RNS Number : 0015L

Rotork PLC

06 August 2013

Rotork plc

2013 Half Year Results

                                  HY 2013     HY 2012   % change    OCC *(2) 
                                                                    % change 
 Revenue                        GBP276.1m   GBP245.9m     +12.3%       +5.2% 
 Adjusted*(1) operating 
  profit                         GBP70.2m    GBP61.7m     +13.7%       +5.6% 
 Adjusted operating margin          25.4%       25.1%    +30 bps     +10 bps 
 Profit before tax               GBP63.6m    GBP58.1m      +9.5%       +5.5% 
 Adjusted*(1) profit before 
  tax                            GBP69.4m    GBP61.7m     +12.3%       +4.4% 
 Basic earnings per share           52.8p       47.8p     +10.5%       +6.5% 
 Adjusted*(1) basic earnings 
  per share                         57.6p       50.8p     +13.4%       +5.5% 
 Interim dividend                  18.05p      16.40p     +10.1% 

*(1) Adjusted figures are before the amortisation of acquired intangible assets

*(2) OCC is organic constant currency


   --      Record first-half revenue and profit in each division 
   --      Order intake up 9.4% 
   --      Order book of GBP208m, up 15.1% from December 
   --      Successfully integrating Soldo and Schischek 
   --      Acquisitions of Flowco, GTA and Renfro 
   --      Continued expansion of product portfolio 
   --      Interim dividend increased by 10.1% 

Peter France, Chief Executive, commenting on the results, said:

"Our strategy of broadening our product offering and investing in our infrastructure has enabled us to grow order intake, revenue and profit all to record levels despite the weak economic conditions in some of our regions.

We continue to invest for further growth and anticipate that, as in previous years, the Group's performance in 2013 will be weighted towards the second half. The order book, project activity in the broad geographic regions we serve and our diverse end market exposure provide the Board with confidence of achieving further progress in the full year."

For further information, please contact:

 Rotork plc                         Tel: 01225 733200 
 Peter France, Chief Executive 
 Jonathan Davis, Finance Director 
 FTI Consulting                     Tel: 020 7269 7291 
 Nick Hasell / Susanne Yule 

Review of operations

Business Review

Rotork has performed well in the six months to 30 June 2013. Order intake has continued to exceed revenue, resulting in a record half year order book of GBP208.2m, 15.1% higher than last December. Order intake was 9.4% higher than the comparative period, with Rotork Fluid Systems showing the strongest growth (20.2%). Revenue at GBP276.1m was up 12.3% and adjusted operating profit was 13.7% higher at GBP70.2m.

Across the divisions, North America and parts of Asia have performed particularly well, and this has resulted in record order intake in the first half of 2013. Project visibility remains good and quote activity in the second quarter was encouraging. Whilst activity levels remain high for Rotork Fluid Systems, ongoing weak economic conditions in certain markets have impacted Controls, our electric actuator business, with weakness in some European markets and the Indian power market being particularly affected.

We have managed our cost base effectively through the period, the higher costs associated with product introductions, product development and the investment in facilities being offset by lower material costs and operational gearing. As a result, margins were slightly ahead of the prior year.

The development of our new facility in Bath is on track and we expect to move in during September. We are also expanding our facilities in Singapore and moving to new sites in Spain, Mexico and Malaysia in the second half of the year. Our Leeds based business has experienced a delay in the development of the new site and some of the costs are now likely to fall into 2014.

The integration of Schischek, acquired in January 2013, and Soldo acquired in November 2012, is going well and both businesses have made a positive contribution in the period. We have announced two further acquisitions today. GT Attuatori Group expands our pneumatic actuator portfolio, whilst Renfro Associates Inc provides a US based valve adaption manufacturer, mirroring the service our UK based Valvekits business offers in Europe.

Rotork Site Services, our after-sales and support activity, continues to grow. Subsequent to the period-end, we also completed the small acquisition of Flowco Ltd, a UK-based valve and actuator service company, which will strengthen our presence in the water utilities market in the south of England.

Financial results

Reported revenue rose by 12.3% to GBP276.1m, which included a 2.9% (GBP7.2m) benefit from currency and a 4.2% (GBP10.4m) benefit from the acquisitions of Soldo and Schischek. Adjusted operating profit grew 5.6% on an organic constant currency (OCC) basis to GBP65.2m, with the acquisitions adding a further GBP3.5m between them, and currency a benefit of GBP1.5m. This represents an OCC margin of 25.2%, a 10 basis points improvement over the same point last year. With the benefit of acquisitions and currency included, adjusted operating profit is 13.7% higher at GBP70.2m, a 25.4% margin.

The Group effective tax rate remains similar to full year 2012 at 28.0%. Adjusted basic earnings per share is 57.6p, a 13.4% increase. The higher intangible amortisation charge following the acquisition of Soldo and Schischek results in basic earnings per share of 52.8p, an increase of 10.5%.

Net cash balances of GBP41.6m were GBP18.3m lower than December 2012, with the acquisitions of Schischek (GBP34.3m) and payment of the final dividend (GBP23.1m) representing the largest outflows in the period. Net working capital increased by GBP17.3m since December 2012, a rise of 14.0%, of which GBP5.3m is currency related. Net working capital represents 26.8% of annualised revenue compared with 25.5% last year end and, given the anticipated weighting of revenue to the second half of the year, this increase is to be expected.

Operating Review

Delivery against our twin-track growth strategy is reflected in these results with the benefit of the Soldo and Schischek acquisitions supplementing the organic growth of our divisions. We continue to look for opportunities to grow both organically and by acquisition that will support our long-term strategic and financial goals.

