RNS Number:2126J
Rotork PLC
02 March 2005


Notes to the Financial Statements
for the year ended 31 December 2004

Except where indicated, values in these notes are in #'000

1.   Accounting policies

The following principal accounting policies have been applied consistently in
dealing with items which are considered material in relation to the financial
statements of the Group and of the Company.

Basis of accounting

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention
supplemented by the revaluations explained in note 11 to the financial
statements and have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting
standards.  The Group has fully implemented FRS 17, Retirement Benefits and UITF
Abstract 38, Accounting for ESOP trusts in these financial statements. The
comparative figures have been restated accordingly and the impact is explained
further in notes 12, 20, 23 and 24.


The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of
the Company and its subsidiary undertakings for the year to 31 December 2004.
The acquisition method of accounting has been adopted.  Under this method, the
results of subsidiary undertakings acquired in the year are included in the
consolidated profit and loss account from the date of acquisition.

A separate profit and loss account dealing with the results of the Company only
has not been presented, as permitted by section 230(4) of the Companies Act


Goodwill arising on consolidation represents the difference between the fair
value of the consideration given and the fair value of the separable net assets
acquired.  Goodwill arising on the acquisition of subsidiaries is amortised on a
straight line basis over 20 years.

Foreign currencies

Assets and liabilities of subsidiary undertakings in foreign currencies are
translated into sterling at rates of exchange ruling at the end of the financial
year and the results and cash flows of foreign subsidiary undertakings are
translated at the average rate of exchange for the year.  Differences on
exchange arising from the retranslation of the opening net investment in
subsidiary undertakings, and from the translation of the results of those
undertakings at average rate, are taken to reserves and are reported in the
statement of total recognised gains and losses.  All other foreign exchange
differences are taken to the profit and loss account in the year in which they

Depreciation and amortisation

Freehold land is not depreciated. Long leasehold buildings are amortised over
fifty years or the expected useful life of the building where less than fifty
years.  Other assets are depreciated by equal annual instalments by reference to
their estimated useful lives and residual values at the following annual rates:

Freehold buildings              -  2% to 4%

Short leasehold buildings       -  period of lease

Machinery, plant and equipment  -  10% to 30%


Where fixed assets are financed by leasing agreements, which give rights
approximating to ownership, the assets are treated as if they had been purchased
and the capital element of the leasing commitments is shown as obligations under
finance leases.  The rentals payable are apportioned between interest, which is
charged to the profit and loss account, and capital, which reduces the
outstanding obligation so as to give a constant rate of charge on the
outstanding lease obligations.  Costs in respect of operating leases are charged
as incurred on a straight line basis in arriving at the operating profit.

Stocks and work in progress

Stocks and work in progress are valued at the lower of cost on a 'first in,
first out' basis and net realisable value.  In respect of work in progress and
finished goods, cost includes all production overheads and the attributable
proportion of indirect overhead expenses.

Deferred taxation

Deferred tax is provided in full, without discounting, on timing differences
that result in an obligation at the balance sheet date to pay more tax, or a
right to pay less tax, at a future date at rates expected to apply when they
crystallise based on current tax rates and law, except for the items explained
below.  Timing differences arise from the inclusion of items of income and
expenditure in taxation computations in periods different from those in which
they are included in the financial statements.  Deferred tax is not provided on
timing differences arising from the revaluation of fixed assets where there is
no commitment to sell the assets or on unremitted earnings of subsidiaries where
there is no commitment to remit those earnings.  Deferred tax assets are
recognised to the extent that it is regarded as more likely than not that they
will be recovered.


Turnover represents gross sales made and services supplied in engineering,
excluding value added tax and returns and allowances.

Research and development

Expenditure on research and development of the Group's products is written off
against profits in the year in which it is incurred.


The Group operates a number of pension arrangements worldwide.  These include
both defined benefit and defined contribution arrangements.  The assets of all
the arrangements are held separately from the assets of the Group in
independently administered funds.  The amounts charged against profits in
respect of defined contribution arrangements are the contributions payable to
those arrangements in the accounting period.

For the defined benefit arrangements the assets are measured at market values.
The liabilities are measured on the Projected Unit method, discounting at the
current rate of return of a high quality corporate bond of the appropriate term
and currency to the liability, as required under FRS17.

Defined benefit scheme deficits are recognised in full and presented on the face
of the balance sheet.  The movement in the deficit is split between operating
charges, financing items and actuarial gains and losses in the statement of
recognised gains and losses.

Derivative financial instruments

The Group uses forward exchange contracts to reduce its exposure to foreign
exchange risk.  The Group does not hold or issue derivative financial
instruments for speculative purposes.  For a forward exchange contract to be
treated as a hedge, the instrument must be related to actual foreign currency
assets or liabilities or to a probable commitment.  It must involve the same
currency or similar currencies as the hedged item and must also reduce the risk
of foreign currency exchange movements on the Group's operations.

Gains and losses on foreign currency hedges are recognised in the profit and
loss account when the hedged transaction is recognised.

Notes to the Financial Statements

2.   Analysis of turnover, profit and net assets

Analysis by operation:

                                                     2004                                    2003
                                   Turnover Profit before       Profit   Turnover   Profit before       Profit
                                            interest, tax       before              interest, tax       before
                                             and goodwill interest and               and goodwill interest and
                                                                   tax                                     tax
                                                                                         restated     restated

Electrics                           109,345        26,713       26,315    105,594          25,202       24,746
Gears                                17,806         3,218        2,767     16,264           2,913        2,468
Fluid system                         23,802         3,121        2,677     18,838           2,086        1,682
Unallocated                               -       (1,902)      (1,902)                    (1,786)      (1,786)
Inter segmental elimination         (4,070)             -            -    (4,732)               -            -
                                      _____         _____        _____      _____           _____        _____
Continuing operations               146,883        31,150       29,857    135,964          28,415       27,110
Discontinued operations                   -             -            -          -             597          597
                                      _____         _____        _____      _____           _____        _____
                                    146,883        31,150       29,857    135,964          29,012       27,707
                                       ====          ====         ====       ====            ====         ====

                                                                                           2004         2003
                                                                                     Net assets   Net assets

Electrics                                                                                32,031       29,768
Gears                                                                                    10,936       10,723
Fluid system                                                                             13,090       11,960
Unallocated                                                                              15,963       23,695
                                                                                          _____        _____
Net assets excluding pension liabilities - continuing operations                         72,020       76,146
Pension liabilities and related deferred tax                                           (13,885)     (13,653)
                                                                                          _____        _____
Net assets including pension liabilities                                                 58,135       62,493
                                                                                           ====         ====

Analysis by geographical origin:
                                                     2004                                    2003
                                   Turnover Profit before     Profit     Turnover   Profit before       Profit
                                            interest, tax     before                interest, tax       before
                                                      and   interest                 and goodwill interest and
                                                             and tax                                       tax
                                                                                         restated     restated

Europe                               76,596        22,836     21,944       70,075          20,412       19,532
Americas                             39,284         3,846      3,582       39,992           4,374        4,053
Rest of world                        31,003         6,370      6,233       25,897           5,415        5,311
Unallocated                               -       (1,902)    (1,902)            -         (1,786)      (1,786)
                                      _____         _____      _____        _____           _____        _____
Continuing operations               146,883        31,150     29,857      135,964          28,415       27,110
Discontinued operations                   -             -          -            -             597          597
                                      _____         _____      _____        _____           _____        _____
                                    146,883        31,150     29,857      135,964          29,012       27,707
                                       ====          ====       ====         ====            ====         ====

2.   Analysis of turnover, profit and net assets (continued)
                                                                                           2004          2003
                                                                                     Net assets    Net assets

Europe                                                                                   28,152        23,838
Americas                                                                                 15,112        16,683
Rest of world                                                                            12,793        11,930
Unallocated                                                                              15,963        23,695

                                                                                          _____         _____
Net assets excluding pension liabilities - continuing operations                         72,020        76,146
Pension liabilities and related deferred tax                                           (13,885)      (13,653)
                                                                                          _____         _____
Net assets including pension liabilities                                                 58,135        62,493
                                                                                           ====          ====

Analysis of turnover by destination:

Europe                                                                                   66,036        62,354
Americas                                                                                 41,704        41,557
Rest of world                                                                            39,143        32,053
                                                                                          _____         _____
                                                                                        146,883       135,964
                                                                                           ====          ====

All turnover and operating profit for both the year under review and the prior
year are from continuing operations.  The 2003 profit before interest and tax
has been restated to identify central costs separately rather than present them
within the business or geographic segments.  Unallocated net assets comprise
cash less proposed dividends.

