Roles and Responsibilities The Compensation & Human Capital Committee’s primary roles and responsibilities include: • overseeing matters relating to executive compensation and our benefit plans, as well as strategies and policies related to human capital management • annually reviewing the compensation levels of our executive officers • approving all compensation for our non-CEO executive officers, and, together with the other independent directors, approving the compensation of our CEO • determining target levels of incentive compensation and corresponding performance objectives for our non-CEO executive officers, and recommending such matters to the Board with respect to our CEO • reviewing and approving our compensation philosophy, programs and plans for associates • reviewing and approving our succession plan for key executive officers • periodically reviewing director compensation practices and recommending appropriate revisions to the Board of Directors • administering certain matters with respect to our equity-based compensation plans • reviewing disclosure related to human capital management and executive and director compensation in our proxy statements and discussing the Compensation Discussion and Analysis annually with management • reviewing management’s human capital management strategies, including initiatives, policies and practices related to recruiting, retention and career development and associate engagement and effectiveness • reviewing our associate DE&I initiatives, policies and practices • preparing the Compensation & Human Capital Committee report included in this proxy statement • providing risk oversight as set forth under the caption “Board’s Role in Risk Oversight” below Compensation & Human Capital Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation No member of the Compensation & Human Capital Committee is or has ever been one of our officers or other associates. No interlocking relationship exists between our executive officers or the members of our Compensation & Human Capital Committee and the board of directors or compensation committee of any other company. |