RNS Number : 1869F

Victoria PLC

26 July 2016

26 July 2016

Victoria PLC

('Victoria', the 'Company', or the 'Group')

Preliminary Results

for the year ended 2 April 2016

Victoria PLC (LSE: VCP) the international designers, manufacturers and distributors of innovative floorcoverings, is pleased to announce its preliminary results for the year ended 2 April 2016.

Financial and Operational Highlights

                             Year ended   Year ended    Growth 
                                2 April     28 March 
 Continuing operations             2016         2015 
 Revenue                      GBP255.2m    GBP127.0m     +101% 
 Underlying EBITDA(1)          GBP32.3m     GBP15.8m     +104% 
 Underlying operating 
  profit(1)                    GBP21.9m      GBP9.4m     +133% 
 Operating profit              GBP17.7m      GBP2.1m     +743% 
 Underlying profit before 
  tax(1)                       GBP18.2m      GBP7.9m     +130% 
 Profit before tax              GBP9.3m    GBP(1.6)m     +681% 
 Net debt                      GBP61.1m     GBP35.7m      +71% 
 Net debt / EBITDA                1.85x        1.79x 
 Earnings / (loss) per 
  share(2) : 
 - Basic adjusted                84.39p       52.90p      +60% 
 - Basic                         36.08p     (27.37)p     +232% 
   --      Group revenue grew by 101% (106% in constant currency terms) from GBP127.0m to GBP255.2m 

-- UK revenue grew by 115% and Australia by 64.6% (80.4% in constant currency terms) during the year. Group annualised like-for-like revenue growth was circa 3.0%

-- Successful integration of the acquired businesses in the year - Quest Carpets and Interfloor Group. Both acquisitions have been materially earnings-enhancing

-- Group operating profit increased more than 8 times from GBP2.1m to GBP17.7m. Underlying operating profit (before the deduction of exceptional and non-underlying items) more than doubled from GBP9.4m to GBP21.9m

-- Free cash flow(3) from continuing operations before exceptional items of GBP17.2m (2015: GBP10.0m)

-- Group net debt of GBP61.1m, with adjusted net debt / EBITDA(4) having reduced from circa 2.25x at the half-year to 1.85x at the year-end

   --      Disposed of a non-core yarn spinning operation during the first half of the year 

-- Risk to the Group of the UK's exit from the European Union is mitigated by the UK Division not being heavily reliant on imports or exports, and the Australia Division being operationally and commercially independent

-- Current outlook for both the UK and Australia is positive, with the Group having enjoyed a strong start to the current financial year.

1. Underlying performance is stated before the impact of exceptional items, amortization of acquired intangibles and asset impairment within operating profit. Underlying profit before tax and adjusted EPS are also stated before non-underlying items within finance costs (comprising mark-to-market adjustments, BGF redemption premium charge, release of prepaid finance costs and deferred consideration fair value adjustments within finance costs)

2. Basic and basic adjusted earnings per share calculations set out in Note 4

3. Free cash flow represents cash flow before financing activities and acquisition related items

4. As measured in relation to the Group's bank facility covenants

Geoff Wilding, Executive Chairman of Victoria PLC commented:

"The year was a very successful one for Victoria. The Board's commitment to creating wealth for shareholders delivered further scale both through the earnings-enhancing acquisitions of Quest and Interfloor, and organic growth by achieving operational efficiencies throughout the Group.

"The strong revenue performance achieved in the UK and Australia has continued post-period end. The Group have seen no drop off in demand for their products since the EU referendum in June and Victoria has enjoyed a strong start to the current financial year."

For more information contact:

 Victoria PLC 
  Geoff Wilding, Executive Chairman        +44 (0) 15 
  Michael Scott, Group Finance Director     6274 9300 
 Cantor Fitzgerald Europe 
  Rick Thompson, Phil Davies, Michael      +44 (0) 20 
  Reynolds (Corporate Finance)              7894 7000 
 Whitman Howard (joint broker)             +44 (0) 20 
  Nick Lovering, Ranald McGregor-Smith      7659 1234 
 Buchanan Communications 
  Charles Ryland, Victoria Hayns,          +44 (0) 20 
  Jane Glover                               7466 5000 

Chairman's Statement

"A good plan violently executed today, is better than a perfect plan next week"

   -      General George Patton 

All - or at least most - management teams have a written business plan. Most seem to run to many pages complete with indexes, appendices, lots of colourful charts, flow diagrams, and financial projections - purporting to be accurate to two decimal places - from now until the end of time. Victoria's business plan isn't anywhere near so grand; it fits on a single piece of A4 paper. I wouldn't want to claim it is the most brilliant business plan ever devised but it is simple, clear - and wholly focussed on the mission: "To create wealth for shareholders". Most importantly, it seems to work and the main reason for this is execution.

The operational management team at Victoria is simply extraordinary at getting on with making things happen. They are already half way around the track when competitors are still putting on their running shoes! Remember, our entire management team consists of successful entrepreneurs who have built their businesses over many years - through all economic cycles - in order to become one of the very few outstanding companies Victoria has acquired. It is difficult to overstate the benefit to Victoria of their experience and commitment. They have strong opinions and do not hesitate to express them. We operate as a 'team of teams', sharing information and co-operating extensively to increase earnings and reduce risk while maintaining a very flat management structure. During the period we continued to seek opportunities to improve operations through better buying terms with suppliers, greater logistic efficiencies and the joining up of manufacturing capabilities.

As a result I am pleased to advise shareholders that Victoria's financial strength continued to improve in FY16:

-- Group revenue grew by 100.9% (105.9% in constant currency terms) from GBP127.0m to GBP255.2m

   --              Underlying Group operating profit more than doubled from GBP9.4m to GBP21.9m 
   --              Underlying Group profit before tax substantially increased from GBP7.9m to GBP18.2m 

-- After exceptional items, the Group recorded a profit before tax of GBP9.3m, compared with a GBP1.6m loss before tax in the prior year

   --              Group net debt as at year-end was GBP61.1m, less than two times annualised EBITDA 
 GBPm                     H1      H2     Full year 
----------------------  ------  ------  ---------- 
 Revenue                 105.6   149.6     255.2 
----------------------  ------  ------  ---------- 
 Underlying EBITDA*      12.5    19.8      32.3 
----------------------  ------  ------  ---------- 
 Underlying operating 
  profit*                 7.8    14.1      21.9 
----------------------  ------  ------  ---------- 
 Underlying profit 
  before tax*             6.4    11.8      18.2 
----------------------  ------  ------  ---------- 

* before non-underlying and exceptional items

It is important to understand that there is little seasonality between the two halves of our financial year and, obviously, much of the revenue growth has been the result of the two acquisitions we made mid-way through the year - Quest Carpets (in August) and Interfloor Group (in September). However shareholders can be particularly encouraged by the realisation of operational synergies, which can be seen in the improved operating margins, and which have driven significantly enhanced like-for-like performance in the businesses that have been part of Victoria since the start of the year. More remains to be done - the process is on-going and never-ending - but the benefits of the Group's strategy of achieving scale through acquisitions are already becoming clear, with underlying profit before tax up by over 130%.

To illustrate this further I thought it might be useful for shareholders to understand a little more about the scale of the impact Victoria is having on the businesses we have acquired and why over the last three years we have had 12 profit upgrades by equity research analysts.

-- The five companies acquired by Victoria, at an average cost of under 6x historical EBITDA, delivered a consolidated operating profit in FY16 that was approximately GBP3.5m higher than the aggregate of the operating profits achieved in their respective 12 month periods prior to acquisition.

-- The underlying operating profit margin across the acquired businesses has increased by approximately 130 basis points, driven by successfully delivered cost synergies.

-- There has been a focus on stock management, resulting in an improvement in average stock turn across the acquired businesses from 3.2x in FY15 to 3.7x in FY16, resulting in approximately GBP7.5m less cash tied up in working capital and a much reduced risk of obsolete stock.

There is no reason we cannot continue to have this - and more - positive effect on businesses as they are acquired to the benefit of Victoria's shareholders.


I have previously highlighted that one of the attractions of carpet manufacturers is the amount of cash that they generate.

This year, Victoria's pre-exceptional operating cash flow was GBP32.8m and free cash flow (i.e. after interest, tax and net capital expenditure) was GBP17.2m.

As a result, it is the Board's expectation that in the medium term Victoria will be capable of paying an attractive dividend. However, in the short term, we remain of the view that the most wealth will be created for shareholders by deploying the free cash flow generated by Group businesses towards paying down debt quickly and acquiring other high quality flooring manufacturers in the UK and overseas.

Therefore we have resolved not to pay a dividend for FY16.

Appointment of Group Finance Director

Victoria was fortunate in January to secure the appointment of Michael Scott as the Group's Finance Director. Prior to his appointment, Michael spent eight years at Rothschild where, as part of their Global Financial Advisory business, he worked across a wide range of public and private company transactions, M&A and debt and equity-related fund raisings. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant with PricewaterhouseCoopers.