3.   Non operating items

Profit on disposal of fixed assets                                           -       597

The freehold premises formerly occupied by Rotork Control and Safety, the trade
and assets of which were sold in November 2002, was sold in April 2003 for
consideration of #1,675,000.  This profit on disposal is not taxable as it is
offset by capital losses brought forward.

4.   Interest and similar items

Interest receivable and similar income
Short term deposits                                                                  776                754
Other                                                                                 73                 87

                                                                                   _____              _____
                                                                                     849                841
Interest payable and similar charges
Bank loans and overdrafts                                                           (70)               (39)
Other                                                                               (66)               (41)

                                                                                   _____              _____
                                                                                   (136)               (80)
Other finance costs
Interest on pension scheme liabilities                                           (3,556) (3,100)

Expected return on pension scheme assets                                           3,477              2,800
                                                                                   _____             ______
                                                                                    (79)              (300)

Net interest receivable and similar items                                            634                461

                                                                                    ====               ====

5.   Profit on ordinary activities before taxation

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after charging or
(crediting) the following:

                                                                                              2004         2003

Depreciation and other amounts written off tangible fixed assets:
owned assets                                                                                 2,497        2,220

assets held under finance lease contracts                                                       80           66
Amortisation of goodwill                                                                     1,293        1,305
Research and development expenditure                                                         2,434        2,071
Hire of plant and machinery                                                                    538          604
Other operating lease rentals                                                                  619          601
Exchange differences realised                                                                (411)        (244)

Audit fees and expenses                                                                        206          239

Other fees paid to KPMG Audit Plc and its associates analysed between:

further assurance services                                                                      15            6

taxation services                                                                               41           60

other                                                                                           61           48

The auditors' remuneration in respect of the Company was #34,000 (2003: #31,000)

6.   Tax on profit on ordinary activities

Current tax:
UK Corporation tax on profits for the year                                                     6,258      6,520
Double tax relief                                                                            (1,995)    (2,566)
Adjustment in respect of prior years                                                             156       (22)

                                                                                               _____      _____
                                                                                               4,419      3,932

                                                                                               _____      _____

Overseas tax on profits for the year                                                           5,879      5,700
Adjustment in respect of prior years                                                              21       (59)

                                                                                               _____      _____
                                                                                               5,900      5,641
                                                                                               _____      _____
Total current tax                                                                             10,319      9,573

                                                                                               _____      _____

Deferred tax:
Origination and reversal of timing differences                                                   212      (138)
Adjustment to estimated recoverable amounts of deferred tax assets arising in previous            60         34

                                                                                               _____      _____
Total deferred tax                                                                               272      (104)

                                                                                               _____      _____

Tax charge on profit on ordinary activities                                                   10,591      9,469

                                                                                                ====       ====

Effective tax rate (based on profit before tax and goodwill)                                   33.3%      32.1%

6.   Tax on profit on ordinary activities (continued)
                                                                                                2004        2003

Profit before tax                                                                             30,491      28,168

Profit on ordinary activities multiplied by standard rate of corporation tax in the UK of      9,147       8,450
30% (2003: 30%)

Effects of:
Timing differences                                                                             (212)         138
Non deductible expenses                                                                          150         133
Unrelieved /(utilisation of) losses                                                               25       (490)
Higher tax rates on overseas earnings                                                            644       1,030
Goodwill amortisation                                                                            388         392
Adjustments to tax charge in respect of prior periods                                            177        (80)
                                                                                               _____       _____
Current tax charge for period                                                                 10,319       9,573
                                                                                                ====        ====

The Group continues to expect its effective rate of corporation tax to be
slightly higher than the standard UK rate due to higher rates of tax in the US,
Canada, France, Germany, Italy and India.

No deferred tax is recognised on the unremitted earnings of overseas
subsidiaries.  As the unremitted earnings are continually reinvested by the
Group, no tax is expected to be payable on them in the foreseeable future.

7.   Dividends

Additional interim paid 5.85p per ordinary share                                             5,056            -
Interim paid 5.35p per ordinary share (2003: 5.25p)                                          4,592        4,445
Final proposed 9.70p per ordinary share (2003: 9.50p)                                        8,303        8,142

                                                                                             _____        _____
Ordinary dividends on equity shares                                                         17,951       12,587
9.5% cumulative preference dividend on non-equity shares                                         4            5

                                                                                             _____        _____
                                                                                            17,955       12,592

                                                                                              ====         ====

8.   Earnings per share

Earnings per share is calculated for both the current and previous years using
the profit attributable to the ordinary shareholders for the year.  The earnings
per share calculation is based on 85.8 million shares (2003 restated: 85.7
million shares) being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue
for the year.

The adjusted earnings per share is based on the profit for the year attributable
to the ordinary shareholders before the amortisation of goodwill.  The adjusted
numbers provide a more consistent measure of operating performance.

Diluted earnings per share is based on the profit for the year attributable to
the ordinary shareholders and 86.4 million shares (2003 restated: 86.1 million
shares).  The number of shares is equal to the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential
ordinary shares.  The Company has two categories of dilutive potential ordinary
shares: those share options granted to employees where the exercise price is
less than the average market price of the Company's ordinary shares during the
year and contingently issuable shares awarded under the Long-Term Incentive

                                                                                               2004        2003

Profit for the financial year attributable to ordinary shareholders                          19,896      18,694
Amortisation of goodwill                                                                      1,293       1,305
                                                                                              _____       _____
Adjusted profit                                                                              21,189      19,999

Basic earnings per share based on profit for the financial year                               23.2p       21.8p
Basic earnings per share based on adjusted profit                                             24.7p       23.3p
Diluted earnings per share                                                                    23.0p       21.7p

9.   Directors and employees

                                                                                               2004        2003
                                                                                                No.         No.

During the year, the average weekly number of employees, analysed by business activity,

Electrics                                                                                       865         846
Gears                                                                                           124         128
Fluid system                                                                                    151         139
                                                                                              _____       _____
                                                                                              1,140       1,113

                                                                                               ====        ====

UK                                                                                              419         420
Overseas                                                                                        721         693
                                                                                              _____       _____
                                                                                              1,140       1,113

                                                                                               ====        ====

                                                                                              #'000       #'000
Staff costs during the year were:                                                                      restated

Wages and salaries                                                                           28,442      27,321

Social security costs                                                                         2,950       2,688

Pension costs                                                                                 2,035       1,934

                                                                                              _____       _____
                                                                                             33,427      31,943

                                                                                               ====        ====

9.   Directors and employees (continued)

Directors' interests

The interests of the directors in the ordinary share capital of the Company
according to the register required to be kept by section 325 of the Companies
Act 1985, at 31 December were as follows:
                                                                                                No.         No.

