Financial highlights as at 31 December 2009 
Per ordinary share (pence)             31.12.09   31.12.08   31.12.07 
Net asset value                            31.0       36.4       46.5 
Dividend paid (1)                             -        1.0        1.0 
Cumulative dividend (2)                     6.9        6.9        5.9 
Total return per share (3) 
SPARK VCT 2 plc                            37.9       43.3       52.4 
Return including tax benefits (5)          57.9       63.3       72.4 
Total return per 100p invested (4) 
SPARK VCT 3 plc                            48.8        56.7      70.9 
Return including tax benefits (5)          68.8        76.7      90.9 
 1. Dividend paid in the financial year ended on the date stated 
 2. Cumulative dividends paid by SPARK VCT 2 plc 
 3. Net asset value plus cumulative dividend per share to ordinary shareholders 
    in SPARK VCT 2 plc since the launch of the Company (then called Quester VCT 
    4 plc) in November 2000. 
 4. Total return to former shareholders in SPARK VCT 3 plc, launched in 
    December 2001 (under the name Quester VCT 5 plc), which was merged with 
    SPARK VCT 2 plc in November 2008. The share exchange ratio for former 
    shareholders in SPARK VCT 3 plc was 1.4613. The total return stated is 
    applicable only to subscribers of shares in Quester VCT 5 plc at the time 
    of launch of the Company in 2001-2. It does not represent the return to 
    subsequent subscribers or purchasers of shares. 
 5. Return after 20% income tax relief but excluding capital gains deferral. 
Composition of the fund by value             31.12.09 
Unquoted venture capital investments         65.9% 
Quoted venture capital investments           7.9% 
Cash and other net current assets            26.2% 
Chairman's statement 
It will come as no surprise if I start this statement by saying that 2009 was a 
very difficult year for business in general. The economy was in recession and 
credit was very tight. Even the more mature companies in the portfolio of SPARK 
VCT 2 plc have been facing conditions in which growth has been difficult to 
achieve and levels of sales and profitability have come under pressure. 
Companies that are at a somewhat earlier stage of development have been 
vulnerable to delays and reluctance to place orders on the part of major 
corporate customers. The very early stage companies, trying to establish new 
products or to develop new markets, have found the conditions particularly 
While the companies in which SPARK VCT 2 plc invests are in general financed by 
equity rather than debt, the credit crunch has had the effect, in a number of 
cases, of reducing the availability of trade credit and thereby increasing 
working capital requirements. 
Against this economic background, the funding environment for all early stage 
companies has continued to be very uncertain. Companies that have needed to 
raise new capital during the year have been obliged to accept significantly 
lower pre-money valuations. 
The environment for the achievement of exits from venture capital investments 
has also been unfavourable, with the major corporates on which reliance is 
normally placed for M&A activity having been reluctant to make acquisitions 
during 2009, although as this report is written there are signs of this 
situation beginning to improve. 
As we have said before in these reports, investment in early stage technology 
companies has always required a good deal of patience. We are conscious that 
shareholders in SPARK VCT 2 plc have suffered a heavy decline in net asset 
value per share over the period of their investment. However, the Board 
believes that the present more concentrated portfolio of venture capital 
investments does offer the prospect of significant capital growth from present 
levels, provided that the investee companies can maintain stability and see 
their way through the present difficult times. 
Against this background, the operational progress shown by a number of the key 
portfolio companies in 2009 is reasonably encouraging, and represents a major 
step forward for a portfolio originally built around investment in companies at 
very early stage. A much greater proportion of the overall portfolio by 
valuation is now represented by companies with a significant level of revenue 
generation (over GBP2m per annum) and trading profitably (at the EBITDA level). 
It will be the Company's policy to continue to support those of the existing 
investee companies that are considered to have strong growth prospects, to 
enable them to develop long enough to allow an optimal realisation. At the time 
of writing, it is too soon to predict the timing of any exits, but the shape of 
possible exits from a number of the companies is now starting to become 
clearer. Continued patience, modest amounts of additional investment where 
necessary and strategic input from members of the management team in working 
with the portfolio companies will be the key to making the best of these 
For 2010, the Company's primary objective will be the same as for 2009, namely 
to ensure that the portfolio remains stable, but there will now be a greater 
emphasis on positioning some of the more developed companies for an exit and, 
provided conditions develop favourably, making a start on turning some of the 
more significant assets into cash. 
Results of strategy review 
An announcement was released at the end of January setting out the results of 
the Board's review of the future direction of the Company: this had the aim of 
determining a strategy that will ensure that investment returns generated from 
the venture capital portfolio are delivered to shareholders in the most 
appropriate way, as and when they arise. 
In conducting the Review, the Board was mindful of the tax benefits that 
shareholders have already received in respect of their original investment in 
the Company or in SPARK VCT 3 plc, which merged with the Company in November 
2008. The tax benefits will have included income tax relief on their original 
investment and, in many cases, capital gains deferral ("CGT deferral"). 
Shareholders can also benefit from the ability of the Company to pay tax-free 
dividends under the VCT provisions. 
The Board took into account that most of the Company's existing investments 
have been held in the portfolio for a long time, with successful realisations 
of investments having been few in number and dividend payments to shareholders 
having been very limited. This has been a consequence partly of the initial 
focus of the investment policy on early-stage technology investments and partly 
of the difficult economic and financial conditions in recent years which have 
slowed the rate of development of investee companies and made exits more 
difficult to achieve. 
The key conclusions of the Review are as follows: 
Dividend policy: 
In future, priority will be given to the payment of dividends as and when 
realisations are achieved. In particular, subject to any tax or regulatory 
constraints, 50% of the proceeds from any realisations from within the existing 
venture capital portfolio will be regarded as being available for distribution. 
Longer-term future of the Company: 
The Board considers that the Company should continue as a Venture Capital Trust 
and that, within the parameters of its existing investment policy, there should 
in future be a focus on investments selected with a view to yield as well as 
capital stability. 
Investment policy: 
The Company intends to maintain the existing sector focus, capitalising on the 
SPARK management team's range of contacts and its expertise in investment in 
these sectors. As and when funds are available for new investment, the SPARK 
management team will seek to take advantage of opportunities available at this 
current stage in the investment cycle, particularly opportunities to 
participate in later-stage financing rounds of venture-backed companies within 
the existing sector focus. The aim will be to seek investments in companies 
which are already revenue generating with a stable business base, and are able 
to deliver a flow of dividends or be capable of exit within a 3-year period. 
Share buyback policy: 
The Company will continue to be willing to make buybacks of limited volumes of 
its shares but expects that, going forward, the budget made available to fund 
buybacks will be more tightly restricted than in previous years. 
Results for the year ended 31 December 2009 
The movement in net assets and net assets per share in the year ended 
31December 2009 is summarised in the table below. 
                                     Venture capital       Net      Total       Pence 
                                         investments   current              per Share 
                                               GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000        '000 
Net asset value at 31 December 2008           20,489     8,106      28,595       36.4 
Income                                             -       114         114        0.1 
Operating expenses                                 -      (772)       (772)      (1.0) 
Net gain on disposal                             188         -         188        0.2 
Net loss on valuation of investments         (3,950)         -      (3,950)      (5.0) 
Net investment by the Company                  1,016   (1,016)           -          - 
Net assets before dividends and               17,743     6,432       24,175       30.7 
share buybacks 
Dividend paid                                      -         -            -         - 
Share buybacks                                     -     (146)         (146)       0.3 
Net asset value at 31 December 2009           17,743     6,286        24,029      31.0 
Net assets per share, before the payment of dividends and share buy-backs, fell 
by 5.7p in the year (15.7%). 
The effect of the business and financial environment during 2009 has been a 
decline in valuation of the portfolio of GBP3,950,000 overall, including a 
decline in valuation of the unquoted investments of GBP4,195,000 (-21.1%). Within 
the overall figures, the valuations of the "maturing" venture capital 
investments have remained broadly stable overall, but the valuations of the 
"developing" venture capital investments have seen a significant decline 
(-14.1%), mainly reflecting the lower pre-money valuations applicable where the 
companies have needed to raise additional venture capital funding in the 
current market environment. 
For the "early stage" venture capital investments, the trading conditions, the 
stringent approach to the provision of further funding and the lower pre-money 
valuations that have applied, and in the case of the life sciences investments 
a cautious approach to valuation where developmental delays have been 
encountered, have led to substantial write-downs in valuation (-49.4% for this 
category overall). In all cases, the valuations have been determined under the 
application of the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation 
Guidelines. Details are given in the Business Review. 
Operating expenses for 2009 at GBP772,000 overall (3.2% of year-end net assets) 
have benefited from the application of the `cap' on `annual running costs' (as 
defined in the Investment Management Agreement) that has applied since the date 
of the merger with SPARK VCT 3 plc in November 2008, as well as from the 
exemption of the management fee from VAT. Some GBP50,000 of expenses, mainly 
relating to professional advisory fees, were incurred that fell outside the 
definition of `annual running costs'. In 2008 the total of operating expenses 
was considerably higher at GBP1,253,000 but this included the bulk of the costs 
of the merger. 