His experience of the PLC-world and corporate finance strengthens the Board and will be invaluable in the continued execution of our business plan.


Both markets in which Victoria trades - the UK and Australia - continue to perform well and the Group has enjoyed a strong start to the current financial year.


The ludicrous over-reaction to the outcome of the EU referendum complete with hyper-ventilating commentators and hysterical luvvie wittering has become more balanced recently. Although there will inevitably be further ups and downs over the months ahead, I expect the UK's decision to leave the EU to be positive for the Group's competitiveness in the foreseeable future.

There are several reasons for this:

-- More than half the carpet sold in the UK is manufactured in Europe, primarily Belgium and the Netherlands. Therefore although a weaker pound may increase some of our raw material costs slightly, it also makes this imported product materially more expensive and, as a result, offers Victoria the opportunity to grow its market share, particularly with larger retailers and some of the buying groups who currently source a significant portion of their product offering from the Continent.

-- General treasury risk for the Group is also limited. We have only a small amount of non-sterling (AUD) denominated debt, which is naturally hedged against the Australian business earnings. We always match our foreign currency liabilities to our income - we are flooring manufacturers, not currency traders.

   --     The Group exports a negligible amount of product to the EU. 

-- Approximately 20% of the Group's earnings come from its Australian operations and a weaker pound will result in higher profits when translated into GBP.

More generally, the UK business has seen positive trading since the start of the year. Possibly due to the changes in stamp duty, consumers appear to be choosing to invest more in their existing home rather than moving. There is no quicker or more dramatic way to improve the appearance and style of a home than upgrade the flooring.


The Australian flooring market is also experiencing good demand from consumers following the recent election. The weakness in the Australian dollar (against Sterling) throughout FY16 impacted the paper translation of earnings but has had no impact on revenues or margins within the Australian trading businesses. This situation has, of course, reversed with the recent weakness in Sterling and assuming it continues will result in materially higher Sterling earnings for the current financial year.


At Victoria we are constantly seeking ways to maximise expense variability while maintaining tight control over costs and inventory to ensure that the group is well positioned should trading conditions change.

We continue to identify and explore acquisition opportunities both in the UK, the Continent and further afield. Some happen; some don't. We maintain very strict criteria and strong price discipline to ensure acquisitions will continue to be earnings enhancing and a useful tool to both strengthen the Group and create wealth for shareholders.

In summary, the outcome of the EU referendum has no immediate impact on the Group's growth plans, nor have we seen any change in demand for our products. Therefore I am pleased to say the Board faces the 2017 financial year with considerable confidence that we will continue to deliver increasing levels of earnings for our shareholders.

Geoffrey Wilding

Executive Chairman

Strategic Report

Business overview

Victoria PLC is a leading designer, manufacturer and distributor of innovative flooring products. The Group is headquartered in the UK, with operations across the UK and Australia employing over 1,600 people across 12 sites.

The Group manufactures wool and synthetic broadloom carpets, carpet tiles, underlay and flooring accessories. In addition, it markets and distributes a range of complementary LVT (luxury vinyl tile) and hardwood flooring products produced by third-party manufacturers.

A review of the performance of the business is provided within the Financial Review.

Business model

Victoria's business model is underpinned by five integrated pillars:

   1.         Superior customer offering 

Offering a range of leading quality and complementary flooring products across a number of different brands, styles and price points, focused on the mid-to-upper end of the market.

   2.         Sales driven 

Highly motivated, independent and appropriately incentivised sales teams across each brand and product range, ensuring delivery of a premium service and driving profitable growth.

   3.         Flexible cost base 

Multiple production sites with the flexibility, capacity and cost structure to vary production levels as appropriate, in order to maintain a low level of operational gearing and maximise overall efficiency.

   4.         Focused investment 

Appropriate investment to ensure long-term quality and sustainability, whilst maintaining a focus on cost of capital and return on investment.

   5.         Entrepreneurial leadership 

A flat structure with a team of eight senior managers running the daily business, with income statement 'ownership' and linked incentivisation, and who work closely with the PLC Board to plan and implement the medium-term strategy.


The Group's successful strategy in creating wealth for its shareholders has not changed and continues to be to deliver profitable and sustainable growth, both from acquisitions and organic drivers.

In terms of acquisitions, the Group continues to seek and monitor good opportunities in key target markets that will complement the overall commercial offering and help to drive further improvement in our KPIs. Funding of acquisitions is primarily sought from debt finance to maintain an efficient capital structure, insofar as a comfortable level of facility and covenant headroom can be achieved.

Organic growth is fundamentally driven by the five pillars of the business model highlighted above. In addition, the Group continues to seek and deliver synergies and transfer best operating practice between acquired businesses, both in terms of commercial upside, and cost and efficiency benefits to drive like-for-like margin improvement.

Key performance indicators

The KPIs monitored by the Board and the Group's performance against these are set out in the table below.

                                   Year ended   Year ended 
                                      2 April     28 March 
 KPIs                                    2016         2015 
                                        GBP'm        GBP'm 
 Revenue                                255.2        127.0 
 Revenue growth at 
  constant currency                    105.9%        84.1% 
  EBITDA                                 32.3         15.8 
  EBITDA margin                         12.6%        12.5% 
  operating profit                       21.9          9.4 
  operating margin                       8.6%         7.4% 
 Underlying return 
  on operating assets(1)                16.6%        16.0% 
 EPS (basic, 
  adjusted)                            84.39p       52.90p 
 Adjusted net 
  debt / EBITDA(2)                      1.85x        1.79x 
 EBITDA interest 
  cover(2)                              7.82x        7.20x 

(1) Underlying return on operating assets = underlying operating profit (earnings before interest, taxation and non-underlying items) for the year / (year-end total equity + net debt)

(2) As measured in line with our bank facility covenants

All of these KPIs have improved during the year, other than adjusted net debt / EBITDA which has remained broadly flat. Underlying return on operating assets has seen a 63 basis point improvement, driven by the impact of acquisitions in the year as well as cost synergies which were successfully delivered.

Further commentary on these KPIs is provided in the Financial Review.

Principal risks and uncertainties

The Board and senior management team of Victoria identifies and monitors principal risks and uncertainties on an ongoing basis. These include:

Competition - the Group operates in mature and highly competitive markets, resulting in pressure on pricing and margins. Management regularly review competitor activity to devise strategies to protect the Group's position as far as possible.

Economic conditions - the operating and financial performance of the Group is influenced by economic conditions within the geographic areas within which it operates, in particular the UK, Australia and the Eurozone. Currently, a key uncertainty around the UK and Eurozone economic outlook is driven by the proposed exit of the UK from the European Union ('Brexit'). The risk of Brexit for the Group is mitigated by the UK Division not being heavily reliant on imports or exports, and the Australia Division being operationally entirely independent. The Group remains focused on driving efficiency improvements, cost reductions and ongoing product development to adapt to the current market conditions.

Key input prices - a material adverse changes in certain raw material prices, in particular wool and synthetic polymer or yarn, could affect the Group's profitability. A proportion of these costs are denominated in US Dollars and Euros which gives rise to foreign exchange risk, which is currently impacted in the UK by the uncertainty in medium-to-long term exchange rates against Sterling in light of Brexit. Key input prices are closely monitored and the Group has a sufficiently broad base of suppliers to remove arbitrage risk, as well as being of such a scale that it is able to benefit from certain economies arising from this. Furthermore, whilst there is some foreign exchange risk beyond the short-term hedging arrangements that are put in place, the vast majority of the Group's cost base remains in domestic currency (Sterling and Australian Dollars for the two Divisions, respectively) and in the UK this could ultimately result in a competitive advantage versus companies exporting to the UK from Continental Europe.

Acquisitions - acquisition-led growth is a key part of the Group's ongoing strategy, and risks exist around the future performance of any potential acquisitions, unforeseen liabilities, or difficulty in integrating into the wider Group. The Board carefully reviews all potential acquisitions and, before completing, carries out appropriate due diligence to mitigate the financial, tax, operational, legal and regulatory risks. Risks are further mitigated through the retention and appropriate incentivisation of acquisition targets' senior management. Where appropriate the consideration is structured to include deferred and contingent elements which are dependent on financial performance for a number of years following completion of the acquisition.

Other operational risks - in common with many businesses, sustainability of the Group's performance is subject to a number of operational risks, including major incidents that may interrupt planned production, and the recruitment and retention of key employees. These risks are monitored by the Board and senior management team and appropriate mitigating actions taken.

Corporate responsibility

Victoria PLC is committed to being an equal opportunities employer and is focused on hiring and developing talented people.

The health and safety of our employees, and other individuals impacted by our business, is taken very seriously and is reviewed by the Board on an ongoing basis.

The Board is reviewing the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Company's statement will be released in due course.

As a manufacturing and distribution business, there is a risk that some of the Group's activities could have an adverse impact on the local environment. Policies are in place to mitigate these risks, and all of the businesses within the Group are committed to full compliance with all relevant health and safety and environmental regulations.