Rotork Controls

 GBPm                      H1 2013   H1 2012    Change   OCC*(2) Change 
 Revenue                     152.6     146.2     +4.4%            -3.3% 
 Adjusted*(1) operating 
  profit                      49.0      46.6     +5.2%            -2.2% 
 Adjusted operating 
  margin                     32.1%     31.9%   +20 bps          +30 bps 

Order intake rose by 2.3% against a strong prior year that benefited from the active unconventional gas market in Australia and shale oil and gas market in America. The lack of projects to replace the large Australian orders will have an impact on order intake in the year although revenue will benefit in the second half as product is supplied. India has remained subdued due to the lack of activity in the power sector. The USA market remains active with the UK also performing well. The order book rose 7.9% to GBP111.1m.

The new products introduced last year are gaining traction and have been well received by customers. We continue to move production from IQ2 to IQ3 as more model sizes within the IQ3 range are launched and we gain certification in more geographic markets. This transition is expected to gather pace in the second half of 2013 and the first half of 2014.

The integration of Schischek is going to plan and we are already benefiting from an increased exposure to the heating, ventilation and air conditioning market.

Rotork Fluid Systems

 GBPm                      H1 2013   H1 2012     Change   OCC*(2) Change 
 Revenue                      89.2      71.4     +24.9%           +21.1% 
 Adjusted*(1) operating 
  profit                      14.2       9.2     +54.2%           +50.0% 
 Adjusted operating 
  margin                     15.9%     12.9%   +300 bps         +300 bps 

Following on from a very strong performance last year Fluid Systems has continued to grow at the fastest rate of all our divisions. Revenue growth was 24.9% and order intake was 20.2% ahead of the comparative period. The order book is a new high of GBP82.3m, up 23.8% from December 2012.

Most regional businesses have seen strong demand for fluid systems products with oil and gas still the dominant end-market. Europe has been very strong and has been supported by the European valve industry supplying global oil and gas infrastructure projects. The USA and Latin America markets are also positive and we are starting to make good progress in Asia, a target market for Fluid Systems.

The operating margin was 15.9%, a 300 basis points improvement on the comparable period, reflecting the benefit of operational gearing and effective material cost management.

Rotork Gears

 GBPm                      H1 2013   H1 2012    Change   OCC*(2) Change 
 Revenue                      27.1      25.3     +7.1%            +4.5% 
 Adjusted*(1) operating 
  profit                       6.1       5.6     +8.8%            +7.0% 
 Adjusted operating 
  margin                     22.3%     22.0%   +30 bps          +50 bps 

Gears order intake was broadly flat compared with the record first half of last year but did exceed output in the period. Our sales effort remains focused on winning new customers in those parts of the world with strong domestic valvemaker industries and we have seen some success in this regard. With revenue 7.1% higher at GBP27.1m, the order book increased by 28.3% to GBP12.7m.

Our European operations performed well, with our Italian factory, where our subsea range is made, making progress and our Spanish subsidiary growing as a result of more business from a key account. Deliveries of subsea gearboxes ordered last year were one of the drivers behind the growth in revenue in Europe whilst China also saw a good improvement in revenue. We continue to invest in our sourcing and R&D teams within the division. Material costs are our largest expense and ensuring that these are controlled and, where possible reduced, remains a key focus and, in this regard, we continue to make progress in establishing our Indian supply chain. The increase in our R&D resource last year has already resulted in some new products which are helping broaden our addressable market and the coming months will see the launch of further range expansions and new developments.

Rotork Instruments

 GBPm                      H1 2013   H1 2012     Change   OCC*(2) Change 
 Revenue                      12.4       8.3     +48.9%           +10.4% 
 Adjusted*(1) operating 
  profit                       3.9       2.7     +43.8%            +3.7% 
 Adjusted operating 
  margin                     31.4%     32.6%   -120 bps         -200 bps 

Order intake was weighted to the first half in Instruments last year and, against this background, Fairchild has grown 10.5% organically. Inclusive of the initial contribution from Soldo, purchased last November, total order input was 53.8% higher. As the division with the shortest lead times, the order book in Instruments is only GBP2.1m but this is a 31.8% increase since the start of the year. Soldo has been fully integrated with Fairchild in the USA and in the rest of the world the integration of the sales teams is well underway. In addition to the increased investment in sales resources, the engineering team has increased as we look to accelerate product development initiatives. These increased costs are the key factor behind the 120 basis point margin reduction as we invest for future growth. With Soldo generating 35.5% margins, the division as a whole achieved a margin of 31.4%.

Principal risks and uncertainties

The Group has an established risk management process as part of the corporate governance framework set out in the 2012 Annual Report & Accounts. We regularly review the principal risks and uncertainties facing our businesses and examine the potential impacts on our processes and procedures. The risk management process is described in detail on pages 30 and 31 of the 2012 Annual Report & Accounts. We identify risks in the form of strategic, operational and financial risks and set out mitigations and improvements to our processes and procedures as necessary to manage these risks. The Group has reviewed these risks and concluded that they remain applicable to the second half of the financial year. The principal risks and uncertainties are:

-- Competition on price as a result of a competitor moving to manufacture in a lower cost area of the world;

   --      Rotork not having the appropriate products, either in terms of features or costs; 
   --      Lower investment in Rotork's traditional market sectors; 

-- Major in field product failure arising from a component defect or warranty issue which might require a product recall;

   --      Failure of a key supplier or a tooling failure at a supplier causing disruption to planned manufacturing; 

-- Failure of an acquisition to deliver the growth or synergies anticipated, due to incorrect assumptions or changing market conditions, or failure to integrate an acquisition to ensure compliance with Rotork's policies and procedures;

   --      Failure of the centralised IT environment, or loss or theft of data; 
   --      Volatility of exchange rates; 
   --      Political instability in a key end-market; 
   --      Defined benefit pension scheme deficit. 

Statement of Directors' Responsibilities

The Directors confirm that this condensed consolidated interim financial information has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 as adopted by the European Union and that the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7 and DTR 4.2.8, namely:

-- an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements, and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year; and

   --      material related party transactions in the first six months and any material changes in the related-party transactions described in the last annual report. 