The total return to shareholders from the launch of the Company in November 
2000 to 31 December 2009, inclusive of all dividends paid, now amounts to 37.9p 
per share before taking account of tax reliefs. 
The total return to original shareholders in SPARK VCT 3 plc from its launch in 
December 2001 (under the name Quester VCT 5 plc) to 31 December 2009, inclusive 
of all dividends paid, amounts to 48.8p per 100p originally invested, before 
taking account of tax reliefs. 
In the absence of any realisations during the year, the Board does not 
recommend a dividend in respect of the year ended 31 December 2009. 
In line with the strategy described above, should realisations be achieved 
during the current year, and subject to any tax or regulatory constraints, it 
will be the Board's intention to declare a dividend of 50% of the proceeds. 
Thomas Chambers was appointed as a Director of the Company on 13 January 2010. 
It gives me much pleasure to welcome him to the Board. Thomas brings many years 
of both operational experience and advisory roles in the technology and 
communications sectors, giving him a deep insight into these industries, and a 
wealth of experience in M&A and company flotations. In accordance with the 
Articles of Association, he will stand for election at the AGM. 
Developments concerning the Manager 
The management buyout from SPARK Ventures plc of its investment fund management 
business, including the contract for the provision of investment management 
services to the Company, was completed on 9 October 2009. 
Accordingly SPARK Venture Management Limited, the Manager of the Company, has 
become a subsidiary of SPARK Venture Management Holdings Limited, a company 
owned and run by Andrew Carruthers, Jay Patel, Tom Teichman (Executive 
Chairman) and Andy Betton (Finance Director), previously the executive 
directors of SPARK Ventures plc. 
There is no change in the team within SPARK Venture Management Limited 
responsible for the management of the Company. 
Intended purchases of shares in the Company by members of the SPARK management 
team and members of the Board 
The Board is pleased to announce that key members of the SPARK management team, 
including SPARK VCT 2 plc Director Jay Patel, who do not currently hold shares 
in the Company, have indicated that they wish individually to acquire 
shareholdings by purchases of the Company's shares in the open market. The 
independent directors similarly intend to acquire a shareholding (in 
the case of newly-appointed director Thomas Chambers) or to add to their 
existing shareholdings by purchases of the Company's shares in the open market. 
They intend to commence these purchases when the Company exits its close period 
following publication of this Annual Report and following completion of any 
share buyback transactions which the Company may choose to undertake at that 
Current activity on the part of major corporates in considering strategic 
acquisition opportunities among venture-backed companies suggests evidence of 
an improving M&A market. Opportunities to capture strategic value in individual 
cases within the portfolio will therefore be kept under close review. 
The stage of development and current business prospects of the majority of the 
investee companies suggest, however, that the main flow of realisation proceeds 
should be expected only in 2011 and 2012. 
Robert Wright 
31 March 2010 
Fund summary as at 31 December 2009 
                               Industry      Accounting   Valuation   Equity   % of fund 
                               sector        cost (1)                   held    by value 
                                             GBP'000            GBP'000 
Fifteen largest venture 
capital investments 
Workshare Limited              TMT                 2,947     3,076      10.2%      12.8% 
Xtera Communications, Inc.     TMT                 3,191     1,779       1.3%       7.4% 
UniServity Limited             TMT                 1,692     1,692      28.7%       7.0% 
Oxford Immunotec Limited       Healthcare          2,530     1,346       6.2%       5.6% 
Elateral Holdings Limited (2)  TMT                   479     1,161      13.3%       4.8% 
Xention Limited                Healthcare          2,438       963       6.9%       4.0% 
Level Four Software Limited    TMT                   795       795       7.3%       3.3% 
Cluster Seven Limited          TMT                   845       765       5.8%       3.2% 
Portrait Software plc AIM      TMT                 1,186       736       3.3%       3.1% 
Vivacta Limited                Healthcare            889       732       4.7%       3.0% 
Sift Group Limited             TMT                   964       647       8.9%       2.7% 
Celona Technologies Limited    TMT                 2,859       516      10.3%       2.1% 
Imagesound plc                 TMT                   489       489       0.5%       2.1% 
MediGene AG FRANKFURT          Healthcare            797       487       0.4%       2.0% 
Antenova Limited               TMT                 1,718       448       6.2%       1.9% 
                                                  23,819    15,632                 65.0% 
Other venture capital 
Celldex Therapeutics, Inc.     Healthcare          1,542       314       0.3%       1.3% 
Haemostatix Limited            Healthcare            312       312       7.7%       1.3% 
Allergy Therapeutics plc AIM   Healthcare            795       252       0.6%       1.0% 
Secerno Limited                TMT                   476       229       3.4%       1.0% 
Isango! Limited                TMT                   750       188      11.5%       0.8% 
Perpetuum Limited              TMT                   479       146       4.4%       0.6% 
We7 Limited                    TMT                   334       137       3.8%       0.6% 
Celoxica Holdings plc (2)      TMT                   208       121       3.7%       0.5% 
Academia Networks Limited      TMT                    44       120       1.7%       0.5% 
Quadnetics Group plc AIM       TMT                   166       106       0.5%       0.4% 
TeraView Limited               Healthcare          1,064       100       4.8%       0.4% 
Other investments: valuations                        716        86                  0.4% 
less than GBP100,000 (4) 
                                                   6,886     2,111                  8.8% 
Total venture capital                             30,705    17,743                  73.8% 
Total unquoted venture capital                    26,219    15,848                  65.9% 
Total quoted venture capital                       4,486     1,895                   7.9% 
Total investments                                 30,705    17,743                  73.8% 
Cash and other net assets                          6,286     6,286                  26.2% 
Net assets                                        36,991    24,029                 100.0% 
 1. Amounts shown as accounting cost represent acquisition cost in the case of 
    investments originally made by the Company and/or the valuation attributed 
    to investments acquired from SPARK VCT 3 plc at the date of the merger in 
    2008, plus any subsequent acquisition cost, as reduced in certain cases (2) 
    by amounts written off as representing an impairment in value. 
 2. Cost reduced by GBP1,250,000 in the case of Celoxica Holdings plc and GBP 
    676,000 for Elateral Holdings Limited representing an impairment in value. 
Details of movements in valuation of the venture capital investments over the 
year to 31 December 2009 are set out in note 10(c) in the notes to the 
financial statements. 
Business review 
The Business review has been prepared in accordance with Section 417 of the 
Companies Act 2006 and forms part of the Directors' report to shareholders. 
This Business review does not contain information about environmental matters, 
the Company's employees and social and community issues. 
Fund summary 
The Fund summary lists the venture capital investments held by the 
Company at 31 December 2009 with their accounting cost and valuation at that 
date. The 15 largest venture capital investments held at 31 December 2009 
collectively account for 65.0% of the net assets at the balance sheet date. 
The venture capital investments of SPARK VCT 2 plc currently fall into four 
  * Quoted venture capital investments (11% of the venture capital portfolio by 
These are companies whose shares are quoted on a recognised market such as AIM, 
the London Stock Exchange's market for smaller growing companies, NASDAQ in the 
United States and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange 
  * "Maturing" venture capital investments (40% of the venture capital 
    portfolio by valuation) 
These are unquoted companies with stable and growing revenue streams, achieving 
profitable trading or very close to it, and with stable cash positions 
  * "Developing" venture capital investments (29% of the venture capital 
    portfolio by valuation) 
These are unquoted companies with developed business models and growing revenue 
streams, though still facing uncertainties, and breaking through into cash-flow 
positive trading 
  * "Early stage" venture capital investments (20% of the venture capital 
    portfolio by valuation) 
These are companies still establishing their business model or, in the case of 
businesses in the life sciences sector, still at the product development stage. 
Portfolio update/trends during 2009 
Overall, the quoted venture capital investments recorded a modest increase in 
valuation, with Portrait Software plc showing a good share price performance 
over 2009 and subsequently (since 31 December 2009, part of the holding has 
been sold at a higher level).The share prices of the life sciences companies 
MediGene AG and Celldex Therapeutics, Inc. declined over the year but in both 
cases the drug development pipelines are considered to offer significant scope 
for capital growth over the longer term. 
In respect of the unquoted companies in the categories of "maturing" and 
"developing" venture capital investments, looking back on 2009 as a whole, the 
SPARK management team can report generally satisfactory operational progress 
despite the difficult trading conditions. In a number of cases good growth has 
been achieved in spite of the trading environment (Elateral Holdings Limited 
and Workshare Limited have produced encouraging performances). Other companies 
have experienced some reduction in the levels of revenue and profitability ( 
Sift Group Limited being an example).The "developing" companies, including in 
the TMT sector Antenova Limited, Cluster Seven Limited, Level Four Software 
Limited and UniServity Limited, have generally made satisfactory operational 
progress, growing their revenue streams and making progress towards 
cash-positive trading. In the life sciences sector Oxford Immunotec Limited has 
made significant progress in the development of the United States market with 
encouraging sales growth, albeit from a low base. 