   Geoffrey Wilding                                                            Michael Scott 
   Executive Chairman                                                       Group Finance Director 

Financial Review

The Group continued its significant development during the year to 2 April 2016, in particular as a result of the acquisitions of Interfloor Group in the UK and Quest Carpets in Australia. The integration of both of these businesses has been successfully completed.


Group revenue from continuing operations doubled during the year from GBP127.0m to GBP255.2m. This comprises 115% annual growth in the UK Division and 80% annual growth in the Australia Division on a constant currency basis.

                                UK   Australia    expenses    Total 
                             GBP'm       GBP'm       GBP'm    GBP'm 
 Year ended 
  2 April 2016               196.9        58.3           -    255.2 
 Year ended 
  28 March 2015               91.6        35.4           -    127.0 
 Revenue growth: 
 Reported                   114.9%       64.6%           -   100.9% 
 Constant currency 
  (1)                       114.9%       80.4%           -   105.9% 

(1) Revenue growth at constant currency is calculated applying the same GBP:AUD exchange rate to both years of 2.0327 (being the average exchange rate during the year ended 2 April 2016).

This growth was primarily a result of the contribution from acquisitions, both in terms of the acquisitions in the year of Quest Carpets and Interfloor Group, and the full-year beneficial impact of Abingdon Flooring and Whitestone Weavers group, which were acquired during the previous financial year.

In addition, the underlying business has continued to perform strongly, delivering average organic revenue growth across the Group of over 3.0%(2) , driven by increased sales volumes.

(2) Organic annual growth is assessed on the basis of including a full year of revenue or sales volumes for all businesses acquired up to 2 April 2016, both in the year ended 2 April 2016 and in the prior year ended 28 March 2015. Figures are adjusted as required for the 53 week period to indicate like-for-like growth. Revenue from Australia is converted at constant currency (GBP:AUD of 2.0327).

Gross profit

Gross margin for the Group noticeably improved by 93 basis points in the year from 32.5% to 33.4%, thereby delivering 107% growth in consolidated gross profit from GBP41.3m to GBP85.2m.

                            Year ended 2 April                      Year ended 28 March 
                                    2016                                    2015 
                  --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                                         Central                                 Central 
                      UK   Australia    expenses   Total      UK   Australia    expenses   Total 
                   GBP'm       GBP'm       GBP'm   GBP'm   GBP'm       GBP'm       GBP'm   GBP'm 
  gross profit      68.4        16.8           -    85.2    32.0         9.2           -    41.3 
 Reported          34.7%       28.9%           -   33.4%   35.0%       26.1%           -   32.5% 
 Annualised(1)     34.7%       29.3%           -   33.4%   32.1%       28.3%           -   31.3% 

(1) Annualised gross margin is assessed on the basis of including a full year of contribution for all businesses acquired up to 2 April 2016, both in the year ended 2 April 2016 and in the prior year ended 28 March 2015. Contribution from Australia is converted at constant currency (GBP:AUD of 2.0327).

The underlying profitability of the Group increased by a much greater margin during the year; although this has been offset in the reported figures by the impact of the UK acquisitions on the relative mix of existing high-end UK product categories. As a result, whilst the reported UK numbers show a small 22bps decline in gross margin, annualised figures(1) show an underlying year-on-year improvement of 257 basis points. On the same basis at a Group level, the underlying gross margin has improved by 211 basis points.

The uplift in underlying gross margin was driven primarily by operational improvements including the impact of cost synergies which were successfully delivered following acquisitions.


Underlying distribution and administration costs increased by 97% from GBP32.2m to GBP63.6m, slightly less than the relative percentage increase in revenue.

There were also a number of non-underlying and exceptional operating expenses incurred during the year, totalling GBP4.2m. Amortisation of acquired intangibles - a non-cash expense - increased from GBP0.3m in the prior year to GBP2.3m, of which GBP1.5m relates to Interfloor Group which was acquired during the year. A further GBP0.6m of costs in the year relate to the closure of a small non-core part of UK operations and a specific fixed asset impairment; and the remaining GBP1.3m predominantly relates to exceptional fees in respect of acquisitions and disposals.

                                  Year ended     Year ended 
                                     2 April       28 March 
                                        2016           2015 
                                       GBP'm          GBP'm 
 Distribution and 
  administration costs                  63.6           32.2 
 Other operating 
  income                               (0.3)          (0.4) 
  net expenses                          63.3           31.8 
  amortisation                   2.3            0.3 
 Asset impairment                0.2              - 
 Non-core closure                0.4              - 
 Other exceptional 
  items                          1.3            7.1 
 Total non-underlying 
  operating items                        4.2            7.4 
 Proportion of closure                 (0.2)              - 
  costs taken in cost 
  of sales 
 Reported net 
  expenses                              67.3           39.2 

Operating profit

Reported operating profit (earnings before interest and taxation) increased during the year by over 8 times, from GBP2.1m to GBP17.7m.

After removing the non-underlying and exceptional items listed above, underlying operating profit of GBP21.9m was delivered during the year, a 133% increase over the prior year. This growth comprised 99% annual growth in the UK Division and 216% annual growth in the Australia Division, plus a small decrease in central expenses.

The Group's underlying operating margin has, of course, been impacted by the same change in UK product mix as a result of acquisitions, as described above in relation to gross margin. Nevertheless, a 117 basis point improvement, from 7.4% to 8.6%, was achieved during the year.

                                   Year ended 2 April                      Year ended 28 March 
                                           2016                                    2015 
                         --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                                                Central                                 Central 
                             UK   Australia    expenses   Total      UK   Australia    expenses   Total 
                          GBP'm       GBP'm       GBP'm   GBP'm   GBP'm       GBP'm       GBP'm   GBP'm 
 Underlying operating 
 profit                    18.2         5.0       (1.2)    21.9     9.2         1.6       (1.3)     9.4 
  items                   (3.2)       (0.7)       (0.3)   (4.2)   (0.7)           -       (6.7)   (7.3) 
 Reported operating 
  profit                   15.0         4.3       (1.5)    17.7     8.5         1.6       (8.0)     2.1 
 Underlying operating 
 margin                    9.2%        8.5%           -    8.6%   10.0%        4.4%           -    7.4% 
 Underlying profit 
  before tax                                               18.2                                     7.9 
 Reported profit 
  / (loss) before 
  tax                                                       9.3                                   (1.6) 
 Underlying PBT 
  margin                                                   7.1%                                    6.2% 

Underlying profit before tax grew 130% in the year to GBP18.2m.


The reported tax charge in the year was GBP3.3m against a reported pre-tax profit of GBP9.3m, giving an effective tax rate of 36.0%. This was distorted by the impact of the exceptional and non-underlying costs, the majority of which have been treated as non-deductible for corporation tax purposes. The underlying effective tax rate measured against adjusted profit before tax is 23.6%.

Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share from continuing operations were 36.1p in the year, compared with a reported loss in the prior year of (27.4p). Although the prior year result was distorted by the substantial non-cash settlement of the Contract for Differences, there has, nonetheless, been significant growth in the underlying business, with adjusted earnings per share (before non-underlying and exceptional items) increasing from 52.9p to 84.4p.

                                                  Year      ended 
                                                 ended         28 
                                               2 April      March 
 `                                                2016       2015 
                                                 pence      pence 
 Basic earnings per share 
  from continuing operations                    36.08p   (27.37p) 
 Basic adjusted earnings per 
  share from continuing operations              84.39p     52.90p 

Operating cash flow

The Group delivered underlying EBITDA in the year of GBP32.3m, an increase of 104% on the prior year.

Cash flow from operating activities before interest, tax and exceptional items was GBP32.8m, which represents a conversion of over 100% of underlying EBITDA. This is an 84% increase on the prior year operating cash flow, with a similar EBITDA conversion ratio.

Pre-exceptional free cash flow of the Group - after interest, tax and net capital expenditure - was GBP17.2m. Compared with underlying operating profit (i.e. post-depreciation), this represents a conversion ratio of 78%. This was lower than the prior year due to an increase in capital expenditure of GBP5.1m.

                                                   Year     Year 
                                                  ended    ended 
                                                      2       28 
                                                  April    March 
                                                   2016     2015 
                                                  GBP'm    GBP'm 
 Underlying operating profit 
  from continuing operations                       21.9      9.4 
 Add back: Depreciation                            10.4      6.4 
  EBITDA                                           32.3     15.8 
  items                                           (0.1)    (0.2) 
 Foreign exchange                                   0.5    (0.0) 
 Movement in 
  working capital                                   0.1      2.2 
 Operating cash flow from continuing 
  operations before interest, tax and 
  exceptional items                                32.8     17.8 
 % conversion against 
  underlying operating 
  profit                                           150%     189% 
 % conversion 
  against EBITDA                                   102%     112% 
  paid                                            (3.2)    (1.4) 
  tax paid                                        (3.2)    (2.1) 
 Capital expenditure 
  (including hire purchase)                      (10.2)    (5.1) 
 Proceeds from fixed 
  asset disposals                                   1.0      0.8 
 Free cash flow from continuing 
  operations before exceptional 
  items                                            17.2     10.0 
 % conversion against 
  underlying operating 
  profit                                            78%     106% 
 % conversion 
  against EBITDA                                    53%      63% 

Net debt

As at 2 April 2016 the Group's net debt position was GBP61.1m. This compares with GBP35.7m as at the previous year-end, 28 March 2015. Of this GBP25.4m increase, a net GBP1.0m was due to translational differences on Australian dollar denominated net debt. The principal reason for the remaining increase in net debt during the year was due to acquisitions.

