RNS No 3468r
3rd June 1998

                    VICTORIA P.L.C.
               1998 Preliminary Results
 Improved Performance unlines strength of the Group's
                  Developing Strategy
    Turnover            #35.73 million
    Profit before tax   #1.01 million  +61%
    Earnings per share  10.71p    +41%
    Dividend per share  3.5p + 40%
    Trading base and market position strengthened
    Major success with new products launched
    Substantial capital expenditure across the Group
    Within carpet production cost efficiency and
     quality improved through introduction of 'state of the
     art' high speed tufters
    Westwood Yarns remain one of UK's foremost
    Australia - rebuilt Castlemaine spinning mill
     fully commissioned and meeting quality and profit

"Sterling's strength over the past six months has given
Continental  manufacturers and spinners an  opportunity
to  make a concerted attack on the UK carpet market  as
well  as making it more difficult for us to gain export
orders.  Moreover, the prospects in our domestic market
are particularly difficult to predict at this time with
some  major  retailers  recently  announcing  difficult
trading conditions.

"However, our capital expenditure programme is  bearing
fruit and we are also experiencing increasing sales for
our new product ranges.  Both of these factors, coupled
with  a  belief  that we will see an  improvement  from
Australia,  gives the Board confidence to believe  that
trading performance will continue to improve during the
current year despite the difficult market conditions."

                                  Bob Gilbert, Chairman
Bob Gilbert, Chairman
Alan Bullock, Group Managing Director
Mark Lee, Group Finance Director
Tel: 01562 823400

                    VICTORIA P.L.C.
                  Preliminary Results
           for the year ended 28 March 1998


Throughout  the year, the Group has remained well  focused  on
the strategic plan the Board started to implement in 1997, and
these  efforts  have resulted in a much improved  performance,
strengthening our trading base and position in the market.

I am pleased to announce the Group's results for the 12 months
ended  28  March 1998.  Net profit before tax and  exceptional
items increased by 61% to #1.01 million (1997: #0.62 million).
Operating  profit  increased by 59% to  #1.45  million  (1997:
#0.91  million).   Turnover was marginally  down  from  #36.76
million   in   1997   to   #35.73    million   in   the   year
under   review.    This  was  mainly  due  to  exchange   rate
differences  on  consolidating  results  from  our  Australian
subsidiary, where we have seen a 20% decline in the  value  of
the Australian Dollar against Sterling.

These  results were achieved in a mixed market, which saw  the
UK carpet market grow in real terms for the first time in some
years.   This growth was not however as great as we had  hoped
for  given  the  prospect  of  an  improving  housing  market,
windfall  receipts  from building societies,  and  talk  of  a
consumer led boom.

Against  the backdrop of a succession of interest rate  rises,
strengthening  Sterling  and  disappointing  retail  sales  in
general, the improved performance of the Group underlines  the
inherent strength in our developing strategy.

In  view  of  these improved results, and the  Board's  future
expectations,  we  are  pleased to be  able  to  recommend  an
improved dividend of 3.5p per share, an increase of 40%.  This
will  be  paid on 13 July 1998 to shareholders on the register
at 19 June 1998.

We  have  had three changes to the Board since my last report.
Mel Lloyd resigned on 31 March 1998 and Mark Lee joined us  as
Finance  Director  on    1 May.  Mark, a chartered  accountant
and  graduate  engineer,  brings with  him  a  great  deal  of
experience from a career in merchant banking and latterly with
Arthur  Andersen.  I am confident that his skills will  enable
him to make a significant contribution to our business.

After  many years as a loyal servant to the Group, Peter Anton
retired  as a non-executive director on 31 March 1998.   Peter
commenced working with Victoria Carpets in 1952 and progressed
through  a  number of senior positions both within our  carpet
subsidiaries  and  the Group before becoming  a  non-executive
director in 1978.  My Board colleagues join with me in wishing
him  a  long  and  happy  retirement and  thank  him  for  his
contribution to the Group over the years.