In all cases individual members of the team have worked closely with 
managements of investee companies to ensure appropriate cost control and 
management of cash resources while at the same time focusing strategy and 
identifying opportunities for future growth.This approach appears to have been 
successful so far in enabling companies to survive the recession. 
The "early stage" companies which are still establishing their business models 
have suffered far more in the difficult trading environment of the last couple 
of years. Offering new products and services without an established customer 
base, these companies have been much more vulnerable to cancellations of 
contracts and extended sales cycles in this period of economic uncertainty. 
Particular cases in point, in the TMT sector, are Isango! Limited, Perpetuum 
Limited, Skinkers Limited and We7 Limited. The SPARK management team has worked 
with the company managements on the difficult decisions that have been 
necessary to secure survival.The provision of additional funding from SPARK VCT 
2 plc has been kept to the minimum consistent with the continuation of the 
business. In the life sciences sector Haemostatix Limited has made good 
progress towards early commercialisation, while in the cases of Xention Limited 
and Vivacta Limited the timescales involved in clinical trials and/or 
manufacturing development and regulatory approval are now expected to be longer 
than previously anticipated and are likely somewhat to delay the timescale to 
During 2009 only a limited amount of additional investment has been committed 
to the portfolio: this has been focused on follow-on investment where the SPARK 
management team's conditions regarding the trading position of the company have 
been met. No new investments were made during the year. 
The effect of these trends in 2009, and the limited further investment, has 
been a substantial downward movement in the reported valuations of unquoted 
investments (-21.1% overall).The valuations of the "maturing" venture capital 
investments have remained stable overall. However the valuations of the 
"developing" venture capital investments have seen a significant decline 
(-14.1%), mainly reflecting the lower pre-money valuations applicable where the 
companies have needed to raise additional venture capital funding in the 
current market environment. For the "early stage" venture capital investments, 
the trading conditions, the stringent approach to the provision of further 
funding and the lower pre-money valuations that have applied, and in the case 
of the life sciences investments a cautious approach to valuation where 
developmental delays have been encountered, have led to substantial write-downs 
in valuation (-49.4% for this category overall). 
Prospects for the current portfolio 
SPARK Venture Management Limited took over the management of the Company (then 
called Quester VCT 4 plc) and SPARK VCT 3 plc (then called Quester VCT 5 plc) 
in May 2007. At that date the combined venture capital portfolio of the two 
VCTs was composed of 45 investee companies, of which 12 were quoted and 33 
unquoted. Given the limited size of the two VCTs and the capital requirements 
of such a large number of early stage companies, the SPARK management team 
resolved to reduce the financing risk and concentrate on a smaller number of 
the more promising candidates. 
The number of unquoted companies in the portfolio has now been reduced from a 
combined total of 33 in May 2007 to 21 at the present date (excluding 
subsequent new investments).A successful trade sale was achieved in the case of 
Nomad Payments Limited, returning proceeds of GBP3,020,000 for a 1.9x multiple of 
cost; two other companies were sold by way of trade sale returning proceeds of 
a further GBP1,078,000 and 11 companies were closed and/or the investments 
written off. 
In the process, the funding requirement for the portfolio was reduced from GBP 
18.2m in the two years leading up to 2007 to GBP4.1m in the two years subsequent. 
However, this restructuring exercise and cost control has inevitably led to a 
reduction in the value of the Company's unquoted portfolio, partly as a result 
of the withholding of funding from weaker investments. 
Nevertheless, the SPARK management team believe that the portfolio is now 
substantially more robust, in spite of the recent market downturn, than would 
otherwise be the case. In 2007, 80% of the value in the 33 unquoted investments 
was represented by 14 investments, which had the characteristics, in many 
cases, of very small sales revenues and negative profitability in terms of 
EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation): 
  * Companies with annual revenues of less than GBP2.0m: 8 of the top 14 
    investments (representing 59% of the valuation) 
  * Companies with negative EBITDA: 13 of the top 14 investments (representing 
    97% of the valuation). 
By the end of 2009, 80% of the value in the remaining 21 unquoted investments 
was represented by 10 investments, which had developed the following much 
healthier profile (figures of annual revenues and EBITDA relate to annual 
run-rates at December 2009): 
  * Companies with annual revenues of less than GBP2.0m: only 1 of the top 10 
    investments (6% of the valuation) 
  * Companies with negative EBITDA: 5 of the top 10 investments (50% of the 
We believe that this puts SPARK VCT 2 plc in a much better position to cope 
with the current shortage of investment capital and to support more 
satisfactory returns to shareholders. 
A summary of the movement in the number of companies 
in the portfolio is set out below: 
                                                        Quoted  Unquoted  Total 
Number of portfolio companies of SPARK VCT 2 plc at          8        27     35 
May 2007 
Companies added as a result of the merger with SPARK         4         6     10 
VCT 3 plc 
                                                            12        33     45 
Successful realisation: Nomad Payments Limited                       (1)    (1) 
Other realisations                                         (2)       (2)    (4) 
Companies closed and/or investments written off            (3)      (11)   (14) 
Public quotation: Celldex Therapeutics, Inc.                 1       (1)      - 
Reversion to unquoted status: Celoxica Holdings plc,       (3)         3      - 
Imagesound plc, Synarbor plc 
Number of portfolio companies 31 December 2009               5        21     26 
Follow-on investments 
It has been an objective of the SPARK management team to reduce the portfolio's 
dependency on outside capital and to ensure prudent management of liquidity 
within the fund. Accordingly, the year to 31 December 2009 saw only a limited 
amount of additional investment being committed to the portfolio: 
Company Sector                           GBP'000 
Celona Technologies Limited TMT            232 
Oxford Immunotec Limited Healthcare        142 
UniServity Limited TMT                     292 
Vivacta Limited Healthcare                  91 
Xention Limited Healthcare                 244 
Xtera Communications, Inc. TMT             123 
Other companies(6)                         211 
With the M&A market effectively having been being closed during much of the 
year; it has not been possible to achieve any significant exits. 
As noted in the Chairman's statement, the recent strategy review took into 
account that most of the Company's existing investments have been held in the 
portfolio for a long time, with successful realisations of investments being 
few in number and dividend payments to shareholders having been very limited. 
This has been a consequence partly of the initial focus of the investment 
policy on early-stage technology investments and partly of the difficult 
economic and financial conditions in recent years which have slowed the rate of 
development of investee companies and made exits more difficult to achieve. 
Looking ahead, while it is too soon to predict the timing of any exits, the 
shape of possible exits from a number of the companies is starting to become 
In line with the new strategy described in the Chairman's statement, priority 
will be given to the payment of dividends as and when realisations are 
Future investment strategy 
As noted in the Chairman's statement, it will be the Company's policy to 
continue to support those of the existing investee companies that are 
considered to have strong growth prospects, to enable them to develop long 
enough to allow an optimal realisation. 
As and when funds are available for new investment, the SPARK management team 
will seek to take advantage of opportunities available at this current stage in 
the investment cycle, particularly opportunities to participate in later-stage 
financing rounds of venture-backed companies within the existing sector 
focus.The aim will be to seek investments in companies which are already 
revenue generating with a stable business base, and are able to deliver a flow 
of dividends or be capable of exit within a 3-year period. 
Against this background, and having regard to the revised dividend policy 
described in the Chairman's statement, it will be the Manager's intention to 
continue to target the 85% level as the asset allocation to the venture capital 
portfolio but that the balance of the net assets from time to time should be 
held in liquid form (cash or holdings in global treasury funds which count as 
"securities" for the purposes of the Company's VCT qualifying status), rather 
than in listed equities or fixed-interest securities. 
Valuation changes 
Valuations of the unquoted investments have been determined under the 
application of the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation 
Guidelines, having regard mainly to (i) prices of recent financing rounds,(ii) 
earnings multiples and (iii) industry valuation benchmarks and/or M&A valuation 
criteria.In a number of instances, particularly among the "early stage" venture 
capital investments,the previous valuations have been written down, where 
progress in product development or early commercialisation has been slower than 
anticipated. The quoted venture capital investments (shares traded on AIM, 
NASDAQ and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange) have been valued at their bid prices 
at 31 December 2009. 
Overall, a reduction in valuation of venture capital investments of GBP3,950,000 
has been recorded for the year, comprising a reduction in valuation of GBP4,195,000 
in respect of unquoted investments and an unrealised gain of GBP245,000 
in respect of quoted venture capital Investments. 
The net reduction in valuation of unquoted venture capital 
investments is summarised below. 
Company                                                                   GBP'000 
"Maturing" venture capital investments                                       24 
"Developing" venture capital investments                                  (852) 
"Early stage" venture capital investments                               (3,367) 
Movements in valuation of the quoted venture capital investments 
over the year were as follows: 
Company                                                                   GBP'000 
Portrait Software plc AIM                                                   520 
MediGene AG ANKFURT                                                       (129) 
Celldex Therapeutics, Inc. NSDAQ                                          (259) 
Others (2)                                                                  113 
Current activity on the part of major corporates in considering strategic 
acquisition opportunities among venture-backed companies suggests evidence of 
an improving M&A market. We are conscious of the importance of judging the 
optimal timing of M&A activity in relation to small companies in specialist 
areas where the number of potential buyers may be limited. Opportunities to 
capture strategic value in individual cases within the portfolio will therefore 
be kept under close review. Nevertheless, for the purposes of overall fund 
planning, we target the flow of realisation proceeds from certain key 
investments in 2011 and 2012. 
