RNS No 4457n
8 June 1999

                        VICTORIA P.L.C.
   leading independent manufacturers of quality carpets and
                         carpet yarns
                   1999 Preliminary Results
   Investments made throughout the Group and successful new
    products lead to a substantial improvement in earnings
          *   Operating Profit              #1.91 million   +31%
          *   Profit before Tax             #1.50 million   +50%
          *   Earnings per Share              14.73 pence   +38%
          *   Dividend                          4.5 pence   +29%
          *   Customer base and product portfolio significantly
          *   Consolidation of UK carpet manufacturing on to one site
              to be completed by late 1999 which will bring further
              significant cost benefits 2000 and beyond.
     "By building upon the strong foundations laid over the
     past two years and pursuing our clearly defined strategy
     the Group has again made further significant progress
     during the year despite testing conditions faced in many
     of our markets.."
     "Whilst currently difficult trading conditions in the  UK
     still  prevail,  I  am  confident that  the  considerable
     investments we have made in both plant, equipment and new
     product  ranges are all bearing fruit and that  there  is
     still   good   scope  for  organic  growth  and   further
     improvements in profitability.
     "The Group is well placed to make further significant
     progress in the current year."
     Bob Gilbert, Chairman
                    FULL STATEMENT ATTACHED
     Enquiries:-                             Fiona Tooley
     Alan Bullock, Group Managing Director   Citigate Dewe Rogerson
     Mark Lee, Group Finance Director        Today:    0171-638-9571
     Victoria P.L.C.                         Thereafter:0121-631 2299
     Today: 0171-638 9571 (9.00am - 12.30pm) Mobile: 0385 703523
            0171-638 7275 (12.30pm - 2.30pm)
     Thereafter: 01562 823400
     Mobile:     0385 325701 (Alan Bullock)
     Mobile:     07887 753206 (Mark Lee)

                        Victoria P.L.C.
                   1999 Preliminary Results


By building upon the strong foundations laid over the past two
years and pursuing our clearly defined strategy the Group  has
again  made  further  significant  progress  during  the  year
despite testing conditions faced in many of our markets.

In the United Kingdom we have strengthened our position as one
of   the   country's  leading  independent,   quality   carpet
manufacturers  and in Australia the company  has  consolidated
its  position  too,  producing up to a third  of  the  Group's

Victoria is committed to delivering shareholder value,  whilst
continuing to invest for the long term benefit of its business
and its employees.

We  are  continuously  striving  to  improve  performance,  by
understanding   the  customers'  requirements,   providing   a
consistently  high  level  of  service  and  value  for  money
products,  with  the  objective  of  becoming  the  customers'
preferred supplier.

The successful result we are able to deliver in 1999 is in  no
small  part  due to this philosophy, coupled with  hard  work,
dedication and ingenuity of all our employees.

The  Group's  turnover  was  down  by  3%  in  the  year  from
#35.73  million in 1998 to #34.80 million, as we  concentrated
on improving our margin by strengthening our customer base and
product  portfolio.  As a result our operating profit rose  by
31%  in  the year to #1.91 million (1998 #1.45 million).   Net
profit before tax increased by 50% from #1.01 million in  1998
to  #1.50 million in the period.  Earnings per share increased
by 38% to 14.73p per share (1998 10.71p).

Notwithstanding   a   capital   expenditure    programme    of
#1.06  million  during the year, Group borrowings  reduced  to
#3.49   million,  whilst  shareholders'  funds  increased   to
#17.1 million.  Gearing has therefore reduced from 38% to 20%.

Good performances were recorded in all of our core businesses,
despite  difficult trading conditions in the  UK,  where  High
Street  sales for big ticket consumer products such as  carpet
turned down in December 1998.

Our  strategy  of  concentrating  on  the  Independent  Retail
sector, which has weathered the down-turn much better than the
large  groups,  has been vindicated and we have  continued  to
develop our market share at a pace in this sector.