The Directors of Rotork plc are listed in the Rotork plc Annual Report & Accounts for 31 December 2012. A list of current directors is maintained in the About Us section of the Rotork website: www.rotork.com.


The interim dividend is to be increased by 10.1% to 18.05p per ordinary share and will be paid on 27 September 2013 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 30 August 2013.


We continue to invest for further growth and anticipate that, as in previous years, the Group's performance in 2013 will be weighted towards the second half. The order book, project activity in the broad geographic regions we serve and our diverse end market exposure provide the Board with confidence of achieving further progress in the full year.

By order of the Board

Peter France

Chief Executive

5 August 2013

Independent Review Report to Rotork plc


We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2013 which comprises the Consolidated Income statement, Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income and Expense, Consolidated Balance sheet, Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity, Consolidated Statement of Cash flows and the related explanatory notes. We have read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.

This report is made solely to the company in accordance with the terms of our engagement to assist the company in meeting the requirements of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules ("the DTR") of the UK's Financial Conduct Authority ("the UK FCA"). Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the company those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have reached.

Directors' responsibilities

The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the DTR of the UK FCA.

The annual financial statements of the group are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the EU. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the EU.

Our responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the UK. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

Whilst the company has previously produced a half-yearly report containing a condensed set of financial statements, those financial statements have not previously been subject to a review by an independent auditor. As a consequence, the review procedures set out above have not been performed in respect of the comparative period for the six months ended 30 June 2012.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2013 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34 as adopted by the EU and the DTR of the UK FCA.

Philip Cotton

for and on behalf of KPMG Audit Plc

Chartered Accountants

100 Temple Street, Bristol, BS1 6AG

5 August 2013

Consolidated Income Statement 
                                                  First half  First half  Full year 
                                                        2013        2012       2012 
                                           Notes      GBP000      GBP000     GBP000 
                                                  ----------  ----------  --------- 
Revenue                                      2       276,051     245,871    511,747 
Cost of sales                                      (143,805)   (129,992)  (272,199) 
                                                  ----------  ----------  --------- 
Gross profit                                         132,246     115,879    239,548 
Other income                                              73          62        908 
Distribution costs                                   (2,688)     (2,395)    (4,214) 
Administrative expenses                             (65,161)    (55,416)  (111,743) 
Other expenses                                           (4)        (13)       (32) 
Operating profit before the amortisation 
 acquired intangible assets                           70,210      61,745    131,866 
Amortisation of acquired intangible 
 assets                                              (5,744)     (3,628)    (7,399) 
-----------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  --------- 
Operating profit                             2        64,466      58,117    124,467 
Net finance expense                          3         (856)         (2)      (273) 
Profit before tax                                     63,610      58,115    124,194 
Income tax expense                           4 
UK                                                   (4,327)     (4,284)    (8,686) 
Overseas                                            (13,500)    (12,420)   (26,193) 
                                                  ----------  ----------  --------- 
                                                    (17,827)    (16,704)   (34,879) 
Profit for the period                                 45,783      41,411     89,315 
                                                  ==========  ==========  ========= 
                                                       pence       pence      pence 
Basic earnings per share                     7          52.8        47.8      103.1 
Adjusted basic earnings per share            7          57.6        50.8      109.3 
Diluted earnings per share                   7          52.6        47.6      102.6 
Adjusted diluted earnings per share          7          57.3        50.6      108.7 
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income and Expense 
                                               First half  First half  Full year 
                                                     2013        2012       2012 
                                                   GBP000      GBP000     GBP000 
Profit for the period                              45,783      41,411     89,315 
Other comprehensive income and expense 
Items that may be subsequently reclassified 
 to the income statement: 
Foreign currency translation differences            6,788     (3,015)    (3,967) 
Effective portion of changes in fair value 
 of cash flow 
 hedges net of tax                                (1,829)         591        399 
                                               ----------  ----------  --------- 
                                                    4,959     (2,424)    (3,568) 
Items that are not subsequently reclassified 
 to the income statement: 
Actuarial loss in pension scheme net of tax             -           -    (8,598) 
                                               ----------  ----------  --------- 
Income and expenses recognised directly in 
 equity                                             4,959     (2,424)   (12,166) 
Total comprehensive income for the period          50,742      38,987     77,149 
                                               ==========  ==========  ========= 

Note: The June 2013 results are unaudited and have been subject to review by KPMG. The June 2012 results are unaudited and have not been subject to review. The December 2012 results have been audited by KPMG.

Consolidated Balance Sheet 
                                               30 June  30 June   31 Dec 
                                                  2013     2012     2012 
                                        Notes   GBP000   GBP000   GBP000 
                                               -------  -------  ------- 
Property, plant and equipment                   44,521   36,379   38,445 
Goodwill                                       105,547   67,664   80,729 
Intangible assets                               56,435   34,835   40,743 
Deferred tax assets                             13,549   12,993   12,984 
Derivative financial instruments                     -      545        - 
Other receivables                                1,644    1,490    1,674 
Total non-current assets                       221,696  153,906  174,575 
Inventories                               8     86,723   72,239   71,100 
Trade receivables                              103,862   91,558   95,822 
Current tax                                      2,162    1,841    1,946 
Derivative financial instruments                   582    1,592    2,254 
Other receivables                               12,554    9,814    9,662 
Cash and cash equivalents                       41,594   56,185   59,868 
                                               -------  -------  ------- 
Total current assets                           247,477  233,229  240,652 
Total assets                                   469,173  387,135  415,227 
                                               =======  =======  ======= 
Ordinary shares                           9      4,341    4,338    4,340 
Share premium                                    8,301    7,905    8,258 
Reserves                                        15,315   11,500   10,356 
Retained earnings                              268,870  220,793  246,369 
                                               -------  -------  ------- 
Total equity                                   296,827  244,536  269,323 
                                               -------  -------  ------- 
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings            1,936      160      116 
Employee benefits                               30,727   24,798   32,060 
Deferred tax liabilities                        15,799   12,305   13,488 
Provisions                                       1,881    2,246    2,701 
                                               -------  -------  ------- 
Total non-current liabilities                   50,343   39,509   48,365 
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings              226       86       56 
Trade payables                                  42,710   40,518   36,355 
Employee benefits                               10,312    6,502   10,742 
Current tax                                     19,507   16,427   11,143 
Derivative financial instruments                 3,104      177       96 
Other payables                                  41,576   34,979   35,212 
Provisions                                       4,568    4,401    3,935 
                                               -------  -------  ------- 
Total current liabilities                      122,003  103,090   97,539 
Total liabilities                              172,346  142,599  145,904 
Total equity and liabilities                   469,173  387,135  415,227 
                                               =======  =======  ======= 