SPARK Venture Management Limited Manager 
31 March 2010 
Directors' report 
The Directors present their report and the audited financial statements for the 
year ended 31 December 2009. 
Activities and status 
The principal activity of the Company during the year was the making of equity 
investments in unquoted companies. On 15 March 2010, the Company was granted 
annual approval by HM Revenue & Customs as a Venture Capital Trust for the year 
ended 31 December 2008 in accordance with Section 274 of the Income Tax Act 
2007. In the opinion of the Directors, the Company has conducted its affairs 
for the year ended 31 December 2009 so as to enable it to continue to obtain 
such approval. The Company was not at any time up to the date of this report a 
close company within the meaning of Section 414 of the Income and Corporation 
Taxes Act 1988. 
The Company's ordinary shares of 1p each have been listed on the Daily Official 
List of the UK Listing Authority since 10 November 2000. 
Business review 
The Business review which is required by Section 417 of the Companies Act 2006 
is included in the Directors' report by reference. 
Financial results and dividends 
The net loss attributable to shareholders for the year ended 31 December 2009 
was GBP4,420,000 (31 December 2008: loss of GBP5,233,000). 
As at 31 December 2009, the Company had accumulated investment holding losses 
(net of gains) of GBP12,962,000 (31 December 2008: GBP9,937,000) and retained a 
positive balance on its profit and loss account of GBP3,117,000 (31 December 
2008: positive balance of GBP3,518,000). During the year, a transfer of GBP994,000 
has been made from the special reserve to the profit and loss account to offset 
losses arising on disposals in the year: see note 14. 
Share capital 
The Directors provide the following information about the Company's securities. 
The Company's capital structure is shown in Note 13. The shares carry a right 
to receive discretionary dividends. Interim dividends are determined by the 
Directors, whereas the proposed final dividend is subject to shareholder 
approval. On a winding up, after meeting the liabilities of the Company, the 
surplus assets will be paid to ordinary shareholders in proportion to their 
shareholdings. There are no substantial shareholdings. 
On a show of hands, every shareholder who (being an individual) is present in 
person or (being a corporation) is present by a duly authorised representative, 
and every proxy for any shareholder (regardless of the number of shareholders 
for whom he is a proxy), shall have one vote on a show of hands. On a poll 
every shareholder present in person or by proxy or by representative (in case 
of a corporate member) shall have one vote for each share of which he is the 
holder, proxy or representative. Instruments appointing a proxy to vote at a 
general meeting of the Company are to be executed in accordance with the 
Company's Articles of Association and delivered to the Company or such other 
place specified in the notice convening the meeting, not less than 48 hours 
before the time that the meeting is to commence. 
The Company's articles can be amended only by a special resolution of the 
members, requiring a majority of not less than 75% of such members as vote in 
person or by proxy. 
Purchase and cancellation of shares 
During the year 980,841, representing 1.2% of the issued share capital, 
ordinary shares of 1p each were bought in by the Company for cancellation at a 
total cost of GBP146,168.The impact on the net asset value was to increase it by 
0.3 pence per share. The purpose of the share buybacks was to satisfy demand 
from those shareholders who sought to sell their shares during the year, given 
that there is a very limited secondary market for shares in Venture Capital 
Trusts generally. The Company may be able to buyback limited volumes of its 
shares from time to time. However, its ability to do so may be constrained by 
the level of its own liquid resources, VCT specific legislation and the 
regulations of the UKLA 
The Directors of the Company at 31 December 2009 and their interests in the 
issued ordinary shares of 1p each of the Company at that date, and as at the 
date of this report, were as follows: 
                                                  31 December           31 December 
                                                         2009                  2008 
RA Wright (Chairman)                                  129,226               129,226 
TW Chambers (appointed 13 January 2010)                     -                     - 
APM Lamb                                               21,646                21,464 
JR Patel                                                    -                     - 
All of the Directors' share interests shown above were held beneficially and no 
right to subscribe for shares in the Company was granted to, or exercised by, 
any Director during the year. 
JR Patel is a Director of SPARK Venture Management Limited ("SVML"), the 
Manager. Save for the management agreement referred to in note 4 of the 
financial statements, no contracts subsisted during or at the end of the year 
in which any Director was materially interested. Disclosures required by 
Financial Reporting Standard (FRS) 8 "Related Party Disclosures" are set out in 
note 19 of the financial statements. 
Investment manager 
SVML is the Manager to the Company. The principal terms of the Company's 
management agreement with SVML as applicable during the year ended 31 December 
2009 are set out in note 4 of the financial statements. 
The suitability of the position of the Manager is under continuous assessment 
by the Directors. In the opinion of the Directors the continuing appointment of 
the Manager on the terms set out in the management agreement is in the 
interests of the shareholders as a whole. 
As provided for in the Company's Articles of Association, the Company has 
continued to maintain directors and officers liability insurance up to an 
indemnity limit of GBP5 million. 
Performance measurement 
It is the responsibility of the Manager to seek the best investments and to 
manage the portfolio in the most beneficial way to achieve the highest returns 
for shareholders. The Board reviews investment activity and the performance of 
the Company on a continuous basis. Each Director receives a detailed quarterly 
report from the Manager, including management accounts and progress reports on 
the investee companies. The net asset value of the Company's shares is 
announced quarterly via a regulatory news service. 
The Board considers total return to shareholders to be the key performance 
indicator. Total return is a combination of net asset value and amounts 
returned to shareholders by way of a dividend. This measure does not reflect 
the tax benefits available to shareholders at the time of their initial 
investment. Whilst it is appropriate to consider the performance of the Company 
relative to its peers, which is a review undertaken by the Board, a direct 
comparison is not always appropriate or relevant given the Company's niche 
investment focus and there are no particularly relevant indices with which to 
compare the performance of the Company. 
The Board is aware that share price performance is seen by many of the 
Company's shareholders as being important in judging the return on their 
investment. The market price of the Company's shares is, in principle, linked 
to reported net asset value and the market's perception of the potential for 
future movements in net asset value and for regular future dividend payments. 
At the present an overriding factor, however, is the very limited secondary 
market, a consequence of the tax reliefs available on subscription of new 
shares in VCTs but not for purchases of existing shares in the market. As a 
result, the market price of the shares of a VCT typically stands at a discount 
to reported net asset value. Share buybacks by the VCT itself can represent a 
source of demand for the shares, in the absence of significant demand from 
other market participants. In the case of the Company, however, the share 
buyback transactions undertaken in recent years have not been successful in 
limiting the level of the share price discount which has continued to be very 
The recent review of the future direction of the Company, referred to in the 
Chairman's statement, has had the aim of determining a strategy that will 
ensure that investment returns generated from the venture capital portfolio are 
delivered to shareholders in the most appropriate way. The Board has concluded 
that, in future, priority will in future be given to the payment of dividends, 
as and when realisations are achieved. In particular, subject to any tax and 
regulatory constraints, 50% of the proceeds from any realisations from within 
the existing venture capital portfolio will be regarded as being available for 
distribution. As a corollary, while the Company will continue to be willing to 
make share buybacks of limited volumes of its shares, the Board expects that, 
going forward, the budget made available to fund buybacks will be more tightly 
restricted than in previous years. 
Principal risks and how the Board seeks to mitigate them 
The Company's assets consist principally of unquoted venture capital 
investments (mainly in equities) and quoted venture capital investments (in 
equities): its main area of risk therefore relates to investment selection and 
the subsequent performance of the underlying businesses. Risks are inherent in 
venture capital investment, particularly in early stage companies. The specific 
key risks faced by the Company, together with the Board's approach to 
mitigation of operational and regulatory risks are as set out below. 
Information in respect of risks associated with financial instruments held by 
the Company is provided in note 18 to the financial statements. 
Objective, strategy and investment performance 
The results of the Board's recent review of the objective (in terms of the 
delivery of investment returns to shareholders), strategy and investment 
performance of the Company are set out in the Chairman's statement. 
The Board receives regular reporting allowing it to monitor the Company's 
investment performance and its compliance with the investment policy. The 
Manager regularly presents to the Board and detailed quarterly progress reports 
on the investee companies are circulated to the Board and considered at the 
quarterly Board meetings. The rationale for individual investment selection is 
documented prior to the making of an investment. This documentation is also 
circulated to the Board. 
Regulatory - compliance with the Venture Capital Trust rules 
A breach of the Venture Capital Trust rules could result in HM Revenue and 
Customs withdrawing the Company's VCT approval. If this approval were to be 
withdrawn, the Company would lose its VCT status and all tax reliefs, including 
those available to shareholders, would be likely to be cancelled, some possibly 
with retrospective effect. The Board and the Manager frequently review 
compliance with the Venture Capital Trust rules. Information on the Company's 
continued compliance with the relevant rules and regulations is formally 
reported to the Board on a regular basis. 