Exports  from  the UK have remained difficult  throughout  the
year,  affected both by the strength of Sterling and the  poor
state  of  the  economies  in many of  our  overseas  markets.
Nevertheless exports from the UK still form a fundamental part
of  our  future and remain a significant part of our  turnover
from the UK at #4.40 million in the year (1998 #5.28 million).

Our Australian operations made a strong recovery in the period
with  profits  now flowing through well from  the  substantial
investments made in yarn spinning at Castlemaine.  The  carpet
manufacturing  operation  at  Dandenong  has  also  made  good
progress  with  the market for better quality woollen  carpets

In  the  light  of this excellent performance,  the  Board  is
pleased  to continue with its progressive dividend  policy  in
recommending a final dividend of 4.5 p per share, an  increase
of  29%.  Subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting on
19  July  1999, this dividend will be paid on 26 July 1999  to
shareholders on the register at 2 July 1999.

It  has always been one of the strategic aims of the Group  to
consolidate our carpet manufacturing operations in the  UK  on
to  one location in Kidderminster at our Worcester Road  site.
On  25  May  1999  we  gave  a  letter  of  intent  to  Wrekin
Construction for a construction contract which will enable the
necessary  construction  work  to  commence.   The  Board  has
already  approved expenditure of around #1.9 million  for  the
necessary  production  facilities and a  new  Head  Office  at
Worcester  Road to enable this relocation to take  place.   We
are  confident  that this is a sound capital investment  based
upon  the  manufacturing efficiencies  which  will  come  from
single site operation.

You will recall that we announced in December 1998 that we had
signed a conditional contract for the sale of the Green Street
property  to  Morbaine Limited for #3 million.  We  are  still
waiting  to  hear that certain planning conditions  have  been
satisfied and when those conditions are met, we shall  convene
an  Extraordinary  General Meeting  to  obtain  the  necessary
shareholder   approval  to  enable  the  transaction   to   be
finalised.  We will at that stage also inform shareholders  of
our intentions relating to the utilisation of the proceeds  of

The  Group's portfolio of freehold properties includes further
sites  which  are  surplus to our long-term  requirements  and
opportunities  for  additional disposals remain  under  active

Whilst currently difficult trading conditions in the UK  still
prevail,  I am confident that the considerable investments  we
have made in both plant, equipment and new product ranges  are
all  bearing  fruit  and that there is still  good  scope  for
organic growth and further improvements in profitability.

In  Australia,  the  market which has shown  recent  signs  of
recovery, is anticipated to continue to improve during 1999 as
the  Millennium  approaches. Profits from the  investments  we
made  earlier  in  the year at our yarn spinning  division  in
Castlemaine should also continue to flow through as  we  bring
more yarn supply in-house.

The  Group is well placed to make further significant progress
in the current year.

                        Victoria P.L.C.
                   1999 Preliminary Results


United Kingdom
The  improvement  in  the  UK has been  significant  with  the
previously  made  investments in state of the  art  equipment,
point of sale display materials and new product ranges all now
bearing  fruit.  We have made very good progress in  the  year
despite  the very testing market conditions which we  estimate
may  have seen the market down by around 10% compared  to  the
previous year.

Against  this  back-drop,  the UK  operation  showed  a  22.7%
improvement in profitability for the year, rising  from  #0.81
million in 1998 to #1.00 million in the year being reported.

In  carpet manufacturing the new products introduced over  the
past  18  months  as  part  of  our  strategy  to  target  the
Independent  Retailers have all continued to sell  well.   Our
"Duchess" range is now recognised to be the leading 80%  wool,
20% nylon velvet in the market and the "Firm Twist" collection
can   claim   a  similar  accolade  in  the  50%   wool,   50%
polypropylene twist pile sector.

Further  new products launched in the past 6 months,  "Natural
Look" and "Chateau Royale" are already proving popular and  in
the  early part of the current year, the new ranges of  "Tudor
Twist"  and  "Sovereign"  have  been  launched  to  capitalise
further on our growing success. We will continue to invest  in
point  of sale presentation materials to enable us to  "brand"
our products whenever possible.