                                                       Year     Year 
                                                      ended    ended 
                                                          2       28 
                                                      April    March 
                                                       2016     2015 
                                                      GBP'm    GBP'm 
 Total initial cash consideration 
  for acquisitions (net of cash acquired)            (19.3)   (14.6) 
 Total debt acquired 
  or refinanced                                      (54.7)    (8.1) 
 Deferred consideration 
  payments                                            (7.5)    (1.0) 
  costs                                               (1.4)    (0.4) 
 Gross acquisition 
  related expenditure                                (82.8)   (24.1) 
 Net proceeds from issue 
  of share capital                                     43.0      1.5 
 Net acquisition 
  related expenditure                                (39.7)   (22.6) 
 Free cash flow from continuing 
  operations before exceptional items 
  (see above)                                          17.2     10.0 
 Net distribution 
  to shareholders                                         -   (20.7) 
  costs paid                                          (1.1)    (0.4) 
 Additional debt funding required 
  (before non-underlying items)                      (23.7)   (33.7) 
 Exceptional                                            0.0        - 
  cash items 
 Cash flow from discontinued 
  operations                                            0.1    (1.2) 
 Non-cash adjustment 
  to BGF loan recognised                              (0.3)      0.6 
 Foreign exchange differences 
  on opening cash / debt                              (1.6)      0.1 
 Movement in 
  net debt                                           (25.4)   (34.2) 
 Opening net 
  debt                                               (35.7)    (1.5) 
  net debt                                           (61.1)   (35.7) 

Applying our banks' adjusted measure of financial leverage, the Group's year-end net debt to EBITDA ratio was 1.85x, almost in line with the equivalent ratio at the previous year-end.

                                    2 April    March 
                                       2016     2015 
                                      GBP'm    GBP'm 
 Net cash and cash 
  equivalents                          19.1    (8.5) 
 Bank loans                          (69.3)   (16.4) 
 BGF loan                             (9.8)    (9.5) 
 Finance leases and hire 
  purchase arrangements               (1.1)    (1.2) 
 Net debt                            (61.1)   (35.7) 
 Adjusted net 
  debt / EBITDA 
  (1)                                 1.85x    1.79x 

(1) As measured in line with our bank facility covenants

Accounting standards

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as endorsed and adopted for use in the EU. There have been no changes to IFRS this year that have a material impact on the Group's results.

This year, we have made a change to our accounting policies in relation to the treatment of expenditure on sampling fixed assets. These assets, comprising both flooring samples and display units on which samples are presented, are held by our retail customers to assist in marketing and selling to end consumers. Under the previous accounting treatment, expenditure on these assets was expensed as incurred, despite relating to revenues generated in future periods. In order to correct this and appropriately match the investment to the revenues generated, as well as to recognise the existence of the assets being held in our customers' stores, this expenditure is now capitalised and depreciated over a period of 24 months. Details of the impact of this change on the Groups' current year and prior year results (reflecting the Group's performance had this accounting policy been adopted historically) is set out in Note 11 to the financial statements.

There have been no other material changes in the accounting policies of the Group and its subsidiaries this year.

Funding and going concern

As reported in the last annual report, in April 2015 the Group entered into a new multi-currency revolving credit facility with Barclays and HSBC. This facility was used, in part, to fund the acquisitions of Quest Carpets and Interfloor Group. These banks continue to be supportive of the business and, in May this year, agreed to extend the Accordion facility option to provide further headroom for future growth.

The bank facility is subject to various financial covenants measured against Group results; and all such covenants have been satisfied to date.

The current facilities across the Group provide sufficient capacity in Sterling, Australian Dollars and Euros to cover all anticipated capital expenditure and working capital requirements during the year ahead.

The consolidated financial statements for the Group have been prepared on a going-concern basis. The Group's business activities, together with the factors likely to affect its future development, performance and position, are set out in the Chairman's Statement, the Strategic Review and this Financial Review.

Having reviewed the Group's budgets, projections and funding requirements, and taking account of reasonable possible changes in trading performance, the Directors believe they have reasonable grounds for stating that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.

The Directors are of the view that the Group is well placed to manage its business risks. Accordingly, the Directors continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the Annual Report and Accounts.