All proposed investment decisions are notified by the Manager to the Board 
prior to a decision to invest being made and all significant transactions and 
income and expenditure are reported to the Board. The Board regularly considers 
all operational risks and the measures in place to control them. The Board 
ensures that satisfactory assurances are received from the Manager. The Manager 
produces quarterly reports for review by the Company's Audit Committee and 
representatives of the Manager are available to attend meetings in person if 
Creditor payment policy 
The Company's payment policy is to ensure settlement of supplier invoices in 
accordance with their standard terms. At 31 December 2009 there were no days 
billings from the suppliers of services outstanding (31 December 2008: nil). 
Substantial shareholdings 
As at 31 December 2009 and at the date of this report, the Company was not 
aware of any beneficial interest exceeding 3% of any class of the issued share 
Audit information 
The Directors holding office at the date of approval of this Directors' report 
confirm that, so far as they are aware, there is no relevant audit information 
of which the Company's auditor is unaware; and each Director has taken all 
steps that he ought to have taken as a Director to make himself aware of any 
relevant audit information and to establish that the Company's auditor is aware 
of this information. 
Annual General Meeting ("AGM") 
The AGM will be held at the offices of Nabarro LLP, Lacon House, 84 Theobald's 
Road, London WC1X 8RW at 12:00 noon on Friday 14 May 2010. 
Going concern 
The Directors confirm that they are satisfied that the Company has adequate 
resources to continue in business for the foreseeable future. For this reason 
they believe that the Company continues to be a going concern and that it is 
appropriate to continue to apply the going concern basis in preparing the 
financial statements. 
A resolution to re-appoint Grant Thornton UK LLP as the Company's auditor will 
be proposed at the forthcoming AGM. 
By order of the Board 
NT Tran 
31 March 2010 
Directors' responsibility statement 
Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each 
financial year that give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the 
Company and of the profit or loss for that year. Under that law, the Directors 
have elected to prepare the financial statements in accordance with UK 
accounting standards. 
In preparing those financial statements, the Directors are required to: 
  * select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
  * make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
  * state whether applicable UK accounting standards have been followed, 
    subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial 
    statements; and 
  * prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is 
    inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. 
The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records which 
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the 
Company and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with 
the Companies Act 2006.They have general responsibility for taking such steps 
as are reasonably open to them to safeguard the assets of the Company and to 
prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities. 
The financial statements are published on the website (www.sparkvct.com), which 
is a website maintained by the Manager. The maintenance and integrity of the 
website maintained by the Manager is, so far as it relates to the Company, the 
responsibility of the Manager. The work carried out by the auditor does not 
involve consideration of the maintenance and integrity of this website and 
accordingly, the auditor accepts no responsibility for any changes that have 
occurred to the financial statements since they were initially presented on the 
website. Visitors to the website need to be aware that legislation in the 
United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of the financial 
statements may differ from legislation in their jurisdiction. 
Under applicable law and regulations, the Directors are responsible for 
preparing a Directors' report, Directors' remuneration report and corporate 
governance statement that comply with that law and those regulations. 
The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that: 
  * the financial statements, prepared in accordance with applicable UK 
    accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, 
    financial position and loss of the Company; and 
  * the Directors' report includes a fair review of the development and 
    performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with 
    a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that the Company 
On behalf of the Board 
Robert Wright 
31 March 2010 
Income statement for the year to 31 December 2009 
                        Notes     Year      Year     Year     Year     Year     Year 
                                 ended     ended    ended    ended    ended    ended 
                              31.12.09  31.12.09 31.12.09 31.12.08 31.12.08 31.12.08 
                               Revenue   Capital    Total  Revenue  Capital    Total 
                                 GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
Loss on valuation of    10(d)        -    (3,950)  (3,950)       -  (4,084)  (4,084) 
investments at fair 
value through profit or 
Gain/(loss) on disposal 10(d)        -       188      188        -    (526)    (526) 
of investments at fair 
value through profit or 
Income                      2      114        -      114      235        -      235 
Recoverable VAT             3        -        -        -      400        -      400 
Investment management       4     (512)       -     (512)    (592)        -    (592) 
Other expenses              5     (260)       -     (260)    (661)        -    (661) 
Loss on operating                  (658) (3,762)  (4,420)    (618)  (4,610)  (5,228) 
Interest payable on                  -        -        -      (5)        -      (5) 
loan notes 
Loss on ordinary                   (658) (3,762)  (4,420)    (623)  (4,610)  (5,233) 
activities before 
Tax on loss on ordinary     7        -        -        -        -        -        - 
Loss on ordinary                   (658) (3,762)  (4,420)    (623)  (4,610)  (5,233) 
activities after 
Basic and fully diluted     9     (0.9)p  (4.8)p   (5.7)p   (1.1)p   (8.3)p   (9.4)p 
loss per share 
The `Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 
Company; the supplementary revenue return and capital return columns have been 
prepared under the guidance published by the Association of Investment 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from 
investments made in shares and securities and from bank deposits. 
There are no gains and losses for the year other than those passing through the 
income statement of the Company. 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 
Balance sheet as at 31 December 2009 
                                                      Notes   31 December        31 December 
                                                                     2009               2008 
                                                                    GBP'000              GBP'000 
Fixed assets                                          10(a)        17,743             20,489 
Investments at fair value through profit 
or loss 
Current assets 
Debtors                                                  11           282              1,364 
Cash at bank                                                        6,136              7,139 
                                                                    6,418              8,503 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one                12          (132)              (397) 
Net current assets                                                   6,286              8,106 
Net assets                                                          24,029             28,595 
Capital and reserves 
Called-up share capital                                  13            775                785 
Share premium account                                    14            339                339 
Capital redemption reserve                               14             89                 79 
Special reserve                                          14         20,056             21,196 
Investment holding losses                                14        (12,962)            (9,937) 
Merger reserve                                           14         12,615             12,615 
Profit and loss account                                  14          3,117              3,518 
Total equity shareholders' funds                                    24,029             28,595 
Net asset value per share                                15          31.0p              36.4p 
The financial statements were approved by the Directors 
on 31 March 2010 and were signed on their behalf by: 
Robert Wright 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 
Cash flow statement for the year to 31 December 2009 
                                                       Notes       Year        Year 
                                                                  ended       ended 
                                                               31.12.09    31.12.08 
                                                                  GBP'000       GBP'000 
Cash inflow/(outflow) from operating                      16        159      (1,954) 
Financial investment 
Purchase of venture capital investments                10(b)     (1,335)     (1,584) 
Purchase of listed equities                                          -         (158) 
Sale of venture capital investments                    10(b)         84        4,381 
Sale/redemption of listed equity                                      -        2,933 
Amounts recovered from investments previously          10(d)        235           97 
written off 
Total net financial investment                                   (1,016)       5,669 
Equity dividends paid                                      8          -         (467) 
Funds received as part of merger                                      -        3,792 
Buyback of ordinary shares                                13      (146)         (395) 
Redemption of loan notes                                             -          (100) 
Net interest on loan notes                                           -            (5) 
Total financing                                                   (146)         3,292 
(Decrease)/increase in cash for the year                        (1,003)         6,540 
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in 
net funds 
(Decrease)/increase in cash for the year                        (1,003)         6,540 
Net funds at the start of the year                                7,139           599 
Net funds at the end of the year                                  6,136         7,139 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of 
this statement. 
Net funds comprise cash at bank and on short 
term deposit. 
Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds for the year to 31 December 
                   Called-up        Share     Capital    Special    Investment     Merger     Profit      Total 
                       share      premium  redemption    reserve       holding    reserve   and loss 
                     capital      account     reserve                   losses 
                       GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000         GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000 
At 31 December 2007      467          339         67      23,157        (4,701)          -     2,416      21,745 
Shares issued in         330            -          -           -             -      12,615         -      12,945 
connection with the 
Shares purchased for     (12)           -         12        (395)            -           -         -       (395) 
Realisation of prior       -            -          -           -       (1,306)           -      1,306         - 
years' net gains on 
Transfer from              -            -          -       (1,566)          -            -      1,566         - 
special reserve to 
profit and loss 
Investment holding         -            -          -            -       (3,930)          -      3,930         - 
loss on valuation of 
Loss on ordinary           -            -          -            -            -           -     (5,233)    (5,233) 
activities before 
Dividends                  -            -          -            -            -           -       (467)      (467) 
At 31 December 2008      785           339         79      21,196       (9,937)      12,615      3,518     28,595 
Shares purchased for     (10)            -         10        (146)           -            -          -       (146) 
Realisation of prior       -             -          -           -          925            -        (925)        - 
years' net losses on 
Transfer from              -             -          -        (994)           -            -         994         - 
special reserve to 
profit and loss 
Investment holding         -             -          -           -        (3,950)          -        3,950        - 
loss on valuation of 
Loss on ordinary           -             -          -           -             -           -      (4,420)    (4,420) 
activities after 
Dividends                  -             -          -           -             -           -           -          - 
At 31 December 2009      775            339         89     20,056       (12,962)      12,615      3,117      24,029 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. 
