RNS Number : 9630H
  Victoria PLC
  12 November 2008

    Issued by Citigate Dewe Rogerson Ltd, Birmingham
    Date: Wednesday, 12 November 2008

    Victoria PLC
    ("Victoria" or "the Group")
    Leading manufacturers of high quality carpets in the UK, Australia and Ireland
    Half-Year Results for the six months ended 27 September 2008

    "solid performance in difficult economic conditions"

 �      Revenue                                                                                                                    �32.71m 
 - market share increased in both UK and Australia
  �      Group operating profit                                                                                                     �1.64m  
  �      Pre-tax profit                                                                                                             �1.28m  
  �      Earnings per share                                                                                                         13.02p  
  �      Interim dividend introduced                                                                                                  4.0p  
  �     Group trades well within current banking facilities with sufficient capacity to cover both future capital expenditure and planned
 capital requirements

    "The Group's geographical spread and high quality product portfolio, coupled with prudent management, has given it the ability to be
able to continue to invest in areas which offer the best future growth potential. This has enabled the business to perform ahead of the
market in trading conditions which are now undoubtedly the worst we have seen in several decades.

    "Given the high degree of uncertainty that now exists in all our markets, and coupled with the likelihood that they may yet deteriorate
still further, the Board anticipates that the results for the full year are likely to be significantly down on those achieved last year.

    "This being said, we remain confident that we have a sound and solid business model to see out the down-turn and to build upon once
confidence returns to the markets and the global economies".

    Alexander Anton, Chairman


 Alan Bullock, Group Managing Director
 Ian Davies, Group Finance Director                   Fiona Tooley, Director
 Victoria PLC                                         Citigate Dewe Rogerson
 Tel:                            +44 (0) 1562 749640  Tel:     +44 (0) 121 455 8370
 Mobile:                    +44 (0) 7785 325701 (AB)  Mobile:  +44 (0) 7785 703523

    Worcester Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire DY10 1JR England
    Telephone: 01562 749300 Fax: 01562 749649

    Registered in England No. 282204


    Victoria PLC



    The Group's geographical spread and high quality product portfolio, coupled with prudent management, has given it the ability to be able
to continue to invest in areas which offer the best future growth potential. This has enabled the business to perform ahead of the market in
trading conditions which are now undoubtedly the worst we have seen in several decades.

    Against this backdrop, the first half of the current financial year has seen Victoria deliver a solid performance in difficult economic
conditions. However, as we are all aware, the global economy has continued to deteriorate over the last two months making future trading
difficult to predict.


    Revenue from the Group's activities increased in the half-year by 13.8% from �28.76 million to �32.71 million. This improvement was
enhanced in Sterling terms by a strong average exchange rate in both the Australian Dollar and Euro in the first half. Sales revenue in the
UK was, however, flat, but were up in local currency terms by 9.7% in Australia and 11.5% in Ireland.

    Group Operating profit increased by 3.5% from �1.58 million to �1.64 million, however, underlying Operating profits in the UK were down
by 44.7%, flat in Ireland and up in Australia by 5.6%.

    Pre-tax profit increased 2.8% from �1.25 million to �1.28 million and earnings per share improved from 12.92p to 13.02p per share.

    Group borrowings increased from �7.60 million at 29 March 2008 to �12.00 million at 27 September 2008. This is in-line with plan, and
reflects the tufted expansion investment programme in Australia and an increase in working capital to support its revenue growth. The Group
trades well within its current banking facilities, which provides sufficient capacity to cover both future capital expenditure and planned
working capital requirements.

    As announced in June and confirmed in the 2008 Report & Accounts, the Group will introduce an Interim dividend commencing in the current
financial year. An Interim dividend of 4 pence per share will be paid on 18 December 2008 to all shareholders on the register as at 21
November 2008.


    After a promising start to the financial year, Victoria's UK sales declined markedly in August and September 2008. As a result, revenue
for the six months was flat at �12.44 million, compared to �12.43 million in the corresponding period last year. This, however, compares
favourably with many of the Group's UK competitors.


    Operating profits reduced from �262k to �145k (-44.7%) which reflects the adverse impact of both material and overhead cost inflation,
resulting in the decline in Pre-tax profits down from �135k to �57k (-57.7%), in the period. 