Our  progressive and consistent strategy of understanding  our
customers'    requirements,   continuously    improving    our
performance  and  delivering  value  for  money  products   of
differentiation have all contributed to our growing  sales  to
the  Independent Retailers, which now account for over 47%  of
UK sales.

Our sales to some of the larger groups have, however, declined
in the year, which is perhaps reflective of the well published
problems this sector has been experiencing in difficult market

Export sales have also declined in the year from #5.28 million
to #4.40 million (down 16.7%). This is due to a combination of
the strength of Sterling, poor market conditions and increased
competition  from other UK manufacturers seeking  to  make  up
lost ground from poor sales in the UK in overseas markets.  We
have,  however,  grown  our business in certain  key  European
markets and have plans for new products targeted at the export
sector,  which  will,  hopefully restore  our  fortunes.   The
continued  strength  of  Sterling  does,  however,  remain   a

On  the carpet production side of our business, we continue to
strive to drive costs down in our manufacturing operations and
we  look  forward  to  completing  the  consolidation  of  our
production  facilities and finished goods storage  on  to  one
site in Kidderminster later in 1999.

We  are  also,  as part of this consolidation,  extending  our
Worcester Road factory with 42,600 sq ft of additional factory
and warehouse space, a new 8,000 sq ft hank dyehouse and 8,500
sq   ft  office  and  administration  accommodation.   It   is
anticipated  that  this  will bring  both  greater  management
control and significant cost savings.

Westwood Yarns, our spinning division based at Holmfirth,  has
once more performed and contributed well throughout what was a
very  difficult year for them.   Sales of yarn to other carpet
manufacturers  did  fall  away  during  the  year   as   their
businesses   suffered  with  the  down-turn  in  the   market.
Fortunately,  Victoria  Carpets  was  able  to  increase   the
proportion  of yarn it takes from Westwood and,  whilst  there
was  some  under utilisation of capacity, a strong performance
was yet again delivered.

Investments are planned here too enabling us to keep Westwoods
as one of the UK's foremost dry woollen spinners.

The  Australian  operation  continued  its  sales  and  profit
growth, achieving its best result for some years.

The  market  in  Australia  and  overseas,  for  quality  wool
carpets,  showed  growth during the year, and  there  is  good
reason to expect this trend to continue.  The investment  made
during  the  second half of the year, in our  state-of-the-art
spinning  mill  at  Castlemaine,  Victoria  assisted  in   the
improvement  in productivity and profitability at  our  carpet

The  management team in Australia has been strengthened by the
appointment  during  the  year  of  a  professional  Marketing
Manager,  and  a  new Manufacturing Manager at  our  Dandenong
carpet plant.

The  outlook  for  business  in Australia  is  most  positive.
Market demand is strong, although there remains a tendency for
several significant producers to 'buy' market share at  prices
approximating cost of production. The Australian government is
also  actively supporting the industry with new proposals  for
assistance  with strategic investment.  We are well positioned
to  continue to improve on the good results now being achieved
in Australia.

Colin  Campbell & Sons Ltd, our associated company  in  Canada
had  an  excellent result with its contribution to  our  Group
profit  up  from  #34,000  to  #40,000  (18%)  in  the   year.
Campbells continues to be a valuable asset to the Group in the
distribution  of  our products to the high  end  designer  and
contract carpet markets in Western Canada.

                        Victoria P.L.C.
                   1999 Preliminary Results


Operating results
Group sales were #34.80 million. Australian sales increased by
7.8%  whilst UK sales were 6.9% lower than the previous  year,
as a result of the factors outlined in the Operating Review.

In the UK the emphasis has remained on developing better value
products  and  building sales with independent retailers.   In
Australia,  we have concentrated on increasing the  proportion
of  yarn produced in-house and this, together with progress in
margin  on  carpet manufacturing, has led to the  considerable
increase in profitability there.