Michael Scott

Group Finance Director

 Consolidated Income 
 Statement                                                 53 weeks ended 2 April 2016            52 weeks ended 28 March 2015 
 For the 53 weeks ended 
 2 April 2016 
                                                                           Non-                                   Non- 
                                                        Underlying   underlying    Reported    Underlying   underlying    Reported 
                                                       performance        items     numbers   performance        items     numbers 
                                                                                                re-stated    re-stated   re-stated 
                                               Notes        GBP000       GBP000      GBP000        GBP000       GBP000      GBP000 
-----------------------   -------  ---------  ------  ------------  -----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Continuing operations 
 Revenue                                           1       255,174            -     255,174       127,003            -     127,003 
 Cost of sales                                           (169,930)        (249)   (170,179)      (85,751)            -    (85,751) 
 Gross profit                                               85,244        (249)      84,995        41,252            -      41,252 
 Distribution costs                                       (49,852)        (157)    (50,009)      (22,268)            -    (22,268) 
 Administrative expenses (including 
  intangible amortisation)                                (13,753)      (3,787)    (17,540)       (9,941)      (7,327)    (17,268) 
 Other operating income                                        292            -         292           386            -         386 
 Operating profit/(loss)                                    21,931      (4,193)      17,738         9,429      (7,327)       2,102 
 Operating profit before 
  exceptional items and 
  intangible amortisation                          1        21,931            -      21,931         9,429            -       9,429 
 Intangible amortisation                                         -      (2,315)     (2,315)             -        (270)       (270) 
 Asset impairment                                                -        (160)       (160)             -            -           - 
 Exceptional items                               1,2             -      (1,718)     (1,718)             -      (7,057)     (7,057) 
--------------------------------------------  ------  ------------  -----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Finance costs                                     3       (3,714)      (4,734)     (8,448)       (1,498)      (2,192)     (3,690) 
 Profit/(loss) before tax                                   18,217      (8,927)       9,290         7,931      (9,519)     (1,588) 
 Taxation                                                  (4,302)          961     (3,341)       (1,658)            -     (1,658) 
 Profit/(loss) for the period from 
  continuing operations                                     13,915      (7,966)       5,949         6,273      (9,519)     (3,246) 
 Loss for the period from discontinued 
  operations                                       9             -      (2,132)     (2,132)             -        (346)       (346) 
 Profit/(loss) for the period                               13,915     (10,098)       3,817         6,273      (9,865)     (3,592) 
--------------------------------------------  ------  ------------  -----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Earnings/(loss) per 
  share from continuing 
  operations                pence    basic         4                                  36.08                                (27.37) 
    diluted                                        4                                  35.53                                (27.37) 
 Earnings/(loss) per share            basic        4                                  23.15                                (30.29) 
    diluted                                        4                                  23.02                                (30.29) 
   -----------------------------------------  ------  ------------  -----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ---------- 
  Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive 
                                                 53 weeks     52 week 
                                                    ended       ended 
  For the 53 weeks ended                          2 April    28 March 
   2 April 2016                                      2016        2015 
                                                   GBP000      GBP000 
 -----------------------------------------      ---------  ---------- 
  Profit/(loss) for the period                      3,817     (3,592) 
 ---------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------- 
  Other comprehensive income/(expense): 
  Items that will not be 
   reclassified to profit 
   or loss: 
  Actuarial losses on pension 
   scheme                                           (152)           - 
  Increase in deferred tax 
   asset relating to pension 
   scheme liability                                    53           - 
  Total items that will not 
   be reclassified to profit 
   or loss                                           (99)           - 
 -----------------------------------------      ---------  ---------- 
  Items that may be reclassified 
   subsequently to profit 
   or loss 
  Currency translation gains/(losses)                 708       (798) 
  Totals items that may be reclassified 
   subsequently to profit or 
   loss                                               708       (798) 
 -------------------------------------------    ---------  ---------- 
  Other comprehensive income/(expense) 
   for the year, net of tax                           609       (798) 
 -------------------------------------------    ---------  ---------- 
  Total comprehensive income/(loss) 
   for the year attributable to 
   the owners of the parent                         4,426     (4,390) 
 --------------------------------------------   ---------  ---------- 
 Consolidated Balance Sheet                                 Group 
                                                     2 April    28 March 
 As at 2 April 2016                                     2016        2015 
                                             Notes    GBP000      GBP000 
---------------------------------------     ------  --------  ---------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Goodwill                                             37,205       4,110 
 Intangible assets                                    43,476       8,858 
 Property, plant and equipment                        38,811      27,789 
 Investment property                                     180         180 
 Investment in subsidiary undertakings                ------      ------ 
 Trade and other receivables                          ------      ------ 
 Deferred tax asset                                    3,287       1,903 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---------- 
 Total non-current assets                            122,959      42,840 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                          58,970      40,956 
 Trade and other receivables                          42,562      30,397 
 Cash at bank and in hand                             19,078       2,392 
 Other financial assets                                  384      ------ 
---------------------------------------     ------  --------  ---------- 
 Total current assets                                120,994      73,745 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---------- 
 Total assets                                        243,953     116,585 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                             66,913      39,066 
 Current tax liabilities                               2,891       2,014 
 Other financial liabilities                             596      18,268 
------------------------------------------  ------ 
 Total current liabilities                            70,400      59,348 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                             11,524      12,260 
 Other financial liabilities                          78,522      19,227 
 Deferred tax liabilities                              9,129       2,370 
 Retirement benefit obligations                  6     3,345      ------ 
 Total non-current liabilities                       102,520      33,857 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---------- 
 Total liabilities                                   172,920      93,205 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---------- 
 Net assets                                           71,033      23,380 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---------- 
 Share capital                                   7     4,548       3,639 
 Share premium                                        52,462      10,144 
 Retained earnings                                    13,341       8,915 
 Other reserves                                          682         682 
 Total equity                                         71,033      23,380 
------------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---------- 
 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
 For the 53 weeks ended 2 April 2016 
                                                    Share     Share   Retained      Other      Total 
                                                  capital   premium   earnings   reserves     equity 
                                                   GBP000    GBP000     GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
 At 30 March 2014 (re-stated)                       1,772       909     33,996       ----     36,677 
-----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Loss for the period to 28 March 2015                ----      ----    (3,592)       ----    (3,592) 
 Other comprehensive loss for the period             ----      ----      (798)       ----      (798) 
-----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
  Total comprehensive income                         ----      ----    (4,390)       ----    (4,390) 
-----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Dividends paid                                      ----      ----   (20,691)   ----       (20,691) 
 Issue of share capital                             1,867     9,235       ----       ----     11,102 
 Movement in other reserves                          ----      ----       ----        682        682 
-----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Transactions with owners:                          1,867     9,235   (20,691)        682    (8,907) 
-----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 At 28 March 2015 (re-stated)                       3,639    10,144      8,915        682     23,380 
-----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Profit for the period to 2 April 2016               ----      ----      3,817       ----      3,817 
 Other comprehensive income for the period           ----      ----        609       ----        609 
-----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive income                          ----      ----      4,426       ----      4,426 
-----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Issue of share capital                               909    42,318       ----       ----     43,227 
-----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Transactions with owners                             909    42,318       ----       ----     43,227 
-----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 At 2 April 2016                                    4,548    52,462     13,341        682     71,033 
-----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Consolidated Statement of Cash 
  Flows                                               Group 
                                                     53          52 
                                                  weeks       weeks 
                                                  ended       ended 
                                                      2          28 
 For the 53 weeks ended                           April       March 
  2 April 2016                                     2016        2015 
                                       Notes     GBP000      GBP000 
---------------------------------     ------  ---------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Operating profit/(loss) 
  from continuing operations                     17,738       2,102 
 Adjustments for: 
 - Depreciation charges                          10,347       6,405 
 - Amortisation of intangible 
  assets                                          2,315         270 
 - Fair value charge 
  for Contract for Differences                     ----       7,397 
 - Goodwill adjustment                             (43)       (895) 
 - Asset impairment                                 160        ---- 
 - Profit on disposal 
  of property, plant and 
  equipment                                       (143)        (69) 
 - Exchange rate difference 
  on consolidation                                  594        (27) 
------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ---------- 
 Net cash flow from operating 
  activities before movements 
  in working capital                             30,968      15,183 
 Change in inventories                          (7,767)       1,511 
 Change in trade and 
  other receivables                                 215       3,297 
 Change in trade and 
  other payables                                  7,628     (2,600) 
------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ---------- 
 Cash generated/ (used) 
  by continuing operations                       31,044      17,391 
 Interest paid                                  (3,243)     (1,419) 
 Income taxes paid                              (3,243)     (2,113) 
 Net cash flow from discontinued 
  operations                                         65     (1,183) 
 Net cash inflow/ (outflow) 
  from operating activities                      24,623      12,676 
------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ---------- 
 Investing activities 
 Purchases of property, 
  plant and equipment                           (9,752)     (5,074) 
 Proceeds from disposal 
  of Westwood Yarns Limited                         431       ----- 
 Proceeds on disposal of 
  property, plant and equipment                   1,034         816 
 Deferred consideration 
  and earn-out payments                         (7,453)     (1,000) 
 Acquisition of subsidiaries 
  net of cash acquired                         (19,265)    (14,616) 
 Net cash used in investing 
  activities                                   (35,005)    (19,874) 
------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ---------- 
 Financing activities 
  in long term loans                            (4,573)       8,160 
 Issue of share capital                          43,043       1,543 
 Repayment of obligations 
  under finance leases/HP                         (650)       (241) 
 Dividends paid                                   -----    (20,691) 
 Net cash generated/(used) 
  in financing activities                        37,820    (11,229) 
------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ---------- 
 Net increase/(decrease) 
  in cash and cash equivalents                   27,438    (18,427) 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at beginning of period                        (8,502)       9,925 
 Effect of foreign exchange 
  rate changes                                      142       ----- 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of period                        10     19,078     (8,502) 
------------------------------------  ------  ---------  ---------- 

Notes to the Accounts

   1              Segmental information 

The Group is organised into two operating divisions, the sale of floorcovering products in the UK and Australia.

Geographical segment information for revenue, operating profit and a reconciliation to entity net profit is presented below.

                             53 weeks ended 2 April 2016                    52 weeks ended 28 March 2015 
                                           Unallocated                                     Unallocated 
                                               central                                         central 
                          UK   Australia      expenses     Total          UK   Australia      expenses       Total 
                                                                   re-stated   re-stated                 re-stated 
                     GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000 
  Revenue from 
   operations        196,908      58,266         -----   255,174      91,610      35,393         -----     127,003 
 -----------------  --------  ----------  ------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------- 
   profit             18,183       4,958       (1,210)    21,931       9,151       1,568       (1,290)       9,429 
   operating items   (2,050)       (425)         -----   (2,475)       (270)       -----         -----       (270) 
   operating items   (1,151)       (251)         (316)   (1,718)       (398)       -----       (6,659)     (7,057) 
 -----------------  --------  ----------  ------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------- 
  Operating profit 
   from continuing 
   operations         14,982       4,282       (1,526)    17,738       8,483       1,568       (7,949)       2,102 
   charges                                               (3,714)                                           (1,498) 
   finance costs                                         (4,734)                                           (2,192) 
 -----------------  --------  ----------  ------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------- 
   before tax from 
   operations                                              9,290                                           (1,588) 
  Tax                                                    (3,341)                                           (1,658) 
 -----------------  --------  ----------  ------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------- 
   after tax from 
   operations                                              5,949                                           (3,246) 
  Loss from 
   operations *                                          (2,132)                                             (346) 
 -----------------  --------  ----------  ------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------- 
   for the period                                          3,817                                           (3,592) 
 -----------------  --------  ----------  ------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------- 

* Loss from discontinued operations relates to the disposal of Westwood Yarns Limited, which was sold on 2 October 2015. ( see Note [9])

Management information is reviewed on a segmental basis to operating profit.

During the year, no single customer accounted for 10% or more of the Group's revenue. Intersegment sales in the year and in the prior year between the UK and Australia were immaterial.

                                As at 2 April 2016                                As at 28 March 2015 
                                          Unallocated                                       Unallocated 
                                              central                                           central 
                                              assets/                                           assets/ 
                         UK   Australia   liabilities       Total          UK   Australia   liabilities       Total 
                                                                    re-stated   re-stated                 re-stated 
                    GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000 
  Segment total 
   assets           205,085      38,299           569     243,953      95,876      20,377           332     116,585 
  Segment total 
   liabilities    (134,948)    (24,098)      (13,874)   (172,920)    (65,407)     (7,939)      (19,859)    (93,205) 
  Net assets         70,137      14,201      (13,305)      71,033      30,469      12,438      (19,527)      23,380 
 --------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------- 

The Group's non-current assets as at 2 April 2016 of GBP122,959,000 (2015: GBP42,840,000) are split geographically as follows: GBP102,170,000 in the UK (2015: GBP37,580,000) and GBP20,789,000 in Australia (2015: GBP5,260,000).