Notes to the financial statements 
1 Accounting policies 
A summary of the principal accounting policies, all of which have been applied 
consistently throughout the year, is set out below: 
Basis of accounting 
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost 
convention, except for the measurement at fair value of investments, and in 
accordance with applicable UK Accounting Standards and the Statements of 
Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and 
Venture Capital Trusts" issued by the Association of Investment Companies in 
January 2009. 
The Company's business is investing in financial assets with a view to 
profiting from their total return in the form of income and capital growth. 
This portfolio of financial assets is managed and its performance evaluated on 
a fair value basis, in accordance with a documented investment strategy, and 
information about the portfolio is provided internally on that basis to the 
Accordingly, upon initial recognition (using trade date accounting) the 
investments are designated by the Company as `at fair value through profit or 
loss'. They are included initially at fair value, which is taken to be their 
cost (excluding expenses incidental to the acquisition which are written off to 
the profit and loss account). 
Subsequently, the investments are valued at `fair value', which is measured as 
  * Listed and other quoted investments are valued at their bid prices at the 
    close of the year as issued by the London Stock Exchange; investments 
    listed or quoted overseas are valued at bid prices (where a bid price is 
    available) or otherwise at fair value based on published price quotations. 
  * Unquoted investments, where there is not an active market, are valued using 
    an appropriate valuation technique so as to establish what the transaction 
    price would have been at the balance sheet date. Such investments are 
    valued in accordance with the International Private Equity and Venture 
    Capital Valuation Guidelines. Indicators of fair value are derived using 
    established methodologies including earnings multiples, prices of recent 
    investment rounds, net assets and industry valuation benchmarks. Where the 
    Company has an investment in an early stage enterprise, the price of a 
    recent investment round is often the most appropriate approach to 
    determining fair value. In situations where a period of time has elapsed 
    since the date of the most recent transaction, consideration is given to 
    the circumstances of the investee company since that date in determining 
    fair value. This includes consideration of whether there is any evidence of 
    deterioration or strong definable evidence of an increase in value. In the 
    absence of these indicators, the investment in question is valued at the 
    amount reported at the previous reporting date. Examples of events or 
    changes that could indicate an impairment include: 
  * the performance and/or prospects of the underlying business are 
    significantly below the expectations on which the investment was based; 
  * a significant adverse change either in the investee company's business or 
    in the technological, market, economic, legal or regulatory environment in 
    which the business operates; or 
  * market conditions have deteriorated, which may be indicated by a fall in 
    the share prices of quoted businesses operating in the same or related 
In accordance with the exemptions under FRS 9 "Associates and Joint Ventures", 
where the Company holds more than 20% but less than 50% of an investment and 
the investment is not a subsidiary, it is not treated as an associated company. 
Gains and losses on investments 
Gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of the investments are 
included in the income statement for the year as a capital item and are 
allocated to the investment holding losses. 
Dividends receivable on quoted equity shares are brought into account on the 
ex-dividend date. Income receivable on unquoted equity and non-equity shares 
and loan notes are brought into account when the Company's right to receive 
payment and expect settlement is established. Fixed returns on non-equity 
shares and debt securities are recognised on a time apportionment basis 
(including amortisation of any premium or discount to redemption) so as to 
reflect the effective interest rate, provided there is no reasonable doubt 
that payment will be received in due course. Income from deposit interest 
is included on an effective interest rate basis. 
All expenses, including expenses incidental to the acquisition or disposal of 
an investment, are accounted for on an accruals basis and are charged wholly to 
the profit and loss account. Any costs associated with the issue of shares are 
charged to the share premium account. Any costs associated with the buyback of 
shares are charged to the special reserve. All other expenses including 
management fees are presented within the revenue column on the income 
Corporation tax is applied to profits chargeable to corporation tax, if any, at 
the applicable rate for the year. The Company has not provided for deferred tax 
on any capital gains/losses arising on the revaluation or disposal of 
investments as these items are not subject to tax whilst the Company maintains 
its Venture Capital Trust status. The Company intends to continue to meet the 
conditions required for it to hold approved Venture Capital Trust status for 
the foreseeable future. Deferred tax assets in respect of surplus management 
expenses are only recognised to the extent that such assets are likely to be 
recoverable against future taxable profits of the Company. 
Foreign exchange 
The currency of the primary economic environment in which the Company operates 
(the functional currency) is pounds sterling ("Sterling"), which is also the 
presentational currency of the Company. Transactions involving currencies other 
than Sterling are recorded at the exchange rate ruling on the transaction date. 
At each balance sheet date, monetary items and non-monetary assets and 
liabilities that are measured at fair value, which are denominated in foreign 
currencies, are retranslated at the closing rates of exchange. Exchange 
differences arising on settlement of monetary items and from retranslating at 
the balance sheet date of investments and other financial instruments measured 
at fair value through profit or loss, and other monetary items, are included in 
the profit and loss account. Exchange differences relating to investments and 
other financial instruments measured at fair value are subsequently included in 
the transfer to the investment holding losses reserve. 
Dividends payable to equity shareholders are recognised in the reconciliation 
of movements in shareholders' funds when they are paid, or have been approved 
by shareholders in the case of a final dividend and become a liability of the 
2 Income                                                   Year ended      Year ended 
                                                             31.12.09        31.12.08 
                                                                GBP'000           GBP'000 
Dividend income 
- Listed companies - UK                                             1              28 
- Listed companies - foreign                                        -              31 
Interest receivable 
- Loans to venture capital investee companies                      24               1 
- Bank deposits                                                     1              34 
- VAT                                                              28               - 
Other income (global treasury fund)                                60             141 
                                                                  114             235 
3 Recoverable VAT 
In the income statement to 31 December 2008, the Company recognised VAT 
recoverable of GBP400,000. During the year to 31 December 2009, the Manager 
received a repayment of GBP400,000 from HMRC, which was passed on to the Company. 
It is possible that additional amounts of VAT will be recoverable in due course 
but the Directors are unable at this stage to quantify the sums involved. 
4 Investment management fee 
                                                           Year ended    Year ended 
                                                             31.12.09      31.12.08 
                                                                GBP'000         GBP'000 
Investment management fee                                         512           505 
Irrecoverable VAT                                                   -            87 
                                                                  512           592 
SVML provides investment management services to the Company under an agreement 
dated 30 October 2000. 
SVML is a wholly owned subsidiary of SPARK Venture Management Holdings Limited, 
a company of which JR Patel is an executive director and a beneficial 
shareholder. JR Patel is an executive director of SVML. 
The management fee, which is calculated monthly and is payable quarterly in 
advance, is levied at a rate of 2.5% on the Company's net assets. The 
management fee will be reduced to the extent that the annual running costs 
(excluding irrecoverable VAT) of the Company does not exceed 3.0% of year end 
net assets. The investment management agreement continues to be terminable by 
the Company or the Manager on a notice period the longer of (i) twelve months 
and (ii) the period from the date on which notice is given to 9 November 2010. 
If such notice is given on or after 9 November 2010, the notice period will be 
twelve months. There are no provisions for compensation payable in the event of 
Irrecoverable VAT was charged on the investment management fee up to 30 
September 2008. In line with the ruling against HMRC (see note 3) no further 
VAT was charged after this point. 
SVML also provides administrative and secretarial services to the Company for 
which it was entitled to a fee of GBP61,000 for the year (31 December 2008: 
GBP61,000) adjusted annually in line with changes in the Retail Price Index. 
5 Other expenses                                                 Year       Year 
                                                                ended      ended 
                                                             31.12.09   31.12.08 
                                                                GBP'000      GBP'000 
Administrative and secretarial services                            61         61 
Directors' remuneration (note 6)                                   45         48 
Auditor's remuneration 
- Fees payable to the Company's auditor for audit of the           17         17 
financial statements 
- Fees payable to the Company's auditor and its associates          -         35 
for other services relating to the merger 
- Fees payable to the Company's auditor and its associates          7         16 
for other services relating to tax 
Legal and professional expenses, including merger costs            45        333 
Payment on account to HMRC                                         11          - 
Insurance                                                           6          7 
UKLA, LSE and registrar's fees                                     26         29 
Transaction costs                                                   4         15 
Irrecoverable VAT                                                   5         55 
Other                                                              33         45 
                                                                  260        661 
6 Directors' remuneration 
                                                                 Year       Year 
                                                                ended      ended 
                                                             31.12.09   31.12.08 
                                                                GBP'000      GBP'000 
Amounts payable to Directors or companies controlled by them       45         48 
7 Tax on ordinary activities 
                                                                 Year        Year 
                                                                ended       ended 
                                                             31.12.09    31.12.08 
                                                                GBP'000       GBP'000 
Corporation tax                                                     -           - 
Reconciliation of loss on ordinary activities to taxation 
                                                                 Year        Year 
                                                                ended       ended 
                                                             31.12.09    31.12.08 
                                                                GBP'000       GBP'000 
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                    (4,420)     (5,233) 
Tax on loss on ordinary activities at standard UK 
corporation tax rate of 28% (31 December 2008: 28.5%)          (1,238)     (1,491) 
Effects of: 
Non taxable items - UK dividends and net losses on investments  1,106       1,306 
Unutilised management expenses                                    132         185 
                                                                    -           - 
The Company has excess trading losses of GBP5,491,000 (2008: GBP5,020,000) that are 
available for offset against future profits. A deferred tax asset of GBP1,538,000 
(2008: GBP1,406,000) has not been recognised in respect of those losses as they 
will be recoverable only to the extent that the Company has sufficient future 
taxable profits. 