Once  again,  I  would like to thank all of our employees  for
their hard work and support over the past year.  Their ability
to adapt to meet the challenges that our industry is facing is

Sterling's  strength  over  the  past  six  months  has  given
Continental manufacturers and spinners an opportunity to  make
a  concerted attack on the UK carpet market as well as  making
it more difficult for us to gain export orders.  Moreover, the
prospects in our domestic market are particularly difficult to
predict  at  this  time  with some  major  retailers  recently
announcing difficult trading conditions.

However,  our  capital expenditure programme is bearing  fruit
and  we  are  also experiencing increasing sales for  our  new
product ranges.  Both of these factors, coupled with a  belief
that  we  will  see an improvement from Australia,  gives  the
Board  confidence  to  believe that trading  performance  will
continue  to  improve  during the  current  year  despite  the
difficult market conditions.

                    VICTORIA P.L.C.
                  Preliminary Results
           for the year ended 28 March 1998


United Kingdom
The UK operation showed a 30% improvement in profitability  in
the  year,  rising from #0.62 million before tax  in  1997  to
#0.81 million in the year under review.

This  result  starts  to  reflect the  implementation  of  the
Company's strategic plan, which is:

     To  maintain  our current strength with  selected  major
      retail groups.
     To target and support the independent retail sector
     To provide value-for-money, middle-to-upper market niche
      products,  supported by consistently excellent  service  and
      attractive in-store displays.

During  the  year three key products aimed at the  independent
sector,   identified  as  essential  to  improve   sales   and
profitability,  were  launched.  These ranges  have  proven  a
major  success  with  the full impact of  their  benefits  now
feeding  fully  through  to  the  bottom  line.   Further  new
products  are planned for later this year, which will continue
to strengthen our market position.

There  is  no  doubt  that customer  service  is  a  point  of
differentiation between one carpet manufacturer  and  another.
Improved  levels of customer service with the introduction  of
our  liveried  and dedicated delivery fleet operating  to  our
main  core  sales areas, have further enabled the  company  to
grow its business to the independent sector by over 6% in  the

Export  sales have declined slightly in the year, but at  #5.3
million  they  still account for around 21%  of  UK  turnover.
Despite  the strength of Sterling we have managed to  maintain
our  strong  foothold  in  certain  key  export  markets,   in
particular  remaining  a  major supplier  to  the  hospitality

On  the carpet production side, the introduction of new 'state
of  the  art'  high speed tufters from the United  States  was
successfully completed with minimum disruption, enabling us to
make the latest new products in multiple widths, quickly, cost
efficiently  and in a way that meets all quality requirements.
In  the  traditional  woven  part of  our  business  too,  the
introduction  of new work practices and modern technology  has
allowed us to improve quality and reduce costs.

Westwood Yarns, our yarn spinning division based in Holmfirth,
has  performed  very  well throughout the  year,  producing  a
significant amount of the high quality dry woollen  spun  yarn
that  has gone into our new generation of carpets.  The  heavy
investment  the Group has made in Westwoods over recent  years
provides  us  with an advantage over many of our  competitors.
Continued  investment will be made to keep  Westwoods  at  the
forefront  of dry woollen spinning technology, and remain  one
of the UK's foremost spinners.

In  Australia  business conditions remain little changed  from
last  year,  with  the  carpet market experiencing  no  growth
during  the  year.   The impact of the Asian economic  turmoil
also  had  an effect.  Despite this, our Australian  company's
sales  grew  by 11% attributable to the release of competitive
new products and continued growth in its export markets.

The  rebuilt  Castlemaine spinning mill was commissioned  mid-
year,  with  the  very latest carding and spinning  equipment.
New  automatic  winding  equipment  is  due  to  be  installed
shortly,  and  additional carding and spinning  equipment  has
been purchased for installation later this year.  The mill  is
now  working  168 hours per week and is fully meeting  quality
and profit objectives.

