ________ |     ________ |      ________ |             ________ |        ________ |        ________ |           ________ |      ________ |     ________ | 
| Total recognised income and      |              |              |               |                      |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
|  expense for the year            |            - |            - |   (3,428,017) |            1,075,566 |       1,666,824 |               - |                  - |             - |    (685,627) | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                      |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Issue of new ordinary shares     |            - |            - |             - |                    - |               - |               - |                  - |             - |            - | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                      |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Costs set against share premium  |            - |            - |             - |                    - |               - |               - |                  - |             - |            - | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                      |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Convertible bond - equity        |            - |            - |             - |                    - |               - |               - |                  - |             - |            - | 
| Cost of issue                    |            - |            - |             - |                    - |               - |               - |                  - |             - |            - | 
| Share based payments             |            - |            - |             - |                    - |               - |          30,376 |                  - |             - |       30,376 | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                      |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
| Dividends paid                   |            - |            - |     (572,219) |                    - |               - |               - |                  - |             - |    (572,219) | 
|                                  |              |              |               |                      |                 |                 |                    |               |              | 
|                                  |     ________ |     ________ |      ________ |             ________ |        ________ |       _________ |          _________ |     _________ |    _________ | 
| Balance at 30 June 2008          |      578,219 |    9,370,827 |   (3,129,522) |            1,075,566 |       1,705,890 |          87,975 |            284,165 |     (151,241) |    9,821,879 | 
|                                  |     ======== |     ======== |      ======== |             ======== |        ======== |        ======== |           ======== |      ======== |     ======== | 
1.This half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 31 December 2008 is 
unaudited. The financial information set out above does not constitute statutory 
accounts within the meaning of S435 of the Companies Act 2006. 
This half-yearly financial report, which includes a condensed set of financial 
statements of the Company and its subsidiary undertakings ("the Group") has been 
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards 
("IFRS"), including IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting', as adopted by the 
European Union ("EU"). 
The financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2008 have been delivered to 
the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors in respect of the year 
ended 30 June 2008 was (i) unqualified, (ii) did include a reference to going 
concern to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without 
qualifying the report and (iii) did not contain a statement under Section 237 
(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985 (which then applied). The financial 
information for the six months ended 31 December 2008 and 31 December 2007 is 
The Company is listed on AIM, the Alternative Investment Market of the London 
Stock Exchange. 
This interim report, including the consolidated financial information was 
authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 31 March 2008. 
The accounting policies applied in the preparation of these interim consolidated 
financial statements have been consistently applied to all the periods 
presented, except that biological assets are only revalued at the Company's year 
end. The significant accounting policies are set out below. 
2.There is no liability for corporation taxation arising in the period. 
3.The calculations of earnings per share is based on the loss of GBP2,873,936 
for the six months to 31 December 2008 (31 December 2007: GBP1,077,348; 30 June 
2008: GBP3,428,017) and on the weighted average of 19,073,971 (31 December 2007: 
19,073,971; 30 June 2008: 19,073,971) ordinary shares in issue during the 
period, after deduction of own shares held. 
There were no potential dilutive ordinary shares outstanding during the period 
to 31 December 2008 due to the loss for the period (31 December 2007: nil). The 
conversion of the convertible bond, and the outstanding share options are 
4.Biological Assets 
Biological assets comprise of timber plantations (woodlots), olive groves, 
almond groves, apple orchards, wine grape vineyards, grain and mango 
(horticultural crops). 
Biological assets are owned by the Group through investments in managed 
investment schemes or through direct investment in agricultural assets. 
In accordance with IAS 41 biological assets are measured on initial recognition 
and at each balance sheet date at fair value less estimated point of sale costs. 
The gain or loss in fair value of these biological assets is presented in the 
income statement. 
The fair values of the biological assets represent the net present values of 
estimated future cash flows relating to the biological assets owned by the 
entity, determined by application of assumptions made by independent valuation 
experts to cash flow models. The valuers visit the sites as required and inspect 
operations, plant and equipment, interview management and take measurements of 
plants to confirm model assumptions and growth trends. 
Cashflows are gross of income tax and are expressed in real terms. 
Significant assumptions made in determining the fair value of the biological 
assets at 30 June 2008 were: 
(i)Timber plantations are valued based on expected volumes of merchantable 
timber that could be obtained from existing plantations, given current 
management strategies and legislative and other externally imposed restrictions. 
(ii)The limit of the cash flow analysis is the expected rotation period for the 
current timber plantations which ranges from 3 years to 20 years. 
(iii)The ongoing costs of growing the trees are deducted in determining the net 
cash flows. In some projects producing processed products, harvest and milling 
costs are also included. 
(iv)Costs, prices, growth yields and sawn timber recovery rates are based on 
actual and expected rates. 
(v)The valuations assume that all biological assets will be appropriately 
managed in the future to best siviculture, forestry and agricultural practices. 
(vi)Nominal pre tax discount rates of 9%-17% per annum are applied to the 
estimated cash flows. The discount rates take into account the risk associated 
with future cash flows associated with each project and are based on cost of 
capital calculations, with reference to industry standards. 
The discount rates in respect of each group are as follows: 
Woodlots - Paulownia:9% 
Woodlots - BioForest Dual Income Project 2006:15% 
Vineyards - Adelaide Hills Vineyard Project:12.1% 
Woodlots - Timbercorp Eucalypt:10% to 14% 
Olive groves - Timbercorp:15% to 17% 
Almond groves - Timbercorp:15% to 17% 
AHM Early Season Apples:15% 
AHM Organic Apples: 
Gumeracha Vineyards: 
2008 Grain Co Production Units:15% 
(vii) Continued water availability for projects exposed to high risk water 
(viii) A stable market environment throughout the life of each project. 