8 Dividends 
                                                                  Year        Year 
                                                                 ended       ended 
                                                              31.12.09    31.12.08 
                                                                 GBP'000       GBP'000 
Final dividend: 1p per share paid on 24 June 2008                   -          467 
The total reserves available for distribution by way of a dividend is 
GBP10,211,000 (31 December 2008: GBP14,777,000), being made up of the special 
reserve and profit and loss account less investment holding losses. 
The Directors do not recommend a dividend for the year ended 31 December 2009. 
9 Earnings per share 
The revenue loss per share of 0.9p (31 December 2008: loss 1.1p) is based on 
the revenue loss on ordinary activities after tax of GBP658,000 (31 December 
2008: loss GBP623,000) and on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in 
issue during the year of 77,968,095 (31 December 2008: 55,670,213). 
The capital loss per share of 4.8p (31 December 2008: loss 8.3p) is based on 
the capital loss on ordinary activities after tax of GBP3,762,000 (31 December 
2008: loss GBP4,610,000) and on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in 
issue during the year of 77,968,095 (31 December 2008: 55,670,213). 
The total loss per share of 5.7p (31 December 2008: loss 9.4p) is based on the 
total loss on ordinary activities after tax of GBP4,420,000 (31 December 2008: 
loss GBP5,233,000) and on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 
during the year of 77,968,095 (31 December 2008: 55,670,213). 
10 Investments 
 10(a) Summary of investments 
                                                                31.12.09     31.12.08 
                                                                   GBP'000        GBP'000 
Venture capital investments                                       17,743       20,489 
 10(b) Movements in investments 
Cost at 1 January 2009                                                         30,426 
Investment holding losses at 1 January 2009                                    (9,937) 
Valuation at 1 January 2009                                                    20,489 
Movements in the year: 
Purchases at cost                                                               1,335 
- proceeds                                                                        (84) 
- net losses on disposal                                                          (47) 
Net loss on valuation of investments                                           (3,950) 
Valuation at 31 December 2009                                                  17,743 
Book cost at 31 December 2009                                                  30,705 
Investment holding losses at 31 December 2009                                 (12,962) 
Valuation at 31 December 2009                                                  17,743 
Amounts shown as cost represent acquisition cost, less any reduction made on 
account of impairment in value. 
10(c) Venture capital investments 
                                              Valuation at                               holding          Valuation at 
                                                  01.01.09     Additions     Disposals   gains/(losses)       31.12.09 
                                                     GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000 
Fifteen largest venture capital investments 
Workshare Limited                                    3,066             -             -              10           3,076 
Xtera Communications, Inc.                           1,656           123             -               -           1,779 
UniServity Limited                                   1,400           292             -               -           1,692 
Oxford Immunotec Limited                             1,802           142             -            (598)          1,346 
Elateral Holdings Limited                            1,048            -              -             113           1,161 
Xention Limited                                      1,815           244             -          (1,096)            963 
Level Four Software Limited                            795            -              -               -             795 
Cluster Seven Limited                                  765            -              -               -             765 
Portrait Software plc AIM                              216            -              -              520            736 
Vivacta Limited                                        856           91              -             (215)           732 
Sift Group Limited                                     698           47              -              (98)           647 
Celona Technologies Limited                            983          232              -             (699)           516 
Imagesound plc                                         489           -               -                -            489 
MediGene AG FRANKFURT                                  616           -               -             (129)           487 
Antenova Limited                                       659           -               -             (211)           448 
                                                    16,864        1,171              -            (2,403)       15,632 
Other unquoted venture capital investments           2,682          158              -            (1,401)        1,439 
Other quoted venture capital investments               812           6               -              (146)          672 
                                                     20,358       1,335              -             (3,950)      17,743 
Investments exited during the year                      131          -             (131)                -            - 
                                                      20,489      1,335            (131)           (3,950)      17,743 
Transaction costs relating to the purchase of venture capital 
investments are not capitalised. 
FRS 29 analysis                                                            GBP'000 
Level 1: quoted venture capital investments(1)                             1,895 
Level 3: unquoted venture capital investments                             15,848 
(1) All level 1 investments are in an active market. 
Level 3 reconciliation                                                     GBP'000 
Valuation at 1 January 2009                                               18,837 
Purchases at cost                                                          1,329 
- proceeds                                                                  (70) 
- realised net losses on disposal(3)                                        (53) 
Investment holding losses(4)                                             (4,195) 
Valuation at 31 December 2009                                             15,848 
(3) Realised net losses on disposal are included within "Loss 
    on disposal at fair value through profit or loss" in the 
    Income Statement. 
(4) Investment holding losses are included within "Loss on 
    valuation of investments at fair value through profit or 
    loss" in the Income Statement. 
10(d) Loss on investments 
The overall loss on investments at fair value through profit or loss disclosed in 
the profit and loss account is analysed as follows 
                                                           Year ended      Year 
                                                             31.12.09     ended 
                                                                GBP'000  31.12.08 
Loss on valuation of investments at fair value through 
profit or loss 
Net loss on valuation of investments                          (3,950)   (3,930) 
Write-off of investments                                            -     (154) 
                                                              (3,950)   (4,084) 
Gain/(loss) on disposal of investments at fair value 
through profit or loss 
Net loss on disposal of investments                              (47)     (623) 
Additional proceeds received in respect of investments            235        97 
previously disposed of and recoveries made in respect 
of investments previously written off 
                                                                  188     (526) 
                                                              (3,762)   (4,610) 
`Net loss on disposal' represents the difference between proceeds received and 
the carrying values of those investments sold during the year. 
10(e) Significant holdings 
Details of shareholdings in those companies where the Company's holding at 31 
December 2009 represents more than 20% of the allotted equity share capital of 
any class; more than 20% of the allotted share capital; or more than 20% of the 
assets of the company itself, are given below. All of the companies are 
incorporated in Great Britain. 
Company                              Class of share        Number held  Proportion 
                                                                          of class 
UniServity Limited                  Ordinary shares            14,350         9.1% 
                                    B Ordinary shares          25,960        58.3% 
                                    A Ordinary shares          50,256        58.3% 
11 Debtors 
                                                             31.12.09    31.12.08 
                                                                GBP'000       GBP'000 
Other debtors                                                     178       1,220 
Prepayments and accrued income                                    104         144 
                                                                                                                                                                                          282       1,364 
12 Creditors (amounts falling due 
within one year) 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               31.12.09  31.12.08 
                                                                  GBP'000     GBP'000 
Accruals                                                           89         355 
Other creditors                                                    43          42 
                                                                  132         397 
13 Called-up share capital 
                                                                31.12.09  31.12.08 
                                                                   GBP'000     GBP'000 
100,000,000 (31.12.08: 100,000,000) ordinary shares of 1p          1,000     1,000 
Allotted, issued and fully paid: 
77,554,035 (31.12.08: 78,534,876) ordinary shares of 1p              775        785 
The Company bought back for cancellation 980,841 ordinary shares, representing 
1.2% of the opening issued share capital, at a cost of GBP146,168. 
14 Reserves 
                                 Share     Capital   Special  Investment   Merger     Profit 
                               premium  redemption   reserve     holding  reserve   and loss 
                               account     reserve                losses             account 
                                 GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000       GBP'000 
            At 1 January 2009      339         79     21,196      (9,937)  12,615      3,518 
Shares purchased for cancellation   -          10       (146)          -        -          - 
  Realisation of prior years' net   -           -          -         925        -       (925) 
          losses on investments 
 Transfer from special reserve to   -           -       (994)          -        -        994 
        profit and loss account 
       Investment holding loss on   -           -          -      (3,950)       -      3,950 
       valuation of investments 
Loss on ordinary activities after   -           -          -            -       -    (4,420) 
                      Dividends     -           -          -            -       -         - 
          At 31 December 2009     339          89      20,056     (12,962)  12,615     3,117 
The capital redemption reserve was created to reflect the repurchase and 
cancellation of shares. 
The special reserve is a distributable reserve that was created in November 
2000 following the reduction of the share premium account. This reserve allows 
the Company, amongst other things, to fund the buyback of its ordinary shares 
as and when it is considered by the Board to be in the best interests of 
shareholders and also to facilitate the payment of dividends to shareholders 
earlier than would otherwise have been possible as transfers can be made from 
this reserve to the profit and loss account to offset losses on disposal of 
investments and, for investments that have been fair valued to zero with no 
chance of recovery, the cost of those investments. 