As  a result of these factors, despite the depressed level  of
activity  on the UK high street during the year, we have  been
able  to  raise operating profits by 31.4% from #1,454,000  to

One  of  our key measures is return on sales, and this  year's
Group  result  shows a further increase in this  measure  with
operating  profit  margin up from 4.06% to 5.49%  and  pre-tax
profit margin up from 2.81% to 4.32%.

Interest and interest cover
The  interest  charge  for the year was  #0.45  million.   The
reduction from the previous year's charge of #0.48 million was
due  to  a  combination of lower borrowings, a lower  interest
rate environment and improved treasury management.  After  the
increase  in  profitability, interest cover  was  4.28  times,
compared to 3.01 times in the previous year.

The  tax  charge for the year of #0.49 million represented  an
effective  rate  of  32.8%.   As  forecast,  the  increase  in
profitability  has  lifted the rate from the  previous  year's
level  of  26.9%.  This is due to a reduced benefit  from  the
smaller  companies  rate  and  the  increasing  proportion  of
profits  earned in Australia where the corporate tax  rate  is

Earnings per share
Earnings  per  share  increased by 37.5%  due  to  the  strong
increase  in profitability, held back slightly by  the  higher
tax charge.

The  directors are recommending a final dividend of  4.5p  per
share.   This represents an increase of 28.6% over last year's
total of 3.5p and maintains dividend cover at 3.27 times.

Cash flow
Adding back depreciation of #1.04 million to operating profits
gave  a gross cash flow of #2.95 million (1998 #2.57 million).
Reductions in working capital, particularly from close control
of  stock  levels, added #1.71 million to give operating  cash
flow of #4.56 million (1998 #0.69 million).

Capital  expenditure was #1.06 million, of which #0.59 million
was  on  replacement  of existing assets,  and  #0.47  million
represented investment in additional equipment which will  add
to profitability in future periods.

After  tax, interest and dividend payments, net cash  flow  of
#2.70 million was applied to the reduction of net borrowings.

Shareholders' funds
The   balance  sheet  remains  strong  with  net   assets   of
#17.07  million,  or 249p per share (1998 #16.50  million  and
240p per share).

Borrowings and gearing
The  strong  cash flow during the year reduced net  borrowings
from  #6.19 million at the start of the year to #3.49  million
at the year end.  Net gearing reduced from 38% to 20%.

Year 2000 and Euro
The  most  significant result of the Group's Year 2000  review
was  the  need  to modify or upgrade the computer  systems  of
Victoria Carpets in the UK.  The decision was taken to  remain
with  the  same supplier, but to completely update  the  whole
system  at  a  capital  cost of approximately  #180,000.   The
upgraded  system will be Millennium compatible and Euro-ready.
This  upgrade  is well underway and is due to be completed  in
August  1999.   All  other modifications identified  as  being
required for Millennium compliance have been carried out.

                        Victoria P.L.C.
                   1999 Preliminary Results
                  GROUP PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT

                                           53 weeks    52 weeks
                                              ended       ended
                                                  3          28
                                              April       March
                                               1999        1998
                                               #000        #000
Turnover                                     34,800      35,728
Cost of sales                                25,033      26,452
Gross profit                                  9,767       9,276
Distribution costs                            5,850       6,372
Administrative expenses                       2,279       1,694
Other operating income                          272         244
Operating profit                              1,910       1,454
Interest payable and similar                    446         483
Share of profits of associated                   40          34
Profit on ordinary activities                 1,504       1,005
before taxation
Taxation                                        493         270
Profit after taxation                         1,011         735
Dividends paid and proposed                     309         240
Retained profit                                 702         495
Earnings per share - basic                    14.73p      10.71p
Earnings per share - diluted                  14.63p      10.67p

                                                 1999      1998
                                                 #000      #000
Profit after taxation                           1,011       735
Currency translation differences on foreign     (124)    (1,134)
currency net investments                                     
Revaluation reserve increase                        -     1,713
Total gains relating to the year                  887     1,314
Total gains recognised since last annual          887     1,314
There  is  no  material  difference  between  the  results  as
disclosed in the profit and loss account and the results on an
unmodified historical cost basis.