RC Lockwood                                                                                       -           -
JW Matthews                                                                                  10,600      10,000
A Walker                                                                                      5,000       5,000
GE Malcolm                                                                                   29,430      27,025
WH Whiteley                                                                                  87,478      86,321
RE Slater                                                                                    20,911      19,642
RH Arnold                                                                                    14,384      12,925

All interests were beneficial and include directors' directly held and family
share interests.

The beneficial interests at 31 December included the following ordinary shares
held under the Rotork Share Incentive Plan (SIP), and the Rotork Profit-Linked
Share Plan (PLSS) in trust:

GE Malcolm                                                                                    3,693       3,404
WH Whiteley                                                                                   4,159       4,407
RE Slater                                                                                     3,623       3,250
*RH Arnold                                                                                    2,841       2,601

*RH Arnold participates in the Rotork Overseas Profit-Linked Share Scheme
(OPLSS), and the figures shown for RH Arnold for 2004 and the prior year relate
solely to OPLSS.

Details of directors remuneration and allocations to directors in 2004 and
further details of the SIP and OPLSS schemes are provided in the remuneration
report on pages 17 to 22.

The only changes in the directors interests post year end relate to shares
purchased by the UK based directors monthly under the Rotork SIP partnership
plan to a maximum #125 per month.

Save as disclosed, no director or his family had any interest in the shares of
the Company at 31 December 2004.

10.   Intangible fixed assets


At 1 January 2004                                                             25,919
Exchange differences                                                           (269)

Goodwill arising on acquisition                                                  671
At 31 December 2004                                                           26,321

Aggregate amortisation
At 1 January 2004                                                              6,862
Exchange differences                                                             (8)
Charge for the year                                                            1,293
At 31 December 2004                                                            8,147

Net book amount at 31 December 2004                                           18,174


Net book amount at 31 December 2003                                           19,057


11.   Tangible fixed assets

                                                         Group                               Company
                                                     Machinery                             Machinery
                                        Land and     plant and                Land and     plant and
                                       buildings     equipment      Total    buildings     equipment      Total

Cost or valuation

At 1 January 2004                         10,490        17,544     28,034          840            13        853
Exchange differences                       (158)         (221)      (379)           16             -         16
Additions                                    939         2,307      3,246          785             -        785
Disposals                                  (173)         (882)    (1,055)        (173)             -      (173)
Acquisition of subsidiary                      -            32         32            -             -          -
                                           _____         _____      _____        _____         _____      _____
At 31 December 2004                       11,098        18,780     29,878        1,468            13      1,481

                                            ====          ====       ====         ====          ====       ====


At 1 January 2004                          3,078        11,316     14,394          173            10        183
Exchange differences                        (23)         (132)      (155)            2             -          2
Charge for year                              333         2,244      2,577           30             3         33
Disposals                                   (24)         (791)      (815)         (24)             -       (24)
                                           _____         _____      _____        _____         _____      _____
At 31 December 2004                        3,364        12,637     16,001          181            13        194

                                            ====          ====       ====         ====          ====       ====

Net book value                             7,734         6,143     13,877        1,287             -      1,287

at 31 December 2004                         ====          ====       ====         ====          ====       ====

At 31 December 2003                        7,412         6,228     13,640          667             3        670

                                           _____         _____      _____        _____         _____      _____

The net book value of the Group's plant and machinery includes #186,000 (2003:
#144,000) in respect of assets held under finance leases and hire purchase

                                                                                              Group        Group
                                                                                               2004         2003

Land and buildings stated in accordance with the historical cost convention were:
Cost                                                                                          9,421        8,812
Depreciation                                                                                (2,680)      (2,457)

                                                                                              _____        _____
Net book value at 31 December                                                                 6,741        6,355

                                                                                               ====         ====

Net book value of land and buildings can be analysed between:          Group      Group Company 2004 Company 2003
                                                                        2004       2003

Freehold land                                                          1,095      1,117           60           82
Freehold buildings                                                     5,195      4,733        1,227          585
Long leasehold                                                         1,439      1,557            -            -
Short leasehold                                                            5          5            -            -

                                                                       _____      _____        _____        _____
Net book value at 31 December                                          7,734      7,412        1,287          667
                                                                        ====       ====         ====         ====

11.   Tangible fixed assets (continued)

The cost or valuation figure of #11,098,000 (2003: #10,490,000) included the following
properties at the revalued amounts shown. The year of revaluation is also given.

                                                                             2004          2003

Bath freehold, 1991                                                           105           105
Bath leasehold, 1991                                                        2,245         2,245
Spain freehold, 1997                                                          284           284

                                                                            _____         _____

                                                                            2,634         2,634

                                                                             ====          ====

The revaluation of the Bath properties was based on the market value for the
existing use.  Under a statutory option the Spanish property was revalued using
the retail price index on 1 January 1997.

12.   Investments (held as fixed assets)

Investments previously shown in the Group balance sheet represented shares held
for future payments under the Share Incentive Plan and Long-Term Incentive Plan.
Under UITF 38 these have now been reclassified as a deduction from reserves.
Further details are set out in note 20.

Investments in the Company balance sheet:

                                                                         Investment in subsidiary

At 1 January 2004                                                                           1,398
Prior year adjustment (see note 24)                                                         (341)

At 1 January 2004 as restated                                                               1,057


At 31 December 2004                                                                         1,057


A listing of the major investments is included in the directory on pages 51 to

13.   Stocks and work in progress

                                                                              Group         Group
                                                                               2004          2003

Raw materials and purchased components                                       14,590        12,436
Work in progress                                                              3,585         3,077
Finished stocks                                                               2,840         3,057

                                                                              _____         _____
                                                                             21,015        18,570

                                                                               ====          ====

14.   Debtors
                                                                   Group           Group     Company Company 2003
                                                                    2004        restated        2004

Amounts falling due within one year:
Trade debtors                                                     34,060          28,973           -            -
Amounts owed by subsidiary undertakings                                -               -      34,991       14,635
Other debtors                                                      1,345             687         297          144
Prepayments and accrued income                                     1,180           1,125           9          142
Corporation tax                                                    2,176           1,226         414          473
Deferred taxation                                                    917             955         425          247
                                                                   _____           _____       _____        _____
                                                                  39,678          32,966      36,136       15,641

                                                                    ====            ====        ====         ====
Amounts falling due after more than one year:
Amounts owed by subsidiary undertakings                                -               -           -           99
Other debtors                                                        489             486           -            -
                                                                   _____           _____       _____        _____
                                                                     489             486           -           99
                                                                   _____           _____       _____        _____
                                                                  40,167          33,452      36,136       15,740
                                                                    ====            ====        ====         ====

A deferred tax asset of #917,000 has been recognised at 31 December 2004 (2003:
#955,000).  This asset principally relates to other timing differences in the US
of #472,000 and Rotork Controls in the UK of #227,000.  The directors are of the
opinion, based on recent and forecast trading that the level of UK and US
profits in the current and future years make it more likely than not that the
asset will be recovered.

A deferred tax asset of #3.9 m (2003: #3.5m) has not been recognised in relation
to capital losses (#2.2m) and certain tax credits, tax losses and other timing
differences.  These assets may be recovered if sufficient taxable or capital
profits are made in future in the companies concerned.