Note: The June 2013 Balance sheet is unaudited and has been subject to review by KPMG. The June 2012 balance sheet is unaudited and has not been subject to review. The December 2012 balance sheet has been audited by KPMG.

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                                    Issued                                 Capital 
                                    equity      Share    Translation    redemption     Hedging     Retained 
                                   capital    premium        reserve       reserve     reserve     earnings      Total 
                                    GBP000     GBP000         GBP000        GBP000      GBP000       GBP000     GBP000 
                                 ---------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2011                               4,338      7,835         11,616         1,644         664      198,072    224,169 
 Profit for the period                   -          -              -             -           -       41,411     41,411 
 Other comprehensive income 
                                 ---------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
 Foreign currency translation 
  differences                            -          -        (3,015)             -           -            -    (3,015) 
 Effective portion of 
  changes in fair value 
  of cash flow hedges                    -          -              -             -         782            -        782 
 Tax in other comprehensive 
  income                                 -          -              -             -       (191)                   (191) 
                                 ---------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
 Total other comprehensive 
  income                                 -          -        (3,015)             -         591            -    (2,424) 
                                 ---------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive income              -          -        (3,015)             -         591       41,411     38,987 
 Transactions with owners, 
  recorded directly in 
 Equity settled share 
  based payment transactions             -          -              -             -           -         (47)       (47) 
 Tax on equity settled 
  share based payment 
  transactions                           -          -              -             -           -           11         11 
 Share options exercised 
  by employees                           -         70              -             -           -            -         70 
 Own ordinary shares acquired            -          -              -             -           -      (2,050)    (2,050) 
 Own ordinary shares awarded 
  under share schemes                    -          -              -             -           -        3,114      3,114 
 Dividends                               -          -              -             -           -     (19,718)   (19,718) 
                                 ---------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
 Balance at 30 June 2012             4,338      7,905          8,601         1,644       1,255      220,793    244,536 
 Profit for the period                   -          -              -             -           -       47,904     47,904 
 Other comprehensive income 
                                 ---------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
 Foreign currency translation 
  differences                            -          -          (952)             -           -            -      (952) 
 Effective portion of 
  changes in fair value 
  of cash flow hedges                    -          -              -             -       (243)            -      (243) 
 Actuarial loss on defined 
  benefit pension plans 
  net of tax                             -          -              -             -           -      (9,912)    (9,912) 
 Tax in other comprehensive 
  income                                 -          -              -             -          51        1,314      1,365 
                                 ---------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
 Total other comprehensive 
  income                                 -          -          (952)             -       (192)      (8,598)    (9,742) 
                                 ---------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive income              -          -          (952)             -       (192)       39,306     38,162 
 Transactions with owners, 
  recorded directly in 
 Equity settled share 
  based payment transactions 
  net of tax                             -          -              -             -           -        1,139      1,139 
 Tax on equity settled 
  share based payment 
  transactions                           -          -              -             -           -          116        116 
 Share options exercised 
  by employees                           2        353              -             -           -            -        355 
 Own ordinary shares acquired            -          -              -             -           -        (800)      (800) 
 Own ordinary shares awarded 
  under share schemes                    -          -              -             -           -           21         21 
 Dividends                               -          -              -             -           -     (14,206)   (14,206) 
                                 ---------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2012                               4,340      8,258          7,649         1,644       1,063      246,369    269,323 
                                 =========  =========  =============  ============  ==========  ===========  ========= 

Note: The June 2012 and December 2012 Statement of changes of equity is unaudited and has not been reviewed. The Balance at 31 December 2012 has been audited by KPMG.

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity (continued)

                                    Issued                                 Capital 
                                    equity      Share    Translation    redemption     Hedging     Retained 
                                   capital    premium        reserve       reserve     reserve     earnings      Total 
                                    GBP000     GBP000         GBP000        GBP000      GBP000       GBP000     GBP000 
                                 ---------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2012                               4,340      8,258          7,649         1,644       1,063      246,369    269,323 
 Profit for the period                   -          -              -             -           -       45,783     45,783 
 Other comprehensive income 
                                 ---------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
 Foreign currency translation 
  differences                            -          -          6,788             -           -            -      6,788 
 Effective portion of 
  changes in fair value 
  of cash flow hedges                    -          -              -             -     (2,383)            -    (2,383) 
 Tax in other comprehensive 
  income                                 -          -              -             -         554            -        554 
                                 ---------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
 Total other comprehensive 
  income                                 -          -          6,788             -     (1,829)            -      4,959 
                                 ---------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive income              -          -          6,788             -     (1,829)       45,783     50,742 
 Transactions with owners, 
  recorded directly in 
 Equity settled share 
  based payment transactions             -          -              -             -           -      (1,301)    (1,301) 
 Tax on equity settled 
  share based payment 
  transactions                           -          -              -             -           -          302        302 
 Share options exercised 
  by employees                           1         43              -             -           -            -         44 
 Own ordinary shares acquired            -          -              -             -           -      (3,601)    (3,601) 
 Own ordinary shares awarded 
  under share schemes                    -          -              -             -           -        4,400      4,400 
 Dividends                               -          -              -             -           -     (23,082)   (23,082) 
                                 ---------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
 Balance at 30 June 2013             4,341      8,301         14,437         1,644       (766)      268,870    296,827 
                                 =========  =========  =============  ============  ==========  ===========  ========= 

Note: The June 2013 Statement of changes of equity is unaudited and has been subject to review by KPMG.