With  innovative  product development,  and  concentration  on
those  market  niches where we excel, we expect  a  continuing
improvement   in   our   Australian   business.    Significant
improvements   however,  are  largely  dependant   on   growth
returning to the floor-covering market in that country and the
evolution of a more stable market place.


Operating Performance
The  operating result strengthened appreciably  over  1997  in
local currency terms.  The UK businesses produced an operating
profit  of  #1.22 million compared to #0.89 million  in  1997,
whilst  maintaining turnover within a fraction of  last  year.
This  represents an increase in operating margin from 3.5%  to
4.8%,  as the results of the investment in plant and machinery
and   new  product  ranges  started  to  show  through.    The
Australian operations, which were severely affected last  year
by  the fire, increased turnover by 11% to A$26.3 million  and
returned to operating profit.

The strength of Sterling in the year affected the results both
in  terms  of translating the Australian results  and,  at  an
operational   level,  in  making  UK  products   less   price-
competitive   in  export  markets  and  foreign   manufactured
products   more   attractive  to  UK   customers.    The   20%
appreciation  of Sterling against the Australian dollar  meant
that  despite our Australian turnover growing 11% from  A$23.7
million  to  A$26.3  million, this is recorded  in  the  Group
accounts as a fall from #11.4 million to #10.5 million.

Shareholder Returns and Dividends
Profit  attributable  to shareholders rose  by  41%  to  #0.74
million.   Earnings per share are 10.71p (1997:  7.59p  before
exceptional  credit).   The  dividend  of  3.5p   per   share,
totalling #0.24 million is three times covered by earnings.

Capital Expenditure
Total  capital expenditure remained considerable in the  year,
with  #1.4  million invested across the three major  operating
subsidiaries.   In Australia, we completed the  rebuilding  of
the  Castlemaine  spinning mill, whilst in the  UK,  Westwoods
invested  further  in  additional plant and  Victoria  Carpets
completed  its investment in the new high speed tufters.   For
the  second consecutive year, capital expenditure exceeded the
depreciation charge.

Cashflow and Financing
Retained  profit  and depreciation for the  year  amounted  to
#1.61  million.  The capital expenditure during the  year  and
the  working capital requirements of launching the new product
ranges  were met from this cashflow and an increase  of  #1.28
million  in  borrowings.  Balance sheet gearing (net  debt  to
shareholders' funds) increased from 32% at the  start  of  the
year  to 38% at the year end.  Net interest remained 2.8 times
covered by operating profit before exceptional items.

The  tax  charge for the year rose to a more normal  level  of
26.9%   compared  to  last  year's  exceptionally  low   16.4%
(excluding  the exceptional item).  As Group profit increases,
there is less advantage from the small companies' rate of  tax
in the UK and an increasing proportion of profits are taxed at
the full UK corporation tax rate, currently 31%.

Year 2000
The Group has established a programme to address the IT issues
arising from the Millennium date.

The  review of the Group's business and operations is set  for
completion  in  mid-1998,  and  the  full  cost  of   ensuring
conformity  will then be established.  Initial assessments  of
key  areas of risk have been made by each Group company.  Only
one  area  has  been  identified  which  requires  significant
attention,  and  a  review is underway to decide  whether  the
system concerned should be modified or replaced.  The external
costs   of   modifying  this  system  to   ensure   Millennium
compatibility are estimated to be approximately #50,000.   Any
cost  of  modification would be charged in the year  incurred.
The subsidiary concerned has the personnel resources to manage
the modifications.