15.   Cash at bank and in hand

                                                                   Group           Group     Company     Company
                                                                    2004            2003        2004        2003
Cash at bank and in hand                                           7,469           4,833          45          47
Term deposits                                                     17,829          27,420      13,731      25,227

                                                                   _____           _____       _____       _____
                                                                  25,298          32,253      13,776      25,274

                                                                    ====            ====        ====        ====

Cash flow analysis

                                                                                                Group       Group
                                                                                                 2004    restated

Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from operating activities:
Operating profit                                                                               29,857      27,110
Goodwill amortisation                                                                           1,293       1,305
Depreciation                                                                                    2,577       2,286
(Profit) on sale of fixed assets                                                                 (72)        (29)
Special pension contribution                                                                  (5,000)           -
Difference between pension charge and cash contributions                                        (633)       (397)
(Increase) in stocks                                                                          (2,600)       (969)
(Increase) / decrease in debtors                                                              (6,228)         329
Increase in creditors and provisions                                                            4,266       3,546

                                                                                                _____       _____
Net cash inflow from operating activities                                                      23,460      33,181

                                                                                                 ====        ====

15.   Cash at bank and in hand (continued)

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds                                         2004        2003

Increase in cash in the year                                                                    2,464         411
Cash flow from change in debt and lease financing                                               (248)          88
Cash flow from change in short term deposits                                                  (9,485)      11,301

                                                                                                _____       _____
Change in net funds resulting from cash flows                                                 (7,269)      11,800
Translation difference                                                                          (314)          44

                                                                                                _____       _____
Movement in net funds in the year                                                             (7,583)      11,844
Net funds at 1 January                                                                         31,887      20,043

                                                                                                _____       _____
Net funds at 31 December                                                                       24,304      31,887

                                                                                                 ====        ====

Analysis of net funds

                                           At 1 January               Other non-cash      Exchange         At 31
                                                   2004                    movements      movement December 2004
                                                           Cash flow

Cash at bank and in hand                          4,833        2,806               -         (170)         7,469
Overdrafts                                        (119)        (342)               -          (12)         (473)

                                                  _____        _____           _____         _____         _____

                                                  4,714        2,464               -         (182)         6,996

Debt due within one year                           (55)        (105)               -           (5)         (165)
Debt due after one year                            (68)         (83)               -          (18)         (169)
Finance leases                                    (124)           58           (118)           (3)         (187)
Term deposits                                    27,420      (9,485)               -         (106)        17,829

                                                  _____        _____           _____         _____         _____
Total                                            31,887      (7,151)           (118)         (314)        24,304

                                                   ====         ====            ====          ====          ====

16.   Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
                                                                       Group       Group     Company     Company
                                                                        2004        2003        2004        2003

Bank loans and overdrafts                                                638         174       4,941       3,065
Net obligations under finance leases                                      88          63           -           -

                                                                       _____       _____       _____       _____
Borrowings                                                               726         237       4,941       3,065

Trade creditors                                                       15,363      12,284         110          75
Bills of exchange                                                        246         176           -           -
Amounts owed to subsidiary undertakings                                    -           -       1,058       1,058
Corporation tax                                                        5,779       5,020          14           9
Other taxes and social security                                        1,709       1,452          11          10
Other creditors                                                        2,800       2,254       2,050       1,465
Accruals and deferred income                                           8,752       8,192         129         138
Dividends payable                                                      8,392       8,192       8,392       8,192
                                                                       _____       _____       _____       _____
                                                                      43,767      37,807      16,705      14,012
                                                                        ====        ====        ====        ====

Bank loans are secured by accepted letters of credit and corporate guarantees.

Obligations under operating leases are shown under note 21.

17.   Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year
                                                                                   Group        Group
                                                                                    2004         2003

Bank loans                                                                           169           68
Finance lease obligations                                                             99           61
                                                                                   _____        _____
                                                                                     268          129

                                                                                    ====         ====

Bank loans are for overseas subsidiaries and are secured by accepted letters of

18.   Provisions for liabilities and charges

                                                                 Group                       Company
                                                  taxation    Warranty      Other      Total      Other     Total

Balance at 1 January 2004                              128       1,725      1,037      2,890        277       277
Exchange differences                                    39        (30)       (15)        (6)          -         -
Utilised during the year                                 -       (362)      (505)      (867)          -         -
Transfer to current assets                           (164)           -          -      (164)          -         -
Acquisition                                              -           -         54         54          -         -
Charged in the profit and loss account                 272         230         67        569          -         -

                                                     _____       _____      _____      _____      _____     _____
Balance at 31 December 2004                            275       1,563        638      2,476        277       277
                                                      ====        ====       ====       ====       ====      ====

Provisions should be utilised over a period not exceeding five years.  The
provision for product warranties reflects the anticipated costs that will be
incurred in respect of unexpired warranties granted to customers.

The amounts provided for deferred taxation are:

                                                                         Group      Group     Company     Company
                                                                          2004       2003        2004        2003

Difference between accumulated depreciation and capital allowances         284        329          77          74
Short term timing differences                                            (926)    (1,156)       (127)       (321)
Pension liabilities                                                    (5,951)    (5,850)           -           -
                                                                         _____      _____       _____       _____
                                                                       (6,593)    (6,677)        (50)       (247)
                                                                          ====       ====        ====        ====
Analysed between:
Debtors                                                                  (917)      (955)        (50)       (247)
Provisions for liabilities and charges                                     275        128           -           -
Pension liabilities (note 23)                                          (5,951)    (5,850)           -           -
                                                                         _____      _____       _____       _____
                                                                       (6,593)    (6,677)        (50)       (247)
                                                                          ====       ====        ====        ====

The majority of the pensions provision related to projected obligations under
Rotork Controls Inc.'s Employee Benefit Plan.

19.   Share capital

                                                                      Authorised       Issued and fully paid-up
                                                                       2004       2003         2004        2003

Non-equity 9.5% cumulative preference shares of #1 each                  47         50           47          50
Equity ordinary shares of 5p each                                     5,449      5,449        4,300       4,292

                                                                      _____      _____        _____       _____

                                                                      5,496      5,499        4,347       4,342

                                                                       ====       ====         ====        ====

Number of equity ordinary shares of 5p each (thousands)             108,990    108,990       85,994      85,833

The preference shareholders take priority over the ordinary shareholders on a
distribution in the winding-up of the Company or on a reduction of capital
involving a return of capital.  The holders of preference shares are entitled to
vote at a general meeting of the Company if a preference dividend is in arrears
for six months or the business of the meeting includes the consideration of a
resolution for winding-up the Company or the alteration of the preference
shareholders' rights.

The only ordinary shares issued during the year were 161,137 (2003: 188,664)
under The Rotork Employee Share Option Schemes at prices between 192p and 328p
with a total consideration of #457,000.  No shares were issued under The Rotork
Share Incentive Plan or under The Overseas Profit-Linked Share Scheme during

On 1 May 2004 options over 166,015 shares exercisable after three years (subject
to satisfying performance criteria) at 3.87p were granted under The Rotork
Employee Share Option Scheme (1995).  On 8 October 2004 options over 162,357
shares were granted under the Rotork Sharesave Scheme at 319.6p. Of these
options, 63,336 were exercisable after 3 years and 99,021 after 5 years.

There were 528,941 (2003: 524,063) outstanding options under The Rotork Employee
Share Option Schemes at 31 December 2004, exercisable at various prices between
192p and 387per ordinary share and between 2005 and 2014.

The investment in own shares represents 130,671 (2003:135,819) ordinary shares
of the Company held in trust for the benefit of directors and employees for
future payments under the Share Incentive Plan and Long-Term Incentive Plan.
The market value of these shares at 31 December 2004 was #540,000 (2003:
497,000).  The dividends on these shares have been waived.