(ix)   A continued high level of management quality for investments in 
biological assets. 
(x)   The productive life of the asset. 
(i)The period over which the asset will mature. 
(ii)The expected future sales price. Expected future sales prices for all 
biological assets are based on average current prices increased for inflation. 
(iii)The costs expected to arise throughout the life of the asset, which are 
based on average costs throughout the period, increased for inflation. 
(iv)Inflation rates are estimated by the independent valuation experts, based on 
bank rates and economic indicators. The estimates used range from 2.8% to 5%. 
Additional assumptions have been made in determining the fair value of the 
Paulownia woodlots, which are: 
(i)The continued ability of management to grow Paulownia, and also harvest, 
process and market Paulownia products. 
(ii)Current market prices for Paulownia are maintained. 
(iii) Operational costs in future years are in line with the Directors' 
Biological assets 
|                                                                                  |           GBP | 
| Group                                                                            |               | 
| Carrying amount as at 1 July 2007                                                |    10,133,150 | 
| Exchange difference                                                              |     1,803,610 | 
| Increases due to purchases                                                       |     5,176,848 | 
| Loss arising from changes in fair value less point of sale costs                 |   (1,751,099) | 
|                                                                                  |    __________ | 
|                                                                                  |               | 
| Carrying amount as at 30 June 2008                                               |    15,362,509 | 
| Exchange difference                                                              |     (149,203) | 
| Increases due to purchases                                                       |       366,941 | 
| Gain arising from changes in fair value less point of sale costs                 |             - | 
|                                                                                  |    __________ | 
|                                                                                  |               | 
| Carrying amount as at 31 December 2008                                           |    15,580,247 | 
|                                                                                  |     ========= | 
|                                                                                  |               | 
The fair value of biological assets comprises the following elements: 
|                                            |          31 December |           31 December |         30 June | 
|                                            |                 2008 |                  2007 |            2008 | 
|                                            |                  GBP |                   GBP |             GBP | 
|                                            |                      |                       |                 | 
| Non-current assets                         |                      |                       |                 | 
|      Woodlots*                             |            6,568,598 |             9,456,494 |       6,632,149 | 
|      Vineyards                             |              724,510 |               808,187 |         731,520 | 
|      Olive groves                          |              128,990 |                58,839 |         102,822 | 
|      Almond groves                         |            1,717,631 |               588,160 |       1,502,757 | 
|      Apple orchards                        |            2,763,635 |                       |       2,790,373 | 
|      Mangos                                |              108,519 |                     - |                 | 
|                                            |                      |                       |               - | 
|                                            |                      |                     - |                 | 
|                                            |                      |                       |       _________ | 
|                                            |            _________ |             _________ |                 | 
|                                            |           12,011,883 |            10,911,680 |      11,759,621 | 
| Current assets:                            |                      |                       |                 | 
|      Wheat and barley                      |            3,568,364 |                       |       3,602,888 | 
|                                            |                      |                     - |                 | 
|                                            |                      |                       |       _________ | 
|                                            |            _________ |             _________ |                 | 
|                                            |           15,580,247 |            10,911,680 |      15,362,509 | 
|                                            |            ========= |             ========= |       ========= | 
    *Includes GBP5,102,198 (December 2007: GBP8,149,655) (June 2008: 
GBP5,151,562) relating to Paulownia Woodlots. 
At the period end, the Group had not entered into commitments to acquire or 
develop biological assets subsequent to the year end. 
5.Critical accounting estimates and judgements 
The Group makes estimates and assumptions concerning the future. The resulting 
accounting estimates and assumptions will, by definition, seldom equal the 
related actual results. The estimates and assumptions that have a significant 
risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and 
liabilities within the next financial year are discussed below. 
Income taxes: Income tax estimates are based on the assumption that no adverse 
change will occur in income tax legislation. 
Biological assets: Please refer to the note on 'Biological assets' above. 
Investments: Fair value of the unquoted Adelaide Hills and the unquoted 
Riverland Land and Water investments have been assessed following independent 
valuations provided by external valuers. Shares in Willmott Forests were 
acquired, following their takeover of Bio-energy. These shares are listed on the 
Australian Stock Exchange and have been valued based on their market value as at 
31 December 2008. An impairment has been recognised in the income statement in 
respect of this. 
Allocation of purchase consideration for Gumeracha Vineyard: The purchase 
consideration for the Gumeracha Vineyard property assets acquired by the 
Adelaide Hills Vineyard Trust has been allocated based on reasonable estimates 
of the Directors and management of the Gumeracha Vineyard property. 
6.Share Capital 
|                                                 |            As at |         As at |          As at | 
|                                                 |      31 December |   31 December |        30 June | 
|                                                 |             2008 |          2007 |           2008 | 
|                                                 |              GBP |           GBP |            GBP | 
|                                                 |                  |               |                | 
| Authorised:                                     |                  |               |                | 
| 666,666,667 Ordinary Shares of 3p each          |       20,000,000 |    20,000,000 |     20,000,000 | 
|                                                 |        ========= |     ========= |      ========= | 
| Allotted, issued and fully paid                 |          578,219 |               |                | 
| 19,273,971 Ordinary shares of 3p each           |                  |       578,219 |        578,219 | 
|                                                 |        ========= |     ========= |      ========= | 
The Company has not issued any new shares since the last report and accounts of 
30 June 2008. 
The Company holds 200,000 of its own shares. The consideration paid for these 
shares was recognised as a deduction from shareholders' equity as a separate 
reserve "own shares held". 
No dividend was paid in respect of the year ended 30 June 2008 (2007: dividend 
of 3.0p per share as a final dividend for the year to 30 June 2007). 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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