  Other segmental 
                              53 weeks ended 2 April 2016                    52 weeks ended 28 March 2015 
                                            Unallocated                                     Unallocated 
                                                central                                         central 
                           UK   Australia   liabilities     Total          UK   Australia   liabilities       Total 
                                                                    re-stated   re-stated                 re-stated 
                      GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000 
 Depreciation (from 
  operations)           8,314       2,033         -----    10,347       4,409       1,996         -----       6,405 
 Amortisation of 
  intangibles           1,890         425         -----     2,315         270       -----         -----         270 
                       10,204       2,458         -----    12,662       4,679       1,996         -----       6,675 
 ------------------  --------  ----------  ------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------- 
                              53 weeks ended 2 April 2016                    52 weeks ended 28 March 2015 
                                            Unallocated                                     Unallocated 
                                                central                                         central 
                           UK   Australia   expenditure     Total          UK   Australia   expenditure       Total 
                                                                    re-stated   re-stated                 re-stated 
                      GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000 
  expenditure (from 
  operations)           8,961       1,242         -----    10,203       4,064       1,010         -----       5,074 
-------------------  --------  ----------  ------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------- 
 2 Exceptional Items from continuing operations 
                                                          2016        2015 
                                                        GBP000      GBP000 
------------------------------------------------      --------  ---------- 
 (a) Acquisition and disposal related costs            (1,355)       (398) 
 (b) Non-core closure costs                              (406)        ---- 
 (c) Contract for Differences                             ----     (7,554) 
 (d) Goodwill adjustment                                    43         895 
                                                       (1,718)     (7,057) 
    ------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------- 

All exceptional items are classified within administrative expenses (except where noted).

(a) Professional fees in connection with the acquisitions and disposal completed during the year.

(b) Costs in relation to cessation of a non-core manufacturing process within the UK operation during the period. Of the total closure cost, GBP249,000 is included within cost of sales and GBP157,000 within administrative expenses.

(c) The prior year charge relates to the Contract for Differences between the Company and Camden Holdings Limited. There are no remaining liabilities outstanding in respect to the Contract for Differences.

(d) Credit of GBP43,000 in the year in relation to negative goodwill arising on the acquisition of A&A Carpets, as set out in Note 8(c). Prior year adjustment is a result of the change in accounting policy in relation to sampling expenditure, as set out it in Note 11(b).

 3 Finance costs 
                                                                                  2016     2015 
                                                                                GBP000   GBP000 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------      -------  ------- 
 Interest on loans and overdrafts wholly repayable within five years             2,435      940 
 Interest payable on BGF loan                                                    1,199      513 
 Hire purchase and finance lease interest                                           80       45 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Underlying interest costs                                                       3,714    1,498 
 (a) Release of prepaid finance costs                                              228    ----- 
 (b) BGF loan and option, redemption premium charge                                108      224 
 (c) Unwinding of present value of deferred and contingent consideration         4,226    1,968 
 (d) Mark to market adjustment on foreign exchange forward contracts               136    ----- 
 (e) Mark to market adjustment on interest rate swap                                36    ----- 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------      -------  ------- 
 Total finance costs                                                             8,448    3,690 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 

(a) Non-cash charge relating to the release of the prepaid costs on the previous bank facilities, which were refinanced in April 2015.

(b) Non-cash annual cost of the redemption premium in relation to the BGF loan and option (see Note 11(a).

(c) Deferred and contingent consideration in respect to acquisitions is measured under IFRS 3, initially at fair value discounted for the time value of money. The present value is then re-measured at each half-year and year-end to unwind the time value of money. In addition, any changes arising from actual and forecast business performance are reflected, although such movements form an immaterial portion of the overall annual charge. All such adjustments are non-cash items.

(d) Non-cash fair value adjustment on foreign exchange forward contracts.

(e) Non-cash fair value adjustment on an interest rate swap contract.

         Earnings/(loss) per 
 4        share 
       The calculation of the basic, adjusted and diluted 
        (loss)/earnings per share is based on the following 
                                                     Basic   Adjusted                 Basic             Adjusted 
                                                      2016       2016                  2015                 2015 
                                                                                  re-stated            re-stated 
                                                   GBP'000    GBP'000               GBP'000              GBP'000 
     ----------------------------------------     --------  ---------  --------------------  ------------------- 
  Profit/(loss) attributable to 
   ordinary equity holders of the 
   parent entity from continuing 
   operations                                        5,949      5,949               (3,246)              (3,246) 
      Exceptional items: 
  Amortisation of acquired 
   intangibles                                        ----      2,315                  ----                  270 
  Acquisition costs                                   ----      1,355                  ----                  398 
  Unwinding of present value of 
   deferred and contingent consideration              ----      4,226                  ----                1,968 
      Closure costs                                   ----        406                  ----                 ---- 
      Asset impairment                                ----        160                  ----                 ---- 
      Release of prepaid 
       finance costs                                  ----        228                  ----                 ---- 
  BGF loan and option, redemption 
   premium charge                                     ----        108                  ----                  224 
      Mark to Market adjustment on 
       foreign exchange forward contracts 
       and interest rate swap                         ----        172                  ----                 ---- 
  Goodwill adjustment 
   (see Note [2])                                     ----       (43)                  ----                (895) 
  Contract for Differences                            ----       ----                  ----                7,554 
      Tax effect on adjusted 
       items where applicable                         ----      (961)                  ----                ----- 
  Earnings for the purpose of basic 
   and adjusted earnings/(loss) 
   per share from continuing operations              5,949     13,915               (3,246)                6,273 
 -------------------------------------------      --------  ---------  --------------------  ------------------- 
  Loss attributable to ordinary 
   equity holders of the parent 
   entity from discontinued operations             (2,132)       ----                 (346)               ------ 
  Earnings for the purpose 
   of basic and adjusted earnings/(loss) 
   per share                                         3,817     13,915               (3,592)                6,273 
 ------------------------------------------  ---  --------  ---------  --------------------  ------------------- 
 Weighted average number of 
                                                             2016        2015 
                                                           Number      Number 
                                                               of          of 
                                                           shares      shares 
                                                           ('000)      ('000) 
--------------------------------------------    ---      --------  ---------- 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
  for the purposes of basic and adjusted 
  earnings per share                                       16,489      11,859 
 Effect of dilutive potential 
  ordinary shares: 
 BGF share options                                            560         120 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
  for the purposes of diluted earnings per 
  share                                                    17,049      11,979 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------- 
 The potential dilutive effect of the share options 
  has been calculated in accordance with IAS 33 using 
  the average share price in the period. 
  The Group's earnings/(loss) per share are as follows: 
                                                             2016        2015 
                                                            Pence       Pence 
--------------------------------------------   ---       --------  ---------- 
 Earnings/(loss) per share 
  from continuing operations 
 Basic adjusted                                             84.39       52.90 
 Diluted adjusted                                           81.62       52.37 
 Basic                                                      36.08     (27.37) 
 Diluted (1)                                                35.53     (27.37) 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------- 
 Earnings/(loss) per share 
  from discontinued operations 
 Basic                                                    (12.93)      (2.92) 
 Diluted (1)                                              (12.93)      (2.92) 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------- 
 Earnings/(loss) per share 
 Basic adjusted                                             84.39       52.90 
 Diluted adjusted                                           81.62       52.37 
 Basic                                                      23.15     (30.29) 
 Diluted (1)                                                23.02     (30.29) 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------- 

(1) Earnings for the purpose of diluted (basic) earnings per share have been adjusted to add back the Business Growth Fund ('BGF') redemption premium charge as this cost is only incurred if the BGF share options are not exercised.

   5              Rates of exchange 

The results of overseas subsidiaries have been translated into Sterling at the average exchange rates prevailing during the periods. The balance sheets are translated at the exchange rates prevailing at the period ends:

                             2016                 2015 
                      Average   Year end   Average   Year end 
----------------     --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 Australia - A$       2.0327    1.8526     1.8547    1.9184 
-------------------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
   6              Retirement benefit obligations 

Defined contribution schemes

The Group operates a number of defined contribution pension schemes. The companies and the employees contribute towards the schemes.

Contributions are charged to the Income Statement as incurred and amounted to GBP2,542,000 (2014: GBP1,532,000), of which GBP1,742,000 (2015: GBP869,000) relates to the UK schemes. The total contributions outstanding at year end was GBPnil (2015: GBPnil).

Defined benefit schemes

The Group has two defined benefit schemes, both of which relate to Interfloor Limited, which was acquired during the period.

Interfloor Limited sponsors the Final Salary Scheme ("the Main Scheme") and the Interfloor Limited Executive Scheme ("the Executive Scheme") which are both defined benefit arrangements. The defined benefit schemes are administered by a separate fund that is legally separated from the Group. The trustees of the pension fund are required by law to act in the interest of the fund and of all relevant stakeholders in the scheme. The trustees of the pension fund are responsible for the investment policy with regard to the assets of the fund.

The last full actuarial valuations of these schemes were carried out by a qualified independent actuary as at 31 July 2015.

The contributions made by the employer over the financial period were GBPnil, (2015: GBPnil) in respect of the Main Scheme and GBPnil (2015: GBPnil) in respect of the Executive Scheme.