20.   Equity reserves

                                                             Share        Capital    Revaluation      Profit and
                                                           premium     redemption        reserve    loss account
                                                           account        reserve

At 1 January 2004                                            4,543          1,634          2,405          63,563
Prior year adjustments (note 24)                                 -              -              -        (13,994)

                                                             _____          _____          _____           _____
At 1 January 2004 as restated                                4,543          1,634          2,405          49,569
Profit retained                                                  -              -              -           1,945
Premium on new shares issued                                   450              -              -               -
Actuarial loss net of deferred tax                               -              -              -         (5,555)
Purchase of own ordinary shares                                  -              -              -           (691)
Shares awarded under share schemes                               -              -              -             702
Purchase of own preference shares                                -              3              -             (5)
Exchange differences                                             -              -              -         (1,212)
                                                             _____          _____          _____           _____
At 31 December 2004                                          4,993          1,637          2,405          44,753

                                                              ====           ====           ====            ====

20.   Equity reserves (continued)

                                                                                              2004           2003

Profit and loss reserve excluding pension liability                                         58,638         63,222

Pension liability                                                                         (13,885)       (13,653)

                                                                                             _____          _____
Profit and loss reserve                                                                     44,753         49,569

                                                                                              ====           ====


                                                                             Share        Capital
                                                                           premium     redemption       Profit and
                                                                           account        reserve     loss account

At 1 January 2004                                                            4,543          1,634           18,274
Prior year adjustments (note 24)                                                 -              -            (341)

                                                                              ____           ____             ____
At 1 January 2004 as restated                                                4,543          1,634           17,933
Profit retained                                                                  -              -            6,352
Premium on new shares issued                                                   450              -                -
Purchase of own ordinary shares                                                  -              -            (691)
Shares awarded under share schemes                                               -              -              702
Purchase of own preference shares                                                -              3              (5)
Exchange differences                                                                                             6
                                                                             _____          _____            _____
At 31 December 2004                                                          4,993          1,637           24,297

                                                                              ====           ====             ====

Profit for the financial year in the accounts of the Company is #24,308,000
(2003: #27,172,000)

21.   Commitments

Capital commitments at 31 December for which no provision has been made in these
accounts were:

                                                                                               Group       Group
                                                                                                2004        2003

Contracted                                                                                       332         489

                                                                                                ====        ====

                                                                      Land and buildings    Machinery, plant and

Operating lease rentals payable during the next year are as             2004        2003        2004        2003
Commitments expiring:
Within one year                                                           81          21          96          72
Between two and five years                                               433         396         373         403
After five years                                                          31          34           1           1
                                                                       _____       _____       _____       _____
                                                                         545         451         470         476

                                                                        ====        ====        ====        ====

22.   Acquisition of businesses

Acquisition of Deanquip Valve Automation Pty Ltd in January 2004          Book value    Accounting   Fair value

Fixed assets                                                                      37           (5)           32
Stock                                                                            345          (97)          248
Debtors                                                                           19           (2)           17
Creditors and provisions                                                        (56)             -         (56)
                                                                                ____          ____         ____

                                                                                 345         (104)          241
Goodwill added to the balance sheet                                                                         671

Consideration paid including costs                                                                          912


On 13 January 2004 the business and assets of Deanquip Valve Automation Pty Ltd
were acquired for #818,000 from Deanquip Sales Pty Ltd.  #692,000 was paid on
completion and the remaining #126,000 paid in January 2005.   Deanquip Valve
Automation Pty Ltd was renamed Rotork Fluid System Pty Ltd in January 2005.

23.   Pensions

The Group operates a number of pension plans in the UK and overseas, devised in
accordance with local conditions and practices.  The assets of these schemes are
held in separate trustee administered funds.

The total pension cost for the Group was #2,035,000 (2003 restated: #1,934,000)
of which #1,039,000 (2003: #878,000) related to the overseas schemes.  Included
in the total pension cost is # 533,000 (2003: #412,000) in respect of defined
contribution pension schemes.

The pension cost relating to the principal scheme that covers the majority of UK
employees is assessed in accordance with the advice of an independent qualified
actuary using the projected unit method, under which the current service cost
per member will increase as the members of the scheme approach retirement.  The
latest actuarial valuation of the principal UK scheme was as at 31 March 2004
and, for the purposes of accounting for FRS17, this has been adjusted to reflect
the position at 31 December 2004 by a qualified independent actuary.  The
assumptions that have the most significant effect on the results of the
valuations are those relating to the rate of return on investments and the rates
of increase in salaries and pensions.  It was assumed that the investment return
would be 5.1% on post-retirement related investments and 7.2% on investments for
pre-retirement liabilities, that salary increases would average 3.7% per annum
and that present and future pensions would increase at a rate of 4.5% on service
accrued until May 2000 and at 2.7% for service after that date.

At the date of the latest actuarial valuation, the market value of the assets of
the principal UK scheme was #48.8 million (excluding members' Additional
Voluntary Contributions).  The actuarial value of the assets was sufficient to
cover 84% of the benefits that had accrued to members, after allowing for
expected future increases in earnings.  This deficiency should be eliminated by
2013 by increasing the employer's deficit contribution rate to #1.2 million per
annum.  In addition, an ongoing employer contribution rate of 11.2% has been set
for funding future service benefits.  The pension costs of the other defined
benefit scheme that covers US employees have been determined in accordance with
advice from an independent qualified actuary.

The Company is a member of a pension scheme providing benefits based on final
pensionable pay.  Because the Company is unable to identify its share of the
scheme assets and liabilities on a consistent and reasonable basis, as permitted
by FRS 17 'Retirement benefits' the scheme has been accounted for, in these
financial statements as if the scheme was a defined contribution scheme.  The
contribution for the year was #121,000 (2003: #111,000).

The key FRS17 assumptions used for the schemes were:

                                 UK scheme                  US scheme                   Average
                               (% per annum)              (% per annum)              (% per annum)
                             2004     2003     2002     2004     2003     2002     2004     2003     2002

Discount rate                5.30     5.45     5.65     5.66     6.10     6.60     5.32     5.48     5.70
Rate of increase in           3.9      3.8      3.3      4.5      4.5      5.0     3.93     3.84     3.39
Rate of increase in           2.9      2.8      2.3      0.0      0.0      0.0     2.78     2.66     2.19
pensions (post May 2000)
Rate of increase in           4.5      4.5      4.5      0.0      0.0      0.0     4.31     4.28     4.28
pensions (pre May 2000)
Rate of price inflation       2.9      2.8      2.3      3.5      3.5      4.0     2.93     2.84     2.39

The assets in the schemes and the expected rates of return were:

                                               Expected rate of return   %          Fair value      #m
                                                   2004       2003       2002      2004       2003       2002

Equities                                           7.90       8.20       8.30      33.6       31.4       25.6
Bonds                                              4.90       5.10       5.00      16.2        9.1        7.7
Other                                              4.90       4.90       4.44       3.0        2.6        3.1
US deposit administration contract                 6.00       6.00       6.00       1.9        1.6        1.4

                                                                                  _____      _____      _____
Total                                                                              54.7       44.7       37.8

                                                                                   ====       ====       ====

23.   Pensions (continued)

Analysis of the amounts included in the statement of total recognised gains and               2004        2003

     Actual return less expected return on pension scheme                                    (884)     (3,700)
     Experience loss arising on schemes liabilities                                          1,529         150
     Loss on change of assumptions                                                           5,254       6,600
     Currency gain                                                                           (107)        (50)
                                                                                             _____       _____
Total loss included in the statement of total recognised gains                               5,792       3,000
and losses before adjustment for tax
                                                                                              ====        ====