    Despite challenging market conditions, particularly in the residential sector, Victoria has continued with its move into the contract
floorcovering market in the UK and is currently establishing a specialist contract flooring division. A promising start has already been
made in this venture, with the cost of this investment, in part, being reflected in the first half-year's results. The full benefits of this
investment have not yet been seen, but will be in the future as we utilise our skills to develop our market position in this complementary

    The Group's Irish businesses have made a strong start to the first half of the financial year. Sales revenue grew by 11.5% from EUR3.84
million to EUR4.28 million. Operating profits increased by 1.2% from EUR174k to EUR176k, with Operating margin down from 4.5% to 4.1%.
Pre-tax profits were up from EUR147k to EUR163k, an increase of 11.2% over the same period last year.

    The Republic of Ireland is now officially in recession and we are watching the market carefully. The business has, however, continued to
invest in both new product ranges and point of sale display materials and we are also hopeful that we will benefit from the move into the
wider contract flooring market.

    The business saw strong sales growth in the first half-year with sales up by 9.7% from A$32.70 million to A$35.88 million. Operating
profit advanced by 5.6% from A$ 3.37 million to A$3.56 million, with Operating margin down slightly from 10.3% to 9.9%. Pre-tax profits were
up from A$3.04 million to A$3.18 million, an increase of 4.6%. In Sterling terms these increases were aided by a relatively strong average
Australian Dollar exchange rate which meant that revenues were up by 23.1%, whilst Operating profits increased by 18.4% and Pre-tax profits
by 17.3% upon consolidation into Sterling.

    The Group's investment of A$8.5 million in additional tufting capacity in Australia announced earlier this year is progressing well. Two
of the planned four new machines are already installed and operational, with the remaining two tufting machines now in the process of being
commissioned. The planned benefits of this investment through increased sales and profitability may, in the short-term, be impacted by the
now weakening economy.

    Sales in Colin Campbell, our Associate Canadian business, were up by 3.4% to C$5.04 million in the half-year. Pre-tax profit reduced
from C$252k to C$41k.  Profitability was affected in the period by the charge in the financial accounts relating to sampling and warehousing
costs involved in the roll out of our "Nature's Carpets�" product offering into the United States. We are excited at the growth prospects
afforded by this new environmental and eco-friendly range of floorcoverings, but the short-term expectations have to be tempered by the
current state of the housing market in the United States.



    As previously notified to the market Aram Shishmanian stands down from the Board as a Non-executive director with effect from today to
take up his role as CEO of the World Gold Council. We thank Aram for his contribution to the Board over the last year and wish him well in
his new challenge. Nikki Beckett has now been appointed to the role of senior Non-executive director, as well as Chairman of the Audit and
Remuneration Committees. The Board is currently engaged in a recruitment process and envisages having a new Non-executive director in place
by the end of the current financial year. 

    As well as recognising Aram's contribution to the Board, it is also important to acknowledge the role played by the management and
employees in the success of the Company. It is their continued commitment and loyalty that will make the difference as we all work together
in developing the further potential of our business for both these challenging times and in future years.


    Since the end of the first half-year we have witnessed unprecedented turmoil around the globe and the impact of this has severely
affected consumer and business confidence in all of the markets in which we trade. The trading environment continues to be extremely

    With the UK and Ireland both having entered into recession, the housing market likely to weaken still further and unemployment to rise,
it may be at least 18 months before we see a return to more normal trading conditions.

    Towards the end of the first half-year our Australian operation also began to witness a hardening in its markets and within the last
month it has seen a significant slowdown in the Australian economy.

    At this time, the market lacks any clear visibility as to whether this is a short-term downturn or a longer term trend. Furthermore,
there is also a degree of uncertainty about the direction of the Australian Dollar / Sterling exchange rate and its possible impact on the
consolidation of profits into the Group's result at the year-end.

    Given the high degree of uncertainty that now exists in all our markets, and coupled with the likelihood that they may yet deteriorate
still further, the Board anticipates that the results for the full year are likely to be significantly down on those achieved last year.

    This being said, we remain confident that we have a sound and solid business model to see out the down-turn and to build upon once
confidence returns to the markets and the global economies.