                    VICTORIA P.L.C.
                  Preliminary Results
           for the year ended 28 March 1998

                                                1998      1997
                                                #000      #000
Turnover                                      35,728    36,756
Cost of sales                                 26,452    28,147
Gross profit                                   9,276     8,609
Distribution costs                             6,372     5,918
Administrative expenses                        1,694     2,031
Add:- Other operating income                     244       252
Operating profit                               1,454       912
Exceptional income                                 -     1,668
Interest payable and similar charges             483       321
Share of profits of associated undertaking        34        32
Profit on ordinary activities before           1,005     2,291
Taxation                                         270       163
Profit after taxation                            735     2,128
Dividends paid and proposed                      240       169
Retained profit/(loss)                           495     1,959
Earnings per share                            10.71p    31.02p
Adjusted earnings per share -                 10.71p     7.59p
calculated to show earnings per share       ________  ________
excluding the effect of exceptional income        __        __

                             VICTORIA P.L.C.
                           Preliminary Results
                           GROUP BALANCE SHEET

                                                  As at
                                            28 March       31
                                                1998    March
                                                #000     1997
Fixed assets                                                 
Tangible assets                               12,472   11,224
Investments                                      196      186
                                              12,668   11,410
Current assets
Stock                                         10,357   10,018
Debtors                                        6,032    6,766
Cash at bank and in hand                          29        6
                                              16,418   16,790
Less: Current liabilities                                    
Creditors - amounts falling due within                       
one year                                      10,092   10,291
Net current assets                             6,326    6,499
Total assets less current liabilities         18,994   17,909
Less: Creditors - amounts falling due                        
          after more than one year             1,901    1,895
          Provisions for liabilities and                     
          charges - deferred taxation            598      593
Net assets                                    16,495   15,421
Capital and reserves (equity)
Share capital                                  1,715    1,715
Share premium                                    749      749
Revaluation reserve                            3,014    1,366
Profit and loss account                       11,017   11,591
Total shareholders' funds                     16,495   15,421

                             VICTORIA P.L.C.
                           Preliminary Results
                        GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT

                                         Year ended        Year ended
                                        28 March 1998    31 March 1997
                                          #000     #000    #000     #000
Net cash inflow from operating                      686            2,641
Exceptional items:                                                      
 Excess insurance proceeds over book                                    
 value of assets                                      -            1,668
Reorganisation costs                                                (94)
Returns on investment and servicing                                     
of finance                               (363)            (234)
Interest paid
Interest element of finance              (120)             (87)         
lease/H.P. payments
                                                  (483)            (321)
UK Corporation Tax paid                  (110)             (97)         
Overseas tax received                        -               25         
                                                  (110)             (72)
Capital expenditure and financial                                       
Payments to acquire tangible fixed     (1,356)          (3,359)         
Receipts from sales of tangible fixed       49              222         
Redemption of shares in associated          13                -         
                                                (1,294)          (3,137)
                                                (1,201)              685
Equity dividends paid                             (169)            (135)
                                                (1,370)              550
Debt due within one year                                                
   Repayment of secured loan             (407)            (206)
   Repayment of unsecured loan               -            (349)         
Increase/(decrease) in long term           150            (491)         
Capital element of finance lease/H.P.    (525)            (288)         
Receipts from financing of assets          707              576         
                                                   (75)            (758)
(Decrease) in cash                              (1,445)            (208)

                             VICTORIA P.L.C.
                           Preliminary Results
                          NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
                    for the year ended 31 March 1998

1 Analysis of Group turnover and profit
The  turnover,  contribution to profit and net assets are geographically
spread as follows:

                          1998                            1997          
                     Profit on                       Profit on          
                      ordinary       Net              ordinary       Net
           Turnover activities    assets   Turnover activities    assets
               #000       #000      #000       #000       #000      #000

UK           25,225        812     9,766     25,369        617     8,256
Australia    10,503        159     6,533     11,387      1,642     6,979
Canada            -         34       196          -         32       186
             35,728      1,005    16,495     36,756      2,291    15,421

The  Group's turnover and profits were derived from continuing
operations  during  the  current  and  previous   years.    No
operations have been acquired during these two years.

2  Earnings  per share has been calculated based on  6,860,556
shares in issue throughout the two years.

3  The Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders on 5
June  1998  and  further  copies will be  available  from  the
Company's   Registered   Office:  Green Street,  Kidderminster, 
Worcestershire DY10 1HL.

4  The Annual General Meeting is being held on 6 July 1998  at
the Company's registered office at 2.30pm.



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