History of experience gains and losses as a percentage of the        2004            2003            2002
schemes' assets / liabilities at end of year                        #000      %      #000     %      #000     %

Actual return less expected return on pension scheme               (884)      2   (3,700)     8    10,300    27
Experience loss arising on schemes liabilities                     1,529      2       150     -       700     1
Total actuarial loss included in the statement of total            5,792      8     3,000     5    11,300    21
recognised  gains and losses

The following amounts were measured in accordance with the requirements of FRS17:

                                                                   At 31 December    At 31 December
                                                                             2004              2003

Total fair value of schemes' assets                                        54,650            44,700
Present value of the schemes' liabilities                                (74,486)          (64,203)

                                                                            _____             _____
Deficit in the schemes                                                   (19,836)          (19,503)
Related deferred tax                                                        5,951             5,850

                                                                            _____             _____
Net pension liability                                                    (13,885)          (13,653)
                                                                             ====              ====

The assets and liabilities disclosed above are the combined total of the UK and
US schemes.  The US scheme accounts for approximately 4% of the total liability.

The Company has a subsidiary in the Netherlands, the employees of which are
members of an industry-wide pension scheme and any surplus or deficit cannot be
associated with a particular employer.  Therefore, this has not been included in
the results.  The total contribution to this scheme over the year was #58,000.

Analysis of the movement in deficit in the schemes during the year:

Deficit in the schemes at 1 January                                                      (19,503)      (16,600)
Contributions paid                                                                          7,040         1,897
Current service cost (included in operating profit)                                       (1,502)       (1,500)
Other finance charge                                                                         (79)         (300)
Actuarial loss                                                                            (5,899)       (3,050)
Currency gain                                                                                 107            50
                                                                                            _____         _____
Deficit in the schemes at 31 December                                                    (19,836)      (19,503)

                                                                                             ====          ====

24.   Prior year adjustments

As set out in note 1, Accounting policies, the Group has adopted FRS 17 in full
in these financial statements.  The full adoption this year of FRS 17 has had
the following impact on the accounts:

                                                                                                2004        2003

Increase in operating profit                                                                     633         397
Inclusion of pension finance cost                                                               (79)       (300)
Increase in tax on profit on ordinary activities                                               (137)        (30)
Increase in retained profit                                                                      417          67

Increase in deferred taxation debtor                                                           5,951       5,850
Inclusion of pension liabilities                                                            (19,836)    (19,503)
Decrease in net assets                                                                      (13,885)    (13,653)

The impact of the prior year adjustment on the net assets as 31 December 2003
represents the inclusion of the FRS 17 liability, net of deferred tax, of
#13,653,000.  The impact of the prior year adjustment on the profit and loss
account for the year ended 31 December 2003 represents the reversal of the SSAP
24 net pension charges of #1,897,000 and inclusion of the net pension charges
and associated tax under FRS17 of #1,830,000.  The impact on net assets at 31
December 2004 and on the profit and loss account for the year then ended
represents the difference between the actual position following adoption of FRS
17 and the position which would have been reported had SSAP 24 continued to be
applied on the same basis as at 31 December 2003.

Note 1, Accounting policies, also states that the Group adopted UITF 38 in these
financial statements.  The adoption of UITF 38 has had the following impact on
these accounts:

Decrease in investments                                                                        (330)       (341)
Decrease in reserves                                                                           (330)       (341)

The impact of the prior year adjustment on the net assets at 31 December 2003
and 31 December 2004 represents the change in presentation of own shares held in
the ESOP from requiring them to be recognised as an investment to requiring them
to be deducted in arriving at shareholders' funds.  There was no impact on the
profit and loss account of either year.

25.   Contingent liabilities

                                                                   Group        Group      Company      Company
                                                                    2004         2003         2004         2003

Performance guarantees and indemnities                             3,466        3,345          464          498
Guarantees for bank overdrafts of UK subsidiary                        -            -            2            -

The UK banking arrangements are subject to cross-guarantees between the Company
and its UK subsidiary undertakings.  These accounts are subject to a right of
set-off.  The performance guarantees and indemnities have been entered into in
the normal course of business.  A liability would only arise in the event of the
Group failing to fulfil its contractual obligations.

26.   Derivatives and other financial instruments

Financial risk and treasury policies

The treasury department maintains liquidity, manages relations with the Group's
bankers, identifies and manages foreign exchange risk and provides a treasury
service to the Group's businesses.  Treasury dealings such as investments,
borrowings and foreign exchange are conducted only to support underlying
business transactions.

The Group has clearly defined policies for the management of foreign exchange
and interest rate risk.  Group treasury is not a profit centre and, therefore,
does not undertake speculative foreign exchange dealings for which there is no
underlying exposure.  Exposures resulting from sales and purchases in foreign
currency are matched where possible and the net exposure may be hedged by the
use of forward exchange contracts.

The numerical disclosures in this note deal with financial assets and financial
liabilities as defined in Financial Reporting Standard 13: 'Derivatives and
Other Financial Instruments: Disclosures' (FRS13).  Certain financial assets
such as investments in subsidiary and associated companies are excluded from the
scope of these disclosures.

As permitted by FRS13, short-term debtors and creditors have been excluded from
the disclosures, other than the currency disclosures.

Interest rate risk profile

Financial liabilities

The interest rate profile of the Group's financial liabilities at 31 December
was as follows:

                                  2004                                            2003
                 Fixed rate    Floating rate           Total      Fixed rate   Floating rate           Total
                of interest      of interest                     of interest     of interest

Euro                    187              473             660             125             119             244
Yen                     102               66             168             122               -             122
Other                     -              166             166               -               -               -
                      _____            _____           _____           _____           _____           _____
                        289              705             994             247             119             366

                       ====             ====            ====            ====            ====            ====

The floating rate financial liabilities comprise bank loans / overdrafts bearing
interest rates fixed by reference to the relevant LIBOR or equivalent rate.

The weighted average interest rate of the fixed rate financial liabilities is
3.5% per annum (2003: 3.8%).

The weighted average period for which interest rates on the fixed rate financial
liabilities are fixed is 2 years (2003: 2 years).

Financial assets

The interest rate profile of the financial assets held as part of the financing
arrangements of the Group at 31 December was as follows:

                                                            2004                          2003
                                              Fixed rate cash       Other cash   Fixed rate     Other cash

Sterling                                               14,314              662       25,428            566
US dollar                                               2,258            3,264          821          1,273
Euro                                                      940            1,859          427          1,005
Other                                                     316            1,685          744          1,989

                                                        _____            _____        _____          _____
                                                       17,828            7,470       27,420          4,833

                                                         ====             ====         ====           ====

All cash deposits are held on fixed rates of interest.  All other cash amounts
are on floating rates or overnight rates based on the relevant LIBOR or
equivalent rate.

Further analysis of the interest rate profile at 31 December is as follows:

                                        2004                                      2003

                                     Fixed rate                                Fixed rate
                          Weighted average     Weighted average     Weighted average     Weighted average
                             interest rate     period for fixed        interest rate     period for fixed
                                                  rate (months)                             rate (months)
                                       (%)                                       (%)

Sterling                               4.8                    0                  3.8                    1
US dollar                              2.3                    1                  1.0                    0
Euro                                   2.1                    1                  2.0                    0
Other                                    -                    -                  2.8                    1

                                     _____                _____                _____                _____
Group                                  4.5                    1                  3.7                    1

                                      ====                 ====                 ====                 ====

Currency exposures

The table below shows the Group's balance sheet currency exposures that give
rise to the net currency gains and losses recognised in the profit and loss
account.  Such exposures comprise the monetary assets and monetary liabilities
of the Group that were not denominated in the operating (or 'functional')
currency of the operating unit involved.