    Alexander Anton
    12 November 2008


    Victoria PLC

    Consolidated Income Statement
    For the 26 weeks ended 27 September 2008 (unaudited)

                                                    26 Weeks      26 Weeks       52 weeks
                                                       ended         ended          ended
                                                27 Sept 2008  29 Sept 2007  29 March 2008
                                         Notes          �000          �000           �000
                                           3          32,713        28,757         61,701
                                                    (22,978)      (20,208)       (43,392)
 Cost of sales
                                                       9,735         8,549         18,309
 Gross Profit
                                                     (6,423)       (5,662)       (11,186)
 Distribution costs
                                                     (2,078)       (1,644)        (3,757)
 Administrative expenses
                                                         405           340            828
 Other operating income
                                           3           1,639         1,583          4,194
 Operating Profit
                                                           8            45             78
 Share of results of associated company
                                                       (363)         (379)          (763)
 Finance costs
                                                       1,284         1,249          3,509
 Profit before tax
                                           4           (380)         (352)          (972)
                                                         904           897          2,537
 Profit for the period
 Attributable to:
 Equity holders of the parent                            904           897          2,537
                        pence   basic      5           13.02         12.92          36.54
 Earnings per share -
                                diluted    5           13.02         12.92          36.54

    Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income & Expense
    For the 26 weeks ended 27 September 2008 (unaudited)

                                         26 Weeks      26 Weeks       52 weeks
                                            ended         ended          ended
                                     27 Sept 2008  29 Sept 2007  29 March 2008
                                             �000          �000           �000
                                            (401)           819          1,911
 Exchange differences on
 translation of foreign operations
 Net (loss)/income recognised               (401)           819          1,911
 directly in equity
 Profit for the period                        904           897          2,537
 Total recognised income for the              503         1,716          4,448
 Attributable to                      
 Equity holders of the parent                 503         1,716          4,448

    Victoria PLC

    Consolidated Balance Sheet
    As at 27 September 2008 (unaudited)

                                   27 Sept 2008  29 Sept 2007  29 March 2008

                                           �000          �000           �000
 Non-current assets
 Intangible assets                          498           486            512
 Property, plant and equipment           24,756        24,354         24,866
 Investment property                        180           180            180
 Investment in associated company           579           565            541
 Deferred tax asset                       1,107         1,016          1,129
 Total non-current assets                27,120        26,601         27,228
 Current assets                     
 Inventories                             20,051        17,160         18,162
 Trade and other receivables             13,533        10,132          9,521
 Other financial asset                        2            11              -
 Cash at bank and in hand                   282           823          1,260
 Total current assets                    33,868        28,126         28,943
 Total assets                            60,988        54,727         56,171
 Current liabilities                
 Trade and other payables                11,889         9,437          9,651
 Current tax liabilities                  1,053         1,051          1,365
 Financial liabilities                    5,498         6,426          4,635
 Total current liabilities               18,440        16,914         15,651
 Non-current liabilities            
 Trade and other payables                 1,430         1,502          1,474
 Other financial liabilities              6,792         4,246          4,235
 Deferred tax liabilities                 2,233         2,234          2,248
 Total non-current liabilities           10,455         7,982          7,957
 Total liabilities                       28,895        24,896         23,608
 Net assets                              32,093        29,831         32,563
 Issued share capital                     1,736         1,736          1,736
 Share premium                              829           829            829
 Retained earnings                       29,528        27,266         29,998
 Total equity                            32,093        29,831         32,563

    Victoria PLC

    Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
    For the 26 weeks ended 27 September 2008 (unaudited)

                                            26 Weeks      26 Weeks       52 weeks
                                               ended         ended          ended
                                        27 Sept 2008  29 Sept 2007  29 March 2008
                                 Notes          �000          �000           �000
                                  7a         (2,094)         1,993          5,427
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from
 operating activities
 Investing activities                    
 Dividends received from                           -             -             54
 Purchases of property, plant                (1,429)       (1,106)        (2,102)
 and equipment
 Proceeds of disposals of                         46            10             62
 property, plant and equipment 
 Net cash used in investing                  (1,383)       (1,096)        (1,986)
 Financing activities                    
 Increase / (decrease) in long                 2,926         (682)        (1,392)
 term loans
 Receipts from financing of                       31            40            832
 Payment of finance leases/HP                  (387)         (397)          (953)
 Dividends paid                                (972)         (868)          (868)
 Net cash from/(used in)                       1,598       (1,907)        (2,381)
 financing activities
 Net (decrease)/increase in                  (1,879)       (1,010)          1,060
 cash and cash
 Cash and cash equivalents at                (2,629)       (3,693)        (3,693)
 beginning of period
 Effect of foreign exchange                     (30)            21              4
 rate changes
 Cash and cash equivalents at     7b         (4,538)       (4,682)        (2,629)
 end of period