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
                                                       First half  First half  Full year 
                                                             2013        2012       2012 
                                                           GBP000      GBP000     GBP000 
                                                       ----------  ----------  --------- 
Profit for the period                                      45,783      41,411     89,315 
Amortisation of acquired intangible assets                  5,744       3,628      7,399 
Amortisation of development costs                             602         464        924 
Depreciation                                                3,130       2,567      5,452 
Equity settled share based payment expense                  1,037         877      2,030 
Net profit on sale of property, plant and 
 equipment                                                   (40)        (38)      (859) 
Net finance expense                                           856           2        273 
Income tax expense                                         17,827      16,704     34,879 
                                                           74,939      65,615    139,413 
Increase in inventories                                  (11,633)    (10,456)    (9,474) 
(Increase) / decrease in trade and other receivables      (5,409)       2,075    (2,220) 
Increase / (decrease) in trade and other payables           7,910       1,183    (3,341) 
Difference between pension charge and cash 
 contribution                                               (285)     (3,242)    (7,211) 
(Decrease) / increase in provisions                         (421)         494      (264) 
(Decrease) / increase in employee benefits                (1,021)     (3,224)      1,711 
                                                       ----------  ----------  --------- 
                                                           64,080      52,445    118,614 
Income taxes paid                                        (13,617)    (14,442)   (37,641) 
                                                       ----------  ----------  --------- 
Cash flows from operating activities                       50,463      38,003     80,973 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                 (4,453)     (7,649)   (12,564) 
Development costs capitalised                               (714)       (924)    (2,075) 
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and 
 equipment                                                     91          74      1,007 
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired        (34,255)         280   (20,674) 
Contingent consideration paid                               (200)       (150)      (200) 
Interest received                                             469         403        623 
                                                       ----------  ----------  --------- 
Cash flows from investing activities                     (39,062)     (7,966)   (33,883) 
Issue of ordinary share capital                                44          70        425 
Purchase of ordinary share capital                        (3,601)     (2,050)    (2,850) 
Interest paid                                               (292)        (20)      (163) 
Repayment of amounts borrowed                               (193)        (49)       (64) 
Repayment of finance lease liabilities                        (7)        (25)       (68) 
Dividends paid on ordinary shares                        (23,082)    (19,718)   (33,924) 
Cash flows from financing activities                     (27,131)    (21,792)   (36,644) 
Net (decrease) / increase in cash and cash 
 equivalents                                             (15,730)       8,245     10,446 
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January                     59,868      48,519     48,519 
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash 
 held                                                     (2,544)       (579)        903 
                                                       ----------  ----------  --------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                 41,594      56,185     59,868 
                                                       ==========  ==========  ========= 

Note: The June 2013 Statement of cash flows is unaudited and has been subject to review by KPMG. The June 2012 Statement of cash flows is unaudited and has not been subject to review. The December 2012 Statement of cash flows has been audited by KPMG.

Notes to the Half Year Report

1. Status of condensed consolidated interim statements, accounting policies and basis of significant estimates

General information

Rotork plc is a company domiciled in England and Wales.

The Company has its premium listing on the London Stock Exchange.

The condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the 6 months ended 30 June 2013 are unaudited and the auditors have reported in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, 'Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity'.

The comparative consolidated interim financial statements for the 6 months ended 30 June 2012 are unaudited and the auditors have not reported in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, 'Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity'.

The information shown for the year ended 31 December 2012 does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006, statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2012 were approved by the Board on 4 March 2013 and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors' report on those financial statements was unqualified, did not contain an emphasis of matter paragraph and did not contain any statement under Section 498 of the Companies Act 2006.

The consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2012 are available from the Company's registered office or website, see note 16.

Basis of preparation

The condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Company for the six months ended 30 June 2013 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as 'the Group').

These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the Financial Services Authority and with International Accounting Standard 34, 'Interim Financial Reporting' as adopted by the European Union. They do not include all of the information required for full annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2012, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union.

Going concern

After making enquiries, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the condensed consolidated interim financial information. In forming this view, the directors have considered trading and cash flow forecasts, financial commitments, the significant orderbook with customers spread across different geographic areas and industries and the significant net cash position.

1. Status of condensed consolidated interim statements, accounting policies and basis of significant estimates (continued)

Critical accounting estimates and judgements

The Group makes estimates and assumptions regarding the future. Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated based on historical experience, and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances.

In the future, actual experience may deviate from these estimates and assumptions. The estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the current financial year are discussed in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012.

Accounting policies

The accounting policies applied and significant estimates used by the Group in these condensed consolidated interim financial statements are the same as those applied by the Group in its consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012.

New accounting standards and interpretations

The amendments to IAS19 Employee benefits have been applied from 1 January 2013. The principal change relates to the requirement to use the schemes' discount rate to calculate the return on assets rather than using a rate of return appropriate to the various asset classes.

The application of the standard in the 2012 financial year would have increased the net pension interest cost to GBP1,092,000 from GBP390,000 (six months to 30 June 2012: increase to GBP546,000 from GBP192,000), reducing the pre-tax profit by GBP702,000 (six months to 30 June 2012: reducing by GBP354,000). The impact on basic earnings per share would be a reduction of 0.6p to 102.5p (six months to 30 June 2012: 0.3p to 47.5p). As a result of the adjustments not being material to the income statement, balance sheet or shareholders' equity prior year balances have not been restated.