At 31 December these exposures were as follows:

Net foreign currency monetary assets / (liabilities)

                                                         Functional currency of Group operation
                                                 Sterling     US dollar         Euro        Other      Total

Sterling                                                -       (1,585)        (434)      (2,644)    (4,663)
US dollar                                             588             -           18        3,689      4,295
Euro                                                1,415           165            -         (55)      1,525
Other                                                 503             -          (1)          529      1,031

                                                    _____         _____        _____        _____      _____
Total                                               2,506       (1,420)        (417)        1,519      2,188

                                                     ====          ====         ====         ====       ====

                                                         Functional currency of Group operation
                                                 Sterling     US dollar         Euro        Other      Total

Sterling                                                -         (856)      (1,156)      (1,078)    (3,090)
US dollar                                             417             -        1,638        2,392      4,447
Euro                                                  281         (298)            -          350        333
Other                                                 822             -          (2)          260      1,080

                                                     ____         _____        _____        _____      _____
Total                                               1,520       (1,154)          480        1,924      2,770

                                                     ====          ====         ====         ====       ====

The amounts shown above take into account the effect of any forward contracts
entered into to manage these currency exposures.

Maturity of financial liabilities

The maturity profile of the Group's financial liabilities at 31 December was as

                                                                                      2004             2003

In one year or less                                                                    726              237
In more than one year but not more than two years                                      126               69
In more than two years but not more than five years                                    142               60
In more than five years                                                                  -                -

                                                                                     _____            _____
Total                                                                                  994              366

                                                                                      ====             ====

The Group had no undrawn committed borrowing facilities at 31 December 2004 and
31 December 2003.

Fair values

The table below shows a comparison by category of book values and fair values of
the Group's financial assets and liabilities at 31 December

                                                                             2004                   2003
                                                                    Book value Fair value  Book value  Fair value

Primary financial instruments held or issued to finance the Group's

Short-term financial liabilities and current proportion of long-term     (726)     (726)      (237)       (237)
Long-term borrowings                                                     (268)     (268)      (129)       (129)
Cash deposits                                                           17,829    17,829     27,420      27,420
Other cash balances                                                      7,469     7,469      4,833       4,833

Derivative financial instruments held to manage the currency

Forward foreign currency contracts                                           -       277          -         630

Gains and losses on hedges

The Group enters into forward foreign currency contracts to eliminate the
currency exposures that arise on sales denominated in foreign currencies.
Changes in the fair value of instruments used as hedges are not recognised in
the financial statements until the hedged position matures.

                                                                                    Gains      Losses      Total
Unrecognised gains and losses on hedges

At 1 January 2004                                                                     684        (54)        630
Amounts arising in previous years that were recognised during the year              (684)          54      (630)

                                                                                    _____       _____      _____
Amounts arising before 1 January 2004 that were not recognised during the year          -           -          -
Amounts arising in the year that were not recognised during the year

                                                                                      373        (96)        277

                                                                                    _____       _____      _____
At 31 December 2004                                                                   373        (96)        277
                                                                                     ====        ====       ====
Of which:
Gains / (losses) expected to be recognised in less than one year                      297        (96)        201
Gains / (losses) expected to be recognised in more than one year                       76           -         76

Ten year trading history

                    2004        2003         2002      2001      2000      1999      1998      1997      1996      1995
                   #'000       #'000        #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000

Continuing       146,883     135,964      129,677   119,322   103,945   112,937    98,103    87,766    82,123    70,353
Discontinued           -           -        3,783     4,367     3,935     4,598     3,337     5,083     8,694     9,645
                  ______      ______  -----______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______
Turnover         146,883     135,964      133,460   123,689   107,880   117,535   101,440    92,849    90,817    79,998

Cost of sales   (79,030)    (72,046)     (71,875)  (65,877)  (59,021)  (63,626)  (54,311)  (50,043)  (48,731)  (45,216)

                  ______      ______       ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______
Gross profit      67,853      63,918       61,585    57,812    48,859    53,909    47,129    42,806    42,086    34,782

Overheads       (37,996)    (36,808)     (35,863)  (33,532)  (29,108)  (27,949)  (23,567)  (22,607)  (24,563)  (20,837)

                  ______      ______       ______     _____     _____    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______
Operating         29,857      27,110       25,722    24,280    19,751    25,960    23,562    20,199    17,523    13,945

Continuing        31,150      28,415       26,553    24,733    20,478    26,358    23,822    20,811    18,308    14,277
Discontinued           -           -          474       574       309       497        59     (427)     (626)     (178)
                  ______      ______       ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______
Operating         31,150      28,415       27,027    25,307    20,787    26,855    23,881    20,384    17,682    14,099
profit before
of goodwill
Amortisation     (1,293)     (1,305)      (1,305)   (1,027)   (1,036)     (895)     (319)     (185)     (159)     (154)
of goodwill
                  ______      ______       ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______
Operating         29,857      27,110       25,722    24,280    19,751    25,960    23,562    20,199    17,523    13,945

Exceptional            -         597            -         -         -         -         -         -   (1,390)         -

Net interest         634         461          440       563       831       987     1,845     1,935     1,364     1,237
                  ______      ______       ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______
Profit on         30,491      28,168       26,162    24,843    20,582    26,947    25,407    22,134    17,497    15,182
Taxation        (10,591)     (9,469)      (8,868)   (8,539)   (7,110)   (9,477)   (9,063)   (8,111)   (7,075)   (5,425)

                  ______      ______       ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______
Profit on         19,900      18,699       17,294    16,304    13,472    17,470    16,344    14,023    10,422     9,757
after taxation
Minority               -           -            -         -         -         -         -         -         -      (43)
interest          ______      ______       ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______

Profit for the    19,900      18,699       17,294    16,304    13,472    17,470    16,344    14,023    10,422     9,714
financial year
Dividends       (17,955)    (12,592)     (11,959)  (11,147)  (10,504)  (10,546)   (9,456)   (8,213)   (7,160)   (4,866)

                  ______      ______       ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______
Retained           1,945       6,107        5,335     5,157     2,968     6,924     6,888     5,810     3,262     4,848
profit for the
financial year     =====       =====        =====     =====     =====     =====     =====     =====     =====     =====

Basic earnings     23.2p       21.8p        20.1p     18.9p     15.6p     20.3p     18.9p     15.9p     11.7p     10.9p
per share
Basic earnings     24.7p       23.3p        21.6p     20.1p     16.8p     21.3p     19.3p     16.1p     11.9p     11.1p
per share
Diluted            23.0p       21.7p        20.0p     18.9p     15.6p     20.3p     18.9p     15.9p     11.7p     10.9p
earnings per

Corporate Directory

Company Secretary                                     Financial Advisers

Stephen Rhys Jones                                    UBS Investment Bank

                                                      1 Finsbury Avenue

                                                      London EC2M 2PP

Registered Office                                     Auditors

Rotork p.l.c                                          KPMG Audit Plc

Brassmill Lane                                        100 Temple Street

Bath BA1 3JQ                                          Bristol BS1 6AG

Company Number


Registrars                                            Financial Public Relations

Lloyds TSB Registrars                                 Financial Dynamics

The Causeway                                          Holborn Gate

Worthing                                              26 Southampton Buildings

West Sussex BN99 6DA                                  London EC2A 1PB

Stock Brokers                                         Solicitors

UBS Investment Bank                                   Messrs. Osborne Clarke

1 Finsbury Avenue                                     No. 2 Temple Back East

London EC2M 2PP                                       Temple Quay

                                                      Bristol BS1 6EG

Notable Dates

2 March 2005             Preliminary announcement of annual results for 2004

4 May 2005               Ex-dividend date for final 2004 dividend

6 May 2005               Record date for final 2004 dividend

22 April 2005            Annual General Meeting held at Rotork House, Brassmill Lane, Bath

27 May 2005              Dividend payment date

3 August 2005            Announcement of interim financial results for 2005


United Kingdom

Rotork p.l.c., England                              Rotork Overseas Ltd, England

Holding company                                     100% owned by Rotork p.l.c.