Accordingly, a transfer of GBP994,000 (including GBP47,000 representing losses on 
disposal of investments during the year and GBP925,000 representing losses of 
previous years now treated as realised or written off) has been made from the 
special reserve to the profit and loss account. 
15 Net asset value per share 
The net asset value per share as at 31 December 2009 of 31.0p (31 December 
2008: 36.4p) is based on net assets of GBP24,029,000 (31 December 2008: GBP 
28,595,000) divided by the 77,554,035 ordinary shares in issue at that date (31 
December 2008: 78,534,876). 
16 Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash inflow/          Year        Year 
(outflow) from operating activities                             ended       ended 
                                                             31.12.09    31.12.08 
                                                                GBP'000       GBP'000 
Loss on operating activities                                  (4,420)     (5,228) 
Loss on investments at fair value through profit or loss        3,762       4,610 
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                                  1,082     (1,224) 
Decrease in creditors                                           (265)       (112) 
Cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                   159     (1,954) 
17 Commitments and guarantees 
As at 31 December 2009, there were legal commitments totalling GBP451,000 (31 
December 2008: GBP80,000) in respect of further funding to be provided to 
existing investee companies. There were no guarantees outstanding (31 December 
2008: GBPnil). 
18 Financial instruments 
As a Venture Capital Trust the Company invests in unquoted and AIM-traded UK 
companies. In addition to its venture capital portfolio, which is invested mainly in 
technology-related companies in the TMT and healthcare sectors, the Company 
maintains liquidity balances in the form of cash and cash equivalents held for 
follow-on financing and new venture capital investment and debtors and 
creditors that arise directly from its operations. At 31 December 2009, 73.8% 
(GBP17.7 million) of the Company's net assets were invested in venture capital 
investments and 26.2% (GBP6.3 million) in liquidity balances. 
In pursuing its investment policy, the Company is exposed to risks that could 
result in a reduction in the value of net assets and consequently funds 
available for distribution by way of dividend or for re-investment. 
These risks and the management of them, which is the responsibility of the 
Manager and monitored by the Directors, are unchanged from the previous 
accounting period and are set out below. 
Market risk 
The fair value or the future cash flows of financial instruments held by the 
Company may fluctuate because of changes in market prices. Market risk 
comprises currency risk, interest rate risk and other price risk: 
  * Currency risk 
    The Company has no significant financial instruments denominated in foreign 
  * Interest rate risk 
As the Company has no borrowings it only has limited interest rate risk. The 
impact is on income and operating cash flows and arises from changes in market 
interest rates. 
The assets that are exposed to interest rate risk are tabled below. Interest 
received on cash balances is at a margin over LIBOR or its foreign currency 
equivalent (2008: same). Interest on loans to venture capital investee 
companies is at a fixed rate. With interest income of GBP25,000 to 31 December 
2009 (31 December 2008: GBP35,000), any further downward or upward movement in 
interest rates is unlikely to be material. 
  * Other price risk 
Venture capital investments carry a significant risk of failure. The management 
of risk within the venture capital portfolio is addressed through careful 
investment selection, by diversification across different industry segments 
within the TMT and healthcare sectors, by maintaining a wide spread of holdings 
in terms of financing stage and by limitation of the size of individual 
holdings. There is a concentration of risk due to the focused investment 
policy. This risk is mitigated by the specialised expertise of the Manager. The 
Directors monitor the Manager's compliance with the investment policy, review 
and agree policies for managing this risk and monitor the overall level of risk 
on the investment portfolio on a regular basis. 
A movement of 8.3% (31 December 2008: 7.5%) (the annual average percent 
reduction in total return over the last five accounting periods of the Company) 
in the fair value of the total venture capital portfolio would result in a 
movement of GBP1,473,000 (31 December 2008: GBP1,613,000) in profit before tax, 
which would affect the net asset value by 1.9p (31 December 2008: 2.1p) per 
Credit risk 
Credit risk is the risk that a party to a financial instrument will fail to 
discharge an obligation or commitment that it has entered into with the 
Company, resulting in a financial loss. 
The Investment Manager has in place a monitoring procedure in respect of 
counterparty risk which is reviewed on an ongoing basis. 
At the reporting date, the Company's financial assets exposed 
to credit risk amounted to the following: 
                                                              31.12.09 31.12.08 
                                                                 GBP'000    GBP'000 
Cash and cash equivalents                                        6,136    7,139 
The risk is managed as follows: 
- cash at bank is held only with banks with high quality external credit 
The Company also has an exposure to credit risk in respect of the loan stock 
investments it has made into investee companies, most of which have no security 
attached to them, and, where they do, such security ranks beneath any bank debt 
that an investee company may owe. 
These loan stock investments are made as part of the qualifying investments 
within the investment portfolio, and the risk management processes applied to 
the loan stock investments have already been set out under other price risk 
Capital disclosures 
The Company's objective is to deliver, as far as is consistent with venture 
capital investment, steady growth in total return to shareholders (net asset 
value plus cumulative dividends paid). As a result of the recent strategy 
review, this objective has been varied from the previous accounting year: in 
future, within the components of total return, priority will be given to the 
payment of dividends as and when realisations are achieved. In particular, 
subject to any tax or regulatory constraints, 50% of the proceeds from any 
realisations from within the existing venture capital portfolio will be 
regarded as available for distribution. It is likely, therefore, that the net 
asset value of the fund will decline as dividends are paid, although to the 
extent that investments are realised at amounts in excess of the valuations at 
31 December 2009, and subject to the ongoing operating costs of the fund, total 
return will increase. 
The capital subscribed to the Company by original investors has been managed in 
accordance with the Company's objectives. The available capital at 31 December 
2009 is GBP24.0 million (31 December 2008: GBP28.6 million) as shown in the balance 
sheet, which includes the Company's share capital and reserves. 
Following the Board's recent strategy review, the dividend policy of the 
Company will now be as set out above. Owing to the nature of a VCT, dividends 
payable may vary considerably from time to time depending, both on the level of 
income received from investments and, more significantly, on whether 
realisations of investments have been achieved. Accordingly the level of 
dividends will fluctuate and in some periods it is possible that no dividend 
will be paid. 
As regards share buybacks, following the strategy review the Board has 
determined that the Company will continue to be willing to make buybacks of 
limited volumes of its shares but expects that, going forward, the budget made 
available to fund buybacks will be more tightly restricted than in previous 
The Company has no borrowings and there are no externally imposed capital 
requirements other than the minimum statutory share capital requirements for 
public limited companies. 
19 Related party disclosures 
SPARK Investors Limited (a fellow subsidiary of the Manager), of which JR Patel 
is a Director, may from time to time be eligible to receive transaction fees 
and/or directors' fees from investee companies. During the year ended 31 
December 2009, fees of GBP23,000 attributable to the investments of the Company 
were received pursuant to these arrangements (31 December 2008: GBP26,000). 
There were no transactions, during the year, by Directors in investments in 
which the Company has invested (31 December 2008: nil). 
20 Co-investment 
The Company has made venture capital investments in companies in which other 
funds managed by SVML have also invested: 
For the purposes of this note, the following abbreviations apply: 
SPARK Ventures plc - SPK 
Quester Venture Partnership - QVP 
Isis College Fund Limited Partnerships and Second Isis College Fund Limited 
Partnership - ICF 
Lachesis Seed Fund Limited Partnership - Lachesis 
Company                               Co-investors 
Academia Networks Limited             SVCT, ICF and SPK 
Allergy Therapeutics plc              SVCT 
Antenova Limited                      SVCT and QVP 
Arithmatica Limited                   SVCT and QVP 
Celldex Therapeutics, Inc.            SVCT and QVP 
Celona Technologies Limited           QVP 
Celoxica Holdings plc                 QVP and ICF 
Cluster Seven Limited                 SVCT and QVP 
Elateral Holdings Limited             SVCT 
Haemostatix Limited                   SVCT, QVP and Lachesis 
Imagesound plc                        SVCT 
Isango! Limited                       SVCT and SPK 
Level Four Software Limited           SVCT and QVP 
MediGene AG                           SVCT, QVP and ICF 
Oxford Immunotec Limited              QVP and ICF 
Oxonica plc                           SVCT and ICF 
Perpetuum Limited                     SVCT and QVP 
Secerno Limited                       SVCT and ICF 
Sift Group Limited                    SVCT 
Skinkers Limited                      SVCT and SPK 
Symetrica Limited                     SVCT 
TeraView Limited                      SVCT 
UniServity Limited                    SVCT 
Vivacta Limited                       SVCT and QVP 
Workshare Limited                     SVCT and QVP 
Xention Limited                       QVP 
Xtera Communications, Inc.            QVP 
21 Post balance sheet events 
Subsequent to the year end, the Company has not made any new investments in 
excess of 20% of the equity capital of an investee company or any follow-on 
investments that would raise the Company's existing stake above 20% of the 
equity capital of an investee company. 
After the year end GBP28,000 was obtained from HMRC being interest on the VAT 
reclaim made in 2008. This amount has been accrued at year end. 
In March 2010 the Company sold 800,000 shares in Portrait Software plc at 24.0p 
per share. 

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