    Victoria PLC

    Notes to the Half Year Financial Statements
    For the 26 weeks ended 27 September 2008 (unaudited)

    1         General information
    These condensed consolidated financial statements for the six months ended 27 September 2008 have not been audited or reviewed by the
Auditors. They were approved by the Board of directors on 11 November 2008.

    The information for the year ended 29 March 2008 does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act
1985. A copy of the statutory accounts for that year has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors' report on those
accounts was unqualified.

    2         Accounting policies
    These condensed consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the Group's financial statements for the year ended
29 March 2008, which were prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union.

    The accounting policies and basis of consolidation of these condensed financial statements are consistent with those applied and set out
on pages 44 to 48 of the Group's audited financial statements for the year ended 29 March 2008.

    3         Segmental information
    For management purposes, the Group is organised into four operating divisions according to the geographical areas where they are
managed. These divisions form the basis on which the Group reports its primary segment information, plus the Canadian associate. The three
segments are UK, Ireland and Australia, to which is added the Canadian associate.

    Geographical segment information for revenue, operating profit and a reconciliation to entity net profit is presented below.

                                      For the 26 weeks ended                   For the 26 weeks ended
                                         27 September 2008                        29 September 2007
                              Revenue  Operating  Finance      Profit  Revenue  Operating  Finance      Profit
                                          profit    costs      before              profit    costs      before
                                                                 tax*                                     tax*
                                 �000       �000     �000        �000     �000       �000     �000        �000
                               12,443        145     (88)          57   12,432        262    (127)         135
 Ireland                        3,386        139     (10)         129    2,611        118     (18)         100
 Australia                     16,884      1,674    (177)       1,497   13,714      1,414    (138)       1,276
                               32,713      1,958    (275)       1,683   28,757      1,794    (283)       1,511
 Share of results of                -          -        -           8        -          -        -          45
 Central costs                      -      (319)     (88)       (407)        -      (211)     (96)       (307)
 Total continuing operations   32,713      1,639    (363)       1,284   28,757      1,583    (379)       1,249
 Tax                                                            (380)                                    (352)
 Profit after tax from                                            904                                      897
 continuing activities
    * The share of profits of the associated company is shown net of tax as required by IAS1.

    Intersegment sales between the UK and Ireland and Australia were immaterial in the current and comparative periods.


    4        Tax
                              26 Weeks      26 Weeks
                                 ended         ended
                          27 Sept 2008  29 Sept 2007
                                  �000          �000
 Current tax
 - Current year UK                (95)          (52)
 - Current year overseas           475           404
 - Prior years                       -             -
                                   380           352
 Deferred Tax                        -             -
 Total                             380           352

    Corporation tax for the half year is charged at 29.6% (2007: 28.2%), representing the best estimate of the weighted average annual
corporation tax rate expected for the full financial year.

    5          Earnings per share
    The calculation of earnings per ordinary equity share in the parent entity is based on the following earnings and number of shares:
                                                        26 Weeks      26 Weeks
                                                           ended         ended
                                                    27 Sept 2008  29 Sept 2007
 Earnings (�000) basic and diluted                   
 Profit attributable to ordinary equity holders of           904           897
 the parent entity
                                                           6,944         6,944
 Number of shares (thousands) - In issue
 throughout the period
 Earnings per share (basic and undiluted) in pence         13.02         12.92

    No arrangements existed during the period or the comparative period that might require the issue of shares and hence the diluted
earnings per share are the same as the basic earnings per share.