The following standards and amendments have also been applied from 1 January 2013:

   --    IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements 
   --    IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements 
   --    IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities 
   --    IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement 
   --    IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements(amendments) 

Application of these standards and amendments has not had any material impact on the disclosures, net assets or results of the Group.

Recent accounting developments

IFRS 9 Financial Instruments has been issued but is not yet effective and has not been adopted as application was not mandatory for the year. The directors anticipate that the adoption of this standard will not have a material impact on the disclosures, net assets or results of the Group.

   2.       Analysis by Operating Segment: 

Half year to 30 June 2013

                           Controls    Systems      Gears     Instruments     Elimination     Unallocated      Group 
                             GBP000     GBP000     GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000     GBP000 
                        -----------  ---------  ---------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------- 
 Revenue from 
  external customers        152,619     89,241     22,051          12,140               -               -    276,051 
 Inter segment 
  revenue                         -          -      5,088             217         (5,305)               -          - 
                        -----------  ---------  ---------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------- 
 Total revenue              152,619     89,241     27,139          12,357         (5,305)               -    276,051 
                        -----------  ---------  ---------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------- 
 Operating profit 
  before amortisation 
  of acquired 
  intangible assets          49,020     14,163      6,063           3,886               -         (2,922)     70,210 
  of acquired 
  assets                    (2,024)      (810)      (109)         (2,801)               -               -    (5,744) 
 Operating profit            46,996     13,353      5,954           1,085               -         (2,922)     64,466 
                        -----------  ---------  ---------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------- 
 Net financing 
  expense                                                                                                      (856) 
 Income tax expense                                                                                         (17,827) 
 Profit for the 
  period                                                                                                      45,783 

Half year to 30 June 2012

                           Controls    Systems      Gears     Instruments     Elimination     Unallocated      Group 
                             GBP000     GBP000     GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000     GBP000 
                        -----------  ---------  ---------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------- 
 Revenue from 
  external customers        146,221     71,438     19,915           8,297               -               -    245,871 
 Inter segment 
  revenue                         -          -      5,419               -         (5,419)               -          - 
                        -----------  ---------  ---------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------- 
 Total revenue              146,221     71,438     25,334           8,297         (5,419)               -    245,871 
                        -----------  ---------  ---------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------- 
 Operating profit 
  before amortisation 
  of acquired 
  intangible assets          46,611      9,182      5,575           2,702               -         (2,325)     61,745 
  of acquired 
  assets                      (368)    (1,196)      (109)         (1,955)               -               -    (3,628) 
 Operating profit            46,243      7,986      5,466             747               -         (2,325)     58,117 
                        -----------  ---------  ---------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------- 
 Net financing 
  income                                                                                                         (2) 
 Income tax expense                                                                                         (16,704) 
 Profit for the 
  period                                                                                                      41,411 

Full year to 30 December 2012

                           Controls    Systems      Gears     Instruments     Elimination     Unallocated      Group 
                             GBP000     GBP000     GBP000          GBP000          GBP000          GBP000     GBP000 
                        -----------  ---------  ---------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------- 
 Revenue from 
  external customers        293,342    160,946     41,039          16,420               -               -    511,747 
 Inter segment 
  revenue                         -          -     11,844               -        (11,844)               -          - 
                        -----------  ---------  ---------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------- 
 Total revenue              293,342    160,946     52,883          16,420        (11,844)               -    511,747 
                        -----------  ---------  ---------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------- 
 Operating profit 
  before amortisation 
  of acquired 
  intangible assets          94,773     24,628     12,088           5,103               -         (4,726)    131,866 
  of acquired 
  assets                      (733)    (2,249)      (218)         (4,199)               -               -    (7,399) 
 Operating profit            94,040     22,379     11,870             904               -         (4,726)    124,467 
                        -----------  ---------  ---------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------- 
 Net financing 
  income                                                                                                       (273) 
 Income tax expense                                                                                         (34,879) 
 Profit for the 
  year                                                                                                        89,315 
   2.       Operating segments (continued) 

Revenue from external customers by location of customer

                      First half   First half   Full year 
                            2013         2012        2012 
                          GBP000       GBP000      GBP000 
 UK                       15,521       19,337      28,448 
 Rest of Europe           88,408       70,228     156,525 
 USA                      58,621       54,869     106,027 
 Other Americas           26,059       21,784      53,323 
 Rest of the World        87,442       79,653     167,424 
                     -----------  -----------  ---------- 
                         276,051      245,871     511,747 
                     -----------  -----------  ---------- 
   3.       Net finance expense 
                                                                 Restated    Restated 
                                                  First half   First half   Full year 
                                                        2013         2012        2012 
                                                      GBP000       GBP000      GBP000 
 Interest income                                         469          349         616 
 Expected return on assets in the pension 
  schemes                                                  -            -           - 
 Foreign exchange gain                                   144          129          30 
                                                 -----------  -----------  ---------- 
                                                         613          478         646 
                                                 -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Interest expense                                      (292)         (59)       (162) 
 Interest charge on pension scheme liabilities         (584)        (192)       (390) 
 Foreign exchange loss                                 (593)        (229)       (367) 
                                                 -----------  -----------  ---------- 
                                                     (1,469)        (480)       (919) 
                                                 -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Net finance expense                                   (856)          (2)       (273) 
                                                 -----------  -----------  ---------- 

The comparatives balances for expected return from pensions scheme assets have been reclassified to interest charge on pension schemes to reflect the change in IAS19 which are explained in Note 1.

   4.       Income taxes 

Income tax expense is recognised based on management's best estimate of the weighted average annual income tax rate expected for the full financial year. The estimated average annual tax rate used for the year ended 31 December 2013 is 28.0% (the effective tax rate for the year ended 31 December 2012 was 28.1%).

The Group continues to expect its effective corporation tax rate to be higher than the standard UK rate due to higher tax rates in the US, China, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and India.