Contributions to the Executive and Main Schemes are made in accordance with the Schedule of Contributions. Future contributions are expected to be an annual premium of GBP95,000 in respect of the Main Scheme and GBP126,000 contributions payable to the Executive Scheme. These payments are in line with the certified Schedules of Contributions until they are reviewed on completion of the triennial valuations of the schemes as at 1 August 2018.

As both schemes are closed to future accrual there will be no current service cost in future years.

Amounts recognised in income in respect of these defined benefit schemes are as follows:

------------------------------------------------------------------    ------- 
 Administrative expenses                                                  166 
 Net interest expense                                                      64 
 Components of defined benefit costs recognised in profit or loss         230 
--------------------------------------------------------------------  ------- 

The net interest expense has been included within finance costs. The remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability is included in the statement of comprehensive income.

Amounts recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income are as follows:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------    ------- 
 The return on plan assets (excluding amounts included in net interest expense)        (40) 
 Actuarial gains and (losses) arising from changes in demographic assumptions           314 
 Actuarial losses arising from changes in financial assumptions                       (877) 
 Actuarial (losses) and gains arising from experience adjustments                       451 
 Effect of the asset ceiling (excluding amounts included in net interest cost)         ---- 
 Remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability                                   (152) 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------- 

The amount included in the Consolidated Balance Sheet arising from the Group's obligations in respect of its defined benefit retirement benefit schemes is as follows:

-------------------------------------------------------    --------- 
 Present value of defined benefit obligations               (25,945) 
 Fair value of plan assets                                    22,600 
 Net liability arising from defined benefit obligation       (3,345) 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------- 
 Deferred tax applied to net obligation                          636 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------- 

The Group expects to make a contribution of GBP221,000 (2015: nil) to the defined benefit schemes during the next financial period.

 7    Share capital 
                                                                         2016     2015 
                                                                       GBP000   GBP000 
     -----------------------------------------------------------      -------  ------- 
      Allotted, called up and fully paid 
  18,193,169 Ordinary shares of 25p each (2015: 14,556,579)             4,548    3,639 
 ---------------------------------------------------------------      -------  ------- 

The Company has one class of Ordinary shares which carry no right to fixed income.

The Company issued 3,636,590 fully paid ordinary shares of 25p each during the year ended 2 April 2016. Of this total, 2,906,856 shares were placed to fund the acquisition of Interfloor Group Limited in September 2015. A further placing of 711,035 shares was undertaken in October 2015 to satisfy significant institutional demand identified in response to this acquisition. A further 15,384 shares were issued to a vendor of Globesign Limited in lieu of an element of deferred earn-out payment; 1,860 shares issued to a manager in lieu of bonus entitlement and 1,455 shares issued in connection with the retailer incentive scheme.

   8              Acquisition of subsidiaries 

(a) Quest Flooring

On 7 August 2015, the Group acquired the entire issued share capital of Quest Carpet Manufacturers Pty Limited and Quest Carpet Manufacturers Unit Trust (together "Quest Carpets"). Quest carpets was acquired is a new holding company established in Australia, quest Flooring Pty Limited.

The principle activity of Quest Carpets is the design, manufacture and distribution of carpets across Australia and New Zealand. The business operates from facilities in Dandenong, near Melbourne, Australia and employs a workforce of 89 people.

Quest Carpets is highly complementary to the Group's existing business in Australia. The acquisition is expected to be immediately accretive to the underlying earnings per share of the Company.

The Group results for the year ended 2 April 2016 included A$42.0m (GBP20.6m(1) ) of revenue and A$4.1m (GBP2.0m(1) ) of profit before tax from Quest Carpets. If the acquisition had been completed on the first day of the financial year, Group revenues for the period would have been A$23.2m (GBP11.5m(1) ) higher and Group profit before tax would have been A$3.2m (GBP1.6m(1) ) higher.

1. Applying the average GBP to AUD exchange rate over the financial year of 2.0327.


   (i)           Initial cash consideration of A$15.3m (GBP7.1m(2) ). 

(ii) Non-contingent deferred consideration of A$10.5m payable in three equal annual instalments of A$3.5m commencing in June 2016. This deferred consideration had a present value in Sterling as at the acquisition date of GBP4.5m(2) .

(iii) In addition, there are contingent payments in relation to rental property that was retained by the vendors and leased back to the business, which has been treated as contingent consideration for the purpose of assessing the total cost of the acquisition and goodwill created. These payments are made annually over three years commencing in July 2016 and are equal to 50 per cent. of the EBITDA generated by Quest Flooring for that year to 30 June in excess of A$7.0m.

2. Applying the GBP to AUD exchange rate at the time of the acquisition of 2.1388.

The fair value of the total consideration above is GBP12,018,000. The fair value of the acquired assets and liabilities was a net assets position of GBP581,000. In addition, separately identified intangible assets with a fair value of GBP6,624,000 were acquired, with an associated deferred tax liability of GBP1,987,000. As a result, goodwill of GBP6,800,000 was recognised on consolidation.

Transaction costs of GBP251,000 relating to the acquisition of Quest Flooring have been recognised as an expense and included within administrative expenses in the Income Statement.

(b) Interfloor Group Limited

On 11 September 2015, the Group acquired the entire issued share capital of Interfloor Group Limited ("Interfloor Group").

The principle activity of Interfloor Group is the design, manufacture and distribution of carpet underlay and related accessories. The business operates in the UK from facilities in Haslingden in Lancashire, England, and Dumfries in Scotland, and employs a workforce of more than 300 people.

The acquisition of Interfloor Group will provide a number of commercial, operational and financial benefits to the Group. The acquisition is expected to be immediately accretive to the underlying earnings per share of the Company.

The Group results for the year ended 2 April 2016 included GBP41.1m of revenue and GBP6.0m of profit before tax from Interfloor Group. If the acquisition had been completed on the first day of the financial year, Group revenues for the period would have been GBP30.8m higher and Group profit before tax would have been GBP4.7m higher.

Cash consideration of GBP14,024,000 was paid on completion of the acquisition, with no deferred or contingent consideration payable. The fair value of the acquired assets and liabilities was a net liabilities position of GBP34,976,000. In addition, separately identified intangible assets with a fair value of GBP29,327,000 were acquired, with an associated deferred tax liability of GBP5,572,000. As a result, goodwill of GBP25,245,000 was recognised on consolidation.

Transaction costs of GBP721,000 relating to the acquisition of Interfloor Group have been recognised as an expense and included within administrative expenses in the Income Statement.

(c) A&A Carpets Limited

On 19 June 2015, the Group acquired the entire issued share capital of Stott Holdings Limited and its subsidiary, A & A Carpets Limited (together "A&A Carpets"), a flooring distribution business. The acquisition further enhances the Group's marketing and distribution operations in the UK.

Cash consideration of GBP600,000 was paid, with transaction costs of GBP24,000 recognised within administrative expenses. The fair value of the acquired assets and liabilities was a net assets position of GBP643,000. No separately identifiable intangible assets were acquired. As a result, negative goodwill of GBP43,000 was recognised in the year as a non-underlying income.

   9              Discontinued operations 

On October 2 2015, the Group disposed of its wholly owned subsidiary, Westwood Yarns Limited. The Group received cash consideration of GBP0.43m and recognised a net loss on disposal of GBP1.85m (non-cash item).

Income statement of discontinued operations

                                                                53 weeks    52 weeks 
                                                                   ended       ended 
                                                                 2 April    28 March 
                                                                2016 (1)        2015 
                                                                  GBP000      GBP000 
----------------------------------------------------------    ----------  ---------- 
 Revenue                                                           5,152      10,731 
 Intercompany revenue                                            (4,609)     (9,429) 
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net revenue                                                         543       1,302 
 Operating expenses                                                (774)     (1,489) 
 Depreciation                                                      (124)       (245) 
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Operating loss                                                    (355)       (432) 
 finance costs                                                       (2)        ---- 
----------------------------------------------------------    ----------  ---------- 
 Loss before tax                                                   (357)       (432) 
 Tax                                                                  72          86 
 Loss on disposal                                                (1,847)        ---- 
 Loss for the financial year from discontinued operations        (2,132)       (346) 
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 

(1) Westwood Yarns Limited results in the year ended 2 April 2016 are only included up to the 2 October 2015 - the date of disposal of the business.