Roger Lockwood                                      Robert Slater

Chairman (non-executive)                            Director

Bill Whiteley                                       Tel: +44 1225 733200

Chief Executive                                     Fax: +44 1225 733381

Tel: +44 1225 733200                                E-mail: robert.slater@rotork.co.uk

Fax: +44 1225 733381

E-mail: bill.whiteley@rotork.co.uk

Rotork Controls Ltd, England                        Exeeco Ltd, England

100% owned by Rotork p.l.c.                         100% owned by Rotork Controls Ltd

Bill Whiteley                                       Martin Perkins

Chief Executive                                     Managing Director

Tel: +44 1225 733200                                Tel: +44 113 256 7922

Fax: +44 1225 733381                                Fax: +44 113 256 3556

                                                    E-mail: mperkins@exeeco.co.uk

Valvekits Ltd, England

100% owned by Rotork Controls Ltd

Martin Hunt

Managing Director

Tel: +44 1623 440211

Fax: +44 1623 440214

E-mail: mhunt@valvekits.co.uk


Rotork Inc, USA                                     Rotork Controls Inc, USA

100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd                   100% owned by Rotork Inc.

Robert Arnold                                       Robert Arnold

Director                                            President

Tel: +1 585 328 1550                                Tel: +1 585 328 1550

Fax: +1 585 328 5848                                Fax: +1 585 328 5848

E-mail: bob.arnold@rotork.com                       E-mail: bob.arnold@rotork.com

Jordan Controls Inc, USA                            Rotork Controls (Canada) Ltd, Canada

100% owned by Rotork Inc.                           100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd

Derek Olson                                         Chris Bone

General Manager                                     President

Tel: +1 414 461 9200                                Tel: +1 403 569 9455

Fax: +1 414 461 1024                                Fax: +1 403 569 9414

E-mail: DOlson@jordancontrols.com                   E-mail: chris.bone@rotork.ca

Rotork Controls de Venezuela SA, Venezuela

100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd

Edgar Vina

General Manager

Tel: +58 212 953 9473

Fax: +58 212 953 6886

E-mail: rotorkvzev@cantv.net


Rotork Motorisation SA, France                      Rotork Controls (Deutschland) GmbH, Germany

100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd                   100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd

Bruno Deverly                                       Jurgen Vogel

General Manager                                     General Manager

Tel: +33 143 11 15 50                               Tel: +49 2103 95876

Fax: +33 148 35 42 54                               Fax: +49 2103 54090

E-mail: bruno.deverly@rotork.fr                     E-mail: jurgen.vogel@rotork.de

Rotork BV, Netherlands                              Rotork Gears BV, Netherlands

100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd                   100% owned by Rotork Gears (Holdings) BV

Frank Koopmans                                      Martin Perkins

General Manager                                     Managing Director

Tel: +31 10 4146911                                 Tel: +31 53 538 8677

Fax: +31 10 4144750                                 Fax: +31 53 538 3939

E-mail: frank.koopmans@rotork.nl                    E-mail: ngrimshaw@rotorkgears.co.uk

Rotork Gears (Holdings) BV, Netherlands             Rotork Controls (Italia) Srl, Italy

100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd                   100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd

Martin Perkins                                      Cesare Cereghini

Managing Director                                   General Manager

Tel: +31 53 538 8677                                Tel: +39 0245 703300

Fax: +31 53 538 3939                                Fax: +39 0245 703301

E-mail: johan.mostert@rotorkgears.nl                E-mail: cesare.cereghini@rotork.it

Rotork Fluid System Srl, Italy                      Rotork Controls (Espana) SL, Spain

100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd                   100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd

Stefan Davis                                        Joaquin Pastor-Velasquez

Managing Director                                   General Manager

Tel: +39 0583 93061                                 Tel: +34 94 676 6011

Fax: +39 0583 934612                                Fax: +34 94 676 6018

E-mail: stefan.davis@fluidsystem.it                 E-mail: joaquin.pastor@rotork.es

Rest of the World

Rotork Africa (Pty) Ltd, South Africa               Rotork Controls (India) Ltd, India

100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd                   100% owned by Rotork Controls Ltd

Howard Mutters                                      Ashok Jayaram

Managing Director                                   President

Tel: +27 11 4539741                                 Tel: +91 44 2625 4219

Fax: +27 11 4539894                                 Fax: +91 44 2625 7108

E-mail: howard.mutters@rotork.co.za                 E-mail: ashok.jayaram@rotork.co.in

Rotork (Thailand) Ltd, Thailand                     Rotork (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

100% owned by Rotork Inc.                           100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd

Chaitawat Chotikawanish                             P K Ow

Manager                                             General Manager

Tel: +66 2 272 7165                                 Tel: +60 3 7880 9198

Fax: +66 2 272 7167                                 Fax: +60 3 7880 9189

E-mail: chaitawc@rotork.co.th                       E-mail: pkow@rotork.com.my

Rotork (Actuation) Sdn Bhd, Malaysia                Rotork Controls (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Singapore

100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd                   100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd

Doug Jopling                                        Philip Seah

General Manager                                     General Manager

Tel: +60 3 5191 3936                                Tel: +65 64571233

Fax: +60 3 5191 3937                                Fax: +65 64576011

E-mail: doug.jopling@rotorkmy.com                   E-mail: philip.seah@rotork.com.sg

Rotork Ltd, Hong Kong                               Rotork Controls (Shanghai) Ltd, China

100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd                   100% owned by Rotork Controls Ltd

Eric Li                                             Eric Li

General Manager                                     General Manager

Tel: +852 2 5202390                                 Tel: +86 21 647 85015

Fax: +852 2 5289746                                 Fax: +86 21 647 85035

E-mail: eric.li@rotork.com.cn                       E-mail: eric.li@rotork.com.cn

Rotork Controls (Korea) Co, Ltd, South Korea        Rotork Japan Co Ltd, Japan

100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd                   100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd

Y K Kim                                             Masaru Sakurai

General Manager                                     General Manager

Tel: +82 31 265 0962                                Tel: +81 3 5632 2941

Fax: +82 31 265 1369                                Fax: +81 3 5632 2942

E-mail: ykkim@rotork.co.kr                          E-mail: m-sakurai@rotork.co.jp

Rotork Australia Pty Ltd, Australia                 Rotork Fluid System Pty Ltd, Australia

100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd                   100% owned by Rotork Overseas Ltd

Lee Howard                                          Lyndon Dean

General Manager                                     General Manager

Tel: +61 353 381566                                 Tel: +61 3 9729 8882

Fax: +61 353 381570                                 Fax: +61 3 9729 8884

E-mail: lee.howard@rotork.com.au                    E-mail: lyndon@rfsaustralia.com

Shenzhen Sinopec-Rotork Actuation Co, Ltd, China -
35% owned by Rotork Controls Ltd

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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