                        Victoria P.L.C.
                   1999 Preliminary Results
                        BALANCE SHEETS

                                            3        28        
                                        April     March
                                         1999      1998
                                         #000      #000   
Fixed assets                                           
Tangible assets                        12,379    12,472
Investments                               215       196
                                       12,594    12,668
Current assets                                         
Stock                                   9,135    10,357
Debtors                                 5,714     6,032
Cash at bank and in hand                  169        29
                                       15,018    16,418
Less: Current liabilities                              
Creditors - amounts falling             8,457    10,092
due within one year
Net current assets                      6,561     6,326
Total  assets  less  current           19,155    18,994
Less:  Creditors - amounts                             
       falling due                      1,391     1,901
       after more than
       one year
       Provisions  for                             
       liabilities and charges            691       598
       -    deferred taxation
Net assets                             17,073    16,495
Capital     and     reserves                           
Share capital                           1,715     1,715
Share premium                             749       749
Revaluation reserve                     3,005     3,014
Profit and loss account                11,604    11,017
Total shareholders' funds              17,073    16,495

                        Victoria P.L.C.
                   1999 Preliminary Results
                   GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT

                                    53 weeks        52 weeks
                                     ended            ended
                                  3 April 1999    28 March1998
                                  #000     #000    #000    #000
Net cash inflow from                      4,558             686
operating activities
Returns on investment and                                      
servicing of finance
Interest paid                    (336)            (363)        
Interest element of finance                                    
lease and hire purchase          (110)            (120)
                                          (446)           (483)
UK Corporation Tax paid                   (219)           (110)
Capital expenditure and                                        
financial investment
Payments to acquire tangible     (1,055)           (1,356)        
fixed assets                       
Receipts from sales of              79               49        
tangible fixed assets
Redemption of shares in             12               13        
associated undertaking
                                          (964)           (1,294)
                                          2,929           (1,201)
Equity dividends paid                     (240)           (169)
                                          2,689          (1,370)
Debt due within one year                                       
     Repayment of secured        (168)            (407)        
(Decrease)/increase in long       (93)              150        
term loans
Capital element of finance                                     
lease and hire purchase          (547)            (525)
Receipts from financing of          80              707        
                                          (728)            (75)
Increase / (decrease) in                  1,961          (1,445)

                        Victoria P.L.C.
                   1999 Preliminary Results
                     NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS

1  Analysis of Group turnover and profit
The  turnover,  contribution to  profit  and  net  assets  are
geographically spread as follows:
                           1999                     1998        
                         Profit                   Profit        
                             on                       on
                       ordinary     Net         ordinary     Net
               Turnover activi-  assets Turnover activi-  assets
                           ties                     ties
                   #000    #000    #000     #000    #000    #000
United Kingdom   23,482     996  10,196   25,225     812   9,766
Australia        11,318     468   6,662   10,503     159   6,533
                      -      40     215        -      34     196
                 34,800   1,504  17,073   35,728   1,005  16,495

The  Group's turnover and profits were derived from continuing
operations  during  the  current  and  previous   years.    No
operations have been acquired during these two years.

2  Earnings per share
The  calculation  of  earnings  per  share  is  based  on  the
following earnings and number of shares:

                                             1999          1998
Earnings (#'000)                                               
 - basic                                    1,011           735
  -  net  interest on  option                   5             6
 - diluted                                  1,016           741
Number of shares (thousands)                                   
  -  in issue throughout  the               6,861         6,861
 - issuable under options                      83            83
 - diluted                                  6,944         6,944

3   The Report & Accounts will be posted to shareholders on 11
June  1999   and  further copies will be  available  from  the
Company's  Registered  Office:  Green  Street,  Kidderminster,
Worcestershire DY10 1HL.

4  The Annual General Meeting is being held on 19 July 1999 at
the Company's Registered Office at 2.30pm.



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