   10         Analysis of net debt 
                            At                      under                      Other                        At 
                      28 March                    finance                   non-cash       Exchange    2 April 
                          2015   Cash flow      leases/HP   Acquisitions     changes       movement       2016 
                        GBP000      GBP000         GBP000         GBP000      GBP000         GBP000     GBP000 
 --------------     ----------  ----------  -------------  ------------- 
  Cash                   2,392      10,593           ----           ----       5,951            142     19,078 
  Bank overdraft      (10,894)      16,845           ----           ----     (5,951)           ----       ---- 
 Cash and cash 
  equivalents          (8,502)      27,438           ----           ----        ----            142     19,078 
  leases and 
  hire purchase 
   - Payable less 
    than one year        (825)         650           ----           (83)       (326)           (12)      (596) 
   - Payable more 
    than one year        (388)        ----          (451)           ----         326           ----      (513) 
  Bank loans 
  - payable less 
   than one year       (6,689)       6,689           ----           ----        ----           ----       ---- 
  - payable more 
   than one year       (9,712)     (3,181)           ----       (54,632)        ----        (1,755)   (69,280) 
  BGF loan 
 --payable less 
 than one year            ----        ----           ----           ----        ----           ----       ---- 
 --payable more 
  than one year        (9,542)        ----           ----           ----       (254)           ----    (9,796) 
 Net debt             (35,658)      31,596          (451)       (54,715)       (254)        (1,625)   (61,107) 
 Prepaid finance 
  costs                    556       1,065           ----           ----       (554)           ----      1,067 
 Net debt 
  prepaid finance 
  costs               (35,102)      32,661          (451)       (54,715)       (808)        (1,625)   (60,040) 

The BGF loans relates to the debt component of the BGF loan and option instruments. Further details are provided in Note 11(a).

The bank loans and BGF loan are disclosed in the table excluding prepaid finance costs.

   11           Change in accounting policy and prior year adjustment 

(a) Business Growth Fund loan and equity warrants

There has been a change this year in the accounting treatment of the Business Growth Fund ('BGF') fully subordinated GBP10m 2022 unsecured loan note facility and associated equity warrants (the 'BGF loan and option'). The loan note facility was previously treated as a GBP10m loan held on the balance sheet within 'other financial liabilities' along with accrued interest (totalling GBP164,000 as at the prior year-end) in relation to a GBP2,133,560 redemption premium payable in 2019. Linked to the loan note facility, BGF own warrants to acquire 746,000 shares in Victoria PLC at 286p per share, the total cost to BGF of exercising these warrants being GBP2,133,560 (payable to the Company). As at 28 March 2015, a balance of GBP60,000 was held in a share based payment reserve in relation to these warrants.

These instruments are now accounted for using split accounting which involves first determining the carrying amount of the debt component. This is done by measuring the net present value of the discounted cash flows of interest and capital repayments, ignoring the possibility of exercise of the equity warrants. The discount rate is the market rate at the time of inception for a similar liability that does not have an associated equity instrument. On this basis the debt component, held within 'other financial liabilities', had a fair value as at 28 March 2015 of GBP9,470,000, and the equity component, held within 'other reserves', a fair value of GBP682,000. As at 2 April 2016, the fair value of the debt component had increased to GBP9,796,000 due to the unwinding of the interest rate discount over time, with a GBP326,000 charge going to finance costs in the income statement. This charge is split GBP146,000 within underlying interest charges and GBP180,000 within non-underlying finance costs, the latter amount being the additional non-cash annual charge associated with the redemption premium. In addition, there is non-underlying finance income of GBP72,000 in the year relating to the difference in the recognised liability as at 28 March 2015 under the two treatments (being the previous GBP60,000 share based payment reserve and a difference of GBP12,000.in interest charge to that date).

Furthermore, in the prior year, prepaid finance costs, including those associated with the BGF loan and option, were recognised within prepayments. These have now been offset against the relevant financial liability in the balance sheet. Amortisation of these prepayments was previously included in the income statement within administration costs and are now included within finance costs.

(b) New accounting policy in relation to sampling assets

A new accounting policy has been adopted this year in relation to expenditure on sampling assets. Sampling assets consist of a variety of product samples and sample books, as well as point of sale stands designed to hold the samples. The cost of these assets was previously expensed as incurred. Under the new policy, these assets are capitalised as fixed assets and depreciated.

The Group places sampling assets with retail customers for the purpose of helping to generate future consumer sales, and therefore sales for the Group. These assets are held by customers in their stores for a period of time until the introduction of new colours or a new range by the Group, resulting in their replacement. As such, it has been deemed appropriate to capitalise these assets on the Group's balance sheet to reflect their existence and expected future economic benefit, and to depreciate to the income statement to match their cost against the revenue generated.

The Group's consolidated accounts and all subsidiary accounts have been prepared on the basis of this new accounting policy, with a prior-year adjustment reflected in the comparable figures. This includes a fully retrospective adjustment to reflect the Group's restated position and performance had this accounting policy been adopted historically. As such, the restated depreciation charge in the year includes charges in relation to sampling assets acquired in previous financial years.

Sampling assets have been classed as 'Fixtures, vehicles and equipment' and sit within this category.

The useful economic life of these assets has been prudently estimated to be 24 months, and all sampling assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis over this time period.

The impact on the Group's consolidated income statement in the prior year is summarised below.

Income statement

                                                          52 weeks ended 28 March 2015 
                                                                    Impact of 
                                                                    change in 
                                                        Previous   accounting 
                                                           basis       policy  Re-stated 
                                                         GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
Revenue                                                  127,003            -    127,003 
Underlying operating profit                                9,392           37      9,429 
Non-underlying operating items                             (270)            -      (270) 
Exceptional operating items                              (7,952)          895    (7,057) 
Operating profit                                           1,170          932      2,102 
Underlying interest charges                              (1,498)            -    (1,498) 
Non-underlying finance costs                             (2,192)            -    (2,192) 
Profit / (loss) before tax                               (2,520)          932    (1,588) 
Taxation                                                 (1,658)            -    (1,658) 
Profit / (loss) after tax from continuing operations     (4,178)          932    (3,246) 
Loss from discontinued operations                          (346)            -      (346) 
Profit / (loss) for the period                           (4,524)          932    (3,592) 

Operating profit on the previous basis includes a GBP79,000 adjustment in relation to amortisation of prepaid finance costs, which was previously included within administration costs and has been reallocated to interest charges.

The change in operating profit in the year, as well as in the prior year, result from timing differences between the acquisition of sampling assets and the aggregate depreciation profile. The reduction in exceptional operating items in the prior year relates to the fact that the net book value of these assets under the new accounting policy on the Abingdon Flooring acquired balance sheet is greater than the assessed goodwill arising from the acquisition at the time; with the resultant difference being treated as an exceptional acquisition related income, as required by IFRS.

The impact on the Group's earnings per share in the prior year is summarised below.

Earnings per share

                                 52 weeks ended 28 March 2015 
                                           Impact of 
                                           change in 
                               Previous   accounting 
                                  basis       policy  Re-stated 
From continuing operations: 
Basic earnings per share       (35.23p)        7.86p   (27.37p) 
Diluted earnings per share     (35.23p)        7.86p   (27.37p) 
Including discontinued: 
Basic earnings per share       (38.15p)        7.86p   (30.29p) 
Diluted earnings per share     (38.15p)        7.86p   (30.29p) 

The impact on the Group's consolidated balance sheet and other key financial information in the prior year is summarised below.

Balance sheet

                           As at 28 March 2015               As at 28 March 2014 
                                 Impact of                         Impact of 
                                 change in                         change in 
                     Previous   accounting             Previous   accounting 
                        basis       policy  Re-stated     basis       policy  Re-stated 
                      GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
Total assets          113,656        2,929    116,585    78,697        2,038     80,735 
Total liabilities    (93,205)            -   (93,205)  (44,058)            -   (44,058) 
Net assets             20,451        2,929     23,380    34,639        2,038     36,677 

Total assets and liabilities on the previous basis as at both 28 March 2015 and 29 March 2014 include adjustments in relation to the BGF loan and option and prepaid finance costs (see Note 11(a)).

The adjustment in total assets as at 28 March 2015 of GBP2,929,000 comprises an increase in fixed assets of GBP5,300,000 relating to the net book value of capitalised sampling assets, less a reduction in goodwill of GBP2,371,000 in relation to the acquisitions of Whitestone and Abingdon as a result of recognising sampling assets in their respective acquired balance sheets. Retained earnings as at 28 march 2015 also increase by GBP2,929,000.

The adjustment in total assets as at 29 March 2014 of GBP2,038,000 relates entirely to the net book value of capitalised sampling assets, with an equivalent increase in retained earnings.

There is no impact from this accounting policy change on the Victoria PLC company only accounts.

   12           Basis of preparation 

The results have been extracted from the audited financial statements of the Group for the 53 weeks ended 2 April 2016. The results do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. Whilst the financial information included in this announcement has been computed in accordance with the principles of International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the EU, IFRIC interpretations and Companies Act 2006 that applies to companies reporting under IFRS, this announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS. The Group will publish full financial statements that comply with IFRS. The audited financial statements incorporate an unqualified audit report. The Auditor's report on these accounts did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis and did not contain statements under S498(2) or (3) Companies Act 2006.

Statutory accounts for the 52 weeks ended 28 March 2015, which incorporated an unqualified auditor's report, have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The Auditor's report on these accounts did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis and did not contain statements under S498(2) or (3) Companies Act 2006. The accounting policies applied are consistent with those described in the Annual Report & Accounts for the 52 weeks ended 28 March 2015.

The Annual Report & Accounts will be posted to shareholders in due course. Further copies will be available from the Company's Registered Office: Worcester Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 1JR or via the website: www.victoriaplc.com.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 26, 2016 02:01 ET (06:01 GMT)

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