   5.       Acquisitions 

On 15 January 2013 the Group acquired 100% the entire share capital of the operating companies of the Schischek group of companies ("Schischek") for GBP35,865,000. Schischek designs and manufactures explosion-proof electric actuators, principally for the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning markets with its main sites in Germany and Switzerland. The acquired business will be reported within the Controls division. In the period since acquisition Schischek has contributed GBP7,755,000 to Group revenue and GBP2,497,000 to consolidated operating profit before amortisation. The amortisation charge in the period since acquisition from the acquired intangible assets was GBP1,636,000.

If the acquisition had occurred on 1 January 2013 the results would not have been materially different. It is not practicable to disclose profit before tax or profit attributable to equity shareholders as the Group manages its Treasury function on a Group basis.

The acquisition had the following effect on the Group's assets and liabilities.

                                                   Provisional    Provisional 
                                     Book value    Adjustments    Fair values 
 Current assets 
 Inventory                                1,353          (135)          1,218 
 Trade and other receivables              2,195           (81)          2,114 
 Cash                                     1,610              -          1,610 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables               (2,308)          (144)        (2,452) 
 Loans and borrowings                     (295)              -          (295) 
 Corporation tax                          (745)          (418)        (1,163) 
 Non-current assets/liabilities 
 Property, plant and equipment            3,239              -          3,239 
 Loans and borrowings                   (1,824)              -        (1,824) 
 Intangible assets                            -         18,541         18,541 
 Deferred tax                                 -        (5,043)        (5,043) 
 Total net assets                         3,225         12,720         15,945 
 Goodwill                                                              19,920 
 Purchase consideration paid in 
  cash                                                                 35,865 
 Purchase consideration                                                35,865 
 Cash held in subsidiary                                              (1,610) 
 Cash outflow on acquisition                                           34,255 

The provisional adjustments shown in the table above represent the alignment of accounting policies to Rotork Group policies and the fair value adjustments of the assets and liabilities at the acquisition date.

Goodwill has arisen on the acquisition as a result of the value attributed to staff expertise and the assembled workforce, which did not meet the recognition criteria for a separate intangible asset.

The intangible assets identified are customer relationships, the Schischek brand, product design patents and the acquired order book

   6.       Dividends 
                                             First half  First half  Full year 
                                                   2013        2012       2012 
                                                 GBP000      GBP000     GBP000 
                                             ----------  ----------  --------- 
  The following dividends were paid in 
   the period per 
   qualifying ordinary share: 
  26.6p final dividend (2012: 22.75p)            23,082      19,718     19,718 
  16.4p interim dividend                              -           -     14,206 
                                                 23,082      19,718     33,924 
                                             ----------  ----------  --------- 
  The following dividends per qualifying 
   ordinary share were declared / proposed 
   at the balance sheet date: 
  26.6p final dividend                                -           -     23,091 
  18.05p interim dividend declared (2012: 
   16.4p)                                        15,670      14,229          - 
                                                 15,670      14,229     23,091 
                                             ----------  ----------  --------- 

The interim dividend of 18.05 pence will be payable to shareholders on 27 September 2013 to those on the register on 30 August 2013.

   7.       Earnings per share 

Earnings per share is calculated using the profit attributable to the ordinary shareholders for the period and 86.7m shares (six months to 30 June 2012: 86.6m; year to 31 December 2012: 86.6m) being the weighted average ordinary shares in issue.

Diluted earnings per share is calculated using the profit attributable to the ordinary shareholders for the period and the weighted average ordinary shares in issue adjusted to assume conversion of all potentially dilutive ordinary shares under the Group's option schemes, Sharesave plan and Long-term incentive plan.

Adjusted basic and diluted earnings per share is calculated using the profit attributable to the ordinary shareholders for the year after adding back the after tax amortisation charge.

                                            First half  First half  Full year 
                                                  2013        2012       2012 
                                                GBP000      GBP000     GBP000 
                                            ----------  ----------  --------- 
  Net profit attributable to ordinary 
   shareholders                                 45,783      41,411     89,315 
  Amortisation                                   5,744       3,628      7,399 
  Tax effect on amortisation at effective 
   rate                                        (1,610)     (1,043)    (2,078) 
                                            ----------  ----------  --------- 
  Adjusted net profit attributable to 
   ordinary shareholders                        49,917      43,996     94,636 
                                            ----------  ----------  --------- 
   8.       Inventories 
                                  30 June   30 June    31 Dec 
                                     2013      2012      2012 
                                   GBP000    GBP000    GBP000 
 Raw materials and consumables     56,478    43,832    48,279 
 Work in progress                  14,577    12,146    11,474 
 Finished goods                    15,668    16,261    11,347 
                                 --------  --------  -------- 
                                   86,723    72,239    71,100 
                                 --------  --------  -------- 
   9.       Share capital and reserves 

The number of ordinary 5p shares in issue at 30 June 2013 was 86,814,000 (30 June 2012: 86,763,000; 31 December 2012: 86,808,000).

The Group acquired 123,509 of its own shares through purchases on the London Stock Exchange during the period, (30 June 2012: 101,010; 31 December 2012: 136,253). The total amount paid to acquire the shares was GBP3,601,000 (30 June 2012: GBP2,050,000; 31 December 2012: GBP2,850,000), and this has been deducted from shareholders equity. The shares are held in trust for the benefit of Directors and employees for future payments under the Share Incentive Plan and Long-term incentive plan. All issued shares are fully paid.

Awards under the Group's long-term incentive plan and share investment plan vested during the period and 100,589 and 101,706 shares respectively were transferred to employees.

Employee share options schemes: options exercised during the period to 30 June 2012 resulted in 5,393 ordinary 5p shares being issued (30 June 2012: 12,817 shares), with exercise proceeds of GBP44,000 (30 June 2012: GBP70,000). The weighted average market share price at the time of exercise was GBP27.19 (30 June 2012: GBP20.14) per share.

