Edy's Dishes Out 1,500 Neighborhood Ice Cream Block Parties Across America This Summer
06 Julho 2006 - 7:00AM
PR Newswire (US)
2nd Annual Slow Churned Neighborhood Salute Draws Neighbors
Together OAKLAND, Calif., July 6 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --
According to recent research, Americans are yearning for
opportunities to come together now more than ever and Edy's Slow
Churned(R) is dishing out a cool solution for neighborhoods across
the country to meet this growing need. For the second summer in a
row, 1,500 U.S. neighborhoods will host a Slow Churned Neighborhood
Salute(SM) ice cream block party, courtesy of Edy's. Between July 8
and September 9, Edy's will deliver 18,000 cartons of ice cream
(more than 300,000 scoops) to the winning neighborhoods. Two recent
research studies underscore that gatherings such as block parties
are ideal opportunities to build awareness, safety networks and
increase confidence and connections among neighbors: -- A study
funded by the National Science Foundation and published in the
National Sociology Review says Americans are feeling more isolated
and lonely today as neighborhoods become more fragmented. In times
of trouble, the study notes that people don't feel they have others
they can confide in and the number of people who said they counted
a neighbor as a confidant dropped by more than half in the last 20
years. -- Additionally, Harvard's Kennedy School of Government
Seguaro Seminar on Civic Engagement in America recently
hypothesized that a better crime prevention strategy in
neighborhoods would be 10 percent more citizens knowing their
neighbors first names rather than 10 percent more cops on the beat.
After reviewing more than 15,500 neighborhood nominations, it is
evident that communities are looking to Edy's to help jump start
and strengthen neighborhood bonds: -- Shari Black -- Kuna, Idaho:
"This Block Party would be a wonderful way to get to know the
neighbors, but most importantly, it would be a great way to
increase safety and a sense of community in my neighborhood. They
say that neighborhoods are better and safer places to live when
there is a sense of caring in the area and what a great way to show
my neighbors that I do care." -- Rob Darling -- Virginia Beach,
Va.: "It's important to us to not only have a friendly relationship
with our neighbors, but to have a safety net within the
neighborhood. Being able to trust and rely on neighbors when you
are in need is invaluable." "Last year, we were delighted to dish
up fun and ice cream for more than 150,000 neighbors across the
country and are thrilled to serve up another 1,500 parties this
summer," said John Harrison, Official Taster for Edy's Ice Cream.
"For some neighbors, a fence may be all they share. We hope these
ice cream block parties become a catalyst for more neighborly
gatherings and get- togethers." In 2005, Edy's conducted a survey
to see how well neighbors actually knew each other and the stark
findings revealed that times and attitudes have changed in many
neighborhoods: -- Forty-three percent of respondents believe they
are less familiar with their neighbors today than their parents
were with their neighbors a generation ago -- Three out of ten
Americans (34%) don't know their neighbors' first and last names --
Fewer than half of Americans (47%) today have borrowed something,
like a "cup of sugar," from one of their neighbors Edy's Slow
Churned Neighborhood Salute ice cream parties will be awarded to
diverse neighborhoods in all 50 U.S. states. This year, California
proved to live up to its nickname as the "Golden State" producing
269 winning neighborhoods, followed by 84 in New York, 81 in Texas,
66 in Michigan and 57 in Florida. The 1,500 winning neighborhoods
encompass all sizes and varieties -- from the tallest
"neighborhood" high rises to farms in the heartland, suburban
sprawls and brand-new subdivisions to established blocks where no
one has moved in or out for 20 years or more. Numerous entries made
judges smile, while others tugged at their hearts. Each winning
neighborhood will receive a doorstep delivery of Edy's Slow Churned
Light ice cream (enough for up to 100 partygoers) and all the
fixings (scoops, tablecloths, nametags, disposable camera, napkins,
etc.) for a fun, memorable and easy-to-organize party. Even if you
didn't win a Slow Churned Neighborhood Salute party this year,
simply visit http://www.icecream.com/ for more details on how to
throw your own ice cream block party, complete with invitations and
party tips. Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream Holdings, Inc., and its
subsidiaries manufacture and distribute a full spectrum of ice
cream and frozen dessert products. Brands of frozen dessert
products currently manufactured or distributed by Dreyer's in the
United States include Grand, Slow Churned(R), Dibs(R), Haagen-
Dazs(R), Nestle(R) Drumstick(R), Nestle Crunch(R), Nestle(R)
Butterfinger(R), Nestle(R) Toll House(R), Nestle(R) Carnation(R),
Nestle(R) Push-Up(R), Frosty Paws(R), Fruit Bars, Starbucks(R) and
The Skinny Cow(R). The company's premium products are marketed
under the Dreyer's brand name throughout the Western states and
Texas, and under the Edy's(R) brand name throughout the remainder
of the United States. Internationally, the Dreyer's brand extends
to select markets in the Far East and the Edy's brand extends to
the Caribbean and South America. For more information on the
company, please visit http://www.dreyersinc.com/. NOTE: The
Starbucks trademark is owned by Starbucks U.S. Brands, LLC and is
licensed to the Starbucks Ice Cream Partnership, a joint venture
partnership between Dreyer's and Starbucks Holding Company. In the
U.S. the Haagen-Dazs trademark is sub-licensed to Dreyer's by
Nestle. All other trademarks are owned by Societe des Produits
Nestle S.A., Vevey, Switzerland. DATASOURCE: Edy's Grand Ice Cream
CONTACT: Kim Goeller-Johnson, +1-510-601-4211, or ; or Sarah
Plamondon, +1-415-984-6125, or Web site: http://www.edys.com/