    6         Dividends
                                                        26 Weeks      26 Weeks
                                                           ended         ended
                                                    27 Sept 2008  29 Sept 2007
                                                            �000          �000
 Amounts recognised as distributions to equity
 holders in the period:
 Final dividend for the year ended 29 March 2008     
 paid during the year
 14 pence per share (2007: 12.5 pence)                       972           868
 Interim dividend declared for the year to 28        
 March 2009
 4.0 pence per share (2007: nil)                             278             -


    7       Notes to the cash flow statement
    a)    Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities
                                         26 Weeks      26 Weeks       52 weeks
                                            ended         ended          ended
                                     27 Sept 2008  29 Sept 2007  29 March 2008
                                             �000          �000           �000
                                            1,639         1,583          4,194
 Operating profit from continuing
 Adjustments for:                     
 - Depreciation charges                     1,179         1,169          2,299
 - Amortisation of intangible                  15            13             28
 - (Profit)/loss on disposal of               (9)           (2)             15
 property, plant and
 - Exchange rate difference on              (144)           362            976
 Operating cash flows before                2,680         3,125          7,512
 movements in working
 (Increase) in working capital            (3,800)         (370)          (500)
 Cash generated from operations           (1,120)         2,755          7,012
 Interest paid                              (374)         (379)          (743)
 Income taxes paid                          (600)         (383)          (842)
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from           (2,094)         1,993          5,427
 operating activities

    b)    Analysis of net debt
                                            At     Cash         Other  Exchange            At
                                 29 March 2008     flow      non-cash  movement  27 Sept 2008
                                          �000     �000          �000      �000          �000
                                         1,260    (948)             -      (30)           282
 Bank loans payable less than          (3,889)    (931)             -         -       (4,820)
  year and overdrafts
 Cash and cash equivalents             (2,629)  (1,879)             -      (30)       (4,538)
 Secured commercial bills                                                         
  - Payable more than one year         (2,078)  (2,926)             -        51       (4,953)
 Finance leases and hire                                                          
  - Payable less than one year
                                         (737)      387         (332)         5         (677)
  - Payable more than one year         (2,157)     (31)           332        16       (1,840)
 Net debt                              (7,601)  (4,449)             -        42      (12,008)


    8         Rates of exchange
    The results of overseas subsidiary and associated undertakings have been translated into sterling at the average exchange rates
prevailing during the periods. The balance sheets are translated at the exchange rates prevailing at the period ends:

                                    26 Weeks      26 Weeks       52 weeks
                                       ended         ended          ended
                                27 Sept 2008  29 Sept 2007  29 March 2008
                                      2.1252        2.3845         2.3115
 Australia (A$) - average rate
 Australia (A$) - period end          2.2216        2.3023         2.1657
 Ireland (EUR) - average rate         1.2643        1.4710         1.4170
 Ireland (EUR) - period end           1.2619        1.4326         1.2623
 Canada (C$) - average rate           1.9836        2.1296         2.0734
 Canada (C$) - period end             1.9080        2.0246         2.0251

    9         Related party transactions
    During the period, the Group had transactions with its associate comprising sales of goods to the value of �384k (2007: �197k) and
provision of services worth �44k (2007: �41k). At 27 September 2008 the Group was owed �332k (2007: �243k). All goods and services were
provided at market rates.

    10        Risks and uncertainties
    The Board continuously assesses and monitors the key risks of the business. The key risks that could affect the Group's medium term
performance and the factors which mitigate these risks have not changed from those set out on page 17 of the Group's 2008 Annual Report, a
copy of which is available on the Group's website - www.victoria.plc.uk. The Chairman's Statement includes consideration of uncertainties
affecting the Group in the remaining six months of the year.

    11       Information rights
    Under Section 146 of the Companies Act 2006, registered shareholders of fully listed companies are able to nominate the underlying
beneficial owners of their shares to receive information rights from 1 October 2007. Companies are required to fulfil these requests from 1
January 2008.

    Please note that beneficial owners of shares nominated by the registered holders of those shares are required to direct all
communications to the registered holder of their shares rather than to the Company's registrar, Capita Registrars, or the Company directly.

    12        Statement of directors' responsibilities
    The directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with
IAS 34, "Interim financial reporting" as adopted by the European Union, and includes a fair review of the information required by Disclosure
and Transparency Rules 4.2.7 and 4.2.9 of the United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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