   10.     Loans and borrowings 

The following loans and borrowings were issued and repaid during the six months ended 30 June 2013:

                                                Year of      Interest      value 
                                               maturity          rate     GBP000 
 Balance at 1 January 2013                                                   172 
 Movement in the period: 
 Acquired as part of business combination       2017-32         2.12%      2,119 
 Repayment of loans                             2013-32         1.95%      (193) 
 Repayment of finance leases                    2013-15   1.5% - 6.7%        (7) 
 Exchange differences                                                         71 
 Balance at 30 June 2013                                                   2,162 
   11.     Related parties 

The Group has a related party relationship with its subsidiaries and with its directors and key management. A list of subsidiaries is shown in the 2012 Annual Report & Accounts. Transactions between key subsidiaries for the sale and purchase of products or between the subsidiary and parent for management charges are priced on an arms length basis.

Sales to subsidiaries and associates of BAE Systems plc, a related party by virtue of non-executive director IG King's directorship of that company, totalled GBP49,253 during the period to 30 June 2013 (First half 2012: GBP2,000; Full year 2012: GBP34,000) and GBP16,032 was outstanding at 30 June 2013 ( 30 June 2012: GBP2,000; 31 December 2012: GBP15,000).

UBS Investment Bank are a related party by virtue of non-executive director SA James' directorship of UBS Limited. UBS Investment Bank provides the Group financial advice and stockbroking services. The current arrangement with UBS Investment Limited is that out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed and no fees will be charged for their regular advisory or broking services. Expenses of GBP3,000 have been reimbursed during the period to 30 June 2013 (First half 2012: nil: Full year 2012: GBP4,000) and no balance was outstanding at 30 June 2013 (30 June 2012: GBPnil; 31 December 2012: GBPnil).

   12.     Key management emoluments 

The emoluments of those members of the management team, including directors, who are responsible for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Group are:

                                         First half   First half   Full year 
                                               2013         2012        2012 
                                             GBP000       GBP000      GBP000 
 Emoluments including social security 
  costs                                       2,469        2,138       4,510 
 Post employment benefits                       244          227         457 
 Share based payments                           697          591       1,418 
                                        -----------  -----------  ---------- 
                                              3,410        2,956       6,385 
                                        -----------  -----------  ---------- 
   13.     Share-based payments 

A grant of shares was made on 7 March 2013 to selected members of senior management at the discretion of the Remuneration Committee. The key information and assumptions from this grant were:

                                               Equity Settled   Equity Settled 
                                                TSR condition    EPS condition 
 Grant date                                      7 March 2013     7 March 2013 
 Share price at grant date                           GBP29.05         GBP29.05 
 Shares awarded under scheme                           49,416           49,416 
 Vesting period                                       3 years          3 years 
 Expected volatility                                    25.7%            25.7% 
 Risk free rate                                          0.3%             0.3% 
 Expected dividends expressed as a dividend 
  yield                                                  1.5%             1.5% 
 Probability of ceasing employment before 
  vesting                                             5% p.a.          5% p.a. 
 Fair value                                          GBP17.02         GBP28.19 

The basis of measuring fair value is consistent with that disclosed in the 2012 Annual Report & Accounts.

   14.     Events Post Balance Sheet Date 

On 5 July 2013 the Group acquired 100% of the share capital of Flowco Limited, a valve and actuator service company based near our headquarters in Bath, United Kingdom. The acquired business will be reported within the Rotork Controls division.

On 2 August 2013 the Group acquired 100% of the share capital of the GT Attuatori companies, a manufacturer of pneumatic actuators with operations based in Italy and Germany. The acquired businesses will be reported within the Rotork Fluid Systems division.

On 2 August 2013 the Group acquired 100% of the share capital of Renfro Associates Inc, a valve adaption manufacturer based in Broken Arrow, USA. The acquired business will be reported within the Rotork Gears division.

The combined provisional consideration of the above acquisitions is GBP13,900,000 of which GBP13,050,000 was paid in cash on completion. If performance criteria are met a further GBP450,000 will be payable in 2014 and the remaining GBP400,000 in 2015. The businesses will contribute to Group revenue and operating profit in the second half of the year from the dates the individual businesses were acquired.

The provisional net assets are GBP5,200,000, including net cash of GBP300,000. If these acquisitions had occurred on 1 January 2013 the businesses would have contributed GBP7,200,000 to Group revenue and GBP1,100,000 to Group operating profit in the six months to 30 June.

Due to the proximity of the acquisitions to the date of approval of the interim financial statements the initial accounting for these business combinations is incomplete and therefore the disclosures regarding the fair value of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed, the valuation of the goodwill and other intangibles, the amount of goodwill expected to be deductible for tax purposes, the fair value of contingent liabilities and assets and the amount and treatment of acquisition costs cannot be made.

   15.     Shareholder information 

This interim report is being sent to shareholders who requested it and copies are available to the public from the Registered Office at the address below. The interim report is also available on the Rotork website at www.rotork.com.

General shareholder contact numbers:

   Shareholder General Enquiry Number (UK):             0871 384 2030 
   International Shareholders - General Enquiries:        (00) 44 121 415 7047 

For enquires regarding the Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP) contact:

The Share Dividend Team


Aspect House

Spencer Road


West Sussex

BN99 6DA

Tel: 0871 384 2268

   16.     Group information 

Secretary and registered office:

Stephen Rhys Jones

Rotork plc

Rotork House

Brassmill Lane



Company website:


Investor Section:


   17.     Financial Calendar 
   6 August 2013               Announcement of half year financial results for 2013 
   28 August 2013             Ex-dividend date for 2013 interim dividend 
   30 August 2013             Record date for 2013 interim dividend 
   27 September 2013        Payment date for 2013 interim dividend 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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